by Ghassan Kadi
THE United States of America and the Soviet Union had equal footing in the Levant’s main crisis; namely the Arab-Israeli conflict in the 1950’s, 1960’s and the first half of the 70’s. Many, especially in the Arab camp, argue otherwise, and regard that American support for Israel had always been much stronger than any support the USSR had ever offered any Arab state, and to a large extent, this is not far from the truth.
Among other things, the less-than-expected Soviet support to its Arab state partners, ie Egypt and Syria, was enhanced by the Soviet lack of full confidence in the political prowess of Arab leaders of the time and the lack of proper political stability in their states.
Syria was going through a period of political turmoil and a series of military coups, and whilst Egypt was in the firm grip of President Nasser, the Soviets were probably able to see that he was aiming for much more than he could reach. To them, he was more of a dreamer, a Hollywood-style popular star and a loose cannon than a strategist and viable partner. This however did not stop the Soviets from supplying both Egypt and Syria with arms and political backing.
After the disastrous Arab loss of the 1967 June war and the humiliation of Soviet-made military hardware, the Soviets remained right behind the Arabs to help them lick their wounds. They supported every UNSC resolution that favoured their Arab friends and engaged seriously in rebuilding the Syrian and Egyptian armies, making it possible for both states to recapture in October 1973 some of the territory they lost back in 1967.
But President Sadat was prepared to sell his soul to the devil if that gave him Sinai back. The maverick Kissinger talked him into reaching a unilateral agreement with Israel, and thereby squeezing Syria into a corner and taking away from the very resolute and astute President Assad the bargaining advantage of having a partner in a group negotiation. In global geopolitical terms, the Kissinger-sponsored talks and agreements ended up in pulling the carpet from underneath the feet of the Kremlin.
From there onwards, the role and stature of the USSR was more than just marginalized. Every single agreement all the way from the infamous Camp David Agreement to the famous Rabin-Arafat handshake were US-sponsored and initiated.
But that was bound to change.
The American unconditional support for Israel did not leave any room for negotiation and Arab dissatisfaction was reaching breakpoint. This divided the Arabs into two camps; the Yes-to-America camp and the resistance camp.
As Russia had its own post-USSR matters to iron out, the resistance camp of primarily Syria and Hezbollah found in Iran a good and useful regional ally.
From the time the George Bush senior declared that the world is now under a “New World Order’ (NWO), they literally meant that the world has become free game for Washington and her foolhardy policies. George Bush junior said it more overtly when he said that “you are either with us or against us”. Apparently, not too many observers tried to read in between Bush’s junior lines. By then, he had already defined what the “axis of evil” was, and his future actions actually meant that any state that does not fully and unconditionally agree with America, any nation that even tries to make independent decisions of its own, will be deemed as an enemy state.
The Middle East was the perfect place for America to put this into practice. After all, Israel’s security is high on the US agenda and the 9/11 tragedy provided that excuse and justification to launch attacks on the globally unpopular Talibans and Saddam.
The rest is history, but even in the absence of international rivalry, the US policies failed to bring peace to the Middle East; albeit one that gave Israel that elusive security.
Failure in Afghanistan followed by failure in Iraq and leaving Libya in total anarchy all the while not being able to give the Palestinians any state, any state at all, has finally taken its toll.
America is no longer capable of playing the role of any mediator; not one that can be trusted. In the eyes of President Hafez Assad, it lost this stature soon after Camp David. Other regional leaders took longer to learn.
Currently, even the staunchest regional US allies, ie the Israelis and the Saudis are disenchanted after the Iran nuclear deal, and unless Erdogan responds favourably to America’s interest of fighting ISIS whilst his objective continues to use the crisis as a pretext to hit the PKK, dirt will also hit the fan of the American-Turkish alliance.
The sheer stupidity of US foreign policies in the Levant has left every one grossly unhappy. America was not even able to give the Jewish people the elusive peace they had been desperately seeking not only since inception of Israel, but since the Holocaust.
At best, America was able to provide Israel with military superiority, but such is the doctrine of the US, a doctrine that is based on the principle that if a certain amount of force does not solve a problem, then more force will. Such a model has not at all been a good role model for America’s love-child aka Israel. With the third mightiest air-force in the world, and one of the biggest and certainly most advanced armies and possibly hundreds of nuclear warheads, Israelis continue to fear make-shift Qassam and other missiles from Gaza that can reach Tel Aviv sending them into bomb shelters wearing gas masks. Needless to mention the arsenal of over 100,000 Hezbollah missiles poised to hit targets as far as Eilat. Israel’s military superiority did not buy it any peace, and if anything, it created more and more vicious and determined adversaries.
Back to the Arabs, all the way from the infamous Lawrence of Arabia and his empty promises, promises that the government of His Majesty George the Fifth shamelessly reneged, different Arab leaders and states have been dealing with some of his political reincarnations. In the form of Kissinger, he gave Sinai back to Egypt and made it law for America to defend Israel, but once again, this did not bring any real peace, neither for the region, nor for the newly-furbished super-state he managed to reinvent.
When the Saudi home-grown Lawrence was reincarnated as Bandar Bin Sultan, he thought he was the one who was close enough to the Americans to such a degree that he could count on them. After all, he was the Saudi Ambassador at Washington for decades and a personal friend of the Bush clan. Little did he know that they did not regard him with equal footing; for he saw them as allies, and they regarded him with utter disdain.
In context, the takeover of diplomacy and custody as a political mediator in the Levant by the USA has been tantamount to putting a bull in charge of a china shop. The Axis of Resistance, namely Syria-Iran and Hezbollah never trusted the USA and it is little wonder that they refused to partake in its games. They had to stand alone as Russia held its breath under the very painful Yeltsin era, but as President Putin brought back Russia into the forefront of world power and decisively dismantled America’s self-declared NWO “using” Syria as an opportunity, the Levant turned a whole new leaf, and for that matter, so did the whole world.
The Maverick of Eurasia has nothing in common with the original Lawrence of Arabia and the other clowns who came in between. As a matter of fact, in the eyes of the Saudis, the reason they supported the Jihadis in Afghanistan, how and why they initially sponsored Bin Laden, co-created Al-Qaeda with America and all that jazz that eventuated at that time was for no other reason than that the Soviets were considered as enemies for being Communist atheists, and therefore heretics and enemies of Islam. President Putin does not carry this “stigma”, and shaking his hand is not a bigger sin than shaking the hand of an American Christian.
After decades of American let downs, promises and lies, the Saudis have grown tired. The signing of the Iranian nuclear deal will perhaps be seen in the very near future as the last nail in the coffin of the American-Saudi alliance.
The Levant is ready for Russian initiatives because Russia is ready. Russia can bring together Iran and Saudi Arabia and perhaps be able to alleviate the mutual fear they have of each other rather than fanning its fire as America did for decades, capitalizing on their differences, setting them up against each other, breaking a multitude of promises they made to the Saudis and providing nothing other than more uncertainty and traps.
Russia can broker a peace deal with Syria, and contain Turkey. The Israel-Palestine issue will always be a big one, but given that the USA is already losing is stature with Saudi Arabia, Israel will probably sit back and watch. If it sees that Russia can prove itself as a reliable partner in negotiations, it may just jump on the band wagon.
Unlike the Empire that is looking shabby, tired swaying before a huge impending fall, Russia is looking bright, energetic and growing tall. As it sits on the biggest ever reserve of natural resources, it is increasingly looking like a viable partner in trade with its BRICS alliance and membership of the SCO. It is making huge headlines in reassuming its role as a major power, and now it is coming back into the Middle Eastern politics as the only potential mediator that can be trusted by all the parties who have been led into decades of squabbling and fighting courtesy of Washington.
All eyes are now are fixed on Putin, the Maverick of Eurasia. The ball is in his court.
Ghasam Kadi: Yes, and Turkey will be the tough nut to crack. the Kurdish question is a big one for them and they have generally not treated the Kurds much better than the Armenians. Turkish Kurds sit in an area which controls the headwaters of major river systems of the Mid East—this area is non negotiable for any nationalistic Turk regardless of party or affiliation. The Iraqi Kurds have legitimate reasons to want their own homeland and see the example of Israel ( client state of a powerful nation) as a reasonable model. Somehow someone with a brain and heart connected needs to address the issue. And the PKK is labeled a terrorist organization by Washington; however, it has organizational and ideological capabilities tested by time. the Syrian Kurds are very much under its sway so these folks need to be addressed and incorporated into the deal. If not done—then it leaves the “Kurdish Question” open to manipulation, use and abuse by the Hegemon.
I’m afraid that, these days, Israel is no longer a client of the USA. Thanks to the power of the Jewish Fifth Column inside the USA, as in most of the West, it is the hyperpower that is the puppet.
True. The tail has always wagged the dog, and it’s worse now then ever. All you have to do is look at the (lack of) reaction to the USS Liberty attack to see who really wears the trousers in that relationship.
It’s hard to be sure when the take-over was effected. Was it Jewish money buying Truman’s re-election, or JFK’s nasty accident after daring to threaten Israel’s nukes and its allies in the Federal Reserve, but it must have been pretty complete when the Fifth Columnists that riddled LBJ’s regime forced him to ignore the USS Liberty. The dimension that grabs my attention is the insatiability of their drive to ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’, and the apparent firm belief that they can not and will not be stopped at any stage. I suppose there is just no Hebrew word for hubris. Maybe it’s ‘chutzpah’, properly understood.
Mulga, did you see this short and somewhat funny video, although I know you don’t like Trump? At the very end Hilary says a word in Hebrew that means ‘enough’…yuck
Ann, I regret to say that Mr Trump is not a favourite-I’m sure he’ll be devastated to hear. Clinton knows where the money is. She and her husband are basically grifters.
HIi Mulga Mumblebrain…..yes, but to see Hilary kissing ass, so thoroughly, is gross.
And I’m sorry to say that Mr. Trump seems alsoto be totally in love with the Israelis…so you’re right…its hopeless to hope ….sad.
That’s not Yid, it’s Spanish
@It’s hard to be sure when the take-over was effected.
It was gradual from the very inception of the USA. The American world view was from the start that the colonization of America was a re-enactment of the conquest of Canaan by the new “Israelites”. The colonists laws were based on the Mosaic Law. There is no surprise that: “At the time of the American Revolution, the interest in the knowledge of Hebrew was so widespread as to allow the circulation of the story that ‘certain members of Congress proposed that the use of English be formally prohibited in the United States, and Hebrew substituted for it.’”
So, when the real Jews started to come to America, they found a fertile soil. Americans opened gladly different parts of their bodies to them. They shared the same “values” (especially when they are expressed in monetary terms, but not only). They have the same “manifest destiny” to rule the world.
WizOz, the English, then the USAnians (the elites mostly)fancied themselves to have inherited the mantle of God’s Chosen People, from the Israelites. I well remember dining at a local Indonesia restaurant years ago, across the corridor in an arcade from the local branch of the ‘British/Israelite Society’, and their weekly radio show was always a hoot. 3500 years of practise makes the original ‘Chosens’ the Masters of Chosenness, however, as we can see today.
You are aware of the Rothschilds? Their agent J.P. Morgan? Presidential Adviser in WW I and WW II Bernard Baruch?
And Jacob Schiff, and the Warburgs, and Henry Morgenthau (Morgenthau was a leading participant in the Bretton Woods Conference, which established the Bretton Woods system, the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the World Bank), and…..
WizOz, and on and on it goes. Follow the money, and they invariably show up, manipulating, exploiting, dividing and ruling. 3500 years of practise. Taking total control of the greatest power in history is their supreme triumph, but hubristic chutzpah will stop them from turning back before over-reaching. Satan-yahoo may be the Jewish Pyrrhus. After all, as Abe Foxman observed years ago, when denouncing Hitler as a deicidist, as well as genocidist, they don’t have God on their side-they are God. Talmudic disputation being what it is, no doubt he’d get criticism of that position, if only for its candour, but it does give an insight into the psychology of the Jewish grandees, the Elders, for want of a better term.
yes Teranam….I really love the Kurds…fighting ISIL and fighting Turkey and helping Assad… I don’t know anything about their history or how they ended up being persecuted by all the bad guys…but I hope that they and the Houthis get what they need.
Great article! I’m not expert so I have to take many facts on trust, but much of the general geopolitics rings true. This historical and current perspective is extremely valuable. May it all be as the author says.
I think we often disregard the beliefs of players in the games, when we should regard them as more tangible elements. Beliefs and appearances change. Even Putin after 20 years of reading classified reports, still assumed that the difference between the US and USSR was the ideological component, and that when this went away the relationship would change. But ideology had obscured the geopolitical imperatives underneath, and these took some time to become visible to the Russians and Putin. These changes in belief and understanding often happen very gradually.
I appreciate what the author is presenting here in terms of the underlying assumptions and beliefs in the Arab world with regard to superpower mediation. A great gift to us readers in this time of global realignment.
” America was not even able to give the Jewish people the elusive peace they had been desperately seeking not only since inception of Israel, but since the Holocaust.”
The Jewish people have been desperately seeking peace?? In Israel?? Theft of another people’s land and murder are “desperately seeking peace”?
“The rest is history, but even in the absence of international rivalry, the US policies failed to bring peace to the Middle East; albeit one that gave Israel that elusive security.”
“failed to bring peace to the Middle East”?
You mean the US was trying to bring peace but they failed? US must LIKE the results in Libya, since they continue to try to replicate them in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq & Yemen. The only evidence that US wants peace is in its rhetoric, which is entirely at odds w its behavior.
I am reminded of the tear gas & the bulldozers that moved against David Koresh’s communal dwelling. The attack killed women and children. Do you know what the loudspeakers were shouting all during it? “You are not under attack! You are not under attack!”
The Waco attack was led by General Wesley Clark, later of NATO fame for bombing Belgrade into submission. Of course, there has been an effort to whitewash that involvement.
Sort of like saying the 7th Cavalry had nothing to do with Wounded Knee.
Once you kill at home, it’s easy to kill elsewhere.
I have to agree with you -that line you quoted itself needs quotes around the word ‘peace’. Israel is only defined and perpetuated by having enemies. With enemies it gets weapons and power, with peace it would dissolve -peacefully.
As an example, for the cost of a single jet fighter Israel could place Phalanx type missile shredding (70-80 cannon shells/second) systems to completely and cheaply cover the border against the bottle rockets. Instead it has the hideously expensive Iron Dome missiles designed to defend against large intercontinental missiles. Why? Because it needs the strategically useless (militarily) bottle rockets in order to generate fear and play the poor victim role. Come in handy for revenge too.
It’s much the same with the USA; it needs continuous war to define its ‘manfest destiny’ and exceptionalism and prop up the US dollar. By sowing the export of death and destruction it can control, dominate and subdue and ultimately bankupt and plunder foreign countries and assert its hegemony.
Enemies used to be easy to come by but sometimes inconvenient so now it just custom creates them -e.g. Russia.
Penelope, you are missing the point. There is peace that is just and the peace of the bully. To imagine that Israel doesn’t seek security would be farcical, but with all its might, it is neither able to get a just peace nor an enforced security.
Ghasan Kadi – thanks for this clarification. This was what I assumed you meant, although I figured you’d get called out on it.
I get the sense you’ve used several terms and phrases in your article that come more from the mainstream narrative than you would personally use in a more pinpoint treatment of some of the sub-themes here. But your article paints on a large canvas and describes paradigm changes and shifts of heart and strategy, and I personally found it quite acceptable for you to do this somewhat in the terms of the official narratives.
@ Ghasan Kadi
Reading your other article ““The miracle meeting” has happened” , and the above gives an insight / perspective for a new vision of the future. Revenge, retribution, justice ect only set the groundwork for the next war.
Putin/Russia and I would guess China seem to be working along this line of dealing with and being on good terms with both sides in conflicts to bring about negotiated peace.
Russia dealing with Saudia Arabia and Turkey who are trying to depose Assad, and the after the Saudi attack on Yemen seemed odd, but if what you are saying is correct then everything drops into place.
Very difficult to pull off, but with the possibility of bringing a lasting peace if acheived.
Peter, thanks for finding and highlighting this article – to me it’s an astonishing piece of reporting, with details of personalities and state dynamics that I’m not sure I’ve seen anywhere else. I hope others will read it.
It would take a miracle, said Mouallem, to achieve that meeting between Saudi and Syria – and yet all it took was Russian brokerage and security. I see clearly now how this inspires Gadi’s article here about US intermediation being replaced by Russian.
Quietly, there are wonderful things happening in the Middle East – or, as Pepe Escobar calls it, Southwest Asia.
It is true that the people from the holocaust and who partook in the life in the newly established, theocratic, Jewish only state called Israel, desperately sought “peace” : a peace based on bullying, thuggery and it’s my “way or the highway” attitude and rhetoric.
But even with all that thuggery, powerful friends and might, what have they achieved for themselves in the end? A whole new set of dynamics is emerging in the region.
Take careful note of the various meetings taking place in recent months and read between the lines understanding the world and nuances of diplomacy. Take note of Sharmine Narwani’s brilliant article about the realities behind the Iran meeting
You may even like to read what Sharmine, like Ghassan Kadi, an indigenous analyst from the region, had to say in late 2013 about the coming changes in the regional dynamics.
Spend some time on her blog page and also on the one I have which stores the various things Ghassan talks about. These are insights from experienced people from the region.
Hi Intibah, your site looks great. And thanks for info about Sharmine…she looks so young…but alas, its because I look old now.
Thanks for these points Penelope, I was also wondering about that. The author lost all of his credibility with this single sentence. Additionally, all the “jewish” people are plain khazars, they have nothing in common with ancient Israel.
I don’t get the point of some group of people stealing land and killing people because they see their religion gives them the authority to do so.
Btw, all educated folks already know that creation of Israel in 20. century was a political strategy of British Crown, Rothschilds and other banksters’ scum to control the strategic land in middle east. The “jews” were just used for this objective. I don’t wonder they wanted a new state, in Europe the jews had pretty bad record among the native populations due to their shady business practices, lies and usury.
honestly Weston and Penelope…can’t you guys go up to ‘grade two’ in reading the alternative media ? Do you just want to read ‘grade one’ over and over again…why would Saker post this if he didn’t agree somewhat with the authors…he doesn’t always post articles that he’s completely in agreement with, but reading into this article ‘grade one’ style..your style… is beyond what Saker would tolerate in an article. Cm’on you guys…get on the ship….
Thanks Ann, I agree, for some reason I really felt like something was wrong there.
After reading the comment from Ghasan Kadi to Penelope above I think I got it.
HI Weston ! Glad I didn’t offend you….
The Jews are not monolithic as a group. Some Jews, no doubt, would like to see Israel live in peace with its neighbours. Some reject the existence of Israel. But most, unfortunately, either see Israel as an ongoing land-grabbing project, a typically brutal European colonial adventure, not much different from South Africa (Israel’s old friend)or Rhodesia, driven by self-serving ‘religious’ mambo-jambo and intense racist and cultural supremacism, or go along on the path to Hell out of group solidarity and traditional antigoyite antipathy. Long ago I remember a Syrian academic describing Israel as ‘a cancer in the region’, that would poison and devour its neighbours. How correct was he. I often wonder if he lived to see Israel and its puppets destroy his country.
By Penelope: “The Jewish people have been desperately seeking peace?? In Israel?? Theft of another people’s land and murder are “desperately seeking peace”?” + “You mean the US was trying to bring peace [to the ME] but they failed?”
^ I’m with Penelope on this one.
OP Quote: “Failure in Afghanistan followed by failure in Iraq and leaving Libya in total anarchy [etc]”
I really do feel like tearing my own hairs out of my own skull at this point…“failure”???!!!???
Give me a freakin’ break…
The US is not dubbed the ‘Empire of Chaos’ for no reason. They thrive on chaos, their whole foreign policy is and always was based on chaos and bringing chaos along with them wherever they went.
They PROFIT from chaos. And they’re just too good at it, and of course they’d be, they’ve been doing this for what? 30, 40 years, maybe more. You’re bound to get very good at something if you keep ‘practicing’ and no-one stops you…
Profiting from something you intended to happen all along is not a “failure” is pretty much a success.
Iran wants a shia belt, Turkey and Saudi arabia want a sunni belt, Syria is very important for these players… Iran has the advantage because It was prepararing itself against the West and Israel for about 40 years, so they are using this know-how against sunni terrorists like Islamic State and Al Nusra… Iranians were wise using the shia card, now in my opinion they have to use the indo-european card and bring the kurds to their side, as Turkey is declaring war against the kurds, IRan may take this opportunity…
I previously warned that the “US-Iran Nuclear Deal” might not pass the American Zionist bought Congress. The Zionists have painted themselves into a corner by the overuse of their hate Arabs, hate Russians, and hate Iranians rhetoric, and may not be able to swing (pass) a deal with Iran that is hugely in their (the imperialists’), favor.
Little will change in the global offensive of the imperialist Zionist/Anglo/American New World Order Oligarchs, whether the Zionist-Iranian Nuclear Deal (Deal’s proper name) does or does not pass muster at the World Zionist Congress in Washington DC..
Either way the Iranians have promised to limit their military (and economic) options, while the Zionists continue their thievery and genocide against the Palestinians, as well as to enjoy their 300 nuclear bombs, Nuclear armed submarines, Abrams Tank armed army, and their National budget being paid for by American taxpayers.
I am not blaming the Iranians for withering under heavy imperialist pressure, only stating what should be eminently obvious to all.
We must attempt to define and cure the disease:
Yesterday, at a local meet, I could not get any of 35 Democrat party (gang) members to agree that there exists more than 1 dimension. And they insist the Republican gangers are backward. These 2 twin criminal gangs (the Dems and the Reps), are repeating the usual electoral scam for 2016. As with Professional Wrestling, they will nominate a Buddy Rogers to oppose an Antonino Rocca (possibly Clinton-2 v. Bush-3). The candidates will be allowed-programmed to argue over the 3 approved differences, 1. to abort or not, 2. can police kill whomever they wish, whenever they wish, and, 3. anal, or no anal sex.
As of this moment, in a nation of 320 million souls, no opposition has surfaced. The local Zionist American Oligarchs will sell their show as a proof of ‘democracy.’ And the drugged sheeple will continue bowing. The Sheeple include the millions of students.
This electoral political fraud should be exposed and opposed by the creation of an Alternate electoral and Alternate government effort. The Republic must be restored, and the Constitution, honored. The American armies must be brought home (withdrawn from their 700 military bases spread over the globe), as former Congressman Ron Paul, and few others have repeatedly suggested. The budget could be balanced, and the 16 secret agencies, dissolved.
I might also get a date with Sheryl Crow.
History is not necessarily a happy topic. I should have chosen another profession.
For the Democratic Republics!
Which is why they murdered John Lennon.
Mulga – was that because he wanted a date with Sheryl Crowe too?
I am getting very suspicious about that woman..
I think that was foreseen by Iran and Russia.They got what they needed from the deal,the UN sanctions removed.Whether the US backs out of the deal are not,the UN will be out of the game.And its highly unlikely the US will ever get the UNSC to reinstate the sanctions.Russia or China (or both) is almost certain to veto that.So what that means is that whether the US and their stooges keep their sanctions.There won’t be Worldwide UN imposed sanctions.So any nation wanting to trade with Iran will be able to.That will give Iran the ability to freely trade with China,Russia,India,the other BRICS,Asian, Latin American,and African countries.And more than likely with some of the EU states as well.So while the Iranian economy comes out of the box.The US and stooges won’t get to benefit from investments in the Iranian economy if they don’t accept the agreement.
Uncle Bob, thanks for that! I was thinking along the same lines, however had not quite come to this conclusion. It is clear that the US are not going to be very popular on the Global scene if they vote against the deal. With just about every other country poised and salivating to do trade with Iran, if arrangements not already been made, a vote against the deal will most likely go down like a lead balloon. It is harkening to read your perspective as I do believe you have nailed it!
Thanks,I believe that is why they were so intent on the UN removal of sanctions.That is really the major hold-up with Iran’s economy.The West will “be the West”.But the West being able to drag other nations along with them by the UN sanctions was the “killer”.Without them,”too bad,so sad” for the West.
Precisely. It’s a done deal as far as I can see and it is up to the US to decide whether to cut its own throat or not. The current mentality in Congress is looking pretty bleak! With the strength of Iran behind ME unity, things could really be very different in a decade. Maybe this is what Zbiggy meant when he stated that there will be no Israel in 10 years, (or something to that effect.) I personally think that Iran has the upper hand here. It was alluded to on another site that Iran has superior technology that the US is after and without it will be left in the stone age. This could be conjecture of course however with the bringing down of two US drones unscathed and other anomalous activities one has to consider that certain superior technology could well be in existence and a deciding factor. Remember the Russians and USS Donald Duck? Something is afoot. Meanwhile business will be booming for Iran. Farmers from around the world will also gain from this, as I recall the impact that those sanctions had on farmers many years ago. (Have farming background) Just like the impact sanctions on Russian are punishing EU farmers now. More fool the EU for being partisan.
Ron Paul supports Rand Paul…what do you think of him ?… aside from his subservience to the Israeli lobby…
Personally, I’d vote for Trump and I hope he makes it to the finish line…I don’t think he’s just a distraction…but I think Bernie Sanders is.
Honestly, Ann, I find it strange that in another thread you called Sanjay “racist” and then you tell that you would vote for Donald Trump. Nor do I block your support for this “strange guy” while your support for the vision that defends this blog on Russia, China, Iran. But, have you heard him? Come on, but if there is no where to get him!
See for yourself:
“Trump faced in the Republican debate, but the ‘trumpismo’ wins'”
(…..)´trumpism some aspects, such as I list below:
The construction of a wall (or something) to effectively militarize the US-Mexico border.
A bellicose stance on Iran, China and Russia.
A virulent contempt for the federal government throughout the government and the traditional policy that has been practiced so far.
An immediate rejection for the agreement on the control of nuclear weapons with Iran, which is now in the air.
The replacement of Barack Obama health law for private health system.
An attitude of arrogant and offensive confrontation, both in politics and in the media and generally against anyone who crosses him.(…..)
(….)According to the usual standards, Trump’s performance was disastrous. He refused to apologize for his long record of gross and sexist comments about women, even when the questions on this subject came precisely from one of the most important journalists of Fox.
He stepped up the intensity of his rhetoric, already pretty incendiary, on immigrants from Mexico, who has been accused by him of being drug dealers and criminals.(….)
(….)He said, though unconvincingly, that before had been a Democrat because it benefited their real estate business in New York.
He refused even to give his support to a candidate of the Republican Party if he did not win, costing him a loud boo, and defended himself saying that he would win and no sense offer support to anyone else.
Trump gave the impression of being arrogant, prickly and petty.(….)
(….)However, a performance that could destroy any other mortal, may not end with Trump.
First, much of what he said and how he said it works well with the demographics of his niche of voters: young white men who rarely have a higher education.
Second, the excitement caused by his nonsense appeals to conservative voters (and indeed for many other Americans) that do not support the policy.
Third, some voters, for now, are willing to accept the idea that an entrepreneur with a reputation of ruthless negotiator can be a good leader for the nation.(….)
I’m looking at these elections through the prism of “which one would be better for Russia”.As for me and my country ,we lose whichever one is selected,they are all trash.But as I see it Trump just might be better for Russia.He seems to be willing to “deal”.And except for a belief in oligarch rule he has no “ideology” himself.The others in one way or the other (from less to more) are “true believers” of one persuasion or the other.So they are more inclined to reject any “fair” compromises.Trump personifies these old truisms “Money talks,and bull$hit walks” and “Remember the Golden Rule,he that has the gold rules”.Which means he’ll make a deal without worrying about ideology.I doubt he’ll win though.But then I didn’t think someone like Reagan could be elected also.So proving I’m not in the same league as the Oracles of Delphi.
Thanks Uncle Bob…yes
Elsie, cm’on….which one do you want if Trump is the worst in your eyes ? Rand Paul is the obvious choice except that he is a pretty small fish compared to Trump unfortunately. And Rand Paul IMNSHO hasn’t got the charisma to win an USA presidential election. By the way, I’m not the only one hoping that Trump is the best of the choices….check out Russia Insider…search Trump
Well, folks, if they were forcing me to choose between the best of the trash and I had five minutes to stop and think (I mean I did not have to work in two jobs each 6 hours to pay the bills to month and always follow with water to neck without social security) would give me some time to realize that I am destitute long time ago, but now, already, I’m in real moral poverty.
If we are tired of the usual “political caste”, what if we refuse to vote for the best among the shit, boycotting the elections and that the government out of there is illegitimate? Or why not create something new, alternative, from current and decent people? Of course, this would take some responsibility, roll up their sleeves and get to work more in the few hours that leaves us free our regular job. If the problem is money, Podemos in Spain began with a crowdfunding not asking for anything in the banks, without subsidies, very modestly, with a second hand van and a small venue to host they toured all Spain talking to people on the streets and in the squares. People from the local circles they met where they could, in municipal civic centers or sometimes at a bar. And it worked, in the end they are, by now, the 3rd political force in the country, and now, even the most rancid right speaks of “going over the street.”
That we consider valid or acceptable option, at least those who discuss in this blog, an errant watch bomb as Trump, seriously insulting immigrants and rude to women even beyond the limits of the law, and who would be willing to do anything to that “will go about their business well”, it seems very dangerous. It is like playing Russian roulette, speaking of what would suit Russia in this case.
Who is Donald Trump? Just an unscrupulous oligarch, like Poroshenko . No idelología, yes, worsening the prognosis, more if possible. When someone has ideology, at least, he will pose some “red lines”; this individual clearly lacks of them. If someone would convince him, for example, say, an Israeli capitalist (people with who now has family ties), that a confrontation with Iran “would do well to business”, will have no qualms about dragging us into total war.
Sometimes, especially lately, I feel nauseous, and I think everything is not the fault of elbow pain.
It might seem that it is only a problem in the US, but I’m afraid not, it’s mine too, because whoever is in front of the US, unfortunately, affects me too much, so what I would like. So Ann, I feel alluded to when I see you, several days already, campaigning for Trump. Although I see in another thread, now you’re a bit disenchanted…..Better.
All this, in my case, IMHO, if I can say.
On the other hand, Ann, that Russian Insider also consider Trump the best option, give me exactly the same. Today, I do not read Russian Insider for lack of time, but even if I read, to me, neither Russian Insider nor any other means of communication is the oracle, nor I am guided by them to have my own opinions.
Although I did not want to comment on the thread where they are seeking for support, yes I saw that the opinions are not very good, and I also, like others, I was surprised to see an executive of a “venture capital” at the front. Maybe Charles Baussman, at the moment, is interested to do well in Russia, but I would think this because his company does business there and benefit from grants from the current Russian government, which is needed of foreign investment as ever due to the sanctions . Mutual interest in this case, which does not seem bad. But honestly, I do not think the kind of society for which I struggle has much to do with risk investment funds. On the contrary, in fact, I believe that in southern Europe we have been enslaved for generations to return the money invested, with high interest rates, to a number of these funds which went bankrupt in financial ventures with banks here, but when they made money hand over fist they did not share the profits with the citizens of southern Europe. I wonder why is that now we share their debts.
And for the record that Charles Baussman seems to me that has the face of a good person. But he has a face of suffering, as if he was going against his own nature……
By Elsi: “Well, folks, if they were forcing me to choose between the best of the trash [..]”
That’s the thing, isn’t it Elsi? When it comes to elections, people – pretty much everywhere – have been forced to choose between the lesser of the two evils.
And how that’s been working out so far? Hmm?
Evil, lesser or not, is still evil! ‘Oh, this one likes to torture little animals, awful person, I know! But at least is better than this other one who eats new born babies brains for breakfast’
When they give you a choice between a turd sandwich and a bowl of vomit, that’s no real choice, it was never intended to be a choice.
That’s why I don’t believe in compromises either. Compromises always end up benefiting the bad side, why? Because while the good side will try to honor its end of the bargain, the bad side, by its very nature of being ‘bad’: won’t. Hence the phrase; there’s no honor among thieves.
Then there’s that tired old meme: if you don’t vote you have no right to complain. Screw that noise! I’m with George Carlin on that one; it is because I didn’t vote any criminals into office that I have all the right in the world to complain, especially to those who DID vote, like the lemmings they f*cking are!
In my country is mandatory to vote, if you don’t show up, you face hefty fines. So, you’re forced to vote, either if you like it or not. But more importantly; the choices we had, time and time again, were all corrupt politicians in bed with the Yanks.
I did the only thing my conscience permitted me to do; finding new and ever so creative ways to spoil my vote.
Refusing to participate in a game that is clearly rigged, is the best option most of us have. Sad, but true.
So, I’m totally behind you in this boycotting idea. Picketing the polling stations with placards reading: We want real choice! We want REAL change (not change you can believe in but never see happening), would definitely be a good start.
“Or why not create something new, alternative, from current and decent people? Of course, this would take some responsibility, roll up their sleeves and get to work more in the few hours that leaves us free our regular job. If the problem is money, [..]”
You’re [ironically] bang-on money there. Plus, it’s also an issue of time, resources, networking (etc). This ties-up nicely with my previous post about the ‘Empire of Chaos.’ This is precisely why they do what they do; keep the people and entire nations in the poor house. People over-preoccupied with putting food on the table and paying bills have no time or energy left for revolutions. Those are fancy notions when you’re faced with the realities of surviving and keeping yourself and your loved ones alive on a daily basis.
This Machiavellian scheme to keep the people in the poor house also opens-up the countries in question to exploitation and plundering by your usual suspects acting in cahoots with corrupted local officials.
It’s all intended that way, it’s not a “failure.”
“Who is Donald Trump? Just an unscrupulous oligarch, like Poroshenko.”
Thank you! And bravo! I couldn’t have put it better myself.
BTW, TL2Q, if it is not an indiscretion, or would put you in danger, what is your country?
That they force you to vote, even if only there is trash, is calling for a constitutional process to screams……
@ Elsi: No, I don’t think it’d put me in danger to divulge it, but I’d rather not say, if you don’t mind :)
Let’s just ballpark it at the now called: Global South.
Currently; I’m located in Europe, but I do hope to return home one day.
The mandatory voting came about because after years of a CIA-installed vicious dictatorship, voting and democracy was ‘the most precious privilege’ ever (so, they’ve told us) and people went along with it rationalizing the ‘coercive and compulsory voting’ more as a transitional necessity in order to revert-back to a democratic system, rather than see it as an tyrannical imposition.
After a number of election cycles and farcical candidates the ‘novelty’ wears off pretty fast, let me tell you. By the time I was old enough to vote, the mandatory rule was still there, and it’s still there now as far as I‘m aware.
From what I can deduce; the mandatory voting law is there to give artificial legitimacy to this glorious ‘democracy’ of ours. This way, you end-up with a 95 plus percent participation in every plebiscite.
Yay! Freedom! Right?
Are there no other options other than voting for one of the criminal Oligarch supported candidates?
The electoral circus is the key part of the Zionist Imperialist Democracy Show. The imperialist devils will not provide us with the tools (resistance movement) with which we may freely use to end their domination. I vaguely recall that Lenin made an optimistic statement that they would.
Only We The People might (if we try really hard) might fashion the tools of our own liberation.
Trump, Bush, Hilary Clinton, Obomber, Curly, Larry, and Moe, Huh?
What is the best method for combating the terrorist Oligarchs?
Do we try politics, or wishful thinking?
Revolutionaries try politics, which includes the VISION, and the march to achieve the vision.
We might attempt to discuss the march somewhere on this courageous website – or continue to act silly and confused.
I have thrown some suggested paths out there; but who the hell am I?
For the Democratic Republics!
The Iranians ‘lost’ in the short term so that they could gain in the long term. They will lose in the short term the possibility of having a totally unnecessary nuclear weapon, but will gain spectacularly when they join the SCO in January 2016, to become a critical co-designer and implementor of the rapidly emerging geopolitical and economic ‘new world order’ now evolving in Eurasia around the AIIB/BRICS/New Silk Road, the next locus of global development and that is now shifting from West to East.
So while the West gloat over their shortlived ecstasy achieved in a nanosecond of orgasmic exertion, the Iranians are looking much further down the road…like a true chess player. They invented the game after all.
I don’t agree that the strategy of the US in the Middle East is “sheer stupidity.” On the contrary, as Joachim Hagopian observed, “they are batting 1000.” The US, like Israel, aims precisely at the disintegration of the Middle East. The suffering of its people is of no concern to it. It is following both the Wolfowitz doctrine of “full spectrum dominance” and the Yinon plan for “Eretz Ysrael”, Greater Israel.
Men today are opaque, but “full of passionate intensity”, as the poet observed. They see things purely in material and earth-bound terms. They do not understand the real nature of what is transpiring: as Ephesians 6:12 teaches, the deep nature of the struggle is not against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers of the infernal world, “the spiritual wickedness in high places.”
In Islamic terms, it is the spirit of the Dajjal, the Antichrist, which is unchained and working actively. Hence the perfidious quality of those who embody this spirit, its destructiveness and mercilessness, its utter absence of scruple, and its treachery and deception. It is this “spirit” which certain men embody and “serve”, to one extent or another, and in varying degrees of awareness.
What next awaits mankind is the most difficult era since the beginning of the world. All the major scriptures have warned of this. War and hunger are what nearly await mankind, so that the “elect” are called upon to be patient and have faith, and to cleave to the truth.
The US Indigenous(the Cree) called the European monsters ‘Wetiko’, diabolical creatures dedicated to death and destruction. Much of it derives from the sanctification of genocide in the Old Testament/Torah. Israeli ultra-orthodox fanatics have repeatedly declared the murder of civilians, even children or babies, to be religiously ordained acts, and they are, to say the least, not without influence in Israel.
Re: “Much of it derives from the sanctification of genocide in the Old Testament/Torah.”
Certainly not! That is exactly what “the devil” suggests to men today. That their religions are the cause of evil, when in fact, it is the prophets and saints who have embodied their religion, and not the fools who pervert and corrupt it. “Corruptio optimi pessima”: the corruption of the best is the worst. What is highest, turned upside down, becomes the lowest. As if secularistm and atheism and scientism are the highest goods! That is the spirit of faithlessness, of pitiless monsters like a Stalin or a Mao. At the same time, the devil knows very well how to turn many men into “useful idiots” in the name of their religion.
Moreover, the problem is not “the Jews.” That is more diabolical hatred and stupidity. It is certain Jews, with certain ideas, with certain ideologies and plans, with certain intentions. And the same goes for “Christians.” Not all Christians, but certain Christians. One has to use one’s intelligence, one’s discernment and prudence, and not strike out wildly, “full of passionate intensity,” and with just as much ugliness and vileness as the people one is vituperating.
You are quite correct about ‘the Jews’, James. They are like the rest of us, whatever groups or groups you claim to belong to. Some are good, some bad, some indifferent. The bad Jews need not stay bad all their years, either, and some are just a little bad, and some diabolic.
The Torah, Talmud, the exegeses are pretty voluminous, the Jews liking a good dispute. Sorry-some Jews throughout their history liking an argument. Unfortunately much of these religious teachings rather deprecate the goyim, and some Jews today, ie the ultra-orthodox, the chauvinistic Judeofascists, the Israel-First Fifth Columnists in the West, the settler Judaic Taliban etc, are markedly xenophobic and aggressive. Indeed there is a tendency in Israel for what, in my opinion, are decent humanitarian Jews, to leave a country falling under the sway of Judeofascists, religious and secular, and Zionazis. Thus Israel becomes more fundamentalist and theocratic, and belligerent and bellicose. I regard that as a very great tragedy, because it is creating and feeding off hatred that will bedevil everyone. My personal attitude to Jews is the same as it is to Moslems, Christians, Buddhists and any ethnic community you care to mention. If they do not put their common humanity before any particularity, especially a chauvinistic or xenophobic one, then I won’t be inclined to think well of them.
Hey James !! Great retort….except that I’ve heard Stalin was not as bad as history makes him out to be…after all, his son died in a Nazi concentration camp
I’m curious.
There is an ‘end-times’ flavour to your post. The ‘elect’ is a Christian Zionist version of the ‘Chosen’, historically by way of Calvinism.
Could you elaborate?
Eimar, the term elect has been around alot longer than the internet…
The “elect” or “elite” is a Gospel term. It’s used, for example, when Jesus will gather his elect from the four quarters at the end of the age. I’m not a Christian Zionist, which is a gross perversion of Christianity. Zionism is a gross perversion of Judaism. There are perversions of all the religions today everywhere. That, among other reasons, is why this is the worst of times.
Antichrist is so… boogyman. Can we just call it Shiva the destroyer one third of the Hindu Holy Trinity? That way its expressions are reconciled and we don’t hate the Jungian shadow of our own selves reflected in this geopolitical dynamic. Healing our perspective. And thus ourselves.
If war and hunger are the worst to come they will be no worse than the war in our own hearts and the hunger of our own passions.
Who is the Antichrist? It is St. John the Apostle and Evangelist who told us:
“Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things. I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth. Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also. Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father.” (1 John 2:18-24).
“Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.” (1 John, 4: 1-3)
“For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist.” (2 John, 1:7).
That’s all that was ever said about Antichrist. All the rest is from the deceiver.
Hi James,
Where have you heard the above b***S*** about Islam. Is this some new form of Israeli propaganda against Muslims!
quick fun video cartoon one should not miss
Russian Transformer: Training Ground [ENG subs]
Tatzhit Mihailovich
Very clever – reminds me of Morph.
Thanks Blue.:)
The rest is history, but even in the absence of international rivalry, the US policies failed to bring peace to the Middle East; The US never wanted peace in the Middle East.
Failure in Afghanistan followed by failure in Iraq and leaving Libya in total anarchy all the while not being able to give the Palestinians any state, any state at all, has finally taken its toll. Wrong, au contraire, this is the best US achievment : chaos.
US allies, ie the Israelis and the Saudis : come on ! these rats are masters. Don’t forget that saudis are jews.
And from there all is non sens.
The US are the executioner of the jews. A state who pretend to be the humain rigth’s champion dont interne innocent japanese during WWII ; a state who pretend respect the humain rigths has roasted alive hundred thousands german civilians during the firebombing of Dresden; US respect for human rights has vitrified million of japanese; US respect for f…g humain rights has killed millions of the provoked Vietnam war; US respect for human rights has burned alive children at Waco, Texas; US respect for human rights has been responsible for over 2 millions and a half slaughtered Irakies; and so on.
Ghassan Kadi’s essay is interesting, but is weakened by the fallacy of personifying nations, such as:
“The Axis of Resistance, namely Syria-Iran and Hezbollah never trusted the USA”
“After decades of American let downs, promises and lies, the Saudis have grown tired.”
“The Levant is ready for Russian initiatives because Russia is ready. Russia can bring together Iran and Saudi Arabia and perhaps be able to alleviate the mutual fear they have of each other …”
Countries are not individuals, they are complex social organizations of millions of people with conflicting interests, sometimes acting together and sometimes acting on behest of one or another group or sector. Russia, Iran and Syria appear to be acting with the support and participation of much of their population, but their interior dynamics are not irrelevant – the looming showdown of Russian society with the Atlanticist kleptocrats being a good case in point. Thus personifying those countries doesn’t necessarily invalidate an analysis.
Personifying Saudi Arabia is another matter entirely.
The Saudi nation-state, created as a family enterprise and named after the ruling family, rests its legitimacy on a manufactured pseudo-Sunni and essentially racist doctrine which treats its Shiite minority (and indigenous Christians and Jews) as heretics and permanent internal enemies. Half its population is guest workers, or the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of guest workers, foreigners for life without rights in the only land they have known.
Adding another cleavage, the female half of the population is denied their fundamental human rights in a way that would be outrageous in a small impoverished African state but is simply appalling in a state with the wealth and power of Saudi Arabia.
The people of Arabia are from such conversations and snatches of real reporting I’ve heard acutely aware that their natural wealth is being plundered by their parasitic clans. Thousands of Saudi princes, other ruling families such as the Bin Ladens and the royal families of the sheikdoms have been complicit in sucking Arabia’s wealth out of the ground for the profit of foreign corporations, squandering that huge wealth on decadent lifestyles and enrichment and investing most of it in new homes abroad to which they plan to flee. By now that awareness must be shared across all classes and strata, from Aden to Kuwait City, Riyadh and Mecca to Oman.
In unspoken acknowledgment of its illegitimacy, the Saudi rulers have never dared to depend on an armed force drawn from their own population, but have instead relied almost exclusively on foreign mercenaries. Thus, despite huge military budgets, the Saudis are relatively weak, as witnessed during the first Gulf War, when American troops and planes were deemed urgently necessary to defend them against the much less wealthy, only marginally more populous and technologically crippled Iraq.
As for the views and aspirations of the people of Arabia, diverse, rarely heard or seen (except arguably in Yemen), I would be astonished if they were not united in a growing and terrible resolve, soon to burst onto the stage of history. If ever there were a land ripe for a cataclysmic revolution, it would be Arabia.
Any good analysis of the meaning of Russia’s relationship with the Saudis has to consider just who in that rat’s nest of intrigue, fear, greed, hypocrisy and double dealing Russia is dealing with, what their motives are, what part the relationship plays in their own largely hidden but hugely important internal drama, how they might be trying to use Russia in it.
The Empire certainly must be acutely aware of most of this, but perhaps with characteristically limited underestimation of the part regular people may play. Their maneuvering to keep the Saudi state in line with their global attack on Russia must no doubt be balanced by fear of an Arabian debacle and contingency plans to divert and even profit from it.
I am hungry for a good informed analysis of this situation, but have not yet seen it.
Your comments, C, are a great start for what is needed. And beginning with the de-personalization of nations is the right way to begin.
Q; the US policies failed to bring peace to the Middle East; albeit one that gave Israel that elusive security.
R; I fully disagree with that assessment. It was the US & Apartheid State’s plan to bring turmoil to the ME, because that would enhance the Apartheid State’s security [+ a handful of nukes and their Samson Option], not peace.
Q; America was not even able to give the Jewish people the elusive peace they had been desperately seeking not only since inception of Israel, but since the Holocaust.
R; Like the ‘peace’ they created in the Apartheid State?
Sorry, Ghassan Kadi, but your statement reads like a Zio PR line.
6,000,000 Jews – 1915 – 1938.
!! WARNING Graphic image !! Perhaps this child believes in the Apartheid State’s peace process? !!
My thoughts entirely – very well said.
I believe there is a growing sense of nationalism in Arabia, and a concomitant fear by the oil cartels that it will result in them losing control over the regions main resource.
The Israeli colony was established to maintain a perpetual irritatant to retard the progress of nationalism. (Note how this ism is constantly denigrated by Western pundits and the worst forms it can take – ultra – financed by former colonial powers (most recently, Ukraine): they don’t want strong states emerging in oil-rich parts of the globe. Iran biggest ‘offence’is to be a large nation-state – capable of self-sustenance .)
The Israeli colony was established to maintain a perpetual irritatant to retard the progress of nationalism.
That’s rather backwards. It’s not the dog waging the tail, a long time well crafted illusion of zionist manipulation, the tail is waging the dog. The zios formed their Israeli strategy while the Mideast was either under Turk or UK/French colonial rule. No need then for an Israeli irritant to enhance European/American power in the region. Israel had nothing to do with “oil power” of the Europeans/Americans. It had to do with providing zionist Jewish oligarchs with an independent base of power not inside a majority non-Jewish country where their power would always remain vulnerable. Israel is their own “European/American home country” to dominate the colonies from.
This idea of Israel being an extension of European/American colonial power into the Mideast wass zionist PR from the beginning. It was the argument zionists originally used to persuade recalcitrant goy oligarchies of the need for Israeli existence to further the interests of these oligarchs. The same as that tired old “Israel is America’s aircraft carrier in the Mideast” horse crap pushed by American based zionists. In other words, they were scammed, not much different from now, with Israel’s neocons running amok, though due to the weaker power of zionazis them, they had to play it much more subtlety then.
The reality is, that the creation of Israel post WW2 made it much more difficult to control the Muslim Mideast because Israel was an irritant to them. One which made quisling rulers of these countries actually less secure in their control over locals for the NWO. The existence of Israel actually enhanced the sparking of nationalism in the region because Israeli actions, the barbarity of the formation of the apartheid state itself alone did this, it’s sickening behaviour up to, and after, that low mark in human history, has only reinforced Muslim/Mideast opposition to American/European colonial control of the region, and made the job of the quisling rulers all that more tenuous and difficult.
The canard ‘Zionism not Judaism’ is the smokescreen to hide the plans of the restoration of “Zion”. Plans disguised as prophecies. They were precisely drawn since the 12th century by Rabbi Judah ben Samuel of Regensburg (1150-1217), a prominent and influential leader of the ‘Chassidei Ashkenaz’ (“German Pietists”, a mystical Jewish movement), often called “Light of Israel”. “Even bishops came to him for advice” (to understand the origins of “Christian Zionism”).
Now, in 1217 he predicted (allegedly directly told by the Prophet Elijah) a series of events related to Jerusalem which would occur after a number of Jubilees (a Jubilee is the 50th year after seven times seven years), starting in 1217 (occupation by Ottomans in 1517, liberation by Brits in 1917, period of “no-man’s land 1917-1967, final occupation 1967). The 10th Jubilee which began in 1967 will be concluded in 2017, which would be the beginning of the Messianic times!
The Internet is abuzz with “confirmations” of the predictions obtained by other cabalistic calculations (Fatima, Garabandal are drawn into, necessarily). A war with Russia was predicted for 2016-17, in 2012! So, be prepared.
Don’t know what happened with the ‘reply’ button, but the above comment was addressed to C.
From Xinhua (Chinese state news agency)
Our friend, co-commenter will like the words written about Oman’s role.
News Analysis: Iran nuclear deal ushers in heightened diplomacy in Syria
(Notice the byline)
By Hummam Sheikh Ali
DAMASCUS, Aug. 8 (Xinhua) — The long-stalemated Syrian crisis is now witnessing a flurry of diplomatic talks and marathon meetings that could usher in a political solution, in what appeared to be the first positive repercussions of the Iranian nuclear deal on Syria, analysts say.
The nuclear accord concluded recently between Tehran and the six world powers surely has positive impacts on the thorny issues in the region, including the Syrian, Iraqi and Yemeni files, Osama Danura, a Syrian political analyst told Xinhua.
“The recent flurry of diplomacy is the first indicator of the good behind the deal on the region’s crisis,” he added.
In less than a month since the signing of the nuclear deal, the initiatives’ fever started finding its way to the Syrian arena that has been for long stalemated with news of battles and extra chaos eclipsing any horizon for a solution.
Iran has recently proposed an initiative for a political solution in Syria, starting with establishing an immediate cessation of fire, forming a national unity government, rewriting the constitution, and conducting legislative elections under international supervision.
Pro-government media cited sources as saying that the Syrian government is okay with the initiative as long as each step is put for public referendum.
Iranian sources said the initiative came after Tehran’s consultations with regional players, such as Turkey, Qatar, — both main backers to the rebels — and members in the UN Security Council as well as Egypt.
The Iranian proposal came after Russia, another main ally to the Syrian government, proposed the formation of a regional anti-terror coalition that could include Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Syria.
The Russian proposal was announced by President Vladimir Putin and was read by analysts as an important indication that the political landscape is changing in the region.
Even though the Russian proposal was accepted by Syria, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem said it needs a “miracle,” as both Saudi Arabia and Turkey emerged as arch foes to Syria.
Political observers said the Russians have already started making preparations to hold a third meeting in Moscow between representatives of the Syrian government and opposition parties, particularly after Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov held a meeting with a former opposition leader, Moaz al-Khatib.
Amid the activity in initiatives, al-Moallem visited Tehran last week to discuss the Iranian initiative, reports said.
Al-Moallem’s visit to Iran also coincided with the visit of Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov to Tehran, during which al-Moallem stressed the need to implement the initiative of Putin on the formation of a regional alliance against terrorism.
The head of the Syrian diplomacy also discussed with Bogdanov the results of the later meetings with Gulf states officials, according to the state news agency SANA.
After finishing his meetings in Tehran, al-Moallem visited Oman, the first Gulf country he visited since the Gulf states cut off their relations with the Syrian government more than four years ago.
According to SANA, al-Moallem and his Omani counterpart Foreign Minister Yussef bin Alawi bin Abdulla agreed it was time to bring together “constructive efforts” to end the Syria crisis.
“The visit of al-Moallem to Muscat is a breakthrough in the Arab countries’ relation with Syria because Oman is known to be the communication channel between Syria and other Gulf states and the United States,” Danura, the analyst said, reflecting local media reports that Oman is going to play the role of a mediator to reach a triple meeting between Saudi Arabia, Syria and Iran.
He said the visit to Oman reflects the change in the Saudi stance toward the Syrian crisis, especially after the meeting that was recently held in Saudi Arabia on the level of intelligence between Syrian National Security Bureau chief Ali Mamlouk and Saudi deputy Crown Prince Mahmmad Bin Salman.
The pro-Syrian government Al-Akhbar newspaper said the unusual sit-down was brokered by President Putin and aimed at breaking the ice between both parties, who eventually agreed to keep the newly established communication channel open.
The Lebanese Asafir newspaper said Russia was working to establish talks between Riyadh and Damascus, with Mamlouk, who is one of President Bashar al-Assad’s top advisers, as an envoy.
“All of this is part of the Russian initiative to establish a coalition between Saudi Arabia and Syria,” the analyst said.
Another sign in the change of the countries’ stances toward Syria, Danura said, was the remarks of al-Moallem when he said that the United States had informed Syria that it was sending U.S.-trained Syrian fighters to battle the Islamic State (IS) militants in northern Syria, an indication that channels are also opened between Syria and the US.
“The results of this positive impact would take time but the recent diplomatic flurry is one of the immediate ones. The regional files are all connected,” Danura said.
He added that “we are witnessing many initiatives and efforts that may not necessary be interacted with one another but surely they are parallel and will integrate at one point.”
He voiced the government officials’ stance that halting terrorism and its sources as a main factor to have a successful initiatives.
Aside from the Iranian deal, Danura said the current situation on ground and the expansion of the ultra-radical groups in the region made it necessary for the superpowers to seriously think about ending the conflict politically for fear of an implosion of terrorism toward their own countries, especially after the explosions that have rocked Saudi Arabia and Turkey and were later claimed by the IS.
Maher Morhej, another analyst, said “the events will accelerate and we will soon see the features of the solution and we will see a true and real coalition against terrorism unlike the recent U.S.-led coalition that has done so little to stem the momentum of IS and other terror groups.”
“Iran has come forward as a main player in the region, especially after the nuclear deal,” he said.
Earlier this year, al-Moallem speculated that 2015 will be the year of the beginning of the solution to Syria’s crisis.
Larchmonter 445 : Thank you for finding this and sharing from Xinhua .
It is important when seeking to work out what is going on in the region to get hold of sources such as those translated into English or another language by people like myself and Ghassan Kadi because, otherwise, this news doesn’t don’t get out into the Western world. How are any of the Western analysts going to make informed and meaningful reports with out this unless they are fluent in Arabic or whatever language that important source came out in?
We always see these kind of important reports, some game-changing and not to the advantage of the West, ever making it in the news in the West and, that is why we, at times, endeavour to translate them.
Without this kind of key information, analysts work from outside the region, on this topic may be flawed, unwittingly misleading or contributing to the already confused perceptions and flurry of chaotic and sometimes rather sensationalist analysis out there.
It is also important to identify some of the knowledgeable analysts who are indigenous to the area and take serious note of them. It is very “colonial” of some I have seen over the years to insist these indigenous, secular minded analysts have no validity.
I was very impressed with the meticulous work that Andrew Korybko put together in this article below. Andrew may have reached a few conclusions different to mine but the beauty of his work is that it is all laid out there for those able to read in between the lines, for those who understand the ways of diplomacy and the deep psychology involved and make your own conclusions and assessments.
Andrew Korybko:
Salam Larchmonter445,
Yes, Oman my favorite country along with my another favorite country USA. There is a bridge being built on Strait of Hormuz to connect Oman and Iran by road. Oman is the biggest beneficiary of the Iran Nuclear Deal as far as USA and Iran are concerned.
Music to hears. Netanyahu is already history, and Inshaallah the AIPAC will be history too within 2 months.
Remember my predictions!
Best regards,
great article – very optimistic – doesn’t even mention nuclear war…hmm … cool
Salam Ann,
What nuclear war! …… hmm
Best regards,
Hi Mohamed…thanks for your comments…I’m learning lots from you.
I periodically hear ‘it’s the system that bad, the people just do what the system requires to be successful’.
Yes the system — capitalism, fake democracy, war mongering, lying media — is horrible, but it doesn’t exist in a vacuum. There are people who put it in place, maintains it, exploits it, and builds into something even worse. Trump is one of them so is no solution to any of the problems, and so are the rest of neolibs, neocons, fascists, war mongers, media people, and so forth. This is not an ‘invisible hand’ and just as markets do not arise and configure as if a natural law of nature, neither does the rest of ‘the system’ which some want to blame while assigning no responsibility to the sociopaths involved.
A plague of locusts can not form without the locusts, fascism can not arise without fascists driving it, and dirty politics can not arise without dirty politicians and crooks.
These innovatory British military units of the Second World War were also offspring of the Arab Revolt, their principal sponsors, Churchill and Wavell, intimates and admirers of Lawrence in the post-war years.
Egypt now has a larger CNG deposit than Israel’s “leviathan.” “Peak oil” is part of the fake-environmentalist movement used by the fake-left in America to scare up support. In America, we keep thinking oil is going to fail us. The late Colonel Prouty debunks peak oil on Youtube.
This is all good news for the rationale world, and Ayn Rand fans as well. BRICS nations are resume trade in real money (Gold) while America is still using guns to try and get her way.
The guns have backfired, like they eventually do. Peace and justice will prevail.