Foreword from the Saker: Today I am posting a really interesting document. This is a open letter to her fellow “oppositionists” (from the Russian “oppositsioner” or “opponent”, in this case, a political opponent of Putin from the so-called non-system pro-US opposition, the folks who cannot even get a single deputy in the Duma because their rating is somewhere in 2-3% range) by a London based russophobic exile named Oksana Paksal (who writes such articles as “the unique features of Russian hatred”). Her letter was posted on the “Open Russia” website, an outlet created by Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Do I need to say more?
In her letter, Mrs Paskal openly admits that the Russian people are totally behind Putin and that her fellow “oppositionists” have exactly zero traction, credibility or influence in Russia. We already knew that, but it is interesting to hear that admission from a bona-fide Putin hater like Mrs Paskal.
A big thank you to Alena Scarecrow for translating this interesting document and for skillfully choosing a good image to use in lieu of Mrs Paskal’s photo (which you can still see here)!
The Saker
Let’s lay down our arms, my fellow oppositionist
by Oksana Paskal
translation: Alena Scarecrow
Dear oppositionist,
I know perfectly well that only lazy ones haven’t yet commented on Putin’s record rating. Neither have I. It was not exactly laziness on my part, though; rather, gathering data. The thing is, having once again had a chance to plunge into the pool of my Russian compatriots from all across our vast motherland, I managed to both believe in this sky-high rating and to check it out. Let me assure you, my dear fellow oppositionist, that these statistics are absolutely real. Put all your nagging doubts aside and just believe it – Russia does stand firmly behind her President. In some regions his rating seems to reach the absolute 100%.
I had an opportunity to talk to people from different parts of the country – Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Irkutsk, Krasnodar, Surgut, Belgorod, Sakhalin, Petrozavodsk, Kostroma and others. They all are wonderful people, quite peaceful, absolutely adequate and not at all stupid. And they all as one firmly and somewhat defiantly confirmed that “yes, we unconditionally trust our President”. Yes, under his protection we feel as safe as behind a brick wall. Yes, he gives us a sense of total security. Yes, we look positively to the future. Yes, during his term in office Russia has risen from her knees and proven herself a leading world power. Yes, we agree that we should strike first rather than wait for a strike. Yes, we want to be feared. Yes, we will send our children to defend our motherland.
And there are dozens and dozens of similarly unreserved and uncompromising yes’s. People are content with their pensions, healthcare, opportunities, prospects and what not. And the major of all those yes’s is an ardent and sincere desire to see Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin as President for many, many, many years to come. Some even go as far as to declare they won’t vote unless there’s Putin’s name on the list of candidates. He’s the only one capable of keeping the country afloat and the world in fear. He is the only one capable of curbing corruption, rebuilding what’s been destroyed and protecting his people. “May God give him strength, health and willingness to keep on guiding us”.
I don’t know how it was under Stalin, but the stories read and heard make me think he was not so much loved as feared. People mourned over him, though. Earnestly. As for Khrushchev, I could be wrong but I think he caused mixed if not neutral feelings – neither love nor fear; neither hatred nor deep respect. What people felt was only a sense of gratitude for saving them from the horrors of Stalinism. A sense that somehow evaporated very quickly. Then, Brezhnev. Our “dear Leonid Ilyich” surely wasn’t loved by people, which I can witness. Like others preceding him he was a sort of worshiped alright, but merely out of habit. He was probably the first in the league of top ones to be laughed at, except for earlier weak attempts to make fun of Khrushchev and his rusticity. Yeltsin aroused no warm feelings in people’s hearts either, of course, even though in his first years he did manage to inspire solid respect. But the current leader differs from all others, being – as I personally see it – at the same time loved, respected, venerated and feared. He is seen as a defender, a mentor, a role model; a diverse, energetic and healthy leader. In the recent history of our country, in my opinion, it’s also the first time such happens. What – three, four, five in one? Seems so.
It’s curious, you know – to putting in “alpha male” Google always comes up with a picture of Vladimir Putin. For me it was a real discovery. For some personal reasons I needed to find a picture to illustrate this “alpha male” thing and that was how I stumbled upon this amazing phenomenon. Somewhere between invariable and unsurpassed Pitt – Schwarzenegger – Statham and their ilk on the one side and all types of orangutans on the other there was inevitably a photo, a picture or a poster of our President. Some of them were full of irony or even sarcasm, for sure, but still it’s a proof that he does impersonate an alpha male for his tribe. If you enter “macho” or “real man”, there’s not that much of Putin in the search results but he still pops up now and then. As for Obama or Cameron or any other western political leader, Google seems to totally ignore them all.
I’ve got the feeling that the Russians are fully prepared and willing to lay down their lives for the President. Many of them have seen at least three long-playing rulers (I don’t take into account the period when Russian-Soviet leaders used to die with statistical regularity), but only the current one makes them swell with pride. We oppositionists are horrified by the fact that the President in every way promotes the plebeian, “street”, culture that he’s been carrying through all his life, whereas his compatriots find it so touching and meritorious. That “Strike first whenever there is a threat” of his was frantically quoted in an hour after it was uttered. To my “Hold on, is there anyone threatening us?” there was the unanimous “Nobody! We have Him and He will never let anyone threaten us!”
Only one person out of all those I questioned found a President’s fault to point to. Putin, he says, is negligent of the agricultural sector. Even worse, he’s led to its total destruction. All other interviewees stood up for the head of the country and expressed unequivocal support to all his actions and words – when I say “all” I mean it, mind you.
What is there to say, my friend? What’s the point in resenting, waving flags and shouting out slogans? Is there any use organizing rallies and pickets? Against what? Or whom? Against the monolith of unconditional trust and utter devotion the huge country has formed to her Hero, her Icon, her Idol? Heaven knows, the Russians love as passionately and selflessly – if not more – than they hate. What if we just let them love Him to their hearts’ content? If they feel fine about it, why to change anything? Who to change it for? How to change it? All are happy as it is, so who needs sacrifices, losses, fighters and the fight itself? Let’s rejoice then, my dear fellow oppositionist! Let’s take advantage of this respite and lay down our arms for the time being. What a great opportunity to accumulate strength and experience, isn’t it? Just to lie low and watch. And learn. That 90-percent human monolith will call us the moment it decides it needs a new Hero-Idol-Icon. The main thing for us is not to miss this moment and lend our help. Any kind of help.
Can you please explain why Wall Street and the city of London have done nothing but surge since the Putin/Obama meeting in New York?
Probably because they think meetings like that show war isn’t close.And markets like stability,and fear instability.
Wake up, Anon, there are NO markets.
Wall Street and with it all other major stock, currencies, commodities exchanges have been taken over by computer trading, the central banks and the Fed. They have been weaponized ages ago and are now NATOs prime tool in the Financial War to keep Central- and South America, Africa, the Middle East, East Europe and most of Asia forever ’emerging markets’.
zweisten, they are ALL rigged. As you said, rigged ‘Free Markets’ are the bed-rock of parasite rule, and their insatiable greed is destroying humanity. THEY are the real enemy of humanity.
I can think of two basic reasons.
1. It has nothing to do with the meeting one way or another. Syria is geopolitically important but economically marginal; any economic impacts are likely to work out way past next quarter, which puts them out of the time horizon for most investors. Maybe there was news about interest rates, or people decided that some previous down-tick was enough that prices were decent and started buying, or whatever.
2. They had “costed in” various possibilities that would have been more dangerous than what we actually got, which was a fairly positive document that downplayed the conflict between the US and Russia rather than worsening tensions.
This is going to be hard for you to understand. See – if you study market movements over – Oh, about 200 years – you’ll find that, yes, they surge, drop, creep, rise, fall, overall rise, surge again. On and on. There’s whole treatises written about it. vast numbers of Ph.D. theses defended to explain it, chaos and complexity theory invoked to determine the patterns.
But you, with your infinite depth of insight, wisdom and sagacity can see the entire in one hit.
It’s because, for a couple of hours one day last month, Putin and Obama had a structured, commonplace, “just for the look of it” meeting.
Ah…… the gestalt is throttling.
you mean the markets steered by FED and TBTF banks?
free markets existed 200 years ago. Since then each and every markets rigged and manipulated.
be it financial market, p.metals, commodity, oil, housing, food. I see only monopolies. tell me one, where we haven’t had an artificial bubble and controlled crash in the last 50 years (be careful, artificial).
All the European racists, xenophobes and primitive knuckle draggers ought to read this excellent article by Tony Cartalucci carried in Sputnik International today :
“EU Refugee Mess Used to Bolster State Control, Kick Off New Interventions”.
The article goes on to say :
“”Intentionally bringing in a torrent of migrants — intentionally ensuring there is no way to properly process, feed, and shelter them — solely for the purpose of creating as much chaos as possible to justify even further war abroad can only lead to catastrophe,”
The latest influx of refugees in Europe is the product of a socio-engineering experiment, the researcher pointed out. He referred to the fact that the US, EU, and Ankara have invested billions in the construction of refugee camps in Turkey.
Reports indicate that torrents of refugees have been intentionally organized and sent onward to Europe,” Cartalucci underscored.
The scheme is designed to provoke fear, hatred and hysteria among the European population. The public discontent and frustration would be then used to justify greater state control in Europe and new Western military campaigns aimed at “resolving” the Middle Eastern crisis, he elaborated”.
Not that its going to make any difference to such knee jerk racist morons however. God forbid that they hold their own leaders to account for creating the mess in the first place, no, much much easier to simply attack the refugees instead and anyone that doesn’t fit into their European “cultural values” of blonde hair and blue eyes and “Aryan superiority” thereby facilitating the plans of the very same elites they claim to be against. Reading through so much ignorant hostility and hatred being expressed in comments here on the Saker website and also on other supposedly “progressive” and “alternate” websites leads me to the conclusion that there is no hope for us as a species.
“To expand upon those emotions, many European governments — many of whom have directly contributed to the wars that have driven many of these migrants from their homes to begin with — have instituted intentionally permissive immigration policies designed not only to provoke fear and uncertainty among insecure, xenophobic European populations, but to encourage migrants to continue streaming in, even those not affected directly by Western wars, invasion, occupation, and proxy terrorism,”
Full article can be read here :
And Egyptian medical examiners have released a report that injuries shown on the bodies of the tragic Airbus victims points to an on board explosion taking place. The world is full of hatred.
That is not their plan, and if it is, it is a stupid plan, the antiwhite racist will only managed to get themselves out-voted, and replaced by anti-war anti-EU anti-USA traditionalists by filling Europe with immigrants. From SD in Sweden to Marine Le Pen in France, to UKIP in UK, the traditionalist are pretty much the largest force in all W.european country now, and these parties used to be 0.% parties 10 years ago..And the the increased immigration is only making them more popular, and none of these new parties are pro-war.
While the racists want to create diverse meaning “divided, splinter, fractured” societies in Europe, to keep the population busy with fighting each other so they won’t rise up as homogenous countries would and fight for their interests, this is totally back-firing as every new immigrant, turns the population more and more from the old culturalmarxist elite and unto the new traditionalists parties.
Liz, you don’t seem to get that neither the SD party, nor its electorate care too much about “traditional values”. While I cannot assess with any certainty the sincerity of parties like FN and UKIP (their electorates included), SD is an absolute no-brainer. Not only because of their 100% pro-business and Western chauvinist outlook, but ultimately because of their endless media stunts and simple MSM parroting. SD started out in the late 1980ies as a mere bunch of drooling, drunken skinheads with Nazi paraphernalia and ditto “soundbites”. Enter the 1990ies and the sharp economic downturn with Sweden’s unemployment rising sevenfold in a year’s time. However, even that would have made very little difference had the SD dullards been left to themselves ideologically. Their greatest source of inspiration and modernisation came when the MSM started spreading Islamophobia 24/7 once the USSR and the Eastern Bloc collapsed. It was a simple matter of merely applying the Corporate Media message in order to harrass and vilify a predominantly poor stratum of Sweden’s population.
The growing support which the SD party enjoys today is not about any “traditional values” except plain Western Imperialist privilege. You don’t see them campaign against TTIP, NATO, or even the EU. Hey, what good is that when you can impress your reactionary electorate by campaigning — in English — against the all these predominantly Roma beggars that have come here as of late?
SD is a traditionalist party, actually most Europeans care about traditional values, culturalmarxism is a top down ideology, when Europeans are told they are to become a minority in their city, that their kids are told they have no gender and boys must dress in dress and girls must dress like boys, when they hear that their children are being taugh they joys of anal XXX, when they hear that whites heterosexual men are the problem of society and african muslims are “enrichers” and so forth, they laugh.. Until they realize the culturalmarxist are not kidding, at that point they vote for SD,FN, UKIP, PVV, Afd, DP and so forth.
There is nothing chauvinist about traditional parties, quite the opposite, the ruling PC-fascists parties are the ultimate chauvinists, their biggest problem is that they can decided what is most fun, destroying their native population or bombing brown people in some other country.
“SD started out in the late 1980ies as a mere bunch of drooling, drunken skinheads with Nazi paraphernalia and ditto “soundbites””
-I wonder if the PC fascists ruling the western world today will ever advanced to that stage or if they will remain genocidal weedheads until they are removed.
“Corporate Media message in order to harrass and vilify a predominantly poor stratum of Sweden’s population.”
-Swedes aren’t really that poor yet, poverty in Sweden is more focused in the africa/arab immigration populations, these populations are then told throughout PC MSM that their poverty is the fault of “whitey”, this is how the PC fascists control society, pitting the newly imported population of dumb ignorant racist against the docile native population that becomes frightened by mere words such as nazi and racist used by anti whites.
Everything SD and the parties i mention is about is traditional values, from family values, cultural conservatism, national borders, police.
Actually all of the campaign against NATO and EU, these are one of the main enemies of these parties, including all other supranational structures. SD for example oppose joining EU, FN with Marine Le Pen, wants to leave NATO and EU.
SD is a traditionalist party – actually most Europeans priorities traditional values, culturalmarxism is a top down ideology, it has little support among the general European populance, it is only popular with the elites, and they generally live in gated communities avoiding any hint of “diversity”.
When PC-fascists tells Europeans that they are to become a minority in their cities to promote “diversity.”
When Europeans are told that their kids need to be taught they have no genders.
When Europeans are told their children must be taught the joys of anal XXX in Kindergarten.
When Europeans are told that whites heterosexual men are the problem of society and indeed the world and african muslims are “enrichers” and so forth, they laugh.. Until they realize that the culturalmarxists are not kidding, at that point Europeans vote : SD,FN, UKIP, PVV, Afd, DP and so forth.
There is nothing chauvinist about traditional values – quite the opposite, the ruling PC-fascist parties are the ultimate chauvinists, their biggest problem is that they cannot decided what is most fun, destroying their native population or bombing brown people in some foreign country.
“SD started out in the late 1980ies as a mere bunch of drooling, drunken skinheads with Nazi paraphernalia and ditto “soundbites””
-I wonder if the PC fascists ruling the western world today will ever advanced to that stage or if they will remain genocidal weedheads until the day they are removed.
“Corporate Media message in order to harrass and vilify a predominantly poor stratum of Sweden’s population.”
-Swedes aren’t really that poor yet, poverty in Sweden is mainly focused in the africa/arab immigration populations, these populations are then told throughout PC MSM that their poverty is the fault of “whitey”, this is how the PC fascists control western European societies, pitting the newly imported population of dumb ignorant racist against the docile native European population that becomes frightened by mere words such as nazi and racist used by antiwhites.
Everything SD and the parties I mention stand for is about is traditional values, from family values, cultural conservatism, national borders, police, army, immigration, national sovereignty.
Actually all of them campaign against NATO and EU, NATO/EU are a few of the main enemies of these parties, including all other supranational structures. SD for example oppose joining NATO, FN with Marine Le Pen, wants to leave NATO and EU.
“to provoke fear and uncertainty among insecure, xenophobic European populations”
-Haha, english are a now a minority in their own capital, if replacing your own population with foreign populations is your definition of “xenophobic” then you must view the rest of the planet as ultra-mega-super nazists lol.
The European people are the most frightened brainwashed servile none-xenophobic tolerant population on this planet, only the most hardened anti-white racist could ignore the fact that most European peoples are project to be a minority in their own countries within a few decades due to the largest massimmigration in human history to their countries and then accuse them of not being tolerant enough xenophiles.
Russia and Eastern Europe prove you wrong here, but I suppose you were referring to the peoples of Western Europe. Well, I guess you could say the latter are significantly more docile precisely for the same reasons a pet is: they are enjoying the spoils of their keepers, and the prospect of raising their heads from the trough sure as hell doesn’t seem any promising at all. Hence, neither the neoliberal nor the Cultural Marxist rot — both kinds of depravity firmly in the pockets of George Soros — will overcome this political lethargy as long as Western imperialism can rape and rob the Third World (and share the booty, of course).
In short: an increasing part of the Western petty bourgeoisie and labour aristocracies are investing in utterly bogus “traditionalism” but are not willing to make any sacrifices whatsoever for the system’s bare survival. As I mentioned in an earlier thread, Sweden’s erstwhile “Truth-Telling Hero Regarding Enforced Mass Immigration” Bert Karlsson, by contrast, does understand Capitalism and its ethos. He is making very considerable profits right now at the taxpayers’ expense by providing overpriced asylum accommodations. What’s a pro-business party such as SD supposed to do about that? Nada. And the born-again traditionalists voting for them are quite happy to keep moaning and groaning.
While Russia’s domestic ‘oppositionists’ may be lying doggo, the same cannot be said of Canada. Stephen Harper’s successor Justin Trudeau shows every indication of continuing Canada’s Russophobic Cold War style foreign policy. Instead of ‘lay down our arms’, Canada plans to sell them to Ukraine.
Human Rights Groups Sound Alarm About Canada Selling Arms to Ukraine
Justin Trudeau Says He Would Tall Off Vladimir Putin ‘To His Face’ If He Becomes PM
Forget Syria, Russia’s Muscle is Moving Closer To Canada’s Doorstep
Corrected URL for ‘Forget Syria’
Unfortunately, Justin takes after his mother. But he’s not actually retarded, and like all incoming governments, he will finally have access to a lot of information with “top secret” stamps on it.
Watch a while.
A deeply interesting read! I have a feeling he has the same high support in Serbia. People really love him here for all he has done and is doing for Russia. And love is an appropriate word here, since he is seen as one who stands for what is righteous and true, a real live hero without any exaggeration. I have recently heard a long epic song written about him, in Serbian traditional decasyllable verse, which is sung along gusle (the kind that normally celebrates Serb heroes, most famously those of Kosovo battle with the Ottomans) and a friend told me that it is not the only one out there.
I use the opportunity to drive your attention to an off topic, but an important fact that UNESCO is these days considering taking KLA Kosovo “state”, an ISIL like creature, as its member. West is firmly behind the idea that Albanians who have been ruining and torching Serb orthodox churches, graveyards and tore the eyes of the saints in icons should be their keepers. The USA and the EU prominent members are pushing hard to make it happen, blackmailing everybody who might have second thoughts.
The trouble this creates is catastrophic. Ordinary Albanians in Kosovo often refuse to comment on the vast number of our churches there, most refuse to aknowladge them as Serb heritage and are in habit of saying that scholars don’t know who are they built by, that is when they don’t invent some story to co-opt it. Those who know the history of north Albania and the way Albanians act towards cultural heritage of others, have no doubt about black fate awaiting Serb monasteries in Kosovo and Metohija (the reason Albanians call the territory only Kosovo is that Metohija comes from metoh, a Greek word for that land of a monastery, and most land there consisted of many metohs, but communist nationalized it all).
Saker, please consider putting up this video about approaching UNESCO shame in your Watch list:
Thank you and glad you are back (even if you were not really away)! Kind regards!
There are some Russian opposition just itching for the Airbus to have been blown up by ISIS (or another Zionist agency) so they can shriek “It’s Putin’s fault those people died. if he hadn’t invaded Syria they would still be alive”.
Some people have also been trying to fling mud against Shoigu. There is a story that someone with a name close to that of his daughter bought land for $9 million in Russia. The implication is that he has taken bribes or stolen money from somehhere or other.
The successes of the Putin team are driving these people crazy.
People are flinging mud at Shoigu because he is a possible presidential candidate after Putin’s eventual retirement. He is competent and popular, after his tenure in the emergencies ministry.
Very sorry about Serbian heritage in that Kosovo mess. I wonder: does the fact that Unesco DG Irina Bokova is Bulgarian play any role, or is it that she is too busy promoting feminism to care? (
Dear RMM, thank you for caring. I doubt miss Bokova is not already on board. Whatever she is busy with, it is not saving orthodox heritage. She has called that what ISIS is doing in the Middle East cultural cleansing, but the same thing in Kosovo and Metohija went unnoticed by her. She met with Kosovo’s so called president prior to this vote which allowed the KLA state candidacy for UNESCO, all smiles and content, no reprimend for anything burned down or pilaged. And to make the farse even greater Kosovo is still under UN laws a part of Serbia (UN resolution 1244, that was in 1999 so it states Federative Republic of Yougoslavia).
This vote took place on 21 October which is, as it happens, the World War II Victims Remembrance Day in Serbia, among which were monasteries and monchs in Kosovo which were burned down and killed by Albanian fascist. Here is an exemple which concerns Monastery Devic from 15 century.
One can only conclude there are cultures UNESCO cares about and those which it is happy to see “cleansed”. In favour of cleansing the Serb Orthodox culture were on 21 October:
Afghanistan, Albania, Austria, Belize, Britain, Gabon, Gambia, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Estonia, Italy, Kuwait, Macedonia, Germany, Pakistan, St. Kitts and Nevis, the United States, Thailand, Togo, the United Arab Emirates, France, Holland, Montenegro, the Czech Republic, Chad, and Sweden.
Against it were:
Argentina, Angola, Brazil, Ecuador, Ethiopia, India, Cuba, China, Morocco, Mexico, Namibia, Nigeria, Russia, and Spain.
Abstainers: Algeria, Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Mauritius, Malawi, Mozambique, Mali, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Trinidad and Tobago, and Uganda.
Representatives of Tunis, Turkmenistan, and Ukraine were not in the room during the voting.
Kind regards!
You see how many countries are against it.
How do Albanians act towards cultural heritage?
I am an Albanian please enlighten me. I don’t know what is happening with the monasteries in Kosovo right now but I know that historically even when we were under turkish rule we did not destroy churches.
They weren’t destroyed because they were “Christian” monasteries.You are right Albanians do respect Christian Albanian Churches and monasteries even if they themselves are Muslim (and around 30% of Albanians are Christians anyway).The monasteries were destroyed because they were “Serbian” Christian monasteries.Its the Serbian cultural heritage there that they want to destroy.That is a totally separate thing than destroying “cultural heritage in general”.So your argument could be right.But not in this particular case.
I don’t see the alternate image?
If you click on the word “here” (in blue) an image appears.
A great article.And might I add that Putin’s popularity is built on merit in my thinking.I don’t see the “cult of personality” that was around during the Stalin years.As even an “oppositionist” admits the love and respect is freely acknowledged,not forced on people.Its a shame no MSM source would reprint that article (I don’t think they would).People in the West need to understand how Russians really feel.And stop all the talk about the “oppressive dictator,Putin” and the “Russians yearning for freedom from Putin”.
popularity has nothing (as in nada, zilch, zero) to do with it:
Interview in Göring’s cell (3 January 1946)
“Göring: Why, of course, the people don’t want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.
Gilbert: There is one difference. In a democracy, the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars.
Göring: Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”
Western drivel
Void and trivial
Duly submitted by one of the anonymice. This one reeks of the guy hooked on parroting the Guardian about Russia’s “record wealth disparities”.
Actually, the increasing wealth disparity figures are displayed on the Russian Federaton Federal State Statistic service site
If you examine item “Coefficient of funds (coefficient differentiation of income), in times” you will see the following entries:
1992 2000 2005 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
The corresponding coefficient value, for each of these years is:
8.0 13.9 15.2 16.6 16.6 16.6 16.2 16.4 16.2
i.e. it is an indicator that measures the richest against the poorest segments of the population, the rich have continued to grow richer while the poor have stayed more or less in the same position.
Found you out easily indeed. Worthless Western Whitey With Washington’s Worries Weasel Worded.
Mods: Please consider my humble proposal of banning this anti-Putin hasbara rubbish. It’s degrading the blog.
Uncle Bob 1: “Putin’s popularity is built on merit”.
Absolutely correct. Conversely, his merits are precisely what infuriate his enemies at home and abroad.
We will review his posts and consider your proposal …. mod-hs
I hate “Washington” (that doesn’t mean I love the Kremlin).
Does not change the facts(as reported by Russian Federaton Federal State Statistic service site).
Start talking sense and I may consider those arguments too.
That is a problem,and is in much of the World.But it looks like from what you presented it isn’t getting worse.Though with the attack on Russia’s economy by the West it could.That isn’t an excuse that the US can claim for their failures:
“The Wealth Gap Between Rich And Poor Is The Widest Ever Recorded”
The wealth disparity between upper and middle income Americans has hit a record high, according to a new Pew Research Center Report. On average, today’s upper-income families are almost seven times wealthier than middle-income ones, compared to 3.4 times wealthier in 1984. When compared to lower income family wealth, upper income family wealth is 70 times larger.
It has come to the point where only the top 10 percent of Americans are seeing their wealth grow while the bottom 90 get less and less of the pie each year. The driving force of this wealth chasm are the top 0.1 percent, who have seen their share of the nation’s wealth grow the most over the past decades, from 7 percent in 1979 to 22 percent today. In fact, the top 0.1 percent are now worth more than the entire bottom 90 percent of the U.S. population, according to the report, which adjusts for the shrinking size of the American family so as to enable comparisons across time periods.
The study also assesses what effect the 2008 financial crisis had on wealth distribution. Although the crisis wreaked havoc across all income levels, its effects have been much more enduring for those on the lower end of the economic spectrum. Those at the top have managed to recoup their wealth, while middle and lower income families have not made any gains, according to the Pew report. The stock market, on the other hand, has bounced back, surpassing pre-crisis levels, and Wall Street is doing better than ever.
The magnitude of wealth inequality in the U.S. reflects a broader trend towards increasingly uneven distribution across the developed world. A recent report by Oxfam shows that the top 1 percent in much of the developed world have also seen their share of national wealth grow significantly over the past 30 years.
Although polls show that people are concerned about rising inequality, they also show that people tend to massively underestimate the gravity of the problem. Respondents to a survey conducted in Canada this month believed the wealthiest fifth of Canadians owned 55.5 percent of the wealth. In reality, the richest Canadians own 67.4 percent of national wealth.
Respondents said that in an ideal world, the top fifth would own only 30 percent of the wealth, less than half of what they actually own. In the same vein, a survey conducted here in the U.S. showed that Americans drastically underestimate the CEO-to-worker pay gap. Respondents guessed the average CEO made 30 times as much as the average unskilled worker. In actual fact the CEO-to-worker pay ratio is 354-to-one. Ideally, respondents said, CEOs would make 6.7 times as much as workers.
It seems even if people underestimate the extent of wealth inequality, they still believe that wealth should be more evenly distributed. Two thirds of Americans are dissatisfied with the current configuration of wealth distribution, and roughly the same number of people believe the federal government should play a role in guiding the transition towards a more equitable society.
As I said above UBob
“Anonymous on November 04, 2015 · at 4:19 pm UTC
I hate “Washington” (that doesn’t mean I love the Kremlin).”
Actually, the wealth disparity figures are the same reason why I hate both Washington & Kremlin.
It is, primarily, a class war.
I agree there.I just believe the people have a better chance to fix that in Russia than in the empire.Russia has a deep tradition of taking action on those problems.They seem to recognize it is a problem.While in the US they don’t.
Speak later – but please drop the Freud, you’re a good person and much better than that.
OK,sorry man.
Bob, inequality is the ultimate aim of capitalism. It has grown like topsy since the ‘threat’ of the USSR vanished, and the Western parasites felt free again to pursue their true ambitions. And their greed is insatiable and their hatred of others unbounded, so inequality, poverty, misery, deprivation and elite wealth and power MUST grow until the parasites are disempowered. Russia and China will only survive if they create fair, equal and just societies, otherwise it is just a matter of time before their local parasites make a deal with the West, and neo-feudalism is entrenched everywhere, forever (which won’t be long). I’ll have no real faith in Putin’s long-term success until I see him recognise this reality and act on it.
I agree with you.That was one of the first things I thought when I was watching the slow (then fast) collapse of the USSR,”we are screwed”.I felt certain the oligarchs would see that as their chance to control the people even tighter.And sadly,I wasn’t mistaken.Had the USSR only made reforms,things might have been different in the World.But once the West conspired with internal traitors to destroy the entire Union.I knew it was too late for us.
Agree. We in the West forget that people will “rally round the leader” in times of war, and Russia is forced to live on a war footing because of the way the West treats her. She is under attack in every way except cannon-fire, and that may be next. A shame, really, because we could have gained so much more if we were allies with Putin, but we preferred to be enemies instead.
I hope the Russians keep praying for Putin, and all of his counsellors.
The destruction of the plane in Sinai, either by the Western psychopaths direct, or, less likely, by their psychotic Daash proxies, is definitely a declaration of war. Of course the West has been at war with Russia/USSR since 1917.
It’s all a matter of culture.
Uncle Bob 1 on November 03, 2015 • at 4:35 am UTC said:
1.something inherited at birth, such as personal characteristics, status, and possessions”
Status & possessions are both to be sneered at. At birth it is wrong that you should receive preferential treatment because of the toils/intellectual property of
your parentsanyone that pre-existed you. Inheritance sets up society for the creation and perpetuity of oligarchy and associated psychopathy (the real reasons behind why you can’t make sense of the Syrian / Donbass situation)UBob said:
“2.anything that has been transmitted from the past or handed down by tradition”
i’m waiting for real meat.
UBob said:
“3.the evidence of the past, such as historical sites, buildings, and the unspoilt natural environment, considered collectively as the inheritance of present-day society”
I don’t see how it makes any sense for me to be “proud” of the Mourne mountains. They are beautiful but they are not mine any more than someone who was born in the Himalayas. What is your point here?
UBob said:
“Heritage “can” infer pride.”
If you feel pride that’s good but please keep your satisfaction to yourself. You never know, my human frailty may cause jealousy – I may want some of what you have for myself. Otherwise, share the benefits of your pride freely.
UBob said:
“It could also infer shame.”
This is the beginning of your groupthink problem. I may be able to help you here. Since I have “weaned” myself away from the Irish “heritage” I feel no shame of the actions of either of the 2 groups in Ireland in the past. Neither will I suffer any shame for negative outcomes in the future since I will not have been the cause of those outcomes.
UBob said:
“It can infer many different things to different people.But the one thing it certainly infers is the past of a persons society.”
I understand the past and present of both sides of the society in which I was born into extremely well. I was, for many years, indoctrinated into hate of one side against the other. In my experience (school, University, work, post work) 90% of the population still hate the “other” side. Only a small number percentage of people know (or care) about the past and why they sing “God Save the Queen” or go to Mass.
Ubob said:
“As for the “longing to belong to a group”.That is a human trait,it is part of our being as humans.”
It may well be for people who don’t think. It was for me. When/if you start thinking you realise there really was no requirement to belong to the first group (or any group) that came along.
UBob said:
“So there is no reason we should regret that.”
In Northern Ireland there is every reason to regret that (and throughout the World).
UBob said:
“But what could be a problem is what ” type” of group we would want to belong too.So that would be something to think on before joining a group.”
At least 90% of the Northern Ireland population do not think about their group. They die in the group they were born to. They don’t think. My observation is this groupthink is a global phenomenon – people don’t think.
UBob said:
“In Ireland over the centuries the mixture of peoples has been enormous.Ireland was a “cradle of modern colonialism (along with Spain,Poland,and Eastern Europe.).For the English,it started as their model of colonialism,that they transported to the “New World”.Until the break with Rome,people were only divided by either living in settled English controlled, and partly settled by the English areas of Ireland.And the Gaelic areas,that had few English settlers.After the break,many of the English settlers remained Catholic,while a few of the Gaels adopted Protestantism.That divided people even more.And by the 18th Century,you had a society determined more by religion than anything else.Many of today’s Catholic Irish are descended of English/Norman settlers from centuries past.While some, loyal to Britain Northern Irish “Ulstermen”, have Gaelic descent.But after all these centuries most of them consider themselves as Irishmen on both sides of the border.”
I never said your history was poor (it’s great – but so what?)
“Most of the Ulster Irish Protestants just want to be connected to Britain. While most of the Catholic Irish want an independent Irish state.”
Finally, some meat. This is the crux of the issue. Why do these two “groups” consider themselves as such (and therefore persist in ongoing hatred of each other)?
It is because they don’t think (or apply logic) about the group which they join – they are joined to a group, at birth, by default.
If I was born into a Unionist inheritance I am “taught” to hate Irish Republicans. I am taught to sing God Save the Queen. I am taught about the Great British Empire. I am not taught about the massive injustices that this Empire brought throughout the World (and continues to do so).
Uncle Bob said:
Britain itself has at least 5 million people of Irish descent that live there (probably with mixed marriages,that is a conservative figure).Most of them consider themselves today as “British”.So there is no real divide today as in the past. In Britain itself,the old Catholic-Protestant divide isn’t what it once was.”
And so the inheritance you previously referred to is as fickle as the wind…no permeance and ultimately no meaning. It’s purpose as a transient tool to be manipulated by those who are self-interested in maintaining division, bigotry and hatred (and for the gullible to acquiesce).
Uncle Bob said:
I’ve noticed there is a lot of hubris and hate in your attitude on here.”
I hate pride – can you point me at a link that exemplifies your statement?
Uncle Bob said:
“Would you care to share what past experiences have created that in you.Maybe even if we aren’t Dr Freud’s we might be able to understand you better.”
I don’t think i’m quite as old as you but i’m still old enough for such, continued slur, to have zero impact.
Talk sense (you often do and your knowledge of history is fascinating) and i’m bound to listen.
Uncle Bob and Anonymous, you can argue what you want, especially if it is well argued and we all can learn a lot about Irish History as is happening here, but, please, refrain from losing ways and be impolite to each other. I think that you can disagree and defend your position without losing respect. Thank you.
Hi Bob. We do get some problems sometimes, and given the generally fairly relaxed philosophy here, some commenters can get through who upset others. My suggestion is to refuse to answer them. If he is a troll, he’ll give up and go away. Your coming here should be pleasurable for everyone and that certainly and primarily includes you. If someone is distressing or irritating you – give them the cold shoulder. We’ll keep an eye open.
And Anonymous – I take it you know who you are. If you can’t have a conversation that is pleasant to both of you – which of course includes the other party – then please back off and don’t address them again. OK? Thanks. Mod. PS
Its not my purpose to argue.But this person seems to have a need to do that.He has the same “feel about him” that I see with hasbara agents.He even follows me from thread to thread to pick arguments.The hubris and hate “reeks” from him.But while he does try the normal disinformation and obfuscation tactics of hasbara he seems to skip entirely the message of posts while solely picking out side points.Its really a bit sad,he might benefit from professional help.
@mod EK “some commenters can get through who upset others.”
Which section of the moderation policy prohibits this?
In any case, thankyou for finally posting.
this is a discussion blog – heated argument can ensue.
That is sometimes a method to reveal the truth to another.
In this case I believe your argument is weak.
Please don’t refer me to Dr Freud (that is a sign of your own weakness).
Provide me with a strong argument and I can change my mind.
Quoting and discussing dictionary definitions further is absolutely fine by me.
I’d appreciate your response.
Thank you for the compliments,I appreciate it.BTW,the 3 meanings for Heritage come from the dictionary, they aren’t from me.So my only claim to them is to posting them. (On the other hand the historical posts are from my years of historical research .)
At one point, when she started with that issue of the “alpha male”, I thought that, though oppositional, she was in love with him…..
Until I noticed the contempt for Mr. Putin, rather than for his popularity, especially, for promoting the plebeian “street” culture that he’s been carrying through all his life.
Perhaps Mrs.Oksana Paskal was born somewhere different from Mr. Putin?
Then, she finds it strange that they, she and her associated, do not have support in Russia. Does she not realize that most people, not only in Russia but throughout the world, belongs to that “plebeian “street” culture”?
Is she not able to understand that this is one of the reasons, between many others, why the Russians identify themselves with Mr. Puitn and, as well, with Mr. Stalin?
I wonder what’s wrong with promoting the plebeian “street” culture, and even with being “rustic”.
Behold me that Mr. Khrushchev does not make me any grace, especially since his “secret speech”, shouted from the rooftops, against Stalin, but maybe if this man had any grace was his rusticity.
Although it seems that in a sporting way she recognizes the results of the surveys, including those of the conducted by herself, one can feel the contempt for her own countrymen/women, especially if they are plebeian, ie of “street culture” or are rustic, ie countryside people .
Seeing and reading Mrs.Oksana Paskal one wonders what she understands by culture and reachs not but to the conclusion that these people has nothing to do neither in Russia nor anywhere.
I love Putin.
But I knew a Russian couple who didn’t. They said people get picked up by the police for little reason. What Putin had to do with it they didn’t say.
I am a romantic idealist who likes heroes. Mine are Jesus, St. Francis, JFK, Shakespeare, Dylan and now Putin.
But for all I know, these idols could have shadows of unpleasantness or worse.
I was raised in a bubble and trained to be obedient and fearful. Having a hero is an escape for me.
On 60 minutes Putin was asked what he admired about America. He paused and said “creativity.”
So is Putin an artist at heart?
As an archetype, he evokes qualities I have long repressed.
Years ago I received a reposte: “The personal is the political.” Fits Putin to a T.
If my idealism ever comes crashing down around Putin, I will never believe he’s Ivan the Terrible, Tsar of all the Russians whose conquests largely made Russia the world’s biggest land mass.
I think any powerful leader needs opposition like Oksana. I don’t know about Obama.
Like flag waving, there’s danger in strong-man worship. It’s part and parcel of patriarchy which I consider enemy #1. Even in good patriarchs like Putin, if history judges him so. The jury is still out.
I’m glad the Saker presents the other side otherwise we’d have day without night.
The hyena frontpiece is problematic for me. Sure adults look like Ivan the Terrible but pups are cute. They’re very intelligent, social and skilled. The thing I love about them is that they are led by females.
Had a nice visit today with my ex. She got on my case briefly about being aloof with no real feelings. She’s right. I’m patriarchal to the core. I romanticize women but put real women down and quickly tire of them. But I’m slowly learning to appreciate the real her, an earth mother if their ever was one.
I shouldn’t say this but she reminded me of our marriage of eighteen years. Besides my patriarchy I wonder what went wrong. The fights were just symptoms. I think it was my sexual repression, the Catholic kind where I went all the way as a priest. In short, the problem was being too loose on my part and too tight on hers although she would not agree.
By way of wide generalization, patriarchy results from sex suppression followed by war exhibition. Maybe that’s why I follow the wars so compulsively.
My father was like a sphinx; my mother had the Irish gift of gab. I took after my father but here in the vineyard my mother rises within me like a phoenix. I guess it’s the safety factor and of course the love.
Hi Saker, that’s a great piece of writing…funny actually…no one to hate hoo…
Thanks for this, I will send it to my “\’living in the USA’ Russian friend. she’ll like it I think, because she left Russia in ’90’s and mistrusts Putin.
I think rule 101: Google results depend totally on geography and even on browser for same device. She may have been typing in the alpha motherland. I just typed alpha male, no pics of Putin at all.
– Shyaku.
Yes. And I suppose she is aware of this well-known fact.
Do you realize this article is written in Russian? Saker posted translation. She obviously didn’t type “alpha male”, but “альфа самец”. There is 3-2 pics with Putin on each page. Not that much, but they are indeed there. Actually not that popular meme, “alpha male” is rather a western term.
Dear Saker! I really, really would like to write a reply to this article…
***email Saker with this idea – modaa
Thanks for the post. The writer is described as a Putin hater, but does she say why she hates Putin?
Did she say what the oppositionists oppose, and why, and what they would prefer?
I must have missed something.
Or perhaps this is common knowledge.
Sorry I have forgotten who Khodorkovsky is.
Is that the youngish oligarch who was recently released from prison and whom Putin allowed to leave the country?
If so, seems like he should also be a Putin worshipper.
Katherine on November 04, 2015 · at 2:06 pm UTC
“Sorry I have forgotten who Khodorkovsky is“.
Khodorkovsky was boss of Yukos:
a crony of Yeltsin,with western capital i.e. Rotschild,he bought Yukos for pennies on the dollar,later evading taxes.
He, & Berezosky,
along with Gusinskiy
virtually ran Russia until V V Putin took over.
These three and 50,000 others raped and pillaged Russia, V V Putin took it back !!.
Berezovskiy died in London 2013.
Guzinsky lives in exile in Isreal.
Khodorkovsky anounced after release from prison, that he was going to run for president, Vladimir Vladimirovich asked “where ?”.
Khodorkovsky could not get a vote apart from Nalvany lovers.
I put “alpha male” into Google to see what she was talking about and there was not one photo of Putin that came up. Has Google taken them all out because of this article?
@Charlie Russell
Maybe Omega Man would be more apt? Especially his fight against albino mutants (‘
Only with a Russian – not Hollywood – ending :)
“I’ve got the feeling that the Russians are fully prepared and willing to lay down their lives for the President.” I live in Canada and have been following Duplicitous Behaviour by NATO all of my life…fortunately we just got rid of the Fascist Harper government and he is a Fascist make no mistake about it. Just to verify…science libraries…publicly funded have been destroyed… Russian’s know they are under attack and at war….from the Ukraine and all around them. They are for Putin because he is for Russia. Not vice-versa as this letter would have you believe. And thank God For the People of Russia. The whole world “knows what “they” have done why because half the world has had it done to them…the International Hegemon that is above the law. Glad to see that few in Russia fall for this nonesense.