The Minsk-2 ceasefire agreement is dead but no one wants to bury the rotting corpse. Since it was signed in February of this year the Donbas governments and Russia have bent over backward to comply with the terms of that agreement hoping against hope that the Kiev junta would do the same. They hoped in vain.
Poroshenko and his fascist allies instead have refused to change the constitution to accommodate the concerns of the Donbas republics, have tried to suppress the Communist Party and other parties in opposition, have refused to withdraw heavy weaponry from the line of contact, have maintained increasingly heavy artillery attacks on the civilian populations and areas and cut off routes for essential foodstuffs, medical aid and technical equipment. Rather than enjoying a ceasefire, the peoples of the Donbas are under a state of siege.
Poroshenko openly calls for a military solution to the crisis and has increased the draft in the west. The NATO alliance continues to pour in its forces disguised as “advisers” and “mercenaries” and puts additional pressure on Russia with multiple military exercises from the Baltic to Bulgaria, where more tanks have been recently dispatched to “send Russia a message.”
The reality of the situation was stated on the 18th of August when President Putin stated, “It was the Donbas militias that suggested withdrawing all military equipment with calibre under 100mm. Unfortunately, the opposite side didn’t do that. On the contrary, according to the available data, it is concentrating its units there, including those reinforced with military hardware.” He continued to pay lip service to the Minsk-2 agreement, stating, “As for the Minsk-2 agreement, I believe there is no alternative for resolving the situation and that peace will prevail in the long run… “ and continued with “Our task is to minimize the losses with which we will come to this peace.”
There can be no doubt that the Minsk-2 agreements do provide the framework for a peaceful settlement of the impasse but there is also no doubt that the Kiev and NATO forces have no intention of abiding by its terms and are preparing for another offensive. Putin also stated, “I hope that it will not come to direct large scale clashes.” Yet, the people of the Donbas would be surprised to be told that the thousands of shells raining down on them from the Kiev junta’s artillery in order to provoke those clashes do not count.
Bu what is the purpose of this state of siege? Since the Donbas forces have proved their strength and resilience the Kiev regime has little hope of achieving the total destruction of those forces and imposing its will on the Donbas. Kiev and NATO also know that Russia does not want to be drawn into a direct clash with NATO that could lead to a general war. In consequence the Kiev-NATO axis have decided to engage in operations that have direct political repercussions designed to disrupt the Russian-Donbas alliance or to paralyze it and try to enlist new allies. At the same time they have decided to make the war more costly for the Donbas and Russia both in military and economic terms, and to try to bring about a gradual exhaustion of their physical and moral resistance.
We see this strategy being played out with the constant increase of economic warfare against Russia, which is clearly the ultimate target, the increasing use of propaganda including the planting in the media of the most absurd stories about Russia and its government, the use, once again of the OSCE observes as intelligence agents for NATO as happened in the Yugoslav war, and, in the political sphere, attempts by the United States and Britain to humiliate Russia with the politically motivated attempt to set up a tribunal regarding the downing of flight MH17.
Clausewitz said that “war is a pulsation of violence, variable in strength and therefore, variable in the speed with which it explodes and discharges it energy’ and that “If we keep in mind that war springs from some political purpose, it is natural that the prime cause of its existence will remain the supreme consideration in conducting it.”
Indeed, we see in Ukraine the expression of the Anglo-American-German political purpose: the desire to force Russia to submit to their will. They failed in World War I. The attempt failed again in World War II. The so–called Cold War succeeded in bankrupting the socialist state but the capitalist state that rose from that sad decline is gathering its strength once again and refuses to submit to any one’s diktats. And so the NATO coup in Kiev, in order to take Ukraine away from Russian influence as the Nazis tried to do in World War II.
But the Kiev-NATO cabal cannot break the will of the peoples of the Donbas nor of Russia and so the constant attacks, the constant propaganda, the constant turning of the economic screws.
These actions are all illegal under international law and the laws of war. They are violations of the principles and articles of the UN Charter. They are violations of several Geneva Conventions and other international treaties. The attacks on civilians are war crimes. The use of prohibited weaponry, in these attacks, is a war crime. The collective punishment of entire populations is a war crime. The use of economic warfare is a war crime. Yet nothing is done by any western government to stop it nor does the International Criminal Court lay any charges where it can. Instead it stands by and condones these crimes by its inaction.
Article 7 of the Rome Statue that created the ICC states, “that crimes against humanity includes persecution of an identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic…grounds.”
Article 7-2(b) states that the crime of extermination includes the intentional infliction of conditions of life, inter alia, the deprivation of access to food and medicine, calculated to bring about the destruction of part of a population.
Article 8 defining war crimes, states that it includes wilful killing, wilfully causing great suffering, extensive destruction of property not justified by military necessity, and carried out unlawfully and wantonly, intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population not taking part in hostilities, intentionally directing attacks against civilian objects, attacking or bombarding by whatever means towns, villages, dwellings or buildings which are undefended and which are not military objectives, declaring that no quarter will be given, using weapons designed to inflict unnecessary suffering or are indiscriminate, and intentionally using starvation as a method of warfare. The list goes on and is a compendium of the crimes being committed by the Kiev-NATO axis powers in Ukraine.
On April 17, 2014 the Kiev regime sent a declaration under Article 12(3) of the Rome Statute accepting jurisdiction of the ICC over alleged crimes committed on its territory from November 21 2013 to 22 February 2014. This was clearly a propaganda gesture at the time to justify the coup that overthrew the legitimate government. The Prosecutor has not reacted publicly to this declaration nor to its meaning but the argument can be made that if the Kiev regime speaking for Ukraine has accepted the ICCs jurisdiction for crimes in one time frame it should also accept it for the crimes committed since then. One could argue that the situation is so grave that the ICC must take action against any persons committing crimes in a territory over which it has jurisdiction that being Ukraine. Even if that argument were rejected on technical grounds, one would think that the Prosecutor would at least make a statement that the operations of the Kiev-NATO axis constitute war crimes under the Rome Statue and that they should stop those operations at once. But the Prosecutor stays silent, as silent as she was when she served US interests at the Rwanda War Crimes Tribunal and did not protest the on -sided indictments handed out there. As the saying goes, “Once in the American pocket, always in their pocket.”
On August 18th the Russian Foreign Ministry called for all sides to adhere to the Minsk agreements and expressed concern that the “bellicose rhetoric coming from Ukraine which is encouraged by a number of its foreign patrons, causes major concern and clearly attests to the intention to prepare the public opinion for another attempt to resolve the Ukrainian crisis by force. Under the circumstances, all responsibility for the negative consequences of such provocative actions will be borne by the current Ukrainian authorities.” Ominous words.
When the Minsk Agreements were signed in February I wrote an article doubting that the Kiev-NATO side had any intention of using it except as a means of pausing their operations in order to reorganise and prepare for the next offensive. My doubts proved justified.
The only way forward is to resolve the conflict at the political level on the basis of the recognition of the right to self-rule and autonomy for the Donbas republics, the creation of a federal state to assure ethnic stability, and the commitment by Ukraine that it will be a neutral state and not part of any plan to “contain” Russia, a plan that can only lead to world war.
But the NATO puppets in charge of Ukraine do not act in the interests of Ukraine. They act in the interests of the masters of war who have no concern for humanity in general or Ukrainians in particular and if they continue their operations they will not succeed in uniting Ukraine but only in laying it waste.
Christopher Black is an international criminal lawyer based in Toronto, he is a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada and he is known for a number of high-profile cases involving human rights and war crimes, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.
So the answer is clear.Russia should invoke the UN Charter and Rome Treaty.Give an ultimatum to the Kiev junta to desist from their war crimes.And when they refuse,as they will.Declare that the junta’s right to office is over.And liberate Ukraine in the name of R2P.We are coming to no other solution.The West will whine and threaten without doubt.And that is where we will see if Putin is the “Kennedy” or the “Khrushchev” of our times.Will he speak to the Russian people ,explain the sitution in clear terms and set a clear “line in the sand” for the West.If the West is totally insane we will have WW3.But I don’t think they are.I think as I’ve said before,they knew their actions could cause the break-up of Ukraine and knew they would have to accept that.They expected Russia to react and when they didn’t,NATO began to think “hey,maybe we can win it all”.So they have been running a big bluff all this time.They believe as long as they have Russia on the run,keep pushing.If they see Russia isn’t running anymore,and starts rolling up her sleeves for a fight.They will quickly stop their bully tactics,and back off.Once again as in most of life,the future of humanity comes back to elemental human nature.Bullies don’t like to fight victims with the will and skill to fight back.Russia has spent centuries always on the defensive,and don’t seem to realize that yet.Certainly they usually end up winning.But only after taking horrible body blows that they never should have had to take to start with.
Uncle Bob 1,
I think we don’t want to validate US’s invention of Right To Protect. It is open to every sort of abuse. I don’t know what older, more legitimate doctrine exists. Perhaps something to do w ending chaos on one’s borders. Or perhaps even peacekeeping arising out of the violation of Minsk2.
Based on her past actions I wd predict Russia will try to convert it into another Transnistra.
I have no idea what OUGHT to be done, except that I know it isn’t enough to put out each of these forest fires as they occur– even if we had the means to do it. I think we must go for the arsonists themselves who employ govts to do these things. The arsonists and the institutional tools that rob nations of their sovereignty, whether by military means or the way Greece got it.
Certainly the govts & intelligence services and generals of US/UK/Germany/France & others are arsonists too– but the people who paid for their elections and who are the authors of corrupt incentives– these are the ones we must unseat from their immunity in the boardrooms & banks.
If they are so intent on interdicting the border, perhaps Russia will have the ultimate righteous reason to attack: “We were invaded.” Remember how many crazies they’ve got in the ranks.
If NAF forces line up with their backs to the border, UAF shells will be showering down on Russian territory.
You are right on RTP.
If you are suggesting it would be good for Russia to own Ukraine, they can’t afford it.
They should wait until the EU is on its knees begging Russia to take Ukraine and offering billions to cover costs. Ukraine will take 20 years to rehabilitate. What should Russia sacrifice during those 20 years in order to finance Ukraine’s recovery?
you are right. america knows better than to just take over a large border country of Russia, but as long as they can get away with it, they will take every inch they can. the recent developments in korea are likely a diversionary conflict so everyone will forget ukraine. i bet american forces planted that mine.
Putin has always been obsessed with law and following it exactly, so your estimation of what he should do is very likely to happen. he may then have Russian forces march on Kiev and pull back, occupying the area of Novorussia at the locals’ requests while they set up an autonomous government and renew their forces.
agree 100%
Exactly. If it’s good for the geese it’s good for the gander.
Great article Mr. Black. I have read many of your other articles which are spot on. Russian government has said that they will not tolerate an invasion of the Don Region. Since the Kiev fascist started mobilization large number (in the thousands) of officers and men have deserted the Ukrainian army. Kiev has units who are outside of the control of the Kiev regime and are active in terrorizing the Donbas. In Europe there is a crisis, a human tragedy as thousands are fleeing Kosovo, Ukraine,, North Africa, and the Syrian conflict all as a result of American and Israeli support for fascist regimes, ISIS and anti Assad factions. All this you must know. , Harper in Canada is part of what you write.. In Kiev he hugs the fascist to get the Uki fascist vote in Canada while in Israel he backs the Israelis in order to get into the wallets of the Canadian Jews. What slimy shit this thing called Harper. .
Well said Vuki your description of this criminal Harper is accurate.
And thank you for this excellent article Mr. Black. Your assessment of the situation in Ukraine is right on.
I am Canadian and disheartened to see that so many in my country are utterly passive and complete ignorants. To see Canadians participating in this information war and providing valuable opinion and information is like a balm on a wound.
Well, yes, Sunlion but . . .
Ding, dong, the witch is dead.
Isn’t it fine that Canadian politics didn’t develop the all-too-common practice of crowding to the centre in response to a right-wing victory?
And now, there is NO WAY IN HELL that Harper will ever lead the Canadian parliament again after the October election. The way it is polling, he is dead at the crossroads with a stake through where his heart should be. Not with a majority. Not in a minority coalition. Not in a comeback. (Canadians don’t do comebacks.)
The entire electorate has committed to strategic voting. They’re not all sure who they will be voting for, but they are all sure who they will be voting against.
Harper has put Canada on the road to “militarization” and the “politics of fear.” Harper hold a memorial events to celebrate the start of WWI. Only a megalomaniac would celebrate a war that killed over 50 million people.
To impress us he relives history liker War of 1812 and Franklin’s mission to the North Pole spending millions ($28 on the War of 1812 advertising and filming alone while cutting pensions of Afghan veterans some who are committing suicide due to stress).
What idiot leader would speak against totalitarianism and then pass legislation used in totalitarian societies. Only the Mafia leaders surround themselves with criminals, embezzlers and thieves and when they are discovered he ships them to cushy jobs in UK or turns on them like he is doing to his close allies in the Senate. It would be more appropriate if he sent them to Sicily.
What other idiot leader speaks about peace and then sends his jets to kill people in Afghanistan, Libya, Tunisia, and Syria and in the process destroys some of the most prosperous and stable nations in the region. Today thanks to him these nations are in the Stone Age chaos and what is left of the people that did not become insane due to our bombing they are risking their lives to escape the carnage Harper helped to create, yet people are still consuming this military B.S. as building democracy shoveled at us by the media and the prime minister, using our own taxes. and increasing the debt by billions.
Who in Canada will buy this simplistic “shise” and one sided distortion and vote for Harper? What is it in our society that stops us from asking our leaders to justify their actions. What is creating a society of non-thinkers. Our children are exposed to violence and non-thinking through the written and visual media. The TV has become Canada’s baby sitter and written media the cheerleader where explosions, violence, nudity, bullying, guns and knives are present in every cartoon, every article and every Ad .
Even at a Toronto Maple Leaf game he uses our soldiers in masks and with machine guns, no less, to display his peace imitative as he struts with Nazis in Ukraine. He glamorizes violence and makes it acceptable to hockey moms and thousands of others glued to the idiot tube without any question of morality in human behavior. Entertainment for Canadian children does not avoid violence and does not focus on “children’s self-esteem, it does not focus on decreasing antisocial behavior, it does not teach cooperation, it does not show that conflicts can be resolved in a positive manner, and everything they see and hear and learn is violence and lies. We will get more if we elect Harper .
That is all well and good to get rid of Harper.For internal politics he’s a disaster for Canadians.But as for foreign relations, I don’t see any difference between him and his opponents (am I wrong there?).From what we hear, the other parties (except maybe the un-electable Green’s) support the Empire,Ukrainian fascist junta,and are stooges for Israel as well.So how is getting rid of Harper alone going to save Canada,I don’t see that.Even though,I’ll rejoin if he is gone.
Yes you are correct that the other two parties are with him on Ukraine. but not on Syria. The difference is that MP’s from the other two (Liberal and NDP ) do ask questions .The Conservative MP’s just nod their heads. You need to understand that our system of government is a dictatorship of the minority. In the last election only 60% of eligible voters voted and out of that only 39% voted for harper so really only about 23% of eligible Canadians voted for this idiot. One can get elected in Canada even if he/she gets a lower percentage of the popular vote. We have 305 constituencies some are large and some are small. So an MP can represent 40, 000 people while another MP may represent 150, 000 people If a party wins most of the small constituencies then it can form the government even when they did not get a majority popular vote. This is a system designed so that the upper class the propertied ones control outcomes. They not only sit at the table with the government they also contribute financially to their election. If the NDP (socialists) become popular the Media which is controlled by the Corporations and the wealthy just gang up on every policy and the bovine population believes it.
Harper is a perfect example of the sort of human detritus that the Zionazis prefer to place in charge as Chief Sabbat Goyim in the Western states that they have captured with their money power. We in Australia are over-run with them, and the chances of surviving disobedience are zero. The last political figure who got off his knees, Kevin Rudd, who ejected a Mossad agent from the Zionazi Embassy after Mossad had stolen (a repeated offence, that they had ‘promised’ not to repeat)Australian passport identities and used them in the ritual murder of a Hamas leader in Dubai, and dared change our votes at the UN to be less totally slavish to Israel, was almost immediately over-turned by an alliance of Likudniks in the Right of the ALP. Rudd was followed by Julia Gillard, whose groveling obeisance to Israel and the USA was pathological. Her partner’s employment by a local Zionazi billionaire might have helped, too.
@ Mulga Mumblebrain,
You might find this of interest [sans religious angle].
@ Mulga Mumblebrain,
I added the link, but forgot to add my name to it.
I’m blonde, what else did you expect?
Daniel, the reality of ‘Jewish’ control of the West is unambiguous, although you may NEVER mention it in polite company. And the reality that such control of China is well-nigh impossible, given civilizational differences and the Jews’ inability to ‘hide in plain sight’ amongst the Chinese explains the West’s determination to ‘bring China down’. It also explains why the Jews are fighting a bitter battle to keep east and south Asians out of the US Ivy League colleges, where Jews are up to ten times over-represented in numbers, despite no longer topping the entrance examinations. How to peacefully end Jewish control of societies and return to their proper place as one community amongst many, equally but no more or less precious as any other, is a very great conundrum.
That is interesting I must say.Even though being very pro-Palestinian,I’m not anti-Jewish,and try to understand all sides of an issue (understanding isn’t of course, the same as agreeing.I obviously have an opinion on an issue).I believe in a merit system whenever possible,barring certain circumstances.And with a merit system,for many reasons,more Jews would probably raise than their population in a society would seem likely (higher education and financial skills as an example of why) .But not to the extremes we see in the West today.In Ukraine Jews are less than 1/2 of 1% of the population.Yet the President,the PM,and many other of the very top positions in government are occupied by people of a Jewish background. Most of the oligarch class is Jewish.As well as organized crime (many times one and the same people).And while Ukraine is the most extreme example I can think of.It isn’t alone by any means among Western stooges.In the US,much of the government is made up of Jews.Most of the media is owned or dominated by Jews.Much of big business,and almost all the banks and Wall St are Jewish owned or dominated.As well as the entertainment business in the US.Hollywood is a “whose who” of Jewish names.And all with less that 2% of the US population.In Western Europe you see much the same,especially in Britain and France (Cameron has a Jewish ancestry as one example).And lets not forget that even in Russia many of the “intelligentsia” and most oligarchs have Jewish backgrounds too.With a population of around 18,000,000,close to 2/3rd’s in the US and Israel.This one ethnic/religious group seems to have a great deal of power/influence in our World of around 7 billion people.
Until the 1930’s there was a great divide among the Jewish people (still is to some extent,but smaller).They were divided by the assimilationists and those wanting to be a separate people.During the 1940’s all that changed (I think we all know way.Hitler on one hand,and Israel on the other),and the “separatists” pretty much “won” the inter-Jewish argument.So that now,anything to do with Israel,skews any debate among Jews (and everyone else).Only the bravest (and best thinking) Jews dare to stand against Israel.The majority,using their immense power and wealth are 100% dedicated to Israel.Even if that dedication harms their real home country.As you said,China is a problem for the Zionists (Jewish and non-Jewish Zionists).The Chinese aren’t Jewish (the number of Chinese Jews is tiny).And aren’t able to be influenced in the way the West is.All the advantages in business that the Jews have had for centuries in the West are found among the Chinese in Asia (the large Chinese diaspora is nicknamed the “Jews of Asia”).So basically,they don’t need the Jews as the “middle-man” in trade (which was the first foundation of Jewish influence in the West).So,that is more than likely one reason for the fear in the West over the rise of China.
Jewish dominance in the West, always denied whenever anyone dares mention it (but openly boasted of by Jews on web-sites etc) is plainly the result primarily of ferocious nepotism. Arguments that ‘Ashkenazi’ Jews are the most brilliant human beings don’t cut the mustard and are plainly distastefully racist and supremacist. Of course Jewish cultural attributes like the valuing of education and intense competitiveness have had an influence, but the dominance is now so marked in the upper echelons of Western power that group self-preference must come into it, plus a vengeful and vindictive belligerence towards those who question Jewish power.
I find it unpleasant and dangerous in itself, believing in human egalitarianism and being ill-disposed towards chauvinism, exceptionalism and supremacism. The dominance is very sinister, too, because apparently unlimited, and because in the service of an evil state, Israel. When one becomes acquainted with the true nature of the Israeli state, its evil elites and the evil elements of its society, the truly vicious racists and fascists, it comes as a shock, so thoroughly brainwashed are Westerners in Jew-worship, mostly through the ‘Holocaust’ pseudo-religion. Off the top of my head I can think of several notable locals who are both Jewish and, in my estimation, thoroughly decent human beings. But I can think of more, unfortunately, who combine their Jewishness with aggression, bellicosity and general human nastiness, most often in defence of the indefensible-Israel. Yet an unwritten code applies where no Jew may ever be criticised for their behaviour, no matter how reprehensible, without it is immediately dismissed as ‘antisemitism'(TM). Even the thoroughly morally correct revulsion at Israeli massacres in Gaza or Lebanon are instantly slandered as ‘antisemitism’, as if Jews are so wonderful that even child murder becomes a blessing so long as carried out by Jews.
This situation is not just morally reprehensible and socially destructive, it has been repeated throughout history, and it never ends well for Jew or goyim alike. And whereas once I found it hard to voice these opinions without being instantly derided (save amongst members of my mother’s generation who had lived in an area with a large Jewish population)as a bigot, nowadays more and more people are breaking free of the brainwashing. Most, fortunately, do not hate Jews because they are Jews, but are sick and tired of the eternal brutalisation of the Palestinians, of the craven complicity of our entire, totally corrupted, political caste in that brutality, and of the hyper-belligerence and arrogance of the Jewish Lobbies. At least there is a growing, if derided and abused, section of the local Jewish community that realises that Israel is not a cause worth defending, no matter what, but I seriously doubt that they will ever form a majority in a tribe still indoctrinated from birth in separatism from, and self-proclaimed superiority over, the rest of humanity.
Steven Harper and Jose Maria Aznar top the list of Shabbos Goy Western leaders in recent years for me. Disgusting turds. Don’t expect them to ever take responsibility for the deaths of their own innocent citizens as a result of their zionist policies. Being an establishment politician means never having to take responsibility for anything, while constantly demanding that others be held to account. They’re just like Jews really.
Hmmm…zionazi stooges refused to comply with an agreement they agreed to. Like this was not expected? Or anything new? Come on. The Russians and the Novorussians knew the junta regime would never carry out the agreed terms. They, the zionazi stooges, or orcs, same thing, are controlled by Israelis and Americans. When have those fascists ever kept to any agreement? Does anybody with a working brain think the Novorussians and Russians don’t know this? They are operating on the expectation that the ZPC/NWO would not honour their agreements, since the sods never do, and continue on as before in their Ukrainian colony.
When have the USA or Israel EVER kept any agreement, unless it suited their purposes? The poor Gazans are waiting, as after every Israeli slaughter, for the ‘Eternal People’ to keep even ONE of their promises. These are people, the ruling elites absolutely, and many of their citizenry, who absolutely believe that they are demi-gods, set up above the human rabble, and to whom the values of morality, honour, scrupulousness etc are utterly superfluous.
The Ten Commandments are not a rotting corpse, yet we have murders and heinous crimes in violation of them.
Minsk 2 is not the issue.
In fact, the attorney herein talks mostly of the crimes, criminality and wanton conspiracy by the West to inflict ethnic cleansing on Russian speakers while trying to draw Russia into a wide war with NATO.
What is rotten is the ICC and UN, the OSCE, NATO, the EU, the US government and the criminal junta in Kiev.
Minsk 2 is merely an international framework for the solution. Any recommendations to “solve” the problems would merely rewrite the precise steps of Minsk 2.
What now is necessary is a military defeat inflicted by the militia+Russian volunteers that fractures the proxy war, destroys all the potential of ever a military assembling again as a Ukrainian army.
In other words, the solution is about 25,000 new rotting corpses wearing Ukie uniforms, and a total rout of the remainder of junta’s military. And mixed in with those losses, 500-1000 corpses from NATO and US.
That is the road to a solution.
Precisely. Also, to teach the West a lesson with, hopefully, some lasting influence on its psyche — how about flogging the adorable figureheads such as Harper, Merkel, Obama etc. in public? That would shed some highly illuminating light on not just what reputation the punished themselves enjoy at home but, even more significantly, the reputation of the Corporate Presstitutes.
RR …sadly …but this is only and only solution…..I believe diplomacy & peace game are over.Voltures got to be stop….
All the ‘institutions’ of international governance in the world dominated by the absolute Evil of Mordor-on-the-Potmac are themselves little metastases of that primary tumour. We are still waiting, month after month, for the stooges at the vile ICC to deliver their opinion of Zionazi child butchery in Gaza. No doubt the Aunty Tom Bensouda so cynically made Chief Prosecutor after the last stooge Ocampo, will be wheeled out on a Friday afternoon at five o’clock to mournfully declare that no crimes have been established, and the ‘Treasured Nation’ can continue plotting the next ‘grass-mowing’ abomination. But the ICC will cheerfully declare that it is investigating Assad or Putin for their crimes, just as they rushed, like craven dogs, the indict Gaddaffi as the NATO thugs bombed the jihadists to power. Phyllis Bennis wrote a fine book, years ago, (the situation appears much worse now)’Calling the Shots’, detailing how the USA totally controls the UN. The US reign of terror over humanity can only end one way. We all know that.
I don’t see a way out of this, given the circumstances with the determined madness of the empire and it’s stooges, other than military force — war. How big and destructive isn’t clear, but I can’t see it going any other way.
(There are still many in the US, BTW, who are under the delusion that war is good for the economy.)
To expect otherwise is, I think, like expecting the alcoholic lying in the gutter to suddenly sober up, self-cure his disease, and live a healthy and productive life — it just doesn’t happen unless by some ‘miracle’, and can not be expected.
The question is how limited such a war might be — can it be confined to Ukraine or one of the other hot spots, or will it be world war, and maybe annihilation. If I had a working flying saucer I’d leave the planet now.
blue, Perhaps the next best alternative would be a flying carpet ride? /joke (maybe…)
meanwhile, enjoy an autobiographical interview with
John Kay, lead singer with Steppenwolf. b. E.Prussia, 1944 — Amazing life.
blue, the USA, controlled by the Zionazi Fifth Column, the neo-conservative warmongers, the neo-liberal economics prophets of insanely vicious class warfare, the Jewish money-bags like Adelson, Saban et al who control US politics ABSOLUTELY, will follow millennial Zionazi preference, and opt for continued and expanding genocide until, when cornered, if that happy day ever arrive, they invoke the Masada, Samson and Hannibal Procedures, and destroy everything. They cannot tolerate or even imagine, a world in which they are no longer the ‘Gods Upon the Earth’.
This and the reason why they must not be cornered by taken out at distance.
They are a disease on humanity and Evil incarnate.
What do you expect from the crook like Poroshenko. He is so dishonest that he is refusing to pay for project of his chocolate company designed by the British architect Phil Hadson.
Here is the article in English about a Poroshenko refusal to pay
Haha, good ol’ Poroshenko clearly has a firm grasp of ‘European values’ all right: Thievery, blackmail, and corporate greed. Western imperialism has an all but infallible flair for getting the best scum aboard. On second thought, it isn’t really a miracle since like draws to like.
Nussiminen, the Greeks had a word for societies like those of the neo-liberal West-kakistocracies. Rule by the worst in society. The very, very, worst.
Reading an interesting article linked by a commenter at FortRuss story about ‘real reason behind Kiev…”
Secret History Revealed — Putin Played Critical Role After The Pre-Planned Collapse Of The USSR
Posted on November 5, 2014 by State of the Nation
Vladimir Putin’s Russia: Perfect Foil To The Anglo-American Axis And Their New World ‘Order’
it’s interesting but I don’t buy this tale.
“so, too, had an ultra-secret group of Russian patriots and nationalists, loyal politicians and government officials made an even stronger compact to take it all back … when the right time presented itself.”
U Bob will need names to believe it.
“That Putin put the interests of Russia and its citizenry before the bankers … and the industrialists … and the powerful oligarchs
The main reason Vladimir Putin is so despised by the Western Powers is because he totally tricked them for the benefit of the Russia people.”
Where is the evidence of this benefit – wealth disparity in Russia is greater than ever?
One of the negative spammers who should have been caught initially. Sorry, everybody. We don’t always spot them during comment moderation. Mod ME
You’re one of the anonymice regularly trolling this site, and your particular brand of hasbara is questioning the legitimacy of Vladimir Putin’s achievements. Predictably, the outcome of your scribbling efforts is an exposé of the beautiful art of siding with Western imperialism on very silly pretexts. Usually one of the Western Left’s favourite pastimes. To me, the opinion of the Russian people matters a lot in all matters Russian, period. By contrast, the hallmark of Western supremacists — “left”, “right”, and “center” regardless — is their deluded arrogance, writing off just every adversary of the West as inferior, corrupt, backward, and incompetent.
More specifically, the mere proposition that wealth disparity in Russia after 15 years of strong, patriotic leadership with a groundswell of popular support should surpass the living hell of the 1990ies is just silly beyond laughable. And even more to the point: Unlike the Western dimwits, the Russians know all too well that each and every time the West prevails, the “wealth disparity” becomes totally grotesque (and without any concerns rising among aforesaid dimwits at that).
I understand that your love for your Imperialist Fatherland is sincere, but please keep your spin away from here.
Nussiminen on August 22, 2015 · at 11:00 am UTC said:
“More specifically, the mere proposition that wealth disparity in Russia after 15 years of strong, patriotic leadership with a groundswell of popular support should surpass the living hell of the 1990ies is just silly beyond laughable. And even more to the point: Unlike the Western dimwits, the Russians know all too well that each and every time the West prevails, the “wealth disparity” becomes totally grotesque (and without any concerns rising among aforesaid dimwits at that).”
I’m sorry to tell you this, but your analysis( statement, I mean) is incorrect:
“I understand that your love for your Imperialist Fatherland is sincere, but please keep your spin away from here.”
You couldn’t be further from the truth
I visit the blog pretty much daily – the articles/comments are generally very interesting. A majority of my comments are posted, so I can only imagine you’ll be reading more (even if that requires a different posting “personality”).
For starters, if you’re a frequent contributor here as you allege, then you should have got yourself a nick right from the start; not submitting your unsubstantiated claims as “Anonymous”. With very few exceptions, it is the anonymice that submit MSM compatible rubbish here. Moreover, in case you actually do use a nick as well, then you’re a certified troll, mind you.
Again: All your spin about Putin, Russia, and Russia’s social development is not only dishonest; it’s spineless, pointless, clueless and useless as well. Terribly sorry, but there is no way for you to worm yourself out of the question as to why Putin has the rock solid mass support he has while earning the unstinting hatred of the fascist West. But, then again, being a little Western supremacist in disguise (not fooling anyone around here though) supposedly allows you to ignore plain reality.
@Nussiminen on August 22, 2015 · at 2:58 pm UTC
Then there is a question for you. If this blog is a NON SENCE why are you visiting this blog?
You can visit your blog with the same type of the “little Western supremacist in disguise” and you will feel comfortable, I’m sure.
We are living in a free world and we have a choice, don’t we?
For all the incoherence and creative spelling, this latest submission of yours might in fact be the most sensible to date.
Why are regulars on the comment section of this blog way more interested in attacking the messenger than the message?
I find that only true when the “messengers” are trolls.We are pretty intent that this not turn into an “MSM” style blog.Where the Western trolls run totally over the truth spreading their Russophobic filth.
Well, there is nothing more boring than the choir preaching to itself. A “troll” now and then is actually refreshing and might even make a good point. The moderators are doing a great job keeping out the vast majority of russophobic filth which is also annoying. Free speech means being tolerant of all kinds of differing opinions, even if they are wrong. Ad homs are for the lazy who don’t have an argument.
I don’t believe that ‘Free Speech’ is absolute. I concur with Justice Holmes that it does not extend to falsely shouting ‘Fire!’ in a crowded theatre, and with JS Mill that individual freedom extends only so far as to not interfere with the freedom of others. For the Right ‘Freedom’ is absolute, but for themselves ONLY. ‘Free Speech’ in the West means mainly the absolute freedom of the rich and powerful to spew their hatred and contempt over others and to incite hatred, fear and paranoia in pursuit of control over a society rapidly devolving into neo-feudalism.
Uncle Bob, the true moral health of the glorious West is quickly ascertained by reading Comments at sites like the glorious, ‘liberal’, Guardian. The other day the sheer viciousness of some comments concerning Cilla Black, on the occasion of her funeral, was pretty ghastly. If you have a nasty, unjust, predatory society, ruled absolutely by nasty, unjust, predatory elites, you get large numbers of nasty citizens. It seems contagious.
True! And is your really want to read trash comments check out RT.It amazes me that they allow the utter filth that the Russophobes spew on that site.I think it is worse than what I’ve seen on Western MSM sites.I don’t think there are any moderators at all.Or they all are 5th column. Any new viewers to RT reading the comments would think Russia was horrible.And that from a Russian funded site,its disgraceful.
We’ve heard the messages over and over, they are fallacious, and if Saker were still moderating he would have ashcanned most of the trollish repetitious crap.
In fact, some commenters think they are actually clever.
They are not.
Totally annoyed: I agree it’s better to address the message. So I’ll do that:
I don’t think inequality is the only measure of how an economy is performing. The income of most Russians (and of the military) has increased greatly since the 90s, when the life expectancy was actually falling.
I’m sorry I don’t have a link; I’m not sufficiently interested to go and find one. Maybe the inequality statistic is cuz there are a notable bunch of oligarchical billionaires. Probably that’s as a result of the kleptocracy of the 90s & it might take a good many years to cure that.
We champion Russia cuz somebody’s got to fight the evil empire.
The last I saw, don’t have the date it was up to, average incomes had doubled since Putin took over.
The last time I looked an average had no relationship to a disparity.
What if Russia is part of that empire (or is just another wannabe evil empire).
Nussiminen on August 22, 2015 · at 2:58 pm UTC said:
“Again: All your spin about Putin, Russia, and Russia’s social development is not only dishonest; it’s spineless, pointless, clueless and useless as well.”
Any social development that leads to an increase in wealth disparity is abominable in my book.
Any social development that leads to increased support for the Russian Orthodox Church (which the Kremlin has increasingly identified itself with) is a pure play to the Conservative electorate’s belief in the tooth fairy (see the Problem of evil described by Epicurus – at least the Soviet Union ideological objective (the elimination of religion and its replacement with universal atheism) was a grand design.
So, you may think my opinion as “spineless, pointless, clueless and useless” (as I do yours) but it is, without doubt, not dishonest since it is my opinion.
Nussiminen said:
“Terribly sorry, but there is no way for you to worm yourself out of the question as to why Putin has the rock solid mass support he has”
I’ve quoted many times before, but here is a suitable explanation again
“Naturally the common people don’t want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY.”
–Goering at the Nuremberg Trials”
Nussiminen said:
“while earning the unstinting hatred of the fascist West.”
I really can’t decide whether the current situation is caused by competitive conflict between psychopathic oligarchic groups (Western based v Russia/China) who also have high levels of national pride or there is a cunning plan by a world elite to make us believe this competition exists (when in fact it doesn’t)…it certainly makes no sense why Putin/Russia maintains it’s subjugation to IMF/World bank so it seems more likely Putin/Russia are “in on it”. In any case I hate all psycopathic oligarchs (from wherever N/E/S/W they originate) – including, in my opinion, Putin.
Nussiminen said:
“But, then again, being a little Western supremacist in disguise (not fooling anyone around here though) supposedly allows you to ignore plain reality.”
I already pointed you at a link which stated that I hate Exceptionalism…that means any exceptionalism (N/S/E/W).
Now, if you’re going to accuse me of self-deception i’ll be unable to take you seriously.
I’m not interested in fooling anyone – if you don’t appreciate my comment you needn’t to continue to read them.
‘Anonymice’ is very good. The murine marauders have no excuse when they can hide behind stupid pseudonyms like Mulga….
Spot on, Nussiminen! Go get ’em!
The main reason for any Russian wealth disparity is because the rapacious oligarchs were empowered by the Anglo-American Axis banksters and power-brokers.
Btw, just saw that FACEBOOK actually blocked that SOTN site from posting any of their articles on FB … right after that Putin article was published. WOW! Talk about censorship! ! !
FACEBOOK Censors SOTN: Started With ‘Secret History Revealed’ Essay on Vladimir Putin
We tried to post that same Putin essay on FB and every time it came back with the same message –> “Page not found | SOTN: Alternative News & Commentary”
They ought to rename it CENSORBOOK.
That article from SOTN was very interesting.And probably a great part accurate. Though there where a few parts I’d like more provable information on.The parts praising Yeltsin I think would be hard for any Russian to accept.Basically the most common opinion of him in Russia is,to be mild,something like, “can we dig him up and hang him”. And the opinion of Gorbachev is equally bad,except with him its more along the lines of “he’s not dead like Yeltsin,we can still hang him”.But it wasn’t anything on those people,or Putin, that probably got them banned on FB. If I was going to guess,it was their anti-Israeli,and Jewish statements in the article.I’d “take book” that that was the sections the censors aimed at.
I’m just ignoring ‘Lateral’ noise. Trolls are a waste of time, space and electrons.
I’d rather spend time reading Counterpunch articles and the like.
I just posted links to two good ones which are nice summaries of US domestic tyranny policies and normative culture, which I’ve been struggling against since grammar school, with increasing understanding as I broke through some chains (which I’m still working on).
When one is trekking forward and steps in some unpleasant goo you just have to quickly identify it as something you don’t want on your foot, shake it off and keep going — can’t waste time and energy getting looking too much at what it is — which is what the empire tries to get people to do with it’s noise.
Well blue, I see U Bob hasn’t yet asked to see the secret list of names.
No matter. At least you can discern what you consider as noise and just get on with it (some hard Bronx training).
Anyway, I generally enjoy your comment and sometimes dig in a little deeper (as on this occasion).
It was interesting, but on a little reflection just some unsubstantiated adulation of another psycho oligarch (since they are all psychos).
An interesting yarn – but ultimately noise also.
One gets “hard Bronx training” living in the UK? Interesting. Mod ME
Do you have a problem with me wanting “proof”.I’ve always thought that it was a good idea to be able to prove claims when making them,I see you disagree there.
Uncle Bob 1 on August 22, 2015 · at 9:59 pm UTC said:
“Do you have a problem with me wanting “proof”.I’ve always thought that it was a good idea to be able to prove claims when making them,I see you disagree there.”
Of course not. It’s 50% of the reason why I comment that blues link was only a good “yarn”.
One of the websayanim spamming techniques is for one of them to write an obvious propaganda comment, then, when it is correctly perceived as such by other commenters, then the websayan, or/and its co-workers, make a strawman stink about the criticism of the spam. “Don’t shoot the messenger, engage his message”, essentially. This strategy works several ways. Which is why websayanim employ it so extensively.
First, it derails a conversation into something about whether the websayanim have a right to disrupt a site with propaganda rubbish. And second, it draws additional attention to the propaganda rubbish.
@ вот так on August 23, 2015 · at 3:53 am UTC,
that was a really, am, very useful comment.
ME said:
“One gets “hard Bronx training” living in the UK? Interesting. Mod ME”
No that interesting – blue has previously referred to being brought up in the Bronx.
You misunderstood my comment.
I cannot guess whether this satisfies a request for “evidence,” but a Saker article flies to mind, dated 2007. Maybe this helps?
“Conclusion – One does not need to be an admirer of Vladimir Putin (which I am most definitely not) to recognize his tremendous achievements in a relatively short period of time and under the most difficult of circumstances: the Russian economy is booming, Chechnia is firmly under the control of a pro-Moscow thug, the regime is undeniably popular, Russia is back on the international scene and does not take orders from Washington anymore, government services are gradually becoming functional again and the succession of Putin by his protege Ivanov seems a done deal. While there are still plenty of unresolved problems to deal with (poverty for the old and weak, corruption, legal reforms, the long delayed restructuring of the regular armed forces, social issues such as crime and substance abuse, etc.) none of them represent a major threat to the Russian thugocracy. It has taken the ex-KGB men less than a decade to bring their version of Russia back on the world stage. This is truly a remarkable achievement.” – The Saker.
Emphasizes are mine [DR].
What a difference a few years can bring.I see that article was in 2007,8 years is a long time in politics.
“Where is the evidence of this benefit – wealth disparity in Russia is greater than ever?”
Actually this is not exactly true. The middle class in Russia is getting stronger, older people are well taken care of (medical, transport benefits etc), perhaps not perfect but way better than in the US. Birth rates are very high. Moreover, there’re more freedoms in Russia in regards to things like land owning, information flow and freedom to eat healthy, non GMO foods.
Nightingale on August 23, 2015 · at 1:14 am UTC said:
Actually this is not exactly true. The middle class in Russia is getting stronger”
Exactly…here’s an example definition
And a further snippet:
“The richest slice of Russian society has doubled its wealth in the past 20 years, while almost two-thirds of the population is no better off and the poor are barely half as wealthy as they were when the Soviet Union fell, according to researchers.
Experts at Moscow’s Higher School of Economics (HSE) found that the purchasing power of the average Russian has grown by 45% since the early 1990s, but income disparity is widening by the year.”
The sources you posted are notorious 5th column on one hand.And one of the basest most vile Western stooges on the other.Are we supposed to buy them as credible,doubtful.
Uncle Bob 1 on August 24, 2015 · at 3:34 pm UTC said:
“The sources you posted are notorious 5th column on one hand.And one of the basest most vile Western stooges on the other.Are we supposed to buy them as credible,doubtful.”
Lets try to get to to the bottom of this then.
Here’s the Russian Federaton Federal State Statistic service site
If you examine item “Coefficient of funds (coefficient differentiation of income), in times” you will see the following entries:
1992 2000 2005 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
The corresponding coefficient value, for each of these years is:
8.0 13.9 15.2 16.6 16.6 16.6 16.2 16.4 16.2
i.e. it is an indicator that measures the richest against the poorest segments of the population, the rich have continued to grow richer while the poor have stayed more or less in the same position.
If you have further data i’d appreciate feedback to dig deeper on this (or any names from the secret list, if you’ve found that yet).
I have alteady explained why your “point” is totally moot. And now you have also proved what was another no-brainer: You relied on anti-Putin propaganda outlets to concoct your void and ludicrous hasbara. Indeed, that is exactly the intended result by any exposure to the Corporate Media.
What is a little problematic here, however, is that Putin — ditto all his supporters at home and abroad — has the wits, the guts, and the spine to succeed against the hopes of deluded Western supremacists, no matter the spin applied by the latter.
So, better believe me, “Anonymous”: Putin and Russia will succeed without the help of The Guardian and yourself. Please waste what little energy you might possess somewhere else. Your hasbara is degrading the blog.
@ blue
Thanks for posting that link. That was an interesting read and angle, one I have not seen before, even with an attempt to show Putin is NOT just a player in the NWO theatre. It shed a different light on Yeltsin from many of the disgruntled comments I’ve seen here in the past (and agreed with up until now). Nice to have conceptions challenged. Thanks again.
Hey OT,
That same site did a whole series on Putin’s Russia.
Each essay is better than the previous one
These people somehow have access to classified info … as in ULTRA-CLASSIFIED!
Putin’s Russia: Nemesis of the New World Order
Anglo-American Axis Wages Financial/Economic War Against Russia
Undeclared War on Russia Reflects the Sheer Desperation of the Anglo-American Axis
The internet is now being seeded with “Russian Truth” as a countervailing force to all the transparent war propaganda spewed against Putin and Russia by the MSM.
This war has only just begun!
Thanks for those links :)
Nick (visited your lovely house in Kulu once, but being winter, the garden wasn’t at its best)anyone who believes anything that the Western MSM lie-machine regurgitates is seriously in need of some form of treatment. Which, of course, is why the pathocrats are now threatening to censor the internet.
Hey Mulga,
Petty sniping removed. Mod ME
Btw it was my Uncle Nicholas (of course we called him Uncle Nick) who helped bring about this whole BRICS thing. Can you believe how he is still honored in India today?!
Philosopher Artist Nicholas Roerich Builds Eternal Bridge Between Russia and India
Keep up the great bridge-building … that new Silk Road is gonna need a lot of ’em before the whole BRICS is properly connected, yes?
VIVA la BRICS ! ! !
So he was your uncle. A great man, whose travels throughout Central Asia I really envy. Have you been to that place in Kulu, at Nagar, where he transcended this earthly plain? An emissary of global shared humanity and amity, utterly antithetical to the monsters who rule us today.
Blue, very interesting.
You might have missed an item in the sidebar:
This documents Facebook’s blocking of SOTN following that very article.
So confirming the information is not to be sneezed at.
There’s a maxim within the historian profession that extraordinary claims require the presentation of extraordinary evidence. Unfortunately, the linked item doesn’t meet the test, although I can see numerous reasons Facebook would censor the site.
I’m sure you must have come across Professor Stephen Cohen, professor emeritus Russian history, Princeton and New York Universities. His work can be found on The Nation, and The John Batchelor Show, Russian Insider and The Saker. Perhaps you have read and listened to his comments. They may not be as ‘factually’ based as your opinions are but after following this pro Russian line of reasoning my conclusion is that the mainstream followers will never believe they have been/are being hoodwinked and lied to. The MSM with the help of Hollywood has been so effective in turning fiction into ‘fact’.
wow, what a fantastically written article. My hat off to you Christopher Black…I wish you could take your opinions up to the ‘next level’ somehow.
The “next level”? Can you explain what you mean and maybe I can.
re: “The only way forward is to resolve the conflict at the political level on the basis of the recognition of the right to self-rule and autonomy for the Donbas republics, the creation of a federal state to assure ethnic stability, and the commitment by Ukraine that it will be a neutral state and not part of any plan to “contain” Russia, a plan that can only lead to world war.”
Sad to disagree, but there are obviously other ways to resolve this. First is that the West manages to wear down the Russian elites to the point where they surrender. This is entirely possible, as Russia’s internal problems are serious. Another resolution is for Russia to help the NAF enough to win. Finally, there is no reason that containing Russia can only lead to world war. The West contained the USSR for decades, and the USSR was much more powerful than Russia is. The US had places like Turkey or Japan that were part of the containment, and not neutral, and there was no world war.
Perhaps the way to avoid a world war is for Russia to stand strong. Backing down and trying desperately to avoid a fight is precisely what may lead to a fight. You have to resist bullies, not talk to them. If the Russian counterargument is that they don’t want the new sanctions that would come with helping the NAF more, then they are probably unable to fight a world war, so the West doesn’t have a good reason to stop.
Paul II, the West never ‘contained’ the USSR. That implies Soviet aggression, which is Cold War agit-prop. The West, ie the ruling global parasite elite, was ruthlessly determined to destroy the USSR from 1917 onwards, and, after they succeeded in 1989, they crafted the viciously unequal, unjust, brutal New World Order that we see thrashing about in its death-throes today, threatening to take humanity with it into the Pit of Hell.
Mulga, I agree with you. I used the word containment as that was the normal word in English and it would likely be the word used again. The collapse of the Communist Bloc was a tragedy as it led to elements in the West going crazy with hubris.
I See Paul. Many apologies for jumping to conclusions. If you had placed ‘containment’ in inverted commas, your meaning would have penetrated the carapace of my thick cranium. As they say, allegedly, in eastern Europe, ‘Everything the Communists told us about socialism was wrong, but everything they said about capitalism was correct’. I hope for a resurgence of socialism, without the anti-religious element. You cannot force non-belief, and morally good believers of any faith will be repulsed by capitalism’s injustice, brutality and destructiveness. However, religious establishments will need close monitoring, while the faithful follow their consciences.
Mulga Mumblebrain on August 24, 2015 · at 5:54 am UTC
“You cannot force non-belief”
More’s the pity (did you study my earlier link to the conundrum of Epicurus). Most of my Protestant companion’s, as a youth, hated Catholics. Here’s one of their favourite chants:
“We’re the boys from Londonderry f**k the Pope and the Virgin Mary”
[the chant obviously arrived at after some deep reading of Martin Luther, John Calvin etc texts ;-)]
Mulga said:
“, and morally good believers of any faith will be repulsed by capitalism’s injustice, brutality and destructiveness.”
What about the morally good unbelievers?
Mulga said:
“You cannot force non-belief”
Implementation didn’t work the first time around but we could give it another go.
“It was the church more than any other agency, writes historian Randall Collins, that put in place what Weber called the preconditions of capitalism: the rule of law and a bureaucracy for resolving disputes rationally; a specialized and mobile labor force; the institutional permanence that allows for transgenerational investment and sustained intellectual and physical efforts, together with the accumulation of long-term capital; and a zest for discovery, enterprise, wealth creation, and new undertakings.”
The deliberate and continuous bombardment of civilians in residential areas can best be described as an act of sustained terrorism of the mass murdering kind. War crime is too soft a term because it is a phrase also used to cover comparatively trivial offenses like showing prisoners in public etc. One of the purposes of this terrorist operation is to exhaust and terrify the population into leaving. Make the territory uninhabitable. Many western Ukrainians now under Kiev are already under the impression that the shelling of cities is no longer a problem because all the people have left…and only “terrorists” remain…
That this act of terrorism being described as an antiterrorist operation is, well, one of those things.
I have recently watched the 1957 movie based on Sholokhov’s epic and beautiful novel, Тихий Дон, translated into English as Quiet Flows the Don. Sholokhov is a first rate writer. This is the best novel in Russian in the entire 20th century. A movie can’t do justice to Sholokhov’s powers of description, but still, this is a very good adaptation of it in its own right. It lasts about 5 hours and 45 minutes (in three parts). It can be seen on youtube in HD and with English subtitles.
(there is a more recent and much shorter version released in 2006, available only in English voiceover)
The story covers the period from about 1912 to 1921 in the lives of the Don Cossaks in an area very close to the current conflict. The main character is gradually destroyed (mentally) by the endless years of fighting. By the end, people are totally sick of the chaos and misery of war, and they all they pretty much prefer anything, any government, any force, to war.
It is my belief that in the case of a Russian intervention, most Ukrainians except the nazified banderites in the western part of the country would be immensely relieved.
I believe the same.That is why I reject the idea that liberation would be disliked by Ukrainians.I think the vast,vast,majority would welcome the end of fascism in Ukraine.
> It is my belief that in the case of a Russian intervention, most Ukrainians except the nazified
> banderites in the western part of the country would be immensely relieved.
a very deep conclusion which is usually all but obvious to Western observers. but in fact it’s very accurate.. or was, a year ago. I have (mostly) sane and professional acquaintances in various places in Central and Western Ukraine, and the prevailing sentiment among them just after the Crimea secession in March ’14 was “eh they got lucky, if only Russia would occupy us like that too, I’d be the first one to welcome their troops”. the same sentiment was prevailing in the Ukrainian army – lots of them defected to the Novorussians initially, often with their armor, gear etc.
regrettably, since then, it has significantly changed for the worse, because of incessant, massive, and ludicrous anti-Russian propaganda in all Ukrainian MSM (and the near-total shutdown of any and all Russian media and even increasingly books).
which makes me quite think, like Strelkov always says, that Russia has probably missed a historic chance there of being able to occupy and re-unite Ukraine with hardly a shot being fired, and having just impassively sat it out instead. today, this is no longer possible, and any pacification or reunification of Ukraine will inevitably be preceded by the largest war in Europe since WW2.
You, Bob, and palmtop may well be right, particularly right after the coup. However, the US would have created a resistance and provocations that would have been ugly. In addition, the economic costs would have been dramatic, both in feeding and heating people, but also in the serious sanctions that would have followed.
In other words, even if 65% of the public in Central Ukraine and 50% of the public in Western Ukraine might have supported a Russian invasion, the other downsides would have been very painful. Could Putin have survived a civil war within the Russian elite?
You are right.But it was/is historically worth that.We aren’t living just in our time.But setting the stage for our children and grandchildren.As well as are under watch by our ancestors in heaven.Those that fought and defeated nazism (many their lives taken from them in that struggle),they would weep in heaven seeing their work undone by today’s fascists.As to whether Putin could survive the troubles,yes he could.But even if not,Russia and a reborn Ukraine would.And the lives of 190,000,000 million people is worth it.A nazi, Western stooge, Ukraine, is an eternal powder-keg ready to explode on Russia’s border,and destroy the nation in war.As well as splitting a 1,000 year old family in two.Given that,the difficulties of today pale before it.And the Presidency of Putin (as much as I like him) isn’t the most important problem to consider.
Yesyeterday, a short video of the rehearsals for the Ukraine Independence Day celebration appeared at
It showed only marching troops – about 8 groups of ~125 each, all in nice matching uniforms, carrying nice new uniform weapons (resolution too poor to id if AK47). Some of the groups wore red berets, others green and most tan barets. The whole was followed by a small marching band.
The video has since been pulled, presumably by the Ukrop regime.
This give a feel for it:
Dress rehearsal of the parade on Khreshchatyk. In these minutes on Khreschatyk street in Kiev is one of the General rehearsals of the parade for the Independence Day of Ukraine
Here is a snapshot of the final group and marching band.
The original video was at
The site is useful for getting a quick overview of Ukrop propaganda – 50,000 Russian troops on border; Ukraine bowed to terrorists prisoner exchange; militants threaten retaliation against OSCE inspectors; militants are preparing provocations for Independence Day; Ammunition to members of the humanitarian convoy of the Russian Federation soldiers, etc, etc)
The site also reveals interesting nuggets:
The best doctors in Israel will teach the Ukrainians (Ukraine medica have gone to Israel for training)
Ukraine has strengthened the front line 850 million USD (most of which disappeared into bank accounts judging by the quality of work?)
366 Ukrainian military were killed in Ilovaisk (not new, but now being publicly acknowledged)
Generally speaking, the Ukie acknowledgement of casualties throughout the war, but particularly in the major cauldrons, is usually one-tenth the actually number, and often as much as one-hundreth.
No one but trolls use Ukie numbers of dead and wounded.
“Where Have All the Young Men (Flowers) Gone . . . ” will be their theme song one day.
Don’t bother to come here with bogus Ukie crap. They have had 6 mobilizations to find cannon fodder.
This next round of war will be catastrophic. Most all the top military officials in their MOD are civilians with no experience in military. Adding American training will just accelerate the disasters on the battlefield. They will be deluded to think that they can defeat the militia. The actuality is they will be another sacrifice, meaningless losses to the blood-thirsty Hegemon.
True,but if reports we see all the time are true.The US and NATO has taken over all the planning in the MOD and has “advisers” running the whole show.Whether that will “help” the junta forces or not,only time will tell.I sincerely hope not.
Where and in what war have they helped their proxies?
Without air power the US military is very small special forces mission-bound.
A battlefield or theatre the size of Donbass is so beyond the “minds” and tactics of the US that it is laughable to think they can turn an army like Ukies into a victor.
The advisers will be lucky to get their asses out of range of what the Russians will be firing when the gloves come off.
Please, read some 20th century military history, post WWII.
Hopefully this time the “gloves will come off”.There seriously needs to be an end to the shelling and attacks.And as long as the Ukie forces are allowed to remain in Donbass,and continue to shell that will never happen.Only their defeat and pushing out of Donbass (at the very least) can solve that problem.
Russia created a domestic SWIFT system. The international portion of her SWIFT system, so that she could not be cut off from it by the West, was to be completed in June of this year. Instead Russia allowed herself to be fobbed off w a seat on the board of directors of SWIFT.
Quoting a Ft Russ article: “Russia and Ukrainian militia will pay an additional price in case of capture of new territories, said on Monday the official U.S. State Department spokesman, John Kirby.
“We remind that the attempts of Russia and the separatists to seize more territory will have their price,” – he said.”
The article mentions VP of European Parliament’s bragging about the cost to Russia when SWIFT w/b cut off.
I understand the international SWIFT system to be a form of secure inter-bank communication. Iranian officials once mocked its absence saying that one could make-do w faxes & phone calls.
Russia has its own internal SWIFT operating.
BRICS are looking at expanding the Russia-China alternative to SWIFT.
MOSCOW – The BRICS members have kicked off consultations on an alternative to the global SWIFT system that processes about 1.8 billion financial messages annually, said Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov.
The BRICS system for the transmission of financial information is expected to protect the member countries from any possible disruptions, and provide better security.
“The finance ministers and executives of the BRICS central banks are negotiating … setting up payment systems and moving on to settlements in national currencies. SWIFT or not, in any case we’re talking about … a transnational multilateral payment system that would provide greater independence, would create a definite guarantee for[BRICS – ed.]countries on risks associated with arbitrary decisions …made by countries that have current payment systems under their jurisdiction,”Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov told RIA in an interview published Wednesday.
Ryabkov’s interview comes prior to the July BRICS summit in the Russian city of Ufa.
About the China system:
Don’t be silly. Russia wouldn’t be stupid enough to start working on an alternative to SWIFT then abandon that effort because of being offered a seat on the SWIFT board and allowing themselves to be held hostage to SWIFT again!
I think that meant the work was “slowed down”,no hurry.But now this should show them (finally) that that is “always” a bad idea.Anything that puts Russia ,in any way,dependent on the West’s friendship must be ended.The West is totally untrustworthy where Russia is concerned.And its insanity for Russia to trust them.Just how many times must Russia be tricked before they understand that.The old saying totally fits,”fool me once,shame on you.Fool me twice,shame on me”.
Putin needs to spell it out to the two Europeon dumbkopfs (maybe he already has???) that if they do not restrain their man (or men) in Kiev (Porky & Yats) there could well be mushroom clouds rising over several Europeon cities in the near future – Berlin, Frankfurt, Paris, Marseilles, Lyon, Munich, Hamburg, Nice, Stuttgart, Brussels come to mind immediately. They would certainly all be on the first list of targets.
Perhaps he might even need to spell out exactly how they could avoid this possibility.
It’s fairly simple really. If Porky & Yats resume military hostilities in the Donbass in the near future (as many suspect) Merkel & Hollande need to resist any ratcheting up off tensions with Russia forced on them as a result and put on the line their NATO membership at any suggestion of greater involvement in Ykraine as a result of any resumption of hostilities.
Of course, they are too stupid to do this and would rather sleepwalk their nations into destruction than be held responsible for the (inevitable) disintegration of NATO.
Why should he do that? So he can sound just like Hitler?
I don’t recall Hitler “moving heaven and earth” to “avoid” war.Maybe you had in mind a different Hitler.
Russia has no reason whatsoever to ever threaten to nuke European cities.
I read this article with interest. I think Rudolf Steiner thought along similar lines. Perhaps Ann or somebody else can confirm it.
The Spiritual Roots of Russian-American Conflict
Maybe the most important thing to understand about Marx is that he was not a Marxist — he had opinions and wrote some things of a political nature, but he was primarily the economist who wrote the definitive criticism of capitalism. Many have grabbed his name to promote their own political ideas and agendas, but without Marx himself being part of it, or even having ever been to those countries.
Remember that Marx died in 1883 — long before the Russian Revolution. To picture him in a poster standing next to Lenin is historically silly at best.
Very true.He was the “Marx in Marxism”,but he himself just was a economist and writer who gave his opinions on the future of the World.It was those that came after that formed those opinions into a political movement.And as I recall he didn’t have a high opinion of Russia.He was very Eurocentric,and thought that Russia was too backward in industrial terms for “communism” to have a foothold there.It would have shocked him to see Russians embrace his thinking and industrialize the USSR like they did.
thanks anon for the heads up..I’ll take a look at it…and maybe get it printed….deep stuff is hard to read on the screen…
Paul Craig Roberts decries the banksters control of the presidency:
“During the 1930s, President Franklin D. Roosevelt had a movement behind him consisting of New Dealers. Consequently, Roosevelt was able to achieve a number of overdue reforms, such as Social Security.
“Nevertheless, Roosevelt did not see himself as being in charge. In “The Age of Acquiescence” (2015), Steve Fraser quotes President Roosevelt as telling Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau at the end of 1934 that “the people I have called the ‘money changers in the Temple’ are still in absolute control. It will take many years and possibly several revolutions to eliminate them.”
“Eight decades later, as Nomi Prins has made clear in “All The Presidents’ Bankers” (2014), the money changers are still in control. Nothing less than fire and the sword can dislodge them.
“Yet, and it will forever be the case, America has commentators who really believe that a president can change things, but refuses to do so because he prefers the way that they are.
“Unless there is a major disaster, such as the Great Depression, or a lessor challenge, such as stagflation for which solutions were scarce, a president without a movement is outgunned by powerful private interest groups, and sometimes even if he has a movement. ”
Penelope, the ‘major disaster’ of a debt deflation Great Depression is upon us. The level of inequality, the gigantic size of global debt (now vastly greater than in 2008)the sheer social and class savagery of ‘austerity’, the open contempt for ‘democracy’ (eg the 62% vote of Greeks against austerity being totally ignored within days)the collapse of demand and commodity prices, competitive devaluations, the flight of capital from ’emerging’ markets etc all signal the collapse of a system based on exploitation and greed without limit. Putin’s wisest move would be towards close alliance with China et al (the BRICS will lose Brazil, soon, alas)and rigorous self-reliance as in war-time, and, crucially, social decency and equality. Jeremy Corbyn has set off a firestorm of deranged hatred in the sewers of the Right in the UK, like the execrable Guardian, simply by calmly and quietly asking why the people of the UK cannot create a society based on social justice and human solidarity. If Putin and Xi made their societies beacons of hope and good examples to the barbarised majority in the neo-liberal failed societies, they would prevail. It is, after all, a fight to the death. Western capitalist barbarism can and will only ever grow more extreme and pitiless, until euthanised.
@ Mulga Mumblebrain
Q;…the flight of capital from ‘emerging’ markets etc all signal the collapse of a system based on exploitation and greed without limit.
R; Fear not.
There’s money to be made out of misery as well.
Go ‘bearish’ and invest heavily in triple inverse ETFs.
Some people never seem to lose, no matter where the ‘wind’ is coming from…
Mulga Mumblebrain on August 23, 2015 · at 1:00 am UTC said:
“Putin’s wisest move would be towards close alliance with China et al (the BRICS will lose Brazil, soon, alas)and rigorous self-reliance as in war-time, and, crucially, social decency and equality.”
Mulga, but you are 100% spot on.
The problem is that Putin / Xi have no more intent toward what you refer to than does Duncan Smith and the rest.
Another chemical plant explosion in china. Looks more n more like sabotage ahead of sept 3
Just wonder if Jim will have some analysis.
Nothing up so far today 22nd mid-day, but here’s what he & others have reminder what the claimed
‘chemical explosion’ caused for damage Aug11 that first one at port Tianjin world’s 10th busiest container port, including complete vaporization of a major concrete building near the ground zero.
If it can be proven that is Empire sabotage I think China will (rightfully) take a savage revenge for that.
Another two good articles:
Henry Giroux
That article about “American totalitarianism”, as many others of great interest, was previously posted by that “anonymous” to whom you, between others, are labelling as troll. Blue, do you think that you would find interesting the same article than a troll?
Indeed elsi
добрый день ;-)
All anonymous is posted by the same poster?
Of course not, but who I am referring to is that who talks about “lateral strategy, change, challenge”, “linear binary thinking” and so on.
I agree that he is not very friendly, maybe because his position does not allow it, I do not know, and sometimes you have to read twice his posts to get an idea of what he means, but sometimes gives very interesting links, blue .
Would you like to deconstruct
“In societies of can-doness notions that immersion lies in a linear spectrum facilitates immersion of varying degree, not the end of immersion, that requires lateral challenge often facilitated by relaxation.”
and explain what this is supposed to mean, specifically and intelligibly? And that it has any basis in fact?
I see it as either noise or deranged ranting, not worth spending time trying to decipher.
BTW, I could post a link to anything just to try to create some kind of false impression of my positions. I posted the link to that article (and one other in similar vein) after I got email notification of it and had time to read it, and because I thought it would be interesting to people.
Regarding the second article by Vilcheck regarding US education and intellect, it might be noted that much of education is simply busy work and rote memorization of inconsequential factoids, and filing out headers to homework according to some arbitrary standard — much as is seen in the MSM — which distract from critical thinking and analysis, and leave no time for outside study and thinking — or simply being human.
If a poster wishes to be considered seriously in terms of ‘body of work’, position, and responded to seriously over time, then he/she should have a name, to provide context and continuity. I won’t waste my time on nonsense.
Well, blue, I think not being able to deconstruct his expresion, what I do is interchanging with him and maybe understand the idea when, as in this case, provides a link to an “illuminating” article.
But I´ll try it. As he is always talking about the “notion of exceptionalism” of the opponents (which I understand are the US) this “in societies with notions of can-doness” refers, IMO, to the notion of omnipotence, in turn illustrated in the slogan of Obama ” Yes we can “(which he makes, I think, is kind of a pun), and that this notion of omnipotence, because of the inevitable ideological immersion of the population, well illustrated in the article linked, keep us in a race to reach the acceptable standards for this type of society, to which in turn we become indebted for life, preventing people to relax, stop to think and analyze, as you point yourself, “Which distract from critical thinking and analysis, and leave no time for outside study and thinking “. He is always talking about analyze everything, test hypothesis and not accept what “experts” and “authorities” say, unless tested and found right and usefull for lateral change, challenge….
In the background, blue, you and him are talking about the same, but I admit that you are right in that one should invest some time, one might not have, to decipher what he means and, of course, I also wish that everyone had a name. But he is this way, with those difficulties, helps me to understand the position in the Kremlin and provides me authors and historical data on information I did not know. This is why, for me, is worth the time dedicated to decipher their post, plus, in some ways, I must admit, I enjoy ( I am that geek) being like a puzzle, a challenge …
You and the others, could well ignore him, you are not obliged to answer or interchange with him.
On what I say about the Kremlin, precisely, another article that you’ve linked in another thread summarizes what he, at least to me, has been trying to make understood with regard to the transition from the USSR to modern Russia and Putin´s way of doing. Not so clear, so to speak, but all that he had advanced long before.
This is the other article I am talking about:
different rotting corpse, but another good link from ICH
The War Against the Third World
What I’ve Learned About US Foreign Policy
CIA Covert Operations and US Military Interventions Since World War II
Posted August 21, 2015
link to
What I’ve Learned About US Foreign Policy: The War Against the Third World
Published on Mar 4, 2012
Produced by Frank Dorrel
A 2-hour video compilation featuring 10 segments about CIA covert operations and military interventions since WWII
1. Martin Luther King, Jr., 0:00
2. John Stockwell, former C.I.A. Station Chief 2:55
3. Coverup: Behind the Iran-Contra Affair 9:10
4. School of Assassins 28:44
5. Genocide by Sanctions 42:10
6. Philip Agee, former C.I.A. Case Officer 55:01
7. Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now! 1:16:55
8. The Panama Deception 1:22:06
9. Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General 1:44:17
10. S. Brian Willson, Vietnam Veteran and Peace Activist 1:52:17
AUG 22
with video
Kiev has been deploying anti-personnel mines in Donbass in breach of Ukraine’s own laws as well as international treaties, claims a former high-ranking Ukrainian officer and chief of the engineering service, who refused to obey the “illegal” and “inhumane” order.
In February 2014 Vadim Yatsulyak served as chief of the engineering service of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine, before being appointed as a commander of the Army Corps of Engineers of the National Guard. According to him, one of the first orders he was given in his new role was to receive a supply of anti-personnel mines from military warehouses, that would be later deployed throughout the territory of the so-called “anti-terrorist operation” to reinforce Ukrainian army positions.
I saw that.I wonder if we’ll see anything in the MSM about it,very doubtful.Its numerous things like that that are more than enough if Russia wanted reasons to intervene.Since they seem to not,it probably will just be “an interesting article”.
The Syrian air defense shot down an Israeli warplane violating the Arab country’s air space, an Iranian news agency reported.
we have to wait for confirmation, but anyway, very good news.
If true,very good news.But if not true ,foolish “feel good” propaganda.And that is not what I want to see.Since the enemy would know if its really true or not.And if not they’ll just be laughing at us for believing it.Good or bad,the truth is always best to hear.So,lets hope its true,but we’ll see.
i didn’t saw with my eyes, but, here is the story about;
F-16 escape SA-9 and SA-2 missile but S-300 did the trick. plane disapeared in flame. like some magic. :-)
Another false flag incident on the Amsterdam to Paris train then. It always strikes me as nothing short of amazing that’s its always these individuals who have been on the security services “radar” that always somehow manage to acquire military grade weapons and henceforth go on a killing spree, simply amazing, these individuals must be regular Einsteins.
yes, and of course, there just happen to have 2 ex-US servicemen there, how *lucky* …..France is saved by the Americans again!
At the risk of exposing my naïveté, the many TV and press reports of the incident do seem to make it seem plausible. One of the three U.S. servicemen involved was seriously wounded, for example, and the assailant was a known Islamic extremist from Morocco, sought in several European countries. While I wouldn’t put anything past the Empire, witness 9/11, this seems prima facie real, pending evidence to the contrary. Do you have any ? If so please share it with the rest of us.
Extensive circulation by the MSM would be exactly why I would view the incident with skepticism.
This known terrorist was clearly operating without restrictions. A link here showing how visa-issuance was co-opted by the CIA in Jeddah, with visas being issued to even (the alleged) perps of 9/11:
This French “terror” attack is being hyped by the American media, and even Obama has praised these American crisis actors… er.. “heroes.”
That is a sign of dirty American covert ops in action.
Americans are very predictable.
They love to stage false flag attacks in order to propagandize themselves either as victims of “evil doers” or as the “Good Guys” saving the world.
This is a pathological aspect of America’s national DNA and is a warped way to alleviate their own guilty conscience for all the crimes against humanity that Americans have committed.
Christopher Black,
Thanks for your article. It is the standard political approach of Russia’s Democratic Republic’s political leaders. It is their official public position. …If only everyone would honor the Minsk-2 agreement, everything would be fine. Divide the Ukraine into various (ethnic or geographical) entities. Stop “use of prohibited weaponry.” Bring in the United Nations; bring in Disneyworld;
bring in Obomber; appeal to “our partners;” “commitment by Ukraine” (who?).
You conclude:
“The only way forward is to resolve the conflict at the political level on the basis of the recognition of the right to self-rule and autonomy for the Donbas republics, the creation of a federal state to assure ethnic stability, and the commitment by Ukraine that it will be a neutral state and not part of any plan to “contain” Russia, a plan that can only lead to world war.”
This approach is “The only way forward”? You can think of no other way forward?
It is one thing for Vladimir Putin and his government to advocate a way forward; it is another for the people (such as we are) to advocate the same defeatist nonsense. Your conclusion is to repeat the Minsk 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and the Geneva Accords of 1954. You recall, despite the existence of the Geneva Accords (first violated by the American imperialists), the Vietnamese liberated themselves in 1975,- – – – by driving tanks into the streets of Kiev (er-Saigon).
The Vietnamese leaders and the big wigs of the American Peace movement were happy with the slogan of “Peace Now” rather then the principled one of “Bring the Troops Home Now!” The Vietnamese had to be respected, but not the counter insurgents of the CPUSA.
Negotiating with the imperialists is one approach of a nation under the gun of imperialist attack, who deserve our respect and defense; but, our duty lies in defeating our own imperialist Oligarchs. They must be politically and militarily defeated by We The People. We must have our political Committees of Correspondence and military coalescence at Lexington and Concord. If Minsk is “A Rotting Corpse,” then it must (for sound medical reasons) be burnt under a hail of revolutionary offensives.
Russia was begun in Kiev, and only with Kiev liberated will it be rebuilt from the ashes of the first Minsk Agreement, and catastrophic defeat, of 1990.
Vladimir Putin may want, or say he wants, a Minsk (Negotiate Now!). We don’t have to repeat that stupidity. We don’t have to support any Greek agreement with the zionist/imperialist world bankers. They owe us a great debt – not the reverse. As with Putin, I loved Kennedy, but when he (Kennedy) complained about a “missile gap” with Russia, I did not love that.
You wrote- “When the Minsk Agreements were signed in February I wrote an article doubting that the Kiev-NATO side had any intention of using it except as a means of pausing their operations in order to reorganise and prepare for the next offensive. My doubts proved justified.”
And you learned nothing from that? If you doubted the Minsk Agreements then, then doubt them now. They are imperialist crap. Liberation is in Kiev; death and defeat is anywhere else.
Descarte wrote “I Think, Therefore I Am” It is time that we be.
For the Democratic Republics!
Along with Elsi and Penelope ‘s, I really like your consistency, Peter. :)
Yes, there is another way-war. I perhaps should have said the only way forward without war is the Minsk agreement ,giving the Donbas autonomy and guarantees. If that was complied with the crisis would cease. But that is not going to happen so war will result. The other way is for the Kiev regime to be replaced by a democratic one and which is not allied with NATO. But unfortunately I do not see a revolution happening in a short enough time to prevent more war. If Kiev once again attacks as looks likely and they are again defeated then perhaps that could happen. But then the Minsk agreements would be a dead letter and a new political arrangement would arise. Either the Right Sector takes over compleltely with NATO backing and they keep up hostilities or a regime that is the opposite and then there is no need for the Donbas to remain separate. But as I say, i am not optimistic. And as for Russia acting to remove the Kiev junta-well that is exactly what NATO wants them to try and then general war breaks out and no one wants what can follow. Russia is the target in all this. The know that.
Now I’m confused. Are you Christopher Black? or are you just an anonymous – anonymous, possibly referring to a previous anonymous missive by an – anonymous?
There are many fairy tales that we citizens are regaled with. This shibboleth, which I attempted to let slide, is that the Zionist/American imperialists desire that Russia militarily invade the Ukraine. That action will somehow expose them. OOOh! then there will reallly be sanctions, maybe even Zionist/American/NATO guys training the Ukrainians. We don’t want that to happen.
The American Congress might welcome their President, Netenyahoo, again. Putin might be criticized in the American and European media. Insults….
I have previously dealt with the Fairy Tales that Obomber was actually born, Bin Laden actually existed, and that the white guy defeated the Puerto Rican in a knife fight in “West Side Story.”
Now!!! Here it comes for the umteenth time…
“as for Russia acting to remove the Kiev junta-well that is exactly what NATO wants them to try…”
Read my lips! Pay attention! No new taxes! The last thing the imperialist Oligarchs desire is for the Russian Armed Forces to liberate the Ukraine, or any other area where Russians are being oppressed.
You might more convincingly argue that the imperialist oligarchs wish to PREVENT the Russians from liberating their people in Kiev. Remember the Donetz Republic’s leader, Zakharchenko, declaring that all Ukrainians were his people? Remember he, and General Givi promising to liberate them? They are fine heroic leaders, and did not lie.
I will admit, that in 1945, Hitler’s Nazis successfully tricked the Russian Army into liberating Berlin (and ending the war). Today, the trick has changed. And you all fell for it!!!
The last thing the Zionist American Oligarchs wish for is for Russia to reunite their nation. If Russia marches to and past the Dneiper, it will not be because they fell for an imperialist “trick.”
I know what Vladimir Putin and the overwhelming majority of the Russian people wish; and you do too. We all do. Maybe they won’t do it; maybe they will; but we know what Sauron fears.
Fairy Tales are great fun, but not when they block our political judgement.
Freedom is in Kiev; Liberty is in a restored American Republic! And Dieudonné will be free to perform, and France will regain its national sovereignty when the Palestinians are awarded half of what used to be theirs, including 150 of the Zionist Nukes.
What’s the problem? What can be clearer?
Leave the fairy tales to Tolkien.
For the Democratic Republics!
Only one solution for Russia and China i see to this rapidly escalating crisis in Ukraine and the South China sea, short of declaring full scale war on the west and ‘the moneychangers’ who control it. That solution is to break up the international financial banking system by dumping the dollar, creating an alternative SWIFT, internet and global communication system outside the control of the ITU, using full veto powers at the UN more constantly, speeding up the reorganisation of the SCO and converting it into a military alliance. All this backed up by the absolute willingness to use nuclear weapons to defend their interests. Either the planet will belong to us all EQUALLY, or it will belong to no one. Putin and Jinping should JOINTLY make that absolutely clear to the west, maybe before a full UN General Assembly.
@ Scanfish,
Q; Either the planet will belong to us all EQUALLY, or it will belong to no one.
R; This planet already belongs to ‘us.’ The fact that ‘we’ let such a small percentage of mankind rule over ‘us’ and live comfy lives, is ‘our’ respective and undeniable ‘fault,’ isn’t it?
Can’t blame anyone else for it now, can ‘we?’
Putin and Xi-Jinping is his given name.
Here is the main part of a speech Carter made directed at the USSR. Its a foolish move that Putin hasn’t make a similar speech concerning the territories of the “Near abroad”.The West must clearly understand the stakes involved.Let none be able to say they “didn’t understand what their actions would bring”.But that can only happen if Russia speaks with a clear voice on it.Something they “still” haven’t done.
“Let our position be absolutely clear: An attempt by any outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the vital interests of the United States of America, and such an assault will be repelled by any means necessary, including military force.”
Only a few words need changing and its ready for Putin to use.
“Let Russia’s position be absolutely clear: An attempt by any outside force to gain control of the states of the ex-USSR will be regarded as an assault on the vital interests of the Russian Federation, and such an assault will be repelled by any means necessary, including military force.”
Had the West decided to enforce Ukrainian compliance, Minsk 2 might have become something other than just another excuse to sanction Russia for supposed non-compliance. Too bad it has been sabotaged so thoroughly because it is unlikely that the same configuration of circumstances will arise again to produce an agreement of such potential benefit to all.
And as if to reinforce the aptness of Christopher Black’s ‘Rotting Corpse’ comparison, here’s Porky P, right on cue on what Minsk meant to him.
Poroshenko Says Minsk Agreement Allowed Kiev Military Buildup
My first attempt to move the Netherlands, my first home, was in 2005 after I, in year 2000, hired a small NL company to ease the transition back home. Waiting for an NL sponsored flat took five years. Now the wait in 2015 is more than 11 years.Setting up my transition I had encountered several strange events I never examined until years later. I moved in July 2005 to Netherlands and into my new home in Amsterdam.By December my trust in Boston, MA, USA, stopped sending my living expenses for each month. No warning given. Homeland Security (I suppose though it could have been the US FBI or the US CIA) had ordered my Citizen’s Boston bank account be stopped. No reason given. The new main banker of the bank I had used for 6 years made it clear she was the one who had acted on the order to close my account and that I was not to ever cross her. A tiny, oriental banker was the only one I was to talk to if I needed someone other than a teller I was informed. After three weeks of humiliations, I changed banks.
Having known that 9/11 was a set up since the day it happened, the US ending all normal laws. I knew that all banks across the USA would have new employees like the new head of banking at the Boston Citizen’s Bank, to execute criminal orders such as was just done to me in an effort to force me never to return to Netherlands. Using some made up story to smear me with for a ‘need’ to eliminate.
The webs of US Governmental deceit have grown so much more complex as in they show in Ukraine, but basically the exact same type of gross criminality. The aim? To destroy, not just control. I would bet that the US State Department cabal debates on how best to use Ukraine to erase Russia made clear the complete destruction and emptying of Ukraine was and still is, the goal.
After sixty years carefully watching how the Federal Government works I know them well. Truman’s Presidency was the turning point. It has been all downhill since.The US government has become one of only oligarchs who have no clue how to lead so they let the CIA do that..
This is what justice and democracy brought to you from the air looks like.
The only question asked to identify [and thus justify] ‘bombable’ targets;
“Are there Muslim in, around or near it?”
“I think so…”
“Good. Annihilate the entire place.”
Keep an eye on the blasts in China. There is no way these were accidents.
The timeline is:
August 11: Devaluation of the Yuan
August 12: Tianjin port destroyed with unvelievable devastation in what looks like a nuclear or similar weapon. Story is it was a warehouse explosion.
August 22: Chemical plant destroyed in Shandong province. Enormous devastation again. Also warehouse explosion cited.
There are stories
nice “stories”, but totally unsustatiated and sounds like total shrill.
Those Natural News stories read like American disinformation designed to “justify” an American attack on China in “retaliation” for phony cyber-attacks the USA suffered.
Americans are predictably using the their time-honored 9-11 Big Lie again: attack other nations based upon a false flag attack they themselves committed.
America is a truly a sick and demented evil empire.
It is pleasing that you reference Clausewitz.
In light of discussion about plans, evaluation, victory, etc., I dug out an old (about 1972) paper I wrote for a handout (less a simple diagram) for leadership/management training courses I was giving then. Perhaps it will be useful, and clarifying to the subject. Note that there is an implied 5th step: planning and implementing changes, and then moving to a step 1 in a new cycle.
“And God said, ‘Let there be light ‘;and there was light. And God saw that the
light was good…” Genesis 1:3-4
We can think of evaluation as falling into two different classifications. The first is the basic, ongoing, evaluation we use constantly in our thinking. As you read this you are evaluating the letters to form sounds and words in your mind. You are evaluating the words and deciding on the meaning of the sentences and paragraphs. You are evaluating the validity and relevance of the meanings to find what use they may be to you.
Since so much of this process is automatic and unconscious,it is very difficult to be aware of what is actually happening. You may find yourself taking a dislike to a book because the pictures or colors on the jacket remind you something else you dislike. Often,the disadvantages of this subliminal process can be overcome through the use of the second type of evaluation.
The second type of evaluation occurs when we consciously evaluate, something using definite, predetermined standards of comparison, and for a definite, predetermined reason: to make a decision. The difficult part here is to arrive at a good set of standards. They should be measurable (or at least perceivable), relevant to the decisions to be made, and consistent with the overall goals, directions, and policies.
Keep in mind that there are two types of standards: those which are desirable, and those which are essential. Here is example: If you find a flashlight for sale that is as bright as high beam headlight, has a bulb which lasts for ten thousand hours, has a battery which holds a charge for five hundred hours, is completely rechargeable, and is unbreakable, you could say that these were all highly desirable features. If you had only two dollars to spend and it cost $2.25, the price, although a very good one, would be unacceptable. In this case a price of two dollars or under would be an essential feature.
If a group is to do the evaluation these questions and standards should be settled beforehand. Otherwise you are likely to get hung up in the middle of the process because various people differ in what they feel is important or needed. In forming the group, include people who have been involved with the item, event, or person to be evaluated (actually what a person does, and how, is evaluated — not the person himself); the people who will be involved with and affected by the decisions to be made; those who have responsibilities in the affair; and those people with special expertise, knowledge, or experience in the matter at hand or in the decision and evaluation process. Take what time and care is needed in this choosing of standards, priorities, and co-evaluators since all that follows will hinge on these decisions.
It has been said that, on her death bed, Gertrude Stein repeatedly asked, “What is the answer? What is the answer?”. She then rose to a sitting position, and laughing, cried out, “What is the question?” In that moment she asked what is perhaps the most important question possible to ask.
To the question, ” is this good?” the reply may be,”Good for what?” To the query, “did the event go well?” invites the reply, “No! I broke my watch.” If a hardware store owner is considering selling camping lanterns, might he not do better to consider stocking a complete line of camping goods? Is it worth selling just one oddball (for him) item or is worth diversifying his stock at all? Can one or several sentences be revised or must the whole chapter be reworked? Good for what? For who? By whose standards? At this time? For how long? Etc? Etc? Etc?
Until it is decided what questions are to be asked and what type of decisions are needed, a useless evaluation is almost assured. The four question, five-stage flow diagram are intended to be used as an outline for evaluating past events, techniques, physical objects, or plans, and arriving at effective decisions for the future. They are also useful for looking at the policies or general directions of a group.
Did it work as you wanted (or fail as you feared)? Did the techniques used work and seem appropriate? Did people react as you thought? This is the stage at which you look at the effectiveness of your implementation. Beware of self-fulfilling prophesy and rationalization. Although it is valid and desirable to find what factors or effects were overlooked (inadequate plan `B’), if you muffed it you must admit it, not blame the circumstances, to do something different next time. Learn from your errors.
The first step is to write down what everyone feels to be the facts of the matter. Use reactions from participants and observers, your own observations, and any written reports, schedules, records, and minutes. Remember that different people may have seen the same thing in different ways, and try to arrive at a relatively objective decision as to what actually happened. Pay attention to what occurred both in terms of the event and in terms of the group.
Once the facts are assembled, you can arrange them to form an outline and define the problem areas. Compare the facts with your plans, expectations, or requirements.
Now is the time to consider redefining or adjusting your standards and directions. In forming policies, you must see what seems to work for what you presently need by evaluating what has happened so far. Look at things from varied perspectives.
3. WHY?
Try to understand the mechanisms and processes. Are those standards relevant? What factors weren’t or can’t be controlled? Can you determine why with certainty, make smart guesses, or only try and err? If you don’t think you will be in a similar situation again, don’t get too hung up on “why?” — just learn what you can and move on. Remember that you are doing this only to learn and make decisions for the future.
This is the time to make decisions, recommendations, or plans and to begin implementing them. If everyone involved and affected in involved in the evaluation as suggested above, implementation should be effective and go smoothly and quickly. If not, the group probably had never really agreed on the basics beforehand, and you will now have a tough job in selling and communicating your plans. Generally there are three decisions you can make.The fourth decisions — to learn from the experience — is obvious.
a. Leave things as they are; continue with the status quo; repeat. This is the passive decision.
b. Reverse the status quo; stop and go back to an old method or start a completely new strategy.
c. Modify what you are doing. Instead of a major change, modify parts of your plan or use it in a different way or in a different context. Develop and refine the methods and ideas you have.
If the way is unclear, you may wish to delve deeper, seek help, wait to accumulate more data, postpone decisions to another time, or wait for situations to change. You might try modifying small parts to see what effects are obtained and to understand the problem or system better. In any case, decision number one, to continue the status quo, should not be arrived at through fear or default. It is as unsafe to stand still when change is needed as it is to push blindly ahead when what you have is working. Try various methods and approaches, always evaluating the results and trying to understand what is going on and why.
The main orientation so far has been arriving at a decision. It can also be useful to look at things from a somewhat different, albeit, more nebulous perspective. Evaluation can also be employed in motivating people to improve their abilities or their interest and participation. Used as a learning process, evaluation can be a powerful instrument of growth. It is important to remember here that putting someone on the defensive or betraying honesty almost invariably leads to negative results. To create a false atmosphere of trust for an accurate evaluation and to then use the information or insights gained as a weapon and to make a decision from a position of power is unethical and can be ruinous in the long run. Use evaluation to build.
Avoid making decisions until you have to. Otherwise you will tend to defend your early decisions, even if there is now more data at hand or if the situation has changed.
If you ask complex, tightly bounded questions which involve exact measurements and data e.g. statistical analysis) you will tend to get answers which are simple and exact, but which tend to reflect your theoretical model more than the real world. If you ask simple, open-ended questions, you will tend to arrive at answers only with great difficulty, and which are hard to express, but which more faithfully reflect the real situation with all of its complexities.
As implied in the opening quotation, there is one other kind of evaluation which should be mentioned. This is direct perception, and ranges from the creator’s or artist’s insight to a mystic’s ecstasy. The problem here is not so much in knowing what has happened or is happening, but in saying something about it and in transmuting this knowledge into a workable form with pragmatic strategies and tactics. This is more art than science, and must be developed from within through work and experience.
Remember, no matter what you say about an event, the event itself is unchanged. You may say more about yourself in judging a situation than about the subject evaluated. If your plans don’t seem to work, it may be time to look more closely at yourself and your own perceptions. Sometimes, the only solution is to adapt your mode of thinking and attitudes, and grow into new perspectives. The most useful resource for getting past your blind spots is to consider the actions and feedback from others. It is impossible to be totally objective about anything, but you can generally train yourself in evaluative techniques well enough to improve the quality of your decisions to a great extent. This is the purpose of conscious, formal evaluation.
But, blue, that now you speak to us about all this contradicts that you find trollling that someone made certain questions as “What “victory” means?”
Note that you say : “If you ask complex, tightly bounded questions which involve exact measurements and data e.g. statistical analysis) you will tend to get answers which are simple and exact, but which tend to reflect your theoretical model more than the real world. If you ask simple, open-ended questions, you will tend to arrive at answers only with great difficulty, and which are hard to express, but which more faithfully reflect the real situation with all of its complexities”,
And of course, all your text is talking about lateral strategy, IMHO. You say: “The problem here is not so much in knowing what has happened or is happening, but in saying something about it and in transmuting this knowledge into a workable form with pragmatic strategies and tactics. This is more art than science, and must be developed from within through work and experience”.
And about “collecting of data, evaluation an revison of own´s ideological inmersion”, you say:
“If your plans don’t seem to work, it may be time to look more closely at yourself and your own perceptions. Sometimes, the only solution is to adapt your mode of thinking and attitudes, and grow into new perspectives. The most useful resource for getting past your blind spots is to consider the actions and feedback from others. It is impossible to be totally objective about anything, but you can generally train yourself in evaluative techniques well enough to improve the quality of your decisions to a great extent. This is the purpose of conscious, formal evaluation”.
This text of yours could also be confusing for some, as I understand, despite the examples, and perhaps you may consider that our “lateral friend”, is trying to say the same thing, already long ago, without using so many words, do not you think?
I do not know if you have read all his posts, since the beginning i mean, but this post of yours, is translating all what he was trying to advise us.
This is why I feel concerned when some of you try to discredit him acussing him of being a troll and then, now, you start talking in the same terms. I am puzzled.
My original post was not in response to asking what victory means but to the elaborate ‘philosophical; mystifying drivel such as
“It is a good philosophical question and even the most briliant minds that ever lived had to struggle to answers it properly. “Defeat and destruction of your enemy” is just a simple minded proposition that has no real meaning. ”
“I apologise for not amplifying your broadcast in a holistic way since this may cause signal distortion in some receivers..
A solitary flower is a marker of pollination; incidence, mode and vehemence of response often markers of insecurity.”
“this post of yours, is translating all what he was trying to advise us” — It’s not translating anything he said — I wrote it 40 years ago, and it’s straightforward basic management and analysis principles. This is not that complicated and there’s nothing obscure about it.
Define ‘lateral strategy’.
I see on site lateral, with someone doing ‘community engaged theatre’ and another doing ‘creative community development work’. That’s BS and buzzwords.
another site says
““Lateral Leadership” – In my view, it is a “leadership without ‘title’ or position”. It is the natural inclination of an individual to get things done.”
More BS — it’s taking ordinary leadership style information, with lotys of material written about it for decades, and mystifying it. What is ‘lateral’ supposed to mean? What is generally called horizontal organization, the standard term?
Is this about lateral thinking ?
“Lateral thinking is solving problems through an indirect and creative approach, using reasoning that is not immediately obvious and involving ideas that may not be obtainable by using only traditional step-by-step logic. The term was coined in 1967 by Edward de Bono.
According to de Bono, lateral thinking deliberately distances itself from standard perceptions of creativity as either “vertical” logic (the classic method for problem solving: working out the solution step-by-step from the given data) or “horizontal” imagination (having many ideas but being unconcerned with the detailed implementation of them).”
[Such as brainstorming? — 19530]
If you just pick up a few old standard terms and mystify them, trying to pass it off as something special, distorting them in the process, then there’s nothing of value in it.
It isn’t that all my “text is talking about lateral strategy” but that it’s based partly in the management theories formally developed over 50 years ago — nothing special. But those concepts and terms were properly defined at the time. In fact, similar concepts were formulated by anarchists long before that. But none of that was mystified or obscured fuzzy BS.
As for linear analysis and thinking, you had better be able to do that if you want to get anything accomplished. There’s nothing wrong with binary logic for a whole host of things: it’s very powerful and much of what we do is based on it. You just have to understand the limits of it and the problems it can create. The vast majority of computers are based on linear binary processes and hardware; despite all the object oriented, reflective programming, etc. modeling, the old linear binary Turing machine is how they actually work.
That’s why this stuff is trolling — it’s mystification and noise instead of straightforward information and thought. It’s like ‘bringing democracy to Iraq’, and ‘quantitative easing’ — obscurantism. It doesn’t work on people who understand what the real thing is about.
BTW, it can be noted that vertical and horizontal are more or less arbitrary metaphors (see Lakoff) and linear or one-dimensional modeling can be done in any direction, dimensions can be added as one pleases, and circles, spirals, set mappings, diagonals, zigzags, or whatever can also be used as analogies or structures in models, thinking, and metaphorical abstractions and constructions. Similarly binary, ternary, or however many states one wishes to include can be done, and there are various forms of standard logics and maths which can be used.
There’s nothing magic about any of this, but if you consider the structures of the brain, and the physical world we perceive, which is doing this, some types of models work better than others for certain tasks. Brains, unlike your computer, does actual concurrent multitasking and ambiguous, weighted decision making.
Organizations (with various factions), such as governments and the empire, or an army, also does more than one thing and goes off in different directions at the same time and generates internal contradictions. Saying ‘Russia does’ or ‘China says’ is convenient shorthand but can’t be taken literally. The US or empire can also be divided and conquered.
Thank you for your explanations, blue, I am always willing to learn.
I apreciate your posts since long ago, and I find very useful what you are saying, but also find useful what “lateral anonymous” says, and I enjoy reading you all.
So, I would like him to remain posting if you do not mind.
He can post as much as wants as long as the mods let him. That’s not my complaint — what I’m saying is that he should not be taken that seriously and that I think he’s a nuisance — but many nuisances are important to exist — it’s part of democracy and freedom of speech. (But a right to free speech doesn’t mean everyone has to listen.)
Maybe he’s just hung up on this lateral stuff and will get over it with time. Fads fade, after all.
Excellent comment, blue. If people think somebody is a nuisance troll, just IGNORE it and move on. Don’t draw special attention to it by replying with all kinds of invective that gives it oxygen. Normal average well-adjusted readers just skim comments for what they find interesting and don’t take themselves or anybody else too seriously. The moderators on this site deserve a lot of credit for being very discerning and sensitive to free speech issues while filtering out the drek. They know who the trolls are.
“So, I would like him to remain posting if you do not mind.”
At present count in the last 4 days there are 7 contributions that did not appear on the S-300 topic and 5 on this, one of which referred the receipt of an e-mail by “blue” which “blue” confirms in one of his broadcasts and the probable ramifications of this.
The author of
“It is a good philosophical question and even the most briliant minds that ever lived had to struggle to answers it properly. “Defeat and destruction of your enemy” which “blue” quotes
was not Anonymous, although Anonymous did refer to it in his reply which started,
““I apologise for not amplifying your broadcast in a holistic way since this may cause signal distortion in some receivers..
A solitary flower is a marker of pollination; incidence, mode and vehemence of response often markers of insecurity.”
You will probably notice that a file of Anonymous’ posting are apparently being kept since they are used in quotation in subsequent posts by “blue”
Perhaps it is time to apply the why, why now, and why in this form and ponder a message sent to both you and “blue” incorporated in other texts, and “published” in whole with time/date stamps below:
““Anonymous on August 15, 2015 · at 12:24 pm UTC
Some respect oaths and professional standards.
Some understand that Brennan’s restructuring re-affirms and reinforces practices towards the unspeakable.
Some understand that reliance on chutzpah and self-delusion is unsustainable.
Anonymous on August 17, 2015 · at 6:52 am UTC
“Some understand that reliance on chutzpah and self-delusion is unsustainable.”
The requirement is not nationalism, but rationalism.”
Perhaps “solitary flower” may help, particularly in respect of broadcasts made more than 6 months ago.
Please understand that broadcast is made on transmission, and so if any broadcast is not “published” on this blog only those who rely on this blog will not receive it.
If you would like some background on process starting with Uruguay, try referencing Mr. Mitrone, the Brezhnev Doctrine, Angola, Mozambique, Chile, Argentina and Afghhanistan – the Cold War was never cold and never ended.
As to moderation “publication” and “non-publication” both give interesting datastreams.
I can do nothing about those comments that have been moderated and have not seen the light, except what I’m already doing here on the blog and also to another level.
I do not know what you mean with that email to blue, but I’ve noticed that there is a pattern to use any ideas posted by anonymous commentators which are then developed as themselves by commentators who are not anonymous. This kind of attitude I do not like, I’ve seen in workplaces, including mine, and I will not say here what I think of it.
Just the other day another anonymous posted a link to the Ceremony on National Awards to Achievements in Literature, Art, Science and Technology in the Day of Russia .
Well, regardless of whether I liked the comment or not, I bother to see the whole ceremony, and from people invited in the audience I was surprised to see Mikhail Gorbachev and Yeltsin’s widow and one of her daughters. Seeing this I thought of you and suddenly took sense many things you were saying that came when I called traitor Yeltsin for example. You see, sometimes I do not understand you and do not understand why you have to be so cryptic, but after months of reading your comments, as time passes, all makes sense and I confirm what I thought about you in the beginning, when you told me about the “roof” of Andropov and all that, that you know very well what is being cooked in the Kremlin, plus it cooks in the world…..
Please, remain posting, while contributions do not be rude and you add interesting links I think the comments will be approved, mainly because they do not break any blog policy.
It would also be interesting to take advantage of the advice I gave you the other day about posting schedules and besides try to answer to me. Yesterday and today I have not had time to answer you and still have to read some links you posted. Short of time as always…..
спокойной ночи, сэр.
Books are catalysts of thoughts, not substitutes for thought.
However the following may be of interest.
On can-doness
Smile or Die: How Positive Thinking Fooled America and the World
5 Aug 2010
by Barbara Ehrenreich
On paradigm change
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions: 50th Anniversary Edition
11 May 2012
by Thomas Kuhn
Always test the hypotheses and there is never any need to “reply” to me.
These also may be of interest on “long winter nights”.
Emails? Files kept? Broadcast?
I have no idea what you are talking about.
I post some messages, and read messages on the blog, and some I reply to — and that’s all I do. I have nothing to do at all with emails or broadcasts, and the only files I have are copies if the blog pages I save in archives, but very rarely even look at again. I neither send emails to nor receive emails from the blog.
If you want to have a good laugh read this article over @ The Guardian [‘The Game of Trolls’ – ha… ha…. ha….. ha……]
If you just want to see Vlogger Kristina Fink [who’s mentioned in the article] have a look at her over @ youtube.
But be warned….
She’s super hot.
[or at least, that’s my kind of woman] :o)
As regards The Guardian’s anti-Russian drivel, it is in fact the more or less imbecilic posts from the supportive readership that’s most entertaining. Empty parroting all along the line. Confirms to the hilt the moral and intellectual stature of Western supremacists as being well below that of a bunch of drunkards on a park bench. Testifies irrefutably to the “passions” that highly intelligent people such as Putin evoke in less fortunate souls, especially with a little help from “The Tribe”.
Israel Set on Eliminating Syria, Iran for Regional Dominance?
On Friday, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported that Israeli warplanes bombed a military post near Quneitra in Syrian controlled Golan killing one soldier and injuring eight others.
The attack was perhaps the biggest since the 1967 Six Day War. “Is it a possible prelude to a US/Israeli/Turkish full-scale war on Assad?” US journalist Stephen Lendman speculated in his article for the website Global Research.
Israel has multiple objectives such as eradicating Syria as a rival regional state, destroying the country for easier control, blocking the Iran nuclear deal and ultimately replacing Islamic State’s sovereignty with pro-Western governance, Lendman wrote.
Israel’s campaign to undermine the Iran nuclear deal will serve as a step towards eradicating its two main regional competitors. In order to achieve that, Israel fabricates accusations only morons or liars would accept, the journalist continued.
As the journalist pointed out, Iran and Syria didn’t attack Israeli territory – not now or earlier. He also mentioned that the countries will not do so except in self-defense.
As the time for foreign investors to do business with Iran is ripe, Israel is going out of the way to keep Iran isolated.
German vice chancellor and energy and economics minister Sigmar Gabriel visited Tehran – pledging to restore economic ties. He led a delegation of 60 German corporations eager to gain entry to Iran’s market.
French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius came for the same reason. The Hollande government intends to send a delegation of 80 French companies to Tehran in late September. Britain, Spain, Sweden and other European countries plan to visit Iran soon.
Lendman stressed that Israel is going to come up with more baseless accusations to isolate Iran. Netanyahu is trying everything possible to block the nuclear deal, as well as maintain pressure against Western investment and trade.
” In order to achieve that, Israel fabricates accusations only morons or liars would accept, the journalist continued.”
So,he must have been talking about Western leaders there I suppose.
Some virtual anti-depression medication :o)
It appears the US and South Korea are pushing for a real war in Korea.I wonder if they think the North Koreans are joking about nuking them.Do they seriously think that if North Korea is invaded they won’t let the nukes loose on US and ROK troops? Maybe they are,but I don’t think so.I think a dying nation will strike back at their enemy with everything they can.The South talks of “punishing” North Korea.If my capital with millions of people was in range of thousands of heavy North Korean artillery I might keep my mouth shut on who might do the punishing to who.As Donetsk shows what a few pieces of artillery in a city can do.Having 5,000 + pieces of heavy artillery let loose shelling at one time is not a place I’d like to be at.The US has 38,000 troops in South Korea right next to the border of North Korea.Now from what we hear a WW2 nuclear bomb killed 50,000 Japanese in one attack.The North Koreans have 3-5 bombs (the estimates I’ve heard).Doing the math means only one should be enough to wipe out that whole US force.Hopefully the Chinese and Russians will try to calm things down there soon.Its obvious the US is only up for pushing for wars.I wonder where they think they will get the troops from for this war.First they are in Afghanistan,some in Iraq,some in Europe,and scattered in other countries.And with no draft in the US,their manpower supply is not unlimited.Maybe they expect the South Koreans and Japanese to do their dying for them.In case they involve the Japanese,its very likely China would get involved if that happened.I don’t see the Chinese standing by while Japan has troops fighting North Korea near the Chinese border.Too many memories of WW2 to ever permit Japanese troops there.Just when you think the insane Empire is busy with Ukraine,and Syria,it seems they are multi-tasking with another insane idea.
@ Uncle Bob 1,
Q; I wonder if they think the North Koreans are joking about nuking them.
R; What makes you believe North Korea has nukes? Because Jon Wolfsthal says so?
North Korea does not posses nuclear weapons. It’s all bluff and smoking mirrors [well, a lot of dynamite, actually] and the West, always in need of ‘bad apples,’ happily plays along.
Like the downing of MH17, this North/South Korean sabre rattling is just a side-show, another feeble attempt to distract the ‘Reality TV binging” patriots from what is about to happen in the Donbass, and be fearful [very fearful] of an imminent NK nuclear attack on US soil [Duck and Cover once more, I guess – link to youtube. The intro gives a lot away, come to think of it: “Dumb, dumb, little dumb, dumb…”]
They say they do,the West says they do.The Chinese and Russians act like they think they do.So frankly I don’t know.We do know they’ve worked on having them for years.Maybe it is all a fake.But with all those sides saying they exist,I think it would be foolish to totally discount that.And as I said,”if” they do,they would use them if losing to an Empire invasion.
“The reality of the situation was stated on the 18th of August when President Putin stated, “It was the Donbas militias that suggested withdrawing all military equipment with calibre under 100mm.”
I guess its a typo and should say over 100mm and not under?
No, they want that withdrawn too.
Russia should set up a no fly zone on the other side of the true borders of Donetsk and south ukraine included Odessa and bomb the ukrops with air power.Then turn the east ukrainioans to clean up what’s left of the nazis.
On the objective improving of living conditions in Russia, perhaps may be illustrative some data in the following article:
“The value of the symbol and the squeal of pigs” by El territorio del Lince blog
Image included in the article:
Also on the achievements by Russia on the last month of this year:
“A July for history” by Alberto Cruz for CEPRID, relinked by El Territorio del Lince blog and also available in Rebelió (search by “authors”)
In view of Poros statement today Monday after meeting Merkel Hollande that Minsk is the only valid solution that ukr will and is implementing how can rus prove this is a tissue of lies and call his bluff….implement the white book of crimes for example,.cos clearly he has been told to say this to keep the current fiasco going…….can rus make ultimatums to him to order a ceasefire for example and declare him powerless if not implemented for example……….how many more charades can he be allowed to implement in every effort of his and usa to “prove” all rus’s Donbass doings?
What can Rus do next?????
Russia will never start a war in Europe. They survived WWII, losing 25 million citizens in the process, and know better. Germany, France and the rest of NATO SHOULD know better too. It it the United States and its Anglo vassals, most of whom were not devastated by WWII, that do not know any better and will continue to poke and prod the bear to impose their hegemony on as much of the world as possible. They are so arrogant and foolish that they may very well miscalculate and start Armageddon. What is best for the people of Ukraine is that the fighting stop, not intensify, even if those in Kiev are too dense and hateful to realise that. A federated republic in which the Donbas remains in Ukraine (which is what Russia intends) is no hardship for either the Ukrainian people or the militants, it is certainly better than scorched earth across the entire country if it comes to all out war. But Washington really does not give a damn about the Ukrainian people. They only want to humiliate and subjugate Russia. Truth be told, Obama is a filthy racist who despises the people of Russia and of Europe in general. You can tell it from his trash talk, always demeaning the adversary he has created. He is intractable in setting policy that is only progressively more harmful to both Russia and the NATO states of Europe. When war comes, he will be the cause for the deaths of millions.
“Russia have bent over backward ……. hoping against hope ”
Perhaps not
Rotting is a useful process in digestion and fertilisation.
“When the Minsk Agreements were signed in February I wrote an article doubting that the Kiev-NATO side had any intention of using it except as a means of pausing their operations in order to reorganise and prepare for the next offensive. My doubts proved justified.”
Perhaps the plans of mice and men gang aft agley after all?
especially if predicated upon notions of sole agency, sometimes known as exceptionalism.
Perhaps not a corpse after all, but a useful process of rotting?