Disgusting beyond words!
As for Ray McGovern, I have the utmost respect for him. He is a *real* American patriot. I wish him all the best and a prompt recovery from his injuries.
The Saker
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That was 5 years ago. Look at the date on the YouTube version: Uploaded on Feb 18, 2011. (Not that that makes it any less disgusting. It’s just not the latest disgusting news.)
Here’s a newer story from Ray McGovern:
I guess that won’t be broadcast by the MSM.
I see Trump called off his Chicago rally because it was likely to be very violent.
The US a powder keg and Trump the loose cannon rolling around making lots of sparks?
Saker this happened back in 2011 . . I saw it come up on whatreallyhappened.com yesterday and thought “hang on . . .isn’t this old??”. I’m wondering if someone posted it onto Mikes site to cause just what has happened here – you have been in your usual trying-to-do-a-hundred-things-at-once mode & missed the date in order to get you to post it & therefore open you up to ridicule.
And here’s Hitlery slagging off Trump for violence at his rallies (obviously pre-organised by anti Trumpers) and yet this happened 30 feet from her.
Chris in Ch-Ch
» saw it come up on whatreallyhappened.com … Mikes site «
He is a NASA and 9/11 fraudster, making money from cheating the American people on behalf of the rich elite. He faked himself into a 9/11 victim. He loves 9/11 as it’s been his cash cow.
Mike Rivero of WhatReallyHappened.com-Was he a Fake Victim on 911? AKA John Wenckus? – Phil Jayhan, March 2010
This guy is here to spread disinformation. And to work with the NSA to track every one of us. Democracy Now? Really?
It is entirely unclear from this clip: what was the formal (!) charge against McGovern, to serve as an excuse for his arrest and subsequent jail incarceration? For all we know, he was merely standing, quietly, with his back turned towards the witch.
And then: what was the sequel to this event? Was he forced to see a judge? Did he eventually try to sue the perpetrators?
Saker? Anyone?
I believe there was an article in consortium news some time back but I am not sure if it was this incident, or another similar incident.
I remember Mr. McGovern had been arrested and hurt a few years ago. I know USA is a fascist dictatorship totally out of control abroad; and more violent, thieving and deadly at home every day. I know Hillary is most likely to plunge the globe into dark places no sane person wants to go. Not only do I feel revolted, ashamed and afraid on behalf of people who’ve survived or endure atrocities worldwide, but this 2016 Pres campaign seems to be the most utterly devoid, irrelevant circus I’ve ever witnessed; soothed only by great articles, interviews and blogs I visit daily. I read lots of speculation on which candidate & why; even though I decline to participate after… wasn’t Year 2000 when the Supreme Court installed a Pres with its “democraptic” vote of 5 against 4? Followed by another dose of blatant vote fraud in ’04? No matter, really… thus far, the neocons gangsters’ “Open Letter” against Trump is the very best reason I’ve seen to vote For Trump, signed by 109 think tankers and names associated with 9-11, the coverup and ongoing wars. Thanks Saker, for the Ray McGovern tackle video. USA needs to be reminded.
Brave new world of western democracy in all its’ glory. Did you really expect anything better?
In 2011, Saker.
I am starting to think that what the US is today is simply a natural progression of what it is.
I have read articles from a lot of good people in the US who hate what the US is today and what it is doing in the world but love their institutions, their culture ect. Perhaps the most noticeable is what the call their freedoms.
The freedoms of a game of monopoly. So a natural progression.
A lot of people say Israel control the US. How? The only hold I could see is religion.
Anglo/Zionists. Protestant/Israelites – the Israelites of the Protestant old testament. Gods chosen people.
As Australian foreign policy and a good deal of our domestic policy is decided in the US I decided to look up Trump and Sanders web pages to see exactly what their policies.
Trumps page for policies had a short soundbite/slogan for each policy. All I could find for foreign policy was videoclip/sound bite – “I love Israel” ???
Trump had no section/video clip titled “Foreign Policy” This came under the separate titles – Trade war, Israel, Military
Over to Sanders site looking for foreign policy. https://berniesanders.com/issues/
Sanders foreign policy came under the titles “War and Peace” and “War should be the last option: Why I support the Iran deal”. Under the last was a sentence where Sanders supported the deal because without it the US and Israel would have to invade Iran?
Neither had a section simply titled foreign policy. Haven’t bothered to look at the others but the US really is a messed up place.
But back to Israel and its so called control over the US. Trump having to say he loved Israel. Why? I looked up religion demographics in the US. How accurate this is I have no idea, but I take it, it is in the ball park. http://www.pewforum.org/religious-landscape-study/ According to that 46.6% of Americans describe themselves as Protestants.
Israel does not control the US. It is part of the US. It is a part that is considered as gods chosen people by perhaps 46% of the US population and needs protecting from the barbarians.
@ Peter AU
“… A lot of people say Israel controls the US. How? …”
Your question is answered in the seminal study of this topic The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, written by Dr. John J. Mearsheimer, professor of political science at University of Chicago, and Stephen M. Walt, professor at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. You can download it from http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=891198 (in PDF format, 83 pages).
Thanks for the link. I see on page 14 the Israel lobby consists of Jews and evangelicals. I have not read the complete pdf but the amount of power from the evangelicals is not gone into in the section titled “sources of power” and a quick scroll through the headings down further and there seems to be no sections where the power of the evangelicals is looked at.
25% of the US population are evangelical. A huge voting block, so a huge source of power.
Ray McGovern = (Ex)CIA
Democracy Now = CIA(controlled)
This spanking of McGovern is a mild case of internecine violence, a mere family tussle. Yawn indeed.
Democracy Now is what now? I am not fully in agreement with Democracy Now’s political positions; they’ve wimped out on some stuff now and then. But overall I don’t see how their coverage fits what one would expect to be the CIA agenda, at all at all. If the CIA controls them, they must be outsmarting themselves a bit.
Meanwhile, I’ve read quite a few articles by Ray McGovern, and he is a serious critic of the US military-industrial complex. Again, I doubt his politics are overall the same as mine, but in terms of the stuff he talks about he is pretty solid.
On the other hand, I ain’t never read nothin’ by you. Is there some particular reason I should believe your fact-free drive-by?
Recent Clingon analysis.
And this one is recent.
DJ: If you think U.S. policy couldn’t be more pro-Israel than it is now, just wait until you see Hillary in the White House. After Haim Saban pledged to spend “as much as necessary” to make her President, Hillary Clinton has pledged to invite Netanyahu to the While House in her first month as President, to use the occasion to “reaffirm the unbreakable bonds of friendship and unity” between America and Israel, and to do everything to destroy the Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions (BDS) movement. She continues to echo Israeli denunciations of Iran as a dangerous “terrorist state”. She has previously equated criticism of Israeli policies with “anti-Semitism” and blamed the people of Gaza for Israeli assaults on their wretched territory.
“using violence against those protesting against the political and economic conditions they live under’ fast reverse to Occupy Wall Street encampments and the simultaneous night attacks on 16 camps in a multitude of States, let alone McGovern’s silent and peaceful protest. This is HRC’s hypocrisy in a microcosm. Thank God she is unelectable in a fair contest should one take place.
I’m not sure what “fair contests” and “US politics” have to do with one another.
they don’t treat violent protesters that way. I hope he sues the Hillary campaign, the security guards and the police for there actions. I may change my vote from Hillary to Bernie
I hope that was sarcasm. I can’t believe with all you’ve heard on here and other sites you’d be voting for Hillary in the first place. A vote for her is a vote for war.
As some New York women put it, “Hillary is a lyin’ ho!” How true!