The Russian magazine “Life News” has obtained the name of the 20 year old suicide bomber who detonated himself inside Moscow’s Domodedovo airport. He is Magomed (Mohamed) Evloev, a resident of Ali-Iurt in Ingushetia. The Russian FSB has so far neither denied nor confirmed this information. But if this information is correct, one can only wonder what Vladimir Putin meant when he said this explosion was not linked to the conflict in Chechnia.
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His family was also involved in the attack.
The religion of peace strikes again.
Actually I originally meant to post interesting info that the puppet US/British Qatar regime that is one of the major financiers of Islamic terrorism through its government front charity Qatar Charitable Society financed a failed Mubarak assassination attempt in 95 in Ethiopia which also involved a British intelligence affiliated Libyan terrorist Anas al-Liby who Britain paid to kill Gadaffi in 96 was given political asylum despite warnings from Egypt.
I covered the terrorist fascist regime of Qatar supported of Chechen terrorism and the African Embassy bombing.
@Jack: His family was also involved in the attack.
What is your evidence for that statement?
The religion of peace strikes again.
What is your evidence for that statement?
What is your evidence for that statement?
Reference is in the RETWA article link I posted.
”It’s interesting that Aleksandr Bastyrkin who heads the Investigative Committee did tell President Medvedev in a special meeting of law enforcement officials yesterday that members of the bomber’s family also participated in the attack, but he did not publicly name the family.”
The fact that he was part of an organised Islamic terrorist group like all the other groups in the region and only Muslim regions financed by billionaire Sheiks and businessmen promoting violence and extreme religious hatred around the world supported by Muslim communities.
During the 90’s billions poured into Russia to radicalise Russian Muslims against Russia.
@Jack: don’t you see the logical problem here? When you say “the religion of peace strikes again” you imply a causality. Yet, you have failed to establish it. To do so, you would have to spell out the type of causality you ascertain (, and you would also have to exclude other possible causes. Let me give you a neutral example.
Some folks like to say that Marijuana is a “gateway drug” because most people who do hard drugs begin by Marijuana. That is a fallacy. Most people who do drugs also wear clothes, and listen to music. Yet, nobody claims that clothing or music is a “gateway” to hard drugs. Here the fallacy is clear. Now go and look back to your claim that “the religion of peace strikes again” and ask yourself whether you have shown a causality.
BTW – I am NOT saying that Islam had nothing to do with this attack, as I cannot prove a negative anyway. What I am saying is that there is so far no solid evidence that Islam played any role in this, much less so a central, or causal one.
As for ISLAM + CIA = NWO, this is at best a slogan; it is even too primitive and vague to qualify as hypothesis. CHRISTIANITY + CIA = NWO is not better, and MILK + CIA = CAPITALISM is certainly not worse.
My 2cts.
What is your evidence for that statement?
You gotta be kidding, right? This is the only religion on the planet for which religous leaders unanimously call for the whole sale genocide of an entire race of people.
@anonymous: the only religion on the planet for which religous leaders unanimously call for the whole sale genocide of an entire race of people.
What is your evidence for that statement?
EL-ARISH, Egypt – An explosion went off at a gas terminal in Egypt’s northern Sinai Peninsula on Saturday, setting off a massive fire that could be seen dozens of miles away, officials and witnesses said.
No injuries were reported, and the blaze was quickly brought under control after the gas flow was shut off.
The governor of the region, Abdel Wahab Mabrouk, said he suspected “sabotage,” but provided no details.
The blast came as a popular uprising engulfed Egypt, where anti-government protesters have been demanding the ouster of longtime President Hosni Mubarak for the past two weeks.
The Sinai Peninsula, home to Bedouin tribesmen, has been the scene of clashes between residents and security forces. It borders both Israel and the Gaza Strip, ruled by the Islamic militant Hamas.
The blast went off early Saturday at a gas terminal in the northern Sinai town of el-Arish, several hundred yards (meters) away from the local airport.
Mabrouk told Egypt’s Nile News TV that the fire was brought under control by mid-morning, after valves allowing the flow of gas from the terminal into pipelines were shut off. The pipelines transport gas from Egypt’s Port Said on the Mediterranean Sea to Israel, Syria and Jordan….
Mubarak is not budging at all until now…On the contrary, he had a meeting today with 6 of his ministers displayed on TV…to show that he is still in charge.
The Army seems to be wanting to go back to its Barracks…allowing the Mubarak thugs to try to rule the streets again…
There was news today about an assassination attempt on Omar Suleiman the VP….
It seems to me that the “revolutionaries” have missed a golden opportunity to seize important ministries, the Main TV studios/buildings and the Palace of Mubarak yesterday….
Total confusion seems to be setting in which will benefit the regime…Chaos will surely ensue for years…
….If Obama had really wanted Mubarak gone all he had to do was call PM D. Cameron in the UK and the Swiss Government, then tell them to investigate this and how about seizing some of it in the mean time….
You are insane if you don’t think Islam and Islamic philosophy and support is not behind terrorism in Russia.
The fact that there are all members of Islamic terrorists groups, recruited because they are Muslims indoctrinated by religious material and there international financial and military support drives mainly from Muslim sources including foreign jihadist terrorist recruitment that yes Islam is the main factor that is behind terrorism in Russia and elsewhere.
Were you actually expecting the bomber to be anything other than an ISLAMIC terrorist?
Your gibberish argument which you do not even debunk what I posted is not even worth commenting.
I say ISLAM+CIA=NWO because it is true since the Mid 70’s the CIA has worked with Islamic states leaders and businessmen to finance, promote and support radical Islam across the globe.
There is no multi-billion dollar international Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu or any other religion involved in conflict and terrorism around the world.
We don’t have to worry about Christian suicide bombers blowing up trains or attacks on airlines.
NWO policy has always been anti-Christian especially Orthodox Christian.
Israeli, U.S. generals taking control in Egypt
Tehran Times Political Desk
TEHRAN – Two senior Israeli officers and three U.S. generals have arrived in Cairo to take control of the military command in Egypt, an anonymous source has told the Tehran Times.
The command council is headed by a general named Sisson, the source said. One of the options that the generals are weighing is staging a military coup in Egypt.
The decision shows that the United States and Israel are seriously worried about the fate of Hosni Mubarak’s regime as unprecedented protests have gripped Egypt.
Israel has officially announced that it is “anxiously monitoring” developments in Egypt.
The Mubarak regime has been an important ally of Israel and the U.S. in the region and its collapse would be a great strategic loss for the two countries.
Mubarak’s government angered the Islamic world when it refused to open the Rafah border crossing for relief workers seeking to provide medical assistance to the Palestinians during Israel’s 22-day war on the Gaza Strip from December 2008 to January 2009.
Political analysts believe it is unlikely that the Mubarak government will survive protests as opposition groups have joined their hands to bring the government down.
Now political analysts say the point is whether the U.S. will align with the opposition groups or will try to take the helm in Egypt.
“We are anxiously monitoring what is happening in Egypt and in our region,” said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the opening of his weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday. “Peace between Israel and Egypt has endured for over three decades, and our goal is to ensure these relations continue.”
According to the Los Angeles Times, Netanyahu discussed developments on Saturday with U.S. President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Over the years, Egypt has served as a trustworthy and subservient partner of Israel and the U.S. in the so-called Middle East peace negotiations.
Israel provides weapons for Egypt
According to new reports, Israeli airplanes have landed at Cairo airports to deliver weapons to the Egyptian government.
The reports followed phone conversations between the Egyptian, U.S., and Israeli defense ministers as the anti-government protests entered their seventh day on Monday.
On Thursday, an Israeli cabinet minister, who spoke on condition of anonymity to the Israeli media, stated that the Egyptian president, backed by a strong military, will eventually quell the uprising.
“His regime is well-rooted in the military and security apparatus,” said the Israeli prime minister, adding, “They will have to exercise force, power in the street and do it. But they are strong enough according to my assessment to overcome it.”
unfortunately the egyptians do appear to have missed an opportunity – two issues I believe led to this:
1. lack of a clear leadership
2. appeasing the imperialists by attempting to sideline Islam – this in turn resulted in the movement not being able to take lessons from the Islamic Revolution, nor from the resistance in Gaza, nor from Hizb.
As such they are attempting to reinvent the wheel, and that too, I believe based on George Soros type of a liberal democracy… not one based on transformation of society, and change in power structures.
This is why I think the leadership choose not to move towards the presidential palace, they were not ideologically prepared for a revolution – elections yes…The people on the other hand are obviously ready.
I think there will be new groups that will arise from this… hopefully they will have roots in the vast vast working classes of Egypt and they will not be afraid of the imperialist, and that this will be an Islamic movement, inshallah.
@jack: You are insane if you don’t think Islam and Islamic philosophy and support is not behind terrorism in Russia.
You do realize that calling me insane does not makes your case stronger, right?
Also, the fact that I ask your basis for a statement does not imply that I take the contrary position, only that I want to know the basis for your position. Calling me insane does not satisfy that, (regardless of whether it is true or not that I am insane).
Jack if the leading world empire was Muslim and if the main countries of Christianity were desperately poor but contained most of the world’s oil reserves and if the Empire were proping up vicious dictators in the Christian countries it is just possible that there would be a Christian Al Qaeda.
The NWO is not anti Christian or even Orthodox Christian. It cares nothing about religion. The NWO is solely about money and power. Christian money is as good as any other kind. Indeed the NWO thrives on usury which is against Islamic values and historically Christian ones too.
Your Islamophobia is making you susceptible to Imperial propaganda.
@Robert: Your Islamophobia is making you susceptible to Imperial propaganda
I have been trying to explain that to him, but he just does not want to think about it. I guess insisting on some putatively unitary (and thus non-existing) “Islam” makes things very simple and therefore reassuring. As we know “for every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong (Mencken). “ISLAM + CIA = NWO” makes for a catchy bumper-sticker, but I don’t think that its very useful in terms of analysis.
And yet, I do believe that Jack is right when he says that the NWO is especially anti-Orthodox.
Traditional Christianity (that is what real Orthodoxy really is) is particularly hated by the two main components of the NWO’s ideology: Western pseudo-Christianity and Judaism (each for their own reasons). As we like to say tongue-in-cheek, the modern world is not “Ortho-compatible” and this is why the pseudo-Orthodox who try to sit with their “butts between two chairs” as the French expression goes, end up being simply non-Orthodox in any other sense than a purely external, ritual-centered or nationalistic one.
All this is totally off-topic, but I wanted to give Jack credit for correctly identifying one crucial aspect of the NWO’s ideology and agenda.
Now if only he would approach the issue of Islam with more nuance, it would really make my day: indeed, if he clearly can tell Christians apart and fully understands that various branches of Christianity have dramatically different approaches towards, and relations with, the NWO, why can’t he realize the basic truism that the same applies to various branches of Islam? That, say, Sufis and Wahabis are as different from each other as Athonite monastics and Jesuits at the Curia?