by Eric Zuesse
John Helmer, who explains military-strategic matters better and more knowledgeably than just about anyone, headlined on May 30th, “The Red Line Crossed, In the Cross-Hairs, At Trigger Point”, and he opened:
First there was the red-line announcement. On Friday [May 27th] in Athens there was the cross-hairs statement. By the month of October, the month before the US presidential election, there will be the trigger point.
The US and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies are going to war with Russia, accelerating the inevitability that Russia will strike in self-defence. This is what the first and second statements by President Vladimir Putin warn. There will be no statement of warning.
News media in the West treat any such report — that Russia might be placed into a situation in which a blitz nuclear attack against the West would (and maybe even will) be Russia’s rational response to Western operations to surround Russia with hostile forces on its borders — as if there’s something kooky about any such opinion: they treat it as if the West weren’t ruled by people who are that evil, as if recognizing such evil in a ruler in the West is to be prohibited (especially if that ruler is America’s President, instead of, for example, Turkey’s President, whom apparently one is allowed to impute to be evil). On the present occasion, however, they should pay close attention to the situation Helmer describes, and they should report about the matter, while there might still be time enough to avert an unimaginable catastrophe, which (as Helmer explains in detail) could quite possibly happen this year.
The West is in stark reality-denial. Whereas the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, between JFK and Khrushchev, was accompanied by an appropriate public fear on both sides, the even more dangerous situation this time, between Putin and Obama, elicits such fear only among the Russian people, not at all among Americans and other Westerners.
Mutually Assured Destruction, or M.A.D., isn’t only a reality in a nuclearly armed multipolar world, but it is also, and equally importantly, also a mass-psychology, of belief that there cannot be any winner of a nuclear war — that (especially regarding a nuclear conflict between the two nuclear superpowers) any nuclear war will destroy the planet we all share. This sense of a shared fate on both sides, is central to M.A.D., as what it was — the foundation-stone of the post-world-war era, the era in which existed the longest extended period without a global war, since the advent of global war in 1914.
That era is, tragically, now over.
M.A.D. ended as a mass-psychology in the West, but not in the East — not in Russia, and not in any other of the world’s free nations, otherwise known as the independent nations (the nations that aren’t under the control of the U.S. aristocracy and of any of the aristocracies that are allied to that aristocracy — nor of any other foreign nation’s aristocracy), or also called the “BRICS” nations (which just recently lost its “B” when Brazil underwent a coup, which changed Brazil to becoming now a satellite of the U.S., which will probably (if nuclear war is averted) then be ‘rescued’ by IMF loans that will increasingly strip the Brazilian public and leave them with even lower living-standards and even deeper indebtedness, which will increasingly be owed to foreign lenders).
M.A.D. resulted from the balance that existed when America’s NATO alliance was counterbalanced by the USSR’s Warsaw Pact alliance. Therefore, the very idea of nuclear ‘conquest’, in a military sense, was simply assumed to be impractical, not only by the publics on both sides, but (at least as crucially) by the two opposed aristocracies, West versus East, U.S.-allied versus U.S.S.R.-allied.
The end result of U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush’s secret strategy, in 1990-1991, of terminating that M.A.D. by his regime’s lying so as to fool Gorbachev to terminate the USSR and its Warsaw Pact while Gorbachev (and then his successor Yeltsin) allowed continuation and even expansion of NATO, has become, in the West, a total lack of the near-hysteria of mutual fear of nuclear annihilation that had existed in both the West and the East during the Cold War, and its replacement now by a nonchalant West and an increasingly terrified East, as the West is making preparations for what the U.S. aristocracy seems increasingly to believe to be a previously unprecedented situation, in which the U.S. aristocracy and its allied stooge-aristocracies (in Europe, Japan, and Australia) can emerge as actual victors after a nuclear war.
Thus, in the West, there is no hysteria, such as once existed, for everyone to build his/her own family bomb-shelter, even as the West now is tightening its nuclear noose around the Russians’ collective neck. Instead, that previous fear and sometimes even hysteria, has been replaced by a situation in which only some individuals (no one knows whom nor how many) from the West’s aristocracies, have purchased elaborate hardened underground luxurious bunkers, in preparation for their increasingly likely future existences in a presumed post nuclear-holocaust world, and meanwhile the Western masses are not at all outraged at their being left fully exposed with no bunkers at all; and, the reason they’re not, is that they believe that, as their country becomes ‘protected’ by a ballistic-missile-‘defense’ or BMD or ABM (anti-ballistic-missile) system against the ‘enemy’ (now just Russia), they’ve got no more need to worry about ’the enemy’.
The Reagan-era ‘Star Wars’ anti-ballistic missile defense dream for the American aristocracy, is now starting to be realized finally in an Obama-era Lockheed Martin “Aegis Ashore Missile Defense System” nightmare for the Russian people alone, as the putative imagined pathway towards global victory for America’s aristocracy is becoming installed in eastern Europe and other areas bordering on and close to Russia. The American and other Western publics are blithely unworried about it, because the aristocracy’s ‘news’ media have told them that this is ‘just a defensive measure against possible further Russian aggression’ (not a reach-for-global-conquest by America’s aristocracy, which it actually is).
This is one of the reasons why, from the standpoint of America’s rulers, it’s so vitally important for information about those luxurious bunkers to be circulated only in publications for the elite, such as FORBES. If the general public were to become increasingly aware that the few billionaires amongst them are making their own preparations for living in a possible post-nuclear-holocaust nation, then the uncomfortable questions would arise as to why the federal government is not assisting the general public to do likewise (or at least to live in some kind of bunker, such as did happen back in ‘the good old days’).
This is also the result of the ‘libertarian’ or ‘neoliberal’ ideology, the ideology of ‘individualism’, which the aristocracy has systematically inculcated now into generations of people in the West, which denigrates the government’s obligations to the public, and which raises instead to the ideal, the belief in the rightness of ‘every man for himself’ and ‘we are not in this together’, because ‘the masses of lazy bums and stupid people should get nothing more than whatever they deserve’. If, perhaps, a billionaire can afford to live ‘safely’ deep underground, then “more power to him,” according to this ideology, which proclaims that equality of rights is wrong, and that instead a person deserves to have no more rights than he or she has property, wealth, dollars — things to trade with other individuals who possess wealth. In the U.S., this transactional basis for individuals’ rights was the ideology of the Supreme Court in a series of decisions such as the 2010 Citizens United decision, that a person’s right to ‘free speech’ should be proportional to how much money he/she spends to buy it so as to persuade others to vote the way one wants them to vote, or to buy whatever else one wants them to buy.
This transactional concept of an individual’s rights is a protection of dollars, not really of people. It’s for (and in service to) an aristocracy, not a democracy. This Supreme Court has supported aristocracy, not democracy. And, since, after WW II, this has increasingly become the new ethos, not only in the United States but in all countries that take the U.S. to be the ideal, Western publics are not at all outraged at being left high-and-dry in the event that perhaps the new military-security system, which is replacing the shared safety of M.A.D., is replacing it with the competitive and non-shared safety of ’nuclear primacy’, and will end up leaving the public out in the cold nuclear winter in the enemy’s camp.
After all, in the totally competitive world, what’s won is taken, and what’s lost is given; and, ‘to the victor belong the spoils’. This might not necessarily be so in economics, but it certainly is so in the military; it even defines the military outlook — which, after all, is what we’re talking about here.
And, if people have to pay for their rights, then the ‘enemy’ isn’t the aristocracy — certainly not that of one’s own nation — but instead, it is the people who don’t have the money to buy their own rights. Some people call this type of political system ‘liberty’ or ‘libertarianism’ or ‘liberalism’ or ‘neoliberalism’; but, by whatever name it is called, it certainly isn’t democracy, and it certainly isn’t equality of rights, and it certainly isn’t equality of opportunity. It is, in a word: fascism. That’s an extension of the military outlook, into everything.
But another accurate term for it is: madness. However, it is a madness that has been sold, by Western aristocracies, to the publics in the West, which is the reason why the belief in M.A.D. is now gone from the West. The popular belief there now is: eat or else be eaten. And, what is to be eaten isn’t the aristocrats who are selling this poison; it’s ‘the enemy’. (Meanwhile, America and NATO can call thugs like this ‘friends’ and even “members of NATO” and still call themselves supporters of ‘democracy’, a term that’s now devoid of meaning in the West.) This is why Western publics don’t care about the fear that the Russian people feel concerning the installation of America’s anti-ballistic missile systems.
In the most fundamental sense, the concept that we are all in this together is gone, in the West. If it doesn’t exist in both the West and the ‘East’ (namely, in Russia, where it does exist), then a nuclear war is extremely likely, and the real question is: When will it be likeliest to happen?
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.
I’ve never seen a more impressive strawman take down in lieu of libertarianism in my life. Bravo *Golf clap*
The first rule of libertarianism is the Non-Agression Principle. Which means I can do as I like and you can do as you like as long as you do no harm to others. This includes first and foremost tresspassing. No Libertarian will build a missile system anywhere outside his own border.
I couldn’t even get through this “article” after that thorough misrepresentation of a peaceful ideology.
Just remember you can build a voluntary Socialist society inside a Libertarian society. A socialist society will never allow a voluntary libertarian society in the reverse scenario.
There’s nothing you can do that causes no harm to others. Even something as basic as eating – you killed whatever you ate, and prevented someone else from eating it. There’s no easy answers to society, and trying to pretend there is only leads to far greater harm (aka every complex problem has a solution that’s clear, simple and wrong).
And you suggest two wolves and a sheep voting for what to have for dinner is less destructive to the sheep?
Libertarianism is many things, none of them are easy. And the idea behind Non-Agression Principle is that I do nothing overtly and covertly to harm your person or property. If I catch a fish and eat it. I am not harming you or your ability to forage for your own food. If you are arguing on behalf of the fish then I have nothing further to discuss.
The idea that a politburo two counties away can better manage what I do with my fish is also a hilarious fantasy that the breadlines should have dissuaded the majority of people of. I know when I stood in a breadline it was crystal clear to me that certain market principles cannot be bent or broken by the sheer willpower of any politician or beaurocrat.
More recently I sat in a gas line in New York because the city banned the raising of prices on gas after that hurricane. Gas deliveries to the city stopped and rationing began. Ofcourse the government scum had all the bread/gas/whatever regulated commodity they wanted but us peasants well, gud lak komred. Prices needed to go up in order to make delivery a worthwhile investment but the government prevented it so the gas dried up.
Entrepreneurs took advantage and began going out of state and creating home delivery options that were private transactions. A temporary grey market emerged. Why? Because the commodity was readily available but the all powerful politburo needed to be circumvented.
These are all lessons about how a Market works and how a government cannot overcome these mechanisms, only impede them or deprive consumers.
Ofcourse you can argue that the government needs to regulate some things and a few posts later decry how you suspect they are holding back treatments and cures for cancer and such… Funny how that works… The reflexive answer is to throw even more government on there to watch the regulators… More layers and more obfuscation over and over… Begging to see the bottom of the plate and yet placing more crepes atop the tall mountain.
At some point you step back and say… Okay I think thats enough government lets pull back.
Did you know for example before the EPA was created by polluters to give them leeway, even the smallest amount of pollution was grounds for a winnable lawsuit. Now that the EPA is around there are pollution quotas… So whats the solution? More power to the EPA! The very people who made polluting possible in the first place… Good plan.
I think I’ve spoken enough… Didn’t expect to get that carried away… Mmm crepes…
Great reaction, thanks, keep’em coming dorogiy komred!
Libertarianism is yet another American propaganda ideology–just like founding US lies about “freedom and democracy.”
Cut through all feel-good phrases about personal liberty, individualism, blah, blah, blah, libertarianism in practice has served as an ideology of American Empire and its “regime change” machinations.
Most recently, libertarian outfits like the Free(sic) Brazil Movement and Students for Liberty have been exposed as US agents of influence in America’s Colored Coup D’etat against Brazil.
BRICS Under Attack: The Empire Strikes Back In Brazil
That is not a Libertarian organization, nice try though.
What is most amusing is that you are quoting a libertarian (check his credentials on the bottom of the article) from a nominally Libertarian website to attack Libertarianism…
Bravo, thats like using Putin to attack current Russian Foreign Policy. I am impressed, congrats. I’ve never seen someone shoot themselves in the foot like that.
You’re far out in the wild on your bicycle, which doesn’t surprise me at all knowing which part of the world you’re coming from. Your tirade about “libertarianism” is mainly concerned with the economic aspect of the term, while the political part of it is sublimed in a single statement about “non-aggression principle”.
Here’s a hint for you: libertarianism IS mainly an economic theory (unregulated free market capitalism). It has very little, if anything to do with nation-building, state organization and other such “trivialities”. Thus, libertarianism and its definition of a “do what thou wilt” movement has been the perfect honey trap for clueless young nations (USSA included) to create a populace of hyper-individualists who are unable to compromise and thus highly unable to cooperate at any scale exceeding 2 people (oftentimes even 2 is a crowd for you). Consequently, although you are all armed to the teeth (a gunbarrel behind every blade of grass, right?) you’re totally powerless to do anything against your current anti-libertarian economic system or (c)overt fascist takeover of your country which has turned you into the worst developed country on Earth to live in. Like Carlin said, it’s called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe in it!
I appreciate how you open up with an insult. Warms my heart, really. That being said, refer to below youtube link for further considerations.
Indeed it is economic in nature because it comes from the correct understanding that no one person or committee or group is smart enough to regulate all those fanciful things the government attempts to regulate. They, you, me aren’t clever enough or incorruptable enough to do so. So why should I give an ignoramous power over me if I can avoid it?
Second this supposition that libertarianism (a rejected philosophy in the west) created these people is a sad theory at best. It is rejected in all halls of power because it reduces power. Power leaves the halls that embrace Libertarian principles. No my “friend” the last 3-5 generations in the west have been educated by socialists whove taught them that they are entitled. 80-83% of the academic community in the west are left leaning on the spectrum from socialist to communist to marxist. So you have it Bass ackwards. A minority principle (5-10% max nationwide) is NOT the cause of these crybaby selfish little whinemonsters that the current generation is devolving into.
Yes its a well armed country but they are still under the impression that the ballot box can solve things. Oh how sweet it is to believe in such fantasies. Also the government has alot more guns, are more organized and inclined to use them… Though they’d prefer to wait until they can trick us into disarming as the Russians were tricked by the Soviets during the heady days of the revolution and then slaughtered and goulaged.
It always amuses me to see brainwashed ignorant Americans peddling bullshit and blaming “socialists” for turning your country into a rathole where everybody feels ‘entitled’ about gaining or pertaining some benefits from the state. It just confirms a fact which is well known here in Europe that USSA know-it-alls have neither theoretical nor practical common knowledge about the most dominant economic systems of the last 100 years and their respective traits.
Let’s do a fast fact check, shall we? If you ask the American website Investopedia, it will tell you that socialism is “an economic system based on public or collective ownership of the means of production. Socialism emphasizes equality rather than achievement, and values workers by the amount of time they put in rather than by the amount of value they produce.” Please enlight us – how does that definition rhyme with the Wall Street TBTF oligarchy that you are currently ruled by and with their wage-slave system that is slowly boiling you into neo-feudal frogs?
On the other hand, if by “socialism” you are referring to Third Reich’s “national socialism”, ordinary ‘Muricans are also far from that. The “socialism” part in Nazi name, doctrine and policy-making is a bastardization of the term, because Nazi socialism only means a nation-wide forced social mobilization of the ethnic group with a pinch of degenerated Bismarckian social democracy wherein the state is responsible for providing its citizens with basic welfare services such as healthcare and education. Instead, what you have in USSA today is Nazi without the “socialism” part, since your trade unions are totally destroyed, working class people’s political influence and apparatus (not to mention ownership of the means of production, as Marx would’ve said) is nonexistent and you as a nation have no elementary welfare safety net, apart from the disability and unemployement bones that your corporate masters feed you with, so that you keep quiet and don’t disturb them while they pillage you as well as the rest of the world.
All I see from here is Jefferson’s dead tree. And here’s another hint for you: your rulers will let you keep your military-grade toys, because when this system fails it will make their job of rounding you up much easier – you’ll do it for them ’cause you’ll kill and round up each other! Good luck, “comrade”!
You are so full of crap you are lonely. Libertarianism is social darwinism nothing more or less. Your no harm no foul cover for it is laughable. Persons like yourself would be on your phone calling for the police, the government, before you hit the ground if another decided to give you a crack and take your property. You are all independent until you are stricken with fear. Social darwinism, what a great idea.
Libertarianism lives or dies on the whether the following proposition is true or false: can we all stand up in a stadium and get a better view?
The illusion you are trying to sell is that we can because (unstated premise) only a few can or – more truthfully – will have the means. So it’s an easy con. Like a cheap late night “build your own real estate empire” info-mercial.
But it has nothing to do with real economic / democratic concerns such as having a well-educated populace or having a tax policy that keeps the populace employed by having business pay for the educational or physical infrastructure that supports its profits. Instead we now live in a tax dystopia where tax falls heaviest on those least able to bear it – because it makes them entirely uncompetive, without even beginning to deal with globalization – and the “job-creators” get EXACTLY a free lunch through financialisation while the dominant ideology trumpets – exquisitely – the exact opposite: THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH!)
Free-market libertarianism is a grifter’s creed.
You are going beyond the scope of Libertarianism. It is a very simple concept. You are adding way way more to it then their actually is. Creating out of it some mad ideology when there is none. Filling blanks that don’t exist. I am sorry for you.
Your ‘rebuttal’ neatly proves his/her point.
You might as well have answered ‘rhubarb’ for all the intellectual rigour you demonstrate.
I don’t feel inclined to discuss it any further. You offer insults and strawmen from the get go because your attacks are weak and pathetic. First its called propaganda, then a grifter’s creed by people who have no clue. You want discourse? Fine! Here! This guy spells it out perfectly. Rational Humility is an excellent definition for Libertarianism.
He has the time and the energy to destroy the preconcieved notions of faceless people like you and if you can get through this perfect line by line rebuttal and say he’s full of crap by the end of it. That *he* is spouting “propaganda” or a “Grifter’s Creed” then I’m afraid we will have to agree to disagree because unlike him and apparently you, I work for a living and can’t afford an endless debate. Remember I was dispossessed of the value of my income, I stood in breadlines and I’m not inclined to do so again by the application of theft and violence we call government.
I will be charitable though and if you get through that video I will come back for one more joust based on your opinion of his defense in the video. I will even sit through a video of your own as a trade (within reason, don’t drop a two hour lecture please) so we can both have an established definition of what we feel we are arguing about. As I see it we are fundamentally on the same side in terms of foreign policy so perhaps there is overlap in other areas despite your opinions on a philosophy I feel is more honest in terms of reality.
Wow! “Libertarianism lives or dies on the whether the following proposition is true or false: can we all stand up in a stadium and get a better view?”
That’s the most succinct statement embodying the reality of libertarianism, that I have ever seen. I am going to quote it in a book I am doing about libertarianism.
And then you close with yet another classic one: “Free-market libertarianism is a grifter’s creed.”
Whomever you are, you’ve got an extraordinary gift. It leaves me breathless to contemplate, because I’ve never seen the likes of it before.
The Snake
At the long pause where there is a black out on your screen, the video is NOT OVER.
Just wait couple seconds & it returns.
Check out the little boy with the white Teddy Bear…….the result of what he has been taught.
Trump hit the nail right on the head on THIS one…..
Donald Trump began reciting the lyrics to a song entitled “The Snake” at his rallies, a few weeks back,
and not reported by the mainstream media.
To tell you more would be to give away the following video that is allegedly making its way through Europe
This is a POWERFUL video that cuts straight to the heart.
If you want to be.honest, also show footage of a ruined Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, etc. Other nations distroyed by the US and it’s European stooges, and the million or so slaughtered civilians, before deciding who the snake is.
That person links to which blames Europe’s problems on the refugees, especially on the ones from majority-Muslim countries, and calls them “vicious snakes”, and it doesn’t blame Barack Obama for the invasions that caused those refugees, invasions of Libya, Syria, etc., and doesn’t blame King Saud and Emir Thani and Tayyip Erdogan, for supplying the jihadists into Syria, to overthrow the Middle East’s only remaining secular, non-sectarian, leader, Bashar al-Assad — the jihadists that polls in Syria show the vast majority of Syrians blame for their hell.
Blaming the victims is an old technique of fools and hate-mongers, but it doesn’t inform the public, it misinforms them. I hope that the monitors of this website will in the future have a clear policy against allowing such hate-videos and other vile links here; but, as regards the present instance of it, I think that an even better solution to the problem would be to allow that one, plus this response to it, so as to eternally shame the person who posted that link to what is so misinforming and bigoted a source. Only very few of the refugees are ‘snakes’, just as very few of the general public are; and the proper attitude to have toward all victims is sympathy, plus eternal opposition to the victimizers (such as Obama, King Saud, etc.) who actually caused their hell.
The use of the term ‘aristocracy’ for the American oligarchy is totally inappropriate. ‘Aristocracy’ (Greek ἀριστοκρατία aristokratía) derives from ἄριστος aristos “excellent,” and κράτος kratos “power”. Means rule or government by the best of people.
The proper name is ‘kakocracy’. Means rule or government by the worst (kakos) of the people.
Just nitpicking here, not disagreeing with you :)
Kakos means bad, not worse. If you really want to describe what we have, I would recommend the word ‘Χειριστοκρατία’ (cheiristocracy), were χείριστος means worse. I think it sounds better.
and nitpicking myself, it means worst not worse :)
Yes, indeed kakos means bad. The plural kaka became in many languages shit.
Your attempt to move the argument into semantics is absurd. And, just so that your propaganda-shaped view of history is false: every aristocracy is the exact opposite of excellent, it’s scummy as can be, because the very foundation of aristocracy is corruption and fraud and coercion, and this has been true since even its start in the Tribal Age. Plato and Aristotle are famous today because they served so well the aristocracy of their time and place, not because their writings were anything better than rot. You’ve simply been taken in by an enduring colossal hoax. The aristocracy everywhere are the worst people that exist. And you get all balled-up in etymology so can’t see real history. That’s what the aristocracy teach their suckers.
You are talking non-sense. If you haven’t noticed yet, it is time to remind you that discussions here are between adults, even if sometimes they indulge in jokes.
Well, I’m glad Diaspora got the first comment – conflating libertarian principles with neoliberal principles is an error of vast consequence.
But, that said, I support Eric Zuesse, somewhat. He writes richly, with lots of thoughts and facts in his head that he wants to get down and tie together. It can be a roller coaster.
Yet, in this essay here he makes a crucially valid point – MAD has ended. Now we are in madness.
However, I think Russia knows this too, and wargames it, and is beginning to think the unthinkable, that somehow the threat of MAD must be resurrected in this world.
What will Russia do to shock the west and its propagandized populations back into MAD? I suspect this is the top question, and one of the more long-enduring ones, on the Kremlin’s table. And we will find out soon enough.
Yes Grieved
“What will Russia do to shock the west and its propagandized populations back into MAD? I suspect this is the top question, and one of the more long-enduring ones, on the Kremlin’s table. And we will find out soon enough…..”
That is the question. I read John Helmers article yesterday and I am glad Eric and his article are on the Saker today – this is very serious. The public in the US and EU (plus five eyes and others) need to wake up and realise the danger we are being drawn into. Also having the press conference in Greece (below article on the saker site) – is a warning – but it doesn’t seem to have had any affect – yet. We all know who controls the MSM. The oligarchs may have their bunkers – but what will be left for them? Gates may have his seed bank – but do they really understand?
I am sure that there must be a vast complex of underground structures, “bunkers,” being built of having been built for a slect crowd. If so I’m sure they must have extensive libraries, and educational centers, athletic facilities, health clinics, so on and so forth. I’m sure that there is a lot of jockeying for position as to who will make it to these facilities. There’s little else that can explain the current insanity of these folks who act like they think they’ll get away with it. Best of luck to them all!
Bunkers? Toasters…
Partly perhaps the idea is to fire up some modern day Brutus to take out a very modern but equally mortal Czar. A type of hyper colour revolution technology aimed at the most senior echelons.?
The answer to the last question in the article regarding time,is,”when the neo-con Hillary ascends the throne”.So we are probably talking about the middle of 2017.
uncle bob 1’
this assumes the president, is in control, and runs the affairs.
President Putin has given an exact date for the Russia’s strike on a new ground-based missile system in Deveselu, Romania. [Search the location of google earth or google map and see how it looks like.]
For your convenience, I also have posted Putin’s speech in Athens on May 27th, 2016. I even highlighted the most relevant part of this speech.
What the exact date for the Russia’s strike?
Russia will strike before 1000-kilometre range missiles installed in Romania, and right after a ground-based missile system installed in Poland.
“We will wait for certain actions to be taken in Poland. We are not going to do anything until we see missiles on the neighbouring territory. And we have the necessary resources. You saw, the whole world saw our capabilities in terms of medium-range sea and air based missiles.” V. Putin
Thank-you Scott. I am very appreciative that you highlighted and drew our attention to these highly significant statements. Putin is going to every possible length to warn the world of these dangerous provocations by NATO. The disaster signals are sounding- yet seemingly few pay attention though to the storm that is brewing.
Here is a more accurate look at libertarian thought processes vis a vis conflict and devastation.
Eric, don’t confuse liberty with corporatism. Liberty didn’t bail out the corrupt banks; it didn’t invade Iraq, and it didn’t shoot unarmed black people. The corporate state cloaks itself in the language of liberty in an attempt to fool the masses.
On the issue of the applicability of the word ‘aristocracy’, sorry friends. The appropriate term is coprocracy, (shit-power). And this proposed by someone (the undersigned), who studied Greek for 5 years and Latin for 8. Only to find that employers were totally unimpressed with his qualifications. Whereupon he had to do something else.
Apart from such philological quibbles, there is a large elephant missing from this tract in the Saker blog. And I am sorry to resort to an overused metaphor, because, as a vegetarian and animal lover, I have a special fondness for the noble elephants. I loathe to see them mixed with coprocracy.
Nevertheless, no mention is made of Zion. For even a cursory analysis of the so-called “neo-con” movement shows the unmistakable parallelism of the diseases. Look at this,
In fact, “the exceptional and/or indispensable” nation is but the mental mirror image of “the chosen people.” And, as mentioned before, the Coudeneuve-Kalergi plan, currently implemented in Europe, predicts the creation of a uniform, nationality-less world, inhabited by a mestizo class and ruled by the best of the best. A mystical and physical union between the best among the chosen people and the best among the gentiles of noble stock. Not even Hitler descended (or ascended), to these peaks of genetic engineering.
Yes, of course. See my comment above.
It was theorized by IMHOFF’S LAW: “The organization of any bureaucracy is very much like a septic tank— the really big chunks always rise to the top.” Or more simply, the “Septic Tank Principle” – “excrement rising to the top”
There will come a day where living in the Northern Hemisphere will be a very bad idea.
Can you imagine a time where living in Yemen or Syria, will be more safe than in California or Germany ?
Europe will probably have the lowest chances of survival anywhere in the world… might be a good time to consider leaving it.
Delusional beliefs are an absolute prerequisite for conflict . All foreign policy derives from domestic factors as perceived, often economic or political.
Thus the merkinz traditional october ‘sprizes.
Sounds as though Comrade President intends proportionate action vis the missile sites. But inside the domestic murkin arena that will oblige either a show-down or a reprisal…
Thus sometime in October a reflexive suicidal series begins…
Does anybody imagine that Comrade President does not see this?
Target therefore cannot be missile sites…
Target is logical, on river Potomac…bang!,,,no man, no problem…but probable methods may well be even more indirect…
Logical that plan for Ivan October is underway, but decision to execute plan October not yet taken, depends on Murkinz…
I always enjoy the professional insight of Eric. Very knowledgeable man, especially in geo-politics. However, he fails to mention (perhaps he does not understand certain ideologies like libertarianism) that many high profile individuals engaged in spreading the truth are libertarian and or 3rd party in nature. They are trying to wake up the masses of sheeple people that believes that there is such a thing as “democracy” left in the US/west. I’m doing my part to help, but if the unthinkable happens, I won’t hesitate to help MY FAMILY first and give the middle finger to those than don’t believe in “conspiracies”, and the need to be prepared for an accident and those that call me fear monger for speaking up about WW3. If the planet gets destroyed because s$##t heads neocon/neoliberal worshippers that are stupid enough to believe they and their government are exceptional, they deserve to go down first and enjoy the fruit of their outright fanaticism and cause harm to what I call “ideological minorities”. Screw democracy, it has failed before and will fail again. The real issue here is morality, and we are truly screwed already.
I fear that Eric Zuesse is right.
In the USA there has been a proliferation of “stand your grouind” laws whereby if you “feel” threatened, you have teh right to lethal self-defense: to shoot first and ask questions later (of course the person you imagined threatening you is now dead). Also of course, this right of “stand your ground” self-defense is not shared equally. The whites can SYG against blacks with impunity, but blacks cannot SYG against whites. Women cannot SYG against their domestic abusers. Chances are the blacks, teh raped women, especially Afican Americans, will go to jail for murder if they defend themselves effectively.
But a why POS like George Zimmerman can get away with shooting dead a young black teen. The USA is like George Zimmerman. A whole country that has teh mentality of George Zimmerman. We threaten, we bully and yet imagine or pretend to imagine that we are theatened by, actually, the weaker entity. And I do not doubt that there are plenty in our Deep State or whatever it is now called who are itching to stick it to the Russkies and let them know once an dfor all that the planet earth is an American gated community and you have to jump, boy, when we say jump.
Here we go again. See, this is the reason why I would love to move to a different planet with my family and let liberals kill themselves and the people they love so much (the republicans). The argument always end up in “Zimmerman, guns, blacks” etc. First, geopolitics as Eric can attest is a time consuming/complicated subject that most liberals know very little about, not do they care about either. Did you know that while people were worrying about that black gorilla at that Zoo that got shot because he was black there were 70 death of blacks against other blacks in Chicago just this past Memorial weekend? Did you know that the biggest killer of blacks is not white cops but other blacks. Have you been to the CDC or FBI statistics websites that documents the long standing problem of violence in the black community that makes them more statistically more susceptible to have more violent encounters with the police? Cause’ you know the police is killing everyone not just black right? How about the biggest gun salesman of the year (the black hypocrite president) who put us back into another cold war, deported more Mexicans than Bush, killed over 3/4 million Syrians (while joking about it with Hillary), more drone strikes than Bush? Well, I supposed its ok when it is not being done in Ferguson (except “accidentally”). Malcom X said once: “The media will have you hate your liberators while cheering your oppressors” or something like that? I don’t know if is the media that is powerful or the shear exceptionalism/ignorance or outright hate of the American people. Hey good luck supporting Hillary just because she is a woman. Did you know she is a war criminal worst than Trump that has not killed anybody yet? Hopefully, I will be able to leave this hell-hole called America before it disintegrates, I realize how much of a waste of time as activist has been when I hear such ignorant statements like yours. Anyways, this is me in the video below. I have a strong accent but as you can see I’m doing what I can to help wake up ignorant/race-sex baiting democrats that have actually accomplish more war and murder than the people they hate so much, congratulations! Mainstream Media as a Weapon of Social Engineering and War
I too have wondered when M.A.D. got subsumed so deeply into our collective psyche that it no longer needed mentioning. In a recent barstool discussion, the reaction to my worry where this game of chicken was heading was “Come on, that’s so 70s”. It wasn’t the first time I heard this. The general opinion seems to be that “It can’t happen. Nobody is that mad.”
The problem with madness is that it’s not the loss of reason, it’s the loss of everything but reason. Reason, divorced from wisdom and judgment, and harnessed to megalomania is a dangerous thing indeed. It can take you straight to hell, and that’s what worries me.
M.A.D. or not, it’s do or die time for the Western elites. The writing that’s on the wall the Western neoliberal model is barreling headlong towards is now distinctly legible. A subsumed M.A.D. allows the power-maddened, lickspittle semi-literates in charge of our countries to run their calculus and conclude they can use it to double down at acceptable risk, both to them, and in the minds of their sheeple. Handled correctly (and it is being handled correctly), nobody’s going to lose their sinecure for warmongering, and the sheeple can go on being mesmerized by their iGizmo and porn.
The Either/Or decision whether to stand on the brakes and mitigate the impact, or accelerate and try to break through was taken almost 2 decades ago. They obviously decided to break through.The point of no return was 9/11.
They put their financial, socio-political, and military expertise to the task. That’s what printing tens of $Trillions to restoke the F.I.R.E sectors that underpinned their power, TPP, TTiP, waves of colourful revolutions by bribery & blackmail (augmented by “wet work” where necessary), the phony “terrorists” and staged “terror attacks”, and criminal attacks on Iran, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc have been all about. All parts of a seamless strategic whole that they thought would get them through the wall and to the other side where the field is wide open.
A decade and a half later, the results have been underwhelming. After a pretty good start, they’re not accelerating anymore and the time for braking is long past. The wall now towers over them from horizon to horizon. So, we’ve been escalated to the next level. They’ve doubled down, using M.A.D. to make conventional military threats both politically acceptable at home, and to cow their adversaries (Russia & China). I’ve long said that the inexorable logic that drives them doesn’t stop until a carrier goes down with all hands. At that moment the world will either take a deep breath and step back in wonder of how close we came, or the West’s lickspittles’ logic will drive them to double down again.
If you hear Vera Lynn’s voice We’ll meet again Don’t know where Don’t know when …. you’ll know their logic won the day and much, if not all of a very nice planet lost.
explains logic of MAD
Libertarianism leads to slavery.
“The first rule of libertarianism is the Non- Agression[sic] Principle. Which means I can do as I like and you can do as you like as long as you do no harm to others. This includes first and foremost tresspassing[sic]. No Libertarian will build a missile system anywhere outside his own border.” — from the first comment
This is nothing more than repackaged pacifism, which is fine, but it is fundamental to scores of other creeds. Libertarianism also holds that the “government” will possess a monopoly on the use of force, and this is generally a fallacy. Some man was fired at one of my workplaces, and he returned to the facility the next day to resume working anyway. These things happen. It is likely that the boss could have shot him without experiencing any repercussions at all. No government monopoly there.
The virtually unique idea of libertarianism is that everyone must have the right to buy and sell anything. In fact, actual government is based upon the concept that there exist certain things that must not ever be bought or sold.
These are things such as: knowledge, acceptable schooling, opportunity for political office, justice, friendship, loyalty, acceptable childhood, certain duties and actions not for direct personal gain, freedom, basic sustenance, sense of spiritual purpose, one’s votes, effectual democracy, equality before the law, and so on. Even titles of nobility. This is the idea that government, which libertarians seek to cripple, is truly founded upon.
We all know that such things are routinely bought and sold anyway, but they nonetheless continue to exist as values. And mere values are nonetheless of great importance.
Carried to its logical conclusion, libertarianism would allow individuals to sell themselves into slavery. And there would be no victims other than those who performed such an act.
As enjoyable and well-researched as Zuesse’s work is, the idea that direct war is going to happen is laughable, because there is the problem of winning.
As in, how to do that. Pretending that MAD does not exist scares no-one informed as to how wars are fought. MAD is the real safeguard of peace in a nuclear world, the gun to everyone’s head no-one truly owns. In the end, elites only understand force.
Seeking a workaround to MAD has always been sought by the Anglo-Zionists (such as the Reagan-era Star Wars program). Star Wars was a pipe dream, but the Soviets had already lost heart and lost the economic war. The oil price crash then was bad, but then came the Chernobyl disaster. The Soviets weren’t willing or able to call this bluff.
A new Cold War is a go, for sure. However, direct war with Russia is as likely as it was under Cold War I. Russia has no reason to fold this time around and now as then, the U.S. has no wonder weapon.
“As enjoyable and well-researched as Zuesse’s work is, the idea that direct war is going to happen is laughable, because there is the problem of winning.” — prior post
It’s not about abstract logic. It’s about what the hidden fascist mafia master classes think and do. Here’s a clue:
Dr. Strangelove’s Astonishingly Good Idea