The deification of homosexuality and transgender is a symptom of advanced degeneracy of the western civilization, this is not homophobia, you cannot hate a sickness, the degeneracy is in the glorification of it.
You will find out that Homosexuality or rather the Elimination of Gender either Male or Female is due to the fact that Huge Amounts Of Hormones have been injected in the Food Chain and water. The result of which is the Corporations ability to hold food in suspended animation in perpetuity For Profits.
I am rather fortunate that I was born in a time that they had very little to influence my diet in my Country at the time. Now I see too many young children with abnormally bit breasts on the beach, and that’s the boys.
When you see that chicken are produced in an alarmingly Fast Rate with hormones then the end consumer is going to suffer as a result. Please no caps – its like shouting. Reduced this once. Mod
True, don’t forget the used reproduced water supply, which gets cleaned a 100 times but not boiled.
The hormones from not only the food chain and industrial food industry “AdOn’s” are not the only ones which hardly ever get neutralized, also _Pharmacy_ which after having been consumed ends in the old and after all re-generated water supply _and_ food chain (from watering the agricultural plants or feeding the poor unworthily breeded and killed cattle).
Cattle – animals killed alive in a barbaric ISIS style manner, having some 90% of the same genes and feelings as ourselves.
Homosexuality or hermafroditism cannot be explained by hormonal contamination only, this has always existed, and I have seen it in third world countries where food production processes are not yet controlled by USA corporations..There are probably many explanations for this aberration of Nature, maybe food contaminaton can have an impact, scientific tests would be necessary to prove that. Again, the degeneracy lies in setting freaks as an example, just another symptom of degeneracy.
Boris K
The homosexuality existed even in the Roman Empire, the problem is that today, in the modern world is being advertised and propagated in every MSM ,through internet and officially by EU and USA. The main target are the youth, even the schools have adopted such “teachings”.
Male homosexuality has 2 connections seldom mentioned anymore.
It is more common after war, especially in countries that experience the violence personally. It seems that women of childbearing age who are in great stress produce much less male hormone during pregnancy.
This connects with sons who have several older brothers…though less so.
Also in “peacetime” it occurs often when women are intimidated and dominated domestically.
These times also have the Pill and free floating estrogen absolutely everywhere on earth…as well as mothers living stressful lives, often unsupported by boyfriends or husbands.
American children look stressed and unhappy all the time…even the school pictures look very different from 50 years ago.
Does this mean that those Russian males who were born grew up during times of great national stress in the early 90s are more likely to be homo that other generations of Russians?
I agree with this assessment. I mentioned the other day in a post that if you scratch the surface of this movement you will find that behind it is a multinational that poisoned the environment and is fueling this narrative for cover. While I believe the human nature is malleable this sexual transformations have not been known to human kind as far as I know- if you know better please enlighten.
Suffix to say, “Follow the Money”.
If I am correct, the West were pushing Russia to accept and legalize homosexuality before the Sochi Olympics right? Only to have Putin sign legislation banning it for the next 100 years. Am I correct? Love it. Long live Russia; and it will now for sure. ;)
I wish… He didn’t ban it. What you mean, i think, is the law prohibiting the propaganda of homosexuality among minors. Not a big deal, really, but Russia had to take a lot of [western] flak for it.
his comment is a warning to all Russians. Yes, some of the ‘dissident’ left in the West may step to defend Russia against ‘Western imperialism’, but they’re still deeply committed to imposing the various Western degeneracies. Remember, in the liberal mindset, there are no distinct groups of people. ‘Humanity’ is co-extensive with individuals. Therefore, everyone must be subjugated to this understanding. At the moment, this section of the left believe the attacks on Russia for not being gay friendly enough are just a cover for geopolitical moves. They’re not well intentioned. But once THEY get into power, the self defined ‘well intentioned’ people, they’ll pursue this messianic democracy with a vengeance.
This was a great discussion fellas. Very illuminating. It’s always interesting when you comment on the mood, attitude, and disposition of the average Russian.
Saker, to what extent do you think neo-liberal economics hold sway in Russia atm?
Please, this appears to be an audio with stills. Your title suggests at least one moving picture of Saker….unless he is a bird and then there are still only stills…..In the web wide world this is known as clickbait….too bad….Folk quickly loose faith in ‘religious’ or otherwise(i.e.: Duran?) folk, with rigid opinions, who are invisible to us ordinary folk
Good interview.
OK, Europe is a colony of the US. Who in the hell is running this shit show? It’s not like there’s anyone looking out for the best interest of the population here.
As I see it: internationalists are stealing what remains to be taken as the US economy circles the toilet after a flush. Then the real chaos begins. Been done before.
I pray Russia can be strong enough to stay the course.
H.G. Wells [1866-1946] was a prolific and well known British writer, called the father of science fiction, familiar to the general public through such works as The War of the Worlds, The Time Machine, The Invisible Man, and many other.
While his formal education was as a biologist (he held a B.S. in zoology from the University of London), his interests and competencies were extremely broad. One of his major works was The Outline of History, written between the two World Wars and updated several times. I read it first in translation, then in the original English, his comprehensive endeavour that totally defies the occasionally deserved stereotype that history is not enjoyable to read.
Most significantly, still, he was a committed socialist, an outspoken adherent of a very English form of Utopian Socialism, a subject on which he wrote several books. He even used some of his science fiction to propagate these ideas. He naïvely believed that it was possible to implement socialism without a class war.
We may well consider it paradoxic that he was an admirer of both the USSR and the USA, which he considered waves of the future in their own ways, and of both I.V. Stalin and F.D. Roosevelt.
How profoundly mistaken he was in his belief that Roosevelt’s America was already on a firm path towards socialism…
Nevertheless, he was notable enough that in 1934 great Stalin consented to see him – and spend almost 3 hours in conversation with him!
“… H. G. Wells visited the Soviet Union in 1934 and on July 23 he interviewed Joseph Stalin. The conversation, lasting from 4 P. M. to 6:50 P. M., was recorded by Constantine Oumansky, then head of the Press Bureau of the Commissariat of Foreign Affairs. The text, as printed in this pamphlet, has been approved by Mr. Wells. …”
And it is perhaps easiest to listen to the 42 minute audio of the same on YouTube, “An Interview Of Stalin By H.G. Wells (Marxism Versus Liberalism) (1934)”:
In the interview, Wells maintained essentially that if treated nicely and gently the crooked capitalists could be “gradually” “enticed” and “induced” to “see the light” and “voluntarily” relinquish their ill-gotten riches and join the humanity in an everlasting bliss and happiness for all…
And Uncle Joe had indeed a thing or two to teach our British utopian socialist. Just listen to what he said in response to Wells’ sincere and well-meaning psychedelic rant.
This is important to recall now not only in its own right, but particularly since Putin seems to also “believe” (or claim to believe) that the road to Russian nation’s prosperity, justice and happiness is through capitalism … and even religion…
Yes, he was interesting. His naïvety was in his sincere belief that capitalism could be “restructured” (come to think, the Russian word is перестройка … and we know well who applied that “in reverse” … sort of…), he claimed that a “profound reorganisation” of society was taking place in the U.S., making much of Roosevelt’s “New Deal”. The dust in his eyes was a visible large-scale industrial reconstruction, increase in managing efficiency, and governmental emergency stop-gap social measures.
Stalin, however, points out that despite a superficial similarity with the rapid industrialisation that was taking place in Soviet Union, “The United States is pursuing a different aim from that which we are pursuing in the U.S.S.R.”. And explains with great clarity the reasons behind “the impossibility of realising the principles of planned economy while preserving the economic basis of capitalism”, and his conclusion that there will be neither reorganisation of society nor planned economy in the U.S.
While capitalist economy persists in today’s Russia, the same observations fully apply there. One reads:
“… In speaking of the impossibility of realising the principles of planned economy while preserving the economic basis of capitalism, I do not in the least desire to belittle the outstanding personal qualities of Roosevelt, his initiative, courage and determination. Undoubtedly, Roosevelt stands out as one of the strongest figures among all the captains of the contemporary capitalist world. That is why I would like, once again, to emphasize the point that my conviction that planned economy is impossible under the conditions of capitalism, does not mean that I have any doubts about the personal abilities, talent and courage of President Roosevelt. But if the circumstances are unfavourable, the most talented captain cannot reach the goal you refer to. …
… as soon as Roosevelt, or any other captain in the contemporary bourgeois world, proceeds to undertake something serious against the foundation of capitalism, he will inevitably suffer utter defeat. The banks, the industries, the large enterprises, the large farms are not in Roosevelt’s hands. All these are private property. The railroads, the mercantile fleet, all these belong to private owners. And, finally, the army of skilled workers, the engineers, the technicians, these too are not at Roosevelt’s command, they are at the command of the private owners; they all work for the private owners. We must not forget the functions of the State in the bourgeois world. …”
Wouldn’t these Stalin’s words apply if one merely replaced the word “Roosevelt” with the word “Putin”?… Not to go too far afield here, but if that is indeed is so, then much of what we don’t understand about Putin’s actions might become clearer.
The answer is quite simple and always has been. It is neither corporate fascist which is what capitalism in the west really is nor is it communist. Taxes paid by the population in a transparent and accountable manner, published in the open for all tax payers to see, should be spent on education, health care, transport, energy, security, housing for those who cannot afford to buy private property, pensions and grants for the disabled, stimulus of small to medium business enterprises with low interest loans and the military to secure national safety. But it is not, neither in a “capitalist” read corporate fascist nor a communist system does the population ever see the benefits of their own investment in their own country. In both systems which both have been corrupt to start with, the banks and the privileged who have always been there and the hand behind every single politician no matter from which system, devise ways and means of siphoning off this investment for their own benefit. Stalin was no different. Lenin and Trotsky were funded by Rockefeller and Morgan, Stalin continued the process, which was to destroy private property ownership, take out the top in the Russian military, get rid of the intellectuals, downgrade the education system, and most important, destroy the Orthodox Christian church. Corporate fascists in the west today are no different and are funded by the same people who destroyed Russia. The same process is occurring. The ultimate aim is a corporate fascist world which is controlled by a few multinational corporations in conjunction with the state, where there will be no private property ownership, their will be no democratic vote, education will be Pavlovian with one answer responses rather than teaching people how to think, there will be no due process of law and detention without trial will be the norm. Job allocation will be subscribed. All food resources will be owned and controlled by them through patenting of seeds and plants, GMO and corporate farms. There is no difference between the one and the other, they have the same objectives only different masks. A real socialist/ capitalist system, where taxes actually do go for the benefit of the people who pay them, with honest and real representatives of the people in a democratically elected government with National Sovereignty has never been their objective. Instead taxes have been used to rape the people blind, with token gestures to keep people thinking that their governments have their best interests and future in mind. The central bank system controlled by the BIS and n turn owned by the same criminals has in many countries dished out trillions in low interest and sometimes no interest loans to these same multinational corporations in both the Soviet system and the west “capitalist”- corporate fascist system using tax payers money. The owners of the BIS are the same people who own the handful of multinational companies that rule the world. In the Soviet Union the people ere used as slave labour for what they thought were government industries but were in fact owned and controlled by the same people. That is why when the Soviet Union fell they had no compunction in raiding Russia and taking over what they regarded as theirs in the first place, this time bribing and using Russian puppets as CEOs of these industries. Until an open and transparent system of tax is presented to the public of any country so that they can see where their own investment in themselves is really spent, nobody will get anywhere.
“””””nor a communist system does the population ever see the benefits of their own investment in their own country”””””
How can you say that?
I bet you never lived in a communist country.
Free education, free healthcare, almost free housing with a constitutional right to have some roof over your head, almost free vacations 4 times per year, almost free lunch during work, almost free lunch for kids in school, almost free clothing for your job, almost free clothing for kids, books almost free, culture, museums dirt cheap, public transportation dirt cheap.
Now, those are exactly the factors which make like almost impossible _now_.
Now you can buy a cheap used car and a cheap radio and get a TV for free or buy old stuff on ebay (which destroyed the industry), but you cannot pay for education, you cannot pay several hundred enforced EUR per month(!) for healthcare (no matter if you make use of it), you cannot pay for housing, you get laughed at if you believe you have a constitutional right to have some roof over your head, you cannot pay for vacations, not even 1 times per year, you cannot pay expensive lunch during work (if you are lucky enough to have any), you cannot pay overpriced lunch for kids in school, you must pay all clothing for your job clothes, you cannot pay the overpriced clothing for kids, you cannot pay for many expensive 80$ per item books, you cannot pay for much culture, museums dirt overpriced, small families with kids cannot afford to visit zoopark, you cannot pay public transportation dirt expensive.
Having lived myself in Soviet East-Berlin (appears to be rare on this blog, that somebody is not from a western country, which includes most authors) I can say: Sergey quoting Stalin is quite correct with his assessment.
The TPP and the TTIP are their brainchild. It will be the coup de grace to end Nation Statehood and any control that the populations of Nations have over their own governance with little to no say in how and where their taes should be spent.
“Until an open and transparent system of tax is presented to the public of any country so that they can see where their own investment in themselves is really spent, nobody will get anywhere.”
The issue is less related to Transparency than it is to do with (i) economic fairness (compared to exploitation) in tandem with (ii) a requirement to cripple the amassment of oligarchical power.
As we know, unfettered Capitalism (no taxes) is no relation to a commonwealth. It does not address fairness – it’s aim is maximum profit via lowest cost & exploitation.
While Communism, theoretically, addresses fairness it has no defence against oligarchical power. Those oligarchs can then manipulate (or be tempted) to break the fairness that was intended by the system.
You referred to “corruption” in your post but did not explicitly link that to fairness. Transparency alone cannot address fairness.
If corruption is primarily related to oligarchy (and both Capitalism / Communism inevitably lead to that) what different organisation of society do you think of as a solution?
Since you consider a tax system as a requirement can I assume you favour some form of Capitalist organisation?
If so, rather than concentrating on openness & transparency can you perhaps comment on what rates of tax (specifically Income, Capital Gains & Inheritance) you consider might actually address the fundamental issues of fairness & oligarchy deconstruction?
In summary, an open and transparent tax system may describe the problem but it won’t cure it.
“””””If corruption is primarily related to oligarchy (and both Capitalism / Communism inevitably lead to that)”””””
There was no Oligarchy before the end.
China was sold out after Mao’s death, the Soviet Union after Breshnew’s death and the GDR and Romania not before the old elites got “removed” (late 1989).
If you have honest real communists leading the country, you can trust them.
Of course such peaple have meanwhile died out. Some due to age, others due to their political views.
To James et al: If there was this wonderful God, he could take care of all of this and no children would die from hunger and no girls would be rtaped and no civilians would die from Kiev’s bombs.
But no no, it only works, if A, and then only if B and then it depends on the prayers and then on the wheather.
No, it wasn’t an oligarchy in the modern sense.
Yes, it was autocratic rule and a dictatorship.
But show me a single country now which isn’t, behind the false hypocritical mask of fake “democracy”.
I’m waiting …
As for the downfall: It wasn’t a falling down but a getting stabbed down by the West (times internal traitors, therefore also the West).
The remaining countries who were still ruled by real communists and antifascists after having been sold out by China and the Soviet Union were A) not fully aware how bad their big brothers’ new leaderships really were and B) too weak to oppose pressure from the West plus from the East(ern traitors) at once.
Whatever they would have chosen (more Perestroika versus more Stalinism and calling in the army) was too little too late and doomed to failiure.
A single anti-human was enough to sell out the entire Soviet Union.
And without the Soviet Union the entire world (including the West) is now lost, because the West has no ideological competition anymore, and they no longer need to worry about having to hide their real ugly antiface.
“1. In a Anarchist society would there be written laws? If so would each commune have different laws?
I think decisions about how interpersonal affairs are run will be down to the communities that make up the society. Obviously, we’re not talking about law as it functions in a capitalist society here. Law, as a means of underpinning the capitalist system will be gone. Property-related crime would be gone, and we’d think that much of the crime associated with deprivation, poverty and alienation would be gone too.
Still, we’re going to have to have a way of dealing with the occasional sociopath, or with crimes of passion. I don’t think communism is a society of angels.
This will have to be decided on in democratic processes involving the people it effects – the community in question – like everything else…[]…”
“In a nutshell: The rot started with Khrushchev’s denunciation of Stalin at the XX Congress (the “Secret Report”). The main purpose was to purge the Old Guard from the leadership (Molotov, Beria, etc). This was followed by taking over the functions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, therefore bypassing Soviet diplomacy. That opened the floodgates and exposure to the lavish lifestyle of the capitalist world. Stalin’s dasha was a humble shed by Western standards. Many people at the higher echelons of Soviet leadership lived in one-bedroom flats next door to a factory worker.
Under Khrushchev many Soviet organisations became independent “co-operatives” – in fact managed by an apparatchik and these “co-operatives” became the vehicle for the plundering of the profitable economic entities of the Soviet Union. The apparatchiks became the infamous billionaire oligarchs.”
The system itself must be designed so that power does not rest with one or a small number of individuals.
I have no idea how your hint (re EU border controls) relates to any of this neither your comment on insanity – many world “leaders” may be psychopaths but none are insane.
One can find all the answers they need in the ‘forgery'(sic-what a joke, since all ‘forgeries’ have an original copy somewhere) called the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zionism. Actually, this ideology is as old as Humanity itself., and was perfected in Babylon loooong ago. What has, and is attempted to happen in Russia and is well on it’s way to being implemented in the terminally declining West is found in the document I mentioned above. Nothing new here.
The problem with Putin is, that despite the fact that he so far rescued Russia from total destruction and has achieved many good things, I cannot recognize anymore where he is at least attempting to escape the prison of capitalism. He is a convinced liberal and seems to be happy with the situation. This is the worse in comparison to FDR as he _knows_ how good it was in the Soviet Union and additionally in Communist East-Germany (which had one of the highest standards of living in the Eastern bloc, except for Yugoslavia, which in turn was not really part of the Eastern bloc).
All the nice stories is in the “Unknown” video are nice and well, but fact is and remains: He is a liberal. I cannot understand the reasons for this. Did he get out of touch with the working class? Is it that he is surrounded by the wrong “advisers”? Or does it simply work out too well for him so he misses that for the majority it certainly doesn’t?
Of course the were flaws in communism, after Stalin only weak/wrong/incompetent/lazy/drunk leaders were chosen, until Gorbachev was not old and not suffering from alcoholism and not suffering from dementia etc etc etc, but the most naive full-nerd-fool and _traitor_ at once
In the Eastern Bloc there was some low-level corruption.
But the maximum income disparity between the GeneralDirector of a Kombinat versus the lowest paid toilet cleaner would be 1 to 4, not 0,2 to 20 Billion (those numbers are not exaggerated now).
So don’t come me with “corrupt regimes”.
Now you don’t need corruption anymore, it’s all perfectly leagal according to plan.
Same in the US of A and around the westernized empoverished globe.
Thank you Martin, I really enjoyed your whole discussion. I can only confirm from my personal experience that you are right. Anyone who hasn’t lived in those shoes back then, not having the experience, can just make assumptions. You are a reliable partner (not in terms of you know who)
If I had a time-machine a la H:G:Wells, I would go back to my homeland and forget all these years as a bad dream living as an emigrant.
thanks for your support and apologies for the few messages today, i just arrived and cannot spend so much time anymore (need some $ to pay the bills).
I believe you in an instant that some (not all!) Austrians never give you any feeling of being an equal human being at home. Even though you are in favor of the best political option (due due lack of anything else).
Your home country has evolved drastically which makes it easier to live there now, than before 2003.
Maybe your mother would like to see her old homeland again?
Saker, if I had a third arm, I would give you three thumbs up. As for the U.S. build up of its military, through NATO (really MATO ;Mostly American Treaty Organization), I believe they have Kaliningrad in its sights.
The breakup of the Soviet Union was a great historical catastrophe.
Most Soviet citizens never wanted it disbanded. That fact alone is proof for all those who knock it, that it couldn’t have been as bad as pundits claim.
But anyway, great interview here. The Saker actually gets a mention.
Anakonda 16 on the Russian Frontier. Stephen F. Cohen. NYU, Princeton,
On gay rights: the West makes a big thing about promoting justice for homosexuals while it persists in denying justice to so much of the rest of the world’s population. The hypocrisy is obvious. It doesn’t at all follow that persistent jeering at gay rights is other than bigotry.
On Glaziev: Glaziev warns that the way the Russian economy is run doesn’t make sense. Maybe so, It doesn’t follow that Glaziev’s proposals make any more sense. State capitalism may afford some protection against the US (as in China). But the rest of what Glaziev has said, at least in articles quoted here, about the monetary system and targeted investment, is not entirely coherent. To abandon the current system, which kinda works, you have to have to have something more than slogans.
I guess you can justify Putin’s love fest with Netanyahu on the basis of pure self interest, either of the personal or national sort. I’m sure you will. But that line of justification in turn appears to vitiate any claim Putin and Russia have for international leadership or for international sympathy in the face of US/NATO aggression.
I think Israel realizes that it is going to have to learn how to behave. China backs Palestine.
In military terms isn’t that what they call a Pincer Movement or something? I think it also signals the fall of the USA and Israel realizes this as well? How did they take the news that Israel has joined the SCO? I haven’t heard anythig about it.
I believe that you have stated that you consider Putin and Russia to represent moral civilization – or something to that effect. I think Putin’s and Russia’s loving relationship with Israel belies that.
I believe Putin and Russian diplomacy towards Israel is basically just that. Cold diplomacy, nothing more here. In fact Putin has probably reminded Netanyahu on several occasions that ‘The Pale of Settlement’ is still available given Israel’s intent on self-destruction in the near future given it’s policies towards so many angry neighbors around it.
“… Putin and Russian diplomacy towards Israel is basically just that. Cold diplomacy, nothing more here. …”
And that love mutual: just see the latest self-explanatory news headline MSM: Netanyahu considers that Russian Federation cannot replace the United States for Israel [ ]
I wonder what do you (anybody) think about the Committee of 300 described by John Coleman in his book of 1991? The description is quite comprehensive and relevant to our days.
Criticisms of the Saker for perceiving , believing in , and respecting the Creator , and for not accepting secular humanism and gay as normal and to be promoted as such … those who make such criticism I suggest zooming out and looking at history . From Tierra del Fuego to Labrador and Arctic Circle , from S Africa to Norway , name one , just one , civilization that was atheist . Atheism is an invention . Militant Atheists almost universally ‘ believe ‘in Science , as if it were something to believe in and not merely a tool . They also quote the Big Bang theory as if it were true fact , and not a theory , one ironically invented by a Priest . Simply not educated enough to realize it , they believe in Magick , true action-at-a-distance as proposed by someone whose major interest was in Alchemy , Newton . They seek to dictate with a zeal only found in religious fanatics ; I contend Militant Atheism should be called a religion . Furthermore , consider Western Roman Law ; the highest authority of Law is Ecclesiastical , the Creator , God , as represented by the Papacy . Ultimate authority of Law has never ever been secular , in any civilization .
When Gloria Steinem , CIA , was girlfriend of Heinz Kissenger , I wonder what their bedside chats were like . Anyone who does not realize there is a ‘ Gay Agenda ‘ , or that sex revolution was a special interest of intelligence agencies , should do some reading , and just for a heads-up , take a look at PC safe spaces tyranny in universities .
To bad you didn’t weave in PCR (your recent interview) on the economic restructure of Russia. Great interview. Thank you.
Pandos, you are spot-on with this:
“””””bad you didn’t weave in PCR (your recent interview) on the economic restructure of Russia”””””
Good discussion except for the raging homophobia.
No, but Sovietophobia.
They are complaining about Russophobia, yet do the same against the Soviet Union.
That’s maybe because unlike real Russians they never lived in the Soviet Union.
“””””Lavelle, originally from Beverly Hills, California is now based in Moscow.[4]”””””
The deification of homosexuality and transgender is a symptom of advanced degeneracy of the western civilization, this is not homophobia, you cannot hate a sickness, the degeneracy is in the glorification of it.
@ Martin from Soviet East-Berlin, Boris Kazlov
Thank you, you correctly assessed these two problems.
Peter Quinn [Homeland] – “I just do not believe it anymore…”
tnx, elsi.
disturbing :(
Not my game:
You will find out that Homosexuality or rather the Elimination of Gender either Male or Female is due to the fact that Huge Amounts Of Hormones have been injected in the Food Chain and water. The result of which is the Corporations ability to hold food in suspended animation in perpetuity For Profits.
I am rather fortunate that I was born in a time that they had very little to influence my diet in my Country at the time. Now I see too many young children with abnormally bit breasts on the beach, and that’s the boys.
When you see that chicken are produced in an alarmingly Fast Rate with hormones then the end consumer is going to suffer as a result.
Please no caps – its like shouting. Reduced this once. Mod
True, don’t forget the used reproduced water supply, which gets cleaned a 100 times but not boiled.
The hormones from not only the food chain and industrial food industry “AdOn’s” are not the only ones which hardly ever get neutralized, also _Pharmacy_ which after having been consumed ends in the old and after all re-generated water supply _and_ food chain (from watering the agricultural plants or feeding the poor unworthily breeded and killed cattle).
Cattle – animals killed alive in a barbaric ISIS style manner, having some 90% of the same genes and feelings as ourselves.
Homosexuality or hermafroditism cannot be explained by hormonal contamination only, this has always existed, and I have seen it in third world countries where food production processes are not yet controlled by USA corporations..There are probably many explanations for this aberration of Nature, maybe food contaminaton can have an impact, scientific tests would be necessary to prove that. Again, the degeneracy lies in setting freaks as an example, just another symptom of degeneracy.
Boris K
The homosexuality existed even in the Roman Empire, the problem is that today, in the modern world is being advertised and propagated in every MSM ,through internet and officially by EU and USA. The main target are the youth, even the schools have adopted such “teachings”.
Male homosexuality has 2 connections seldom mentioned anymore.
It is more common after war, especially in countries that experience the violence personally. It seems that women of childbearing age who are in great stress produce much less male hormone during pregnancy.
This connects with sons who have several older brothers…though less so.
Also in “peacetime” it occurs often when women are intimidated and dominated domestically.
These times also have the Pill and free floating estrogen absolutely everywhere on earth…as well as mothers living stressful lives, often unsupported by boyfriends or husbands.
American children look stressed and unhappy all the time…even the school pictures look very different from 50 years ago.
Does this mean that those Russian males who were born grew up during times of great national stress in the early 90s are more likely to be homo that other generations of Russians?
I agree with this assessment. I mentioned the other day in a post that if you scratch the surface of this movement you will find that behind it is a multinational that poisoned the environment and is fueling this narrative for cover. While I believe the human nature is malleable this sexual transformations have not been known to human kind as far as I know- if you know better please enlighten.
Suffix to say, “Follow the Money”.
If I am correct, the West were pushing Russia to accept and legalize homosexuality before the Sochi Olympics right? Only to have Putin sign legislation banning it for the next 100 years. Am I correct? Love it. Long live Russia; and it will now for sure. ;)
I wish… He didn’t ban it. What you mean, i think, is the law prohibiting the propaganda of homosexuality among minors. Not a big deal, really, but Russia had to take a lot of [western] flak for it.
his comment is a warning to all Russians. Yes, some of the ‘dissident’ left in the West may step to defend Russia against ‘Western imperialism’, but they’re still deeply committed to imposing the various Western degeneracies. Remember, in the liberal mindset, there are no distinct groups of people. ‘Humanity’ is co-extensive with individuals. Therefore, everyone must be subjugated to this understanding. At the moment, this section of the left believe the attacks on Russia for not being gay friendly enough are just a cover for geopolitical moves. They’re not well intentioned. But once THEY get into power, the self defined ‘well intentioned’ people, they’ll pursue this messianic democracy with a vengeance.
Please can you put on mp3?
This was a great discussion fellas. Very illuminating. It’s always interesting when you comment on the mood, attitude, and disposition of the average Russian.
Saker, to what extent do you think neo-liberal economics hold sway in Russia atm?
Please, this appears to be an audio with stills. Your title suggests at least one moving picture of Saker….unless he is a bird and then there are still only stills…..In the web wide world this is known as clickbait….too bad….Folk quickly loose faith in ‘religious’ or otherwise(i.e.: Duran?) folk, with rigid opinions, who are invisible to us ordinary folk
sadness, you must belieeeeeeve
otherwise no partying after 10pm, after death.
Good interview.
OK, Europe is a colony of the US. Who in the hell is running this shit show? It’s not like there’s anyone looking out for the best interest of the population here.
As I see it: internationalists are stealing what remains to be taken as the US economy circles the toilet after a flush. Then the real chaos begins. Been done before.
I pray Russia can be strong enough to stay the course.
H.G. Wells [1866-1946] was a prolific and well known British writer, called the father of science fiction, familiar to the general public through such works as The War of the Worlds, The Time Machine, The Invisible Man, and many other.
While his formal education was as a biologist (he held a B.S. in zoology from the University of London), his interests and competencies were extremely broad. One of his major works was The Outline of History, written between the two World Wars and updated several times. I read it first in translation, then in the original English, his comprehensive endeavour that totally defies the occasionally deserved stereotype that history is not enjoyable to read.
Most significantly, still, he was a committed socialist, an outspoken adherent of a very English form of Utopian Socialism, a subject on which he wrote several books. He even used some of his science fiction to propagate these ideas. He naïvely believed that it was possible to implement socialism without a class war.
We may well consider it paradoxic that he was an admirer of both the USSR and the USA, which he considered waves of the future in their own ways, and of both I.V. Stalin and F.D. Roosevelt.
How profoundly mistaken he was in his belief that Roosevelt’s America was already on a firm path towards socialism…
Nevertheless, he was notable enough that in 1934 great Stalin consented to see him – and spend almost 3 hours in conversation with him!
From :
“… H. G. Wells visited the Soviet Union in 1934 and on July 23 he interviewed Joseph Stalin. The conversation, lasting from 4 P. M. to 6:50 P. M., was recorded by Constantine Oumansky, then head of the Press Bureau of the Commissariat of Foreign Affairs. The text, as printed in this pamphlet, has been approved by Mr. Wells. …”
At the above link you will find the complete transcript of the interview.
A bit easier to read is the format at
And it is perhaps easiest to listen to the 42 minute audio of the same on YouTube,
“An Interview Of Stalin By H.G. Wells (Marxism Versus Liberalism) (1934)”:
In the interview, Wells maintained essentially that if treated nicely and gently the crooked capitalists could be “gradually” “enticed” and “induced” to “see the light” and “voluntarily” relinquish their ill-gotten riches and join the humanity in an everlasting bliss and happiness for all…
And Uncle Joe had indeed a thing or two to teach our British utopian socialist. Just listen to what he said in response to Wells’ sincere and well-meaning psychedelic rant.
This is important to recall now not only in its own right, but particularly since Putin seems to also “believe” (or claim to believe) that the road to Russian nation’s prosperity, justice and happiness is through capitalism … and even religion…
Thanks Sergey, interesting author.
@ Martin from Soviet East-Berlin
Yes, he was interesting. His naïvety was in his sincere belief that capitalism could be “restructured” (come to think, the Russian word is перестройка … and we know well who applied that “in reverse” … sort of…), he claimed that a “profound reorganisation” of society was taking place in the U.S., making much of Roosevelt’s “New Deal”. The dust in his eyes was a visible large-scale industrial reconstruction, increase in managing efficiency, and governmental emergency stop-gap social measures.
Stalin, however, points out that despite a superficial similarity with the rapid industrialisation that was taking place in Soviet Union, “The United States is pursuing a different aim from that which we are pursuing in the U.S.S.R.”. And explains with great clarity the reasons behind “the impossibility of realising the principles of planned economy while preserving the economic basis of capitalism”, and his conclusion that there will be neither reorganisation of society nor planned economy in the U.S.
While capitalist economy persists in today’s Russia, the same observations fully apply there. One reads:
“… In speaking of the impossibility of realising the principles of planned economy while preserving the economic basis of capitalism, I do not in the least desire to belittle the outstanding personal qualities of Roosevelt, his initiative, courage and determination. Undoubtedly, Roosevelt stands out as one of the strongest figures among all the captains of the contemporary capitalist world. That is why I would like, once again, to emphasize the point that my conviction that planned economy is impossible under the conditions of capitalism, does not mean that I have any doubts about the personal abilities, talent and courage of President Roosevelt. But if the circumstances are unfavourable, the most talented captain cannot reach the goal you refer to. …
… as soon as Roosevelt, or any other captain in the contemporary bourgeois world, proceeds to undertake something serious against the foundation of capitalism, he will inevitably suffer utter defeat. The banks, the industries, the large enterprises, the large farms are not in Roosevelt’s hands. All these are private property. The railroads, the mercantile fleet, all these belong to private owners. And, finally, the army of skilled workers, the engineers, the technicians, these too are not at Roosevelt’s command, they are at the command of the private owners; they all work for the private owners. We must not forget the functions of the State in the bourgeois world. …”
Wouldn’t these Stalin’s words apply if one merely replaced the word “Roosevelt” with the word “Putin”?… Not to go too far afield here, but if that is indeed is so, then much of what we don’t understand about Putin’s actions might become clearer.
The answer is quite simple and always has been. It is neither corporate fascist which is what capitalism in the west really is nor is it communist. Taxes paid by the population in a transparent and accountable manner, published in the open for all tax payers to see, should be spent on education, health care, transport, energy, security, housing for those who cannot afford to buy private property, pensions and grants for the disabled, stimulus of small to medium business enterprises with low interest loans and the military to secure national safety. But it is not, neither in a “capitalist” read corporate fascist nor a communist system does the population ever see the benefits of their own investment in their own country. In both systems which both have been corrupt to start with, the banks and the privileged who have always been there and the hand behind every single politician no matter from which system, devise ways and means of siphoning off this investment for their own benefit. Stalin was no different. Lenin and Trotsky were funded by Rockefeller and Morgan, Stalin continued the process, which was to destroy private property ownership, take out the top in the Russian military, get rid of the intellectuals, downgrade the education system, and most important, destroy the Orthodox Christian church. Corporate fascists in the west today are no different and are funded by the same people who destroyed Russia. The same process is occurring. The ultimate aim is a corporate fascist world which is controlled by a few multinational corporations in conjunction with the state, where there will be no private property ownership, their will be no democratic vote, education will be Pavlovian with one answer responses rather than teaching people how to think, there will be no due process of law and detention without trial will be the norm. Job allocation will be subscribed. All food resources will be owned and controlled by them through patenting of seeds and plants, GMO and corporate farms. There is no difference between the one and the other, they have the same objectives only different masks. A real socialist/ capitalist system, where taxes actually do go for the benefit of the people who pay them, with honest and real representatives of the people in a democratically elected government with National Sovereignty has never been their objective. Instead taxes have been used to rape the people blind, with token gestures to keep people thinking that their governments have their best interests and future in mind. The central bank system controlled by the BIS and n turn owned by the same criminals has in many countries dished out trillions in low interest and sometimes no interest loans to these same multinational corporations in both the Soviet system and the west “capitalist”- corporate fascist system using tax payers money. The owners of the BIS are the same people who own the handful of multinational companies that rule the world. In the Soviet Union the people ere used as slave labour for what they thought were government industries but were in fact owned and controlled by the same people. That is why when the Soviet Union fell they had no compunction in raiding Russia and taking over what they regarded as theirs in the first place, this time bribing and using Russian puppets as CEOs of these industries. Until an open and transparent system of tax is presented to the public of any country so that they can see where their own investment in themselves is really spent, nobody will get anywhere.
“””””nor a communist system does the population ever see the benefits of their own investment in their own country”””””
How can you say that?
I bet you never lived in a communist country.
Free education, free healthcare, almost free housing with a constitutional right to have some roof over your head, almost free vacations 4 times per year, almost free lunch during work, almost free lunch for kids in school, almost free clothing for your job, almost free clothing for kids, books almost free, culture, museums dirt cheap, public transportation dirt cheap.
Now, those are exactly the factors which make like almost impossible _now_.
Now you can buy a cheap used car and a cheap radio and get a TV for free or buy old stuff on ebay (which destroyed the industry), but you cannot pay for education, you cannot pay several hundred enforced EUR per month(!) for healthcare (no matter if you make use of it), you cannot pay for housing, you get laughed at if you believe you have a constitutional right to have some roof over your head, you cannot pay for vacations, not even 1 times per year, you cannot pay expensive lunch during work (if you are lucky enough to have any), you cannot pay overpriced lunch for kids in school, you must pay all clothing for your job clothes, you cannot pay the overpriced clothing for kids, you cannot pay for many expensive 80$ per item books, you cannot pay for much culture, museums dirt overpriced, small families with kids cannot afford to visit zoopark, you cannot pay public transportation dirt expensive.
Having lived myself in Soviet East-Berlin (appears to be rare on this blog, that somebody is not from a western country, which includes most authors) I can say: Sergey quoting Stalin is quite correct with his assessment.
The TPP and the TTIP are their brainchild. It will be the coup de grace to end Nation Statehood and any control that the populations of Nations have over their own governance with little to no say in how and where their taes should be spent.
“Until an open and transparent system of tax is presented to the public of any country so that they can see where their own investment in themselves is really spent, nobody will get anywhere.”
The issue is less related to Transparency than it is to do with (i) economic fairness (compared to exploitation) in tandem with (ii) a requirement to cripple the amassment of oligarchical power.
As we know, unfettered Capitalism (no taxes) is no relation to a commonwealth. It does not address fairness – it’s aim is maximum profit via lowest cost & exploitation.
While Communism, theoretically, addresses fairness it has no defence against oligarchical power. Those oligarchs can then manipulate (or be tempted) to break the fairness that was intended by the system.
You referred to “corruption” in your post but did not explicitly link that to fairness. Transparency alone cannot address fairness.
If corruption is primarily related to oligarchy (and both Capitalism / Communism inevitably lead to that) what different organisation of society do you think of as a solution?
Since you consider a tax system as a requirement can I assume you favour some form of Capitalist organisation?
If so, rather than concentrating on openness & transparency can you perhaps comment on what rates of tax (specifically Income, Capital Gains & Inheritance) you consider might actually address the fundamental issues of fairness & oligarchy deconstruction?
In summary, an open and transparent tax system may describe the problem but it won’t cure it.
Anonymous: Many valid points.
“””””If corruption is primarily related to oligarchy (and both Capitalism / Communism inevitably lead to that)”””””
There was no Oligarchy before the end.
China was sold out after Mao’s death, the Soviet Union after Breshnew’s death and the GDR and Romania not before the old elites got “removed” (late 1989).
If you have honest real communists leading the country, you can trust them.
Of course such peaple have meanwhile died out. Some due to age, others due to their political views.
To James et al: If there was this wonderful God, he could take care of all of this and no children would die from hunger and no girls would be rtaped and no civilians would die from Kiev’s bombs.
But no no, it only works, if A, and then only if B and then it depends on the prayers and then on the wheather.
“If you have honest real communists leading the country, you can trust them.”
Only if.
But it is still an oligarchy (a vastly better one than ubob’s benevolent monarch) and you can only trust them while they remain.
I believe that system design will inevitably lead to it’s own downfall.
No, it wasn’t an oligarchy in the modern sense.
Yes, it was autocratic rule and a dictatorship.
But show me a single country now which isn’t, behind the false hypocritical mask of fake “democracy”.
I’m waiting …
As for the downfall: It wasn’t a falling down but a getting stabbed down by the West (times internal traitors, therefore also the West).
The remaining countries who were still ruled by real communists and antifascists after having been sold out by China and the Soviet Union were A) not fully aware how bad their big brothers’ new leaderships really were and B) too weak to oppose pressure from the West plus from the East(ern traitors) at once.
Whatever they would have chosen (more Perestroika versus more Stalinism and calling in the army) was too little too late and doomed to failiure.
A single anti-human was enough to sell out the entire Soviet Union.
And without the Soviet Union the entire world (including the West) is now lost, because the West has no ideological competition anymore, and they no longer need to worry about having to hide their real ugly antiface.
“As for the downfall: It wasn’t a falling down but a getting stabbed down by the West”
The “stabbing” was only enabled by the oligarchical (autocratic) design of the system – the trip was an accident waiting to happen.
“But show me a single country now which isn’t, behind the false hypocritical mask of fake “democracy”.”
Conversation about the lowest common denominator is futile…did you ever consider Anarchist communism ?
As you would wish for rules (or “law”) – so do I. How might that work?
“1. In a Anarchist society would there be written laws? If so would each commune have different laws?
I think decisions about how interpersonal affairs are run will be down to the communities that make up the society. Obviously, we’re not talking about law as it functions in a capitalist society here. Law, as a means of underpinning the capitalist system will be gone. Property-related crime would be gone, and we’d think that much of the crime associated with deprivation, poverty and alienation would be gone too.
Still, we’re going to have to have a way of dealing with the occasional sociopath, or with crimes of passion. I don’t think communism is a society of angels.
This will have to be decided on in democratic processes involving the people it effects – the community in question – like everything else…[]…”
Any organism without rules or borders dies in seconds.
That’s what I say everybody who promotes Anarchism.
We need more rules and twice as high walls as before, not less.
Comrade Stalin, go!
“We need more rules and twice as high walls as before, not less.
Comrade Stalin, go!”
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Read more at:
“””””Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”””””
Over and over again??
You talk as if we were living in a Stalinist world, with all countries part of the Soviet Union.
Personal advice: I know it is tough, but read the news at least once in 25 years.
Hint: In the EU there are no border controls for some time now.
So who is insane now?
“Over and over again??
You talk as if we were living in a Stalinist world, with all countries part of the Soviet Union.”
Yes, the following is a succinct description (by Kim) of the problem – its recurrence (with centralised power) is inevitable
“In a nutshell: The rot started with Khrushchev’s denunciation of Stalin at the XX Congress (the “Secret Report”). The main purpose was to purge the Old Guard from the leadership (Molotov, Beria, etc). This was followed by taking over the functions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, therefore bypassing Soviet diplomacy. That opened the floodgates and exposure to the lavish lifestyle of the capitalist world. Stalin’s dasha was a humble shed by Western standards. Many people at the higher echelons of Soviet leadership lived in one-bedroom flats next door to a factory worker.
Under Khrushchev many Soviet organisations became independent “co-operatives” – in fact managed by an apparatchik and these “co-operatives” became the vehicle for the plundering of the profitable economic entities of the Soviet Union. The apparatchiks became the infamous billionaire oligarchs.”
The system itself must be designed so that power does not rest with one or a small number of individuals.
I have no idea how your hint (re EU border controls) relates to any of this neither your comment on insanity – many world “leaders” may be psychopaths but none are insane.
One can find all the answers they need in the ‘forgery'(sic-what a joke, since all ‘forgeries’ have an original copy somewhere) called the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zionism. Actually, this ideology is as old as Humanity itself., and was perfected in Babylon loooong ago. What has, and is attempted to happen in Russia and is well on it’s way to being implemented in the terminally declining West is found in the document I mentioned above. Nothing new here.
The problem with Putin is, that despite the fact that he so far rescued Russia from total destruction and has achieved many good things, I cannot recognize anymore where he is at least attempting to escape the prison of capitalism. He is a convinced liberal and seems to be happy with the situation. This is the worse in comparison to FDR as he _knows_ how good it was in the Soviet Union and additionally in Communist East-Germany (which had one of the highest standards of living in the Eastern bloc, except for Yugoslavia, which in turn was not really part of the Eastern bloc).
All the nice stories is in the “Unknown” video are nice and well, but fact is and remains: He is a liberal. I cannot understand the reasons for this. Did he get out of touch with the working class? Is it that he is surrounded by the wrong “advisers”? Or does it simply work out too well for him so he misses that for the majority it certainly doesn’t?
Of course the were flaws in communism, after Stalin only weak/wrong/incompetent/lazy/drunk leaders were chosen, until Gorbachev was not old and not suffering from alcoholism and not suffering from dementia etc etc etc, but the most naive full-nerd-fool and _traitor_ at once
In the Eastern Bloc there was some low-level corruption.
But the maximum income disparity between the GeneralDirector of a Kombinat versus the lowest paid toilet cleaner would be 1 to 4, not 0,2 to 20 Billion (those numbers are not exaggerated now).
So don’t come me with “corrupt regimes”.
Now you don’t need corruption anymore, it’s all perfectly leagal according to plan.
Same in the US of A and around the westernized empoverished globe.
Thank you Martin, I really enjoyed your whole discussion. I can only confirm from my personal experience that you are right. Anyone who hasn’t lived in those shoes back then, not having the experience, can just make assumptions. You are a reliable partner (not in terms of you know who)
If I had a time-machine a la H:G:Wells, I would go back to my homeland and forget all these years as a bad dream living as an emigrant.
Comrade ioan,
thanks for your support and apologies for the few messages today, i just arrived and cannot spend so much time anymore (need some $ to pay the bills).
I believe you in an instant that some (not all!) Austrians never give you any feeling of being an equal human being at home. Even though you are in favor of the best political option (due due lack of anything else).
Your home country has evolved drastically which makes it easier to live there now, than before 2003.
Maybe your mother would like to see her old homeland again?
Brilliant interview. Thank you so much for this.
Saker, if I had a third arm, I would give you three thumbs up. As for the U.S. build up of its military, through NATO (really MATO ;Mostly American Treaty Organization), I believe they have Kaliningrad in its sights.
The breakup of the Soviet Union was a great historical catastrophe.
Most Soviet citizens never wanted it disbanded. That fact alone is proof for all those who knock it, that it couldn’t have been as bad as pundits claim.
But anyway, great interview here. The Saker actually gets a mention.
Anakonda 16 on the Russian Frontier. Stephen F. Cohen. NYU, Princeton,
On gay rights: the West makes a big thing about promoting justice for homosexuals while it persists in denying justice to so much of the rest of the world’s population. The hypocrisy is obvious. It doesn’t at all follow that persistent jeering at gay rights is other than bigotry.
On Glaziev: Glaziev warns that the way the Russian economy is run doesn’t make sense. Maybe so, It doesn’t follow that Glaziev’s proposals make any more sense. State capitalism may afford some protection against the US (as in China). But the rest of what Glaziev has said, at least in articles quoted here, about the monetary system and targeted investment, is not entirely coherent. To abandon the current system, which kinda works, you have to have to have something more than slogans.
I guess you can justify Putin’s love fest with Netanyahu on the basis of pure self interest, either of the personal or national sort. I’m sure you will. But that line of justification in turn appears to vitiate any claim Putin and Russia have for international leadership or for international sympathy in the face of US/NATO aggression.
I think Israel realizes that it is going to have to learn how to behave. China backs Palestine.
In military terms isn’t that what they call a Pincer Movement or something? I think it also signals the fall of the USA and Israel realizes this as well? How did they take the news that Israel has joined the SCO? I haven’t heard anythig about it.
I believe that you have stated that you consider Putin and Russia to represent moral civilization – or something to that effect. I think Putin’s and Russia’s loving relationship with Israel belies that.
I believe Putin and Russian diplomacy towards Israel is basically just that. Cold diplomacy, nothing more here. In fact Putin has probably reminded Netanyahu on several occasions that ‘The Pale of Settlement’ is still available given Israel’s intent on self-destruction in the near future given it’s policies towards so many angry neighbors around it.
“… Putin and Russian diplomacy towards Israel is basically just that. Cold diplomacy, nothing more here. …”
And that love mutual: just see the latest self-explanatory news headline MSM: Netanyahu considers that Russian Federation cannot replace the United States for Israel [ ]
I wonder what do you (anybody) think about the Committee of 300 described by John Coleman in his book of 1991? The description is quite comprehensive and relevant to our days.
No excuses for Putin anymore. By allying closely with Israel he has declared himself on the side of evil.
Criticisms of the Saker for perceiving , believing in , and respecting the Creator , and for not accepting secular humanism and gay as normal and to be promoted as such … those who make such criticism I suggest zooming out and looking at history . From Tierra del Fuego to Labrador and Arctic Circle , from S Africa to Norway , name one , just one , civilization that was atheist . Atheism is an invention . Militant Atheists almost universally ‘ believe ‘in Science , as if it were something to believe in and not merely a tool . They also quote the Big Bang theory as if it were true fact , and not a theory , one ironically invented by a Priest . Simply not educated enough to realize it , they believe in Magick , true action-at-a-distance as proposed by someone whose major interest was in Alchemy , Newton . They seek to dictate with a zeal only found in religious fanatics ; I contend Militant Atheism should be called a religion . Furthermore , consider Western Roman Law ; the highest authority of Law is Ecclesiastical , the Creator , God , as represented by the Papacy . Ultimate authority of Law has never ever been secular , in any civilization .
When Gloria Steinem , CIA , was girlfriend of Heinz Kissenger , I wonder what their bedside chats were like . Anyone who does not realize there is a ‘ Gay Agenda ‘ , or that sex revolution was a special interest of intelligence agencies , should do some reading , and just for a heads-up , take a look at PC safe spaces tyranny in universities .