Harry on September 06, 2016 · at 1:24 pm EST/EDT Interesting music, though unsure how to categorise it. Enjoyable; Though to my ear the ‘G’ string is flat. But then, i’m getting on a bit so might be my hearing a bit flat ;o) Log in to Reply
TheShepherdsDaughter on September 07, 2016 · at 1:53 am EST/EDT Beautiful! I haven’t listened to good jazz in a while. I needed this. I think I agree the G is a little flat but not so bad it ruins the piece. Log in to Reply
Interesting music, though unsure how to categorise it. Enjoyable; Though to my ear the ‘G’ string is flat. But then, i’m getting on a bit so might be my hearing a bit flat ;o)
Beautiful! I haven’t listened to good jazz in a while. I needed this. I think I agree the G is a little flat but not so bad it ruins the piece.