Note: I don’t endorse everything in this video, especially not the Islam-bashing or his highly misleading representation of Switzerland as some kind of paradise on earth, but I do think that Paul Joseph Watson is mostly correct. Besides, if I was in the UK, I sure would vote to get the hell out the sinking EU Titanic. The Brits live on an island? Good – let them use that God-given protection from the insanity taking place right across the Channel. The Saker
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generally I can agree with this vid.
but , as I understand it the UK has already ceded sovereignty in most respects to the EU.
Therefore in actuallity the UK is in much the same position as Greece and cannot simply walk away
from this union. The UK has signed up to these eu agreements and it would be against international law to act against them.
the vote is a sham from start to end, just as the scotish one was.
in scotland there is a major air traffic control centre, nuclear submarine base, major air defence bases,
They were nevergoing to be allowed out of the United Kingdom. But somehow (duh!) they , the people decided the right thing.
So what is the vote for (BREXIT) in the UK?
Which way do our leaders want us to vote? Actually who are our leaders?
We seem to have now two proper factions, the internationalists, and a proper second faction , with at least two new princes in the cause, namely Boris Johnson and Michael Gove.
I think the UK will vote to leave mainley over the immigration issue,
Yeah? Who will stop an exit? What EU army is going to invade to enforce staying?
The secret EroGendFor is designed for such scenarios.
But I fully agree with NickLancs’s excellent post: Ain’t going to happen, n e v e r
They won’t even need to rigg the vote (if they need to, they will of course).
Look what a God given politician and speaker Nigel Farage is, and yet the brainwashed UKies protested in the 1000’s for _moar_ immigration in London.
The article 50 of the european constitution give all the legal step needed to get out unilaterally of the EU within a maximum time of 2 year.
Islam is the sanctioned, designated whipping boy in the UK for the general public. Britain had a mass immigration policy long before it was part of any European confederate and though many, especially the working class, were not happy about the flow of immigrants (which has had a catastrophic effect on many inner city indigenous communities), successive governments bullied them into submission. So there has always been a simmering resentment and it’s manifesting itself now in a real disliking for Muslims. That said, Muslims are playing their part as the bogeyman well in so many, many ways.
I guess what I’m saying is that, even though I doubt there’ll be a Brexit, if we do leave I don’t see that things will greatly change. The global establishment is hell bent on eradicating culture, ethnicity and, in my view, ultimately race in their quest to manufactor the universal man in their own image–the implications of this statement will not be lost on some of you. I see many signs of this manifesting in the zeitgeist. The demonization and oppresion of traditionalist right wing movements and European religiousness are probably the clearest indications of this. Putin, of course, represents everything they’re pushing against and is why I admire him so.
Very good Video.
Saker wrote:
> I don’t endorse everything in this video, especially not the Islam-bashing
No wonder you say this, given that you live somewhere in wonderful Nature in Florida.
Move to some European large city’s muslim ghetto, be it in Brussels, London, Paris or Berlin.
You will be very afraid of letting your kids go to school.
Then I’ll ask you again what you think about this.
Tnx however for having posted this video to a wider audience!
I couldn’t find a single wrong word in it.
That man however is in danger.
“I couldn’t find a single wrong word in it.”
I did. Switzerland is not part of the EU but has a great number of bilateral/multilateral treaties with it. Hence, it is false that in Switzerland, EU rules do not apply. To the contrary, a fairly large number do apply.
Leaving the EU is certainly an option, because it will allow (but also force) the UK to renegotiate its relations with the EU. How large the advantage in foreign relations will be is a matter of speculation. Very clearly though, a Brexit will bring home domestic issues – a huge advantage in my viewpoint.
Martin, Saker is right about a lot, but he is all wrong about Muslims. He lives in Florida and doesn’t know the situation in some EU-countries. You and I do. Some of us are a minority in our own country in some places (I am talking about Sunnis, not Shias). My daughter is afraid. Immigrants stare at her and she is well aware of the many rapes that are not reported in MSM, but reported on alternative internet sites in my country. Taxes go up, cities take bank loans and countries take state loans. We will have to pay for years and how? Are pensions to be cut? I think so, but perhaps not in Germany where pensions have better protection.
As for Brexit, the Brits should study Norway. It is not a EU-member, but Brussels issues orders anyway. Do this, do that or you can’t trade. The UK needs a better deal and may get it, but this is Brussels we are talking about. Barroso (Burroso) talked about “Impire”, trying to say “Empire”. The unelected rulers are not of this world. They are at least influenced from the Netherworld, if the word makes sense in English. Talking heads not attach to the body of the people.
Hi, I worry about your daughter.
If I imagine I had already a daughter myself …
Fortunately in my area of Berlin there are at the moment still mostly Russians and almost no muslims.
Although they are creeping in.
As for Brexit and Norway: good point.
But I’m afraid the deal the Brits will get is 1000 years EU, so all the rest is probably mere theory.
Does anybody know who owns the EU? What about the role of the monarchies, especially Queen and EvilDarkness Princes Phillip and Charles in UK, but also Netherlands and Spain?
Who owns the EU?
Well according to documents it is the CIA and US.
@ Martin:
“No wonder you say this, given that you live somewhere in wonderful Nature in Florida.
Move to some European large city’s muslim ghetto, be it in Brussels, London, Paris or Berlin.
You will be very afraid of letting your kids go to school.”
That’s the thing, isn’t it? Muslims are a hell of a lot easier to like when they’re not living right next door to you. And please note that by “Muslims” I do mean: Muslim men.
Muslim women don’t bother me at all, if anything I do feel sorry for them; forced to walk around in their black prisons made out of cloth.
Here’s a powerful cartoon that helps to illustrate my point>
It is the Muslim men who make themselves a nuisance at best, or that outright jeopardize your personal safety and that of your loved ones at worse.
Secondly… I “love” it when people outside Europe, blame Europeans for their own misfortune. In this case; I’m talking about migrants in general.
I just had a had a visit from my landlrod, who is expecting me to pay [raising rent] untold amounts of money for a shoebox you wouldn’t even keep a mouse in. And it’s all courtesy of the EU and their open borders policy which are raising housing prices to unholy levels (AND also depressing local incomes. The same incomes most working folks are relying-on in order to be able pay for the ever rising hosing prices… See where I’m going with this?)
But that’s ok, I’m sure folks out there, the very ones dissing the European working-class, would have a spare room for me if I’m made homeless due to Europe “self-inflicted-wound.”
Right? Right?
PS: For once; I’d like to see these holier-than-thou type people put their money where they mouth is! Dog, I’m so angry, right now!
Hi TL2Q,
Of course true, of course true!
Nicely written. And both “this” and “that” is true. Sadly, yes.
I hinted at that already with my story abour the boy Mr. Dragon Lover in the caiman thread.
Only thing I might add: The braindead increase of really every housing, renting, living, apartment, homeless shelter’s open air emergency room, garbage can roof prices is a not limited to Europe, because it was primarily a consequence of the zero percent interest rate policy since 2008, first introduces and led by the Federal Reserve of the USA, and hence globally as the USD and its SDR’s (special drawing rights) is still the one global reserve currency. Because 0% interest rate doesn’t mean that you or I get a worthy job or a loan or a house or can establish our own biz company from 0% loans. We small ants still have to pay 15%++ interest plus won’t get hold of much of a loan in the first place. So what happens with all that freshly (not even) printed fiat “money” aka DEBTS??? And who benefits? Answer: Not even the millionaires, but the real Billionaires and big banks. They need to finds new ways to invest their freshly borrowed freshly (not even) printed “money”, because the old method via bonds doesn’t work anymore due to the 0% interest. So that’s why they keep buying all sorts of real (!) properties, land, houses, everything. And that’s what drives up demand and hence housing prices.
Also a phaenomenon which not the Europeans have created, but the US of A. But we have to pay their bills as the fruits of 100 years of fraud are beginning to come back home to the West, mostly to Europe.
Actually it is common knowledge among not only Russians (real ones), but even western Europeans, that Americans are the most dull stupidified breed of brainless zombies.
It surprises me every time that he here is telling folks the opposite.
Maybe too long there.
How Americans are:
How Americans Really Are!
Hi TL2Q, I’m (and my eyes are) a bit overworked here.
I forgot an essential part after the introduction: Of course you are right, that the orchestrated hostile migrants’ invasion is now the 2nd factor which doubled property, land, housing prices in a short time.
It is a mess.
How anyone can come and blame it all on the defenseless weponless rightless (often jobless) abused EU citizens puzzles me.
Of course: There are still far too many zombified cultural (pseudo leftists electing the sorts like the perverted “Green” party in germany.
Of course there are still far too many US-licking Poles, Baltics and Albanians, Bosnians.
But that’s not the majority. Many of the silent majority think differently, but feel paralyzed by helplessness.
Yes, I wish me myself that there would be much more potests and organized rallies.
On the other hand, there where the were any, the will of the people always got ignored.
People gave up.
And as there is no reliable Soviet Union on the horizon, it will stay like that and as a 100% waterproof prediction will get worse and worse.
Now *show* *me* where there are any average americans that are in a single respect brighter and are fighting for the end of global slavery (PCR and Ron Paul are a reare exception).
How then can anybody write such anti-European allegations together?
Different religions, different habits:
ISIS Burns Alive 19 Women For Refusing Sex; Executes Dozens Of Its Own Fighters In Spy Purge
Switzerland is now technically more part of the EU than UK. Switzerland has joined the Schengen Zone (unlike UK) and the Swiss Central bank has PEGGED the Swiss Franc to the Euro.
I don’t think there will be a BREXIT. The Scots love the EU and so does the City of London. London is the EU’s main financial centre.
Hi SG, everything almost true.
However, small correction fyi:
The Peg against the EUR has been lifted long ago:
The Swiss Euro Peg Abolishment and its Consequences
And having said this, the EUR peg wasn’t the first one in history:
“””””In 1945, Switzerland joined the Bretton Woods system and pegged the franc to the U.S. dollar at a rate of $1 = 4.30521 francs (equivalent to 1 franc = 0.206418 grams of gold). This was changed to $1 = 4.375 francs (1 franc = 0.203125 grams of gold) in 1949.”””””
Here you see the Forex rate against the EUR for the past 5 years:
CHF/EUR (CHFEUR=X) -CCY;range=5y
p.s. Abandoning the peg brought thousands of Eastern Europeans into debts trouble, after they had invested in CHF termed life insurances for years.
There are lots of articles so you can google this, only quickly from my memory.
Hi Martin,
You are totally correct! Thanks for bringing it up.
The 1.20 peg was officially abandoned, but it was a replaced by a “soft peg” where the franc is maintained below the EUR 0.9 – 1.
The central bank maintains the Franc below the Euro by setting an interest rate lower than the ECB. From any economic perspective, the CHF should be much higher than the EUR. Here a Swiss economist spells out the strategy of the central bank.
Yes, I remember the whole debacle with the Eastern Europeans who ended up under water on their debt because they took debt in a currency in which they do not earn their salary. They only looked at the interest rate and didn’t realise they were exposing themselves to currency risk…
fully agree with Serbian Girl. London and CH are 100% part of it, even if they pretend not to, i think this is Bread&Circus reloaded, or newy named controlled dissidence…for the 1%, fully antiseptic
Don’t worry…. if they vote for Exit…. it will be a non binding referendum.
Dear The Saker,
In addition to your video above – there is also an independent film about Brexit:
“The Movie spells out the danger of staying part of the EU. Is it safe to give a remote government beyond our control the power to make laws? Is it safe to tie ourselves to countries which are close to financial ruin, drifting towards scary political extremism, and suffering long-term, self-inflicted economic decline? The Movie shows a side of the EU they don’t want us to see: the sprawling self-serving bureaucracy, the political cynicism, the lack of accountability, the perks, the waste, the cronyism, the corruption……….”
This film was independently financed by donations from ordinary people. Everyone in Europe should watch this movie.
As you say the Saker – it is time for Britain to jump the sinking ship – however Scotland with 2 million is very pro EU – so it could swing it……however, if the Scots were clever and wanted to leave the UK and be independent – they should really vote to leave ;)……
About Brexit:
Well, there’s this… (can’t be bothered with writing a commentary [I’m too busy and worried by very personal problems], plus; the headlines are pretty self-explanatory anyways…)
Foreign voters have been wrongly sent polling cards
“Reports have emerged of EU citizens [My note: who are NOT allowed to vote in the EU brexit referendum, for obvious reasons] being sent polling cards for June 23 [..]”
[UK] MPs Plot To Ignore Brexit Vote And Keep Borders Open
“One Labour MP argued that a Leave vote would not deliver a “mandate” to exit all EU institutions, and should, therefore, be creatively interpreted to remain in the single market – an EU component that would likely require Britain to maintain open borders [..]”
Interesting, and more EUR Lisbon Scotland Netherlands Austria reloaded on RT:
Is Parliament preparing to ignore public vote for Brexit?–single-market/
@ Martin:
^ Plenty thanks for that link :)
See, that’s what I mean, you can only go in, you cannot come out, when it comes to the EU. Equivalent of Hotel California.
While I wish for a successful Brexit, I doubt it will happen. Why,, because the EU is a version of the song “Hotel California”, you can only go in (to be prisoners of their own making), you cannot get out….
The British will vote to leave the EU, as is their right. Treaties? Baloney! What right do the politicians have to enslave their descendants in perpetuity? The warnings of economic collapse are lies akin to the “Domino Theory” that “required” the US to intervene in Southeast Asia.
My prediction: BREXIT will win, but the Powers That Be will use vote fraud to say it failed narrowly, just as the globalists did in Austria. Hopefully, the British public won’t take that lying down.
Very good video which I recommend for maybe an own article, published on May 29, 2016:
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts 2016 : Vote BREXIT – End the EU, a CIA Covert Operation
In other news…
I watched the so-called debate on Brexit between Cameron and Farage tonight, I’ve said “so-called” because they were not face to face (at Cameron’s request, btw!), they both had a half hour question-time with members of the in-studio audience.
As ever; Farage was a class-act, despite the quite obviously planted acrimonious members on the audience (aspiring actors? who knows! – But I do know from reading comment sections, that a person that commenter knows was present at the event and told him the questions were handed to them by the production team, rather than being genuine questions from the participants).
Anyhoo, Farage did great as he always does in these type of hostile situations. He gave straight, honest answers that always manage to get to the core of any given problem in just a few seconds, before he gets rudely interrupted, of course, as it always happens to him.
Cameron on the other hand… dodged questions, gave his signature politician answer (of NOT answering questions) while he kept peddling the mantra in favor of the economic aspect (according to him: benefits *eye-roll*) of staying in the EU.
With him; it was all about the economy and free-trade, any other issue was ignored in order to mention once again: the economy and free-trade.
In contrast; Farage did say GDP figures shouldn’t be portrayed as being more important than regular folks quality of life.
I seriously can’t love this man more than I already do :)
The “so-called” debate already caused a stir in the media… I’m just trying to go thought it all before I give you guys my best picks.
Well… there you have it! At least one of the hostile questioners Farage had to suffer last night is a blogger from the Huffington Post. A pro-EU, “black-lives-matter” type liberal airhead (For American folks out there, this would be the equivalent of pitting a La Raza activist against Trump in an intentionally set-out trap).
REVEALED: Audience Member Who Harassed Farage Over Immigration Is HuffPost Blogger
If you read the article you will also see her idiotic rebuttals AFTER she was exposed as a plant. For one thing, she claims she doesn’t work for the Huffington Post. I would like to know how you or me [or someone like the Saker for that matter] can get in that type of gig of writing (or podcasting, whatever) for such a big publication even it’s pro-bono. Whatever lady, you and I both know, that at a bare minimum, you’re bulking-up your Resume (from which you eventually hope to land a good paying job from) if you’re paid or not, is, at this point in time: irrelevant. One thing is for sure, you’re not an average representative of the regular folks on the street.
Secondly, and even more important than that. It turns out that wishing to exit the EU is quite clearly racist.
No! Seriously how that works? Does that mean every single country not currently in the EU are all racists? Newsflash to Russia, China, the whole of Africa… you’re not in the EU, ergo: you’re all racists! …according to this HuffPost blogger :/
Another annoying questioner is rumored to be a Charity Worker from a Charity that receives grants from the EU (sorry, no links for that yet, I’m just reading that from message boards). Then I noticed quite a few questions to both Farage and Cameron were from the ‘business’ sector. So much for having an audience representative of regular working people, huh?
There was one guy though [Asian-looking, working class, three kids, priced out of the housing market, seeing his neighborhood slowly turning into a no-go area (due to immigration of course)] asking Cameron in what way mass immigration helps him…
The BA worker who stopped Cameron in his tracks: Father-of-three, 40 [..]
^ You guys don’t need to bother with that article if you don’t want to – I just posted it as reference. The article tries to smear the guy as being deceitful, first by quoting the valuation of the place his living at, even though he’s renting, so it’s irrelevant and then by insinuating that since he has three children [and he lives 500 yards away from his local GP practice] is pretty much impossible for him not to be on a General Practitioner’s list. Which is nonsense of course, because living in close proximity to a GP practice doesn’t guarantee they’ll add you to their patients list, pretty much like living in close proximity to a school doesn’t guarantee they’ll have space available for your children.
So does things like StumpleUpon and Reddit now count as SEO?
I heard they do because of the latest algorithm update
p.s Never take guidance from people on the Warrior Forums lol