by Auslander
I am an old man, born shortly after the second war which in reality was a continuation of the first war. They had to grow another generation of men to slaughter and slaughter they did in a hideous dance of death the likes of which the world has never seen.
Since the moment I was born, and before, there has not been one moment of peace on this planet, not one. Why? I have no idea. You can tell me of the evil empire, the Soviet Union. You can tell me of the ever rapacious Hegemon, you can tell me of the great Zionist plot. None of them matter a wit to we ordinary people. All the ordinary citizens of this planet have ever wanted is peace and while some civilizations have given their citizens unimaginable prosperity and wealth they never gave them peace. Why? Is it because deep down in the buried psyche of our species we are nothing but killers who evolved opposing thumbs and a tiny ability to reason so that we can come up for eons with incredibly cruel and painful ways to kill our fellow members of the species?
The current world situation is the most dangerous I have ever seen. I liken the current times to late July 1914, that time when the rush to War led to a five year bloodletting that ended The Age of Empire and directly led a scant generation later to unimaginable slaughter that ended with The Death of Cultures. And nobody on the face of this earth learned a damned thing.
Today you have USA, Russian Federation and China. No one else matters, the rest of the entire world are bit players on this stage of life that is rapidly approaching extinctions on a scale we can not imagine. At this time you have Russia and US engaging in point and counterpoint, move and counter move, both gathering the allies they can. China is the five hundred kilo gorilla in the room. What will she do? No one knows.
However, neither of the two main protagonists understand each other. One regards the other as an implacable enemy who must be subdued for ‘world peace’. Peace at the point of a gun? Subservience at gun point? Neither will tolerate that as an outcome to the current world crisis, the citizens of both will not accept such a ‘peace’.
So what to do? I have no idea. I have friends, dear friends, many of long term standing, on both sides of this yawning divide. Will I fight them if they come to my city? Yes, to the death and they know it. Will they fight me if I come to their city? Yes, to the death and I know it. What is the answer? For we ordinary people there is no answer, all we can do is prepare as best we can for the looming disaster, the dark and ominous clouds of War on the very near horizon, that and put our faith in Him, for He will be the ultimate decision maker in this mess of our making.
the human race is infected with war-hence the zombie, vampire stuff on tv so much, those video games, all psychotic reflections of those people that create them, use them.water wars, land wars, political wars…..
Headllnes such as war on obesity, war on sugar, war on everything so it seems………….war on waste litter, etc etc yet
“war on want” sadly seems to be forgotten.
It seems there are major defects in the human brain. The phenomenon of addiction is one such defect. The fact that the brain can so easily be deceived against all logic is another. Worst of all, it is unable to recognise truth. Without truth, there can be no justice, and without justice, there can be no peace. This is the human condition. It is without parallel in the Animal Kingdom. It seems that extinction awaits us and EXTINCTION IS FOREVER.
Please don’t blame this war lust on the human race or species! There are plenty of human civilisations that did not behave this way. The Chinese through much of their history had the capability to wage war on everybody but did not do so. Neither did the Indians, the Persians, the Russians etc.
It is the Europeans, in particular the western Europeans, who as soon as they cobbled together the necessary technology from the Chinese, Indians and Arabs, went on a violent global rampage, slaughtering millions from Africa to America to Asia and back. Nobody else did this.
So put the blame where it belongs. Not on the whole human race!
What we are witnessing is the end of this bloody 500 year European reign over the world. If the world survives this disastrous ending, and the east takes control of world affairs, then I believe the world will know true peace and prosperity.
Please dont be naive. The homo sapience is no different than any other animal. The only difference is that we dont have any external threats to the existence of our species. And because of that we will always fight among ourselves for dominance and power. Because our genes tell us to. Because this is how we became the dominant species on the planet. Now that we conquered all that opposed our domination, we turn on our own brothers, because evolution made us like that.
And in the minds of those in power any risks are worth taking, for the winner gets all. Human beings have not changed for the last 4000 years. Why would they suddenly do that now?
I hope i am wrong though.
millions of people have not the slightest idea of who they are or are curious to look ‘inside’.
a few thousand try some form of ‘know thyself’ methods, trying to distinguish between
charlatans and genuine.
most ‘masters’ know that out of every 100 earnest seekers only one or two will have the
necessary courage to really observe how they really are and to suffer consciously
the destruction of their conditioning and self illusions.
it has been postulated that the quality of humans has been falling drastically,
so nature increases the numbers to continue with the reason we are here.
so contemporarily, millions of people are labeled sheep and others who are awake.
but to what degree are the awake truly awake……to themselves?
it is easy to see ‘the sheep’ texting with their gadgets but are you
aware of yourself as you look at the sheep?
politicians are generally people who are more ‘asleep’ than most,
wrapped up in their ambition, status acquisition or money.
what can you expect from a world lorded over by such people?
it is all the more remarkable to see Putin, Lavrov and co interacting
with such low quality people/leaders.
the millions that will die in short nuclear or protracted conflict might,
to be brutally honest, raise the general quality for a short while.
Well. One of the classical Greek philosophers recognized the fact that the most difficult thing is to look inside oneself.
Look at the history of other societies not just Europe. Human beings are perfectly capable of living in peace.. Much if not all of the major violence on the planet today is a direct result of European actions over the last 500 years.
I think you have hit on part of it. The main problem in uncontrollable over population. We have 7 + billion people living in a finite space with finite resources. The global warming is a real threat (it is not germane why only to accept it is happening) and a gain of 2 degrees means even less resources. That temperature threshold gain will occur roughly when the human race exceeds 10 billion. The planet at that point in time will only be able to sustain roughly 400 million people. So, the pressure is on. In the mean time we have birth rates of up to 10 in the same areas with the least resources. The areas with the most gave birth rates of less than 2 so it is obvious that mass migrations will occur. We are already seeing this in North America and Europe and stupidly we are not only passively accepting this but helping them to supplant us. Obviously, one thing and only one thing can get things back into control. Forced birth rates won’t happen for religious reasons and voluntary sterilization so won’t happen. Disease might work but we are pretty good at controlling that so it only leaves warfare and even then only nuclear war will accomplish this. Therefore we are on a runaway train towards that end and I believe this is a natural phenomena to control a species which cannot control itself. Ironic isn’t it.
Uh. Indian states fought eachother for thousands of years as some rose and some fell.
Persians invaded other nations and were invaded in turn, depending on which dynasty, not to mention civil wars within dynasties.
Russians, well they havnt been around as long, but how do you think the Russian Empire expanded so far east? Do you think they did that out of peaceful assimilation, or do you think there was no one there? There were not many people there, its true, but they were there, and they did not submit peacefully, at least at first.
China was more stable than most of the world, but they sent armies to pacify the mongols and other step peoples every generation or so. It was more to cull the herd than the actually take control over the steppes.
And of course every few hundred years China would collapse into a civil war that would take decades and result in a new dynasty. These periods were so deadly as they basically made up for two to three centuries of relative peace.
You don’t really understand history if you think Europe was the only country invading others or having civil wars.
You need to rethink your history. Wars among neigbhors, who after all have constant interactions and conflicting interests, are not what I’m talking about. Such wars happened everywhere. What Europe did is unique in human history.
Take out your atlas and measure the distance from Australia to China, from Australia to Japan, from Australia to Europe. Then ask yourself how it is that the Australian Aborigines were subjugated by Europeans, not Chinese, Japanese or any of their neighbors. Then do the same exercise for Africa, America and Asia. How is it that it was Europe not China or India or Persia that subjugated Africa?
Can you find an analogue for the treaties of Tordesillas and Zaragoza in any society outside Europe? How is it that Britain, France and the Netherlands have possessions in the Caribbean? Check the distances on the atlas.
The European conquest and subjugation of the world was not just another example of warring neighbors as the Eurocentrists would have us believe. It is unique. Unique in the levels of unprovoked violence it unleashed upon distant peoples who had no previous intercourse with Europe. Unique in its goals, not of assimilation or rule, but of subjugation and exploitation. Unique in the ideological superstructure of racial purity and superiority that it created.
This era is coming to an end, and it can’t end fast enough. Pray that people like Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, the wisest and most capable leaders the world has at hand, can bring it to a peaceful close. If they can then the world will have a chance at real peace. Led by the East.
Agreed, when I have traveled outside the USA, throughout Asia, I see many ethnic groups. While they have not always lived in peace, it is notable that the dominant cultures did not slaughter them wholesale as did the Europeans did, especially in North America. At least in Thailand, Laos, China there are numerous small ethnic groups that have lived for centuries.
Likewise, the slave trade and the subjugation of Africa and other areas as colonies saw mass and multiple genocides, such as King Leopold in the Congo, and also the Germans in Namibia. So at least in my opinion, the Euro Caucasian slaughter is unique.
And now there is the phenomenon of the Nonothing Trump demographic, like Michael Moore wrote about, “Stupid White Men”.
The transformation of the Jewish community (my background) into the hyper aggressive cult of Zionism is another manifestation. Though, when I was growing up, I had no idea at all of such violence to others. From Albert Einstein, who opposed a Jewish state, to the Samson option, threatening the whole world. How did such a community sink so far?
Maybe the Hindus are right about Kaliyuga.
Good questions and real food for thought. You wrote:
“… it is notable that the dominant cultures did not slaughter them wholesale as did the Europeans did, especially in North America.”
However note the following:
a. The native American peoples actively tried to genocide each other. For example, the Aztecs boasted about cutting the hearts out of 80,000 helpless captives. The other tribes helped Cortez in large part out of self defense.
b. The native American peoples were famous for their extreme cruelty. Read ‘Scalp Dance’ by Tom Goodrich. Much of their slaughter by Europeans was a direct response to that cruelty.
c. Genghis Khan killed an estimated 40 million Chinese. Is that genocide?
d. Rwanda… need I say more? Africa has always been extremely violent and genocidal.
e. Slavery was ended worldwide by Conservative White Christian men. Not by Jews, Negroes, Aztecs, Japanese, Chinese, or any other ethnic group.
You also wrote:
“…The transformation of the Jewish community (my background) into the hyper aggressive cult of Zionism is another manifestation. Though, when I was growing up, I had no idea at all of such violence to others. From Albert Einstein, who opposed a Jewish state, to the Samson option, threatening the whole world. How did such a community sink so far?. ”
That raises several questions: Yes, these are extremely provoking, but they need to be addressed.
Question: Is it true that Jews were extremely active in slavery in the New World?
Question: Is the Old Testament the single most bloodthirsty book ever written? It states the Israeli destiny is to rule the Gentiles with a rod of iron… forever…
Question: Was it genocide when Yahweh repeatedly ordered the Israelites to utterly obliterate any Gentiles that resist, later descending himself on Egypt and killing all the firstborn, including the animals?
Question: Do Israeli Jews agree with the former head Sephardic rabbi of Israel, Ovadia Yosef, who said that Gentiles are Donkeys who exist only to serve Jews?
Question: Could (or would) the Pope say such a thing?
Question: Has Israel or the Jewish religious leadership denounced Racism and Racial Supremacism?
Question: Is it true that Einstein hated Germans and strongly identified with the Jewish struggle?
Question: is it true that Jews were way over-represented during most revolutionary activity of the late 1900th and early 20th centuries?
Question: Is it true that Czarist Russia was essentially beheaded by a small group of Jews?
Question: Is it true that Jews ran the Soviet Secret police agencies during the heights of the purges?
Question: Is it true that Communist Russia was essentially designed and managed for many years by a small group of Jews?
Question: Is it true that, due to the extreme nature of their crimes, the original heads of the USSR had great incentive to distort history, including their backgrounds, and blame others for their crimes?
Question: Did Stalin and the Communist leadership change their names?
Question: Was Stalin a Jew, as implied by his early photos and the extremely high proportion of Jews in the early Communist groups?
Question: Why do Jewish Nazi hunters target all possible old Nazis but totally ignore old Soviet killers, many of whom moved to Israel?
Question: Why are Jews only presented as victims?
War is a constant theme in human history. It is not an exception in Indian/ Chinese / Persian history too.
The difference is – after countless wars, people understand the need for a certain code of conduct during warfare. They also evolve a basic mechanism for deciding when war is needed.
All these three nations have few things in common – like an ancient civilization / history (means enough past experiences in wars) and diversity. Diversity compels nations to accept that people are same, irrespective of their outer appearance. So, a tribe versus tribe or a religious fighting gradually comes down. People fights for some other reason – like economic prosperity (don’t we do all fight for same reason now ?) or to safeguard our ways of life.
If you refer Megasthenes – he referred that in India, only Kshatriya (warrior class) fights. The general people do not take part in fights. Kingdom exchanged – but common people (Prajaa – subject) are not affected. They went on doing plowing or whatever they were doing.
In essence, no concept of Total War or brutality.
Megasthenes also had pointed out that for any crime, the nationality never mattered to the kings – all were treated equally. In essence, white skin / black skin / brown skin/yellow skin never mattered to the kings.
Another concept was rules of war. There was a fixed duration (sunrise to sunset) for wars, no fighting when enemy was sleeping / taking rest / involved in worshipping / taking food. Nobody could strike a commoner, any unarmed soldier. Killing of women or raping was never thought off. Even the mythical Ravana, after abducting Sita (wife of Rama), could not violate her.
All these systems gradually broke down after invasion by Muslims. It was total war by Muslims. The Hindu population, although numerically superior, could not resist as they were still too noble for this level. They forgave invaders few times till they got butchered.
Even now, some semblance of those old values persist.
But for many European and Islamic armies, a different population do not have equal rights. They can be butchered. Genocide is acceptable. A religious difference can be a cause for war for some of them. This is more so for monotheist religion. A polytheist group will rarely do that.
If you really dig deep, you will find that Indonesia / Cambodia region was colonized by Indians. But you won’t find any reference of genocide.
The rest of world, sooner or later, will mature for change. Hope the change comes before it is too late.
As I stated in my comment above, wars between neighbors are “normal” as far as war can be normal. Neighbors have overlapping and conflicting interests and they have many reasons to fight. These types of wars, between societies that live in close proximity are a different category, regardless of reason, from the imperial conquest of the world that Europe engaged in.
Yes, imperialism is qualitatively different. Border disputes and such can be settled through negotiation, law, transcendence or synthesis, or whatever peaceful means, but imperialistic aggressive war to subjugate or destroy another group has no more chance of that than an fox negotiating with a rabbit — it’s purely predatory.
The expression “human race” often used in anglo-saxon media is incorrect. Humans are one of many animal species on this planet. The word “race” is used by anthropologists to categorize the differences within the class of species called homo-sapiens or humans in short.
Now, the above mentioned expression is used in media to politicize the race issue in an attempt to muddy-up the issue of race and to push the point down our throats: that were are the same.
ahah-last night on Sputnik, George Galloway, the director of W on W was taliking about how much they were working with mp’s constutencies etc to point out the errors , concerns, problems and inevitable results(ie loss of 1m jobs) re TTIP-good for him, credit due.
I think you have reversed cause and effect. These video games, Hollywood movies, TV programs, fake news stories, these are conditioning. They tell us that the way to resolve differences is by violent conflict.
Russia and its extraordinary Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov are determined that diplomacy will have its day, yet have shown their preparedness to keep the beast at bay with a stick.
My extreme disappointment is that a nation that could have done so much good in the world, the USA, has revealed itself to be an out-of-control insatiable monster, spreading its tentacles over sovereign nations in an appetite for destruction and plunder such as the world has never seen before.
Auslander is right – we teeter on the brink of oblivion. Let us hope that we survive 2016.
Merry Christmas.
Yeap, big clouds over the horizon …
On a construed optimistic note, the worst never is a certainty (Paul Valery)
Do? Tend your own gardens, as Voltaire taught us.
Some may recall what brother US marine Smedley Butler said about what was worth fighting for – go look that up, that way you’ll remember it.
And some may recall “Frenchy” in Casablanca – when being questioned by the Vichey cops about his loyalties he replied “I am for France”. Sort of a trick answer, eh?
The wars outcome, if we live, is set already. The real question is the landscape of the Peace.
Smedley was spot on in his ‘war is a racket’ speech. The comparison comment about Al Capone is both hillarious and chilling. His comments about bating Japan were prescient.
The world was a simpler place militarily in 1935 -there were no drones, satellites, nukes or ballistic missiles.
Today the only way to disrupt the MIC is to somehow reduce its funding. Ridding its lobby would not work as it would just get replaced by the moneyed elite in short order.
While more valid than ever, Smedley’s three recommendations to disrupt the war racket need an update for present times.
Any practical ideas?
Good question. Some may see war as in every example a product of a domestic political agenda. Test that thesis against history and see if it’s not true. And in the example to hand it is plausible that a junta or what they once called an “occult chamber” has war as its political agenda – this is to say that the political agenda, while real, is secret. Most secrets are actually public – simply the fact of their significance is secret. And the junta in this case is composed of individuals who are not themselves overtly political as well as their clients in the public eye. These clients perform the function of pharmacos, when necessary, and draw blame while doing the bidding of their masters; control in general being through the ordinary mechanisms of bribery, blackmail, murder, and so forth. Taken altogether the “drang nach krieg” that we here bemoan arises from, many say, such an occult and, though more or less public, un-noticed gang. But why? Well, in the example, read the PNAC policy statement – it’s on-line – and add to that the objective realities of the economic, cultural, climatic environment that’s rapidly evolving in “the west”. Ethics, as Einstein and others have argued, is situational. And the situation for the western oligarchy is dire – they’re facing pitchforks and calamity and the ruin of their essentially neo-feudal power. They have no choice other than war. Of course such a group, in such a condition, would favor sociopathic types, and we could name a few quite easily. Overarchingly, this war follows the Mackinder Thesis of the “earth island vs the sea people” – look it up – and W3 is simply the latest and most dangerous phase in a 100 year war
Now, how to disrupt…
Forget about it – ordinary people have zero political power. But do not buy in to the emotional call – be kind and just in your affairs – do not hurt people – don’t say mean things and don’t believe emotional calls – that’s what you can do, and it sets a good example.
However, Comrade P does have political power, and he too has a domestic political agenda – peace, commerce, law, “sovereign democracy” (as he puts it). The result is opposition, war – W3 – which is ongoing and heating up. The goal is to achieve a fundamental change in the situation, the political, economic, and cultural situation in which the western oligarchs operate such that they will elect to stop fighting and decide to join in the feast of post-war prosperity. This may explain why Comrade P hold back on the dope about what really happened on 9-11 – he does not get peace by disrupting the junta and forcing their hands in their domestic arena. The challenge is to get that decision while avoiding nuke-suicide. The monster that the western oligarchs have made this time is, just now, called ISIS. And that monster will force the junta to cooperate with Russia, just as the previous monster, the nazis, did. By this means Comrade P intends to bring the western junta to peace coincident with the defeat of the monster. He’s a master of sambo – and uses the opponents power to defeat the opponent. It’s risky, but it’s working – and there is no other choice.
That’s when the fun starts – because victory is always accompanied by its handmaiden – betrayal.
When this is over, when peace and betrayal arrive, the problem may not be, as it was last time with the hijacking of Policy in Washington. This time the US may well be very weak. No, this time the risk of betrayal may reside in China or Russia – within the powerful States that prevail. And how that will turn out is a matter of luck and persons and their domestic situations.
How to disrupt the current political power system?
Simple, all the best things are. The current system hinges on political parties, which are the means by which the most suitable actors are placed upon the world stage. Parties are set up and run by a very small number of individuals and their representatives are selected by those same people or committees selected by those people.
To disrupt that what is needed are lots of independent elected representatives on the political stage.
What has been missing is an organisational model that promotes the value of independent political representation to the voters and explains why electing people whose first act in politics is to conflict their interest is a really bad thing to do.
In the absence of such an organisation we can all put our shoulder to the wheel and talk to our friends and neighbours about the dangers of electing politicans who bring conflicted interests to the task of governement, and when they start to nod their heads, ask them to tell someone else.
If they complain about chaos in government, argue that this assumes independents will act like party politicians whent he evidence is that they do not. If they argue about the quality of candidates then argue that at least the duds have no support mechanism to keep them there.
Like I said, it is simple. One vote at a time, at a compounding rate will get us to a better place far faster than doing nothing and watching the cluster fuck unfold.
Nowadays we have enough technology to live peacefully and in harmony with nature.
The culprit is the monetary system. Think about it. Every major war, poverty, problem and conflict is caused by the monetary system. A system that we created, that we’re born within and that only sustains itself without catering to our needs, which is to be at peace with nature.
As long as we cannot get rid of it, we’ll always have wars and violence.
This is correct:
All wars are bankers wars.
War is a racket (for Wall Street and big corporates).
It is no WE who created this system which is based on institztionalied fraud, protected by state violence, but a corrupt psychopathic and vile satanistic elite. The war drive comes not from the common people but from these psychopaths who treat the rest of us like cattle to do whatever they please with us.
Until people learn that psychopaths are not THEIR leaders, they will keep sufferung under the boot. 1984 is now reality, a transfer from the Brave New World of mass distraction via entertainment and consumerism.
I have said for many years that we need to place limits on people, in doing this we can limit the damage they do.
War is not coming, it is here now. A greater war may be coming, but its size, intensity and comprehensiveness are unknown to us serfs.
Auslander’s predictions are eminently obvious, but he is overcome by negativity and has a dreadful perspective of human nature when he states: “…because deep down in the buried psyche of our species we are nothing but killers who evolved opposing thumbs and a tiny ability to reason”. If that’s what he thinks of himself, (since he is a member of that species), perhaps he should consider self-immolation to relieve his self-loathing. That would be logically consistent.
Auslander’s is a selective, unrealistic and pessimistic view of the human condition. Certainly, evil pervades the world but it is in opposition to positive elements in the human psyche (the Greek word for ‘soul’, laboriously misinterpreted by Freud). Auslander’s perspective is one of despair: he apparently has little recourse to a grander view of the human condition: that we could eventually evolve into a kinder, gentler, accommodative, cooperative, and constructive species. All these positive elements are present in our species now, they merely need to be supported and enhanced. Any student of cultural evolution realizes that culture has been and remains the greatest accelerator of human evolution in the past several thousand years. Remove support for the present death-culture, and we could thrive.
Auslander’s lament should be directed to the purveyors of evil on this planet, who are powerful but relatively few, and not extrapolate nostrums regarding the populace in general.
“Auslander’s lament should be directed to the purveyors of evil on this planet”
Lament and supplication reinforces the opponents’ system in various ways including as a marker of the supplicant’s immersion in the ideological perceptions and practices of the opponents.
For the passive such practices can afford a self-defeating measure of succour and displacement.
A similar process can be illustrated in those with terminal illness leading to “acceptance”.
This is predicated on ignorance of notions such as life is a process of becoming dead.
Another marker of immersion is the notion of “war” restricted to things that go bang thereby not even recognising the work of Mr. Clausewitz or having the facility to advance on the perceptions of Mr. Clausewitz.
70 years without war between world powers is an anomaly in history. I guess because of this many believe that relative peace is the norm.
Human nature never changes, though psychopaths that make it to positions of power have been wary of mutually assured destruction.
The psycopaths currently running the US and the up and comming crop, seem willing to risk MAD
“Human nature never changes, though psychopaths that make it to positions of power have been wary of mutually assured destruction.”
Reliance on assertion precludes transcendence.
“The psycopaths currently running the US and the up and comming crop, seem willing to risk MAD”.
Notions of sole or prime agency are forms of self-inflicted blindness.
“Vision” requires perception hence “seeing” is a variable concept – often an assertion – especially in instances of those immersed in WYSIWYGness.
Ha, ha… wisiwigness. New word of the year! Great, just great!
I kind of disagree with your title Auslander.
The war is not coming; it is already here! :-)
Part of mankind’s basic DNA is a tribal instinct that leads us to favour our respective tribes against all others. Only our tribe matters; all the others are unimportant. Each tribe – each nation, these days – has its sacred rights, that it denies to others. One of the rights (as mankind as a whole perceives it) is the right to kill foreigners. It’s OK for us to kill them; but when they try to kill any of us, they are evil terrorists. Sigh.
There is always a minority that realises how primitive this feeling is, but they usually lose the argument. As this article says, war is inevitable. It’s in our genes. Further thoughts at the link.
The problem rests with humanity’s inability to see everyone as part of just one tribe–the human tribe. To be sure, there are a few individuals who understand and decry this as I’m doing. But when we have the Propaganda System pushing Russophobia & Islamophobia, people like Trump, organizations like Daesh, and states like Saudi Arabia and Israel, it becomes close to impossible to get this Truth recognized and thus provide the foundation for peace within the one tribe.
“humanity’s inability to see everyone as part of just one tribe–the human tribe”
Thank you for this reprise of apres nous le deluge in respect of the self absoption of opponents including their conflation of them and their “concerns/interests” with “humanity”, “international community”, “exceptionalism” and “indispensibility”.
Hubris is likely not conducive to continued well-being, or even, well being.
I don’t understand this — there are people around who are part of ‘another tribe’ than me, and I have no problem with letting them be and do what they want as long as they are not hurting me. And there are different species who I am perfectly content to let be to live their own lives. If space aliens moved next door (and sometime I wonder if they have, those people are so strange), so what? — why should I care if they leave me alone? Live and let live — why is that a big deal?
Just because you may leave them alone doesn’t mean they’ll do the same.
That’s true, and self defense is part of my thinking, but I am not the only one who will live and let live, and I think that would be the majority attitude in a healthy culture (which does not teach people to hate) — and as much or more of a part of ‘human nature’ as strife.
In the middle east countries people of different sects and ethnicity were perfectly content to live peacefully together until the empire stirred everyone up and planted divisions.
Blue–Your last question I also asked as a research frame: Why is the Golden Rule so hard to comply with? After several years of research and thought, my answer is rather Hobbesian: Peoples’s desire for security negates 100% implementation of the Golden Rule–security being defined as shelter, food, water, warmth–so offspring can prosper without compromising one’s wellbeing. This is one of the foundational stones for human culture that dates back to the dawn of hominids, which is why it’s so hard to overcome. It might be described as selfish individual self interest in pursuit of comfort and ease. Logical, rational thought informs us that that goal can be better realized when one pools efforts with a group, but for some reason in groups lack tolerance for combining further with additional out groups, thus setting the grounds for competition over finite resources, the defeat of the Golden Rule and triumph of war to get more than others. The only way I see to change that is for human culture to evolve into being based cooperatively instead of competitively. Ideologically, communalism must win out over competitively based capitalism–the Cold War outcome must be overturned and deeply buried for humanity to survive the huge challenges it now faces.
Right, and there is a major difference between capitalism and communism/socialism (and the social implications of them). Capitalism enforces structures of zero-sum and predatory competition, including waste of a huge amount of resources. Capitalism is inherently expansionary and exclusionary, creating the poor so the rich can be richer by exploiting the working class instead of producing, rather than making production efficient. It penalizes cooperation.
Globally, there are millions who see and understand our sentiments and the outcomes required. But there’s only one major world leader who has articulated them and he’s somewhat polarizing: The Pope.
Unfortunately, the more I observe human behavior and its history, the more I become convinced humans are a “plague species” that will destroy most of their members.
99% of species extinct and all that, but we have intellect the others did not so maybe that can make a difference. Maybe not. At least there is a chance, if we stop immersing ourselves in BS and use that intellect well. While we wait to find out we can just try our best to ‘do the right thing’, and thus gain a little meaning within our own lives.
Back to the pond.
There’s only one tribe and they have great fun screwing with your instict to preserve loved ones, family and especially your community.
Concerning war and human nature. Here is an article I just saw on the California shooting. If true (a very big question there) it might be that the shooters weren’t those accused,and who are of course too dead to question about it:
I look in the mirror and I see no difference between myself and next door neighbour. Some, misguided, would say our heritage and culture was the same.
If this is true, then it’s very similar to the Boston Marathon Bombing, where they found convenient “terrorists” – the 2 brothers. For more info on that, see these 2 links:
For those that do not already know: the Boston bombing was a 100% hoax using crisis actors. Study the evidence, it is long but very convincing in the end:
Dear Auslander,
I usually mostly agree with you in all you write.
(and definitely respect you very much)
However – not this time (big respect YES, but I disagree on the matters).
Yes, war is coming and is in fact already here (as pointed out by others).
But I could not disagree more with your point of blaming the Soviet Union or now Russia.
That’s nonsense. For days and weeks and months and years and decades Russia and before that the SU including under comrade Stalin has engaged in disarmament agreements, peace talks etc etc etc .
MInsk2, Minsk, Syria 2013, go back to the Gorbachev nightmare of the 1980ties/90ties.
Whenever Russia gave something, instead of getting back at least half a step in return, what Russia in fact got was getting backstabbed! It was all a waste of time and Russia got exploited, abused, almost destroyed.
WAR will kill us all this way or that way (even without war everybody has only a narrow time window).
But – I as pacifist say this – sitting there and sticking your head into the sand will not prevent the war from coming. The only thing it does is making 100% sure, that we are the losers (I say we, because I care a damn sh* about my genes which think I’m “german”).
Fighting back in time gives us at least the chance to have __any__ chance, be it 10% or 4%.
Not fighting back translates to 0.000% of a chance!
I fully understand your fear. I have the same fears. But let’s not get blind before we are dead.
For the time being we are still alive. Do what you always wanted to from childhood on, as long as we still can. Then fight back, if they want to kill our loved ones or us.
Crude Crashes 15% Post-OPEC To $35 Handle
“Everything’s Crashing”
Russian Military Told To Boost “Strategic Nuclear Forces Amid Rising Tensions With The U.S.”
Auslander, I’m afraid the goal and lure of complete World domination is just too great for the few who control the Empire. In my opinion, it’s the path that all Empires have taken when they reach their pinnacle(s).
The power, greed, strength, hubris, stupidity cloud their judgement. They always take the path that leads to their eventual decline, despite being warned by many.
Spot on.
interesting thought occurred to me reading your post…i don’t know why.
the Roman empire was ‘stopped’ at least once on the borders of Scotland.
they built Hadrian’s wall.
i have not studied the Roman empire so there might be other instances
of that phenomenon.
course with ‘modern’ transport and all it probably no longer applies.
BTW: Many here in so called Germany and elsewhere will refuse to fight against Russia.
It is not a divide from West to East at some distinct demarkation line.
It is a divide between stupid zombified versus educated and cultivated.
A divide between ruthless brutality and educated RESISTANCE against the ZioFashist Empire.
If the worst case materializes: Please prepare some registration forms where we here from the Empire’s colonies can join the Red Army!
Only in the worst case, because I hate nothing more than war.
But if it comes here to central Europe, you will not be alone.
The west has no shame and no humanity :
“Denmark Gov’t Proposes Stripping Refugees of Their Belongings
Refugees should be poor if they want government assistance, according to the Danish government, which is considering having police search and seize asylum seekers’ money and valuables”.
Are they so desperate for money to hand over to their banker cronies they are now openly contemplating robbing people who have already been dispossessed of all they have ? Their past actions are slowly coming home to roost but they still keeping doing more of the same. President Putin was indeed right, Allah has robbed them of their reason.
That likely includes pulling the teeth having gold fillings while imprisoned in “resettlement centers.” Next the politicos will demand they be used for fertilizer.
Humanity staggers the slaughter. There is no escape. What will follow is something that few believe.
July 20, 2011 –INDIA – Is man on the threshold of a new world or merely stuck on a circular treadmill repeating the doomed lessons from history which he never seems to learn? A growing number of scholars believe the world’s macabre fascination with nuclear war is just the latest repeat in a series of blunders human technology seems obsessed with repeating.”
Auslander: So glad you have electricity again .Kept the heart fires burning–the biggest lie of evil is that it is all-powerful ( bow down to me and I give you all the consumer goods in the world)
Prof. Steve Cohen predicts war in Ukraine 19th-20th of Dec
A pessimistic write-up will do no good for the forces who are fighting for truth-justice-humanity !
Yes, Auslander is correct in identifying the continuous warfare on the planet, but he should have been more optimist about the final destruction of the evil forces in not-so-distant future.
I think, there will be a war, a nuclear war, between the Natoists and Russia.
If you are not willing to fight for peace and freedom you shall have neither,but will end up a slave in yor phantasy of peace and security.
You all know who the culprit is.Stand up and be counted or STFU once and for all.(Keep calm and slave on).
Everybody wants someone else to die for their peace and security.Grow some balls.
Volteire said “To find out who rules over you,Find out who you are not allowed to criticize”.
All the stuff written is just fluff and distraction from reality.This includes this Saker too.
I have just spelled it out for you in simplest terms possible.All else is shit.
“Everybody wants someone else to die for their peace and security.”
Perhaps it is wise not to rely on absolutes or assertions?
“All the stuff written is just fluff and distraction from reality.”
Whilst it affords such opportunity it does not necessarily follow that in “all” instances “all” perceive it, or “all” use it, as “fluff and distraction”.
War is not restricted to things that go bang as perhaps Mr. Ischenko and others have illuminated.
Passivity and deflection have their uses including minimising blowback sometimes referred to as collateral damage.
Some hold that the meek will inherit the earth, but likely as a legacy.
One of the illusions of the opponents’ ideologies facilitates the conflation of mass with critical mass, particularly when equal but different is conflated with equal and different.
Greetings (from one Peninsula to another).
The War is on. The Questions are:
1. how much worse will it get? [I believe that is your point]
2. what will be the outcome (end result)?
3. is there any hope on backing out of the conflict (with a decently shaped peace)?
4. can the citizens of the imperialist nations, (Zionists, Americans, Germany, France, England, etc.), interpose themselves and successfully resist the “Devils” (to use Saker’s label)?
Before I forget:
How are things in the Crimea?
1. Is it true that the Russian leaders have permitted the Zio-Nazis in Kiev to restore an electric power relay to the Crimea?
2. And that they have resumed deliveries of coal to the Zio-Nazis?
3. If that is true, then the Russian leaders (that includes the local political leaders in Crimea), are Suicidal Fools (to rely on Zio-Nazis for anything, and to supply them with any useful products).
4. Please tell us that it is not true!!!!! If it is true, I begin to see the cause of your depression.
5. Do the local leaders, at least, promise a future where they/Russians will cease to rely on the Kiev Zio-Nazis – for anything?
*Am I optimistic? Or is it that I have a high blood-sugar level?*
The Saker believes there will -always be (evil) Devils.
That is true.
There will also -always be Sheeple and Rubes.
There will also -always be those who stood at Lexington and Concord, and Gettysburg, y la Gente de Playa Giron, Donetz, the Syrian Army, the Russian Air Corps in Syria, those at Stalingrad, and in 1936 Madrid, to show the Spirit that resists the imperialist devils.
Hoping for your answers.
Respect you Auslander, and all who are on the front Lines!
For the Democratic Republics!
Peter, to answer your questions I am writing a SitRep on the current situation in Krim and a few other places. I will post it tomorrow, Lord willing.
Kind regards
As a source of optimism:
The major propaganda outlet of the Zionist American Oligarchs is worried about a significant outpouring of opposition to their Uni Polar New World Order.
This new opposition, of the hugely popular French National Front of Marine Le Pen, Alain Soral, Dieudonné, and Laurent Louis, and others, in neighboring Belgium…
-as well as growing schisms in England, from Corbyn of the Labor Party, to Nigel Farage, leader of the conservative UK Independence Party,
-and growing opposition within the German and Hungarian body politic are Real, Sizable, and, causing concern among the Zionist American imperialist Oligarchs.
These political schisms, all by themselves, may not lead to Libertarian Nirvana, but they are important, and have the potential to open the road to higher levels of struggle that might liberate Europe and its people from the chains of the totalitarian Zionist American Occupation.
Certainly, the “NY Times” is highly concerned. And they center their concern on the most popular, most capable, and finest Orator in Europe, Marine Le Pen. Listen to her speeches.
[I had an argument with Leon Trotsky, the other day, and I don’t agree with him that Marine Le Pen is a member of the “petite bourgeoisie,” and, therefore, automatically “selling out the international working class”] Quote attributable to Trotsky, but the source, (me) is not reliable.
The Zionist American Oligarchs and their “NYTimes” are worried. They never believed the Russian People could rise from the ashes – for the 3rd time in a century. And they fear the emotion of the other European Peoples Aroused. The Oligarchs are greedy, but not fools. Something is frightening them here.
Let’s add to their fear!
They despise Delacroix.
For the Democratic Republics!
This video might help – it’s only 12 min.long – but brand new and very significant.
The Phoney Wars of Liars & War-Profiteering Cowards:
Spred it all over the internet before it’s to late !
Thanks. Very fine exposé,
a ‘leader’ said to a wiser ‘leader’ about the dissidents.
”we should make them wear a badge or something so
we can see who are where they are at all times”.
”what ! then they will see how many they are and
how few we are. better to keep them isolated and
in the dark”.
which brings me to the above quoted NYTimes article.
it would seem they’ve broken the ‘don’t report stuff’ rule,
but i wonder why?
perhaps this is level three psyops – point out the rising
opposition, knowing they are in complete control.
so that when the opposition doesn’t get elected (rigged result,
as in scotish referendum, surprise conservative win in the UK),
the people will be dissolutioned as Auslander appears
to be and give up, ‘what can little me actually do?’
THEY make the laws, have the police and guns, declare
war, demonise saddam, ghaddafi, assad, putin etc.
if you were, say, a syrian what would you do?
join the army and fight or run away to turkey and europe?
syrians have the stark choice…so have the donbass.
we, in relative ‘peace’ don’t have that stark choice…
or do we? maybe its coming our way, little by little
THEY impose more restrictions, survellience etc.
when pushback happens the escalation will be
severe. look at the ‘violence’ orchestrated at
trumps rallys. the lockdown in france
i could go on but, enough.
There are so many things happening now that it is really hard to keep up.
A little bit of news came out yesterday that might have gotten overlooked in the understandable confusion. It was an announcement from the Vatican that, as of now; Catholics must not attempt to convert Jews:
“In concrete terms this means that the Catholic Church neither conducts nor supports any specific institutional mission work directed towards Jews.”
Jews, it seems, are a special group on par with Christians but exempt from acknowledging Christ as their savior- and here is the clincher …
‘’The authors appear to acknowledge that they are effectively squaring a theological circle, however, since how Jews can be saved while not believing in Christ “remains an unfathomable mystery in the salvific plan of God.”
It struck me in the same way as when I read that the current Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, said at times he question the existence of God:
and here he is again after the recent attacks in Paris:
I became curious and began to read further and discovered this:
It turns out that the Archbishop was actually Jewish.
Now is this a conspiracy or coincidence? A Jew now heads the Church of England and questions the existence of God every chance he gets, and a Pope who says the salvation of Jews is a mystery beyond Church teachings, and also is seemingly hell bent- pun intended- and embracing a ‘’rainbow’’ agenda.
Go figure.
People want to know what will be after the A-war?
My answer is – It is irrelvant.
“Is it because deep down in the buried psyche of our species we are nothing but killers”
Not exactly, although that is one element or aspect to humans, but there is an even stronger cooperative side which let us survive through pre-history and beyond.
But there is stupidy — “man is never smart enough”, and fear leading to greed, egoism, and lust for power, and aggressive cultures which destroy non-aggressive ones, and thus tend to become dominant and spread their madness. And there is awesomely massive ignorance which we are just beginning to remedy, but which to a significant extent is self-perpetuating, and knowledge is often repressed or not applied.
And sociopaths — always some, and always they are dangerous and maniacally seek to control everything, and learn to be good at deception and manipulation.
Well, I agree 100% with Moe criticism of Auslander but I also disagree 100% with Moe’s naive positive thinking. Things are more complex than that. We have to confront evil which is not some kind of killer instinct, but a general “will to power” which has been nurtured by some for centuries if not millenia. USA, Russia and China are just the figthers of the present time. The very question is ‘who’ is in control of this spectacle. In other words : cui bono ? Spotting evil is not the solution, not to mention destroying it. IMHO, the solution is to remain in (at least a personnal) peace with a resolute will to not play that game, i.e., to refuse lies, accusations, violence and war. Of course, following Christ’s path comes with a price which is self-sacrifice, in the form of renouncing to vengeance. Exactly what the russians have been able to do for some time already…
Dear friend, Auslander,
The crucible you live on is taking a toll. You smell the sulphur and see the torn flesh from Donbass, so you have a unique position. But, from the foxhole of Sevastopol you don’t see the vast battlefield that Moscow sees.
Putin’s already set the outcome if the US forces a war through Turkey (the only insane instrument that can cause a large world war). Nukes are in the theater of Syria and Putin and Shoigu will use them, not just on ISIS, but on whatever threatens Russians, Syria, and the Motherland.
The US has not faced this resolve, ever. They have heard the words decades ago and the signs were there in Cuba in ’62. But Putin is of a measure no one can underestimate.
I am a believer in the ultimate weakness of American leadership (military and political). They fear the costs of war, use proxies and destroy weak people.
Facing Putin and Shoigu and the nuclear forces of Russia is beyond their capacity. Elites are not suicidal.
In my life, caught in dire straights, I have always promised death to whoever threatened me. They would die for certain, I invoked. Every time, in the street, dark shadowed place of encounter, wherever, the counter I promised worked. Turkey’s military knows it will be totally destroyed in a war with Russia. They are actually surrounded by Russian nukes, short flight time. No Patriots to defend them. And all the western aircraft on their bases means nothing as collateral damage. Turkey actually has less protection than Kiev. Putin values the people in Ukraine as brothers. Turks are friends. Another stab in the back would be the last.
As long as the US cannot get the drop on Russia, cannot find a technological neutralization of its defenses and weapons, the West is incapable of action at the highest level.
Russia is not going to fight any long, large war. They know their limits.
And we saw the unbelievable strikes after the jet was shot down, tearing up the Latakia landscape. The entire Turkmen region is still being “cleansed”. Putin will do to whoever, wherever, the same. He did it in Grozny and that is his stated doctrine. Strike first. Kill them all.
Turkey has to cross the border to get to the Russians in Syria. There will be no NATO assist. If NATO comes with the Turks, then they both will lose all, but Russia will not hesitate.
As for the world war against Islamic terror in all its formations, the Chinese are sounding a bit louder. They are very loathe to move outside their borders with troops. But they are posting in South Sudan and in a few other spots in Africa. They want a UN umbrella, and Russia is trying to get it for the fight against ISIS. Of course, the US is blocking UN action.
As for the arming and encroaching NATO close to Russian borders, I think Lavrov is the key to the solution. How he works diplomacy (where China is also very important and much more willing to tandem as they did with the Iranian deal). Already China is talking loud from their FM pulpit.
There is also the wild card of Trump. He is very calm about Putin and Russia. He has never said a hard word about Russia or Putin like all the other candidates. Pray for Trump. He will change the entire US-Russia relationship. He is a classic populist in American history. He and Putin will get along like no one can imagine. Of this, I am certain.
I understand your fears and worries because of the demons north of Krim.
Nothing has changed in the state of things versus Kiev. That “war”, if it comes to a final paroxysm by the nazis will be brief. NATO understands it can send the entire Ukrainian military and all the advisers, but Russia will destroy it in 48 hrs.
Ukraine is a street walker, sent to the Mean Streets to work the trade, paid for unspeakable acts.
No one is going to take her home. She will die diseased, penniless, cold and hungry.
It will be one more nation slaughtered on the steppes. An addendum to Russian military history.
It isn’t that I think enough good men or wise men exist in the West. It is that the Elites will lose all they have stolen, all the things they own, all the physical prizes and loot they have amassed.
They, like all rodents, know to stay away from fire. And Putin has the torches lit. He will burn them all if they start a real war.
Pray for Trump – the biggest Islamophobic ever.
No hope.
Having said that Islam is probably as bad as Christianity.
Come now, are you merely an animal with no spirit, no “mind”? Don’t you think there is something beyond “this” and the Creator is capable of leaving you specific instructions regarding salvation? Do you really believe sinful man can be redeemed by his own devices?
Larchmonter, my friend, my comrade.
I am not despondent and we are not afraid, not in the least. There is no despair or fear in either our household and compound or our City.
You are correct, we see our wounded coming down from Donbas and we bury our dead from Donbass to the tears of their loved ones, we hold the loved ones in our arms and try to console them but for them there is no consoling. We smell the smell and hear the roar of battle and it has never stopped, not for a single day since April of last year regardless of what the media says from both sides.
However, we do, to an extent, see the ‘big picture’ although I for one am not terribly well educated and can not express in an erudite manner my thoughts and feelings. We are also in a small and quiet corner of a vast land, almost a backwater from the more cosmopolitan environs of Mockba and St. Petersburg. On the other hand I will never forget to my dying day Mr. Xheronovsky’s comment in late February of last year on his first visit to our fair city, to wit: “My God, these people are more Russian than we are!”
How correct he was regardless of whether he was pandering to the cameras or not. We ARE more Russian than mainland Russia and as such we will defend this city and this peninsula to the very bitter end if we are attacked and I have no doubts that if Russia is attacked the citizens will defend Russia to the hilt. This willingness to defend the Motherland is something DC and Langley simply can’t understand, they find it impossible that a in their opinion backward land, culture and populace will not bow in subservience to them. I’ve got news for them. As Juan so eloquently said last year, we will die fighting to the last man and woman before we bow on bended knee to a single of them.
We well know that Mr. Putin has a vastly more informed and intricate view of the situation. We of course will never have such a view and we should not. All we can do, and this we do, is put our faith in both him and Him.
For us, we do not sit and stew, we do not worry. Life goes on, we laugh, we joke, we talk to friends and neighbors, we attend Church and tease Father Giorgei, we take our blue girl for her usual promenades in City Center Park, we take care of our duties to this city and this country. We have prepared, yes, of course, but we can have absolutely no influence on the current events until and if we are attacked. If that event comes to pass, well, let’s just say that DC, Langley and EU will rue that day for the rest of their short lives after an attack on our city. As the saying goes, may God have mercy on their souls because we won’t.
With kindest regards, my friend, and please contact me when you have time. You know how.
I often feel like Auslander but I do not trust these feelings.
Dear friends, it has been quite-a-while I since I wrote here. In all those time I expressed that WAR is only certainty and it must. One of the main reason is, as a citizen of this cosmos we haven’t done anything to stop it rather we have favored it in one way or another. So the culmination of this continuous war must happen and it will happen.
We let ourselves fell into the deception of the WEST for quite long time so we must pay the price no matter how dear it is. Also I don’t see any soln but N-WAR to solve many issues at once. May be this is one kind of thing which we hindu call “PRALAYA”. I wish India could have been player too but alas not. It would be however….
Sanjay an Indian
Couldn’t have put it better myself and agree totally. The parallels leading upto WW1 are startling and are increasingly being picked up in the real news universe as well. But will it change anything?
Alas no, for the war is and has been underway for quite some years now with the Western Banking cartel desperately trying to ignite a truly global war to mask the imminent (mathematically certain) bankruptcy it faces. Do any of these wankers really want the global nuclear war and extermination of not only their enemies but themselves and families as well ?
Guess they’re not that smart and proves we’re even dumber as a species by even talking about this inevitability, myself included.
Russia has always been the endgame for Empire. For all you CIA, NSA, MI6 and whatever countless puppets who read this response my advice is the same. Stop being so Stupid !!
In this ultimate game, nobody can or will win.
I agree, war, W3, began at Kiev last year, but obviously the scope and intensity is evolving. Auslander may mean newkillerwar rather than the lower levels of just now. And yes, things look like the fellas know only violence and escalation – a dark path if ever there was one! Also obvious that the good fellas of wall street and their obedient clients, trained seals, are losing. And also obvious that this is not new – their little game wherein they conjured up Hitler and the Nazis to destroy the Soviets went all wrong and left the SU and the Red Army in absolute control of Europe! (Hence the cold war beginning in ’44 with the shenanigans at the Democratic Convention when the Big Money fellas sidelined Wallace and put in the pliable Truman, who promptly ruined the understandings for a post war peace between FDR and Comrade Stalin, beginning in April of ’45 with the meeting between Truman and Molotov.) Worth noting that the Soviets did not exploit their advantage and did what they could to make a demilitarized Europe – something that the “west” undermined then and still does… Withal, the good fellas have been losing all along, and still are, and now they’re up against real troubles with the golem they’ve made, “ISIS” – just as their previous monster, the Nazis, also went amok, ISIS is also amok. And then the good fellas no longer have a great manufacturing nation behind them…all the wealth is squandered, and they face the “pitchforks”.
But I wrote of brother USMC Smedley. There’s been time to look his quote up, so for those who won’t, here it is:
“There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights.” Smedley Butler
Actually the war began in 1920 with the expedition of British and US to fight the Soviets, so if historians live to write our history they may speak of “the 100 year war”.
I am glad that I am too old to fight and also old enough to see what’s going on!
What’s going on here, a meeting of “Anonymous Defeatists”?
Defeatism is when you’re winning and believe you’re losing, not when you (and everybody else too) actually are losing. To be plain, who, brother, wins W3? Being honest about defeat is not an “ism”, it is a simple repudiation of delusion. As brother Fidel said a few years ago “the time for weapons is over” (’cause you cannot win with weapons). He outta know, he’s seen ’em come, and seen ’em go…
All right, my first comment was too short and I wrote it too quick, too. The better word would have been “fatalism” instead of “defeatism”.
I appreciate the contributions of Auslander and until a couple of minutes ago I thought he’s compatriot of mine because of his nickname.
This morning I’ve read the latest post on Paul Craig Robert’s Blog that was also alarming and negative about the near future.
Then I read this article and the comments. It’s just that I’m convinced that it’s indeed important to stay realistic and objective in your assessment of the Situation but on the other hand I do believe that negative thoughts and statements increase the probability that negative events could happen.
@ Red
We are actually winning, Putin&co’s strategy of stretching the period between each necessary preventative measure as far as possible is buying us the time we need to wait out the collapse of the Empire’s financial bubble, it is the only sensible strategy and it seems to be working.
It is the Chinese that could end this at any moment if they so wished, but they are desperately working at restructuring their economy toward a self sufficient model, for in their current state they would not survive the collapse and descend into devastating internecine warfare.
At some point however they will be forced to weigh the consequences and decide.
Nuclear doomicists and gloomicists …
Check out the video A Tale of Two Cities (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) produced by Uncle Sam in 1946 for consumption by the American public. Watch carefully. There is nothing in there indicative of non-conventional destruction as has been brought down on other Japanese cities. They all show flattened cities because their houses were made from wood and fell victim to firebombing. Industrial buildings and some admin or business buildings still stand. Bridges still stand. Trees still stand.
Nukes are a hoax shared by Uncle Sam, Uncle Ivan, and some other uncles. I’ve believed they were real for three decades. But nukes don’t work. I’ve just been fooled. And so have you. So have we all.
When I hear a report that in some country, reserves have been called in, or military hardware is being moved, then I think okay, this is a sign that more war is a very real possibility. And there are many such signs, unfortunately. Ominous signs.
But it won’t be some mythical nuclear war because nukes don’t work. And this is good news.
So if the nuclear doomsday scenario is the reason for your gloom then you should definitely offer yourself the chance to wake up by reading Anders Björkman’s Nuke don’t work! page.
Don’t worry, be happy.
Both a song and the motto of Empire.
Yes, saw that before.
Would be too nice, if true.
But what’s this then???
Color footage of soldiers being exposed to high levels of radiation
Nope, I’m pretty sure that nukes are real. That being said, I would not at all be surprised if one country’s much vaunted arsenal (guess which one) is as potent as the gold reserves at Ft. Knox are existant.
Though you are correct in so far as that the Hiroshima and Nagasaki evidence strongly indicates massive use of firebombs and blockbusters not atomic bombs, there is however enough evidence for the existence of atomic bombs after the war.
The logical conclusion would be that the US did not have functioning atomic bombs yet, but play acted as if it did, just like the first moon landings may have been faked but there is definitive evidence for actual moon landings later on, such behaviour is commonly exercised to seem stronger than one actually is at the time and does not invalidate the achievement of said strength (or folly) at a later date.
Thanks, Joschka. Properly understanding Hiro & Naga is the first step.
I am curious what evidence other than film You think exists for the existence of atomic bombs after the war.
In German language (but with the possibility to enable auto-subtitles)
Wie kam es zum Mauerfall? Die kommunistische Dokumentation
(1989 was based on TRREASON and LIES)
How the best ever German state got destroyed by traitors and revisionists in a Gorbachev style counter-revolution
Yes, 99.9% of lives should go the way of the dinosaurs. Those living in the northern hemisphere should consider moving to the South because it’s about to be nuked. Hiroshima & Nagasaki will be seen as a walk in a park.
So it mote be.
Först vill jag säga att denna blogg är väldigt intressant att läsa och som jag upplever i många fall, väldigt seriös. Jag skriver på svenska eftersom min engelska inte är så bra utan jag använder mig av googelöversättningen när jag läser på bloggen.
Många talar om den mänskliga naturen, Som jag upplever den så är den sann, välvillig och tålmodig. Dessa tre egenskaper är även materiens ursprungliga egenskaper som inte kan separeras från den ursprungliga sanna mänskliga naturen. När människan föds till denna materiella miljö så kontrolleras han av de negativa och positiva krafterna, två krafter som tvingar honom att välja sida mellan det onda och goda. Av denna anledning går det inte att tala om den sanna mänskliga naturen när han befinner sig i denna illusoriska värld i valet av ont och gott. Däför har inte alla förmågan att genomskåda det onda utan låter sig ledas av den.
First I want to say that this blog is very interesting to read and which, I feel, in many cases, very serious. I write in English because my English is not so good, but I use googelöversättningen when I read on the blog.
Yandex translation — mod-hs
Many people talk about the human nature, As I perceive it is the true, benevolent and patient. These three characteristics are also the original properties that can not be separated from the original true human nature. When humans are born into this material environment to be controlled and of the negative and positive forces, two forces that forces him to choose between the evil and the good. For this reason, it is not possible to talk about the true human nature when he finds himself in this illusory world in the choice of evil and good. Therefore not all have the ability to see through the evil, but allows himself to be led by it.
For this reason, it is not possible to talk about the true human nature when he finds
himself in this illusory world in the choice of evil and good…… well said.
how can we talk of true human nature when the norm is to be
controlled by ego, unconscious drives, learned at your mother’s knee?
psychologists indicate that the unconscious determines our
behaviour a great deal of the time.
monsters of the id anyone?
it was a science fiction episode with that annoying arm waving robot,
always intoning ‘warning!’
Something to watch is the issue of identity, and how out stream of memory which has some nice capability can lead us into error by not living in the moment but clinging to the past and past conceptions of who we are, either individually, or as connected with some religion, political party, ethnicity, role played, and whatever.
In fact one issue which must be dealt with in the death of or separations of others, the closer to us the more difficult, is that of internalization of that person as in integral part of ‘who I am’, which needs to be adjusted as the relationship changes or is sundered. When one no longer plays the role of ‘son’, ‘father’, ‘wife’, Scotsman’, ‘Protestant’, or whatever family, tribe or affiliation, it is an internal identity crisis which can occur as well as loss of the external relationship. The ego becomes threatened if it is bound to the identity adopted when those relationships or memberships change, rather than the more fluid ‘inner self’ which exists without the same restrictions of time and memory stream and structures. To restructure one’s self-identity is something of a ‘little death’ in that sense, and fear of death is often centered around not the loss of ‘self’ as such, but loss of self-identity.
Välkommen, Seisma
Welcome, Seisma
Det är bra att du är här.
It is good to see you here.
Vi är båda intresserade av situationen i Ryssland och i Ukraina.
We are both interested in the situation in Russia and Ukraine.
Talar du ryska? Det finns en rysk Saker sajt.
Do you speak Russian? There is a Russian Saker site.
Ha det bra.
All the best.
Intellectually–I think–I can wrap my mind around this,somewhat. We can agree that we either live in a post-christian world or more properly, a world that has never been, will not be Christian, see for example, the sermon on the mount. The question arises: What is the basis of our life together?
We can see attempted partial solutions such as the Paris Climate talks based on real geopolitical needs and fraudulent science (though I do not minimize the harm that is done to creation). 9/11, likewise filled a void in American polity. Defy me to show an American that has not bowed down to the altar of the perfect crime. Even Benedict XVII visited ground zero–not sure if that constitutes an endorsement but I am beginning to sound like a real crank, so I will end this mini-rant.
“Tro inte att jag kom för att sända frid på jorden: Jag kom inte för att sända frid, utan svärd. För jag kom att sätta en man i strid mot sin far, och dottern mot sin moder och sonhustrun mot sin svärmoder. Och en mans fiender skall vara de sitt eget hushåll. (Matteus 10: 34-36 Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition”
Han kommer med dessa prövningar för människan för att se vem som kan övervinna dessa prövningar i illusionen. Men denna strid eller svårighet finns även i himlen, därför heter det “såsom i himlen så och på jorden”. Hur övervinner man dessa prövningar? Se på Putin, jag anser att han följer dessa tre egenskaper Sannhet, välvilja och tålamod, men även tålamodet har en värdighet.
Google traslate of the above:
Do not think that I came to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I came to set a man in battle against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man’s foes shall be they his own household. (Matthew 10: 34-36 Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition ”
He comes with these trials for humans to see who can overcome these challenges in the illusion. But this battle or difficulty are in heaven, therefore it is said, “as in heaven and on earth”. How one overcomes these trials? Look at Putin, I think he follows these three characteristics of truthfulness, benevolence and forbearance, but even patience has a dignity.
Anonymous – please could you translate into English. I have done it on this occassion. Thanks.
It has all happened before and it will happen again..
I am surprised to see flying machine and such in Egyptian pyramids..
Even stranger is the amount of technology written in old Indian stories.. about nuclear weapons, dog fighting combat jets, bombs, beam weapons and such.. text written at the dawn of history.. about things that did not exist until less than 100 years ago.
Like 70,000 or so years ago there were less than 5000 modern “humans” left.. Not the African humans who are different than us What are you infering here? Mod TR. So its not like we will become extinct.. And what if we do.. Something better designed to survive will take out place. Seems the only thing modern humans were good at, organizing communities are also their worst qualities.. as the least scruples ones in those communities takes power and does the worst things humanely possible.
“Like 70,000 or so years ago there were less than 5000 modern “humans” left.. Not the African humans who are different than us”.
Good to know who all the racist nutters are.
huh? Africans are pure humans with the least number of mutations or genetic degradation. Has nothing to do with being a racist. All the rest of us are mutts and our genetic makeup is made of various types of humanoids.. Maybe you have a problem with your great great great great grandmother breeding with Netherlanders but most Europeans did. If you have a problem with that, take it up with your family.. The only pure human beings on the planet are Africans hence it is why we test things like vaccines on them as if it works on them, it would work far better on us various mutts. It is scientific fact that Japanese and Chinese have the highest IQ on the planet. But even then although they developed many of the concepts we use in war today, they did not have large empires. So IQ alone is not enough, or even technology.. You need guile and conniving and all those things you consider bad to make you good at killing others and take what is theirs.. The so called anglo-zionists had the right mix of everything and they were able to steal all the right mix to become the rulers of the world. If they did not have the technology, they outright stole it and improved on it. It is just amazing how much of this so called modern technology the west stole and now call it their own.
sometimes it seems like this site is getting as censorship-ish as all the others.
I really appreciate your comments mmiriww and all the links you give us…it takes alot of time to do that…
“The current world situation is the most dangerous I have ever seen. I liken the current times to late July 1914”
Well, I feel there is a slowly but surely growing supply of Gavrilo Princip:s ready to finish off quite a few contemporary European scum as the occasions arise with mounting tensions. The conflagration 1914 – 1918, for all the bloody horrors which accompanied it, had the indisputable merit of wiping out the Romanovs, the Hohenzollerns, the Habsburgs, and the Ottomans. Sort of an unfinished job, since the Zionazis and their Banking Dynasties are still around. They should be dealt with resolutely first and foremost by the oppressed peoples. Would be great also if, this time around, Western Europe and North America were laid waste akin to Russia in both World Wars of the last century. Some populations do deserve to finally show the world what perseverance and endurance they actually possess when fate is “less kind”.
Indeed, I think looking back at 1914 makes sense today. If anything, Westerners living in 1914 were equally deluded, attributing all sorts of unfounded niceties to their rulers; especially the latters’ alleged commitment to peace, honesty, and what-have-you — never mind the unending horrors against the subjugated peoples of the Colonial world. The difference is that if the Zionazis were to set Western Europe, let alone North America, on fire deliberately today, then most Western populations would instantly perceive that as High Treason, unless convinced otherwise by the MSM.
Moderator – why didn’t you censor this comment ?
“…Well, I feel there is a slowly but surely growing supply of Gavrilo Princip:s ready to finish off quite a few contemporary European scum as the occasions arise with mounting tensions. The conflagration 1914 –…”
Ann, I am not sure what you are referring to, but your complaint has been forwarded to webmaster. (KL)
“Moderator – why didn’t you censor this comment ?”
There appears to be an acceleration on the song -What a difference a day makes – rendering a day equal to a minute.
You, like the Muricans who are constantly drawing improper parallels with various wars, cannot even fathom that weapons of this day and age are very, very different compared to previous ones. They compare previous wars trying to extrapolate some future predictions out of it, fully unaware of the fact that weapons are different and that there can be no comparison to or with anything we had before. removed. no attaking the guest contributor.. Were it not for nuclear weapons, we would have had your war long ago,removed. But since we fortunately have them, rest assured your liberal, comfort hippies “elites” are not going to put their lives on the line: they value their skin too much to risk losing it. They are thieves and liberal, hippie, degenerate pleasure hunters, not Muslims ffs. Oh yes, no doubt they would kill all you Westerners in a heartbeat considering how much they despise you, just not themselves. So, when faced with the threat of their annihilation, you think they are going to pursue the course of action which would trigger it. No.
Message from moderator – no attacking the guest contributor – your rude comments have been removed. Find a more polite way to express yourself. TR
That is why your liberal Western culture has such degenerate character, and is such a joke. If someone is stupid, you ought to openly call him stupid, else you end up encouraging stupidity just like it’s the case with you liberal Westerners; and person who does something stupid then repeats his stupid actions since his encourage to do so. That is degenerate nature of your liberal Western culture: you not only tolerate stupidity, you reward it. If stupid people take offense for rightfully calling them stupid, tough luck! Nobody cares for their emotions. They shouldn’t act stupidly and nobody will call them stupid. I read the article of this author a couple of weeks ago or so… it was regarding electricity shortage in Crimea. It was such an apocalyptic picture he was painting, people would think the situation was so dire… at the brink of war practically. So I went on col. Cassad’s blog and got info there: Apparently Ukrops had blown up electricity power transmissions and in a week electricity power (400 MW) would have been ready, and around a week from 15th to 20th December another 400 MW capacity transmission would be operational. That would settle ~80% electricity needs for Crimea (another cables will be added up in May of next year if I remember correctly). Crimeans have been living with electric power shortages a year and a half, since March of 2014… kind of Ukrops’ punishment for them for reuniting with motherland. But that wasn’t at all the picture he was painting. I said nothing back then, but predictably now we can see how he does it again.
And I wasn’t attacking him, I called him “dumb.” And I still think so. If he can prove I am wrong, I will apologize to him.
Earlier I suggested that the company of the Russian landing ship Caesar Kunikov, that was passing through the Bosphorus, should have given Erdogan & son a mass mooning instead of the MANPAD launcher.
I was then intrigued by the picture of the sailor holding the SA-18 Igla. Compared to the surroundings – shadows on the mast and the other sailor the SA-18 holder is completely and suspiciously dark -nearly black.
There is a hint of light on the front SA-18 cover and even less on the sailor’s face. It almost looks like a Photoshop job.
John Helmer’s photoshop humour might actually be closer to the mark, as Erdogan would not wish to be publically humiliated by exposing a mooning exposure and so replaced it on the picture with a far more acceptable ‘outrage’.
Waht do you think? It makes for a nice ‘conspiracy theory’ and has cheered me up enormously.
Please can we not do a conspiracy theory on this.. The US does this as well but they use attack boats with subs and armed soldiers on their ships.. There was a protest sent and an answer that steps would be taken.. Now Russian soldiers use automatic weapons instead of SAM’s.. That wont work since what they are worried about are VBEID’s and drones.. So I am sure they have ATGM’s hidden away close by. Guns wont stop such missile attacks.. Many of the navies of the world took steps after the US ships got rammed by suicide boats. Russia only started doing it now because they wanted to keep Turkey as a friendly country. which they have openly shown not to be. Dont forget, US destroyers shoot to kill if you are in their path. Not that you cross paths with them, which is different in the sense that you approach them instead of them approaching you.. Those 20 fishermen who died, 5 of them UAE citizens shows that.. You know the country with the largest CIA base in the world..
If I must choose between
a} An unipolar world in which America would rule the world and Russia would be wiped off the map and the Russian nation to be erased from the world…
b} Total destruction of the world in a nuclear war.
I would choose the later or option B
This is a bit too gloomy and defeatist. There is nothing mysterious about war. It’s not a defect in our DNA. There have been studies that show that, for large populations, cooperation is a more beneficial strategy than conflict. See for example, The Evolution of Cooperation by Robert Axelrod. So if anything, co-operation is in our DNA. Which makes sense given that for the most of our evolution, our survival depended on co-operating with those around us rather than killing them.
War is just continuation of politics using other (violent) means. So the problem is our politics. We’ll have wars as long as politics remains a tool used by one gang of oligarchs to increase their wealth and power by taking away resources from another gang of oligarchs.
Today we have three gangs fighting out: the Anglo-American gang that has dominated the world for the past 30 years that has a huge gun and a big wallet, against the upstart Russian (big gun, small wallet) and Chinese oligarchs (small gun, big wallet).
All wars – and I mean all – are planned and executed by a tiny clique for their profit and again. that includes all wars in the 20th century and all the wars now. Ukraine, Syria etc are all being staged by one Zionist banking elite and their proxies and puppets.
War is fought for their profit and to reduce the population. War is not a function of “human nature” Subtract the USA and it’s satellites from today’s wars and how many wars are there? None. Nor is ww3 inevitable now. The west is teetering on the brink of total financial collapse and needs to plunder Russia’s fabulous resources.
One little shove and they’d be gone eg if every country owning US Treasury bills dumped them tomorrow.
“One little shove and they’d be gone”
Sometimes some conflate a “solution” with the “solution” through lack of experience in lateral strategies.
Some are immersed in framing and hence are blinded to purpose.
Blat can be a form of co-operation even if perceived or not.
“One little shove”
Perhaps this will add some more light?
@ GuestAug [& the Saker community at large]:
“[..] So if anything, co-operation is in our DNA. Which makes sense given that for the most of our evolution, our survival depended on co-operating with those around us rather than killing them”
Agreed. I alluded to this human trait, oh… many, many threads ago, I truly can’t remember when now.
They did some social experiments with children and adults (separate studies of course) and the results were the same: humans naturally gravitate towards cooperation.
I’m paraphrasing but I believe they’ve concluded that humans are at their happiest when they feel useful not only to themselves but more importantly; to others.
Sure, you’ll always have the odd ones out trying to disrupt or take advantage, but they’re the exception not the rule.
So, to say we have ‘war’ written in our DNA, is at best disingenuous. But let’s hold it right there before we pat ourselves on the back, hold hands and start singing kumbaya…
Deviants do exist, they’re not a myth. Psychopaths are real, on top of that you have the trail of destruction they leave behind… normal human beings negatively affected by psychopaths can easily become sociopaths themselves [but unlike psychopathy, sociopathy is treatable] or damaged people, traumatized to the extent of developing very serious mental health problems.
Lastly, if you put healthy, psychologically normal human beings in a hostile ‘dog-eat-dog’ environment they will revert to their basic survival instincts and become; apathetic, anti-social, even cruel.
It is clear that the ones who need to be plucked out of human society are the psychopaths, who scientists say are roughly 1% of the human population. In a planet overpopulated by 7 point something [and counting] billion people… that’s a LOT of psychopaths out there, and nothing is being done about them! Well, unless they go on a rampage and start killing people, but by then it’s too late, isn’t it?
“Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America nor, for that matter, in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship. … Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.” ― Hermann Göring
^ That’s was from a Nazi. That’s how a psychopath’s mind works. And that’s why they need to be dealt with.
Yes, deviants do exist. In myth they correspond to the coyote/ trickster archetype. One story that has stayed with me is about a coyote (consummate politician) who stirs up all the other animals to pick on frog who keeps to himself and doesn’t participate in the animal-games. The animals with coyote as their ringleader eventually stomp on frog, killing him. Instead of coyote getting reelected and having record high approval ratings, as would be the expected outcome in the modern West; divine judgement is incurred in the form of a giant flood and all the animals perish.
great comment 2lgit2quit….
Yugoslavia Update
(the Republika Srbska will _NEVER_ accept this, this looks like war coming there, too)
Just new in RT’s newsticker:
16:03 GMT
Bosnia and Herzegovina to apply for EU membership within 2 months – govt
Bosnia and Herzegovina plans to apply for EU membership within the next two months, the country’s Chairman of the Council of Ministers Denis Zvizdic said on Friday. “We intend to apply for membership in one to two months’ time, in order to launch a process that will conclude in the country gaining candidate status [for EU membership],” Sputnik quoted Zvizdic as saying. On Friday, the Stabilization and Association Council between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the EU held its first meeting. The first stage of the country’s accession to the bloc came into force on June 1. It includes the creation of a free trade zone.
This is an absolute must watch!
Two days before the Russian airliner was brought down by ISIS (who am I kidding, by NATO) Then the Su-24, then the Paris false flag, then the strike on an SAA warehouse, then the strike on SAA troops.
The heads of the CIA, Mossad, MI:6 and the French equivalent, meeting somewhere in the US:
Tnx Stavros! I reshared your video on fb and tw.
This is a link to the full video presentation of the panel discussion of these “gentlemen”.
CIA Director Brennan Met With French Security Chief Before Paris Attacks – Report
So I spent 6 minutes watching thew video, and it’s virtually free of any significant content. So there was a meeting — and the video doesn’t say what was said, but just prattles. Waste of time.
I expect I’ll avoid looking at other things from TRUTHstreammedia
You are not seeing any pattern?
e.g. Every time such thugs visited Kiev, next day BANG.
Are you blue or green?
Of course, it is probably hard to find a (genuine!) video where they said in clear text: Hey, let’s shoot down that machine etc.
But your comment is over the top.
Visited Kiev?
” Held as part of the 2nd Annual Ethos and Profession of Intelligence Conference, co-hosted by the Central Intelligence Agency and the George Washington University. Held on October 27, 2015.”
Nothing of what was said is in the video.
Sorry — wrong video — same point. This is not in Kiev, and the content of the panel discussion is not revealed.
the one referred to is described as
Published on Nov 16, 2015
If there would have been a meeting to devise a strategy for a false flag terror attack in Paris as part of a grand plan to keep the Western countries in line fighting a proxy war against Russia in Syria, it would’ve looked something like…
“if there was a meeting”!
This is identified as a stage at intelcon.
INTELCON is a national conference and exposition with a focus on intelligence, and the relationship between intelligence and national security. The conference objective is to bring intelligence professionals and members of Congress together to discuss issues of common concern and provide educational enhancement. This year’s theme of “Widening the Intelligence Domain” recognizes that modern intelligence embraces more than the civilian and military agencies of the federal intelligence community. Professionals from federal agencies, the military, state and local law enforcement, business, academic institutions, NGOs, media, and ethnic/religious organizations are expected to attend this event.
Here’s the pafe on it
CIA and George Washington University Co-Host Conference on National Security
CIA Director John Brennan will keynote second annual “Ethos and Profession of Intelligence” public conference Oct. 27.
October 21, 2015
The George Washington University and the Central Intelligence Agency will co-host the second annual “The Ethos and Profession of Intelligence” public conference on national security at Lisner Auditorium on Oct. 27.
The all-day conference will feature remarks by CIA Director John Brennan and panelists including the director of the National Security Agency, chair of the National Intelligence Council, the director of French Directorate General for External Security, the CIA’s general counsel and the co-anchor of the PBS NewsHour. James Clapper, director of national intelligence, will be the keynote speaker.
“CIA looks forward to holding this conference in partnership with the George Washington University and its Center for Cyber and Homeland Security,” said Mr. Brennan.
“We believe the exchange of ideas at this conference will provide the public with greater insight into the challenges facing the CIA and other intelligence agencies in today’s world, while also providing critical input to the intelligence community on how to best meet these challenges.”
The theme for this year’s conference is “The 21st Century Intelligence Mission.” Panels will examine the ways in which technologies and social change are altering the role of intelligence agencies and how those changes affect the way agencies interact with policymakers, recruit and develop staff, protect civil liberties and build international partnerships.
Please note that tickets are required for admittance to the conference. If you are interested in attending, please email the Center at
Trying to relate this to the shootdown of the plane is not just ridiculous, but patently deceptive.
And it took me another 15 minutes of time wasted to track this garbage down.
@blue: Hopeless case.
Will no longer read your posts from now on.
Because I give the facts about that video and it’s deceptive nature? Showing an annual public conference in Washington and trying to relate it to the specific incident in some kind of weird conspiracy theory, as if every time this conference was held a plane was shot down shortly after? Assuming the US was behind the shoot down, this conference had nothing to do with it, and says nothing about the actual circumstances, planning, or people behind it.
If you are going to do conspiracy theories, you have to get them right — you can’t just make up trash. The theories have to be based on something — evidence — and conspiracies specifically related to the events. But a public annual conference is not a conspiracy.
Your choice about reading my future posts, of course. No skin off my nose.
Found video of the panel discussion in question
CIA-GW Intelligence Conference: Panel on The Shared 21st Century International Mission
Published on Oct 29, 2015
Panel on “The Shared 21st Century International Mission” featuring CIA Director John Brennan, former UK MI6 Chief John Sawers, Director of the French Directorate for External Security Bernard Bajolet, and former Israeli National Security Advisor Yaacov Amidror. Moderated by David Ignatius, Columnist at the Washington Post. Held as part of the 2nd Annual Ethos and Profession of Intelligence Conference, co-hosted by the Central Intelligence Agency and the George Washington University. Held on October 27, 2015.
Your video is saying the Paris attack (and the Russian jet) is connected to the conference ( ) . One has nothing to do with the other. I’m watching the panel discussion (now that I’m sort of awake) and it’s very interesting, particularly the mindset and the basic propaganda stream, such as Brennan talking about about the breakup of the ME countries and the rift between Sunnis and Shia as just happening, as if without any agency from the empire, and the warped world view presented. But the thrust of the discussion is about information sharing, not the operational side of intelligence services, which may be very loosely connected to intelligence, and nothing, of course, about the military side such as DoD intelligence and black ops.
But watch the video of the panel — it’s interesting, and reveals a lot about the empire’s thinking, group think, and culture — and it should not be used as part of psyop or propaganda by that truthstream thing or trying to connect it to the Paris attack, Russian plane shoot down, or false flags.
(But I really didn’t need to spend time on the noise right now. It’s hard enough to try to keep up with the real stuff.)
Dear people, to understand Auslanders point of view a little bit more, you should read his book: “Never the Last one: A novel of Spetznaz”. Dear Auslander: I have almost finished your book. To be a exact, I am at 97% on my kindle. And this night I will finish. No book has touched me in recent times like this one. I was many times almost crying. Thank you. Last year we had some private exchange on Military Photos (Ukraine “butt hurt” thread) My pen name was Karl Heinz Egon. Yours was not Auslander, but I am pretty sure it was you, Jageraus. At some point I was not replying to you anymore. I now regret this very much. You know I am a rather brainy person and so my path into the Orthodox Faith is rather complicated. Probably I was thinking you a naive Churchgoer and anyway I have some problems when coming close to people on the internet. Again, I regret this now very much. From what you have told me, I think, that your book is at least partly autobiographical. If this is true, I salute you, Warrior! If not, it doesn´t matter, you have captured in a very, very impressive way what war really means today and eternal and what it means to be a warrior on the side of truth. Thank you, thank you. You are now Russian, but your roots are German. I am German. And we fight on the same side. As it is said: No one understands war, who was not fighting in war. And no one hates war more than a true Warrior.
Thank you for your compliments on the book. It was an over three year labor of heart and soul, minus one year to take care of more pressing events in our city and peninsula. The book is not autobiographical but I did draw on my experience and my knowledge of military in general and Russian military in particular plus some events I have been involved in. I also drew on my experience and observations of living in Russia for over a decade, some of which I put in the tome with detail, for instance the ambulance journey from Belbek Aerodrome to Russian Navy Hospital in City right down to street names and noticeable geographic features. It took me three weeks to write the very last part of Chapter 17, I wanted the exact emotion for the event and I think I succeeded. When my wife read it she wept, from both sorrow and joy.
Some of the characters are composites of people I know from both here and other places. For instance Father Mitrofan is a blending of three Priests we know in this city, two of whom are Warrior Priests, Spetznaz.
Everyone who has read the book has been very pleased with both the story line and the characters and how both are fleshed out for a good read. The two reviews posted on Kindle are both five star and quite complimentary. I know that with word of mouth alone eventually the book will be popular.
I will put the link for the book in this reply, if the monitor wants to remove it that is not a problem.
Yes, it was indeed me on the old and now thankfully gone MP net. Don’t worry about a thing that happened there, that is water over the dam. You are correct, I am German 100% although born not in Germany. Now I am Russian, adjudged so by some good friends and comrades at an open air luncheon last summer in Kazakchya District next to Battery Museum Grounds. It was an interesting afternoon
For other questions you have or conversations you want to have you can contact me through the book. That email is monitored often every day although for the last three weeks the net has been spotty at best with the power interruptions. Today it is better than since the power crisis started although I am on generator power since 05:00.
Kind regards
Thanks for your reply, Auslander.
Indeed, I was most touched by the descriptions of Father Mitrofan and Father Sergei and the wife of the Starshi Sarjant, the people that “see”. Some of that made my skin crawl. This is by the way something that I feel sometimes, when I go to Orthodox places: That there are people, that “see” me. I am more than 40 years now in a kind of spiritual nexus, and I have never felt this before. Not a comfortable feeling for someone who still has some black dots in the heart region. But so is it. No place to hide anymore. If the time is right, I will contact you.
Gott mit Dir,
I almost took those parts out of the novel but by the time I had second thoughts the three characters were already woven in to the fabric of the book. I asked my wife to read the pertinent parts and she disagreed with taking them out, she said no, don’t take it out, it is an important part of the mysticism of Russia and her religion and as you felt it is a very common feeling in the older Churches.
When you are finished with the novel, would you mind writing a review on Kindle? Actually that goes for all who are reading the book, please give a review. The two there already are five star and both are quite complementary.
Gott mit Dir
Clausewitz was right: defensive warfare is many times the superior of offensive.
Fascists on offense always have optimism.
Russians have something better.
War is coming, but there is still hope for peace.
Humans are suffering from trauma, in an amnesiac condition, having forgotten the multiple, terrible earth catastrophes that ended civilizations. It is embedded in our collective unconscious, and in our genetic coding. That hidden memory plagues us, and we are defended against it. We strike out in anger and retribution toward angry gods who once held sway over us. By example of the ‘gods’ warring onto earth and in the skies among themselves we learned genocide, despotism, and all manner of subjugation of others. As above, so below.
99.9% of the human population is ignorant of our past, and we are the guilty colluders because we don’t want to remember. We are told lies about the history of our solar system so that we can live with the false security that the cosmos did not turn on us and will not ever become unhinged again. What we humans knew as gods were either comets or planets not in their current configuration coming close to earth and wreaking havoc. Read world myths as physical history and you will see what our ancestors recorded in the best way they knew how – to sublimate these era ending experiences into religion, myth, theater, athletics, sacrifice.
It is starting us in the face, but we refuse to see:
My web site and upcoming conference in Toronto:
Andrew, you have an interesting link there with an interesting idea…what I don’t understand is why there is no ‘about me’ on this link…not even your last name…
Thanks Ann for the suggestion, will have to consider it, have avoided drawing more attention to myself than needed. Aloha from Kauai.
I am not war like, I don’t want to take over the world, I’m not greedy, or much of the other terrible things said about ‘human nature’, although I will defend myself and support others who do that.
I ask those who decry human nature: Are you aggressive, destructive, war like, bullies? If you found me alone in the wilderness would you kill me to take what I have?
Are we not human? Do we not find human nature in ourselves? Why look at the worst of humans and think they are typical?
Most people are generally good. Only 1-3% are sociopaths.
Bismillah al Rahman al Raheem (In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful),
President Putin will not be able to keep finding ways to act wisely to the continuing provocations forever.
The US-NATO-Zionist alliance will keep trying to strangle Russia and try to provoke Russia on ALL fronts, until Russia will have no other choice but to stand up for itself in a direct military confrontation, which will eventually lead to a nuclear war.
People Who sincerely believe that a Nuclear war can still be somehow avoided, might also speak the following words:
“If the US-NATO-Zionist alliance does not change course, a nuclear confrontation is inevitable”.
Since anyone with logic, reason and sincerity can see that this alliance is not willing to change course, then the nuclear war is inevitable anyways.
I personally predict an all-out thermo-nuclear exchange within the coming 24 months, it could be earlier or a bit later (and God knows best).
All the US (the entire Eastern and Western seaboard) and European (especially UK, France, Germany, Netherlands) major population centers will be targeted, including Moscow, Saint Petersburg and other major Russian population centers. This does not include “strategic targets” that will most likely be targeted first.
There is also a possibility that the nuclear confrontation will be a “series” of nuclear exchanges, instead of one major catastrophic event (and God knows best).
The US and Europe will basically be waste lands, with most of the destruction and fall-out occurring in the Northern-Hemisphere.
The ridiculous and unproven notion of the extinction of mankind has never been scientifically proven and will not occur. What will occur most likely is a Nuclear Winter or a “Nuclear Darkness”, where smoke will cover large parts of the Earth for a few days up to a few months (and God knows best).
Parts of the Mediterranean, the Middle-East, including the subtropics to middle latitudes will be spared most of the disaster. The most important issue is that all the holy-lands, including the current Jewish state of Israel (occupied Palestine) will be spared from this war.
After this war, there will be no US dollar……..the military, political and geostrategic balance of the entire planet will be shifted towards the Middle-East. After the annihilation of the Western civilization, new wars will emerge between the Jews (which will most likely be the ruling super power in the post-nuclear world) and an alliance of Christians and Muslims as foretold by the Prophet of Islam (Mohammed).
The Middle-East is where human history began and it is where human history will end. The entire planet is focused on what is happening in Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Iraq and the surrounding regions. What you are witnessing is the beginning of the end of human history being played out in front of your own eyes, for those who can see the truth with their eyes and their hearts.
The writing is on the wall for those who seek and know the truth…..They know very well that this war is coming.
The faithful and peaceful Muslims and Orthodox Christians (especially the ones who have constitutionally banned a man to marry another man for the coming 100 years) are people who are not afraid to die. They have faith in their God, that what is happening has been foretold by all the prophets of God (from Adam, until Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammed….peace and blessing be upon them all). These people have hope that justice will return to this Earth as promised by God and are not depressed or hopeless at all but know that this is the natural direction of things to come.
For the people of faith, who seek the truth with sincerity, these people know that the uncorrupted Biblical and Quranic prophesies were given not for people to sit lazily and wait for things to unfold.
On the contrary, these prophesies are given to give glad tidings to the people of faith, to give them hope for the future and to encourage them to speak and fight for the truth and to do the best they can on Earth to help as much people as possible.
As a single human, you can only do so much, but be assured that your deeds in this short life can be seeds that will play a more important part in the future that you will not be a witnessing, and most importantly be assured that these deeds will be rewarded in the hereafter.
I humbly suggest there is an alternative to total destruction. All the three monotheistic religions are in trouble in different ways. Human thinking has taken over and the Revelations are not honoured. Fundamentalism is not a good thing, as I understand it, it is confusion.
Personally, I wait for a new Revelation that unites us. Muhammed may have been the last Prophet, but Heaven can dictate a new Revelation to somebody and that is a different thing. It does not have to do with prophecy. As I understand Jeremiah, every word was dictated to him.
According to the Bible, the Sun will one day go up in the West and I interpret that as a new Revelation. All the three religions wait for endtime personalities and there are similarities.
As we degenerate religiously, the Lord comes closer to help us. In the time of Jesus, the Hebrews were confused. The Lord created something new and that is why He is called the Saviour. Today, Christians, Muslims and Jews are confused and Heaven takes notice. The prophet Muhammed appeared in a time when some strange Christian teachings were spread on the Arabian peninsula. The Arian teaching got nowhere because of Him.
I do not claim to know the intensions of Heaven and I cannot say I have correctly interpreted the Bible. However, the Sun going up in the West has intrigued me for many years and given me hope.
Very interesting…..
I did not know the Christians prophecies mention the sun rising from the West.
As foretold by the prophet Mohammed (peace and blessing be upon him), that one of the clearly mentioned major signs of the end times (out of a total of 10 major signs, there are many minor ones), is the sun rising from the West.
There has been discussions whether this is a literal meaning or not. But it is one of the major signs in Islam, that has been stated very clearly by multiple narrators of the prophet of Islam.
Thanks for the information, I had no idea. The Sun rising in the West is mentioned in the Old Testament and also has a special meaning for Jews. That means all the three monotheistic religions are aware of the concept.
It is good we have this discussion. We learn from each other.
Anon your quote:
“…The prophet Muhammed appeared in a time when some strange Christian teachings were spread on the Arabian peninsula. The Arian teaching got nowhere because of Him….”
Strange teaching…that’s Roman Catholic superstition…they infiltrated everything…yuck.
the teachings of Christianity were wide spread and some were much more spiritual than the main (Roman) church that was wiping out fellow Christians all over the ME. If you even compare Peter with the writer of the John Gospel you can see how much more spiritual the John Gospel is….than Peter who abided in Rome.
But in the end, religion is never to blame for war…its people who are to blame for war, and killing and segregation and on and on.
I think this psychopath information, further up the thread is true…but how do you explain psychopaths ? What is the fault that creates them ?
I don’t have the answer, but if we (humanity) could find the answer to that, then we could progress, hopefully.
And I don’t think you can find it in a science lab…its more like through religion that that answer is to be found.
Psychopaths remind me of the locusts in the last book of the New Testament…
When Christiantiy was young, there was confusion about the Trinity. The Faith split into different branches. One believed in God, the Creator, another only in the Lord. The split was caused by different concepts of God. I think everything starts with our concept of God. We must know who we look up to. When a Church gets it wrong, it disappears. There must be truths in the Church (Congregation) for it to survive.
The Arians were successful in the beginning. Look at the Goths, for example, they had an early Bible in their own written language. Later they became Catholics without knowing it. Their believes were gradually changed by the priests. The same thing happened in Poland when Protestantism was successful there. The Jesuits took over Theology and it did not take them long to turn the tide.
The Trinity is still a problem, imo. Some imagine three Gods and that is wrong, there is only one. The Father is in the Son as the soul is in the body and His Work, the Holy Spirit, flows from His hands. That makes it possible to see only one God. This is how I understand it.
As for Catholicism, it is full of faults and so are some other Christian Churches. The priests closed the Word and Protestantism opened it while also unfortunately throwing out good works. A Church has a lifetime. Eventually, because of human thinking, it looses all power and falls asleep. When the situation is really bad, the Lord intervenes, He always does.
“The most important issue is that all the holy-lands, including the current Jewish state of Israel (occupied Palestine) will be spared from this war.”
The Knesset would be on my priority list if I were in charge.
Because of nuclear technology, we are in deep anyway. There is simply no technology to keep our nuclear waste locked away for hundreds of millennia. In a situation of war chaos, grid electricity outages for weeks or months, at least a dozen nuclear power stations will run amok and throw up their cores. This will finally result in the extinction of complex life forms on earth. Hence, I estimate that even a small-scale nuclear exchange or a larger conventional war between NATO and Russia would be sufficient to render earth uninhabitable for good.
Anyway, if NATO strives for this outcome, they shall have it. It will be well deserved.
what a strange post. I really do not care who comes to my city bc I do not own my city – that others do. what I care about is that we all belong. and the fact that they play devide and conquer all over the place. in russia, the us, germany. you name it. I give a shit about the us, russia or germany or any other country. the very concept of countries is long time outdated. same time ppl dream of their countries as their saviors, nothing could be more wrong. old slogan, but true: ppl unite! whatever color or background. there is no ussr 2.0 and there will be none it seems.
if there is no idea how we can work together, we’ll finally be over.
at the end there is nothing better in the us or russia or china – or the rest of the world. There is no side one can choose right now, bc they all just protect the guys that have.
Wrong: There is a new Soviet Union:
With many wonderful Soviet girls, btw.
But there is no free lunch!
Fight back or die …
(…)all we can do is prepare as best we can for the looming disaster, the dark and ominous clouds of War on the very near horizon,(…)
Auslander, as you have lived the great wars, how do you think we can prepare better?
Please, tell us.
Virtually every candidate running for Senate and President has to trek to Israel so as to be vetted. Those running for governor in major states do as well. The U.S. is nothing but a nasty, dangerous pawn. Our dear leaders are just tools for the real evil who is leading us to slaughter partially for the perverse fun of it all, and then for the usual greedy reasons.
Zionism is humanity’s enemy here. They have been killing people via proxy since the Bolshevik revolution. In some respects this is still an extension of WW 1, but now the Ottoman version. The U.S. is their current tool of choice due to being “exceptional” fools with a boatload of biological and nuclear weapons. Yeah…proud American here. Ha, ha!
To answer the question of why we fight wars, because the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. We want that green grass. Kinda like cows, but with weapons.
Nigh, nigher, nighest!
Cui bono?
The gazers or the abyss?
Escalation is inevitable because the Anti God element has hijacked certain nations and they want conflict. Chiefly these nations are: USA Israel Saudi Arabia Qatar Turkey Germany UK UAE plus minor dupes like Australia, Canada. These Anti God Elites [Banksters / Certain families / certain Cults & secret societies / Deep Govt, / certain moguls etc] have captured the populations of these countries who are now trapped in a powerful propaganda haze like ‘The Matrix’. Its getting worse not better. We are ‘in’ WW3 now. Have been for some time. Historians will identify WW3 as a long drawn out conflict made up of many smaller wars. However the current situation defines a new and dangerous stage. Make no mistake, the nations listed above are playing the bad guy roles in WW3. BTW congratulations in seeing thru the Matrix
I don’t know about anti-god, and I saw the US destroying countries and going to war in the name of god, and the Daesh murdering people in the name of god — the term is too nebulous for me.
But they are anti-law, anti-human, anti-civilization, anti-Earth, and anti-life. That, for me, is more understandable and demonstrable. Just the economic austerity alone shows how anti-human they are, impoverishing and killing people so the rich become richer, not to mention the violence they commit, and the lies they tell. This is a definition of evil which requires no theology, religious faith or doctrine, and is not ambiguous or abstract. We can see the pain, despair, destruction, and corpses all around us.
I’m sorry sir, but He/Him must find the happenings on this whirling speck of rock quite pleasing. He/Him has kicked back and watched slaughter for millenia. The same s#!t show endlessly. Change the names, change the means and methods, the slaughter never stops. Yet not the slightest intervention favoring the innocents. Personally I find it extremely difficult to put any sort of faith in He/Him. What is He/Him waiting for? Is it a matter of waiting until the criminals to repent because they see the error of their ways?
everything is on different levels.
he/him cannot directly intervene with lower levels.
from rocks, minerals up through insects, vfegetation, animals to….
people are stuck between animal and spirit.
its the worst place to be.
angels, arch angels have their role cosmically, t is said the always obey,
no choice. therefore, satan was not an angel that fell, he/it would have
had to obey.
lower animals function as a source for higher animals.
nature has everything just so, everything eats something below
and is eaten by something higher.
when it comes to people it is easy to see we eat everything below us.
but…..what eats us?
which leads to the eternal question, “why are we here?”
but as an addition, ” what is the purpose and function of
human life?”
nature has a rational form for everything below us but
we seem, on the surface to be unrational,
until we discover what our purpose really is and we are
prepared to pay the price of that purpose consciously,
then nature will continue to increase the quantity of
people….for that purpose….as the quality keeps on
wars maybe a function of some pupose unknown
to us.
“when it comes to people it is easy to see we eat everything below us.
but…..what eats us?”
Tigers, mold, bacteria, bugs, birds, worms, plants…
Risk…luck…perhaps worth recalling. Read this and also the comments – . It was not just the Soviet foxtrot sub (b-59) that thanks to Vasili Arkhipov did not fire nukes back in October ’63.
Nuts and miscalculation…always a problem…
In the bulletin article comments there’s a note that at least one US sub had its “loon” cruise missile, jet engine running, ready to fire… The article itself is about the mace missiles that were on Okinawa and were ordered to fire….
My question is who gave the order? The military is all about chain of command – and somebody was trying to force Kennedy’s hand – one might suppose LeMay, but it’s secret yet – but orders to fire nukes don’t simply happen…
Pray for luck…
This seems a thread filled with pain. So much despair. Thank goodness for the optimists.
The only “facts” are what has happened, and what is. The future has not happened yet. No one knows what will happen. There are no “inescapable” future facts.
Lord Buddha taught that sentient beings commonly suffer needlessly from “two arrows.” We take a real blow or stab, and our body feels the pain. Then we stab ourselves again in our mind, as we react to the pain.
This is a “two arrows” article. Enormous respect to Auslander, but the future has not happened yet. That’s all we need to know, to stop stabbing ourselves with the second arrow.
I perceive that Russia is working to build peace. Not to win wars, not to conquer foes, not to destroy or crush, but to build. Building peace out of the war, building order out of the chaos. This is why so many of her actions seem less than direct in the face of confrontation.
If humans destroy this world, it will be a fact. But despair and belief that this is inescapable will hamper us in our pursuit of a better condition. I’m rooting for Russia, and her pursuit of a better world. Even as the deluded destroy, the enlightened create. We get to choose which force we identify with. There is no future fact yet.
Grieved said: “This seems a thread filled with pain. So much despair. Thank goodness for the optimists.”
Yes pain is part of life, especially birth – second child celebrated her 43rd Birthday yesterday, so that thought is in my mind….
And there is pain in rebirth – of society as we are experiencing now.
Yes it is easy to be full of despair… this blog is a venue to vent. But I give thanks to all the contributors here for their diverse opinions and depth of knowledge. We are all connected by the same blue sky (well it is here) so lets all look up and fill our hearts with hope.
Giving everyone a virtual hug before I go bake some Christmas biscuits (no I refuse to say the imported word ‘cookies).. so I hope my baking aroma reaches all.
A while back I posted something along those lines. And I said at that time the main danger point was early to middle 2017. After the US election and just as the new “leader” took office. Since then a lot has happened. So I’m not sure anymore. I still consider that the main war danger point. But still smaller shooting wars could come sooner. The Syrian and Ukrainian fronts are very unstable in the World. So either one could bring on some sort of major conflict before then. But I don’t see those “having” to lead directly to a WW3. Only if they are not contained by a Russian victory at the start would they lead to that. I’ve always thought that NATO is running a giant bluff at present. They want to see how far they can push Russia. How much they can gain without a real war. They may think they can win that war. But they surely know that if the war became nuclear their countries would be incinerated as well. And that they “do not want”. If they can destroy Russia through sanctions,and propaganda,they are all for that. But actual war,they don’t want. But the key for them is to make Russia believe they do want war.Since they know Russia doesn’t want war. They believe that gives them an advantage.
Russia’s history is full of similar situations. And only a strong Russian military has given them the ability to overcome them. When Rus was united and strong she was an equal to any state in the World. But when the regions separated under competing princes she fell victim to Western and Eastern enemies. And it took hundreds of years to reunite most of the lands (some still were lost to Poland). But before that could be completed the ruling dynasty died out and disunity returned (compare to the Yeltsin years). It took years to rebuild that unity again. But after a couple of weak Tsars the state again started to be weakened. Then Peter I became Tsar,and while as Saker mentioned some of his reforms were harmful to Russian culture. What he did do is rebuild the Russian military. And made Russia militarily strong again. Which stopped the West from daring to attack Russia for years. The wars Russia were involved in were wars Russia involved herself in until the Napoleonic period. Napoleon thought that Tsar Paul I, had weakened Russia. And that his successor Alexander I,coming to power with his father’s murder. Would also be a weak ruler. Alexander surprised him,and rallied the Russian military and people to fight back. And for another period the West learned to respect Russian power. It took Tsar Nichols I,to neglect modernization in the Russian state and military for Russia’s enemies to again challenge her. And even then it was only a combination of the greatest powers of the day to attack Russia. France,Britain,Italy (the strongest state in divided Italy),and Turkey invaded Crimea.
Russia rebuild her power,and until a weakening in the years coming to WWI was safe. WWI was a disaster. But as the USSR,she again rebuilt her strength. And with WW II,was able to beat back the greatest invasion force in history. And win the war against nazism. The collapse of the USSR,brought to “Russia” an era of disunity. And the Yeltsin years was another “Time of Troubles” for Russia. Putin has restored much of Russia’s strength in the military. And has always been the case throughout Russia’s history.It is her military that keeps Russia alive. There is one truism about Russia. A strong military,keeps Russia secure. And a weak military,leads her enemies to attack her.
Men Have Forgotten God–Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
“More than half a century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of older people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.
Since then I have spent well-nigh fifty years working on the history of our Revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies, and have already contributed eight volumes of my own toward the effort of clearing away the rubble left by that upheaval. But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous Revolution that swallowed up some sixty million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.
The failings of human consciousness, deprived of its divine dimension, have been a determining factor in all the major crimes of this century”
“All attempts to find a way out of the plight of today’s world are fruitless unless we redirect our consciousness, in repentance, to the Creator of all: without this, no exit will be illumined, and we shall seek it in vain. The resources we have set aside for ourselves are too impoverished for the task. We must first recognize the horror perpetrated not by some outside force, not by class or national enemies, but within each of us individually, and within every society. This is especially true of a free and highly developed society, for here in particular we have surely brought everything upon ourselves, of our own free will. We ourselves, in our daily unthinking selfishness, are pulling tight that noose…”
Frankly, I find all this god stuff and trying cast all this into religious terms, and sin, and trying to pin it on ‘non-believers’ most disheartening and discouraging — and very distracting from addressing the actual problems. If you want to think that the ravages of fascism and war are because the victims ‘have forgotten god’ rather than being a target of aggressive war, that’s your affair. but I’ll have none of it.
If I have to become a believer in some religion to ‘save the world’ then you guys can go ahead and try to do it without me. I’m no more likely to join a religious war on the your side than with the Wahabi extremists.
There is divine spark in you, blue. You just don’t know it. Hector Berlioz was an atheist, but he was inspired by something to write one of the most beautiful and heavenly pieces of religious music out there:
There is no divine spark because there is no divine.
Don’t try to tell me about myself — you have no idea who or what I am, where I’ve been, or what I know about it.
Your religion is about ‘god’ and you, not about ‘god’ and me, and I’m damned sick and tired of people trying involve me into their private belief systems and the arrogance of that, throughout my life. That’s something the religious people just can’t seem to get through their skulls: they can never mind their own business and let me think what I want without judgmentally telling me that they, through some mystical process, know more about me than I do.
It’s like the US trying to tell countries that they have to be ‘democratic’, according to their definition, or the Wahabis trying to tell people they have to live under their rules because they the word straight from Allah, or the Jews saying they are ‘chosen people’. Get off your high horse: you’re no more enlightened, holy, omniscient, saved, or than I am, to personally tell people about themselves.
You want to than you think, in general terms, that people have a divine spark, and are willing to explain just what the heck that’s supposed to mean anyway, then go ahead — but don’t try to tell me about me.
“divine spark” is poetry. Don’t you enjoy art? Even if it does have a religious theme? Do you reject the music of JS Bach just because it is religious? The Book of Psalms is very poetic, you don’t have to take it literally or take it too seriously. Lighten up. You are so aggressive and hostile to religion and religious believers. Who cares what anyone else believes? War is a part of the human condition, religion or no religion, so don’t blame it on that.
So ‘divine spark’ is now ‘poetical’ instead of meaning something?
I’ve made art — some of even with religious theme.
Who cares what anyone else believes? Many people, and that’s what sticks in my craw and why I am defensive about it. I’ve been attacked too often by it — and so have many other been attacked, with a fair number killed.
War does not have to be part of the human condition, and if we all tighten up our thinking and dispense with the emotional manipulation and unfounded bullying with belief systems that would be very helpful in eliminating war.
Actually, wars didn’t start out as bankers’ wars. Wars started out between tribes for, you guessed it, women. So what are you gonna do? If men don’t fight over natural resources, hunting grounds, water resources, whatever, they will fight over women. When humans evolve into energy beings, maybe then they will stop fighting.
So you are saying people are basically pigeons.. If they cant win they drop a packet on you.. Monkeys learnt well.. They throw a packet at you to show displeasure.. Maybe we should take up the practice as well. Just dont overdo it and throw it at the fan and all will be okay..
There will be no peace for sure,but no big war.I can’t imagine the western 1 pct clique taking any risk to loose their confortable life.Everything is going very well for these people since 2008(even before).
There will be low intensity wars like the one we have now for a few years in the Ukraine and in Syria,Yemen,Irak etc…maybe more orange fake revolutions(next one in Serbia or in Algeria?)
Bigger problem being the economic crisis we are entering and very fast a very deep worldwide depression(even worse than in 2008 or in 1929).Don’t trust the official stats and fake data.
Since 2008 all central banks tried to stimulate the economy by numerous money printing,but it does not work(except for the 1 pct).This situation can not continue forever.They are destroying the middle class.It has been largely hidden from the sheeps via the corruption of the MSM..but now with ZIRP entering in negative territory,the oil price on their way to 30 usd or even lower(20?),mass unemployment,refugees crisis,massive ponzi debts,almost no investment in the ‘real’ economy…what are they going to do?
Because going to a big war needs even more mass investment but even more debts at the end.
The only ”advantage” it permits to hire a lot of people but less than during WWI and WWII with our actual level of robotisation.
Or are they hidding us something ‘big’ ?
What about this climate change show in Paris?What is the real purpose?
Why is it so urgent suddenly?
I have a strange feeling that something ‘very big’ will happen,but what,where and when???
Some kind of world reset?
Just my two cents,my intuition…
while we wait for war enjoy some of our warrior spirit in this music and know we will never lose
well, the melody wasn’t too catchy….and I didn’t understand what the words were, so I didn’t actually watch it to the end, but yeah…I agree….it seems to indicate that Russians are going to win in the end…
I only wish I was living there…not here…
But maybe annihilation is the answer to my financial problems…too bad eh ?
Indeed war is already happening and an new scale of it may well be emerging.
Really this is a result of two fundamental factors:
(a) a failed global economic system which since 1970’s has been reliant on the fiat US$ and Saudi Oil exchange racket but which has finally cracked in the 2007/08 crisis/crash and thanks to the lack of any viable leadership is now largely a tumor killing the host; and
(b) an almost universal systemic cultural malaise which has partitioned off an ‘exceptionalist’ elites in gated communities and beyond the (tax) laws — there is now not even the wording or thinking of a “Commonwealth”.
Unfortunately, there appears to be very little soul and hence compassion in the developed world at the moment. I’m not as old as Auslander but I’ve been around 60 years and seen the drift towards the edge of the cliff. I personally refused to help lead anyone there. I’m sure I’m not alone in my ‘strike’ on participating in this trend. However, the momentum appears unstoppable. The truth and facts cannot even be communicated via mainstream media thanks to the likes of Rupert Murdoch et al.
Why war and not peace and economic prosperity?
Really the main problem seems to be the USA and its failed economic and political ideologies. They do not have the ‘best’ military in the world but they do have the most expensive (when accounting in their own paper money printing machines).
And that is the purpose of this system — what it does! — to mitigate the economic collapse of a post-Soviet era USA by substituting a war economy (the same war economy that was engineered by their staying out of the WW2 until a bankrupt British Empire came begging). And the ‘problem’ is how to empty the warehouse and reduce overstocked inventory.
I’ve posted this link before but I’ll post it again here — it may give some insight into the dynamics of the current situation as we head into a 2016 ‘Great Depression 2.0’.
“A prophecy fulfilled : the present war predicted in 1911”
by Delaisi, Francis, Published 1916.
The names of players have changed but the dynamics are the same — history rhymes. Then it was the British Empire vs the emerging Germany and railways. Now it is the US Empire vs re-emerging Russia (& China) and gas pipelines.
This does not fix our future outcome as a ‘repeat’ but it does suggest all the same issues are at play.
If two angels came to destroy the ancient Sodom and Gomorrah (in a nuclear flash) then G_d help us that the last 20-30 years have degenerated to such a degree that it is starting to look like Putin & Xi are playing the part of these two ‘angels’ today! — what was Putin’s comment? — that it was his job to ensure they (the ISIS & Co.) arrived at the Gates for judgement etc. Clinton 1.0 was the main cause for this last fall from grace by removing banking laws in the late 1990 — and now they look like voting in Clinton 2.0 (with Trump clearly the plutocratic Strawman to ensure it happens).
—— some text quoted from the link —–
The Real Danger
But now this is not a hypothetical danger. At this very moment Delcasse’s intrigue recommences. He is ready to repeat the coup of 1905.
A terrible war between England and Germany is preparing. In all parts of the globe the two adversaries are measuring and threatening each other. The affair of the Bagdad Railway and the question of the fortifications of Flushing show to what degree the crisis has become acute.
But for fighting the two powers need the assistance of France. (pp. 6-7)
. . . .
In a few weeks perhaps our financiers will have sold the skins of a hundred thousand Frenchmen to their colleagues in London in exchange for a few Turkish or Ethiopian railways.
It is time for those who do not want to see themselves treated as dumb brutes to open their eyes, to consider calmly the European situation, and to see the dangerous intrigue in which our financial oligarchy is about to engage.
The Commercial Wars
Formerly the nations were peoples of peasants, and naturally their leaders pursued an agricultural policy; their dream was to expand their territory and to annex their neighbors’ fields. That is why their conflicts were frontier conflicts and their wars for annexation and conquest. Victorious Napoleon took possession of Belgium; the conquerer Bismarck annexed Alsace-Lorraine, etc.
But today all this is changed. The great European nations are governed by men of affairs—bankers, manufacturers, export merchants. The aim of these men is to seek everywhere markets for their rails, their cotton goods, their capital. Throughout the whole world they struggle for the control of the railways, loans, and mining concessions, etc. And if, perchance, two rival groups cannot agree on the exploitation of new countries, they appeal to arms.
Thus we saw the Japanese fight with the Chinese in 1895 for the exploitation of Korea; in 1898 the Americans battled with the Spaniards for the exploitation of Cuba. In 1899 England fought with the Boers for the possession of the Transvaal mines; in 1900 all impose their railways upon the Chinese; finally, in 1904, the Japanese and Russians slaughtered each other for eighteen months to find out who should have the right to exploit Manchuria.
Five wars in ten years! The triumph of Pacifism! None of these wars resulted in conquest—Manchuria will always be a part of the Celestial Empire; China has kept its Emperor; South Africa is an autonomous political unity, and Cuba is an independent republic. But their railroads, their loans, their import duties are all the booty of the victors.
Our great modern financial oligarchies are not looking for subjects, but customers; they do not engage in “patriotic” wars after the old fashion. These men of affairs wage commercial wars. (pp. 9-10)
. . . .
A consul in Syria wrote to his government: “Formerly all the European products used here were purchased in England. Today I am writing to you on a table manufactured in Germany, with a German pen on German paper. Soon there will be nothing English left but myself.”
On all sides the progress of British commerce was declining; while that of German commerce was increasing with disquieting rapidity.
The Bagdad Railway
Naturally the Kaiser supported the efforts of his merchants and bankers with all the forces at the disposal of his diplomacy. Everywhere his ambassadors endeavored to obtain concessions and orders for his countrymen. Colonies were founded in Africa; they built railways across China; the mines of Chile were exploited, etc.
But it was especially upon Turkey that the people of Berlin cast their eyes. In 1903, William II obtained from the Sultan Abdul-Hamid the concession of the Bagdad Railway, about which so much fuss is made at present by our great newspapers.
It runs for a stretch of 2800 kilometres (about 1700 miles), from Constantinople to the head of the Persian Gulf. It is a matter of nearly two hundred million dollars. One may easily imagine the great returns such an enterprise will yield to the bankers, iron works and promoters on the other side of the Rhine.
But it was found that this German railroad terminated in Mesopotamia in a region which the English always considered as a reservation for their own commerce. And, besides, this railway can, in a few days, transport Turkish troops into the neighborhood of Bombay and threaten the British domination of India.
The Appeal to Arms
At this the English capitalists took fright. Their first surprise was changed to uneasiness and later into fury.
Today in all parts of the globe, in the Balkan Peninsula, in Turkey, from Persia to China, in Central America, in Brazil, in the Argentine Republic and to Chile, the bankers of Berlin and London, the ship-owners of Liverpool and Hamburg, the industrial magnates of Glasgow and Essen, are involved in a struggle. (pp. 11-12)
I don’t think there will be war; the Empire is winning w/o it, so it certainly isn’t going to rock the boat. There may be a phoney war-scare to impel us the last nine yards into their global oligarchy. They may even create a phoney threat of alien invasion for the same purpose.
We are the bull staring mesmerized at the red cape of aggression; it needs only a turn of the head to see the tender vulnerability of the planning hand. They are few & we are many. They are completely vulnerable in their supranational monetary and trade systems. But, being the bull, we never see this & go on being distracted by war and the threat of a bigger war.
I disagree that the empire is winning…the empire has built up an empire but now they are not all empires they will fall.
Dear Auslander,
i am so moved that I feel compelled to point out some prophecies by a Bavarian clairvoyant, which until recently I could not imagine to come true under any circumstances. That has recently changed – since Mr. Putin, for whom I have great respect and admiration – mentioned what he would do once he would find that a fight is inevitable.
I’m German, so i put the German text first, then my translation:
sagte Anfang der 50er Jahre
»Mädchen, du erlebst die große Umwälzung, die kommen wird.
Zuerst kommt ein Wohlstand wie noch nie.
Dann folgt ein Glaubensabfall wie nie zuvor.
Darauf eine noch nie da gewesene Sittenverderbnis.
Alsdann kommt eine große Zahl fremder Leute ins Land.
Es herrscht eine hohe Inflation, Geld verliert mehr und mehr an Wert.
Bald darauf folgt die Revolution [in Deutschland, beginnend in Italien].
Dann überfallen die Russen über Nacht den Westen.«
said in the early 1950s:
“Girl, you will live to see the great upheavals that are to come.
First, there will be prosperity like never before.
Then will follow apostasy like never before.
Then a corruption of morals as has never been seen before.
Then a huge number of strange folk (alien people) will arrive in the country.
There will be inflation, the money loses more and more of its worth.
Soon the revolution will follow [in Germany, starting from Italy]
Then, over night, the Russians will invade the West.”
Irlmaier has given many details how it will pan out. You’ll find it all online, so I leave it at that.
Maybe I should mention that I was born 1940 in Berlin.
May God be with us all.
I don’t believe in aliens..that’s your interpretation of this prophecy…which I quite like…
Alien people could be sociopaths.
No, that was a wrong translation.
“fremde Leute”, literally “strange people”, means “foreigners” and not “aliens”
Sorry, mis-translation:
alien not as in extra-terrestrial but “alien to our culture”.
Oh, i forgot to mention a very important point: Irlmaier did not speak of nuclear war, no extermination, but a golden age, peaceful times for those who survive.
yeah, I’m more of that kind of future…but I think that humanity has to go through a bottle neck now, because we did not heed, in time, what needed to be done 100 years ago….there were warnings from people, one was Rudolf Steiner, who said if Europe doesn’t change its tracks, then chaos was coming…and Europe ignored him…so here we are now.
But there is supposed to be a golden age coming, and Russia is the leading culture of the golden age…starting about 3500 AD….but it won’t start suddenly, it is already in the wings….not obviously but small lilghts, like Saker’s, throughout the world (devastation). Sad.
Hi Auslander…very dismal mood for you when you wrote that, but I guess you are convinced.
I’m not. I think that this cold war – move and counter move – will go on for a long time but not extermination.
I’m sure of it.
My lady, I hope you are correct but I think otherwise, otherwise at this time.
I know Mr. Putin is the premier statesman of our time and I have an inkling what he is doing. On the other hand we are being surrounded, slowly and implacably. NATO had a presence in our city from 2011, small but steadily growing, almost unnoticed. They were gone within days of our little revolution but they left behind documents. Turmoil has engulfed the entire south Med coast. Turkey is ‘suddenly’ much more belligerent. There is no need to even speak of EU, in particular Poland and the Prebaltica. Iran has, for the moment, thrown in their lot with us but how long will they stay? Gruzya is again making noise about becoming a NATO associate. There is growing but low grade turmoil in our various ‘stan republics. Ukraine is a bad joke militarily but they are the gateway for NATO to be on a vast border with Russia. All the above is just scratching the surface of what is going on.
Doom and gloom? No, emphatically no, but when your enemy is creeping up on you in the dark and fog one would be a fool to not gird oneself for combat. I would say more of hard eyed determination.
Auslander I’m with you, it is easy being an American always feel safe from extermination, since they have never been touched by the destruction of the two World Wars and instead they collected profits. I think that is why, so, basically, they do not rebel against their system, because deep down, they feel safe with their rotten system. After all, the worst part is always reserved for Europeans, and when I say Europeans, I include Russians in this set, being now joined also by the Mediteránean Middle East.
yes, its possible that the Americans just don’t ‘get it’…I guess I’m hoping I’m right, not you.
And I suppose it could also be true that there is already war in Europe..but not in America, although there’s alot of poverty here, and many lives are being ruined by the financial situation even here in Canada.
Conflagration though, is not so ‘near’ as in Europe I guess.
But I wish so much I lived over there in Russia, and not here.
“because deep down, they feel safe with their rotten system.”
Part of the reason why the opponents facilitate opportunities whilst projecting the “land of opportunity”.
Quote Auslander:
– “So what to do? I have no idea. I have friends, dear friends, many of long term standing, on both sides of this yawning divide.”
On a personal level,
the war is within.
Fight thy beloved friends,
metaphorically, like Arjuna.
The great war against humanity,
a financial corporate proxy war,
being waged by the 1% against the 99%.
Global conflict is the smoke and mirrors of divide and conquer.
We collectively are the co-creators of our fate and destiny,
either through our actions, our passivity or both.
Regardless our faith or lack thereof,
we reap what we sow.
Peace is not the opposite of war.
The opposite of war is sharing.
За тихой рекой
oh, auslander, you take our breaths away, just a few paragraphs & straight on the point: please, keep writing while you can, we all need to prepare,
thank you for the above & all that you do,
kindest regards,
“Biblical Revelations promise “all will be revealed” at the end of the present world. The extraordinary discoveries in Egypt and other parts of the world, describe not just an advanced technology but, evolutionary path beyond our present state. Careful scientific examination of the world’s key pyramid sites, reveal them to be sophisticated harmonic structures, not only mirroring positions of the planets and stellar systems but, designed to mimic the chakras and harmonic cavities of the human body. Even each stone within the Great Pyramid is harmonically tuned to a specific frequency or musical tone. The sarcophagus in the centre of the Great Pyramid is tuned to the frequency of the human heart beat. Astonishing experiments, conducted by Dr. Hurtak and colleagues at the Great Pyramid and other sites in the South Americas, demonstrate the pyramids to be voice-activated “geophysical computers.”
Intoning specific ancient sounds, the scientific team produced visible standing waves of light, above and within the pyramids and were even able to penetrate, hitherto, inaccessible chambers. Subsequent discoveries indicate the ancient priest-scientists employed some sort of harmonic sound technology within the temple structures. The lost Enochian knowledge reveals the mother tongue as a “language of Light”. Known to the ancients as HIBURU, it is the primal seed language, introduced at the beginning of this time cycle.
Modern research confirms, the most ancient form Hebrew to be a natural language, the alphabetic forms emerging from the phosphene flare patterns of the brain. The same shapes, in fact, born of a spinning vortex. It is a true language of light, coursing through our very nervous system. Encoding the natural waveform geometries of the physical world, Hiburu is a harmonic language, mimicking the waveform properties of light.
The “keys” Enoch speaks of, turn out to be sound keys, keys to be vibratory matrix of reality itself, the mythic “Power of the World”. The Enochian knowledge describes sonic equations, encoded within the ancient mantras and god names, capable of directly affect the nervous system and producing profound effect of healing and higher consciousness states. As the ancient texts declare, “If you would speak with the gods you must first learn the language of the gods.”
so , everyone speak with harmony……………..reach the language of light……………….
about Ooparts, advanced technological artifacts found in ancient geological time periods, but representative of advanced civilisations……..some 100m’s years ago…………….
and stuff like this
“Shoe Sole from Nevada, dated at 213 – 248 million years ago
On October 8, 1922, the American Weekly section of the New York Sunday American ran a prominent feature titled “Mystery of the Petrified ’Shoe Sole,” by Dr. W. H. Ballou.
Ballou wrote:
“Some time ago, while he was prospecting for fossils in Nevada, John T. Reid, a distinguished mining engineer and geologist, stopped suddenly and looked down in utter bewilderment and amazement at a rock near his feet. For there, a part of the rock itself, was what seemed to be a human footprint!
Closer inspection showed that it was not a mark of a naked foot, but was, apparently, a shoe sole which had been turned into stone.”
The writer of this article does not call a spade a spade. The truth is that since the dissolution of the USSR, the USA has been the sole aggressor seeking and fighting wars all over the world. It is not true that the USA and Russia do not understand each other at the moment, it is the American empire which insists that Russia must accept to be colonized. It is an unacceptable condition. America surrounds the whole planet with army bases and often brag that it would do whatever it wants anywhere and to anybody. We all owe Russia a debt of gratitude for standing up to this degradation of humanity. The ordinary people indeed want peace, but not at any peace. When life is bereft of dignity that is no life. There is a reason dignity is the most human value.
That is how Auslander feels, he may be very wrong.
Another world war will extinct the species. Enough of us know that fact to stop the next war for enough time to begin to listen to one another.
The USA and it’s obedient satraps(the West) are desperate we never listen to one another. The West is only small fraction of the global population. Nukes, money, corporations, science or military arms do not replace humans animals, no matter how many efforts to replace them are tried.
We have the means to extinct ourselves. That small West seems to be determined to extinct us.
We not West will stop the West. We have no other choice.
In this times, where all information is available on request (or a mouse click) to enable anyone to make a proper judgement, only a ‘brain-washed’ or an idiot would volunteer to fight a nation (or nations) which actively contest the crumbling ‘unipolar’ policy of the USA.
Add to it, that the economy in the West no longer is able to hide that it is based on unpayable debt and social inequality.
Add to it, that not every one in the ‘West’ is willing to give up traditional tested values in exchange of new definitions of morality and societal acceptance.
I am with you Auslander.
“The current world situation is the most dangerous I have ever seen”
Maybe, but as you said you are born after WWII.
Now is winter, so most people in the northern hemisphere are a little pessimistic. This is much more the underlying reason for doomsday predictions than an genetic expression “in the human nature”
“Indians” has slaughtered each other because they can do. Europeans robbed the world for the same reason. World war I and II? The same, industrialization and science gives the opportunity.
Why? Simply greed. For power and goods. Look at this goat herd minded Turkish President. Did you believe he will invest in Syria opposition if he cannot robbed the oil of that country? He’s not alone, all the other a****les profiting from that supports him. Greed is the reason for wars and all the other meddling. One gets an oil tanker company, the other a better job in the hierarchy. There is no killer gene, it is a simple function of tribes.
Did you read 4M? The mass murderous mainstream media. Simply the same. Working in that area means to leave conscience (if there is any) at the wardrobe. People who are not able to do this will quit (if they don’t find a warm niche of no responsibility). Politic is much worst, than NATO and EU and at the top of the pyramid of BS the “economy leaders”. A Negative selection of the human yield is always the result.
Not convinced? Take a look of any frontman (or woman) running that kind of businesses,
So IMHO the simple reason that sh* buoys upwards is an easier explanation than some hidden genes in human DNA.
No need to live in the northern hemisphere or to start talking about genes.
It is more than enough if you are or make yourself aware of the situation of the fiat money system.
Exponential growth of a debts based “money” supply. Ever heard of that?
As George Carlin said:”If there is a god, he did a f*cking bad job!” I agree. There is no god, just the laws of evolution!
Buddhism explains exactly what ”god’ is the Law of Cause and effect . Amazing how many people call it a HE or a SHE. Grow up and use your brain.
It is because we’re ruled by emotion,not reason
All is the result of the Fall of Man. The result of Sin. Sin is “hamartia”, “missing the target”. God made Man with freedom and offered him a choice: “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die”. And then God made a woman for him, to have a company. But she, instead of listening to
God, she listened to the serpent and immediately made the wrong choice, because she saw “that the tree was good for food, was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate and she gave to her husband with her and he ate”. And their eyes were opened, but instead of becoming like god, as the serpent told her, they just saw that they were naked.
You want heaven on earth? You can go to a isolated community like the Amish or some Buddhist temple up in a mountain. You wont find happiness in the big cities because they are like human zoos, where everybody fight everybody for survival and the only god is money.
This is all about greed ,a reason by the rich to start a war to reduce populations about control ,they believe they can have a quick deadly war and win this is the 1percenters in America ,britton and germany and of course isirael ,the interbread Rothschilds are behind all this , they control America britton germany and a few other nato countries , this is insain they believe they can win ,they have there bunkers . They dont give a fuck about anyone but them selves the rulers of the world ,or so they think .The people of the world will be used by these scum , we are all being led by the noses there media is lying to us all brain washing the public into excepting there lies .Murdochs papers fox news 96 percent of the media is control by these nut cases , every day they spread lies and block the truth from most of the western world press you only get the lies they want you to believe , these scum need to be distroyed , before they distroy us , as there clear intent is , clinton is one of them bush is also , who can you trust to stop these loonies in America ? Brought and payed for by the rich ? They have killed leaders who stand up to them ,they are the evil of the world , murder millions on lies and started wars on lies ,they are blood sucking scumbags ,know your enamy the Bankers ,ROTHSCHILDS .