On Webster Tarpley’s radio show on 8/14 Thierry Meyssan announced a sweeping realignment of the Middle East. He followed up on 8/17 with an article. On 8/24 on the Russian-Chinese-Indian Convergence entry here I posted a summary of the diplomatic information he claimed & I asked for your opinions. Larchmonter445 & Paul responded with interesting analyses.
I’m re-posting the summary here. It is interesting that Thierry was able to state a month in advance that the Russians would give satellite photos to the Syrians and would intervene with troops, send aircraft, etc. It would appear that there was diplomatic cooperation between the parties, rather than the Russian part in this being “an act of defiance”. Apparently there is a degree of cooperation, so that things may not be so dangerous as we think.
In Thierry’s radio remarks he had expanded on the disappearance of Iranian-US opposition, saying that Iran’s capitalist class wishes to align w global capitalist class, renounce resistance to imperialism. Sunni/shia jihadist war will end. Saudi Arabia will no longer be leader of the Sunnis, but of the Arabs. Iran will no longer be leader of the Shias, but of the Persians & will occupy a gendarme role on behalf of the US, like that of the Shah in the past.
There are a few indications that this change is occurring in Iran: Iran has applied for WTO. Even before nuke negotiations, Iran’s leadership had blocked hardliner Ahmadinejad from running for parliament. IMPORTANT: Since the nuke deal, a step has been taken to limit keeper-of-the-revolution Khamenei’s power: http://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2015/09/15/rouhanis-nuclear-dividend-to-feature-in-iranian-elections.html Inside dope, rivalry bet Khamenei & Rouhani. In any case Khamenei retains power of foreign policy & nuclear policy. At issue is expansion of social & economic?? liberties. K wants Guardian Council, which he controls, to continue to vet parliamentary candidates. Loss of this power wd b revolutionary I think.
MASSIVE MIDEAST REALIGNMENT. Thierry Meyssan, living in Syria, appears to have the inside track on the diplomatic agreements which change everything.
1. Some of us have argued that Israel does not rule US foreign policy, but is only a faction to whom dirty tricks are delegated. It appears that in the struggle for Congressional votes to ratify the Iran nuke deal that the Israelis and their cohorts are fighting against a larger, secret US-Iranian deal in which opposition between US & Iran will disappear and upper-class Iranians will join the capitalist classes.
Under the agreement Iranians will control Syria, 2/3 of Iraq & half of Lebanon; Iran will no longer be a revolutionary force resisting imperialism. If I remember correctly all 7 of the mideast nations to be taken down by US were not members of IMF, WTO & opposed charging interest. All had state banks that issued their own currency. Iran has already applied for WTO membership.
2. There are signs that the Israeli-neocon faction which resists the secret agreement are being defeated: General Allen, of the faction, arranged with Erdogan to impose a buffer-zone on Syria. It was announced. Then began the backpedalling as his faction, which includes Brookings thinktank, was overcome. Now it is only “planned, mulled, being considered”.
Further, it has been announced that US, NATO & Germany will withdraw their Patriot missiles from Turkey. (Thierry says Spain to announce soon, too). The missiles wd be necessary for the buffer zone, of course.
3. Thierry says it has been agreed that ISIS will be defeated and peace will come to Syria. [UN has already announced formation of a contact group & the steps to be taken.] This wd explain why the US has said nothing about the Iranian troops in Syria. It wd explain why the Patriot missiles are to be withdrawn– so that Syria can interdict the supply line coming out of Turkey. According to Thierry Russia will, for the first time, supply Syria w satellite photos to locate the enemy & his supply line– and US will stop supplying satellite photos to ISIS, altho al qaeda will continue to receive them.
4. Control of ISIS had been taken over by Turkey, and the predicted increase in Turkish power was a factor in Saudis’ acceptance of the new configuration.
5. The 6 Russian Interceptors (fighters, not bombers) exactly balance the US 6 fighters deployed to Turkey’s Incirlit Airfield. The Russians are taking no chances for a double-cross. Russians are considering deploying troops to Syria, if there is a UN mandate. [Russian sources have denied the presence of the Interceptors.]
6. There is to be a Common Arab Defence Force under Israeli command– which is already happening in Yemen. Palestinians are to get an internationally-recognised state, but w/o the right of return to Israeli-occupied lands. Predicted on 6/27!
Penelope on September 24, 2015 · at 12:10 am UTC said:
“Iran will no longer be leader of the Shias, but of the Persians & will occupy a gendarme role on behalf of the US, like that of the Shah in the past.”
Thierry would have said that better as:
“Rich Iranians will no longer be leader of the Shias, but of the Persians & will occupy a gendarme role on behalf of the World Elite, like that of the Shah in the past.”
Well the petty pathetic Poles have given Russia fore warning and I am sure they will be well prepared and their borders secure. What goes around comes around. The EU bought this whole mess upon itself and US poodle Poland doing what its Master tells them.
(On a side note – I wouldn’t be surprised if the A/Z’s plan to send their ISIL crazies through Poland to the Russian border to infiltrate and cause problems).
Well, after decades of research I meanwhile doubt that Merkel is still alive (as a human being [if she ever was]).
My theories range from her being inhabited by aliens, experiemntal pre-release artificial “intelligence” gone wrong to being filled with a black hole in a vacuum or dull dumb empty cold stones.
But one thing is for sure: Whatever position she ever held in GDR, she is not and never was anything remotely related to being “a communist”.
So please don’t damage this word.
Those who claim that she “is a commie” are the same that Saker is fighting against: The ones afraid of Truth and Justice, the ones feeding the MSM with new lies whenever openeing their stinky mouthpieces.
Your research must have been very superficial, of course she was a communist:
* Her father, a communist protestant priest, moved with his family from West to East Germany when Merkel was still a child. That happened before the wall was build. Yes, that’s true, she was born in _West_ Germany and they moved to _East_ Germany while hundreds of thousands were fleeing in the opposite direction.
* Her father kept his communist persuasion until he died in 2011.
* Young Angela Merkel was a very active member of the communist youth organisation, occupying a post as a junior propaganda official at the time when the wall came down.
* Angela Merkel studied at the Karl Marx University in Leipzig and was allowed a stint at Moscow University. These universities were typically open only to students the communists had complete trust in.
* As a further sign of the trust that was placed in her, she was allowed to travel to the West, both professionally as a young scientist and to go on vacation. For example, she vacated in Spain in the early eighties. That was despite of her having no children and, for most of the time, being un-married. The fact that she did not defect proves her loyalty, because her education – a PhD in physics plus fluent Ŕussian – would have guaranteed her a career in West Germany. There were many business, scientific and official contacts between Russia and West Germany at that time already. She would surely have found a good job somewhere.
Yet, everything points to that the communist dictatorship had complete trust in her and that she was groomed for occupying top positions.
Now, people tend to believe that Angela Merkel was not a communist because she was not a member of the communist party. But she was a member of the East-German christian democrats, a communist-controlled pseudo-party. This party existed to keep the tabs on a section of the East-German population that was deeply Christian and could not be brought to attach itself overtly to the communists. If anything, Merkel was even worse than a communist, a communist in sheep’s clothing so to speak. Her record ever since the wall came down has testified to that. The christian democrats, which she leads, have moved far to the left and are almost not recognizable anymore compared to what they were before.
You spend too much time reading west-German “news”papers and/or watching too much TV.
My eyes are tired.
Also I don’t consider it worth the time.
So if it makes you happy I leave your claims stand, although I think that you are totally misled.
But honestly: I won’t spend another hour replying to such nonsense. Need a break from stuff like yours SIGHH
You must be a zombified Westgerman from the south-west.
I bet 1 EUR that you didn’t live in the East.
You have a right for free speech. And simply believe me: She was not a communist.
If you don’t notice it: While some parts of what you stated are partially true (on isolated basis), you mix facts with assumptions and also have a number of obvious contradictions in your statements.
If you want to see a communist from GDR, then go here:
Some unnamed sources even claim, Merkel may be female.
Also she came from former GDR (before her theological parents moved there in the 50ties from the West).
The CIA/banks mafia built her up like Obama:
Merkel: From the East, female
Obama: Democrat, black, was very young
Q: Why did they choose these puppets?
A: Because nobody else could perform such radical ZioNeocon policies.
Had Helmut Kohl or Edmund Stoiber won the election or Gerhard Schroeder: Mass protests had a decade ago ousted them.
Same if Bush junior could have legally applied for a 3rd or meanwhile 4th term or if McBrainlessPain or hillarious Sarah Palin or hillarious Hillary or the like would now be US President.
But Obomba and Merkel can do allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll this and the media still sells them as some dear smart young dynamic democratic justice-loving fair presidents from next door.
That’s the reason behind it.
If the previous poster blames me for being superficial, well, I don’t want to use the word that rightfully describes him. Well, let him: He’s a clueless beginner.
Dolts of your stature will never understand that Western imperialism has very little use for any “ideologial purity”. Your hyperventilation is the same futile exercise as these “betrayed” Eastern European wannabes are resorting to now that their beloved EU kindly forces settlement of M-U-S-L-I-M-S upon them.
On a more serious note: There is some significance to the fact that the Eurocrats fully embraced Angela Merkel but later on totally trashed Alexis Tsipras. Merkel evidently suited them very well indeed being an intelligent power personality from behind the Iron Curtain, whereas Tsipras was an utter nobody and a silly fraud to be given a really good beating so as to “drive home the message”.
Anyway, Putin and Russia lead by example by not belonging to this club of degenerates, watever their backgrounds.
That question about what the EU should have done and whether it isn’t of any use to the German capitalists (with a “communist” as one of its more significant figureheads) was directed towards the anti-communist, of course.
I may not speak German very often, but I sure as hell read it quite a lot :-)
We (my parents) were not in the party and my parents attended similar Universities nevertheless and also worked in the Import/Export industry and visited Leningrad for several months, due to work, despite not even having been members of the youth organization FDJ.
Yes, we had certain difficulties because of that, but it wasn’t as bad as they told you in your western propaganda media.
There was no complete control. The Stasi secret police was a child’s birthday compared to what we have now (BND, CIA, NSA, MI6, MOSSAD etc.)
Argh, I forgot another difference: The Stasi wanted to protect my home country.
They were good patriots. And you could certainly talk to them.
Western secret services much more intend to destroy other countries, rather than protecting a single thing! The West has no problem to kill, rape and murder at any time they find it useful. Such things did not exist in Soviet East-Germany.
She may have been an “opportunist” in those days.But she certainly today is in no way what would be considered a real “Communist”.Lenin,Stalin,even Marx himself would be laughing at you if they could hear you say she is a Communist.And I doubt,unless she has had an overload of “koolaid” since then, that she ever was in those days either.
Russia so desperately desires to be part of the disreputable and collapsing West that Russia is losing its grip on reality.
Despite hard lesson piled upon hard lesson, Russia cannot give up its hope of being acceptable to the West. The only way Russia can be acceptable to the West is to accept vassal status.
Russia’s foreign minister Lavrov seems to believe that now with the failure of Washington’s policy of war and destruction in the Middle East, Washington and Russia can work together to contain the ISIS jihadists in Iraq and Syria. This is a pipe dream. Russia and Washington cannot work together in Syria and Iraq, because the two governments have conflicting goals. Russia wants peace, respect for international law, and the containment of radical jihadists elements. Washington wants war, no legal constraints, and is funding radical jihadist elements in the interest of Middle East instability and overthrow of Assad in Syria. Even if Washington desired the same goals as Russia, for Washington to work with Russia would undermine the picture of Russia as a threat and enemy.
Russia, China, and Iran are the three countries that can constrain Washington’s unilateral action. Consequently, the three countries are in danger of a pre-emptive nuclear strike. If these countries are so naive as to believe that they can now work with Washington, given the failure of Washington’s 14-year old policy of coercion and violence in the Middle East, by rescuing Washington from the quagmire it created that gave rise to the Islamic State, they are deluded sitting ducks for a pre-emptive nuclear strike […]
They are not beholden to the West at all. I think that dream died sometime ago……They know – along with China and Iran that they are targets but deal with it in a different way. There are no illusions.
Saker explained the Russian mentality sometime ago – they talk to their enemies and see nothing wrong with that. Slow to saddle and quick to ride………
that is exactly the problem with the Russian mentality. They talked to Hitler even as he was about to launch the greatest and most deadly attack on Russia in history. They simply refused to believe that it will happen, in spite of all the evidence in this world that it is going to happen.
Do you think Germany would have attacked Russia if there was a submarine off its coast full of nuclear tipped missiles which could wipe out German cities?
The game has very much changed.
Do you think that with modern communications and the lessons of the past that Russian troops would not fight any invaders?
They are not part of the Soviet Union with strict orders not to attack Germany as part of their non-aggression pact and unable to report and get new orders.
I hope you are correct. Russia (i.e. Putin) is clearly trying to exhaust all alternatives besides war, while Washington is trying hard to get full scale war started.
I tend to agree. Lavrov’s a diplomat. They do this thing, it’s called “lying”. Just because he says he wants to work together with the US doesn’t mean he expects the US to do any such thing. But if he’s all nice and offers what the Americans would want if they were telling any of the truth about their objectives, then they’re the ones who look bad when they turn him down. No point coming out of the gate denouncing them–anyone who would believe him already knows, and anyone who doesn’t already know will just harden their attitude against him.
[…] If the Russian government thinks that Washington’s word means anything, the Russian government is out to lunch.
Iran is well led, and Vladimir Putin has rescued Russia from US and Israeli control, but both governments continue to act as if they are taking some drug that makes them think that Washington can be a partner.
These delusions are dangerous, not only to Russia and Iran, but to the entire world.
If Russia and Iran let their guard down, they will be nuked, and so will China.
Washington stands for one thing and one thing only: World Hegemony.
Just ask the Neoconservatives or read their documents. […]
” Instead of leaving Washington to suffer at the hands of its own works, Russia and Iran, the two most hated and demonized countries in the West, have rushed to rescue Washington from its Middle East follies. This is the failure of Russian and Iranian strategic thinking. Countries that cannot think strategically do not survive. ”
Bravo !!!!
Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant!
PCR is telling some very important truth here .
The whole text is without a mistake. Putin’s Russia is not any more acting in its own interest. Just like Stalin who never expected that Hitler will attack him. That misjudgement costed Russia 27 million lives.
This time, Putin’s misjudgement can cost Russia its very existence.
Washington cannot ever be a partner unless some normal person like Ron Paul was back in 2008. comes to power.
Wrong, he never believed that, at least there is no proof.
You are unreflectedly re-iterating ZioProp.
p.s. Most European nations had similar treaties with Hitler, including Poland (which invaded Zaolzie in accordance to the treaties signed with Hitler) and annexed it to Poland.. Go figure!
“””””Cieszyn and Český Těšín were merged again in October 1938 when Poland annexed the Zaolzie area together with Český Těšín.”””””
Stalin knew that Hitler would attack. That’s why the Soviet Union was not unprepared but had much more military might than expected by Hitler (who started the invasion much too late in summer, gave them no winter clothes etc etc).
Hitler thought the Soviet Union could be a western colony within weeks.
So thought (and hoped) Britain and the rest of the noble West.
Only by pretending to believe that they were unprepared Stalin saved the lives of another 27 (if not 50) million Russians from eternal slavery. Go, check the facts.
If you are a Wend, why do you spread Zwestern Zshitoganda???
The more I find out about Hitler, the EU, Rothschild and the Dollar-owned so called West the more I have to wonder if Hitler was in fact a Zionist double-agent.
It was always suspicious to me why Hitler never invaded Britain (he would have easily won).
But I know this: Nikolay II Romanov was much better leader then Stalin. Stalin allowed Germans to come 19 miles from Moscow, while Nikolay kept them thousands of miles away.
And yet, everybody praises Stalin for victory, while considers Romanov a loser. It’s a tricky game.
The way you are thinking about WWII and the directing hands behind it, I have a book for you. In the past I have many times recommended Starikov’s free online book for its economic content & its explanation of why Russia doesn’t control its central bank or ruble-creation.
But at least half of the book is given over to history– several chapters on the point-by-point steps to WWII. This part reads like a novel.
thanks for the link.
Today I’m simply too tired, but I’ll definitely read it starting tomorrow.
tnx rgds
@ The Wend:
I like and respect PCR a whole lot of a ton.
He has good intentions. In this case he wrote something as good as he can based on what MSM told him. Not his fault, not your fault.
WW2 – it is tricky.
There are many things nobody of us will ever know with 100% certainty.
Romanovs: Not sure if you can reduce this comparison to the kilometres any enemy was away from Moscow. Times were different, armies and weapons were different.
Also to counter-argue in your km-away-way: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_invasion_of_Russia
“””””Napoleon entered Moscow a week later.”””””
Also, at Romanov’s time Russia and Germany were still military _allies_.
And during WW1 Germany was advised by Zionist bankers.and only then decided to be at war with Russia (because the Zionists hated the Romanovs and wanted to destroy, divide and enslave Russia). That’s one of the reasons why “Ukrainain identity” including their blue-yellow (sky-cornfield) flag was invented by Germany and Austria, only in order to harm Russia, and those fools don’t get it until this day, that they were invented by their own enemies only to kill themselves and their brothers.
Well, we could talk night and day about all this stuff.
“””””The roots of Ukrainian national symbols come from before Christian times when yellow and blue prevailed in traditional ceremonies, reflecting fire and water.[7] The most solid proof of yellow and blue colours could be traced as far as the Battle of Grunwald at which participated militia formations from various lands of the Polish-Lithuanian Union.”””””
Hahaha, probably wikipedia is wrong: The blue sky and yellow corn came into existance millions of years ago! Entire planet earth was first and before all created by heroic Ukrainians.
Hi Martin! Someone posted more on the petition I mentioned.I thought you might want to see the post:
“They aren’t facist , they only have sold their soul to the big satan , which is worth , because you can’t redeem ! But let see wat is going to happen when the ukrainians are going to be confronted to geenpeil.nl , it might just be the right punishment for all those sinners who believed in the U.S. And EU gospel! Al this suffering and destruction for nothing ( no visa free regime with the EU no association treaty ) I guess yatseniuk and petro porochenko will have a lot to explain !
P.S geenstijl.nl is a courageous initiative from the average John cheese to get a referendum about the association treaty between the EU and the Ukraine ! Though our MSM don’t mention it 300000 signatures have been collected !,
in January or February we will get this referendum , and let’s hope that more than 30 % of the Dutch voters will vote , and that the majority of them will be against this hiddious plan”
This looks interesting. I have bookmarked.
Which chapters do you recommend be read first?
I.e., “several chapters on the point-by-point steps to WWII. This part reads like a novel.”
“The more I find out about Hitler, the EU, Rothschild and the Dollar-owned so called West the more I have to wonder if Hitler was in fact a Zionist double-agent.”
Stop wondering, I’m pretty sure he was (either if a willing one or not, that’s up for grabs, though) but can I prove it? No :/
Can anybody prove it, outside those with above top-secret clearance with access to intelligence material?
Probably not.
Apart from hints, bits and pieces here and there (which could be all easily deconstructed as circumstantial evidence by any second-grade lawyer worth their salt)… there’s not much we have to go by. Unfortunately.
Neither Putin nor Lavrov strike me as ‘desperate.’
I think they are practising ‘realpolitik’, but without the ammoral void at the heart of it’s former incarnation. They coordinate where interests align, they keep schtum when they don’t. (The MSM hysteria about Russian presence in Syria is one example. They took their time responding.)
Opening up a military/Intel channel with the US is the other aspect – there are people on a similar wavelength on the other side who do not want escalation. They can deal with them.
They will ignore the rest, while keeping a wary eye on where such elements are likely to became a problem. They know they are not dealing with a coherent administration. They know there are factions. They know there are other actors. It’s a dance.
They have been pretty direct lately about their relationship to Assad’s Syria. Lavrov has been blunt about mixed signals – get with the programme, or remove signature from the Geneva Communique.
And the latest from Zerkel? The government of President Bashar al-Assad ‘must be part of the solution to the Syrian conflict.’ (Read that today.)
Now, where did she get that order from? I would love to know.
Ps Did anyone notice something on the report about the beautiful new Moscow mosque? The camera panned to Putin – sitting beside Erdo, then moments later the same shot showed an empty seat. Ok, could have been mundane, but it looked to me like RT (coordinated with the Kremlin?) was making a point.
(‘Though protocol demands we observe the niceties Mr ‘Caliph-in-waiting’, we frankly have more important things to do than shore up your vanishing political relevance…’)
I think all the above from Penelope is dependent on an agreement with the US that is not happening. I think the future will be somewhat different. It is strange to read it immediately after reading a link at the old Saker website of six months ago (directed from Russia Insider) featuring the proposals of Sergei Glazyev — December 2014 — in which his predictions have come true: inflation is still high, industrial production is down, unemployment is rising. There is a war against Russia that is on right now. I don’t understand Glazyev’s finer points but I understand his anger very well. Russia has the ability to take steps regardless of the central bank’s position. I also believe there is a wide coalition going to arrive in Syria, it won’t be small. From what the US is still saying: no Assad; and the Russian FM: then retract your signature from the Geneva accord; the military will decide this, and not the western imperialists. Something in me says, let the same formula apply to Ukraine, use an excuse if necessary but kick Poroshenko’s NATO junta to hell! And assert Russia’s self-interest above all, quit playing footsie behind the scenes with the lying murdering thieves.
Look at it this way: Officials from each negotiating govt want something.
— Iran wants an end to sanctions and her long-frozen funds. Her elites want prosperity, consumer goods and wealth. They may want a more secular way of life. Iran’s willing to be peace-enforcer for the US, which means enforcer of their petrochemical and other ownership rights in the area that’s assigned to her to boss. She’s willing to give up anti-imperialism
— US wants the middle east under her control w/o much attention from her, so she can attack Russia & China. She thinks she can bend Iran to the role of local boss-vassal because US is experienced in how to control nations by way of controlling their elites’ financial resources and other means. They are most easily controlled if great inequality and injustice can be wrought– because then the elites, lacking legitimacy, will need help in arms & training. Also US wants to loot Iran– the petrochemicals, the publicly-owned sector, whatever.
— Russia may have no choice but to sign off on the Iran nuke-deal if the others want it. Given that it’s coming, what does she want? To be compensated for the chunk of gas sales that Iran is going to make to the EU. This is especially important until she’s actually making money from her Chinese gas sales. So Iran agrees to buy lots of very expensive military hardware/ maybe civilian aircraft, and she announces this even before the deal is signed. Russia needs to see the jihadists wiped out, perhaps can’t trust the US to do it, negotiates the steps by which she’ll be permitted to do this. Hence US & allies announce withdrawal of Patriots, US agrees to withdraw satellite photos from ISIS, but not al qaeda (nonsensical). US agrees there will not be a no-fly zone, but has difficulty w Israel thru her faction, which includes Gen Allen, and also w Turkey.
etc, etc. The fact that there is a degree of negotiated cooperation between the parties doesn’t contradict our ordinary understanding of the opposition existing between US & Russia & the others.
“Russia may have no choice but to sign off on the Iran nuke-deal if the others want it. Given that it’s coming, what does she want? To be compensated for the chunk of gas sales that Iran is going to make to the EU. This is especially important until she’s actually making money from her Chinese gas sales [..]”
I think you’re totally onto something there.
Makes perfect sense with Russia’s inactions [or wrong actions] on many things: Yemen, Ukraine (must protect Russians where ever they are! Yeah… unless they’re in Ukraine, that is!) Syria, the dodgy Iran deal, their dodgy deals with the Saudis and Erdogan. Then there’s Nutter-Yahoo visit to Moscow, plus the good ol’ “must coordinate efforts against ISIS with Nato/US”…it all ties up!
Meanwhile; all the other so-called geopolitical “analyses,” and their projections: don’t add up at all, and when they do, it‘s only partially at best. They’re all seem to be faith-based; namely… trust us: Putin has an ace under his sleeve…
Saaay whaaat?!
I sincerely hope do hope he has a massive ace under his sleeve, but so far, Jack, I’m not seeing those fancy fairy tails coming to fruition, like: at all!
Time will tell if the Meyssans of this world, or their nay-sayers are right.
A time table, would be nice though… from either camp, btw.
If it’s more than 10 years from now (even 5 will do), at least I can go back to dedicate myself fully to my favorite hobby; creating music/art, and then I can come back to paying attention to geopolitical affairs after the estimated time-table is up.
Interesting report. In Russia, building this Mosque is reason for celebration, with the highest of government present along with foreign leaders. In the zionazified states of pindo land, building a Mosque is a major controversy with most of the Jewish run media in bigoted hysterics.
Another interesting thing about this was Erdogan and Abbas paying their respects. I believe Abbas and the Russian government are on good terms, but there has been “rumors” of Turkey and Russia being on the splits. Perhaps those rumors are exaggerated…. ;D
Ayatollah Khamenei: US Evil Policies, Israeli Crimes, Muslims’ Main Worries
September 23, 2015 – 12:03
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said the crux of the matter for Muslims is the US vicious policies towards the Middle East as well as the Israeli regime’s atrocities against Palestinians and frequent desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
“Today, the US malicious policies in this region (West Asia and North Africa) – which have caused wars, bloodshed, destruction, displacement, poverty, underdevelopment and ethnic and sectarian rifts – in addition to the Zionist regime’s crimes… and its frequent desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque and trampling over the lives and properties of the oppressed Palestinians, is the main problem of you Muslims,” Ayatollah Khamenei said in a message to the Hajj Congress on Wednesday.
China to Finance Steel Projects in Iran
September 23, 2015 – 14:28
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Chinese are going to finance 7 major industrial projects in Iran on steel production, an Iranian official said.
Speaking to Tasnim on Wednesday, CEO of the Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization (IMIDRO) Mahdi Karbasian said an Iranian bank has finalized arrangements for the letters of credit (LCs) for financing the seven projects by the Chinese companies.
September 23, 2015 – 14:41
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Israeli secret service, Mossad, is suspected of being behind a series of mysterious cyber-spying attacks on decisive negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program held at luxury hotels across Europe earlier this year, Swiss media reported.
A Swiss newspaper, Der Tagesanzeiger, said that research carried out by its staff had shown that cyber hackers had been able to snoop on all the negotiations conducted last spring and summer by Iran, the United States, Germany and the UN’s four other veto powers, The Independent reported on Tuesday.
Iran Unveils New Homegrown Drone (+Photo)
September 23, 2015 – 13:47
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) on Wednesday unveiled a new indigenous drone named “Mohajem (Attacker) 92” with a range of 500 kilometers.
Mohajem 92 enjoys 6-hour flight endurance and is able to fly as fast as 200 kilometers per hour at the sea level.
The new homegrown drone has a weight of 80 kilograms and can carry out operations within a 100-km radius.
Experts at the IRGC Aerospace Force manufactured the stealth drone through reverse engineering. On December 4, 2011, an American Lockheed Martin RQ-170 sentinel unmanned aerial vehicle was captured by Iranian forces near the city of Kashmar in northeastern Iran. http://www.tasnimnews.com/english/Home/Single/868635
Oh, to live in Moscow, a gracious city among cities, as only actions can prove. What a beautiful thing. I almost ignored this post, and many will, but this is of high significance, do you not think, Saker?
I saw Kadyrov and Erdogan both present, and Erdogan spoke, but Putin said this:
“I would like to emphasize…by virtue of Russian law Islam is one of the traditional Russian confessions.”
On an important day for Islam, Russia gave this enormous gift and recognized its family, close as blood. I never saw a mosque looking so gorgeously Russian, so aligned with the Orthodox decorator swatches, so safely standing, so happy and positive, so deeply and thoughtfully accoutered with amenities to support the true pilgrim and scholar.
And I think that this day sends echoes that only the faithful can hear, but echoes that resound throughout the universe of belief, and principle, and action.
I second Mundnomaniac’s response.
A heartfelt response to Moscow’s majestic new mosque and the ecumenical message it radiates.
And who can fail to note some kind of symbolism or maybe synchronicity between Istanbul’s Hagia Sofia in Istanbul—originally a Byzantine cathedral and now a mosque—and this new “Russian” mosque with its slavic-style domes. Both show a melding of Christian and Muslim faith.
Despite hard lesson piled upon hard lesson, Russia cannot give up its hope of being acceptable to the West. The only way Russia can be acceptable to the West is to accept vassal status.
Russia miscalculated that diplomacy could solve the crisis that Washington created in Ukraine and placed its hopes on the Minsk Agreement, which has no Western support whatsoever, neither in Kiev nor in Washington, London, and NATO.
For the neoconservatives, Armageddon is a tolerable risk to achieve the goal of American World Hegemony.
Only Russia and China can save the world from Armageddon, but are they too deluded and worshipful of the West to save Planet Earth?
He’s a bit “plain spoken”,but that’s his style.I can’t find anything he said about the US policy where he is wrong. I do hope he is mistaken on Russia’s thinking.But I have noticed much that he says to be true.
I agree that its a class war.But its more than a class war involved.Not every issue is solely determined by class.Or at least by the normal understanding of the different classes in a society.
I don’t understand why religions are still so important in the computer age.
Let’s hope the plan works to keep the muslims in Southern Russia happy.
Also it would be outstandingly cool to confront the USA from now on as a closed block from Kairo through Istanbul to Vladivostock.
And to destroy ISIS or better: To re-direct ISIS to conquer Al Washingtona.
Will you take your computer with you when you die? Do you think this life is only about the living? Do you really think this universe is so small that absolutes can be captured in relatives?
Others ask these questions and realize they better think outside that box. And immediately, God appears. Flavors are different, and mileage does vary, but still the sacred and the holy are ever present in a place so personal and yet so far above all our pitiful little words, that only in our forlorn and momentarily forsaken moments can we think that the religious feeling inside each of us doesn’t matter.
i admire everything you write, Martin. The greatest thing about our mutual study of Russia in the world is that we are allowed – and compelled – to include the moral and spiritual aspect of human experience into our study. I encourage you to live in the sacredness of this world that all beings engage with involuntarily and innately, undeniably and joyously.
Neither we can take all the luxuries and riches contained in these mosques. Despite its unquestionable beauty, and that I love to visit ancient mosques throughout the world, when I see the cost of these magnificent buildings, I wonder whether it would not be better to use all that money to help the families of the legions of unemployed that are everywhere. I think the future will be austere or will not be. To stick with the same model of luxury for the elite, civil or religious, and the rest to work into old age without the right to decent housing or health conditions, simply will not be. I do not understand why humility and modesty for women in Islam is preached and then we attend these celebrations of waste. When I visited them, I’ve always wondered why Catholic cathedrals were looking so great, even overwhelming, and my conclusion has always been that it is to convey to ordinary mortals the power of the Church, and of God himself, on them, to transmit fear of God.
I think that simplicity and austerity bring us closer to God than anything else, and that each of us can be our own cathedral where nothing is wrong with us nor with any part of our body.
there are theories about the size, shape and materials used for buildings that ‘speak’ to something other than thought.
i heard of a room in Egypt that when entered, everybody weeps, no matter what race, class, education or any other ‘differences’, but i don’t know where that is exactly.
so builders of sacred buildings have a tradition about mathematical proportions for example.
similarly – different people see/feel things in ancient sites that others are apparently unaware of, and it is not a question of ‘high education’. professors are usually as blind as bats, too much ‘literal/literary learning dulls the senses.
“I do not understand why humility and modesty for women in Islam is preached and then we attend these celebrations of waste”
Oh, but that’s because architecture-porn (similar to food-porn in food channels) is totally ‘kosher’ with some peeps, but porn-porn is a huge no-no (btw, not that I’m particular fond of actual porn, before anybody asks), but let’s not forget that what these people class as “porn” is something as innocent female hair…
…or female faces, or simply… the female ’form‘… *eye-roll*
“[..] When I visited them, I’ve always wondered why Catholic cathedrals were looking so great, even overwhelming, and my conclusion has always been that it is to convey to ordinary mortals the power of the Church, and of God himself, on them, to transmit fear of God.”
Bang on. Churches/Temples of any denomination are primarily big celebrations mainly to the male ego/narcissism.
And yeah, yeah… I’m sure there’s a cathedral or two dedicated to the Virgin Mary, big deal! Or there are like a few surviving ancient temples dedicated to this goddess or that other goddess…
Exceptions don’t make a rule, people!
But more importantly, and this is connected to: big temples, the refugee crisis, and the pope…
He recently called for all catholic churches to take in at least 1 refugee family, and to set the example (you’re gonna laugh, I know I did when I read it) the Vatican will take… wait for it: a grand total of TWO families! In that huge palace, with lord knows how many rooms, they will take 2 (not 2 hundred, not 2 thousand.. nope!) TWO families.
Oh… that’s so generous (and X-tian) of them! Shame on us all who can’t not even take one! How dare we?
By Martin: “100% agreed with you, elsi.
Now we are already 2 …..”
Make it three, oops sorry… Anon already made it three, that means I’m four (at least at this point in time that I’m posting this) but whatever the number, you can add me up there.
“””””I have nothing special against Islam, other than it is a religion.
Open your eyes what these religions create on this world.
I do believe in God, but not in religions.
The true God is NATURE.
Religions are little more than tools to control the masses and start wars.
Religions were the predecessors of modern mainstream TV.
I hope I’m not hurting anybody with my point of view.
And if my views are considered harmful by a majority of readers here, I will move on to a Soviet forum or simply stop to comment.”””””
Admittedly I’m praying myself.
But no texts prepared for me by some corrupt criminal agents of any specific “religion” or sect (where’s the difference?), but simply by trying to pray and hope for the best in silent spiritual moments.
The eachings of Voltaire, Marx, Engels, Lenin and comrade Stalin do make sense. And their intelligent teachings are being confirmed 300 secs per 5 minutes if you read the newspapers.
Yet nobody believes them.
On the other hand some phantastic fairy tales proven wrong another ever second of 3600 secs per hour, but people start wars and kill millions because they believe all that stuff anyway, with another God every 100 kilometers?
Arrgh, come on.
Humanity is developing backwards.
I grew up in better times. Times from whcih we have sunk 500 years backwards since then, in only 25 years :-(
Amén, Martin, but beware, here you could be insulted because of pleading Stalinist when there were no more arguments against you. Some of the things I like about Stalin and that makes me trust that, in the end, he was a good person, are its simplicity and the little appreciation he had for the money. Of course, he had his salary, as all workers in the USSR, but did not spent it and had it stored over there, not knowing what to do with it. They say that once he discovered how much he had, he sent it to his friends from childhood and youth in Georgia. When he died, they only found two well worn suits, and had to send them to tidy for him to have a look at the height of his post. I think there has never been so simple statesman unless President Múgica of Uruguay.
You know, I do not care if some people on this blog that plays very friendly, cheerful, peaceful and very religious insult me for pleading Stalinist, for me is an honor and a duty to defend Grandpa Stalin from the many injustices that are dumped on him.
By the way, in case you go to that Soviet blog ( really it exist? ), do not forget before to leave here the link for me.
I still owe you a reply about your question on Oman. The thread got hijacked before I could answer. I will answer you soon, InshaAllah.
If you like Stalin, then you will surely like Iranian author Dr. Dr. Ali Shariati, who was an adviser to Ayatollah Khomeini. His small book on Hajj is one of the best. Here is the link for it:
I never saw you before and if you believe that everybody on this planet is your “brother”, don’t you think you are inflating such valuable words a bit too much?
Ps Where did Iosif Stalin go? He always used to acknowledge Elsi when she mentioned him.
on this blog. ( Though he didn’t share his views – very modest.:)
Little comrade elsi defend herself quite well without my participation, in fact, I think she is doing opposition for the post of Beria, which, if one day I return ( no one discards, especially those who make mockery of those who defend my memory ) will occupy no doubt, after due training. Then we will be Koba, Kirov, Molotov and elsi ( I do not know if she will want to opt for a nom de guerre…)
With what she is holding by some character here, we could consider her La Pasionaria of the XXI century.
Now, I´ll leave you, comrades, I’m too busy monitoring the safety of my successor in his unwary next visit to the axis of evil…..
Thanks a lot for your recommendation, I already bookmarked the Ali Shariati´s book when another commenter or you yourself, I do not remember, put the link in an ancient thread. I agree that Hajj can be a beautiful travel.
Also bookmarked the other day recommendation about behavior.
What I do not know is when I will have the time to read all your ( yours and other friend´s ) recommendations.
About Omán, yes, I was asking if you recommend travelling there right now, and, what about the weather in October?
To me the strength of communism is that it tries to eradicate inequality, which capitalism is the complete opposite. And to quote you about Stalin.
“Some of the things I like about Stalin and that makes me trust that, in the end, he was a good person, are its simplicity and the little appreciation he had for the money.”
I believe, the answer lies in Socialism, which the Scandinavian Countries enjoyed before the fall of communism and then they were wept away with Capitalism, and eventually sucked into EU.
To me most religions are nothing but some form of Socialism. In this regard, I quoted you Dr. Ali Shiriati and Dr. B. F. Skinner. Dr. Skinner is considered the god of Behavior Science and to him, everything is a learned behavior. On the other end is god Ivan Pavlov, who believed that everything is an inherted behavior.
Back to Dr. Skinner. Henry David Thoreau famous book called, Walden is based on UTOPIA. Dr. Skiiner book called, Walden Two which is again based on UTOPIA too. In this book he shows through his work on behavior science, he takes on the critics of communism. He takes on to those that say human build economic values but criticise communism, how to price this value.
It is Jesus who showed us that if there is a will, we can feed compete village with 4 fish. I believe the answer of inequality lies with religion through socialism.
don’t be afraid. Saker is the world’s best blog I’m aware of in English language.
I was thinking about http://colonelcassad.livejournal.com/ (which is often referenced by The Saker), but for participating in their comments section my Russian is still a bit too limited).
You have to see my remark in the context that I wrote this quoted snippet a few weeks ago while replying to that “Salaam” “I’m your dearest brother” fanboy.
As for Stalin: The more I found out about the true Stalin, the more I came to similar conclusions as you.
A word of cautin: There are many fake “witness report” videos spread by the CIA to discredit Josef Stalin as being a crazy insane brutal alcoholic.
No words about his workings, books etc.
Be aware that 98% of material about him is such crap.
Thanks a lot, Martin, for your words and support.
Do not worry, I am not afraid at all, only a bit disgusted with some people around here, not preciselly the so called “trolls”, at least with them one knows what to think. Sad to say it, but I have discovered people here to whom I would never trust my rear in any battle…..
Also thanks a lot for the links. I loved especially that from Stalin´s bodyguard, so moving, he seemed such a good person. I will keep bookmarked.
I only will say that you can not force people to love you, and Stalin was and is loved by many. Perhaps they do not read this blog but they are out there.
Martin from Soviet East-Berlin on September 24, 2015 · at 1:02 pm UTC said: “p.s. If I cannot have DSL after death, then I REFUSE to die!!!
As easy as that.
Know your rights ;)”
Other than thinking Putin and the rest of his oligarch chums are the good guys – I really admire your style :-)
Martin, this mosque is perhaps the most beautiful and significant restoration of a house of worship that Russia in its present form has produced. I say that as an Orthodox Christian who loves the great churches of Russia and their traditions. Today, and especially today in its reminder of the great tragedies swirling around us, whether natural or manmade, our computers serve us up this lovely vision of traditional Islam. What is not to find joy in this? Would you rather the funds had been spent on bombs and tanks, or squirreled away in some oligarch’s safe deposit box?
Here is an emblem of peace. Do not war against those who rejoice in it.
The fool says in his heart, there is no god. Let him also say, there is no war, and be at peace with those who say, God is.
“I don’t understand why religions are still so important in the computer age.” [you’re asking me? ;-) ]
It only makes sense if you see it from a PR perspective.
I’m talking about when Heads of State allow themselves to be linked to some form of religion group [I personally call them: cults – but hey, that’s me] or religion symbolism – or like in this case: the opening of the biggest mosque in Europe (yay! right?)
And YES granted; this is probably the most beautiful mosque in existence – but that’s top marks for the Russian architects/designers, and I do wonder how many of them were actually ‘Muslim’…(?)
… because their “tastes” [muslim] are questionable to say the least… *cough*cough*
At the end of the day… It’s all PR.
Not much different from flag-waving.
It’s all symbols/symbolism worship.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a religion, a flag, a beloved ‘leader,’ or the popular pop-star of the moment.
They all happen to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
The only difference is that if some ‘Beatle-mania’ happens to scorch the earth, it won’t ever urge you to cover-up (if your a woman) nor it would influence your country’s internal politics.
Will it?
Beautiful building so in style with Moscow architecture. Islam deserves this. Their poetry is so special. I have been listening to very pretty song by Muslim girls here :
I would like to ask if the blue parts of the building are a special metal ? What is the significance of the blue..so very beautiful…and … silly of me … but Ergodan’s tie is the same color…on purpose do you think ?
Erdogan’s tie certainly stands out. It is the color of the East Turkestan (Uighur separatist) flag, probably significant. Erdogan does not seem to be backing off against Assad, no understanding with Russia there.
Yes, there is something magical and so very fascinating about colours… I am not sure about the secret message hiding behind Erdogan’s tie colour, but as for the blue of the towers – yes, it is meaningful. In Islam – just like in any other religion – the choice of colours is never accidental. Apart from giving immense esthetic pleasure (well, at lest to me personally), colours and “reading” them provide a great opportunity to take a better insight to the principles of the religion, don’t you find?
Strictly speaking, the colour in question is not exactly blue but, rather, aquamarine – the combination of blue and green. The latter is the sacred colour for Islam, considered to be the symbol of the religion itself. It is believed to have been worn by Muhammad; it is used in the bindings of Quran and symbolizes both the nature and along with gold – the paradise. Here’s what I’ve found Quran says about reaching the Paradise: “ornaments shall be given to them therein of bracelets of gold, and they shall wear green robes of fine silk and thick silk brocade interwoven with gold, (18:31)” and they will be “Reclining on green cushions and beautiful carpets (55:76).”
As for the blue, it is considered to be a protective colour – most probably due to its clear association with the sky.
P.S. There are some more facts about this Cathedral Mosque that I find curious. In Soviet times it was the only (!) active mosque in Moscow, all others were simply closed. The shape of the minarets is not only traditional for Muslim mosques, but it also strongly resembles the towers of both Moscow Kremlin and Kazan Kremlin (the residence of the President of Tatarstan), which emblematizes friendship and close ties between different Russian peoples.
Thank you)
thanks Scarecrow for a very sweet and nice comment. Aqua marine is also my favorite color….I wonder though, what the new mosque’s aquamarine color is made of ? Treated Copper ? Probably not, but something rich and precious no doubt…a mineral of some sort perhaps ?
Oh sky! sky! I’m going to dream about you!
It can’t be that you’ve gone completely blind,
That the day, like a sheet of blank paper, has burnt through
Leaving only a little smoke and ash behind!
He’s talking about the colour of the sky, which does not have to be fixed, or dogmatic, like a ‘green’ or a ‘blue’, but changes, from light blue, azure, indigo, turquoise, greenish, red, orange, yellow at sunset, and so on. ‘Sky’ represents freedom of speech, everything that was, and that was lost, and will be lost again.
Naturally, these changes of colour, as first noted above, in relation to the sky, are dependent upon prevailing environmental influences. So, with the question of the colour of Saakashvili’s tie, it would simply depend upon whether he happened to be eating it at the time.
Throughout the ages, Russia has remained a convincing proof positive of peaceful co-existence with Islam within her borders. This was especially the case during Soviet times when atheism was the official doctrine of the State in addition to cultural — more persistent — historical divergences (alcohol, for instance). Most importantly, this relation has allowed Chechnya to completely rout the Wahhabi offal.
As for Western agit-prop, the mosque will inevitably become the default slander subject of the entire MSM: “Putin and ISIS plot against the Democracies from all-new Terror Mosque near the Kremlin”.
I think Pres.Putin has done a wonderful job and given a great gift to the 20m Muslims in Russia. It also shows just what a multi-faceted country Russia is and how for centuries a respect has been developed amongest all its religious groups. Russia embraces its diversity – the West gives lip service to it.
10’s of thousands turned up today for Eid at the Cathedral Mosque in Moscow:
It really boggles the mind and stuns the soul that Russia is now going to cooperate with the US in fighting yihadists and mercenaries that the US has been supporting against Russia and Russian interests for several decades. The same yihadists that the US was supposedly fighting with one side of its mouth in Syria and supporting with everything else. So now the Americans are going “cooperate” with the Russians and stop giving satellite images to ISIS, but will continue to give them to Al Quaeda. What? Does anybody know where “Al Quaeda” ends and where “Isis” begins” What kind of “coordination” is this going to be? Are the Russians really going to inform the Americans about the details of their operations and intelligence, and trust the info will not be used against them in some way at some point? How on earth can anybody trust the US on anything? Maybe those who suggest this has nothing to do with empire vs non-empire, and it is only about a class war, maybe they have a point.
there a lot honest people in US , even in politics , who can jump-in in cooperation with Russia on global scene. So far, evildoers are winning. It may change in near future. Russia is opening another window for cooperation. They do what is best for both nation, not only for Russia. We will se if empire has real strenght to change path.
Normally I think people who give a gift, only to snatch it back the next day are pretty low-rent. It’s not giving – it’s bribing.
But in your case..I think you made the right move with the lap-top. Running away immediately was also smart…;) Those Ukrainian girls can pack quite a wallop, especially as far as material goods are concerned..just be grateful she wasn’t Russian. She’d still have the lap-top, and you’d have sore nose.
But I have to question your judgement and intuition.
Surely this ‘on-the-make’ girlfriend revealed her attitudes long before?
Pay attention sooner, rather than later.
Next time, *she* might run off with the goods first!!
And about Lenin or Stalin they are laughing, although they really said something substantial???
What a crazy darker and darker medieval times :-(
Look at Soviet Kabul shortly after the 1978 revolution, before destruction by first US-backed islamo-fascists and then by the USA and its “allies” (zio-fascists) themselves:
i think that is utopia. in this present dimensions we impersonate physical body. there are races and thousand faces which have thousand different thoughts. in nature selfishness is normal betwwen plants and living beings and nobody complains. the human problem is; how to be tolerant to live in harmony with others and in harmony with planet. none has to be muslim or christian to be normal person. if you can listen, wind will tell you, sun will heat you, and if you truly believe – He, who is hidden inside you will lead you. like He is leading birds. none needs prophets. each one of us is own teacher.
The show begins at Miqat. At this point, the actor (mankind) must change his clothes. Why? Because one’s attire covers the person as well as his character. In other words, an individual doesn’t wear clothes, but rather, the clothes cover him!
Clothes symbolize, pattern, preference, status, and distinction. They create superficial “borders” which cause “separation” between people. In most cases, “separation” between people, gives birth to “discrimination”. Furthermore the concept of “I” not “we” emerges! “I” is used in the context of my race, my class, my clan, my group, my position, my family, my values, and not “I” as a human being.
So many “borders” have been created in our lives. The descendants of Cain, the executioners and the cruel split Adam’s family and mankind’s unity into many parts and factions. What resulted were the following relationships:
master and servant, oppressor and oppressed, colonialist and colonialized, exploiter and exploited, strong and weak, rich and poor, nourished and malnourished, honored and dishonored, happy and unhappy, noble persons and lay persons, civilized and uncivilized, Eastern and Western, Arab and Ajam (Persian) and etc.
Humanity is divided into races, nations, classes, subclasses, groups, and families. Each one has its own distinct status and values, names and honors. And-for what? All this just to show “ones-self-but under so much “make-up”!
Now take off your clothes. Leave them at Miqat. Wear the Kafan (burial shroud) which consists of plain white material. You will be dressed like everyone else. See the uniformity appear! Be a particle and join the mass; as a drop, enter the ocean.
Don’t be proud, you are not here to see somebody, but be humble. You will be seeing Allah. Be the one who realizes his mortality or a mortal who feels his existence.
At Miqat, regardless of your race or tribe, you must doff all the covers you wore in your daily life as:
– a wolf (symbolizing fierceness and oppression),
– a rat (symbolizing slyness),
– a fox (symbolizing craftiness),
– or a sheep (symbolizing slavery).
Leave all these in Miqat and assume your original shape as a “man” – just one “Adam” as you will be at the end, as one “dead”!
Wrap yourself in two pieces of cloth. One covers your shoulders and the other goes around your waist. No special style or material is used. It is made of very plain and simple fabric. Everyone is wearing the same outfit (Ihram). No distinctions in appearance are visible.
The caravans from all over the world which are traveling to Hajj will congregate at Miqat. They will meet at the same time and at the same place!
On his way to Allah, man is not just “to be” but he is “to become” what he should be!
….Once you remove your clothes and all the signs which distinguish “you” as an individual, you may enter into the heart of the crowd. In the state of Ihram’, try to forget the things that remind you of your life.
Everyone “melts” himself and assumes a new form as a “mankind”. The egos and individual traits are buried. The group becomes a “people” or an “Umma”. All the I’s have died in Miqat; what has evolved is “We”.
For the n^64’s time: I’m not your brother and you are the first person on this blog that I’m telling this – ever: I’m not talking to you.
You can continue to post random stuff, but don’t expect me to care.
Because you also never responded with arguments, rather than biblical studies.
You need to kill me, but I’m never going to convert into Islam, bad luck!
Wasted bandwidth.
Yes, very peaceful and free speech/free will your club. I feel that already.
Truly unfortunate you feel that way; not very internationalistic are you? If you are a humanist freed from religious passions, then you ought to see everyone as a brother/sister, for that’s what they are to a humanist wanting to implement an actual communalistic world.
In a communist world they were welcome because there were multiple skin colours (good), multiple ethnicities/genes (good) but finally no longer any religions staight from the darkest middle ages (best of all).
And everybody had a high soviet education and spent her/his time with useful questions of humankind, such as how to produce cheap and plenty food for all.
That was the essential difference.
You never heard of it?
From a pagan perspective, the system of using non-stitched cloth to cover body is not a new one. Pilgrimage to Mecca pre-dates Islam. That time, it was the pagan worshippers who visited it.
Similar custom is observed among some Hindu groups who wear non-stitched cloths during their holy rituals, especially when they are taking active part in that ritual.
Anyway, a symbolic system of dressing may evolve from an ideology. Also, an ideology can be created to cater to an existing system, especially when the same is not understood.
Marin, I doubt the Islamists who were in Mecca like being in Mecca…I mean the Prophet’s grave has been desicrated and on and on….but who will give them a new Mecca ?
Too bad. I think its better to try and see the positive in all things, instead of the negative.
Isn’t that beautiful? Wow. Thank you so much, Saker. If I am ever going to learn Russian, it will be from absorbing the language through such videos as this one. Going to watch it several times, as the building is so lovely.
I would further wish to extend my sympathies to all families of those perishing and injured in the terrible tragedy that has occurred at Mecca. These were not terrorists but people caught up in a storm not of their choosing. We should all pray for them with heavy hearts and in the hope that their sacrifice will not go unheeded.
Maybe it is a tragedy but it is due to collective insanity. That pilgrimage is a ridiculous money making scheme, just like the “Holy Land” tours that unscrupulous Jews sell to ignorant Pastors in the US asking them to bring their Flocks to see what was in fact a damned slaughterhouse in the ancient times. Thousands of people whirling around a magic rock? GIve me a break!
Dear Mohamed,
I fully admit my ignorance of Islam. I don’t wish to get into a deep discussion about the various symbols that decorate our lives. In fact, I get the sense that symbolism itself can get to be an ideology hiding the naked truth about ourselves.
Not sure if you’re talking to me, Anonymous. But I will pretend you are. There are some things I don’t want to know about, ever. Like paths to be avoided. Once you go a little way down those paths you realize you don’t want to go any further. I like my dreams that come while I am sleeping. There are some things I don’t care to know about, like other people’s gods. My god does exist. I am not afraid at all of my god, because I don’t plan to get out of line. My god thinks I’m an idiot but I give him a laugh every now and then so he lets me live. When I die, I hope to go where my god is, which is the future. Since every signal is sent to the future (and every signal is received from the future) in every frame, the future is where our final transmission will be going. If we are lucky and don’t get vaporized atomically, that is. I sense two (or maybe more) missing pieces of the fabric of space-time, one from Hiroshima and one from Nagasaki. I have read there may be many other more atomic bombs that have been dropped on people. The story of those crimes is not over.
I enjoyed that David – your story is no less crazy than the Christian / Muslim one but at least you have chosen not to join the herd. Perhaps your dreams are reality.
You were right though – ignorance of some topics is preferred. Thanks for the correction.
WHY are so few asking the most essential question: For what spending hundreds of billions of Dollars just to build yet another castle in the sky? How many people/families/women/girls/children dying from HUNGER could have been rescued with that money?????
How many jobs could have been created from this money?????
How many folks are dying from illness because they cannot afford going to hospital only due to $$$ial hurdles???
This would be the true God then, if he exists.
Not defined by golden mosqs, but by a golden _heart&&soul_ [!]
@ Martin,
How many expensive shoes/clothes does your wife/girlfriend, assuming you have one, are not bought to feed hungry children?
What do YOU or others from Berlin not buy in other to use that money to feed hungry children?
You begrudge the millions spent on a mosque but not the millions your country men spend in expensive homes, caviar, high end restaurants and cars, and other high end items.
Now I turn your exact words towards you:
“How many people/families/women/girls/children dying from HUNGER could have been rescued with that money?????” ( your words)
“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?–Mathew 7:3
Carmel, Hi Carmel, nice to see you here … but I don’t think Martin fits into any of those categories…I understand from Martin,…He doesn’t have a wife and he doesn’t have a girlfriend, right now….and he doesn’t have any money…he lives in East Berlin, in a difficult times….I think Martin should go to Donbass and get a Donbass passport…its from the Soviet times or something…and then…when Putin finally liberates Donbass from their difficulties, which is bound to happen…Martin will be a Russian !!
I wonder if then, Martin, like Solzineitzyn..(sp?) will not like Russia either….
Martin needs to find a good Siberian woman, when he’s a Russian, and move to Siberia to get a free plot of land from Russian government…and then start farming. And having children….that is what will finally make Martin a happy camper….
I had 2 girls in Western Ukraine, Nataliya from 2008 till 2009 and the 2nd one since then until this year. I was in Ukraine for the first time as early as in 1994 in the East (Donetsk). I wanted to migrate to Ukraine and lived a few months in Western Ukraine and was in daily contact with my ex’s from 2008 till this year.
The first at least wanted marriage and children (plus a Mercedes or BMW no older than 5 years, driving license [which I paid her back then] and an entire list of other items like a jacket for 500$ and after all she wanted to use me to get a damn German passport [when she gave me that list I took away from her the brand new Laptop I had given her a day earlier and ran away]).
My second de-facto wife on the other hand at first appeared to be better. But at the end I found out: Only $$$ is what she is interested in.
No children, no family no nothing.
For me: No girls from Western Ukraine anymore! NO THNX!
And I know that such girls are everywhere, it is difficult to find a good one.
And without money you don’t even need to start looking …
Materialism has destroyed their hearts :-(
The luck is that I have no money! I say LUCK, because in any other situation one doesn’t notice the true intentions behind a smiling face. Yes, you cannot believe me enough. I was shocked myself.
If I ever have $$$ I will still pretend I don’t have any.
That’s the key to finding a real love.
Well, which other details do you want to know about my personal life, cough … ?
Not to be ignored are the following , some might say cynical, observations:
1. This move shows to over 1 billion Moslems who really respects them in words, deeds, and law.
( compare it to alternative treatments e.g. current European moves to accommodate Moslem
refuges does not even come close).
2. Its multiple geopolitical and local consequences, will slowly percolate in time.
3. And right now, it is impeccable timing for Putin’s speech at UN.
A good writeup on potentially, “Putin The Great” by Pepe.
I only have one minor disagreement with the article. Putin will become Putin The Great not because he revived the Russian Federation, but because *He Helped Saved The World* !!!!
We can have the brotherly relations with Muslim world, I believe so. But we need to reorganize ourselves and finally end with that decadent, upside-down Christian culture of altruism and benevolence for the others. Teachings of New Teastament has to end. God from the Old Testament is not the same god which lives in the New Testament, so either we serve the old Yahweh, or we serve the new one in the image of a faggot named Jesus Christ who made himself a god. Teachings of that faggot were so topsy-turvy it boggles the mind. The man teaches his followers to take off their own clothes and give them to those who don’t have it, then he goes saying how you should turn your other cheek if someone hits you, and not to mention the greatest fallacy and degenerate teaching of how you ought to “love your enemies.” Imagine loving your enemies and letting them do whatever they want with you? Tut-tut. The faggot has outdone himself there, that’s for sure. It is no coincidence it took a millenium for the lands where the disease spead just to recuperate. Jahweh was all about following his teachings and punishing the wicked — an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, he would say. The god of Christ – which he made a part of himself – is a deity who wants you to suffer all the while feeling somehow enlighten by it. Old Jews were right to kill that impostor. And let us not even go to what his Church have done during since the fall of Rome. For the Anglo liberals hedonism, money and sexual perversity is the purpose of living (for that matter, they are the followers of Mammon, and not of Jahweh). No organization can survive on such foul “foundations” and stupid Westerners are about to find out the truth of that.
Opening and restoring this mosque in central Moscow is nothing else, just to show the world that we can live in peace and harmony with out any wars and when the mutual respect towards each other is in place.
Violence, murders, hatred will disappear when the greed is finally will have a funeral and never come back!
All of the countries around the world should follow up this rule.
I’m positive that if the Muslims are going to be miss use this kindness and generosity, will pay in the future very dearly with their lives.
Now they get the chance to show the world that they are really peaceful religion or it is going to be another failure for them as a religion?
Lets hope only and only for the best of the all humanity!
Ex-CIA boss David Petraeus with a hearing in the armed forces committee of the US senate has called the situation in Syria “geopolitical Chernobyl” for the USA.
„Like a nuclear disaster the negative after-effects of the Syria crisis still threaten decades present to be“, he said. „The longer we allow to continue this crisis, will be the heavier the results for ourselves.“
„The international peace and the security do not demand of the USA that they all regulate crises and interfere with every conflict“, stressed Petraeus. The United States are still obliged to add the Syria conflict.
He put away with the fact that Russia is an important political strength. At the same time he expressed that action of Moscow has provokatorischen character in the Middle East. He stated arguments for this position, however, none.
Before Petraeus had made to himself also contradictory statements methods for the regulation of the conflicts in this region., Among the rest, he suggested forgetting the differences with Al-Qaeda and taking up a cooperation with the „moderate wing“ of this terrorist organisation in the fight against Syrian president Baschar al-Assad.
Veritas, when you say, “I think PCR underestimates the Russians,” I think you’re right. People think when they see Russia courting the West that they are puppies longing for acceptance.
I’m sure that diplomatic behavior towards EU is designed to eventually wean it away from US vassalage. For the time being, Russia’s behavior can be strongly persuasive only to their populations, not the corrupt & co-opted leaders, but situations change. We do not hear from those who disagree w EU’s present policies, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
As for continuing to publicly offer the US a place in Russia’s coalition against ISIS– what a propaganda coup!
I know there will very soon be a major push for a ceasefire to prevent ISIS extermination, so I hope Russia & the rest of CSTO act quickly.
there are theories about the size, shape and materials used for buildings that ‘speak’ to something other than thought.
You may be interested in the work of Nikos Salingaros. He has been writing about those matters for a while. He is especially hard on people like Le Corbusier and the “brutalist” 20th century architecture. He says things like:
“Thus they condemned the material culture of mankind from all around the globe, accumulated over millennia. While these condemnations may seem actions of merely stylistic interest, in fact they had indirect but serious consequences. The elimination of ornament removes all ordered structural differentiations from the range of scales 5mm to 2m or thereabouts. That corresponds to the human scale of structures, i.e., the sizes of the eye, finger, hand, arm, body, etc. In the Modernist design canon, patterns cannot be defined on those scales. Therefore, modernism removes mathematical information from the built environment. Looking around at twentieth century buildings, one is hard-pressed to discover visual patterns. Indeed, their architects go to great lengths to disguise patterns on human scales that are inevitable because of the activities in a building; they arise in the materials, and as a consequence of structural stability and weathering.” http://www.emis.de/journals/NNJ/Salingaros.html
Thank you Stan for this very interesting link. I always wondered why modern square architecture in buildings and modern urban districts look and feel uncomfortable. This explains it very well.
Somehow, I can’t see geo or class politics resolving so neatly anywhere, least of all the MENA. (Does he give names?) Meyassan has produced much better articles.
* * *
Good article here that gives a general overview on both the sectarian and energy dimensions of MENA conflicts:
Don’t think his solution is too likely though, and not just because its a bit simplistic. He doesn’t get either that there is competition *between * rival Western cartels, reflected in the inter-group fighting among the takfiri groups, and the incoherent foreign policy pursued by Washington.
Eg Energy Futures (basically bankrupt) is a massive drain on KKR (Petraeus .) No wonder he wants funding for al-Q to get W H approval : a mobile terror army is always the A-Z preferred option to secure/control the fields.
Can’t have the Marxist PKK getting ideas above their geopolitical function ..
There seems to be a general discussion about why Russia cannot or will not take on the US.
I think the issue is much more simple than most of you are thinking of and possibly some over-analyzing going on…..but it is an extremely depressing and very bleak outlook in my humble opinion.
The Zionist lead US leadership/elite have reached stages of almost pure and utter madness….This is related to their absolute corruption. It is basically a web of extreme evil and corruption in economic, social and political terms….at all level of government, intelligence and institutions.
How do you expect Russia (and China) to deal with such madness?
Should Russia provoke this powerful mad crazy psycho ?
Obviously, if Russia was powerful enough to deal with this psycho once and for all, without starting a nuclear war, it would do so…..However, Russia is simply not powerful enough to take this crazy beast out.
Russia and China are afraid, just like the rest of the world on how crazy the US has become and how much they are willing to follow Zionist commands.
Russia does not want war, Russia wants peace…Russia does not want to provoke.
But because Russia is feeling cornered they have no choice but to the protect their interests at the moment, without provoking the conventionally more powerful US-NATO-Israeli military alliance.
The corruption of the US makes a nuclear confrontation inevitable. The Russian leadership know this and they are basically buying themselves time.
It does not matter, if Europe stays with the US or splits up from it politically and strategically.
It does not matter whether Netenyahu visits Moscow or not.
It does not matter what Russia says or does.
The US will eventually plan a strike against Russia-China….This will occur either before or after the collapse of the US dollar.
The Russians will have no other choice than to preemptively strike the US and possibly Europe, or it will wait till the US does so, before striking back.
The one constant factor is that the delusion, evil and corruption of the American elite is exponentially growing, regardless of all other factors.
This seems very simplistic and depressing….However, I truly believe it to be the hard cold and simple truth. This is something I feel deep down in my soul in combination with my rational thought.
How do I explain, it is something that my heart is seeing in combination with my faculty of reason.
I believe, that most people do not want to see this truth, because it is too depressing, it is a situation that feels hopeless if it will occur, even if they think the scenario is probable.
Furthermore, many people are convinced that a thermo-nuclear confrontation will somehow wipe out humanity, causing extinction…..and this is why they feel it is useless to even contemplate a nuclear war event…..However, the people of faith (Islam, Orthodox Christianity, etc.) believe this not to be true at all.
Life, however difficult, will go on after a nuclear war, with Orthodox Christians, Muslims and Jews surviving this event and setting up the Middle-East to be back in center stage of the world. With the world powers of the Northern Hemisphere, basically knocked out of the game.
Usury (taking of interest) and the evil associated with this practice, which has been forbidden by all major religions, can only be eradicated if the entire world economy collapses….Which either leads to a nuclear war, or will be initiated by a nuclear war.
Exactly. Parasitism breeds degeneracy all along the line. That is what Western civilization/European values/Human rights etc. etc. are all about. Parasitic mumbo-jumbo especially popular among Western Leftists.
Some Regime Change Terrorism applied to the Western countries would be a plausible option in my view.
A nuclear war, besides directly causing widespread anarchy, will cause a nuclear winter. As a consequence of that, general societal disruption will be so severe that nuclear power plants and nuclear waste sites will not be maintained properly anymore. And as soon as major nuclear accidents occur, disruption will only deepen, which will lead to further accidents. So, in the event of a nuclear war, we are looking at hundreds of Fukushimas all over the developed world. Add to that chemical spills.
No amount of religiousness will save people from that, or animals for that matter. Paul Craig Roberts is right, a nuclear war will bring the end of all higher life on the surface of the earth.
The word “any” is dangerous.
And actually: What makes you sure it is a symbol of peace, rather than a symbol of inequality, controlling the masses and utter backwardness?
Is it peace that a woman has no rights and has to wear her own dark prison around with her, even during extremely hot summer temperatures? Is it a symbol of peace that women are stripped of most rights, including the right to drive a car? Men can cheat their (multipe!) wives, but if some unconfirmed rumor claims that she _may_ have cheated him, the entire village is stoning her to death and then they celebrate this event and feel cleaned and closer to God?
If she wants to divorce from her husband (maybe because he keeps cheating her or raping or beating her [a huband his these “rights” in Islam]) she has no right unless he agrees (which he won’t).
Oh boshe moj, I’m in the wrong movie here, time to have a longer break from this insanity!
This is my first real in-depth exposure to the evil Alexander Dugin, much maligned and hated by the Empire. But this guy is calm and well-spoken, is this really the evil Svengali philosopher behind the Kremlin? And he is right, the melting pot of e pluribus unum just doesn’t work, and that is why he is hated; the Empire wants to melt the whole world in the pot, mix it up and move it around, in order to control it better.
It is so strange, when will American Evangelicals get this? Everything has been turned on its head. Atheist USSR has repented and become the God-protected Russian land once again while Christian America has apostatized, turning into the Evil Empire of the 21st century. I can hardly believe I am seeing this in my time.
Solzhenitsyn said it in August 1914, something to the effect of, “it is as if we were breathing different air.”
On Webster Tarpley’s radio show on 8/14 Thierry Meyssan announced a sweeping realignment of the Middle East. He followed up on 8/17 with an article. On 8/24 on the Russian-Chinese-Indian Convergence entry here I posted a summary of the diplomatic information he claimed & I asked for your opinions. Larchmonter445 & Paul responded with interesting analyses.
I’m re-posting the summary here. It is interesting that Thierry was able to state a month in advance that the Russians would give satellite photos to the Syrians and would intervene with troops, send aircraft, etc. It would appear that there was diplomatic cooperation between the parties, rather than the Russian part in this being “an act of defiance”. Apparently there is a degree of cooperation, so that things may not be so dangerous as we think.
In Thierry’s radio remarks he had expanded on the disappearance of Iranian-US opposition, saying that Iran’s capitalist class wishes to align w global capitalist class, renounce resistance to imperialism. Sunni/shia jihadist war will end. Saudi Arabia will no longer be leader of the Sunnis, but of the Arabs. Iran will no longer be leader of the Shias, but of the Persians & will occupy a gendarme role on behalf of the US, like that of the Shah in the past.
There are a few indications that this change is occurring in Iran: Iran has applied for WTO. Even before nuke negotiations, Iran’s leadership had blocked hardliner Ahmadinejad from running for parliament. IMPORTANT: Since the nuke deal, a step has been taken to limit keeper-of-the-revolution Khamenei’s power: http://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2015/09/15/rouhanis-nuclear-dividend-to-feature-in-iranian-elections.html Inside dope, rivalry bet Khamenei & Rouhani. In any case Khamenei retains power of foreign policy & nuclear policy. At issue is expansion of social & economic?? liberties. K wants Guardian Council, which he controls, to continue to vet parliamentary candidates. Loss of this power wd b revolutionary I think.
MASSIVE MIDEAST REALIGNMENT. Thierry Meyssan, living in Syria, appears to have the inside track on the diplomatic agreements which change everything.
1. Some of us have argued that Israel does not rule US foreign policy, but is only a faction to whom dirty tricks are delegated. It appears that in the struggle for Congressional votes to ratify the Iran nuke deal that the Israelis and their cohorts are fighting against a larger, secret US-Iranian deal in which opposition between US & Iran will disappear and upper-class Iranians will join the capitalist classes.
Under the agreement Iranians will control Syria, 2/3 of Iraq & half of Lebanon; Iran will no longer be a revolutionary force resisting imperialism. If I remember correctly all 7 of the mideast nations to be taken down by US were not members of IMF, WTO & opposed charging interest. All had state banks that issued their own currency. Iran has already applied for WTO membership.
2. There are signs that the Israeli-neocon faction which resists the secret agreement are being defeated: General Allen, of the faction, arranged with Erdogan to impose a buffer-zone on Syria. It was announced. Then began the backpedalling as his faction, which includes Brookings thinktank, was overcome. Now it is only “planned, mulled, being considered”.
Further, it has been announced that US, NATO & Germany will withdraw their Patriot missiles from Turkey. (Thierry says Spain to announce soon, too). The missiles wd be necessary for the buffer zone, of course.
3. Thierry says it has been agreed that ISIS will be defeated and peace will come to Syria. [UN has already announced formation of a contact group & the steps to be taken.] This wd explain why the US has said nothing about the Iranian troops in Syria. It wd explain why the Patriot missiles are to be withdrawn– so that Syria can interdict the supply line coming out of Turkey. According to Thierry Russia will, for the first time, supply Syria w satellite photos to locate the enemy & his supply line– and US will stop supplying satellite photos to ISIS, altho al qaeda will continue to receive them.
4. Control of ISIS had been taken over by Turkey, and the predicted increase in Turkish power was a factor in Saudis’ acceptance of the new configuration.
5. The 6 Russian Interceptors (fighters, not bombers) exactly balance the US 6 fighters deployed to Turkey’s Incirlit Airfield. The Russians are taking no chances for a double-cross. Russians are considering deploying troops to Syria, if there is a UN mandate. [Russian sources have denied the presence of the Interceptors.]
6. There is to be a Common Arab Defence Force under Israeli command– which is already happening in Yemen. Palestinians are to get an internationally-recognised state, but w/o the right of return to Israeli-occupied lands. Predicted on 6/27!
Sources: http://www.voltairenet.org/article188459.html World After the Washington/Teheran Agreement 8/17
http://www.voltairenet.org/article187975.html The Secret Projects of Israel & Saudi Arabia 6/27
http://tarpley.net/audio/WCR-20150822.mp3 at 18:00. 8/14
Penelope on September 24, 2015 · at 12:10 am UTC said:
“Iran will no longer be leader of the Shias, but of the Persians & will occupy a gendarme role on behalf of the US, like that of the Shah in the past.”
Thierry would have said that better as:
“Rich Iranians will no longer be leader of the Shias, but of the Persians & will occupy a gendarme role on behalf of the World Elite, like that of the Shah in the past.”
This is not the Empire’s war on Russia.
It is a Class War.
Some truth and lots of nonsense…
Proud of Russia. Proud of Putin. Showing the world that different religions can co-exist peacefully in Russia.
EU is in rapid suicide mode (thanks to communist Merkel),
Russia in a lazy one (thanks to stupid Gorbachov and drunken Jeltzin).
USA making fun of everyone:
Well the petty pathetic Poles have given Russia fore warning and I am sure they will be well prepared and their borders secure. What goes around comes around. The EU bought this whole mess upon itself and US poodle Poland doing what its Master tells them.
(On a side note – I wouldn’t be surprised if the A/Z’s plan to send their ISIL crazies through Poland to the Russian border to infiltrate and cause problems).
@ the master
> (thanks to communist Merkel)
Well, after decades of research I meanwhile doubt that Merkel is still alive (as a human being [if she ever was]).
My theories range from her being inhabited by aliens, experiemntal pre-release artificial “intelligence” gone wrong to being filled with a black hole in a vacuum or dull dumb empty cold stones.
But one thing is for sure: Whatever position she ever held in GDR, she is not and never was anything remotely related to being “a communist”.
So please don’t damage this word.
Those who claim that she “is a commie” are the same that Saker is fighting against: The ones afraid of Truth and Justice, the ones feeding the MSM with new lies whenever openeing their stinky mouthpieces.
What Merkel really is is this: A Zionist US puppet: http://www.heise.de/tp/artikel/39/39853/39853_1.jpg
So why are you writing such MSM-nonsense on Saker’s blog?
The same who call Merkel a communist are doing so with Obomba. Notice something?
Your research must have been very superficial, of course she was a communist:
* Her father, a communist protestant priest, moved with his family from West to East Germany when Merkel was still a child. That happened before the wall was build. Yes, that’s true, she was born in _West_ Germany and they moved to _East_ Germany while hundreds of thousands were fleeing in the opposite direction.
* Her father kept his communist persuasion until he died in 2011.
* Young Angela Merkel was a very active member of the communist youth organisation, occupying a post as a junior propaganda official at the time when the wall came down.
* Angela Merkel studied at the Karl Marx University in Leipzig and was allowed a stint at Moscow University. These universities were typically open only to students the communists had complete trust in.
* As a further sign of the trust that was placed in her, she was allowed to travel to the West, both professionally as a young scientist and to go on vacation. For example, she vacated in Spain in the early eighties. That was despite of her having no children and, for most of the time, being un-married. The fact that she did not defect proves her loyalty, because her education – a PhD in physics plus fluent Ŕussian – would have guaranteed her a career in West Germany. There were many business, scientific and official contacts between Russia and West Germany at that time already. She would surely have found a good job somewhere.
Yet, everything points to that the communist dictatorship had complete trust in her and that she was groomed for occupying top positions.
Now, people tend to believe that Angela Merkel was not a communist because she was not a member of the communist party. But she was a member of the East-German christian democrats, a communist-controlled pseudo-party. This party existed to keep the tabs on a section of the East-German population that was deeply Christian and could not be brought to attach itself overtly to the communists. If anything, Merkel was even worse than a communist, a communist in sheep’s clothing so to speak. Her record ever since the wall came down has testified to that. The christian democrats, which she leads, have moved far to the left and are almost not recognizable anymore compared to what they were before.
You spend too much time reading west-German “news”papers and/or watching too much TV.
My eyes are tired.
Also I don’t consider it worth the time.
So if it makes you happy I leave your claims stand, although I think that you are totally misled.
But honestly: I won’t spend another hour replying to such nonsense. Need a break from stuff like yours SIGHH
You must be a zombified Westgerman from the south-west.
I bet 1 EUR that you didn’t live in the East.
You have a right for free speech. And simply believe me: She was not a communist.
If you don’t notice it: While some parts of what you stated are partially true (on isolated basis), you mix facts with assumptions and also have a number of obvious contradictions in your statements.
If you want to see a communist from GDR, then go here:
Rede von Genosse Egon Krenz
BTW: Merkel is what you say you are: Merkel and Gauck are Anti-Communists, blind through hate and ignorance.
In a way you are quite like Merkel. Selling out your country and people far a crazy ideology.
Your’e wrong.
What a sh$%^&. Are here only trolls left over today?
Only so much for today before the good night:
Merkel is like Obama!
Some unnamed sources even claim, Merkel may be female.
Also she came from former GDR (before her theological parents moved there in the 50ties from the West).
The CIA/banks mafia built her up like Obama:
Merkel: From the East, female
Obama: Democrat, black, was very young
Q: Why did they choose these puppets?
A: Because nobody else could perform such radical ZioNeocon policies.
Had Helmut Kohl or Edmund Stoiber won the election or Gerhard Schroeder: Mass protests had a decade ago ousted them.
Same if Bush junior could have legally applied for a 3rd or meanwhile 4th term or if McBrainlessPain or hillarious Sarah Palin or hillarious Hillary or the like would now be US President.
But Obomba and Merkel can do allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll this and the media still sells them as some dear smart young dynamic democratic justice-loving fair presidents from next door.
That’s the reason behind it.
If the previous poster blames me for being superficial, well, I don’t want to use the word that rightfully describes him. Well, let him: He’s a clueless beginner.
@ freak: Take that!
COMPACT 9/2013 – Abwählen! Die amerikanische Kanzlerin
(The Americal Chancellor)
“Die amerikanische kanzlerin” compact
Hi Martin, nice link, looks like a very decent good human being. Couldn’t understand him but I loved his accent.
Kleinbürger, ich bitte dich: Sei nicht so blöd.
Dolts of your stature will never understand that Western imperialism has very little use for any “ideologial purity”. Your hyperventilation is the same futile exercise as these “betrayed” Eastern European wannabes are resorting to now that their beloved EU kindly forces settlement of M-U-S-L-I-M-S upon them.
On a more serious note: There is some significance to the fact that the Eurocrats fully embraced Angela Merkel but later on totally trashed Alexis Tsipras. Merkel evidently suited them very well indeed being an intelligent power personality from behind the Iron Curtain, whereas Tsipras was an utter nobody and a silly fraud to be given a really good beating so as to “drive home the message”.
Anyway, Putin and Russia lead by example by not belonging to this club of degenerates, watever their backgrounds.
@ Nussiminen:
Yes, that Anti-Communist is a typical western MSM victim.
Damn, today I have no energy for yet another such freak anymore.
Aber hallo — wollst du damit sagen, daß diese verdammte Union der deutsche Monopole für die Kapitalisten nicht wertvoll ist? Was schlagst du vor?
We need to speak English here.
Plus: One instantly notices that you don’t speak German.
So, what I suggest: CCCP 2.0
(didn’t understand your real question, though)
That question about what the EU should have done and whether it isn’t of any use to the German capitalists (with a “communist” as one of its more significant figureheads) was directed towards the anti-communist, of course.
I may not speak German very often, but I sure as hell read it quite a lot :-)
We (my parents) were not in the party and my parents attended similar Universities nevertheless and also worked in the Import/Export industry and visited Leningrad for several months, due to work, despite not even having been members of the youth organization FDJ.
Yes, we had certain difficulties because of that, but it wasn’t as bad as they told you in your western propaganda media.
There was no complete control. The Stasi secret police was a child’s birthday compared to what we have now (BND, CIA, NSA, MI6, MOSSAD etc.)
Argh, I forgot another difference: The Stasi wanted to protect my home country.
They were good patriots. And you could certainly talk to them.
Western secret services much more intend to destroy other countries, rather than protecting a single thing! The West has no problem to kill, rape and murder at any time they find it useful. Such things did not exist in Soviet East-Germany.
She may have been an “opportunist” in those days.But she certainly today is in no way what would be considered a real “Communist”.Lenin,Stalin,even Marx himself would be laughing at you if they could hear you say she is a Communist.And I doubt,unless she has had an overload of “koolaid” since then, that she ever was in those days either.
Paul Craig Roberts
Russia’s False Hopes
Russia so desperately desires to be part of the disreputable and collapsing West that Russia is losing its grip on reality.
Despite hard lesson piled upon hard lesson, Russia cannot give up its hope of being acceptable to the West. The only way Russia can be acceptable to the West is to accept vassal status.
Russia’s foreign minister Lavrov seems to believe that now with the failure of Washington’s policy of war and destruction in the Middle East, Washington and Russia can work together to contain the ISIS jihadists in Iraq and Syria. This is a pipe dream. Russia and Washington cannot work together in Syria and Iraq, because the two governments have conflicting goals. Russia wants peace, respect for international law, and the containment of radical jihadists elements. Washington wants war, no legal constraints, and is funding radical jihadist elements in the interest of Middle East instability and overthrow of Assad in Syria. Even if Washington desired the same goals as Russia, for Washington to work with Russia would undermine the picture of Russia as a threat and enemy.
Russia, China, and Iran are the three countries that can constrain Washington’s unilateral action. Consequently, the three countries are in danger of a pre-emptive nuclear strike. If these countries are so naive as to believe that they can now work with Washington, given the failure of Washington’s 14-year old policy of coercion and violence in the Middle East, by rescuing Washington from the quagmire it created that gave rise to the Islamic State, they are deluded sitting ducks for a pre-emptive nuclear strike […]
I think PCR under estimates the Russians.
They are not beholden to the West at all. I think that dream died sometime ago……They know – along with China and Iran that they are targets but deal with it in a different way. There are no illusions.
Saker explained the Russian mentality sometime ago – they talk to their enemies and see nothing wrong with that. Slow to saddle and quick to ride………
that is exactly the problem with the Russian mentality. They talked to Hitler even as he was about to launch the greatest and most deadly attack on Russia in history. They simply refused to believe that it will happen, in spite of all the evidence in this world that it is going to happen.
Your thinking is overly simplistic.
Do you think Germany would have attacked Russia if there was a submarine off its coast full of nuclear tipped missiles which could wipe out German cities?
The game has very much changed.
Do you think that with modern communications and the lessons of the past that Russian troops would not fight any invaders?
They are not part of the Soviet Union with strict orders not to attack Germany as part of their non-aggression pact and unable to report and get new orders.
I hope you are correct. Russia (i.e. Putin) is clearly trying to exhaust all alternatives besides war, while Washington is trying hard to get full scale war started.
I tend to agree. Lavrov’s a diplomat. They do this thing, it’s called “lying”. Just because he says he wants to work together with the US doesn’t mean he expects the US to do any such thing. But if he’s all nice and offers what the Americans would want if they were telling any of the truth about their objectives, then they’re the ones who look bad when they turn him down. No point coming out of the gate denouncing them–anyone who would believe him already knows, and anyone who doesn’t already know will just harden their attitude against him.
Paul Craig Roberts:
[…] If the Russian government thinks that Washington’s word means anything, the Russian government is out to lunch.
Iran is well led, and Vladimir Putin has rescued Russia from US and Israeli control, but both governments continue to act as if they are taking some drug that makes them think that Washington can be a partner.
These delusions are dangerous, not only to Russia and Iran, but to the entire world.
If Russia and Iran let their guard down, they will be nuked, and so will China.
Washington stands for one thing and one thing only: World Hegemony.
Just ask the Neoconservatives or read their documents. […]
” Instead of leaving Washington to suffer at the hands of its own works, Russia and Iran, the two most hated and demonized countries in the West, have rushed to rescue Washington from its Middle East follies. This is the failure of Russian and Iranian strategic thinking. Countries that cannot think strategically do not survive. ”
Bravo !!!!
Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant!
PCR is telling some very important truth here .
The whole text is without a mistake. Putin’s Russia is not any more acting in its own interest. Just like Stalin who never expected that Hitler will attack him. That misjudgement costed Russia 27 million lives.
This time, Putin’s misjudgement can cost Russia its very existence.
Washington cannot ever be a partner unless some normal person like Ron Paul was back in 2008. comes to power.
Wrong, he never believed that, at least there is no proof.
You are unreflectedly re-iterating ZioProp.
p.s. Most European nations had similar treaties with Hitler, including Poland (which invaded Zaolzie in accordance to the treaties signed with Hitler) and annexed it to Poland.. Go figure!
German–Polish Non-Aggression Pact
“””””Cieszyn and Český Těšín were merged again in October 1938 when Poland annexed the Zaolzie area together with Český Těšín.”””””
Part of Poland (1938–1939)
See also: Munich Agreement
Stalin knew that Hitler would attack. That’s why the Soviet Union was not unprepared but had much more military might than expected by Hitler (who started the invasion much too late in summer, gave them no winter clothes etc etc).
Hitler thought the Soviet Union could be a western colony within weeks.
So thought (and hoped) Britain and the rest of the noble West.
Only by pretending to believe that they were unprepared Stalin saved the lives of another 27 (if not 50) million Russians from eternal slavery. Go, check the facts.
If you are a Wend, why do you spread Zwestern Zshitoganda???
The more I find out about Hitler, the EU, Rothschild and the Dollar-owned so called West the more I have to wonder if Hitler was in fact a Zionist double-agent.
Winston Churchill’s ‘bid to nuke Russia’ to win Cold War
Operation unthinkable: How Churchill wanted to recruit defeated Nazi
troops and drive Russia out of Eastern Europe
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1209041/Operation-unthinkable-How-Churchill-wanted-recruit-defeated-Nazi-troops-drive-Russia-Eastern-Europe.html#ixzz3XDKjputE
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Well I don’t know about that.
It was always suspicious to me why Hitler never invaded Britain (he would have easily won).
But I know this: Nikolay II Romanov was much better leader then Stalin. Stalin allowed Germans to come 19 miles from Moscow, while Nikolay kept them thousands of miles away.
And yet, everybody praises Stalin for victory, while considers Romanov a loser. It’s a tricky game.
Martin, Hi.
The way you are thinking about WWII and the directing hands behind it, I have a book for you. In the past I have many times recommended Starikov’s free online book for its economic content & its explanation of why Russia doesn’t control its central bank or ruble-creation.
But at least half of the book is given over to history– several chapters on the point-by-point steps to WWII. This part reads like a novel.
Hey Penelope,
thanks for the link.
Today I’m simply too tired, but I’ll definitely read it starting tomorrow.
tnx rgds
@ The Wend:
I like and respect PCR a whole lot of a ton.
He has good intentions. In this case he wrote something as good as he can based on what MSM told him. Not his fault, not your fault.
WW2 – it is tricky.
There are many things nobody of us will ever know with 100% certainty.
Romanovs: Not sure if you can reduce this comparison to the kilometres any enemy was away from Moscow. Times were different, armies and weapons were different.
Also to counter-argue in your km-away-way: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_invasion_of_Russia
“””””Napoleon entered Moscow a week later.”””””
Also, at Romanov’s time Russia and Germany were still military _allies_.
And during WW1 Germany was advised by Zionist bankers.and only then decided to be at war with Russia (because the Zionists hated the Romanovs and wanted to destroy, divide and enslave Russia). That’s one of the reasons why “Ukrainain identity” including their blue-yellow (sky-cornfield) flag was invented by Germany and Austria, only in order to harm Russia, and those fools don’t get it until this day, that they were invented by their own enemies only to kill themselves and their brothers.
Well, we could talk night and day about all this stuff.
But wikiganda’s take on this is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Ukraine
“””””The roots of Ukrainian national symbols come from before Christian times when yellow and blue prevailed in traditional ceremonies, reflecting fire and water.[7] The most solid proof of yellow and blue colours could be traced as far as the Battle of Grunwald at which participated militia formations from various lands of the Polish-Lithuanian Union.”””””
Hahaha, probably wikipedia is wrong: The blue sky and yellow corn came into existance millions of years ago! Entire planet earth was first and before all created by heroic Ukrainians.
After such a healthy laugh: Good Night for today!
rgds, %m
Penelope, tnx, already saved the pdf.
Let me also quickly recommend you a video (you probably know it already) :
The Money Masters – Bill Still
(MUST-WATCH, goes 3 and a half hours!)
Answers many questions one may have ever wondered about.
Hi Martin! Someone posted more on the petition I mentioned.I thought you might want to see the post:
“They aren’t facist , they only have sold their soul to the big satan , which is worth , because you can’t redeem ! But let see wat is going to happen when the ukrainians are going to be confronted to geenpeil.nl , it might just be the right punishment for all those sinners who believed in the U.S. And EU gospel! Al this suffering and destruction for nothing ( no visa free regime with the EU no association treaty ) I guess yatseniuk and petro porochenko will have a lot to explain !
P.S geenstijl.nl is a courageous initiative from the average John cheese to get a referendum about the association treaty between the EU and the Ukraine ! Though our MSM don’t mention it 300000 signatures have been collected !,
in January or February we will get this referendum , and let’s hope that more than 30 % of the Dutch voters will vote , and that the majority of them will be against this hiddious plan”
This looks interesting. I have bookmarked.
Which chapters do you recommend be read first?
I.e., “several chapters on the point-by-point steps to WWII. This part reads like a novel.”
@ Martin:
“The more I find out about Hitler, the EU, Rothschild and the Dollar-owned so called West the more I have to wonder if Hitler was in fact a Zionist double-agent.”
Stop wondering, I’m pretty sure he was (either if a willing one or not, that’s up for grabs, though) but can I prove it? No :/
Can anybody prove it, outside those with above top-secret clearance with access to intelligence material?
Probably not.
Apart from hints, bits and pieces here and there (which could be all easily deconstructed as circumstantial evidence by any second-grade lawyer worth their salt)… there’s not much we have to go by. Unfortunately.
Neither Putin nor Lavrov strike me as ‘desperate.’
I think they are practising ‘realpolitik’, but without the ammoral void at the heart of it’s former incarnation. They coordinate where interests align, they keep schtum when they don’t. (The MSM hysteria about Russian presence in Syria is one example. They took their time responding.)
Opening up a military/Intel channel with the US is the other aspect – there are people on a similar wavelength on the other side who do not want escalation. They can deal with them.
They will ignore the rest, while keeping a wary eye on where such elements are likely to became a problem. They know they are not dealing with a coherent administration. They know there are factions. They know there are other actors. It’s a dance.
They have been pretty direct lately about their relationship to Assad’s Syria. Lavrov has been blunt about mixed signals – get with the programme, or remove signature from the Geneva Communique.
And the latest from Zerkel? The government of President Bashar al-Assad ‘must be part of the solution to the Syrian conflict.’ (Read that today.)
Now, where did she get that order from? I would love to know.
Ps Did anyone notice something on the report about the beautiful new Moscow mosque? The camera panned to Putin – sitting beside Erdo, then moments later the same shot showed an empty seat. Ok, could have been mundane, but it looked to me like RT (coordinated with the Kremlin?) was making a point.
(‘Though protocol demands we observe the niceties Mr ‘Caliph-in-waiting’, we frankly have more important things to do than shore up your vanishing political relevance…’)
I think all the above from Penelope is dependent on an agreement with the US that is not happening. I think the future will be somewhat different. It is strange to read it immediately after reading a link at the old Saker website of six months ago (directed from Russia Insider) featuring the proposals of Sergei Glazyev — December 2014 — in which his predictions have come true: inflation is still high, industrial production is down, unemployment is rising. There is a war against Russia that is on right now. I don’t understand Glazyev’s finer points but I understand his anger very well. Russia has the ability to take steps regardless of the central bank’s position. I also believe there is a wide coalition going to arrive in Syria, it won’t be small. From what the US is still saying: no Assad; and the Russian FM: then retract your signature from the Geneva accord; the military will decide this, and not the western imperialists. Something in me says, let the same formula apply to Ukraine, use an excuse if necessary but kick Poroshenko’s NATO junta to hell! And assert Russia’s self-interest above all, quit playing footsie behind the scenes with the lying murdering thieves.
Look at it this way: Officials from each negotiating govt want something.
— Iran wants an end to sanctions and her long-frozen funds. Her elites want prosperity, consumer goods and wealth. They may want a more secular way of life. Iran’s willing to be peace-enforcer for the US, which means enforcer of their petrochemical and other ownership rights in the area that’s assigned to her to boss. She’s willing to give up anti-imperialism
— US wants the middle east under her control w/o much attention from her, so she can attack Russia & China. She thinks she can bend Iran to the role of local boss-vassal because US is experienced in how to control nations by way of controlling their elites’ financial resources and other means. They are most easily controlled if great inequality and injustice can be wrought– because then the elites, lacking legitimacy, will need help in arms & training. Also US wants to loot Iran– the petrochemicals, the publicly-owned sector, whatever.
— Russia may have no choice but to sign off on the Iran nuke-deal if the others want it. Given that it’s coming, what does she want? To be compensated for the chunk of gas sales that Iran is going to make to the EU. This is especially important until she’s actually making money from her Chinese gas sales. So Iran agrees to buy lots of very expensive military hardware/ maybe civilian aircraft, and she announces this even before the deal is signed. Russia needs to see the jihadists wiped out, perhaps can’t trust the US to do it, negotiates the steps by which she’ll be permitted to do this. Hence US & allies announce withdrawal of Patriots, US agrees to withdraw satellite photos from ISIS, but not al qaeda (nonsensical). US agrees there will not be a no-fly zone, but has difficulty w Israel thru her faction, which includes Gen Allen, and also w Turkey.
etc, etc. The fact that there is a degree of negotiated cooperation between the parties doesn’t contradict our ordinary understanding of the opposition existing between US & Russia & the others.
I think the reason the Patriot missiles were withdrawn was that they were hacked.
Banker fantasies. Not going to happen.
@ Penelope:
“Russia may have no choice but to sign off on the Iran nuke-deal if the others want it. Given that it’s coming, what does she want? To be compensated for the chunk of gas sales that Iran is going to make to the EU. This is especially important until she’s actually making money from her Chinese gas sales [..]”
I think you’re totally onto something there.
Makes perfect sense with Russia’s inactions [or wrong actions] on many things: Yemen, Ukraine (must protect Russians where ever they are! Yeah… unless they’re in Ukraine, that is!) Syria, the dodgy Iran deal, their dodgy deals with the Saudis and Erdogan. Then there’s Nutter-Yahoo visit to Moscow, plus the good ol’ “must coordinate efforts against ISIS with Nato/US”…it all ties up!
Meanwhile; all the other so-called geopolitical “analyses,” and their projections: don’t add up at all, and when they do, it‘s only partially at best. They’re all seem to be faith-based; namely… trust us: Putin has an ace under his sleeve…
Saaay whaaat?!
I sincerely hope do hope he has a massive ace under his sleeve, but so far, Jack, I’m not seeing those fancy fairy tails coming to fruition, like: at all!
Time will tell if the Meyssans of this world, or their nay-sayers are right.
A time table, would be nice though… from either camp, btw.
If it’s more than 10 years from now (even 5 will do), at least I can go back to dedicate myself fully to my favorite hobby; creating music/art, and then I can come back to paying attention to geopolitical affairs after the estimated time-table is up.
Interesting report. In Russia, building this Mosque is reason for celebration, with the highest of government present along with foreign leaders. In the zionazified states of pindo land, building a Mosque is a major controversy with most of the Jewish run media in bigoted hysterics.
Another interesting thing about this was Erdogan and Abbas paying their respects. I believe Abbas and the Russian government are on good terms, but there has been “rumors” of Turkey and Russia being on the splits. Perhaps those rumors are exaggerated…. ;D
Ayatollah Khamenei: US Evil Policies, Israeli Crimes, Muslims’ Main Worries
September 23, 2015 – 12:03
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said the crux of the matter for Muslims is the US vicious policies towards the Middle East as well as the Israeli regime’s atrocities against Palestinians and frequent desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
“Today, the US malicious policies in this region (West Asia and North Africa) – which have caused wars, bloodshed, destruction, displacement, poverty, underdevelopment and ethnic and sectarian rifts – in addition to the Zionist regime’s crimes… and its frequent desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque and trampling over the lives and properties of the oppressed Palestinians, is the main problem of you Muslims,” Ayatollah Khamenei said in a message to the Hajj Congress on Wednesday.
China to Finance Steel Projects in Iran
September 23, 2015 – 14:28
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Chinese are going to finance 7 major industrial projects in Iran on steel production, an Iranian official said.
Speaking to Tasnim on Wednesday, CEO of the Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization (IMIDRO) Mahdi Karbasian said an Iranian bank has finalized arrangements for the letters of credit (LCs) for financing the seven projects by the Chinese companies.
After tight business talks in Iran and China, the Chinese agreed to make a 1.8-billion-dollar investment in the steel production projects, he added.
Mossad Bugged Hotels during Iran’s Nuclear Talks: Report
September 23, 2015 – 14:41
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Israeli secret service, Mossad, is suspected of being behind a series of mysterious cyber-spying attacks on decisive negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program held at luxury hotels across Europe earlier this year, Swiss media reported.
A Swiss newspaper, Der Tagesanzeiger, said that research carried out by its staff had shown that cyber hackers had been able to snoop on all the negotiations conducted last spring and summer by Iran, the United States, Germany and the UN’s four other veto powers, The Independent reported on Tuesday.
Iran Unveils New Homegrown Drone (+Photo)
September 23, 2015 – 13:47
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) on Wednesday unveiled a new indigenous drone named “Mohajem (Attacker) 92” with a range of 500 kilometers.
Mohajem 92 enjoys 6-hour flight endurance and is able to fly as fast as 200 kilometers per hour at the sea level.
The new homegrown drone has a weight of 80 kilograms and can carry out operations within a 100-km radius.
Experts at the IRGC Aerospace Force manufactured the stealth drone through reverse engineering. On December 4, 2011, an American Lockheed Martin RQ-170 sentinel unmanned aerial vehicle was captured by Iranian forces near the city of Kashmar in northeastern Iran.
Oh, to live in Moscow, a gracious city among cities, as only actions can prove. What a beautiful thing. I almost ignored this post, and many will, but this is of high significance, do you not think, Saker?
I saw Kadyrov and Erdogan both present, and Erdogan spoke, but Putin said this:
On an important day for Islam, Russia gave this enormous gift and recognized its family, close as blood. I never saw a mosque looking so gorgeously Russian, so aligned with the Orthodox decorator swatches, so safely standing, so happy and positive, so deeply and thoughtfully accoutered with amenities to support the true pilgrim and scholar.
And I think that this day sends echoes that only the faithful can hear, but echoes that resound throughout the universe of belief, and principle, and action.
I love your comment and feel the same way.
My contribution: the horoscope of the Moment of inauguration, a miracle exactly to the point:
I second Mundnomaniac’s response.
A heartfelt response to Moscow’s majestic new mosque and the ecumenical message it radiates.
And who can fail to note some kind of symbolism or maybe synchronicity between Istanbul’s Hagia Sofia in Istanbul—originally a Byzantine cathedral and now a mosque—and this new “Russian” mosque with its slavic-style domes. Both show a melding of Christian and Muslim faith.
Uncle bob, i think u will love this piece from PCR
Despite hard lesson piled upon hard lesson, Russia cannot give up its hope of being acceptable to the West. The only way Russia can be acceptable to the West is to accept vassal status.
Russia miscalculated that diplomacy could solve the crisis that Washington created in Ukraine and placed its hopes on the Minsk Agreement, which has no Western support whatsoever, neither in Kiev nor in Washington, London, and NATO.
For the neoconservatives, Armageddon is a tolerable risk to achieve the goal of American World Hegemony.
Only Russia and China can save the world from Armageddon, but are they too deluded and worshipful of the West to save Planet Earth?
Thanks Alan,I’ll read it.
He’s a bit “plain spoken”,but that’s his style.I can’t find anything he said about the US policy where he is wrong. I do hope he is mistaken on Russia’s thinking.But I have noticed much that he says to be true.
it’s a fecking class war.
I agree that its a class war.But its more than a class war involved.Not every issue is solely determined by class.Or at least by the normal understanding of the different classes in a society.
I don’t understand why religions are still so important in the computer age.
Let’s hope the plan works to keep the muslims in Southern Russia happy.
Also it would be outstandingly cool to confront the USA from now on as a closed block from Kairo through Istanbul to Vladivostock.
And to destroy ISIS or better: To re-direct ISIS to conquer Al Washingtona.
Will you take your computer with you when you die? Do you think this life is only about the living? Do you really think this universe is so small that absolutes can be captured in relatives?
Others ask these questions and realize they better think outside that box. And immediately, God appears. Flavors are different, and mileage does vary, but still the sacred and the holy are ever present in a place so personal and yet so far above all our pitiful little words, that only in our forlorn and momentarily forsaken moments can we think that the religious feeling inside each of us doesn’t matter.
i admire everything you write, Martin. The greatest thing about our mutual study of Russia in the world is that we are allowed – and compelled – to include the moral and spiritual aspect of human experience into our study. I encourage you to live in the sacredness of this world that all beings engage with involuntarily and innately, undeniably and joyously.
God appears…to be a cad http://thesaker.is/controversy-is-good-if-it-makes-you-think/comment-page-1/#comment-113193
I don’t understand why religions are still so important in the computer age.
Neither we can take all the luxuries and riches contained in these mosques. Despite its unquestionable beauty, and that I love to visit ancient mosques throughout the world, when I see the cost of these magnificent buildings, I wonder whether it would not be better to use all that money to help the families of the legions of unemployed that are everywhere. I think the future will be austere or will not be. To stick with the same model of luxury for the elite, civil or religious, and the rest to work into old age without the right to decent housing or health conditions, simply will not be. I do not understand why humility and modesty for women in Islam is preached and then we attend these celebrations of waste. When I visited them, I’ve always wondered why Catholic cathedrals were looking so great, even overwhelming, and my conclusion has always been that it is to convey to ordinary mortals the power of the Church, and of God himself, on them, to transmit fear of God.
I think that simplicity and austerity bring us closer to God than anything else, and that each of us can be our own cathedral where nothing is wrong with us nor with any part of our body.
100% agreed with you, elsi.
Now we are already 2 …..
And then there were three http://thesaker.is/dont-fear-for-your-hide-care-for-your-honor-ghost-brigade-motto/comment-page-1/#comment-84314
there are theories about the size, shape and materials used for buildings that ‘speak’ to something other than thought.
i heard of a room in Egypt that when entered, everybody weeps, no matter what race, class, education or any other ‘differences’, but i don’t know where that is exactly.
so builders of sacred buildings have a tradition about mathematical proportions for example.
similarly – different people see/feel things in ancient sites that others are apparently unaware of, and it is not a question of ‘high education’. professors are usually as blind as bats, too much ‘literal/literary learning dulls the senses.
@ Elsi:
“I do not understand why humility and modesty for women in Islam is preached and then we attend these celebrations of waste”
Oh, but that’s because architecture-porn (similar to food-porn in food channels) is totally ‘kosher’ with some peeps, but porn-porn is a huge no-no (btw, not that I’m particular fond of actual porn, before anybody asks), but let’s not forget that what these people class as “porn” is something as innocent female hair…
…or female faces, or simply… the female ’form‘… *eye-roll*
“[..] When I visited them, I’ve always wondered why Catholic cathedrals were looking so great, even overwhelming, and my conclusion has always been that it is to convey to ordinary mortals the power of the Church, and of God himself, on them, to transmit fear of God.”
Bang on. Churches/Temples of any denomination are primarily big celebrations mainly to the male ego/narcissism.
And yeah, yeah… I’m sure there’s a cathedral or two dedicated to the Virgin Mary, big deal! Or there are like a few surviving ancient temples dedicated to this goddess or that other goddess…
Exceptions don’t make a rule, people!
But more importantly, and this is connected to: big temples, the refugee crisis, and the pope…
He recently called for all catholic churches to take in at least 1 refugee family, and to set the example (you’re gonna laugh, I know I did when I read it) the Vatican will take… wait for it: a grand total of TWO families! In that huge palace, with lord knows how many rooms, they will take 2 (not 2 hundred, not 2 thousand.. nope!) TWO families.
Oh… that’s so generous (and X-tian) of them! Shame on us all who can’t not even take one! How dare we?
By Martin: “100% agreed with you, elsi.
Now we are already 2 …..”
Make it three, oops sorry… Anon already made it three, that means I’m four (at least at this point in time that I’m posting this) but whatever the number, you can add me up there.
@Grieved: Thank you for your comment and I also do respect your views.
But tell me please, why are the worst mass murderers still alive, if there is God?
Ahh, he wants to test us?
Or what about that: Mecca stampede: 453 people killed, 719 injured in Hajj crush (PHOTOS, VIDEO) http://www.rt.com/news/316363-saudi-stampede-haj-mecca/
Is it also a test?
The problem is, that thanks to religions many apparently cannot expect it to be dead as soon as possible …
Sorry, I wrote my pov already at several locations, such as here:
“””””I have nothing special against Islam, other than it is a religion.
Open your eyes what these religions create on this world.
I do believe in God, but not in religions.
The true God is NATURE.
Religions are little more than tools to control the masses and start wars.
Religions were the predecessors of modern mainstream TV.
I hope I’m not hurting anybody with my point of view.
And if my views are considered harmful by a majority of readers here, I will move on to a Soviet forum or simply stop to comment.”””””
Admittedly I’m praying myself.
But no texts prepared for me by some corrupt criminal agents of any specific “religion” or sect (where’s the difference?), but simply by trying to pray and hope for the best in silent spiritual moments.
The eachings of Voltaire, Marx, Engels, Lenin and comrade Stalin do make sense. And their intelligent teachings are being confirmed 300 secs per 5 minutes if you read the newspapers.
Yet nobody believes them.
On the other hand some phantastic fairy tales proven wrong another ever second of 3600 secs per hour, but people start wars and kill millions because they believe all that stuff anyway, with another God every 100 kilometers?
Arrgh, come on.
Humanity is developing backwards.
I grew up in better times. Times from whcih we have sunk 500 years backwards since then, in only 25 years :-(
Оргия Праведников. Наша Родина – СССР
Учат в школе….
I Lenin Takoy Molodoy (Levchenko)
Прекрасное далеко (нарезка видео фрагментов)
Now however, we reverted to the black deadly Middle Ages on this planet :-(
And that’s only the beginning.
Sorry, but I knew a better world.
Amén, Martin, but beware, here you could be insulted because of pleading Stalinist when there were no more arguments against you. Some of the things I like about Stalin and that makes me trust that, in the end, he was a good person, are its simplicity and the little appreciation he had for the money. Of course, he had his salary, as all workers in the USSR, but did not spent it and had it stored over there, not knowing what to do with it. They say that once he discovered how much he had, he sent it to his friends from childhood and youth in Georgia. When he died, they only found two well worn suits, and had to send them to tidy for him to have a look at the height of his post. I think there has never been so simple statesman unless President Múgica of Uruguay.
You know, I do not care if some people on this blog that plays very friendly, cheerful, peaceful and very religious insult me for pleading Stalinist, for me is an honor and a duty to defend Grandpa Stalin from the many injustices that are dumped on him.
By the way, in case you go to that Soviet blog ( really it exist? ), do not forget before to leave here the link for me.
Dearest Sister elsi,
I still owe you a reply about your question on Oman. The thread got hijacked before I could answer. I will answer you soon, InshaAllah.
If you like Stalin, then you will surely like Iranian author Dr. Dr. Ali Shariati, who was an adviser to Ayatollah Khomeini. His small book on Hajj is one of the best. Here is the link for it:
Below, I have quoted from the above book, to brother Martin from S.E.B.
Best regards,
@ Mohamed
I never saw you before and if you believe that everybody on this planet is your “brother”, don’t you think you are inflating such valuable words a bit too much?
I’m _not_ your brother.
Get that.
How about ‘comrade’?
Ps Where did Iosif Stalin go? He always used to acknowledge Elsi when she mentioned him.
on this blog. ( Though he didn’t share his views – very modest.:)
Little comrade elsi defend herself quite well without my participation, in fact, I think she is doing opposition for the post of Beria, which, if one day I return ( no one discards, especially those who make mockery of those who defend my memory ) will occupy no doubt, after due training. Then we will be Koba, Kirov, Molotov and elsi ( I do not know if she will want to opt for a nom de guerre…)
With what she is holding by some character here, we could consider her La Pasionaria of the XXI century.
Now, I´ll leave you, comrades, I’m too busy monitoring the safety of my successor in his unwary next visit to the axis of evil…..
Good to see you again Comrade.
Even better to know you are radiating spiritual benevolence from the Other Side to your successor.
He and his team have a monumental task and need all the support they can get.
‘La Pasionara’ is a most excellent title for Elsi – well-chosen!!
I shall be following some of Martin’s links to your true history.
Beir Beannacht :)
Dear brother Mohamed,
Thanks a lot for your recommendation, I already bookmarked the Ali Shariati´s book when another commenter or you yourself, I do not remember, put the link in an ancient thread. I agree that Hajj can be a beautiful travel.
Also bookmarked the other day recommendation about behavior.
What I do not know is when I will have the time to read all your ( yours and other friend´s ) recommendations.
About Omán, yes, I was asking if you recommend travelling there right now, and, what about the weather in October?
Salam sister elsi,
To me the strength of communism is that it tries to eradicate inequality, which capitalism is the complete opposite. And to quote you about Stalin.
“Some of the things I like about Stalin and that makes me trust that, in the end, he was a good person, are its simplicity and the little appreciation he had for the money.”
I believe, the answer lies in Socialism, which the Scandinavian Countries enjoyed before the fall of communism and then they were wept away with Capitalism, and eventually sucked into EU.
To me most religions are nothing but some form of Socialism. In this regard, I quoted you Dr. Ali Shiriati and Dr. B. F. Skinner. Dr. Skinner is considered the god of Behavior Science and to him, everything is a learned behavior. On the other end is god Ivan Pavlov, who believed that everything is an inherted behavior.
Back to Dr. Skinner. Henry David Thoreau famous book called, Walden is based on UTOPIA. Dr. Skiiner book called, Walden Two which is again based on UTOPIA too. In this book he shows through his work on behavior science, he takes on the critics of communism. He takes on to those that say human build economic values but criticise communism, how to price this value.
It is Jesus who showed us that if there is a will, we can feed compete village with 4 fish. I believe the answer of inequality lies with religion through socialism.
Best regards,
Comrade elsi,
don’t be afraid. Saker is the world’s best blog I’m aware of in English language.
I was thinking about http://colonelcassad.livejournal.com/ (which is often referenced by The Saker), but for participating in their comments section my Russian is still a bit too limited).
You have to see my remark in the context that I wrote this quoted snippet a few weeks ago while replying to that “Salaam” “I’m your dearest brother” fanboy.
As for Stalin: The more I found out about the true Stalin, the more I came to similar conclusions as you.
Stalin’s Bodyguard Talks About Stalin
Joseph Stalin – here and now
Andrei Fursov (Андрей Фурсов) – Russian historian, sociologist, writer, organizer of science.
Stalin angry
Широка страна моя родная – 1939 год
Stalin addresses nation at beginning of Great Patriotic War
March of Stalin’s Artillery[medley]
A word of cautin: There are many fake “witness report” videos spread by the CIA to discredit Josef Stalin as being a crazy insane brutal alcoholic.
No words about his workings, books etc.
Be aware that 98% of material about him is such crap.
rgds %m
Tut, tut hiding behind a skirt.
Intellectually highly valuable response.
At least _telling_ enough …
> Tut, tut hiding behind a skirt.
> Mohamed
That’s all your arguments?
Wow, how smart.
Dear Mohamed, its a cultural thing.(not the skirt)..and angry people for the migrations now occurring.
Thanks a lot, Martin, for your words and support.
Do not worry, I am not afraid at all, only a bit disgusted with some people around here, not preciselly the so called “trolls”, at least with them one knows what to think. Sad to say it, but I have discovered people here to whom I would never trust my rear in any battle…..
Also thanks a lot for the links. I loved especially that from Stalin´s bodyguard, so moving, he seemed such a good person. I will keep bookmarked.
I only will say that you can not force people to love you, and Stalin was and is loved by many. Perhaps they do not read this blog but they are out there.
p.s. If I cannot have DSL after death, then I REFUSE to die!!!
As easy as that.
Know your rights ;)
Martin from Soviet East-Berlin on September 24, 2015 · at 1:02 pm UTC said:
“p.s. If I cannot have DSL after death, then I REFUSE to die!!!
As easy as that.
Know your rights ;)”
Other than thinking Putin and the rest of his oligarch chums are the good guys – I really admire your style :-)
The electron knew it was being watched ;-)
Tnx, but did you see The Unknown Putin. Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCU4C6ajgBI&list=PL36lqR9B_gXeCDecMe9uk5EIkm7liQ7ci
Not yet – but will do.
Bookmarked it for when I get sound working again on this Win7 laptop.
Martin, this mosque is perhaps the most beautiful and significant restoration of a house of worship that Russia in its present form has produced. I say that as an Orthodox Christian who loves the great churches of Russia and their traditions. Today, and especially today in its reminder of the great tragedies swirling around us, whether natural or manmade, our computers serve us up this lovely vision of traditional Islam. What is not to find joy in this? Would you rather the funds had been spent on bombs and tanks, or squirreled away in some oligarch’s safe deposit box?
Here is an emblem of peace. Do not war against those who rejoice in it.
The fool says in his heart, there is no god. Let him also say, there is no war, and be at peace with those who say, God is.
Dearest sister juliania,
As Always, well said.
Best regards,
So you don’t give a dime for hungry childs who may be dead tomorrow, but celebrate a building made from stones and gold (but otherwise dead)?
Well, good to know your religion’s priorities …
No more questions.
@ juliania
> Would you rather the funds had been spent on bombs and tanks,
> or squirreled away in some oligarch’s safe deposit box?
I wrote something completely different.
The ability to read is your friend.
@ Martin:
“I don’t understand why religions are still so important in the computer age.” [you’re asking me? ;-) ]
It only makes sense if you see it from a PR perspective.
I’m talking about when Heads of State allow themselves to be linked to some form of religion group [I personally call them: cults – but hey, that’s me] or religion symbolism – or like in this case: the opening of the biggest mosque in Europe (yay! right?)
And YES granted; this is probably the most beautiful mosque in existence – but that’s top marks for the Russian architects/designers, and I do wonder how many of them were actually ‘Muslim’…(?)
… because their “tastes” [muslim] are questionable to say the least… *cough*cough*
At the end of the day… It’s all PR.
Not much different from flag-waving.
It’s all symbols/symbolism worship.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a religion, a flag, a beloved ‘leader,’ or the popular pop-star of the moment.
They all happen to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
The only difference is that if some ‘Beatle-mania’ happens to scorch the earth, it won’t ever urge you to cover-up (if your a woman) nor it would influence your country’s internal politics.
Will it?
Beautiful building so in style with Moscow architecture. Islam deserves this. Their poetry is so special. I have been listening to very pretty song by Muslim girls here :
The english subs are not so easy to read, but worth it…so Arabic, so beautiful.
I would like to ask if the blue parts of the building are a special metal ? What is the significance of the blue..so very beautiful…and … silly of me … but Ergodan’s tie is the same color…on purpose do you think ?
Erdogan’s tie certainly stands out. It is the color of the East Turkestan (Uighur separatist) flag, probably significant. Erdogan does not seem to be backing off against Assad, no understanding with Russia there.
Yes, there is something magical and so very fascinating about colours… I am not sure about the secret message hiding behind Erdogan’s tie colour, but as for the blue of the towers – yes, it is meaningful. In Islam – just like in any other religion – the choice of colours is never accidental. Apart from giving immense esthetic pleasure (well, at lest to me personally), colours and “reading” them provide a great opportunity to take a better insight to the principles of the religion, don’t you find?
Strictly speaking, the colour in question is not exactly blue but, rather, aquamarine – the combination of blue and green. The latter is the sacred colour for Islam, considered to be the symbol of the religion itself. It is believed to have been worn by Muhammad; it is used in the bindings of Quran and symbolizes both the nature and along with gold – the paradise. Here’s what I’ve found Quran says about reaching the Paradise: “ornaments shall be given to them therein of bracelets of gold, and they shall wear green robes of fine silk and thick silk brocade interwoven with gold, (18:31)” and they will be “Reclining on green cushions and beautiful carpets (55:76).”
As for the blue, it is considered to be a protective colour – most probably due to its clear association with the sky.
P.S. There are some more facts about this Cathedral Mosque that I find curious. In Soviet times it was the only (!) active mosque in Moscow, all others were simply closed. The shape of the minarets is not only traditional for Muslim mosques, but it also strongly resembles the towers of both Moscow Kremlin and Kazan Kremlin (the residence of the President of Tatarstan), which emblematizes friendship and close ties between different Russian peoples.
Thank you)
thanks Scarecrow for a very sweet and nice comment. Aqua marine is also my favorite color….I wonder though, what the new mosque’s aquamarine color is made of ? Treated Copper ? Probably not, but something rich and precious no doubt…a mineral of some sort perhaps ?
It´s not blue, it´s green, the sacred color of Islam.
talking about blue,
everything ok me old, formerly Bronx, buddy?
….talking about blue, and about the Kremlin. . .
Oh sky! sky! I’m going to dream about you!
It can’t be that you’ve gone completely blind,
That the day, like a sheet of blank paper, has burnt through
Leaving only a little smoke and ash behind!
Well, I like that (I think) but, unfortunately, have very little idea what you mean ;-)
I hope he’s not spreading out on a wave beside the recently less heard mod.
He’s talking about the colour of the sky, which does not have to be fixed, or dogmatic, like a ‘green’ or a ‘blue’, but changes, from light blue, azure, indigo, turquoise, greenish, red, orange, yellow at sunset, and so on. ‘Sky’ represents freedom of speech, everything that was, and that was lost, and will be lost again.
Spreading out on a wave sounds appealing. . .
True, because blue is the colour of zioEUslam …
Corollary question, courtesy of The Humour Department:
What colour is Saakashvili’s tie?
Naturally, these changes of colour, as first noted above, in relation to the sky, are dependent upon prevailing environmental influences. So, with the question of the colour of Saakashvili’s tie, it would simply depend upon whether he happened to be eating it at the time.
Salam Ann,
I thought the color of Ergodan tie is Green and NOT Blue, which is the color used on most Islamic building.
And, I thought the Building color was not also Blue too. It is rather Turquoise (Greenish Blue) and Iran is known for Best Turquoises in the world.
I might be color blind being soooo old,
maybe there’s a green speck on your glasses Mohamed ?
Throughout the ages, Russia has remained a convincing proof positive of peaceful co-existence with Islam within her borders. This was especially the case during Soviet times when atheism was the official doctrine of the State in addition to cultural — more persistent — historical divergences (alcohol, for instance). Most importantly, this relation has allowed Chechnya to completely rout the Wahhabi offal.
As for Western agit-prop, the mosque will inevitably become the default slander subject of the entire MSM: “Putin and ISIS plot against the Democracies from all-new Terror Mosque near the Kremlin”.
From “Assad must go” to “Assad must go on”…
Dear The Saker,
I think Pres.Putin has done a wonderful job and given a great gift to the 20m Muslims in Russia. It also shows just what a multi-faceted country Russia is and how for centuries a respect has been developed amongest all its religious groups. Russia embraces its diversity – the West gives lip service to it.
10’s of thousands turned up today for Eid at the Cathedral Mosque in Moscow:
It really boggles the mind and stuns the soul that Russia is now going to cooperate with the US in fighting yihadists and mercenaries that the US has been supporting against Russia and Russian interests for several decades. The same yihadists that the US was supposedly fighting with one side of its mouth in Syria and supporting with everything else. So now the Americans are going “cooperate” with the Russians and stop giving satellite images to ISIS, but will continue to give them to Al Quaeda. What? Does anybody know where “Al Quaeda” ends and where “Isis” begins” What kind of “coordination” is this going to be? Are the Russians really going to inform the Americans about the details of their operations and intelligence, and trust the info will not be used against them in some way at some point? How on earth can anybody trust the US on anything? Maybe those who suggest this has nothing to do with empire vs non-empire, and it is only about a class war, maybe they have a point.
there a lot honest people in US , even in politics , who can jump-in in cooperation with Russia on global scene. So far, evildoers are winning. It may change in near future. Russia is opening another window for cooperation. They do what is best for both nation, not only for Russia. We will se if empire has real strenght to change path.
Hey Martin!!
Normally I think people who give a gift, only to snatch it back the next day are pretty low-rent. It’s not giving – it’s bribing.
But in your case..I think you made the right move with the lap-top. Running away immediately was also smart…;) Those Ukrainian girls can pack quite a wallop, especially as far as material goods are concerned..just be grateful she wasn’t Russian. She’d still have the lap-top, and you’d have sore nose.
But I have to question your judgement and intuition.
Surely this ‘on-the-make’ girlfriend revealed her attitudes long before?
Pay attention sooner, rather than later.
Next time, *she* might run off with the goods first!!
Sorry, but those religious fanatics lost me.
This world really doesn’t deserve any better:
Over 717 Die In Saudi Arabia Following Deadliest Stampede In Hajj History
Mecca stampede: 717 people killed, 863 injured in Hajj crush (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
And about Lenin or Stalin they are laughing, although they really said something substantial???
What a crazy darker and darker medieval times :-(
Look at Soviet Kabul shortly after the 1978 revolution, before destruction by first US-backed islamo-fascists and then by the USA and its “allies” (zio-fascists) themselves:
With a communist (rather than religious) system this world could be a true p a r a d i s e in all of its literal meaning
But I know I know, this will never happen.
People instead prefer to die, that’s what they really want.
Salam Martin from S.E.B.,
Do you know what Hajj supposed to be:
1. No race
2. No inequality
3. No gender differences
4. World is one community
And, I can go on and on.
Have you wondered why everyone is naked?
Best regards,
i think that is utopia. in this present dimensions we impersonate physical body. there are races and thousand faces which have thousand different thoughts. in nature selfishness is normal betwwen plants and living beings and nobody complains. the human problem is; how to be tolerant to live in harmony with others and in harmony with planet. none has to be muslim or christian to be normal person. if you can listen, wind will tell you, sun will heat you, and if you truly believe – He, who is hidden inside you will lead you. like He is leading birds. none needs prophets. each one of us is own teacher.
Dear Sanjin,
Very true! Yes, it is utopia, if we can achieve it.
Best regards,
Salam Brother Martin from S.E.B,
Why everyone goes naked in Hajj?
@ Mohamed:
For the n^64’s time: I’m not your brother and you are the first person on this blog that I’m telling this – ever: I’m not talking to you.
You can continue to post random stuff, but don’t expect me to care.
Because you also never responded with arguments, rather than biblical studies.
You need to kill me, but I’m never going to convert into Islam, bad luck!
Wasted bandwidth.
Yes, very peaceful and free speech/free will your club. I feel that already.
Truly unfortunate you feel that way; not very internationalistic are you? If you are a humanist freed from religious passions, then you ought to see everyone as a brother/sister, for that’s what they are to a humanist wanting to implement an actual communalistic world.
Yes, I’m against Internationalism. And I’m a aginst Trotsky.
It makes me wonder that you are wondering.
Are you sure you are a historian?
In a communist world they were welcome because there were multiple skin colours (good), multiple ethnicities/genes (good) but finally no longer any religions staight from the darkest middle ages (best of all).
And everybody had a high soviet education and spent her/his time with useful questions of humankind, such as how to produce cheap and plenty food for all.
That was the essential difference.
You never heard of it?
Salam Brother Mohamed: Why everyone goes naked in Hajj?
Thank you for the explanation. This is the first time that I have understood the meaning of Wearing the Kafan. It makes sense to me now. Thank you.
Assalamu Aleikom
Salam Brother Mohamed: Why everyone goes naked in Hajj?
Thank you for the explanation. This is the first time that I really understood the meaning of Wearing the Kafan. It makes sense to me now. Thank you.
Assalamu Aleikom ( I hope I got that right)
From a pagan perspective, the system of using non-stitched cloth to cover body is not a new one. Pilgrimage to Mecca pre-dates Islam. That time, it was the pagan worshippers who visited it.
Similar custom is observed among some Hindu groups who wear non-stitched cloths during their holy rituals, especially when they are taking active part in that ritual.
Anyway, a symbolic system of dressing may evolve from an ideology. Also, an ideology can be created to cater to an existing system, especially when the same is not understood.
Greetings Anon,
It goes further than that. A shaved head, naked implies “Born Again”. We are born naked, helpless, in an unknown environment but Sinless.
As far as pagan and religion is concerned, we are back to egg/chicken scenario.
As far as similar is observed among some Hindu groups, why not?
Isn’t God supposed to be One and the Same!
Best regards,
Marin, I doubt the Islamists who were in Mecca like being in Mecca…I mean the Prophet’s grave has been desicrated and on and on….but who will give them a new Mecca ?
Too bad. I think its better to try and see the positive in all things, instead of the negative.
Isn’t that beautiful? Wow. Thank you so much, Saker. If I am ever going to learn Russian, it will be from absorbing the language through such videos as this one. Going to watch it several times, as the building is so lovely.
I would further wish to extend my sympathies to all families of those perishing and injured in the terrible tragedy that has occurred at Mecca. These were not terrorists but people caught up in a storm not of their choosing. We should all pray for them with heavy hearts and in the hope that their sacrifice will not go unheeded.
Maybe it is a tragedy but it is due to collective insanity. That pilgrimage is a ridiculous money making scheme, just like the “Holy Land” tours that unscrupulous Jews sell to ignorant Pastors in the US asking them to bring their Flocks to see what was in fact a damned slaughterhouse in the ancient times. Thousands of people whirling around a magic rock? GIve me a break!
Salam David George,
You show your ignorance, my dear brother. Please see my above reply regarding Hajj to Martin from S.E.B.
Or, you can read the complete short book here:
Ask yourself a question. Why people go naked during Hajj?
Best regards,
Dear Mohamed,
I fully admit my ignorance of Islam. I don’t wish to get into a deep discussion about the various symbols that decorate our lives. In fact, I get the sense that symbolism itself can get to be an ideology hiding the naked truth about ourselves.
Allah is every bit the same cad as God:
http://thesaker.is/controversy-is-good-if-it-makes-you-think/comment-page-1/#comment-113193 (if either exist at all).
Ignorance of any topic is not preferred – but there are so many topics that you’d be wise to concentrate on useful ones only.
Having said this, we may have a lot to be worried about if either (or both) do/does exist.
Not sure if you’re talking to me, Anonymous. But I will pretend you are. There are some things I don’t want to know about, ever. Like paths to be avoided. Once you go a little way down those paths you realize you don’t want to go any further. I like my dreams that come while I am sleeping. There are some things I don’t care to know about, like other people’s gods. My god does exist. I am not afraid at all of my god, because I don’t plan to get out of line. My god thinks I’m an idiot but I give him a laugh every now and then so he lets me live. When I die, I hope to go where my god is, which is the future. Since every signal is sent to the future (and every signal is received from the future) in every frame, the future is where our final transmission will be going. If we are lucky and don’t get vaporized atomically, that is. I sense two (or maybe more) missing pieces of the fabric of space-time, one from Hiroshima and one from Nagasaki. I have read there may be many other more atomic bombs that have been dropped on people. The story of those crimes is not over.
I enjoyed that David – your story is no less crazy than the Christian / Muslim one but at least you have chosen not to join the herd. Perhaps your dreams are reality.
You were right though – ignorance of some topics is preferred. Thanks for the correction.
WHY are so few asking the most essential question: For what spending hundreds of billions of Dollars just to build yet another castle in the sky? How many people/families/women/girls/children dying from HUNGER could have been rescued with that money?????
How many jobs could have been created from this money?????
How many folks are dying from illness because they cannot afford going to hospital only due to $$$ial hurdles???
This would be the true God then, if he exists.
Not defined by golden mosqs, but by a golden _heart&&soul_ [!]
No matter how hard one tries, one cannot make human beings happy!
@ Martin,
How many expensive shoes/clothes does your wife/girlfriend, assuming you have one, are not bought to feed hungry children?
What do YOU or others from Berlin not buy in other to use that money to feed hungry children?
You begrudge the millions spent on a mosque but not the millions your country men spend in expensive homes, caviar, high end restaurants and cars, and other high end items.
Now I turn your exact words towards you:
“How many people/families/women/girls/children dying from HUNGER could have been rescued with that money?????” ( your words)
“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?–Mathew 7:3
Carmel by the Sea on September 25, 2015 · at 7:18 pm UTC said:
You begrudge the millions spent on a mosque
of course:
Carmel, Hi Carmel, nice to see you here … but I don’t think Martin fits into any of those categories…I understand from Martin,…He doesn’t have a wife and he doesn’t have a girlfriend, right now….and he doesn’t have any money…he lives in East Berlin, in a difficult times….I think Martin should go to Donbass and get a Donbass passport…its from the Soviet times or something…and then…when Putin finally liberates Donbass from their difficulties, which is bound to happen…Martin will be a Russian !!
I wonder if then, Martin, like Solzineitzyn..(sp?) will not like Russia either….
Martin needs to find a good Siberian woman, when he’s a Russian, and move to Siberia to get a free plot of land from Russian government…and then start farming. And having children….that is what will finally make Martin a happy camper….
Well, if we discuss my private life here:
Yes Ann, that’s correct.
I had 2 girls in Western Ukraine, Nataliya from 2008 till 2009 and the 2nd one since then until this year. I was in Ukraine for the first time as early as in 1994 in the East (Donetsk). I wanted to migrate to Ukraine and lived a few months in Western Ukraine and was in daily contact with my ex’s from 2008 till this year.
The first at least wanted marriage and children (plus a Mercedes or BMW no older than 5 years, driving license [which I paid her back then] and an entire list of other items like a jacket for 500$ and after all she wanted to use me to get a damn German passport [when she gave me that list I took away from her the brand new Laptop I had given her a day earlier and ran away]).
My second de-facto wife on the other hand at first appeared to be better. But at the end I found out: Only $$$ is what she is interested in.
No children, no family no nothing.
For me: No girls from Western Ukraine anymore! NO THNX!
And I know that such girls are everywhere, it is difficult to find a good one.
And without money you don’t even need to start looking …
Materialism has destroyed their hearts :-(
The luck is that I have no money! I say LUCK, because in any other situation one doesn’t notice the true intentions behind a smiling face. Yes, you cannot believe me enough. I was shocked myself.
If I ever have $$$ I will still pretend I don’t have any.
That’s the key to finding a real love.
Well, which other details do you want to know about my personal life, cough … ?
State of Conflict 9/24/15:
from Russia Insider, a precise analysis at least of north and east Syria,
Not to be ignored are the following , some might say cynical, observations:
1. This move shows to over 1 billion Moslems who really respects them in words, deeds, and law.
( compare it to alternative treatments e.g. current European moves to accommodate Moslem
refuges does not even come close).
2. Its multiple geopolitical and local consequences, will slowly percolate in time.
3. And right now, it is impeccable timing for Putin’s speech at UN.
Regards, Spiral
A good writeup on potentially, “Putin The Great” by Pepe.
I only have one minor disagreement with the article. Putin will become Putin The Great not because he revived the Russian Federation, but because *He Helped Saved The World* !!!!
We can have the brotherly relations with Muslim world, I believe so. But we need to reorganize ourselves and finally end with that decadent, upside-down Christian culture of altruism and benevolence for the others. Teachings of New Teastament has to end. God from the Old Testament is not the same god which lives in the New Testament, so either we serve the old Yahweh, or we serve the new one in the image of a faggot named Jesus Christ who made himself a god. Teachings of that faggot were so topsy-turvy it boggles the mind. The man teaches his followers to take off their own clothes and give them to those who don’t have it, then he goes saying how you should turn your other cheek if someone hits you, and not to mention the greatest fallacy and degenerate teaching of how you ought to “love your enemies.” Imagine loving your enemies and letting them do whatever they want with you? Tut-tut. The faggot has outdone himself there, that’s for sure. It is no coincidence it took a millenium for the lands where the disease spead just to recuperate. Jahweh was all about following his teachings and punishing the wicked — an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, he would say. The god of Christ – which he made a part of himself – is a deity who wants you to suffer all the while feeling somehow enlighten by it. Old Jews were right to kill that impostor. And let us not even go to what his Church have done during since the fall of Rome. For the Anglo liberals hedonism, money and sexual perversity is the purpose of living (for that matter, they are the followers of Mammon, and not of Jahweh). No organization can survive on such foul “foundations” and stupid Westerners are about to find out the truth of that.
Opening and restoring this mosque in central Moscow is nothing else, just to show the world that we can live in peace and harmony with out any wars and when the mutual respect towards each other is in place.
Violence, murders, hatred will disappear when the greed is finally will have a funeral and never come back!
All of the countries around the world should follow up this rule.
I’m positive that if the Muslims are going to be miss use this kindness and generosity, will pay in the future very dearly with their lives.
Now they get the chance to show the world that they are really peaceful religion or it is going to be another failure for them as a religion?
Lets hope only and only for the best of the all humanity!
Damn hell, if the latest ZeroHedge article is true, then it really gets funny quite soon [somebody still remembers how WW1 or WW2 started?]:
Chinese Military Personnel, “Aerial Assets” Allegedly En Route To Syria
Ex-CIA boss: Syria is „geopolitical Chernobyl“ for the USA
Ex-CIA boss David Petraeus with a hearing in the armed forces committee of the US senate has called the situation in Syria “geopolitical Chernobyl” for the USA.
„Like a nuclear disaster the negative after-effects of the Syria crisis still threaten decades present to be“, he said. „The longer we allow to continue this crisis, will be the heavier the results for ourselves.“
„The international peace and the security do not demand of the USA that they all regulate crises and interfere with every conflict“, stressed Petraeus. The United States are still obliged to add the Syria conflict.
He put away with the fact that Russia is an important political strength. At the same time he expressed that action of Moscow has provokatorischen character in the Middle East. He stated arguments for this position, however, none.
Before Petraeus had made to himself also contradictory statements methods for the regulation of the conflicts in this region., Among the rest, he suggested forgetting the differences with Al-Qaeda and taking up a cooperation with the „moderate wing“ of this terrorist organisation in the fight against Syrian president Baschar al-Assad.
Veritas, when you say, “I think PCR underestimates the Russians,” I think you’re right. People think when they see Russia courting the West that they are puppies longing for acceptance.
I’m sure that diplomatic behavior towards EU is designed to eventually wean it away from US vassalage. For the time being, Russia’s behavior can be strongly persuasive only to their populations, not the corrupt & co-opted leaders, but situations change. We do not hear from those who disagree w EU’s present policies, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
As for continuing to publicly offer the US a place in Russia’s coalition against ISIS– what a propaganda coup!
I know there will very soon be a major push for a ceasefire to prevent ISIS extermination, so I hope Russia & the rest of CSTO act quickly.
oldnik007 on September 24, 2015 · at 5:47 pm UTC
there are theories about the size, shape and materials used for buildings that ‘speak’ to something other than thought.
You may be interested in the work of Nikos Salingaros. He has been writing about those matters for a while. He is especially hard on people like Le Corbusier and the “brutalist” 20th century architecture. He says things like:
“Thus they condemned the material culture of mankind from all around the globe, accumulated over millennia. While these condemnations may seem actions of merely stylistic interest, in fact they had indirect but serious consequences. The elimination of ornament removes all ordered structural differentiations from the range of scales 5mm to 2m or thereabouts. That corresponds to the human scale of structures, i.e., the sizes of the eye, finger, hand, arm, body, etc. In the Modernist design canon, patterns cannot be defined on those scales. Therefore, modernism removes mathematical information from the built environment. Looking around at twentieth century buildings, one is hard-pressed to discover visual patterns. Indeed, their architects go to great lengths to disguise patterns on human scales that are inevitable because of the activities in a building; they arise in the materials, and as a consequence of structural stability and weathering.”
Thank you Stan for this very interesting link. I always wondered why modern square architecture in buildings and modern urban districts look and feel uncomfortable. This explains it very well.
@Stan on September 24, 2015 · at 6:39 pm UTC
thank you for the wonderful link
@Martin from Soviet East-Berlin on September 24, 2015 · at 5:41 pm UTC
Martin it looks like you are right, this link was already published here on this blog / I could be wrong /but it is a good reminder
Somehow, I can’t see geo or class politics resolving so neatly anywhere, least of all the MENA. (Does he give names?) Meyassan has produced much better articles.
* * *
Good article here that gives a general overview on both the sectarian and energy dimensions of MENA conflicts:
Don’t think his solution is too likely though, and not just because its a bit simplistic. He doesn’t get either that there is competition *between * rival Western cartels, reflected in the inter-group fighting among the takfiri groups, and the incoherent foreign policy pursued by Washington.
Eg Energy Futures (basically bankrupt) is a massive drain on KKR (Petraeus .) No wonder he wants funding for al-Q to get W H approval : a mobile terror army is always the A-Z preferred option to secure/control the fields.
Can’t have the Marxist PKK getting ideas above their geopolitical function ..
I applaud the opening of a grand building that shows respect for culture and peoples of a different faith.
Any symbol of peace must be good – yes.
I give a thumbs down to the vitriol that has emerged between some commentators here.
There seems to be a general discussion about why Russia cannot or will not take on the US.
I think the issue is much more simple than most of you are thinking of and possibly some over-analyzing going on…..but it is an extremely depressing and very bleak outlook in my humble opinion.
The Zionist lead US leadership/elite have reached stages of almost pure and utter madness….This is related to their absolute corruption. It is basically a web of extreme evil and corruption in economic, social and political terms….at all level of government, intelligence and institutions.
How do you expect Russia (and China) to deal with such madness?
Should Russia provoke this powerful mad crazy psycho ?
Obviously, if Russia was powerful enough to deal with this psycho once and for all, without starting a nuclear war, it would do so…..However, Russia is simply not powerful enough to take this crazy beast out.
Russia and China are afraid, just like the rest of the world on how crazy the US has become and how much they are willing to follow Zionist commands.
Russia does not want war, Russia wants peace…Russia does not want to provoke.
But because Russia is feeling cornered they have no choice but to the protect their interests at the moment, without provoking the conventionally more powerful US-NATO-Israeli military alliance.
The corruption of the US makes a nuclear confrontation inevitable. The Russian leadership know this and they are basically buying themselves time.
It does not matter, if Europe stays with the US or splits up from it politically and strategically.
It does not matter whether Netenyahu visits Moscow or not.
It does not matter what Russia says or does.
The US will eventually plan a strike against Russia-China….This will occur either before or after the collapse of the US dollar.
The Russians will have no other choice than to preemptively strike the US and possibly Europe, or it will wait till the US does so, before striking back.
The one constant factor is that the delusion, evil and corruption of the American elite is exponentially growing, regardless of all other factors.
This seems very simplistic and depressing….However, I truly believe it to be the hard cold and simple truth. This is something I feel deep down in my soul in combination with my rational thought.
How do I explain, it is something that my heart is seeing in combination with my faculty of reason.
I believe, that most people do not want to see this truth, because it is too depressing, it is a situation that feels hopeless if it will occur, even if they think the scenario is probable.
Furthermore, many people are convinced that a thermo-nuclear confrontation will somehow wipe out humanity, causing extinction…..and this is why they feel it is useless to even contemplate a nuclear war event…..However, the people of faith (Islam, Orthodox Christianity, etc.) believe this not to be true at all.
Life, however difficult, will go on after a nuclear war, with Orthodox Christians, Muslims and Jews surviving this event and setting up the Middle-East to be back in center stage of the world. With the world powers of the Northern Hemisphere, basically knocked out of the game.
Usury (taking of interest) and the evil associated with this practice, which has been forbidden by all major religions, can only be eradicated if the entire world economy collapses….Which either leads to a nuclear war, or will be initiated by a nuclear war.
Exactly. Parasitism breeds degeneracy all along the line. That is what Western civilization/European values/Human rights etc. etc. are all about. Parasitic mumbo-jumbo especially popular among Western Leftists.
Some Regime Change Terrorism applied to the Western countries would be a plausible option in my view.
A nuclear war, besides directly causing widespread anarchy, will cause a nuclear winter. As a consequence of that, general societal disruption will be so severe that nuclear power plants and nuclear waste sites will not be maintained properly anymore. And as soon as major nuclear accidents occur, disruption will only deepen, which will lead to further accidents. So, in the event of a nuclear war, we are looking at hundreds of Fukushimas all over the developed world. Add to that chemical spills.
No amount of religiousness will save people from that, or animals for that matter. Paul Craig Roberts is right, a nuclear war will bring the end of all higher life on the surface of the earth.
> Any symbol of peace must be good – yes.
The word “any” is dangerous.
And actually: What makes you sure it is a symbol of peace, rather than a symbol of inequality, controlling the masses and utter backwardness?
Is it peace that a woman has no rights and has to wear her own dark prison around with her, even during extremely hot summer temperatures? Is it a symbol of peace that women are stripped of most rights, including the right to drive a car? Men can cheat their (multipe!) wives, but if some unconfirmed rumor claims that she _may_ have cheated him, the entire village is stoning her to death and then they celebrate this event and feel cleaned and closer to God?
If she wants to divorce from her husband (maybe because he keeps cheating her or raping or beating her [a huband his these “rights” in Islam]) she has no right unless he agrees (which he won’t).
Oh boshe moj, I’m in the wrong movie here, time to have a longer break from this insanity!
On God, cathedrals, blue, green………
“Father Ignacio Ellacuria – Jesuit and Basque”.
Orthodox Christians show great respect towards Muslims.
Look how it behaves vice versa:
Muslim migrants put dirt, shit and SHAME on Christian cemetery in the Serbian-Croatian border area
This is my first real in-depth exposure to the evil Alexander Dugin, much maligned and hated by the Empire. But this guy is calm and well-spoken, is this really the evil Svengali philosopher behind the Kremlin? And he is right, the melting pot of e pluribus unum just doesn’t work, and that is why he is hated; the Empire wants to melt the whole world in the pot, mix it up and move it around, in order to control it better.
It is so strange, when will American Evangelicals get this? Everything has been turned on its head. Atheist USSR has repented and become the God-protected Russian land once again while Christian America has apostatized, turning into the Evil Empire of the 21st century. I can hardly believe I am seeing this in my time.
Solzhenitsyn said it in August 1914, something to the effect of, “it is as if we were breathing different air.”