The recent murder of Samir Kuntar by Israel has, yet again, inflamed the discussion about Putin’s relation to Israel. This is an immensely complicated topic and those who like simple, canned, “explanations” should stop reading right now. The truth is, the relationship between Russia and Israel and, even before that, between Jews and Russians would deserve an entire book. In fact, Alexander Solzhenitsyn has written exactly such a book, it is entitled “200 years together”, but due to the iron grip of the Zionists on the Anglo media, it has still not been translated into English. That should already tell you something right there – an author acclaimed worldwide who got the Nobel Prize for literature cannot get his book translated into English because its contents might undermine the official narrative about Russian-Jewish relations in general and about the role Jews played in Russian 20th century politics in particular! What other proof of the reality of the subordination of the former British Empire to Zionists interest does one need?
I have already written about this topic in the past and, at the very least, I will ask you to read the following two background articles before continuing to read:
- AngloZionist: Short primer for the newcomers
- How a medieval concept of ethnicity makes NATO commit yet another a dangerous blunder
Before looking into some of the idiosyncrasies of the Russian-Israeli relationship I want to stress one very important thing: you should not simply assume that the relationship between Jews and non-Jews in Russia is similar to what it is in the West. This is not the case. Without going through a detailed discussion of the emancipation of Jews in the West and their long track from their rabbi-run shtetls to the boardrooms of the biggest western corporations, I will just say that for Russian Jews this process of emancipation happened in a much more violent and catastrophic way. The second big difference between western Jews and Russian Jews is that roughly between 1917 and 1939 a specific subset of Jews (Bolshevik Jews) were in quasi total control of Russia. During that period the Bolshevik Jews persecuted Russians and, especially, Orthodox Christians with a truly genocidal hate. This is a fact of history which most Russians are very much aware of, even if this is still considered crimethink in most western circles. It is also important to stress here that the Bolshevik Jews persecuted not only Orthodox Christians, but all religious groups, including, by the way, Judaics. Putin is very much aware of all these facts which he addressed when speaking to a group of Judaics in Moscow:
In the 2nd article mentioned above I discussed these issues and all I want to do know is to show you that Putin is very much aware of this past and that he has the courage and intellectual honesty to remind Russian Jews of it.
The other absolutely crucial fact about the relationship between Russia and Israel is the immigration of Russian Jews to Israel. Here I will just submit to you a bullet-point list of why this is a crucial factor:
- Regardless of whether they ended up in Israel, Austria, Germany, the USA or Israel, the immigration of Russian Jews to Israel made it possible for those Jews who did not want to stay in Russia to leave. Conversely, those who did not leave stayed by choice. This means that the vast majority, if not all, of the rabid russophobes and Christianity-hating Jews have left Russia. Those who stayed in Russia did so because they decided that it was their home.
- A large number (some estimates go as high has 20%) of so-called “Jews” who left Russia are not Jewish at all, including some of those who settled in Israel. The truth is that the economic and social hardships which faced the Soviet society under Brezhnev & Co and Russia under Eltsin made a lot of non-Jewish Russian invent themselves some (non-existing) Jewish origins just to emigrate. Thus there are many real Russians, as opposed to Russian Jews, in Israel.
- As a result of this big immigration there are innumerable personal ties between individuals and families living in Israel and Russia. This means that when, say, Iraq or Hezbollah rain rockets in Israel there are folks in Russia who are personally concerned about their friends in Israel even if they don’t necessarily approve of Israeli politics.
- The so-called “Russian Mafia” is, in reality, mostly a Mafia of Russian Jews. This is particularly true in the West. In Russia there are Jewish mobsters, but not really a Jewish mob as such. Russian and Jewish mobsters get along famously and that also creates, shall we say, strong “business” ties between “Russian” oligarchs and Israel.
- Under Eltsin the country was de-facto ruled by what was called the semibankirshchina, the “rule of the Seven Bankers”. These were the seven top bankers of Russia who owned about 50% of the entire Russian economy. All of them except one (Potanin) were Jews.
- During the Eltisin years, the vast majority of the members of government and, especially, their advisors were Jews. Jews also were in control of almost all of the mainstream media. To give you an idea of how prevalent this trend was in the 1990s, here is a (machine translated) list of top-level Jews in Eltsin’s Russia I have found on the Internet: (source:
The lists of Jews in the Soviet government from 1917-1939 look exactly similar. You can find them on the Internet yourselves.
In truth, folks who compile such lists are rarely motivated by purely scientific purposes and they often don’t feel constrained by strict rules of evidence. So it is quite possible that a certain percentage of “Jews” listed above are not Jews at all. But even with a wide margin of error – you get the picture. Just as between 1917 and 1939, between 1991 and 1999 the reins of power in Russia were firmly in Jewish hands, and in both cases, with truly catastrophic consequences. The big difference is that if in the early 20th century the Jews in power were ideological opponents of the Anglo Empire, in the late 20th century the Jews in Russia were practically an extension of the AngloZionist Empire.
Speaking of extensions of the AngloZionist Empire.
I have already explained many times in the past that the candidature of Putin to succeed Eltsin was a compromise reached between the Russian security services and Russian “big money” who pushed Medvedev as a counter-weight to Putin. I usually refer to the forces backing Putin as “Eurasian Sovereignists” and the forces backing Medvedev as “Atlantic Integrationists”. The goal of the former is to fully sovereignize Russia and make her a key element in a multi-polar but unified Eurasian continent while the goal of the latter is to be accepted by the AngloZionist Empire as an equal partner and to integrate Russia into the western power structures. Next is something so important that I will single it out on a separate paragraph:
The Atlantic Integrationists are still in full control of the Russian financial and banking sector, of all the key economic ministries and government positions, they control the Russian Central Bank and they are, by far, the single biggest threat to the rule of Putin and those supporting him. Considering that roughly 90% of Russians now support Putin, that means that these Atlantic Integrationists are the single biggest threat to the Russian people and Russia as a whole.
How is that all linked to Israel? Simple!
Putin inherited a system created by and for the AngloZionist Empire. He was a compromise candidate between two radically opposed parties and it took him years to first get rid of most of the Russian (Jewish) oligarchs and then, very gradually, begin cleanup process in which slowly, step by step, the Zionists were booted out of their positions of power. According to Mikhail Khazin, the balance between these two groups has only recently reached a 50/50 point of (unstable) equilibrium. That also means that the “Putin people” need to watch their back every day the Good Lord makes because they know that their so-called “colleagues” are willing to stab them in a blink of an eye as soon as they get an opportunity.
I happen to think that the rumors of a coup in Russia are greatly exaggerated. Not only because Putin does enjoy the support of the “power ministries” (Defense, State Security, Internal Affairs, etc.) but, much more importantly, because of the 90% support he has with the Russian people. To overthrow a man with such a cult-like following, a man truly loved by the vast majority of people, would be too dangerous. But that does not mean that the 5th column is not willing to sabotage every effort of Putin and his supporters.
The truth is that Putin has been forced to compromise many, many times. Here are just a few examples:
The oligarchs: when Putin ridded Russia of the semibankirshchina he did not really crack down on all the oligarchs as such. He only got rid of those oligarchs who, like Khodorkovsky, had tried to basically stage a coup against Putin by buying the entire Duma. The oligarchs were told “stay out of politics and I will leave you alone”. The deal is still on today.
The economy: even in his last speech Putin had to declare that he fully supports the Central Bank and the economic Ministers of the Medvedev government. Considering that literally ALL Putin allies openly and vocally are screaming bloody murder about the way the Russian economy is mismanaged, this is clearly a coerced statement and not something he believes in. By the way, I am observing a systematic vilification campaign on the central Russian TV channels against the Central Bank and the economic Ministers and this cannot be a coincidence. I predict that Putin is preparing a purge of these circles, but that he needs to line up all his ducks in a row before taking action, especially by inflaming the public opinion against them. Right now the Russian economy is still run by IMF-stooges, by “Washington consensus” types, hence their crazy policy on interest rates, on buying US obligations, on keeping inflation low, etc. etc. etc. Putin, by conviction, is not what I would call a “socialist” but he is most definitely a proponent of “social markets” and somebody who is trying hard to decouple Russia from the western financial system, and not play by the rules of the Empire.
Foreign policy: right up until Putin’s latest re-election when finally Russia began to have a fairly consistent foreign policy, the policy of Russia has been one of zigs followed by zags. This was especially true during the times when Medvedev was in charge of the Presidency and when Iran and Libya were betrayed by Russia at the UNSC (something Putin openly called “stupid”).
Personalities: remember the hyper-corrupt Minister of Defense Serdiukov? Guess what? He has still not been formally charged with anything. Even the woman he did most of his dirty dealing with still lives in her luxurious apparent in Moscow. What does this tell us? That even when Putin got the hard proof of Serdiukov’s malfeasance he had enough power to replace him by Shoigu, but not enough to power to stick such high-profile “Atlantic Integrationists” into jail.
Nazi occupied Ukraine: Putin had enough control over the government to provide the vital Voentorg and to even send some special forces and artillery strikes across the border to help the Novorussians, but he could not force the economic Ministries to use the Russian economic might to strangle the Ukrainian economy. This resulted in Russia sending artillery shells across the border in Saur Mogila and (basically free) energy across the border to Kiev.
Russophobic propaganda: when recently some third-rate sport journalist, Alexei Andronov, posted a viciously anti-Russian comment in Twitter he was criticized for that by Alexei Pushkov, a journalist who is also the head of the foreign-affairs committee in the State Duma on his own TV show “Postscriptum”. The TV channel which airs the show, TV Tsentr, the censored the segment criticizing Andronov. Then, the famous Russian movie director Nikita Mikhailkov recoded an entire show discussing this event, the TV channel running his show, TV Rossia, also censored the entire episode. As for the director of the TV channel where Andronov works, Tina Kandelaki, she gave Andronov her full support. Bottom line: while Putin did immensely improve the overall quality of the Russian media, the russophobes are still very influential and can spew their hateful venom in total impunity.
I could continue to list example after example, but I think you get the idea: Putin is a very good man in charge of a very bad system.
Now let’s really get back to Syria, Hezbollah and the murder of Samir Kuntar.
First, consider that the decision to militarily intervene in the Syrian war was already a controversial one. Putin pulled this one off by doing two things: explaining to the Russian people that it was better to deal with the terrorists “there” (in Syria) rather than “here” (in Russia) and by promising that he would not send in ground forces. When Daesh and the Turks fulfilled the promise made by Obama and Biden and blew a Russian airliner and, later, a SU-24 bomber out of the sky, the Russian public continued to support Putin, but most Russians, including myself, were acutely aware of the dangers of the situation. At the end of the day, it is Putin’s personal “street cred” which allowed him to stay the course in spite of real fears.
Second, it is clear that Putin and Netanyahu struck a deal when the latter traveled to Moscow: the Israelis don’t interfere in Russian operations in support of the Syrians as long as the Russians don’t interfere in the combat operations between Israel and Hezbollah. This made it possible for both sides to pursue their main interest even if it was at the cost of their secondary objectives. You don’t like that deal and you question its morality? Good! So do I. I am, in fact, intensely uncomfortable with it, but I expect no less from ruthless realpolitik practitioners like Putin and Bibi Netanyahu (good thing you and I are not in power!).
There is, by the way, another precedent which I am just as uncomfortable with: the Russian total backing for the Egyptian military’s bloody repression against the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. I accept the argument that to support the Egyptian military made sense in the context of the war in Syria, but the ethnics of supporting such a regime intensely bother me. This is why Putin is a ruthless but successful politician and I am a little quasi-irrelevant blogger: it takes a ruthless bear to fight ruthless wolves.
This being said, let’s not pretend like Hezbollah is any less cynical when needed. I remind you all that when Imad Mugniyeh was murdered in Damascus by the very same Israelis in an operation which could only have been executed with very high level accomplices in the Assad regime, Hezbollah promised “retaliation” but never peeped a single word against the regime. Neither did Hezbollah have any objections when Assad was torturing Muslims on behalf of the US CIA for the infamous “rendition” program.
As for Putin, he simply has other priorities than to protect Hezbollah or fight Israel:
Surviving inside Russia and not being overthrown by the still very powerful Zionist Power Configuration (to use James Petras’ expression) in Russia being a top one. Another priority would be not to give his (internal and external) enemies the political argument that “Russia is attacking Israel”. Not having a shooting match with Israel and not to have the small and isolated Russian contingent have to fight on two fronts would be crucial too. Ditto not to be accused of having the Russians contingent turned into the de-facto “Hezbollah Air Force” like the US is the “Daesh Air Force”. These are all obvious priorities for Putin.
And then this: while the Russian S-400s can easily shoot down any Israeli aircraft, the Russian AirSpace contingent does not have the materials means to fight Israel or, even less so, NATO and CENTCOM. As for Russia, she most definitely cannot pick a fight with Israel not due to the inherent power of this tiny Zionist Entity, but due to the fact that the US Empire has been thoroughly taken under Zionist control. So those Americans who now complain that Putin “does not have the courage” to take on Israel should first ask themselves how it is that Israel seems to have transformed the USA and Europe in a voiceless Zionist protectorate and what they are doing to liberate themselves from that yoke!
Speaking of the West: one ought to compare the position of the AngloZionist Empire one one hand, and of many influential Russian Jews (in Russia and in Israel) about the war in the Ukraine. While the West has been in total support of the Nazi regime in Kiev, many Russian Jews, especially the very famous ones like Vladimir Soloviev, have taken a categorically anti-Nazi position. And while in Israel the popularity of Putin and Russia is still extremely low, most of the anti-Putin opposition in Russia is not formed of Jews. Finally, the Russian general public is, sadly, extremely poorly informed of the horrors perpetrated by the Zionist regime against the Palestinian people while Israelis and dual-nationals (like Evgenii Satanovskii or Avigdor Eskin) are constantly peddling the notion that “we Russians and Israelis are the only ones standing up to Muslim terrorism” thereby capitalizing to the max by the current war between Russia and Daesh. In other words, Putin would have one hell of a tough time selling the shooting down of an Israeli aircraft to the Russian general public.
I understand that none of the above will have any traction with bona fide Jew-haters or with those who like simple, black and white, arguments. For them Putin will forever remain a sellout, an eternal shabbos-goy or a puppet of the international financiers. Frankly, I am not addressing this to them. But there are those who are sincerely bewildered and confused about Russian policies which do appear to be confusing or even contradictory. To them I will conclude by saying this:
Putin advances his cause one step a a time and he knows how to wait and let events take on their own dynamic. He is also acutely aware that he is literally fighting with one hand tied behind his back and the other one busy defending against external and internal enemies (the latter being far more dangerous) at the same time. I am sure that Putin fully realizes that,at least potentially, his policy of resistance, sovereignization and liberation can lead to an intercontinental nuclear war and that Russia is currently still weaker than the AngloZionist Empire. Just as in the times of Stolypin, Russia desperately needs a few more years of peace to develop herself and fully stand up. This is most definitely not the time for a frontal confrontation with the Empire. Russia vitally needs *peace* and *time*: peace in the Ukraine, peace in Europe and, yes, peace in the Middle-East. Alas, the latter is not an option and, when cornered, Putin did take the decision to go to war. And I am absolutely and categorically certain that if the Empire attacks Russia (from Turkey or elsewhere), Russia will fight back. Russia is willing to go to war if needed, but she will do her utmost to avoid it. This is the price Russia pays for being the weaker side. The good news is that Russia is getting stronger with every passing day, while the Empire is getting weaker. And the power of the AngloZionists and their 5th column in Russia is also weakening with every passing day. But this process will take time.
The big event to watch for is a crackdown on the Central Bank and the economy ministries of the government. Everybody in Russia is waiting for this, Putin even got directly asked this question recently, but he is sill denying it all and saying that he fully supports these saboteurs. Considering Putin’s track, it is plain stupid to say that he really supports them – this is clearly a delaying tactic until the time is right.
Make no mistake. There is no big love between Russia and Israel. But neither is there a lot of hostility, at least not on the Russian side. Most Russian are aware of the ugly role Jews played already twice in Russian history, but this does not translate into the kind of hostility towards Jews which you would see, for example, in the Ukraine. At most Russians can be suspicious of Jewish *power* but rarely does this translate into hostility for Jews as regular people. Some of the most adored Russian public figures, like the bard Vladimir Vysotskii, had Jewish blood. Most Russians also make a distinction between “their” Jews (russophobic Jews in the West) and “our” Jews (Russian Jews who love Russia). But since russophobia has also been widespread amongst Russian elites, before and after the Revolution, it can hardly be described as a Jewish phenomenon. The Russian culture having always been multi-national and multi-ethnic does not really separate people by their ethnicity but judges them much more readily by their actions and ideas. For all these reasons, the hatred of the “Yid” is much more a Ukrainian nationalist phenomenon than a Russian one.
And while most Russians would not want to have a return to power of a new version of the Bolshevik commissars or the “democratic” oligarchs inside Russia, there is a closeness and an anti-Nazi solidarity between Russians and Israelis which should not be dismissed.
Concerning Palestine, Russia will support all the relevant UN Resolutions and thus be the typical and rather unimaginative “two state solution” proponent. At most, Russia will “deplore” or “regret” the abuses of Palestinians by Israelis, but Russia will never become a systematic defender of Palestinian rights like Iran or Hezbollah simply because the future of Palestine is not a Russian priority.
I hope that the above is helpful in understanding why Russia does not take any action to protect Hezbollah against the Israelis (and why she will not prevent Hezbollah from retaliating from Syria, should Hezbollah take that decision). Simply put: there is no compelling internal or external reason for Russia to get directly involved in this while there are plenty of compelling internal and external reasons for Russia to stay out. If in the past the USSR supported the PLO on both ideological and geostrategic reasons, modern Russia today will not follow the same paradigm. Besides, it’s not like Fatah or Hamas are attractive, or even credible, partners for Russia, being in bed as they are with Daesh. Ditto for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
As for Hezbollah, it is not like they need Russia’s protection. Symbolic as they may be, the murders of Imad Mugniyeh or Samir Kuntar will in no way weaken the Resistance. In fact, if the history of the murder of Abbas al-Musawi teaches us anything, it is that sometimes Israelis murder a Hezbollah leader only to find out that the next one is even a more formidable adversary. God willing, this will also be the case this time.
The Saker
I would like to hear more about this topic; perhaps it would make good subject matter for a podcast?
“The so-called “Russian Mafia” is, in reality, mostly a Mafia of Russian Jews. This is particularly true in the West. In Russia there are Jewish mobsters, but not really a Jewish mob as such. Russian and Jewish mobsters get along famously and that also creates, shall we say, strong “business” ties between “Russian” oligarchs and Israel.”
And the Western Mafias?
All the mobs/mafias have been infiltrated and taken over by Intelligence around the time of Kennedy and have been run as CIA sub-divisons ever since.
Other CIA sub-divisions include:
– Mercenary armies (Daesh, Boko Haram, …)
– NGOs (Amnesty International, WWF, Greenpeace, …)
– Controlled Academics (Seymour Hersh, Noam Chomsky, Amy Goodman, …)
– Sects and Cults (Crowley’s OTO, UFO cults, Flat Earth cult, CO2-is-dangerous cult, …)
and myriad more.
Saker means the Russian Mafia operating inside Western European are mainly of “Jewish” origin
Read “Red Mafiya” by Robert Friedman the book that opened the wests eyes to the jewish mafiya posing as Russians.
A brief guide to Jewish mafias, from a Jewish source
Dissident Jew Henry Makow notes, the top highest level of oligarchy is mostly non-Jewish excepting the Rothschilds … Oligarchs do love to use Jewish mafias, tho, as their principal instruments & enablers … Jewish mafia members are more visible than their oligarch masters, hence a common impression Jews are at the ‘top’, an illusion that both oligarchs & some Jews love to promote
‘Devotion to Israel’, ‘protection of Jews’, ‘combating anti-Semitism’ etc … are really code phrases for loyalty to oligarch-serving mafias … hence oligarchs require the ‘Jewish loyalty test’ … Rockefellers Bushes etc really don’t care about Jews but they do want everyone to be on their knees before oligarch mafias
Yes 40% of US billionaires are Jews … but the 60% of ‘goy’ US billionaires could close down & confiscate assets of all US billionaire Jews in a heartbeat … oligarchs do not do so, because no other group of mafias can substitute in quality & effectiveness
To speak of Jewish mafias is a helpful approach to avoid ‘anti-Semitic’ canards. People accept there are Italian mafias, Balkan mafias etc without these references being taken as racist or bigoted or attacking the majority of Italians etc … Speaking of ‘Jewish mafias’ has the virtue that, as with ‘Italian mafias’, the term excludes many Jewish commoners who are duped or blinded or rejecting re mafia activities
‘A Jew’s Guide to Jewish Mafias’ –
[adapted from web commenter ‘Rebel Jew’]
Why do top oligarchs prefer to use Jewish mafias above all other mafias? They have unique advantages:
(1) Jews are intrinsically a small group, easily monitored by oligarchs
(2) Non-mafia Jews are subject to religious-ethnic commands not to critique fellow Jews in public, so other Jews are ‘in violation’ if they criticise or expose Jewish mafia activities
(3) Jews have a 2000-year tradition of some being co-operative ‘court Jews’ for the highest power in any society, willing to participate in any war or cruelty which makes use of Jewish mafias as enablers
(4) Because even when powerful, Jews remain vulnerable as a resented minority … after thousands of years of living vulnerably, & at times attacked & killed en masse, Jews often have the mentality of ‘end justifies the means for us, ‘we have every right to be devious in any way, as necessary for us just to stay alive’
(5) Jewish tradition & religion includes horrifying ideas of supremacy, racism, domination of non-Jews, conquest & enslavement, taken directly from most ‘holy’ Jewish book the Torah (combined Bible & rabbi comments)
— Most Christians never actually read their Bible’s most disturbing passages, such as ‘God-ordered’ genocides of women & children by ancient Israelites
(6) Jews have an un-matched devotion to education & acquiring skills & talents; plus a tradition that is instrumentalist rather than dogmatic … In Jewish religious studies Jews even ‘argue with God’, questioning all ‘rules’ as Jews seek new ways to survive, thrive & prosper
(7) As children, Jews are often psychologically harmed in ways that tend to make them neurotically intelligent, manipulative, devious, & ruthlessly desirous of seeking power & wealth … this is done by:
— (a) Universal male baby child genital mutilation (circumcision) & non-stop reminders of this, traumatising Jewish psychology … leading to subconscious desire for domination of others, plus mutilating their own children so the trauma-game of Jews is perpetual … Jewish power-obsessions sublimate Jewish desire of revenge for their maimed genitals, revenge for bodily harm that can never be undone, so they ‘do unto others’
—[Note that only 3 cultures mutilate baby boys – Jews; Muslims; & USA Yanks deceived by Jewish doctors – 3 cultures associated with many of the world’s problems]
— (b) Constant talk of Jews being vulnerable & in danger, & outsiders being natural enemies, leading to extreme devious measures being accepted as necessary for Jews to survive, no amount of wealth or power ever being enough to protect a Jew
(8) From their history of seeking to thrive as a minority, Jews have overall developed a preference for what oligarchs also prefer: A mix of cultures & ethnic groups, a certain amount of chaos, conflict & confusion, in which both rulers & populations will turn to ‘experts’, often Jewish, for ‘management of the situation’
(9) Jewish groups can cash in on pro-Jewish, pro-Israel cultism in Christianity & Islam, ‘Abrahamic religions’ now affiliating 3 billion people, half the world … Any Christian or Muslim or Western person criticising Jews, is in effect criticising his own heritage aside from being ‘anti-Semitic’
(10) Jewish power groups now have the State of Israel as a base of operations, continually stoking conflict in Palestine & the Muslim world … which also gives additional influence to Jews as ‘natural’ advisors & agents in a world where Islamist-related conflict & Muslim extremism are being fostered
(11) Easily-induced resentment of prominent Jews who act as manipulating mafias, quickly segues into general anti-Jewish statements which can then be condemned as racist, anti-Semitic, hate-criminal, & especially ‘evil’ after 1933-45; & also the inverse, in that a shield of protection for Jewish mafias who serve oligarchs, can be imposed on grounds of ‘protecting threatened Jews’ & ‘fighting anti-Semitism’
(12) Dislike for prominent Jews who act as manipulating mafias, & debate & campaigns about ‘anti-Semitic bigotry’, significantly distract from attention to oligarch power … thus anti-Jewish themes are actively promoted by some ‘fake opposition – heat sink’ figures & websites that are funded & operated by oligarch agents … Leading Jews accept ‘drawing the heat’ in exchange for which they receive significant power & compensation, & also given that ‘anti-Semitism’ tends to ‘keep Jews together’ & in perpetual docility to Jewish leadership
Dear “The Saker”,
you wrote up a new masterpiece and this is one of the very few www articles I instantly saved to disk.
Nevertheless, before having read all links to the end and actually not being in a position to dedicate half a night for commenting: Putin disappoints me with his view, that Communism was “based on false ideology, end of the story”.
What’s wrong with forbidding all these murderous useless religions?
What’s wrong with creating a country by the people for the people?
The Oligarchs need to be hanged.
And religion is only a tool to control the masses (in fact before the invention of printing and later Radio and TV it was exactly such a util like now TV).
I don’t care how many “jews” were members of the politburo.
As long as we had the Soviet Bloc at least they needed to pretend that they wanted to serve the people. And: Even in the capitalist West as well, due to competitions of ideology / values!
Since the finall fall, in 1989 the globalist Oligarchs on both sides can now rob us off and eat us alive. During Soviet Times this wasn’t possible.
If Putin really thinks like this and didn’t simply say it to let them hear what they wanted to hear, he lost a lot of my symphathy points.
The only truly false ideology is the West’s exponential groth of the economy which it needs to hide the fact that it is the bloody killer machine that it is, and to do so enslaving the planet even more and killing even more people.
1. Mai in Köln – “Bandiera rossa”
” The only truly false ideology is the West’s exponential growth of the economy which it needs to hide the fact that it is the bloody killer machine that it is, and to do so enslaving the planet even more and killing even more people ” >
A superb and very appropriate representation of the post Industrial revolution world indeed !
One of the strategies attributed to Putin et al in the article is that “the West’s exponential growth of the economy” is not happening and represents the weakness of the west that Russia needs another 3-5 years to exploit.
Martin, I thought that you would understand in my answer to Antonsen in the last Sandbox, that I left a congratulation for next Christmas for you all here in the blog, days ago. When I wish you all a happy Christmas and a happy new year, you are included, of course, why would not you be, if you are one of the few Communists comrades here and probably the only one, with me, admiring, respecting and trying to make some justice of Stalin?
I wish you a Merry Christmas, and a new year full of health, peace and prosperity. I hope your problems with work will be solved next year and you will be able to travel to Russia, as is my intention.
A big hug, Martintxo! ( affectionate Basque diminutive of Martin ).
Querido compañero Elsi!
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your nice message,
and let me wish you the same good wishes for 2016!
I’m glad to see your message now.
Sorry for being somewhat thin-skinned.
During the past 5 weeks I spent 12 to 18 unpaid hours per day on my open-src operating system project (I always do that, but normally not in being bugged by such a terrific eternal technical stall like this time). And if I tell more details I could from now on use my clear text name with full address here, so I won’t (although the CIA probably knows me anyway, err, Stalin’s spirit shall go after them!). But I was in a tough situation where most others had already given up, but I still continued the fight. I got stuck with the same kernel panic for 5 weeks. NOW last night at 3am Berlin time a wonder happened and now the most difficult part of that technical issue is FIXED! Maybe it had to do with the positive energy you sent me.
I don’t believe all the lies about Stalin.
Let’s listen to somebody who really knew him.
Especially concerning hiw warm brotherly friendship with Kirov (3:47)
Stalin’s Bodyguard Talks About Stalin
¡Feliz Navidad! Y Feliz Año Nuevo!
Always good health and a clear mind!
A big towarishly hug back, Elsi!
Ouch, to my comment from half an hour ago: I must add: In that video the translation about Kirov’s murder is intentionally misleading (to use this against Stalin).
What he said was in fact meant as something like “he got murdered by somebody”.
Because the “they killed him” was non-dedicated.
One must watch the entire vide.
Regards, %martin
No. I also stand with you both.
Kaixo Oxandabaratz!
Glad to hear that you stand with us.
As you do not comment a lot here, I had no idea what your orientation was.
Aizu, with Martin I have little chance of meeting ( although I hope that at least a bunch of us could make a travel to Russia together ) but, as you seem to be also in the Basque Country, I wonder if maybe we could meet and talk about this, I can not do it with the people around me because they remain too ignorant and alienated, only pending of their mobile devices and struggling not to look proletarians anymore …..
( nolanahi ere, esan dudana alde batera uztea aske senti ezazu )
Besarkada bat! Osasuna eta bakea!
Zorionak eta Urte Berri On!
The problem is exponential growth of debt and that under the present system any issuing of money is also an issue of debt that is then kept in the system.And exponential growth of the parasite financial ‘economy’.
Hi Martin,
on October 08, 2015 · at 3:06 pm UTC you said you replied to me:
“@ Anonymous: If you don’t trust Vladimir Putin, I DO.”
You finally seem to have awoken from your slumber.
Take Christ out of it – I wish you a Happy Xmas
Hi Anonymous,
a pity you don’t invent some nick name (what about Lenin?)
Well, I won’t make a secret out of it that I must agree with you that I’m a bit disappointed in certain areas.
But that doesn’t mean I don’t trust him anymore.
However – his remarks towards the Greatest Nation on Earth (“false ideology blah”) do indeed disappoint or even hurt me.
Happy X-Mas (non-religiously) and Happy New Year!
For the Soviet Union, IMAGINE!
A bit disappointed – keep on believing in father christmas
To all brainwashed BBC watchers and Communism haters:
No, that’s not New York:
Life in the USSR 1947
Agree with you – like reading the saker but he is has a problem with jewry – too much for my liking. Uncle Joe would find this post by the saker however correct to a point.
hello Martin
I interpret this words of Putin “comunism was based on a false ideology”, as a subtle recognition that despite the believes of theyr constructors, the real socialism of XX century didnt conduct to comunism but to capitalism. This is true by reality today. The real socialism of XX century was light years superior to occidental imperial capitalism, because the advances achieved from 1917 until 1953 that aproched to comunism, but after 1953 inside traitors devied from comunism to socialdemocracy, and with a reposition of capitalist way of podution, maintaining a socialist paradigm, this was a false ideology that conduct this anti-capitalist political will, impregned by a capitalist way of prodution, to auto extintion. What remain was capitalism.
By other hand the historical time for the real socialism of XX century ended with the real historical end of capitalism in october 2008. The end of one was the end of the other as one each other alterego. Never we will see from 2008 the return of something like west capitalism or east socialism, they are historical surpassed. System and antisystem that do not work never because reached their historical end.
Posed like this, the false ideology must be corrected, must go to the inventors of comunism, from babeuf to saintsimon, from genial marx to lenin, in theorical therms, but special from the praxis of Stalin, the first one marxist-leninist of history, that construct the model system more aproximated to comunism. Today the task of revolutionary parties and forces is to implement the comunism, the only solution to stop the barbarian declination of moribond capitalism worst since 2008.
Do not expect to see jaruzelsky, ceausescu, and other big figures of history of their time again, despite their unsubstituible role for humanity, simply because this is not happen. Must look forward to future of humanity, that is the comunism as described and theorized by the classicals, this is the way to fight for humanity and civilization agains barbarianism of moribond capitalism.
Perhaps real socialism of XX century assimilated for the system of soviet union from 1953 was based on false ideology, that intended construct socialism but with the maintenance of capitalist way of prodution, where the sale value superimpond the use value of wellness, this way was in fact an erronious option that conduct these regimes to capitalism as we can see today, but the constructors couldnt see at their time. Perhaps the correction of this false socialdemocrat ideology must be corrected for the true ideology of comunism.
Dear Saker, I remember reading an excellent analysis you made few years back, about why Russia should have a very close alliance with Shi’a Islam in its global fight against the AnglZionist Empire…and you and I know and repeatedly say ” the AngloZionist empire…” And not the Anglo Empire…. And Israel being the quintessential home of Zionists worldwide….then you and I are totally wrong to read it in the way described in your latest excellent attempt at explaining the explicable….
Having said that, I can only see from the latest Vlad Putin actions when visiting Tehran of late….is that he seems that he made the determination and Putin followed your advise of a very close alliance with Iran and its Shi’a creed…for lack of a better word….and Russia has cemented its relatin with Iran for good, and it’s a strategic choice par excellence… All the above makes me conclude that something is still amiss in this whole equation…. .?
Best and warmest regards, Joe ( yes it’s me… Joe )
Amiss is that both danavas & persians were same before. Today they are torn,
As of 11/24/2015 there is a kindle version of 200 Years Together on for $4.99.
(Beats paying $85+ for non-English version.)
Thanks, Saker, for an excellent and in-depth commentary on Russian-Israeli relations.
Even if both the sides are playing ruthless ‘real-politic’ as of now, a time will come, in near future, when the gloves will be off for a direct confrontation – the ultimate prize the AngloZionist plutocracy targeted since past 250 years is (1) breaking up of Russian and Chinese countries (2) controlling the natural resources of entire Eurasian landmass, and Russian (and Chinese) leadership know perfectly well that the Israeli leadership is core of this AngloZionist plutocracy who want to control their land and resources ! As you pointed out rightly, for Russian and Chinese leadership, another 5 years of ‘peace’ and ‘preparedness’ is extremely vital.
Thanks for the explanation. I tend to agree with what you said here. Most of it, especially the main points.
Thanks Saker,that was a great article. I appreciate it. I know about that,but its nice to have somebody calmly remind me sometimes. I have a tendency to “black and white ” thinking some days. Even though I know from history,that things are almost always gray.
I’ve been watching the post-Russian-intervention bombings by Israel and also concluded it was “realpolitik”. I have no illusions that Mr. Putin would crank up the S500 for me if the JDL ever decided to carry out their death threats–even though I have been a friend of Russia. I’m sure Hezbollah doesn’t either. I think the Israelis killed Samir (and a bunch of others who had the misfortune of living in his building) to provoke the Palestinians, whom they wish to expel from their land. They would also like to see Hezbollah drawn into a war with the Saudi coalition, U.S., U.K., France and others since Israel was so roundly defeated by a group (with no tanks or air support) their troops outnumbered 20:1.
I have seen a translation of at least part of “200 Years of Living Together”. I’ve also read the complete Gulag Archipelago–including the volumes dealing with Jewish mass murderers of Russians like Frenkel, Aaron Solts, Berman, Yagoda, etc.
I do not see “Jew haters” existing in a vacuum–that is absent real or perceived actions by Jews–the term “reactionary” from the Communist era is more accurate. I doubt that, outside of AZ-backed provocateurs, there are many real “Jew haters”, i.e., people who hate Jews solely because of the accident of their birth. The converse is not the case for religious Jews, who believe non-Jews have an inferior soul while Jews have a higher soul, hence this “Jew hater” canard is readily believed by rank-and-file Jews who believe non-Jews must feel the same way about them. One could cite post-Weimar Germany as a counter-argument, but that would require one to forget the excesses of the Weimar period (dubbed the “era of greatest Jewish ascendancy in German history” by one Jewish author.) This was followed in 1932 (when no Jews had been arrested or harmed) by a declaration of war on Germany by “all the Jews in the world” by the World Jewish Congress. And then a worldwide boycott of German goods and shipments broken only by the Molotov-Von Ribbentrop Nonaggression Pact. (So, did Germans then boycott Jewish stores and break a few windows in a vacuum and were they simply “Jew haters”?)
Solchenitsyn’s 200 years together is partly available (in english) e.g. here:
Tom, you will note that it is NOT PERMISSIBLE to mention the existence of Jewish goy-haters, although, even just on the balance of probabilities, they must exist, and even a very cursory examination of utterances by Israeli Rightwingers and orthodox and ultra-orthodox, and their supporters in the Diaspora, shows that they do indeed exist, in great numbers. Hardly surprising given the nature of Judaism and the selective morality between Jews and non-Jews that it preaches. Even as long ago as the early Roman Empire Tacitus noted that of all the myriad people under Rome’s rule, the Jews were the most notorious for the depth of their hatred and animosity towards others. You could ask any Palestinian, Lebanese or Syrian if that has changed over the centuries.
A little grain of sand in an otherwise smoothly running analysis: Ukraine is not Nazi occupied, but Jewish occupied, with the full backing of the Zio-Anglo world.
They are nazis — your anti-semitism is showing.
There are nazis there, of course – many of whom are in government and have strong support. But the real power in Ukraine is Jewish-held. The oligarchs are Jewish, Yats is Jewish, Poroshenko is Jewish. As in Nazi Germany, the nazis in Ukraine came to power financed and supported by the AngloZionist Empire and used for their own purposes.
Yet some are Jewish (Khazar) crooks posing as Nazi´s and have no problems with that, Zionism and Nazism are twins
And Albert Einstein and a host of other good people were/are Jewish. Equating Jewish with evil is antisemitic. There is a huge difference between zionisim and Judaism.
Ok blue, this time you are 100% correct.
Jews against Zionism
See how well jews and Arabs peacefully lived together for centuries before the Zionist Khazars took their lands and drove the Palestinians into the Sea.
As a matter of fact Zionism is ANTI-jewish.
Israel is not the land of the jews, but the land of the Rothschilds.
And their country’s state symbol is not the Star of David, with the RedSchield (which looks the same).
I am not the only one who failed to see it. Maybe you can enlighten us.
Very true. There is good and bad among all peoples. Sometimes even in a single person. As horrible as the nazi Germans were in the USSR. Amidst, all the calls for vengeance against all Germans. Stalin (of all people) calmed them down and said, “Hitlers come and go, but Germany and the German people remain.”
Uncle Bob, the great difference is that, while Jews are indeed as mixed a group morally and ethically as any other, Jews are unique in that, in the West, it is totally forbidden to criticise the behaviour of actions of any Jew, anywhere, even if their actions, if committed by a non-Jew, would be universally condemned. Through their notorious belligerence and aggression (often criticised by fellow Jews as unseemly and self-harming)and their control of politics and the MSM in the West, they have made it impossible to criticise any atrocity, even massacres like Gaza. Each and every such critique, if it is even given publicity, is instantly denounced as ‘antisemitism’. Indeed the supposed great wave of ‘antisemitism’ that is always washing across societies is easily fabricated, by turning any argument with a Jew or any criticism of any Jew into an instant pogrom or ‘antisemitic’ attack. It is an amazing racket that de facto raises Jews to the status of the only group in history who are utterly incapable of doing wrong, and all their numerous victims brought their suffering on themselves because of their ‘antisemitism’.
@ blue,
“Shahak draws on the Talmud and rabbinical laws, and points to the fact that today’s extremism finds its sources in classical texts which, if they are not properly understood, will lead to religious warfare, harmful to men and women of all religious beliefs.
This book, Shahak wrote, “is, in a way, a continuation of my political activities as an Israeli Jew. Those activities began in 1965-66 with a protest which caused a considerable scandal at that time: I had personally witnessed an ultra-religious Jew refuse to allow his phone to be used on the Sabbath in order to call an ambulance for a non-Jew, who happened to have collapsed in his Jerusalem neighborhood. Instead of simply publishing the incident in the press, I asked for a meeting with the members of the Rabbinical Court of Jerusalem, which is composed of rabbis nominated by the State of Israel. I asked them whether such behavior was consistent with their interpretation of the Jewish religion. They answered that the Jew in question had behaved correctly, indeed piously, and backed their statement by referring to a passage in an authoritative compendium of Talmudic laws, written in this country. I reported the incident in the main Hebrew daily, Ha’aretz, whose publication of the story caused a media scandal.”
Burning Churches Is Legitimate Under Jewish Law,7340,L-4688289,00.html
And video ( below) featuring Israeli Jew Yossi Gurvitz in which he says:
“Rabbinical Judaism is a Judaism that hates humans”.
I noticed, blue, you accused non Jews of anti semitism. Here are quotes from some very prominent Jews about Jews:
“If the tables were turned and others were Jews, wouldn’t we have good cause to hate them, ourselves”—Yosef Haim Brenner (Influential Zionist writer and teacher. One of Israel’s top literary prizes carries his name.)
“Those loathsome Jews are vomited out by any healthy collective and state not because they are Jews, but because their Jewish repulsiveness”. –Uri Zvi Greenberg ( Founded the ultra-militant Zionist “Bris HaBariyonim” faction. (He believed the Holocaust was the “tragic but inevitable outcome of Jewish destiny to indifference to their destiny).
“Sterile Jewish masses living off parasitically off the body of an alien economic body”—David Ben Gurion ( Zionist Jew and FIRST Prime Minister of Israel, from Mimaamad Leam, page 196)
“Israel is a sick society that needs treatment”– Israel’s President , Reuven Rivlin
And a clip from from the documentary “Defamation (2009)” where a Jewish woman talks about
“Jews and monkey business” ( her words).
Carmel by the Sea
@ blue,
You say: ” And Albert Einstein and a host of other good people were/are Jewish”.
Excellent human being born Jews: Israel Shahak, Gilad Atzmon ( well okay, former Jew), Gideon Levy and Yossi Gurvitz among others.
The problem is that organized Jewry only includes self-accolades and instances of its own victimization as part of the “Jewish narrative”.
It is time that Jews accept the more controversial and less flattering history as part of that narrative— The JEWISH BOLSHEVISM and its partnership with Stalanists in the Soviet Holocaust State-organized mass murder of millions.This is part of a historical facts.
A lot of Bolsheviks and Communists were raised as Jews. And they murdered tens of millions more than the Nazis ever did !
Jewish bankers like the Schiffs, Warburgs and Rothschilds directly and indirectly financed the Bolshevik revolution.
The Bolsheviks who made the case for Communism and midwifed it into a mass murderous reality were LARGELY JEWS.,7340,L-3342999,00.html
“You’re responsible for the predictable consequences of your actions.”
—Noam Chomsky
Carmel by the Sea
From what I’ve seen, a thing with Jews is they tend to be pro intellectual and education, and they also tend to help each other (the ‘tribe’). Much of US is anti-intellectual, with schools that dumb people down to make them easier to control, and also provided easily controlled labor for the factories during the industrial revolution when the public school system grew so much. But immigrants had resistance to that since educational and professional status was already respected (while many other people I’ve run into even now are told by their fathers ‘you don’t need no college — you’re no better than me so get job in the factory like I did’). Add to that both anti-semitism and the early consideration of banking as ‘sinful’, and we see a number of forces which converge Jews also learn a second or third language which is usually not the case for the native born USAians.
As a result, there are different expectations for Jewish kids, including becoming professional, and entering business, often with the help of relatives. Not all immigrant groups have this sort of culture. That’s the US, but perhaps elsewhere (although I have no personal experience). They are supposed to be educated, to get ahead, and to cooperate with their extended family (‘I can get that for you wholesale’). All in all, the ‘tribe’ tends to be better connected, cooperate with each other, and accumulate power and money, so the normal percentage of predators, as found in any group, are often better positioned to do their thing.
That’s not to say that other groups (including immigrants) don’t do this but perhaps are not as practiced and effective at it, succumb to infighting, or get into other sorts of positions, such as the Irish who naturally become policemen, or clergy (and eventually perhaps local politicians), during the wave of immigration to New York in the early 20th century (being one of the few jobs they could get).
The thing is, the interaction between ethnic culture and the native culture tends to push people into certain positions and characteristics, where there is often positive reinforcement and cultural adaptation.
How are they Semitic if they came from Europe and Russia ?
At this point antisemitic does not mean against Semites but against Jews. One might argue that the term has been distorted or is misleading, but that is the definition and usage.
Anti-Semitism, hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious or racial group. The term anti-Semitism was coined in 1879 by the German agitator Wilhelm Marr to designate the anti-Jewish campaigns under way in central Europe at that time. Although the term now has wide currency, it is a misnomer, since it implies a discrimination against all Semites. Arabs and other peoples are also Semites, and yet they are not the targets of anti-Semitism as it is usually understood. The term is especially inappropriate as a label for the anti-Jewish prejudices, statements, or actions of Arabs or other Semites. Nazi anti-Semitism, which culminated in the Holocaust, had a racist dimension in that it targeted Jews because of their supposed biological characteristics—even those who had themselves converted to other religions or whose parents were converts. This variety of anti-Jewish racism dates only to the emergence of so-called “scientific racism” in the 19th century and is different in nature from earlier anti-Jewish prejudices.
From the German Antisemitismus, which was coined in 1879 by German political agitator Wilhelm Marr to replace Judenhass (“Jew-hatred”) to make hatred of the Jews seem rational and sanctioned by scientific knowledge. The similar term antisemitisch (“anti-semitic”) was first used in 1860, by Jewish scholar Moritz Steinschneider. See Wikipedia’s article on the etymology and usage of the term.
Despite the use of the prefix anti-, the term “anti-Semitic” is not a direct opposite of “Semitic” which linguistically makes the term a misnomer. Within common, day to day usage, however, the terms “anti-Semitism” and “antisemitism” have accepted and specific use to describe prejudice against Jews alone and in general.[1][9] This is despite the fact that there are other speakers of Semitic languages (e.g. Arabs, Ethiopians, or Assyrians) and that not all Jews speak a Semitic language.
I really can’t believe you endorse this political contrivance – ‘anti-semitism’ – purely on the grounds of ‘common usage.’
Ever wonder exactly why it became ‘common usage’?
To conflate European colonists in the land of Palestine with its indigenous, real Semite peoples.
To give the colonization/land theft a spurious ‘historico/cultural’ legitimacy .
All to distract from the fundamental truth – the worst anti-semites (no scare quotes because simple fact) are the Jewish colonizers who are committed to a policy of ethnic-cleansing of the semite peoples of Palestine.
The likes of the appalling Shaked and Bennett (Minister of Education??!!) who have a publicly avowed policy of anti-semitism – to the point of openly calling for genocide – would greatly appreciate this ‘common usage.’ It allows them – the actual aggressors – to cloak themselves in the true ethnic garb of their actual victims.
I refuse on both logical and moral grounds to compound this travesty – irrational dislike of Jews is Judaeophobia (and its not hate – that is a subjective issue and measure of intensity.)
Peter J Antonsen is right – at least for the sake of this blog’s commitment to truth, do not compound this lie.
Prof. Leibowitz: There are Judeo-Nazis. Israel Represents the Darkness of a State Body:
Jews can be Nazis too. Look at the Israeli leaders.
Prof. Leibowitz: There are Judeo-Nazis. Israel Represents the Darkness of a State Body. —-
Hear! Hear! How true are your words dear The Saker.
Btw…excellent article this. You have outdone yourself !
I hope you and your family had a wonderful and lovely Christmas!
God bless you and Russia.
Carmel by the Sea
Oh what a tangled web America weaves, when first it practised to deceive! That the situation in the world has become dangerous, due to the glaring inability of the government of the American Empire of Chaos to comprehend the effects around the world, of it’s highly duplicitous relationships with Middle Eastern “terrorism” as represented by the array of organizations IS, ISIS, ISIL, El Nusra, etc, and the never-ending and concurrent calls for “regime-change, necessitates the imminent need for some delicate diplomatic maneuvering!
“Oh what a tangled web America weaves, when first it practised to deceive! ” — You got that paraphrase of Walter Scott from me, either on YouTube or on my Facebook page! I posted it some time ago on both. :)
Great article, thanks for the good backgroung info on russian jews.
Off topic: router backdoors by juniper
Thank you. Saker. The more I read lately the more I suspect that most people – partially in the world and totally in the west – don’t clearly understand Russia’s interests. Certainly I don’t. I greatly appreciate your reason for writing this article, in order to help those of us who are truly trying to puzzle out all the layers and complexities of this land and nation that has so captivated us with its charisma.
I found this essay very helpful. I also went back and read your two recommended earlier pieces concerning AngloZionism, and Russo-Jewish experience in the last century or two.
It’s good to see one of your long articles here, offered as always from the heart as an attempt to sort out for us the meaning of events within their natural context.
It’s an excellent piece. It addressed point after point, and then didn’t stop but kept on addressing even more points. Obviously it took you some work to write this. I enjoyed every word. Thank you very much.
I wonder if I need to understand Russia’s ‘particular’ interests… The fact that Russia is NOT going to succumb to Western supremacy is enough to me. I believe that this is exactly what is needed to break apart capitalism-imperialism, the insolvent financial system, the Ponzi scheme of the banksters.
It puzzles me – if most Russian are aware of the ugly role Jews played already twice in Russian history, why doesn’t this translate into some posture, not a violent one, but a swift and decisive in measures.
Because not every Bolschevik was a Jew in fact Stalin,Lenin and most other minor bureaucrats were not—Stalinism was a inner putsch against the Jewish intelligensia which held many of the major positions at first. Trotsky was exiled in 1928 by the way so was out of the picture rather quickly. Communism in Russia as a anglozionist conspiracy—that is making history way, way too facile.
Not every Bolshevik was a Jew. Many were Mensheviks and not a few members of “Poale Zion ‘Workers of Zion’, movement of Marxist–Zionist Jewish workers founded in various cities of Poland, Europe and the Russian Empire in about the turn of the 20th century after the Bund rejected Zionism in 1901. Poale Zion Left in Russia participated in the Bolshevik Revolution and organized a brigade of Poale Zion activists nicknamed the “Borochov Brigade” to fight in the Red Army. In October 1919, a faction of the Left Poale Zion founded Mifleget Poalim Sozialistiim (Socialist Workers Party) which became the Jewish Communist Party in 1921…In 1919, the Communists of Poale Zion Left split to form the Jewish Communist Party which ultimately joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union =PCUS(b), b for Bolshevik.
As for the myth that Lenin was not Jew:
Vladimir Lenin Was Part Jewish, Say Declassified KGB Files
By Emmanuel Grynszpan / Le Temps / Worldcrunch Monday, June 13, 2011
“A recently opened exhibition in Moscow’s State Historical Museum is shedding some light on a long-guarded Russian secret: the origins of Soviet founding father Vladimir Lenin. Lenin’s maternal grandfather, the exhibition revealed, was born Jewish…
“In a letter to Stalin in 1932 — six years after Lenin’s death — Anna Ulyanova, Lenin’s older sister, wrote that their maternal grandfather “came from a poor Jewish family and was, according to his baptismal certificate, the son of Moses Blank.” Blank was born in Zhitomir, Ukraine. In her letter, Ulyanova said her brother “had always thought highly of Jews.” She also urged Stalin to reveal Lenin’s Jewish background, concluding that “it would be wrong to hide it from the masses.”
Trotsky was out, but Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich (right, he was just “born into a Jewish family” in Ukraine) remained, became the father in law of Stalin, organized the “Holodomor”, demolished churches and executed priests, finally organizing the poisoning of Stalin when he turned “antisemite” etc, etc, until he was quietly retired from the Presidium and the Central Committee, becoming a “devoted grandfather” until he passed away quietly in 1991 and buried with honors. Evocative name, BTW.
No. Not every Bolshevik was a Jew. In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin.
And mind you the Jews were NOT the majority, therefore 38.5 % is a big number..
GENOCIDE anyone?
“And us Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name “Genrikh Yagoda,” the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin’s collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 MILLION people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the “bloodthirsty dwarf”
—— Article from Jewish newspaper Ynet.
Article : Stalin’s Jews
Author: Sever Plocker ( Jew),7340,L-3342999,00.html
Btw…and let us not forget the new Bolsheviks— the Israeli Bolsheviks.
Carmel by the Sea
Because Russia is not economically strong enough
Hello Saker,
Thank you very much for this article.
It really helped me clear many doubts from my mind.
Praise be to Allah the Most High that I read this article.
Excuse me, Saker. In your bold paragraph I’m sure you mean Atlantic Integrationists, not Atlantic Sovereignists.
A very relevant topic, and one which has troubled me greatly– this business of the banking sector and money creation.
Correct. I wrote that late yesterday.
Just. Excellent.
Contrast Saker’s mature discussion of Jewish influence to absolutely anything you’ve ever read in Zionist media.
Realistically, Russia needs righteous Jews to defeat virulent AngloZionist supremacists.
It is important we learn to identify exactly who is responsible for the present disorder.
We are the Jews and the Jews are us. They are an aspect of our collective being.
Nazism, forever in concert with Zionism, fails to achieve this vital insight and therefore always burns itself out.
Even the Chinese have their own Jew-like people, known as Hakka. They have a similar history: as migrants and business people; disproportionately wealthy and influential; but they are not seen as seperate from the Chinese people as a whole. Seperateness and pseudo-ethnicity are hyper destructive Western concepts and must be abandoned (read Gilad Atzmon or Shlomo Sand).
Even after Russia’s turbulent history vis a vis ‘the Jews,’ the Eastern perception remains largely intact. This was my recurring thought while reading translated excerpts of Solzhenitsyn’s 200 Years. No wonder this Great Russian Soul must be censored in the West.
This is also why Russianess remains strictly verbotten in the AngloZIonist Reichs-press. It is profoundly destabilizing to AZ elites, exposing them as a cancerous branch of the (anti) human evolutionary tree.
Israel is doomed. Those with the means are leaving in droves (morphing into more guilty/determined Zionists) while others send their children abroad or cling nervously to alternative passports.
Those who remain must know Russia is their last best hope for redemption.
Jewish Impending Pogrom Radar (JIPR) is now fully activated. Let’s remind all Jews there is an alternative to marching themselves, their brethren and the rest of us to death camps. Jews are both welcome and needed in the fight against Molek worshippers — I bet half the members of this community already know.
“….The Russian culture having always been multi-national and multi-ethnic does not really separate people by their ethnicity but judges them much more readily by their actions and ideas….”
It seems to me that this statement toward the end of the article above can not represent a country that would cooperate, if indeed this is the case, with the racist terrorist apartheid state of Israel, whether Israeli’s call themselves Jews or just simply the fascist murdering thieves that they actually are.
It seems to me that you are not looking at the problem or the solution. This problem, whatever the elite and people call themselves, is exactly that of Saudi, Turkey, Gulf Emirates, or any of the kibbutz-neo-‘International community’. Surely cooperation of any sort means that you are they and therefore whatever you are trying to achieve in Syria and elsewhere might not end well.
Morality ethics justice peace and the high ground are everything. Isn’t calling yourselves this or that in conflict with real change, so nothing changes…..But then I’m far away and don’t understand.
I totally agree with you. This article doesn’t add to any rational solutions, instead I fear for Syria even more.
“So those Americans who now complain that Putin “does not have the courage” to take on Israel should first ask themselves how it is that Israel seems to have transformed the USA and Europe in a voiceless Zionist protectorate and what they are doing to liberate themselves from that yoke!”
Saker no more to add right on target!
Thanks, I look forward to reading your book when it arrives.
Dear Saker you are so right in expressing that this “… is an immensely complicated topic and those who like simple, canned, “explanations” should stop reading right now. ” Your article is wide encompassing and expansive in subject and attention.
You state many facts that no one wants to publicly state about what kind of Jewish Russians stayed in Russia ( Patriot Russians first and foremost ) and what kind of people were some of the Jews and “Jews” who left for “Israel” and why handling “Israel” and the Russian oligarchs and their agents and allies is a complicated matter that requires incredible skill and expertise to handle for the sake of Russia wellbeing and future.
In connection with Syria and the relationship Russia has with Israel… I have witnessed the most bizarre accusations against Russia by what I can only call a Syrian 5th columnist,his offsider and a small but vocal party. If they truly understood the conditions Putin deals with merely at the internal level then they should hang their heads in shame!
How can one attempt to simplify into black and white Russia’s highly complex history and her all- encompassing diplomatic and international relations as well as how that intersects with Russia’s diverse population that spans from the Pacific coast to the Baltic Sea and the Black and Caspian Seas ?
In the case of Syria, all I can say is that thank God President Putin had got enough ” ducks in a row” at this time when Syria needed her friend.
All in all, after reading this piece and far too quickly, may I say, I hold Putin in even greater awe than previously. His challenges are something to be discussed in future history books ( honest accounts ) as something absolutely and staggeringly legendary !
By the way, unlike The Saker, I think I am comfortable with the Russian backing of the Egyptian military’s operations against the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
“..comfortable with the Russian backing of the Egyptian military’s operations against the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt”:
Same here: I don’t know all the details, but Egypt was lucky that the Muslim Brotherhood were removed from the government. Otherwise Tunisia and Algeria (and perhaps Sudan as well) would have gone the way of Libya, and Syria could not have resisted long enough to be rescued.
Great article. Thanks for filling in the blanks. I had doubts about Putin, but this makes me understand what he has to deal with much more. I can now see all the difficulties he has to deal with.
A couple things though….
1) While this does make me feel a lot better about Putin, it makes me wonder about Russian people. Why are Russians so forgiving towards the Jews when the Jews took such an active role in butchering so many Christian Russians? You say this is because Russians don’t see ethnicity, and that Russians see the individual for their actions. To this I have to laugh. That is pure fantasy right there.
Russians are known to think poorly of the Chinese, and to think of them as sneaky people. And this is towards a crucial ally that is not trying to bring down Russia. Why is there no negative connotation towards Jews then? I don’t buy your Russian fable for a second. To me Russians don’t say anything bad about the Jews because they are either very ignorant of their own history or they are too afraid to speak about it. Neither of those really make me optimistic for the Russian people.
2) What would happen if something happens to Putin? Would Russia just fall back into Zionist control? Is the fate of Russia like old European countries that were led by Kings, where a good King would lead a country to great glory but once he died the country would just revert to the mean? I mean if Zionists are so powerfull in Russia, and have de facto control over the economy, and as you stated pro Anglo Zionist Russia had 50% of the power, what is the end game for Russia if something were to happen to him? Is Putinism something that can go on after Putin is finished?
Thanks for the great write up.
” they are too afraid to speak about it.”
They same can be said about Germans, Americans (having just fought a disastrous war in Iraq partly for Israel, see eg. Carl Bernstein). Zionist lobbies have tremendous power, closely knit as they are.
Jews are culturally closer to Russians than Chinese. Both Jewish and Russian cultures absorbed lots of influences from both Europe and the Islamic world. Both of them tend to be straightforward and honest in personality (perhaps even “blatant”). There is a more-or-less intuitive everyday understanding between them of what makes the other tick, even when they’re on opposite sides.
So, person-to-person relations aren’t too hard.
On the other hand, Chinese people are more distant culturally for most Russians, and harder to understand. That’s why they “think of them as sneaky people”. Actually, Putin is acting with much more Chinese-style restraint and careful language than is usual for a Russian leader, and the Russians seem to like that fine – but even so, he’s not nearly so restrained, diplomatic and “behind-the-scenes” as the Chinese leadership is. I wouldn’t be surprised if Putin is acting that way partly to put his Chinese allies at ease, and is getting occasional behind-the-scenes tips from Beijing. It’s obviously working, as Putin is about as popular in China as he is in Russia…
The point being that Russians are not some liberal entity that is post racial. They stereotype other people’s as much as anyone else. BUT Russians would never think to stereotype Jews. The Saker seems to think this is because of some evolved morality, but I think it is more Russians are too afraid to speak out because the Jews are powerfull in Russia or they are ignorant too the role Jews play in Russia.
This is reflected in your own post. Jews tend to be strait forward and honest? Lol give me a break.
Are you kidding? Russians stereotype Jews all the time. The stereotypical Jew is a frequent figure in Russian anecdotes (as is the stereotypical American, German, etc.).
Maybe “honest” isn’t quite right, but there’s something there. It’s even reflected in the way Jewish oligarchs act. I mean, look at Kolomoyskiy speaking to this RFL/RE journalist:
He’s lying through his teeth about why he’s there (“Russian saboteurs”, sure! More like protecting his control over a state asset), but he’s being so damn obvious and “honest” about exactly what he (Kolomoyskiy) is (a billionaire Jewish mobster), wouldn’t you say? He’s just fine with looking like a ridiculous stereotype.
Any Chinese billionaire, on the other hand, would probably be horrified to be caught acting like that in public.
On the other hand, I’ve heard that Chinese can respect Jews because they’re both tribal people. Both tend to congregate among others of their own culture, while Russians aren’t as clique-ish (hence why Chinese and Jewish immigrants tend to do a better job of preserving their own language/cuilture than Russians).
The Chinese were just an example. You could easily substitute any other people’s, be they Turks, blacks, etc etc.
The point remains. Russians will see other people’s normally, without a filter. With Jews Russians are conditioned to hold back for the reasons mentioned above. This is why I have doubts Russia will ever amount to anything long term. Because now Russia has Putin, but when Putin goes Russia could just as easily fall into Zionist hands.
So good leadership matters, but ultimately it’s the public and how accurately they view the world that makes the difference. Russians are due to repeat the same patterns they have been slave to in the past.
As the war in Syria is seen as a war against Turkey’s role stimulating the Uyghurs inside and outside of Xinjiang, China, the Chinese will appreciate the resolute actions of Putin and the RF military.
China is a naive 21st century nation when it comes to military as an arm of diplomacy and geopolitical actions. They think of military only as a means to defend their nation from invaders and as a weight against internal rebellion.
Russia is showing them the necessity of striking at distance whatever the threat—terrorism or hegemonic proxy wars.
They are studying war under Putin and Shoigu.
@They think of military only as a means to defend their nation from invaders and as a weight against internal rebellion.
Russians do exactly the same.
Re: defensive military only. The Russians took Paris after Napoleon invaded Russia. They didn’t do that by email or cruise missle. I suggest that what we have been seeing are varying Russian responses in particular historic contexts.
Saker makes a very important point about current Russian military/economic weakness: as in Stolypin (and Witte’s?) era, Russia has an opportunity to strengthen itself, but needs 3-5 more years of steady progress to ensure the foundation for its sovereignty. Russia’s enemies’ greatest weakness is economic. This appears to be the time for Russia’s leaders to be opportunistic and to practice realpolitik (the latter being the challenge most of us couldn’t handle as noted by Saker). The internal opposition to Putin’s version of nationalism makes this task all the more difficult.
Re: “The Atlantic Sovereignists are still in full control of the Russian financial and banking sector, …”???
Eh? Looks like a mistake/typo. One or the other or is it a new term/phrase?
yes, my bad.
I corrected that.
How utterly typical of Israel and the bloodthirsty psychology that animates it. Cold-blooded murder (one of hundreds) of a resistance leader, and a dozen total innocents slaughtered into the bargain. But if you know your Talmud and the ethos that underpins it, all those killings are mitzvot, or religiously sanctioned ‘good deeds’. And it could be Americans, Norwegians or Bantu just as easily, if the ‘aristocrats of humanity’ so decide.
Fantastic article. TheSaker is back.
200 Years Together: An unauthorised samizdat English translation of Alexandre Isayevich Solzhenitsyn’s monumental work on the history of Russia’s relationship with its dramatically fluctuating Jewish population.
Most of its pre-February 1917 chapters are missing but it is otherwise complete. It’s content is deeply subversive of the ‘official western narrative’ of Judaism in the 20th century. That fact, together with Solzhenitsyn’s towering reputation in the West, explains why it has never found a Western English publisher (though surprisingly it is available in both German and French editions). It should be mandatory reading for those who seek to separate Zionism from Judaism as though the former were merely an unfortunate abberation.
“The Jewish Question” has NEVER gone away. Since the end of WWII with its ‘victor’s histories’ (and by that I emphatically include that of the USSR and Russia) It has merely been very effectively supressed.
In 2,000 year historical terms, Judaic power is now a mere whisker away from its single-minded goal, whilst discussion of it in the MSM (Russian included) – and even much of the ‘respectable’ alt-media – remains strictly verboden. Per Voltaire (I think), ‘to understand who rules over you, simply allow yourself to recognise and acknowledge exactly who and what you are not allowed to criticise’.
IMHO, This article is among the best and most succinct introductions to the true nature of that power
Dear Saker,
Thanks for posting a logical, and comprehensive article on Russia’s stand with Israel, or rather the Zionist strangehold on Russia. It is the very topic most of us anti-Zionists are very interested to read about hence your article being the first of its kind on the blog-spehere, made an impact to me.
Even though you had good points, you had also failed to provide further research and facts towards this articles. In my saying so, I have two points to point out :
1) BRICS Alliance. Putin along with the other BRICS countries are retaliating against Big Brother by creating this alliance. You should have provided extensive information on the formation of this alliance and its significance to the future of Greater Russia.
2) Russia Aiding Palestine. Would you care to elaborate on this article below that was published recently by Sputniknews :
Along with many other statements made by Putin on aiding Palestine as an independant state. Even though Satanyahu paid a recent visit, there are various articles online regarding the aid Russia has given to Palestine, even via Syria. This is critical information that you did not mention and it proves to be of so much importance. I believe you in the sense that Putin has his hand tied behind one back but I also believe that he is not weak and by the way he speaks, he has analytically strategized his position to liberate the oppressed. I am sure Putin is aware of the grasp by the Zionists and is doing everything in his power to tackle that systemetically and periodically. I hope to read articles with further analytical insight.
Also, your work as a Lightworker/Truther will always be significant in our evolution towards the future. On the side note for all the rest of the community of Truthers, perhaps you would like to look further into the works of Neil Keenan (recently elected M1) and know that the Elders of the Allied Forces(Dragon Family) finally have control of the Global Collateral Accounts.. thats Great News for the future of Mankind.
Keep up the good work and may you always be guided and blessed by the Light and Force.
Peace be upon you.
Star Sapphire
As for Hezbollah, it is not like they need Russia’s protection. Symbolic as they may be, the murders of Imad Mugniyeh or Samir Kuntar will in no way weaken the Resistance.
The little bit I have read about Kuntar, he got captured while trying to take hostages when he was 17 and was in jail for 30 years.. For that he was famous as a resistance fighter.. Being a druid and a Lebanese, the Hezbollah considered him important. So he is not a great figure other than as a symbol. He used his name to recruit other druids in the Israeli occupied Golan heights into organize and demand their rights, especially for the protection of druids in Syria. He did not have a protection detail and lived openly.. Israel had a kill warrant on him like anyone who stands up and defies their will and what they stand for. He really could not hurt Israel militarily, but what he represents, organized demands from a society for their rights was a great danger.. Now one of the guys who was killed with him was a commander of a PLF and NDF unit who actually were fighting IS and other terrorists and was far more of a threat. They were not Hezbollah either.. None of these people were Hezbollah other than honorary members.. Some were Syrians and others Lebanese and Palestinians.. Nutyahoo being the insane lunatic he is to keep his popularity took this huge risk to piss off the Russians to show everyone he is someone to be reckoned with. A political move not military… Assassination of those who could be a thorn on your side and demand concussions which the world would see as reasonable. The US would have taken this as getting rid of an opposition politician who might make unreasonable demands.. yada yada yada.. and pasting his picture as larger than life as some kind of this military genius who was a clear and present danger in that sense is nothing of the sort.
Druze in #Sweida commemorate Samir Kuntar & Farhan She’lan #Hezbollah #Syria
Hezbollah media release exclusive footage of the now deceased Samir Kuntar
IS loses their heads over women.. Guess keeping girls as sex slaves and raping them and stuff are safe as young girls are not a threat.. But woman hear them roar and they piss in their lungi’s… So a real terrorist is one who is afraid of woman power… and no need to shower or shave.. No wonder the are afraid of women..
SAA Republican Guard Female unit training in #Damascus to scare away the bogey men of IS.. But the teddy bear on the pillows? I can already see IS squirm.. These women seem to get far more training than the conscripts who cant even hold a gun properly sent to the front lines.
Some traitorous Syria who was supposedly a PM of Syria now wants into the political structure…
Another SU34 in syria..
And a clear view of the lone Su-34 in blue camo – “03 Red” and – Su-34 “24 Red”:
“The truth is that Putin has been forced to compromise many, many times. Here are just a few examples:”
Framing, within which are subsumed assumptions, is a significant part of perception.
Subsumed with “Putin” is the notion of sole and/or primary agency.
Subsumed within notions of compromise is that a preferred and/or predetermined course was outlined in detail beforehand that required modification.
This suggest a linear planning model as often used by the opponents, including Gosplan, with notions of categorical linearly sequential imperatives and contingencies.
The transition from the Soviet Union to Russia was and is affected and facilitated by many, including the opponents.
This trajectory was encouraged and informed by some, including those who understood from the 1970’s onward that the Soviet Union was not sustainable and that lateral strategies were/are required for transcendence rather than amelioration/reform, and that lateral strategies could not give rise to outcomes outlined in detail beforehand.
As a consequence of various dispositions, mutiplier techniques were required including resort to aikido and useful foolery facilitated through the hubris of opponents, and understanding that none is so vulnerable as he who thinks he has won – realisation by some of their vulnerability, such as in 1994, often giving rise to “doubling down” as a kind of Pavolvian salve.
“He was a compromise candidate between two radically opposed parties “
WYSIWYGism is not generally a useful aid in understanding.
It was the case that some of the opponents thought that Mr. Putin was a compromise candidate, Mr. Berezhovsky also thinking that he was the kingmaker and/or Mr. Putin’s godfather.
It it held by some that the “compromise” was aided by conditioning the reputation of Mr. Luzhkov.
However perhaps a more instructive question would be “Why did they think that way?”
“it took him years to first get rid of most of the the Russian (Jewish) oligarchs and then “
The missing questions in this include but are not restricted to –
“How were some of the oligarchs neutred/removed?”
“What was the “protege” Mr. Abramovich’s role in helping the export of the “master” Mr. Berezhovsky?”
“This is an immensely complicated topic “
Evaluation is a function of perception and hence “immensely” is generally a subjective projection as can on ocassions be “complicated”.
Subjective projections such as unexpected consequences also have their uses in deflecting surprises and facilitating doubling down.
Framing, within which are subsumed assumptions, is a significant part of perception.
Perhaps understanding of Israeli/Russian/Soviet relations may be aided by dispensing with framing such as “AngloZionists “ and “their 5th column in Russia “.
“modern Russia today will not follow the same paradigm “
Perhaps modern Russia will not follow any paradigm and some, including some in Russia and formerly in the Soviet Union, have not been following any paradigm for some time.
Some are not playing chess as Mr. Kasparov and others will likely attest.
Understanding is aided by framing outside of superficially ‘objective’ parameters.
So domo arigato but AngloZionist is here to stay, Mr. Roboto.
“domo arigato”
Why resort to Japanese on an English language blog?
Off topic comment removed … mod-hs
I want to start with a technical question: does the S-300 or S-400 protects Damascus from incoming missiles or just from incoming planes ?
If the Russians can see incoming missiles above Damascus, how do they know if the target is not president Assad’s house ? Even if he lives underground, a tactical bunker buster missile can be used.
So, is it possible for Israel to kill president Assad in a similar way they killed Samir Kuntar ? Maybe during some public event about which the Israelis can find out in advance. Even if they kill an entire mosque or stadium packed with people just to get Assad, they won’t give a sh…te. And the world would watch in fear and do nothing.
Do we think they will not do it when the time is ripe, in order to obliterate the entire gains made by Russia in Syria and make Putin look like a complete idiot ?
When you allow snakes to enter and crawl all around your house, don’t be surprised if suddenly they do what’s natural for them to do. Russia, beware again with whom you make compromises, there have to be some limits.
How do you think Hezbollah feels now about their own security and arrangements with Russia, after such a blatant terrorist act in which 8 more innocents were killed ? And if Kuntar already served time in prison, why turn a blind eye to such a criminal action by Israel ? Is there absolutely no law on this earth for them ?
What about the Iranians, don’t you feel that general Soleimani might feel his turn of being thrown under the bus (killed) will come ? Based on the same “realpolitik” thinking that certain circles of power in Russia are allowing. If I was him, I’ll already start fearing critical information about my location with Russia (knowing now for a fact that Putin still has to give some free hand and information to Jewish circles). Do you think that Israel will give a dead rat of not offending Putin, if they manage to steal some critical information about Iranian forces through Russian circles ? By the way, how much longer do we think Putin can live and what will happen after that ?
The so called “false ideology” or communism was nothing more than a cover up for Judaic view about the world (Jews will own the world in which goyims will be the slaves). How is that possible under communism, you may ask, if there is no private property ? Well, the Jews like rabi Moses Hess from Odessa (the mentor of Karl Mordecai Levi known as Karl Marx) explained that long time ago in a letter from 19th century to his pupil from Germany: although all the properties of a country will “be own in common” and in the hands of the state, someone needs to administer them; and those positions of administration will be held by Jews. This kind of stuff is really what was hidden in the “Communism Manifesto”. The uneducated workers of those times had no idea who’s games they are played for.
Why aspects of such information, like what was presented in this article, is not backed up officially by Russian government ? Why do they think they can achieved by playing “footsie” or pussyfooting with a sect that already stabbed the orthodox nation twice and committed horrendous genocides ? Didn’t they learned from the experience of the governments of 1900-1917, who tried to make a similar compromise that eventually you will be exterminated ? Just go and read again how little by little the entire Russian ruling class was infiltrated, corrupted and then killed before the bolsheviks took power through freemasonry. Look for Juri Lina’s books or movies. One is called “In the shadow of Hermes” and you can still get it on youtube. Being aware and taking preventive measures against Jewish conspiracies is not Jewish hatred as they want us to feel, but is pure sanity and common sense. Better be upfront and with the cards on the table in this game. Or be ready to apply no morals and ethics, otherwise. Or else, do like the tsar Nikolay Romanov: wait in a state of bewilderment and lack of understanding until it’s your turn to be slaughtered. Better act like a real man and warrior than trying to achieve compromises. This Judaic sect has trained for centuries in the art of backstabbing and dealing in muddy waters. You can’t win if you play by their rules. Read about the rules applied in the Byzantine Empire, that’s the only way to deal: keep them at bay.
Maybe Putin knows what he is doing and what he is up to, but his latest allies might start to doubt or not understand his game. Why was necessary to perform this extrajudicial killing right now, with such a method and in the open ? It could have been done in many other ways and without killing 8 more innocent people while asleep.
Did Putin ever asked these questions to Nettanyahu or to the other buddies surrounding Medvedev ?
Maybe I can give a potential answer: it was done with purpose to undermine the Russian-Shiite alliance at a critical moment. And Putin has yet to figure that out, before it’s too late.
I want to start with a technical question: does the S-300 or S-400 protects Damascus from incoming missiles or just from incoming planes ?
Both. S-400s can shoot down individual missiles too.
Those a very legitimate questions for Mr.Putin and he have deal with themand answer them very fast if he want keep alliance together, Dr. Assad ,HZB, IRAN,IRAQ…..
There is an unspoken assumption here, I think (or maybe I’ve been careless in reading the article). For the sake of argument, let’s say the governments pre-War and post-Soviet were chock-full of people Jewish by origin. There would have to be a conspiracy specifically Jewish in some way for this to be of any significance. Pre-War that looks implausible (and what would such a specifically Jewish conspiracy be for?). And Stalin’s policy post-War was not materially different from Stalin’s policy pre-War (perhaps more anti-Semitic). Post-Soviet, the conspiracy, or policy, furthered the interests of the neoliberal American Empire, either for personal gain or in the belief that it was the only way for Russia to make the transition from the Soviet command economy. The government then would have to be full of neoliberals – which is very much distinct from full of Jews. There seems to be a careless use of “Jewish” to explain everything, which is a pseudo-explanation at best that discourages a serious effort at detailed historical analysis – anything you disapprove of – “it was the Jews”.
“There seems to be a careless use of “Jewish” to explain everything, which is a pseudo-explanation at best that discourages a serious effort at detailed historical analysis – anything you disapprove of – “it was the Jews”.
To paraphrase Mr. Marx “Philosophers have merely described the world, the purpose is to change it”.
If so attribution and access are likely prejudicial to achievement of purpose, so neither any scribe nor collection of scribes, nor any document nor collection of documents, will likely be sufficient to facilitate a serious effort at detailed historical analysis.
However the opponents appear to consistently ignore these cautions rendering them vulnerable.
Although not a detailed historical analysis, nor sufficient to facilitate one, perhaps the link below to some methods and perceptions may add further detail to vulnerabilities.
You have illustrated a specific example of one of the opponents techniques, namely assuaging/finessing/removing doubt by assertion and/or belief, although you may appear overly diplomatic and/or subject to a certain framing by your use of “careless”.
Perhaps from the short examples in the link you will see the continued utility of this practice.
But Ewan, the use of the word ‘Jew’ or ‘Jewish’ is rather unavoidable when the person in question is, in fact, a Jew. Your distinction between ‘Jew’ and ‘neo-liberal’ doesn’t bear much examination either, as the leading neo-liberals come from the Chicago School of Milton Friedman and are, indeed, disproportionately, Jewish. The fact that the ‘shock therapy’ was inflicted by Jeffrey Sachs et al, and, somehow, the looting of the Soviet patrimony ended with almost all the greatest crooks being Jews, is rather undeniable, too. If we cannot even consider irrefutable facts because they relate to Jews, something rather peculiar is going on.
So tell me the nature of the conspiracy embracing Bolshevism and gangster capitalism that makes the alleged facts you mention relevant.
@nature of the conspiracy embracing Bolshevism and gangster capitalism
Looting Russia with impunity.
This is totally wrong: “Capitalism” brought in looting of Russia’s national assets; “Communism” (the Bolsheviks – and that has nothing to do with whether or not they were Jews – in your statement) created a pool of all national assets the dividends of which were used for the benefit of all the nation.
If you need a longer explanation some chapters of a book of mine as well as several consequential articles can be read at
There you go, Ewan, giving the game away. Irrefutable facts become ‘alleged facts’, a Zionazi tactic so shop-worn as to be almost diaphonous. There’s no ‘conspiracy’ in relation to gangster capitalism, in Russia or in the West, and the huge over-representation of Jews amongst ‘gangster capitalists’. There are simply facts and the only real question must be, why is it so, and what is the rational and humane thing to do about it, for the good of all, Jew and Gentile alike.
What would suggest a “conspiracy” is the absolute denial that the Jews had any responsibility in the appalling massacres of non-Jewish inhabitants of USSR and in the assault against the Russian Church.
Maidan Two Years Later: 12/8/15Hr2: Stephen F. Cohen. Prof Emeritus, Russian Studies, Princeton
WHY is this not news?
Greek parliament approves establishment of Palestinian State in presence of Palestinian Pres Abbas. Palestine”
Greek parliament votes to recognize #Palestine
Because it is a just a non-binding resolution.
More hot air from Syriza.
The Greeks do military training with the ‘IDF’. This is more disinformation from the treacherous Tsipras, a prize, indeed world-class, dissembler and hypocrite. And Abbas is a Quisling, which we know simply because the Israelis haven’t murdered him.
While in Jerusalem for a meeting with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, Tsipras took an opportunity to sign the President’s guestbook, writing, “ With great honor to be in your historic capital and to meet your excellencies.”
How come we don’t know the history of Tspiras, his family, his finance minister, everything about him and his cahoots is blurred. He fooled us all
“He fooled us all”
No, Tsipras only fooled his electorate. He knew the grip of Euro-chauvinism over a substantial part of the Greek population. The entire stunt known as Syriza, like Spain’s Podemos, was based on the somewhat disputable notion that the Eurocrats would happily trade austerity for the flattery of a simple fraudster. Tsipras himself of course never believed they would, but he miscalculated badly since he had no “plan B” in case he would be able to convince the gullible electorate otherwise. Which he was.
Bottom line: We don’t need to know much more about Tsipras than the simple fact that he posed as a “radical” minded Left Reformist Social Democrat. Social Democracy has been a tool of Western imperialism for over a century.
One must remember that Syriza was recognized as “The Trojan Horse” even before it was elected! They did not fool the electorate. The electorate fooled itself. Syriza’s task was not to find a solution for the economic woes of Greece, but to align even further Greece with EU, remove all traces of Orthodoxy and sever it from any possible alliance with Russia. They are actually anti-Greek.
I confess I posted my previous comment without having fully read this article. Mt applogies. Had I done so, I would have praised the depth of its analysis. Whilst Saker and I may differ somewhat on the subtleties of the Zionism/Judaism connundrum, that in no way diminishes my admiration for the depth of his undertanding of Russian-Western-Judaic history.
If I have a beef it concerns his (and the near-unanimous Western-Russian) belief in Adolf Hitler and the 1933-45 National-Socialist governmant of Germany, as the gold-standard of pure political evil. The very fact that ALL the ‘victors’ of WWII continue to rely on and incessantly invoke it as a ‘gotcha’, should surely be enough to call it into some question among genuine truth-seekers?
IMHO, whilst the behaviour of the freaks and their para-militaries in Ukraine warrants unqualified condemnation, constant use of the term ‘NAZI’ is very unhelpful to a proper, nuanced understanding of the historical context of what is going on here. NAZI Germany is constantly accused of single-minded hatred of, and intent to ‘destroy Russia’; whereas the destruction of Judaic Bolshevism as – at the very least – a contributing factor in German behaviour, is not only ignored but ‘beyond the Pale’ -ahem- of polite discourse anywhere.
If I have a beef it concerns his (and the near-unanimous Western-Russian) belief in Adolf Hitler and the 1933-45 National-Socialist governmant of Germany, as the gold-standard of pure political evil.
Well, then let me go on the record by saying I do not hold any such beliefs. I consider that all the powers involved in WWII were roughly equally evil and all were driven by absolutely evil ideologies and all were willing to murder millions to achieve their goals.
The Saker
Putin should be called Mr. Softie..
Since 2000, the forgiven more than $ 140 billion
1. Cuba – $ 31.7 billion
According to experts, this debt back, we would still never received. And planted the “carrot” and strengthened the position of the US backyard.
2. Iraq – $ 21.5 billion
The debt written off twice – $ 9.5 billion (from $ 10.5) in 2004 and $ 12 billion (from $ 12.9) in 2008. The second time, it was the new debt, credit, recruited after a previous debt forgiveness in 2004.
3. African country – more than $ 20 billion
Decommissioned “wholesale” in the period after 2008 in order “fraternal assistance”.
4. Mongolia – $ 11.1 billion
Decommissioned in 2003. The remaining $ 300 million of debt, Mongolia, however, immediately returned.
5. Afghanistan – $ 11 billion
Debts for deliveries of Soviet military equipment written off since 2006.
6. North Korea – $ 10 billion
One of the most recent “gifts” after 2012. Not all write off $ 1 billion in debt for North Korea still remained.
7. Syria – $ 9.8 billion
Decommissioned in 2005 (from $ 13.4 billion in debt). Instead, a number of agreements in construction, oil and gas.
8. Vietnam – $ 9.53 billion
The first of the debt “forgiveness” to foreign countries already in the “Putin” time – in 2000, total debt of Vietnam at that time was $ 11.03 billion, the balance must be paid by 2022. However, not directly, but through investments in joint projects with Russia in the territory of Vietnam.
9. Ethiopia – about $ 6 billion
In 2001, to write off $ 4.8 billion from $ 6 billion of debt in four years – another $ 1.1 billion, or almost everything.
10. Algeria – $ 4.7 billion
Write-off occurred in 2006 – 2007 years. Instead, the country has pledged to buy our manufactured goods to this amount or more.
In recent years – in 2012-2014 – in addition to North Korea and Cuba, it was written off the debt of Kyrgyzstan for $ 599 million (after that country zasobiralas join the Customs Union) and now $ 865 million to Uzbekistan.
Overall, since 2000, Russia forgave their partners more than $ 140 billion.
While I applaud the write-offs for the poor countries. I do want to say it was politically a smart-move to make. Most of the debts were Soviet era debts. So a bit “iffy” in that there is no USSR now. And the chances of them actually getting the money back from those countries was something along the lines of “a snowballs chance in hell”. And lastly,it was great PR. It contrasted with the greed and averse of Western governments and banks in their loans to poor nations. And made those countries peoples have a better view of Russia.
You forget, Russia being the successor state to the USSR took on all their obligations.. Russia took on the debt of the USSR hence debt owed to the USSR was also taken over by Russia.. So here Russia paid of a lot more than than 140bil.. But got nothing in return.. Russia is also responsible for all treaties and other obligations of the USSR. This was where the split from Ukraine happened where Ukraine wanted to be the successor state but refused to accept any obligations of the USSR. Which would all have fallen on Russia. And Ukraine would have gotten the nuclear codes.. The US being owed so much with Europe did not go along with that knowing they wont get any of their money back so they supported Russia.. In act most of the aid given to Russia was to pay back this debt.. I think by 2005 Russia paid off all the debt accumulated by the USSR.
I didn’t forget that. My point was /is that it was a smart ,good PR move. The money from those countries would never have been retrieved anyway. So why not get some goodwill by renouncing worthless paper. Its like when people in the US give to charity. True,many, maybe most, maybe all, want to help the charity and so they donate. But it is also “tax deductible”,and I don’t doubt that most of those people deduct that on their tax returns. I’ve donated my time at a charity a few times (not tax deductible BTW),and almost no one that donated goods didn’t get a receipt for taxes from us.
Charity Iranian style… They dont ask for a receipt… But in the US you get beat up by the cops for doing this.
Iranians make “Walls of Kindness” where people put their extra stuff and those in need take whatever they need!
The Saker writes “…and I am a little quasi-irrelevant blogger”.
Well, you are about the most interesting and well informed person I have ever read, and your analysis is just so excellent, I am completely in awe.
I have had an amazing education from reading your blog.
Thank you so much.
Putin has made some kind of deal with Israel. The details are obviously not public. However, the actions of Israel show the way they intend to use the deal.
Some time ago after the Su-24 shootdown, Israel claimed a Russian aircraft passed through Israel controlled airspace. A naive reader would think that meant Israel itself, however it is likely the Israelis meand airspace in the Golan. Russia made no attempt to deny or contradict israel’s statement. Russia has therefore agreed that Golan airspace is Israel controlled and by extension Israel territory.
It appears that Russia has stood silent over Israel’s extra judicial murder of Kuntar and the others in Damascus. This may be because Kuntar had conveniently been placed on a terrorist watchlist by US Israel firsters. However, the others murdered were not on that list. So Russia has i) compromised its stance on legal means over violence and ii) shown that it will not act whenever Israel claims it in its ‘national security’ interest.
This tacit acceptance by Russia will be exploited later on by Israel to claim more of the Golan from its ISIS minders in ‘national security’ interests. Israel will argue that Russia has de facto recognized its claims to the Golan. The US and its stooges will follow with recognition.
Russia has effectively sold out southern Syria to Israel, but for what?
OT but this is a video showing the vile depravity of some Russians(?). People at a polar base regularly left out meet to attract polar bears. After some time, they baited one piece of meat with explosives and left it to be picked up by a polar bear. The explosives went off leaving the bear with some serious injury. All the while, this was being filmed by Russians from the safety of their buildings. The video was then uploaded as entertainment. Jesus fsking christ, how sick can you get.? If the bear was a threat kill it cleanly, don’t maim it for entertainment.
One alternative explanation for Russia’s inactions over Israel.
It is certainly aware that Israel is up to its neck supporting ISIS etc, providing them with a safe wall behind their back, treatment for the injured, etc. It is also making money from the sale of cheap oil looted from Syria by ISIS. Turkey is the first stage in the laundering, aided by an Israeli middleman. The oil is shipped from Ceyhan to Israel for refining, then sold as laundered goods at market prices. Russia may possibly keeping quiet on the basis that by giving Israel enough rope, it may metaphorically hang itself. I am not convinced that this is the case.
However, it is clear that Russia is currently attacking one ISIS-supporter whilst protecting and aiding another ISIS-supporter.
For further complexity, it appears that a Russian air cargo company has taken over an ex-Saudi 747 cargo aircraft that was used to transfer weapons to the tune of 25 million euro from Bulgaria to Syrian rebels. The transfer happened in June 2015. Is this Russian aircraft still involved in supplying ISIS with weapons?
Russia’s involvement with Israel and ISIS is increasingly murky.
Well written @ Anonymous on December 23, 2015 · at 12:02 pm UTC
Brilliant, Saker, and very timely too. Thanks!
thank you for this text Saker. very good one. i would like to add, from my experience from Yugoslav war ’90, our real war heroes have also “dark side”. so i believe that Hezbo comanders and leaders are not angels also, despite noble cause they fight.
i believe that Hezbo comanders and leaders are not angels also, despite noble cause they fight.
I agree. And Kuntar was the least angelic of them all. But I also agree that Hezbollah’s cause is just. However, I have *immense* respect for Nasrallah himself and I believe that he truly is a highly principled and honorable man. I am a self-confessed “Nasrallah groupie” :-)
If you were talking about the hostage case. In an article on RT it was reported that even Israeli psychiatrists that examined Kuntar in prison denied he was guilty of those killings.They said Israel killed the hostages in the rescue attempt and faked the evidence to show Kuntar and others were guilty. Considering that,and Israels record of similar doings, I wouldn’t doubt it at all.
The only report of the militant is from Israeli press as western sources, the guy was not a military commander.. He was a PR guy recruiting for a political purpose not military. Anyone who knows about the situation says that. He also lived openly.. Kind of like the Iranian nukes and the suitcase or laptops or what not. We really dont know how militant he was since he got caught on his first mission at 17 to take hostages.
Thanks, I needed that analysis…
I have seen multiple complaints about why the mighty Russian S-400 system did not stop the Israeli attack that killed Samir Kuntar? Or at least destroy the attacking Israeli plane after it had fired its missile?
The S-400 system is in Syria for one purpose only; to protect the Russian force so it can finish its mission and win the war. All these Western provocations are intended to stop Russia from doing what it is doing successfully and make it do something else. By themselves they can have little effect on the war, they only intend to escalate the conflict.
The S-400 is not a weapon Russia should use or need in its operations. It is a deterrent against escalation. Like any deterrent it loses it purpose if it used. If you need to use your deterrent, fire nukes or S-400s, then you have already lost! The only scenario where the S-400 would certainly be used in anger would be full-scale NATO attack on the Russian force. If that happens the outcome is uncertain; NATO could win in Syria, the war could spread to other fronts or escalate to WW3. The S-400 is in Syria to stop that from happening.
You are 100% correct on everything you wrote here.
My emotional reaction to the attack is very different: Where is a friend, when you need one?
I have been humming this song by Soviet singer-songwriter Vladimir Vysotsky all evening:
The link is to a video from the 1967 movie “Vertical”, with Vladimir Vysotsky preforming it himself. Высоцкий. “Песня о друге” ( к/ф “Вертикаль”)
Here are the lyrics in English:
It is very selfish thinking, and militarily – wrong.
It’s not about who’s Hezbollah.
The very fact is they’re fighting along Russian side.
If we assumed that Israelis would send commandos instead, I guess we would hear –
Russian Spetzna are the deterrent too, it’s a nonsense.
” The truth is that Putin has been forced to compromise many, many times.”
The more I watch Putin, the more I understand that his mastery of ‘the art of compromise’ is actually one of his most effective ‘ninja weapon’.
Dear Saker,
I thank the day I found your blog. Your writings enrich my understanding, both factual and contextual, of the events unfolding worldwide.
The parts I like most is where you explain apparent contradictions in Russia’s policy under Putin by highlighting the struggle between Atlantic Integrationists and Eurasian Souvereignists. All too often, I’ve read analyses explaining Russia’s apparently pro-Western policies as incoherent and nodding my head.
Like I said, both factually and contextually your writings help me make sense of plans within plans that are unfolding worldwide.
Thank you!
amazing article!
the problem with the anglozionist integrationists within Russian power structures is that they simply will not accept that the west will never truly ‘integrate’ them. The US will only ever have them as junior ‘partners,’ just look what happened with yeltsin, if they think it couldn’t happen again because of Russian military power and a presently cohesive state they are sadly deluded. Oligarchs aren’t great at history are they? They’re good at greed but their ego and self importance (which after all is what makes them succesful criminals) leaves a blind spot. The west wants Russia ‘in the fold’ but never as equal partners. Never. Russia has to lead from the Eurasian bloc from now on. The west is falling apart anyway and eventually they may integrate from a position of power rather than perceived weakness or willful ignorance. To me it isn’t even a ‘position’ to be adopted by anyone with a sane understanding of western and particularly US history and Putin knows that, even though I believe he still harbours a desire that one day the west will give Russia the respect it deserves. As I say that will have to come through a position of strength if it ever comes.
The relationship between slavs and turko-mongols goes back along way. The inter-relationship of a turko-mongolic elite and the slavic masses is reflected in such people as the Bulgars and the Avars. These Turko-Mongols eventually lost their identity. The Khazars kept theirs by becoming jews. Ive often thought that the Bolshevik revolution was to an extent a reassertion of power of a Turko-Mongolic elite over a Slavic mass thereby replacing the Nordic-Varangian elite. I guess you dont think in these terms.
Hello…Internet Archive, has it in English very recently.
great analysis again.
Interesting analyses but I would like Saker to comment on this:
” Here, one wonders about and one looks forward to the approaching time when Russia has secured the northern Syrian-Turkish border and its military attentions subsequently turn south to the Golan, towards confronting the terrorist occupying army of Al-Nusra, Israel’s current BFFs in the Levant. My money is on Israel selling Al-Nusra down the river so as not to provoke the wrath of a very serious, humorless Russia. And further down the future time-line, one also wonders what the USA would do when the Syrian Arab Army has secured its territory and it begins its legal Golan-liberation war plans; a war that is inevitable, a war that couldn’t possibly take place without complicit Russian approval. Suffice it to say, everything in the Levant hinges on the outcome of the Golan war, including the Palestinian question.”
My money is on Israel selling Al-Nusra down the river so as not to provoke the wrath of a very serious, humorless Russia.
Daesh, al-Nusra & Co will be sold down the river by the US and Israel as soon as they are found to be useless. Has that call already been made? I don’t see any evidence that it has, but it might in the future.
Thank you for your answer Saker!
But, please… do you think that Golan-liberation war is inevitable, does Russia approve it, and what will be the outcome of it ?
Not going to happen unless we are in a WW3 (or Israel collapses first internally).
Keep in mind that the captured / stolen Syrian Golan Heights provides Israel with roughly 40% of its water supplies, with the better part of its other needs coming from exploitation of aquifers in the West Bank.
Also, Israel announced quite recently that the Golan Heights contained vast quantities of underground natural gas and, likely, oil. They’ve probably been well aware of the wealth of hydrocarbons in that stolen region for some time, now, but chose to make that knowledge public at a time when Syria is under attack and in a state of chaos …
Of the two resources, water and oil, I would wager that, to Israel, water is the most critical, but adding to the equation $billions in profits from hydrocarbons, Israel is extremely unlikely ever to agree to return the Golan Heights to Syria.
Sold down the river, only to be resurrected in some new guise when required.
DNR intelligence: Foreign mercenaries have been deployed to Artemovsk and Mariupol
“In Mariupol arrived a group of Turkish mercenaries in the amount of up to a hundred people. Their main goal – carrying out acts of sabotage and provocation on military and civilian targets in the coastal zone of the DNI and Russia”, – the Ministry of Defense.
Also, according to the agency, arrived in Artemovsk 200 foreign mercenaries with the identification marks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Among them are representatives of English-speaking, and speaking Polish, Slovak and Turkish.
“Exploration DNI also continues to record the movement of military equipment and personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine along the line of contact. For example, in the area Novoselovka marked the arrival of the four tanks, two MLRS” Grad “, six infantry fighting vehicles, two armored personnel carriers and a hundred personnel”, – the Ministry of Defense .
In addition, according to the ministry, noted the arrival of 14 tanks, 12 self-propelled guns, “Acacia”, 12 rocket systems “Grad”, six infantry fighting vehicles and 120 personnel in the area of human settlements and peace Volnovaha.
khaile_Palo the West considers Dzhemilev and his thugs as the “Real Tatars” while they represent only 5-10% of the tatar population.
“They’re all Jews, the Bolsheviks, except Lenin”. Curious to find this White Russian propaganda repeated as historical fact. A bit like having the Tsarist “Protocols” proclaimed a genuine historical document. And is all the contemporary evidence of Russian anti-Semitism to be swept aside with one simple assertion? – More a Ukrainian thing than Russian. Really? Might it be that a royalist Russian upbringing isn’t the best start for a historian?
And what has it all to do with the first-rate analysis of Putin’s predicament that follows?
Might it be that a royalist Russian upbringing isn’t the best start for a historian?
A passive-aggressive ad hominem. Your luck that the mods missed this one.
Where is or what happened to the good old unbiased open-minded Saker?
Ad hominem by a process of elimination. I struggle how else to account for it. Could you at least cite some sources, other than internet lists? But why echo the tropes of White Russian/Nazi/WASP propaganda? The Bolsheviks carried out purges; what has the Jewishness of some of them got to do with it? And what has any of it to do with Putin’s current plight, about which you are excellent as ever (uniquely so, in my limited experience).
Lets try some hardcore anarchist “propaganda” , for a change, shouldn’t we? :-) So, this is the anarchist view on Marx, Marxism, , Rothschilds and the Jewish question. Every anarchist stand behind those words:
Mikhail Bakunin,
the founder of anarchism,
“December 1871 Letter to the Bologne Members of the International”
” Marx is a Jew and is surrounded by a crowd of little, more or
less intelligent, scheming, agile, speculating Jews, just as
Jews are everywhere, commercial and banking agents,
writers, politicians, correspondents for newspapers of all
shades; in short, literary brokers, just as they are financial
brokers, with one foot in the bank and the other in the
socialist movement, and their arses sitting upon the German
press. They have grabbed hold of all newspapers, and you
can imagine what a nauseating literature is the outcome of it.
Now this entire Jewish world, which constitutes an
exploiting sect, a people of leeches, a voracious parasite,
closely and intimately connected with one another, regardless
not only of frontiers but of political differences as well – this
Jewish world is today largely at the disposal of Marx or
Rothschild. I am sure that, on the one hand, the Rothschilds
appreciate the merits of Marx, and that on the other hand,
Marx feels an instinctive inclination and a great respect for
the Rothschilds. This may seem strange. What could there be
in common between communism and high finance? Ho ho!
The communism of Marx seeks a strong state centralization,
and where this exists there must inevitably exist a state
central bank, and where this exists, there the parasitic Jewish
nation, which speculates upon the labor of the people, will
always find the means for its existence.
In reality, this would be for the proletariat a barrack regime,
under which the workingmen and the working women,
converted into a uniform mass, would rise, fall asleep, work
and live at the beat of the drum. “
What a limited distorted view.
You never read any other comments here or anywhere?
Tell me: How do social factors like unemployment, child care, drugs abuse, forced prostitution, homelessness, life expectency, birth rate, child’s health, suicide rate etc etc etc compare from today’s world versus the Socialist countries???
No attacking other commenters please. Lets keep the conversations constructive. Thanks. That goes for you too The Wend.
Hi, ok sorry, agrred.
So let the images speak for themselves.
If the Wend is really from Yugoslavia and 18++ maybe he remembers how it was:
Yugoslavia – the Good Old Days of Tito-style Communism
“”Uploaded on Aug 11, 2011
travel film showing the “country” that used to be one of the greatest travel destinations in the world. Instead of espousing e pluribus unum, they divided and subdivided, then imploded. today we have only the pieces of what used to be. So for old time’s sake, i hope you enjoy this american TV piece that promoted the wonderful state of YUGOSLAVIA some 30 years ago!””
I lived myself in a (and travelled to a lot more / back then and since then [now former]) Communist country and I can say: It was a worker’s paradise (with all its small errors, but it was).
I forgot: Honestly, with all that AntiSovietUnion- and jews- (rather than jewish or non-jewish ZIONist!!!-) bashing recently predominant on this blog I must say: Kiev’s Nazis would welcome many with open arms – because in their discussion lists it looks similar.
The Kiev RS freaks are known for their statement: Communism and Fascism – two sides of the same coin.
And same with SovietUnion == Zionism.
Wrong! That was the original bankster’s plan.
But thanks to Lenin and Stalin it went into a much better direction, especially after they finally gor rid of Tr(aitor)otsky
Yugoslavia was a communist dictatorship with concentration camps like Goli otok, where thousands of people were tortured in a bestial manner and murdered in cold blood.
The whole country was run by secret service, the famous UDBA. To this day we don’t know how many people worked for UDBA. Millions for sure.
Anarchism was strictly forbidden and people got sent to prison for many years if they held anarchist views.
So judging by my country Yugoslavia, Marxsim was worse than a bad joke.
I already explained my position on this: we should view the contemporary history from a traditional Hindu caste system position. Capitalism is a rule of the third caste, like during Gupta dynasty in India, and is unacceptable. Only communism is worse than that because it is in reality a rule of the fourth caste. It is not an accident that capitalism beat communism.
I posted an opinion from Bakunin for two reasons: 1.) to present the case for the views critical of the Jewish Supremacism which are not historically rooted in “White Russian/Nazi/WASP propaganda”, as ali stated above. 2.) as a revenge to communists, to whom anarchists never forgave the betrayal and the stab in the back in the Spanish civil war 1936.-1939.
Why does all discussion have to be about capitalism vs. communism??
There are other options for the society too.
Why it has to be always either Rothschilds or Marx???
Why always Jewish option? Why not some other?
The Wend on December 23, 2015 · at 8:20 pm UTC
> Why it has to be always either Rothschilds or Marx???
> Why always Jewish option? Why not some other?
Bad luck, this your proposal is also jewish, read: Karl Marx “A World Without Jews”
p.s. I hate Zionists (jewish and non-jewish ones), and I would forbid __allllll__ so called “religions”.
Trotsky…would be very happy to see what neocons done….
@sejmon on December 23, 2015 · at 10:24 pm UTC
you nail it very well
Trotsky — the eternal hero of the awesome Western left proudly supporting any attempts at socialist revolution except those that succeed.
Trotskyism = First World Chauvinist Cult of Full Spectrum Impotence.
Yugoslavia was an economic basket case and a political dictatorship which revolved around the personality cult of Tito ( and his inflated ego!).
An example of a regulated free market with strong social structures: Switzerland.
I find it funny that those who never lived in a communist country (either wrong location or age too low) are then the ones who hate communism most and who pretend knowing simply everrrrryyyyyyything about it.
Your statements prove that you are describing yourself in case B) and that you have no clue whatsoever in case A)
Case C) Switzerland – while they certainly do have one of the best democracies in the world, not everything is sugar there. Are you naive? Why does it co-incide with the fact, that many of the richest bankster criminals have changed their residency and /or nationality to Switzerland?
Back to case B, Yugoslavia’s economy: Yugoslavia was AUTARK. It could and did produce everything that it needed cheaply by itself, while even exporting machines and cars to the world market against so called (!) “hard” currencies.
Everybody not only in Serbia but also in muslim parts of Bosnia confirmed to me in many talks, that they had paradise in Yugoslavia. Prices were low, wages high. And everybody had a well-paid safe JOB.
Restaurant owners made big bucks back then, because all people had plenty of money to go to the restaurant every day. Now most Restaurants still existing find it hard to survive or already needed to close, because nobody can afford being their customers, unemployment is massive.
To see you who already contributed with SitReps writing such foolish misconceptions – it makes me wonder.
If you hate Yugoslavia – maybe join the Kiev Freaks. They will be happy.
As for Gulag’s in Yugoslavia: Well, if you see the Croatian Nazis during WW2 and their followers, somewhere you need to put them. Or can you solve such problems by sending them a nice X-Mas card???
Yugoslavia – the Good Old Days of Tito-style Communism
Martin, friend,
Since you mention the Croatian Nazis then why do you think its such a great idea that we share a country with them?
Do you also recommend that the people of Donbass go back to the country of ukraine?
Yugoslavia was not an autarky. We had a massive external debt on which we ended up defaulting. (Economic mismanagement by Tito).
Also, the internal borders which suddenly became national borders were drawn up Tito. Tito created the republic of Kosovo which the US recognized as an independent state. Yugoslavia left a bitter legacy to Serbia.
If you truly believe that socialist Yugoslavia was a basket case, and a tyranny to boot, you should be delighted that NATO set you free. Now as you go to build your free market utopia, you will find – as the Russians did after Yeltsin – that your place in the global free market village is on the periphery, in company with much of the third-world. Well, at least you will be free to dream!
Croats, Slovenes, Muslims and Albanians declared independence and joined NATO in dismembering Yugoslavia. Each of these ethnic groups now have their own little statelets. They were “liberated” as you call it and were even quite enthusiastic about it.
My country, Serbia, was bombed, sanctioned and dismembered. How can you think this would delight me? Just because I do not share your socialist/ communist world view…
” How do social factors like unemployment, child care, drugs abuse, forced prostitution, homelessness, life expectancy, birth rate, child’s health, suicide rate etc. etc. etc. compare from today’s world versus the Socialist countries ” >
Martin, there is a very simple and straight answer to your query – with all its shortcomings, the socialist societies in east Europe, USSR , and China attained extra-ordinary levels of socio-economic parameters listed by you (even after devastation of 1938 to 1945 WWII) if compared with post-1990 world’s key countries !
I appreciate your point, which is based on historic facts and not any biased views (based on misdeeds carried out by Trotsky-led Zionist clique of Bolshevik party against who Lenin and Stalin had to fight relentlessly before and after 1917).
Hi Straight-Bat,
once again thanj you for your support.
Yes, (without actually having to go into emulation mode) I try to be as unbiased as possible.
And nobody of my ancestors were in the Party or anything.
Until 1990 we were watching WestTV and listening to the Radio station RIAS (Rundfunk/RadioIMAmerikanischenSektor).
We also had problems with STASI.
So those others who don’t believe me shall bear that in mind.
I once had myself “”my”” false ZioWestern Propaganda “”views”” against Communism.
The fact is simply:
ONLY DIFFERENCE: I did wake up, while they failed to.
Maybe this is due to the fact that I witnessed the destruction, selling out, plundering out and literally over-night de-industrialization of my home country GermanDemocraticRepublic in the hot spot East-Berlin, 800 meters east of the checkpoint Bornholmer Strasse.
This permitted me to compare 1s to 1s as 1:1, rather than having the rely on external “News” outlets who would have claimed it were not 1s but 2s and Bananas.
Hi Martin,
I understand you have really gone thru the painful process of post 1990 dissolution of east Europe, and unlike 90% of the east Europeans you have ‘seen through’ the deep conspiracy behind the propaganda of democratic-open-free society dished out by the MSM and Academic personalities paid for by the AngloZionist plutocracy.
I feel a political party based on true Marxist socialist ideology can deliver maximum level living standard for maximum number of peoples in a society – because Marxist socialist ideology is against exploitation and favour truth-justice-humanity.
It was Lenin and Stalin who established the first ‘State’ based on Marxist socialist concepts – true, it had many issues, but fighting against AngloZionist plutocrats (who initially helped with funds with ultimate objective of controlling the revolution for their own purpose) in the external sector (European-Japanese-USA governments backed ‘White Army’) and internally (Zionist clique within Bolshevik party Trotsky-Radek-Zinoviev-Kamenev), Lenin and Stalin also could not do things properly all the times.
In future, society will have to come back to Marxist socialism to defeat AngloZionist plutocrats …
Bakunin to Durruti, and all those in between. Anarchism has a fine history.
Anarchists led a Libertarian Egalitarian society which survived for 1 year in Catalonia – 1936. It gives some clues to the nature of a small government structure (centered in Barcelona), backed by a people in arms, and in motion. Orwell was quite impressed (read his “Homage to Catalonia”).
For the Democratic Republics, the Republics that exist, the Republics to be saved, the Republics to be restored, and the Republics to be forged!
Mr. Antonsen,
it is precisely Orwell’s “Homage to Catalonia” that was my inspiration to have so much compassion and sympathy towards anarchism. I’ve read the book when I was 19 years old and was impressed with his conclusion that people of Catalonia were much more inclined towards anarchism than towards marxism (knowing that Orwell himself was a marxist).
To this day I find anarchists to recognize the hidden hand of zio-nazism before the members of other ideological groups.
I enjoyed the Bakunin piece.
Nussumenin, Martin from SEB, Others who hate Trotsky, and, or, Rosa Luxemburg, or Durruti, just add your names here………………………….
Orwell was Never a Marxist. He made that clear, repeatedly, in his 3 major works of literature, “1984,” “Animal farm,” and his autobiographical “Homage to Catalonia.”
A am an Anarchist; not a Marxist, and not in agreement with Trotsky’s approach. I am closest to Alain Soral’s philosophy and advocacy of “Equality and Reconciliation.” Soral was interviewed by the Saker (worth listening to).
Now for some fun:
1.Trotsky died in 1940. He was refused entry (and asylum) by the United States Government.
Why? Why? Why? Why? Answer the question!!!
2. He was assassinated on Stalin’s orders (who was given a Green Light to permit the crime by the -even then- Zionist dominated government of FD Roosevelt, who refused -as I mentioned above- to give Trotsky asylum/protection). Why? Why and What did the imperialist USA fear about Trotsky? If he was working for the imperialists, why assassinate him on the eve of WW II?
Write out your answer. Look at it. See if it makes sense. Reject Sectarianism.
3. Trotsky was a victim. Most of his family was eliminated, including his son. Trotsky’s and Rosa Luxemburg’s followers were among the first to fill the Gulag; they entered in the thousands (read your Solzhenitsyn).
4. Trotsky died in 1940. How the hell can you/anyone blame him for actions of Neo Cons a half century later, who might have used his name (in vain)?
5. Vladimir Putin and the Russian people are still picking up the pieces from the moral totalitarian wreckage and incompetence of the Stalin years.
*Big question here:
6. Which Marxist Lemonist Vanguard organization gave up the ghost of the Soviet Union in 1990?
7. Which Marxist Lemonist Vanguard organization divided the wealth of the Soviet Working Class among several dozen criminal and corrupt and pro Zionist American imperialist -Russian Oligarchs? Was Trotsky there? Did he do it? Maybe it was the anarchist Durruti? Who chose Yeltsyn to occupy the Poroshenko post of head puppet of the imperialists?
***WoW! Answer this question:
8. When do you stop blaming the long dead Trotsky, and Durruti, or Donald Duck, for the weakness of the Marxist Lemonist Stalinist model, and finally face the truth of the surrender of the Stalinists to the Zionist American imperialists in 1990? Who won that round? Who lost?
Take a deep breath:
The Russian people with their government are reconstructing their economic strength and national heritage, and resisting the forces of world imperialism effectively (while under great pressure), and even though they are making some mistakes; they, and their nascent Democratic Republic never looked better, or attained this height of morality.
It may be argued that the best road for the Russian People and their revolutionary heritage was diverted from that bright promising effort in St. Petersburg in 1905. They might be back on track.
Get back to me when you can answer these questions.
Oh! Merry Christmas!
” Could you at least cite some sources, other than internet lists?”
How about the anti-German & anti-nazi Winston Churchill ?
“Terrorist Jews.
There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for ta very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin [who actually was quarter/whatever-jewish, allegedly spoke yiddish], the majority of the leading figures are Jews.”he most part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others.”
Am I still allowed a comment?
I asked for evidence that the 1930s purges (I assume that is what the Saker was referring to) were the work of Jews (as Jews, not as members of some other organization that was not necessarily particularly about Judaism or Jewishness). Historical documents. Scholarly work based on those documents. All I’ve had back so far is evidence that Bakunin also had anti-Semitic opinions. Not news. And Churchill. Not news. What I would like is evidence that Stalin’s reign was a Jewish conspiracy. It would overturn all the history I have studied, so I would really like to see the evidence.
In the article, Saker refers to Bolshevik Jews and to events between 1917-1939 when they were in “quasi control of Russia”.
My understanding is that it does not include events under Stalin’s rule.
As I understand it, Stalin gradually increased his control in the 1920s and exercised fairly dictatorial powers in the 1930s. The Saker says, “Bolshevik Jews persecuted Russians with a truly genocidal hate. This is a fact of history…”
If it is a “fact of history” it ought to be possible for someone to cite some evidence that Jewishness was the cause of the persecution.
” I would really like to see the evidence.”
Experience would suggest that perhaps you are looking in the wrong place.
you stated: “Curious to find this White Russian propaganda repeated as historical fact. A bit like having the Tsarist “Protocols” proclaimed a genuine historical document.”
As a response I gave you an opinion by anarchist Bakunin on Marx and the Jewish supremacism.
It is no news, you said?
Here is some news. Another father of anarchism, Pierre Proudhon, French anarchist from 19th century stated this:
“The Jews, again the Jews, always the Jews! Under the Republic, just as under Louis-Philippe and under Louis XVI, we are in all times at the mercy of the Jews!”
/Representant, May 1848./
The struggle of anarchism against Jewish supremacism is very well hidden fact of our contemporary history, and it debunks all the claims similar to yours that it all started with “White Russian/Nazi/WASP propaganda.” What has Bakunin or Proudhon got to do with White Russian/Nazi/Wasp propaganda ??! These people were hard core left-wing orientated.
Besides, the point of Bakunin’s quote is Marx. You cannot analyze the history of 20th century Marxism without understanding what Marx himself stood for. Bakunin was the first person to understand. Even before Dostoyevsky.
The rest is history.
The Wend
The accusation was that “Bolshevik Jews” persecuted “Orthodox Russians” with “genocidal hate”. This has been said famously by White Russians, by Nazis, and by the WASPS who ran the US for most of the last century (and their English counterparts). I asked for evidence that this was other than propaganda, indeed “a fact of history”. (By the way, I didn’t say anti-Semitism “started” with the White Russians!) That many anarchists were anti-Semitic is not to the point; nor that anti-Semitism got in the way of some critiques of Marxism. That various people across the ideological spectrum were anti-Semitic does not mean they were right. I’m asking for the evidence. The Saker refers us to an earlier article, where, alas, he simply repeats the claims, including the one that Sejmon and one of the Anons seem to like – that Trotskyites are neocons and neocons Trotskyites (I know many erstwhile Trotskyites took the usual rightward drift that comes with age to extremes – but this looks like a simple fallacy – Trotskyite: neocon: same person, different time, different ideology.)
So, again, a simple request: where is the scholarly historical studies that sift the evidence and come to the conclusions you take to be true? (One of the many Anons seems to suggest scholarship and evidence are not the place to look. Then, where?)
ali, have you spent any time at all looking at the question you are asking? Are you being lazy, or just overly selective?
The disproportionate role of Jews in the Bolshevik revolution is an established fact, simply by standard historical analysis.
Please read with citations and refute. Link provided below. (Also, note that Stalin was Jewish, this I know without any doubt)
“Although officially Jews have never made up more than five percent of the country’s total population,5 they played a highly disproportionate and probably decisive role in the infant Bolshevik regime, effectively dominating the Soviet government during its early years. Soviet historians, along with most of their colleagues in the West, for decades preferred to ignore this subject. The facts, though, cannot be denied.
Two weeks prior to the Bolshevik “October Revolution” of 1917, Lenin convened a top secret meeting in St. Petersburg (Petrograd) at which the key leaders of the Bolshevik party’s Central Committee made the fateful decision to seize power in a violent takeover. Of the twelve persons who took part in this decisive gathering, there were four Russians (including Lenin), one Georgian (Stalin), one Pole (Dzerzhinsky), and six Jews.9
To direct the takeover, a seven-man “Political Bureau” was chosen. It consisted of two Russians (Lenin and Bubnov), one Georgian (Stalin), and four Jews (Trotsky, Sokolnikov, Zinoviev, and Kamenev).10 Meanwhile, the Petersburg (Petrograd) Soviet — whose chairman was Trotsky — established an 18-member “Military Revolutionary Committee” to actually carry out the seizure of power. It included eight (or nine) Russians, one Ukrainian, one Pole, one Caucasian, and six Jews.11 Finally, to supervise the organization of the uprising, the Bolshevik Central Committee established a five-man “Revolutionary Military Center” as the Party’s operations command. It consisted of one Russian (Bubnov), one Georgian (Stalin), one Pole (Dzerzhinsky), and two Jews (Sverdlov and Uritsky).12
Contemporary Voices of Warning
Well-informed observers, both inside and outside of Russia, took note at the time of the crucial Jewish role in Bolshevism. Winston Churchill, for one, warned in an article published in the February 8, 1920, issue of the London Illustrated Sunday Herald that Bolshevism is a “worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality.”
The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia’s Early Soviet Regime
ali, have you spent any time at all looking at the question you are asking? Are you being lazy, or just overly selective?
That is why I ignored him. The info is out there, but he is either too lazy or simply unwilling to go get it, and I sure am not interested in doing it for him.
But thanks for your (collective “you”) efforts!
The Saker
You quote me a Mark Weber who calls his website The Institute for Historical Review. At last, I thought, a reference to some scholarly historical work…
In the main article, we are given a list which “we can find on the internet”. “Folks who compile such lists are rarely motivated by purely scientific purposes and they often don’t feel constrained by the strict rules of evidence. So it;s quite possible…but even with a wide margin for error…”
This is, of course, honest, but not reassuring. If it is “historical fact” it ought to have been simple to refer to a reputable source.
On Stalin:
The Nazis were famously lunatic in their hatred of Jews. Their bureaucrats drew up rules to define who they should hate. Not just out and out Jews but “Mischlinge” or half-breeds. In the 1930s, the definition included those with one or two Jewish grandparents. No doubt it was extended in the 1940s.
Lenin had one half-Jewish grandparent. With Stalin, you extend the rule even further. He had no Jewish grandparents. It is however the case that the first syllable of his Georgian surname sounds a bit like the word “Jew” in English.
You all maintain it’s historic fact, for example, that “the Jews” attacked the Orthodox, motivated by a genocidal hatred, and “the Jews” etc. It ought to be possible to find historical work that gives chapter and verse. You provide only anti-Semitic tracts.
Is this the extent of your collective efforts?
Always impressed by someone who is willing to stand up for his beliefs, even while outnumbered (only in this forum – as you are in the great majority outside this arena).
I believe you can make a great contribution. You have begun. From you, I would like to read an explanation (overview) that explains today’s -2105- political dominance of Zionist Oligarchs, in America, where they rule our country. Netenyahoo’s speech to his puppet Congress in Washington DC, is one strong clue. He gave his orders, despite the fact that the phoney President, Hollywood Obomber, did not want Netenyahoo to come the the capital & address Congress.
You might then, refer back to the Russian government, and its mostly Zionist media.
Rather than arguing – how many Jews can sit on the head of a needle, put your analysis of what makes America and Russia tick at the front, and place it here (on this forum). Just asking. I know writing is difficult, and writing history is even more difficult. Asking – more for a concise Overview. Citations are more difficult, and not as important as the VISION.
I wish to attempt some corrections for most of the Saker commenters.
1. Most Jews are not Semites. If you do not like Jews, based on a racial/religious critique, you are not necessarily anti-Semitic. You most likely are anti Jew.
Now, if you do not like Arabs, or followers of Islam who reside in the Middle East, you most definitely are an anti-Semite (as almost all Arabs are Semites). It is the Zionist Land Thieves and their imperialist puppets, such as their Media, who are most clearly Bigoted anti-Semites.
2. I don’t deny the Holocaust, or more specifically, The Holocausts (see the plural?). Jews were not the only ones butchered in the 20th century (and the 6 million figure they advertise appears to be a great exaggeration). The documentary proof is just not there. Many Jews died, including some in my family (German Jews – much blond hair, blue eyes, no Semites). Others appeared in Palestine after the war. I have checked with several Jewish History attachments-departments at various colleges, including my own Lehigh University, and, while they tried their best, they could not make the figures add up to 6 million. Time waits for no one. Witnesses die; records get lost. We may never know.
Armenians, were early victims during World War I, and Greeks suffered grievously just after the First World War. Yugoslavia’s Serbs suffered the most, specially during World War II. It has been written that one of five (20%) of all Yugoslavians perished in the war. Certainly, the Russian casualty figures were immense. Well documented is the German starving and freezing to death of 3 million Russian prisoners of war. The Chinese also suffered grievously.
These are not the only holocausts. There are more. And the Palestinians are being dispersed to the Four Winds, and half of the Syrian people have been driven from their homes.
*The Key Point is: that the Zionists and their owned media, -Deny all the other holocausts.- The only one that counts is the one against their ‘Chosen’ race.
By way of specific analysis of the racist Zionist approach… Two weeks before the 1968 Olympics that were held in Mexico City, some 400 Mexican students were machine gunned by the Mexican Army in the city’s central plaza of Tlatelolco, (the students were protesting against their government’s spending hundreds of millions on the fun and games, rather than using the funds to help alleviate Mexico’s underdevelopment and systemic poverty).
Mexican protesters and many human rights groups suggested that the Olympics be canceled. “NY Times” reporters revealed that during the Olympics, the blood stains could still be seen in the Plaza, (despite emergency steam cleaning by the authorities – blood stains are hard to erase).
The Zionist Land Thieves sent their Olympic athletes to Mexico, as did every other nation, including Cuba. The fun and games and profiteering had to go on.
However, the Land Thieves’ racism and total lack of empathy and morality returned to bite them in the ass in 1972. Four years after the massacre of 400 Mexican students, eleven (11) Land Thief Athletes (that’s right, only 11), were killed at the Munich Olympics. You get the picture now? The Zionist government in Tel Aviv demanded that the Munich Olympics be canceled.
I’m still laughing! Not one nation left the -ongoing Munich Olympics, not even the United States.
The Zionist Land Thieves had not an ounce of Moral Integrity with which to influence the other nations to give up their fun and games. And the Zionists, (racists by any other name), will never have an ounce of integrity, until the end of time.
For the Democratic Republics!
So ali, I see the answer is both removed overly selective. See the citations in the link provided, they are in the vast majority ‘mainstream’ publications. That you deny the authenticity of the information provided because it’s an alternate reading of history to that which you are accustomed only speaks to your intellectual removed
If you want reputable sources as the sole authorship, and you define reputable as those publications which promoted the war in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya to name but a few, than you have NO real desire to know anything aside from that which you have already decided.
Consider what alternate history was in the middle ages, and what was considered reputable as philosophers and scientists were burned at the stake. Now to make it more simplistic, consider the ‘reputable’ establishment that promoted the war in Iraq based on a hoax. The question I have is this, at which point do these establishment bodies lose their aura of respectability to those like yourself? The answer I suspect is NEVER. You simply refuse that which lies outside your notions of truth, while decrying the dubious nature of anything which contradicts your fixed world-view.
As regards Stalin, he was a Jew, it matters not a sliver to me whether you believe it or not, I have something in my possession that proves the fact. Regardless, it changes nothing. The matter is this, the disproportionate representation of Jews in the founding of the Bolshevik party is irrefutable, that you deny the numbers reflects only your sheer dishonesty.
Besides the number of Jews, even if we fail to include Lenin (who identified as a Jew) and Stalin (who was a Jew) in the tally, the disproportionate number of Jews in the party remains nonetheless. This is a FACT, what can be disputed?
Your next angle will likely prove even more subjective I suspect, something akin to what the real motivations of the Bolsheviks were or some other sort of nonsense. If this is your next tact than save us the headache and simply look at the results of the Bolshevik movement, and the consequences it had on the Russian Orthodox church. If you need evidence of this too I have plenty for you to peruse.
When conversing with other commenters – please take care not to attack them.Provocative words have been removed. Mod TR.
“Always impressed by someone who is willing to stand up for his beliefs, even while outnumbered (only in this forum – as you are in the great majority outside this arena).
I believe you can make a great contribution.” – Peter J.Antonsen
Oh please. Your definition of ‘great contribution’ must surely be vastly different than mine. I understand some are prone to building mountains of words to prove a singular point, but the poetic exaggerations you provide are too much for those of us who don’t suffer fools lightly.
In this day and age the truth should be concise, there is already FAR too much confusion and apathy to have to sift through poetic discourses to needle out what should be a simple truth.
Really moderator? You edited out the words ? I will seriously have to rethink posting to this forum with such censorship. What a complete shame.
You are free to have your opinion but please respect the rules of the site – no attacking/patronising other commenters. We are all different and have different views. That does not give you the right to belittle others. I hardly edited your comment only took out a couple of words that were inflammatory – so your response is a bit over the top. It did not stop the flow of your post whatsoever. So please explain how the removal of a couple of words is “such censorship”? The site has rules. It is your choice if you wish to comment or not.
I’ve been told either that I’m not worth a response because the evidence that what is asserted here is “historic fact” is so easy to obtain (I must just be lazy), or that other contributors and the original article itself have already given me the evidence (from what appear to be openly anti-Semitic sources) – for which the “collective” is to be thanked.
This is such an odd way to go about what I assumed was honest debate that I thought I’d at least try to show that such dogmatic confidence in dismissing other interpretations isn’t warranted. I thought I’d give a brief sample of mainstream history. I’m well aware history is a continuing dialogue. No honest scholar will claim a monopoly on truth. The historian I’ve picked is Orlando Figes, simply because his work is widely and readily available, not because I insist he be taken as gospel (because I know some of his work is better thought of, some less so). His bibliography contains sufficient references to others.
(As a footnote on terminology, I use “anti-Semite” in its usual acceptation as “Jew-hater”. I don’t mean to claim anything else by the term.)
Under the last two Tsars, Russians made up 44 per cent of the population. Most other ethnic groups were growing faster. (1897 census.) Slavophile nationalists argued the Empire would break up without active measures to preserve Russian domination. “Russification” became more explicit. Every national minority suffered. The Jews most. Anti-Semitism was rife from top (both Tsars) to bottom. Pogroms were frequent (H Rogger “Jewish Policies & Right-wing Politics in Imperial Russia”). Count de Witte said, “if Jews comprise half the revolutionaries, it’s the fault of the government – they’re too much oppressed” – i.e. Jews joined revolutionary movements in response to oppression (a right we all recognise in other contexts). The political efforts of those Jews who opposed the status quo were divided mainly between the Bund, the Bolshevik/Menshevik party, and the Zionists (encouraged by government because they advocated emigration). In 1907, one in ten Mensheviks were Jewish, and one in five Bolsheviks (in parties or factions of a few tens of thousands). In the election for the Constituent Assembly in 1917, most of the Jews who voted chose Zionists or one or other of the social democrats, but not the Bolsheviks. Does this sound like a Jewish conspiracy to destroy Mother Russia? Or rather Jews in an anti-Semitic society seeking ways to resist oppression?
After 1914, scapegoating Jews for the country’s woes was much more widespread. War broke down the Pale of Settlement. Jews were dispersed through Russia. They appeared in the major cities for the first time in numbers. During the revolution, some of them entered government for the first time. Not many Jews were Bolsheviks, but many Bolsheviks were Jews. The coincidence of chaos in the country and the appearance of Jews in government convinced many the chaos was a Jewish plot (a mistake in logic, but a familiar one). “Hatred of Jews is one of the most prominent features in Russia. They’re hated by all, of whatever class, education, politics, race, or age” (S. S Maslov “Rossiya posle 4 let revolutsii” 1922). Anti-Semitism among White Russians also became ever more virulent the more their fortunes fell. Their propaganda called the Bolshevik regime a Jewish conspiracy, and all the leaders, except Lenin, Jews (sounds familiar). The Jews, they claimed, were guilty of the murder of the Tsar, the persecution of the Orthodox Church, the Red Terror (Jews were prominent in some branches of the Cheka, so were indeed guilty of atrocities). And the propaganda again fomented pogroms (V.V. Shulgin “1920 god” 1927, with estimates of deaths 30-130 thousand). Jewish conspiracy? Or Jews involved in complex political upheavals in an anti-Semitic society trying to find their way?
By 1921, the Bolsheviks were sacking churches and killing priests. This terror was instigated by Lenin. The motives were ideological, political (the Church was the only institution still independent of the Party), and financial. The famine of 1921-2 provided a pretext. Lenin ordered the Church to hand over its consecrated valuables to finance famine relief, knowing that it would be sacrilege. His purpose was to cast the Church as “enemy of the people”. The slogan was “Turn gold into bread”. The Church offered to raise an equivalent sum, but the politburo ordered confiscation. Clergy and parishioners resisted. Thousands were killed. In Lenin’s absence, the politburo suspended the confiscations. Lenin overruled them. The resistance was to be portrayed as collaboration between the Church and the Black Hundreds and used to destroy the Church “and assure ourselves” said Lenin “of capital worth several hundred million gold rubles which will pay for general government work” He continued, “I have come to the conclusion that we must now wage decisive and merciless war against the Black Hundred clergy and suppress its resistance with such cruelty they won’t forget for decades to come…The more of the reactionary bourgeoisie and clergy we shoot the better.” This was Lenin. One of his grandparents was half-Jewish. Is this persecution of Church therefore Jewish? Gorky reported something worth further investigation. He said the Bolsheviks deliberately used the Jews in their ranks to carry out the confiscations, to stir up anti-Semitism to divert the anger of the Orthodox community away from the Bolshevik government. Sure enough, pogroms followed confiscations, even as the Bolsheviks were closing down synagogues. (I don’t know if the logs of individual regiments etc. have survived to tell us whether Gorky is accurate.) Gorky also said that the lower ranks of the Party (his Party) were “old Russian nationalists who despise and fear Jews”. The Military Opposition and Workers’ Opposition, which mobilised their support from the lower ranks of the Party, used anti-Semitic rhetoric in their attacks on the bourgeoisie. In the early years of the New Economic Policy, small-time trading flourished – traditionally a sector full of Jews. The lower ranks of the Bolsheviks resented “Jewish traders” taking over while Russian workers were unemployed. In this context, during the NEP, many Bolsheviks, like Marx before them, began to argue that Jews as a social group were synonymous with capitalism – all traders were in effect “Jews”. Such opinions were prevalent when the Bolshevik campaign against Judaism got underway in the early 1920s.
Does this really sound like a conspiracy of Jewish Bolsheviks in “quasi total (sic) control” “persecuting Russians with genocidal hatred”? Or is it something much more complex that doesn’t fit neatly into the fantasies of Jew-haters or apologias of Jewish groups (if there are any, I haven’t come across them) who would explain away each and every crime committed by a Jew.
So I ask again for the scholarly evidence that supports the sweeping claims made here.
” first-rate analysis of Putin’s”
Perhaps a first rate analysis would not limit agency to one person nor forget to assign an appropriate title to that person?
Ali stands for Aleichem, like in Shalom Aleichem? Or just Shloim? or Itzik?
“Peace be upon you” would be a beautiful name. Alas, my name just means “little Alice” and “Alice” means “noble”. My friends are lazy, so call me “Ali”.
You got that right.
OT: a very detailed article on Egypt’s structural account deficit and Saudi Arabia’s financial aid of $8 bn in the next five years. If I recall correctly, there were discussions on this blog about Egypt supposedly building a strategic alliance with Russia. How can that be if Egypt is apparently financed by KSA?
Marina, there is more chance of my flying to the moon than there is of the fascist al-Sisi dictatorship becoming a trustworthy, reliable, ally of Russia. The grand error of trusting the Islamofascist Sultan Erdogan would be repeated ten-fold in regard to al-Sisi.
Crystal clear, thank You!!!
Mr. Saker,
This is a tremendous essay.
And to be brief, allow me to share a headline from the Zionist American Huffington Post.
The Complete Huff Post headline, placed over a photo of Syria’s President Assad, is “Butcher Assad Reaching Out to DC Insiders.” The “Butcher” description of Assad was added to the original article headline, by the Huffington Post. They almost never leave a neutral headline when the article concerns Vladimir Putin, or Assad. Putin has also been labeled “Butcher,” “Bully,” and “Dictator,” by the Liberal, pro-zionist socialist Sanders, and disciplined anointers of Hilary Clinton “Huff Post” & “NY Times.”
The largest website on the planet, “Huffington Post,” and the most important mouthpiece, for the Zionist Oligarchs, the “NY Times,” routinely slander and denigrate Vladimir Putin, and all Russian allies. Whatever compromises Putin and the Russian leaders make toward facing (or not acknowledging), the terrorist crimes of the Zionists, both internationally, and in Palestine, they will never be welcomed at the table, except as waiters, cooks, busboys, and male and female prostitutes.
Quit slandering the Bolsheviks.
Our view agrees with Marx and Lenin’s reading of Jewishness. In 1903, Lenin wrote in the Iskra, and his words are extremely relevant to the present discussion: “the idea of a Jewish ‘nationality’ is scientifically wrong and politically reactionary, not only when expounded by its consistent advocates (the Zionists), but likewise on the lips of those who try to combine it with the ideas of Social-Democracy (the Bundists). The idea of a Jewish nationality runs counter to the interests of the Jewish proletariat, for it fosters among them, directly or indirectly, a spirit hostile to assimilation, the spirit of the ‘ghetto’.”
Quit slandering the Bolsheviks.
I don’t. The facts of history do.
Hi Saker.
You should distinguish the time before 1939 versus after.
Therefore I must disagree.
@ Martin from Soviet East-Berlin on December 23, 2015 · at 4:32 pm UTC
Dear Martin,
I’m so sorry, but I have to disappoint you, because both of the regimes communist / socialist / and capitalist regime was run by the same gangsters. It was purposefully divided just to make an experiment what kind of products they will get from two different regimes. Prove of this world fraud you can find in any archive or library you just have to look for the materials. You can find a lots of materials also on the internet through the libraries.
Go and check the archives from the former East Germany and have a look to the files of the former politicians / their religion /and you will get the picture. Yes, I know it is going to be shocking for you, but this is it.
What do you think why it was the invasion in Hungary 1956 and in Czechoslovakia in 1968? Because the plan for the NEW World Order wasn’t ready to imply and the looting what has happened after 1989 in the former East European countries MUST to be prepared in a very sneaky and canny way not to see these horrendous fraud what you can see today in a very open prove.
Secret service practise, spying on everyone and everything it was just a rehearsal what are they going to do after implementation of the NWO and partially before / patriot act, spying on your Internet and so on /.
Americans are still in shock what has happened to their country and this is nothing just an implementation what was experienced and practised in the former communist countries. For example these days the whistleblowers from CIA, FBI, newspapers coordinate’s bank accounts are frozen in USA, just because are telling the truth!!!!!!!!!!
This is very unfortunate, but till today it wasn’t developed the political system what can never be abused and why? Read one more time the Saker’s analyses and you will also change your opinion about Putin.
Putin has experienced both of the regimes the good practice and the horrendous practice / and he was trained by the best Jews who were operating the secret service of Russia /, if nobody, he knows very well what should be done to change this world abuses by the very small group of parasitic psychopaths.
Putin is playing exactly the same game as they do! Cunny, smiling nothing is happening just you will pay the bill what you have done for.
Nobody is genius for the political solution of this tremulous world, but we are slowly getting to the point that this rotten base in rotten very badly and it is collapsing under the weight of lies and corruption unfortunately in EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY AROUND THIS WORLD.
Don’t worry it will be a change for good and for everyone immediately as more and more people will see the CLEAR picture.
In the communist regime you had also lots of elites who were privileged, only simple people never saw this because it was hidden in a very clever way.
Merry Christmas to you and to all of you who celebrates Christmas and Happy New year
Blessing to all of you on this blog
I know the excellent movie “Money Masters” by B. Still (the real version, must look up the correct url when I have more time, I posted already a 1000 times).
I’m fully aware of the Rothschild fiat system.
But it is simply not true that the East was entirely owned by them post 1930ties.
And leave me alone with Budapest, Prague or Berlin on June 17th 1953.
CIA ops …
Same as Timisoara.
Advice: Less BBC.
Merry X-Mas neverthless.
Let’s discuss this topic when I have more time.
@Martin from S.E.B. on December 23, 2015 · at 7:54 pm UTC
Hello Martin, it’s me again. I know you are upset me too, but we will be celebrating pretty soon don’t worry. Do you remember Berlin in 1989? How we were excited about our future with no even hint how we were duped! Well it is not going to happen twice, definitely NOT
Here is another prove who is running the show
Blessings to you and warm hug from somebody who understand your frustration
Hi Anonymous,
thank you for your kind message.
Yes. I remember it like yesterday, and I was there on that evening exactly on this bridge.
In the West Woolworth was opened the entire night (with all prices hastily increased by about 25%), as first welcome gesture.
Die Öffnung der Mauer in Berlin, Bornholmer Strasse, 1989
Back then I thought this is heaven on earth.
I couldn’t believe it was true, it was so wunderful, pure cosmic magic!
How dumb we were. Like the Native american tribs who sold all their lands to StupidWhiteMen for a few worthless glass pearls.
I cannot open your link on UNIX without flash plugin.
But I’ll try later from my Win Laptop.
As for the general situation: By the late 80ties it was clear the East surrendered, (lead by the then Anti-Communist CCCP, with resistance from Romania and GDR).
But it is thought too simplistic to assume it was only a show like today’s fake western “Democracies” with fake “opposition”.
No, forget it.
It’s not true. Maybe there were such influences, sure.
But neither was everybody involved in it, nor would everybody have agreed (speaking of party-members but also average citizens).
Yet another time: Wie kam es zum Mauerfall? Die kommunistische Dokumentation
Believe me: With your beliefs you your-very-self fell in a Zionist PsyOp TRAP.
However, Merry Christmas to you!
Communist Handshake, %m
“only simple people never saw this because it was hidden in a very clever way.”
Your assertion is incorrect and one of the reasons that the Russian Federation is not the Soviet Union.
Almost the first action of the Bolsheviks in famine conditions of 1917/18 was to assign themselves special rations.
Throughout the Soviet Union during the whole period it was widely understood that elites existed and that they had differential access to commodities.
The ideological underpinning of this was a similar notion to that projected in the “West” – those with more skill and/or responsibility “deserved” special treatment.
The Soviet Union was a society of “equal” but different, not equal and different.
Using Moscow as an example, looking down Gorky Street no one could fail to notice the two central lanes set aside for “special traffic”.
It was never hidden, nor were the party shops, nor the different scales of rations handed out in the factories and offices, nor the advantages and necessity of blat, nor access to propiska, nor access to accomodation, nor access to some forms/locations of education, nor access to rest and health resorts.
Open examples of the saturation of hierarchy in Soviet society were part of everyday life.
The simple people were not as simple as many may imagine, but usually wisely discreet irrespective of location, if sometimes exhibiting a temptation to tell jokes.
In a curious way the level of discretion tended to be less in Siberia as the old tale – The Central Committee won’t like it – What are they going to do send us to Siberia? We’re already there. – illustrates.
The simple people did understand the Soviet Union as illustrated in their jokes, the growing intensity of jokes being a significant reason why the Russian Federation is not the Soviet Union.
Research materials on all of the above can be found in various archives throughout the Russian Federation.
@Anonymous on December 23, 2015 · at 8:16 pm UTC
“only simple people never saw this because it was hidden in a very clever way.”
I fully agree with your description what was happening in Russia and the rest of the East Europe even there were huge differences between some East European countries.
What I would like to express by this sentence is the hidden agenda which was presented by the local politicians who already admitted after revolution that they had NO clue why they are receiving such a directive from their master authorities.
In 1983 I was flying from Berlin Tempelhof airport and I have received exactly the same treatment what you will receive today at any of the US airports or I would say even worse.
US was always considered as the most democratic and free country around the world. Today they are hiring /under pretention of the terrorist attack/ predominant employees with the pedophile style treatments it doesn’t matter if it is a child or adult.
I really hope that the day is approaching when Mr.Chertoff / inventor of this airport security check already exercised in the East European contries /will receive this treatment 24 hours around just as the satisfaction for all of the innocent airline passengers.
This is one of the examples from the millions where naïve and very simple people / employees / were following the direction from their superiors
And there have been any system of government in which there were no hierarchies and these their privileges? The current ruling elite in the Russian Federation does not live much better than other Russian citizens? What about the Chinese elite and their 2nd generation of “princes”?
That there were people who took advantage of belonging to the party to have privileges, that for sure, as in all human groups, and as is happening today in every party reaching a height of power, including the Communists ( although, today, it is so rare, to not say impossible, to see any Communist in power that you have to look into the other parties to see the rampant and widespread corruption, traffic of influences and shameless sale to the highest bidder. ) But, to my knowledge, Stalin lived very modestly, and so did Kirov, let alone Dzerzinsky, sleeping on a cot in the Lubyanka, with so frail health that he had, waiting for reports from the agents, since the URSS was always under attack, from outside and from inside, as is today the Russian Federation. But surely others lived very well, as Zinoviev.
In some leaders of the former USSR I have just seen, work, perseverance and consistency, regardless of make mistakes, some, very serious. There has always been jokes about the ruling elite, since there have always been ruling elite, but, despite the jokes, many people, even today, recalls the social achievements of the Soviet Union and Stalin.
Happy Christmas and happy new year, “senior strategist”, in case I do not see you around here on next days.
“many people, even today, recalls the social achievements of the Soviet Union and Stalin.”
Where are many of these people located, what was their direct experience of the Soviet Union and Stalin, and how many is many?
“Where are many of these people located….”
In the Russian Federation mainly.
So sorry, dear senior strategist, but this is a reality:
Obviously, comrade Vladlimir Vladímirovich Putin enjoys, overwhelmingly, much more popularity and appreciation, so you can rest easy, comrade. I just want Stalin’s achievements are recognized, not he to come back, poor beggar!, no doubt he is better where he is, with the life so hard and thankless he had….
God, if he exists, bless him and you all in your duty.
Peace and health be upon you, your family, friends, associates, puppies and all around you.
“In the Russian Federation mainly.
So sorry, dear senior strategist, but this is a reality>”
Your practice of relying on assertion, belief and “authorities” appears to continue.
As below the “Communist” party in the Russian Federation are attempting to designate 2016 as the year of Stalin.
” I just want Stalin’s achievements are recognized”
Mr. Stalin’s achievements have been and are recognised as this is one of the reasons that Russia is not the Soviet Union.
As outlined below a wider recognition of the wider Bolshevik project will likely be facilitated by these efforts of the “Communist” party of the Russian Federation to the benefit of all, although such efforts have been initiated and continued by others not only in anticipation of 2017.
“that Stalin was one of those strange men who work for the world, for mankind, who dedicate their lives to fight against humiliating social inequality, of degrading famine, of human misery.”
The people are dead now, but on the basis of tested data, if the assertion above had been made to Mr. Stalin’s close associates including Mr. Kaganovich, Mr. Krushchev and Mr. Molotov, they would likely have dissolved into peals of laughter, unless, most likely in the cases of Mr. Kaganovich and Mr. Molotov who both generally took significant pleasure in useful foolery, they would have maintained a calm demeanour whilst laughing internally.
As previously noted your beliefs appear to be based on various hagiographies produced in the Soviet Union and elsewhere, and maintained by a preference for belief rather than testing hypotheses.
It is very likely that your beliefs will be tested more fully between now and 2017 since the “Communist” party in the Russian Federation are attempting to designate 2016 as the year of Stalin, and if so this will likely bring into focus once more the whole of the Bolshevik project for the benefit of all, including those living in the Russian Federation.
“And it is here that the tragedy of its destiny arises because while he tried it more, the struggle was more terrible; the more welfare he wanted to promote the more consistent in hardness he was done; the more love for mankind he was imbued by, less compassion he had for their fellow human beings. That’s tragedy of Homeric proportions. “
On matters Homeric apparently some believed that Medea took the kids to the beach and bought them an ice cream.
Perhaps an antidote from Mr. Euripedes via Mr. Pasolini
“(…)the “Communist” party in the Russian Federation are attempting to designate 2016 as the year of Stalin”
And do Mr. Putin and his associates and you and yours agree?
If this is the case, I love you all even more than before.
(…)” Mr. Stalin’s achievements have been and are recognised….”
Super great!
Could you give me any links on that initiative of the PCFR?
Only, wanted to make you notice, senior strategist, that those words I put in italics are not mine but from that guy, Tomasini, the author of that work on Koba whose link I added.
Thanks for the movies.
Another one for you. Enjoy!
OT, but, I have an existential doubt: what does WYSYGISM mean?
What might provoke laughter to Mr. Kaganovich or Mr. Molotov, I do not mind, and, in any case, belongs to their very personal sense of humor, which could be very contentious. As for Mr. Khrushchev, nor consider it, because his bad intentions towards Koba are well known and therefore, his opinion does not count for me. Besides, you yourself said that when they were out of office, these same gentlemen acknowledged that everyone participated and had responsibility for everything.
So what they were going to laugh and accuse Koba of?
Do you have any link about what Mr Molotov said about Koba?
“But, to my knowledge, Stalin lived very modestly, and so did Kirov, let alone Dzerzinsky, sleeping on a cot in the Lubyanka, with so frail health that he had, waiting for reports from the agents, since the URSS was always under attack, from outside and from inside, as is today the Russian Federation. But surely others lived very well, as Zinoviev.”
Perhaps “my knowledge” should best be rendered as “my belief”.
Your beliefs are not sustatined by tested data.
Your beliefs appear to be based on various hagiographies produced in the Soviet Union and elsewhere, and maintained by a preference for belief rather than testing hypotheses.
(….) But perhaps what most call the attention of the dacha is the spartan sobriety in which Stalin lived, unlike the opulent luxury that he imposed on their public buildings and numerous sanatoriums that was built in the region during the 30s Huge sanatoriums and hot springs which are still in use and represent much of the attraction of Sochi (…)
(….) It would be absurd to deny that under Stalin and in his name many outrages were committed. I must say: Stalin was ruthless.(….)
But obviously, to limite oneself to argue from the perspective of the victims would merely ignore the fundamental fact that what was brewing in that immense country was a certain historical project, completely independent of Stalin, and tnat he was slowly emerging as chosen to carry it out, which promptly did. Fulfilling its mission demanded the sacrifice of many people and certainly I would not minimize the suffering of the Soviet people. However, even here there are nuances that it is important not to overlook.(….)
(….) Certainly he eliminated the opposition, internal and external, through complex bureaucratic mechanisms which always gained the support (and signatures) from other members of the group in power.(….)
(….)When you know how decisions were made and especially how were implemented, you will come to understand that there were not many alternatives. (….)
(….)There is a sense in which the figure of Stalin is deep and paradoxically tragic. None of his major biographies, but especially (for my taste)the best, that is, that of the great British admiral and New Zealand Sovietologist, Ian Grey, allow doubts. Stalin was not a man who spent his life in pursuit of personal gain, someone who wanted to “enjoy life”, “a good time” raise their consumption levels, improve their “quality of life”, etc. No. Whether you agree with him or not and the final balance we make of his performance, there is no choice but to admit that Stalin was one of those strange men who work for the world, for mankind, who dedicate their lives to fight against humiliating social inequality, of degrading famine, of human misery. And it is here that the tragedy of its destiny arises because while he tried it more, the struggle was more terrible; the more welfare he wanted to promote the more consistent in hardness he was done; the more love for mankind he was imbued by, less compassion he had for their fellow human beings. That’s tragedy of Homeric proportions.
“OT, but, I have an existential doubt: what does WYSYGISM mean?”
The letters stand for What You See Is What You Get, the ism designating belief systems derived therefrom.
This is a conundrum illustrating framing and so can be used to mean whatever you want it to mean, with various allusions including to the works of Mr. Lewis Carroll.
It illustrates how framing can facilitate linear looping, iterations on premises – sometimes known as doubling down – thereby facilitating useful foolery, as consistently demonstrated.
“What might provoke laughter to Mr. Kaganovich or Mr. Molotov, I do not mind, and, in any case, belongs to their very personal sense of humor, which could be very contentious. As for Mr. Khrushchev, nor consider it, because his bad intentions towards Koba are well known and therefore, his opinion does not count for me. Besides, you yourself said that when they were out of office, these same gentlemen acknowledged that everyone participated and had responsibility for everything. “
It is true that Mr. Kaganovich, Mr. Krushchev and Mr. Molotov acknowledged their complicity and the complicity of Mr. Stalin.
However the laughter would have been derived from the notion that some still believed the nonsense perpetrated by Ilya Ehrenburg and other “journalists” that the light stayed on almost all night at the Kremlin as Mr. Stalin through his ultimate goodwill strove tirelessly for the benefit of humanity.
Mr. Kaganovich, Mr. Krushchev and Mr. Molotov were loathe to acknowledge the complicity of Mr. Lenin in facilitating the coercive Bolshevik project from 1903 onwards within which they were all complicit, becoming more “steeped in blood up to their elbows” to quote Mr. Krushchev, since they were all still subject to the frame of “Leninism” with concommitant linear looping and iteration.
All seven “leaders” of the Soviet Union to some extent perceived the world through the frame of “Leninism”, and some of the history of the Soviet Union could be characterised as iterations on false premises, some of which can be found in Mr. Lenin’s publication “What is to be done” of 1903.
What is to be done perceives the Bolsheviks as subjects and others as objects.
Hence the project was self-defeating from inception to the great detriment of those deemed to be objects as
The Bolshevik project created a coercive class society in the alleged pursuit of transcending class society.
One of the most perceptive illustrations of the Bolshevik project is to be found in Mikhail Bulgakov’s Heart of a Dog.
These form part of the reasons why Russia is not the Soviet Union, and why lateral strategies to facilitate transcendence from at least the 1970’s onwards were created and implemented; all partly facilitated by the “achievements” of Mr. Stalin and others.
“One of the most perceptive illustrations of the Bolshevik project is to be found in Mikhail Bulgakov’s Heart of a Dog.”
Ok, I will try to get it and read it. To see if I can get it in Spanish in order to read it faster as I am short of time, as always.
Have you seen that “hollywood made” film about Stalin I linked yesterday?
Despite the evident US´s biass, they try to give the impression that it is based on the testimony of Stalin´s daughter, Svetlana.
A detail calling my attention is that it seemed that they all, well, at least some of the Soviet leaders, were living all together in The Kremlin, although not scrambled, of course, but in different rooms. I do not know how in the earth you can live quiet considering that Trotsky is in the neighboring room. No wonder that in the the end Koba suffered a stroke. If I had been Koba, would have preferred him living in another building, so in the case he came to see me, to be able to see him approaching on the sidewalk and…. have time to get the piolet.
“…about Stalin I linked yesterday?”
Been busy but I will probably look at it at some point since all datastreams have utility.
Beware of “motion pictures” as well as “pictures”.
Some use footage from Eisenstein’s October in documentaries to illustrate the “storming” of the Winter Palace.
Peculiar word “storming” to describe a small number of people walking into an undefended large building, walking up 2 or 3 flights of stairs and after temporarily becoming lost, luckily finding most members of the provisional government sitting around a table in a side room.
Read her book -20 letters to a friend, if memory serves – although apparently her memory did not serve.
Some additional aspects of framing of general application
which seems to “slide over” Chernobyl which was another catalyst.
In may be so,that the USSR developed a class system. But if so,it paled before the millionaire,billionaire,class system in the capitalist World. That World then,and most certainly,that World today. Your argument is on better ground with Stalin. While its true that by modern standards his “lifestyle” wasn’t flamboyantly rich. Still as the ruler of the USSR (for life as it turned out) all the palaces in the Kremlin were open to him. And there really was nothing that he might have wanted that wouldn’t have been given to him if he said to get it. The biggest difference (and it is a big difference) is he didn’t (or maybe couldn’t ,I’m not sure) leave his heirs swimming in wealth like capitalist elites do. Certainly the Soviet elite lived better than the ordinary worker. And their children had a leg up in education,careers,and consumer goods over others. But there is no comparison between that and the lifestyles of today’s Russian oligarchs.And the capitalist elites throughout the World.
“In 1903”
Context is usually illuminating and in your example the context was the perceived need by Mr. Lenin to break alliances in the Russian Social Demoocratic Party with the Bund and those that were misnamed as the Mensheviks. The example you cite was a polemic in this effort.
Mr. Lenin also wrote what is to be done predicating the coercive nature of the Bolsheviks’ regime, attempting to conflate this regime with “socialism” and/or “communism”, and like present opponents used “security” considerations to instigate “the dictatorship of the proletariat”.
The coercive efforts to forge homo sovieticus through suppression of “nationality” and “cultures” at various junctures always had the potential to undermine the Soviet Union with a half life extending into the Russian Federation.
“is scientifically wrong”
Given his practice and publications it is risible to use science and Mr. Lenin in the same sentence since Mr. Lenin consistently attempted to remove doubt by use of “authorities”, assertions, beliefs and coercions including re-education, whereas science encourages the acknowlegement and uses of doubt.
Like some you may be drawn to hagiography, reliance on “authorities” and be ignorant of history.
1903 was 112 years ago and I suggest that “experience” has shown that Mr. Lenin was wrong.
This informs part of why the Russian Federation is not the Soviet Union.
There are a couple of problems with that passage. First,Lenin wrote it before the Revolution. So the vast number of Jews in the Soviet government hadn’t come to pass yet. Second,while Lenin was historically correct on the Jews. He didn’t consider “self-perception” (nor societies perception). Many,maybe most Jews,do think of themselves as a separate ethnic people. And act based on that self-perception. And many if not most other people in societies also wrongly think of the Jews as a separate ethnic people. So his being “right”,doesn’t negate those facts.And there is also this. Why would telling the truth about the large number on Jews involved among the Bolsheviks be considered ” slander”. My thinking on slander is its telling an untruth about someone or something. Not when you tell the truth (even if its an inconvenient truth for some people).
“In may be so,that the USSR developed a class system. ”
The class system was inherent in the Bolshevik project from inception as outlined above.
“But if so,it paled before the millionaire,billionaire,class system in the capitalist World”
Uses of comparatives, whether in attempt of amelioration or not, do not disprove the hypotheses, but deflect focus limiting and/or precluding lateral challenge.
“The biggest difference (and it is a big difference) is he didn’t (or maybe couldn’t ,I’m not sure) leave his heirs swimming in wealth like capitalist elites do.”
From various threads it is apparent that some do not understand the different assays of amalgams in “wealth” in the Soviet Union and the “West”.
It is also apparent that some do not understand the different assays of amalgams in “wealth” within present day Russia and within the “West”.
“Wealth” in the Soviet Union had a high admixture of blat – connections – whilst “wealth” in the “West” had a different assay of blat.
All assays were/are dynamic, or had/have different half-lives if it aids understanding.
A lateral strategy to facilitate the transcendence of the Soviet Union to the Russian Federation was to encourage a lessening of blat in the assay of “wealth”, thereby especially in the initial stages encouraging linear responses, including on the part of but not necessarily restricted to the oligarch’s and other opponents, facilitating deflection and opportunities of useful foolery.
The encouragement of linear responses was not/is not restricted to the “territory” of the Russian Federation nor restricted to notions of “wealth”.
This is aided by opponents framing perceptions in various ways, including but not necessarily restricted to assertion, authorities, binary logic, certainty, “comparatives”, and paradigms as illustrated in this blog and elsewhere.
And, could you tell me, please, in what way “wealth” today, in Russia, has no admixture of “blat”?
What about that Rotenberg “junior” whose enterprise, RT-Invest Transporte Sistemas JSC, gained the exploitation of that system of toll payment PLATÓN ?
( I leave a link to a communicate of the Transport Federation of Alicante where the system is explained very well for anyone interested. In Spanish ).
What about that news, linked by the commenter TL2Q also in this thread, about that woman, Katerina Tikhonova, supposedly Mr. Putin´s daughter, and whose new husband has impressively improved his financial situation since that nonsense of wedding celebrated in an exclusive winter resort?
Although I did not have time to comment at the time on the Annual Press Conference of Mr Putin this year, I have to say that I did not find him so successful nor as bright as last year, except on what was related to Syria.
I noticed that many of the concerns of the people were responded with “the issue was being studied.” I guess the issue of Syria has absorbed him completely for months and that is there where the Russian people is playing theirs right now, but as ordinary citizen I was a bit disconcerted.
On the issue of increased parking charges in the center of Moscow, he said, if I am not wrong, that residents in the center of Moscow do not pay for parking. And I wonder, who live in the center of Moscow? I guess the same who live in the center of San Sebastián or the center of anywhere, rich people… so these become only indirect taxes to tax, even more, those who earn the least.
About the toll collection for truckers, it sounds good that trucks contribute to the deterioration on the roads, but will have to differentiate between national and international truckers. National trucks, which already contribute to the conservation of the roads with other taxes, and have already paid those roads when they were made, like other Russians, should benefit from a “social toll” with lower monthly rate or discounts for number of trips, as users have here if we use the highway to and from work every day.
Mr Putin said that these charges in parking and tolls are equivalent to those charged in Europe, and the girl who asked him about this said, quite rightly, that the Russians did not have the same salaries than in Europe. Very true, it is a mistake to equate the richest countries in taxes without equally updating salaries, that’s the best way to sow discontent among the population, as happened in southern Europe, where Merkel imposed on our governments to raise taxes at European level but not salaries, with the consequent loss of purchasing power, and therefore unstoppable decline of the economy in general, after the outbreak of the crisis / scam of 2008.
About Ms. Katerina Tikhonova, if she really is Mr. Putin´s daughter, what I do not know, I understand that these girls are no longer going to marry a plumber or any other proletarian, as suggested by TL2Q, because they already move in other circles since childhood, but, was it necessary that boast of greatness in a difficult moment for the country? And then, would have to be very careful with that glimpse that her husband have benefited from this.
This is hard for the people to accept and is indefensible. ( No more than you see what happened to Princess Cristina in Spain ).
“And, could you tell me, please, in what way “wealth” today, in Russia, has no admixture of “blat”?”
Apparently some are still bound in nets of WYSIWYGism.
This not only applies to concepts of “wealth” but the appearance/hologram of “no”, a likely illustration of bridging doubt with certainty of belief, and conflations of is, becoming, will be, could you, will you, all within linear “paradigms”.
Perhaps a fuller reflection and testing of and other broadcasts may prove illuminating if iterations on false premises are consciously avoided.
The following may be of interest.
As to other matters, to paraphrase Mr. Marx philosophers have merely described the world, the purpose is to change it – not through sole and/or primary agency within subject/object concepts/methods, but through lateral cooperations including “doing”, since equal and different is transcendent whilst equal but different is immersive.
Yes, may be that I am bound in nets of WYSIWYGism, and how I would not be if I have not in my power to have the same information than you have nor your years of experience, both in life and in Russian Politics/History? Still I am a “little, proletarian, grasshopper” lost here, between the Basque Mountains …. and you, who could well be my “master” ….. you refuse even to be my friend …
Do not get me wrong, I think Mr. Putin is doing an outstanding job, I just do not like people take the wrong impression about him. And this is why I commented my impressions here, but also because I do not have another mean to reach you, and because I am, ultimately, always with the people.
What bothers me, is that you all criticize the former USSR for things which keep happening and have always happened, as is that issue of “blat”. To all this, I wonder if one day I will be able to see a world without “blat” in Politics? Honestly, I doubt it.
What bothers me, and besides intrigues me mightily, it is that most people here, including yourself, may have the same speech that is sold in that film, “hollywood made”, about Stalin, which is full of lies ( pathetic how Zinoviev, is drawn, with that face of a nice guy who never breaks a plate ) whose link I left you, that Stalin was a paranoid soulless monster who murdered everyone, and to those who remained he lead them to suicide, during the time he lived in the USSR.
Too much for a simple person.
You all accuse Koba of carrying out the collectivization of the land, when it was Molotov who was at the forehead.
You accuse him of colluding with the newly state of Israel, when he accused, rightly or not, Ms.Polina Zhemchuzhnaya, the very wife of Molotov, whom he appreciated so much, of spying for Israel, which he regarded, quite rightly, an appendage of the USA.
Apparently, Ms.Polina Zhemchuzhnaya, was a close friend of Ms.Golda Meir …. spoke perfect Hebrew, participating as a tranlator in some meetings with the Israeli leader,…. and spent much time among Jewish circles…..Any chance of suspicion even for someone who were not a paranoid?
I do not deny, however, that Koba’s had her a little between the eyes as she was the last person who saw and talked to Ms.Nadejda Allylúyeva before she committed suicide in the same Kremlin. Here, it should be noted another lie of that linked Hollywood film, based inter alia on the testimony of the MI6 spy, confessed, Conquest, whom you also recommend as a source on Stalin, where it is told that was the wife of Mr.Sergó Ordzhonikidze who saw her and talked to her last time. This can give us an insight into the accuracy and truth of what is told in that movie, where even Beria seems a poor devil…..
On the privileges of the Soviet ruling class and extra rations about which you complain, I only ask people to consider how he lived and died Stalin and how he ended his days, and also the same Molotov, and compare ( comparisons, besides odious, are sometimes not only inevitable but also necessary ) with the “gold” retreats of the “reformists” Nikita Khrushchev, Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin.
Lastly, I welcome the appointment of Mr. Boris Gryzlov, it seems that Mr. Putin is already tired of this nonsense in the Ukraine. Although enigmatic ( I see that not only for me but also for Mr. Mercouris ) he has a relentless look …. but not of a bad person…. I hope he could apply its policial expertise to solve the murders of militia commanders in Novorussia and make some justice there, although, perhaps this is not his commitment…..
“how I would not be if I have not in my power to have the same information”
This could apply to some degree to all viewing this blog and illustrate the immersive nature of WYSIWYGism.
The world and phenomena within/withon it interact laterally, although the opponents depend on notions of linearity, thereby seeking to immerse others in their “paradigm” restricting/precluding their potential challengers’ agency/ power.
“than you have nor your years of experience, both in life and in Russian Politics/History?”
You can never have someone else’s experience, only your own.
To some degree you can choose what experiences to have and how to analyse these experiences. This is predicated on the notion that you have power to do so.
Lateral straegies are designed to accelerate, encourage, and facilitate such empowerment, trajectories and increase in velocities – spoon-feeding is injurious to continued well-being and well, being.
The purpose is to encourage the transcendence of equal but different by equal and different, the metamorphosis of blat into co-operation, whilst being cognisant that means condition ends, knowledge is social and omniscience impossible.
All assays were/are dynamic, or had/have different half-lives if it aids understanding.
“On the privileges of the Soviet ruling class and extra rations about which you complain”
My associates and I never complain. That is the position of the passive and “powerless”.
My associates and I never ask the question cui bono, that is the question of spectators, only how can this situation serve our purpose.
“You accuse him of colluding with the newly state of Israel”
Apparently you continue to project holograms of things that I/you did not do.
“You all accuse Koba of carrying out the collectivization of the land”
Collectivisation was a collective project that was discussed in some measure from at least 1903 onwards.
“to have the same information than you have nor your years of experience, both in life and in Russian Politics/History? ”
” lost here, between the Basque Mountains ”
Perhaps it would more illuminating to suggest that like some you are lost here in wonderland, the location of which is not restricted to between the Basque Mountains, since you apparently believe that you do not have the power to derive your own knowledge, and rely on untested information from “authorities”.
This could apply to some degree to all viewing this blog and illustrate the immersive nature of WYSIWYGism and hence the broadcast.
“I doubt it.” is a facilitator of change; belief and certainty facilitators of immersion.
The trajectory of change is rigourous investigation of doubt, a trajectory precluded by belief and by certainty.
“I guess”
“and the girl who asked him about this said, quite rightly, that the Russians did not have the same salaries than in Europe. Very true, it is a mistake to equate the richest countries in taxes without equally updating salaries, ”
Quite so, you guess, as does the “girl”.
The missing contextual questions unasked included
“Who pays ? ”
“Who “owns” trucks?”
as a consequence of framing.
Mr. Putin’s response being “the issue was being studied.” since he acknowledges that omniscience doesn’t exist, although opponents often contend that it does.
If an assumption in the framing is that “politicians” know everything, then a response similar to yours could be expected, but at least some in Russia are not subject to such illusion.
Skating, as the tango, requires coordination, achieved mostly through many trials, to be able to trust your partner…. be sure it is reliable….. and will not let you down…..:
And the USSR were the second country to recognise “israel.” Sorry I doubt they have the native Palestinians interests at heart at all – though would love to be wrong as they sure could do with a powerful ally left at the mercy of that usurping mad dog pariah occupying their land.
…es raro tu analisis,y en el lo unico “claro” es que Putin quiere tener “paz y ganar tiempo “,porque su coyuntura politica interna es debil…aun cuando ¡ el 90% de los rusos lo apoya !…
es muy raro tu analisis,que en mi opinion,solo justifica un estatu-quo con el estado genocida-sionista de Israel,verdadera cabeza del Imperio mas diabolico…el sionismo anglo sajon,que jamas ha existido en la historia toda del planeta Tierra,creador y sostenedor de TODAS las guerras en TODOS los siglos de la historia del Planeta Tierra…y tu analisis Saker,ademas no ofrece ninguna perspectiva y ninguna salida ni a corto ni a mediano plazo…¿ y entonces ??? ¿debemos acostumbrarnos al genocidio de Palestina ?, ¿a que en el Golan los hospitales sionistas curan a los terroristas que,funcionales al Imperio del Caos,estan despedazando TODO EL CERCANO ORIENTE LIBIA Y EL NORTE DE AFRICA ???…y en relacion a esto ultimo no alcanza tu explicacion sobre Medvedev y Cia. (avrebiacion de “compañia ” -sic.).
como todo el mundo sabe el Imperio del Caos se cae si se cae el dominio hegemonico del dolar…y para eso lei que Glaziev,le propuso a Putin hace mas de un mes como contestar el ataque de occidente – USA ,a la economia de Rusia : Controlar el Banco Central,bajar las altas tasas de interes…y declarar un Desfault ruso proporcional a los miles de millones de empresas de occidente,radicadas en Rusia…y alli SI, SE CAE OCCIDENTE Y EL IMPERIO SIONISTA …
¿ que eso es desencadenar la 3ª guerra ?…me parece una respuesta muy apresurada porque entonces hay que concluir que no hay nada que se pueda hacer para acelerar la caida de un Imperio del Caos…que hace agua por los cuatro costados…
saludos cordiales
MUST SEE: Jews against Zionism
Conclusion: I can live much happier with being run by Non-Zionist Jews, than by Zionist Non-Jews (or Zionist Jews, what does it matter).
That’s why the Soviet Union was the best country ever created.
And: Show me a single millionaire (let alone billionaire) who had this capital before 1990.
Show me!
Today the income disparity may strecht to 1:100million
During communist times it did not exceed 1:5
Post-Mao China doesn’t count as example, because it has little if anything to do with Communism.
Notice something??
So, how can Communism be a “false ideology”?????
Mr. Putin disappoints me if he is serious about such statements.
(ah, well, he has billonaire married daughters which would then need to return home and work on a tractor)
A very important article from RI
If this is true, then there is a faction in the US military opposed to the machinations of the CIA/intelligence community/deep state. And it is not going to go away. The plot thickens.
Great analysis. I agree wholeheartedly Russia needs to avoid an all out conflict for the near future. However, do you not believe that recent advances in their military capabilities are causing the anglo/nato/zionist organized criminal dyndicate pause? Since many of Russia’s newest systems are deemed superior to empire/nato’s? Do you believe a point has been reached where the potential damage Russia can inflict and the fact that the west is entirely aware Russia, a now formidable foe, will go to war and utilize tactical nukes and possibly even deadlier weapons, God forbid, they are apt to think twice about all out confrontation?
2016 is appearing to be a critical and historically important year. If it reaches conclusion the planet will potentially be a very different place than now.
As for central banks, until nations nationalize them and take away from them the power to create a nations currency through debt issuance, make the CB a part of the nations treasury and have the national treasury assume the power of money/currency creation, the sovereign will function at the mercy of the private central banking system. If private interests control the money power it matters not who is in power in government.
The Sakers positions on Russia are always most enlightening. This piece is no exception. With regards to Hezbollah, (as a fellow Hezbollah groupie) me thinks they are fully capable of fighting their own battles with the Zionist Entity. Time is on the side of Hezbollah. Hezbollah should be recognized as being on the front lines of a monumental struggle. The sacrifice of Hezbollah in this battle needs to be addressed and held up with the deepest respect and reverence. Hezbollah is the David fighting Goliath in the purest sense. This fact does not escape Putin’s scrutiny either.Hezbollah’s strength increases while the Zionist Entities deceases. Many thanks Saker for sharpening our focus.
This is one of the psychotic world what was prepared for us by these swine oligarchs
regarding your question about why should russia protect hezbollah, it simple: because russia and hezbollah are allies.
Such a sweet tempered discussion! Yes, for Saker, anyone who criticizes Putin’s apparent inconsistencies, particularly re. Israel, must be either a simple minded fool or an anti-semite!
But it’s true, I think, that we often criticize Putin somewhat unfairly, ironically calling on him to do what we in fact should do – that is, change the US policies that cause so much harm in the world, including the policies that give Israel a horrendous sense of impunity. I think that part of the reason we express so much frustration with Putin is that it allows us to express the far greater frustration we feel over our own helplessness. It is a kind of safety valve. In our own communities, we typically cannot even discuss these matters, to any significant extent, much less build momentum for policy change. If we do discuss them, we must measure every word with the utmost care.
Thus our criticism of Putin may be a measure more of our own frustrations than of his failings. In criticizing him we really criticize ourselves.
“In criticizing him we really criticize ourselves”
More like: we really criticize state of the world. For which Putin is least responsible btw.
Every now and then, comes the time on Saker when people loose faith over some new development. That is the time also when trolls rush to swarm us with deceit. At that time someone from the community comes and tear the veil over our minds.
Thank you for the eye opener!
I am not Irish – but I admit as an Englishman I am on The Irish Man’s side tonight . I don’t think it has anything to do with Religion..its just that I find most Irish people really nice, friendly and welcoming (wherever they are – maybe its Celtic Really)….and I have never written this before in Irish…but just thought it appropriate to demonstrate all our National Cultures and Identities…when Globalists are trying to make us all the same…well we are (all over the world) but we would like to retain our own identities, our own cultures, our own languages, our own villages, and the way we live..just as we are.
Nollaig Shona agus Athbhliain Shona , Grá & xxxx Síochána
Anthony xx
As a patriotic American I agree with your assessment of Putin. He does seem to be a skilled politician and good for Russia and a needed voice for peace.
I knew some of the historical stuff and am grateful that we have generally been lucky re: nuclear war. I am hopeful that China will either be or assist in being a counter force to the greed monsters of our countries.
I’m glad to have stumbled on to your site and appreciate your efforts. I dislike the reference to God and think religions play a role in keeping all countries public’s ignorant and accepting.
Glad you asked me to read the two background pieces.
I think it was in the Crimea documentary that Putin said “To make decisions, emotions must be put aside”
It was a great insight into his character and explained in a lot more words in your article here.
Putin seems to have the ability to set the goals while thinking with emotions ect, then put aside those emotions to play the game to win and achieve the goals.
Dear Saker, this was an amazing and enlightening post. As a Putin supporter, I have always wondered about some of the issues you have raised. Now I have a much better understanding. I think you’re correct. A very good man in a very bad situation.
I will spread this as widely as I can. Thank you.
When I woke this morning, I had a strange thought about an esoteric meaning of the phrase The final solution. In photography, the final solution is the fixer, the chemical that sets the photographic dyes and makes them more or less permanent. So too a monstrous crime fixed the status of a certain minority. It was as if the rulers of the world saw a need for a new mythic basis. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but even though the Allied forces had no qualms about bombing civilian centers not so much as a rail-head to the death camps were touched.
True. They use any number of excuses as to why. But I think the most obvious are they didn’t,(a) Believe it was true.(b) They didn’t believe it was as bad as they were told.(c) They just didn’t care enough about a minority group (not just Jews,but Roma,and even Slavs).
I have absolutely no connection whatsoever to Russia..but in 1968 in Oldham,Lancashire…I used a Russian camera – Zenith..and a Russian enlarger..and I got first prize in black & white – at the photographic competition at the cotton mill – my Dad was the Chief Engineer (Steam)…. I started with my mum’s Kodak box camera..and then a Halina (brilliant camera when I was 12) but I wanted some really big glass – a big lens..I was only 15..sure I worked,,,but I wanted Quality. I couldn’t afford German,,and the Japanese..had barely started…but I wanted Colour – so I bought Ferrania colour positive bulk 35 mm Rolls. and cut it up.. and put into 35mm cassettes. I projected the results onto colour positive paper…and showed my science an ordinary boys/girls school…I wasn’t posh..I went to a normal school..
Well I am still here..I take photographs…I don’t do art, I don’t do photoshop, I don’t play guitar(wish I could) – I don’t fake it.
what you see is what you get
It’s just us…we ain’t so bad… The human race is O.K.
We don’t need any tarting up (making us prettier than we are – except for fun – that’s O.K – but I do not approve of permanent tattoos)
We do however have a problem.
What do we do about it?
Any ideas?
There were no ‘death camps’ in Germany, they were work camps for detained populations and POW’s. There was never a plan to exterminate anyone. The fact that people died in the death camps was more related to the deterioration of the conditions during the close of the war.
True,there were ” no death camps” in “Germany”. They didn’t put them in Germany. They were put in the “East”. Almost all in occupied Poland. That was done on purpose to “hide” them from the mass of Germans. They also tried to stop the German soldiers from talking about them in Germany. Military courts tried Germans caught doing that. And those taking pictures (in several cases,they caught soldiers when the film they had developed in German camera shops had pictures of the camps in them) or writing to friends and family about it. With so many millions of German soldiers in the East,that had only some success. But enough in an age without cell phones,computers,and the internet,to have only “rumors” circulating through Germany (and other parts of Europe). While the zionists have inflated the numbers,the crime itself was real. I don’t see the point to be gained by trying to dispute it. Its impossible to do,there is way too much proof. And even if it was false what’s the point. The nazis were beasts that killed millions anyway you look at it. The killing of Jews is only a part of their vast murders. And there are enough reports,pictures,testimony (including from Germans) to know that even without the camps they killed a million at least, of Jews . That is a genocide anyway it’s framed.Because we may not like zionists (or some hate Jews). That doesn’t negate the nazis crimes. The truth is just the truth,anyway it’s looked at.
Most of the crimes against Jews occurred in the east, I agree, and I have written as much several times. The fact that Jews were killed in larger numbers in Poland than in Germany speaks only to cultural animosities that pre-existed the German National Socialists, who were themselves an anti-communist platform.
Some in the German command were guilty of sending trains east and turning a blind eye, but for historical accuracy it needs to be said that there was never a plan for Jewish extermination, this is a myth.
I’m not sugar coating the brutality of WWII and the suffering on all sides (brought about by the banking cartel), but I’ve about had enough about hearing about German collective guilt okay? It is not accurate and it’s definitely not honest.
When you use terms like ‘beasts’ to describe the ‘Nazi’ army you must than use the same terms to describe the Red Army and the western Allies who starved millions of German POW’s, not to mention the firebombing of hundreds of thousands of civilians. For the sake of accuracy you must do it.
The problem it seems to me is this, when one tries to insert accuracy to the historical record people begin to conflate the facts with the subjective narrative and follow up by making accusations of general denial. Pointing out facts does not equate to denying the overall human condition during the event, which was ridiculous in its barbarity, and a testament to how lost humanity is as a whole, that we should follow so blindly the psychopaths in power.
The lack of cohesive logic that abounds not just here, but everywhere so monolithically to me is a source of great sadness. Does no one study anymore how to think? Are the great logicians a thing of the past? Gladly the Saker follows the narrow path of those who know how to think, and for that I am appreciative.
We need not all agree on everything, but we should at minimum learn how to think, and be willing as far as possible to do away with those sacred cows that keep us from growing intellectually and spiritually.
Can I recommend a couple of books that at least have the merit of going through the accumulated documentary evidence: Christopher R. Browning “The Origins of the Final Solution” and Peter Longerich “Holocaust”. The opening of archives in Eastern Europe since 1989 has added detail but not changed the essentials. Your comments suggest a determined effort not to study the evidence.
“speaks only to cultural animosities that pre-existed the German National Socialists”
This has been commented upon in another thread.
One of the prime reasons for the location of death camps in Poland was proximity to product to process.
Excellent analysis, Saker, in the line of the first I found in the net which brought me here.
Also, as I am one of those puzzled with Mr. Putin attitude towards Israel, although supposing he has his reasons, its a relief for me to read your thoughts.
Thanks, a lot.
Your readership would benefit from my analysis of Putin’s relationship with Israel and the Middle East:
@brandon Martinez,
I carefully read your “analysis” of Putin’s relationship with Israel and some other “analyses” of yours. My question to you is simply this: does some agency fund your dedicated anti-Putinism? Or perhaps your work is pro bono, performed out of the goodness of your heart to show the world how evil Putin really is. I don’t think many readers from this site would be very impressed with your analyses but, hey, nice try.
I read your article, Brandon Martinez. It could really spark quite a debate here,
But I’d bet most of us would lean toward Michael’s Oct 4 post after your article, which had this excerpt:
“Brandon, you are extremely harsh with Castro and Che due to their alliance with the Soviets. But did they really have a choice? It’s easy for you to judge when you haven’t had to play this chess game yourself and be responsible for the safety and security of your people,not to mention your own life.”
Then you answered Michael:
“Putin is not an anti-imperialist leader. He’s just been doing his imperial dirty work in a more subtle and coy way than the brazen approach of the US and Israel.
Realpolitik does not negate Putin’s crimes against humanity in Chechnya or his false flag terrorism ploys. If realpolitik is used to whitewash Putin’s crimes then it can also be used to sanction Western and Israeli crimes. But, paradoxically, you resolutely condemn the latter for their misconduct. Try to be a little more consistent.”
Your litmus test for everything and everyone appears to be Zionists vs Palestinians.You won’t find any pro-Zionists in this vineyard. But neither will you find many that will accept your idea that Putin is a fraud because he does not share your world view. I’d say our priority is not anti-Zionism but rather, our anti-zionism is located within the priority of effective opposition to a Uni-polar world and that Russia and Putin are critical factors in possibly making a multi-polar world emerge (BRICS, etc) , so neither can be cynically dismissed for not meeting your pro-Palestinian criteria. Russia, as a target of the Empire at least has the possibility of resisting a Uni-polar Empire. But with economic and political friends and allies, not colonies or vassals in a new Russian Empire.
On Chechnya, was not the Empire probing the means to disintegrate the Russian Federation? How would you stop that? Or do you just propose that it should have been allowed to happen, because Russia is too big, anyway,and further weakening the most significant, immediate, effective opponent of a unipolar world is just no big deal, compared to Palestinian or Chechnyan political aspirations?
Finally, I wish I knew more about the Moscow apartment bombings. But your idea that Putin was the greatest beneficiary of those innocent deaths, and must be suspect #1 is not yet convincing to me. I’m sure Saker and others here have very different hypotheses than yours, on that matter, that I’d like to weigh, first, along with whatever else I can find on that subject, to better answer the point you raise, for myself. Thank you for your link to your article.
Brandon Martinez, your reply to Ted, submitted on 2015/12/27 at 5:34 am that begins:
“Your litmus test for everything and everyone appears to be Zionists vs Palestinians.
No, which is why I highlight Putin’s obscene misconduct in Chechnya as a major sticking point for why he’s not a good guy fighting for a better world. He is in fact a war criminal on par with a Netanyahu…….”
has been forwarded to Saker for reading and deciding.
I will ask the readers to go to your blog if they want to discuss your opinion about Putin.This is not about censorship, it is about not letting other bloggers use this blog as their own.
The Saker’s blog is not a “open” hub for other bloggers, especially not bloggers that are dedicated to spread the opposite view about Putin/Russia — there are plenty of those on the Internet for readers interested in the MSM angle..
You have added a link to your own blog (in your first comment above), and the readers can easily find you and your opinions.
thanks Saker, I loved the ending. and I love Hezbollah..thanks to what I’ve learned from you.
Dear Saker,
This is a good introduction to another article going deeper and dealing with the root of Zionism, bolchevism, nazism : the heretic “jews” called Frankists. They claimed being Jews but they are not and deceived everybody.
You can find a detailed bibliography in the note vii here: