by JiminNH
One cannot help but noticing two rather interesting articles published in mainstream media that just may indicate that the dam holding back the truth about the western-backed invasion of Syria by head-chopping, organ eating, sex slave trading jihadi “rebels” has sprung a few major leaks.
First came the article by Steven Kinzer, a longtime journalist with the New York Times and now a Professor and Senior Fellow at the Watson Institute, who published a piece in the eminently mainstream Boston Globe entitled “The Media Are Misleading the Public on Syria”. Mr. Kinzer was rather direct, pulling no punches from his very first sentence were he declared: “Coverage of the Syrian war will be remembered as one of the most shameful episodes in the history of the American press.”
Prof. Kinzer initially focused on the situation in Aleppo, scene of most recent fighting but also a stronghold of al Nusra and its allies for over 3 years. He recapped how upon seizing the city the jihadi’s “rule began with a wave of repression. They posted notices warning residents: “Don’t send your children to school. If you do, we will get the backpack and you will get the coffin.”
He touched upon the destruction of industry in Aleppo, Syria’s second major city and formerly its industrial heartland, briefly mentioning how the rebels “destroyed factories, hoping that unemployed workers would have no recourse other than to become fighters. They trucked looted machinery to Turkey and sold it.
A brief internet search finds few western media ever touching upon this “liberation” of Syrian’s industrial capital and it finding “refuge” in the waiting arms of Turkey’s business sector, reminiscent of how the western press for over 18 months failed to even inquire into ISIS’ illicit oil trade with Turkey. While an article in the UK’s Guardian in 2013 touched upon the industrial looting, albeit in an article that seemingly lamented how the looting of assets degraded the progress against the Syrian army, no American press has written about this unseemly fact that demonstrates how the Turkish sponsors of the mythical “moderate Syrian rebels” profit from their destruction of a once vibrant industrial neighbor.
Mr. Kinzer briefly pulled back the veil of the western media’s recent pattern of intentionally conflating the multiplicity of jihadi militias that range from al Qaeda affiliate al Nusra Front to Salafist Ahrar al Sham to the now virtually non-exist FSA as generic “rebels” For example he writes “Washington-based reporters tell us that one potent force in Syria, al-Nusra, is made up of “rebels” or “moderates,” not that it is the local al-Qaeda franchise. Saudi Arabia is portrayed as aiding freedom fighters when in fact it is a prime sponsor of ISIS.”
While it is not every day that you read in a respected American newspaper like the Boston Globe that Saudi Arabia is the prime sponsor of ISIS, it is unfortunate that Mr. Kinzer did not refer to the August 2012 Defense Intelligence Agency Memo, declassified thanks to a FOIA suit by the so-called “conservative think tank” Judicial Watch, that reveals exactly that, and more.
Had he done so, he could have supported his opinion with factual references to the contents of the Memo which show that not only do the Saudi’s back ISIS, but the US does as well, when it is listed as one of the “Supporting Powers” to the insurgents, and that there was a possibility of “establishing a Salafist Principality in eastern Syria, and this is exactly what the Supporting Powers want….”
Of course, that “Salafist Principality” is the Islamic State Caliphate.
Another unfortunate omission is that while applauding unnamed “Astonishingly brave correspondents in the war zone, including Americans” and recognizing that they report “at great risk to their own safety,” Mr. Kinzer failed to put a name to the face of that intrepid group, such as the late American-Iranian journalist Serena Shim who died in suspicious circumstances in Turkey after her reporting revealed that Turkey’s National Intelligence Agency (called “MIT”) shipped arms and ammo to the rebels in humanitarian cargo trucks.
While such information as provided in Mr. Kinzer’s article is likely well known to readers of this blog, it would be nothing short of mind-boggling to the average American or westerner who, thanks to the media manipulation Mr. Kinzer so rightly criticizes, is oblivious to the realities of the “moderate Syrian rebels”, most of whom are not from Syria, and even ISIS itself being nothing but a western backed proxy army engaged in yet another illegal regime change operation.
The next major article, actually a tour de force, was written by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and posted on the online magazine Considering his past history of being able to publish in major print media, perhaps it says something that this incredible article is only posted on an on-line news source.
Kennedy discussed at great length the history of nefarious conduct by the US CIA and allies in a number of coups in the Middle East, including Syria, Iraq and Iran, going back to the immediate post WW2 western intervention in Syria. He gave a solid run-down of CIA coup activity, and those who ran them, such as the notorious Allen Dulles and his expert regime changers Kermit Roosevelt and Rocky Stone.
He provided a bit of information from the “Bruce-Lovett Report” that showed how, unknown to most Americans but well known “on the Arab street,” the CIA was involved in coup plots in 5 Arab states, including Syria, between WW2 and its 1957 publication. Unfortunately, he did not provide a link to that report, and a search of the internet does not produce a copy of what must be interesting reading to those wishing to prevent history being repeated.
Mr. Kennedy focused extensively on the history of US, and allied (UK and French), coup activity in Syria. He mentioned how the post-WW2 patriots of Syria expelled the Nazi-allied Vichy French and declared their independence, but were immediately set upon by the CIA which orchestrated a coup after the democratically elected Pres. Shukri-al-Quwatli hesitated to approve a US backed “Trans Arabian Pipeline” to pump crude oil from Saudi Arabia to Lebanon. That coup set in motion a period of instability and several coups before another election saw Mr. Quawatli re-elected.
Not surprisingly, that re-election trigged yet another coup. This time, however, the US worked with the Muslim Brotherhood, invoking for the first time the use of what we would know refer to a Islamic jihadi terrorists, in their coup efforts that included the assassination of key military and intelligence figures. The plotters planned to use “false flag” events as a pretext to get US allies Iraq, then ruled by a UK-allied King, and Jordan to invade Syria. When the coup was discovered, the Syrians seized the US embassy and coerced a confession from CIA agent Stone, promptly denied by the Eisenhower administration. In response the US geared up for war, and attempted to get Turkey to invade, a plan squelched only by the lack of support among the then-independent Arab League. His article then outlines the reverberations of the CIA’s conduct, culminating in a number of revolutions in the Arab world, and their turn toward the embrace of the Soviet Union.
The article discussed US involvement in Iraq, to include aid the CIA provided to Saddam Hussein in his rise to power through his invasion of Iran at our direction. Interestingly, some familiar names popped up even then; the diabolical Donald Rumsfeld delivered both golden cowboy spurs and a list of chemical weapons to Hussein for use in the Iran-Iraq war.
Kennedy spent considerable time writing about the present Syrian conflict, and eloquently outlined the role of the proposed Qatar-Syria-Turkey pipeline, refused by Syrian Pres. Assad in favor of the Iran-Iraq-Syria “Friendship Pipeline”, in the fomenting of the war. He wrote:
“Secret cables and reports by the U.S., Saudi and Israeli intelligence agencies indicate that the moment Assad rejected the Qatari pipeline, military and intelligence planners quickly arrived at the consensus that fomenting a Sunni uprising in Syria to overthrow the uncooperative Bashar Assad was a feasible path to achieving the shared objective of completing the Qatar/Turkey gas link.”
His review of events includes the involvement of Turkey, which would have greatly profited from the proposed Qatari pipeline in transit fees, in fomenting and fueling the conflict that has now cost an estimated 400,000+ people their lives, and of course Saudi Arabia, both for economic reasons and in pursuit of its war against Iran and the “Shiite Crescent.”
He touched upon the US’s funding of what are now known as the typical “color revolution” processes of funding opposition media and political groups, linking to this 2011 WaPo article on the subject:
He also delved into the US’ conscious decision, once again, to rely upon the fundamentalist Sunni jihadi warriors in their effort to topple Assad. He linked to a 2008 Rand report on the “Long War” to demonstrate the extent to which the US was ready to help foment and fan the flames of the “Shia-Sunni conflict” in order to attain geopolitical goals. The link is here:
Perhaps most significantly, his is one of the few mainstream western media articles that touches in detail upon the above mentioned declassified 2012 DIA memo on the creation of the “Salafist Principality.” Kennedy did a good job of recapping the substance of that Memo, the release of which should have been explosive if our “free press” was not quite so controlled.
Kennedy “toed the party” line in some regards in his article, such as his discussion of Russian involvement in the pipeline matters, referring to the EU support for the Qatari pipeline “which would have given its members cheap energy and relief from Vladimir Putin’s stifling economic and political leverage” and war effort, and further suggesting that we remain involved in the mid-east partly for “guaranteeing the security of Israel’s borders” from the chaos in the region that the readers of this blog may well find to be instigated on behalf of that country. Despite any such minor blemishes, the tenor and substance if the piece is rarely seen in western media.
One cannot recommend more strongly the reading of these articles, and the citation of it when communicating the information therein whenever and wherever possible as we all contribute to challenging the false western narrative in the mainstream media. Hopefully these cracks in the dam holding back the truth on Syria will help open the floodgates of knowledge regarding the US and allied proxy war against Syria that is, as Kinzer wrote, one of the most shameful episodes in modern American history.
Only through the active spreading of heterodox voices like these will Kennedy’s concluding remarks have a chance of coming true:
“America’s founding fathers warned Americans against standing armies, foreign entanglements and, in John Quincy Adams’ words, “going abroad in search of monsters to destroy.” Those wise men understood that imperialism abroad is incompatible with democracy and civil rights at home…. Over the past seven decades, the Dulles brothers, the Cheney gang, the neocons and their ilk have hijacked that fundamental principle of American idealism and deployed our military and intelligence apparatus to serve the mercantile interests of large corporations and particularly, the petroleum companies and military contractors that have literally made a killing from these conflicts.
It is time for Americans to turn America away from this new imperialism and back to the path of idealism and democracy. We should let the Arabs govern Arabia and turn our energies to the great endeavor of nation building at home. We need to begin this process, not by invading Syria, but by ending the ruinous addiction to oil that has warped U.S. foreign policy for half a century.”
Paul Craig Roberts
Here’s a link to the article by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. It didn’t seem to be anywhere in the above article by JiminNH
Thanks Veronica. I looked for it and did see this title, but didn’t realize it was the right article.
Every word and syllable of the Western MSM propaganda machine’s coverage of Syria has been a lie, a distortion or a misrepresentation. The Groupthink, as usual, has been complete, the Newspeak fluent and Big Brother would be green with envy. It may be an extreme example of the Western Free Press’s mendacity, hypocrisy and duplicity, but it’s hardly new or unparalleled.
The vermin who infest the Western MSM know that their well-paid jobs depend on total ideological reliability, particularly in Empires run by monomaniacal monsters like Murdoch. Unfortunately, no doubt in a pathological over-reaction to realising just how dishonest they must be, how selective, how willfully blind to Western crimes etc, in short to understanding just how morally and intellectually corrupt they truly are, Western presstitutes are invariably preposterously arrogant and narcissistic, proclaiming themselves, ludicrously, to be paragons of ‘truth-telling’ and ‘morality’. I recently saw a comic example of the Western MSM hypocrisy, when an arrogant BBC ‘reporter’ a Rosenberg, naturally, while attempting to make anti-Putin propaganda in Novosibirsk, inventing widespread dissatisfaction with his Government, was followed around as he made his agit-prop, by a Russian TV crew. Boy did that little piggy squeal with outrage that his propaganda duplicity was being caught on film. A thoroughly agreeable episode.
In Syria the Western MSM has provided direct propaganda services to some of the most evil death-squad butchers in history, yet they reserve their most histrionic contempt, utterly undisguised, for ‘Assad’, ‘Putin’, ‘the Syrian regime’ and ‘barrel bombs’, spitting the words out with gusto, as if they fear being found wanting in the ferocity of their propagandising, and be put on the ‘suspect’ list. All in all, although utterly typical, this time the lying and hypocrisy in the service of diabolical Evil of the Western MSM has reached new heights of infamy.
I recently saw a comic example of the Western MSM hypocrisy, when an arrogant BBC ‘reporter’ a Rosenberg, naturally, while attempting to make anti-Putin propaganda in Novosibirsk, inventing widespread dissatisfaction with his Government, was followed around as he made his agit-prop, by a Russian TV crew. Boy did that little piggy squeal with outrage that his propaganda duplicity was being caught on film. A thoroughly agreeable episode.
Mulga, do you have link for this? Or at least the reporter’s name, so I can find it on Youtube. I’d love to see that!
I haven’t seen it, but the BBC “reporter” will be Joshua Rosenberg. Also check out Lyse Doucet, known as Lies Deceit in our house.
Steve Rosenberg. Possibly a relation to Joshua in the nepotistic world of the BBC.
Seamus, there were two videos. However, Mulga has slightly exaggerated the “squealing with outrage” episode:
Thanks for the links, Roman.
Joshua Rosenberg….BBC stringer
The Rosenburg story was repeated on Radio 4. It was funny because the BBC thought they had a propaganda scoop by showing dilapidated buildings in Russia to denounce Putin and the economic effect of the Syria military efforet. However the Russians realised their game and did some filming in darkest Essex showing rundown properties. The BBC tried to spin this as propaganda and in doing so gave their own propaganda game away. I used to regard the BBC highly but now think of them as a bunch of government lackey liers. Very sad.
It’s more than oil -it’s cheaper to buy oil than kill for it- it’s actually about world domination and the crushing of any sovereignty by fomenting internal wars, destroying infrastructure, subsequent looting and the imposition of economic and state serfdom to the US dollar Hegemon.
Cracks there may be but the MSM addicted have little use for continuity or critical thinking and the MSM have copious amounts of crack spackle to plug the propaganda dam. But I’d be delighted to be proven wrong.
And I think it’s even more than just domination. It’s a blood feverish behavior of a satanic belief of the few ones on the top of this pyramid who are aching for blood. It’s – also – a satanic ritual.
This is certainly what the Parasites try so hard to believe themselves when they stand in front of the bathroom mirror and fantasize themselves into a frenzy just to keep their blood circulation going.
” Check this, everybody! We smash babies on the floor, drink their blood… and hopefully, hopefully… become immortal in the process! Yeesss, we are that evil! … Don’t walk away guys, listen, here comes the best part. We have the most ghoulish sex with all kind of grizzly demons… we… what’s up with you guys? Don’t walk away… Sob, sob, whine, whine… “
Zweistein and aarsupilani you are on the right path. But I miss O’Leary. (Dennis, not CIA agent and MK Ultra operative Timothy.) Let’s go revisit his themes of Love, The Sacred Feminine, numerology, and Dylan, in the context of Good vs Evil, Holy Mother Russia vs the Evil Pricks of the New AZ World Order.
Revisitation: Let’s dust off a couple of verses from Highway 61 Revisited to set the proper ominous, apocalyptic, genocidal tone forced on humanity by western psychopaths in the ruling elite:
Oh God said to Abraham, “Kill me a son”
Abe says, “Man, you must be puttin’ me on”
God say, “No.” Abe say, “What?”
God say, “You can do what you want Abe, but
The next time you see me comin’ you better run”
Well Abe says, “Where do you want this killin’ done?”
God says, “Out on Highway 61”.
…………………………………… 2 verses cut…..
Now the fifth daughter on the twelfth night
Told the first father that things weren’t right
My complexion she said is much too white
He said come here and step into the light, he says hmm you’re right
Let me tell the second mother this has been done
But the second mother was with the seventh son
And they were both out on Highway 61.
Now the rovin’ gambler he was very bored
He was tryin’ to create a next world war
He found a promoter who nearly fell off the floor
He said I never engaged in this kind of thing before
But yes I think it can be very easily done
We’ll just put some bleachers out in the sun
And have it on Highway 61. Bob Dylan 1965
Decoding the Enemy code, first by the Numbers, then by Gender.
The Number 9
Start with the floor, the square tiles of Freemasonry, the Base of consciousness the number 9. It (9) never ascends from the base, the floor of consciousness because 9 added to any number effects no essential change in that number by either addition or multiplication. Addition: 9 + 2 = 11 1+1 = 2 No change. 9 + 5= 14 1+4= 5 No Change
Multiplication: 9 X 7 = 63 6+ 3 = 9 No change 9 X 247 = 2,223 2+ 2 + 2 + 3 = 9 No Change!
Ergo, 9 symbolizes Base Consciousness.
The Number 3 The number 3 symbolizes the tripartite composition of the Creator, ever present throughout creation (Macrocosm) and in the personality of the human creature (Microcosm) as well. The Hermetic Principle: As Above (Creator), so below (you). Envision the Triangle, pointing up, symbolizing the Trinitarian composition of the Creator. At the top is Thought, which must come before anything else in creation is manifest. At a lower corner, Spirit. And at the third corner, Action.
Expressions of the same Macrocosmic trinity: 1) God the Father, The Holy Spirit, Christ the Son 2) Thought, Emotion, Action 3) Holy Father, Holy Mother, Male Child.
As above, so below, the microcosm, the human individual, You: 1) Mind, Emotion, Action. 2) Male intellect , Female Care, Inner Male Child of Action 3) Intellect, Emotion, Body 4) Left Brain, Right Brain, Your Body, your capacity to act in the physical domain.
The Number 93 symbolizes Ascension from the Floor, The Base (9) towards the Creator (3) or fully realized human individual .Ok, that’s enough numerology mumbo jumbo for now. As they supposedly said on Flight 93 over Pennsylvania, Let’s Roll!
9/11/ 2001 Decoded. 9 +1+1 +2+1 = 14 We’ll come back to that later. First let’s look at the numbers of the principal actions that day, Flights 11, 175, 93, and 77. It does Not matter if you believe one or more of these flights never actually reached its intended target, or if you believe, along with Lumi that the planes were only pixels on a Hollywood video creation, or that Apollo 11 was also done in a Hollywood studio only, as he also stated, once. Does Not matter . What matters is the numerology of the flights to the dark occultist psychopaths who conducted the public daylight ritual blood sacrifice that fine September day to define the 21st century, on their terms, supposedly, and to indicate to other occultists, both light and dark, around the world, their power, their pre-eminence, Their Mastery of Chaos Sorcery.
American Airlines Flight 11 11 is the number of initiation. Union of 1+ 1 (if male and female….others variants don’t work, sorry LBGT apologists……..) = reproductive action = offspring or product or intended result. In other words, the Sorcerers announce to the Awake occultists (keepers of hidden knowledge) and subliminally to the rest of humanity (who they call “The Dead” as in the Dead Asleep folks: “Watch This, boys and girls!!!”
It’s the opening Act 1 of the Magic Act of Grand Deception, Flight 11 in perception, hits WTC 1, North Tower. Next, American Airlines Flight 175 hits WTC 2, in reality or illusion I Don’t Care!!! The perception and therefore the communication, ritually, that it did so is created. Now, you have the beginning semi-completion of the gender symbolism of the ritual. The Union of Sacred Masculine (WTC 1 with phallic antenna above it) with Sacred Feminine (WTC 2, without pudendum) are to be immolated. But, folks, “There’s More!!”
Back to the numbers: You don’t want to be too damned obvious and have 3 different flights 93 from three different airlines as your media of action. That’s just too obvious. Even an American dummy that watches 50 hours of tv a week could figure that out. But you do want to laugh cynically at “the Dead” who are so stupid that they can’t add 11 plus 175 and divide by 2, and get 93.
Now, before you get frightened and weirded out by these NWO psychopaths, take courage! The ritual failed. The singular United Flight 93 did not reach its intended target WTC Bldg 7. More people got shaken up and put into fear (the opposite of Love, as fear prevents ascension, whereas Love is ascension….think Christ, think Beatrice in Dante Alighieri’s Divine Divine Comedy…..) than were woken up, that is true, but only Initially. However, as millions of truthers well know, the media complicity in the ritual was exposed live, on BBC, as the newscaster reported WTC had collapsed, while it still stood, on live video feed, on a very large studio screen, behind her, for another twenty minutes or so, before Larry Silverstein uttered the fatefully revealing two syllables: “Pull it.” So, over time, the numbers of woken up individuals are exceeding the numbers shaken up and those in permanent fear are diminishing , those waking up are increasing.
Anyway, your ritual is about immolating three Love Airlines Flights averaging 93, the number symbol for Love by psychopathic elites who are communicating quite clearly that they do Not care about human life, or love or care itself. They are fully aware that they don’t care and that that they are deeply, genetically defective. They are also fully aware of their own psychopathy and their intent to create a NWO of Hell on Earth, before they would ever yield power. Hey, “It’s better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven.”, as far as they are concerned. And they are fully aware of their defect of having only 2/3 of the godhead (Intellect and action….spirit, love, care, the Sacred Feminine is missing and they are sorrowfully aware of that fact) within them. And, as we all know, 2/3 expressed decimally is the infinitely recurring decimal .6666666….
But that’s okay. Because programmed dupe/slave metally and morally defective moron president Dubya can deliver to the elite ((see 30 sec mark) in a public speech a repetition of their generationally shared and passed own “Ancient Hope” that they will be reincarnated someday, without this spiritual defect, and actually be able to care, in some future reincarnation. In the meantime, the number one thing is to maintain their power grip over humanity, through fear, deception and war. And whatever else is necessary to that egoistic end.
But let’s wrap up this math homework assignment decoding :
Place the Pentagon symbol above the Tarot inspired two columns of WTC 1 and 2 , with WTC 7 in between them . Your bottom row is now smashed (by design, but not execution) all 93s. What about the purported (once again, the perception is all, not the reality, when it comes to sorcery….) American Flight 77?? Well, your Pentagon gets hit (supposedly) by 2/3 of 777 or 77. 777 is the opposite of The Beast 666. Why?
Because 7 + 7 + 7 = 21 and 2 + 1 = 3 or Holy Trinity, whether you consider it macrocosmically (Universe and its Creator) or microcosmically (You).
But 77 reduces in numerology to 7+ 7 = 14 and 1+ 4 = 5 or Pentagon. The ritual says, “It’s out with love, and care, which we lack, and its in with War, which we shall unleash.
Let me end, for now (there is a lot more for fans of numerology and symbolism) with a bit of ribald humor which I believe imparts the gestalt of the intended effect of the ritual, and what I propose be its backlash: The union of Sacred Masculine (WTC 1) and the Sacred Feminine (WTC 2) with the Temple of Solomon (Salomon Brothers Smith Barney occupied most of the building) were taken out September 11, 2001 and what was built was the “Freedom” Tower, with the address ONE WORLD Trade Center, NY, Ny.
Here you go, a picture is worth a thousand words:
Just imagine the demonic laughter of these One World, New World Order freaks as they employ fear to destroy love and care, leave the Pentagon intact, of course and erect a “Freedom Tower” dominating the Manhattan skyline, for all of “The Dead” American public Slaves to venerate, as if to say., “No more Mommy, suckers! But you have our Big One of Money, Power and War. Suck that and you’ll feel secure, morons.”
BTW Sept 11, 2001 was a Tuesday. The days of the week correspond to the sun (Sunday) and the six non-star heavenly bodies visible to the naked eye. Tuesday or “Martes” in Spanish corresponds to MARS, the god of War.
But the ritual failed, folks. Don’t forget that fact. De-occult it and bring its dark occult mind controllers to justice. Also, this is just the very short, Cliff Notes version. There is quite a bit more to the numbers and the symbols, leaving no doubt whatsoever that 911 was a Failed dark occult ritual blood sacrifice conducted to inspire the Satanic Elites and put everyone else under mind control. But It failed. Millions are still in its grip, but millions more are free and getting smarter every day.
Brother Anon. Please can you post this in the Moveable Feast Cafe in future – the cafe is there for off topic comments. Thanks. Also refrain from using capitals for words – its like screaming – I have amended all this one time. Mod TR.
Sure, Mod TR. No problem. However it would be helpful to give some hints on how to underline or bolden text. I am unaware of any way other than caps to add emphasis, although I have noted that others are able to do what I do not yet know how to do. Thanks!
“When taking office, President Obama promised to extend a hand to those willing to unclench their fists. He may have followed through on that with Iran but is he ready to apply this promise to both Russia and Syria? To discuss that, Oksana is joined by Daniel Kurtzer, a Professor of Middle East policy studies at Princeton University, former U.S. ambassador to Egypt and Israel, member of the Valdai Club.”
better is
Spohie and Co today, interview with ex Uk intelligence officer re the current scenario in Syria, eg al quaida maybe trying to dominate IS down…………….actually fight them…………to be recognised??????
just that Rt ran a doc. last night on the rise of US militiarism and “africom “in Africa, regarding protection of resources useful for them-USa and french combined, leading to al quaida coming in, then NATO UN using humanitarian human rights as excuse to then go to destroy Gaddafi-I ust wonder, as al q is still ‘present’? in Africa, could they with connivance be offering themselves up to be “recognised’ in some way there and in Syria as a ‘moderate opposition’ and less dangerous than ISIs? you never know what might happen in 10-15 years time………….it might be the plan B………
“Visiting France on the occasion of the Night of Witnesses organized each year by Aid to the Church in Need, the Greek Melkite Archbishop of Aleppo, Mgr Jeanbart, had a heavy heart. After describing the dramatic situation facing Aleppans, the Syrian bishop addressed the audience of journalists there:
“The European media have continued to choke the lives of those suffering in Syria and have even helped to justify what is happening in our country by passing on reports without ever checking,” he began, lambasting press agencies including agencies created during the war “put up by the armed opposition,” like the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, that uncontradicted source for Western media.
“You have to understand that between the Islamic State and the Syrian government, our choice is quickly made. One can condemn the regime for some things, but you never tried to be objective,” he further accused.
Asked whether he could explain his position to the French authorities, Archbishop Jeanbart said he had tried before, only to be told that he had to be “less critical.”
For him, however, the West has continued to silence the exactions of the armed opposition, all the while damning the Syrian government and its president. “Assad has many faults, but imagine, he has also qualities,” he explained, “schools were free, as hospitals, mosques as churches paid no tax, but be honest, what other government in the region does such things? Remember this, too: if we prefer to support the government, it is because we fear the establishment of a Sunni theocracy that would deprive us of the right to live on our own land.”
“Yes, I have tried to say all these things to the French authorities, but what do you expect from a Laurent Fabius who thinks he is God the Father in deciding who deserves or not to live on this Earth?” he finally answered, visibly tired [Laurent Fabius said Assad “does not deserve to be on Earth “].
“Is it possible that France – the France that I love and that educated me through its religious communities in Syria – has changed so much? Is it possible that her interests and her love of money have taken precedence over the values France once defended?” said the Archbishop with some bitterness.
To the question of the posting of French bishops, the Pakistani bishop, also present, would not answer. Monseigneur Jeanbart again took over the microphone.
“The Conference of Bishops of France should trust us, it would have been better informed. Why is it that your bishops are silent on a threat that is now yours as well? Because even the bishops are like all of you, brought up in political correctness. But Jesus was never politically correct, politically Jesus was just!” he exclaimed.
“The responsibility of a bishop is to teach, and to use his influence to convey the truth. Why you are bishops afraid to speak up? Of course they will be criticized, but it will give them the opportunity to defend themselves and to defend this truth. We must remember that silence is sometimes a sign of acquiescence. ”
It is also the migration policy of Western countries that the archbishop criticized. “Selfishness and interests slavishly defended by your governments will eventually kill you too. Open your eyes, do not you see what happened recently in Paris?,” added the archbishop, before concluding as a suppliant:” We need you to help us to live in our home! […] I cannot accept seeing our two thousand year old Church disappear. I would rather die than live to see it.”
latest re UN resolution
note America still not really acknowledging Rus success, will use anything to pressurise Rus eg Arctic, Syrian humanitarian catastrophe by Rus says Obama………..
“NATO’s current combat readiness would fail at protecting the Alliance’s eastern borders, according to the North Atlantic Council’s experts report to be published Friday.
NATO Rotational Forces in Europe ‘Intended to Create Effect of Permanence’ – US Army Chief
MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The expert group comprising six defense officials, including former NATO chief Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, warned of “chronic underfunding” and “critical deficiencies” of the Alliance’s member states, according to the report, as quoted by the Financial Times newspaper.
The NATO report revealed that only 10 of 31 German Tiger helicopters and some three quarters of 406 Marder armored infantry vehicles were usable.
Read more:
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – The United States is going to test on Friday an intercontinental ballistic missile Minuteman III, which forms the basis of the strategic nuclear forces of the country, US Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work said.
According to Work, the launch is scheduled from a silo at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.
“We and the Russians and the Chinese routinely do test shots to prove that the operational missiles that we have are reliable. And that is a signal… that we are prepared to use nuclear weapons in defense of our country if necessary,” Work told reporters.
Read more:
summary Syrian news Feb 25th
“At the same time, according to US analysts, as a whole, “it will not fundamentally change the military situation” in Syria. “Lack of human resources will continue to undermine the ability of the Syrian regime to solve strategic combat missions, – the report says. – The regime is still no personnel required to capture and hold the key areas for strategic defeat of the opposition or LIH “(US title extremist” Islamic state “, IG, banned in Russia)…………Supreme Negotiating Committee (CPSU), which is part of the Syrian opposition, unveiled its observations to the agreement on cease-fire in Syria reached Russia and the United States, “the CPSU reaffirms its commitment to a political solution to the conflict through the creation of a temporary authority, performing all of the powers, in which there is no place Bashar al-Assad and his entourage. This is in accordance with Resolution 2254 and other UN resolutions. It is necessary to determine the exact and precise timing of the beginning and end of the truce. CPSU believes that the truce after two weeks may be extended if it will be successful. ……According to Syrian sources, among those killed large numbers of foreign fighters from Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and Chechnya”
southfront report
details by province
“One of the field commanders from the anti-Assad coalition faxed me the blank document which he has to sign if he is not to be bombed anymore. This is the first time this document, on the basis of which the ceasefire will be launched, is being published.
Application to join the ceasefire regime.
I, the commander of __________ unit, located ___________ as indicated on the attached map,
-am ready to join the process of resolving the armed conflict within the Syrian Arab Republic,
-guarantee that my unit will, as of March 1, cease firing on government forces, and will not use either artillery weapons or small arms,
-will permit observers from the control group to monitor the ceasefire
-will allow free access of humanitarian aid for the civilian population
Syrian Arab Republic forces will, as of March 1, cease firing on my unit and, as long as the ceasefire regime is in effect, my unit will not be subjected to Russian and Syrian airstrikes.
Government entities will not interfere with humanitarian aid deliveries into areas controlled by my unit.
The representatives of my unit will take part in the joint ceasefire center activities.
Should disagreements arise, I promise to report them to the joint ceasefire center.
I am attaching a map of my unit disposition.
Field Commander __________”
more good stuff on southfront too
Article from Reuters on “testing” the minuteman missile. Very different wording to Sputnik.
U.S. test-fires ICBMs to stress its power to Russia, North Korea
The U.S. military test-fired its second intercontinental ballistic missile in a week on Thursday night, seeking to demonstrate its nuclear arms capacity at a time of rising strategic tensions with Russia and North Korea.
The unarmed Minuteman III missile roared out of a silo at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California late at night, raced across the sky at speeds of up to 15,000 mph (24,000 kph) and landed a half hour later in a target area 4,200 miles (6,500 km) away near Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands of the South Pacific.
Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work, who witnessed the launch, said the U.S. tests, conducted at least 15 times since January 2011, send a message to strategic rivals like Russia, China and North Korea that Washington has an effective nuclear arsenal.
“That’s exactly why we do this,” Work told reporters before the launch.
“We and the Russians and the Chinese routinely do test shots to prove that the operational missiles that we have are reliable. And that is a signal … that we are prepared to use nuclear weapons in defense of our country if necessary.”
Demonstrating the reliability of the nuclear force has taken on additional importance recently because the U.S. arsenal is near the end of its useful life and a spate of scandals in the nuclear force two years ago raised readiness questions…….
Reentry vehicles of so-called ICBMs, like reentry vehicles of so-called manned space flight, require material to withstand the enormous heat generated at friction with the atmosphere on reentry at speeds of 8 km/s or faster – lest they disintegrate and be incinerated.
If you look at depictions or photos of the reentry vehicles, you cannot but wonder how they manage to sail stably when reentering the atmosphere instead of succumbing to chaotic and catastrophic tumbling.
The material they claim is used in the heat shield goes by the name of 3DPQ, which means, I kid you not, three-dimensional quartz phenolic. Apparently “invented” in the early seventies. If you search 3DQP quartz on , there’s only 32 hits, about half of them from DTIC.MIL and NASA.GOV, most of the rest from history books.
Amazingly, this super heat-resistant material hasn’t found applications anywhere else. Only used for reentry vehicles. Go figure.
To sum it up: There is no reason to believe that man has actually solved the reentry problem.
Three-dimensional quartz phenolic seems to be a synthetic radiation shield developed by the UK, not a thermal shield. “The quartz material ‘hardens’ the RV protecting the nuclear warhead against high-energy neutrons emitted by exo-atmospheric Anti-ballistic missile (ABM) bursts before re-entry”
No doubt the likes of Russia and US have their own technologies for anti radiation shields for nuclear missiles.
Thermal shields will most likely be based on carbon or graphite.
To shield neutrons requires a hydrogenous material like water or paraffin wax. I very much doubt quartz would afford any shielding effect.
Emphasising really good is the current Sophie and Co programme on rt…..very concise analysis re urrent Syrian situation…….saudi turkey want Syria to fall, not just Assad,
Excellent non-crackpot reading materials … thank you very much, these will be extremely useful!
“It is time for Americans to turn America away from this new imperialism and back to the path of idealism and democracy.”
Nope. its not. That time was at the end of WW2. This latest murderous rampage will be the last, as the empire of goldman sachs and its AZ masters will implode under the rule of Trump. Not because of Trump’s rule, but because his execution by the MIC for crimes against their cashflow. That act will unleash a rage within the US populace that will be the republic’s undoing.
Don’t know if this Bloomberg article by self-exiled Russian journalist Leonid Bershidsky fits in with the cracks in the dam theme:
I get the sense that unlike many of his co-ethnics, Bershidsky cannot hide his distaste for the SS rune wearers and Bandera flag wavers enough to proclaim them freedom fighters or at least marginal figures demonized by Russia’s propaganda machine. Not when they’re threatening the Rada that is. At least Bershidsky has some concept of reality. No wonder Anders Aslund flipped out on him and accused him of being a Putin propaganda agent on Twitter. This article makes the post-Maidan coup junta especially the delusional bloody Baptist Turchynov who wanted an attack on Crimea using an army Kiev didn’t have at that time (and more of which probably would’ve defected if not turned their guns on the junta if given that suicidal order) look like fools and cowards.
Of course it’s hard to say how much of this account is real and how much is post-facto CYA by junta pols.
I forget his name, but there was another reporter who worked for RFE/RL (of all things!) and was originally from Crimea, I believe. In any case, he was definitely Russian and, although he was (naturally) critical of Putin, he knew that the Crimean referendum was valid, and said so on air. He was fired shortly thereafter. Does anyone remember his name? I think he was mentioned by Saker at some point.
Andrei Babitsky, right?
Re: “back to the path of idealism and democracy.”
This is the American myth. It never has been a country of idealism and democracy. It has been, from the very outset, a predatory commercial entity–a country which is ruled by the money powers, who in turn outfit the military. Militarism is a veritable religion in the US, as is its patriotism; they go together “doing God’s work,” as the criminally stupid and brutal phrase has it. Americans would do well to face their history squarely, but they are the most indoctrinated people on the globe.
@”Americans … are the most indoctrinated people on the globe.”
I was kind of shocked when I received my new passport.
The pages—the background images imprinted on each page much as checks have picture backgrounds—serve as propaganda posters, whereas previously the pages (for stamps, visa, etc.) were plain. Now: An exercise in extreme chauvinism.
But nothing, Zero, showing a Native American.
P. 1: Scene of battle on a ship, with the last two lines of the National Anthem overprinted.
P. 2. quote at top from Gettysburg Address
P. 3Personal info
P. 4. Words from Declaration of Independence overprinted on gigantic eagle, sheaf of wheat, and billowing stars and stripes
P. 5 & 6 Image of Southwestern desert with cactuses.
P. 6 & 7: Quote fro Daniel Webster: “The principle of free government adheres to teh American soil. It is embedded in it. Immovable as its mountains.” Overprinted over photo of Rocky Mountains.
PP. 8 & 9. G. Washington Quote: ” Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair.” Overprinted on images of Liberty Bell, Declaration of Independence, and Independence Hall (I think) in Philadelphia
PP. 10 &11: Quote from Declaration of Independence overprinted on image of Old Ironsides (U.S.S. Constitution) offshore of a New England lighthouse.
PP 12 & 13: Martin Luther King, Jr. quote overprinted on images of eagle (close-up and in flight), bison grazing, and mountain range.
PP 14 & 15: Quote from JFK overprinted on photo of Mount Rushmore, North Dakota (giant presidents’ heads cut into mountainsides that were probably sacred to some Native Americans)
PP 15 & 16: Teddy Roosevelt quote overprinted on image of I guess the Mississippi River, with a steamer of some kind on . V of geese flying north (?) may be subtle reference to slaves?? Not sure why else they would be there, but everything pictured in the passport has been chosen to carry a “patriotic” message of some kind . . .
PP 17 & 18: Quote from Eisenhower overprinted on image of sheaf of wheat and farmer with team of oxen. BTW, it is NOT Ike’s quote about beware the MIC!!! It is about “the heart of Americans.” Presumably the connection here is that the small independent farmer in the heartland is the heart of America.
PP. 19 & 20: Quote from LBJ. In part “Is a new world coming? We welcome it—and we will bend it to the hopes of man.” Hmm. Anyhow, overprinted on cowboys riding herd on longhorns, mountain range in the background.
PP. 21 & 22: Quote that is inscribed on the Golden Spike (of the Transcontinental Railroad) overprinted on picture of locomotive steaming along (actually, not pulling a train behind it), with mountains etc. in the background. So, who’s riding herd on citizens, and others?
PP. 23 & 24. Ok, here is a reference to Native Americans. Mohawk version of Thanksgiving Address. Actually, sounds like a child’s invocation. “We send thanks to all the Animal life in the world. They have many things to teach us as people. W eare glad they are still here and we hope it will always be so.” Well, maybe a bad translation. Overprinted on image from Pacific Northwest of bear catching and eating a salmon, and a totem pole.
PP24 & 25: Quote on freedom by Anna Julia Cooper, overprinted on image of Statue of LIberty and closeup of Liberty’s hand holding a plaque with the year 1776 in roman numerals.
So, that’s it. Passport as propaganda op. I’d love to know how much this little exercise in graphic design to turn the passport into an advertising board for American creation myths cost.
Lovely rendition of a passport, but where are all these Glorious Females we’ve all come to enjoy and admire? Rice, Albright, Nuland, Psaki, Hillary, Powers, …? I hope Western feminism addresses this issue in no uncertain terms!
Katherine, those are just geese flying North.
Instead of those “creation myths” we should have pictures of Detroit and other crime-ridden, urban wastelands where people who don’t believe in those CMs live.
The writer is placing a lot of blame on those who ousted this scheme and he should not have. They did so at great personal risk to themselves as we seen from the example of serina shim as well as the great cost to others like the one writer who did an article on ms.assad who found her self without a job in France for 3 years. Anyone who has said anything has lost a great deal, in the gcc you get fired for showing any support. The chief of al Arabia was just fired for publishing an article on nasarallia. The same happens in the US where major think tanks and papers were bought out for cash even in the education sector. So it is not just a few but here you are talking about people worth trillions standing behind the destruction of countries, maybe because the prize is not Syria but Russia and then China in the end. Without Russia China folds like a cheap blanket. And without Russia India is a nobody and neither is brazil. All problems solved..
I know I personally rag a lot in the comments about western society ending up like this but I would not place blame on individuals, especially those individuals who had the courage and maybe just fed up like the rest of us and had to chance to say something in influential places. We should instead thank them for their efforts. They stand to be destroyed in their carriers and prospects.. And others have been for saying far less..
The post very much seems to be wishful thinking (there might be a crack in a dam).
Without mercy: the United Criminals of Northamerica is an organization of some 330 millions. All the others are 7.330 millions (european dot, not comma). If you want to know if there is a crack in the dam of perception of crimes of the United Criminals of Northamerica (for historical reason: UCA) you will have to look at many other news papers and other media than the one you mentioned.
Of course there is no hope for UCA. Instead the UCA is dedicated to collapse – within the 21st century.
And don’t you mention Europe! Europe since thousands of years is very much used to collapse and to completley crash. Think of the crash of the Roman Empire. Think of the 30years war, think of 80 years war, think of the 100years war think of the 120 years war. All these different wars. And always, even after (what you might call) World War II, Europa rises again almost stronger than before like phoenix from the ashes.
The reason and at the same time the difference for this difference between Europe and the UCA:
1st and foremost: Europe is not united and never will be. [Right now 10 days left and socalled Schengen agreement (=no border control) will be history, according to officials of EU.] The … power of Europe is it’s diversity, you can even see it on the maps. Even if some (big) part of Europe crashes, e.g. Germany, all the rest will keep going and thus the crashed down part will follow soon. There are 100s if not 1000s of examples for that.
2nd but less important: of course almost all european governments of all times have been criminals like the one in the UCA (from the very beginning). But nevertheless Europe after every catastroph in it’s history developed international law more and more. Have a look into the peace treaty after Thirty Years’ War, Peace of Westphalia (1648) and you will have a picture of a real peace treaty, completly different than, e.g., dictatorship of Versailles (1919), given as dictate of the United Criminals of Northamerica. Please kindly note the year of the Peace of Westphalia, 1648 – the UCA didn’t even exist.
There are still more differences between Europe and the UCA but of minor importance.
But, but, Europe is only 550 millions, not 7.330 millions. If you want to compare with realy persisting states, have a look at
– Iran: more than 5.000 years of history [BTW: Iran/Persia never in it’s history
That is a good start indeed. The problem is that 99% of the US population won’t see anything about those articles. So what could be done to change that? I would think those type of articles would be a good base for RT America,and RT in Britain,to do a “special” documentary on. They could put how those articles are “exposing the truth”,etc,etc. Do a hour long documentary “based” off of the information in those articles (with some added facts). And show it on those RT Channels. More people would see it. And it might force the MSM to report on it. They’d condemn it of course. But it would “spark” attention on the subject. And force them to have to report on the articles and documentary.
Is there anything new or anything not known by those who make an effort to know reality, inform themselves and finally are actually awake to be found in this article? I suggest there is not.
This crack in the dam keeping real news hidden is almost, if not yet actually, too late. Erdogan knows this. So does Angela. Stoltenberg of US NATO knows his role at re-cementing up dame holes well, but actually the increasing popular moves to leave the European Union are going to tear bigger holes in the dam walls. Even if the terrified media does not. Holes that cannot be closed as they come from the will of the people I.E, the humans that will be massacred if media silence is preserved in steel..
Halaluyah!..have the west come upon its ,”we have met the enemy and the enemy is..?’..
Moment?..then invite the Cherokee nation and all the surviving elders of innuit and Mexican inca tripes.,sit down ,force the team chaos to puff some peace pipe!.Maybe some opium harvested by team chaos and nato force can come usefull.After this peace pipe sessions they should quickly be whisked away to antractica for a well deserved rest.
Does it matter if there is a crack in the dam? The common people have little power anywhere, and certainly not in the majority of Western countries. We can’t even stop the destruction of our countries in ways that are obvious and emotionally explosive.
The other problem is that the crack may just be part of a controlled operation to take down KSA and Turkey. They deserve it, but that is still part of the Western plan to rearrange things in the Middle East, and make it harder for any country or alliance of countries to challenge their power.
In his weekly video blog, Joseph Farrell discusses Saker’s recent “Would Russia Use Nukes…?” article. Very interesting.
Believe in HOPE and not Destruction. Don’t ever empower Destruction, by believing in it.
God Bless Obama, Putin and Trump.
Amen, brother.
Trump is risking all to take a new path for America. And the people are following.
Pray for him. Pray for America. The rebellion against the war mongers is on.
working at the myth
Trump – the American
Clinton – Sanders – the Jewish option
in history: Frederick II. and El Kamil
today: Putin and Kadyrov
mundanomaniac today: Spell for Peace?
Once More – The Pink Elephant in the Room!!
The article by Robert Kennedy Jr., and Steven Kinzer, and the article by JiminNH, about the articles by Kennedy and Kinzer, fail to expose the major Terrorist power within the Middle East, the Zionist entity of land Thieves (in Palestine), and their international $Financiers, who have suborned most of the governments on this Planet.
Turkey and Saudi Arabia, are junior puppets of the Zionist Americans. The Zionist Americans -Are- the Terrorist CIA, MOSSAD, ISIS, Al Quaida, and Kiev fascists.
Kennedy dares not mention the Zionist Land Thieves, or those who assassinated his Forbears, or he might join them in an untimely demise.
The Zionist Americans control the overwhelming majority of the world’s information, and manage to have a negative effect, even on the best websites, such as this one.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize”
Perhaps you missed where I wrote this:
“..and further suggesting that we remain involved in the mid-east partly for “guaranteeing the security of Israel’s borders” from the chaos in the region that the readers of this blog may well find to be instigated on behalf of that country.”
The “pink elephant’ is not the only applicable metaphor – “chose your battles wisely”, or “live to fight another day”, or “enjoy small triumphs” are equally apropos. I’m just glad to see someone tell something truthful for a change. We can’t expect to change the world in one day, can we? After all, “the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”
I certainly did nor miss -where you wrote this:
“..and further suggesting that we remain involved in the mid-east partly for “guaranteeing the security of Israel’s borders” from the chaos in the region that the readers of this blog may well find to be instigated on behalf of that country.”
The “we” pronoun refers to whom? Not me. I am not “we.” J’n suis pas Charlie. Guarantee whose? borders? The Zionists wish to control the world in a Uni Polar imperialist financial & military dictatorship. They have achieved most of their wish. They own & control America, most of the rest of the planet, and Europe up to Russia.
Additionally, the Zionists aim to construct a Greater Judah, extending from the Euphrates, to the Nile. There are maps of their goal, all over Occupied Palestine. Your article did not come close to identifying the major Terrorist War Criminals responsible for the destruction of Iraq, Syria, Libya, injuries of Egypt, and Lebanon, and major harm to Yemen, Sudan, and nations throughout Africa. Millions of dead, and millions more dispersed, and Nations suborned, and you write of “guaranteeing the security of Israel’s borders.”
You either have a blind spot, or are consciously covering up for this ‘Inconvenient Truth.’
“While to live in the past and think of what was good and beautiful about it amounts to a sort of seasoning of the present, the perennial wait for tomorrow is bound to result in chronic discontent that poisons one’s entire outlook”.
Isabelle Eberhardt
I fail to see what prompts your hostility to my article.
The “we” is the US. As I have no idea who you are, or where you are from, it matters not to me if “we” includes you as a citizen of the US or not.
The borders clearly says “Israel’s borders.”
The subject of my article was two articles that I reviewed. It was not the Yinon plan, or the Lewis Plan, or the Brookings plan, or the Robin Wright plan, any other plan for the dismemberment of the Middle East. Accordingly your criticizing my article because it did not touch upon a subject you wish it to include is rather odd.
Your unreasonable animus also caused you to incorrectly assert that the quoted language “guaranteeing of security of Israel’s borders” were my words. They were not. They were quoted words from the article of Mr. Kennedy, words that were in the paragraph in which I criticized Mr. Kennedy for writing those words mind you.
Accordingly, your final sentence is, frankly, inane.
Yes, it’s too bad that Kennedy produces that hoary old chestnut of guaranteeding Israel’s security and borders at the end of an otherwise solid piece.
Impossible to know whether this is the lip service RK feels he must give just to get his op-ed on the air, or whether he actually believes the Zionist tale.
At least, impossible for me to know, because I don’t know enough about RK. It would be valuable to get some background from someone on his views. Becuase he has great leadershiop potential.
Who will be the first major American politician or public figure to puncture the Israel balloon or call out the pink elephant in the room? I think the people may be out in front of the pols on the baleful role of Israel both at home and in the ME.
RK could just as easily sit down and write a long historical overview on the State of Israel and Zionism in Palestine that would be a very valualbe corrective—analogous to this “corrective” piece on Syria. Why doesn’t he do it??
Thierry Meyssan has an absolute *must-read* article exposing the role of the Turks (and US) in the recruiting of foreigners to invade Syria – the same individuals heading al-quaeda in the Libya attack on Ghadaffi in Tripoli were also sent to Syria via Turkey:
They are effectively nothing more than contract-killers for the transnational mafia, using international national agencies as cover.
Not only in Syria, but everywhere where they put their dirty fingers.
Apart from that report claiming a commander an a few others elements from Blackwater/ Academi/ Whatever…killed or encircled in Yemen, we have also this:
“Donetsk Blog Feb 25: Minsk Violations – Mercenaries Discovered – Ukrainian Indiscipline”
(…)” The OSCE international observers also informed that they had not been allowed to inspect a checkpoint of the Ukrainian forces in the Lugansk region. It is possible that Kiev in such a way tries to prevent detection of foreign mercenaries quartered in these areas. DPR intelligence has repeatedly reported from their sources on the ground of the observation of English-, Polish- and Arabian-speaking soldiers near the front line.
Several days ago the LPR Defense Ministry also reported of the existence of a group of 30 soldiers, apparently belonging to a US private military company, located in an elite cottage settlement in the north of the Lugansk region. The settlement is heavily guarded by Ukrainian soldiers: its perimeter is patrolled and the entrances have checkpoints. According to local residents, the unit provides protection to the OSCE representatives as well as trains the Ukrainian military.
Kiev previously always insisted that foreign mercenaries were merely being used as instructors for Ukrainian forces. However, two days ago it was officially announced that US snipers are to take part in the hostilities in Donbass on the Ukrainian side. At a press conference of the Georgian National Legion, which became a part of the nationalist battalion Kievan Rus, one of these snipers was introduced as already a member, with ten more to follow.
The Ukrainian authorities need mercenaries because their own army is collapsing. DPR intelligence has repeatedly reported of extremely low morale in the regular-army units, demonstrated by their constant drinking, marauding, and fighting of each other. Two days ago in the south of Donbass there was a fire at a local market that partially destroyed the main source of provision for the locals. According to Ukrainian media a probable cause of fire was violation of fire safety rules in using electrical appliances. The town residents, however, informed that the market had been set alight by Ukrainian soldiers after they plundered it while searching mostly for alcohol.
Aside from increasing the numbers of mercenaries on the front line, Kiev also reportedly continues to amass weapons and equipment there. According to DPR intelligence, over the past two days alone, one 220mm “Uragan” MLRS, eleven 152mm and 120mm motorised artillery systems, 38 tanks, 11 infantry fighting vehicles, four mortars and one 85mm anti-tank cannon D-44 has arrived on the front line. (See pictures below for weapons mentioned).
In addition, OSCE observers have noted in their latest report the presence of previously undocumented military equipment. It would seem that in terms of weapons and military equipment, Kiev is guided more by its plans to escalate the conflict than by the Minsk Agreement to resolve it.”
Stunning article thank you for link
Always worth advertising the rare examples of good journalism in the mainstream.
One historical correction required, I think. The American imperial project started with the subjugation of as much of North America as possible. Only once the land was secured from coast to coast, and Canada definitively determined to be out of bounds, and Mexico shorn of a large chunk of its territory, and the Munroe Doctrine clearly formulated and enforced, did the US look further afield with the Spanish Wars, Cuba, the Phillipines etc. (I think I’m right in saying).
Good catch Elsi.
I had read a report on NewsFront of Turks/Grey Wolves operating in the Donbass region, as well as ‘ISIS’ mercenaries.
Latest from the Atlantic Council – which basically exists to rationalize NATO’s continuing ‘security presence’ in Europe (which in turn requires a bogeyman, Russia):
The ‘risk’ is down to less-than-expected hand-outs from European tax-payers to the defense contractors of US (mainly), UK and France.
Expect more ‘terror’ attacks, migrant attacks on ‘our way of life’ and other ‘goodies’ to ratchet
up tensions and conflict in Europe.
It’s not just the current news that’s been blacked-out, but the whole of the Outlaw US Empire’s involvement in the region during the 20th Century, particularly from 1945-1990. I’d bet most teachers of US History at all grade levels know next to nothing about that time period or its implications for the present and future. With teachers ignorance being promoted by universities, is it any wonder that journalists don’t have a clue either? The only way I ever learned anything about the actual history of the Outlaw Empire that matters was to dig it up myself with the help of the very few scholars who were able to publish about it–Chomsky primarily and those he cited. I find it absolutely unacceptable that citizens of the United States know less about their country’s actions than the people’s living in the areas subjected to those actions. That Trump applauds such ignorance is quite telling.
Countdown to Destruction in Syria. A useful summary/timeline of US/European interference in Syria from 1916 to the present
Thanks for providing that link! I’d suggest to every government on the planet to sever relations with the Outlaw US Empire until it divests itself of its overseas empire of bases and exhibits stellar peaceful behavior for 20 years until considering to reestablish diplomatic relations.
Anyone, who grew up or lived in Europe in the 60/70’s had access to short wave radios, even in cars. Even the so called “oppressed communist countries” had them. Actually I found the Russian radios to be the best. And then you go to NA and there is not a short wave radio in sight. One had to look through specialty stores in order to get one of those, never mind cars.
Go figure.
I made a similar point in a comment several weeks ago. I inherited a Zenith Transoceanic from my grandfather in 1967 but didn’t use it as much as I might. Wish I still had it.
” It’s not just the current news that’s been blacked-out, but the whole of the Outlaw US Empire’s involvement in the region during the 20th Century, particularly from 1945-1990.”
This is one of the reasons why in the’ Age of the Internet’ following current events in politics, culture, science, education, etc. is so instructive and enlightening. Basically every article we read, every news clip we watch, every sound bite we hear is distorting real events and facts to a shocking, even grotesque degree.
Having absorbed this insight, we look back at history, already knowing that everything we will encounter will be as tilted and tainted as it possibly could be.
The French Revolution… the Renaissance… the discovery of America… the history of Venice… the Reformation… the origins of Christianity… WW1 and WW2… The list is endless. All history will need to be rewritten from scratch.
Why do think the library of Alexandria (and countless others) have been lost to fire?
ReVision – the reexamining and retelling of the Western World’s past 3, 4 millennia is an endeavor that has just started in earnest for the last couple of years.
Hundreds, thousands of books will need to be written – not only covering geopolitics, but also the history of all Arts, of education, of all sciences. The history of social engineering and culture creation. The history of finance and money. The history of the oligarchies and suppressors – short the history of everything.
It is finally underway and it is very exiting.
Excellent points! One vital comment about “revisionist” history always overlooked by those using that phrase to attack: ALL historical writing is revisionist–even that done by primary witnesses as they must revision the event in their mind prior to describing it with prose.
Unfortunately, I don’t believe the mentioned articles are the first cracks of a damburst of truth held back. I will believe it when I see the damburst with my own eyes.
I’m affraid it’s nothing more than the trickle of seepage that will always be present around a dam, but nothing woriesome to destabilize it.
For example, the Iranian Revolution and the Iran-Contra scandal were not able to destroy the dam either.
But a damburst will occur, I guess, if the U.S. publicly looses its status as Global Bully and a Multy Polar World Order will be officially established in the UN.
No cracks here!
From the British Bloviator Corp. it has all the propaganda memes except for the ‘gas attacks by that brutal dictator Assad who has killed 250,000 of his own people’ one.
Syria conflict: Russia ‘steps up air strikes’ ahead of truce
It has the High Negotiations Committee, barrel bombs, bombing Syrian cities and killing civilians -half of them children, serious concens from NATO Erdogan about Russian bombing and impeccable reporting from that one man dress shop Syrian Observatory for Human Rights holed up in a London house.
Biased Broadcasting Corporation to me!
Even intelligent people I know believe their lies.
“America’s founding fathers warned Americans against standing armies, foreign entanglements and, in John Quincy Adams’ words, “going abroad in search of monsters to destroy.” Those wise men understood that imperialism abroad is incompatible with democracy and civil rights at home…. Over the past seven decades, the Dulles brothers, the Cheney gang, the neocons and their ilk have hijacked that fundamental principle of American idealism and deployed our military and intelligence apparatus to serve the mercantile interests of large corporations and particularly, the petroleum companies and military contractors that have literally made a killing from these conflicts.
It is time for Americans to turn America away from this new imperialism and back to the path of idealism and democracy. We should let the Arabs govern Arabia and turn our energies to the great endeavor of nation building at home. We need to begin this process, not by invading Syria, but by ending the ruinous addiction to oil that has warped U.S. foreign policy for half a century.”
Sorry, but there is nothing “new” about American Imperialism.
In fact, the United States was founded and is based upon imperialist conquest and plunder.
Just ask the Native Indians whose land America stole and now occupies.
Or the Hawaiians, whose sovereign government was regime changed by the United States and whose nation was absorbed into the American Empire.
Or ask Mexico about how the United States of America stole a vast swathe of northern Mexico, comprising all the land from Texas to California, as part of America’s Manifest Destiny.
Indeed, contrary to what nationalist demagogues like Donald Trump or his minions believe, Americans are the true illegal immigrants and illegal invaders of all the land that the USA occupies today, from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans.
This is not to mention all the imperialist wars outside the continental US that the Land of the Free has waged for over a century from the Spanish-American War to the Vietnam War to Operation Desert Storm to the Balkan War against Yugoslavia to the (phony) War on Terrorism today.
You really want the truth?
I doubt most Americans or their apologists can handle this bitter truth.
Imperialism–not democracy or idealism–is America’s founding value since 1776.
Exactly. Well said.
“It is time for Americans to turn America away from this new imperialism”
You might as well go back to 1898 and start making critical remarks about the Spanish-American war. Washington’s military bureaus (MID), long before Snowden and the internet, were already taking copius notes of any names who dared to utter dissenting views.
Just one small quibble. The English conquest began in 1607, Dutch 1590s, French in 1534, Portuguese in 1500, and Spanish in 1492. Russia was late in 1733.
Anyway, the document contained in the link to, which documents who are the sponsors of ISIS and what are the objectives of the invasion and destruction of Syria, was already available on the net several months ago.
Why is that appears only just now here?
Why in this form?
Thanks for posting. I added the reference to the 2012 DIA Memo here simply to use the occasion of reviewing these articles, the publication of the viewpoints in them being highly unusual in the US mainstream media, as an opportunity to spread the Memo to any person who may have not been aware. You may not surprised at how many American’s are not only unaware of the Memo, but when presented with it deny it’s clearly shown content and/or validity.
Overthrow the Regime “by all means available”
A WikiLeaks cable released as part of “The Saudi Cables” in the summer of 2015, now fully translated here for the first time, reveals what the Saudis feared most in the early years of the war: Russian military intervention and Syrian retaliation. These fears were such that the kingdom directed its media “not to oppose Russian figures and to avoid insulting them” at the time.
Latest c 8pm uk time….usa causes delay/problem? in vote of UNSC re Syria tonight……
My Internet search on the “Bruce-Lavett Report” yielded this.
Thank you, Vaska. I will be sure to save the link and contents. Jim
thanks Vaska–I tried yesterday but got nowhere so glad you were on this; interesting read and since I and many here have had lots of experience in all organizations with “left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing“ a lot of the report not suprising. Guess just my curiosity but sure would be interesting to know what all the black-outs said. Could anyone figure out the handwritten notes in the margin?
Apparently delay UN vote caused by usa coming up with surprise changes to resolution….some members angry. . that HNC ie the saudi opposition group references are to be removed from resolution and other interpretations…?????. Anger al jazeera say from 15 UN members that usa and rus are doing so much by themselves without consulting others.Good presentation by the UN envoy guy who has lead meetings Mistura? Hope we get analysis what happened here!!!!!!!!
21.15 pm uk time…,.vote 15 in favour,unanimously adopted.
Tonight I saw the Independent let Fisk publish by far the most openly pro Russian/Syrian article I’ve seen in the UK msm since the start of the war. I’m certain they wouldn’t have let it go even a few months ago without putting in some “Assad’s barrel bombs” cliches.
If the Syrian government forces and the resistance fighters take full control of these heights, the al-Younsiyeh, al-Tafahiyeh, Ein al-Hoor and Zeitouniya will fall to the Syrian army’s hands. Also, in this case the Syrian army will be only three kilometers away from the Turkish borders.
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army commandos stepped on the territories of the Northwestern province of Idlib after prevailing over the last defense lines of the militant groups and capturing of Ein al-Beidha in Lattakia province.
A map of all neocons on duty in the US and in France/UE mainly:
There’s yet another article in the Boston Globe today. “On Syria: Thank you Russia”. It’s written with the same sober reasoning as the one in this piece above.
Are “They”, breaking it to us slowly… Turkey is on it’s own. Policy changes ahead.
Thank you for drawing our attention to these two articles, jiminNH. I look forward to reading them in full. (Thanks also to Veronica and others for the links provided in the discussion.)
Many of us residing in the US are aware of the status of the magazine in which the RFK,jr piece has appeared. I usually avoid it. But I do not avoid Mr. Kennedy. He has been one of our recognizable liberal voices, particularly during the Bush years, and I am glad to hear from him once again. I would not make too much of his negative references to Russia. Given that it is remarkable he has said what he has said on the issue of US involvement in the Middle East, it is quite likely that a sacrifice of some nature was required by his editors in order for publication to proceed. Whether that is true or not doesn’t matter.
These historical connections are not just cracks in the dam but a watershed moment for the US public orienting itself to political matters to absorb and digest. His strong message against US involvement in what ought to be affairs of sovereign states in the Middle East outweighs any misunderstanding of Russia’s role; in fact, in my mind, his basic message supports Putin’s agenda.
These are matters the American public needs to know, messaged in forums they access. That’s good.
Thanks Juliana. Actually I’m not much of an RFK, Jr. fan, but in addition to this article agree with him on his tireless work against Thimerosal. How anyone with even half a brain could think it is OK to put toxic mercury in the bodies of babies, numerous times, is simply beyond my ken.
It is interesting how he encounters such a dogged fight from the pharma complex, and was overwhelmed by the lies and corruption that undergird that industry. I think it helped open his eyes to the, lets call it what it is, inhuman evil of some who put profit over people, and in my opinion must have helped open his eyes to, and decide to fight against, the lies about Syria.
With its few flaws (having just read the article at Politico) it is a far-reaching piece, and I see how the environmental and humanitarian concerns make it a powerful essay.
You take me back to my own childbearing days – the mercury/vaccine problem was vividly portrayed for me way back in 1974 when as an income-challenged young mother I was given advice by a wonderful pediatrician to indeed have my infant daughter vaccinated at the local free clinic (those were the days!) – with the exception of one vaccination which she strongly advised I pay her to administer, since the ‘preservative’ in the clinic’s offering (I forget which vaccine it was) she felt would be harmful. I didn’t know that was mercury – good grief.
Thank you again.
Hello Saker, if you’re not familiar with Eva Bartlett’s reporting and blog this is a good interview of her in Syria… as well she spent 3 yrs in Gaza… the woman is like yourself, indefatigable.
Well the Kennedy name should get some kind of press ~ but not from any Zio-Judaic owned rags ~
If you haven’t heard of Eva Bartlett’s journalism in Syria this is a good interview of her. She also spent 3 yrs in Gaza.
With any luck and Kennedy’s name this should get some press ~ but not from any Zio-Judaic rags…
thank you,
[Somewhat OT, but here we go…]
It seems that everybody outside the hardcore Russophile sites are able to see the blatantly obvious:
Under cover of truce with Russia, US prepares military escalation in Syria
“[..] The Journal cites the administration official as saying that the military and intelligence chiefs are demanding new measures to “inflict real pain on the Russians.” It states that they are specifically calling for an expansion of covert support for the “rebels.” The article suggests that this might include supplying the anti-Assad forces with “advanced ground-to-aircraft weapons so opposition fighters can fend off Russian air power, the sort of system which could be a game-changer.”
Indeed, it could quickly “change the game” by enabling the US proxy forces to shoot down Russian war planes, creating the conditions for a direct military clash between the US and Russia. The Journal itself notes, “Any decision to help the rebels directly go after Russian soldiers or destroy Russian airplanes could mark a dramatic escalation in the conflict.”
The article quotes an administration official as saying of the White House review of its options in Syria: “To be clear: our actions are not aimed at Russia. Our focus, however, does not change the fact that Russia, by increasingly involving itself in a vicious conflict on the side of a brutal dictator, will become enmeshed in a quagmire. Should it not change course, Russia’s fate will be self-inflicted.”
[Also recommend reading the comments to that article, btw]
Meanwhile, most, if not all of my most trusted Russophile sites, and Russian news sites are all ‘mom’s the word’ about this alternative reading about this so-called “ceasefire.” At best they’re venturing a half-assed question: will it hold?
*Sigh* where’s Mark Sleboda when we need him? (Missed you, Mark in the last two Cross Talk episodes. While informative, they were ultimately a waste of time, really. Sorry Pete :( )
To make matters worse, the ceasefire starts Friday at midnight (already past that time in Syrian local time) and we’re heading towards the weekend, when RT goes into ‘weekend-lazy-ass-mode’ and just rehash the news during the past week. I’ve noticed it is at those times when western MSM ratchets-up or launches their info-wars campaigns against Russia, meanwhile RT is usually caught napping all the way to Monday morning.
Anyhoo… here’s Mark, presumably doing what he does best, I’ve said “presumably” because regrettably I can’t view the vid [bandwidth issues] but I bet you guys can. so I’m sharing ;-)
Al Jazeera – Inside Story – Will a ceasefire in Syria hold?
New US Syria Strategy Aims to Con Russia
Quote from the article: “Fact: Diplomatically negotiating with Washington assures disaster. Terms agreed on are systematically breached, negotiating partners irresponsibly blamed”
Plus everything else said on that article, I pretty much agree with.
Good call XCVV :)
“Over the past seven decades, the Dulles brothers, the Cheney gang, the neocons and their ilk have hijacked that fundamental principle of American idealism /…/ “
They haven’t “hijacked” anything. On the contrary, it’s “American idealism” at its very finest being put into practice. We know it as Manifest destiny, right?
“It is time for Americans to turn America away from this new imperialism and back to the path of idealism and democracy.”
Like in the good ol’ days of extermination campaigns against the Native population, plantation slavery, and Jim Crow, I suppose. Staging orgies of murder, land-grabbing, and enslavement with your imported gung-ho compatriots as shock troops no doubt has a very touching ‘egalitarian’ and ‘democratic’ character. The ‘Founding Fathers’ are revered for a reason all right.
To summarise: Western lies and imbecilities seem to be the only thing keeping the entire edifice together ideologically. It is Syria and Russia that will smash Western imperialism; not some token dissent (Pindo style) in the MSM.
Agree that Kennedy sets out truths that are foreign to the US mainstream media. A great pity therefore, in addition to the flaws already noted, that his very first sentence perpetuates the myth that his father was killed by an Arab.
Time for Russia & China to wipe clean the swinery.
We are not talking about the truth coming out.
The truth would sound like this: ISIS is the creation of Turkey and Saudi and the US backed and advised them.
We would not be discussing the Syria situation, we would be discussing the Turkey situation.
We are talking about a few hints, hidden away in the middle parts of middle paragraphs on the middle pages of middling newspapers that all that we have been told so far does not quite add up.
Nothing more than that.
Update on the US Kunduz MSF Hospital obliteration:
How about rebuilding the Hospital for starts, then funding it fully for 20 years or so? Then at least meet Afghan customs and pay the blood money due. After all it was at best the screw up of a special forces unit unfamiliar with the area combined with an appalling failure to follow procedure which caused this horrendous deed even as MSF officials pleaded for 30 to 45 minutes for the attack to stop. Sorry, no one with a brain cell left in their head believes this was an “ooops” rather than a deliberate “ops”. Rumor has it that they did not even” get” the “high value” target who was supposedly inside the hospital.
BrasscheckTV Report
The gangsters, corporate and otherwise,
that looted Cuba for decades have “claims”
against the country for reparations after
they were thrown out.
The Cubans have their claims too against
the US government for violence and economic
Here’s one CIA operation that targeted the
food of schoolchildren.
– Brasscheck TV
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service available without the help of
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JiminNH crickets – if only conscience ruled and the dam burst!
always let your conscience guide you…
Dear Biga,
This interview takes a fascinating
look at present-day geopolitics by
looking at its 20th century roots,
in both the Communist Revolution
and in Nazi Germany and how
actors from both camps not only
infiltrated the US Government but
engineered the EU.
Together, Dark Journalist and
Dr. Farrell look at the meteoric rise
of Senator McCarthy in the nineteen
fifties. His endless supply of
damaging intelligence and
compromising connections on high
officials, were likely being fed to him
by former Nazis, still at war with their
Communist enemy, holdovers from a
shrouded deal struck by FDR during
World War II, under the umbrella of
National Security.
During this period, a strange
document appears in Europe that
suggests the war never ended and
that by working within a covert system
a new Nazi Reich can be installed after
Russia and America are weakened from
within by careful manipulation of social
and geopolitical forces. Are we seeing
this prediction of The New Reich come
true now in the 21st century?
Stunning, eye-opening, informative,
unnerving, alarming, and deeply laced
with previously unknown information
and bizarre, shocking truths, this is the
Dark Journalist episode you don’t want
to miss!
Video: (89 mins)
The Rise of the New Reich & Deep State America: Joseph Farrell
An off-topic-on-topic meme-of-mine is: “violence offered, is love released” (? or !) : – to which i offer the following ‘!’ excerpt (of an excerpt) from ICH: By Henry A. Giroux, “The National Insecurity State,” is from America’s Addiction to Terrorism:
“Graphic violence appears to provide one of the few outlets for Americans to express what has come to resemble something like a form of spiritual release. Consuming extreme violence, including accounts of state torture, may be one of the few practices left that allows the American people to feel alive, to mark what it means to be close to the register of death in a way that reminds them of the ability to feel within a culture that deadens every possibility of life. Under such circumstances, the representation of violence is transformed into something more than entertainment; it becomes akin to a sacred experience that ritualizes and legitimates a carnival of cruelty. The privatization of violence through media spectacles does more than maximize the pleasure quotient and heighten macho ebullience; it also gives violence a fascist edge by depoliticizing a culture in which the reality of violence often takes the form of state terrorism.” – See more at:
Terrific article with important info.