Again, it is thanks to Alena Scarecrow that I can share with you a very interesting video about the biggest military exercise held in contemporary Russia: “Center-2015”. In the Cold War years such a video would have been classified as “TOP SECRET” and western intelligence agencies would have paid a fortune to get it. Nowadays, Russia has made a 180 and is showing a surprising degree of openness.
In this video you will see the kind of war Russia is preparing for: basically – a worst case scenario if Daesh supported by regional allies decided make a move into Central Asia or the Caucasus. Or, if Russia has to move to protect Iran from a major attack.
I have already written about the “armored underbelly of Russia” and what this video shows are some, but not all, of the capabilities this armored underbelly can count on. The truth is that if Daesh or any other force suddenly decides to tickle the Russian Bear’s putatively “soft underbelly” it will met with an amount of violence it can’t even begin to imagine. The same goes for any Ukrainian attempt at attacking Russia directly.
A big THANK YOU to Alena for translating and subtitling this video!
The Saker
(please click on the ‘cc’ button to see the English subtitles)
Strategic Command and Staff Trainings “Center-2015”
Please don’t post one-word comments, okay?
The Saker
It was a sentence. Consisting of one word, granted, but it spoke volumes.
Kabuki is stylized Japanese theater. Hum believes this is just stylized entertainment, irrelevant to any real-life scenario imaginable.
I would respectfully disagree that this is like Japanese kabuki theatre.
I saw real logistics being demonstrated. Real equipment being moved with troops using it and fire-power being delivered.
Sure the video is a collage of different actions, from anti-pirate operations, to air strikes, inserting para troopers and spetnaz troops, night operations, artillery and missile strikes but I for one do not doubt that those pilots can fly, that those snipers can shoot or that those engineers can build bridges as well as many other other things that I saw.
And while it doesn’t show mistakes that might have been made, at the very least this will contain learning exercises for the troops involved.
It reminds me of the operation in Syria but on a large scale and involving more branches of the armed forces. Next is someone going to claim that Syria is also kabuki theatre?
Não é Kabuki! É Teatro Russo…Os russos são mestres do Teatro…Teatro Realista com a verdade própria de um gênio como Stanislavsky.Quero dizer com isso que se os dementes da OTAN ousarem atacar a Rússia vão enfrentar no Teatro de Guerra uma potência pronta para as mais magníficas atuações.
translation via – mod-hs
It is not Kabuki! Is the Theatre Russian…The russians are masters of the Theater…Theater Realistic with the truth itself of a genius as Stanislavsky.By this I mean that if the demented NATO dare to attack Russia will face in the Theater of War is a power in ready for the most magnificent performances.
And now contrast this readiness to:
The majority of Americans do not want to fight for their country.
The statistics are staggering…
The Economist, 24 October 2015, Who will fight the next war?
“… … it concerns America’s future ability to mobilise for war.
During the Korean war, around 70% of draft-age American men served in the armed forces; during Vietnam, the unpopularity of the conflict and ease of draft-dodging ensured that only 43% did. These days, even if every young American wanted to join up, less than 30% would be eligible to. Of the starting 21 million, around 9.5 million would fail a rudimentary academic qualification, either because they had dropped out of high school or, typically, because most young Americans cannot do tricky sums without a calculator. Of the remainder, 7 million would be disqualified because they are too fat, or have a criminal record, or tattoos on their hands or faces.
That leaves 4.5 million young Americans eligible to serve, of whom only around 390,000 are minded to, provided they do not get snapped up by a college or private firm instead — as tends to happen to the best of them. … …”
Culturalmarxism has been efficient at undermining America and the west since the Korean war.. If anyone where to talk to the youth of america today that it is their duty to protect their homeland, they would be met with laughter. The youth of the west wants to play videos games and eat mccondals, service to the father land would be met with a big lol.
“Cultural Marxism” is not a thing. Frankfurt School Marxists didn’t talk about the things you think they talked about. Its some kind of strange myth with a scary sounding label attached to it.
Conspiracy theories like this make a mockery of actual conspiracies like 9/11
Yea, I live in Sweden, trust me, it’s a thing, culturalmarxism, political correctness, multiculturalism, counter-culture – sexual revolution. Developed by the Frankfurt school with the single objective to destroy European culture and all that holds it togheter meaning, family, church, nation. And it has done so, marvelously.
Western “leftism”/”marxism” has nothing to do with real marxism or marxism in the rest of the world. In the western world, marxism means to teach anal sex to kids, to destroy their gender identities.. In the rest of the world marxist would ban or even arrest someone for making such suggestion.. The difference? The rest of the world has marxism while the western world has culturalmarxism.
Might as well call what you describe cultural Aristotelianism for as much as it has to do with either Marx or Aristotle. It’s apparently a propaganda term made up just to trash Marx.
The theories were created by marxist, with the goal of destroying what they believed stood in the way of a marxist socetiy, so culturalmarxist is the correct term. Thought you could call it political correctness or multiculturalism, or whatever suits your fancy if you happen to be a culturalmarxist and it makes you sad.
@ Liz
The Frankfurt school included rather disparate people. The name of Herbert Marcuse (his “aesthetics”, etc.) is usually associated with the horrors of decadence to which you are referring. Erich Fromm, however, was a very different person, his influence was on balance rather positive (although one may quite disagree with, e.g., his taking some of Marx’s early writings (“young Marx”) as being representative of Marxism, or his occasional preference of “psycho-babble” over naturalistic views (e.g., in his critique of Konrad Lorenz), etc.). In fact, Fromm severely criticised the one-sidedness of Western societies in their obsession with sex, contrasting it to the solid multifaceted systems of values of oriental societies.
Sorry by ‘Cultural Marxism’ is fed to the general population by the ‘media’ fronting people that represent organisations like the Teaparty in the US and this creates a nice diversion from the real reasons for the collapsing social and economic fabric of America (or other countries) brought about by the policies of the ‘elites’. Addressing this false narrative will arrest the influence of psychopathic corporatists that really pull the strings. Doing this you also solve the cultural Marxism issue.
Marxism is bad in all its versions. Culturalmarxism is just another trick.
How can an ideology which gives the power to the FOURTH caste bring anything but madness?! In the ancient India they had a perfect society, Vedic society, precisely because each caste was placed where it belongs. Modern capitalism means the rule of the third caste (traders) – it cannot work. Marxism is even worse then that, it brings the workers on top. No Marxist society can live more then 70-80 years.
“Marxism is a method of socioeconomic analysis that analyzes class relations and societal conflict, that uses a materialist interpretation of historical development, and a dialectical view of social transformation. Marxist methodology uses economic and sociopolitical inquiry and applies that to the critique and analysis of the development of capitalism and the role of class struggle in systemic economic change.”
Marxism is not, AFAIK, a specific blueprint for society. How could it be? The deploymnet of precepts and analytical tools has to keep up with historical and technological change.
All such “analysis” do not take into account and do not appreciate the difference between interpolation and extrapolation. While one can interpolate fairly accurately using it, the extrapolation is (and always will) lead to catastrophic failures due to the absence of required detail knowledge of driving processes and the open nature of the system they try to model. This interpolation/extrapolation difference in outcomes is well known and highly appreciated in every engineering and scientific field but people active in social “sciences” are only dimly aware of. Results? Just read the “Communist Manifesto”. While analysis of social scene at the time of its writing is accurate, the attempts to extrapolate and predict is an utter nonsense. Generally people know this as reflected in a popular saying that “It is difficult to predict, especially the future”.
The difference between opened and closed system is slightly more subtle. Even in technical fields there are often people falling into the trap of confusing open system for a closed one. Example? Modern mantra about outsized influence of human activities on climate.
The Wend, I’ve been around the internet for a long time, seen an awful lot of stupid and incoherent things . . . that wasn’t incoherent, it was actually an admirably direct and concise statement of a particular mindset, and yet it managed to be stupider than all the teen babblings I’ve seen on Youtube comments.
Castes and similar arbitrary class structures are a pathetically bad idea. Humans are humans are humans. Managing in this day and age to apparently honestly believe in a stratification of people by fiat that makes about as much sense as the Divine Right of Kings is a weirdly impressive feat.
Ops! Lisa think I forgot to send you the link
American culture, if you can call it by a stretched imgination, a culture is not an European culture by a long margin _ it is English culture hence full of vulgarity, greediness, no shame in stealing others property or land or ideas. This is anglosaxon vulgarity which is culture of usa and England and of 5evil eyes.
Would you prefer Social and Political Manichaeism?
What is the correct terminology for the elite project meant to inspire cultural and political tribalism dividing modern liberal democracies into groups of angry, warring factions?
Like it or not, Cultural Marxism is most definitely a ‘thing.’ As a basic concept It is especially useful to non academics and lay people as they slowly begin to develop an understanding of the world as it really is. This is why it was so prominently featured in Anders Brevik’s so-called manifesto — so as to discredit the term and help ensure the victims don’t discuss it and mistakenly develop an understanding of the psychological and spiritual rape to which they are regularily subjected.
Another term which you may be familiar with is Political Correctness — i.e. the means by which snot nosed bourgeois know it alls attempt to instill correct thinking amongst hopelessly ignorant proletarians.
It comforts me to know people better than myself are out there fighting to stamp out concepts which helpfully portray the fundamentally sadistic nature of the globalising oligarchy.
Btw, have you ever heard of Ben Levin?
Former Ontario education deputy minister pleads guilty to three child porn charges
Not mentioned in the above article is that the Harvard trained former deputy Minister of Education Benny Levin was responsible for a previous attempt to revamp the sex ed curriculum for the Province of Ontario. The attempt failed when furious parents forced the government of former Premier of Ontario Dalton McGuinty to abandon the plan.
Upon resignation McGuinty fled Ontario to take a position at Harvard, colloquially known to the people of Ontario as the Corrupt Politician Protection Program.
Excuse me, but Dalton Bloody McGuinty is not a Marxist of any sort, he’s a card-carrying neoliberal. Meanwhile, Political Correctness is annoying, but little more than that. Maybe in Sweden it’s a serious deal, I dunno, but in North America it is less a real problem than it is an excuse for a politics of anti-political-correctness among the kind of people who are OK with cops shooting black folks for the crime of standing there looking not-white. It’s something for Fox News to love to hate, along with “feminazis” and all their other culture-war stuff.
Far as I know there haven’t been any killings of people who broke political correctness conventions.
In addition to my last comment, I don’t know if you havnt noticed, but the main reason no one wants to join the military is because NOBODY WANTS TO DIE IN IMPERIALIST WARS.
Americans don’t give a shit about the Empire wanting to occupy Afghanistan in perpetuity to further the goals of empire.
lol, most of the population in the western world doesn’t even know what imperalism means.. Culturalmarxism does not want educated people that can understand the world, they want infantile, materialistic adult-children with no loyalty to nation, church or family, they want individuals whose only concern is to drink, play videos games, have sex(without reproduction of course, reproduction they view as bad)
And these people will laugh at concepts such as duty.
While in your conversation with others brought out key points on socio-cultural DEGENERATION of European societies (like educated people becoming too materialistic, without loyalty to nation, church or family, with only concern for drink, play videos games, have sex without marriage/child etc.) I will strongly DISAGREE with your repeated use of “culturalmarxism”
(1) there is nothing like “culturalmarxism – whether a concept or a reality.
(2) Frankfurt school of Marxian and other Socialist thoughts produced/supported academics who were part of larger plot by AngloZionist elites of post-WWII period to discredit Marxist ideas/views (SOME OF WHICH WERE FOLLOWED BY SOVIET UNION GOVERNMENT WHO ESTABLISHED THEMSELVES AS WORLD’S 2ND MOST POWERFUL COUNTRY) – these academicians produced tons of ‘thesis’/’literature’ which falsely associate Marx’s name with degenerating ideas like “sexual revolution” etc. Finally, AngloZionist elites achieved their main target of sullying Marxism, but a ‘collateral damage’ happened which is what you noted – European and North American societies are in a free fall downwards
(3) Educated peoples continue to use such ignorant terms like ‘culturalmarxism’ even today because the main-stream media (MSM) has created such a dis-information and mis-information campaign during past 7 decades, that the peoples don’t think about the meaning of such words. AngloZionist elites use MSM to continue to spread such things so that even in future, peoples don’t come back to find Marx and try to utilize SOME of his very correct concepts/ideas that were/are/will be ANTI-IMPERIALISTIC and ANTI-EXPLOITATION.
European societies are really in very bad state, and the politicians/businessmen/bureaucrats are only focused to their personal power and wealth.
(1) there is nothing like “culturalmarxism – whether a concept or a reality.
Because YOU say so?
(2) Frankfurt school of Marxian and other Socialist thoughts produced/supported academics who were part of larger plot by AngloZionist elites of post-WWII period to discredit Marxist ideas/views
Yeah right.
Actually, Marxism is a tool of AngloZionist elites.
Marx’s first mission was to co-opt the socialist movement for Bankers. He did this by isolating and removing Anarchists-as-tip-of-the-working-class-spear. Please refer to Bakunin’s description of his opponents in you’re actually interested in the truth.
Labour Value Theory is only useful if you work in a co-opted academic environment and pretend to believe Marxist Left Materialism is a meaningful alternative to Capitalist Right Materialism.
It ain’t. Get over it.
Either way, the Greco-Judaisers have been winning for this battle for at least two millenia. I suggest you get out of your comfort zone and make a sincere effort to understand the true nature of the Beast.
See I eh?,
You need to clear your understanding by flushing out all the propaganda of AngloZionist clique and academics hired by them !
Your statement “Actually, Marxism is a tool of AngloZionist elites.
Marx’s first mission was to co-opt the socialist movement for Bankers.”
itself is a piece of mis-information and dis-information propaganda of AngloZionist clique… After all creating confusion and spreading lies are the most powerful tools of AngloZionist clique in their quest to world-wide power and wealth accumulation, in which pseudo-intellectuals are key assets !
The term “culturalmarxism” seems to me one of these semi-clever hostile terms like “Social Justice Warrior”, “feminazi” and so on, and vaguely akin to the amusing phenomenon of wide swaths of the American public calling Barack Obama a “socialist” (thus showing that they have no notion whatsoever what a socialist might be). It’s a way of defining an enemy in such a way as to not only smear the enemy, but also to put certain kinds of thinking out of bounds. So if there are certain people who annoy you and you define this term “Social Justice Warrior” to mock them, it has the secondary useful function of putting out of bounds the notion of fighting for social justice. Which makes one wonder–I mean, to whom other than oligarchs is it desperately important that nobody ever fight for social justice? It’s unfortunate that relatively few of the sort of people who get accused of being a “Social Justice Warrior” are actually at war for social justice, but it would be good, not bad, if they were.
“Culturalmarxism” is a similar term, meant both to tar certain people with “marxism” (because it still has a certain taboo power this long after the Cold War ended), and to bend the concept of “marxism” both to basically mean “anything bad” and to be dissociated from any real meanings relating to tossing bosses out and taking their stuff, thus leaching the danger from it–since there are still plenty of people with reasons to want to toss out some bosses and take their stuff.
Another general thrust of all these terms and how they’re used seems to be, they’re intended to give the targets the impression that anyone who goes to college is an enemy. Helpful to anyone who doesn’t want working people and students teaming up.
Overall, the act of using the term “culturalmarxism” is an act of useful idiocy. It serves the big cheeses well; the likes of the Koch brothers must snicker every time someone says it.
Anyone who goes to college is so hopelessly brainwashed that they are no longer capable of thinking about ANYTHING beside labels.
Your comment proves the point.
Today’s Cultural Marxists were yesterday’s Marxists at your college and everywhere else.
All are overly indoctrinated (as opposed to educated) well-to-do bourgeois hypocrites looking to enforce their degrading totalitarian mores in the name of ‘tolerance.’
Nobody wants to die full stop.
As Liz put it, alcohol, drugs, sex and video games… infantile materialistic imbeciles everywhere.
As for ‘Imperialist’, I live in England where serious intellectuals sit in a TV studio debating the merits of British Imperialism (force for good definitely but some things went wrong, yes, and we are the first to admit, bla, bla…).
I see often enough people who work, did work or will work in the London City (finance and extortion). 100k plus a year, work 18 hrs a day… – EMPTY. These people are empty. Zombified. Nil. Zero. Nada. Nicht. Hичего. Their bosses earn 20+ millions a year, influence strategic decisions, war and peace…
You would be better suited reading up on Marx and Alienation in capitalist society than think these so called cultural Marxists were out to destroy capitalist society. Not a chance. Such a theory would be anti-Marxist. For Marx, the base determined the superstructure not the other way around. That is the method by which we produce and reproduce as a species determines our consciousness. Capitalist social relations need to be changed. Not Disney to Sony.
Have you ever noticed thst all parasitic evil people will label their failedsystem _which is citalusm _as Marxist. Obama rescues the fat cat banker capitalists and he us labelled Marxist.
Such evil are thse pimps working for cspitalist looting others wealth system.
Sorry one more comment then I stop the spam.
The Russian military actually, you know, defends Russia.
When is the last time America has been attacked by a foreign power? Pearl harbor?
All of our wars since then have been imperialist wars of aggression.
Even that was contrived with all the carriers at sea leaving the outdated battleships. Also the US incited the attack via raw materials sanctions on Imperial Japanese. Always perfidious.
So much talk about culture. . . our banality-culture, our non-culture, of a civilization lost. . .
‘And suddenly I felt the nearness and certainty of happiness. Why, I don’t know. Perhaps because of that pure snow whiteness which looked like the distant radiance of a beautiful country, or because of my sense of sonship – long unexpressed and driven to the back of my mind – towards Russia, towards Chekhov. He had loved his country in many ways, and he had loved her as the shy bride, about whom he wrote his last story. He had firmly believed that she was going unwaveringly towards justice, beauty and happiness.
I, too, believed in that happiness – that it would come to my country, to starved and frozen Crimea, and also to me. I felt this as a swift and joyful impulse, like a passionate look of love. It warmed my heart and dried my tears of loneliness and fatigue.
I made no attempt to hide on my way back. Twice I was shot at.’
What a beautiful passage. I searched for the author. It is Konstantin Paustovsky.
In memory of Paustovsky by John Sendy:
Thank you. . . and the quoted passage above is from Years of Hope
The great Paustovsky. First discovered by chance in my local library in the 1960’s
Culturalmarxism is not the cause, it’s a symptom of total imperialist parasitic rot and depravity. There is nothing great and glorious about the West, especially not the Anglosaxon nations. It’s perfectly understandable that the unproductive, grossly overrated Western middle classes and labour aristocracies yearn ever more aggressively for imperialism without immigrants and refugees, but they have exactly zero chance of making that happen, and I have a pretty amusing fresh story from Sweden to “illustrate the problem”.
We have a stunning male beauty in Sweden’s domestic music industry: producer and manager bigwig Bert Karlsson. Like Berlusconi in Italy, he embarked on a political career — this was back in the early 1990ies — combining shallow entertainment and political reaction, scapegoating non-European immigrants first and foremost as Sweden’s Welfare State was being shattered and unemployment soaring. Now, let’s fast forward to 2015 and the dubious Syrian refugee torrents. Guess what happens? Beautiful Bert proudly makes fortunes fleecing “his fellow Swedish taxpayers” outright by providing very costly asylum accommodations.
Stories like this show the fraudulence of most of the Western populist right. Sverigedemokraterna, being an outright pro-business zio-party, will have very little clout to stop Bert Karlsson in his tracks; let alone the European Union. But that doesn’t matter much as their electorate obviously prefers to be stupid.
Use of the term “cultural Marxism” provides a good indicator of the user’s worth as a thinking person. There are lots of these propaganda inspired terms that are valuable as reliable road markers of where the user is coming from and the road they are promoting travel upon.
Terms such as islamofascist, chicom, ruskie, libtard, anti-Semitic, Joo, for example. Of the users of these terms, it is certain the vast majority are completely ignorant of what they are yakking about and simply repeating some bs they heard or read. The very few who do know what these terms signify obviously being professional fraudsters in the Bernaysian manner.
So Liz, thanks, by using the propaganda term, cultural Marxism, you have saved me the time I previously used reading your comments. :D
I am with you ВОТ ТАК
Some people seem to have never read a single line of real Marx works.
And some other people are totally unsuspecting about Marx strong dependence and close cooperation with the british elites. And never seem to get how his advice protects the banksters and provokes division and misdirected envy among the lower echelons of society.
Marxists are too unsuspecting and their understandable indignation is skilfully channelled by Marx to render it counterproductive. (Stalin had to recreate class differences to make anything work). It gave Marx a chance to cause havoc in Russia and his handlers sure worked him with disinfo to encourage that british geopolitical project to the detriment of the Russians. Soon after angloamericans continued in China to ensure that it didnt become a capitalist competitor. And they also injected antiscientific ideas to do even more harm.
Eventually Russia and China have thrown out the impractical marxist ideas and create something more in their interest. The communist party in China is simply a national asset offering stability but no longer follows the Maoist ideology which was heavily inspired by the british.
Wow, I was just wondering whether that was Paustovsky but I couldn’t remember his name! Read his autobiography as a teenager and had been thinking of reading it again but couldn’t quite put my finger on the name. So, thanks. A great book.
A will reread as soon as i finish Generations of Winter, by Vassily Aksyonov.
Which I have just started. Very dense with allusion.
That sounds interesting… dense with allusion… must have a read!
Paustovsky has captivating power on many levels, why read other historians of that time, when when one has him, and Vasily Grossman, and Grigorenko, can’t remember his Christian name, the chap who was a rural peasant and became a General under Stalin in WWII, exiled to the USA.
There were a few others of course, survivors of their time, like Shostakovitch and his “Testimony”, history is living, not abstract, you can’t crush the truth for ever, it will rise up again eventually, in some form.
The pen is mightier than the sword
And mightier than the literary award
Without the pen we’d be unable
To leave those notes on the kitchen table
Nothing lovelier ever penned
With three small crosses at the end;
Made for no one else to see:
The literature of you and me.
Michael Leunig, a great Australian cartoonist/writer
It is beyond comprehension why you allow posts of the anonymous person signing self with “vot tak”, when those posts are in gross violation of the rules “2)” and “4)” of Saker’s Moderation Policy at . Discourteous and insolent towards other commentators, as in the above “vot tak” post for instance, and racist anti-semitic in other ones.
***excuse me mr anonymouse vot tak happens to be a great friend of this site…modaa
Liz I found your comment interesting. Then I have a question what do you think about the influence of Feminism (as a political movement) in Sweden? Check this one not so positive about it (Swedish feminism) but on the other hand I do no trust that much this author although interesting is an outspoken Zionist. So his judgements might be a bit partial.
Americans are not “fighting to defend their homeland,” which in reality is based upon Euro-Americans genociding Native Indians and stealing THEIR homeland.
Today, American wars are based upon defending the Anglo American Zionist Empire.
Maybe that is one reason why Americans don’t want to sign up for these criminal wars.
I was in the New Zealand Army in the 80’s. That country will still produce good troops. Australia too. I live there now. But the proportion of obese and over weight is higher than before. I do wonder though how cynical the youth are today. Would they be as patriotic as the great troops these nations once produced?
I doubt it.Some would be.But many have a feeling of separation between their governments and themselves (rightly so in many ways).What Liz considers “culturalmarxism”,would be unheard of by 90% of everyday Americans (at the very least).To me the points she is talking of would be the cult of “individualism” instead.There is little left in the US of community among the people.Sure,loyalty to your family and friends is there.And some are loyal to your state and nation.But with the mobility as widespread as it is.Many people living in one state,are from another (half the people I know are from other states or foreign countries).So that cuts down on the state loyalty that used to be very defined.And with around 15% of people foreign born (then there is also their children),how loyal are they to the US as a nation.A country like Russia (and some others) with 90% or so born in Russia.And most of the immigrants from the “near abroad”.There is a higher feeling of loyalty to the “motherland” and community (Russian Mir).While I think some of the numbers mentioned here of possible troops are under estimated.I don’t believe you would today see the willing numbers you saw in the past.
> “The majority of Americans do not want to fight for their country”
That might be because no-one is threatening or invading the USSA. Rather, the USSA threatens the world.
If the USSA was invaded, my money says that they might have a very different attitude, much like people in any other country.
what would be the upside for these kids? with the elimination of DC the country would be better off
I think Russia probably is one of the most fight-effective armies in the world, and definitely inside Europe. No single European country(Germany, France, UK) would stand a chance against Russia.
The western anti-Russian meme has always been, Russia has a big, but bulky, low-tech disorganized army. And this maybe true to a certain extent under the 1990s when Russia was ruled by pro-USA liberal oligarchs..
But I believe the Crimean operation shows that the Russian army is anything but disorganized and low-tech. The Russian troops disarmed 20 000 Ukrainian soldiers without a single fatality, this is amazing, and probably one of the most impressive operation in modern time referring to the organisational level, communication, and technology involved to achieve this.. Of course these were special forces, and not the average Russian soldiers, but still. With 100k soldiers like that, Russia would beat any other European army hands down.
The low-tech Afghan Taliban armies have been able to give the high-tech Nato armies a very hard time. There is a place for high technology in the military, but it seems Nato depends too much on it, and have thus been forced to re-learn small unit tactics to fight the Taliban.
The thing to remember about that also .And to me the most important point about it.Is that the Taliban has been able to do that without massive outside help.Imagine what would be the results for NATO if the Russians or Chinese had been supplying the Taliban with weapons,money,training.Like the US did in the 1980’s against the Soviets.The Taliban’s making a mockery of NATO is a “home-grown” affair.Personally,I believe its an error not to be supplying those arms.The West does that in Syria and Ukraine right now.And is causing all kinds of trouble because of it.If they knew they were going to face the same problems in Afghanistan they might agree to stop what they are doing in Syria and Ukraine.They are only going to make a deal if they have something to lose if they don’t.
Depends on what war you are fighting. Do you intend to let NATO occupy Russia and then fight a decade long guerilla war against NATO to fight them off? Then tech is not so important, or do you want to stop their invasion head on, then tech is important.
Well, judging by the video, the latter seems to be Russian’s plan, whether or not we “intend to let” them!
Or look at it differently: maybe there was NO intention of trying to wipe out the Taliban (impossible in a way, since some would escape to neighbouring countries), but to occupy Afghanistan for other reasons, namely a presence there, $1 trillion’s worth of minerals; opium production for you know who, and originally, for a pipeline.
I agree with you.
The US Empire does not seek to destroy the Taliban. If they really wanted to do that, they could do it, since the tech available now is far better than in the 80s and more importantly, the Taliban now have no outside support. If someone like China or Russia (or both) were arming the Taliban all this time, then NATO would be having tremendous problems over there.
The reason that the US Empire wants to be in Afghanistan is because the country borders Iran, the ex-Soviet Union and also Chinese ally, Pakistan. This provides the US Empire with several options.
They also want to control the heroine trade which helps them finance some of their black ops.
I think you are right about the advantages they get.But that is purely because other countries allow them those advantages.Afghanistan is a totally land locked country.If the surrounding states closed their borders to NATO they would be in a “world of problems”.Now some might say they would go to war with those countries.But I don’t think so.I think they would be forced to withdraw from Afghanistan.In the North are Central Asian countries friendly to Russia or China (depending on the state).Then there is China and Iran that border Afghanistan.And lastly Pakistan,with nukes of their own,and 180 million people in the country.NATO would be “screwed” if they tried anything except to withdraw.While they were making up their minds about withdrawing.The surrounding countries could be supplying the Taliban with weapons to speed NATO’s departure.
All this “Show and Tell” by Russia is surely to serve as a deterrent to those whose hubris out does their intel and intelligence ?
Non attendance by western leaders of the WW2 commemoration military parades served not broadcasting to troopies and family that you trifle with Russia at your own peril.
So post this English sub-titled video to all ranks of the gung-ho Usuk Anglohadi, IS Jihadi, JS Juhadi, EU Natohadi, Saudi et al Foolhardi please.
It may at the least teach the McInsanes, Asinine Ashtons, Horribulus Hammonds some manners… especially as we watch the NATO War Games start with Humvees thoroughly stuck in Portugals beach sand.
That was pretty funny.I saw the video to.I wondered,did no one consider the make up of those beaches.Didn’t they realize the weight limits for vehicles on them.What if that had been a “real” beach assault.Where you move off quickly or die.Those soldiers would have been stuck there and just picked apart.
Uncle Bob,
Saw it too and also had the same thought (after laughing.)
Makes you wonder about NATO ‘unity’ when something as basic as recce isn’t done. Don’t the Portuguese know their own terrain? I wouldn’t rule out subversion..
Send in the Russian engineers!
Saker, you really MUST add ratings to poster’s comments.
Ralph, I strongly disagree, for it would become a juvenile competition, not an exchange of good ideas.
How would it become a ‘competition’? It works on other sites and is indicative of what other people agree with – or disagree.
Absolutely riveting! Found I couldn’t tear myself away from it.
I liked the way junior commanders were forced to improvise as the action unfolded, units put into unfamiliar territory, all simulating how any live situation unfolds.
I’m sure the Syrian operation, as well as serving its stated aims, must also be an opportunity to test the readiness of the Russian armed forces, testing new weapons and tactics, along with honing logistics to new levels.
All in all, an amazing watch. Thanks Saker for the opportunity.
I understand that since at least 2014 there are more “contract” soldiers than conscripts in the Russian military. This should surely improve professionalism and capability given the minimum standards to which conscripts typically aspire. The RT article on this is here:
Would be curious to know if there are any current numbers.
BTW, kudos to the Saker and staff for a highly informative site!
Thank you, Alena for translations.
This is a chilling video, in terms of sobering, for Islamo- fascists and for their bankers.
Beautifully done.
How is this for a tidy step towards madness and WW3.
Thanks Oodnadatta for the link.
I never read the establishment media, so to actually read first hand what they say (and I assume, believe) is eye-opening, along with chilling. They seriously are insane.
I’ll go back to ignoring them and read what serious analysts (and an analyst I am not) have to say about what they say.
Regarding that Yukos money mentioned in this article: Russian gov. just passed a law to freeze foreign money.
Haha, defeated and understandably furious Russian oligarch pays a Western media whore to submit a moral boostlng piece of Western hardcore political pornography. Very impressive (not).
All the journslists of Washington post and new York times along with BBC spies and guardian spy journalists who spread wars and misery to millions must be caught and summarily killed in the field.
Report: Iraq Authorizes Russia to Strike ISIS Convoys Aims to Weaken ISIS Supply Lines
According to a statement from Iraq’s Defense Committee leader Hakim al-Zamli, the government has formally authorized Russia to carry out airstrikes against ISIS convoys that have crossed into Iraqi territory from Syria, a move he says is key to weakening supply lines.
The move comes amid a solid week of US officials warning Russia away from any involvement in Iraq, and threats to punish Iraq if they dared to accept any help from Russia, insisting Iraq had to choose between the two potential partners in the war.
I know the Iraqis are afraid of the US.But what do they actually gain from US “help” there.If the US was to pull out today.You’d have Russia and Iran bombing ISIS (probably doing a much better job of it).And you’d have those countries supplying training (probably better there as well) for their army.In a military sense I think they would be better off without the US involvement.Where I think the problem is,is with the Kurds and Sunni tribes in the West of Iraq.The US might use their influence there to try and undermine the Iraqi government.And cause a rebellion among them.So we’ll have to see what happens there.I’m cautious on thinking they will ask Russia for help (purely because of fear of the US reaction).
I can imagine if things go in certain directions, an odd sort of “civil war” between Turkish and Syrian Kurds associated with the PKK and relying largely on Russian help on one hand, and Iraqi Kurds relying largely on US help and feeling threatened by the politics of the PKK on the other.
“the government has formally authorized Russia to carry out airstrikes against ISIS convoys that have crossed into Iraqi territory from Syria”
That makes a lot of sense. For Iraq, Syria, Iran and Russia.
Russia knows who is funding these groups. Their policy should be to “have a talk with” the funders should such a thing happen.
Russian armed forces video: thanks for the translation and posting. The Russians are not saying ” Bring it on” rather “Don’t say you weren’t warned”.
Isn’t this flag-waving? And a warning flag at that? How times have changed. Not just a modern military but a modernized information weapon.
I’m amazed that a relatively small country population-wise can be so proficient and organized. Imagine the depth involved. It seems that the whole country must be engaged. And yet non-military life goes on in cultural events, sports, media and what-not. Impressive and meant to impress.
I guess the test will be in situations like Syria where Russian advisers must sometimes scratch their heads and wonder. I don’t believe any terrorists with cell phones are going to be foolish enough to challenge Russia on its homeland.
But Russia insists it will not put boots on the ground in foreign countries. So what’s all this about? Just the protection of Russia itself?
I think an interviewer once asked Putin if Russia was trying to instill fear in its opponents. If my memory serves me, he said “Of course, why else do we have missiles?”
It seems Russia has crossed some kind of Rubicon and is “all in” now. Apparently it’s open season except for holding back those trump.
Can the US and NATO follow suit with all their Hollywood know-how? They might but most would see it as bluffing.
Disclaimer: I’m just an interested observer with no inside knowledge. I’m fascinated by this unfolding story; hopefully not transfixed by it. I have a bigger game in mind: the money game. As old man Rothschild is said to have quipped: let me control the money and I’ll control the armies too. In other words, we can win every battle and still lose the war.
I now have to go and sleep on what I said. In the morning things may look different and I’ll have either a sinking feeling or a satisfied one. Sweet dreams to those on this side of the globe and wishing you a bright day on the other.
And the fruits of all the preparation is seen in Syria.
Russia is light on the braggadocio and heavy on the real.
There is an article in Brookings Institution mag by a US NAVY Commander that is enlightening.
The American military now understands the Russians are very real and leaps and bounds beyond the American readiness and NATO’s capacity.
This article was reproduced in Business Insider today, so the MSM is getting a dose of reality too.
It is very interesting that Brookings published it because they are behind the neo-con plan to divide up the countries that are not aligned with the US, like Syria, Iraq, etc.
Brookings is an interesting site. Makes plans for US hegemony but reality based, unlike crazy neo-cons like Carter and Breedlove.
Now the reality is that the visions for world hegemony need need to be revised and scaled down.
“A wagon train of ships” FFS!
The Russians must be trembling at the thought of such adversaries.
Greetings Saker:
One of the commanders said “we are using radiological equipment to jam communications and SATTELITE communications”.
Do the Russians have a jamming super weapon?
Are they using it to create a no fly zone in the Eastern Mediterranean?
Just wondering cause reports of this keep popping up but it’s impossible to verify.
Such a weapon would enable total superiority but it has a shelf life in terms of countermeasures against it.
If you are going to use it it has to be for decisive strategic advantage. Like using knowledge of the Japanese codes to sink the fleet at Midway.
Thinking of decisive strategic uses, destroying the American position in the Middle East, especially Iraq comes to mind.
Russia Iran Iraq Syria alliance would pretty much shut America out of Central Asia forever.
That would be strategic.
What do you think?
I think he was referring to blocking ground communications which use satellites, like satellite phones etc.
–off topic–
Saker, did you see this?
Ah yes.
Something needs to be done to drive a wedge between the Iraqis and Russians.
Please learn to identify weak propaganda. Middle East Monitor is a wholly owned subsidiary of the March 14/Saad Hariri/Saudia Arabia alliance for hell on earth.
The Iranians OK’s Maliki’s replacement by Abadi. It was 100% their call. This is why there is so much consternation in Washington about Iraq possibly flipping sides — because it is a real possibility!
@ Wow,
If Al Jazeera plans to amplify that story, then rest assured that the Anglo-Zionists concocted it. They are the masters of Confusion, Wikileaks or not. That is why we call it now Al Khanzeera (the Swine).
Here is an article on the US “moderate” terrorists.I guess you can tell them from ISIS because of the “smile”.
Warning,adult only picture portrayed in the article,18+:
Report: U.S. officials detected Israeli planes in Iranian airspace in 2012
The mistrust between President Obama and PM Netanyahu began when Congressional Republicans mentioned to the PM in 2007 that Obama was ‘pro-Arab,’ the Wall Street Journal reports.
Hmmm,I guess the meaning of “pro-Arab” is different for Israelis.If Obama is pro-Arab,I’d certainly hate to see the anti-Arabs.
To think of Desh ever attacking Russia is insane. Desh was created by the U/Israel to destroy regional resistance to Jewish occupation of Muslim-Christian majority (83:14) Palestine. The Soviet Union played the part of surrogate mother for Israel after WWII. The very first president of Israel, Dr. Chaim Weisman was a Russian Jew. Putin has maintained very close relations with Israeli leaders and one million Russian Jews living in occupied Palestine.
On September 21, Putin welcomed Netanyahu, his defense chief of staff and head of Jewish military intelligence. Netanyahu conveyed his concern over Russian military personnel fighting along Syrian forces and supply of Russian air-to-air anti-aircraft system. He assured Putin that Israeli pilots would make sure they don’t hit Russian targets but warned Putin of collateral damage. Netanyahu told reporters after the meeting that Putin had promised to share intelligence with Israel over conflict in Syria.
George Soros has one Thousand and one NGOs. The CIA-Mossad-Mi6-NATO run as many mercenary-terrorist groups. Their names change on a monthly basis. So does the marketing, branding, merchandising.
One years they make the headlines with “Gold Dinars”, the next with a very own “Caliphat”. The casual reader is flabbergasted with such ingenuity and entrepreneurship by mere ragtag jihadis, seasoned observers simply laugh.
If Israel is keeping its fingers out of Syria, why should Russia interfere with Israel?
Dear the Saker and Alena Scarecrow ,
Thank you very much for posting and subtitling this most interesting video. A must watch.
I think the Russian armed forces are probably one of the most, if not the most, professional in the world. They have had to do the 180 turn because they are up against enemies who need to be shown and explained to them what they will face if they attack Russia. It is the only way to get through to a bunch of unprofessional Carters and Breedhates of this world.
NATO is a mercenary army for the corporates and A/Zs – the Russian army is an army protecting Russia.
In regard to mmiriww post above about Iraq. I think that is why Carter had that press meeting yesterday saying the is US going to use combat soldiers in Iraq and citing this mythical story of the one soldier who died saving 70 hostages and how this will justify what they do……watch this space…(I don’t have the link to hand but the Iraqi army has apparently caught/arrested an Israeli intelligence officer fighting with Daesh and I read somewhere else US and Israelis around Mosul too. So its all coming out).
Sadly another Iranian General has died in Syria – I have a feeling someone is giving the info or targeting these generals on purpose:
These high ranking officers are fragged by IS suicide shooters. Considering REAL soldiers are on the battle field inspecting their men and not sitting in an office hundreds of klicks away like the guy who started WW1, it is a dangerous assignment. But they should definitely disarm all the people who are around high ranking officers. I think the only one who was killed other wise was an Iranian general in the Iraq offensive who was shot by a sniper but all the others were shot at close range. Just goes to show you the number of traitors in the ranks of the Syrian and Iraqi army. Or even blackmail someone and hold their families hostage. How many Russian generals died in gronzy?
I think the highest US officer who died was like a major and that was on a base far from the battle field and killed by an afghan soldier.
The right sector Nazi’s are in bed with IS in Syria:
And wearing NATO uniform to boot.
Well finally a question I’ve wondered myself has been answered.In Putin’s latest talk he asked and answered that same question:
“What’s the difference between moderate, non-moderate terrorists? They behead gently?
The best answer I’ve heard for the definition of a US backed “moderate ” terrorist.
Actually the moderate terrorist shoots you first before cutting off your head while the indoctrinated terrorist does the cutting while you are alive..
Pictures released by the Free Syrian Terrorist army showing them with heads of Syrian soldiers.. And these guys are supposed to be comrades at one time? How would any Syrian want to fight besides people like this no matter what the outcome will be in the end.
I don’t go for militarism but believe in self defence. Good to see this wasn’t glorifying war and while I don’t want to see an elevation of hostilities in the ME. It is good to know that those paratroopers could be in Damascus or Baghdad in a hour or so. Fully Loaded.
Any news on Iraq officially asking for Russian help does anyone know?
I don’t know how accurate this article carried in Information Clearing House is but according to it the Iraqi government has granted authorisation for Russia to pursue the head choppers into Iraq :
“The Iraqi government authorized Russia to target Daesh convoys coming from Syria, a senior Iraqi official said”.
Full article can be read here :
Iraqi Parliament’s National Security and Defense Committee Hakem al-Zameli said that Baghdad and Moscow have agreed to hit ISIL militants heading from Syria to Iraq.
Also reported here
In a statement released on Friday, Zameli said that the joint data center between Iraq, Syria and Russia was still in its initial stage, noting that however, it has offered important intelligence information which helped end the battle in Baiji, raqi TV, al-Sumaria reported on Friday.
Syria offered important information about the position of ISIL (so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Levant), Zameli said in the statement.
“Iraq agreed with Russia, which leads the joint data center, to hit ISIL militants heading from Syria to Iraq,” Zameli said, pointing out that this move weakens ISIL militants as it cuts off supply routes of the Takfiri insurgents.
This source (confirmed?) says, that the Russians have the Krasukha-4 equipment in Latakia ( What were the consequences of war radio electronic measures established by the Russians in Syria? The Krasukha-4 equipment placed on the Russian air base Hmeymim (Governorate of Latakia) creates an invisible shield to objects in air and ground with a radius of 300 km. The Krasukha-4 is able to “blind” radars for detecting and guiding anti-aircraft missiles MIM-104 Patriot located on the Turkish border, and also radars Turkish fighter aircraft F-16C off from the Incirlik base and helping to establish a “no fly zone” over Syria. The Incirlik air base is located near the city of Adana, 140 km north of Latakia.
But if this is true how can someone kill of six high ranking Iranian advisors? Isn´t it impossible to do that if you are electronically blinded?
“In this video you will see the kind of war Russia is preparing for: basically – a worst case scenario if Daesh supported by regional allies decided make a move into Central Asia or the Caucasus. Or, if Russia has to move to protect Iran from a major attack.”
Proxy-Terrorism is – if we exclude the nuclear Samson option – the only way the US can militarily fight Russia (or China). Option 2, Russia has to protect Iran (or China) from a major attack makes a lot of sense too.
Good to see that the Russians are up to speed.
This was posted on the French saker a while back..
Losses from foreign legions and mercenaries of NATO in the Donbass are finally known.
Igor Panarin, a professor of Russian nationality, Doctor of Political Science and member of the Academy of Military Sciences, reported foreign military losses during the alleged anti-terrorist operations in the Donbass. This document was published under the title: “Losses of foreign mercenaries and NATO troops in Donbass for the period from May 2, 2014 to February 15, 2015”.
Following his calculations, it appears that foreign mercenaries have lost about 1,200 killed or wounded. The largest losses among foreign mercenaries operating in punitive units of the Ukrainian junta were sustained by:
– Poland: mercenaries “ASB Othago” elements 394 killed or wounded
– USA: mercenaries “Greystone”: 180 items
– USA: mercenaries “Academy” (known until 2009 under the name “Blackwater”) 269 items
– Body of female Snipers Baltic 26 items
– CIA: 25 items
Moreover, according to several experts in statistics, about 25% of the staff of NATO troops and foreign mercenaries (approximately 2200 items) were among the fighters surrounded in Debaltsevo.
This explains the frenetic diplomatic activity of French and German leaders in Moscow.
We can say that the loss of NATO and its allies, dead and wounded, in the pocket of Debaltsevo count down as follows:
– British Paratroopers (UK Airborne Service): about 20 items,
– Military Special Forces of the United States: (Special Operation Forces of the United States): 15 items
– Military of the French Foreign Legion: 10 items
– Polish Military: 10 items
– Israeli Military (IDF): 10 items
– Croatian Military: 10 items
Translated by Gabriel, read by jj for Francophone Saker
The video tells nothing. In addition it’s in russian. However death has attacked twice russia first in Afghanistan and then in Chechnia. Both were supported by the US. Which means dash is United states of ashitrica
Rocketing the retreating enemy. The Nazis would know all about being on the receiving end of that.
Porky & Yats need to see this. Judging from this video, it is pretty obvious that Russia didn’t invade Ukraine.
If Clinton(s) get back in office, beware. Bush II tried to fix the mistake of Bush I by invading Iraq to “finish the job.” There was also an Oedipal thing going on there, where Dubya was in competition with his old man and wanted to show him up, but the rest is history. The danger with the Clintons is that it was Bill who “lost Russia.” Because Bill didn’t take the drunk Yeltsin seriously. Who would? Under the cover of the incompetent Yeltsin, the West just looted Russia but missed the golden opportunity to break it up into statelets. Now it’s too late. But Hillary will want to fix Bill’s mistake, so there you go….
Is there any truth in this news I found on facebook :
“Strelkov: Russia put the NFA volunteers in front of a stark choice: 15,000 rubles per month in Donbass under the “unconditional” imperative of implementing the Minsk agreements (no DPR, no LPR, no Novorossiya–into the embrace of the Banderite regime) or 140,000-200,000 rubles per month as members of a “private military company” fighting in Syria. As a result, some NAF fighters are in Syria already. “
An interesting question. Hard to find reliable sources on the web – whether Strelkov actually said that, and generally, whether Novorussian fighters are in any serious numbers going to Syria to fight.
Perhaps Saker has some information about it?
Yes its for real… now remember 150K is only like $2000 which would be like half what almost any job in the US makes.. A special forces member could expect to make $20,000 at least.. A US truck driver makes 10-15K in Iraq.. Of course a local truck driver would only make $200.. But they wont use a local to transport anything. A cyber security specialist in the US makes starting 100K/year to $500k at Microsoft.. There were some mercs from Serbia working in Libya making rather high wages to protect important assets..
Also Syria needs people who have experience fighting in ruins and close quarters with massive fire power.. Those TOS units needs people who knows how and when to use them. You fire the missiles and you need to take the place in minutes before the terrorists regain equilibrium. Syria and E.Ukraine already have a working relationship.. smuggling Russian weapons…
Any web links to actual sources?
Why don’t you just research what merc units like blackwater pays and what nato pays its soldiers. You can find many interviews on such people. Also finding any info on the net does not make it real. But I know what soldiers make and what civilians make and for them to take dangerous assignments would include hazard pay and no one would go into a war zone if the pay was not much better than what they made in a real armed forces. You could also send in your resume to some of these outfits and ask them what they pay. Considering they advertise as competitive and excellent benefits you can infer that the pay would be far higher.. Nothing would be official but then you got to wonder how Syrian equipment ends up in e.ukraine and how Syria gets equipment not found outside Ukraine. Cassad also has the names of some militia members who have died in Syria. They only talk about needing people when the real offensive starts but the recruitment is ongoing.
Since I have seen lots of comments referring to so-called “Cultural-Marxism” I decided to jump in with some thoughts of my own.
The European Conservative Right, and even the Far Right still like to obsess about Marxism, Leninism, Bolshevism, commies etc etc etc. Things, ideas, and personalities that anyone can disagree and criticize, but they do it in a perverted way.
Even though I am sympathetic to many of the things they have to say, and with many political positions they hold, their unhealthy obsession with what they vaguely perceive as “Communism” or with what they understand as “Cultural Marxism” (many have correctly pointed out that Marx himself would have puked if he saw what the SJW today have established as their agenda) is doing their own cause no good. Their obsession with imaginary enemies, loses them useful allies from working-class and left-wing backgrounds within the very European societies they are trying to save.
First of all, Karl Marx himself, is mostly famous for his Critique of Political Economy, or in other words for his incisive analysis of the CAPITALIST MODE OF PRODUCTION! This is what Karl Marx devoted most of his years into! Understanding the inner logic of the capitalist economic system, and how this system operates at its most fundamental level.
This is a website with a very comprehensive analysis of what Marxism is all about:
So, Karl Marx, as a thinker has absolutely nothing to do with the frankly disgusting SJW-movement and the PC-brigades all of us are now unfortunate enough to be witnessing in the Western world.
In fact, I invite everyone to actually go into the trouble of reading Karl Marx. He was a proud German who (in his early years) was dreaming of a United Germany etc… He was also extremely proud of German culture, philosophy and literature. He was no cosmopolitan Jew as many would like to think. I also invite you to read the “Jewish Question” in particular. It is one of his early, more idealistic works.
Now, what many on the Conservative/Nationalist Right understand as “Cultural Marxism” is nothing but post-modernist gibberish, served up by such buffoons as Derrida, Lyotard, Giuttari, Foucault, Judith Butler etc etc. All of these “intellectuals” (in reality, $5 careerists) will say that their thought has some (usually vaguely defined or not at all defined) some “roots” in Marxism. Even if that is true, almost the entirety of sociological thought, or philosophy has some roots in Marxism. Marx, like his predecessor Hegel, are impossible to bypass, irrespective of how much one so desires.
To return though back to the Conservative-Nationalist Right. They are rightly outraged with many of the positions of the so-called Left in the Western World, but they wrongly associate their treachery/stupidity/hypocrisy with some vague Marxism or “Cultural Marxism”.
Now, what I believe that is needed for humanity to go forward, is some kind of Fourth Political Theory (as per Joaquin Flores) By that I mean a combination of progressive popular economics (no parasitic financial elite allowed) with a strong role for the state with the social values of Classical Conservatism.
Stavros, you said:
“Now, what many on the Conservative/Nationalist Right understand as “Cultural Marxism” is nothing but post-modernist gibberish, served up by such buffoons as Derrida, Lyotard, Giuttari, Foucault, Judith Butler etc etc. All of these “intellectuals” (in reality, $5 careerists) will say that their thought has some (usually vaguely defined or not at all defined) some “roots” in Marxism.”
Very true statement. These post-modernists have been making a career out of all these for so many decades – and yes, these academicians are propped up in the background by the same AngloZionist plutocracy and kleptocracy of both sides of Atlantic (so many “chairs” and “forums” in hundreds of institutions !) who are elites in political/economic/bureaucratic/cultural landscape.
Everything you say is correct but few will understand what we’re discussing if we use ‘post modernist’ instead of ‘cultural marxist.’ The pejorative is sometimes useful.
As for Marx, he was not Jewish the way Gilad Atzmon is not Jewish. I respect him but if you’ve ever heard an educated former peasant talk about the peasants he left behind you’ll know exactly what I mean.
TOS-1s in mountains in Syria
THIS IS ABOUT THE SUBTITLES. No intellectual stuff here….
After scrolling thru all these amazing comments to see if someone has already posted and/or answered the comment or request that I am about to make, and not finding an answer I am afraid that I am going to bore you all with my maudlin query.
Actually that was an apology. MY QUESTION is to the Saker or Alena, whom I heartily thank for posting and subtitling all these videos for us dummies that haven’t as yet learned the Russian language. DO YOU SUPPOSE that the subtitles for this video will be uploaded to KEEPSUBS.COM ?????
Having limited data allowance (via my expensive Verizon schmartfon) I download these vids in order to replay them without enriching my internet provider any more than I have to.
Alas, KEEPSUBSDOTCOMMIE doesn’t always have them. The SUBS, that is…
Hello, Adagio.
You are right, has been regularly throwing tantrums for some reason. You could try an alternative subtitle downloader, say, this one – It seems to be working, at least with the video in question.
Thank you.
Thank you, profusely! I saw the same problem and thought I would have to remember to try again in a few days, as had happened before. It’s great to know of another site for the subs.
(In a sane world, Youtube/Google would let you download them directly, but Google is ‘don’t be evil’, and we now what that means).
Alena, thank you very much (profusely, as “blue” said)
I knew you’d come through for us. It hadn’t occurred to me to me to search for another subtitle download website.
After plugging in the correct YouTube link to the video it worked fine.
Now we can enjoy your efforts every time we watch this video on our archives.
Thanks to you we are ‘happy campers’.
I had been puzzled by the use of the term “cultural marxism”. It appears from what I read here, that many people have been convinced that the process of mass infantilization, as well as the promotion of homosexuality and depravity and various other traits of decadent societies in an advanced stage of intellectual putrefaction, are referred caused by a thing called “cultural marxism” which consists of some kind of Frankfurt cabal that set out to destroy western civilization, or something like that. This is quite astonishing, but I tip my hat to the cleverness of it. Marx has been successfully identified as the ultimate cause of degeneracy and brainwashing. Amazing
The really amusing thing about people throwing daily temper tantrums against cultural marxism is that they are too dense and/or too arrogant to realise that it is their highly esteemed Western monopoly capitalist society itself that proudly expresses its ‘moral fibre’ this way. And what is even less understandable to these dullards is that Marxism itself is thoroughly Western supremacist. PROOF: Marx and Engels were quite happy to rant about ‘backward peoples’, ‘Asiatic mode of production’, etc. It was only when their project came a cropper in ‘advanced’ Britain with her working class committing itself fully to the spoils of Empire, turning outright racist and jingoist in the process, that they made some belated angry noises about it — but if that was ever serious, it was “too little, too late”, to put it mildly.
I agree with Stavros H though that Marx and Engels most certainly would be totally pissed at cultural marxism, were they to see it. It would be the ultimate proof of their terrible Eurocentric miscalculations.
Puzzled? Perhaps you need to educate yourself.
Here’s a good short (22 minutes) intro to Cultural Marxism, narrated by William Lind.
Here’s “Minority Rule” by Byron Jost. It’s perhaps the best overview of how Cultural Marxism came to take over the Western world. It has some really good explanations by Kevin Macdonald.
There really is no question that Political Correctness = Cultural Marxism = Frankfurt School = Jewish HATE propaganda.
Bunch of propagandist nonsense. Marx was politically correct??
Made by
“The Free Congress Foundation is a conservative think tank founded by Paul Weyrich. It is based in Alexandria, VA. Since 2010, …”
‘The Free Congress Foundation (or Free Congress Research and Education Foundation or FCF for short), is a conservative think tank founded by Colorado beer magnate Joseph Coors and led by Paul M. Weyrich. It evolved from the Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress and the Free Congress Research and Education Foundation. A group affiliated with the FCF is the Free Congress Political Action Committee. The organization publishes Empowerment!. [1]
According to the organization’s website the “Free Congress Foundation is politically conservative, but it is more than that: it is also culturally conservative. Most think tanks talk about tax rates or the environment or welfare policy and occasionally we do also. But our main focus is on the Culture War. Will America return to the culture that made it great, our traditional, Judeo-Christian, Western culture? Or will we continue the long slide into the cultural and moral decay of political correctness? If we do, America, once the greatest nation on earth, will become no less than a third world country.”
Best way for Russia to protect herself is to attack those vermins of the abgkosaxon controlled west and then kill the head snake of 5 evil eyes which is England the most vile nation in the workd history. That vermin has got to be eliminated fir safety of Rusdia and for wirld. Otherwise no respite.
The Saker,
I have a suggestion..!
You have contacts in and the respect of various media outlets across Russia. You should leverage these facts to destroy Yatsenyuk. You can do this quite easily by persuading every masthead and main page to run a week long campaign showing Yatsenyuk in ISIL garb as the first thing anyone sees. A whole week of Yatsenyuk with his index finger pointing skywards, his beard, his terrorist past on show. A mass show of solidarity – Russian people united with their media showing the world the true nature of the Yatsenyuk Monster western leaders line up to embrace. A whole week showing the worlds media are liars, have been lying, are complicit in this murderers advancement.
A solid wall of truth.
An unavoidable message.
It has to be carried on every masthead.
On every front page.
Every Russian should take it upon themselves to dig up at least 10 email addresses from the Internet and send a link to the images and history of the odious Yatsenyuk.
How hard can that be The Saker…?
This is certaintly give a clear message that this is one kind of responce will follow, if western and its supported terrorist make a slightest try on mother Russia
It is sad that the Western MSM is so very much “in the pocket” of just a few organisations, who control the public narrative.
This event has had zero (0) MSM coverage in Australia (in contrast “every” NATO burp gets headline attention), so generally, no-one “Down Under” has the faintest idea of how effective the Russian military machine is.
Under the former system, the USSR did a LOT of basic physics research (at one time the phasosynchrotron at Dubna was the World’s most powerful), and a lot of that understanding has found its way into a VERY advanced, and effective, array of electronic warfare weapons, and very effective radars (such as the Nebo-H Suite).
Whether the “Donald Cook Incident” was true or false, it might not be the smartest decision to deliberately “poke the Bear”, since the Bear may have claws the West has never encountered in its wildest dreams :-)
vot tak on October 24, 2015 · at 5:30 pm UTC
“Use of the term “cultural Marxism” provides a good indicator of the user’s worth as a thinking person. There are lots of these propaganda inspired terms that are valuable as reliable road markers of where the user is coming from and the road they are promoting travel upon.”
Yes. Very true. A very instructive, if brief, account of the orwellian torture of language and the dizzying heights it has reached, can be found in the introductory words by Michael Hudson to his own “Insider’s Economic Dictionary”. O copy some excerpts below:
The fallacies that lurk in words are the quicksands of theory; and as the conduct of nations is built on theory, the correction of word-fallacies is the never-ending labor of Science. … the party in this country, one of whose great aims was, at one time, the perpetuation of slavery, owed much of its popular vote to the name Democracy.
– S. Dana Horton, Silver and Gold (1895)
Now, it is clear that the decline of a language must ultimately have political and economic causes . . . It becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts. The point is that the process is reversible. . . . If one gets rid of these habits one can think more clearly, and to think clearly is a necessary first step toward political regeneration.
– George Orwell, “Politics and the English Language” (1946)
You can fool some of the people all of the time. Those are the ones you should concentrate on.
– George W. Bush, talking about The People.
Unlike psychological terminology, which consists mainly of terms of invective (try to think of a desirable personality complex), today’s economic vocabulary is euphemistic. One rarely hears the terms rentier or usury that played so central a role in the debates of past centuries.
Classical economists defined rent as unearned income, a property claim that did not reflect a corresponding expenditure of labor, which was the sole source of value. But as our postindustrial society has evolved into a “service economy,” the national income and product accounts count interest and rent as a product – an output of services. Landlords thus are depicted as providing a useful service, not merely charging access fees for sites created by nature and given value by the community’s overall prosperity. The classical value judgment that deemed some business activities unproductive – or even “sterile,” as France’s Physiocrats put it – has been rejected by today’s value-free economics.
As advertisers well know, naming a product shapes how it is perceived. And as Voltaire noted in Candide, optimism “is the mania of insisting that all is well when one is in a terrible state.” Nowhere is this more a political act than in the realm of selling economic policy. What Orwell wrote about the ideological coloration of language in his day applies especially to the vocabulary with which economics students are indoctrinated and formal reports written. Instead of reflecting reality, their jargon often dulls the mind’s critical faculties by diverting attention away from the actual dynamics at work. Depicting debt as wealth, today’s doublethink calls higher access prices for homebuyers “wealth creation.” The economy’s lapse into a rent-and-usury system is welcomed as progress into a post-industrial service society.
Just as history is written by the victors, so politicians, journalists and academic ideologues coin the economic vocabulary with an eye to molding popular opinion on behalf of their constituencies. Thirteenth-century Churchmen replaced the unpleasant word “usury” by “interest,” a term bearing less negative connotations. More recently, predatory policies have been called “reforms” and regressive tax policies called progressive even when their objective is to reverse centuries of true reform.
Denis Diderot (1713-1784), a member of the French Enlightenment, organized the writing of the Encyclopédie as a revolutionary project. It contained a map of human knowledge and included an entry defining the Enlightenment’s political program: “The good of the people must be the great purpose of government. By the laws of nature and of reason, the governors are invested with power to that end. And the greatest good of the people is liberty. It is to the state what health is to the individual.”
But what is “liberty”? America’s Liberty Bell is inscribed with a verse from Leviticus 25: “Proclaim liberty throughout all the land, and to the inhabitants thereof.” The biblical Hebrew term was d’r’r (deror), cognate to Babylonian andurarum used by rulers to annul the population’s personal and agrarian debts, liberate bond-servants and restore self-support lands to citizens who had forfeited them to foreclosing creditors or sold them under distress conditions. These royal Babylonian proclamations evolved into the Jubilee Year that Judaism placed at the center of its religion in an epoch when rulers had come to protect rather than check the power of creditors and absentee landlords.
Liberty in today’s world has come to connote freedom for predators to exploit the economy at large, in contrast to the Enlightenment’s idea of freedom from the rentiers. A free market is said to be one in which government regulation is dismantled, “free” of public protection of consumers. Such protection has been re-christened “interference” and characterized as the Road to Serfdom. Diderot’s “greatest good of the people” has come to be defined as wealth and output that accrues mainly to the rentiers whom France’s Physiocrats and fellow reformers set out to tax. Today, the taxation of landed property and finance is deemed an encroachment on the liberty of wealth.
The Enlightenment and classical political economy advocated freedom from taxation by debt-burdened governments, and sought to protect populations from having to pay prices that included a non-labor rent element. The vested interests railed against public regulation along these lines, and against public ownership of natural monopolies and banking systems.
Confucius wrote that social disorder begins with the failure to call things by their appropriate names. The first step to reform a world that had become malstructured hence was “rectification of the names.” To Confucius, this meant restoring the original meaning of words and concepts. Today, a similar restoration hardly could do better than reviving the vocabulary of classical political economy, because our economic terminology is in obvious need of such renovation. Its vocabulary has diverged from reality in proportion to the extent to which the phenomena being described affect special interests. The term “free trade,” for instance, was countered by “protectionism” and more recently by “fair trade.” The upshot is that a different language exists between critics and defenders of wealth, imperialism and finance.
Realizing that naming a phenomenon tends to define it in the public mind, rhetoricians and demagogues seek to co-opt the vocabulary on behalf of their constituencies. The result is that economic terminology consists largely of the residuum of euphemisms generated during the course of economic debates of which most of today’s students are only taught one side. The vocabulary of rentiers depicts them as productive and useful rather than dispensable, and their income – in fact, all income indiscriminately – as reflecting, by definition, the value of the property and credit services they provide. By contrast, John Stuart Mill defined economic rent as the “unearned income” that property owners are able to make “in their sleep.” Depicting this revenue as “service income” implies that it reflects real output which society needs rather than being an economically unnecessary cost.
As Ivan Illich wryly observed, “School is the advertising agency which makes you believe that you need the society as it is.” H. G. Wells voiced much a similar idea in quipping that “Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe.” Universities have followed “free-market” economists in taking refuge in a mathematical mode of expression, aping the natural sciences’ use of higher calculus as a means to conceal the over-simplifications of their assumptions. One might say that the more complex the math, the more simplistic and banal the relationships being drawn tend to be. The aim is to imbue mathematical symbolism with the sanctifying role that Orwell observed was once afforded by Latin. The economic curriculum effectively has been turned into an advertisement for the rentier claims – the economic overhead of rent and interest payments – almost as a “law of nature” as Diderot and his contemporaries had put it. The law of nature thus turns out to be as prone to economic self-interest as are the laws of modern courts and similar forums.
The economic vocabulary shapes the semantics of how reality is perceived, and conversely, as Orwell noted, “the decline of a language must ultimately have political and economic causes.” “Protecting savings” and “making savers whole” have become euphemisms for downsizing the economy and sacrificing new direct investment in order to preserve the fortunes of rentiers. While psychologists speak of well-adjusted individuals, economists may ask whether the economy’s debts should be adjusted to the ability to pay, or whether growth and living standards should be “adjusted” (that is, sacrificed) to preserve the value of creditor claims. One may ask similar questions regarding the terms “democracy,” “value,” and “efficiency,” and reality itself.
Ultimately at issue is whether what economic jargon calls the “real” economy of production and consumption more real than the claims of finance and property. How a society defines economic terms and relationships will determine who controls it. Terminology serves to “frame” the way in which people perceive economic relationships. What is unsaid or intellectually bypassed therefore is often as important as what is said. Economic theories that focus only on the exchange of goods and services already produced, without discussing the distribution and control over wealth and its income independently of production, will be diverted from examining what really is most important in determining the economic present and future.
Excellent post.
Math is the new Latin. So true.
I still don’t believe ‘cultural marxism’ is top down language. It is bottom up, in terms of class, which is why I still consider it useful.
Your post reminds me we always forget much more than we know.
The triumph of the Quantitative over the Qualitative.
So human worth is only measurable in currency
We’ve been returned to slavery.a
Do you suppose any US generals/politicians/neocons see a video like this and wish that they could put the clock back 10-15 years and behave differently towards Russia?
It was so much fun back then when Russia was weak to kick it around.
PS yes it is “kabuki” and somewhat staged but that’s a lot of stuff and a lot of new stuff too.
Thanks a lot to both Alena Scarecrow and the Saker, very interesting.
About running out of gas in the middle of the battlefield and the new scenarios, such as the desert, I can only remember how I was struck by the “network of gas stations” established by the Tuaregs who took us on a journey of several days in the wilderness in southern Algeria. Well, they had buried drums in some easily locatable points just for them and refueled while we played and did photos in the dunes……Just amazing!
“War on terror” does not become meaningful by translation into Russian. As we have learned, ISIL is an arm of state policy, although it has a tendency to get out of control. The problem is not religion.
Whole countries have been conquered and demolished, their state apparatus destroyed, their economies ruined, millions and millions displaced, left unemployed, destitute.
In Iraq the people’s national resistance nonetheless defeated the regular armed forces of the United States. The U.S. took other recourse with some success in the so-called “surge,” buying off tribal and sectarian leaders. After all that expense and effort, Iran usurped the occupation!
Well damn, whaddaya do? Ah, the regular military failed so let’s set up an irregular military. One thing about U.S. imperialism, it is resourceful!
So your set up some kinda cockamamie “religious” leadership. (“Fighting for their religion?” Bullshit! God told them not to kill.) With so many desperate people around it’s easy to find soldiers: pay them! Give your irregular forces access to oilfields that generate income, build up a depot of materiel to run off with, you’re in bizniss.
The trouble is, business is business and there are a lot of other paymasters who can make offers: the Saudi princes, Turkey, who the hell knows all. Cash is fungible and so are loyalties. U.S. imperialism is bogged down in a swamp it created.
So, I don’t think the Russian preparations are against “terrorism.” It’s a carefully worded warning to the U..S. or any other comers that any “regime change” or “color revolution” meant to break up the Russian Federation will be crushed by force. Guaranteed. All of that is good.
The danger is Russia will get drawn into the sort of big power imperial rivalries for “redivision of the world” that had such dire consequences in the first half of the twentieth century. We must stay alert for that.
I find this display terrifying. It horrifies me that so many countries waste so many resources on these distractive technologies. Yet, I do hope it give the empire pause in its delusions.
There were so many unkind posts about americans, or the culture that is dominant in the united states now. As an expat from California, I do share a sense of horror and dread about some of these trends. Still, I think rather than slinging rude labels, it would serve the discussion and all of our understandings better to be specific and to not relegate whole populations to some kind of inhuman status.
I recently visited California, and was appalled as usual by the rhinos, one really could be run down easily. The surging fascism is palpable and frightening. Still, there are many people of good will that are either lost, beaten down, or suffering under the law (such as it is). To those of you in other countries who lampoon the citizens of the US, I would urge compassion. You have no idea what we have been up against and for how long.
When I discuss political issues with my teen daughter, I try to give her the perspective of my years, as well as history. I don´t think there has been a place on earth that has been such a laboratory for experimentation on human behaviors, from the media, schools and other institutions on down. Can you really blame the brutalized for brutality? Can you blame the brainwashed for their `opinions´? I would say, yes, to the degree that they had a choice, a chance of some way out, some other perspective. Still, I have a lot of compassion for the deluded, the lost, the addicted. I feel their suffering. I don´t think dismissal or ridicule is a healthy response to our brothers and sisters. I may deplore their actions, be driven to distraction by their viewpoints, but still, I strive to see their humanity.
I do see a culture in tatters, that is one reason I am not raising my children in the US. Still, I think the forces that created that situation can be named. Their strategies may be unmasked and understood. And I believe in redemption, that humans have an innate sense which draws us to the good and the light.
Here is one example, perhaps a bit off topic, but it reveals in detail some of the forces working to undermine communities and human dignity in the US.
In Solidarity,