by Nick Griffin
Britain’s vote on Europe looks set to go down in history as the ‘Stolen Referendum’. As the Remain campaign’s ruthless exploitation of the appalling murder of MP Jo Cox continues, big business, banks and other Remain enthusiasts are increasingly confident of coming out on top in Thursday’s historic poll.
Yet such a victory will have been bought at a terrible price – a blatant triple fraud against the democratic process, perpetrated with the enthusiastic support and involvement of all three leaders of the UK’s old established governing political parties and of the overwhelmingly dominant political force in Scotland.
The damage such a consensus for deceit and election rigging will do to faith in the democratic process is incalculable.
The first great Establishment electoral fraud in the now terminally polluted campaign was in place even before the sorry farce began: In a shameless re-run of the corruption that discredited the UK’s first In/Out referendum, in 1975, the contest was drastically skewed by the fact that every household received two documents in favour of EU membership (one from the Government and one from the Europhile campaign) compared to just one from the campaign for independence.
This disparity was then reinforced by the fact that massive funding from big business meant that the pro-Brussels side was able to outspend the antis on a massive scale. In 1975, the spending disparity in favour of remain was 11 to 1; there is no reason to suppose that the gap will be any less obscene this time around.
This propaganda imbalance on its own is enough to corrupt the contest and to deny a ‘Remain’ win any real democratic legitimacy, but as the campaign got under way and polls began to show that it was not going to be the expected Remain walkover, a second trick was brought into play in the effort to ensure the ‘correct’ result:
This was the decision of the Prime Minister to extend the deadline for voter registration by a whole 48 hours after the suspiciously convenient ‘crash’ of the online registration site, just two hours before the deadline to apply for a vote.
No explanation was given as to why the lost two hours should lead to 48 hours of extra time, but it was seized on by the various taxpayer-funded organisations that were already working to maximise voter registration among the demographic groups regarded as being most likely to vote Remain, particularly ethnic minorities (Operation Black Vote) and students (HopeNotHate). The extra time saw a staggering 430,000 additional applications to vote.
This would be more than enough to swing a close contest and the very fact that it was even thought acceptable speaks volumes for the ‘win at any costs’ mentality of Cameron and Remain.
Perhaps the best way to grasp the fundamental corruption of the entire extra voters registration drive is to imagine that it had been undertaken in Northern Ireland in the 1960s, with the notorious ‘Orange Ascendancy’ regime using taxpayers’ money to fund a campaign to sign up new voters which operated only in Protestant areas.
Had such a disgraceful affront to democracy been undertaken, the left to this day would – rightly – hold it up as an example of loyalist electoral practice, of discrimination against the Catholic community and as one of the factors that turned nationalists in the Province to abandon the democratic road and turn to terrorism.
As it happens, by the start of the final week of the campaign, a succession of opinion polls, backed up by worried articles in all the pro-Remain newspapers, indicated that, despite the first two frauds, the Leavers were on course for a remarkable, perhaps even crushing, victory.
And then one of the youngest and prettiest MPs campaigning for Remain was murdered in her constituency.
Over the course of the months and years ahead, it is inevitable that a plethora of conspiracy theories will grow up around this tragic event, the CIA’s Mkultra experiments and parallels with the fictional Manchurian Candidate being the most likely to gain traction and lead to even more cynicism about the democratic process in general and the referendum result in particular.
But no such speculation is in fact required for the murder of Jo Cox or, rather, the reaction to it of Remain and of the pro-Remain broadcast media, to be the third fraud against the electorate which will lead in due course to the whole contest being discredited as the ‘Stolen Referendum’.
Future conspiracy theories notwithstanding, in the light of any fresh evidence the simplest explanation of the murder is that Thomas Mair was either genuinely mentally ill or a political fanatic who despaired of the possibility of change through the democratic or legal process.
The latter is entirely possible and, given the relentless fraud, marginalisation and demonisation directed by the entire political and media establishment against opponents of the multi-cultural project to ‘remake’ Britain, it really should not surprise its authors if their totalitarian liberalism has begun to produce a terrorist backlash among those who have lost out most from globalisation and the multicultural Utopia.
This is true whether Mair was a ‘lone wolf’ or even part of a bigger ‘right-wing extremist conspiracy’: The evil is both a reflection and an unintended consequence of the long campaign to use mass immigration to transform Britain, and especially of the Blair regime’s conscious and deliberate aim to import millions more migrants in order both to it impossible for opponents of the change to win future elections. When Labour set out to “rub their noses in it”, they should perhaps have expected to get bitten.
When Northern Ireland’s Unionists denied working class Catholics realistic hope of change through the ballot box, they unwittingly contributed to the rise of the IRA and thirty years of terrorism. Why would denying alienated working class communities in multi-cultural England realistic hope that their fears would be listened to and their aspirations met, have any different effect?
Whatever Mair’s motivation, the murder of Jo Cox has been – and continues to be – ruthlessly used to corrupt the referendum result beyond redemption. This has nothing to do with Mair and is no reflection on Jo Cox herself, but it does reflect, very badly, on Britain’s Prime Minister, the leader of the Opposition and on almost the entire Remain campaign.
The murder was used in a ‘shock and awe’ propaganda campaign by Remain and its media allies, who took the natural revulsion of all decent people against the killing and added in wave after wave of utterly unfounded allegations and insinuations that the murder was in some way the result of the Leave campaign ‘encouraging division and hatred’.
The elite’s ‘blanket guilt’ approach in this case stands in stark contrast to their opinion when Wahhabi terrorists carry out one of their all too common atrocities, in which case the liberal (including Cameron) response ranges from the increasingly absurd “nothing to do with Islam” to the slightly more nuanced “you can’t blame all Muslims for the action of a few extremists”, invariably rolled out with the help of a gaggle of ‘moderate Imams’ who duly condemn the Jihadis and assure the world that they “do not act in our name” and are in fact “anti-Islamic”.
No such treatment for Brexiteers, of course. The total exclusion of notable Leave campaigners from the TV news interviews, producing the impression that they were either in some way guilty or – almost as bad – simply didn’t care, was particularly outrageous and effective.
Meanwhile, an endless queue of Europhile bien pensants chattered angrily on TV, radio and in newspaper columns about how the murder was supposedly connected to a ‘tone’ of division and hatred created by the Leave campaign.
Here, for example, is Jonathan Freedland:
“And throughout this campaign, there has been a drumbeat denouncing ‘the Westminster elite’, castigating all politicians, along with anyone in authority or in a public position of expertise, as either a liar or the corrupt dupe of a wicked Brussels conspiracy.
“Perhaps this had nothing to do with the cruelty that deprived two children of their mother yesterday. Maybe it’s a coincidence that the killer struck at this moment. Maybe it’s a coincidence that he targeted an MP who was a passionate advocate of remaining inside the EU, and whose signature issue had been a campaign to admit Syrians in desperate need of refuge.
“Maybe it’s a coincidence that she was a member of a political class that has been reviled for years and with heightened fervour in recent weeks. Maybe it’s a coincidence that she was an advocate for a position depicted by its most fevered opponents as unpatriotic and verging on treason.”
You see! Brexit campaigners accuse Remainers of ‘treason’ and two innocent children lose their mother. Now you have to vote Remain!
Polly Toynbee was even more blatant, actually blaming some Leave campaigners (and specifically, Nigel Farage, the politician whose success forced David Cameron to grant the referendum in the first place) for creating the ‘mood’ which led to the killing:
“There are many decent people involved in the campaign to secure Britain’s withdrawal from the EU, many who respect the referendum as the exercise in democracy that it is. But there are others whose recklessness has been open and shocking. I believe they bear responsibility, not for the attack itself, but for the current mood: for the inflammatory language, for the finger-jabbing, the dogwhistling and the overt racism.
“It’s been part of a noxious brew, with a dangerous anti-politics and anti-MP stereotypes fomented by Leave and their media backers mixed in. Only an hour before this shooting Nigel Farage unveiled a huge poster showing Syrian refugees fleeing to Slovenia last year.”
Operation Fear – the effort to frighten voters into backing Remain – had clearly been a dismal failure, so Cameron and other key Remain figures seized eagerly on the even more cynical opportunity to exploit the tragic death of Jo Cox – Operation Grief and Smear.
While journalists and TV news editors were left to do the bulk of the actual name calling dirty work, Cameron himself set about manipulating public emotions, speaking of the need to “drive out division and hatred” and blatantly using the dead Labour MP’s name and opinions in the desperate drive to save his own skin from the career-crushing referendum disaster that had, according to insider reports, reduced Number 10 to “panic” just two days earlier.
Nor was it just about Cameron. Will Straw, executive director of Britain Stronger in Europe, the cross-party group campaigning for Remain, showed equal bad taste in plugging this logo (no direct mention of Jo Cox but the broken heart image needed no explanation) all over social media the weekend after the murder.
Remain’s despicable and extremely undemocratic exploitation of the murder even went as far as to using it to steal an extra day of full-pelt campaigning. Immediately after Jeremy Corbyn (who had no scruples about terrorist killings when they were carried out by his friends in IRA/Sinn Fein) announced that Parliament would be recalled on the last Monday of the campaign, it was widely reported that the campaign was also on hold for Friday and Saturday with “limited campaigning on Sunday.” Terrified of being accused of being heartless, insensitive and so on, Leave duly wound down even their Sunday efforts to a minimum, only to see Remain restart their nationwide campaign on Sunday at full throttle.
Quite apart from the propaganda/moral blackmail aspect of Project Grief and Smear, the murder also thus served to break the organisational momentum of the entire Leave campaign not just on the Thursday of the killing but also on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
Of course, the murder was such that it was right that it should have some impact on the campaign. The day of reflection on Friday quite possibly reflected the public mood and the humanity of all concerned on both sides of the debate.
But for the Remain camp – who had visibly been losing support every day of the previous week – to use the tragedy as the excuse to impose by moral blackmail a unilateral declaration of a five-days-out-of-seven ceasefire, was a deliberate move to steal from the British people their right to keep listening and to keep making up their minds according to the dynamics of a proper campaign, rather than according to the utterly irrational dictates of a manipulated GriefFest.
That this was political manoeuvring rather than the normal procedure in the event of the murder of an MP can be seen by contrasting the treatment of the murder of young mother of two Jo Cox to the even more dramatic murder of Conservative MP, WW2 hero and father of three Airey Neave by an IRA splinter group who blew up his car in the House of Commons car park in 1979.
Neave had won the Military Cross for being the first British officer to escape from the high security Nazi prison camp Colditz. Rejoining the struggle against fascism, Neave fought his way across Europe after D-Day, ending the war as a Major.
Airey Neave died in hospital an hour after the INLA bomb blew off both his legs. This was two days after the vote of no confidence which brought down Callaghan’s government and a few weeks before the 1979 general election, for which campaigning was already under way, although Parliament had not yet been dissolved.
Returning for a moment to the question of conspiracy theories, Enoch Powell claimed in an interview with The Guardian on 9 January 1984 that the Americans had killed Neave. He said that the evidence came from a member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary with whom he had spoken.
On 18 October 1986 Powell returned to the subject of Neave’s death in a speech to Conservative students in Birmingham. He told them that INLA had not killed Neave, but that he had been assassinated by “MI6 and their friends”. Powell noted that Neave’s Northern Ireland policy had been one of integration with the rest of the UK and said that the Americans feared that this process, if implemented by Neave, would have been irreversible.
With the Tories ten points ahead in the opinion polls, Thatcher’s victory was almost certain. So Neave was on course become Northern Ireland Secretary and to put an immediate end to the security services’ ‘kid gloves’ handling of Republican terrorism. His killing, alleged Powell, was intended to make the British Government adopt a policy more acceptable to America in her aim of a united Ireland within NATO. That U.S. aim at least is a well-documented fact, as is the decades’-long CIA effort to include Britain in a ‘United Europe’.
Be that as it may, the key point here is that the terrorist murder of the war hero Airey Neave on a Friday afternoon, within the supposedly impregnable Palace of Westminster, where a number of MPs had been shaken by seeing him mutilated and dying, led to the suspension of normal Parliamentary business the following Monday for just 15 minutes to allow colleagues to pay tribute before they returned to their normal parliamentary and political work.
The contrast to the response to the murder of Jo Cox could not be clearer, even without the final ‘commemoration vigil’ for Jo Cox organised for the eve of poll to complete Operation Grief and Smear and to overshadow and discredit anything that Leave might produce as their final effort.
Whereas the first two great frauds connected with Britain’s Brexit referendum appeared set to fail, it is now virtually certain that – barring some dramatic external event such as an ISIS spectacular involving some of Merkel’s ‘refugees’ – the third one, the shameless exploitation of the murder of Jo Cox, will do the job.
What looked like being an explosion of popular anger which would see Great Britain leave the European Union, setting off a chain reaction which could very conceivably have brought the whole Project crashing down, is now going to be a damp squib vote to Remain.
The emotional spasm that is set to rob the Leave camp of what would have been a famous victory will quickly pass, but the fatal damage will have been done. Not just to the last chance for Britain to regain her freedom and for the other captive nations of Washington’s puppet ‘Europe’ to do the same, but also to what little survived of British faith in the democratic system and the reputation of the political and media elite.
Once the Remainers have finished crowing, and the professional mourners at poor, misguided Jo Cox’s funeral have dried their crocodile tears, all that will be left is the bitterness and growing anger of the hundreds of thousands of campaigners and the millions of voters who will understand that they and their beloved nation have been robbed.
The political crooks who masterminded and carried out that robbery may think they have been very clever, but one wonders whether they will be so happy when, in due course, the unintended consequences of their Stolen Referendum come home, more like vultures than chickens, to roost.
In her honor, neo-Nazism should be condemned in Ukraine by the British government. The US and the west should stop supporting the neo-nazis in Ukraine. The use of extremists – neo-nazis in Ukraine or Islamic in the middle east – by the west for its geo-interests should be condemned. All these three things would honor her more than anything else.
Why should anyone honour her specially??? She was just another person murdered – just like camoron is responsible for the murders in the Donbass, & Libya, and Syria etc.
Also, she was against Assad, and in favour of the Yank Government and camoron and their deliberate support of ISIS etc, so really, I see no real loss in her death.
Very true!
I said the same 3 days ago, with the addition that I’m nevertheless sad about her:
“””””Of course, thousands die every day in the middle east, and she was campaigning against BREXIT and even played a role in Syrian politics (and potentially made herself co-guilty).
Hoewever, it is a terrible event and this time there is a dead body, of a mother and wife (((((“””””
I wonder how different the reaction would have been if she had been murdered say one month from now?
Interesting question.
No matter if somebody of “our” (like Olof Palme) or of the against us side “dies” or gets killed (be it by a false flag or not, the MSM dictate how the reaction will look like.
Maybe her death was one of the fruits of the Dresden Bilderberg meeting.
I hope the average British citizens smell the fish.
Unfortunately nothing can be proven yet and Nigel Farage had to be extremely careful with his statements.
This way or that way, I doubt there won’t be a major war within the next 10 years in Europe.
The Empire simply cannot afford it to have no WW3.
@ Martin:
“I hope the average British citizens smell the fish.”
They do… only they’re devoid of a voice, they have no voice whatsoever. No News guy is interviewing them [although they do get occasionally through the filters on Talk Radio, but who the hell listens to radio nowadays?!], and when they get online to bent their frustration… well…
News papers across the land are heavily censoring comments all over the freaking place. All you’re allowed to read on this particular subject is… oh! poor Saint Jo and her two very young children, and her (*accused of sexually abusing/harassing women at his last job at a charity… but you’re not supposed to mention that, of course) deeply grieving husband. Daw!!!! *sad-face*
In any case, if you wanna see how people feel, here’s this article (you can skip right to the comments, if you wish)
Haha, sounds like the situation in Nazi-Z-US occupied so called “Germany”.
I mean, really every detail could be written by me or anyone else with open eyes here.
Tnx for the dailymail link, from time to time I come across british newspapers and notice this every time in the comments section. In Austria it’s the same, so it is in Australia. The entire world has been taken over.
For example, here is one randomly chosen comment and it *even* still appears at the *top*.
Dammit, that would *not* happen in Z-US “Germany”, believe me.
They have staff which writes the wished for comments and they get magically upvoted to the top.
I gave up trying to register and comment in 2014, which was the final turning point. No chance to get anything reasonable published!
Such a comment like the following would never go online in Germany:
“””””Rosalba, norwich, United Kingdom, about 10 hours ago
She didn’t deserve to die, but neither should her death be used for political capital. Remember what happened in Sweden when something similar happened just before an important vote? Emotion and mass hysteria took over, overturning the expected vote. Please watch “Brexit; The Movie” on Youtube before voting.”””””
There you see the difference and be sure that this will not stay like this: Not german’s freedom of speech will go up to your levels but yours will get down to Nazi-Z-german levels!
Whatever-ever: Maybe we should instead be *happy* that UK and EU stay under the same filth’s control.
Because otherwise we die a little sooner.
If the city is no longer involved in the EU to play their speculation games freely across all EU-countries, they would create a *big* war in Europe *soon* as they did every time for centuries.
As ZeroHedge says: “On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero …”
I mentioned that it is ironic that the British plays up the neo-Nazism or right wing thoughts of the killer. Yet, Britain and the US put in power murderous neo-nazis in power of a large country in Europe. The neo-nazis in US led Ukraine have killed thousands of civilians in Ukraine in the Eastern part and dissenters everywhere in Ukraine.
Here are some comments made by her (you can look up what other things she said here:
‘…does the Minister agree that it is the Syrian authorities who are primarily responsible for these horrific ongoing abuses, continuing their long-standing policy of targeting civilians in rebel-held areas? Does he also agree that we now urgently need a mechanism, with clear consequences, to deter further barbaric attacks on civilians?
What is the UK doing to work with all those with an influence over parties to the conflict, including Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran and Russia, to put pressure on all sides to stop all attacks on civilian targets, including hospitals? Does the Minister have evidence that Russian forces have been directly involved in the latest air strikes? If they were, does he agree that is it surely time for fresh sanctions against Russia?
While I am a huge fan of President Obama—indeed, I worked for him in North Carolina in 2008—I believe that both he and the Prime Minister made the biggest misjudgment of their time in office when they put Syria on the “too difficult” pile and, instead of engaging fully, withdrew and put their faith in a policy of containment…I do not believe that either President Obama or the Prime Minister tried to do harm in Syria…’
& this: ‘Secondly, is the UK joining efforts led by France for urgent action in the ISSG on the growing reports of violations of the cessation agreement by Assad and by Russia? Indeed, will the Minister address how it is even conceivable that the monitoring of the agreement is being jointly conducted by Russia, the same party that is responsible for the vast majority of recent civilian deaths? If the reports of Russian and regime violations are verified, what measures will the UK pursue to force a change in the calculations of both Putin and Assad? The UK has a critical role to play in giving everybody confidence in this system, in particular that the violations will be called out and the agreement protected. Are the Government considering, for example, further targeted sanctions against Russian entities in the event of further violations?’ –
This damn POS.
She deserved the death because she is co-responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths.
I withdraw my earlier statement that I feel sad for her.
Or was she only mis-informed because of having been lied to?
Even if – then still no excuse.
She also did a lot of propaganda for the Balkan Muslims. I don’t think she was misinformed or ignorant but one who pushed the NWO agenda and lies.
@ Ralph
Thanks for the excerpts, which tell a lot about the deceased. I know I’m going against the flow (of tears too) but she deserved her comeuppance and hope any one of the murderous cabal that have caused millions of deaths and mayhem for the Azion Empire meet the same end soon. She was one of them – she even proudly proclaimed serving Evil No.1 – and if she was being groomed for leadership, even better dead now than later. I’m sorry for her children though… for having had such mother.
Right on.
still not lost, lattest poll asof this morning
in/pit => 44%/44%
After the vote in Austria, I can’t believe these numbers anymore. It’s a “suspance” play to keep the tensions high.
I am going to be voting OUT/leave, to kick camoron in the b***s.
camoron is an out and out TRAITOR & LIAR, he – like bliar – was put into power by jews, and he is a jew too, who also wants Turkey in the EU, despite the lies he says to the contrary. Here you can see how the British embassy in ankara PROVES it: ‘We work on…Turkey’s bid to join the European Union.’
And, it’s what he said in his mid-term report: ”We have kept EU enlargement on track – for example through the accession of Croatia, planned for July 2013, and the opening of accession negotiations with Montenegro – and are pushing for further progress in Turkey’s accession process.’
Hi Ralph,
> ‘We work on…Turkey’s bid to join the European Union.’
That by itself will destroy the EU, and in case of a “stay” the UK with it.
In case of a “leave” the UK will strive to bring War to Europe even earlier.
It is a lose lose situation.
But yes – I would of course also vote for leave.
Better an end with horror than horror without an end!
@ Martin
“Better an end with horror then horror without an end”
That’s a great quote for my epitaph. Can I borrow it?
Before getting it carved though, there are great things to be done, like reversing Khrushchev’s dirty work on Stalin in which he was mightily assisted by the MSM cacophony.
> “Better an end with horror then horror without an end”
Isn’t that one common knowledge?
I just translated it from my memory. Not sure where I’ve heard it. Maybe at some divorce ;)
Yep, sure: Go on, especially in case of undoing Khrushchev!
Democracy has been dead for quite some time. The statements in this article also mirror the electorate process here in the U.S. I have worked as an election inspector and have run for political office myself. The corruption and deceit conducted by higher ups in both political parties just leaves one breathless. I call the the US, the Fourth World, in a class by itself. A combination of the First and Third World. A First World in living standard. A Third World in its political and civil conduct.
Martin Armstrong On Assassination Conspiracies: “There’s Too Much At Stake To Allow Brexit”
As Sterling Soars Above 1.47, Citi Admits That It Is “Stunned” – Here’s Why
UK Chancellor Demands Brexiters “Tone Down Rhetoric,” Then Compares Them To Nazis
Nigel Farage On Brexit: “We Had Momentum Until This Terrible Tragedy” – Here Are The Latest Odds
GBP rose almost 5 Cents since her murder (because it now seems to be clear that Britain will not leave the EU) :{%22allowChartStacking%22:true}
One more “proof” of what I’ve said over and over again,and say again. Political and social change comes from the “barrel of a gun” (to quote Mao’s wisdom about revolution) ,not the ballot box. It may be “legalized” at the end by the ballot box. But it never starts there. Those that think they can accomplish it that way only fool themselves. It has never been accomplished that way and I doubt ever will. Especially in a modern society where elite power is so strong.History is replete with the failures of those who thought they could “bring chance” peacefully.Even those few movements thought to have brought change “peacefully”,are really seen during the run-up to that change to have had moments of violence that were defining moments that spurred that change.It always disappoints and saddens me to see ” the people” always ready to “fool themselves” over and over again “hoping and praying” that “this time”,unlike the countless other’s will be “different”. Only to see their hopes and prayers crushed and unanswered (unless you count a “no” as the answer to those prayers).So in finish,yes the elite will almost certainly get their “remain vote”. It will probably,at best,be like Scotland’s fake vote. With a 5% (at least) win for “remain”.Cameron and the EU will announce it a “great victory” for a “United Europe”. And they will plot for ways to make sure no one can try that again.
if the “people’ do not start a revolution (having armed themselves), they will not be able to escape the slavery that awaits them, in any part of the world. And Russia and China, using their “soft power” should help them get the arms…we the people are in the hands of a brutal international bankers mafia who would not stop at anything to advance their agenda. I do not see many wall street people gunned down, or corrupted politicians, while I see many common fathers, mothers, children, elderly brutalized, abused, tortured in any part of the world. Protests do not pay anymore….the taking again of the Bastille probably…
The deep state will not allow any deviation from its path towards human extinction.
None of the trees can grow up to the sky
“Yet such a victory will have been bought at a terrible price – a blatant triple fraud against the democratic process…”
I am sure that will only make them all the happier. I recall reading, in a book about WW2, how Hitler meant something slightly “different” when he used the German word “klug”. Normally, “klug” simply means “clever”, but this author observed that Hitler tended to use it in the sense of “street-smart”, “sly”, or “devious” – all qualities of which he heartily approved in his own subordinates. To be called “klug” by Hitler meant that you were the sort of likely lad who was probably destined for the top of the Nazi hierarchy, leaving a trail of death, betrayal and treachery behind you.
There seem to be quite a lot of people of that kind in political and business leadership nowadays.
“Yet such a victory will have been bought at a terrible price – a blatant triple fraud against the democratic process…”
I am sure that will only make them all the happier. I recall reading, in a book about WW2, how Hitler meant something slightly “different” when he used the German word “klug”. Normally, “klug” simply means “clever”, but this author observed that Hitler tended to use it in the sense of “street-smart”, “sly”, or “devious” – all qualities of which he heartily approved in his own subordinates. To be called “klug” by Hitler meant that you were the sort of likely lad who was probably destined for the top of the Nazi hierarchy, leaving a trail of death, betrayal and treachery behind you.
There seem to be quite a lot of people of that kind in political and business leadership nowadays.
I censored myself, maybe now better (without additional comment)
F.asselineau warn about a probable assasination attempt in an interview on radio sputnik (French) on the 10 of June .
Just as it happened in sweden for their referendum to adopt the € in 2003 to the proeu foreign minister Ana Lindh.
As I posted above, her own words: ‘While I am a huge fan of President Obama—indeed, I worked for him in North Carolina in 2008’ – hmmmm.
Current unofficial pole suggests, the brittish will to leave the eu has strenghtened after this murder.
I, personally think, that this thing will b used to justify the inconsistency, that will appear after the votes are counted as to the polling numbers known today.
Yes, they are making the bed for their fraud, manufacturing talking points for the future.
…and thus making bed for the escalation of violence – they will reap the whirlwind.
All this hubbub about the Brexit vote and the false flag … I mean horrific murder of Jo Cox by an evil xenophobic Breexit terrorist could have been avoided if Britain just had America’s Diebold Voting Machines, which can produce whatever electoral result that you desire regardless of the actual votes cast!
Seriously though, it’s curious that the Cox murder happened around the same time that the Orlando shooting did in America–and both events are being manipulated to push certain political agendas in the USA and UK.
Purely coincidental of course.
And the great irony about the “European” Union is that it wasn’t even created by the Europeans but by the Americans, who designed this monstrosity as a way to keep their Euro-vassals on a tight leash.
This is perhaps why Barack Obama has been so insistent that Britain stay in the EU–and why the USA would have the motivation to stage a false flag murder of Cox to “steer” the Breexit vote.
That’s democracy in action!
@ Anonymous
There is nothing new under the sky. Gladio was used conspicuously throughout the 1960s and 1970s to keep a tight leash on European voters. C’est la meme chose.
True. Indeed, many of these current “terrorist” attacks, mass shootings, and assasinations are merely part of what has been called Gladio B.
Swedish Anna Lindh was killed shortly before the referendum of the euro. It may have had an impact, but it did not change the outcome. The Swedish people massively said no to the euro.
Jo Cox was a coming woman in British politics like what foreign minister Anna Lindh was in Sweden. At the time she was murdered, British papers wrote that she may have been the daughter of Olof Palme (a son of kings). This possibility was never mentioned in Swedish papers.
British media also reported better when Olof Palme was murdered. I think he was killed because he was disobedient, didn´t like the EU and wanted to preserve Swedish neutrality ands save central Europe from nuclear war together with Bruno Kreisky and Willy Brandt (Palme was fluent in German and French and the other two spoke Scandinavian languages, a powerful mix). British media pointed out he was a womanizer and may have had a mistress in London. Somebody may have been jealous. Perhaps, but I stand by my assessment. I met this man trice. I never talked with him, but my french girlfriend did and also my grandparents. He was a great man, one of the last statesmen in Europe. I honoured him the day after his death in February 1986. My son and I saw the blood and the flowers.
Jo Cox. “Gud hjalpe Aand hennes”, God help her spirit, as the Vikings old Norse.
You must be “Sassnitz” there?
Yes Martin, mein Freund (my friend), of course I am Sassnitz. Germany should have been reunited from DDR.
Auferstanden Aus Ruinen – DDR Anthem English Translation
Hello Sassnitz, my friend.
For 30 minutes I didn’t check ZeroHedge, and now already these new items:
72 Killed Resisting Gun Confiscation In Boston
GBPUSD just air-pocketed 100 pips – shortly after a very boring 2Y Treasury auction. The plunge from 1.47 to 1.4575 was extremely sharp and as of now it appears from desk chatter to be pre-emptive for the next polls – from ORB and YouGov – which are due at 10pm local time, or 5pm ET.
UK Referendum Timeline: What’s Next & What Happens After The Brexit Vote
Forgive me that I fell into ZH’s traop: They were describing the “And this fellow Americans, is how the American Revolution began, April 20, *1775*.”, but as hungry for clicks as they (as a commercial biz) are confused [Headline] with [last sentence of the article]
Ignore the ZH “April 1st” report about 72 Killed Resisting Gun Confiscation In Boston.
Don’t worry–it’s not working:
“British support for remaining in the European Union has weakened in the wake of the murder of the pro-EU politician Jo Cox, according to an online research company Friday.”
“The same thing happened in Norway, where the popularity of the anti-immigration parties was strengthened, not weakened, after Anders Breivik’s attacks on the junior members of the pro-immigration party.”
Even John Oliver on his HBO show, Last Week Tonight, sided with the remain side with the confusing statements that voting to leave the EU would essentially not change anything and that Brits would be insane to leave the EU.
@ OP:
Spot-on take [I just quickly brushed through the article, but what I read, I liked] on what just happened in the UK in a span of just a few short days. Oh, and is still happening… because this woman, and only this woman apparently, deserves endless ‘memorial’ ceremonies, one after another. As many as you can cram together from here till the voting day.
Also on this subject, I just saw the EU in/out Q&A session with Corbyn… (oh dear dog! And I thought porkophile Scameron Q&A session was bad enough last Saturday. Well! I was wrong. Dead wrong! If I have the stomach, I’ll post my reactions to Corbyn’s “performance” to it later…)
But there’s this: (*sigh* the voice of reason for a change…)
Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange Backs Brexit
“He said the UK government “launders things to the EU and then claims that it can’t do anything about it.” Adding:
“The UK is bad for the EU, but also the EU is bad for the UK because it permits a lack of democratic accountability in this country by permitting successive governments in this country to simply say ‘oh, we are forced into doing things because of EU legislation’ when it is precisely these governments that have been behind the EU legislation in the first place [..]”
^ And there you go, another guy who knows [besides the OP] what he’s talking about. The point he’s making there is the fundamental point a lot of Brexiters are also making about “democracy” and ruling “your own country,” only perhaps not as articulately.
In the end, it doesn’t matter if who ever has been voted-in turns out to be a fraud, at least people have the consolation prize of voting them out at the next election. No such thing going-on with the unelected EU Commission, which in turn, plays conveniently in the hands of elected main-stream parties, riddled with wide-spread globalist corruption all across the EU: they looooove to blame Brussels for all the things they’re “supposedly” not allowed to do, because of EU “directives,” “red-tape” or whatever they cite.
Step one: remove the excuse [clear the room]. Step two: expose them for what they are; unashamed, sociopathic liars. Step three; get rid of them at the first opportunity you get.
Not really Rocket Science, is it?
PS: When all the above fails, go for ‘Uncle B’s’ option [posted earlier] – me personally: I’m even more old-school than he is… I’m all pitchforks and torches ;-) (It’s a darn shame them iPhones don’t explode on command – they just fail and set themselves on fire randomly) :/
This article is a bit of a wank, I think.
Long with no real explanation to anyone who hasn’t actually lived in UK through the 70’s and knows British politics by heart for the past 40 years, and it’s a whine to extra time to register the voters although that would give both sides extra votes, and pretty much else “remain” campaign does, did or will ever do. As if the other side couldn’t print more leaflets, get more ads and all the rest?
Besides, everyone knows that this thing will be disregarded if “leave” wins, and hailed and milked for years if it decides to stay in EU.
Her “death” may be another hoax. People have noticed the strange behavior of her family members and that none of them seem genuinely sad. There are even smiles/smirks. She is probably still alive and will live under another name.
Watched the video of the family and sister’s speech.
Although there is on the surface too much cheeriness for the situation, I don’t think it supports any conspiracy about a faked death.
The sister said they’d always bee grown up (presumably by the mother, smiling next to her) to see the glass half full and be positive in everything.
I’d see this as reaction formation defences, British stiff upper lip, keep calm and carry on, anxious smiling in public glare etc.
Bizarre to some other cultures and classes yes.
But not dissimilar to some East Asian cultures who smile and nervously laugh in dreadful situations.
Whether she was set up by the Deep State is another matter.
The Remain campaign milked the situation.
The timing is suspicious.
But a hoax… No. Seriously doubt that.
I know that sometimes you do post articles by people who you don’t necessarily agree with – and who am I to disagree with that… BUT… who the hell is this Nick Griffen.
Is it not the Nick Griffen who is the ex leader of the fascist British National Party?
This is from the Wikipedia article on the Nick Griffen I am refering to,
I quote,
“In 1998 Griffin was convicted of distributing material likely to incite racial hatred, for which he received a suspended prison sentence. In 2006 he was acquitted of separate charges of inciting racial hatred. Griffin has been criticised for many of his comments on political, social, ethical and religious matters, but after becoming leader of the BNP he sought to distance himself from some of his previously held positions, which include Holocaust denial. In recent years, events where Griffin has been invited to participate in public debates or political discussions have proven controversial and often resulted in protests and cancellations.”
“He helped set up the White Noise Music Club in 1979, and several years later worked with white power skinhead band, Skrewdriver.”
I am not necessarily disagreeing about the posting of the article, or the contents of the article (that convinces me that it is the ex leader of the BNP), it is just that I think you are seriously falling down here without a discription of who the author is (given the name).
With regards,
@ Andrew
You raised a good point although I don’t see any reason why the article shouldn’t be aired here. The EU is part or vassal of the UZion empire and it’s disintegration is a godsend for Russia, the very reason for our blog.
I don’t think the Saker attempted to deceive as to the identity of the author = he could very easily use any nom-de-plume he fancied and you would be none the wiser. I think it is very honest that he put his name upfront.
Just a couple of points Andrew:
Thank you for raising that Andrew, yes, I am indeed THAT Nick Griffin – which I think speaks volumes for the courage and broad-minded commitment to free speech of your Editor, who has been ‘accused’ of being “pro-Muslim” – something which has rarely been said of me!
A couple of points in response: First, for the sake of non-Brit readers, I’d like to point out that, in the UK law under which I was prosecuted, “the truth is no defence”. The judge in my first trial, summing up before sentencing me after I’d been convicted by a jury in one of the most ‘liberal’ parts of London, acknowledged that everything I had written was true and said I had “crossed the line inadvertently” – which is why he suspended the sentence.
Second, in 2006 I was ACQUITTED by two juries in Yorkshire who objected to the British state’s attempt to use the same rotten laws to try to punish me for trying to draw public attention to the then-hidden scandal of the mass sexual grooming and drug rape of English and Sikh girls by gangs of young Muslim men from the Wahhabi-radicalised (self-created) ghettos of England.
Third, is there really something wrong with trying to involve alienated youngsters in the democratic process, and using music to do so?
Fourth, one thing Wiki won’t report (they won’t even let me edit out the many mistakes in their entry on me!) is that I went to Damascus as the war criminal Cameron was preparing to attack Syria in 2013 and wrote the letter that the Speaker of the Syrian People’s Assembly sent to all British MPs and which helped to sway the vote to a tiny majority against war and the disaster it would have created.
I assume that, as a Saker follower, you’re pro-Assad and against the schemes of Cameron, Nato, et al. So hopefully you’ll concede that I’m not all bad!
Thank you Nick for this article and your courage in highlighting the scheming (to put it mildly) going on in the UK right now. Just the other day when reading Saker’s blog I was wondering why there is no mention or analysis of UK referendum but I now see it’s been addressed quite well.
I have been trying to explain to some of my Remain and pro-EU friends that various British and European patriotic parties are usually against the interventionism (amongst other things) and that their influence on Western foreign policy can reasonably be expected to be an improvement to what we have now. It is hard however to drive this point home amongst all the noise and name calling.
So late Jo Cox has been made into some hero but how many remember that she was one of several MPs who in October last year publicly called for yet another ‘humanitarian intervention’ this time in Syria, (after Russia had already started their involvement). Is this something we’re supposed to celebrate and what does an average British person gain from such policies?
Nick, thank you for responding.
My only point is that I thought there should have been an introduction about you. In the past there have been introductions to guest writers and I think it is important that we know who the author is. To be clear, it was never my intention to suggest that your article be removed.
I concede that you defend yourself very well.
Do you guys think there is actual fiddling with the ballots at elections like this one?
Yes! The postal votes (anyone can get one in the UK simply on request, there are millions of them and people with them are much more likely to vote) are especially vulnerable to fraud. They come in over several weeks to local town halls and are opened each day by a couple of bureaucrats, all of whom are members of the pro-Labour, pro-Remain trade union UNISON.
There is no oversight at this stage and each day the ballots are stored in totally insecure cardboard boxes. So either the clique who the local (Labour) council appoint to open the ballots, or any other town hall worker who has a go at the boxes later, can take a pencil and enter second crosses on as many ‘Leave’ ballot papers as they want, thereby spoiling them.
The British electoral system disgraces your average banana republic. I’ve monitored elections in Russia, Ukraine and Azerbijan, and nowhere have I seen a system have as bad as Britain’s.
Yes, look into the background and results of 2nd round of Austrian Presidential Elections. An appeal has been submitted to their Constitutional Court few weeks ago. In summary:
– Some postal votes were counted without observers
– Overall postal votes showed a much higher swing to pro-EU and globalist option than the opinion polls and votes at polling station did
– A number of towns or regions showed a higher than registered number of votes
– A much higher percentage of ‘invalid’ votes in the 2nd round compared to 1st round even though the ballot and the choice was much simpler (2 candidates only)
– Official website on the evening of live vote counting showed a clear advantage for FPO even after adding postal votes (partly counted). Then the same page went down and on the following Monday a result was announced which “made the EU breathe the sigh of relief”
As a result Pro EU candidate won by only 30,000 votes. We’ll see what happens after review by Constitutional Court.
I suspect that the “Constitutional Court” is made up of the same pro-elite faction in power. To repeat the often misquoted saying said to be by Stalin, “it doesn’t matter who votes,but who counts the votes”. Regardless who said it,its totally true today just as it was yesterday.The key is to make sure that our side never must worry about that again.After liberation,a system needs to be established “guaranteeing” (without question) the neutrality of vote counting. How to do that ,I’m not sure. But it must be done.If we are to live in any kind of true “democratic” nation. If not,we should give up the idea of real democracy and just accept a dictated state organization. But one that functions for the good of the “people” not just for the elite. To me that choice is the most important for the “modern World”,present and future.And will determine mankind’s future for a very long time.
Brexit Referendum: London changing ‘Leave’ Votes marked with pencils
On twitter the hashtag #usepens begun to rapidly gain popularity in order to spread the word. This is after voters reported polling station officials reaching for and using erasers.
Jo Cox and Thomas Mair stand out as two sincere, yet irreconcilable, promoters of “European values”. The former a liberal imperialist spouting lies and imbecilities learned by rote about — most notably — Russia, Syria, and of course the horrible EU itself; the latter a violent slob yearning for imperialism without immigrants and refugees. Indeed, should his act of murder swing the outcome of the referendum, he’ll be richly ‘rewarded’ by the victorious EU fanatics in charge all right, poor sod. As for the liberal imperialists, one wonders if their arrogance and their raw contempt of all and sundry will allow their precious EU to survive for even two years before it finally comes crashing down.
A very interesting article Mr Griffin, of similar vein to your stuff when you led the British National Party.
The Neave comparison is most pertinent and it highlights Cameron’s unscrupulous fraudulent attitude so typical of his sort.
There was one thing you failed to mention, however, in or out we will still be under the thumb of the privately owned Bank of England. And we all know who actually owns this fraudulent bank!
Thus no matter what the actual result all the British people will still remain, just as the rest of the EU will remain, economic slaves to this family of the red shield.
Brexit does not matter one jot because it is just another Establishment cover up operation to hide the truth.
Armed rebellion for the most part has been sponsored by this red shield family throughout the world from Oliver Cromwell through to the Third Reich.
They always win, as you well know Mr Griffin. Thus my question to you is: why is it that you do not write the truth?
Brexit is a sham and always has been, and you know it!
The real problem is the economic slavery we endure through all of the “free world”.
Makes me wonder whose side you are really on: the people’s or the red shield’s.
Brexit may not cure all ills, but it is a significant first step.
@ Richard Cley
I fully agree with you that Brexit will have not brought the primordial aim of smashing the existing corrupt political order. But don’t expect a cosmic event to do the job for us!
The Marxist revolution started as an international working class movement to topple the capitalist elites, perfectly aware that it was a class struggle, not a nationalist project. But some countries’ working classes were far ahead of others in their political development (e.g. Germany’s was the vanguard for decades in organization and discipline while the French more daring and spirited) and it was necessary to adjust the speed of the revolutionary process according to the local conditions. In the end Lenin took the bold move to leapfrog Germany but the Soviets soon learned that international solidarity, although very enthusiastic among the intelligentsia and progressive political circles, was lacking where it matters and they were left alone to fend for themselves, hence Stalin’s slogan “Communism in one Country”.
The lesson is, we can’t have simultaneous uprisings all over Europe, not even an isolate one because, in last resort, NATO’s Gladio is there and it is at work. Or do you think NATO is there to protect the US?
But a little exit here and another one there will eventually gather some momentum and bring the collapse of the parasitic Empire, including the Russian oligarchic branch.
@Kim: Even worse: Today we don’t have nations anymore. And especially: We don’t have a working class anymore, no-where.
What we do have is a merger of brainwashed MSM programmed zombies, fragmented and shattered into thousands of pieces. And Individualistic and the more so egocentric and egoistic ones. Geiz ist geil …
To organize them into a class struggle is out of any question.
And this didn’t even calculate in the illiterate migrant swarms.
I didn’t write about the Rothschilds and the fractional reserve banking system (which I have opposed all my political life and opposition to which I had inserted into the old BNP constitution) because the article was about Jo Cox and the EU referendum, and not about the banking swindle. I’ve written plenty of those elsewhere.
That comment shouldn’t have been ‘Anonymous’. I wrote it!
To my knowledge the BoE is publicly owned since after the last world war
As was mentioned on Crosstalk (and also here). The most “probable” election/referendum fraud may be in the “postal ballots” of the almost 5 million British citizens aboard. That is around 8% of Britain’s population. If they vote “remain” (which is likely) that may be the deciding factor. I don’t believe unless you live in a country.You should be able to vote in local elections. Your life isn’t affected by these votes (at least in most ways). Unlike the peoples lives that “actually” like in their countries.If you have “left” your country (unless its a temporary absence),why should your wishes be counted as opposed to those citizens living there.I see that as a “prime” way for the global elites to control nations from a distance. And I think they are very aware of that and use it.
@ Uncle Bob
Good point, but disenfranchising citizens would open a Pandora’s box although I don’t think it would make much difference to the final result: people end up electing politicians anyway, and that is the cause of all ills.
The elites use the electoral system to: 1. Legitimate the appropriation of power; 2. Manipulate it to serve their agenda and remain in power.
The clearest case of electoral manipulation (apart from outright fraud)was the Blair’s regime opening up the immigration floodgates to perpetuate New Labour’s hold on power. The great majority of immigrants tend to vote Labour and changing the demographics of the UK would ensure a virtual dictatorship.
Blair’s megalomania though took over his scheming plans when he joined Bush to bring mayhem to the Middle East. He became toxic and Labour is in the wilderness. Just deserves for such evil man – actually he deserves the bullet that was fired the other day; that would be justice.
Hi Kim,
all the time I have been thinking of _2_ possible outcomes:
#0.) Same rigging as always (Scotland, Austria) and/or ignoring the outcome if undesired (EU constitution, Netherlands Ukraine vote, Greece June 2015 referendum)
#1.) The Cabal markets *urgently* need a reset, crisis, civil war.
Having the vote permitted as BREXIT (or setting whjatever results they find most useful) would offer them this unique chance of blaming all economoc problems on Brexit, rather than every time on Russia and Assad (ok, to top this they can later claim that “Putin is behind Brexit”).
If that second option was chosen (perhaps at Dresden’s Bilderberg meeting), then it would be even more fitting to make tomorow a black Friday event. That would explain why they kept claiming for 5 days that BREMAIN will win. Because now Billions have been invested into GBP and the metals didn’t get as much as theiy would otherwise have. Rather the contrary: within just 5 days it was plummeted from 1150 EUR to now 1100 EUR:
Those who are internals to the secret internal agenda can have made a fex extra Billions that way as weekend bonus.
And even better: Others have lost this money and when the European markets open in 8 hours this can cause a mass-hysteria and Panic.
So much about my personal little theory.
Let’s wait a few more hours, then we know it.
Myself and my wife voted by post. Granted we currently live in canada, but we are moving back to the UK in September and thus feel our vote counts. Whether that vote will actually end up being counted, we have the right to do so.
Brilliant , and so sad .
It’s easy to imagine some MI5 agent whispering ideas into the shooter’s ear.
@ Anonymous
They are much more sophisticated and deadly than just whispering bad thoughts. Mind control is quite an ageing science now and has a huge box of tools and tricks of trade to influence and command behaviour. Also a long tradition in political motivated killings especially in the US.
There is a common thread in most recent “terrorist” shootings: almost invariably, the shooters are mentally unbalanced individuals with connections to the spy/secret services agencies. And that tells a tale.
Whether the British choose to leave or remain in the EU during this referendum is almost immaterial. The European Union is a non-functional organisation and is doomed to collapse under its own hubris in a short time. The growing unpopularity of policies originating in the USA and imposed – via Brussels – on the European peoples will lead to their downfall.
Just like the collapse of the Soviet Empire, this one will happen in a very brief period of time. Later, all the fake analysts will pretend that they saw it coming all along – just like with the USSR collapse.
Here is a good roundup:
“Murder, Lifeboats, an Iceberg and an Orchestra”
@ Alfred
Sorry to sound a discordant note, but I don’t see the remotest analogy between the collapse of the USSR and the economic abyss facing the EU, not to mention the wide chasm between the people and their rulers.
The collapse of the Soviet Union was a top-down affair where the elites plotted to plunder the state’s assets through privatization schemes in cohorts with US/EU/Jewish banksters and Harvard economists. That’s why there so many Russian billionaires relatively to the countries GDP and population. It was plain highway robbery of people’s share of the national wealth.
Capitalism will reach a dead end regardless because it is inherent to the system that relies on perpetual consumption beyond human needs and exhaustion of resources for continuing growth. Competition will lead inexorably to monopoly where scant resources will be ultimately controlled by fewer corporations, a process already evident by the accumulation of wealth by the 1/% and their control of the political process. Concomitant with that is the increasing inequality and impoverishment of the masses.
In the past there were escape mechanisms to control social/political tensions, be it migrations, wars, plagues, revolutions or economic advancements, but in the modern urbanized societies people are trapped in a straight-jacket of laws imposed by a state that has the monopoly over weapons and violence and the only outlet left to resolve the contradictions of the capitalist economic model is war for the control of ever diminishing resources.
Unless the people resist being part of it by acts of civil disobedience and opting out of the economic rat-race, we are condemned to the horrors of a war to end all wars and humanity.
@Alfred: Kim is 100% correct, see this video:
How the West Re-colonized China
With the Soviet Union it came differently and 7 years later, but essentially it was the same principle:
Всё идёт по плану (Everything goes according to plan,)
Jo Cox: The french politician François Asselineau anticipated such an event !
Publié le 20 juin 2016 dans Europe / Lien permanent
This interview of François Asselineau was produced by Sputnik Radio on June 9th, 2016, exactly one week BEFORE the murder of British MP Jo Cox.
François Asselineau is the president of the UPR, the French political party fastest growing, which offers French to come together to get France out of the EU, the euro and NATO. »
A part of an interview of François Asselineau, the leader of the « Union populaire Républicaine » (, a french political party which campaigns for France leaving the EU, the euro and the NATO.
This ‘referendum’ was stolen long before this attack. Basic rule: European plutocracies will not let a referendum take place unless they are sure of the outcome. How can they be sure? They’re rigged of course.
MI5 has this one. Chances are, the final percentage was decided upon months ago. They may even be able to manipulate the outcome down to a tenth of a percentage. My bet is the usual ‘close call’ hoax, with remain/exit looking something like 53/47.
‘Cause you know, you have to make the plebs think they’re in control and that everything in a flourishing democracy comes down to the wire.
The strangest, and most suspicious thing about the murder of Jo Cox, is the speed with which the murderer, Thomas Mair was linked to far right groups in the USA via an alleged ‘invoice’ for right wing books and weapons manuals, dated to the 1990s. These documents were ‘discovered’ by the Southern Poverty and Law Centre – buried among the paper records, which they hold in their archives, of a defunct neonate group from a time before emails or electronic invoicing. These documents appeared in the British press within 12 hours of Mair’s arrest.
How is that possible?
There was no mention of an ‘American link’ in any evidence from the British police on the day it happened. All of Mair’s neighbours gave evidence that he had “never expressed any political views of any kind in 20 years”. they also said he was the most mild-mannered person in the community and had “never been known to even swear in the last 20 years, even when the local kids were tormenting him”.
Why did an obscure Southern American Law Centre suddenly decide, on hearing of the murder of a British MP by a mentally ill loner, 3,000 miles away – why did they decide to go searching into a TWENTY YEAR OLD paper invoice archive – and how were they possibly able to find a single invoice from Thomas Mair within half a day? What motivated them to even try to do that?
If you asked any large organisation in the UK to go back 20 years in its paper archives, from the time before emails, databases and Google – and pull out a single invoice for a magazine, from someone who lives the other side of the Atlantic – how could they possibly do that?
I’m not suggesting that the invoice was necessarily ‘fake’ – but it does suggest that an Intelligence Agency ‘planted’ that information to achieve maximum affect in the UK within hours.
The scenario that you describe about Mair’s invoice is actually quite plausible and is not suspicious in the least–just like the absolutely plausible idea that Mohammed Atta’s paper passport would be conveniently found in the World Trade Center rubble, surviving both an airplane catastrophically slamming into the WTC towers and the collapse of these towers involving fires with temperatures hot enough (allegedy) to melt steel girders.
An obscure invoice reappearing after decades.
Or a magical indestructible passport.
It’s is all quite PLAUSIBLE.
Ripley’s Believe It or Not!
It is odd to rail against ultra-nationalists in Ukraine and then present this as by an author vetted by the Saker with interesting things to say.
@ Alex on June 21, 2016 · at 11:51 am UTC
“””””It is odd to rail against ultra-nationalists in Ukraine and then present this as by an author vetted by the Saker with interesting things to say.”””””
What is wrong with you?
You want to compare good patriots like Nigel Farage to the Zio-Nazi Mafia Junta of Kiev?
Where did you hear that, on reuters (the Brexit bashing part only, of course)?
I wasn’t aware Mr. Farage wrote the article.
“”””” Alex on June 21, 2016 · at 9:37 pm UTC
I wasn’t aware Mr. Farage wrote the article.”””””
I said *like* Nigel Farage.
And here some hints what this means:
Like Like (l[imac]k), a. [Compar. Liker (l[imac]k”[~e]r);
superl. Likest.] [OE. lik, ilik, gelic, AS. gel[imac]c, fr.
pref. ge- + l[imac]c body, and orig. meaning, having the same
body, shape, or appearance, and hence, like; akin to OS.
gil[imac]k, D. gelijk, G. gleich, OHG. gil[imac]h, Icel.
l[imac]kr, gl[imac]kr, Dan. lig, Sw. lik, Goth. galeiks, OS.
lik body, D. lijk, G. leiche, Icel. l[imac]k, Sw. lik, Goth.
leik. The English adverbial ending-ly is from the same
adjective. Cf. Each, Such, Which.]
1. Having the same, or nearly the same, appearance,
qualities, or characteristics; resembling; similar to;
similar; alike; — often with in and the particulars of
the resemblance; as, they are like each other in features,
complexion, and many traits of character.
[1913 Webster]
‘T is as like you
As cherry is to cherry. –Shak.
[1913 Webster]
I think you’ll find that Mr. Farage would be rightly indignant if you said he is “like” the author of this article. It may be that you are unfamiliar with who’s who and what’s what in British politics. One thing I should clarify: I am talking about ultra-nationalist ideology and racism.
You are right that I didn’t know Nick Griffin before.
My hero is Nigel Farage, except for his exterritorial “City of London” past and in my view he is too friendly with the Zionist lobby, for example alone by never speaking out the word “Zionism”.
He also stated that he is against more regulations regarding the banking sector. In my view that’s a clear contradiction to many of his popular other positions.
I heard about Nick Griffin for the first time here through this article and after your first complaint I googled for hime and read his wikipedia page. I cannot find anything worrying.
As for alleged “racism”: I had to change planes in Heathrow 1 day before the Brussels attacks. And the luggage controls took forever. I complained why one queue is progressing 3 times as quickly as my queue, and as response I got the penalty that they refused to deal with me at all. All the staff there are muslims in religious clothing (males/females) and some of the young men even have beards. I complained and wanted to see the boss. An elderly pro-EU anti-Russia lady orifginally from Poland arrived. Then I asked her, for what all the hassle? Do they really believe that I feel safer now after seeing that the controls are being performed by religious muslims? And here we are: BENG! Suddenly they accused *me* of “racial hatespeech” and she called in her boss’s boss. All staff were unanimously speaking out against me and blaming me for “hatespeech”. Why???? Only because I said that I don’t feel more secure now after seeing that all the controls are in the hands of religious muslims. That was all I said.
Now – one of them was most aggressive against me and wanted to ensure that I get off-boarded from my BA plane back to Germany. I could only avoid that extremely tightly after first telling them 20 times that I’m not a racist and in fact have muslims friends and what not. They reminded me that “their” muslims are good people and “have changed”. Well – and on the next day Brussels (whatever it was) happened and reportedly up to 50 muslims worked on Brussels Airport and some of them were accused of being involved.
Isn’t that funny?
So much for what is necessary for getting blamed to be a “racist” in Britain: Nothing!
Yet if somebody brutally assaults and beats and murders his very innocent 6yo angel girl or beats all of his girfriends with iron sticks, he first gets his child back (so he can commit the murder) and when he has finished all he gets are 2 decades on paper, probablyn he will get set on free foot in 11 years:
Where were people like you complaining about “Nazis” when the UK pushed for the Fascist putsch in Kiev and when the Ukrainian “defenders” started to brutally shell, burn, shoot, stab to death, strange and bomb civilian areas in the center of Europe (DonBass)?
Where have folks like you been complaining when NATO committed the worst war crime murders in Yugoslavia (1/2/3)?
Graphic: nato bombing serbia 1999
Where have you been every round when Israel kills innocent unarmed civilians in the Gaza strip through carpet bombing, next graphic images:
gaza children (scroll down if you can stand it)
Only because somebody asks a few justified questions, why does that make him a bad person? What’s wrong with demanding scientific proof?
I as Soviet communist tell you: You confuse good vs. evil and protect the evil.
The question is: Knowingly or un-knowingly??
And now attempt to find arguments against what I said, I wished you could, but you won’t.
Because that’s the horrible reality we are living in.
I’m sorry. Not a clue how what you say follows on from your mistake in likening Mr. Farage to Mr. Griffin. UK ultra-nationalist and racist groups only ever managed to kick in a few heads and torch a few properties. I don’t think (but may be wrong) that they even manage to kill an immigrant or two like their friends on the Continent. In the last few years, Mr. Griffin has tried to present himself as more reasonable version (!) of this UK ultra-nationalism and racism, and has managed only to confirm that he is a buffoon who ought now to be an irrelevance. There are reasonable people in UKIP. They would have nothing to do with Mr. Griffin.
As I say, how the rest of your comments follow, I really don’t know. Sorry.
All I say is:
I didn’t know Mr. Griffin before.
I don’t know much about him.
But what I so far read written by him and about him doesn’t make him a bad person.
So far I agree with a lot of what he states in his article above.
Maybe you can tell me why he is so bad in your view?
Maybe then I understand you better?
And what precise part of my message is your
“””””As I say, how the rest of your comments follow, I really don’t know. Sorry.”””””
referring to?
Use precise language, then you get precise answers.
You did not just say, “I didn’t know etc.” What you said was, “You want to compare good patriots like Nigel Farage to the Zio-Nazi Mafia Junta of Kiev?” To which the answer is, No, which is why I didn’t. Mr. Griffin is not a good patriot like Mr. Farage, but an ultra-nationalist and a racist, whose ideology is little different from that of ultra-nationalists and racists in Ukraine. He did try to pretend to be reasonable and credible, in the hope of electoral success. It didn’t work, except apparently with some people outside the UK.
As for what precise part of your message seemed to me not to follow: – everything from “As for alleged “racism”…” What has this to do with you lumping Mr. Griffin in with Mr. Farage? (And why does the word “racism” come with quotation marks?)
I don’t care about your sort of’s allegations.
What I do care about is this:
Barbara Lerner Spectre calls for destruction of Christian European ethnic societies
What the heck is Barbara Spectre’s motivation
Try To Get Your Head Around This – Sweden Is Gone, Sweden Is Finished
An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel
Brutal CIVIL WAR-scenes in Paris/FRANCE – Prepare for this FUTURE in EUROPE ! 18++
European CIVIL WAR – Europe vs Islam – Islam vs The World Documentary 2016
The Shocking Violent Islamic Invasion of Europe 2015-2016 (Mirror)
16 y/o German girl talks about muslim immigration, destruction of her own country (Engl. subs)
Calais Emigrant vs. Drivers & EUROPA
Rioting Migrants – Watch African Refugees Destroy Europe [France + Italy]
And now take your smart talking about “Racism” and go home.
At the moment it is still possible to walk around outside without getting immediately beaten or shot.
But as things are progressing it won’t stay that way forever. So run …
Ok, last video: This one is even better, that’s all I say about this subject, now you know what’s coming.
If you ignore or downplay these dangers then ask yourself how you will one day explain it to your children.
The Most Disturbing Video on the Islamic Invasion of Europe You’ll Ever See
@ Martin:
It’s all part of the same establishment smear-campaign against: anybody that doesn’t agree with the globalist/neo-liberal agenda, they’re are all either: “far-right” (and as you know, even RT jumped on that bandwagon too) or they’re racist-nazi-xonophobe-eugenesists… or both!
They did this to a long line of dissenters including: Farage, LePen[s], Hofer [from Austria], Orban, Frauke Petry [AfD], shall I dare include Trump in here too (?) and plenty of others.
The establishment smear-campaign is so Orwellian that I’m starting to wonder if Greece’s ’Golden Dawn’ is as bad as “they” claim it is at this point… to be honest with you :/
But in any case; you’ll also find people like BNP N. Griffin, both him and his party got smeared as helpless ‘racists’ a few political cycles ago. Another one worth mentioning: Tommy Robinson [English League], just Google him, follow what happened to him in the last couple of years and “enjoy” the revelations…
The Saker has a ban on racism. Could someone explain what is banned.
Is it a ban on blanket abuse on grounds of some more or less vague genetic criterion?
Why is that more reprehensible than blanket abuse on grounds, say, of creed?
(With the National Front, it used to be on grounds of not-English, coloured, Muslim (or Hindu) (or Jewish), and living in England (where they have “no right” to be, taking jobs off etc. etc.). Would that have fallen under the ban on racism, or not?)
And the ideology of ultra-nationalism, is it to be disapproved of only in Ukraine? For which nations is it a Good Thing and which not?
The Saker works hard to warn us of the risk the West poses. There is also the looming risk from the waste we emit in advanced economies, capitalist or otherwise.
Yet all some people take away (or bring to the table) is that Muslims should not be allowed in our country, and aggressive nationalism is okay as long as it’s ours.
Not very helpful, in the circumstances. (Hint: it’s not Muslims threatening to destroy humanity.)
@ Martin:
“All the staff there are muslims in religious clothing (males/females) and some of the young men even have beards.”
Ooooh, this pisses me off to no end. I mean, I have no problems with trimmed short beards, but the beards these folk tend to sport are just nasty, untidy and certainly unprofessional.
School kids have to abide – whether they like it or not – by strict dress-codes at school or they get suspended (let’s all remember this is school, not a job), one girl got suspended for wearing two different types of shoes, one being the officially accepted one and the other a sports sneaker, which her doctor told her to wear because of a foot injury. Another kid got suspended because he had a ‘funky’ hair cut. Oh! and for male students in general, long hair is strictly out of the question, never mind a punk-rock Mohican. In other schools girls a banned from opting-out of wearing the uniform skirt in favor of wearing pants.
On a personal note: in one of my schools, a girl got suspended for wearing nail-polish, but not before she was humiliated in front of the entire class, forced to scrub the nail polish using her own nails. I couldn’t bare to watch, that episode was as traumatizing for me as it was for her, the distress in her face, I’ll never forget it.
Yet these grown-up musulim men and women get a pass and wear whatever the hell they like even at work (?!). But dog forbid if a 12 year old boy wears a funky hair cut at school!
And yes! I remember when you told us about your ordeal at Heathrow Airport, more or less as it was happening.
Count yourself “lucky” that you were a German citizen exiting the UK. If you were a UK citizen instead, they would have removed you and arrest you. You would have been sitting in a police question room, having to answer all sorts of self-incriminating questions, and you would have missed your flight on top of everything else, without compensation because… from their point of view, you brought it all on yourself. That’s their mentality.
“Now – one of them was most aggressive against me and wanted to ensure that I get off-boarded from my BA plane back to Germany”
Here’s a tip. Never-ever! Not Ever! Fly with BA. They have thee most unhelpful, rude and objectionable staff you’ll ever come across. I’m sure even cheap airlines like Ryanair or Easy Jet staff are heaps friendlier than that lot. Nasty bunch, they are. Trust me.
“Well – and on the next day Brussels (whatever it was) happened and reportedly up to 50 muslims worked on Brussels Airport and some of them were accused of being involved.”
And let’s not forget the Egyptian flight that left Paris and exploded somewhere over the Mediterranean. The Paris airport was found to have lots of Muslims (with proven extremist inclinations) working at high-security/sensitive places in that airport. But that’s been swept under the carpet. Last I heard about this issue (a couple or so, days ago) is that they finally found the black boxes. Oh! But what do you know? They’re highly damaged and it’ll take for-eh-ver to rescue the data.
“Where were people like you complaining about “Nazis” when the UK pushed for the Fascist putsch in Kiev and when the Ukrainian “defenders” started to brutally shell, burn, shoot, stab to death, strange and bomb civilian areas in the center of Europe (DonBass)?”
Well said, my friend! Well said. Since you veered into that topic. Just today I came across this…
[Must warn, because according to some of the comments, some couldn’t even finish watching the included vid, so: WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT]
‘He is not dead yet’ : Traumatic footage shows ‘Ukrainian soldiers burying a Russian separatist ALIVE’
“TV channel claims video shows Ukrainian soldiers murdering a pro-Russian separatist [..]”
Haha, some “ultra-nationalists”, those highly adorable Ukros! Seem to be very happy inviting criminal foreigners to rule over their Banderite fiefdom. Victoria Nuland proved Marie Antoinette right: Offer the slobs some cookies and they’ll eat shit out of sheer gratitude. Clearly, that’s not nationalism; it’s total worthlessness and vileness.
Stocks, Sterling Slide As Brexit Poll Show Rise In “Leave” Vote
But as ioan said and as I said for years: This entire 50%:50% ratio *again*, like with Austria and Schottland before, same with the 2008 Obama election and the 2000 Bush election: That often in a row it simply cannot happen.
Those “poll” results can only have been made up in some lonely dark room, like the mentioned “referenda” or “elections”.
I simply don’t buy that and never did.
It is not a probable outcome, yet they “reach” such “tight” results each time.
Makes me produce a dry laugh with echo: HXA HXA HXA
Juncker Proclaims Himself All-Knowing God Of EU
In that note don’t forget his video (2nd half):
Jean-Claude Juncker – the best!
Junk-er is rude, obnoxious & disgusting! Loves to kiss the arse of the The Tribe members.
“Without Jews, there is no Europe”
–Jean-Claude Juncker
Yes – that’s our President.
And we can be proud if him/(it!)
Maybe we should be happy that the EU has such “leaders”.
Because this way it becomes much clearer to the audience what the EU really it.
It is a tragedy that good old (but too old) comrade Brezhnew wasn’t toppled a decade before his death. If a large country – be it a good one like the USSR or a bad one like this evil empire now -is ruled by “leaders” which for health reasons, due to advanced age or in this case simply weak personality and lack of character or whatever cannot perform their duties and everybody sees it, then it will terminate this country.
So let’s be thankful having such leaders as Tusk and Juncker or until last year Barroso and (most of all) van Rompoy(stielzchen).
She lived by the sword. She died by the sword.
She didn’t care about the deaths of innocents.
Good riddance.
Typical MI5 operative recruited in Cambridge. She will reappear after some minor cosmetic surgury .
Likely have a name change as well – Something like ‘Joanna Cox’ !
I know the Irlmaier prophecies about WWIII in Europe. There is one sentence in them, that seemed obscure to me before, but not now anymore:
“after the murder of the third one it will start.”
Which third one? There have been many assassinations before. It cannot be only politicians or leaders generally, the three must have one important, visible thing in common.
Could it be
that the three politicians mentioned are militant pro-EU politicians…
murdered either by lone desperado anti-EU wolves –
personal developments which may occur more frequent than thought before –
or by Secret Services?
Then, Ms cox would be the first and lets wait for the next
and hope to God the All-Merciful
(I purposefully used the Islamic address to the Lord, as it is true for all religions and constitutes a peace-allowing bridge between Islam and our Occidental image of God)
the number of Three be never reached.
WW III theoretically still can be prevented by Common Sense and Civil Courage shown in daily life by the masses in East and West. Pope Francis does his best to evoke these virtues by sermons. And he says: Watch and pray. What else can I say?
NB I am very curious for the results of the Orthodox Council, where can I read its declarations in English or German translation?
These “seeings” and “prophecies” are so like soft-gummi and totally generic and non-specific, what’s the point in guessing?
seems you didnt read any text of Irlmaier before. dont lump all prophecies together, the wheat and the chaff.
The grand prize by the pro EU supporters is mass uncontrollable immigration. Buy to let landlords ( most uk mp’s), the corporations that profit on cheap labour and associated activities.
The proper name for whats going on is ponzi demographics” google the name for an explanation.
Is whats left of the uk worth saving tho thats the question?
Hi Paul,
Watch this in regards to your comment of “mass uncontrollable immigration”.
Carmel by the Sea
Thank you for this analysis about this monster Spectre’s goals.
this redirected me to the next interesting video:
Try To Get Your Head Around This – Sweden Is Gone, Sweden Is Finished
@ Martin:
“Try To Get Your Head Around This – Sweden Is Gone, Sweden Is Finished”
Oh. yes. Sweden is pretty much caput.
Sorry, I haven’t watch the vid (mostly because I’m bounded by this limited megabytes I’m allocated per month) but I’ve been following what is happening in Sweden for months now; no-go gettos (not even police can enter them), refugee rape capital of the world, and dog knows what else is not coming up to light, because the suppression of these type of news over there is even more fierce than in Germany (can you believe it?), but the big story, one of many they are suppressing for after the UK referendum, is the eye watering bill the Swede tax payer will be forced to pay to house, clothe and feed the refugees. If you think the Greece indebtness is bad, you ain’t seen nothing yet. And Germany’s bill for the same (refugees) is another that is estimated to run on the hundreds of billions, so, you guys are not too far behind Sweden in that respect.
All EU countries are keeping their worst economic and/or migrant stories under wraps, all in order not to spook the UK voters. After that, who knows? There are also a lot of draconian legislation coming down the Brussels’ pike, that has been put on hold for the same reason, chief amongst them the proposals to ban referendums on EU countries, and the fast tracking of Turkey into the EU.
I’m telling you… it is a nightmare.
Oh! And after a Brexit/Remain vote, expect the Islamic Terrorists (which all allowed to ‘just be’ under the protectorate of the EU) to resume their “normal activities” in Europe, you know… gunning people down, blowing places up, bringing planes down (etc). Back to business as usual. That’s why their latest high-profile attack was on US soil and not Europe (mustn’t spook them UK voters into voting to exit) and that’s also why Belgian police are busting trigger-happy terror cells too eager to get the ball rolling prematurely, left right and centre.
Haha, it’s quite fun reading sob/horror stories about the very place where you live submitted by strangers who don’t have a clue. The Swedish Rapefest nonsense highly resembles the silly allegations in the late 1960s and early 1970s to the effect that Swedes were addicted to depression in general and to suicide in particular. Needless to say, the scale of mendacity and hysteria pertaining to this exotic “anti-Swedish” hogwash comes nowhere close to what’s forever being applied to Russia, Syria, and the DPRK — Sweden is a highly reliable partner in the eyes of the Anglo-Zionists, after all — but the urge felt by enraged Whiteys to blow things completely out of proportion is exactly the same.
So, once again: Terribly sorry but there’s no bloody rapefest going on here. That could of course change in case Sweden joins NATO, thus making foreign mercenary rapists a certainty, but never to be accompanied by the screams of the “online anti-rape brigade”.
@Nussiminen: Bad luck for you that my friend TL2Q’s eyes are open wider than yours:
Thanks to TL2Q in the same note.
I cannot write so much today because I’m fully busy with project work.
Several good people commenting here are from Sweden and confirmed to me over recent months how caputt Sweden is.
Also, if you could not take the pain to watch the images of those very victims that you ridiculed with your smart comment, maybe at least you will accept that there must be a reason why the former RefugeesWelcome world champion Sweden now suddenly changed its mind:
sweden sends back 80 000 migrants
“maybe at least you will accept that there must be a reason why the former RefugeesWelcome world champion Sweden now suddenly changed its mind: Sweden sends back 80 000 migrants”
As if that would have anything to do with petty crime, fake or otherwise. Sweden forms part of the EU which is the chief instigator of the refugee torrents through imperialist war abroad (alongside the US). The Eurocrats are working tirelessly to “boost market competitiveness”, meaning imposing ever worsening working conditions inside Europe. Contrary to the delusions prevalent among most of the Populist Right, the Eurocrats will never be coerced by the Western petty bourgeoisie. The hop, skip, and jump approach with regard to the refugees reflects the expediency of illegal immigration at any given moment. Unlike the Populist Right, the Eurocrats understand that given their permanent imperialist terror globally, the only result to be obtained from increased border militarization and restrictions on immigration will be a surge in illegal immigration which at times is a key objective.
This one is already from February, but on german and austrian blogs one hears about such incidents all the time, and one can verify these claims directly at police government websites:
‘Migrants’ attack elderly Germans trying to protect woman from harassment on Munich train (VIDEO)
Published time: 2 Feb, 2016 07:41
Edited time: 2 Feb, 2016 11:18
You favourite MSM have a blackout about these cases.
But here are blogger created interactive maps, and on each flag you can click to get redirected to the related police press statement:
“””Interactive Map of Muslim Migrant Crime in Germany
ByPamela Geller on May 15, 2016
Here’s a little background from Soeren Kern, Senior Fellow for European Politics at the Madrid-based Grupo de Estudios Estratégicos / Strategic Studies Group. and Senior Fellow at Gates Institute–– mind you this does not include 2016:
The actual number of crimes in Germany committed by migrants in 2015 may exceed 400,000.
The report does not include crime data from North Rhine-Westphalia, the most populous state in Germany and also the state with the largest number of migrants. North Rhine-Westphalia’s biggest city is Cologne, where, on New Year’s Eve, hundreds of German women were sexually assaulted by migrants.
“For years the policy has been to leave the [German] population in the dark about the actual crime situation… The citizens are being played for fools. Rather than tell the truth, they [government officials] are evading responsibility and passing blame onto the citizens and the police.” — André Schulz, director, Association of Criminal Police, Germany.
10% of the migrants from the chaos in Iraq and Syria have reached Europe so far: “Eight to ten million migrants are still on the way.” — Gerd Müller, Development Minister.
Migrants committed 208,344 crimes in 2015, according to a confidential police report that was leaked to the German newspaper, Bild. This figure represents an 80% increase over 2014 and works out to around 570 crimes committed by migrants every day, or 23 crimes each hour, between January and December 2015.
The actual number of migrant crimes is far higher, however, because the report, produced by the Federal Criminal Police Office (Bundeskriminalamt, BKA), includes only crimes that have been solved (aufgeklärten Straftaten). According to Statista, the German statistics agency, on average only around half of all crimes committed in Germany in any given year are solved (Aufklärungsquote). This implies that the actual number of crimes committed by migrants in 2015 may exceed 400,000.
Moreover, the report — “Crime in the Context of Immigration” (Kriminalität im Kontext von Zuwanderung) — includes data from only 13 of Germany’s 16 federal states.
The report does not include crime data from North Rhine-Westphalia, the most populous state in Germany and also the state with the largest number of migrants. North Rhine-Westphalia’s biggest city is Cologne, where, on New Year’s Eve, hundreds of German women were sexually assaulted by migrants. It is not yet clear why those crimes were not included in the report.
The report also lacks crime data from Hamburg, the second-largest city in Germany, and Bremen, the second most populous city in Northern Germany.
Further, many crimes are simply not reported or are deliberately overlooked: political leaders across Germany have ordered police to turn a blind eye to crimes perpetrated by migrants, apparently to avoid fueling anti-immigration sentiments.
According to the report, most of the crimes were committed by migrants from: Syria (24%), Albania (17%), Kosovo (14%), Serbia (11%), Afghanistan (11%), Iraq (9%), Eritrea (4%), Macedonia (4%), Pakistan (4%) and Nigeria (2%).
Most of the migrant crimes involved theft (Diebstahl): 85,035 incidents in 2015, nearly twice as many as in 2014 (44,793). Those were followed by property and forgery crimes (Vermögens- und Fälschungsdelikte): 52,167 incidents in 2015.
In addition, in 2015, migrants were involved in 36,010 reported cases of assault, battery and robbery (Rohheitsdelikte: Körperverletzung, Raub, räuberische Erpressung), roughly twice as many as in 2014 (18,678). There were also, in 2015, 28,712 reported incidents of fare evasion on public transportation (Beförderungserschleichung).
There were 1,688 reported sexual assaults against women and children, including 458 rapes or acts of sexual coercion (Vergewaltigungen oder sexuelle Nötigungshandlungen).
According to the report, migrants were accused of 240 attempted murders (Totschlagsversuch), in 2015, compared to 127 in 2014. In two-thirds of the cases, the perpetrators and victims were of the same nationality. There were 28 actual murders: migrants killed 27 other migrants, as well as one German.
Finally, the report said that 266 individuals were suspected of being jihadists posing as migrants; 80 of these were determined not to be jihadists; 186 cases are still being investigated. The infiltration of jihadists into the country, according to the report, is “a growing trend.”
The report leaves far more questions than answers. It remains unclear, for example, how German police define the term “migrant” (Zuwanderer) when compiling crime statistics. Does this term refer only to those migrants who arrived in Germany in 2015, or to anyone with a migrant background?
If the report refers only to recently arrived migrants — Germany received just over one million migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East in 2015 — this would imply that at least 20% of the migrants who arrived in Germany in 2015 are criminals. But if the number of crimes committed by migrants is actually twice as high as the report states, then at least 40% of newly arrived migrants are criminals. Yet the report asserts: “The vast majority of asylum seekers are not involved in criminal activity.”
Also, for reasons that are not given, the report fails to include offenses committed by North Africans, long known to be responsible for an increase in crimes in cities and towns across Germany.”””””
One month ago there was a huge trafic jam outside my window.
And later I read that police finally got hold of an immigrant thieves ring/network that they were chasing for months and that stole items worth several millions. One intruder was shot, because he and other vehicle drivers decided to make a rally and shootout with police.
Now, Mr. Nussiminen: Youtube and google images is overflowing with original footage or the way in which our dear new guests behave. Is it all “Whitey’s Kleinbuerger” fiction? Or is it all made up by rightwing racists?
Relocate to Austria to some area near a key Highway. Then hand over your cookies and RefugeesWelcome placards. I wonder for how long you continue to do that then …
@ Mr. Nussiminen: *You* dare to call others *trolls* or “Whiteys who blow things completely out of proportion” ????
Maybe it’s not the others that are what you call “clueless”???
List of cities in the European Union by Muslim population
Brussels: Europe’s Jihadi Capital
The haphazardly governed city failed to stem a radical presence in its slums.
Really clever guy, this highly committed anti-rapist:
“Sweden is now officially the rape capital of Europe”
Well, maybe he’s onto something. But it begs the question what country he is complaining about.
If somebody does or does not live in a certain place – what does that mean or express if he has no eyes?
I bet you find many USA patriots who will confirm to you that the USA are the most peaceful most democratic most beautiful heavenly place on earth.
Same with Nazi-Germany at the time.
Now, here some graphs/statistics and also some Graphic images (warning) :
(Images and charts) rape sweden
rape sweden
I the past I always valued and first read your comments.
How mistaken I was.
Your “smart” “analysis” of why others are no smart analysts is stunning: You make a claim based on your local view out of the window and interpolate it to all of Sweden, and that’s it. I suspect you don’t reside in some poor crowded urban area. No wonder then that “everything is fine” in your look arcoss the peaceful lake.
Ah, and I was in Sweden repeatedly and also don’t live that far away.
You read the wrong “news”papers.
Only those which don’t report the true daily crimes.
As for the word “Capital:” you mocked about: There a also capital letters.
A meaning of capital is not limited the the government city of a country.
Capital Cap”i*tal, a. [F. capital, L. capitalis capital (in
senses 1 & 2), fr. caput head. See Chief, and cf.
Capital, n.]
1. Of or pertaining to the head. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
Needs must the Serpent now his capital bruise
Expect with mortal pain. –Milton.
[1913 Webster]
2. Having reference to, or involving, the forfeiture of the
head or life; affecting life; punishable with death; as,
capital trials; capital punishment.
[1913 Webster]
Many crimes that are capital among us. –Swift.
[1913 Webster]
To put to death a capital offender. –Milton.
[1913 Webster]
3. First in importance; chief; principal.
[1913 Webster]
A capital article in religion –Atterbury.
[1913 Webster]
Whatever is capital and essential in Christianity.
–I. Taylor.
[1913 Webster]
4. Chief, in a political sense, as being the seat of the
general government of a state or nation; as, Washington
and Paris are capital cities.
[1913 Webster]
5. Of first rate quality; excellent; as, a capital speech or
song. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]
Capital letter lettre capitale] (Print.), a leading or
heading letter, used at the beginning of a sentence and as
the first letter of certain words, distinguished, for the
most part, both by different form and larger size, from
the small (lower-case) letters, which form the greater
part of common print or writing.
Small capital letters the form of capital letters and
height of the body of the lower-case letters.
Capital stock, property, or stock invested in any
business, or the enterprise of any corporation or
institution. –Abbott.
Syn: Chief; leading; controlling; prominent.
[1913 Webster]
— From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
capital cap”i*tal (k[a^]p”[i^]*tal), n. [Cf. L. capitellum and
capitulum, a small head, the head, top, or capital of a
column, dim. of caput head; F. chapiteau, OF. capitel. See
chief, and cf. cattle, chattel, chapiter, chapter.]
1. (Arch.) The head or uppermost member of a column,
pilaster, etc. It consists generally of three parts,
abacus, bell (or vase), and necking. See these terms, and
[1913 Webster]
2. [Cf. F. capilate, fem., sc. ville.] (Geog.) The seat of
government; the chief city or town in a country; a
metropolis. “A busy and splendid capital” –Macauly.
[1913 Webster]
3. [Cf. F. capital.] Money, property, or stock employed in
trade, manufactures, etc.; the sum invested or lent, as
distinguished from the income or interest. See Capital
stock, Capital, a.
[1913 Webster]
4. (Polit. Econ.) That portion of the produce of industry,
which may be directly employed either to support human
beings or to assist in production. –M’Culloch.
[1913 Webster]
Note: When wealth is used to assist production it is called
capital. The capital of a civilized community includes
fixed capital buildings, machines, and roads
used in the course of production and exchange) and
circulating capital food, fuel, money, etc.,
spent in the course of production and exchange). –T.
[1913 Webster]
As I wrote: “The urge felt by enraged Whiteys to blow things completely out of proportion is exactly the same”. That’s very much about you, Martinlein.
What’s particularly disturbing about the British crackpot in the clip above is his unabashed Zionism, hence his bringing up a likewise preposterous, utter bogus issue courtesy of the Swedish Ziomedia: that of “rampant anti-semitism in Malmö”. But what irrefutably proves him as certified human garbage is his outright Jewlogising (pun intended) towards the end after all the Muslim bashing. Case closed.
Rapefests in Stockholm and anti-semitism in Malmö — Sweden as seen through the eyes of counterjihadism.
Kleinbürger — hast du Angst?
“”””” Nussiminen on June 23, 2016 · at 8:01 pm UTC
As I wrote: “The urge felt by enraged Whiteys to blow things completely out of proportion is exactly the same”. That’s very much about you, Martinlein.
What’s particularly disturbing about the British crackpot in the clip above is his unabashed Zionism, hence his bringing up a likewise preposterous, utter bogus issue courtesy of the Swedish Ziomedia: that of “rampant anti-semitism in Malmö”. But what irrefutably proves him as certified human garbage is his outright Jewlogising (pun intended) towards the end after all the Muslim bashing. Case closed.
Rapefests in Stockholm and anti-semitism in Malmö — Sweden as seen through the eyes of counterjihadism.
Kleinbürger — hast du Angst?
There are victims in Austria and Germany every single day.
Be happy that you don’t want to see reality. What you deserve is that they take your wife or daughter. Although I meanwhile doubt that you have either.
Here the news for germany alone, only for _today_:
Great diversity for the Bunte Republik
+++ Was Wovor warned for months: 13- year-old girl abused in pool +++
+++ 2015 did the 40 percent of all who entered through Greece Moroccans: Syrian citizenship is simulated mass +++
+++ Integration course-end: 350,000 asylum seekers threatened with unemployment +++
+++ Refugee hostel Vorra: Police summarizes Suspects by half years – right radical they are obviously not +++
+++ “You bitch have us to pay respect”: “Men,” threatened to throw off the train Zugbegleiterin +++
+++ Certificates for refugees: call Green and Left resignation de Maizières +++
+++ Ramadan: Among Christians is the fear for +++
+++ Conflict between Imam and headmistress – handshake dispute at Berlin private school +++
+++ Fast-breaking in Vaterstetten men ringing night at doorstep and rape inhabitant +++
+++ Increase in crime among refugees in Greece +++
+++ No more “We create the” – “Attack on external borders”: speak now Merkel quite different than refugee crisis +++
+++ Staged Event: Sigmar Gabriel dispensed at fast-breaking to review +++
+++ Germany 2016 – Mannheim police “have done”: “Embark not alone on the way home, groups offer protection against muggers” +++
+++ Salafists without German passports identify: ALFA CEO Lucke welcomes mosque in Erfurt +++
+++ Head shaking Nahles’ plans for refugee Jobs +++
Nussiminen: “””””Kleinbürger — hast du Angst?”””””
As you keep running out of arguments you start insulting me?
Very intelligent style, respect respect …
Yes, there are knife attacks almost every day in Berlin.
Sometimes they throw a young student girl from the platform directly before the train (dead)
Other times an elderly woman (could be rescued).
Then they kick to deat a peaceful youngster who wanted to protect a equally peaceful friend. But the Arabs didn’t like them because they looked Asian. (dead).
I bet you would enjoy all that.
And in general:
Результатов: примерно 1 530 000 (0,49 сек.)
Looking for results in English?
Sweden Facing Another Migrant Invasion? – Gatestone Institute
21 апр. 2016 г. – A new report on migrants in Sweden, based on interviews with 1,100 students in Stockholm (90% of respondents were Muslims) found that …
Sweden at BREAKING POINT: Migrant crisis is ‘pushing them to the ……/sweden-breaking-point-migrant-crisis...
6 апр. 2016 г. – SWEDEN’S “totally unprecedented” migrant crisis has left it at breaking point, experts have warned.
Swedish GIRLS blamed for rise in migrant sex attacks | World | News ……/Sweden-sex-attacks-migrant-rise-polic...
26 мая 2016 г. – SWEDISH police have blamed Scandinavian teenage girls’ “Nordic alcohol culture” and Western behaviour for a steep rise in sex attacks …
Syrian refugees bring life back to Swedish city – with shisha clubs and … › World › Sweden
21 мая 2016 г. – Migrants fleeing war in the Middle East have brought new culture and … of an unexpected injection of Syrian money hitting Sweden’s third city.
Sweden and migration |
Contrastingly, from 1850 to the 1930s, 1.5 million people emigrated. The scrollable timeline below tells the story of how migration has helped shape Sweden.
Immigration to Sweden – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Перейти к разделу Current population of immigrants and their descendants – … of migrants and their descendants in Sweden as the Swedish state does not …
RIP, Sweden. Cause of Death: Immigrants | American Free Press…
26 апр. 2016 г. – Massive influx of unassimilable immigrants, embrace of multiculturalism a disaster. By Victor Thorn —. Sweden was once lauded as a …
Migrants cling to trucks in bid to reach Sweden – The Local…/migrants-cling-to-trucks-in-bid-to-reach-...
29 апр. 2016 г. – Growing numbers of asylum seekers are trying to get to Sweden from Denmark by clinging to trucks, a ferry company has warned.
Working in Sweden – Swedish Migration Agency – Migrationsverket…/
In order to work in Sweden, you must have a work permit. Read more about how to apply for a work permit or for a residence permit as a self-employed person or …
Sweden Tires of ‘Bearded Children’ Amid Migrant Influx…/…
22 мар. 2016 г. – The decision was taken in consultation with the Swedish Migration Board. SVT in the northern province of Västerbotten is nevertheless critical …
“”””” Nussiminen on June 23, 2016 · at 8:01 pm UTC
As I wrote: “The urge felt by enraged Whiteys to blow things completely out of proportion is exactly the same”. That’s very much about you, Martinlein.
What’s particularly disturbing about the British crackpot in the clip above is his unabashed Zionism, hence his bringing up a likewise preposterous, utter bogus issue courtesy of the Swedish Ziomedia: that of “rampant anti-semitism in Malmö”. But what irrefutably proves him as certified human garbage is his outright Jewlogising (pun intended) towards the end after all the Muslim bashing. Case closed.
Rapefests in Stockholm and anti-semitism in Malmö — Sweden as seen through the eyes of counterjihadism.
Kleinbürger — hast du Angst?
I want to see this Nussiminen how his wettens his trousers in such a scenario which of course has absolutely noooooooothing to do with the Migrant invasion:
German attacker took hostages before being shot, no one else hurt – police
Then – if you really understand german as you pretend – use your ability to read news from Austria, such as today here:
A 13- year-old girl has been sexually abused on Wednesday evening in an outdoor pool in Lower Austria Mistelbach. The student called for help, after which the perpetrator fled.
Talks before the end?
6/23/2016, 12:02 pm
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the EU has again sharply attacked and first put a referendum on the continuation of accession talks with his country of the Union into play. Turkish President accused the EU of Turkey to hold out in the accession process because it is a predominantly Moslem country. “You do not keep your promises. That is what is your ugly face. Because I debunk this ugly face, you turn by” Erdogan railed on Wednesday evening in Istanbul.
Nussiminen: Yes, I am afraid. Not only for me, but for girls I am friends with (ok, you cannot understand that).
I lost almost my eye-sight in 2014 thanks to a Bosnian Muslim, and later he and his father promised me to kill me and to have me “disappear in the river” next time. The father added: A mistake they didn’t.
I wish you more personal experiences with our new fellow multiculti enrichers! You *deserve* them!
“””””Muslims in UK top 3 million for first time… with over 50% born outside Britain: Number in country doubles in a decade as immigration and birth rates soar
In some parts of London, close to half of the population are now Muslims
On current trends they will be the majority in those areas within a decade
More are under ten years old than any other age group, indicating future generations”””””
Very correct, Mr. Nussiminen: If it wakes me a “Whitey” or a “Martin-chen” or a “Kleinbuerger” that I follow the natural feelings of mother nature and prefer to live among equal people with similar culture, look, way of life, behaviour and traditions – then I plead “guilty”.
I wish you lots of fun with your incoming Muslim brothers.
Hint: Always have your Smartphone, some $$$ and a your liitle sister at hand when walking along the park in darkness. Then at least they are happy enough.
Zionist Led Forced European Mass Migration
Barbara Lerner Spectre – Jews behind immigration into Europe
Israel Does Not Allow Refugees or Migrants ~ Nov 16 2015
sweden migrants
Muslims Migrants Brutally Attack People in Sweden!
Muslim Migrants Turn Sweden into Rape Capitol of Europe–PagcoO4
Muslim Gangs Take Control of 55 Zones in Sweden
GBPUSD Tumbles After Latest Poll Show “Leave” Leads 45% to 44%
Oh dear… we’ve seen this before, haven’t we?…
The referendum race goes down to the wire: On the final day of campaigning, pollster admits it’s ‘too close to call’ as last survey finds Leave on 45% and Remain on 44%
^ Nearly every time they call it ‘too close too call’ it turns out the ‘wrong’ side just happens to win by a whisker.
Get ready for a stitch-up tomorrow (or early day after tomorrow), just like our guest author here predicted, and plenty of others did too.
As ever; I hope I’m wrong :/
Hi Comrade TL2Q,
looks increasingly as I just wrote in
now at this minute the results would be:
453000 for BREXIT versus only 425000 for BREMAIN
(lost 2% in less than 1 hour:)
1,2865 – 0,0275(2,09%) 02:41
(lost 3,27 % in less than 1 hour)
1,4525 Down 0,0491(3.2700%)
EUR against USD also lost 1,2% (in less than 1 hour)
1,1290 Down 0,0138(1.2100%) 02:43
Tomorrow is the legendary Black Friday June 24th 2016, the start of the end.
Well, I need more Tea …
Damn, now more narrow:
O dear? That’s the right phrasing::
1.4289 Down 0.0727(4.84%) 9:06PM EDT
Prev Close: 1.5016
Open: 1.4977
Bid: 1.4255
Ask: 1.4325
Day’s Range: 1.4286 – 1.4992
52wk Range: 1.3837 – 1.5817
Quotes delayed, except where indicated otherwise. Currency in USD.
Only 1 minute later:
1.4175 Down 0.0841(5.6000%) 9:07PM EDT
Prev Close: 1.5016
Open: 1.4977
Bid: 1.4164
Ask: 1.4187
Day’s Range: 1.4180 – 1.4992
52wk Range: 1.3837 – 1.5817
That’s FREE Fall!!!
Soros and Rothschild have warned of economic turmoil in the case of a Brexit.
‘Warned’ the people is the key element here !
Considering they are both pathological liars – They ‘want’ a Brexit and when economic turmoil ensues
it won’t be ‘their’ fault – It will be ‘your’ fault !! You had been ‘warned’
Soros has ‘form’ – Known as the man who broke the ‘Bank of England’ by ‘shorting’ the British pound –
Soros broke it on the ‘backs’ of the ‘working class’ who saw their homes devalue by 50% overnight and their ‘retirement savings disappear !
Fast forward 24 years and he is doing it again !
Take the 3/1 on offer – Soros nor Rockefeller couldn’t care less about you or your family and Soros has ‘Form’
@ Jack Oliver:
I had the same theory.
I don’t know what Rothschild or Soros want.
But talking from Rothild’s Waterloo and Soros’GBP “deals” one can expect that they may want the opposite of what they keep telling.
And in fact – they need some panic event on which they can blame all their monetary system fraud flaws.
Recently even the Central Banking system gets criticized in western MSM – that stinks to hell.
Here was my theory:
You are being ‘played’ and herded in the direction they want – If Brexit ‘wins’ ( it’s rigged anyway ) – ‘People Power’ will have prevailed and you will all be dancing in the streets !
Obviously that is what TPTB want – To let you think you have chosen your own destiny ! It ‘exonerates’ them from blame !
People these days are just too stupid to see it !
@ Jack Oliver, anonymous
The powers that be like Soros, Rockefeller do not want Brexit to succeed. In fact, it’s the opposite. They want it to fail.
Your arguments are essentially a stealth rationalization for remaining in the EU.
They are anti-Brexit psyops tailored for a pro-Brexit audience.
As a British national I am amazed at the depth of deception that has gone on during the Brexit campaign. Not withstanding the sad murder of MP Jo Cox, who incidentally, had different political and geopolitical views to my own. The fact that it was blatantly manipulated by the UK government speaks volumes.
I find some interesting parallels in The Saker’s comments regarding Airey Neave’s murder. I am old enough to remember this well and wise enough to already have suspected something similar with Jo Cox. The depth the establishment will dive to in order to maintain power or manipulate the peoples minds holds no bounds.
That said, a most important fact that appears to have gone unmentioned and unnoticed by the majority of people following the Bretix debates is that the referendum has no legal power to trigger an immediate exit from the EU. The majority of the populace has been duped.
Here are a few facts that no one mentioned ….
Democracy is well and truly dead and I fully agree that either way the vote goes, that we, the British people, have again been duped by our government and the EU !!!
Famous last words and all that – Btitain has voted to BREXIT!
Good-Bye to this CIA re-created Hitler-planned Nazi construct EU:
“Now It’s Our Turn” – Geert Wilders Calls For A Dutch Referendum
Now the real struggle begins to ensure that it is actually implemented, given the fact that Brexit was not a binding referendum, and the UK establishment will no doubt try to defy the popular will and dismiss this vote or delay Britain’s withdrawl from the EU.
Oh, how interesting would it be witness Barack Obama’s reaction to this vote right now? There must be a lot of enraged rug chewing and breaking of furniture in the White House.
A majority of British have just told Barack Obama to STUFF IT!
Brexit Remain 48% – Leave 52%. Over one million vote difference, over 75% voter turnout.
“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
Now, Britain, let’s build on that. It is your time to be the great nation you once were,
2000 year culture, heir to great Men and Women. Show Europe the way.
If you want to advance even more your stature in the world, just join the Russian Federation.
Crimea did so with 90% voter turnout, 94% voting to join.
You would join the best of people, and a wise and fair Nation.
It must be celebrated with Champagner!
Here is UKIP’s telling video, and look how the EU / CIA folks or youtube itself have downvoted it to illegally manipulate the outcome, but it didn’t work (except for in Scottland, Norther Ireland and Gibraltar) :
We’re Better Off Out
“Victory For Freedom” – Le Pen Demands Referendum For France
It was always suspected that “once ONE goes, many more will follow”. Britain leading the way (once again), and both France and Holland feeling the time is right to have “Their” own referenda on whether the people (gosh, horror!!) may decide enough’s enough.
BREXIT first, then maybe FREXIT, followed by NEXIT? Wonder how long before Germany decides that a GEREXIT may be in their best interests (for survival as a Nation!)?
If anybody would ever ask us, then this would be the probable result.
I hope the AfD will bring this forward.
But long before the GEREXIT Austria and Chechia will go.
I doubt the Czechs will. They (so far) are one of the “winners” from the EU. The countries like Poland,Czechia,Croatia,Slovenia,are the Eastern European winners from EU membership. The other Eastern countries all lost from it (except of course their elite in the countries).Certainly they lost their “freedom”,but financially the upper and middle classes gained from EU general funds. And so they will be reluctant to lose that flow of money.
Yes – join the Russian Federation, and do to America what America was very happy to “try” to do to Russia – no more “US Bases” Mate – they are now Russian Federation bases.
That would REALLY suck, and I’d not be surprised if such a development would not be supported by the older serving members of all three Services, who knew full-well who was funding the Sectarian violence in Northern Ireland during “The Troubles”, then shooting down RAF aircraft with Patriot systems in the ME – the same Patriots that were “incapable” of engaging 1960’s era SCUD IRBMs.
No doubt the US would want their Trident SLBM’s returned, but the UK PAID for them, so that request could be “politely declined”.
Having worked with both Russian Military, and the US Military (Commissioned and Non-Commissioned Ranks), the Russian NCO’s were smarter, far more polite, and far, FAR more willing to listen than the US Commissioned ranks, for whom a “polite conversation” seemed to be essentially unidirectional. Also the Russian NCOs were pretty capable (and brutal) Chess players – ALL of them. I used to play a few games (usually lost, drew twice), and I was a pretty OK Club Chess player . . . . . .
Phil I hate to break this to you, but Brits don’t control the so-called Nukes on their subs, they can’t launch a single missile without orders from Washington (in the present day that means Obama is your boss). That’s official doctrine, confirmed by the ex-head of the British nuclear sub fleet (he was interviewed on RT by Afshin Rattansi).
Britain is a nuclear power in name only. It would be logical to conclude that the nuclear warheads and missiles that the US provided to Britain have failsafes/over-rides to disable detonation which is controlled by the US should the Brits launch without authorization.
I am so glad and happy that I was right with my prediction B)
Although it also leads into a catastrophe, but better die standing than having to die slimping and kreeping!
European Stocks Crash Most In History
Tyler Durden’s picture
by Tyler Durden
Jun 24, 2016 2:06 AM
Euro Stoxx 50 Futures have collapsed over 11% at the open… the biggest single-day crash in Rhhistory…
The GBP against USD also crashed most in 30 years, but it is already bouncing back:{%22allowChartStacking%22:true}
Also: What is USD?
It won’t stay forever either.
Gold cannot be held down via fixing and fake papergold forver.
Today it reached 1350$ at peak!
12 months max:
{{{{{‘June 23rd will go down in history as our independence day’ – Nigel Farage }}}}}
Key Brexit Question: Is Cameron The Biggest Liar In History?
Unfortunately, the battle is not over. A key question remains: Is Cameron an even bigger liar than we all know? Now that the vote is in, I fully expect all the other liars, notably French president Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel to propose a second vote with added sweeteners. Also note the Brexit vote is not legally binding. Cameron could easily resign, leaving this up to the next parliament to decide.
[Translation into English of an editorial in the Austrian press.]
Straight in your face, Merkel, Schulz and Juncker!
There are several reasons – and they can be found in Berlin and Brussels: Angela Merkel’s completely deranged asylum policy was the main argument for the EU critical British. Uncontrolled migration of half Africa is rejected, even the cosmopolitan subjects of Queen.
The British saw the violence, the burning refugee slums in Calais, the beating up of policemen by asylum seekers. They read daily of our massive problems [here] in Germany and Austria, they know of the rape of children, of the knife stabbings in asylum centers, of the drug trafficking of Africans who entered the country, and so on. And the Brexiteers on the island know one thing: in Brussels the important phenomenon of illegal immigration is only appeased, talked to death, and explained away.
If now EU Parliament President Martin Schulz or Council President Jean-Claude Juncker feel down and look very sad, they should remember that hey have not solved the massive problems of Europeans for years, but only talked about new energy saving labels on refrigerators.!-Die_Brexit-Bombe-Story-516704
They wouldn’t allow a company to sell smoked salmon, because, although the label said smoked salmon and the salmon was clearly visible in the package, the label did not say “contains fish”.
1 kg of Nuts{*}
* := Warning, may contain traces of nuts!”
The entire industry of Eastern Europe has been forcefully destroyed with these regulations.
A Romanian peasant could now no longer sell his own agricultural products on his village’s market, because he doesn’t have enough money to comply with all these bookloads of hostile regulations.
This all was no conincidence, but intention: BREXIT THE MOVIE FULL FILM
I do not agree with all staements in this kovie (because in the Soviet Union central planning *did* work very well!), but in general I’m glad this video has been made and of course in English language (not in Albanian). This way it is very useful because all of Europe ccan understand it!
Pointless article now, given current events!
Italy’s Northern League To Launch EU Referendum Campaign Next
“It’s Scary, And I’ve Never Seen Anything Like It” – Where Markets Are The Morning After
For those of you who are just waking up, first of all, congratulations. Here is what you missed.
British Money-Changer Imposes Capital Controls, Suspends Online FX Transactions
Global Elites Suffer Fatal Blow, UK Votes to Leave the EU
Brexit Wins! Next Stop: Frexit, Italexit and Swexit
Hooray !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EU song before BREXIT victory:
The people said: Go!!!!
Carmel by the Sea
Here is Junk-er ( 4 months ago) very cocky and sure that the EU would win:
Belgium: EU Commission chief Juncker rules out ‘Brexit’:
Carmel by the Sea
Well – he stated that the EU only has plan A and refuses everything else!!!
Doesn’t that sound like the phantastic democracy they keep promising?
Like here:
We’re Better Off Out
Cameron steps down as PM, to leave office by October (VIDEO)
Scotland should ‘never leave EU’ – new independence referendum ‘highly likely’
Trump on Brexit: EU break-up on the cards, people want their borders back
Dow Opens Down 500 Points To “Jo Cox” Lows – Largest Gap-Down Since 1986
The ‘dead cox bounce’ is over…
p.s. 1986: As the West is always blaming Communism on the economic problems in Eastern Europe of the late 1980ties, watch how the West perfomed.
The West then could only survive economically because of a hostile takeover of all the entire consumer markets in Eastern Europe plus because of destroying and removing off the map the entire Eastern Industries over night.
Former US ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul nailed it when he wrote on his twitter: “Not always, but tonight is a giant victory for Putin’s foreign policy objectives. Give him credit.”
The referendum on the UK’s withdrawal from the EU is a result of a split in the British elites.
Few minutes ago JP Morgan announced moving 2000 of his staff to Frankfurt or Dublin a.s.a.p.
Rothschild is testing Putin in the trust department as confirmed by Khazin.
Soros gets his OMT from the ECB.
All the Russian leadership needs to do now is sit back and wait. You gonna give credit to the Russian leadership where credit is due. Bravo!
Its a set up, they knew they couldn’t throw the referendum , too obvious , with the huge groundswell of opinion so thru let it win by a margin. Next they will arrange another referendum after attacking the pound and UK as hard as they can .
The globalists are not going to let the UK leave without a fight.
Cameron resigned instead of invoking article 50 , yet he’s staying on for an October surprise….
Very close to my own thoughts !
Hahaha: “Worse Than Lehman” – European Bank Bloodbath Sparks Dollar Funding Crisis
Beneath the calm veneer, there is a distinct whiff of panic in America from the White House to the media and course to Wall Street.
CBS News even had a special morning program devoted to the Brexit result, with the assorted talking heads debating its impact, particularly the precipitous plunge the stock market has taken.
The White House released a statement just before markets opened this morning with some platitudes about respecting the wishes of the British voters and the essential importance of America’s strategic relationship with Britain, etc.–all in order to preemptively calm a market panic.
Après moi le déluge!
‘Now get out!’ Start Clause 50 exit process NOW, EU chiefs urge UK
The EU chiefs now urge UK to leave, because they have little choice.
If UK remained in EU after the Brexit vote it will be with special privileges for UK. This will encourage others to try the same and will accelerate the demise of EU. The same will happen if UK leaves, but negotiated special place on the EU market. The EU chiefs (administrators, journalists and all other parasites) hope to slow the Everybodyexit and reform somehow.
It is interesting, without UK what is left looks like Hitler’ coalition in 1938, don’t you think?
Right on! With a few more Axis members waiting at the door, the Nazi, er, new EU will be complete… ( in Macedonian )
The Albanians from US protectorate/black hole, Kosovo, are to hold “referendum” on formation of Greater Albania, July ’16. In the seriously challenged Albanian mind, the fact that such a “referendum” aims to include territories from Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia and Greece does not present a problem, ie; is a declaration of war!
Apparently, if you are a US vassal ( victim ) everything is allowed/forgiven/accepted with blessings.
On a humorous note, Brexit appears to be fulfilling another prophecy prevalent in the Balkans, and that is that whatever union Bulgaria joins is doomed to fall apart. Witness, Hitler, USSR, EU…
I checked your last lines, the prophecy actually says: those who treat badly Bulgaria will disappear, reference: Eastern Roman Empire,a.k.a. Bisantium, Otoman Empire, Third Reich, USSSR , Yugoslavia etc.
Makes sense if you’re Bulgarian..
My earlier statement re: Albanians in Kosovo should refer to a memorandum in July, the said “referendum” they plan to hold in November ’16, not July.
No, I am not and it is a fact of history, but it seems that you are Macedonian. I have been to your country in 1999, the epidemiological disaster in Stencovec camp, if you are old enough, you must remember. I met your then prime minister Mr. Georgievski, a naive, young and decent man. What happened to him? We visited also Bulgaria several times, the govenment was eager to serve NATO, but the people, they met us with stones and fires. I still remember those burning eyes and got lot of respect for this nation. They were against the politiics of the West in the destruction of Yugoslavia. You were not.
Yugoslavia was right from the beginning (Serbo- Croatian kingdom) an Anglo- French project to stop the Russian influence on the Balkans and the strongest allies there have always been Bulgarians, hence the destruction of Bulgaria as a way to stop Russia. Yugoslavia faithfully served this project throughout its existence up to the 90s, when it outlived its purpose. We created it, we killed it – cynical, but true. Despite this, those Bulgarians were defending it.
What about you? Your teritory was taken from its natural place and put in Yugoslavia, initially they tried to make people become Serbians or Croatians, but this did not work and then my smart compatriots employed the “Macedonian” plan. And it worked. You became what is becoming of Ukrainians now, they are fiercely anti Russian, you are fiercely anti Bulgarian. You are the most ancient and greatest nation in the world, right from Alexander the Great and discovered almost everything, so are Ukrainians . Your language is distinguished from Bulgarian, so is Ukrainian mova from Russian, Hey, I learned all of those languages (well, with some deficiences) – Macedonian is a Bulgarian dialect with lots of serbian influence, Ukrainian is a Russian dialect wth lots of influence from Polish. Am not the only one that sees the parallels, simply because it is the same scenario with little nuances. It works.
Sad, but there is a very little chance for both you and Ukrainians to see through the plot and remeber that you are respectively Bulgarians and Russians. I think that you will become mostly part of Great Albania and Ukraine will be divided between Russia, Poland, Romania and Hungary. I think that the majority of you will adapt the way you adapted to Yugoslavia, the rest will be destroyed or become refugees mainly to Bulgaria like before. This new nation in Great Albania might obtain a proper name, like Ilirians, proud founders of Rome, for example. It is in motion.
You are free to think about that or discard it. After all, as your people say, one can bring the horse to the water, but cannot make it drink. I think that you will discard it. The invasion of the western , call it AZ or whatever, it is the same, cannot happen if at least substantial part of the population there does not invite it, just like the vampires.
Google “Macedonian Lexicon 16th Century” by Linguists Gianelli an Vaillant, and learn a little about the Macedonian language, as for the rest of your comment, everyone is entitled to their opinions..
Tribute from Mr Bean: