Putin and Hollande give a joint press conference following their meeting – English Audio
Video starts at 0:33 seconds
Russian President Vladimir Putin and French President Francois Hollande held a joint press conference in Moscow, Thursday following a meeting to discuss joint action in combatting militant groups in Syria.
The Russian President spoke about an “industrial scale” of illegal oil sales from militant-held areas of Syria, stating that “day and night they go to Turkey. I can assume that the leadership of the country does not know about it.” Putin added that “it does not mean that Turkish authorities do not have to prevent illegal transactions. And there is also a UN resolution on this case which prohibits the direct buying of oil from terrorists.”
Putin noted that “in these barrels is not just oil. There is our people’s blood,” adding that “with this money terrorists buy ammunition and weapons and then they conduct bloody actions, with our plane in Sinai, in Paris and in other cities and countries.”
Putin’s message to the turks ”presse your president to step down”
When the video of the Putin’s A&Q is ready I will post it here.
Please, check back later.
Thank you.
Info from Russia and other decent sources seems to be tending towards CIA involvement in the shoot down. But then, given past history, CIA could have been grabbing some of that IS oil money too.
This is beginning to feel like a big pimple about to pop open.
Dissonance between Hollande and Putin remains, on Assad, in their joint press conference in Moscow.
This diplomatic dance contains deceptive moves and posturing by the French. Hopefully none of that will be allowed to slow up the SAA and Russia on the ground and in the air, in Syria.
Does Hollande want to change but is forced to placate Obama and Cameron to avoid NATO false flag punishment? Or is France in Russia’s “coalition” primarily to spy on it from the inside, and sabotage it?
I read here a day or two ago that the sorties from the Charles De Gaulle have been pathetic, so far. Makes me doubt any fundamental change in French policy for the Middle East. Is there any conclusive evidence in action and not just words, to the contrary?
good points, I have the same worries…
I have been wondering about the true intentions too. Nothing to do but but watch France’s action over the coming weeks to see which side they are really on.
Any vassal state that does not agree with the US still has to mouth the right words to try and keep the US off their backs.
I’m in agreement with Ted, Dario and Peter.
Hollande cannot be trusted; the concerns expressed by Ted (latter point, re spying/sabotaging from the inside) are highly likely. This phallic-headed puppet of the “Assad must go crowd”, Hollande, can’t be trusted. Putin’s siloviki inner circle are very shrewd people, I’m inferring that they’re giving the French enough rope to hang themselves with. Meaning Putin is making a sincere offer of help to Hollande, going thru the motions in front of the world, dotting the ‘I’ s and crossing his “t”s, so if the French attempt a double cross, he’ll further expose Western duplicity to Western and International audiences.
A great example is the shrewd and public way (live on TV) he ordered the captain of a Russian missile cruiser to ‘support’ (ie embed themselves into) the French battle group. The move is sincere, but with the unwritten understanding that the captain will be keeping a close eye on Frencv too.
France led by puppet Hollande is coward. If France dare to step out NATO (north atlantic terror organisation) then EU and nato will break down if Germany dare to follow and the rest of the by zionazie occupied Europa esp the Dutch!
by France participating with Russia, Syria, it gets to know the inner working of Russia SAM and other early warning technology. Putin knows this, he is playing along.
@Ted – I agree that Hollande is a neoliberal, and certainly not a trusted ally.
That said, my take is just a bit different…
I don’t think that Putin thinks that the French are a trusted ally either by any means, but his show of “alliance” with them serves a few functions:
1. He can position himself as working with another victim of terrorism – i.e. PR – and this is largely the same from Hollande.
2. He can hopefully leverage the French military force to actually accomplish a bit of damage against ISIS, and possibly even al-Nusra. Since the Russian offensive began, the US forces have damaged ISIS a whole lot more than they did before – out of a desire not to be “showed up,” and this can hopefully happen here as well.
3. By actively working in coordination with the French forces, this makes it much less likely that they will go rogue and start attacking the Syrian military, which I’m sure was a real concern – given that the French regime has been a leading pusher for overthrowing governments for some time now. With the current arrangements though, I see this being rather difficult for the French to do, but that could change at any time…
Why the hell is Putin so weak? After Maidan, the accusations of shooting down an airliner, the Mistral fiasco, the sanctions, the freezing of assets, Odessa, the airliner in the Sinai, the shooting down of a SU24 and all those bastards doing everything they can to topple Assad in the last four years… he is now working with that piece of s… Hollande? whose goal it is to topple Assad? and who just came back from taking his orders from Washington, DC?
How can they be working together if their plans for Syria truly are different?
It’s becoming increasingly clear now that the Bataclan was a false flag…
What the hell is Putin doing?
“What the hell is Putin doing?”
Picking up and rebuilding the Russian federation from the ashes of the USSR.
15 years for one mane to take Russia from a totally destroyed/collapsed country/ideology to where it can once again stand up to the most powerful empire in history.
Not bad.
“What the hell is Putin doing?”
I have often wondered that myself and share your frustration, but I don’t think president Putins actions stem from weakness. He is a canny fox and there are often many things going on behind the scenes which we the general public are not privy to.
I am sure they are not so naïve in the Kremlin as to take at face value all they are told by their western “partners”, and I am sure president Putin is aware by this stage that confrontation with the satanic scum in Washington is inevitable as they cannot be co-existed with, its either them or Russia (and the rest of the world). No, I get more the sense of holding back patiently with president Putin.
There is weakness and weakness. Personal weakness involves things like failing in your resolve to do the best thing for your country because you can’t handle the flak that will come your way.
But then there is the “weakness” of realism. The fact is that Russia is not all-powerful, so achieving its objectives requires thinking and acting carefully–avoiding using energy doing things that will not achieve objectives, avoiding making unnecessary enemies, and so on. And in the international arena, an important point to remember is that there are a lot of degrees to terms like “friend” and “enemy”. There are “enemies” who will vote for a sanction against you if it’s no skin off their nose, and there are “enemies” who desperately want to nuke Moscow if they have even a decent chance of surviving it.
France is an “enemy” of Russia in the sense that it’s a client state of the US. But it’s not a determined or committed enemy of Russia. It may seem pointless to buddy-buddy up with France, in the sense that that on its own will never peel them away from the US. But it doesn’t cost anything, and it could make a one-or-two degree difference in how much commitment they have as enemy, say from “Totally on board with the next round of sanctions” down to “Hey, US! Gonna require a sweetener if you want us to lose trade from this pointless exercise, cuz we’re only giving the Russians grief for you”. Every little bit counts. Putin does not have the luxury of indulging personal pique at the expense of his country’s interests.
Similarly, even if the French do diddly against IS, as long as they don’t actively cause trouble for Syria expect Putin to give them fig leaves. The French public and even to some extent the French politicians really don’t like ISIS right now. They may not do anything real about it because the Americans don’t want them to, but they won’t be happy about that–and those politicians will remember who put them in the dilemma of not being able to do what they wanted to while needing to look like they were doing it (the US), and who did that job for them while helping them look good (Putin).
+100 anonymous
Stop this nonsense, please. Obviously there is part of game that is not exposed to us. Putin is the only world leader fighting the evil on this planet for real. Do you really expect Russians to act like hollywood american heros?
No,not really.But we can “hope”.
“What the hell is Putin doing?”
Obviously a lot more than what can be seen.
Read Putin’s body language – he does not trust the Frenchies etc one bit.
This was a press conference ie. for general consumption – the main stuff goes on behind closed doors.
“… the main stuff goes on behind closed doors. …”
True. It is quite unclear what is the actual purpose of the Zio-frog’s visit to Moscow.
So so many things go on behind closed doors. Once the KGB realized that Lee Harvey Oswald was being set up as a possible patsy for JFK’s demise, they were extremely worried that the USSR would be blamed for whatever happened, so they were trying to quietly assassinate all the patsies they knew about. There were quite a few of them, so they had their hands full. Just another episode in the age long Blame Russia saga. It would make a great comedy movie. Like those Pink Panther movies are mockeries of the JFK assassination. Clue-so ha ha, get it?! Ha, ha, so funny! Shot In The Dark, ha ha…Umbrella Man, Badge Man, Babushka Lady, 3 Tramps, there are just too many clues!
@ Anonymous (on November 27, 2015 · at 1:55 am UTC)
I’m very sorry, but I really don’t know what you are talking about. Do you?…
Just do a search on Pink Panther. The people who made those movies were really having a laugh.
damn right he didin’t seem like listening/believing whatever BS “Flamby” was telling him…
Ever been outnumbered in a potential bruhaha? If you have to fight that fight you never rush in roaring and swinging… Thats how you lose… Judging by your viseral reaction you would not survive such an encounter.
Consider Thermopile;
Every advantage is required to win, first amongst them is a cool head and patience.
but remember, just because a man is bigger than you doesn’t mean he’s a better man than you. All it means is that he’s a bigger target.
See, this is the problem, this kind of thinking right here.
A man who’s bigger than you isn’t “better”, no. But he’s bigger. He’s got more weight behind his blows, he’s got serious advantages in a grapple, he can absorb more punishment to non-vital spots, he’s got longer reach. This has implications.
You can beat a bigger man, but not by the “power of positive thinking”. You have to fight in a way that minimizes his advantages and uses any disadvantages (typically, slightly slower reflexes and movement due to nerve-impulse times and greater inertia; if he’s not a grappler, maybe problems if you get inside his guard). You have to target spots where size does not provide protection. You have to finish it fast before he gets going and batters you to pieces. Stuff like that. You have to, in short, counter his size advantage with better tactics.
It’s true that you should avoid letting size intimidate you, but you still have to take it into account–you can’t just wish it away.
Congrats for your hurrah patriotism, even if from an ‘auslander’. A sequence of provocations must have a steady unchangeable cause. Logics only, dear. A steady uniform self control and proportionate reaction in Eu must also have a cause.
you say it is weakness.
I say it is not.
One day Putin, with 90% domestic support, will follow those advices and pull trigger soon as provoked by the nearest cowboy bastard.
@What the hell is Putin doing?
He is following the prophetic recommendations of Alexander Solzhenitsyn for the rebirth of Russia, given in 1974 in the essay “Repentance and Self-Limitations in the life of nations”, in the collective volume “From under the rubble”. It remains essential reading for whom wants to understand what happens with Russia.
“A family which has suffered a great misfortune or disgrace tries to withdraw into itself for a time to get over its grief by itself. This is what Russian people must do: spend most of its time alone with itself, without neighbors and guests. It must concentrate on its inner tasks: on healing its soul, educating its children, putting its own house in order…
It will cost billions – and we should take them from our vainglorious and unnecessary foreign expenditure. We must stop running out into the street to join every brawl and instead retire virtuously into our own home so long as we are in such state of disorder and confusion.. Fortunately we have such a home, a spacious and unsullied home preserved for us by history – the Russian Northeast…
This does not mean that we shall shut ourselves up within ourselves forever. This would not be in accordance with the outgoing Russian character. When we have recovered our health and put our house in order we shall undoubtedly want to help poor and backward peoples, and succeed in doing so. But not out of political self-interest, not to make them live as we do or serve us.”
I had been aware of Solzhenitsyn when a full blood American Indian wanted me to read it so he would have someone to discuss it with. I looked up ‘Repentence” and this is what I found:
The providential hand of God is in the darkest disasters of human experience. As Solzhenitsyn expressed in an interview: “I am deeply convinced that God is pre-sent both in the lives of every person and also in the lives of entire nations” [Pearce]
Russian writers just can’t be beat. The Western mind cannot even begin to think it understands the Russian mind. It is total rediculous arrogance to think that we know what Putin is doing or should do. Media makes a mockery of Putin going to church. Whereas, Americans are so proud they have separated church from state, which allows them to do all kinds of criminal acts.
I have learned much from this site andfrom your posts. Why does the US hate Russia so?
I really like the thought of shutting yourself up in the Russian Northeast–with the bears and tigers, lynx and leopards, and a host of other animals. It is a known fact that Putin loves tigers and has made it a criminal act for anyone to kill one of Russia’s tigers. Americans would be much better people if they roamed with the buffalo and the wolves and the reservation Indians.
Putin is trying to forestall WW III until Russia is ready. After all, he wants to win it, not lose it.
“What the hell is Putin doing?”
Not starting World War 3. Not getting us all killed. Same as what China did NOT do when the empire sailed a warship within 12 miles of Chinese territory. The leadership of the upcoming world order is reassuringly responsible.
The leadership of the current empire is the reverse: they know they are going down — if not by their past folly then by China’s imminent ascent to global economic leadership. Since the fools currently in charge think they are unlikely to survive anyway, they are willing to take everyone else down too (the Samson option). Hence the utterly reckless and deliberate provocations aimed at major nuclear powers.
Fortunately, sanity and foresight seem to be prevailing in the Russo/Sino leadership. Even if they do nothing the empire will crash, and they know it. Not that I expect Putin to do nothing — be has many options short of starting WW3.
Russians don’t like to start world wars, but they sure as hell like to finish them.
China had got nothing to do with this current struggle, this is 100% Russia taking the risks, Russia leading and Russia (& Syria &Donbass) taking the damage.
Let’s not let the Chinese ride the coattails of Russia’s effort (and the Chinese themselves have never made such claims either).
The only power and leader taking such an active stance is Russia and Putin, not Xi, not Modi, not Rouseff and not Zuma.
While Russia fights the fight, China further integrates itself with the Euro-Banker controlled IMF via inclusion into the SDR.
One could look at it in reverse. I might advance the argument that Russia and China are running a sort of stage magic trick against the empire. While the US is distracted from its “pivot to Asia” by Russia’s bombings and other muscular foreign policy (the magician’s showy right hand with the wand), they have no attention to spare as the Chinese change the whole political economy of Asia-through-to-Eastern-Europe with their massive international “New Silk Road” infrastructure knitting the supercontinent together (the left hand, performing the actual trick under the table quiet-like).
The Russians actually winning a lot of points is, from this perspective, just gravy.
One of the quality that I like very much about President Putin is that he can play “the naive’ or the “idiot” very well, and is not either.
If a common person does not believe Hollande, can you imagine the Russians especially after the “stab in the back”? President Putin knows very well that the plane was destroyed because of US orders, it was a provocation, far bigger than the shelling of innocent people in Donbass, done by a Erdogan a criminal far superior than Porky. All the commotion due to the ‘stab in the back” are for theatrical reasons, for the masses, for the Russian people, cannot be real in a statesman like President Putin. The soft tone, almost weak at time, is for the enemy to make them believe that they hit the target…and to make them digest better the S400.
Lose the Turkey!
What an apropos Turkey Day message.
Turkey’s downing of a Russian warplane over Syria has proven that the country is a liability to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and must be “ousted” from the Western military alliance, says a retired US Army General.
The shooting down of a Russian aircraft near the Syrian border was in line with Ankara’s struggle to establish itself as a “dominant” power, retired US Army Major General Paul Vallely said Thursday.
The French are playing a really dirty low down game and I sincerely hope president Putin isn’t taken in by the weasel words of Hollande. If the crack pot would be dictator Erdogan stabbed Russia in the back, Hollande is waiting in the wings with a samurai sword.
The French are now calling on the British to “join” in airstrikes “against ISIS” in Syria. I am sorry but the UK is practically indivisible from the US, they are both 2 sides of the same coin and are interested in one thing and one thing only, the forcible removal of Assad and destruction of Syria as a functioning state. And following Hollandes meeting with Obomber in Washington they both yet again reiterated that Assad was the problem and the only solution to the war in Syria lies in his removal.
Hollande speaks out of both sides of his mouth.
Agreed 100% However, I doubt the French air force will do much damage given their record to-date.
I don’t know what record you’re referring to but one thing you can say about French army thus far is that they did what where asked from them efficiently. While it’s clear it’s not able to perform as much strikes as USA or Russia for now it remains a significant force in the area.
If people were more familiar with the history of French arms, they would not denigrate French military prowess. French military history is quite glorious and impressive. Cheese eating surrender monkey is a really gross exaggeration. The French do, however, have a long history of internal squabbles in the military and political ranks that did, to a large extent, lead to defeat when defeat was the end result. Napolean was a real expert at managing his unruly squabbling marechals and skillfully capitalized on their individual strengths and muted their weaknesses, and most importantly, kept toxic personalities apart. Erdo is the Turkish Napoleon. But can he manage the military?
Napoleon wasn’t French
nobody said Napoleon was French. But he was in charge of French forces.
The only way this makes sense, is that Putin is part of a common agreed plan.
Great Britain, France and Germany are moving their military assets to Syria to “fight ISIS”.
Prepare for a “False flag” blamed on Russia, NATO gets involved, and WWIII is on.
Will do, thank you Scott
With Turkish Airlines advertising they have the most destinations of any airline worldwide, it is fortunate that in the interests of peace that Mr. Putin does not have all Russian airspace denied to all Turkish overflights, while Russia offers as a gesture of peace, not to overfly Turkish airspace in return in return, as a quid pro quo..
Russia should deny overflight rights to any Turkish airlines over Russian territory. It is a small gesture, but it should be made.
You don’t take having your planes shot out of the air lying down. If you do, you invite it to happen again and again.
At least until the investigation of the bomb on board the Sinai flight can comprehensively say there was no Turkish involvement that should be the case.
Russian tourists are going to leave Turkey by December 7, according to this: https://twitter.com/russian_market
I always thought Russia was too enabling and patronizing of Turkey, given Turkey’s dirty work in the Balkans and against its neighbors. Turkey also served as a training ground for anti-Russian terrorists, like the Chechens.
Today the Turkish Airlines is flying in those from several countries to get in on the “hordes of illegal migrants route.” The Turks have made billions from this illegal migration, and now the EU is giving them a 3-million euro reward for it.
Turcs have a strong leverage as they control the bosphorus straight so that they can turn the back see, into a balck lake for the Russian fleet out there. (which be some kind of revenge for the AZs losing Crimea/Sebastopol).
So they’ll go “assymetrical” and avoid the kind of blocus thing against Turkey
Nato in complete dissaray, I noticed Hollande didn’t once attempt to come “collectively” to the defence of Turkey, instead he appeared tres embarrassed. Erdogan was floored by Putin in this press conference and I have never seen him so determined to enact retaliatory measures. He argued that Turkey was a loose canon within Nato, and through down the gauntlet to the americans and their “led” coalition that they had all details of Rusian flight paths/sorties, and yet Turkey abused this trust. Responding to the s-400 deployment, what was the threat about the many and other counter measures that will be used? Electronic jamming, decoys..
Hollande also stuck the boot into the IS/Erdogan oil company saying quite clearly they are going after this too. Will this coalition work, its difficult to say, Russia needs to press on regardless, it doesn’t need the mistrals. Fascinating press conference!
NATO — yes, agree, an expensive un-affordable dinosaur on its last days.
Not only did Hollande make it clear around 22:20 that destroying terrorists was the only objective (no “Assade must go!” here) earlier he deliberately appealed to European ministers (and not therefore North American).
France has left NATO before (& rejoined) — it’s likely that they will leave again in due course leaving the cost burden on the now missing-in-action Germany’s Merkel.
Just watched the Q&A Live Conference of Putin and waste of space Hollande.
Depressing to say the least…
Even standing right there, next to a rather unamused Putin, he’s still insisting that Assad cannot be part of the future in Syria. So, aside from all his empty rhetoric about “closer cooperation between members of the coalition,” [he mentioned that, like, 12 thousand times! Like a broken record, btw], his true mission in Moscow was to deliver the message from the Yanks that “Assad must go,” how original! *eye-roll*
Further; I think this “coalition cooperation,” is Orwellian doublespeak for: they want to keep tabs on Russia and also keep Russian operations in Syria on a tight leash [try to steer them where to bomb, where not to bomb… like they can be trusted at all!]
My suspicions were ‘sort-of’ confirmed when Putin was answering a question regarding the downing of the Russian jet, he said that they passed the info to the yanks: where they were gonna strike, when, at what altitude (etc). Putin was rebuffing recent Turkish allegations that they didn’t know it was a Russian jet [yeah… sure they didn’t..]
Why are the Russians passing this info over?
I suppose they must follow procedure; treaties, international law, rules of engagement (etc) but can’t this info, regarding the bombing targets, be passed over to the enemy/terrorists?
Is that unimaginable to think this info is being used by the Hegemon to give their terrorists pet beheaders plenty of time to disperse or move underground?
How are you supposed to bust the terrorists if you are being sabotaged by your so-called “allies”?
That’s on the one hand, on the other, and on a more disturbing note; why give the “coalition of dodgy opportunists” [which includes Turkey, and look at what happened!] the data about where your jets are gonna be at?
Putin after talks with Hollande – SputnikNews
“[..] Vladimir Putin also said that Russia will hold serious consultations with the US on the exchange of information on counter-terrorist in Syria after the tragedy with the Su-24.
“The American side, which heads the coalition, which includes Turkey, knew the place and time of our aircraft in the air. And it the time we got hit. The question is why do we have shared this information with the Americans? Whether they do not control their allies or the information handed out left, right, and center, without understanding of the consequences.”
“[..] According to the French President, France and Russia decided to share intelligence to fight ISIL militants.
Hollande said anti-ISIL airstrikes would become the subject of coordinated efforts to “enhance the efficiency of these actions,” adding that Europe is mobilizing its efforts in the fight against terrorism.
“The United Kingdom will be involved in this [*My Note: I don‘t know where Hollande got this from, but officially: the UK Parliament has yet to vote on this], I spoke about this with Cameron and also discussed certain issues with Merkel yesterday,” he stressed”
“[..] He [Hollande] added that the third condition is that “of course, “Assad should not play any role in the future of this country.”
LINK> http://sputniknews.com/politics/20151126/1030829663/putin-hollande-meeting-syria.html
The pig-lovin’ Cameron is getting more and more desperate –
Syria air strikes debate: David Cameron challenged over ‘magical’ 70,000 moderates – figure Senior Tory questions where the 70,000 figure has come from and Labour wants the Prime Minister to clarify this claim before deciding its position –
More here:http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/syria-air-strikes-debate-david-cameron-challenged-over-magical-70000-moderates-figure-a6750161.html
Turkey has spent years allowing jihadist groups to flourish – so beware its real reasons for shooting down a Russian plane.
Turkey has no interest in the peaceful settlement to the conflict in Syria that world powers are negotiating. As Erdogan gets desperate, he will attempt to bring focus back to Assad –
More here:http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/turkey-has-spent-years-allowing-jihadist-groups-to-flourish-so-beware-its-real-reasons-for-shooting-a6747161.html
Attention to the faces/gestures of M. Putin!
Classic Putin!
He does not trust this sold a hair, and not only that, but he is up to the “webs” of all these phonies coming non stop to Moscow to act their role in the play.
In the other day meeting with King Abdullah of Jordan, another country permeable to terrorist and their supplies, and whose video you can see in the Kremlin site, the tension could be cut.
With the puppet king of Jordan Putin shuffled his note papers (apparently quite rudely I thought, although with good reason, imo).
With the puppet puddle of France Putin coughs into the back of his hand while Holland gets his next Saudi $commission backhand payment for sprouting the usual “Assad Must Go!” mantra (see around 7:46).
How about some variations to this monotonous theme?
“Erdogan Must Go!”
“Saudi Must Go!”
“Obama Must Go!”
The only thing Assad must do is hold the Syrian society and state together so they can have elections (Hello, Saudi goat herders on golden toilet seats flying 20 tons of Ice/Speed through Lebanon to fuel Wahhabi liver-eating aggression!) and let the Syrian people decide.
Assad may well go, or he may well stay.
In any case, with Putin’s help, Syria will be the winner of the current war and future political and economic development concessions (including reconstruction and oil exploration and production) will involve the legitimate government of Syria, its President of the day, and Russia led, more than likely by V. Putin (although I note he is starting to thin on top).
Hollande as stupid and with no balls as usual.He went to Obama first to get his orders.
And once again in front of Putin:”Assad must go”…I think that Hollande will go well before Assad which brings us in may 2017 at least.
This opportunist will try to recuperate tomorrow the funeral of the victims in ‘Les Invalides’…
Disgusting…he is asking French people to participate with a french flag on their window…this flag that is was pissing on a few weeks ago.Fake patriot.
For him la Marseillaise was a ‘front national’ emblem….a few weeks ago as well.
I can’t see this guy in picture anymore,same for Sarkozy,Bhl and the FZ(frenchzio)clique.
Hollande is an American sartrap.
Could it be that Turkey did this togheter with USA and other countries, with the ultimate goal being to provake Russia to shoot down a Turkish jet in a few weeks, that will allow Turkey to call in all NATO to protect them?
Say that in 2 weeks Russia shoots down a Turkish jet, then Turkey can demande that NATO intervene in Syria to protect Turkey.
It will be a False Flag attack on a Turkish jet carried out by Mossad and blamed on Russia.
Russia will be said to be retaliating for the downing of the Russian jet by Turkey, and yes, NATO Article 5 will be invoked against Russia.
Crazy and nuts.
If and when NATO crosses the “Rubicon” ,the West’s fate will be sealed. The war will go nuclear pretty quickly. And even if Russia would be defeated (doubtful) the “deadhand” nuclear strikes would end the NATO states as functioning nations. With Europe and North America left as burned out shells. Any NATO state stupid enough to vote to support a criminal Turkey would be voting for the death of their own nations. Hopefully they are smart enough to understand that. If not their peoples need to overthrow them before the fighting starts. Or,quickly leave those countries for survival somewhere as far as they can get.I’m eyeing southern South America myself.
I think You are completely right in Your assessment.
The PTB need WWIII to be able to reset the Worlds Financial system (kill the dollar and establish a World currency – probably electronic).
This will be done in the chaos of war, blamed on Russia.
The BIG question that remains is: “Is Putin part of the plan, just playing his part”?
It’d be worse than that. Fallout respects no borders. At least we wouldn’t have to worry about global warming any more–a strategic nuclear war would hand us nuclear winter so bad there wouldn’t be another harvest for years. The ecosystem that came out the other side would be a remnant; any human survivors would be cancer- and leukemia-riddled, in a race against time to see if they could reproduce faster than the radiation killed them.
Nuclear war is not just a few strikes blowing up cities. It’s the end of civilization and plausibly of the human race.
Obama pardoned two turkeys… the rest of the flock is up to Putin.
A cartoon
Very strange…did not hear any Mc Cain or Nuland and co reaction since Erdogang crazy attack yesterday.
Reports that Russian/Syrian forces destroyed mysterious units at the crash site area.
The mysterious units had trackers to find the surviving pilot?
Some employment opportunities at the CIA due to some employees being deceased?
Turns out that the area of northern Latakia, the habitat of NATO’s most beloved endangered species, the ‘moderate rebels’, has been under de facto control by the Turkish army for quite some time. The Turkish lira is the ‘official’ currency in this rugged mountain region, use of the Syrian pound is forbidden by Sharia law.
Erdogan’s coterie could have smiled away the occasional US style precision bombing of dust heaps and abandoned houses, but they weren’t ready for Russian no-nonsense, full-scale anti-terrorist operations.
The Caliphate will never be. How long will it take for the US, NATO, Erdogan, Britain, Israel to digest this in the Kabbalah not mentioned fact?
Alex MacDonald
Thursday 26 November 2015 20:28 UTC
UK Prime Minister David Cameron on Thursday delivered a speech to the House of Commons in which he set out future plans for UK military intervention in Syria.
In response to criticism that airstrikes in Syria would not be enough to ensure the defeat of Islamic State, the Prime Minister stated that there were 70,000 Syrian opposition fighters “who do not belong to extremist groups” able to fight against IS and work with the US-led coalition forces.
In a statement accompanying the speech – which came in response to a broadly critical report by the Foreign Affairs Committee – Cameron stated that allies in Syria included the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) and the Southern Front of the Free Syrian Army.
Don’t think for a moment that the Russians trust a word of what Hollande says, they know full well that any NATO-member involvement should be closely scrutinized.
The French involvement due to the ‘fortunately’ timed attack in Paris seems most likely to be an attempt by NATO to insinuate itself into the Russian coalition and to take it over step by incremental step.
Putin in his speech did not budge one milimeter regarding Assad and the planned aproach in Syria, I just hope that they have adequate plans to counter any excuses by NATO to escalate their infuence beyond a cooperative role in fighting Daesh.
Or not fighting Deash, as long as they do not impose their destructive measures such as destabilizing Syria by forcing an election on the people of Syria before the country is ready for it, meaning before the terrorists are removed and a semblance of safety and stability is instated.
Hollande is clearly trying to impose these destabilizing measures in his speech, that seemed to be totally disconected from what Putin was saying, almost as if they where holding two seperate press conferences.
Military Strategy 101:
Know your enemy. Talk to your enemy.
Russia has always done this!
AZ media is reporting Putin has agreed to be cooperative and stop hitting so-called ‘rebels.’
Now, since the Russians already know this was a setup by the CIA and others, first to test Russian reactions and second to oust Erdogan, what could Vladimir be thinking in his usual 5th dimensional way?
Putin’s response is WEAK. Why?
The French, leading the NATO charge into Syria, as they did in Libya, have not given up on regime change plans for Syria.
Why give up air strikes on ‘rebels’ if you’ve received nothing in return?
I suspect Putin has received assurances. I know he knows these promises are worthless.
So what’s the game?
Is he playing for time?
I honestly don’t know but given his track record, if anyone deserves the benefit of the doubt it is Putin.
But I AM worried.
you don’t have to be. Mr. Putin does not need anyone from “west” in Syria to help fighting terrorist desease. he is playing simultaneosly something else. something very big i think. Syria could easily become graveyard for NATO. it is already totaly ruined country. perfect for endgame. US knows that. Russia knows that. there is no other place on Earth fit for showdown than Syria. Putin eliminate for now Ukraine as it is too danger both for EU and Russia. US would rather like Ukraine, but Putin choose Syria. Chinese decripted that month ago criticizing both side,Russia and US for playing dangerous cold war colflict. just EU including GB are definitely dumb enough to jump in. we may think that Russia cannot project power far from mainland, but, US mainland is thousands miles away. US military bases are jokes which could be wiped all same time by tactical nukes at 4 AM morning. t. nukes are made for that. EU if want to group significant forces it has to sail E. Mediteranean already under efective control by RuNavy. coastal grouping through Turkey does have no chanches now. From Georgia/Black sea also. Putin choosed place. US will probably choose time.
why mantra from west Assad must go? i think we have to translate to; Russia must go. that is the proper message the west is sending constantly.
just my thoughts.
A little piece of news…
In Berlin, Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen on Thursday said Germany could offer France Tornado reconnaissance jets, a naval frigate, satellite images and aerial refuelling to back the fight against IS. http://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/93611-151126-french-lawmakers-vote-to-extend-air-strikes-in-syria
France and Germany again? Germany offering France help – not the US led “coalition”?
Germany and France = Minsk? Something brewing here.
The US government has torn itself into shambles with all the factions fighting each other.
Russia has factions, of course, but the government is nowhere near as divided and at cross purposes, so when you say ‘Putin’ you are really talking about a team of very astute strategists who can handle very complex and subtle plans, with Putin in charge knowing how the bring the best out of them. This, in fact, may account for some of the delay in taking action in situations: first hold a meeting and come to a consensus.
France would have been ruling the world a long time ago if they had ever been good at circling the wagons. The British (and Russians) have always been good at circling the wagons in their respective national interests. And it shows.
@C I eh? on November 26, 2015 · at 11:00 pm UTC
Don’t worry everything is in order and it will be……………..just wait. The all world right now is in extremely delicate situation, but there are many ,many solutions to this crisis and it will be solved in the way as supposed to be for the benefit of the all world
Putin still searches in vain for independence from France. Hollande repeats robotically from the same script. If so, what do France and Russia have in common? It seems like Hollande still wants to live in the make-believe world of “fighting terror.” You see this a lot in mainstream media. They want to have it both ways–destroy the governments and leave the area in complete chaos–and when the people can’t live there anymore, they decry the influx of refugees.
The worst was hearing that the Russian government entrusted the US government with it’s flight paths, sorties, times etc. They call this to avoid “confliction”, but I guess Turkey wasn’t at the meeting.
Turkey may not have been at the meeting, but the Americans were. And a possible ‘messenger’ too. Moon of Alabama tells us that “James Winfield, the deputy Chief of the US General Staff was in Ankara when the incident happened. It was hard to believe there was no communication about what was prepared…”
Was the US Involved in the Turkish Attack Against the Russian Jet?
I think what we are seeing with the Putin/Hollande meeting is a perfect example of that age-old good advice to ‘keep your friends close but your enemies closer…”
Hello Honourable Sir’s
The Turkish letter submitted to the United Nations for justification for Russian shoot down contains impossible math – SPEED X DISTANCE + 17 seconds = Turkish lie.
Will you be coming out publicly and to the United Nations to expose that their own letter contains impossible math when taking the capabilities of the Russian made SU24 Bomber and satellite data into account? And will France acknowledge this publicly as well in support of preventing this happening again?.
I am wonder if the Putin ISIS contributing countries list made at G20 will be made public?
Thank you very much – Chris from Vancouver, Canada
Russia and France and America:
The France of Msieur Hollande is not a sovereign nation. Neither are the rest of the European nations. They are controlled (some more than others), by an international Zionist mafia, headed by the Rothschilds and other banker/financial Oligarchs.
With the aid of America, with whom the Zionist oligarchs have bought and assassinated their way to operational control, the European nations have been converted into a new class of colonies, a colonial peoples from the Atlantic to the airport at Donetz, but no further.
The Zionist Oligarchs have several weak points in their attempt at fashioning the first World empire.
They are:
1. They have yet to conquer-control all the power centers on the planet. Russia, and to a lesser degree, China are proving tough National and Financial entities (and therefore difficult nuts to crack).
2. The Key resistance to the Zionist uni polar empire is provided by a resurgent Russia.
3. Russia’s National resilience has enabled several more nations to maintain some independence from the super powerful imperialist oligarchs. The existence of a stronger and proud Russia has opened some political, economic, and military elbow room for China, and to a lesser degree India, and other scattered peoples to retain their national and moral honor.
4. The Democratic and somewhat State Capitalist Russia of Vladimir Putin, has provided, (more than the Soviet Union of Vladimir Lenin), a VISION of humanity, prosperity, and moral decency, that has allowed for resistance to the worst of the world’s Oligarchs in recorded history.
5. The political stamp of the resistance to the ZioAmericanNazi coup in Kiev, by the Russian peoples of Novorossiya and Crimea showed the way to resist the imperialist Oligarchs; They way was by mobilizing the people to form Governments (and defend those governments) in the image of the freedoms they wished.
6. The VISION was of a People in Arms, establishing Democratic Republics and holding democratic -elections- referendums. All the people, including young to old, were able to participate at some place, in the fashioning of their future. Importantly, the strength of a nearby supportive Russia was key to their early success.
7. Russia cannot rescue everyone. The Houthis of Yemen are having a much more difficult time, as are the Hezbollah and the Palestinians. And Americans are too unconscious of their revolutionary heritage to (for the moment) construct their Yellow Brick Road toward the -Restoration of their-the-our American Republic!
In Conclusion: Russia and France-
Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, and the other Russian leaders are not completely in lockstep on how to confront the evil ZioNaziAmerican imperialists. They are not a stone monolith, but represent humans and factions; and those factions are under different motivations and pressures.
The Russian leaders have no option, but to continue to talk, even attempt to negotiate, with their European neighbors as the opportunity arises. Putin, as leader of Russia, must hold his own nation together. *By way of example: the Auslander’s reports on Russia’s Crimea brilliantly describe the strengths and weaknesses of a section of the Russian Nation, and displays courage and dignity mixed with human weaknesses (such as corruption, failure to plan ahead, failure to face bitter truths-such as the truth that a nation cannot rely on neo-nazis and their financial masters to keep promises, and the need to rebuild from the ruins after a terrible war, and much subsequent political turmoil). Crimea is a microcosm of the complete Russia.
If you think governing is easy, try governing (efficiently), Camden, Detroit, Chicago, or even Washington DC..
Vladimir Putin represents a Russia, in resurgence, in the trenches, it has bravely interposed One Air Corps, a small Naval squadron-far from home, and a few specialists for guarding the airbases, (a mere 300 – by historical comparison), blocking the Zionist Land Thieves from expansion, blocking the Turkish Oil and Arms merchants and butchers of Kurds and Armenians, smashing a hundred thousand, and more, well equipped Zionist/Israeli, American troops (yes, it is them), and Turk, and Arab mercenaries, and soldiers from Saudi and Jordanian puppet monarchies, in a struggle -at the center of the universe- and where defeat is not an option. And when one of the Russian pilots is shot down, he wishes only to get back into the fight.
On one side of the stage of History is Vladimir Putin, a warrior, who represents a nation of warriors, and the other side of the stage, Msieur. Hollande, who represents a defeated nation, a humiliated nation that cannot even conclude a profitable arms sale in peace. Vladimir Putin behaved appropriately. He showed, not to Hollande, but through Hollande, his respect for the French people and their unfree and frightened nation. He did his best to show France’s once revolutionary people – the way forward.
As Vladimir Putin represented the Russian Nation in dignity and forbearance:
The military Counter-Offensive of the anti-fascist allies, Russia, Syria, Iran, Hezbollah, and even Iraq, continued. The Russian Nations holds up the torch of dignity and freedom to the enslaved peoples of Europe, as well as the Mid East. The Zionist organs, the NYTimes, et. al., are responding in panic. They are clearly unhappy with the Russian people and their leaders, and their daring young warriors.
The Russian people may once again rescue their French Friends, as they did in WWI with their risky and only half prepared, but vital attacks by General Samsonov against the Prussians, and in WWII with their long march Westward.
For the French, Russian, and American, Democratic Republics!
PJA said: “Vladimir Putin behaved appropriately. He showed, not to Hollande, but through Hollande, his respect for the French people and their unfree and frightened nation. He did his best to show France’s once revolutionary people – the way forward.”
Magnanimously put.
I imagine Hollande MIGHT have told Putin in private, “I must say publicly that Assad can play no future role in any government of Syria, or I will be killed or removed from office.”
Hollande looks like a mush head slave to blackmail. Nothing but pathos in his eyes, and BS rolling off his tongue. The contrast between him and Putin couldn’t be greater. A very weak and untrustworthy “ally” concerned only for his own skin, not France’s well being, and certainly not humanity’s.
If Putin had a secret service codename, it would be “Forbearance”
I think the US is already disintegrating. Hollande seems like Obama who is reduced to doing damage control for agencies beyond his command. If I read you true, the Zionists are running the show from wherever they are bunkered down.
I prefer the term “Zio-zars” as a coined word for Zionist- Khazars rather than Anglo-Zionists. It seems to me that Anglos are higher level puppets. I recall Bush Jr. at the time of 9/11, sitting with school kids with a dumb look on his face. How childish and how perfect a symbol for what the US presidency is reduced to under Zio-zar rule.
Putin seems to treat Israel with kid gloves, as if knowing that it is the real power to be reckoned with. I don’t think that the land of Israel is the bone of contention nor is Syria although it’s getting closer.
The ultimate hot spot is the ancient Kingdom of Khazar in southern Russia, the hub of many trade routes. Logically, Jews should hate the Romans who destroyed them twice. They may but nothing like the Khazar hatred of Russia and thirst for revenge. Khazars are not Hebrews although they use that cover.
I think Putin knows this and showed it in his body language and tone of voice; and in his silence about Israel. Silence sometimes speaks louder than words.
I think he is biding his time until the Zio-zar power weakens from its own weight and his power grows. The time of calling the bet is not yet.
I think the likelihood of nuclear war is exceedingly high.
a) NATO is moving its pieces into position.
b) Russia will not back down.
c) There will be further bloody provocations against Russia.
d) Russia will respond at some stage.
e) NATO will escalate further (possibly through Article 5)
f) Nukes will fly.
The only question is whether the exchange will be “limited” to tactical nukes.
Just a thought late at night.
Its possible Turkey is being set up as the fall guy.
Turkey for Christmas!
If that is enough to destroy the West’s military and bring liberation,yes. But if not then all the way will be needed.To lose is to accept permanent slavery. I’m reminded of the saying “better to die on your feet than to live on your knees”.
I hope that Putin, for the sake of his own safety does NOT visit France. The treachery of the Zionist’s is unbounded and anything could “accidentally” happen. Remember the airliner that was shot down over Ukraine – they thought they were gunning down a plane that Mr. Putin was in. Please Mr. Putin, send someone else in your place. Russia, and the world itself cannot afford to loose you.
No worries, George, Putin has the most hilarious body doubles. They laugh, they grin, they swagger. What are his foreign hosts going to say? You’re not you? That would be rude!
I’m relieved to see Russia deploy the S-400 Missile Defense System, but look at this headline from Israel:
”… the officer simultaneously boasted that “we do not notify anyone in advance” of Israeli strikes..”
Putin must ensure that Russia is not being played and Russian resolve is not being questioned.
As for the French, these skunks must be kept at arms length. They reneged on the Mistral Deal to please the Americans and will display similar treachery if brought into the anti-IS fold.
The problem is, there are just so many slimy snakes slithering around, that Putin and his allies have got to be wary and vigilant. I don’t know how many of you realized, but on the day the SU-24 was downed, in the Kremlin at that very moment visiting Putin was that degenerate bastard from the pretend kingdom called Jordan. King Abdullah have facilitated, accommodated, aided and abetted all acts of terror against Syria from day one. Isn’t Jordan where the CIA train the ”moderates” for their terror tour in Syria?
By the way, where is China on all this? I cant recall hearing anything supportive coming from Beijing since the incident. Did I miss something?????
”… the officer simultaneously boasted that “we do not notify anyone in advance” of Israeli strikes..”
Perhaps there is a little more nuance to this, if this report is true:
“About a week after Putin’s UN General Assembly address the Israelis launched a sortie into Syria which flew into airspace that was under Russian operational control. Russian air controllers warned the Israelis that they had violated Russian controlled airspace. When the Israelis ignored the Russian air controllers, the stealth technology was employed a second time. The Israeli aircraft are equipped with two radars, one for fire acquisition and the other for fire control. Both are advanced and employ frequency-skipping technology to avoid being jammed. Both radars were effectively jammed. These aircraft have multiple telemetry data-links to their base. These were shut down. The only communications channel left was the high-frequency AM band normally used by civilian air traffic controllers. After the stealth technology was turned on and it was clear to the Russians that the Israelis knew they had been shut down, the Russian air traffic controllers used this AM band to tell the Israelis to scram. The Israelis complied”
This is a very interesting development but at the end of the day I think Thierry Meyssan may be on to something with his latest. Wait and see if events don’t being to lead to something that looks a bit like this:
France and Israel Launch A New War in Iraq and Syria
“…The objective is on longer to overthrow the secular Syrian regime, nor to deny its army, but to create a colonial state straddling the border between Iraq and Syria, to be managed by the Kurds, in order to apply a stranglehold on the Arab states…”
The French Opposition – and by that I mean Nicholas Sarkozy & Marine Le Pen and assorted types – need to nail their colours to the mast now and call out Turkey’s involvement in ISIS.
The Erdogans – Recep Erdogan the Sultan of ISIS and his son, Bilal Erdogan – the Prince of ISIS.
These guys need to be named and shamed.
In France that comes down to Le Pen and perhaps Sarkozy.
They need to prove themselves as credible to the French people in avenging the ISIS terrorist attacks.
Already Hollande has lost momentum by not calling out Turkey and the Erdogan’s support of ISIS.
Hollande’s actions show that despite his bluster, he really isn’t serious at all about seeking justice for the 130 killed and hundreds wounded in the Paris Terror Attacks.
French readers of this blog must implore their Opposition candidates to call out Turkey and call for boycotts of Turkish goods and even sanctions on Turkey as long as they support ISIS so blatantly.
“The French Opposition – and by that I mean Nicholas Sarkozy & Marine Le Pen and assorted type”
Pathetic, no? That’s what zio-control (IE: full spectrum dominance) is all about.
Thug Life Turkey update:
Today’s Zaman Editor-in-Chief Bülent Keneş is facing the prospect of up to eight years and two months in prison on charges of “insulting” President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in a series of tweets and statements that the journalist says was him simply expressing a critical opinion.
An indictment prepared by prosecutor Umut Tepe from the İstanbul Public Prosecutor’s Office claims some of the tweets Keneş posted on his Twitter account cannot be deemed within the scope of “freedom of speech and thought” and that Keneş committed the offense of “insulting the president” on more than one occasion.
Thug Life top song snips:
Story of the gigantic lineup of supply trucks backed up inside Turkey since the intense “border airstrikes” began.
Hundreds of trucks drivers wait tensely near the Öncüpınar border gate with Syria in southern Kilis province after seven people were killed and 10 were wounded in Russian strikes that hit a convoy taking supplies to refugees in the Azaz area of Halep province in Syria on Wednesday.
Video footage taken at a crossing on the Syrian side of the border of Turkey’s Kilis province on Wednesday showed burning trucks after what aid workers have said was an apparent air strike.
RE: the zio-propaganda posted by anon 2:53, disguising terrorist arms runners as humanitarian aide workers, who are now pooping (mod edit)bricks (actually cinder blocks) after the Russians took out an earlier run.
My view of their plight, ah, the poor things mod edit. Would you watch your language please? Many thanks mod PS.
US Refuses to Disclose Information on Who Fired at Su-24 Pilot From Ground
Read more: http://sputniknews.com/politics/20151126/1030831589/US-Refuses-Disclose-Information-Who-Killed-Su-24-Pilot.html#ixzz3seSWKdg5
“The Pentagon refused to comment on Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s claim that the US is aware of those who shot on the ejecting Su 24 pilot.
On Thursday, Zakharova said that Moscow “has all grounds to suggest that the US has obtained the exact data” about the people “who were firing from the land on the Russian pilot.”
“We don’t have anything on this issue,” the US Defense Ministry representative told Ria Novosti.”
So the Russians know. No doubt pindostan is wondering how much they know, and more importantly what they will reveal.
Seems there’s quite detailed knowledge leaking out on this, evidenced by this post someone tonight 26th translated by Yandex but no link given.
Then there’s Fadel’s article 25th shocking claim not seen anywhere else since about those 2 Turk news crews set up to roll at the exact location:
Anonymous 4:06
Did you mean this one?
“Anonymous on November 26, 2015 · at 9:38 pm UTC
(Yandex translation) Moscow, November 26, 2015, 12:22 — REGNUM Interview, military expert, permanent author of the magazine “Arsenal of the Fatherland”, an expert in the use of Military space forces Alexei Leonova
…In the attack involved several reconnaissance and targeting — at least 3, and two F-16 missiles with modern AIM-9X.
How it all happened?
Plane USAF Boeing E-3 Sentry AWACS took off on November 24 with the aviation base of Preveza in Greece. Second E-3A air force of Saudi Arabia flew from Riyadh airbase. Both aircraft performed a single task of determining the exact location of the aircraft of the Russian space forces. They chose “sacrifice”…
…E-3 all the time gave detailed information about the su-24M2 patrol a pair of Turkish F-16CJ. This plane is specially produced for Turkey. Its special feature is the computer controlling the new radar AN/APG-68 and serving as the second pilot-Navigator.
But this information is insufficient for high-speed target. Used something else?
Indeed, the accuracy of the output of the F-16CJ is additionally provided ground-based air defense systems Patriot USA located in Turkey, or rather their multi-function radar AN/MPQ-53…The trajectory of the F-16CJ is talking about high-precision output for the purpose of method triangulation: a pair of E-3A radar plus Patriot plus geostationary satellites RAP MENTOR and possibly “Geosat”…
It turns out that Turkish fighters knew exactly where to wait for our plane in ambush?
Of course. A pair of F-16CJ reached the area of start-up and from a distance of 4-6 kilometers, almost point blank (!) put a rocket “air-air” AIM-9X Sidewinder in rear hemisphere of Russian bombers. With radar AN/APG-68 launch a rocket fighter worked in the “illuminated goal”: involved in the start-up and passed out after the rocket has confidently captured and hit the target.
If our pilots the opportunity to save the aircraft?
No. The chances to avoid defeat at the crew of the su-24M2 have been equal to zero…
You mean “American partners”, those who belong to the “Patriots” and “AWACS”, as well as satellites, possibly involved in the operation?
Yes, with a high degree of probability. Turkey lacks the necessary capacity to such painstaking and very precise work. And don’t forget about the second E-3 assigned to the air force of Saudi Arabia. The whole scenario is quite transient, followed by the second.
Really everything went so smoothly?
The Turks made a mistake, in which the provocation was not a success. F-16CJ came to defeat with a delay of 2 minutes, when the su-24M2 have already left the disputed plot 68-kilometer territory in Northern Syria … It seems that it saved and our Navigator. He was able to go to the “greenery” and wait for the search party there.”
That is the article I posted a link to and short description of in my 3:06 comment below, but a certain mod ps decided to remove the link and prevent people here seeing this information.
“my 3:06”
The 3:30 comment.
Here is some rather credible analysis:
Turkey Shoots Down More Than Just a Russian Jet
By Finian Cunningham
November 26, 2015 “Information Clearing House” – “SCF” – Turkey’s shooting down of a Russian fighter jet this week was likely aimed at a bigger political target – to deal a blow to the proposal of a grand anti-terror coalition between the West and Russia for fighting the Islamic State extremist network in Syria.
Such a coalition might seem reasonable, even desirable, to most people. But it is profoundly unacceptable, tacitly, to Washington because it would further expose the criminal nature of the Western-sponsored regime-change operation in Syria.
An anon commenter posted a link to this article earlier, along with some translated parts of it:
I have had to delete the part you had here that was in – I think _ Russian. But I dont even know that. I can’t approve for posting something that I have no idea what it says. And its far too late at night for me to go searching for a translator. If you want to be sure all your post gets in, please do the translating for yourself.Many Thanks. mod PS
It claims a couple pindo awacs aircraft and radars for pindo patriot batteries were used to pinpoint the Russian Su-24 aircraft for the Turk f-16s.
vot tak, I have read your two next posts, where you criticize mod-ps, and I have put them aside in the “trash” for Saker to read and decide whether or not he will approve them. Mod-ps did not do anything wrong, we are not expected to speak Russian or any other language except English.
It makes me really sad that you don’t appreciate the work the moderators are doing to keep the comment section running. We are not perfect, and sometimes we make mistakes — we have other jobs, and do the moderating late at night, or early mornings — but I wish you could be forgiving, instead of just complaining.
Mod kl
All I did was post a link to a relavent article and give a brief description of what was about. Something I have done for around 2 years now on this site. With absolutely never any problem about this before. So why the heavy handed censorship about Russian sourced material now, given the necessity of providing people with Russian sourced material to counter the zio-media propaganda. Your support of this malicious and arbitrary censorship by mod ps shows at best very poor personal judgement.
All information is pointing to CIA involvement in the downing of the SU-34 as only the US had prior knowledge of the flight path and the equipment needed to track the aircraft.
When there are insurgents at the ready to ensure that the pilots would be located and ‘taken out’, a video recording showing the barbarians gleefully celebrating the execution of an RU soldier and another recording of a rebel using a US weapon to shoot the helicopter, the CIA definitely have their fingerprints on this attack.
I’m now certain that the US is systematically targeting Russian civilians and Russian assets through their proxies. These tragedies and plots can no longer be deemed coincidental.
In any case, nothing would avenge of the loss of the RU pilots, short of Erdogan’s son’s life, regardless of whether Turkey was coerced by the US or not.
No doubt, it is all too obvious.
9/11, the crime of the century, has been such a success for the Matrix, that the CIA/Mossad/MI6 psychos came to the conclusion that their full-spectrum dominance doctrine could be conveniently reduced to false-flags, hoaxes, and set-ups.
And considering the fact that the world-wide controlled media is just another tool of theirs, what could go possibly wrong? Absolutely nothing!
Except when the architects of control are faced with opponents that are not wholly owned by the Matrix. That do not follow the script – which is always their script.
Suddenly press speakers stutter, politicians stumble, lies are exposed, ‘facts’ don’t add up, sand castles collapse. As we have witnessed with great fascination and exaltation ever since Putin came on stage.
What a wild ride it has been ever since. Just being a witness of this extra-ordinary spectacle is a great privilege and a life-changing experience.
Just want to give a tip of the hat to beautiful semi-poetic writing that has the ring of truth.
An extremely interesting article released by the Fars News Agency
“Russian Pilot Rescued by Iran’s General Soleimani”
TEHRAN (FNA)- Russian sources revealed on Thursday that the pilot of the Russian Su-24 jet that was shot down by Turkey over the Syrian airspace on Tuesday was rescued in an operation by Iran’s globally renowned IRGC Qods Force Commander Major General Soleimani…
Credible information was obtained that a number of special Turkish units had been sent to the scene to take the Russian pilot captive to blackmail Russia later. While the Russians were planning for another operations to free the pilot immediately, General Soleimani contacted them and proposed them that a special task force unit be formed of Hezbollah’s special forces and Syrian commandos who have been trained by Iran and are fully familiar with the geographical situation of the region to be tasked with the ground operations and Russia provide them with air cover and satellite intelligence.
The Syrian officer added that every move of the special units was monitored and covered precisely by the Russian satellites in a way that the slightest moves made 100 meters away from the area of operation was reported to them and every moment of the operation was reported to a very high-raking official in the Kremlin (that he thinks was president Putin) and it was clear that he was monitoring the entire operations through satellites from Moscow….
According to the senior Syrian officer, one of the reasons for the success of these operations was the difference between Turkey and the terrorists over the fate of the Russian pilot as the Turks wanted him alive to use him for political blackmailing against the Russia. While the terrorists stationed in the region intended to burn him alive like what did to the Jordanian pilot to fill the hearts of other Russian pilots with fright. And this rift paved the ground for rescue operations some golden hours. Since the opposition never imagined that such a rapid planning and action by the rescue squads would be possible, given the complicated nature of such operations….
Most of the FSA’s Syrian members had withdrawn from the region after they came under Russia’s airstrikes and the commandos fought non-Syrian forces who were using classic military tactics and not guerilla warfare and therefore, they could well be Turkish militaries or army forces of other countries. The commandos, of course, had no other choice but to kill them given the importance of rapid action in the operations and they didn’t had enough time to hold them captive….
The terrorists present in the region possessed very modern and advanced military equipment for ground-to-ground and ground-to-air warfare which are not even supplied to a large number of countries which are Washington’s NATO allies.
According to informed sources who had traced the wireless contacts between the opposition forces, the Arabic, Turkish, Russian and French are respectively the most frequently used languages by the terrorists, revealing that the countries which are mostly posed to the danger of the return of these terrorists and shows that Russia is forced to continue fight until the complete annihilation of the terrorists in Syria to safeguard its own national security”.
That’s what Putin refers to at 15:38-16:09. “What Turkish terrorist groups were doing there?” and “make sure that they wouldn’t come back to Russia”?
Probably the capture of the pilots, to be used as hostages to blackmail Russia. The coincidence with the sabotage of Crimea electricity by Tatar “activists” (fully backed by Turkey) and the with the noise made about the bombardments of “our Turkemen brothers in Syria” reveals that a larger plan was afoot, involving Ukraine.
So it seems the Russians were not the only party who rushed to rescue their Su-24 pilot.
High-tech equipped foreign elite commandos were also on the ground. With the clear instruction to capture the pilot alive – and this ultimately saved the pilot’s life.
By the time the NATO special forces realized they couldn’t fulfill their mission, it was already too late to exterminate the pilot. Legendary General Suleiman’s team had arrived on the scene.
Matches Putin and MoDs comments of mysterious forces. Mysterious forces eliminated. They would have ID’d the bodies and known exactly who they were.
These Russians are too bloody polite and diplomatic. They should have just said sorry folks, we had to eliminate a CIA team or a Turkish special forces team to rescue our pilot from the moderate terrorists.
Putin and Russia must stay absolutely true to their principles now. If the Russians yield to the US demand that “Assad must go” they yield to the principle that the US is Lord and Master over the entire Earth and it is up to the US to dictate to all lesser beings how things are to be.
If nobody is able to protect the Liberal world order that emerged after WWII (I am talking about the principle behind International Law and national sovereignty) then the US has emerged as the Dictator of the World to rule as it pleases.
Assad has become symbolically important, far more important than he is as a person or leader of Syria. Now he represents the principle of National Sovereignty. Russia mustn’t become one of the neo-colonial players dividing up nations between them as they see fit, or as they must if they are weak.
Unfortunately Stavros H is correct. The US will give Russia no choice in the matter. Russia will either accept US hegemony or Russia will eventually have to defend itself with nuclear means. I’m guessing first there will be a tactical nuclear strike, in answer to some manufactured provocation many times larger than the Su-24 shot down by Turkey, to make perfectly clear that Russia has reached it’s limit. From there things could go full scale nuclear depending how insane the US really is.
Sadly, some people within the US deep state and government are clearly completely insane to the point that in their megalomania and narcissism they cannot comprehend the world and reality not bending to their will. Much less can they accept defeat since a defeat is a defeat of their entire ego and psychological structure, a fate worse than death to them. These people within the US power structure will keep pushing until a breaking point is reached because they are not capable of backing down and letting things be and leave well enough alone. Their insanity breeds insane agendas and compulsions. The world will pay the price once more, as so many times previously in history. Syria, for one nation, already know this all too well.
“Unfortunately Stavros H is correct. The US will give Russia no choice in the matter. Russia will either accept US hegemony or Russia will eventually have to defend itself with nuclear means. I’m guessing first there will be a tactical nuclear strike, in answer to some manufactured provocation many times larger than the Su-24 shot down by Turkey, to make perfectly clear that Russia has reached it’s limit. From there things could go full scale nuclear depending how insane the US really is.”
Agreed. As the West’s rot continues and duly takes an ever greater toll on the very fabric of Western society, the ruling class and its PR dregs become ever more possessed by irrationality, insanity, fear, and paranoia. And these symptoms certainly don’t become less pronounced when they are brought about by a solid, stiffening resistance from determined, intelligent adversaries outsmarting them.
The Pindos can’t stand imperialist defeat since that would mean their centuries long existence as land-grabbing, self-worshipping, genocidal parasites would be over. With the exception of the most die-hard, über-retarded peoples in Eastern Europe, not too many would be willing to sacrifice themselves for the consolation and well-being of very unhappy Pindos. Unlike the Germans in 1918 and 1945, the Pindos have zero experience of a non-parasitic national modus vivendi and — still — no experience of a resounding imperialist defeat right at home. This is crucial to understand the megalomania and narcissism which permeates Pindostani society from top to bottom.
In view of the above, Putin and Russia should focus on promoting regime change, hence increasingly isolating the Zionazi puppet regimes.
The Russian leader said, under the cooperation already established with the U.S.-led coalition, Russia’s military had passed on details of the flight plan of the jet that was shot down this week.
“Why did we pass this information to the Americans? Either they were not controlling what their allies were doing, or they are leaking this information all over the place,” Putin said.
bottom line: the two countries will share information on the groud (count on that!)
there will be no alliance to speak off
French media also insitaed this was a marathon visit alos meeting with Mateo Renzi in Italy and Merket + Cameron.
Clearly they’re in a move in trying to lure Russia into their pro Daesh coalition in order to sabotage it from teh inside.
Russia need to hurry up with Syrian Army and secure the whole Turkish/Syrian border from East to West
French M6 TV channel evening news “there will be a coalition on teh groud with Russia, but it’s fragile and France will inist on Russia stopping it’s double dealing with Assad regime adn focusing on moderate rebels”.
Clearly there will be no alliance sicne no effetcive alliance can happen without coordinating with syrian army & friends on the ground. Then again, reality on teh ground maybe different than what the average french journo dumbshit is presenting on TV news for sure.
But this is kind of wrost case scenario here. EU will beef up and may send boots on the ground (France + UK) in order tyo invade and secure Daesh safehavens for their rakfiri minions.
Also US leverage on Flamby (aka Hollande) is massive considering teh ongoing COP21 cliamte meeting in Paris where main head of states will attend. Paris will be under curfiew almost like Brussels last week-end. I have a bad feeling they’ll try out something considering they’re just using falsflag terracts but no military provocations. They need to gear up their game to invoque NATO art. 5.
France and Co. also want to have a say in the post ISIL Syria. That’s why they are joining in the fight now knowing that Russia will win it. They will not let RUssia have all of Syria to themselves though. They will also want to share in the spoils..like rebuilding, oil investment etc..But their ” Assad-must-go” stand may be accomplished if France and co can get (bribe) a group in the Syrain military to oust Assad when they accept the Syrian military as ground troops for their anti ISIL campaign in the near future.Just watch….
France were one of the main actors to start doing deals with Iran after the nuclear deal, largely ignoring US sanctions.
France do need to be watched but they do have their own agenda that does not at times align with the US. Perhaps still a little too feral to be a good domesticated vassal.
We should remember that we are still only at the stage of “discussions”; plenty of time to seal borders or make them totally unpassable. What I heard from Putin yesterday and Hollande (from the air) this will be an immediate priority. Hollande knows that some of the IS suicide bombers at Paris passed through Syria-Turkey-Greece. So does the entire population. The French are very concerned about porous borders, more than the Germans. In the meantime Russia, Syria and Iran will progressively continue to sweep the areas. The Syrian army hopefully gaining ground. My guess is that by the time “discussions” are eventually transformed into some credible format (and with Turkey in the mix that is nigh on impossible from now on, a cause of irritancy to other Nato members), we will have a very different picture on the ground. There must also follow on beforehand further discussions at Vienna + at the UN (here with the important agreed work (Kerry/Lavrov) on defining what is a terrorist group). Until then it’s all speculation and the rest can criticise Russia about “not hitting IS“, although nobody is listening anymore to one of the biggest critics Turkey.
Who will now stand up and say that the Syrian-Turkmen rebels are “moderate” nobody! (except Turkey) One more group that the UN doesn’t have to worry about.
By the time this is all completed the situation on the ground will be unrecognisable. Assad’s position strengthened, this is why Russia must push on now.
Most importantly Turkey will increasingly become well and truly restrained and cut off from its terrorist proxies. The armament/humanitarian convoy up in flames yesterday a nice example- expect much more. So too the IS/Erdogan jnr. oil empire will be in complete tatters by then. What is “on the ground“at the borders will look completely different in the next few weeks. IS command centres will increasingly resemble headless chickens not sure really what to do- especially if their back-door(Turkey)is closed. The industrial backdrop that has kept IS running will also decimate all corresponding supportive social structures in their so called caliphate; what will the enslaved population do for work now? IS doesn’t have job centres.
I guess that if the Brits join in the situation on the ground will be so complex and dangerous (being lit up from SAMs by the Russians/Syrians, that is if Turkey is still in Nato) that we won’t be talking about individual jets flying from Akrotiri but always accompanied and they will only have targets to aim at that will echo Hollande’s immediate concerns. The Germans offering their tornados & AWACs will follow France’s thinking closely too. I don’t think Germany’s Luftwaffe is going to allow their expertise to be used for anything other than hitting at IS targets. It’s still only discussions. Expect Turkey to get very upset in the next few days and weeks.
Very interesting article from an Iranian source…if true, maybe this is why Putin looked so tired during the Hollande interview.
latest would you beiieve
“ANKARA, November 27. /TASS/. Turkey and Russia have great potential for cooperation, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday speaking in the city of Bayburt.
“I want to discuss the current situation with the Russian leadership. A forum will be held in Paris soon. I think Russian President Vladimir Putin will attend it. We will be able to discuss all our issues. I want us to hold talks,” he said. According to Erdogan, “a crisis in (the Russian-Turkish) relations may make somebody happy, but only two countries will be adversely affected………When asked about the Kremlin’s response to these enquiries, Ushakov said, “Our response boils down to the fact that our country’s leadership had been briefed on the Turkish side’s requests for a telephone conversation and the possible meeting at the climate summit in Paris.””
MOSCOW, November 27. /TASS/. Turkey’s F-16 fighter that shot down the Russian Aerospace Forces’ Sukhoi Su-24M bomber was in Syria’s airspace for 40 seconds and went 2 kilometers inside its territory, while the Russian bomber did not violate the Turkish state border, the commander-in-chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces, Viktor Bondarev, said Friday…….The commander also said that terrorists were informed about the plotted provocation against the Russian plane in advance.”.
‘According to Putin, Russia did not deploy its air defence means in Syria because it did not expect Turkey to attack. “It could not even occur to us that we could receive a strike from a country, which we used to consider our ally,” the Russian leader said.”
MOSCOW, November 27. /TASS/. Russia is ready to coordinate practical steps to block the Turkish-Syrian border in cooperation with Damascus, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Friday after talks with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem.
Lavrov recalled that French President Francois Hollande earlier voiced the proposal to adopt specific measures to block the Turkish-Syrian border.
“We actively support that. We are open for coordination of practical steps, certainly, in interaction with the Syrian government,” he said.
MOSCOW, November 27. /TASS/. Russia has decided to suspend the visa-free regime with Turkey from the beginning of 2016, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday after meeting with his Syrian counterpart Walid Muallem in Moscow.
MOSCOW, November 27. /TASS/. Russia’s Embassy in Damascus was again shelled on November 23 and a mortar shell landed on its territory, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said opening talks with his Syrian counterpart Walid Muallem in Moscow on Friday.
“Thank you for your efforts to ensure the safety of our diplomatic mission in Damascus and our citizens in Syria as a whole,” he said. “On November 23 a mortar shell fell on the embassy’s territory again.”
MOSCOW, November 27. /TASS/. Turkey risks to face a complicated situation in the region, the country’s leaders have crossed the line of acceptable, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at the beginning of talks with the Syrian counterpart Walid Muallem on Friday.
Lavrov thanked Damascus sincerely for the rescue of the Russian pilot.
“I do not think we now have reasons to discuss our perception of the Turkish provocation against our jet,” the minister said. “Our perception has been presented in most details, first of all by Russia’s President Vladimir Putin.”
“We believe the Turkish leaders have crossed the line of the acceptable,” Lavrov said. “They risk bringing Turkey into a most complicated situation — both from the point of view of long-term national interests and from the point of view of the situation in the region.”
“The time has come to strike Transnistria – statement in Kiev”
Ukraine should take advantage of the situation and together with its allies strike a crushing blow to the statehood of Transnistria, Yurii Butusov, editor of the Ukrainian site “Censor” which belongs to the Secretary of the Security Council, Alexander Turchinov.
“What should Ukraine do while Putin is stuck in Syria? Liquidate the Russian military base and contraband hole in Transnistria.
“Due to re-checks, Turkish fruit and vegetable exporters are taking serious losses”
Turkish exporters are losing millions daily due to tougher inspections of cargo at the border with Russia. As the newspaper “Zaman” writes, for three days Antalya hasn’t been able to send fruit and vegetable goods to Russia.
Russian police discovered CDs with calls to join the terrorist organization “Islamic State” (IS) inside Turkish madrassas in Dagestan. This was reported on the website of GU MVD in the North Caucasus Federal district.
During a search of the school building in Derbent, the investigators found the DVDs with the videos which talk about ISIS, which is prohibited in Russia and the “Caucasus Emirate”, as well as literature of a religious character.
Police have detained the Owner of the madrasa — 34 years old – who is the summer inhabitant of one of villages of the Tabasaran district of Dagestan.
It was noted that the activities of the school religious Foundation “Alamandi” was terminated by the decision of the Supreme court in March 2015.
“Alamandi” is a radical Islamic Turkish organization, which was established in 1957. In Turkey, the organization is of a semi-legal status.
In early November, the Prosecutor General’s office reported the blocking in Russia of about 450 sites that support ISIS. The total number of terrorists of the organization in mid-2015, according to Russian special services, had reached 80 thousand people.
from RT
“As the aftermath of the Paris tragedy unfolds, it has come to light that Belgian authorities were given a detailed list of suspected terrorists – including the mastermind of the attacks – a month before the atrocity took place.
However, the mayor of the Molenbeek district of Brussels, notorious for harboring jihadists, believes it was not her responsibility to follow up on the information, according to a report by the New York Times.
“What was I supposed to do about them? It is not my job to track possible terrorists,” Francoise Schepmans said in an interview with the paper, adding that these things are “the responsibility of the federal police.”
It is alleged that the mayor had the addresses and names of over 80 suspected militants. The list was based on information from Belgium’s security services, and included both the mastermind of the operation, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, and the two brothers, Salah and Brahim Abdeslam, who participated in the November 13 attacks.”
long long article latest sit action Syria
incl post plane ramifications
mods if this needs to go under the previous section eg military review Syria, letting you choose most appropiate. cheers.
ISIS attacked France in Paris. France is a member of NATO. Why did NATO not implement Article 5 of NATO Treaty in response but threatens to invoke Article 5 if Russia attacks a NATO member.
Turkey supports and finances ISIS, so it indirectly attacked France. What is NATO’S response ??
So NATO does not exists when ISIS attacks a NATO member.