Michael McFaul, the Washington Post and all others who declared Brexit to be a Putin’s victory, still don’t understand that Putin has won long before June 23rd referendum. The fact that the UK, the heart of the EU, has left the EU shows that they are just started to react to the Russia’s victory. By orchestrating this referendum, the British demonstrate their willingness to divide Europe as quickly as possible. It’s increasingly clear that the European monarchies will stay with the UK and its overseas colonies. All other countries are now will be given a choice of to stay with Atlanticists in their flight from Russia and Eurasia, or to join the free trade and defense union that is being established across Europe, Russia and most Eurasia and the Middle East.
For the previous steps of this process:
- Week of Victories Russia SITREP June 25th, 2016
- After sanctioning the Russian representatives, locking them out of the building, and other small and big nasties, PACE wants Russia back as its member. “Our doors are always open for Russia,” says PACE. “There may be a draft with the door open. You’ll catch cold,” answers Russia.
The West has already lost the Middle East. Russia and its allies control the Middle Eastern oil, and what they don’t physically controls, they hold in a crosshair. Most Europeans have not even started realizing that.
After Kazakhstan has re-united with Russia, the next step is underway to reunite Kirgizstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan. Then, Azerbaijan will be reunited with Russia. After that it expected that Turkey will be divided, and the Great Armenia will be restored in its historical borders. As we know, in 1915 Turkey conducted not just an Armenian genocide, but Christian genocide. Along with 1.5 million Armenian, Turks killed over 1 million of Greeks, and other Christians. This is the main question that is going to be raised soon as a pretext for the division of Turkey. Armenians asked for shelter and Russian government gave them Russia’s territories. Armenians have supported Russians through it all. We know, for example, that Sergey Lavrov, the Russia’s Foreign Minister, is of Armenian descent, so is Margarita Simonyan, an editor in chief of Russia Today. Many other Armenians are loyally serving Russia by doing work to reunite Russian territories unlawfully broken off by the corrupt Communist rulers. Thus, no one in Russia would object the efforts of returning the historical Armenian lands near the Black Sea from Turkey to Armenia.
The real liberation of Europe from American occupation has just started. To survive a bit longer the US and EU need to eat someone. They broke their teeth trying to bit Russia. Now, it’s turn to consume someone in Europe. We don’t know yet, what had happened at the last Bilderberg Club meeting, but looks like they got infighting going on.
One thing is clear, that there will be no war in Europe. Just like the Soviet Union was divided peacefully, so the EU will be divided peacefully. It’s going to be very quick, because everyone wants to get back to business as soon as possible. NATO won’t be able to nuke Germany before retreating, because Russia has enough firepower in Europe to prevent this from taking place.
Russia has come to this point well prepared: the Middle Eastern natural gas and oil are under our control, Russia has support of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) which at this point unite over 4 billion people. Russia has a stockpile of precious metals, and its agriculture growing at unprecedented speed. Russia has Kalibr missiles, anti-missile defense systems, Russia’s electronic warfare systems Khibiny and Krasukha have surpassed the Western analogs. The list can go on and on.
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is not just a powerful union, it’s a super-power union of nuclear countries with fast growing economies, with the majority of population on earth, and with an unlimited perspective for development.
Russian government has near total support of its population. Agree that it’s uncomfortable for the neo-liberals to demand for Russia “to be like Europe” when Europe is falling into abyss.
Europeans are presented with two possible outcomes. They can either stay under the total control of the US, that will be sucking out their resources, until those countries will become extremely poor, and most likely will disappear off the maps. Or, they can opt to grab Russia’s president’s sleeve and beg to take them in under the Russia’s and Eurasian economic umbrella.
Right from the start, Poland is taking all the wrong steps, trying to serve the US as a Brexit spoiler, to slow down the UK exit. Poland is the largest net recipient of EU subsidy. It gets around 13 billion euro each year. The UK has been contributing to subsidy “Honey-pot” by about 9 billion euro per year. Poland stands to lose the most of the free money from reduced subsidy in the event of a Brexit. Poland has started to do the US bidding and tries to sabotage or slow down this exit process on behalf of the US. Poland can’t accept a simple truth that there won’t be any “free” money.
On the other hand, Finland collecting signatures for referendum on leaving EU. Finland has oriented itself towards Russia and Eurasia and sees no reason to stay in the EU any longer. The petition is authored by Sebastian Tynkkynen, who heads a youth organization of the True Finns party. He said Finland needs a similar referendum as the country could become “free”
We can’t forget about our people who live in Ukraine under NATO’s occupation and military junta. To say that junta was blindsided by Brexit is an understatement.
“British referendum results to slow down EU’s decisions on Ukraine,” said Ukrainian deputy PM and a head of the parliamentary delegation of Ukraine in NATO, Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister for European integration Ivanna Klimpush-Tsintsadze said “As for [Brexit’s impacts on] Ukraine, it is not ruled out that some processes may be somewhat slower than in case the referendum had a different outcome.”
“Ukraine respects Britain’s choice,” she said. “But we are not happy about it as it might weaken the European Union from inside and it will have to focus on its internal problems to solve them.”
Kiev however expects a positive decision on the visa cancellation matters. Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Pavel Klimkin said earlier on Friday he was confident the European Union will ultimately abandon visas for Ukrainians despite the Brexit results.
It’s not in interests of Russia and Germany having Ukraine to collapse, and having forty million people to seek refuge in Europe. As I wrote before, the liberation of Ukraine has to be done by the hands of Ukrainians themselves. Meanwhile, Russia is creating many favorable conditions, like the dissolution of the EU, and the new realignment of Europe.
We don’t see any increase in numbers of the Bandera followers. The same recognizable faces have been marching back and force on videos for the past two years. Threats that Bandera followers will grow into an army of millions have never materialized. Just recently, one of the ex-commanders of Azov death squad had complaint on twitter that no one wants to die for Ukraine. The Russia’s investigative committee has all the Nazis investigated and catalogued. It’s just a matter of arresting them and bringing them to justice.
For those of you who are interested in learning and improving your analytical skills, I recommend a book by an African American researcher, Malcolm Gladwell, Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking. It’s a research on psychology of making expert decisions in art and antiques trade, in war gamming, and in business. The book tries to solve the mystery of so called “adaptive unconscious,” or in the mental processes that works rapidly and automatically with relatively little information. I must caution you, however, that the book doesn’t provide a formula of how to make correct snap decisions. The book illustrates of how experts with large knowledge in their fields immediately know when something fake or bogus presented to them just by having a somatic reaction in the presence of a fake. They describe this as feeling nauseated and being unable to look at presented object or subject without having an acute feeling of shame and animosity.
When Snowden magically appeared in Moscow out of nowhere, and the circumstances surrounding his “ordeal” have became known, to me he had all the colors of being “Zaslannuy Kazachok” or “Dispatched Cossack” — a person who is not a staff employee of the security services, but who on the instructions of the security services offers his services to the enemy.
President Putin said once about him that Snowden has never revealed anything that wasn’t already known.
I experienced this expert’s nausea described by Gladwell, every time I would see Mr. Snowden on in news, or read about him. I felt like he was a proverbial Chekov’s rifle: “If you say in the first chapter that there is a rifle hanging on the wall, in the second or third chapter it absolutely must go off.”
Sure enough this moment has come. Mr. Snowden has made his shot.
Mr. Snowden had several harsh words to say about Russia’s new anti-terrorism bill calling it “an unworkable, unjustifiable violation of rights that should never be signed.”
The following was written by the Saker on July 2013. What Andrei wrote comes in every point as absolutely correct right now.
“… what is bizarre in Putin’s statement is this condition that Snowden must refrain from anti-US activities. I have worked with asylum seekers and as far as I know, the only legal limit on their political activity is that they are prohibited from participating in the internal politics of the country which grants them asylum. As far as I know, there is absolutely no legal basis to prevent a refugee from expressing his opinions about the country he fled.
Furthermore, Putin looked somewhat irritated by the Snowden topic. First, as I have said already several times here, the Russians have exactly *zero* interests in Snowden or his so-called “revelations”. My feeling is that Putin actually spoke the plain simple truth when he said that Snowden’s arrival in Moscow was a surprise for the Kremlin. Not in the sense that they did not know about it or could not have prevented it, but in the sense that they had no idea what Snowden was up to. In other words, Snowdens is a pain in the butt for Russia, which right now has bigger fish to fry with the US, and his clear lack of planning probably irritates the Russians who feel that they have no obligations towards him other than the minimalistic “we will not hand him to the US or anybody else”, which is more an expression of basic self-respect than of a great deal of compassion.
The fact is that Snowden has triggered yet another wave of anti-Russian hysterics in the USA, something which the Kremlin will hardly be grateful for. What is certain, and Putin also said that, is that Snowden and the Russians never collaborated on anything and that all the actions of Snowden have been unilateral in nature.”
In essence, Mr. Snowden has violated his terms of political asylum by criticizing Russia’s domestic laws and refusing to refrain from “participating in the internal politics of the country which grants them asylum.”
Now would be a good time to sent Mr. Snowden back to the US in exchange for Viktor Bout, an innocent man kidnapped and imprisoned in the US. Maybe even that’s why his statement was released, so an exchange of some people would take place?
I have already written about this new Antiterrorism Bill that passed Russian Parliament on Friday 24th.
This is the most important law adopted to fight growing pressure of the domestic and international terrorism, including terrorism religious sects, and the use of political ideologies as covers for terrorism. Requirement to store information of online users doesn’t even come close to the Western countries practices of storing all the online information indefinitely.
On Friday, Russian Parliament Duma had passed a new anti-terrorist bill.
The anti-terrorist package of bills was prepared by a group of lawmakers headed by Chair of the State Duma Committee for Security Irina Yarovaya. The bill contains following measures:
- life sentences for international terrorism ;
- Financing terrorist groups can carry up to 15 years behind bars.
- Terms of between eight and 15 years are proposed for assisting extremist activities unconnected with actual terrorist attacks.
- Knowing and not reporting terroristic activities could end us costing of up to 100,000 robles (about $1,530) in fine or jailed for up to a year.
- lowers the age threshold for terrorist crimes, such as terrorist attacks and hostage taking, to 14 years from the current 16 years.
- A completely new provision for public calls to terrorism or justifying terrorist crimes, including via the internet, the stipulating fines of between 300,000 and 1 million rubles ($4,600 – $15,400) or prison terms ranging from five to seven years. Publicly expressed excuses are defined as “public statements to the effect the ideology and practices of terrorism are correct and worth supporting and following.”
- The bill contains a very important Anti-sect amendments, giving to the law enforcement a variety of judicial tools to deal with the Western toxic cults like scientology and Jehovah Witnesses. A special group of amendments defines what “missionary activity” is and prohibits attempts to conduct it on behalf of religious associations whose aims contradict the law. According to Tass: “A ban is imposed on missionary activities aimed at inducing suicide, at creating obstructions to getting mandatory education and at persuasion of individuals to refuse to perform their legally mandatory civic duties.” Let’s keep our fingers crossed, but it looks like Hassids and paramilitary terrorist Jewish organization Habad might be banned on the territory of Russia under this law.
The bill will allow Russian law enforcers to prosecute terrorist recruiters and sponsors .
The draft obliges all communications companies, including internet providers, to retain information about data traffic on their servers for three years (one year for messengers and social networks).
An attempt was made to force foreign secret services agents out of Russia by taking away the Russian citizenship from those who has double citizenship and being proven to work for the foreign security services/ foreign defense, like Mossad and Tzahal.
The Israeli lobby is very powerful in Duma now, so they did everything to exclude this provision from the new law.
Hopefully, after the fall election, we will get more pro-Russian government.
I want you to meet Irina Yarovaya, a member of Duma from Kamchatka, the Head of the Parliamentary Committee for Security and Anti-Corruption, one of two authors of the Antiterrorism Bill. The second co-author is Viktor Ozerov, Head of the Russian Federation Council’s defense committee.
These two are true patriots and true Russian people in government. The body of laws created under their supervision give us all hope for secure and stable future.
The following video is an interview that Yarovaya gave to Pozner in April 2013.
Just a brief reminder who Posner is. In 1980s, Phil Donahue and Vladimir Pozner hosted televised discussions between the Soviet people and the Western people. I am sure that you remember how one of the participants, a woman uttered a phrase that turned her and everyone living in the Soviet Union into a laughing stock. “There is no sex in the Soviet Union.” The Western media had a field day calling the soviet people sheltered, brainwashed, and stupid. The facts behind all that was that the woman said: “There is no sex on TV in the Soviet Union.” Which was a statement of fact. Pozner and Donahue edited out the small part “on TV,” and the episode went on air edited the way it was. Nether Pozner, no Donahue never apologized for this provocation, as far as I know, even after being confronted with the unedited material.
Years later, Pozner decided to take interview with Irina Yarovaya. The most loaded exchange takes place between minutes 44 and 49.
Yarovaya: I consider myself to be a Russian person.
Pozner: Congratulations…[Pozner doesn’t let Yarovaya speak and just talks over her.]
Yarovaya: It’s important to deal with problems, and not to fight with your own country. If you consider it to be normal when other countries are being praised by their own people…
Pozner: Other countries have nothing to do with this…
Yarovaya: Please, let me finish what I am saying. Russia doesn’t exist in space… You consider it to be acceptable to insult the country and its people…
Pozner: I’m walking out on the streets because I am not happy with the results of the elections. [They are talking about the Presidential election in 2012 and following attempt of Maidan in Moscow. http://sakerlatam.blog/the-saker-files/grandmaster-putin-grandiose-multi-step-operation-lasting-16-years/
Yarovaya: If you are not happy with the democracy, Vladimir Vladimirovich, then you’re with the totalitarian minority.
Pozner: Stop it. We went on the street saying that the elections were wrong.
Yarovaya: We created the law that allows you to come on the street and to express your opinions in orderly manner, and to create the state of safety for everyone.
Pozner: In your opinion, are we the opposition that creates lies, and hatred?
Yarovaya: Listen to me… the opposition’s speeches that I heard were full of hatred and malice towards Russia…You consider only your own opinions important….
Pozner interrupts her again, and says that he only has three minutes, and that he doesn’t have time to listen to her. Look at her facial expression at 46:18.
Yarovaya: Unfortunately, we have not had a chance to talk about laws that are important for people, especially law providing the security.
Pozner: I asked you one question…
Yarovaya: No, you have never asked me one question about laws, and right now you’re not letting me talk about the laws.
Pozner: OK, what laws are in people’s interest?
Yarovaya: For example, next week, we will be deciding of the rights of the victims of crimes law.
Pozner: What victims?
Yarovaya: Children and other victims of violent crimes. I’m the author of this law. [He is interrupting her again. ] Vladimir Vladimirovich, we have many laws that improve people’s lives. Our Parliament works to implement those laws.
Pozner: Very well, but we know how it works in reality. It’s not real to have 0 percent (of alcohol in blood). It’s not real to be completely sober.
Yarovaya: Vladimir Vladimirovich, what you are offering is to open the gate for corruption. We say absolutely “no” to drinking and driving. You’re saying that it’s possible to drink some and drive. I think that there are so many deep and important questions that are in interest to people, but you’re refusing to discuss them.
Pozner: Interrupts her again… But and in America and in Europe there are certain level of alcohol that allowed for drivers.
Yarovaya: I am talking to a citizen of the US…
Pozner: of the US, France, and Russia, don’t you forget about this.
Yarovaya: … meanwhile, being a citizen of Russia you’re not consider yourself being Russian.
Pozner: How? What?
Yarovaya: Russian… to be a Russian.
Pozner: Yes, this is true. So what? There are many none-Russian people who live in Russia.
Yarovaya: I consider myself to be a citizen of Russia and a Russian person.
Pozner: I also have a citizenship of Russia, but nationality is different. Nationality doesn’t matter. Jews, or Tatars… It doesn’t matter.
Yarovaya: Vladimir Vladimirovich, it matters. Everything matters.
After this interview Pozner immediately proclaimed Yarovaya a “Russian fascist, who is ready to shoot people like me.” It’s not clear what he meant referring to “people like him.” Did he meant people with multiple citizenships, cheating and lying journos, or people whose nationality “doesn’t matter” when it come to act in violent opposition to the Russia’s national interests?
I will have more on the realignment of Europe, with Brexit as its first step.
For us, Russians, the main goal remains the reunification of our people and the restoration of our country to its borders prior to 1917.
"Нужно восстановить государство в границах ДО 1917 года." – @katMotjahttps://t.co/6LJbLXRqaW #Россия – #Империя pic.twitter.com/AoDDXhFQg3
— Русскiй (@snamiBog147) May 20, 2016
Headline image is courtesy of Colonel Cassad
Very often being open to seeing things from a point of view you completely disagree with, opens up the possibility of seeing the pitfalls that may come upon you or the path you are pursuing. Belief loses to pragmatism quiet often. I think you should think about the 27th minute of the interview far more. Rah Rah works well until everyone looks inward, this is where it is going in my view. Not a global confrontation but every nation isolated with the problems of its’ own creation and necessity to cure them to move forward.
The cartoon at the top (the hen and her chicks) is very witty Had a good laugh!
I can understand why Ms. Yarovaya is Chair of the Security committee. This is a fascinating interview and her performance reflects confidence and cool rationality even in the face of ham-fisted goading by the interviewer. This kind of clarity, reason, and assertiveness by Russian lawmakers like Ms. Yarovaya, and Messrs. Lavrov and Putin has become a political standard unmatched in the west in our present era of Machiavellian insincerity. I enjoyed the article, with thanks.
Thank you. What a vision of victory you describe. It rings true like a noble bell.
The world is saturated with boring analysis on Brexit right now, and you leap ahead of everyone by at least an order of magnitude. You say things that are actually useful, things that are prophetic, but also tied to past facts in ways that make sense, when nothing else does.
Scott – dammit, man – you’re writing brilliant analysis, and far too much of it at one time in each article. You have become necessary reading. Indispensable reading.
You’re connecting dots and bringing situations into the light of day. And you have many thoughts in your mind that still remain for you to bring into reasoned analysis.
Keep on it.
I agree. Thank you for your efforts on our behalf, Scott. We are awaiting your book with great anticipation.
“For us, Russians, the main goal remains the reunification of our people and the restoration of our country to its borders prior to 1917.”
I am not a Russian, but this is my dream also.
All power to the dream, a special dream, a dream the whole world waits on, for in this dream is the hope and salvation of us all.
Same here, would love to see the Great Russian Empire rise again.
Can you add the lands that are now Turkey in that dream, please?
‘I have worked with asylum seekers and as far as I know, the only legal limit on their political activity is that they are prohibited from participating in the internal politics of the country which grants them asylum. As far as I know, there is absolutely no legal basis to prevent a refugee from expressing his opinions about the country he fled.’
This has nothing to do with law – rather with conditions that host countries may place on the guest as a condition for their continued hospitality. India, for example, placed a similar condition on the Dalai Lama after he looted the Tibetan treasury and fled to Indian soil.
It is called do not (removed,MOD) on the table you are eating off…
This old ‘Yes Minister’ clip from the 1980’s prophetically sums up Brexit.
Humour foretells many truths.
@ Babushka
Thanks for the link. Occasionally I used to watch Yes Minister, a witty inside peek into the games fatcats play, but haven’t seen an episode since then. Indeed it was predictable, the Pommies have been disrupting Europe for 500 yrs, perhaps as a revenge for 1066.
Why are people so different? Armenians show their thanfulness to Russia, well deserved. I do not see this from Bulgarians, Jews, some other? On the contrary. Why is it so?
For us, Russians, the main goal remains the reunification of our people and the restoration of our country to its borders prior to 1917.
The Russian empire? Again?
At the moment I am against the US empire and some of the shit that goes on, I would at times liked to see the US nuked, but leaders change and sometime down the track, if there were no other powers, Russia or China would most likely start building empires through conquest rather than just building trade.
I do not want to be a subject of an empire and I would guess many people in other countries would feel the same.
you’re operating by British mental formulas. You, people have always see other far away nations as manure for your own betterment.
We are trying to re-unite territories cut from our country fraudulently and against people’s will. Millions of our people end up living under occupation by the US and EU empires. People are being forced to change their Russian names, banned from using Russian language. In the Baltics, that was purchased by Peter the Great for silver and gold, Russian people carry passports that identify them as being “not of the titled nationality.” NATO and Mossad are conducting war on the Russians in Ukraine.
Half of Uzbek men are working in Russia, having not much rights as migrant workers, while their government is asking for more Russian schools and teachers. Right now Russia builds production lines in Uzbekistan, to give people some kind of jobs.
Millions of people living in the Russian border regions used to be a part of the great culture. People could study at the best colleges and universities, work and live where they wanted all around the country. Knowing Russian language they had an access to an enormous body of human knowledge, science and technology. Right now, most of the people in those regions live in horrible conditions of neo-medieval neo-feudalism with absolutely no future, under real threat to be overrun by the US funded Islamic terrorists.
All of these, because in 1990s the Communist traitors got together with Western special services and broke the country apart, so it would be easier to loot small pieces of the nation.
You wrote: “I do not want to be a subject of an empire and I would guess many people in other countries would feel the same.” I don’t know where you live, I assume in Australia, the overseas colony of Britain. The Queen can dissolve your Parliament at any time she wants. You are owned by the Royal family. You are seeing the world as you’re indoctrinated by your owners. You are the subject of the empire. You have always been the subject of the British empire. Your fear of becoming the subject of the Russian or Chinese empire is completely baseless. Our nations have acute historical antipathy towards all the British subjects.
Don’t most people Russia want socialism and the USSR back-as well as all of the dislocated nationalities? They want the same thing is that not true. These American’s posing as Russian Insiders do every thing they to smear the socialist past.
I still don’t know who is more afraid of Trotsky, the US or Russia. I do know the 1% of both countries do.
I work on human character. What we see now with the Likes of Putin Russia and Xi J’s China is a bit of an anomaly in history and may not last more than a few generations of political leaders before some nut case grabs the reigns of power.
Putin, Lavrov and team are by far the best leaders the world has seen for some time, but before them Russia was a mess, and before that the ideology of communism, and before that Tzars and peasants.
Big changes over just a hundred years. At some stage others will take over the leadership and then others after that. At some point, the quality of leadership and fairness that I see in Russia will disappear.
In theory the monarch of England is still the monarch of Australia separate to being the monarch of England. In practice Australia become a US colony just after the battle of midway and the battle of the corral see. In theory the Governor General can sack the PM and dissolve parliment after gaining approval from the monarch. (The Governor General in theory is the monarch’s rep in Australia, but is appointed by the PM of the day. Once appointed the GG’s term generaly last a number of parliamentary terms.) In practice the Governor General sacks the PM and dissolves parliament on the orders of the US. http://johnpilger.com/articles/the-forgotten-coup-how-america-and-britain-crushed-the-government-of-their-ally-australia.
Some time ago, apparently my forebears received free passage from England to Australia with complimentary chains and shackles. Important people I guess. This is the only country I know, with a different culture to UK and I have no wish to be part of the British or any other empire.
I have no problems with countries joining the Russian federation of their own will, where the overwhelming majority is for it (as in Crimea) but when somebody like yourself talks of rebuilding the Russian empire to it’s borders of a hundred years ago….. best just to look to the future, not the past.
Scott, don’t give up your day job and become an expert on Australian Constitutional Law – you’ve already failed. Betty cannot dissolve the Federal Parliament ( though technically she might be able to dissolve some State Parliaments). Only the Governor General (appointed by Parliament and thus the major party or group in Parliament) may prorogue Parliament. http://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/House_of_Representatives/Powers_practice_and_procedure/practice/chapter7
And if you think Australia is a British colony, you really need to do some research. The phrase “All the way with LBJ” might give you some clue as to who the real Masters of Australia are. The Monarchy is about the only thing saving us from complete USA subjugation!
@ Scott,
Betty can’t do that in England either–she is a constitutional monarch only, a figurehead with no rights or ability to interfere in the political life of the country. She is wheeled out on ceremonial occasions, waves a lot and does what the government of the day tells her to.
We did have absolute monarchs with absolute power at one time but, 100 years before the French picked up on the idea we chopped their heads off when they got too uppity.
Why do we have a few Russian states as it is now, of which the West does Russophobic modes? We need a unified Russian state. Each person has an opinion. Someone wants the USSR 2.0, someone to restore the Empire. I suggest that after the reunification of the Russian people (Littlerussians and Belarusians are the same as the Russians in the Russian Federation), the new project Great Russia.
I think we do not need to return all the lands of the former Soviet Union. Home Return Russian historical lands: Little Russia and New Russia (without Galicia and Volyn), Belarus, Transnistria, Baltic States, Northern Kazakhstan. The rest of the territory, where almost no Russian, where the muslim population is growing at huge rates may in some way to cooperate with the Eurasian Economic Union. We do not include them in the structure of Russia, otherwise it will lead back to the country’s collapse.
Peter, if you study the social mechanics in the old empires of the world, they were often far more tolerant of diverse ethnic groups and religions than modern nation states. Vinay Lal is the author I have come across that writes well about this, but there could be others as well. For example, the old Russian Empire seems to have done alot more to preserve nationalities of its subjects than destroy them. Similar stories with Persians and Indians.
@ Student, I am thinking about the current make up of those countries that at one time were part of the Russian empire and what percentage of ethnic Russians live in those countries. they seem to be minority groups, as Putin has said, left stranded after the fall of the soviet union.
Over the centuries, borders in that part of the world have been changed, deleted, added ect, same through Europe and middle east. Populations moved about/relocated during soviet times, makes it a bit of a mess.
Latvia – a minority Russian population and waffen SS veterans parades? There would be a lot of opposition in these countries for decades to come about joining the Russian federation and could only be held by military occupation.
Trying to bring back the past will only bring more problems. Better for Russia to look to the future as the current Russian federation and if others wish to join, well and good.
Do you even understand what you are doing? You are condoning ethnic cleansing.
Are you saying that if the West occupies a part of Russia and genocided/pushed out the majority of the Russian speakers, then it becomes the territory for the West to keep?
You do realize that this is what the British empire had done to the natives in the North America and Australia. This is happening now in Ukraine.
Your school of thoughts belongs to a true subject of the British Empire.
Keep in mind that we are talking about Russian speakers, since the Baltic population is genetically Russian.
Genetic Heritage of the Balto-Slavic Speaking Populations: A Synthesis of Autosomal, Mitochondrial and Y-Chromosomal Data
Genetic structuring of Balto-Slavic populations
Despite significant linguistic divergence between extant East Baltic and Slavic languages (Fig 1) [7], Baltic populations are genetically the closest to East Slavs (Fig 2A and 2B, Table K in S1 File) [45,64–66] and here we found that they bear the highest number of shared IBD segments with the combined group of East-West Slavs (Fig 4, Table G in S1 File). The presence of a substantial “Baltic substratum” in the genomes of extant Slavs within East Europe might in part explain their genetic closeness to each other and difference from some neighboring non-Slavic groups.
let me explain this to you:
Imagine that you owned a truck. Your neighbors conspired and stole your truck from you. You went to the court. The court is the place where your neighbors work. They tell you that your truck belongs to them, now. According to your neighbors’ law, they own what they steal. They repainted your truck and told you that the truck now is of a different maker and that your former truck hates your guts. You can never hear the truck’s opinion. All you hear is the thieves’ telltales.
You wrote: “Trying to bring back the past will only bring more problems. Better for Russia to look to the future as the current Russian federation and if others wish to join, well and good.”
We are not trying to bring back the past… We’re invalidating, turning around, reversing the results of the occupation of our country.
We have to teach the West a lesson that everything you people occupy from us, we will take back.
We don’t take yours, we just want back what you took from us. We want back our lands and people you alienated from us.
If we don’t do it now, that will encourage the West to keep attacking.
“if others wish to join, well and good.”
That’s what Russia’s government is doing. But for this we have to de-occupy Ukraine, Moldova, and the Baltics from NATO.
being under NATO and the EU occupation doesn’t mean to be independent.
I experienced this expert’s nausea described by Gladwell …
You are jumping to a lot of hasty conclusions based on assumptions Scott. You started off your other reply with “You people…”
If present day Russia stands for independent sovereign nations, then I full support them. An independent sovereign nation is not one that is controlled by Nato, or US hegemony, nor any other type of empire.
I recall there was a European not that long ago had an interest in classifying people by genetics.
“we have to de-occupy Ukraine, Moldova, and the Baltics” Removing NATO from these countries, no problems but what then? Take Ukraine – a couple of years ago, I looked up the voting patterns before maidan and also language maps/ethnic groups of Ukraine. Before Crimea joined Russia the votes were about evenly divided between pro Russia and not pro Russia. With Crimea gone, the not pro Russia crowd are in the majority. That means that even if Nato and the US were out of the picture it would still have be taken by force.
Moldova – perhaps. The Baltic countries, same deal as Ukraine.
By the way Scott it seems that when you say “you”, you seem to be implying that I am part of NATO/US/UK empire type. Is that what you are implying or does it just come across that way?
“I recall there was a European not that long ago had an interest in classifying people by genetics.”
But they didn’t have genetics back then, did they?
It’s going on right now in Ukraine and the Baltics directed against the Russians and claiming that only Ukrainians are real Slavs, and that Russians are some Germanic tribes.
You can’t make this up.
At the same time, the Baltic regimes claim that Russians are Slavic people that have no relations to the Northern Russian regions.
All this is coming from the US.
i think we need to start writing about the modern genetic researches. this is something we never talked about. But many lies are said about us, to the point that we Russians don’t exist.
I write “you” referring to my virtual opponents, not to you personally, Peter.
As for the fascism in Ukraine… It’s been imposed by a small group of politicians, foreigners and militarily power of NATO. Please, remember that people are being jailed and killed every day for just speaking Russian. We have liberated Ukraine after it was occupied by the fascist Germany for 3 years. There were many Ukrainians who supported the fascist occupation.
The same is now.
The majority of population can’t wait to put them all in jails.
As for a reunification with our territories and people…. Germany was allowed to re-unite. Why aren’t we allowed?
We are not asking for something that wasn’t ours.
I appreciate what you are saying Scott though a few things we disagree on or perhaps misunderstandings.
Regarding genetics in Nazi Germany, from what I have read, they measured facial features the same as scientists still do today with animals and animal skeletons.
I will try and outline my views/thoughts a bit more.
I don’t believe the clock can ever be turned back. We do need a world where border disputes are settled by negotiation rather than war which seems to be what Putin and the current Chinese leadership is about but there will be limited success until the US collapses and becomes just a regional power rather than world hegemon.
A lot of countries are a mess after centuries of wars and empires. Ethnic/cultural groups split by borders ect, none more so than the Sykes/Picot borders in MENA.
A lot of changes need to be made there, but in peace time through negotiation rather than through war.
Recognising all current borders as sovereign states and only making changes through negotiation and common agreement.
I think this is Putin and Xi’s vision for a better world, though knowing people, perhaps impossible to achieve.
The nazi’s in Ukraine, a holdover from WWII and kept alive by the US need to be outlawed same as ISIS and AQ.
Peter, could you do me a favor and point it out for me where I wrote about a war?
Kazakhstan has just re-united with Russia. I bet you didn’t even noticed.
“I don’t believe the clock can ever be turned back”
We are not talking about clocks and watches here. We will just move the borders.
Just because a group of people decided to break up out country, and left 24 million Russians outside of Russia, it doesn’t mean we have to agree with them and put up with their plan forever.
Just watch: we will cancel The Treaty of Kars and The Treaty of Moscow, we will annul The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, and we will annul illegal and unconstitutional The Belavezha Accords
What can the West do? Absolutely nothing, We will make them pay for the “bolshevik” revolt and for the “perestroika”.
All revolutions in Russia stood on the fragile shoulders of the Jewish bankers. It’s time for a tap on the shoulder.
I bet you didn’t even noticed.
According to what you wrote above, you are the expert so I must have been mistaken when I thought I noticed. Though be careful to distinguish expert feelings from paranoia.
I did notice and as I have said, I have no issues with this. Kazakhstan doesn’t seem to be a divided country and everything done through negotiation and mutual agreement.
I certainly agree with you that cracks are starting to appear in the US empire, especially the EU section.
This thing about empires does bother me. Hopefully in the not to distant future, the US empire will implode. Sultan Erdogan, with the aspirations of an ocean going tadpole seemed to want to rebuild an Ottoman or Turkic empire and ended up getting washed up in the surf.
Now it seems some here want to rebuild a Russian empire. The East European countries like Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania with a strong anti Russian section from even before WWII – pre NATO. These countries have a small segment that identify as Russian and a bigger section that are anti russian. How are they to be incorporated into the new Russian empire? The old style in empires generally was a few massacres now and then to keep the natives in line. US still practice this in places.
Just worked out what bothers me. An empire is gained through conquest and controlled by force, but a federation would imply countries/groups coming together for mutual benefit.
Perhaps it’s the terminology here that’s the problem?
Though even changing the terminology, its hard to see the likes of Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, becoming part of the Russian Federation voluntarily in the foreseeable future. Even without NATO/US.
Just a thought here on Russians as a genetic group – the people of the Russian federation and the previous Russian empire, range from Caucasian/Slav in the west to Asian in the east.
You got me interested in who/what was a Russian. Language groups where interesting. The majority of Russians belong to the Slav language group but not all Slavs are Russian as the different groups have developed differences in the languages. Other language groups that I could find in the Russian federation and previous Russian empire are Finnic, Turkic, Balts (Lithuania/Latvia), Paleosiberian. no doubt there are a few more.
The Russian Empire – it seems Ivan the Terrible kicked off the major expansion of the Russian Empire about the same era European nations where sailing off to conquer distant lands but it seems Ivan didn’t need a boat, he just had to step out the back door. I guess he didn’t get his surname by relying on diplomacy and being nice.
Germanic language group is interesting. Seems I’m a Germanic.
“For us, Russians, the main goal remains the reunification of our people and the restoration of our country to its borders prior to 1917” – why? why do you need Poland, Finland, the Baltics, there are no Russians living there (except Estonia), are you even serious in suggesting this?
“why do you need Poland, Finland, the Baltics,”
It’s not about needing something. We have to go back to before 1917 and prior to the illegal unconstitutional anti-government putsch that was called “bolshevik revolution.”
We have to show to the West, that “color revolutions” and anti-government putsches funded by the West (the British and the Americans) have no chances to be successful. We can’t bring back millions of people that were killed by the West. All we can do now is to bring borders back where they used to be for centuries. The West has to learn to stay on its side of the fence.
Remember the message that President Putin conveyed at a meeting with representatives of the European Jewish Congress in September 2014:
As you can see the video with president Putin’s speech has been deleted on Youtube.
This tells you how much freedom of speech and information we Russians are allowed by the West.
We have to bring Russia’s borders back to where they were before 1917 to teach the West a historical lesson.
Soon, we will ask for the Russian Empire gold, art, and other treasures back.
“It’s not about needing something. We have to go back to before 1917 and prior to the illegal unconstitutional anti-government putsch that was called “bolshevik revolution.”
The Russian empire didn´t exactly get Finland and many other territories by any “constitutional” means. They were gained by warfare, and/or imperial colonization (see Siberia)…Just saying.
Finland and Poland may enter a maximum of the Eurasian Economic Union. As for the Baltic states (Pribaltica for us) in the West do not know what it is. On these lands Russian cities stood in the 10th century. For example, on the site of the capital of Estonia was the Russian city Kolyvan. And the city of Tartu was founded by Kievan Prince Yaroslav the Wise and called Yuriev. Russian lived there as a nation, before the formation of Latvians and Estonians as the peoples from the various Baltic and Finno-Ugric tribes. Then for a long period, these lands were the Swedes and Germans. By the way if local tribes did not have the right to live in the cities and is the 2nd grade. Then the Russian Empire returned to the Pribaltica, having bought it from Sweden. And as usual “evil Russian” let them into the city, and began to develop their culture and industry. After 1991, in Latvia and Estonia have hundreds of thousands of people had been stolen their citizenship. They recognized the 2 grade. The differences in rights between citizens and non-citizens up to 80 laws. This is known as apartheid. 25 years of apartheid in Europe and no one sees. It is the European Union? That is why the Russian did not believe the West, when he talks about human rights and democracy.
“Russian territories unlawfully broken off by the corrupt Communist rulers.” that allowed the capitalist counter revolution to take place.
You’re saying that if someone holds you down and cuts your arm and leg, you become stronger?
The spirit of the law is to protect your nation and her people. I believe that this is what this new anti-terrorist bill does. Invoking the letter of the law compares to the Miranda rules of U.S. law enforcement. Using the letter of the law allows the Khazarian Talmudists to get away with so much in this world.
Snowden spoke (tweeted …) out against mass surveillance, he did not oppose fighting terrorism as such.
I am also against mass surveillance of any kind, be it coming from the US or from The Kremlin.
“O todos moros, o todos cristianos”.
Was not going to be Russia the civilizational alternative and the promise land where all of us were going to live free and happy and in prosperity?
To me is not prosperity nor any human advance whatsoever to feel the eyes of strange people looking at me in my laptop, even when could be comrade Putin himself, who, to the date, is a strange for me ( because he wants, of course, I have always been willing to meet him for to have tea, skate, or something……)
The task to do would be to identify those individuals suspised to be terrorist an then apply them mass surveillance, but not because of them curtail the freedoms of other citizens who are only honest taxpayers.
Rockwell – Somebody’s Watching Me Lyrics
Beatfreakz – Somebody’s Watching Me (Official Music Video)
I agree. And dumping someone much of the world admires doesn’t sound like a good idea if it can’t be proven he’s a plant.
Nausea is a kind of psychological immune reaction. “Expert” nausea arises from knowing inside from outside. However even with indistinct boundaries slime has physical limits. For example there exist bacteria with no cell wall or modern humans suspended in artificial media.
Both distinct and fuzzy boundaries normalize interaction between organisms. The outer surface appearance can tell us what these interactions are like. Awareness of both physical and intangible boundaries is what makes expressions and intentions readable.
But there will never be a clear cut physiognomic analysis because it is impossible to know forest from trees without having total accumulated experience.
Rhizomatic Schizomass, I like the way you think. I’ve learned something today. Thanks, bro
I’ve read you before… I can never tell if it is a change in vocabulary or a different subject given the latter is always true. Just like a description amidst dark matter, I can hardly hold to any meaning, absolutely sure it’s there.
Fortunately there is always some take away, but I’m unable to share Scott’s experience. What I can tell is that given thinking time the nebula becomes fiber.
Some fibers: speaking of a somatic tell for every “poker face”. Can one recognize their own? I believe the answer is affirmative, not restricted to bluffing actions and extending to inadvertent ones. Comprehensive enough to include correctness, yet not ensuring it. Ensured are the earnings when betting strictly to oneself. Under which condition, hardly we go beyond the shared matter of fact, itself an improvement over the alternative.
Prospecting nebula: in general, could there be an eventual descent into the material at any point, from readable?
If Snowden wants ongoing attention as a hero, isn’t there a better way to deal with it than sending him home as a trade? Have other ways been tried? Dumping someone much of the world admires doesn’t sound like a good idea if it can’t be proven he’s a plant.
Pretend you can’t prove it could be a strategy.
There are many possibilities, some better than others to handle the problem. Appearing to be intolerant of criticism isn’t one of them and Putin is way above that.
Scott, regarding the anti-terrorism law, how is it determined which groups are “terrorist”?
It’s a very good question.
This Bill in not translated into English yet. I will post it.
However, nothing that I can see that deviates from the international accepted practices.
You have to understand that prior, Russia had practically no legal basis to curtail anti-government activities like pro-ISIS imams, like anti-government activities of the Western diplomats, or “color revolution” like Maidan, that threaten peace and tranquility of the entire population.
Anything that makes Russia better, stronger and richer is anathema for the West.
Just by the Western reaction we know that we are doing something right. :)
My concern is that the list will consist solely of Islamic groups possibly even supplied by Washington or Tel Aviv. One wonders if groups such as Ukrainian Right Sector or the punitive battalions such as Azov would be included.
On November 2014, Russia’s top court bans Ukraine’s UNA-UNSO, Right Sector as extremist organizations. Other Ukrainian organizations which have been added to the Russian blacklist include the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) and Stepan Bandera All-Ukrainian Organization ‘Tryzub’
Related to this, and since I am preparing a good report on Hezbollah ( far better and useful than my own turistic view/report ) from which I will translate some interesting parts, I wonder what could be the opinion of The Kremlin about Hezbollah and also what could be the opinion of the average Russian.
Perhaps, as we count here with wizards of clairvoyance, like Scott, and also he can in turn tell us the impressions of another wizard of clairvoyance, Cat Motja, especially on what is said in Russia and the Slavic world, I wonder if we may know something about this.
Your report… Is it good enough to get published?
“what could be the opinion of The Kremlin about Hezbollah and also what could be the opinion of the average Russian.”
Hezbollah is Russia’s ally in a war against ISIS.
also search thesaker.is for Hezbollah
Cat writes that there are good Hezbollah and bad Hezbollah. Bad Hezbollah works for the state of Israel. They orchestrate terror attacks to justify Israel’s genocide of Palestinians.
Good Hezbollah is the Russia’s ally.
Your report… Is it good enough to get published?
Of course, good enough to get published in the Cafe. This could be published next week end, the only moment I can post at wee hours, the only time slot when my comments do not go directly into the trash.
Of course, weekdays I can not post a these hours, I have to get up early, because I, unlike many here who are retired, I still have to work for a living and pay my taxes.
The report will be the translation of some statements of Spanish international analysts given in a program on Hezbollah for Hispan TV, with a little introduction and an acknowledgment by me for the people who inspired me to do such.
So it is no a report of mine. I was going to do my travel report on Lebanon, including, of course, Tiro, Bekaa and Baalbek, but, you know, knowing me, would be too much “dramatic” and, so, could give vital information to certain evil people who read this blog every morning, all day, so I desisted to do it.
Dear Scott,
Thank you again for a very important post.
I truly hope and believe that all Russians and their lands will be reunified one day. That vip part of the new anti-terror Bill on dual nationality I hope will come back after the elections and be passed. You only have to look at Ukraine to see how this has been abused. At the end of the day if people don’t see themselves as Russians – just leave!
What I dont like also are those so called Russians who live in the West and trash their own country and put Russia down – they should be cut free too in the anti-terror bill.
That Pozner guy is a piece of work. The fact that he made a point of stating his other nationalities exposed him.
Dear Scott
Let’s introduce this noble Italian chap
who is running on the Facebook
Vladimir Putin è il mio Presidente
Its wonderful that Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan might be joining Russia again. The contribution of the people of the Steppe to the defeat of the Nazi’s has never really been recognized.
During the WW2, the Germans rolled over all the Western Russian forces just like they did the French, up until the gates of Moscow. There the recruits of last resort, the Eastern Russian forces, the people of the Steppe, constituted the bulk of the Russian Siberian forces which counter attacked and drove the Germans back. This was the first proof that the Germans were not invulnerable, that the Germans were not a super race, and the first step in their eventual defeat.
The return of the Russian Empire with its steppe shock troops would be most welcome. But the title of president sounds to Western and does not reflect the diversity of Russia. Putin should declare himself Khan. Putin Khan can then successfully rule a vast land with many different religions and people.
There are numerous similarities between the Mongolian and Russian empires. The Mongolian empire was the largest continuous land mass empire before the Russian empire.
Ghengis Khan’s birth name was Temujin. “Temuchin signifies “The Finest Steel””. Ghengis always said that his word was like steel, it was a common Mongolian expression at the time. Stalin was of course the “man of steel”.
But yes, measures have to be taken to ensure the high Muslim birth rate doesn’t ruin everything eventually by forbidding Muslim access to numerous areas of Russia. Jews should be forbidden access to even more areas of Russia. Only a Khan can make such rules.
Scott, you once formulated two rules. Rule number one: Vladimir Putin is always right. Rule number two: If you think Putin is wrong, see rule number one. I agree with these rules and put my hopes on VVP.
Sovjetisky Sarjous, probably a bad transcripation in English, or whatever you call it in this difficult language, had to support marginal countries at great cost. Not only the Sarjous, but also the Warshaw pact. Russias great improvement stems from the freedom from colonies and their costs. Let them work for themselves, they always cost a lot. Is it really in Russias interest to expand the Empire in this diffficult time? Why not care for the core country?
This is the time Russia needs to avoid war and other difficult conflicts. Building bridges with the EU or what is left of it. VVP will do it.
I understand the problems in the Baltic countries and I don’t like them. I know Russianspeakers suffer there and it is a shame on the EU.
However, the Estonians asked for Swedish-Finnish protection in the 16th century. Does that mean Sweden and Finland have the right to intervene? Russia? No. There are still Swedishspeakers in Estonia and Estonian is a cousin of Finnish. Small cultures must be respected. Brussels does not understand Russia and the whole North.
I see the map presented at the end of the article.
Finland and three or four other countries, according to you, Veronica and “Us Russians”, would be in the eventual gun sights of Russia. That’s the “dream”…or is that a slip?
I don’t see anyone saying such things except the MSM in the West about the Balkans. I doubt many believe it even there anymore. What aggression?
It’s Putin’s 3rd way….It’s not the USSR anymore.
What the hell are you saying? McCain’s right about Russia?
How would that help Russia? They need to stop Nato? More land? It goes against everything Putin has said and done so far. Russia seems to done with world wars by the way it carefully conducts it’s policies. It’s working brilliantly. Would you undo all that Putin and Lavrov have done to make Russia strong and respected like never before?
With Nato on the doorstep, it’s understandable to be angry, but a move like that would be a suicidal walk right into the trap for millions, wouldn’t it then?
`Corcu Liogdhe O’Laoghaire,
The map I posted is a map of the Russian Empire before 1917.
I see that I have to make another post on this.
I have some questions to you also:
What is NATO? is it a country? is it a nation?
How long NATO has been in existence?
How long Russia has been in existence? .
How long Poland has been inexistence?
How long Finland has been in existence?
You wrote: ” but a move like that would be a suicidal walk right into the trap for millions, wouldn’t it then?”
A move like what?
When the Soviet Union was ripped apart against its population’s will, and 24 million Russian people were trapped in the Western occupied pars of Russia, why didn’t you say anything?
When Russian people were slaughtered by thousands in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan to make Russians leave the lands that was theirs, why didn’t you say anything?
When Chechnya was overrun by Islamists financed by the US and UK and tens of thousands Russian families there including small children were cut with knifes and burned alive, why didn’t you say anything?
Now, when Russians are named “non titled nation” in their ID papers in the Baltics, and don’t have to right to vote, or to be managers, why don’t you say anything?
Now, when Russians are being bombed by NATO every single day in Ukraine, why don’t you say anything?
What the West does is the suicidal walk right into the trap for millions.
You don’t understand one simple fact: people living on the occupied territories want to go back home to Russia, just like Crimea, and Donbass, and Ukraine.
Putin doesn’t have to do anything at all. They all ask him to take them back. Those who are under NATO occupation, like the Baltics. They lost 60% of their population. All their young people are leaving. They have the highest suicide rate in Europe. They lost trade with Russia and hey will lose money from the EU, because the EU is falling apart.
As long as NATO is there we will never trade with them.
If NATO doesn’t stop its occupation of the Baltics, this region will be absolutely de-populated and de-peopled in the next 25-50 years.
It will be just empty cities, sand and tanks.
This might explain Snowden – http://www.presstv.com/Detail/2016/06/27/472488/Snowden-seeking-Obamas-pardon
Snowden made the western public aware of the US/NSA total population surveillance both in the US and in other countries, also of the US spying/eavesdropping on “allied” leaders.
If any country needs surveillance, and other laws to try and stop terrorism, it is Russia who have been under what is most likely US/Saudi backed Islamic extremist terrorist attacks since at least the Chechen wars.
Snowden seems to be equating the Russian laws with the US and western surveillance, which as far as I can see is to prevent any popular political groups/opposition to the system from coming into existance
Whollata shite here, a whole lot.
I am gonna paint a picture for You outsider, sorta Hemingway-esque…You will have to read a LOT between the lines, cos there will be the minimal words necessary.
Prolly the most righteous doode here is Pete au.
I will illustrate why.
Now, the discussion eroded into recreating the ole Russian Empire…let us call it that.
But the whole situation has changed.
Now, I am gonna be anecdotal, shallow, but for my purposes, I will claim I am essentially correct. What Russia was a 100 some years ago in the far, far taiga to most was: Civilisation.!!!
(Dersu Uzala) for entertainment value…watch it! torrent IS.
Not government, taxes, regulations, rules and norms, but free trade, conversation, freedom of association, tobacco, and alcohol…
CIVILISATION without regulation. Free exchange of – whatever. Without force. Voluntarism.
There was no force in it, since there was no logistix to supply the chinovnik.
Under the conditions of the transportation and information net of the age, local populations(the natives and the newcomers both) have, but prospered from the free-trade.
but of course things have had to “improve” right?
I want to ask You to watch Dersu Uzala again, then a series called Happy People – a year in the taiga…and there are numerous other flicks and mementos documenting the Russian sovereignty of the lands.
…and the displacement of the locals – to a certain level.
Now, that is a fact, and I do not even place the malice of a state next to it, neither the greed of the individual. It happened so. Call it technology. I do not care for the sake of this conversation.
You have to know, that I am Russian and I know and sorta happy, that the back and forth between us and the peoples in these lands was not of extermination, but trade, nevertheless, there goes the irrefutable fact, that what ALCOHOL brings to these relations is simply irreversible.
Watch the above mentioned documentary and you will see.
Let us get to another issue.
I am going somewhere with this, You will see. Another 5 minutes of Your life if I may ask…
In 1936 the Lykov family, a fam. of old believers(a sect of churchianity), has fled some or the other communist purge and dug themselves into the Taiga. You can obviously deduct, that they were just waiting their for their masters to give the signals to bring the USSR to ruins…right?
History tells us otherwise…
They have dug in, survived, and in 1978 were were discovered by a team of geologists from a chopper. That is 42 years isolated from the State. Mighty state to remind You.
In the last part of the twentieth century, with all the knowhow of the theory of the spread of bacterial/viral diseases, all, but one of the family of 6 has survived the encounter with civilization, allowing for the best of intentions.
Can You correlate this back to the 18. hundreds with Whites and Natives in North America without any knowledge of(infested blankets???) the above?
The theory of bacteria and such was proved by Dr Pasteur in the 1850s.
Nut sure how many trappers read Pasteur those days…
I am sure You can.
Let us go on with Russia and Her Territories – well, as far as I am concerned, they have let the peoples live their way of life, not because of some imagined magnanimity, but the lack of resources(logistix, chinovnix) to exploit them. Watch the Happy People series, You’ll see.
So far, so good….
Those lands are pristine, sorta…should they go under the management of any corporations?
London? Washington?
All sucked dry of life
You decide…
“Those lands are pristine, sorta…should they go under the management of any corporations?
London? Washington?
All sucked dry of life”
No, we can’t let this happen.
Dersu Uzala shall live forever.
Damn, I forgot about Ivan the Terrible. He was the Tsar of all the Russia’s. Genghis Khan was the Khan of all Khan’s, or something like that. Viva Genghis Khan, viva Ivan the Terrible, viva Stalin – all of them in the great Eurasian mold, in one way or other.
Going back to what I said previously. Measures have to be taken to ensure the high Muslim birth rate doesn’t ruin everything eventually by forbidding Muslim access to numerous areas of Russia. Jews should be forbidden access to even more areas of Russia. Birth rates of certain groupings should be regulated, the economic involvement of certain groupings should be regulated. But only a Khan can make such rules, because to a Western mind such rules would appear to be discriminatory, but to the Eastern mind such rules are just practical.
Somewhere out on the steppes of Mongolia, a young girl races her horse against the fleecey clouds.
Who will win today – the clouds or her ?
She is laughing.
And you have no idea why….
I hear that in Israel these days 10 year old young girls are not supposed to ride their bicycles in their street because some Imam / Rabbi has deemed it inappropriate.
I am fine that Russia can re-unite its former territory as long as Germany gets its former eastern territories back prior 1918.
But then again, would it be smart to have Finns, Poles, Baltics and so on in your country?
” as long as Germany gets its former eastern territories back prior 1918″
I understand that it’s being in the works.
“would it be smart to have Finns, Poles, Baltics and so on in your country?”
Yes, it’s always smart to have close good relationship with the different parts of Russia, albeit alienated and occupied by Washington and NATO. Russia offers them free trade, common market with Eurasia, education, tourism, open borders, jobs, even citizenship. What’s not to like?
It does sound good. But I do not think that Finns for example want to be a part of RF or RE. Free trade and common markets can be offered without incorporating them into a country. But this is just rambling. It is up to the Finns to be a part of Russia or not. My concern is that it’s all nice on paper but whether people want it is a different story.
Some people would rather govern themselves then by someone who speaks a different language and has a different culture.
You wrote: “Some people would rather govern themselves then by someone who speaks a different language and has a different culture.”
No argument here
However, right now Poland and Finland are members of the EU and they are being govern by unelected officials who speak German and French. If they stay in the EU, they will be forced into a new country with German as its main language.
In this case, every law out of 2500 per year that the EU produces should be signed “Yours, Adolf…”
Scott, I think you should be a bit careful here. Yes, being governed by unelected representatives is dictatorial. But if 5 million Finns join 140+ million of the Russian Federation, are they guaranteed any better representation, in a democracy? The Kremlin might feel as Nazi as the ominous German officials of the EU. (Mogherini speaks Italian, by the way, and with Renzi sitting next to Putin at SPIEF, it seems Italy won’t be cut out of power altogether!)
On a positive note, there are lots of possibilities for improvement, anyway!
“However, right now Poland and Finland are members of the EU and they are being govern by unelected officials who speak German and French. If they stay in the EU, they will be forced into a new country with German as its main language.”
That’s true. But the new Polish government distances itself more and more from the EU. Just recently disempowered the Polish foreign minister EU commisars. Poland also blatanly says in public that they do not recognize a German-French led EU. A couple weeks ago Duda prposed to Merkel a EU reform – An EU of Fatherlands (national states), instead of a supranational entity.
Who know maybe some Poles are more comfortable to be under German rule.Polish society is a society with deep margins. For example Poles from Silesia are not considered real Poles.
And the EU is not a state, yet. Nations still have some sovereignty. And when the Eurasian Union comes to pass, then there will also need to be trade rules, energy rules. A standardization of a lot of things for it to work.
And I think Finnland is preparing a referundum for an Finexit.
I was just going to add that my perspective on Finland joining the RF stems from experiences here in Canada. Lots of struggles with representation at times. Sometimes national pride can translate to political headaches. :-) Which minority gets how much of what for what reason. Ah, reach for the aspirin. :-)
As someone who read that memo by the foreign ministers of France and Germany from the Foreign Ministry of Germany’s website, not knowing it was a scandalous leak (hack perhaps?), I really thought it was an attempt at political leadership from the two FMs. True, in total leader-less anarchy, there can be no superstate… because there will be no state structures per se. A better option?? Who would possibly promote such chaos with such fervor?? :-)
In terms of German dominance, I think there are 2 factors (I say this as a non-European, so take it as that). First, the political power of Angela Merkel in European politics. How much power does she herself hold and are Europeans comfortable with that? Second, if the Germans dominate in some sense in European politics right now because they are the most motivated, organised, effective as administrators, and politically capable, then is that a problem? If that is true, isn’t it merit as opposed to nationality that’s tipping the scales in their favour? Sometimes it seems that any politically competent German is automatically labeled a Nazi.
Anyway, from that memo and other comments from European leaders, I think some key changes may be made to the EU, which might make it workable. Interesting times indeed.
“” as long as Germany gets its former eastern territories back prior 1918″
I understand that it’s being in the works.”
And who exactly works on that? :D
I just had a thought. Re-instating the border prior 1917 would also mean giving back Kaliningrad to Germany. Is that something you would agree?
“The West has already lost the Middle East. Russia and its allies control the Middle Eastern oil, and what they don’t physically controls, they hold in a crosshair. Most Europeans have not even started realizing that.
The article writter do know that middle east is alot more then only west-Syria and Iran?;)
The west basicly have almost full controll of the middle eastern oil.
Either through their vasals (Iraq, Kurds north Iraq, Kurds Syria, ), or through their proxy groups isis, etc (Middle-east Syria, Lybia, etc) or their proxy govs (Lybia, etc), or their bitches (SA, Egypt, Kuwait, Qatar, etc).
They also went to war with Sudan, Nigeria, Somalia and others over oil earlier. (But those are not middle east).
InSyria, Russia destroyed the ISIS-card, so then usa doubled up on their 2nd option: The kurd-card. (Same card usa has used in north-east of Iraq to grab power and oil to the usa in iraq).
So no, russia do not have controll of oil in ME. And no usa has definitly not lost controll of oil in ME!.
On the contrary, usa got their lapdog Saudi royal bitches to crash the oilprice market.
Which was a deliberatly attack on Russia+South america(which is one of few areas who has been brave enough to speak up against usa bullying).
So they become a target.
In addition. The shale oil/gass adventures in usa in last 10years have made alot of newcomers earn money.
But now that the resources are found, its important for the big zionist companies to bleed those small usa newcommers dry, so the big zionist companies can buy up those resources for pennies.
So no, the usa zionists do not loose on this oilcrash, they win marketshare. Then afterwards they will elevate the prices again.
The new “anti-terrorism” law is a horrible mistake (its like seeing the same BS that happened after the 9/11 false flag).
Excuses to implement laws that is extremly easily abusable by governments and those that accidently are in controll at each time.
One day Putin is not in power anymore, and then are stuck with these new laws in the hand of insane 5th coloumnists. Scary.
Let Putin do their dirty work, then they only need to get rid of Putin in the end instead.
So agree with Snowden.
Putin may be a Great leader, but he is not a God.
So would be nice to stop the crappy fundamentalism that Putin cant do anything wrong, and the stupid illusion that he has 100% controll.
Because he does not have 100% controll, and he is a human. Not a God.
A lot of wishful thinking in the analysis. Brexit has very little to do with any kind of victory by president Putin. About Middle east, and its oil, Russia is only starting to stake its interest in the region. It has a long way to go before any claims of control can be made. Talks with Central asian countries have been going on for decades. But since in politics there are no ‘friends’, only ‘partners’, they will support Russia only as long as it makes sense. What about a new finance and banking center in Astana, with involvement of the City of London?
Last sentence of the article is rather surprising. I doubt many russians want to incorporate all those minorities inside Russia proper once again. To have an empire costs, who is to bear these costs, russians? Why would it want to return all those crazies from Ukraine and Baltic states? Muslim Azerbaijan? Of course orthodox Armenia will support Russia. Surrounded by muslim states it will have no chance without a good reliable partner, and thus will remain a good reliable partner in turn. Russia needs same as it needed always – curb local corruption and build own industries. Instead corruption is rampant and natural resources are sold RAW, losing billions in revenue.
Overall reality is Russia is on the defensive, and as such can not make big changes on a world stage, YET. It MAYBE can stand up for itself, and its CLOSE allies. But it can’t dictate much outside of that sphere. What happened in Kiev is exactly an indication of how FAR Russia is from ANY kind of imperial thinking. President Putin is very smart. He got Crimea, he left it to Europe to deal with crazies in Kiev and he secured support of russian people by exposing the true face of ‘western democracy’ in Donbas.
Definitely sound reasoning, but the crazies in Ukraine will unfortunately perish in the eventual skirmish to transfer Ukraine back to Russia so are a non issue.
Remember Abraham Lincoln’s famous speech prior to the American Civil War about a house divided against itself cannot stand, which disgustingly enough is of biblical origin. America did not allow itself to be divided, but now Russia must allow itself to remain divided. Some rooms have drifted away from the house and must be brought back into the fold. As in the cartoon above, the rooms must be gathered back under the bosom of the mother Russian hen. The hen does not attach any cost to the gathering of her chickens to her.
The return of Russian territory back to Russian is thus neither Imperialistic nor Empire building. Its about the house (or the hen). And in the house you have the soup, and the Russian soup just doesn’t taste right without the flavor of the steppe and a sprinkling of Black Sea salt harvested on the shores of Ukraine.
Not really. Firstly Russia will not take back western Ukraine, even if they come begging. And they won’t. The Donbas buffer states will be the dividing line, some time into future. Second, analogy with US is not correct. At the time of A. Lincoln US was only becoming a STATE, and as such could be considered a ‘one house’. Russia was already an Empire, not a ‘house’ but rather a ‘village’. Russia has played a ‘mother hen’ long enough and has no interest in playing this role anymore. Every one is out for himself.
Ok, lets put the houses and the hens and the villages and Lincoln aside. The West definitely wants divide and rule, that is undisputable. So just do the exact opposite of what the West wants – make Russia bigger.
“First, it is quite astonishing that he refuses to see the obvious: that Russia was and remains the only country on earth with the determination to resist American blackmail and pressures for his extradition, not to mention one of the very few countries with internal security sufficiently strong to protect Snowden from kidnappers or assassins.”