Interesting discussion by Ken O’Kefee – a guy I feel I have very much (but not everything) in common with:
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Interesting discussion by Ken O’Kefee – a guy I feel I have very much (but not everything) in common with:
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While giving him all the credit he deserves, I think he would be much more effective if he would overcome the “bad boy” image he projects rather proudly–as shown by his flaunting the tatoos, and above all his slum style of speech continually sprinkled with the f-word. It shows a still adolescent side to him. If he made his points with more refinement of language, elegance, dignity, and self-restraint, his moral outrage would be more powerful and widely effective, I think, than his ranting, which greatly reduces his appeal to really serious people. Since he likes to use movies as examples, think of Gregory Peck’s style in “To Kill a Mockingbird.”
yeah, i made it to through 1:38 and that seemed like enough. the f-bomb can be used effectively by a master like george carlin. although i’m generally with this guy, he came off as a little too self-righteous…especially his vegetarian rant.
More Americans should see the atrocity and feel the rage.
If you want Mockingbird fiction, watch CNN’s 4th July glorious fireworks display of Shock and Awe, or watch the tear jerker performance of a Kuwaiti Ministers daughter play act weeping over babies thrown out of incubators; and Jessica Lynch ‘heroine’ at the expense of denigrating decent Iraqis.
But if you can wean yourself off Hollywood Gregory Peck as a measure of ‘reality’ – check the pictures of massacred Iraqi convoys as they retreated after being tricked into Kuwait; listen to e.g. Susan Lindauer’s testimony on how the Iraqis were threatened with war if they didn’t give intel on a forthcoming terrorist plane attack on US buildings – and how the Iraqis begged to have more inspections, promised whatever US wanted – any oil deal, any development projects, 10yrs purchase of only US vehicles : “We were shameless. They promised what ever we demanded. We ran out of demands …. “. They gave US everything to avoid war.
Perhaps >a million Iraqis dead due to sanctions alone, half of them children is quite ok to AngloAmericans after receiving endorsement of that being just fine by Mad Albright .. and the millions more devastated by an illegal war based on false casus belli …. well, they are just ‘ragheads’ and terrrists after all …. and we delivered ‘democracy’ but they were too stupid to take it …
So how about reading an account of the effect of Shock and Awe on the once magnificent, exemplary Baghdad Zoo – where Lawrence Anthony turned up to find Zoo Keepers mind and heart broken, doubly risking life and limb wandering around in a daze with pots of water trying to save some birds and animals that had gone completely insane with the terror of Baghdad bombardment. So many died of thirst, starvation, and sheer lack of will to live.
What of the ongoing fate of over a million dead Iraqs shattered families … millions more orphaned, widowed, tortured in Abu Ghraib, countless displaced, maimed, wallowing in DU, left unemployed and demented – DELIBERATELY – to be hired as the al CIAda cannon fodder for destroying Syria and fragmenting Sy-raq.
And whining lily livered, soft decadent BASTARDS to boot :
4hrs of STATE INFLICTED VIOLENCE confined to 2 tiny US locations, no loss of any infrastructure, no disruption of food or water supply, no years and years of occupation by foreign cruel, trigger happy, disgusting savages; no rape of your education, medical, national wealth resources. No Jessica Lynch “Hollywood heroics” and denigrating dedicated medical professionals … and contempt for the “raghead terrorist’ citizens and all they hold holy and dear.
And what was Americans response to a mere +-4hrs ‘terrorist’ attack?
More than a decade of baying for blood, shrines built and still national weeping and wailing; total brain failure on the “miracles” of 0911 … and UNJUST Islamaphobia that persists to this day … with a young Pakistani couple just murdered in cold blood in yet another of the obscene “homeland security drills”.
An no one is ANGRY.
Like blithering bovines chewing the cud watching some latest Titselina and State Theatre of fascist war addicted actors auditioning for role of POTUS …
One of them being “We Came We Saw He Died … HaHaHaHa” uber-criminal hag from Hades.
If you don’t ‘get it’ on how obscene that is, try imagine a senior Iranian, Russian, Chinese statesperson bouncing in their seat, clapping their hands in glee and giggling like a ghoul over the sodomised, tortured corpse of Cameron, Kerry or Merkel – displayed on world TV’s like Hitlery’s hunting safari trophy.
Not even close really – as Gaddafi was truly the Beloved Father of the Nation to Libyans .. and what was done there, beyond all evil of evils …. with some 250 000 al CIAda savages, Academi;s, every hired gun psycho shipped in wearing Libyan uniforms, stoked up on amphetamines .. and the depravity of slaughter preceding Samantha Powers NFZ “Humanitarian Bombardment” too barbaric to recount.
If you want first hand testimony – listen to this American couples story …
Scroll down to e.g. Sott Radio interview.
The list of nations destroyed or plundered by AngloAmerican Empire is global.
Every one of them an atrocity of mass murder, rape, pillage and plunder … and then there are the endless coups, sanctions, assassinations, economic sabotage, pillage and plunder, Imperial Squatter camps with unwanted Corporate killers … in bully-blackmail-bribe-bomb “diplomacy’, drug running and poisoning the lungs of the world in a phony ‘War on Drugs’, and ‘War oF Terror’ being al CIAda the biggest criminal mafia in history of mankind.
And if the word f*ck offends your delicate sensibilities, let me ask you :
What do you think the Ukrainians feel about DIPLOMAT … let me repeat ….US DIPLOMAT and her flippant “f*ck the EU” coup, bloody civil war, worst of the worst oligarchs and foreign tie eating maniacs installed for destruction of their country.
Now – that is real OBSCENITY … and it is done in YOUR name.
Maybe you are a new visitor to this blog, and have not read the blog rules. Do not write entire words with capital letters. I am letting this through anyway, but next time, no capitals, please.
You have said what needs to be said, as did O’Keefe. Sometimes it’s ok to break the rules, even about capital letters.
I watched this and thought, that all the people I know who do buy into the BS really need to watch this. And Yes, I did read the Autobiography of Malcolm X and did read Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee and the People’s History of the US. And yes, every American should read these, and yes every American should watch this, and yes, it may be too ‘shocking and aweing’ for their tender insipid deliberately ignorant sensibilities.
But what will it take (Caps needed for ‘will’) it take to get people to become aware, to think critically and act responsibly? He asks all the right questions, and Saker is to be commended for posting this, I will pass it around, as it should go viral.
Who is the noone that you reference? So you believe noone who resides in the evil empire feels anger at what is being done in our name? Or are you making another simplistic generalization as occurs within the comment section incessantly. Let me clue you in, there are many here among us who feel nothing but contempt for the actions of the world-wide purveyor of chaos. What beyond expressing that contempt do you suggest those who are not blind to the realities of the actions of the powers that be take. Shall we take up arms? Possibly you should awake from your stupor and realize that behind what you see as reality that scenario is much more likely to occur than you are capable of realizing.
I have seen only about 30 minutes, and had to leave it because I had a call from some friends, and no more time this afternoon to continue, but from what I have heard ( and understood with my scarce English hearing capability ) seems like a good guy……
I could not understand what their social background was, only that his mother raised him alone with the father absent. He could well be a kid from the block, and if he has been in the Marines ( I mean the marine of battle ground, not of the officers club) it is normal he expresses this way, and he has already said that he was not exactly a good student….
These commenters have really missed the point of this talk.
He’s explained the foundation of his life – one of challenging incorrect social expectations and helping those most disaffected by society’s blind ignorance.
He talks with an air of self-righteousness because…well, he’s confident. Confident not in his abilities, really, but in having pointed out our own moral inconsistencies. He’s pointing out society’s tragedies, carried out globally, beget by the inability to think critically.
Instead of getting caught up in his tattoos, which he explains were purposefully chosen to place him in the lower caste, so to speak… and force himself to be judged by his ideas and not his appearance.
So if you’re going to spend time watching this talk and clicking on some keys on your keyboard… please take time to actually think about what he said!
You hit the point…Once more, based on our internal sensitivities, if the f-word is too much trouble, then it is worth turning on the mental filters. His points are pretty poignant and that is what matters.
Fully agree, Nils. Instead of discussing the ideas that the person says, they use the bit**y queen approach and criticize the persons looks or get “mrs. Grundy” anal about the way they voice their views. When one sees this sort of rubbish, it’s a good road marker that the critic is tasked with smearing the messenger in order to obscure the message.
I don’t know … wearing a black shirt and drinking beer in public.. you gotta wonder….
Well, an ex-Marine though, you have to expect some ‘Marine’y language from him.
It’s a good talk, but he has a lot to learn about economics, monetary policy, and socialism yet, for instance, and a few other things. (Talking about Trump as the best choice — as Trump is a ‘choice’ — he hasn’t quite understood how that works yet). Definitely worth listening to, however, and he’s one of the ‘good guys’. .
I note that the user page has other material there which should be worth listening to
Awwww, Blue, I respect you so much, please forgive me, I disagree. All my very best wishes to you. I want to explain, ’cause I love the vid:
I don’t think you should worry about a man on a stage trying to tell the truth honestly drinking beer in public. He sipped the beer the danish (rightly) gave him, and I don’t care what he had or didn’t have before hand, he did a damned good job. Look at the crap the US State dept. put out every day… some of those fools are probably hungover, not to mention idiotically stupid and probably 100% drunk 24/7! Have you heard the Nixon white house tapes? I wonder what the current tapes sound like now. I don’t think they drink less. Let’s give Mr. O’Keefe the benefit of the doubt if he wants a decent dark glass of beer next to him while he tells his life strory; I’d also like that, I think a lot of people would.
I like Mr. O’keefe, he doesn’t sugar-coat, he doesn’t hide it! I think for a “former Marine”, he’s pretty killer. I don’t understand why what was called the “left” in the USA doesn’t welcome these brave whistleblowers with open arms.
The above is my own opinion, and my very best to you and all the other posters on this fabulous forum. Merry Christmas!
vot tak
blue on December 17, 2015 · at 8:51 pm UTC
“I don’t know … wearing a black shirt and drinking beer in public.. you gotta wonder”
OMFG! You mean he wasn’t wearing a suit (with the men’s wearhouse tag prominently displayed), and he was drinking one of those working class beverages instead of some vinegar labeled as Chardonnay or some tap water called Perrier?
Your prejudices precede you.
James … I think you’re missing the point. I’ve been watching this bloke for quite a long time. He is of the same calibre as Gilad Atzmon, Edward Said or who ever else you might want to name.
“Kenneth Nichols O’Keefe (born July 21, 1969) is an Irish-Palestinian citizen and activist and former United States Marine and Gulf War veteran who attempted to renounce US citizenship in 2001. He led the human shield action to Iraq and was a passenger on the MV Mavi Marmara during the Gaza flotilla raid. He said that he participated during clashes on the ship including having been involved in the disarmament of two Israeli commandos …”.'Keefe.
To my way of thinking a man with his balls doesn’t give a toss about the reactions of the kind of ‘serious people’ you seem to care about.Why should we indulge their intolerance ? Gregory Peck’s style in “To Kill a Mockingbird.” is a product of Hollywood ie his demeanour is pure fiction, a fantasy world marketed to tally with the needs of Anglo-Zionist propaganda. So what if Ken O’Keefe appears adolescent ? He is no fuckwit and when you’ve drilled as a US Marine, I reckon that the F word probably becomes part of your DNA.
He talks about some heavy stuff– so I will try and not judge the anger, the sarcasm and the f-bombs–but it is not easy because I am used to judging.
So too, I don’t really want to “judge” to empire, the .001%, because in their position, I would probably act and think in the same way. At the same time there is no reason not to think for oneself and to act ethically– and this includes who and what one tacitly supports. I too get pissed, but today I am not pissed for some reason. I don’t disagree with anything Mr. O’Keefe says or even his presentation, I am just thinking about what comes next.
He did mention (so called) chemtrails. Whenever I think about them– I haven’t fully made up my mind — I too get pissed. I am not sure what they are, but there is definitely a psyop element involved, saying in effect, We are god-like, and you are just going to have to accept it.
Very powerfll! Very true!
For those that do not understand this video:
This is somebody who is not only awaken, but he also incorporates his views and morals and ethics and lives by them. He understands so well that all the information surrounding us is profoundly false and manipulative and serves to keep us brainwashed and entranced. And the lies are the politically correct indoctrination, which happens to coincide with the taboo of using the f-word. So he has breaken much bigger taboos by what he is saying than by how he is saying it by using the f-word. The trutsh he is speaking are so deep and disgusting that the use of the f-word is the smallest disturbing factor. He is authentic and he is way past caring for his “image”. He is rough, but his path has been rough as well.
Re: TMWN & Nils,
I said I give him credit where credit is due–namely on the facts he is rightly outraged about, which does not make him a saint, but merely normal in that respect. He isn’t the only person outraged by the crimes of today’s governments, nor is he the most articulate and insightful person regarding them. I’m not interested at all in his personal life, and precisely, I was interested in hearing his ideas. I just don’t like his style. You do. Fine. You like “lower class”, I don’t. You think dignity and self-control and refinement are “fantasy.” I don’t. And he’s the one who used movies as examples, so I thought I’d follow him in his preference.
In my view, Americans in general have become terribly vulgarized these last decades. It goes along with the general decadence of their society, and too many Americans are passive towards it or even–like you two–even like it and defend the sort of low-life language and prison inmate or “hood” style that characterizes it, as if the trash talk makes a person more “authentic.” Another sign of the frank barbarism of these times is the popularity of foul-mouthed and low-minded but clever “stand-up” comedians. Decades ago these swinish types would have been driven from the stage, but now they are applauded enthusiastically because they conform to the generally low level of the public’s mentality.
James … On the contrary I am no lover of vulgarity and I agree with a lot of what you say about degenerate US and, ipso facto EU (and now Ukrainian !) culture. Because modern North and South America were born by emptying those continents of their indigenous populations and the West is pursuing the same racist, barbaric policies in Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia. On the other hand I do not judge a man on his appearances or even on what he says, but on what he does and what he represents through his actions. But you must understand that violence, snobbery and hypocrisy generate inverted snobbery and often excessive displays of forthrightness and expletives are, often boringly, part of that vocabulary. Then again cloying demonstrations of saintliness are generally exceedingly tedious and frequently smack of pharisaism.
Why is it so difficult to be objective here? I ventured the opinion that his continual ranting with the f-word probably didn’t add to his overall effectiveness: “I think he would be much more effective if he would overcome the “bad boy” image he projects rather proudly–as shown by his flaunting the tatoos, and above all his slum style of speech continually sprinkled with the f-word”
That is really all there is to the actual content of the post. If you don’t agree, fine. If you think it amounts to judging the man, think it through a little more carefully. I’m commenting on how he said what he said and not on the content of what he said.
Thank god for high minded people like YOU, James.
Every day I search for high minded people who, like myself, are genuinely pissed off about the behaviour of so-called ‘elites.’
Problem is I never find them because they’re too busy being high minded like yourself.
Btw, are you Canadian? Passive aggressive niceness is a disease in the Great White North. I figure it’s a proddy thing — better to say nothing and go along with the crimes of Empire in polite silence — never noticing you are a main beneficiary.
I don’t know what the circumstances of this video are exactly, but if you want to see a more controlled, refined, and softer spoken O’Keefe all you have to do is watch some of his other videos.
Interesting how some people resent “high-mindedness” or any protest against coarseness and vulgarity. But then, as one man put it, “the dung beetle detests the scent of the rose.”
I support James as a Christian. It is obvious that swearing and cursing are wrong and not just in poor taste. The Bible is full of admonitions regarding our speech.”But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” Of course, our “culture” is full of people who could care less what the Bible says.
James 1:26: “If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless.”
Swearing does not show “realness” or gutsy emotion. As Christians, we must go “against the tide” of the world in many instances, and if we do not want our testimony nullified by our own actions, we will pray this prayer with the Psalmist: “Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips” (
I am sorry to say that this man has exaggerated beyond belief his “credentials”, history and he does not speak for Palestine, for us Syrians or Iraqis. A lot of shocking things have happened around this man and he has managed to fool RT, The Saker and who knows who else. Please investigate. You must defend the integrity and reputation of The Saker.
Rajia, can you be more specific as to his “exaggerations”, please? Although in principle, his “credentials” should not be relevant. The only real issue to anyone seeking Truth is whether or not someone speaks the truth. In that regard, is there anything he has said, either in this video or elsewhere, that you have reason to believe is not the truth?
Also, it should be obvious that he cannot speak for anyone but himself. I saw no indication that he was attempting to speak for anyone else, but perhaps I missed it. Would you please point out that which you find to be objectionable?
Please share your knowledge in more detail as it might be important to our understanding.
Great video, thanks so much for posting it. Listening to the whole thing is where you get the fact that there are actually killer, echt awesome US people out there. I like his style, honesty, and no bullsh*t. Ken O’Keefe is invited to the Party, capital P, no kidding. Thank you, Saker, and best wishes to Mr. O’Keefe. There are parts of the USA that are awakening. Also, you have to watch the whole thing to get the point of this man. He ain’t an idol and he doesn’t want to be… I just really dig what he says. Cheers to all.