• Yemen has never been a stable country, even prior to the Arab Spring.
• Currently the war is between the Houthis (supported by Iran) in the north against Hadi-loyalists (supported by Saudi-Arabia and co.) in the south and ISIL/AQAP in the east.
• The Arab Spring allowed Houthi Shias in the north of Yemen to mobilize just like the rest of the region.
• Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has always been active in Yemen. The attack on the USS Cole was by the Yemeni based Al-Qaeda. [Source]
• The Houthis have been fighting for some time, perhaps over a decade [Source]
• The lack of a coordinated government military has allowed Al-Qaeda to expand unhindered in the country.
• Things began to escalate much faster when the Houthis in a power grab captured Sana’a, the capital of Yemen and placing the president (Hadi at the time) under house arrest. [Source]
• Hadi managed to escape a month later to Aden, establishing it as a temporary capital and asking Saudi-Arabia to increase its support against the Houthis.
• ISIL has been spotted in Yemen. ISIL is hostile to both Houthi and Hadi loyalists (although when things were chummy with Saudi Arabia it only said it was going to fight the Shia Houthis). [Source]
• Saudi-Arabia is leading a coalition comprising of nine Arab League states (Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Sudan, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Somalia) against the Houthis in Yemen.
• Iran did seize on the Houthi mobilization, being Shia and so close to Saudi Arabia, to open up a fourth front in the Iran-Saudi Arabia proxy wars, the other three being Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. [Source]
• Iran has provided trainers and advisors in small numbers which has help the Houthis augment their tactics in guerrilla mountain warfare.
• The territory shared between Saudi-Arabia and Yemen where the Houthis reside is a desert mountainous area making it perfect for guerilla warfare.
• The Houthis have been able to inflict heavy causalities on Saudi ground forces [Source]
• Saudi-Arabia and friends have been consistently bombing targets inside Yemen. The country is approaching collapse.
• The US has primarily kept quiet about the Yemen campaign, Saudi Arabia along with Israel receive this cover when it comes to civilian massacres, which is what Yemen is right now.
• This is not the first time an Arab power has been deployed on the ground and in the air over Yemen; back then however David Sterling (founder of the British SAS) was running the show against the Egyptians [Source]
• Houthi forces, with probable technical assistance from Iranian advisors or Yemeni Republican Guard forces, have fired SCUDS into Saudi Arabia bringing the conflict to a new level of severity. [Source]
• Cross border raids have been common between both Saudi Arabia and Houthi fighters [Source]
• Although hard to confirm but it seems that the Houthis have also fired two anti-ship missiles at Saudi vessels, sinking one. [Source]
• The old Yemeni Republican Guard, one of the better trained units in Yemen, have sided with the Houthis as many are in support of the old president Saleh.
• Saleh was supposed to step down in favor of Hadi in 2011. This agreement was brokered by Saudi Arabia. Saleh refused to sign the papers at the last minute. Just over a week later bombs are set off in a mosque where he and members of his government were praying. Saleh survived with burns on 40% of his body after extensive treatment in Saudi Arabia. Saleh signed the agreement months later [Source]
• It’s unsure who committed the bombings of the mosque but fingers have pointed to Saudi intelligence as well as the Houthis.
• Saleh, as ex-president of Yemen, has pledged his allegiance to the Houthis after the Arab Coalition struck his residence feeling he has been abandoned by the Arab League [Source]
• Iran, under the guise of anti-piracy exercises, have managed to deploy a small number of heavy weapons, IRGC advisors (perhaps 10-12 men at most), and lots of hard US cash. [Source]
• Humanitarian vessels continuously provide the people of Yemen with aid, a significant number have been sent by Iran. [Source]
• Right now Qatar and the UAE are shuttling in ISIL fighters into Yemen, getting them out of Syria and from Russian air strikes. [Source]
• It could be a strategy to try to grind up these fanatics against the Houthis, getting rid of two problems.
• ISIL currently outshines AQAP and it won’t be long before it steals more and more AQAP members. ISIL has an allure to jihadists of other factions. [Source]
• Al-Shahaab (Somalian Al-Qaeda) has deployed fighters into Yemen to fight alongside AQAP for more than five years. [Source]
• An ongoing crackdown campaign by Egyptian military against Islamists in the Sinai Peninsula.
• The Islamists consist of Al-Qaeda, Islamic State-affiliated groups, Gaza-based Islamists, Muslim Brotherhood, and Bedouin tribes.
• Islamist attacks have grown more sophisticated. Once their tactics revolved around hit-and-run attacks, roadside explosives, bombing of government buildings, kidnapping, assassinations, attacks on foreign tourists and other guerilla warfare techniques.
• These attacks grew when Morsi was ousted out of power in a coup one year into their leadership. In a sense a strongman has returned to power in Egypt, democracy has died and the people in Egypt have lost faith in it due to low turn outs [Source]
• The most sophisticated attack yet is an ISIL-affiliated group which fired an anti-ship missile at an Egyptian cruiser off the Mediterranean coast. [Source]
• This missile most probably came from Libya.
• Egypt has already flooded many tunnels that lead from Gaza to the Sinai and has created a buffer zone around the area in response to the Islamist support from Gaza to Islamists in Egypt. [Source]
• The Egyptian military has essentially adopted a ‘scorched earth’ strategy by destroying villages and towns found sympathetic to Islamists inside the Sinai. [Source]
• Israel approves Egyptian action and has even temporarily waiving certain stipulations as per the 1979 Camp David Peace Accords which prohibits Egypt from deploying significant forces inside the Sinai. [Source]
• The waiver has allowed the Egyptian military to increase its presence significantly in the Sinai with heavy tanks, attack helicopters, and airstrikes.
• As part of the campaign the government punishes anyone who opposes the official story.
• The current quasi-military-junta in Egypt has openly attacked pro-Morsi rallies, international journalists, and has even gone so far as to imprison and even kill opposition political members. [Source] [Source]
• The Islamists are currently trying to keep their heads down while recruiting new people. The Sinai is relatively underdeveloped compared to other parts of Egypt and therefore does not have major urban centers like Iraq. Having mostly desert terrain a guerilla campaign is much harder on the highly armed and numerical superior Egyptian military.
• These Islamists know that they can put extreme pressure on the Egyptian military by attacking tourists, commercial interests such as industrial areas, and assassinations of politicians.
• The Egyptian people are very susceptible to shock-tactics such as those seen by ISIL against the Iraqi military in Mosul. Should a major move by ISIL be taken in this theatre it would most definitely be along similar lines of first spreading a terror campaign then assaulting key towns and cities.
• ISIL will focus on recruiting insiders (sleeper agents) in the Egyptian military. This is a long process but will be the critical aspect which will impact the success of a massive ISIL attack.
• Currently the Islamists inside Egypt (Muslim Brotherhood, ISIL, etc.) are in disagreement to what Egypt means to them. For ISIL-affiliates Egypt is just another province for the Caliphate. That alarms Egyptian-Islamists who still have a sense of nationalism in them.
• The war in Libya is direct fallout from NATO intervention which used operation creep to include bombing Gaddafi forces during the Arab Spring uprising of Libyans.
• Gaddafi may have been a bit off but he had created some of the most influential infrastructure projects in the entire region. [Source]
• Libya right now is considered the most promising province for ISIL after Syria-Iraq. [Source]
• The civil/proxy war now is majorly between CIA strongman Khalifa Haftar government against the old government which refused to step down due to the low turn outs of voters and the security situation that prevent voters from going to the polls [Source] [Source]
• Low voter turnout due to security issues created a landslide victory of Khalifa Haftars party which forced Islamist members of the Libyan congress to reject the ballot.
• Khalifa Haftars government, the Council of Deputies, is based in Tobruk, while the opposing group, the New National Congress, consisting of primarily Libyan Muslim Brotherhood members and other Islamists, is based in Tripoli.
• The CIA-strongman Tobruk government is supported by Egypt and the UAE, while the Tripoli Islamist government is supported by Qatar, Turkey, and Sudan. [Source] [Source]
• The support for Tobruk comes in the form of airstrikes and Special Forces, the support for Tripoli comes in the form of financing and weapon transfers.
• ISIL is also very prominent in Libya, which holds a small but significant coastal area. [Source]
• What the map doesn’t show you is ISIL has a significant number of fighters and sympathizers in Benghazi, which was under ISIL control until an operation in 2014. However once ISIL captures a town with a civilian population it’s hard to distinguish who and who isn’t an ISIL sympathizer and potential sleeper agent. [Source]
• Other militias are involved protecting their respective interests such as the Tuareg militias in the south-west and family tribes inside the territory of both major opposition groups.
• Almost all belligerents have kept ISIL in check but has not stemmed the heavy recruiting seen amongst young Libyans.
• ISIL sees Libya as another territory which can easily provide financing, resources, and hoards of weaponry. Actually Libya is the most promising ISIL province outside of Syria and Iraq.
• The fighting in Libya is generally very gang-oriented. Fighting is not continuous in which combat is seen daily. There are large moments of lulls in violence. Offensives are very taxing in general.
• Professional military units in Libya are very few with the majority in the hands of the Council of Deputies which has extended its term beyond October 2015.
• Egypt has also been drawn into the conflict since the kidnap and beheading of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians in Libya by ISIL [Source]
• Egypt retaliated with airstrikes inside Libya, supported by the UAE. Special Forces may be deployed inside Libya currently as an extended operation against Islamist support from Libya to Egypt by the Muslim Brotherhood.
• Israel currently has its hands full with a potential third Palestinian intifada fueled by increased Israeli raids on the Al-Aqsa mosque.
• Palestinian stabbings and car-ramming countered by increased Israeli security deployment.
• The PR from this engagement has been plentiful [Source]
• Israelis are so on edge they’ve accidentally killed each other. [Source]
• There are plans to place security cameras inside the Al-Aqsa mosques with Jordan. [Source]
• Palestinian Authority however sees the move as provocative and a trap.
• Voices for the Israeli right are demanding Israel take over the mosque. [Source]
• A Palestinian-Israeli paraglided into the Golan Heights to join up with the rebels. [Source]
• I add this because it made me wonder if modern radar can pick up groups of armed men in gliders, would organizations like Hezbollah need tunnels if they can glide low at night into Israel from the Golan Heights?
• The concept of using gliders and light airplanes has been explored by NATO to deploy Rapid Reaction infantry armed with ATGMs in a defense-in-depth paradigm during the Cold War. Their gliders were meant to carry two men, an ATGM launcher and 2-4 rockets and were powered by a motor. The teams would be dispersed by the hundreds through an area about to be overrun by Soviet tanks. They would land and set up their equipment for any incoming armor. Similar to this [Source]
• Israel has a direct military hotline to Russia, as Russia has been striking closer to the Golan Heights with no Israeli reaction it would seem that Israel is informed of anything that might concern it.
• So far Israel has not taken on any overt military actions against Hezbollah or Iranian forces in Syria.
• It was revealed the Israel at one point had asked the US for hardware to strike Iranian nuclear facilities in a commando raid. [Source]
Egypt is anywhere from 10-20% Christian (depending on whose figures you believe).And one of the bigger supports for the Sisi coup was the support of the Christians there.So that is one section of the population that should be 100% pro-Egyptian government if ISIS does attack Egypt.
My condolences to Russia and all the families of those who lost loved one’s in the airline crash in Egypt. I think the Russian newsfeeds will have the most accurate information. The black boxes have been found and let’s wait and see.
Unlike MH17 – the Russians will get to the bottom of this. The Egyptians need to let the Russians have access.
Per Der Spiegel:
The Egyptian Govt has excluded the possibility that the crash was caused by an attack by IS. “The crash took place in a mountainous area. Doctors have reached the site and are recovering the victims, with the help of the Egyptian Army,” said an official. According to him, the cause of the crash is a technical failure. The two black boxes have been found; they should provide a reliable explanatoin as to what happened.
Russian and Egyptian authorities are cooperating on the investigation of the cause of the crash. The flight recorder and teh voice recorder are to be evalutaed in Moscow.
. . .
The russian Govt is has sent a team of five specilaist to help with the recovery operation.
. . .
The Egyptian govt excludes the possibility of an IS attack. No ‘irregular activities” were picked up before the crash. Just prior the terror militia IS claimed on Twitter that it had shot down the plane. This claim was received with extreme scepticism by authorities. ” The russian transport minister, Maxim Sokolow, told the agency Interfax: “According to all the data that have been made available to us by the Egyptian authorities, such claims are not credible.”
. . .
The article notes, further, that Russian tourists are very important to the Egyptian tourist economy, esp. since nowadays fewer Western tourists want to go there because of the unstable conditions in the ME.
Thank you, Katherine
Please, check my twitter account for updating information on #KGL9268 plane crash in Egypt.
Quite a “charmer ” is Hrishyn Pavlo.I would like to see him have a “talk” with the FSB.
A bomb placed on board by Daash, ie the West, seems very likely. WW3 just moved demonstrably closer.
another brave Russian thing…would who go to Egypt now for a holiday and fly back over ISIL held territory ?
I don’t even get on a plane to go to somewhere else in my own country…Planes…the searches you have to go through to get on one…the price….the ‘being away from home’ etc etc…
Sorry for all these needless deaths, and sorry for Putin’s popularity…I wonder if the Russian publc will want more Takfiri blood for this, or Putin’s … ?
While it may well be an accident.If its not,that might be one reason they are saying it is.As to the tourists,remember EU tourist’s flocked to Tunisia.And look what happened there to them.I’m not sure a lot of tourists follow the news like we do.Sometimes they don’t realize how dangerous it can be to go some places.US tourists go to Mexico all the time.And yet the drug gang killings are rampant along the border.But they seem to not think “they could get me”.
“While it may well be an accident.If its not,that might be one reason they are saying it is.”
There’s no more reason to assume (at our level) we will be told any more truth (by anyone) about this than what actually occurred with MH17.
By killing 224 Russians in air would be a good warning from the US-Israel-ISIS to stay the hell out of Syria.
Russians are not known for taking warnings “like that” well.They usually strike back doubly on you for that.And don’t stop until they finish you off.
Why would they want Putin’s blood?
Things are more complicated.
Some would say 10% of Egypt is completely pro Israel.
Very doubtful.Some may be neutral on Israel.But “pro-Israel”,unless they personally benefit from being,its doubtful.Now,there were some Black South Africans that supported the White apartheid government.But those were ones that made a living from doing that.
US bioweapons labs, billions in research is a ‘real problem’ – Russian security chief
“There are also other problems, such as the production of military oriented biological weapons and the very large funding allocated to this,” Patrushev said. “This is tens of billions of dollars. Additionally, the number of laboratories under US jurisdiction or control has increased 20 times.”
What is more worrying is that some of such laboratories “operated and operate” on CIS soil, said Patrushev.”
Anon 4:30 was me.
US biowarfare research has been gigantic for decades. The Pentagon used to send expeditions into Africa and South American prospecting for useful zoonoses to be weaponised. The way in which Ebola had ‘mutated’ in the recent West African outbreak, and like all viruses, never leaves its host and keeps on debilitating its victims in numerous ways, may have been ‘natural’, but it might not be. Of course one of its great coups was in obtaining the ‘research’ material of the infamous Japanese Unit 731, obtained through vivisection of human victims, including children, in return for total amnesty for the monsters in charge, led by Shiro Ishii.
Covered a lot of ground there JR.
Hadi. What was his term of office? From what I had read Hadi was head of a transitional government after Saleh was forced to step down, but Hadi’s term had expired.
The other thing I noticed about Yemen when Houthis took over, nobody was beheaded ect. Hadi was under house arrest which seems quite benign for that part of the world and UN was involved in talks for an inclusive government.
Interesting sitrep. Thanks very much.
Russian liner crashed in Egypt. 212 people. no details yet. RT PressTV
Crashed in central sinai……
The Airbus A-321 had just left the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, bound for the Russian city of St Petersburg.
Wreckage of the plane has been found in the Hassana area and bodies removed. An official described a “tragic scene”.
Flight KGL9268 disappeared from radar screens when travelling at 9,500m (31,000ft), Egyptian officials said.
Egyptian officials said all the passengers were Russian.
“Palestinian stabbings and car-ramming countered by increased Israeli security deployment.”
The whole stabbings nonsense is yet another demented Mossad psy-operation. Not half as clever as the planners believe.
PRO: Israel remains in the headlines, thank goodness!
CON: Will only accelerate Israel’s downward spiral into oblivion.
I think I would have switched around those pro and con labels on the last 2 sentences in your comment. ;D
Saudi’s declare jihad against Russia. US says there will be consequences.
Russian passenger plane goes down over Sinai.
Egypt has been having problems with ISIS in Sinai.
Probably not.
We will have to wait for more information to come to us though.
Maybe? RT says the Airport Control reported the pilot saying they had engine trouble and needed to land the plane.If it was attacked he probably would have said so.But of course its way too early for real confirmed information.Either way its a horrible tragedy.
And that report about the pilot turned out to be disinfo (as I’m sure you now know, Bob), a trade-mark confusion tactic. I small Mossad, myself.
ISIS can’t shoot down planes at 30,000 feet. Even the neocons are not crazy enough to let them have that kind of armament. The ‘rebels’ were allowed to have Gaddaffi’s arsenal of 20,000 Stingers, though.
Salam John Rambo,
“Iran did seize on the Houthi mobilization, being Shia and so close to Saudi Arabia, to open up a fourth front in the Iran-Saudi Arabia proxy wars, the other three being Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. [Source]”
The source on above is Asharq Al-Awsat. Do you work for MSN?
Best regards,
Salam John Rambo,
Iran did seize on the Houthi mobilization, being Shia and so close to Saudi Arabia, to open up a fourth front in the Iran-Saudi Arabia proxy wars, the other three being Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. [Source]
I don’t know why you are demeaning Iran above by quoting Saudi Source. In your other post you have also demeaned my country Oman.
Your Source for the above is, “Asharq Al-Awsat”. This is what Wikipedia says about Asharq Al-Awsat:
The New York Times in 2005 called Asharq Al-Awsat “one of the oldest and most influential in the region”. Although published under the name of a private company, the Saudi Research and Marketing Group, the paper was founded with the approval of the Saudi royal family and government ministers, and is noted for its support of the Saudi government. The newspaper is owned by Faisal bin Salman, a member of the Saudi royal family.
Do you work for MSN?
Best regards,
Ahhh! Now I understand why you’re such a nice guy: you’re Omani.
Dear Mohamed,
Indians (Hindu, Muslim or Christians) love Omanis. Omanis have a really good reputation for being kind, moderate, spiritual and reasonable. Please show your usual kindheartedness and cut John Rambo some slack, he does a great job (for free) and brings us what he believes to be true, he, like any of us, can make mistakes and that shouldn’t be construed as deliberate insults. I can’t imagine anyone working on this site would deliberately insult neutral countries. It’s great that you’ve pointed out that some of sources John used have inadvertently turned out to be Saudi owned MSM, if you’re not an Arabic speaker and familiar with Arabic media landscape its natural to make a mistake.
Oman has a very good reputation in India and the middle east as being peaceful, honest and even-handed. Which is why, even those of us familiar with the GCC didn’t realize/associate Oman with GCC. When i hear GCC i think: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain (members of GCC have a terrible record in terms of supporting Western policies as well as sponsoring terrorism). While Oman does not do these things. Please educate us about your country both culturally and geopolitically (when you have a chance).
Btw Mohamed, this is important:
224 innocent people lost their lives today in that Russian airlines crash in the Sinai.
Let’s pray for them and their grieving families.
I know we’re hearing that it was an accident. The Russian media and govt are presenting it as such. Some people here may suspect Saudi/Anglo- sponsored terrorists, some have alluded to it here. I think, for argument sake, even it happened due to foul-play from terrorists it makes sense to deny the terrorists the satisfaction of publicly acknowledging their role and thwarting their attempts to force a reaction from Russia.
I’m going to stick with the official assessments from Russia, no matter what my internal misgivings.
Salam Espelho,
Yes, our hearts go to those who lost the loved ones. And, we should stick to official Russian version for the sake of those who lost the loved ones and are left behind to pick up the pieces.
Thanks for your kind words about Oman and Omanis. Hindus and Hindustan is a very, very ancient civilization much, much older than ……. And, no one should forget that.
I guess I am calmer today, as we in the GCC don’t like the sectarian fires, which are being flamed as an excuse for our national and citizenship rights. In Oman the Shia are only 2%, maybe less. But we have a very benevolent and wise King who loves his people and has given them all the rights as citizens to all groups, religions, sects and so forth.
I hope that John Rambo should not give himself again to sectarianism. I am sure that you being from India, still remember the wounds about, “Cows”. Divide and Rule is what Satan does.
My predictions for future:
1. There will be peace in Levant soon, not just Syria.
2. GCC is six countries, but soon it will include Yemen and Iran.
The people of Middle East are rejecting sectarianism, and ISIS is god send. Mr. Obama is a man of his words.
Best regards,
Don’t take offense buddy. It’s just me trying to find English sources. You have to understand that finding ONLINE sources to rumors and gossip on the street is hard. Harder still is finding sources to things that are implicitly known but the media refuses to talk about.
For example trying to find English sources about Iranian military affairs is one of the more harder things to do. Although Iranians have very well-articulated blogs, especially on Blogger (google owned, example of one Iranian blog I like to use for military updates: ) but even then it’s really hard to find sources for controversial topics.
So I do what I can with what I have.
As for your claim about the people of the Middle East rejecting sectarianism perhaps that’s true, but the Saudi leaders are definitely pushing a sectarian agenda. It’s not lost on me that in the 80s the Arab world barely distinguished Shia and Sunni, this was especially true in almost ALL GCC countries (including Kuwait and Saudi Arabia). The shift today is clearly some sort of agenda to maintain power.
If anything I suspect Saudi Arabia is trying to make the Shias into the enemy to shift focus away from domestic issues. Considering Israel is now off the table thanks to the American-Israeli-Saudi Alliance
So when I say Iran opens up a fourth front it isn’t due to sectarian reasons, it is completely strategic in nature. Having Saudi Arabia occupied in Yemen would be an excellent counter move to all the messing around Saudi Arabia has done in Iraq and Syria.
As for Omans GCC membership, perhaps your king should drop the organization for its overt sectarian agenda. Considering the man has no heirs (and never will) he has very little to worry about in terms of securing his throne for his family.
I wish I worked for Mainstream News. I’d actually be getting paid for this =D I’d probably also be fired on day 1.
Salam John Rambo,
“It’s not lost on me that in the 80s the Arab world barely distinguished Shia and Sunni, this was especially true in almost ALL GCC countries (including Kuwait and Saudi Arabia). The shift today is clearly some sort of agenda to maintain power.”
No buddy, I have not taken any offense. Your are right with your above comment, and since the 80s till today, it is been very short time.
Sectarianism causes deaths and destruction. In my humble opinion, it is better not to flame the fires of sectarianism.
Best regards,
Salam John Rambo,
Here is the result of sectarianism as recent as 26 June, 2015.
2015 Kuwait mosque bombing
And, to quote:
“A suicide bombing took place on 26 June 2015 at a Shia mosque in Kuwait. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant claimed responsibility for the attack. Kuwait’s Emir arrived at the location of the incident a few hours after the bombing. Twenty-seven people were killed and 227 people were wounded.”
Best regards,
“Confirmed: a Russian airliner with 224 people on board crashes in Egypt”
It seems that they came from their holiday in Sharm el Sheikh.
My condolences to the entire Russian nation and the families of the deceased.
Now, please, calm down.
“Moscow warns against using incorrect information about situation with Russian plane”
Plane was leased from an Irish Company, AerCap, and is 18 years old
In 2001 it suffered a “tail strike” while landing in Cairo in Middle East airlines livery and which required extensive repairs.
You can be sure this history will be extensively looked at though the ISIS claim is what fascinates the media at this point
I thought it was Irish ok, as its reg no was Echo India (EI-ETJ). Ireland is a major centre for aircraft leasing.
The tragic JAL jumbo crash in which 520 died, after a rear bulkhead failed, some years after a tail bump incident, took a while to bring the plane down. The Russian plane broke up very quickly, which means a bomb, I would say. The vermin MSM here are actually trying very hard to blame Putin for the atrocity, or suggest that he will be held responsible by the Russians because of his ‘adventurism’ in Syria, but these are, after all, just about the vilest scum known to man.
ISIS has put out a statement claiming to have shot down the Russian Plane.
There is also a link to a video in the comments under the screen shot of the ISIS statement.
The video appears to be a large passenger plane being shot down.
Link to video here
RT video of wreckage
So a US proxy shoots down a Russian passenger jet.. ALA Ukraine style.. Except this time, carter made the biggest make of his life with the treat that Russia can expect terrorist action on Russian targets.. Only someone high up the chain in the US command or CIA can authorize this.. Which also means Russian TU22M’s are warming up. I think the US just upped the ante for Russian ground forces and a massive escalation in Syria.. In 6 months when the cease fire comes into play, IS wont exist as an entity..
All of that is going to happen anyway. Putin said no terrorists would be returning home. They are just getting started and need to free up the kweris airport. Should be done by the end of the week.
Don’t go overboard. Jihadists always take responsibility for things like this, except the ONE time when OBL denied that he did 9/11. That was unusual.
Planes can be sabotaged. Doesn’t have to be shot down.
The circumstances of location, motivation, opportunity and purpose conjoin.
It makes air traffic to and from Egypt (ISIS target) problematic.
Cripples tourism from a nation that travels (Russia).
Hurts AirBus and nations around that industry.
Feeds the ISIS recruiting agenda at an important time.
All coincidence.
Important event in the history of the region and the dynamics between Egypt and Russia.
It has been said here by someone that Egypt and Libya would be the next places Russia moved into after Syria and Iraq. Looks like that was a good guess.
Every airline crash expert says the cruising altitude should have given them plenty of time to know what was happening. The radar path was vertical descent. Yet the passengers are found strapped in? Some around 3 km radius?
Sounds like all these early reports are partial, inaccurate, both or deliberately misleading.
What matters now is this time the Russians will be in on the investigation.
Prayers to the families of the victims of this tragedy.
The human race is in a war with Satanic proxies.
Israel wants to join the EEU and is on a fast track and said they wont oppose anything Russia does in Syria.. Which also includes the pipeline Israel will use to sell gas to Europe via turkey.
So now Jordan and Israel are out of the terrorism business.. I think Turkey is now afraid.. vewy vewy afraid.. IS being a nato proxy under direct control of Turkey blew up a Russian passenger jet.. I turkey does not drop support for IS, I fully expect Putin to cancel the Turkish gas pipeline. Not only cancel the new one but place restrictions on the one already there. We might even see a a join Egyptian/Russia joint terrorism center setup like in Jordan.. Which would essentially mean the rest of the GCC would not mean little to nothing at all..
Salam mmiriww,
Like I earlier about 2 weeks ago, that Russia will be back in Egypt.
Best regards,
I believe they have contracts for multiple nuclear energy facilities….meaning they are already back.
Even with the command centre located in Iraq perhaps it is my impatience but I see that area as the weak link in this affair…..They should expel the American forces with prejudice as they have every reason to and formally invite the Russian’s in. The hand was open….the request never came. And then a no fly zone over the entire area until the terrorists are exterminated and Peace for the Middle East the Global Agenda. Maybe if there is a Santa Claus eh?
Israel sure know who is one to suck on at any time. Recently years, Israel has been having a one sided love affair with China, and hoping China will take over being sugar dad for them when US gone down hill. Now it figures out Russia can actually put it on notice, and US can not do much, so, it instantly suck up to Russia/EEU.
Nothing new, and everything working as expectly. I am sure EEU/Russia know the drill as well.
I imagine The Chinese will treat the Israelis like everybody else, which won’t please the ‘Gods Upon the Earth’, who are used to groveling obeisance. There won’t be a ‘Chinese Zionist’ Fifth Column either, so I’d advise China not to trust the ‘aristocrats of humanity’, more than is absolutely required.
“Strange things have happened, like never before
I can’t be good no more, like I did before
Honey, because the world’s gone wrong.” BD
This may appear to be off topic but consider it as over-topic. You know, the big picture, the root problem and the real meaning, qualified of course by IMO.
War all over the place; on the ground, under the water, in the air and within myself. It wasn’t always this way. War as we know it was unknown according to archeology as recently as a few millenia ago.
Long ago came the Fall of Man and Paradise Lost. Patriarchy began its killing campaign, starting with animals and leading to the war against womem. (I distinguish womam from woman and womem from women).
In the aboriginal love culture, womem governed with love. In the patriarchal kill culture, men ruled with power.
In short, “killerarchy” is in the final stages of destroying “loverarchy.”
That’s the short version of the Plan of Man. It has a million and one sub-plots, a major one is Being and God, philosophy and theology.
In the beginning, Womam was worshipped. This is proven by archeology, biology, ancient texts, gene studies, history, individual experience and common sense.
Then came the worship of God, Man and God-men which supplanted the worship of Womam. Note, Womam as such, not individual womem, much less woMEN like Nuland and Albright who thought the death of a half million children was worth it. She only stupidly confessed the elite opinion of the Patrix Empire from a male-woman’s point of view.
To wrap up, Womam as such and per se, according to Nature’s Way is solely worthy of worship. Man, God, Money, Power, Patriarchy, the Patrix and all its minions are false idols and ideologies.
We need to put that in our collective pipe and smoke it. Then put the pipe dreams away, clear the smokescreens and think about causes, not just symptoms like war.
More at
Dear Dennis,
In Islam Adam didn’t blame the woman. Neither did Adam committed any sin and/or blasphemy. He was told not to approach the tree. The tree didn’t have any significance, it was God’s Command. So, big deal, every day we defy God’s Command.
Since they both used their free will, God told the children without mom and dad, you are now grown up and so you are able now to take care of yourselves.
No biggie!
“the tree with apple” represent a human mind. Adam choose free will, apple (not iPhone!), rule of mind. as far Adam goes with mind, he is farther from heaven and God. because human mind is to insignificant compared to “heaven” (God auspice). and it brings almost allways only suspicion, distrust, destruction and killings. that comes from mind exclusively. from love comes arts, life, everything we see alive. that comes from God. of course, when we allow that. certainly we have to use mind to survive. but sometimes we like to “kill” mind by drugs and alcohol and cigars. sometimes is nice to escape from gray fellow. anway;
each phrase in holly books are shaped and have double meanings for those who “have eyes” and can hear and can easy recognize truth in texts. and for others, simple people, who maybe does not understand, but that keeps them under some lightly fear to not do bad things in life.
Salam Sanjin,
Remember, supposedly Mohammad got all his stories wrong. Or it could be those “Cow Worshipers” who came out of the Egypt got their stories wrong. They still don’t know what Monotheism mean.
Talking about double meanings, or seven meanings as the Shia believe. Remember, Jacob wrestled with Elohim and Elohim got happy with him and called him, “The ever lasting God”.
Do a Google on:
yetzer hara and yetzer hatov
yetzer ra and yetzer tov, without the “ha”.
When you translate (transliterate) the holly books, you loose the double and/or seven meanings.
The Semitic word, “Jannah” doesn’t mean heaven it means, “garden”. The garden was on earth.
Best regards,
Re. today’s Russian airliner crash in Sinai ):
“… Sinai has an active militant network, and on Saturday afternoon, jihadis allied to the so-called Islamic State made a claim on social media that they brought down flight KGL9268.
But Russian Transport Minister Maksim Sokolov told Interfax news agency that “such reports cannot be considered true”. No evidence had been seen that indicated the plane was targeted, he said. …”
(Who knows?…)
– The Russian Transport Ministry refuted information the Airbus A321 had been shot down by terrorists as “unreliable.”
“Now, different media report… that a Russian passenger airliner on a flight from Sharm El-Sheikh to St. Petersburg has been allegedly shot down by an anti-aircraft missile fired by terrorists. This information cannot be regarded as reliable,” said Russian Transport Minister Maksim Sokolov.
“We are in close contact with our Egyptian colleagues and aviation authorities. They currently have no information that could confirm such allegations,” he added.
– The pilot of the crashed plane did not address flight operations officers at Sharm El-Sheikh International Airport before the catastrophe, said the Egyptian civil aviation minister Hossam Kamal.
“Communication between flight operations officers and [the] Russian aircraft was carried out in normal way up to the moment of the catastrophe,” he said at a press-conference in Cairo, stressing that the pilot had not asked for help and the plane “suddenly” disappeared.
From what I have seen on YouTube, an account has been suspended since, my first impression was that it looks like a bomb would explode somewhere in the first third part of a plane.
Yes, that Youtube account has been suspended.
The moderator inexplicably deleted the link to the source article I supplied – and transformed it into – a smiley (!)… Here is the original first line of my post:
Re. today’s Russian airliner crash in Sinai ( ):
It is always important to have the link to any text that is quoted, regardless of whether you like or dislike the source.
We come here for truth. NOT the msn censored edition.
Regarding the Russian plane tragedy
Yandex-translated with some (hastily made) corrections. Please feel free to edit and re-post if you find it worthwhile.
Breaking news: Egyptian security services found MANPADS in one of ISIS’s secret warehouses
Vilayat Sinai is an extremist Islamist militant group in the Sinai Peninsula, which swore allegiance to the Islamic state. The group is very efficient and organized and with steady increasing abilities, according to the Israeli military intelligence ((Agaf HaModi’in or Aman in short).
Until recently, everybody was trying to figure out who is behind this group and who created it. Because of its high secrecy, conspiracy and high professionalism, it has proved to be extremely elusive.
Until it was discovered just a few days ago that the bloody show in Sinai has actually worked under the direct command of al Baghdadi and operated with the help of American mercenaries. These mercenaries are the instructors and advisers of the Vilayat Sinai group and were virtually unknown, prior to a few days ago when four of them crossed the border into Israel near Eilat via the Taba checkpoint.
A routine check by Israeli border guards revealed that all the mercenaries were, and still are, working for a major military company called Triple Canopy or Constellis Group.
The Israelis sent a request to the Egyptians for information on what the American citizens are doing in Egypt. It turned out that no one in Egypt knew about their arrival in the country.
After clarification of these curious details, the Mukhabarat (Egyptian intelligence service) did a double-take on this issue and found that 16 citizens of the USA have received “work permits” through the company associated with the organization of the Muslim Brotherhood and former President Mohamed Morsi.
When the Egyptian Operative group 77 (Anti-terror division) broke into the warehouse and other premises of the company, they found a bunch of Stingers of American origin together with the Russian wearable ATGM 9K115-2 Metis-M and 9K38 Igla MANPADS, as well as missiles for the SAM (Arrow SA 9, SA 13 and SA), which in Russia is referred to as the 9K31 Strela-1 (NATO classification SA-9 Gaskin), 9K34 Strela-3 (NATO classification SA-14 Gremlin) and 9K35 Strela-10 (NATO classification SA-13 Gopher).
The following explosives were also discovered: Semtex, C-4 and a total of 1.5 tons of octanitrocubane.
Just a few days ago the Egyptian authorities have carried out a raid during which they found missiles with serial numbers (of course). Coincidently, it suddenly became known that the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (CMU) has terminated an agreement with the Russian Federation on the exchange of information about man-portable air defence systems (MANPADS) in case of exporting (or importing) them to third party countries. This information was posted on 30 October on the website of the government of Ukraine ( (30.10.2015)
…Кабинет министров также поручил Министерству иностранных дел Украины сообщить о расторжении соответствующего соглашения правительству Российской Федерации.Соглашение предполагало обмен информацией о переносных зенитных ракетных комплексах типа «Игла» и «Стрела». Стороны подписали договор 22 мая 2009 в года в Киеве.
The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 857 was accepted on October 28, according to the information on the government portal from October 30. It seems that the rush in the termination of the agreement may be linked to the unexpected finding of the Egyptian authorities, especially because the Triple Canopy and Contellis Group operate freely on the territory of Ukraine from the time of the coup. The terrorists were caught with the missiles but the resolution of concealing information about the sale, precisely such missiles to third party countries, was immediately made by the government of Ukraine.
In the warehouse the soldiers of the Egyptian anti-terror group also found a lot of tourist brochures advertising a company called MetroJet (legal name of LLC “Airline “Kogalymavia””). They thought that the mercenaries had planned to go somewhere.
In correspondence Andrei Sentsov in the transmission of Central Television on NTV 19:15 on the causes of the fall of the Russian plane suggested that, perhaps, the terrorists got a hold of weapons that can shoot down planes. Such weapons indeed fell into their hands; this fact has been established by the Egyptian authorities.
In light of the information that the terrorists of ISIS took responsibility for the downed plane, there seems to be good reasoning to check this version.
So far the picture of the crash looks like the Russian plane was shot down by a Stinger. However, there is a reasonable suspicion that it was a shot of one of the more modern anti-aircraft missile complexes, which, apparently were provided to ISIS by American contractors. The reasons for this have not been clearly established yet. The investigation will make the final conclusions, but hopefully the discovery by the Egyptian intelligence services of the fact that the terrorists have weapons capable of shooting down planes, will be closely examined during the process of this investigation.
Supplying ISIS with modern weapons suggests that the U.S., acting under pressure, demonstrates its “loyalty” to al Baghdadi, who probably has incriminating material on someone in Washington.
The U.S. government can’t say NO to the ISIS terrorists.
A good illustration of the mysterious ‘attachment’ of the U.S. officials to ISIS is the hastiness with which the U.S. military trainers were deployed in Syria under the pretext of “assistance to the opposition”.
@Ya: “Supplying ISIS with modern weapons suggests that the U.S., acting under pressure, demonstrates its “loyalty” to al Baghdadi, who probably has incriminating material on someone in Washington.”
My thought too, also in connection with the Vienna outcome.
NSA/Blackmail pressure on someone?
The problem is that we may never know the truth.If your post is true,then are Russia and Egypt covering it up? If the US is involved the truth exposed would almost be certain to lead to war.And Russia doesn’t want war.Egypt depends on tourism,and they don’t want it thought terrorists can shoot down tourist planes in their country.So both Russia and Egypt would have important reasons not to expose the truth.But what that would mean is US targets are open season for revenge all over the World.I don’t know.I suspect it was an accident (this early in the story).But it wouldn’t shock me if it was terrorism.And in that case,there needs to be prompt and savage revenge taken for it.This must “never” be allowed to happen again,and not go avenged.
I agree with you. But these new passenger jets are very safe even if both engines go out. So this can not be an accident. Not from a man pad but most likely some explosive device or sabotage for it to lose pressurization so suddenly.. The rapid decent and no radio contact says it was not a malfunction but a catastrophic failure. No matter what this will be answered. After all this time and what is happening, I think the response will be massive. Anything less would make Putin look impotent and that Russians are fair game.. Abductions, convictions for crimes that did not even take place on US soil, in essence judge, jury and executioner as the US empire sees fit needs such a display.. Not even Iran would let something like this off easy.. One thing is certain, the US department of IS and their members are now toast..I doubt Russia would now consider special forces directing them as out of reach. In fact all nato special forces in Syria are now extremely vulnerable. The ramp up might take time, Any massive Syrian support will most likely be delayed as that support goes up on an order or magnitude and instead of working to find apolitical solution and wasting time, it will more likely move together total annihilation of enemy forces who don’t submit. Major weakness for the SAA was IFV to get troops into combat zones.. I think we can rule out Syria having to pay billions for equipment first or get a loan..
It would make sense for Russia to bide its time and get all ducks in a row, evidence- and backlash-wise, and not let on if/that it suspects foul play. If it does suspect foul play. And who can NOT suspect foul play, really? I mean, it is too neat. As widely noted, there has never been a Russian crash such as this. It is really horrendous that civilian air liners are being used as pawns in the Great Game.
What is IFV?
I also don’t understand “I think we can rule out Syria having to pay billions for equipment first or get a loan..”
Infantry fighting vehicles so snipers don’t kill the soldiers before they can get into battle. Russia has more than 20,000 of them.. Syria has a few hundred but not enough to hold and transport troops to the front lines. As we saw in Iraq when US special forces took out buses of Iraqi soldiers going to the frontlines. Syria owes a lot of money to Russia, Last year Russia made a loan of 650 mil, Iran pays for Syrian weapons but Iran is hurting for money as well due to sanctions. Syria has huge shortage of money to pay for weapons systems. 650 mil wont buy much.. Russia wont supply weapons on credit or free.. Maybe Putin changed his mind last month.. With no oil sales, Syria also imports a lot of food and medical supplies and it all takes foreign exchange. It is also under western sanctions.
Carter making threats just like this one, I think his hubris got the better of him. Who ever gave the order and it has to be someone high up.. They are not going to expect the reaction they are going to get.. I have only watched Putin the last 3 years, I already know what he will do here. That Saudi guy threatened to active his Chechen terrorist during the Sochi games if Putin did not stop supporting Syria, he went back home and they canned his ass and retired him. Makes you think what Putin called and told the ruler.. No on, not even the mighty US will oppose Russia at this stage. Just like no one would oppose the US after 911 even though no one believed the US narrative on it. Would be the only 2 countries in the world who can do anything they want at certain points in their existence.. I bet Obama already called and talked to Putin. If Russia can get any evidence even indirectly and under plausible deniability and what not, Obama will pull out and let Putin do what he wants. Not that he would be able to do anything, its either control the damage or enter WW3..
I think if you are right on what happened with the plane then your other comments are probably correct too.And Katherine is also right.Putin will make sure he has everything ready first.But I’m not convinced it wasn’t an accident yet.Certainly the timing is suspect.But then accidents don’t care about timing.From what I’ve heard the plane was 18 years old.And had been in a bad accident once before and then repaired.How good was the repair,did it completely fix the problem? I don’t know.So while it could very well be an attack.I don’t thing we can be sure about that.At least not now we can’t.I’ll have to wait and see what else comes out before making a conclusion either way.I want to believe it was an accident.And that even the empire would think twice before doing something so stupid (I didn’t mention cruel,since we know that isn’t a problem for them).But it certainly is a possibility that it was an attack.
Russia is there for it’s own national SECURITY interest….and would be there whether Syria could pay or not. Better to arm the Syrian army then send in your own. Seriously.
Egypt has been dealing with this group from months now that I know of. Very mysterious as to why would Israel ask Egypt about American’s in their country what is so unusual about that other than to provide themselves with a cover? Lastly, expect a tactical nuclear weapon to go off in the Sinai shortly if this group is found to be responsible for bringing this plane down. This story cannot be buried and it is NOT in Russia’s or Egypt’s interest to do so over tourism or fear of going to war with the USA they are already at war.
Excellent work linking the Ukrainian transfer of MANPADS to ISIL. I’m learning new things everyday.
This first video which I posted earlier, claimed to be the Russian A321 by ISIS shows a large explosion and then smoke pouring from the centre tank area of the aircraft
In the RT video which appears to be the main crash site judging by the number of ambulances, although possibly a few sections of scorched wreckage, there is no sign of fire? The plane was carrying enough fuel for the return trip to Russia. Other photos I have seen supposedly sections of the A321 but away from the main site show signs of fire, but no burnt area on the ground?
MH17 and also the plane that went down in Mali some time back – in both cases obvious from the photos large fires/scorched areas from burning fuel.
Diagram of A321 fuel tanks here
If no photos turn up showing evidence of a large fire on the ground, then the video may be genuine and the explosion blew out the fuel tanks.
Photo here of what appears to be the wing/fuel tank section. Looks to be smoking, trailing edges of skin appear burnt off / melted, but no sign of fire on the ground.
That sure doesn’t look like a “mountainous area” as described by the Egyptian authorities quoted in Der Spiegel.
Another photo here
It seems that everything behind the wings is gone, only the forward section unburnt. Also explains the fast recovery of only just over half the victims.
From the two photos, the wings look to be still held together by the main spar with all the lighter material at the trailing side of both wings burnt away.
User David makinmim
joined 4/18/15, 6 months ago — uploaded three videos, all of a plane explosion, 10 hours ago (as of 10/31 23:26)
Alright alright alright for those of you that have problems with my writing give me a day or two to read your comments and reply. Damn… you people want sources… I’ll ram them so far down your throats that they’ll be coming out of your back end. If you can’t read them because they’re in a foreign language that’s your problem. Deal with it. Jeez…..
John, you HAVE to understand at this point. There is little to no truth to be had…anywhere.
The propaganda machine hit 6th gear, NOS, FTL, and whatever else science fiction can dream up.
The readership at this point is quite educated, and have grown accustomed to checking every last meticulous detail.
Even my beloved ZeroHedge has become corrupted to an extent.
It has become a living nightmare existing in this zombie-wasteland of lies, deceit, and outright fraud. From failed foreign policy being enforced by AIPAC, to Lois Lerner getting a free pass, to anything Hillary touches erupting into flames. Bengazi, Ukraine, Fast&Furious, Bundy Ranch, NSA wiretapping.
It is a campaign of Full-Spectrum
We are soo SICK of the lies, we are ready to start stabbing each-other while the real enemy laughs from a penthouse balcony at the festering plebs.
And NOW with this Russian airliner….I have had enough.
Sooo, yea. You will have to excuse us for asking for “proof”.
Interesting article about Russian SF troops in Syria on Ft Russ.Hopefully they will be successful.The original article was from an outside source.So I’m not sure its accurate.But still it makes sense that they would be there,so it could be true :
“Russian elite units in Zabadani, Homs, Hama and Aleppo”
“Al-Rai” learned that “Special Elite Russian combat forces arrived to Hama, Aleppo, Homs, Damascus, as well as Zabadani to monitor, participate and study the military map on the field and suggest future workflow Combat plans. These Special Forces submit to the operating room suggestions to determine the full plan to start the flow of further Russian special combat forces and troops on the battlefield all over the Syrian map where it is necessary”.
This development will be the largest Russian external military intervention since Afghanistan in 1979.
A very senior field commander around Zabadani city said that “there are small Russian combat units, mostly sniper unit that we call the “Ivan unit”, another reconnaissance unit, a unit of urban warfare, and advanced missiles unit in the area of operations run by the Syrian Army. ”
Ivan and Yulia belong to a Russian sniper unit that came recently to Zabadani. At the end of the day, the team left after shooting 4 deadly bullets. “I return to Aleppo where there is more action than Zabadani. Here there isn’t much left”, said Yulia before leaving Zabadani, according to the source.
“Russia is beginning with what we define as a” quiet support ” supplying advanced technology and preparing a spearhead force before reaching a further level we call the” stormy Support “. We expect a large presence of troops that will be supported by Russian Air Force. There are around 2500 Russian fighters, military expert and consultant in Syria. The number is expected to go much higher in the near future “, confirm the source that is in contact with the Russian units on the Syrian ground.
“There are two aspects for the Russian intervention in Syria: In the first, the front line should be reinforced, maintained and is expected later to recover more lands and lost cities. The second is to hunt and bomb the Islamic State (ISIS) group leaders as well as other extremist groups in Syria, without exception. There are no red lines for the Russian operational tactics against terrorism that may extend to Iraq if necessary. The Kremlin has decided to face and fight terrorism by all means and is determine to eliminate, not to contain, ISIS. The Russians are aware of the necessity of cooperation with the U.S. led coalition over the sky of Syria to prevent unnecessarily accidents “, the source said.
The senior commander explained, “Israel and the United States are also concerned about the possibility that Hezbollah could benefit from the advanced Russian military equipment pouring into Syria. As far as it concerns us, Damascus and Hezbollah are strategically linked and share the same destiny. Any sophisticated weapon owned by Syria and Iran that an organized but irregular force, like Hezbollah, can use in case of war against Israel is already in our possession. Israel is raising the alarm by saying that its “national security” could be in jeopardy if Hezbollah has this or that technology or could benefit from Russia’s presence to transport more weapons into Lebanon. Russia’s answer is that its own national security is already in jeopardy due to terrorism expansion. Russia is not fighting a battle but a war on terror on Syrian soil and elsewhere and is present in a hostile environment. Russia will pursue and won’t give up upon in this war, in Syria, regardless any possible international pressure to persuade it otherwise”.
@UB FortRuss report:
Wow, check out the photo at FortRuss!
Those guys look tough, well fed, and ready to roll.
For course, there are Spetsnaz on the ground. But only in very limited numbers.
The goal the Russians set for themselves in Syria was to
– assist Assad in regaining Syria’s territorial integrity and national sovereignty
– purge the country of all illegitimate mercenary-terrorists
and equally important
– achieving the above with a very lean, smart, fast, high-tech operation without ground troops
– achieving the above without getting bogged down.
The last point is the most important one. Because the shadow forces that are in total control of the whole Western world are well beyond the point of no return and are thus forced to escalate their ISIS-SHMISIS nonsense even further.
Russia therefore must be able to wage several Syria style operations simultaneously, otherwise Russia, China, Iran, etc. stand no chance.
That “report” from fortrus sounds like a work of fiction: we’re supposed to believe Russian spetznaz are allowed to give long winded interviews outlining Russian strategy to the public (and their enemies on the ground).
This report is a ridiculous smorgasbord of wishful thinking: I’ll believe reports of large-scale Russia ground troop involvement when I actually see it.
Sooo where is the fake Yulia in the picture?
I have taken the trouble to read Dugin and did my due diligence on the Fourth political theory and the Russian anglo/germanophile oligarch Malofeev who backs the project (founder of Marshal Capital — built on the theft of Russian assets during the Yeltsin era).
They are professional liars and will say so fairly directly. They seem primarily interested in the effectiveness of their schemes, like Marxists who admire Anarchist-fascist tactics way too much. Follow these guys and very soon you’ll be dressed up like a Nazi al la Heidegger.
There is good reason for Putin to keep his distance.
Typical Judeofascist racism and hypocrisy. Israel’s precious ‘national security is sacrosanct, but that of Lebanon, that Israel has attacked over and over again over decades, killing tens of thousands, is of no importance whatsoever. The arrogance of the Chosen People never ceases to amaze.
Those running with story of the Russian airliner was shot down by terrorists using manpads might want to stop and think a bit.
The plane was already 20+ minutes into the flight. That means it had gained flight altitude. 30,000 – 40,000 feet. Manpads are not able reach those heights. Remember the discussions about MH17 and how the Novorussians could not have shot that airliner down because they only had manpads for defense?
If this Russian airliner was shot down, it would have to be from a more powerful AA system than a manpad (something like a Buk), and it is doubtful the Israeli-American terrorist assets in the Sinai have AA systems of this level.
Also, it might have been an “on-board” device, not necessarily detonated by a suicide bomber, but a planted one.
I agree, if the plane was flying at 30,000 feet no MANPADS can actually reach it. These are very tiny missiles with ranges of 2-8 km and that’s over estimating their range (8km is still roughly 26,000 feet)
8km is just under 22 600 feet not 26 000
Please don’t submit ambiguous few word statements. I’ll let it go this time, but not again. Thanks very much PS
google says 26246.7
What’s ambiguous?
It’s in reply to the statement that 8km is “just under 22 600 feet”
Google it and you find the first entry is a converter, which says 8km is 26246.7 feet.
Simple correction of fact in reply to anonymous ‘correcting’ John Rambo’s statement, incorrectly.
Within the context of a reply how many words are needed?
You confuse me.
Look at this story from the Times of Israel..
Yemen worshipers were cursing Jews when mosque blown up
If I understand correctly, they had this suicide-bombing event going LIVE!
Then just at the precise moment when Houthis begin demanding justice for Israel’s victims in walks a suicide bomber and the whole place goes ka-plow.
Dramatic no?
This, I’m afraid, is the real reality of the fully scripted GWOT.
It is through the heart of this Vampiric false-entity we must drive a stake straight through. Happy Halloween all ye ghosts and goblins of semi-reality.
Here’s my speculation:
What if —
The Houthis vs. GCC narrative is also a creation of Israel and the West.
What if the Houthis, perhaps only partially, are armed, supported and led the same way as ISIS in Syria and Iraq — by Western and Israeli special forces? The British in particular have a long tradition in the region and have worked with the Houthis on several occaisons.
If the objective is chaos then it is traditional to arm and support both sides. In this case one will bleed red while the other bleeds black gold.
I would be curious too see what Mohamad thinks since Oman is next door.
Considering the logistical difficulties of moving supplies from Iran to Yemen, through seas swarming with NATO or other allied shipping, it seems to me highly unlikely Iran could be doing such a thing on their own or even with the full support of Russia or even China.
It also seems highly unlikely Iran, Russia or Hezbollah would have any interest in escalating the situation by sinking naval vessels in the area. Anti-ship missiles and SCUDS can’t be left lying around for decades and then suddenly picked up and used by inexperienced fighters. All together, the stories from Yemen are by far the least plausible and most poorly sourced. The fact that RT and PRESS have been pulled along for the ride should be a hint to anyone who thinks mind control media will ever be your friend. It is a tool and once you recognize it as such you won’t be so easily manipulated.
There are a great many advantages acrued to the Zionist-Atlanticists in running such an operation in Yemen: To put pressure on the Saudis; as a huge boon to War On Terror Inc and its many subsidiary industries including the media; and because the USSA and Israel have nothing else to sell.
Putin and Lavrov MUST understand that this is their only chance to slay the terrorist beast, instead of allowing us to slip into a semi-reality in which we are forced to spend the next thirty years fighting an imaginary foe. All of us are targets. It is absolutely clear that certain Western extremists have everything to lose and they will not allow a peaceful resolution in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Yemen or anywhere else. As I write they are actively working to open up multiple new fronts in central and east asia and have many more available for immediate activation should the need arise.
I know that the Russian leadership is not stupid and I am certain they understand exactly what they are confronting. The question in my mind is what will the people who control Putin’s destiny have to say about pressing for a full and complete victory contra Albion Perfide.
What I fear most is that the Russian leadership will side with their own social class. The News from Vienna is possibly troubling. Putin may be at 90% in the polls but the people he must answer to, the dangerous people, have far more in common with Western elites never mind the common folk at home or abroad.
The only weapon we have is the truth of our own natural and correct perspective. It is inexcusable to hand over the responsibility for thinking to anyone else but we have been taught to do almost from birth. We must focus on OUR discernable reality and refuse to be distracted if we are to support ourselves and leaders like Putin or else push him to do what is necessary when the going gets tough.
And so here’s a song to hammer home a related point concerning class, encouraging you to always remember whose side you are on (ironically if you believe, like I do, that even the Beatles were an aspect of our stage managed consciousness):
Working Class Hero- John Lennon
What ridiculos nonsense.
Salam C I eh,
Is your name CIA or Shia?
“If I understand correctly, they had this suicide-bombing event going LIVE!
I would be curious too see what Mohamad thinks since Oman is next door.”
I am with you 100%, on this blog everything is discussed but Isreal. Russia being on the doorsteps of Isreal and no one is talking about it. It is all Syria, Syria, Daesh, Daesh…..
Daesh is Godsend by Obama. Have you noticed since the inception of ISIS, about two years ago, there are absolutely no suicide bombings in Iraq per month, where about 1,000 lost their lives and twice or thrice as many were manned for life for several years in row.
Per month for several years in row and who was blamed? The Shia!
One has to listen Uncle Bob 1, that the Shia made mistakes in Iraq in regards to the Sunni minority. It is drinking the juice of The Empire.
But memories are short. This place is crawling with MSN stooges. Or is it MSM? Don’t know, maybe someone should correct me?
Now, after the advent of ISIS in Iraq, about two years ago, and with the fog of change in government, Thanks God there is hardly any suicide bombings in Iraq.
Yes, still the suicide bombings are going on against the Shia, but it is much less and spread accross to Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Yemen……
God Bless Obama,
I am not Shia but I have some very dear friends who are.
One of whom is trying very hard to convert me. She says I am Shia before birth;)
Like all places where creative thinking occurrs, this site is marked for heavy Zionist manipulation.
Best Regards
Are…. you guys serious?
Sadly,I think they believe they are.
As I recall the bombing before were during the US occupation.And mostly directed at the new government.Many times at government gathering and such.And so were directed at Shia.The new bombings which I read about almost every few days on RT are also directed at Shia.So I don’t understand how you think they have stopped.Some of the early attacks were by Shia against occupation targets.But most of the bombings when directed at Iraqis are against Shia.And as far as the new government making mistakes,that’s just a fact.Whether reported by the MSM or not.I’ve even seen that on Russian sites.Dogmatism is a error,when practiced by any side.
Salam Uncle Bob 1,
The suicide bombings against the Shia in Iraq has decreased tremendously, since the advent of ISIS. You can check any source you like including MSN. I am simply discussing the suicide bombings against the CIVILIANS.
There is no difference in policies between the old Prime Minister and the new Prime Minister as they both belong to the same party.
The question is then Why?
“Also,Saddam’s government was mostly (but not all) a secular “Sunni” regime.So very many of the officer class was also Sunni.And the pro-Shia government that gained power afterwards (Iraq is 60% or more Shia) made many errors in its treatment of the Sunni minority.Many of them feel disrespected and oppressed in the new Iraq (I’m not saying that’s so,I don’t really know.But instead,that they feel that way.).”
The reason I have signaled you out Uncle Bob, is because I have lots of respect for your posts.
1. Iraq is majority Shia, and about 20% minority Sunni. Since the Senior Bush put a knife in the backs of Shia, Saddam went after them with moving lawn. The Shia didn’t have any religious freedom.
2. Look at CIVILIAN deaths and injuries in Iraq per month for 2/3 years before the advent of ISIS and compare it after the advent of ISIS. The only change has been from Nouri al-Maliki to Haider al-Abadi.
Best regards my friend,
P.S. I didn’t answer your post asking me about Oman was due to reasons, and not due to disrespect to you.
Warning, disable photos.. some nasty pics..
Al-Hadida Massacre in Photos: a Proof of Saudi Aggression, Use of Forbidden Weapons
(al-Ahed News) ~ About a week ago, Saudi warplanes committed a terrible massacre against a group of Yemeni fishermen on the Island of A’qban in the Province of al-Hadida, killing around 150 fishermen.
The Fishermen Cooperative Union in the Province of al-Hadida condemned the massacre against the fishermen on the Island of A’qban that happened on October 22, 2015 and martyred and wounded 200 civilians, as well as fishermen and paramedics.
“The union described the crime as a “genocide that reveals the aggression’s hatred towards the Yemenis”.
The union’s condemning statement noted that “the [Saudi] aggression is committing the worst kinds of crimes as it causes disruption to everyday life and sources of incomes for many Yemenis and fishermen who seek their living”.
Furthermore, the Union called upon “the United Nations and the international, humanitarian and rights organizations to put an end to such crimes of the Saudi aggression that is targeting civilians and killing children and women”.”
Are US special forces sure they want to embed themselves with ISIS fighters? While the Russians are rocketing them with those nasty flame-thrower missiles? It would be a pretty good guess that the Russians are going for broke and will want to finish the job before Hillary gets in office so they can hand her back the Reset Button on their terms.
the Russians are going for broke and will want to finish the job before Hillary gets in office so they can hand her back the Reset Button on their terms.
Brilliantly said! You had me laughing hard on that one.
Lavrov to Hitlery: “Here’s your reset button back – Go ride it!”
The Russian word printed on the red button had a typo. It meant overcharged or overload not reset.
Lavrov to Hitlery: “Here’s your overload button back – Go ride it!”
Yemen was a stable country under Shia Imams (Zaidiyyah dynasty) for over 1000 years until the last Imam lost his crown at the hands of communist insurgency in 1962. During the civil war, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Iran sided with the Imam while Egypt’s Jamal Nasser sent armed forces to support the anti-Imam rebels.
Yemen was divided and reunited afterward by the US-Israel-Saudi ‘Axis of Evil’.
On March 29, 2015, JTA reported that Netanyahu told his cabinet on Sunday that after receiving briefings from US Senators Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid, he was shocked to learn that the Lausanne (Switzerland) framework deal between FMs John Kerry and Dr. Javad Zarif is worse than Israeli leaders had feared.
“After the ‘Beirut-Damascus-Baghdad’ axis, Iran is carrying out a pincers movement in the south (Yemen) as well in order to take over and conquer the entire Middle East. The Iran-Lausanne-Yemen axis is very dangerous for humanity and needs to be stopped,” Netanyahu told his anti-Muslim extremist Jew ministers.
that certainly sounds believable. And vwala…SA strikes Yemen …
What are ‘cousins’ for.
Dear John Rambo,
What are your sitreps?
They are basically one liners, with your conclusions and sources. But the point is have you taken the time to validate those sources? Or, maybe the sources are saying absolutely something opposite?
For example, in your defense you posted the following from al-Manar:
“Among the armed terrorists Iraqi forces repelled from Awja were members of the Naqshbandi Army, made up of former army officers as well as loyalists of Hussein’s old Baathist party.
Though militants and old Baathists have banded together to fight their common foe – the government of Nuri al-Maliki – cracks are showing in their loose bloc.
In the town of Hawija near the northern city of Kirkuk, 15 people were killed when fighting broke out a fortnight ago between ISIL and members of the Naqshbandi Army.
Dated: 04-07-2014”
And, from the above you conclude the following:
Al-Douri is real, he’s not some CIA front man. He’s not some boogeyman. He’s actually known in the Arab world being the current head of the Iraqi Ba’ath party.
Does the above article from al-Manar talks specifically about al-Douri?
Do you know what Naqshbandi mean? I am sure now that I asked you, you will Google it.
Now look at the date of the article from al-Manar. It is dated early July 2014. So what do we know about this period and Iraq.
We know the following:
1. Every month almost for the last several years there were suicide bombings in Iraq on CIVILIANS, where about 1000 or more civilians died and about trice were injured for life.
2. The Islamic Dawa Party had won the election sometime in April, 2014. The head of Islamic Dawa Party was Nouri al-Maliki.
3. Last election the it took months to form a government by Nouri al-Maliki.
4. ISIS has suddenly shown up in Iraq with their bright new shinny Toyota vehicles, and Iraq Army simply disappeared without showing any resistance.
5. Nouri al-Maliki was blamed for sectarianism and bad management and being bad to Sunni minorities.
6. Haider al-Abadi was chosen the new PM from in August 2014 from the same Islamic Dawa Party.
7. Government was formed very quickly. You should see my postings regarding this on old Saker blog.
8. Suicide bombings against CIVILIANS has decreased tremendously since then.
ISIS (goddess), ISIL or Daesh is Godsend. Yes, it is Obama’s creation. No, Tony Blair didn’t claim that ISIS stemmed from Iraqi invasion. I saw the live interview on CNN. He basically blamed it on Obama, but all the news sources are now intentionally paraphrasing him wrongly.
Who created the term Daesh? Maybe, you should Google that too.
Daesh are non-existence, a figment of imagination. By this I am not claiming that all those other terrorists groups are non-existence too, nor I am claiming anything about Free Syrian Army.
Best regards,
Right. The evil egyptian dictator stomps on poor, nice, little Muslim Brotherhood.
And Iran sends “humanitarian aid” to Ansarullah, no way could weapons and such be involved.
Gosh am I happy I left this site months ago… this is WAY worse then Reuters and co. in terms of brainless propaganda. Disgusting.
John Rambo is being coy about the activities of Israel given that it probably helped set up ISIS in the first place.
Is Mr Rambo aware of the Oded Yinon plan for a greater Israel?
Many of the so-called stabbings are in fact fabricated.
I’m not impressed with thesaker site becoming part of the controlled opposition.
Good luck.
Apparently ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) is a pseudonym for Mossad, following MI6 (SIS, as in Callan). Could Daash being called ISIS be another ‘in your face’ admission of responsibility and total impunity, as with the Zionist Islamophobe organisation SION (Stop the Islamisation of Nations)?