For the first time in Greece a documentary produced by the audience. “Debtocracy” seeks the causes of the debt crisis and proposes solutions, hidden by the government and the dominant media.
Note: the EU commercial at the beginning about “fighting torture together” is really surreal, considering that the EU bosses are doing their utmost to subject the Greek people to the EU’s torture.
The Saker
Here you can read about this documentary:
I do think that the Greek are not the hardest workers on the planet, but I certainly think that their leaders are most responsable for letting national debt rise to such catastrophic heights. Together with the Goldman-Saches of this world, of course, who deserve not to be paid back at all.
I hope this ‘odious debt’ movement will succeed.
I do think that the Greek are not the hardest workers on the planet
and what scientific evidence drove you to this conclusion?
Dear Anonymous,
If there were scientific evidence I would have written:
“the Greeks are the hardest workers on the planet”.
Now I wrote: ‘I think…”
I gathered some loose statements about Greece on my blog:
What is your idea about Greece, Anonymous ?