Just has I had been predicting for a couple of weeks, Russia did dramatically increase the pace of her anti-Daesh operations.
First, Russia has used all her most powerful long-range aviation bombers (Tu-22M3, Tu-95MC and even Tu-160) to strike Daesh targets with cruise missiles and gravity bombs. Look at this footage which really says it all:
Second, Russia has announced that 25 long range bombers will be fully allocated to the anti-Daesh campaign.
Third, the Russian military has announced that another 37 aircraft will be send to reinforce the Russian contingent in Syria (including the most advanced aircraft in the Russian inventory, the SU-34).
The combination of these long-range bombers from Russia and additional 37 aircraft in Syria will more than double the strike potential of the Russian military against Daesh. Thus, this is a major expansion of Russian operations against Daesh.
Finally, Putin has declared that he has ordered the Russian naval task force to ‘cooperate’ with the French naval task force lead by the aircraft carrier, the Charles de Gaulle. What better way to make sure that he French don’t “accidentally” strike the “wrong” targets than to fully “cooperate” with them?
Smart move!
The Saker
Russia walked in to the trap and keep sinking!
Oh btw, keep playing chess. :)
Care to expound on that trap and just how Russia is ‘sinking’? The EU is sinking, yes.
There’s no Russian boots on the ground beyond protection forces.
Yes – care to expound? We are all waiting.
the only one trapped are those US special forces ‘training moderate rebels’ somewhere in the middle of these heave bombardments.
name for this is as old as SunTzu, kiddie: to exploit the first victories.
Maybe Russia foresaw that through staged events the world community was going to be suckered (my word) into a partially bogus war on terror and they beat the global puppet masters to the punch, taking the opportunity to showcase their impressive air capabilities, hit their avowed enemies, engage on their own terms, and most importantly limit their involvement. Just sayin’.
Yes that pretty much sums it up. Putin has countered every move we have made to support ISIS fantastically.
Do you like chess ?
Russia is defending his regional ally and important military bases from NATO and preventing building Qatar’s gas pipeline to EU, which could reduce Russia’s influence over Europe.
And Russia does not want to be completely encircled by Nato. That is the bottom line.
@ Anonymous aka Moishe
While Russia keeps playing chess you keep playing Zioclap in Mea’ Shea’rim Israel.
Make sure while you are there to dress very modestly or you may get beat up by the
Hassidim “clothing police”.
Btw… Free Palestine!
Carmel by the Sea
Just checking . . . did you mean to say what better to make sure the French *don’t* strike the wrong targets? thanks
Clever, very clever Vlad. Yes just in case the NATO member gets the idea of dropping materials for their ‘good terrorists’ instead of bombs. Juuuuuust in case.
No doubt about it , real smart move http://thesaker.is/russia-dramatically-increases-her-anti-daesh-operations/comment-page-1/#comment-175106
“In addition to discussing the need to stop the flow of donor money to ISIS, Putin also reiterated the need to stop the illegal oil trade by ISIS.
“I’ve shown our colleagues photos taken from space and from aircraft which clearly demonstrate the scale of the illegal trade in oil and petroleum products. The motorcade of re-fuelling vehicles stretched for dozens of kilometers, so that from a height of 4,000 to 5,000 meters they stretch beyond the horizon,” Putin added….Reports suggest that the Russian intelligence analysis of the 40 nations funding the ISIS terror machine were relayed to diplomats attending the G20 summit – but were not released to the media, nor the general public.”
“3 Klingon (#)
Nov 17th, 2015 – 01:16 pm
Lets see the list and evidence, then go after these countries”
“4 Buzzsaw (#)
Nov 17th, 2015 – 01:25 pm
Makes you wonder why, if they know that IS is controlling these oil fields and refineries, that they do not ‘decommission them’ with a few carefully placed 1000lbs’ers. What’s not to like, get rid of the cheap oil, prices increase and IS get poorer. Perhaps there is more to this though.“
Salam Anonymous,
Well spotted. There is no ISIS, it is figment of imagination.
Best regards,
Agreed Mohamed.
It was your prior post concerning convoys of oil trucks that started my search.
The current narrative (Western msm & Russian) does not make sense.
You can’t see a reason not to destroy the infrastructure of Syria?
Think hard.
to which post is your comment addressed? (in case you are not aware you can right click the date of the post and copy the link address).
Your double negative is also a little confusing.
Can you please restate your point in plain English?
reportedly-“SO FAR French jets have hit, a museum, a sports stadium, a medical clinic, an equestrian center and a government administration building…NATO is waging war on Syria, NOT ISIS. No surprises here.”
“In these efforts, we need to rely on people who share the moral values that lie at the basis of our policy, in this case our foreign and security policy, our counterterrorism policy.
Our aviation should not simply continue military operations in Syria, but enhance them so as to make it clear to the criminals that vengeance is inevitable.
I would like to ask the Defence Ministry and the General Staff to make their proposals. I will check the progress of this work.
I would like the Russian Foreign Ministry to turn to all our partners. We rely on all our friends in these efforts, including our search for and punishment of the perpetrators.
We will act in compliance with Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, which envisages the right of a state to self-defence.”
Pres Putin.
My comment-who can they rely on that shares their moral values, foreign and security policy, counterterrorism policy??USA? Others in the list of ISIL financiers-please Mr president publish the list.
And how are relations with Egypt now-are they still a partner in view of the hopeless security at the airport in Sinai, are they going to apologise,despite the recent UK safety security audit in recent months-Rus going to seek reparations from Egypt and recover the 50m reward money from them?
Only China, really. The West is mired deep in intractable Evil.
The news of what France has struck at is what I have been looking for. Why on earth would Russia make some pact with France, one of the worst colonial enforcers, Washington’s new poodle and of course member of NATO?
If France is striking Syrian targets, not ISIS, Daesh, or whatever the current vogue name is, either Russia has been duped, or something much more worrying is going on here.
Can anybody explain this for simple guys like me.
I feel certain that Russia knew fairly quickly that a bomb had brought down their A-321 but waited for that expedient moment when everything was in place.
That the western news has placed a blackout on Putin’s bombshell anouncement of who out of the G-20 was funding ISIL is circumstantial evidence that the west was complicit. Everyone possessing a glimmer of critical thought or who has read the PNAC etc. knew this already.
Putin has called the West’s bluff and now France and others that were hammering Assad will now have to hammer ISIL or be exposed by Russia and humiliated on the world stage.
Sanctuary One, I wonder why in the world Iran doesn’t make an airport available to Russia, don’t you?
Someone on a website yesterday pointed out that the aircraft parts in the Sinai sit very lightly on the sand, even the heavy engine– not at all as if they’d fallen there. I had long ago noticed that about the crash in Ukraine.
The Kurds seem to be spreading out to take up an awful lot of territory in the north of Syria with US help. I’m glad there will be more Russian involvement if that will prevent US/Israeli/French colonization of northern Syria. This website shows maps of the Wright Plan for partitioning of the MidEast.
Wish I felt confident that they’ve given up on this. Ashton Carter is still running his mouth about he’s soon sending Special Forces in. Obama’s still resisting. Hard for Russia to resist all of them from the air, expecially if Turkey comes in too.
“Someone on a website yesterday pointed out that the aircraft parts in the Sinai sit very lightly on the sand, even the heavy engine– not at all as if they’d fallen there. I had long ago noticed that about the crash in Ukraine.”
You seem to imply that the wreckage did not fall there but was transported there from the original crash site, or that it did not fall from the sky at all but was blown up somewhere else, taken apart, transported there, aranged in a believable crash pattern and then set alight for some reason.
Whichever you pick, both strange and baseless theories quit frankly.
I’m not sure what sitting lightly means in your understanding, but upon carefull observation it can clearly be seen that the one largely intact engine and the mostly intact tail section have upon impact stirred up sand from beneath the covering layer of small black volcanic rocks.
It is only the ripped parts of the fuselage that can be said to sit lightly, and for good reason I may add, as these parts are light and their shape would have prevented them from building up great speed, falling more like leaves in the wind.
Such conjecture is pointless and reminds of weird hoax theories regarding the world trade center case.
I have noticed that many think the desert is soft and in some sandy places that is true, but most desert is as hard as nails -it is rock. Anything hitting it will bounce.
Although Iran is a partner to Russia in a sense it is a distant one. There are many ideological/foreign policy differences particularly in regard to Syria and having Russian military based in Iran would be a giant step with many ramifications, not all desirable to Russia.
Sanctuary One,
The Sinai seems to take the imprint of vehicles running over it exceptionally clearly.
In Ukraine, it was farmland, not sand. Persons who handled the bodies said they
were not recently dead.
There is footage of the bodies in Ukraine. Most were beutifully posed as if asleep.
They must have come from the morgue. They couldn’t possibly have fallen
from the sky.
WTC 1 and 2 fell at 0.6 times the acceleration of gravity all along their fall. It means that they were submitted to an upward force of 0.4 times their weight and, according to the action – reaction principle, exerted the same force downward on the lower intact part. As the lower intact part was designed to sustain more than one time the weight of the upper falling part, and fell while submitted to a force equal to only 0.4 times this weight, it means that this fall was not gravity led, and was necessarily helped by explosives.
As far as I remember (too indifferent to check) at least one tower fell faster than free fall speed. But strange theories and physics.
I’d say that virtually complete news blackout suggests it’s going to be very hard for Putin to expose anyone on the world stage.
The main real limitation on the propaganda machine is that it is hard for it to maintain diametrically opposed messages at the exact same time; hence the serious difficulty they’ve found trying to claim that on one hand, ISIS is horrible and all good folk should be fighting and bombing them, and on the other, that Assad and Putin are horrible for fighting and bombing ISIS. The current situation is an example–in some ways, the West is finding the ISIS attacks in Paris very convenient, but the massive media storm about the horrors of ISIS’ latest actions does make it very hard to properly demonize Russia for stepping up the bombing campaign against ISIS.
“… it’s going to be very hard for Putin to expose anyone on the world stage.”
That is true. But there are more important reasons why Putin used the high-level platform of the G-20 to announce that Russia had evidence that ISIS was financed from 40 different countries including some G-20 members than winning ‘the hearts and minds’ of the Western elites. It was an unmistakable, stunning warning.
Indirectly Putin was saying, “We know you and we will watch your every step. And should we come to the conclusion that your covert actions in financing international terrorism endanger Russia’s security, we might make use of UN charter article 50 and take direct action against you. We take the financing of ISIS very seriously. I hope you understand our position.”
Watch out Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar!
I thought that might be a subtext to that statement also.I also think the same subtext can be found with the uses of some of the military equipment they have just now put into play.Its a warning to those states (and NATO) that those weapons can just as easily strike “other” targets elsewhere if the need is there.
“… it’s going to be very hard for Putin to expose anyone on the world stage.”
Definitely, when you consider that even we don’t know http://en.mercopress.com/2015/11/17/putin-claims-40-countries-fund-isis-including-some-members-from-g20:
“I’ve shown our colleagues photos taken from space and from aircraft which clearly demonstrate the scale of the illegal trade in oil and petroleum products. The motorcade of re-fuelling vehicles stretched for dozens of kilometers, so that from a height of 4,000 to 5,000 meters they stretch beyond the horizon,” Putin added….Reports suggest that the Russian intelligence analysis of the 40 nations funding the ISIS terror machine were relayed to diplomats attending the G20 summit – but were not released to the media, nor the general public.”
Putin was telling us that he knows exactly what the problem is.
Putin has demonstrated that he has the hardware in place to easily destroy said queue of trucks (all the way to the horizon)
If there really is a problem – why does it still exist?
While I agree that western MSM will effect a news blackout for the Hegemon, the West is only a small part of the world.
In addition even the Hegemon’s facade is showing increasing signs of cracking, for example the State Department are their own worst enemies:
Since the western public have little say in geopolitical matters and can always be manipulated into consent they are not the ones that Putin’s message is aimed at. It’s their leaders who should by now be getting the message that regime change playtime games are over.
PLG, when you have a propaganda sewer as well controlled and run as the glorious Western Free Press, you can be certain that the denizens will say exactly what they are paid to say, no matter how ludicrous or contradictory it is. Any deviation from the Groupthink and your highly paid job goes away, and you become a non-person. It works highly efficaciously, but, a nice touch, the presstitutes add a veneer of preposterous and narcissistic self-admiration for their propaganda work, and sneering contempt for truth-tellers, to their repertoire. The BBC, particularly its ‘females’, are masters of the sneering arts.
Seems odd that a small amount of explosive did so much to shred the airliner, and no pictures of blast damage.
The cyberjack theories still seem plausible but there’s not much point in calling them. It would obviously be way beyond DAESH capabilities.
Like going all the way to reveal MH17 evidence, it would impede a negotiated end to the conflicts if NATO were incriminated in a clear casis belli.
Airplanes are very fragile constructions actually, they can totally rip apart without a strong causal kinetic influence like an explosion if their structural integrity has failed.
An explosion in the cargo bay, which is situated at the bottom near the beams that provide the main rigidity to the overal structure, would be very likely to cause a catastrofic structural failure resulting in the entire plane being disformed and pulled apart by air resistance.
27 years ago I understand (there’s considerable controversy about this disaster) the Lockerbie 747 was supposedly broken apart with just 312 grams of Semtex (around 11 ounces). About 10% of Semtex is the inert plastic stabiliser and I know there are far more potent explosives (but unstable) in terms of shockwave today. Best-before-date stability would not concern a one-off terrorist assassination.
The A321, like most airliners, has 2 optional ACT belly tanks next to luggage area 4 right where it broke apart and it would only need to penetrate one of those tanks. Perhaps the pop can had a shaped charge and was placed in a strategic manner? Even less explosive is needed there and they have had plenty of fine-tuning experience with IEDs in the many wars instigated by the Hegemon.
I am out of my depth on explosives so perhaps someone with greater expertise could comment -I do know that despite all the Hollywood spectacular visuals that placement of explosives is far more relevant than quantity.
“The problem around the U.S.-led coalition is that despite the fact that they declared its goal in fighting exclusively the Islamic State and other terrorists and pledged not to take any action against the Syrian army (life has proved they never went back from their words), analysis of the strikes delivered by the United States and its coalition at terrorist positions over the past year drives us to a conclusion that these were selective, I would say sparing, strikes and in the majority of cases spared those Islamic State groups that were capable of pressing the Syrian army,” he said.
“It looks like a cat that wants to eat a fish but doesn’t want to wet its feet. They want the Islamic State to weaken Assad as soon as possible to force him to step down this or that way but they don’t want to see Islamic State strong enough to take power.”
Read more here:Sergey Lavrov compared the US strikes against IS to “a cat that wants to eat a fish but doesn’t want to wet its feet” – http://tass.ru/en/politics/837181
The war on Syria looks a bit like the Spanish civil war in the 1930’s before WW2 started.
The East and West are both preparing for war. I hope that another world war does not start but if it does I hope that the West is defeated finally after five hundred years of deceit and plunder of the rest of the world.
I have been surprised by some I know that told me they are disgusted with Americans making a big deal of terrorist attacks in the US but not caring one bit about terrorist attacks outside the West. But then there are some relatives of mine that consider the MENA trash and say that it deserves to burn. They are liberal or conservative but both carry the same ‘indispensable and exceptional’ lunatic attitudes.
Well, when WW2 started, all the major world powers got fucked, except US who was last man standing due to geographical distance from everybody else.
A war between NATO and Russia would probably leave some other country (Probably not China, I assume they would join in or be dragged in. India or Brazil or SA maybe?) would be left to pick up all the very small pieces.
Lets hope the pieces are not nuclearly irradiated first…
What is that music I hear in the background? Of course! Hava Nagila!
Unless some strong replacement for fossil fuels is found (current renewables are unlikely to do enough), there’s not going to be another world empire. It takes a lot of energy to subjugate the world.
I disagree. The story of the Spanish civil war in terms of great power involvement is to a fair extent the story of Stalin sacrificing the Republican government to the West. The West hated the whole Republican government for its resistance to elites, while Stalin liked the Communist portions of the Republican government. But Stalin didn’t like the Communist parts of that government as much as he hated and feared the success in Spain of Anarchism, so he fed the conflict between the two groups and held back most aid, letting the Republicans go down the tubes rather than see a partially Anarchist government succeed. However Communist or otherwise Stalin might have been, he was above all else a centralizer and an authoritarian; he hated the ideas of the unruly Anarchists.
In Syria on the other hand, Russia under Putin does not seem to have plans to let the Syrian government fall, or interest in dictating its form. For better or worse, to the extent that Putin has an ideology it seems to be allegiance to the traditional much-trampled Westphalian idea of independent sovereign nations.
I also think distance and ability to get meaningful aid to Spain was a problem.The Soviet Union wasn’t a great power then.And almost no other country would cooperate with them.Getting aid in large amounts to Spain was very difficult for those reasons.And to send “really” meaningful aid would mean taking in from the reserves of the Red Army itself.So add that to what you’ve said and those were the reasons the Soviets had to accept a fascist takeover in Spain.But while most people at the time didn’t realize it.And now historians write of it like it should have been obvious.The “handwriting was on the wall” that WW2 was only a short distance away from then on.I wonder if years from now historians will write about Syria and Ukraine in the same way telling of a prelude to WW3 (assuming there are historians in that time left).
There is an article in the current LRB that is related to this topic:
Here is the link (all but first graf is behind a paywall; if there is interest I can copy it here):
It is a review, by Richard J. Evans, of “Hitler’s Shadow Empire: Nazi Economics and the Spanish Civil War,” by Pierpaolo Barbieri.
I have only skimmed, but there is much of interest here, and even relevance to aspects of the current situation.
There is an article in the current LRB that is related to this topic:
Here is the link (all but first graf is behind a paywall; if there is interest I can copy it here):
It is a review, by Richard J. Evans, of “Hitler’s Shadow Empire: Nazi Economics and the Spanish Civil War,” by Pierpaolo Barbieri.
I have only skimmed, but there is much of interest here, and even relevance to aspects of the current situation.
Here is the first graf:]
On 25 July 1936, Hitler spent the evening at Bayreuth, attending a performance of Wagner’s Siegfried. On his way back to his guest quarters at Villa Wahnfried, the Wagner family residence, he was introduced to a curious delegation that had arrived from Spanish Morocco. It was led by Johannes Bernhardt, a Nazi businessman who lived in the colony, and included another Nazi businessman and a Spanish air force officer. They had managed to get to Bayreuth with the assistance of the Nazi Party’s foreign policy organisation (the German foreign office had refused to receive them). The three men gave Hitler a short letter from General Franco, who had led a military coup in Morocco – timed to coincide with military uprisings across Spain – but was now stuck in North Africa and unable to get his army across to the mainland. Would Hitler provide transport planes, they asked, along with rifles and anti-aircraft guns?
The real training ground for the Russians in preparation for the expected war was the Russo-Finnish war. It induced in the minds of Western strategists (Germans in the first place) the image of a weak, inadequate Soviet army that a resolute “nordic” resistance kept in check. I do remember that in the generation of my parents many believed that the Finns won the war!
In reality, the Supreme Military Soviet command met in April 1940, reviewed the lessons of the Finnish campaign, and recommended reforms. The role of frontline political commissars was reduced and old-fashioned ranks and forms of discipline were reintroduced. Especially “clothing, equipment and tactics for winter operations were improved”. The Germans did not learn the lessons. Russians knew that “General Winter” would come to the rescue, as many other times in their long history.
While it is true that the Spanish anarchists of the early 20th century had a mass base in the working class which today’s faggot-worshipping, arrogant Western bourgois bohèmes do not, there is an unmistakable, irrefutable continuity regarding their prevalent attitude of individualism and irresponsibility. The Soviets were absolutely right in helping the Republican government keep the Anarchists at bay, putting emphasis on military efficiency and combativity. Hell, when the local Catalonian government pleaded to the CNT-FAI to join in, these despicable layabouts flatly refused on — yes — “principal grounds”. Equally impressive in military matters also where, as per anarchist doctrine, each and every order must be approved by voting. Indeed, had the resistance against Franco consisted of anarchists alone, he could have defeated the Republic entirely peacefully.
The holy duty of howling against Stalin is as sacred to Western ‘anti-authoritarians’ as it is to Westerners in general. Put bluntly, the brave ‘anti-authoritarian’ stance boils down to this:
“We are Western ultra-super-duper-revolutionaries committed to unrestrained freedom all along the line. But as long as our Earth-shattering über-revolution isn’t materialising, we’ll settle for Western imperialism“
If I recall, you were not very happy about the failed ‘revolutionary’ stunt at Tiananmen, June 1989. That settles it.
today’s faggot-worshipping, arrogant Western bourgois bohèmes
Right-wing bigot. And you can’t even spell “bourgeois” properly.
The Soviets were absolutely right in helping the Republican government keep the Anarchists at bay, putting emphasis on military efficiency and combativity.
Tell us, how did that stalinist military efficiency work out for them?
You’re full of sh**; perhaps you’ve been reading this book:
had the resistance against Franco consisted of anarchists alone, he could have defeated the Republic entirely peacefully.
The resistance against Franco *did* consist of anarchist militias alone, for several months. The bourgeois government did nothing until it was forced to. If it had been left up to them, Franco’s military revolt would have won as soon as it started.
Anybody who would like the real story can try here:
Good you spotted that one-off spelling error of mine. For your information, I’m fluent in French.
Awesome petty bourgEois Western radicals proudly spout rubbish forever, never making any history of their own. If today’s Western anti-authoritarians were to experience a fascist onslaught like Mussolini’s or Franco’s, their answer would be a gay parade at best. As such a counter-measure most likely would be to no avail, their next bold move lasting till the end of time sets in: Screamfest against the West’s enemies for “betraying our revolution”.
Verdict: As compared to modern Western anarchism, the CNT-FAI wasn’t completely rubbish. What has always been hopeless rubbish is the “authoritarian” cousin of anarchism: Trotskyism.
You’ve got a lot of nerve, complaining about “authoritarian” Trotskyism, while shilling for Stalinism by falsifying history.
Thanks been so long I would have had to check the footnotes…good to see the historic memory preserved.
The thing I noticed in that argument between the two is,”they both” side with most here on the main issues.But disagree on long gone dead issues.And instead of concentrating on the current problems are concentrating on those others.Which brings me to the point I’ve discussed several times on here.Its the disunity of our side that has always destroyed us.It did so in Spain,and in Germany the two biggest parties of the left,the SD and the Communist,feared each other more than they hated Hitler.And he destroyed them both because of that.We saw another example of that in Ukraine.Instead of the anti-fascist forces in Ukraine uniting behind Yanukovich.They argued over their petty party politics until the fascists destroyed them all.And we see the results.Our disunity has always been one of the other side’s best weapons.
Bob and friends. This is from India where we are witnessing a bargain basement version of Nazi takeover of Germany in 1933. Only, our constitutional legitimacy is much stronger than the Weimar Republic and the putative fascists of the Hindu nationalists now in power find their style cramped by the vigorous opposition and the constitutional framework.. I was anxious that the anti-fundmentalists , what we in India call the secular parties, I was anxious that they should hed he lessons of 1933 and should not divide. Happy tp tell you all that they have not divided, and in the recent election in the state of Bihar, they joined and routed the ruling BJP, even though PM Modi addressed over 35 rallies in a state election. This unity is likely to be repeated in other state elections until the national election due in 2019. Hopefully, our fascist nightmare will then end. Our Bihar result shows that if only the Soc Dem and the Communists had stuck together in 1933, Hitler could have been quickly cut to size before he started a war.
v.v. anand, I must say congratulations to Indians, Biharis in particular, for cutting the fascist Modi down in size. Unfortunately, egged on by the USA and Israel, he will now become rather more dangerous. I do yearn for the day when those two great civilizations, India and China, get together to save humanity.
Uncle Bob, Program generates theory as much as theory generates program. These disputes as far as I am concerned have long been settled, that doesn’t stop the constant falsification and strawmen from continuing their falsehoods and leading people down blind alley’s though does it. eg Occupy.
Not exactly, honey. It’s the infallible über-revolutionary anarchists who blame the equally infallible trots for authoritarianism/Stalinism. Great fun to watch :-)
Old debates take us back half a century, and then another quarter of a century. Felix Morrow’s book, in combination with Orwell’s “Homage to Catalonia” shed more light on the sad defeat of the Spanish Republic.
The Spanish Anarchists, representing the largest Spanish political grouping battling the Fascist forces of World Imperialism, fought the hardest, and made the most consistent effort to save the Spanish Republic, as well as to resolve the severe socio-economic problems of the poverty stricken Spanish people.
In 1936, Anarchist leader Buenaventura Durruti, after stabilizing the front in Catalonia, responded to an urgent request from the Republican Government to send military help to the Spanish capital of Madrid, which was under an all-out attack from General Franco’s Spanish Army Divisions. Durruti arrived in Madrid with 1300 hundred militia, armored cars, and in desperate fighting, helped save the city from the fascists. Durruti, leading from the front (as is the habit of Anarchists), died in the fighting. Half a million citizens attended his funeral in Barcelona.
Durruti’s letter to the Soviet people, which I printed earlier on this forum, is well worth reading today.
“Through these few lines we send you fraternal greetings from the Aragon front where thousands of your brethren are fighting just as you fought twenty years ago for the emancipation of a class down-trodden and oppressed for century upon century. Twenty years have passed since the Russian workers in the East hoisted the red flag, symbolising the brotherhood between the international proletariat, whom you trusted implicitly to help you in the mighty undertaking upon which you had embarked: a trust that we workers around the globe welcomed as we responded selflessly insofar as the proletariat’s resources permitted.
“Today it is in the West that a fresh revolution is being born and here too there flies a flag that stands for an ideal which, should it triumph, will weave fraternal bonds between two peoples ravaged, on the one hand, by tsarism, and, on the other, by a despotic monarchy. Today, Russian workers, it is we who trust the defence of our revolution to your care; we have no confidence in any self-styled democratic or antifascist politicians; we place out trust in our class brethren, in workers; it is they that must come to the defence of the Spanish revolution, even as we did twenty years ago when we leapt to the defence of the Russian revolution.
“Rely upon us: we are authentic workers and there is nothing in this whole wide world that can make us jettison our principles, let alone bring disgrace upon the symbolic instrument of the working class.
“Greetings from all the workers fighting fascism with weapons in hand on the Aragon front.
“B. Durruti.”
I am not urging a sterile endless debate from the past, but an appreciation of the beauty of the too often maligned contributions of our Anarchist brothers and sisters who joined the barricades of the forgotten days and charged forward with the optimism of the 19th Century.
Over the centuries, Anarchists have far less to apologize for than the other political tendencies, and have made far fewer moral errors of judgement. We lead with our hearts, and, sometimes, even our brains. We usually know who the enemy is. We are not sectarian, and do not worship wealth or power. We have a long list of martyrs, Sacco and Vanzetti, to Durutti, and thousands more.
For the Democratic Republics!
Preparing for war? Not yet. Just elaborate sabre-rattling.
Syria is an A2/AD-lite bubble. If large numbers of submarines and SEAD aircraft were being built up in the region to storm Syrian A2/AD, then that would be more serious sabre rattling and a likely prelude to war.
If the toys for the game aren’t there, they can’t play.
I bring to the discussion that from the starting point to the WWII outburst in Poland it took more than 3 years.
There was a war thirsty monster (Adolf) and his motives, from versailles to jews to communism in general.
Now there is indeed a war thirsty one – its motives are : a)in the short run the military-security-industry complex $$$$ requirements and b) in the long run the world Hegemon deep State needs.
So seems to me more of a stir up and rocking try to adequate means to ends by the west.
Most of the commentators in this forum is much more learned about international history than I am. Still I am putting my two cents. Will be happy if you do reply.
To me, the present crisis and grouping in Middle East reminds me of the Great Game scenario that was played in 19th Century. The British wanted to ‘protect’ their jewel crown colony India from Russian encroachment. Basically their aim was to contain Tsarist Russia.
What they did, among other things, is to employ the services of Islamic groups. The British allowed Islamic groups to fight against an Orthodox Christian Russia and proselytize the pagan (Kaffirs) at will. One area, then known as Kaffristan, was allowed to be ransacked and conversion took place at a cost of genocide to the local people. The area is known as Nuristan now. They allowed Afghan Pashtuns to ruin Uzbeks. Earlier too, in the Chechen area (probably in 1755), Tsarist army was defeated by some Islamic Sufi Imam.
The present scenario appears to be same in this context. Instead of available pagan population, now we have Muslims in those areas. Conversion is not an option now. So we have Wahabi-ism as the force to tackle Russia. For conversion purpose, they have been provided the map of Khorasan which includes India too.
The common part is – there is a source of angry, frustrated people in some sect of Islam who are ready to war for getting the sense of power, some livelihood and off course, getting straightway to heaven.
Unfortunately, most of these fighters have enough warring skills – but not enough intellect. Earlier they died for Britain and now they are dying for Zionist – West – but they do think that they are fighting against Zionist-West !.
I didn’t actually know that previous history so you are more well read than many. And your conclusion is correct…this is a proxy army that will head through the Caucasus and eventually to Russia proper.
Thanks for your comment, Chakra!
The best book I know of regarding the collaboration between the West and jihadists is Mark Curtis’s “Secret Affairs: Britain’s Collusion with Radical Islam.” I highly recommend it.
Of course, all these issues are extensively discussed at Bharat Rakshak.
“Consortium of Indian Defence Websites”
Thanks to both Chakra and Avarachan (very good info – Now I understand why that swine British General provided guns to the Pathans to slaughter the “Nuristanis” and force them to convert; for the uninitiated, Nuristanis are proto-Europoid people who’s now lost religion (thanks to the British and their murdering Islamist allies) could have told us a lot about the ancient history of European people’s. But thanks to a mass-murdering British general all that knowledge of ancient European native culture is lost.
I didn’t know the overall picture that you provided, so that was very helpful, thanks again.
Avarachan, will be looking into that book soon – thanks.
Thanks, Avarachan.
I will try to get that book soon. Yes I have visited Bharat Rakshak forum years back. Not in recent times, though.
I don’t actually know very much about the Great Game era, but it seems like an apt comparison.
One thing I will say, though–to the extent that the current situation is looking more like the Great Game, that’s an improvement: It suggests some kind of competition between powers rather than the unipolar empire doing whatever the hell it bloody pleases.
Its very similar in many ways.The differences I see are mainly Britain’s size.The British Empire ended with almost a quarter of the World being under their control.But much of that area wasn’t tightly ruled.The ruling authorities were mostly British but other classes were of various local peoples.And the British used the “divide and rule” principal to control those lands.Only the “Home Islands” and the settler colonies (Canada,Australia,New Zealand,and South Africa to an extent) were totally considered “British”.They just didn’t have the numbers,and the modern propaganda methods for total World domination.So they knew they couldn’t rule over it all.They came up with stirring trouble in other areas to keep the World in chaos.Leaving them the strongest power.The US has adapted the British strategy,and “tweaked” it.They have the size and population they believe for total domination.And they have co-opted the ex-British settler colonies and Britain herself as their allies to help (the 5 eyes) with their plan.With Israel taking the role for the US played by South Africa in the British scheme.The “new” empire is more dangerous than the British Empire was,because of the US’s size in population.And the modernization of today’s World.The US has figured out that using a neo-colonial system is much easier to control the World ,instead of the old British system of colonies.Just as for the British Empire,the nightmare of the new US empire is the thoughts of the rise of Russia and China,the World of Eurasia.So the new Great Game has the same purpose,stop Eurasian unity.But with the World being more modern.And unrest being so much more violent Worldwide.Just as the slightest misstep in the old Great Game could have set of war.Today,that is ever more of a concern.
“The US has figured out that using a neo-colonial system is much easier to control the World”
Interesting, but terms like “US” are extremely superficial. Dig deeper e.g. http://www.globalresearch.ca/new-world-order-the-founding-fathers/5445255
“…[]…Ponder the significance of this coincidence. Provided with huge sums of Secret Elite money rerouted via St Petersburg , French politicians, newspapers and journalists were effectively corrupted to elect the Revanchistwarmonger candidate Raymond Poincare to the Presidency of France. By February 1913, two major powers, The United States and France, had new Presidents who were elected to office through the machinations of the Secret Elite. They had positioned key players in the governments of Britain , France , and the United States and exerted immense influence over the foreign ministry in Russia . Politics, money and power were the pillars on which the Anglo-Saxon elite would destroy Germany and take control of the world.”
An excellent article.That is the type of in-depth study I like to read.I’m not sure I believe it all.But still it seems quite detailed and very well might be totally true.The sections on South Africa are certainly true.I’ve read quite a bit in the past on some of the people the article talks about.There are a couple of points I might mention on it.While the British and the Germans ended up as competitors.At the beginning the British had hoped to co-opt the Germans as allies (during Rhodes earlier years) and only later saw them as enemies.And that Milner was a very interesting person.The article doesn’t mention it.But he was German himself.And became “more British than the British” in his loyalties.Thanks for posting the link.
Ubob, I’m glad you like it. Much underlies the history itself. Speak later…
So this explains my earlier question regarding France decision to bomb Raqqa – the objective to divide Northern Syria and establish the pipeline from Qatar, through Iraq and northern Syria and into Turkey.
If the Russians make sure that the French are bombing ISIS, then the partitioning of Syria cannot happen.
I don’t see what anyone would have to gain from a pipeline through Iraq that also had to pass through Northern Syria into Turkey. Iraq already borders Turkey, so if such a pipeline were contemplated, Iraq could well do that now without Syria’s help.
You are so right… I need to visit an optometrist. :-)
Forgive my ignorance, then if the Empire has direct access through Iraq and Turkey, why is the Empire so hell bent on taking Syria? Is it just to turn Russia friendly nations into anti-Russia colonies, totally encircling Russia with missiles?
Must be because Iraq is controlled by shia and they don’t want to pay them transit fees.. It would be the easiest since the pipelines already exist and all they need to do is upgrade and fix it. There is even one going from Iraq to Israel. If it is to just get around to the Mediterranean then they need Syria.. Other wise transit fees to turkey as well. When you come down to it, they just did not expect a doctor to stand in their way or being able to gather enough support from the people. Ghadiffi had a lot more support from his people and even all the countries around him, he single handedly helped many African countries yet he fell fast.
mmiriww on November 18, 2015 · at 11:52 am UTC
“he single handedly helped many African countries yet he fell fast.”
Absolutely ! Qaddafi was the biggest threat to the French African hegemony ever !……..gold dinar and all !
France controls 15 African states through the issuance of their currencies and only allowing french bank credits.
A four part Al Jazeera documentary about the history of oil cartels and how geo-political relations are dominated by oil.
France and Britain,now joined directly by the US, dominate all africa and are desparate to keep China out.
China invests, while the hegemonic/demonic types loot and pillage.
“Qaddafi must go !” sound familiar ?
A few days after the Metrojet crash I commented that the criminals that brought down that plane should be very-very nervous, that Russia was getting ready to drop the other shoe (based on their own timelines). I also said that payback would be cold, unrelenting and ruthless, some like Stavros concurred as they had come to the same conclusions. Well here you have it: the other shoe has dropped in the form of over a hundred tonnes of high explosives over the heads of Daesh. As well, the swine in Western and Arab capitals that commissioned this mass murder, will be ruthlessly hunted down by Russia. Heavy shoe indeed on the throats of the empire’s mafia.
It’s also appropriate that that dog Hollande has been brought to heal by Putin and that the Franco-Russian coalition will be led by Russia. Let the neocons and brezinski neo-liberal scum choke on their own bile.
Let’s wish Russia complete and utter success.
Maybe…. they 5 eyes getting
when VVP said they will be STALINGRAD- ized. Those idiots will be expose one by one…
My sentiments exactly.
I am highly skeptical of the French and their intentions, as they are top beneficiaries of Qatari money (remarkably, even more than the UK and the US)
But interestingly enough, Hollande has invoked the EU defense clause and not NATO Article 5.
Maybe it’s just a technicality, or maybe it’s just to conceive and play good-cop/bad-cop again. We’ll have to wait and see.
Two great articles by Pepe Escobar that sums it all up.
How IS/Daesh profits from the Paris attacks:
and In the Fight Against ISIS, Russia Ain’t Taking No Prisoners:
Russian military intervention in Syria: For 6 weeks they whole world has seen the operation of a well oiled machine with no crashes, or “oops”. Now Team Putin is about to take out the bombers of the Metro Jet and, more important, anyone who helped them in any way, thus the announcement at the G-20, ” We’ve got the goods on you and a price on your heads” This revenge will be served hot and I expect at the end of it all some nasty folks will be exposed and dealt with. One can hope.
Very possible that certain indoviduals from some 40 countries will start having mortal accidents in the future.
In a very rare almost sympathetic article from the Zionist American media, the positive Role of Russia in fighting terrorism in Syria is acknowledged. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34840943
Russia is increasing her anti terrorist efforts as, at the same time, the United States’ military is busy resupplying and attempting to rally their ZioNazi terrorists located in Syria and Iraq.
As for the French ‘Socialist’ (cough) government: and their newly found militancy…
It will be interesting to see if the French bombers are able to hit anything other than sand. At least, as The Saker hinted, The Russian Naval cooperation with the French Navy, (including the French Aircraft Carrier), might, at least, assure that the French planes do not “accidentally” hit any of the Syrian, Hezbollah, or Iranian, or Russian forces (who are actually fighting the terrorists).
Some commenters have asked the perceptive question of -why the Daesh/ISIS have not attacked any Israeli targets? The question should be turned around and asked of the Zionist/Americans, just why they have used their Air Forces to bring the/their terrorists arms and other supplies, rather than bomb them (which they falsely claim to be doing). The Zio/Americans clearly have not, and will not bomb their own troops. The Terrorists are their own troops. Did you get that?The Russian leaders, such as Vladimir Putin have the Zio/American imperialists over a conundrum of their own making.
We citizens of America and the citizens of the other Western Nations have a duty to also use that truth to our advantage in our struggle to Restore our Republic/s, (cleanse our governments), and bring about World Peace.
For the Democratic Republics!
I agree Peter. This is the moment when the world can really learn just how controlled the French infrastucture is, by Zionist Israeli companies. Everything that has happened to France this week was already experienced by NYNY in 2001…again..Israeli companies did it all…there is a very good video by Rebekah Roth that is a must see
The Americans won’t risk their CSGs in the Eastern Mediterranean or the Persian Gulf.
But its perfectly OK to send in those of an ‘ally’. Or rather that of an ally; France just has just the one smalltop.
Although a smalltop is barely a proper fleet carrier; CSG is almost a misnomer. Are cruise missile submarines being sent that weren’t mentioned in the news articles?
I read the subs had already launched at RT. Not bad for a country that has supposedly ran out of them and couldn’t afford to stockpile. But he must have been thinking of cost of American military hardware and not Russian.
This carpet bombing is only to scare away highly paid mercenaries that wont fight to the death. They are in it for the money and not to die for western interests. Looks like some are highly skilled as well, they have shot down at least 2 cruise missiles out of the 34 that were fired.. OR the US has informed their high value assets that cruise missiles are on the way and they were able to take preventive action. Bombing can only take out logistics.. Unless these experienced mercenaries run off, taking their position by ground offensives would be very expensive for the SAA and allies. A lot of brave men have died in the last months offensive. Men who used to communicate on social media about the events in Syria taking place on the ground. Their information will be missed. I think many of the mid level mercs have by now run off.. Hence the rout in many places. They wont want to be caught or cut off and then mowed down. I think Russia has accelerated their campaign because nato is trying to get inside to stop the Russian campaign to destroy their mercenaries. Look how fast turkey wants to control their borders now. It is to make sure these mercs cant run off.. so this is already happening. mercs rarely join the losing side, they get in on the mayhem, loot the place and take their cut and leave before the patsies get clobbered. The utterly stupid are the suicide bombers. Now that almost all units have ATGM’s, suicide bombers are useless except in civilian areas like markets. All of them were taken out long before they reached their targets in the last 2 weeks.. I think things will move much faster now with fronts collapsing faster and faster. And leaving just small pockets which are held by the true believers in the bullshit. Big sale on FSA flags as well now that they are considered moderate opposition.
The DAESH surged at Kobani, trying to bluff airstrikes, and paid too high a price. Looks like they repeated the error, and unlike the Americans at Kobani, the Russians are following through on DAESH fallback positions.
Apart from scaring mercs, it looks like a huge training exercise honing warfighting skills seldom used on this scale against a more or less real opponent.
That they can, should give neocon war-fanboys cause for pause. The Bear really is back.
Strategic bombers are used to clear mine fields.. The SAA is far from Raqqa so I don’t see the point.. They also missiled ildb and some heavy bombing there so I think they are preparing to cut off the Turkish supply lines. They have heavily fortified allepo and that has not fallen yet. something must be up because you don’t bomb mine fields months before attacking.. A big offensive should start soon.
Late in the Vietnam the Americans resorted to strategic carpet bombing to destroy NVA tunnel networks, and were successful in breaking up a few. Those that survive are tourist attractions.
The Russian Air Force is probably doing the same; smashing tunnel networks. Even if the Russians don’t know exactly where they lie, shaking up the ground can disrupt them. The DAESH tunnels found so far, were long enough to link neighboring villages. More are reportedly underneath towns and cities where the Russians won’t bomb (but the Syrians will).
They’ve had years to dig them now, from the early days when they were just using tunnel bombs.
Clearing tunnels well ahead of a future offensive also disrupts DAESH reinforcement and mobility in the now.
And Iran has been so quiet up to now, although we don’t know how much they are reinforcing the SAA. It seems the entire country is fighting back with Militia’s and all. I do hope you are right and a well armed ground offensive can start soon. Cutting off supply links to ISIS from Turkey is vital. I think that will happen within the next 7 days or less.
not so sure about that shooting down business. those russian cruise missile dump their power packs shortly before impact. prolly those by-design-discarded powerpacks were selfied for propaganda purposes.
So Charlie Hebdo publishes disgusting cartoons deriding the Russian airliner tragedy that Putin called blasphemous and France had a hand in the destruction of Libya and in stoking the rebel fires in Syria and suddenly there’s cooperation?
Sadly, I think this increase is not linked to the situation on the field, but to counter the NATO.
The goal of the West, since the beginning of the war on Syria, was to destroy the country and partition it.
The resistance of Syrian people and State has frustrated those efforts; but little by little the West agenda was avancing nevertheless.
Then the arrival of russian aerospatial forces changed the situation; on the field, but also on a global geopolitical level.
To counter that, the West had to react by doing a similar upgrade of their military involvement, and occupy the field on some portion of Syria, making Russia influence out of that zone.
The attacks on Paris give a perfect pretext for that.
The escalation of Russia is a very strong message, not for the IS (there are more efficient carriers than the huge range Tupolevs), but for the West: Russia is determined, and will use any and all of the weapons of its arsenal if needed.
It’s also a way to furter frustrate the western plans, a more intense bombing campaign will help the syrian army to liberate more towns.
The very risky player will be Turkey.
Indeed, to counter the Russian move, the West has to occupy the field, before the SAA. Only Turkey can do it (a lot of boots in a short time; other NATO countriesare unable to deploy troops timely; and if Israel does, it will face 3 or 4 fronts, and Russia could be irritated of such move, and if Russia changes its neutral position towards Israel into hostile, then the very existance of that entity will be reaching its end).
It is also possible that Russia (like in the spanish war) wants to gain combat skills and training to be ready for the upcoming events.
And I hope that russian leadership remembers the consequences of losing the spanish war and will be fully commited. I’m now convinced that if Syria falls to the forces of Evil, than a world war would be inevitable. If Syria is saved, the empire will try again on other place, and again, and again, but if properly faced its lans can be defeated and a world war could be avoided.
I guess it is both. It is a way to intensify the Russian involvement in a way that is hard to object by the West – although we do see reports about civilian casualties and Syrian troops refusing entry to refugees. And it also a way to block a Western intervention aimed at keeping Russia out.
There is at the moment a kind of stampede among the ISIS cadre towards Iraq and Russia is likely trying to heighten the sense of panic. However, it has to be seen what their long strategy is.
The source for your very wicked zio-lie — that Syrian forces are “refusing entry” to their own people — as in, Syrian civilians fleeing towards the Syrian Arab Army, is courtesy CFR mouthpiece Foreign Policy (founded by none other than Samuel P. Huntington; he of Clash of Civilizations fame.
And here’s the zio-lie headline you unsurprisingly chose to conceal:
Growing Air War in Syria Sparks New Refugee Crisis
“Sandra Bitar, whose organization, Emesa, operates in Homs and other besieged areas, said some civilians trying to flee the Russian bombardments were pushed back into Islamic State-controlled areas by forces loyal to Assad.”
Sandra Bitar — of the NGO Emesha, recently travelled to Washington where she participated in a conference of the ‘Syria Institute’ along with Assistant Secretary of State Anne C. Richard and MEI Senior Fellow Amb. Robert S. Ford Source.
The source for your plainly dishonest claim is a fully funded operative of the zionist regime change complex.
What do you think these humanitarians talked about at their conference in Washington Wim?
The Syrian government has done an admirable, some might say outstanding, job of feeding and sheltering millions upon millions of internally displaced people since the begining of the war almost five years ago — started by terrorist your employers.
Congratulations Wim. You are today’s winner of the prize for weak and lazy disinformation trollery.
Saker’s blog policy rule: “All comment have to be impeccably courteous to me, the blog’s author, moderators, any guest author and all the other commentators. Absolutely no ad hominems or personal attacks.”
You have to choose between being polite, or to have your comment redacted or trashed. I am letting this through, because I believe that you (and some other commenters) just have forgotten Saker’s blog rules. (KL)
Finally some clarity about the Russian plans about Syria
23809 ViewsSeptember 30, 2015 179 Comments
Unz ReviewThis column was written for the Unz Review: http://www.unz.com/tsaker/finally-some-clarity-about-the-russian-plans-in-syria/
A lot has happened in the last few hours. Putin spoke at the UN, the Russian Parliament has approved the use of Russian military forces in Syria and Sergei Ivanov has given the Russian media a detailed explanation for the reasons which made the Kremlin request such an authorization. The picture has finally become much clearer.
What will not happen:
There will be no “ Most Anticipated Showdown in Recent History ”: no Russian ground operation, no Russian imposition of a no-fly zone (especially not against the US or its allies!), no MiG-31s, no Russian Airborne Forces, no Russian tanks on the frontlines, no Russian SSBN (nuclear weapons carrying) submarines and probably no significant Russians military presence around Damascus. In fact, there will be no Russian unilateral military operation of any kind. All that nonsense can now finally be put to rest.
Shoigu said that Russia’s Tu-95, Tu-22 and Tu-160 strategic bombers have been brought into the operation, while the Air Force command added that the strike group has been bolstered with 37 new planes, including Su-34 bombers and Su-27 fighter jets.
The head of the General Staff reported that the new phase of the anti-ISIS campaign will involve 25 long-range bombers flying out of airfields in Russia.https://www.rt.com/news/322436-russia-strikes-syria-putin/
The Russian military has launched airstrikes against the Islamic State stronghold of Raqqa in Syria with cruise missiles from the Mediterranean Sea, France’s Le Monde newspaper said, citing a French official.
The information that Russia has struck Islamic State positions in Raqqa has been also reported by a senior French government source, cited by Reuters.
A US official told Reuters that Moscow has conducted a significant number of strikes in Syria using both sea-launched cruise missiles and long-range bombers.
This is a real showdown between nato and Russia.. It is not an overt show down, but it is a covert one. There is no reason to use 10 mil cruise missiles when they can drop 10 times as many bombs using existing air planes for the same money. Only the TU22M’s upgraded can use smart bombs, and even if one of them can do the work of 10 other sorties, those are also to show their capabilities. It is over kill to carpet bomb vast areas of desert as none of the terrorists have that kind of massive formations except during the times they are onto take strategic targets. Training and practice for the Russian forces is one aspect of it, but it also costs far more. We already know carpet bombing only works to destroy civilian infrastructure. Even bin laden said, dig trenches 10 meters apart for every front line soldier and even with the heaviest bombing the casualty rates are under 2%.. This entire thing is to show Ukraine what Russia can and will do. Nato is also watching closely.. Ukraine said IS is their allies.. Guess they are waiting to show the ruskies how bravely unlike IS they can get blown up. Didn’t know Ukraine had sold almost 300 front line fighters and bombers they had. They have less than a dozen working planes left. Amazing how much porkey and yats have looted the place.
A show down between NATO and Russia equals WW3. Capitalism in crisis means fascism at home Imperialist war abroad. France for all intents and purposes has already turned to a police state. The UK most survielled in the World. With the immigrant crisis in Europe the people will be demanding law and order…Fascism. The US we are already familiar with their police state. Only a socialist revolution in the USA can prevent nuclear holocaust.
Russia’s operation in Syria was from the get go designed to be a limited, controlled ‘brawl’ to avoid a all-out battle, that is, precisely an INITIATIVE TO PREEMPT a show-down between NATO and Russia. Same goes for the current scaling up of the operation in wake of the Paris attack.
Team Putin gambled that NATO, busy with sleep-walking and silly machismo & bravado talk, wouldn’t be able to react to their swift, clandestine Latakia Landing, and that by time the ‘Leaders of the free World’ would wake up, the SAA/Russian operation had advanced so far, that is was too late for a meaningful NATO response that wasn’t outrageously risky.
And so it happened. Six weeks later the stakes have risen considerably but the basic situation is still the same. NATO has no good options, even the ‘Race to Raqqa’ is from a strategic and military standpoint pure craziness.
In short: NATO won’t show up – not in North Syria, not in Raqqa.
Now it is simply too late. Sorry guys, throw those think tanks reports away and try to stay awake. Things will unravel fast in the coming weeks.
In short: NATO won’t show up – not in North Syria, not in Raqqa.
One can only hope…so far it has not worked. Expect more color revolutions, flare ups in the Ukraine, more terrorist attacks and continued sponsorship by the GCS. If another Pearl Harbour goes off in the USA expect a full out regional war in the ME. that includes Iran as well.
And just last week analysts were saying that the SAA was on it’s death bed and the air support was ineffective.
How many NATO forces have already been there for years now? Limited but active more in some area’s than others such as Libya.
We better hope you’re wrong, because I don’t see any socialists rising up in the US any time soon. And I say that as someone who would welcome such an event, but we gotta stay real, here. Troubles in the US will spawn an overt fascist revolution long before a socialist one.
I think your right.But one interesting thing I do see in the US,is the “yearning” for a socialist policy.Now they wouldn’t call it that of course.It would be called “populist” or something like that.But the numbers of people that support Sanders campaign (I don’t want to discus him.He isn’t important,its his message that the appeal is to).There are literately thousands,maybe hundreds of thousands,and with better propaganda there could be millions.That are being inspired by someone actually attacking the elite rule in the US.I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone attack the elite (even if too mildly) like he is.And get the crowds agreeing with him like I see today.If the US had a real multi-party political system,he might actually have a chance of winning.But regardless of that,it shows that there are sizable numbers of people in the US wanting a change.
Unfortunately Bernie is a sheep dog to herd the more progressive left back into the democratic party and when the time comes he will deliver them to Hilary. Bait and switch. Bernie scares me with his wanting to turn the ME “policing” over the KSA does he actually understand what he is saying? Yet the people are so caught up in his program that the ME can go burn as far as they are concerned and can’t blame them after all these years of war. They have had it with that as well. I know this is not about Bernie but that policy alone ought to make them question things a bit more. America was the land of impossible dreams,,,, Even though I am Canadian JFK MLK , RFK, MX all hero’s of mine growing up. Hard for a generational cohort to recover from such heartbreaking events and retain zeal.
I have always said America will go fascist before a socialist revolution every got off the ground. But, that is an old theorem, Fox news average age viewer is 72. So who really pays attention to their propaganda anyway. Most young people I take it get their news from alternative sources but that is a rabbit hole just as often to lead to political paralysis as not. There are progressive forces however and an awareness that the 1% are reaping all the benefits, profiting from all the wars while the general public is increasingly impoverished. One never knows about these things or what kind of voices may arise in a direct confrontation with state power. San Fran dock worker’s probably most advanced of working class in America. They could set the tone.
so has Rus got plans against Ukraine
“A Ukrainian nationalist, leader of the “Brotherhood,” Dmitry Korchinsky proposed to offer asylum to ISIS terrorists in Kiev, the former head of UNA-UNSO [Ukrainian National Assembly – Ukrainian People’s Self-defense] wrote on his social network page. According to Korchinsky, SBU must see ISIS as “allies in the struggle with Russia.”
“At the G20 summit leaders of Western countries were talking to the Moscow terrorist, like he’s a human, asking him to bomb ISIS positions. That is, their attitude towards the terrorists is pragmatic.
Ukrainian security services also have to be pragmatic, and therefore, effective. It is not our business to arrest the enemies of Moscow – Islamists. We should only ask them to shoot accurately at Moscow’s terrorists in the Caucasus and in Syria.
Unfortunately, security service sometimes arrests or deports recruiters-Caucasians who come from Syria to Moscovia [Russia] for their association with ISIS. It is not wise.””
yep, i agree. Looks like US and their vassals are gona pull off another Kosovo. Quick recognition by everybody except Russia China and Iran. Sadly, i don’t know what Putin can do about it. I hope he surprises me. Without Russian or Iranian boots there it will be pointless. Al Qaeda may be just a distraction to keep russia and the syrians busy, while the real goal all along is to occupy the territory currently under isis control
Saker we get Russian policy directly from the horse’s mouth and I trust it to be pretty transparent why don’t you tell us what American policy is as there appears to be allot of confusion over it. Like how does supporting terrorism in the Middle East fit into their overall strategy for global dominance-if you even believe that is their ambition.
Here is a video showing what this war is all about in the MENA. Here is a famous female Christian artist singing in praise of Hezbollah to a huge audience singing along with her.Its a symbol of secularism in the Levant that the terrorists,Israel,and the West fear.Its their nightmare,that Christians,Muslims,and non-Zionist Jews could come together and live as brothers:
And on opposite note.Here is a video exposing the Ukrainian junta’s support for ISIS. Another case of Christians and Muslims co-operating as “friends”.But certainly in a different way than most people in the World would approve of:
I watched the first video it was quite inspiring. The second I had no need to watch.
Thank you for posting this.
Great thank you for the first video. Wonderful music but the message it sends is even better.
Thank UB for putting this song link. very moving
It is “The light that shines in the darkness”
How crazy/stupid/anti-Russian is the EU?
This much: http://www.iea.org.uk/blog/the-folly-of-europe%E2%80%99s-decarbonisation-plan#comment-17238
BTW, impressive Air campaign from RuAF. As we expected, the escalation came before Winter.
I guess that this is more a warning to the scum @NATO, with ISIS only a secondary concern.
Stavros H. The major UN conference takes place in France on 30th of this month. They were expecting large demonstrations against globalism & energy-austerity. The State of Emergency will expire a couple days before, but I wd guess their parliament will renew it. Even NASA & NOAA now admit that the upper atmosphere is cooling and the Pacific’s gone into its periodic cooling mode that lasts 35 years, but the oligarchs are determined to get Cap n Trade enacted: It’s estimated the Chicago Board of Carbon Shares (or whatever it’s called) is worth 1 Trillion dollars/year.
EU’s program, per your link, seems to mean that EU govt hacks are willing to go along with US plan to de-industrialize EU. Just a way to keep the dollar stronger than the euro. They’re also pushing towards cashless, so we can never expose how they are looting us & as a way to stave off dollar-collapse. What complicated deceptions they are weaving!
I hope this ends the new Cold War. Let’s Roll!
Sorry if I sound pessimistic but something just doesnt feel right. This all has too much of the smell of 9/11 even down to the toad Hollande instituting his own version of Americas patriot act which was brought in post 9/11.
I have a strong feeling president Putin is being led up the garden path with all this talk of “co-operation” and if the Russians have one fault it is their tendency to judge their western counterparts by their own standards and to accord them that civility which is completely lacking from the western side.
You cannot trust these murderous psychopaths one inch. They are completely venal and totally corrupt. France, like the UK is completely in the pockets of the Saudis (who else is there to buy their weapons and invest in their country) and I just cannot envisage the French suddenly doing a 180 degree turn around on their policy of nearly 5 years towards the Assad government.
This attack in Paris was meant for one thing and one thing only, to increase repression at home and increase the power of the state over its citizens, and to double down on their regime change agenda in Syria.
I don’t think we have nearly enough information to draw conclusions about just who did what in Paris and why. ISIS could perfectly well have done it for their own reasons; the thing about using people as tools is that they remain people–they do not remove their own motivations and put in yours just because you gave them some stuff and think you control them. All the more if the people are fanatics.
For practical purposes it doesn’t matter; France reacting opportunistically does the same stuff a France that was in on the attack in advance does. As to what Putin is saying–it’s called diplomacy. Of course he’s talking co-operation; it makes it harder to demonize him. He’s using their narrative against them. He loses nothing by it, and he might actually get some co-ordination with the military, making things safer for the Russian forces. Doesn’t mean he trusts them. But what would he have to gain from saying that?
@”France reacting opportunistically does the same stuff a France that was in on the attack in advance does”
Yes, opportunism also plays a role.
I lived in an building where there was a fire. It was the mid-eighties Manhattan.
We never found out whether it really was arson, but they way the landlord reacted—putting pressure to empty the building of tenants to take advantage of the coop surge–made it in my mind
In the end it didn’t matter who set the fire. The landlord profited from it.
Maybe same with France. And other “terrorist” operations.
“De facto state terrorism to achieve state goals.”
On November 17, 2015 at 09:34 MSK (06:34 UTC), the Air and Space Forces successfully launched a Soyuz-2.1b launcher from the launch pad No. 4 of the launch complex No. 43 of the Plesetsk site. According to the official statement, the launcher carried “a new-generation satellite for the ministry of defense.” The satellite is being delivered to the orbit by a Fregat booster.
UPDATE: The satellite is said to have successfully reached its nominal orbit and was designated Cosmos-2510.
The satellite is believed to be the first Tundra spacecraft of the new early-warning system, known as EKS.
Locations of pictures and a video of Russian troops shot across western Syria which were revealed in September
List of deaths due to war in Syria… What is interesting is the number of foreign fighters killed in the last 2 years is much higher than the death toll of everyone else. Lots of idiots from the world over with low IQ’s just going for the money, women and porn they cant get at home. You would think Assad with his elephant guns, barrel bombs and barrel chemical weapons would be unable to kill more than 10,000 women and children..
Things are starting to get messy. France got tapped on the knee and reacted without thinking or planning.
US Turkey shutting down the Syrian Turk border? Unless US and Turkey have turned over a new leaf, bad news there – will they try and set up a no fly zone or perhaps Erdogan will grab a bit of Syria for his future empire?
The fog of war – I hope Putin can keep on top of “events”.
Its to keep the terrorists inside Syria and not allow them to run off and escape.. Guess they have pulled out their high value assets and now have second tier mercs out only for money.. To prevent them from running off they seal off the border.. Has been done for thousands of years where the real army is at the back and prevent the mercs from running off or back stabbing them.
So the airbase in Latakia now has 24 + 37 fixed-wing aircraft?
Isn’t that a lot for that base? Did they expand it?
Ten imagery and signals intelligence spacecraft were deployed in order to improve the space intelligence capabilities in Syria, Russian General Staff chief Gen. Gerasimov said.
“Ten satellites are deployed. By redirecting several spacecraft and adjusting their orbit we now can photograph Syrian territory at required intervals,” he said.
Top Spymaster Explains How Russian Intelligence Sees the US
Unremitting hostility from Washington regardless of who is in power in Russia. Russia cannot relax its guard
Alexander Mercouris Subscribe to 92 INTERVIEW Thu, Nov 6, 2014 | 55,587 59
Intelligence heavyweight Patrushev
This is an edited version of an interview Nikolai Patrushev, the Secretary of Russia’s Security Council, gave to the official government newspaper Rossiskaya Gazeta.
Patrushev is one of Putin’s most important advisors on national security. His position is similar in some ways to that of the US President’s National Security Adviser.
As important about what Patrushev does, is who he was. He is Russia’s most senior intelligence official.
He has served continuously in intelligence since he joined the KGB in 1975 and was from 1999 to 2008 chief of Russia’s FSB – the successor organization to the KGB. He left this post to become the Secretary to Russia’s Security Council.
One of Patrushev’s key jobs is to collate intelligence information provided by Russia’s various intelligence agencies and to provide it to Putin and to Russia’s other key foreign policy decision makers.
In this interview Patrushev gives insight into what Russia’s intelligence agencies are telling the Kremlin. Thus we learn that Russian intelligence:
1. Did not expect Yanukovych to fall because of the Maidan protests;
2. Did however warn the Kremlin long ago that a pro-Western coup in Ukraine was only a question of time because of massive US subversion in the country.
We also get an idea of how Russian intelligence sees the world.
According to its view US hostility to Russia is an unvarying “constant” because Russia, irrespective of its system of government, resists US policies aimed at achieving world hegemony and because the US wants to control Russia’s immense natural resources in order to seal its hegemony.
Russia’s ties to China and India and the emergence of the BRICS bloc have merely provoked the US to intensify its campaign against Russia. Events such as the war in Afghanistan in the 1980s, the rebellion in Chechnya in the 1990s, the Georgian attack on South Ossetia in 2008 and the February coup this year in Ukraine, are all simply manifestations of US policies targeted at Russia.
One does not have to agree with every part of this view. For example the claim that the USSR collapsed because of a US engineered fall in oil prices as part of some carefully thought out US “strategy of vulnerabilities”, though widely believed and not just in Russia, is a myth and serves as a typical case of a spymaster’s belief in external, conspiratorial causes for events that actually had purely domestic, structural and sometimes even accidental causes.
Patrushev also undoubtedly overstates the degree of coherence in US policy and the extent to which US policy is always and invariably hostile to Russia.
There is however much that is compelling about this view and it is easy to understand why within Russia it is becoming increasingly influential.
From a Russian point of view it is not difficult to see US policy since the USSR’s break up (eg. NATO’s eastern expansion, the tearing up of the ABM Treaty and positioning of anti-ballistic missiles in eastern Europe, the US support for “colour revolutions” in the countries of the former USSR, the US support for anti-government groups within Russia itself, the US’s wars of intervention in many parts of the world and last but by no means least the ferocious US media campaign against Russia) as unremittingly hostile towards Russia.
For the increasing number of Russians who hold this view (including its intelligence community) the US backed coup in Ukraine was the final proof.
Interesting post, RR.
I had no idea that the Kremlin banked on Yanukovich quelling the riots using the army. But you’d think that years of US subversion would have prompted the Kremlin to ‘coerce’ Ukraine to ban all US funded NGOs as a remedial measure.
I’m surprised that Russia did not learn their lesson with Georgia.
How ironic that all the nations that Russia helped to liberate from the cruelty of the Nazis are now anti-Russian. What corrupt, ungrateful slime the likes of Tusk, Poroshenko, etc… are. Their forefathers would be turning in their graves right now…
Yanakovich has Joe Biden in his ear the whole time telling him it wasn’t necessary….He swallowed it whole.
All warfare is based on deception. Hence those ridiculous answers by Patrushev.
Russians knew what was going on in Ukraine from day 1. They knew what was about to go down. They let it happen. They wanted it to happen.
There is brilliance in losing a battle so to win a war.
Nazi American Terrorist Organization (NATO) have realized, by now, the mistake they made by grabbing possessions of this fictional state of Ukraine. Unfortunately, they only know how to make war, and more war. So their answer to their mistake will be more war.
I saw a couple of telling posts today:
“Pray for Paris…..to stop supporting the Islamist terrorists in Syria”.
And one said to be something Putin said:
“To Forgive The Terrorists Is Up To God, But To Send Them To Him Is Up To Me”
Putin would never say something like that. I would be shocked if he said or believes anything of the sort. He even seems to be against extra judicial executions or we would have seen a lot of dead bodies in Ukraine as he knew all the things that went on there. Would not have been hard to take out a few dozen of the main culprits who caused all the trouble.
I don’t know if he did or not (which is why I wrote, it was “said to be something Putin said”). But you may remember during the Chechen War he said,” “We are going to pursue terrorists everywhere. If they are in the airport, we will pursue them in the airport. And if we capture them in the toilet, then we will waste them in the outhouse. … The issue has been resolved once and for all”.So I wouldn’t say he “wouldn’t” say something like what was posted.Because he already did say something similar in tone and totally non-PC.
What does it mean in political terms that long range bombers will be used against the islamists?
The thing is that firing off cruise missiles will quickly become too expensive.
Which leaves gravity bombs, as they can already been seen on the footage provided.
Gravity bombs dropped from long range bombers, however, are going to be less precise than what the Russians have been doing with their tactical aircraft up until now.
So, and that is the political question, is Russia going to accept civilians being killed and civilian structures being destroyed from now on?
Long range bomber use means Russia has them, and they work great. Nothing much different politically; its still the same air campaign that was already going well. Success has and will continue to prompt the West to negotiate, if not necessarily in good faith, to end the war.
NATO propaganda about a rusted out Russian military has been refuted; they’ve rebuilt conventional strategic and tactical capability and have good esprit de corps. That makes war with Russia a harder sell, but then, it always was to any thinking person because Russia is a nuclear power. So, politically, no real change here.
Russians are sensitive to avoiding civilian casualties; its not just appearances, they don’t want civilian casualties. The relative absence of civilian casualties from Russian bombing is likely to continue, since it demonstrates that Russian precision munitions work while minimizing criticism internationally, at home, and in Syria.
Conveniently, the SAAF is less restrained about hitting areas the Russians won’t. There is no reason for Russia to put civilians at risk in most cases. Some are always inevitable, but Russia won’t be scoring on wedding parties and hospitals.
Munitions are expensive, on the other hand, they’re bought and paid for and have expiry dates. Its probably somewhat economical to use them, rather than maintaining older stores past their due date then destroying them.
Cruise missiles, for example, are constantly being improved. Using older ones on the battlefield allows techs to get real wartime experience and designers to get feedback. And of course, the Russian version of the MIC gets paid off cycling in new stores and advertising designs at arms fairs as ‘battle tested’.
You can bet Russian use of smart weapons will be ‘sustainable.’
Writes Cathama over at SyrPer:
2015 NOV 17, Canthama wrote:
Interesting developments during the weekend indeed :
1) Putin shares during the G20 that 40 countries fund ISIS inclusing members of G20.
2) Today, Russia, after two weeks, admit the A321 was brought down by a 1 kg bomb. Clearly timed the declaration to G20/after it, and clearly used G20 meeting to gather support to step up presence in ME and turn the table once and forall.
3) Today, Russia steps up its presence in Syria and all ME in the fight against terrorists, strategic bombers and Black Sea fleet involved in bombing targets.
4) Yesterday Russia bombs ISIS in Lebanon for the 1st time.
5) Today Putin attends the MOD meeting and give directions to the high command to jointly work with French Navy.
6) Today Putin says to his top leadership he is calling for UN article 50 that allows any country to self defend and attack the enemy and any of its supporters anywhere and everywhere (see video below min 4 onwards), very strong and direct message to Qatar, Turkey and KSA.
7) Today the US says that it has agreed (demanded mosre likely) to Turkey to close its border with Syria, US forces will jointly supervise it.
8) There is expectation for Russia to step up bombing terrorits in Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq and Syria, while maybe Yemen and Lybia could get into the list but have not heard anything about them yet , this will make Russia to rule the ME air.
A lot was agreed during the weekend, it seems the end of Syria/Iraq struggle ahead is possible, still long road though, Russia means serious business and will get into the fray to win big, Putin has dominated the G20, all the world saw it and felt his leadership, he won the PR war and Russia is back to lead, can only say what a amazing achievement and turn around of events, kudos to him and his leaders, a master strike.
Putin’s messages are still diplomatic but very direct. I do wonder how the AZs interpret his ‘warnings’.
No, it’s not anti-Daesh, not at all!
Neither the Kalibr missile attack launched from the Caspian Sea Oktober 7th nor this one launched from airplanes is in any way related to Syria or Daesh. Both operations could have been carried out much, much cheaper than using expensive, very expensive cruise missiles.
The only reason to spend / waste money has been to showcase what is in the arsenal, what kind of technically developed weapons Russia does have. And of course, to remind the whole (sic!) world who is next, who is in charge.
The first round (Kalibr from Caspian Sea) was directed more towards the (western) Europeans: Fired from Oblast Belgorod even northern Spain could be attacked. Message: you don’t need any anti balistic missile shield – it’s simply useless.
The second round (launched from bombers) was especially carried out to send the (already declining) Empire of Chaos (remember “Death, Destruction and Detroit”) a very clear message: it’s just a matter of a decision of the commander in chief (i hope all of you have seen the video show from the national security center yesterday!) and after some few hours of already believed old and rusty long range bombers will pass the north pole and north America will be under attack of some of the most advanced weapons. And again, there’s nothing the adressed could do – technically.
Summary: if you (western Europeans or north Americans) want war – you will get it! So, let’s be friends and let’s play together, the world is our sandbox – that’s what i fear most: no place on earth left where there wont be Rockefeller’s New World Order. Even Russia want’s to play the very same shitty game: Feudalism.
The laws of motion of capitalist development will not allow all to play nicely in the sandbox…..Nor will Russia, Chinese or any other people settle for feudalism. We will all have to settle account’s with our comprador’s. or it will end in the mutual ruination of each contending class. This is inevitable.
2 of the cruise missiles were shot down, If you saw the video they fly rather slow and low to the ground, if you have some panzer air defense systems, they would shoot them down. Only the final stage is hyper sonic. If anything, like the Ukrainians, they would install a LOT of air defense systems to counter the cruise missiles. Remember, there are systems that can affect cruise missiles, Iraq had a couple of them and cause those tomahawks to go thousands of miles off course. Since the calibers use terrain recogization orientation not sure what else it uses. Should be more effective than tomahawks but still much easier to shoot down than fighter jets. But over the ocean it is another game where the surface support ships wont have the range and time to shoot a bunch of them down when facing anti-ship missiles like the brahmos. Other than for prestige and showing off, I don’t see their use.. They could be adapted as far more potent weapons with better capabilities since the technology would be similar.. 10 mil a pop? Maybe to take out bin laden.. The tomahawks at like a million is a lot cheaper as well even if they are like 80’s tech.
Where did you get 10 mil a pop ? the figure quoted for the caspian launch was 1 million USD each.
and to RR on November 18, 2015 · at 10:10 am UTC
“I thought Russia ran out of cruise missiles in the Caspian attack?”
The flotilla carried 32 missiles,but the flotilla is supplied by the Caspian 31st Arsenal.
The latest attacks on Raqqa by high altitude bombers launching cruise missiles, mean not risking a very expensive airplane plus it’s crew to US supplied AA and SAM.
The price they gave india was $6-$8 million depending on the version.. That was a few years ago.. Price could be lower or higher now.. Since the ruble has doubled, it might be $3-$4 million now.. but add in inflation..
Oh that price might be per battery.. Each one is a container with 4 missiles.. Then the price would be like $2 million per missile.. I don’t know the details.. But only Iran would buy those missiles anyway.. Not much use for anyone else.
Seems the missiles seen over Iraq were Iranian cruise missiles not Russian.. 2 of them were shot down.. most probably it’s Iranian Somar Missiles copy of Russian Cruise KH-55, same wrack engine in video.
Sorry, but you, RR too, and all your successors missed the point: we are neither talking about Marx and the law of motion of capitalism nor of prices of missiles.
The one and only point is: both operations (Caspian Sea, long range bomber) have not been carried out to solve an otherwise unsolvable task in Syria / against Daesh, but instead have been carried out – only – to … impress western Europe (Caspean Sea) and North America (long range bombers). That’s it.
May be all you americans are a little bit too much impressed now and that’s why talking about negligibilities? Getting a little nervous?
For all those nervous ones Edward Gibbon is recommended : “The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”. The decline of the nowadays Empire (of Chaos) fortunately already began.
@Raven “May be all you americans are a little bit too much impressed now and that’s why talking about negligibilities? Getting a little nervous?
For all those nervous ones ”
This kind of snide talk seems a bit out of place on this particular blog.
Who are you, Raven. Or it is, maybe, “The Raven”?
Missiles shot down were Iranian.
Thanks for playing.
Just an update (and some proof):
Sputnik, [wiki citation:] agency wholly owned and operated by the Russian government, today released an article Russia’s Newest Weapons Used in Syria for the First Time. The first sentence reads: “Russia has used its successful aerial campaign in Syria to showcase the best weapons the country has in its arsenal.”
That’s what we are talking about, showcasing – and not about any negligibilities like lost or not iranian missiles.
The showcasing is twofold:
– First of all it’s a STOP sign – for the North Atlantic Terror Organisation, especially for the United Criminals of America: STOP, Syria is no longer your business and Iraq and Afghanistan soon to be no longer, too.
– In some regards the war in Syria is a heavy industrial fair for the russian weapon industry. This topic is more related to european/north american sanction war. Together with F-35 deasaster and of course an endless series of – after all – lost wars (Vietnam, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Libya … Georgia, Ukraine) it’s an unmistakable signal: if you want to be save, align to Russia and leave out the West (have a look at France)!
“Russian aircraft also launched 34 cruise missiles, destroying 14 terrorist targets.” I thought Russia ran out of cruise missiles in the Caspian attack?
The DOGS of WAR….
The Russian “dog mines” would be trained to run up to tanks and crawl under them in order to earn food. Days before battle, the Russians would starve the dogs, and then release them en masse on enemy tank formations. Only instead of finding dinner under the tank, the dog mines would find themselves instantly vaporized by the 25 pounds of explosives they carried.
Russia trained upward of 40,000 dogs for the tank corps..
Too bad Putin’s such a dog lover.. Release the hell hounds to take bite off IS.. Puppy chow.. Woof..
is “gravity bomb” a posh way of saying “bomb”?
Posh way of saying it goes where the wind blows.. We can only hope the earth develops gastronomical difficulties and blows it over the pacific.
It’s a way of avoiding saying “barrel bomb”.
A bomb is a bomb,is a bomb.The Syrians aren’t rich enough to buy the “fancy” types of weapons used in the West (or the East).So they make due with what they can.The US and Israelis aren’t using “barrel bombs”,yet,the bombs they use seem to be killing countless civilians.So what we should concentrate on is,”war is hell” and the enemy needs to be defeated as soon as possible.Maybe if the Russians and Chinese would be kind enough to “donate” some “non-barrel bombs” to the SAA,that might solve that issue.Asking the West to provide them would be pointless.All their weapons aid seems to go to the terrorists those barrel bombs are meant to be killing.
Erdogan has created an islamist hell hole in Turkey, and now the genie is out of the bottle –
http://www.welt.de/sport/fussball/article148968918/Pfiffe-und-Parolen-bei-Schweigeminute-in-Tuerkei.html#disqus_thread – https://youtu.be/dtMiwVpYAmo
Sheesh here we go again… and again.. and again… kind of like children with downs syndrome. Comes from too much mercury in the water supply..
Russia hits bread factory, Russia hits milk factory, Russia hits olafactory… Russia killed 40,000 Syrian children. Russia bombs water pumps, Russia bombs bakery.. That’s after the morning Russia bombing of 10 medical centers…
BREAKING Lavrov says pre-conditions on Assad departure ‘unacceptable’ for joining forces against IS
AFP Many bad actors there. Not just Assad. U.S could be supporting bad actors there. Let them decide who their leader there . Not US.
Iran deploys & fires its Soumar ground-launched cruise missile at rebels in #Syria basic range is given as 2,500 km.
Where every barrel counts to the bottom line…. kaching.. kaching..
US mercenaries take over Tank Oil field near Abu kemal …
Four USA helicopters provided covering fire for the operation
Saker, thanks for your conclusion. It gives some sense of relief.
But, please, for us who don’t understand French, give us some info about any possible comments by Soral and Diuedonné on Paris attacks. If they are not to scared to talk anything right now, of course.
And the US response
Lets join France and carry out airstrikes from the Med – hmmmmmm
Perhaps it is not a time for levity but… I love this rap song ( the line about walking your talk is in there somewhere) Go Hard Like Vladimir Putin.
bought the kindle edition for $4.95
While the western world screws around with its phony war on ISIS, Russia does it for real. As opposed as I am to nations interfering in the affairs of other nations, I can’t blame Putin for doing this. After the fall of Syria, Russia would have been next on the hit list.
Top Israeli officials face arrest in Spain, South Africa
Over the last week 11 Israeli officials have had international arrest warrants against them circulated for their role in the deadly raid on a Turkish ship that was part of the Freedom Flotilla en route to Gaza in May 2010.
And on Tuesday, South African police agreed to start circulating Turkish arrest warrants against four former Israeli military commanders for their role in the massacre.
According to Patel, this is the first instance of South Africa invoking universal jurisdiction to prosecute crimes committed abroad.
The prosecutor for the International Criminal Court was recently ordered to reopen an investigation into the incident for possible war crimes after closing it last year.
Good news! Thanks.
Beyond Paris: 10,000s Of Muslims Killed By ISIS Since Declaring Caliphate
A United Nations report from September 2014 found that “at least 24,015” Iraqi civilians — the vast majority of whom were Muslim had been killed or injured by Daesh in the first eight months of 2014. The authors of the report warned that their numbers were likely too low, and did not include deaths from related causes:
“There was never really discussion about texts or — it was not a religious discussion. It was a political discussion,” Francois told Amanpour.
“It was more hammering what they were believing than teaching us about the Quran. Because it has nothing to do with the Quran.” Francois added, “We didn’t even have the Quran; they didn’t want even to give us a Quran.”
“Definitely, like if they hit Beirut right before hitting Paris. And before that, I mean, like they have been killing Muslims by the thousands in Syria and Iraq. You know, what Islamic—I mean, like, how can they call themselves so-called Islamic, when they are first targeting Muslims?”
New Crosstalk on youtube
CrossTalk: Terror over Sinai
Published on Nov 17, 2015
Terror over the Sinai: It is official – the Russian plane flying from Egypt was indeed a victim of terror. Who is really responsible remains unclear, nonetheless there can be no doubt much of the terrorism coming out of the Middle East has its origins in the West.
CrossTalking with Alexander Mercouris, David Swanson, and Mohammad Marandi.
So Russian fighter jets are going to escort French fighter jets to their targets so they don’t make any “mistakes?” Now that would be a national humiliation for France. Their African colonies would be amused.
OT, but I find this striking.
At the website of a well-known university ranking organization, under “European Universities” are listed Tel Aviv and Hebrew University in Jerusalem. WTF?
Beg to differ — the list makes perfect sense, Katherine. Zionism is the supreme “European value”. Indeed, I strongly suspect there are quite a few (involuntary) sponsors of the Ziocolony’s civil institutions — to wit European taxpayers.
si,el “acuerdo” con la Francia de Holande…es como dormir con el enemigo…porque ellos son
parte activa de la OTAN,que -brazo armado de USA,-SON LOS CREADORES Y PADRINOS aun
hoy,de todas estas tenebrosas bandas “islamistas”,asesinas y de crueldad extrema,que en
realidad son todos mercenarios que no tienen patria ni tampoco religion ni fe de ningun
tipo,porque son,como sus creadores y “PADRINOS”,
I see Russia is saying the plane was brought down by a “foreign made bomb”. Not a terrorist bomb or and improvised explosive device, but a “foreign made bomb”.
Is this simply the translation, or does it mean Russia has found evidence of a very sophisticated bomb, made by a foreign intelligence/military organisation, that is designed to bypass airport security?
There is much talk of the Russian perception regarding recent events in Paris and the forthcoming response.
After cursory research its fairly clear even to a plebe like myself that the official accounts of the events on 11/13 aren’t complete or accurate. That said the French carrier had already departed for the Med and France has already committed airstrikes inside of Syria.
Let’s assume that ISIS(tm) is infact a proxy army which has been in progress since say, 2003 or so. I find it likely that Russian intelligence is aware of this and its sponsors. They are not so ham-fisted as to just blurt it out. So when the events in Paris occur and France escalates, revelations of a bomb aboard the Russian flight in Egyptian skies ! Thus the topic of this article: in increase in Russian airpower , not just in quantity but qualities…
Im curious about a few things:
1) What will Russian cooperation with French Naval and Aviation efforts look like and what are the actual reasons for this? ( recent report of French airstrikes hitting stadiums and other not so military targets…)
2) Do Russian long range bombers have some sort of JDAM type munitions at their disposal?
3) What of the rumors of cruise missile shoot-downs? Just another “4 missiles fell in Iran scenario?
Thanks! (Long time lurker who finally decided to post…)
I have an alternative view about the Russian response to the downing of the A321 aircraft: I wonder if Russia said that the downing of the A321 was a bomb because of strategic reasons/diplomacy.
I mean, maybe it was NOT a bomb, but indeed a cyber-jack – the hypothesis of a cyber-jack was expressed by Valentin Vasilescu in his article ‘Airbus 321 in the Sinaï – only one hypothesis remains’ (voltairenet), where he explored all hypotheses, demonstrated the impossibility of the theory of a bomb, and affirmed that there was only one hypothesis left – that of a failure in the software of the automatic pilot. This means cyber-jack, with use of highly sophisticated technology – one that only NATO or a State would possess. Thus, by revealing the truth, Russia would be in war with NATO, US, israel… the only ones with such capability and crazy enough to attack Russia. Besides, the plane fell just 50 nautical miles from the zionist border.
in this case, Russia may have used for a while, in diplomatic procedures, her knowledge of a cyber-attack on the A321 downing, to press the crazies in NATO, the US and the zionist entity to back down their radical position in world affairs– actually, just before the Paris attack, Putin said that Russia was in the final stage of the investigations on the A321 fall. As an important card in Russia’s hands, this would support the idea of an offer of a ‘soft landing’ to the vicious section of the US elite by Russia and China, as argued by Rostislav Ischenko in his article ‘Time Is Running Out For Pax Americana’s Apologists’ (saker, orientalreview, voltairenet…). But, contemptuously, their response to Russia’s diplomatic effort was the Paris ‘terror attack.
Rostislav Ischenko concluded his article saying that, passing the time of no return, ‘the only thing that they [the US elite] will then be able to do is to slam the door loudly, trying to drag the rest of the world after them into the abyss.’ In other words: they will continue waging their ‘war on terror’ indefinitely… But, what about Russia, China, and the rest of the world that oppose this visionless section of the US elite? Will they give up hope and accept chaos?
Just after the Paris attack, I noticed a slight vagueness in the news coming from Russia in the several sites I read. If my perception corresponds to reality, then I think it is because there was a good reason: the attack was intended to affect Russian diplomacy, and it did. The consequences scared me for a moment… As the news came out this morning, I understood that Russia may have lost a battle; but, obviously, she is determined NOT to lose the war. Some of the news headlines today were: ‘Putin invokes the right to self-defense of the UN Charter in response to terrorist attack against the Russian plane’, ‘Murder of Russians Aboard A321 Equivalent to Attack on Country – Lavrov’, ‘Russia doubles number of air strikes against ISIS, involves all aviation capabilities’, ‘France Intensifies Anti-Terrorism Cooperation With Russia’, ‘Duma calls for foreign parliaments to launch worldwide anti-terror coalition’…
This is indeed a very dangerous moment in history – perhaps the most dangerous of all, as a mistake may result in the eradication of life in the planet. Diplomacy is fundamental – indeed, it is the ONLY SOLUTION.
While it is truly great to see the investigation and discussion of alternative theories, as I mentioned earlier, there is a fatal flaw in the logic of this article and I have to assume the author is not a pilot nor has he talked to one.
The flaw is that he believes the altimeter data that the ADS-B transponder returns. That altimeter measures the pressure outside the A321 against a reference pressure set on the altimeter (all aircraft are set to 29.92 inches whenever over 18,000 feet)
He states:
“Let’s return to 06:12:59 in the progress of the accident, and attempt to decode each of the fluctuations in the flight parametres. It is essentiel to underline the fact that the plane was at that moment flying by automatic pilot. First of all, we note a 3-second descent, with a loss of altitude of 150 metres, which led to a negative overload of 2 G. This manœuvre is too sudden, producing an « air-pocket » sensation, to have been commanded by the flight crew.
The second command was the aircraft’s recovery, climbing 800 metres in 2 – 3 seconds, causing positive overloads of between 5 and 6 G, values which only exist for fighter aircraft in close combat situations, and lead to the pilot’s loss of vision, known in aeronautical jargon as the « black veil » ”
It is physically impossible to go from level flight to then have climbed 2000 to 3000 feet in a couple of seconds with an aircraft travelling at hundreds of knots and that weighs something like 180,000 lbs. Gravity and inertia prevail and any attempt to do that would cause the wings to bend up and break off -which is clear from the wreckage that they didn’t..
What happened was that in those last seconds before the final descent the A321 was already breaking up and the resultant pressure waves had disrupted the sensitive altimeter giving false readings to the transponder, duly broadcasted every few seconds to any receiver station e.g. Flight Tracker.
Thanks for the info, SanctuaryOne. I imagine you are an expert in aircrafts. Could you please explain then how a small homemade device, conform pictures shown, could put the airplane down? I thought airplanes were strong. If such a small primitive device could do such a damage, I am surprised it has not happened more frequently…
Russia admitted that the airplane was downed and will not stop hunting THOSE WHO DID IT. But, who could have done it? The facilitators of terrorist attacks, the masterminds behind them are the real terrorists – the executioners are just brainwashed, unemployed, impoverished people that they use. If the masterminds are not stopped, then terrorism will never end (perhaps, the world economic system will have to change before it ends…).
The Paris attacks did not stop the Russian diplomatic mission. There is still hope in a better future.
As I have stated elsewhere here on this thread, I am not an expert with explosives or what it takes to destroy an aircraft with them -I spend some amount of time inspecting certain aircraft to be reassured that an accident doesn’t happen by neglect, mistake or forgetfulness.
The alleged bomb was designed to explode at 32,000′ for maximum effect where the difference in pressure between inside the A321 and outside was that of around 24,000′.
I can speculate that the bomb was placed in the cargo hold next to the ACT belly fuel tank and that it may have been a shaped charge. The huge Lockerbie 747 was allegedly brought down with just 11 ounces of Semtex. Explosives have advanced since then -1988.
It may also be that the pop can bomb is nonsense propaganda and that an entirely different bomb was responsible. Yes?
As for responsibility, others on this thread have suggested various direct and indirect agencies that may have facilitated this horror.
Yes, one can and must hope for a better future, but it seems it will get worse before it gets better.
There are many precedence’s of explosive decompression causing crashes. so even a Small bomb inside the aircraft can cause massive damage and the decompression can tear off the aircraft. Since even small holes can use massive structural failures it does not have to be a big bomb, just powerful enough to cause a sudden rupture in the skin..
Look up thermobaric explosives. You don’t need a 1kg bomb, those grenades are only like 50-100mg and cause massive structural failures inside rooms and bring the entire building down. Inside a pressurized structure it would be like splitting part of the structure away and the only good thing would be it would be quick as the people would already be dead before realizing anything was wrong. The expertise to create such a device would be high.. No waanabe terrorist can create such a small device.. Although they have been practicing such devices since the US found many houses in Fallujah wired up in such a fashion using gas cylinders.. Pakistan after 2 decades still has not been able to miniaturize their nuclear weapons, the expertise for being able to do something and being able to do it on a practical level are vast and need infrastructure with talent. ie Russia and the US have grenades smaller and causes similar effects.. But those took decades of research and manpower.. So somehow IS or whoever got the knowhow to do such things, far easier if someone else who have such devices gave it to IS to use.
Thank you very much for the reply. As I said above, I am learning. Actually, I did not expect to attract so much attention to this post – perhaps I am distracting you and SanctuaryOne from more relevant discussions… Many thanks.
Interesting. Thanks for your lengthy reply. I am learning… and hope to continue learning the rest of my life. Many thanks.
Ladies, Gentlemen,
think twice please – the embracing of the french aviation and navy is the prerequisite for two crucial aims of Russias armed forces in Syria:
1) there will not be a NoFly-Zone created by the exceptionalists & friends
2) there will – at a later point in time – a NoFly-Zone established by Russia and – more or less willingly – surprise surprise – France!
Additionally we will see an end of the embargo policy against Russia.
Soon to be seen in a European theatre of your choice.
Vlad is a Grandmaster ….. and he is inspired.
Russia hits a convoy of 500 ISIS oil trucks
who were transporting the oil from Syria to Iraq:
Nice fireworks…..
Lets be clear here!!! Those tankers does NOT belong to IS.. They are all independent trucks trying to make a buck. Now another 500 families are without a provider. And before we condemn those men to the depths of hell, remember, in EVERY country on this planet, people do such jobs so they can eat. They are not working as a mercenary.. This is the same as the US bombing the oil wells themselves.. WHICH SYRIA CONDEMED!!
Has anyone noticed, even in ALL this mayhem, Syria systematically has condemned destroying any civilian infrastructure. In fact in many cases, the Syrian government has made some kind of deal so the civilians were not left out in the cold. In allepo the terrorists had taken over the power plant, but the government controlled the power distribution, so they made a deal that as long as power is generated, they would get 40% of the power even if 75% of the population live under government controlled areas.. The terrorists get 60% because they control the power generation.. Same with the water supply and many other functions such as food supplies. You don’t think Turkey supplies the civilians like they do the terrorists do you! The Syrian government supplies the subsidized food for the civilians even living under terrorist rule.
Has ANYONE thought of WHY the Syrian government still has such strong support amongst the people? Even if there are Syrians working as mercenaries, most of their families are still in government controlled areas.. I seen many instances of this. The Syrian government NOT the US government, Thank god for that… If civilians are affected they make great compromises and take extra care to make sure they are taken care off. People really need to actually take the time to find out more rather than believing MSM lies.. Even after 5 years of this brutal civil war, the civilian casualties in Syria at under 10,000 an year is far far lower than in Iraq which is a bastion of American progressive democracy and technological achievement.
We should pray that We will be lucky to live under barrel assad if we ever get into the middle of some kind of pissing match between US hegemony and their interests like we see in E.Ukraine
Crocodile tears?
Lets be clear here!!! Those tankers does NOT belong to IS. ???
ISIS. Islamic state. State….
So if I was to work for a state such as Islamic State, as a contactor mind you, then no one should bear a grudge against me or take me out as part of the war on the Islamic State?
Go Russia. Bomb the crap out of them.
The problem with destroying the oil infrastructure is that most of the oil sold by ISIS is actually sold to the local population. No oil from ISIS means the population as a whole do not get any oil to run trucks, tractors, power stations etc…… the population will starve. These are the people it hurts the most.
Had the oil tankers been hit trying to cross the Turkish or any other boarder I would be all for hitting them, but Ive seen little to no attempt to bomb any roads or bridges or tankers close to boarder.
All boarders to Turkey, Iraq and Jordan have all remained open for ISIS and the militants to come and go as they please. Why is that?
80% of the oil Israel gets is from the Kurds in Iraq.. Maybe they should bomb them to the dark ages too..
Russia is planning to send troops on the ground in Syria
Russian troops are expected to engage in battles on the ground and hold SAA already taken position
Re the oil is for local use.
Doesn’t it have to be refined first, before it can be used for much of anything?
Are you saying that this oil was bound for local refineries?
Surely Russia had info that this is ISIS oil intended to ring money into ISIS coffers before bombing the convoy . . .
There is a good summary of the Syrian oil merry go round in the this link.
My thought is, if all the oil production is destroyed where will the local population get their oil from?
I dont see this war ending anytime soon.
How else can US partition the North of Syria for Kurdistan?
Good points which I agree with.I was also thinking the same thing.Recapturing the oil fields,and shutting down the highway routes are good ideas.But bombing the infrastructure of Syria to “punish ISIS”,only ends by punishing the people of Syria.
As I predicted, Russia doubles the number of jets involved in Syria. I suspect this is less about increasing ISIS attacks than a recognition that the Paris attacks are going to be used to fuel a US/NATO military intervention in Syria. And Russia doesn’t want that, so increasing the number of Russian planes and assigning long-range bombers exclusively to Syria makes that a bit more risky for the US and NATO. \
Of course, the presence of these additional assets will make the Russian effort more effective against ISIS as well and enable an increase in Syrian Arab Army successes at taking back ISIS-controlled areas.
Yeah, Nato wants to muscle in on the “action” and muscle out Russia; after all, Russia’s operations were embarrassing the US and coalition allies. What a mess. Not likely that Russia will allow itself to be elbowed out, either by the UN or whatever other extra-legal means the West may employ to retake the initiative in Syria. Iran is the wildcard. Obama needs to reel things in before he loses his legacy. Really, he is just keeping the seat warm for the Bush clan. Let them screw things up later. That seems to be their legacy. They can fix it….lol.
IMPORTANT UPDATE – Putin: ‘To Forgive The Terrorists Is Up To God, But To Send Them To Him Is Up To Me’
November 18. 2015 Russia’s bombing
It looks like the same stuff form 3 angles of view
Russia Explains To Clueless US Public Why Obama Can’t Defeat ISIS
UPDATE: The RT anchor who reported this quotation has apologized *, saying it’s not accurate. The part about killing terrorists in the bathroom is genuine, though.
* https://twitter.com/RemiMaalouf/status/666972960406814721
“This is the danger of social media! I took Putin’s quote from a post on Facebook & it turned out to be false. I apologize.”
An interesting comment on potential ISIL communication and yet another reason, as if there are not enough already, why dragnet communication surveillance and government mandated encryption back-doors are futile.
“A member of the Islamic State group, also known as ISIS or ISIL, could convey an attack plan in Call Of Duty by shooting at a wall and writing a disappearing message in bullets to another player, Forbes reported”
IS is made up of thousands of cells, no one knows anyone up top except the commander of the cell who only knows the guy paying him and where he takes his orders from. The top echelon uses encrypted latest generation radios that can not intercepted or decrypted and only a few people know who they are. It is a pyramid scheme and only works when they have control of the battlefield. Russia providing ECM protection makes it far more difficult for IS to plan anything. Hence the wide retreat once a front collapses. You cut of the dozen or so people at the top funding this thing and everything will collapse almost instantly. The goons and gangs will still run around but they wont have any specific purpose other than to create mayhem.
Turkey has closed off their borders with Syria and are actively shooting IS members.. Gee wiz, ya thunk? They dont want any deserters running off.. So these are the expendables now. They will keep them bottled up in Syria so they cause the maximum carnage. They already pulled out many high value assets and sent them to Yemen.. They might pull out other valued assets as well if things get too rough but they still need to stay in place to control the gangs. But the rank and file who went because they could kill and rape people wont escape here.. The SAA always allowed them a way to escape rather than bottling them up and causing suicidal attacks. Seems that is what Turkey is counting on, desperate criminals with no where to escape to now an fight until they are killed.
mm, your contributions are knowledgeable and fascinating. Thanks. For these very complex reasons, it explains why Assad and Putin would want to offer amnesty to as many of these bottom-feeder Isis fighters as possible. They need rehab.
Anonymous, Assad isn’t offering amnesty to ISIS members, only to Syrians who’ve taken up arms against their own country– and to whom no war crimes are attributed. “Bottled up” ISIS can still escape over the border; it’s never possible to seal hundreds of miles of desert so thoroughly. Sealing the Syrian border is to stop major transportation of weapons and reinforcements. However, they can still get in over the Iraqi border & then cross into Syria. And I suppose one never knows whether the CIA is still managing to have supplies air-dropped to them.
I think our focal point about the Syrian war should be whether US/Israel/France succeed in partitioning off the North (It wd be called Kurdistan altho they are a minority in the region; they wd actually be Western colonies) and in the South. I think these objectives by the West have not been abandoned and are now being decided on the ground.
https://willyloman.wordpress.com/2015/11/02/greater-kurdistan-taking-shape-the-united-states-and-israel-begin-the-colonization-of-northern-syria/ Maps of the Wright Plan for partitioning ME.
It remains a mystery to me why Iran didn’t commit enough military to quickly take territory. What are Iran’s intentions?
An interesting question. Which air space did the Russian planes taking off from Ossetia went through?
Pepe Escobar
Turkish Socialist party member Gursel Tekin has established that Daesh’s smuggled oil is exported to Turkey by BMZ, a shipping company controlled by none other than Bilal Erdogan, son of “Sultan” Erdogan. At a minimum, this violates UN Security Council resolution 2170. Under the light of Putin’s message of going after anyone or any entity engaged in facilitating Daesh’s operations, Erdogan’s clan better come up with some really good excuses.
I see in other news Syrian forces are on a roll, cleaning up a number of towns.
ISIS and AQ are getting hit from the front with Russian bombing and Syrian/Iranian/Hezzbulla/Iraqi ground forces, and getting hit from behind with Putin starting to take out some of their state backers politically. If these state backers dont toe the Putin line, I can see them getting taken out militarily.
Pepe Escobar again.
Further discrepancies are evident when the three teams at the Paris carnage are compared.
The Stade de France team featured absolute patsies trying to enter a high-visibility football match in a heavily policed stadium wearing a suicide vest. Just expendable “martyrs” – “Syrian passport” and all.
The Bataclan team featured calm, relatively proficient shooters, but still martyrs. They knew a hostage situation, in France, could only finish with their “martyrdom”. Less expendable, but still expendable.
The heart of the matter is the drive-by team. Or “teams”. The investigation seems to be clueless about them. The killers at La Belle Équipe arrived on a black Mercedes, according to witnesses. There is no mention of this Mercedes anywhere. The killers were ultra-pro, muscular, methodical – and white.
These are the non-expendables. The high-priced mercenaries. While the whole media circus spreads from Grenoble and Toulouse to Brussels and even Raqqa, they have simply vanished without a trace. No one knows who they are. No one knows who hired them. Hardly social network jihadi al-Baljiki.
Now take a close look at this meeting in D.C., which took place only a little over two weeks before the Paris tragedy. It features CIA’s John Brennan, the director of French DGSE (external security) Bernard Bajolet, former MI6 Chief John Sawers (call him the former “M”), and former Israeli National Security Advisor Yaacov Amidror.
You are conflating protection of infrastructure/civilians with protection of revenue stream for ISIS.
You claim the drivers of these trucks are not ISIS. I say you don’t have better intelligence than the Russians. Anyway, there is collusion/collaboration with their objectives: it is ISIS who are benefiting from these sales. Those sales go to arming and supplying them.
And how do you know the oil wasn’t diverted from the very civilian needs you reference? It is being transported *from* Syria to Iraq – not the other way round.
As long as ISIS continue to receive funding, they will be impossible to eradicate.
Hit them in the pocket.
Ken Roth: “#BREAKING: New pictures of SAA’s crimes against humanity, now stealing the blood of syrians. Stop this madness!”
Now SyAAF gets air to ground missiles for their helicopters…
SyAAF Gazelle helicopters at Mezzeh airbase #Damascus. Armed with 4 HOT anti-tank guided missiles, used in #Darayya
conservative rag, the Daily Caller, list girls they’d accept as #SyrianRefugees because they’re “hot”.
University students in #Homs, #Syria, gathered today to thank the Syrian army & #Russia for combatting terrorism.
Ah ha, now we know why Russia is sending ground troops to Syria..
Kurds make major advancement in the north..
France considers sending a team of Special Operations troops to help fight the Islamic State terrorists in Syria, a Paris-based newspaper wrote Thursday, citing a source at the country’s defense ministry.
The military situation in Syria to the November 18, 2015
Battle for Aleppo.
To the south of Aleppo, Assad forces attack slowed. After the capture of al-Khader and Al-Iisa, there unfolded a battle with militants approaching reserves, which including being transferred from Hama. Fights are over control of the Damascus-Aleppo highway, one of the areas where troops came close after the fall of Al-Khader and the collapse of the front to the south-west of Aleppo.
In view of the large width of the front and the advantages of mechanization, the Syrian army tries not to peck on the pocket flaps from Al Carasso and bypass it from the north and the south, where the density of Defense promises more success.
It is worth noting that the cards to draw 2-3 days back control of the track ahead of several events, the battles take place there more complicated than it first appeared immediately after the defeat of the rebels from the al-Khader.
To the north-east of Aleppo, the army continues to expand the intestine stretched to Kuveyrisu. Embezzlement in the battle of Al-Safir, Dzhabul Nasiriyah and cash reserves, the Caliphate is now extremely difficult to cut the intestine and fight for the initiative. The Syrian army continues to advance and has already significantly expanded its operational intestine, which has a lot of pressure on the grouping of the Caliphate east of Aleppo. Having lost the main track supply Caliphate forced to seriously consider a threat to their rears in the event of the success of the upcoming Kuveyrisa factions of the Syrian army. Along the way, the troops Assad jostle Caliphate and to the west of Kuveyrisa. After the defeat at the Sheikh Ahmad resistance Caliphate weakened somewhat than the army did not hesitate to take advantage.
Latakia and Hama.
In front of the mountains of Latakia in general have stabilized. The onset of the Syrian army is sluggish pace. Take Salma and Sirmaniyu failed, so the activity of trying to prove in the mountains southwest of Sirmanii (where troops slow. But surely gnaw defense) and north of Gmama. The progress made so far are local in nature, as the mountainous terrain and the supply of arms and mercenaries across the border in Turkey seriously complicate offensive Syrian army.
To the north of Homs, the army continues to spud Rastansky boiler. Cut it did not succeed, and indeed the way to unlock the Homs-Hama. The successes of the military here are quite modest, especially against the background of a victorious reports of Aleppo, where the towns captured from the enemy believe dozens.
To the south of Homs, the army continues to try to recover the lost Caliphate during the offensive in late October. Then it was lost important city Mahin based on which the Caliphate was trying to put pressure on the strategic route passing to the west of the city. In early November, the army has stabilized there and pressed the front troops of the Caliphate. The last 2-3 days the army is moving to the edifice and the fighting is now going on the outskirts of the city.
The attack Kurds
Suffice it successfully developed the US-backed offensive Kurds in northeastern Syria. After capturing Sinzhara in Iraq, Kurdish forces have advanced quite significantly to the east of the province of Hasaka and continue slowly to push the troops of the Caliphate. The flat terrain and low density of troops in this area in general, favor the offensive, attacking weapon are receiving assistance from the United States and have a moderate air support (the bulk of the air strikes as previously necessary on the territory of Iraq). In dynamics, it looks like.
Overall, the coalition led by the Russian Federation in Syria retains the overall lead and develop the offensive where the enemy could not stand the pressure monthly. Caliphate after a month of successful operations over the past couple of weeks has suffered several sensitive lesions that are to the east of Aleppo have operational implications. Pro-Western rebels less hold the front in northern provinces of Latakia and Hama, as well as a front against the Caliphate to the north of Aleppo, but south of the city is still the problem that they have yet to decide if it’s at all possible.
US stepping up its role in the Syrian war and supported their attack Kurds in Hasaka must stake a claim for certain positions in Washington of Syria for future negotiations. Rakka direct threat at the moment no, but the goal of confronting the Kurds is much more prosaic. Plus, it is worth remembering that the United States has with Turkey and the joint project of the offensive in northern Syria with a view to drop the Caliphate from the Turkish border. The main problem – as it is consistent with the goals and interests of the Kurds, who then build their autonomy.
News anchor who put out Putin’s quote on terrorists says it was false and apologises
Known for his hardline stance and strong public remarks, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s latest quotable quote has been making the rounds on social media.
A tweet by Ms Remi Maalouf, a news anchor with television channel Russia Today, highlights Mr Putin’s colourful take on terrorism: “To forgive them is up to God, but to send them to him is up to me.”
Ms Maalouf later said in a follow-up tweet that the quote was false and apologised, clarifying that she had taken it off a Facebook post.
The news I’m hearing this morning is saying that opinion polls in the US support the use of US ground troops against ISIS (65%).While in Britain 65% approve air strikes in Syria and 50% ground troops.I’d say the Western MSM is doing a good job of propaganda pro-war work for their neo-con masters. So now what is Syria,Iran,and Russia going to do.I would suggest first off,Syria, (which they should have done already) to announce,that without their permission any Western attacks on Syrian territory are a violation of international law and the UN Charter.Make it clear to the Western public that their countries will be in violation of all international norms.Second,Russia,and Iran,declare publicly their unconditional support for the legal government of Syria fighting terrorism.And their unconditional guarantee of the “territorial integrity” of Syria’s borders.Those two things are totally within international conventions.And would put the onus directly on the West.It would make the Western public fully aware of what their governments are doing.And bring what little of international law there is down on Syria’s side.For the EU countries,it would make them think twice before committing further violations.And the Russian and Iranian guarantee would give pause to the US as well.But whatever Syria,Iran,and Russia,decide to do.They need to get to doing it.Time is running out for action on their parts to make a difference.Once the armies start moving no diplomatic actions will be enough.
At this point I don’t see how it matters what the people in the US think any more than what the fans at a football game think about whether to run or pass or kick on the next play. What are they going to do? Vote for an anti-war candidate next election? Switch the channel on their TV? Buy a different soft drink or show up 10 minutes late for their second part-time job?
Who will stop NATO and US from attacking Syria, if anyone, will be Russia, Iran, etc. If the public doesn’t like something, they will just ignore it because that’s all they can do right now, being totally unorganized, disempowered, and disinformed, living in a virtual 1984 police state which most people are barely even aware of — and don’t want to think about.
The forces that will break this absurd system of bubbles will not be what the MSM says or what the people or politicians think, but the physical reality and the collective unconscious — which is still largely unconscious. The polls, and the MSM reporting of polls, is nonsense now anyway, and hardly reflect anything of any depth, conviction, or energy behind it, and are just another form of psyop and propaganda, which can turn on a dime. Lipstick on pigs is a thin veneer.
“The polls, and the MSM reporting of polls, is nonsense now anyway, and hardly reflect anything of any depth, conviction, or energy behind it, and are just another form of psyop and propaganda, which can turn on a dime.”
Or maybe not
People unlikely to change their mind, even when facts contradict their views – study
Published time: 19 Nov, 2015 11:44
A fresh study has confirmed that people are reluctant to change their minds and adapt their views, even when new information has been presented. This holds true even if they stand to lose money.
The research from the University of Iowa is based on previous studies indicating that people are particularly likely to stick to their original viewpoint when they’ve had to write their beliefs down– a phenomenon known as the ‘explanation effect’, which also affects future actions.
But maybe polls don’t tell what people really think, but just say. Or maybe something else happens. But then, I’ve see many times people change their minds and say they always thought as they are now saying think.
All rather mysterious, but it surely seems that it’s better to grab people with what you wnt them to think from the start. The early propagandist gets the worm.
“The early propagandist gets the worm.”
Excellent observation. When it is about something outside their own personal knowledge and experience, people tend to be prone to believe the first source that they encounter. Subsequent sources are weighed against the info in the first and are more likely to be rejected, if different.
To some extent that is right.But if it wasn’t important to manufacture the consent of the public the leaders won’t spend so much time and money trying to do it.To survive they need to give the “illusion” of being accountable to the people.And so if they can get people to support what they want they will do that first.I said a while back the US has a set MO.And because it works for them they always use it,only tweaking it for different occasions.With the main parts of it ,always the same.
Chomsky and Parenti say they are very concerned about what the people think, but I’m not so sure. Some of them yes, and some of them I think just want to make it easier to do what they want, or do it out of habit, but others, the true sociopaths, I think don’t care and don’t think the people’s opinions matter at all because they can be put down with the raw power and the police state or just ignored, as with the classic tyrants. I think the number and power of those last is growing. The attitude there is ‘what are they going to do about it?” and at this point it’s a good question.
Look at the way union actions were broken up in the past by moving in troops and private armies, or how the ‘moonshiners’ were put down with force. The fascists have the legal system and the media in their pockets, so there won’t be trouble from either one of those, and they grow bolder in their abuses. Whistle blower? Just accuse him of treason and put him the dungeon or knock him off. Generally the people are behind in recognizing how far gone it’s become and how much preparation for the takeover is already accomplished.
I just saw
Washington may change its approach to fighting the terrorist group.
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The United States is ready to change tactics in the fight against the Islamic State terrorists that would include more ground engagement, US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said on Thursday.
“We’re prepared to change the rules of engagement,” Carter said in an interview that aired on MSNBC. “The president [Barack Obama] has indicated he’s prepared to do more, including on the ground.”
On Monday, President Obama ruled out putting boots on the ground in Syria as part of an operation against ISIL. He argued that US military intervention would deliver only temporary results.
So Obama says one thing and 3 days later Carter says the opposite. Maybe they should take opinion polls among the top government officials and see what their opinions are for the day.
Someone who doesn’t want to attack Syria can follow Obama, and those who do can follow Carter. Whatever you want, you can find some government goblin to tell you what you want to hear. Are bookies taking bets on who will win out?
That is a good question.Who is in charge of US policy.Or is that all just a trick.And they decided already what they’ll do.And are attempting to make it appear they were “forced by events” into it.That would follow the script of the MO if it was the case.
Israel will behave because Iran is basking under Russia’s nuclear umbrella. It’s all very amusing.
Army map suggests presence of Russian artillery unit in central Syria
The map displayed in the defense ministry briefing was entitled: “Activities of the armed forces of the Syrian Arab Republic in the area of the Mheen settlement.”
The map was shown on Russian state television footage of a briefing at defense ministry headquarters on Tuesday evening, when Putin was being shown how the Kremlin was intensifying its operations against Islamic State.
Spotted by an eagle-eyed Russian military blogger, the map featured a dot near to the settlement of Sadad, between the cities of Homs and Damascus, accompanied by the words: “5 Gabatr 120th ABR 2A65 Msta B, six pieces from 14:00 06.11.”
“Gabatr” is an acronym commonly used in the Russian military for “Howitzer Battery.” The acronym “ABR” stands for “Artillery Brigade”. The designation “2A65 Msta B” describes a type of howitzer in use by the Russian military.
The Russian military has a 120th artillery brigade, based in Siberia armed with 2A65 guns. A duty serviceman contacted by Reuters on Wednesday confirmed the brigade was based in Siberia, but said he did not know whether it was active in Syria.
Siberian TV channel Yenisei-region has in the past broadcast footage from a local firing range where the 120th brigade was test firing the 2A65 guns.
Another standard propaganda piece from the zionazi reuters disinfo service, kindly provided for the marks via the zionazi yahoo disinfo group. And as is usual for these zionazi propaganda pieces, none their claims are reliably sourced or even linked to.
In other words, one might as well post articles from pindo supermarket check out stand tabloids, such as the star.
I don’t know if you posted this nonsense to highlight zionazi media disinformation, or you seriously think the toss has merit? If the former, a simple link and short description describing the thing would suffice. In my opinion it’s wasted comment space and a distraction to give this sort of obvious zionazi propaganda that much space.
RT always prints reuters.. But some Syrian reporters were told there would be Russian boots on the ground. Remember Putin did not say there would never be Russian boots on the ground. His advisor said, if they are needed a request would be made and authorized in due time.. With French, US and Turkish boots on the ground, the chances are high that Russian combat troops would also be on the ground or that is the rumor in the SAA to provide fire support. You need 5 times the number of troops to take a well defended position and the SAA just does not have that kind of numbers. The kurds have made a huge push and they are driving IS back with US support.. The FSA is also making a huge push and the US is pushing them as well.. The SAA has vast amount of new weapons delivered in the last month.. It looks like Russia wants this all over with by the time a truce is declared.. Long before elections.. If Iran can not get the number of troops there only Russia can… Problem is SA and Israel.. Both would be opposed to Iranian troops on the ground..
Reuters is just another propaganda outlet.. But that does not make them useless.. You just need to understand they could wipe you off the map with an eraser..
He is a bury you with disinformation troll. One third of his info is zio-toss, as you describe it.
The purpose is to take up space in your brain so you are more succeptible to past and future lies.
Now watch his associates pipe up in support.
That won’t work with me — I’m an old half-senile American and information rolls of me like water off a duck’s back! :-)
One of the authors of that article — I looked up Maria Tsvetkova on Google to what and where else she has written. Not that much, but it’s telling, especially the piece in Kiev Post — and that she writes for the Kiev Post. Worth putting that little girl on the ignore list.
Maria Tsvetkova’s scribings on Ukraine:
“Moscow, which has already come under economic sanctions, denies Western accusations it has been backing the insurrection possibly with a view to dismembering the former Soviet republic.
Uprisings in eastern Ukraine erupted in April as rebels took over state buildings, built a powerful arsenal of seized weapons and declared their independence from Kiev, calling the pro-European government illegitimate”
“The crisis began when street protests ousted Moscow-backed Viktor Yanukovich in late February for rejecting a landmark political and trade deal with the European Union in favour of closer ties with Russia.
Russia subsequently annexed Crimea and separatist revolts against the new Kiev authorities broke out with rebels declaring “people’s republics” and saying they wanted to join Russia”
I think that pretty much establishes where she stands. Like all good lies it contains that grain of truth.
“The crisis began when street protests ousted Moscow-backed Viktor Yanukovich in late February for rejecting a landmark political and trade deal with the European Union in favour of closer ties with Russia”.
I think the crisis began when John McCain came to town…..
What is your problem anyway?
You post mostly useless rubbish and now you attack someone else trying to inform others, As if your waste don’t smell..
nice… pretty neat and concise for an attack post using nice words.. And you don’t have much space to waste thank god for that..
watch language please. Thanks. modPS
Mmiriww 1:49
Who was this tantrum directed at?
In my previous post, I gave you the benefit of a doubt about motivations for posting zio-media material that was obvious disinfo. Your subsequent comments show you do this because you want people to accept this zionazi toss as legit, rather than laugh at its “Reefer Madness” zio-gay level of absurdity.
Yea so?
You posted about dumping bodies into swears.. From the same rag that talks about IS pumping 40-50 million barrels of oil a day..
IS produces 40-50 million barrels of oil a day — Russian Foreign Ministry
So now we should consider everything you post as not just propaganda but garbage..
To all commenters, please remember Saker’s rule: “All comment have to be impeccably courteous to me, the blog’s author, moderators, any guest author and all the other commentators. Absolutely no ad hominems or personal attacks.”.
In these hard times, both for Saker personally, but also for all of us, it would be sad if this blog slid down to some low infighting. Please be polite, or even better, show love and sympathy. (KL)
“You posted about dumping bodies into swears.. From the same rag that talks about IS pumping 40-50 million barrels of oil a day.”
If you read the Tass article, you will see the millions in the title was a misprint or translation error. In the article itself, it clear they are talking about 40,000-50,000 barrels of oil and somebody didn’t translate it into English correctly.
Mr. Saker’s figures about Russian aviation are slightly askew. (Perhaps mentioned here earlier; I haven’t dug through all the comments.) If one reads through the RIA Novosti reports on the air war in Syria since the LRA was employed (http://ria.ru/trend/russia_war_against_is_30092015/), etc., the total number of planes added was 37 including the LRA, not 37 in addition to the LRA. The totals break down to 5 Tu-160’s, 6 Tu-95MS’s, 12 Ty-22’s, 8 Su-34’s and 6 Su-27’s. Only the 14 Su’s flew on to a Syria air base, the rest returned to Russia.
The Tu-22’s flew from Mozdok (old LRA base), as the other Tu’s likely did also. (Reports are ambiguous.) RT TV said the exact route was classified, but a video showed a Tu-160 flying over high, snow-capped mountains, like the Caucuses. Consequently the Russians may have overflight rights over (Shiite) Azerbaijan, maybe Armenia also, where it has a major military base, possibly even over Georgia, which is now somewhat Russia-friendly since Saakashvili went on the lam.
A recent commentary on Ria Novosti also said Russia would likely test the high-precision long-range Kh-101 cruise missile there, also very large thermobaric bombs. The large Tu’s have continued cruise missile strikes on the second and third days. The Tu-160 seem to be absent the third day (http://ria.ru/syria_mission/20151119/1324420594.html), which makes sense for a very expensive aircraft in short supply (only about 14 exist in Russia)..
(PS: You can get an adequate translation of the Ria Novosti items with Google Translate.)
World Conflicts Research
Rather detailed positional information on conflicts in Syria.. At the top you get to select the area of the google map you want to see, shows positions of combatants..
Most major cities and surrounding areas as well..
BREAKING: Russia conducts 3rd massive airstrike with cruise missiles
Russian Tu-95MS strategic bombers launched 12 cruise missiles targeting terrorist fuel depots, ISIL headquarters in Syria’s Idlib, Russia’s General Staff said Thursday.
Russia’s Tu-22M3 bombers launched six terrorist targets in the Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor provinces, including three oil refineries on territory controlled by ISIL, an ammunition depot and mortar repair facility, the general added.
Kartapolov said that Russian strategic bombers carried out a third massive strike on terrorist targets in Syria.
“[Terrorists’] massive losses have completely disrupted the militants’ command in Homs. We’ve noted cases of direct refusal to follow orders.”
“For example, field commander with nom-de-guerre Abu Hussan has refused to deploy his group near the northern Homs town of Talbiseh,” Kartapolov said.
Itar Tass just reported :
“Russian General Staff: IS commanders dump dead militants’ bodies in sewage”
What a perfectly fitting receptacle for the vermin to end up in. I have said it before, these satanic scum are highly disposable, just like you wipe your nose with a Kleenex and chuck it away.
Full article can be read below :
Dumping their dead in sewers to hide them. That definitely puts the final nail in the coffin on the propaganda that this ZPC/NWO proxiy army is Muslim. This is exactly what one would expect from neocons or organized crime gangs.
From the Tass article:
“With an aim to conceal the true losses, the killed and wounded are being evacuated at night time”
Like with the zionazi/nazi proxies in the Ukraine with regard to their attempts to conceal their massive numbers of dead. The ukro-nazis have even openly allied with the daesh terrorists to make the fact Israel-America runs both of these obscene groupings even obvious to a deaf, dumb and blind person.
Does IS watch the last ship? Well I am sure many in the US military do..
Daesh stuff toys with explosives to kill children walking to Karbala for ImamHussain
Remember atta the leader who visted strip clubs across the street where he lived and whos gf worked in the strip club? Well on that..
This is Europe 1st female suicide bomber.
A dead combattant cannot be influenced in any way.
What you are doing is sending a message to their family and friends, many of them do not necessaryily support the point of view of the combattant.
Such disrespectful behavior throws gasoline on the fire. Why generate more hate and anger? If you expect to have relative peace and closure to the conflict, then it requires politics, diplomacy and some form of agreement. What do you think the Red Cross or Red Crescent has been doing for the last century?
There is a place and a logic to identifying the combattant, respectfully burying or returning the remains and notifying their next of kin.
Collective punishment of those who are not combattants is an autogoal.
” The early
propagandist gets the worm. ”
In a related case, the liberation of Shingal has been touted as a victory for the US and Kurdish peshmerga.
But not much has been reported of the tensions between the Iraqi Popular (Shia) militias or their role in the operation. Or Barzani’s initial refusal to fly the Iraqi flag beside the Kurdish one (he has since backed down and the Iraqi flag has gone up.)
The Barzanis (Kurdish Democratic Party ) made a lot of noise about the liberation of Yazidis who had borne the brunt of ISIS barbarism.
But now, a Yazidi spokesman has derided the KDP, accusing the peshmerga of having abandoned them to genocide by ISIS and refusing to supply them with arms to defend themselves:
While attempts are being made to revive Sadam-era claims of genocide against the Iraqi Kurds, it looks like they are not averse to collusion with other genocidal aims when it serves their political interests.
Attn all dozing alligators and sweeping sakers: this is an important article with many levels in which Pepe Escobar very carefully peels back the circles of hell involved in the Paris attack. And he is careful about it.
First is the legitimate stooges, youthful fall guys of Salafist belief and their unwitting friends and relatives, then -and here is the more hideously diabolical level–comes the mercenaries of the deep state who cruise along the edges doing supportive mayhem, play the double agents to set up the young fools who will put their heads oh so willingly on the chopping block and make sure all comes down as planned.. ( those are the guys in the black Mercedes who got away–the “white” guys) who might have been the same ones who took out that inconvenient chief of police who was asking some unsettling questions about the Charlie Hebdo operation. Remember him?
then we move to a more submerged level and those are the heads of deep state agencies like the Mossad, the French Secret Service, CIA covert ops, maybe a few mafia chiefs if those need to be brought in for whatever reason ( like the Jewish mob having Ruby as a back up to take out Oswald as he was shouting–“I didn’t do it, I am a patsy”).
and finally we come to the Hollande, Obamas etc of the world. Now it is quite possible that no one except a chosen few really knows what is going on. Of course there is a deep state war room, but Daesh feels it is the doer of the deed not knowing it is merely being allowed to do its thing. Likewise those at the top who implement their agendas after the facts without really knowing what is real and what is not because as figureheads, they merely play a stage role in everything anyway.
What we need to ask is not, “Is it a conspiracy?”Because it is and it is not–there are multiple levels of reality going on. There real question is how did the mid levels of hell allow this to happen? Then the next step is to hold them accountable for it and to demand to know What role the deep state played in actually facilitating it by nursing it along and pushing the upper levels ( state and national police,military, politicians etc) to respond appropriately or inappropriately. Martial law for 3 months? The real conspiracy is in the 2nd and 3rd level of this 4 tiered Hell on earth drama inflicted on the people of Paris which is what makes it so confusing to most people.
U-Turn? EU President Offers Putin Closer Economic Ties After G20 Summit
Read more: http://sputniknews.com/europe/20151119/1030420169.html#ixzz3rzykTE8G
I’m tempted to sarcastically say: I wonder why, after Putin’s speech divulging the knowledge that Russia has documented evidence on the g20 terrorist funders. But Juncker was the Russian favorite when the position was up for re[s]election last. So I don’t think fear of exposure as terrorist’s money supplier lead to Juncker’s more adult approach. Russians do their homework diligently. :D
this post from PCR is well worth reading, it has some links to so videos and “suspicious” activities.
sorry, I forget to add the link to my previous post re PCR:
US Marine Air Group Joins Fight Against ISIL With Harrier Jump-Jets
Read more: http://sputniknews.com/military/20151120/1030427296/marines-air-group-joins-isil-airstrikes.html#ixzz3s0HgA5sq
The Harrier is not a ground attack aircraft, it is a point defence aircraft with a very small payload, for the most part.
That isreal’s pindo colony has to resort to such an inappropriate and out of date aircraft, and make like this rubbish is somehow important, further shows how pathetic their “enforcement machinery” has become.
An interesting article from Fort Russ on the US plotting in Syria:
“Syria: US supplies “selected rebels’ with weapons capable of shooting down airliners!”
In the context of the attack on the Russian airliner, in which 224 passengers perished over the Sinai, we learn from the Wall Street Journal that the CIA is encouraging the Saudis and the Turks to gear up “select Syrian rebels” as it says, with equipment capable of shooting down an airliner.
This news has been passed on by the Russian English language site Vestnik. One has to wonder how John Kerry can look Sergei Lavrov in the eye any more during the peace negotiations in Vienna!
A video published by ISIS, since withdrawn, showed five men blessing their Egyptian “brothers” for their achievement! A recurring question presents itself: These “militants” — were they really able to shoot down the airplane? Since the Pentagon is deploying troops in Syria, Washington supports the delivery of arms to the “moderate” anti-regime forces. through Saudi and Turkish intermediaries!
What’s unbelievable is that the arms are defense systems that you can carry on your shoulder, capable of shooting down airliners, called MANPADS [ManPortableAirDefenseSystems].
But don’t worry, these weapons will just be in the hands of “select rebels” to take the ground and thus challenge the intervention of Russia, as well as Iran, allies of Bashad. This despite the public statements of Obama not to inflame any Russo-american conflict.
For all that, what’s crazy is that the CIA, with her big outsized liars, in order to deny its turpitude, declares: “maybe these were old MANPADS that were smuggled Syria through channels not controlled by the CIA” But it is during the last weeks, when Russian actions intensified, that the CIA and its partners have equipped “select rebels” in northern Syria, with arms that include TOW anti-tank missiles.
Frosting on the cake of American absurdity, is that Washington, so that no 747 gets hit by accident, will “assure that the weapons have special software so they can be used only in certain areas.” Apparently it is not enough for the Americans to deliver anti-tank missiles to the rebels who fire on soldiers sustained by Iran, but even, with Saudi Arabia, they provide these same rebels with the firepower capable of shooting down airplanes.
In the optimal cases, Russian fighter planes, in the worst case, should the weapons “fall into the wrong hands,” they could be used to drop airliners. And, if the western media report these dealings, when they do, it’s with a good conscience, blind to the consequences, which consequences would fatally lead to a world war, even an atomic war, as Noam Chomsky aptly prophesied some months back — Chomsky, the declared foe of the go-to-war Wolfowitz Doctrine.
The US is treating Russia as if it were Honduras or Grenada. Their degree of insanity is without limit. The urgency for France is to leave NATO.
Is the US supplying ISIS with manpads a reason why the Russian bombers are now being used, among other notable reasons?
Syria War – Russia Rolls Out Its Super Fighter
The fact the Russians are showing the MiG31BM in the film – seemingly being prepared for flight by ground technicians – suggests it is already escorting the Russian bombers on their missions or will shortly be.
If so, in terms of establishing Russia’s air ascendancy of the skies over Syria, it would be as big a game changer as deployment of S300 or S400 missiles on the ground.
correct me if I am wrong, but MiG31 is a short range fighter and cannot escort the bombers. It would have to be stationed in Syria. Only SU has the range to fly to Syria.