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Slideshow from Rotorooter.
Don’t usually reco any MSM , but found a nugget in it–the new parallel Suez Canal opens soon!
Never did I see or hear anything on this in all the news I go to daily.
$8B to dig/build.
We just need a historically accurate reenactment of late 1956 by the Brits to do a paradrop & seize it!
It seems gunboat diplomacy is still very much alive… and well…
Out of the pro-empire closet at last…
Southfront: Maritime silk route and “information aggression” are great phrases. Thanks for your good work in establishing sequence of events and context.
The Outlaw Empire’s strategy as denoted in the video is already compromised by the SCO activities of India, China, Pakistan, and Vietnam, as well as BRICS activity. And every day that passes sees the Empire weaken while its adversaries strengthen.
SouthFront has packed in most of the important facts, though not all of course.
The trends and the means and the intentions are clear in this terrific presentation.
Having researched and analyzed the topic for many years, I can assure you who digest this video, it is very worthy of your support ($$). Donations to SouthFront are needed to keep them going.
This report skillfully uses modern media to deliver the strategies of many nations, the tensions and tactics and the weapons systems of the major players.
The US Hegemon is no better displayed in all its fears and manipulations in this video.
The US is betting on intimidation and enticement to bully and push the vassals and the sidelined small nations to confront China.
It would love to be the naval power of old, never threatened, never challenged. I can assure you the Chinese, since 2006 have been building for the confrontation.
The anti-ship missile, the submarines and the massive navy in a small area are huge problems for the US Navy to cope with. The US will be “standing off” and using stooges like Japan and Philippines to take the blows.
India is a whole other bag of unknowns. Will they surrender the rest of the 21st century in order to pretend it can control all the Indian Ocean and the routes to Africa and the ME? If they slide away from China and the investments and expertise they need to develop, will they slide away from SCO and Eurasia and Russia also? It does not calculate.
India is worried, not by China, but by its own frailties and Pakistan. Pakistan will develop. China is committed to that already. Thus, India will be eclipsed in development if India does not work with China, also. The US offers India nothing but trouble and stagnation. (Maybe a special purchase of tea?)
The one element missing in this is Russia. Often, when we speak of Russian troubles we forget how China will help. And with China’s challenges we do the same. Russia will play a huge naval and defense role with China.
They are going to have a very aggressive August naval exercise together in the Sea of Japan. The details are stunning and apply to the challenges the US-Japan are planning.
Overall, this is a very excellent report.
Larchmonter, in my opinion India would be mad to align with WalMart Nation just as it is circling the plug-hole. Co-operation with China would transform India, and a great civilization like India ought to insist that interfering thugs like the USA and the fascist Abe regime in Japan not dare extend aid only with strings attached. India can co-operate with everybody, or be just another stooge. It’s an easy choice.
Unfortunately, India is bedeviled by the malign influence of US-based Indian Fifth Columnists, and, even worse, heavily penetrated by the Israelis, particularly in the intelligence and military. As Israel careers towards open fascism, apartheid, theocratic fundamentalist extremism and insane belligerence and aggression against its neighbours, it is not the sort of entity you want controlling your security forces, and the Israelis only do control. I don’t doubt that Modi is the real deal Hindutva fascist, but is he also that stupid that he will allow his country to be controlled by people who see Indians as untermenschen only to be manipulated and exploited for advantage.
Dear Friends
First I have a question for you all. How many of you intelligent and very well educated folks have experienced India?
Don’t worry abt India. As it is said abt India that it runs by God and rightly said so. Many civilization came, born, destroyed, finished, and went into oblivion. India saw all of them and still seeing the dance of Mordern so called Civilization. God will take care of India. I don’t know how many of you remember the 1971 War and that was the Climax of US/PAK design to create max trouble for India and split her into pieces. Instead Pak got splitted. And those who could see “SEE”, they could see with their naked eyes what is going in Pak. Their protector has become their destructor. Could you guys see it. Every day there is drone bombing since last 10/15 years. And look around India. The entire ME is burning. The Europe is in Deep trouble. The US is in big trouble internally. South China Sea is in Trouble.
In the above scenarious India looks like heaven. Isn’t it ? May be you guys get jealous that how this poor country could be heaven. But it is folks. This poor country is as advanced as any other nation in the world. In any field of so called science and tech it is second to none. Isn’t it. That is physically. Metaphysically no other place could match India. Democracy is the character of India not the so called imposition as it exist in West where truely it is a FASCISM. Correct me if I am wrong.
By the way what part of any India leader makes you think that they are Fascist. And what makes you guys using the term “hindu fascism”. Hindus has only given to the rest of the world and being looted by the west. Nothing you guys has given back. You owe us. Could you tell what makes you think “Hindu Fascism”. Which Hindu you saw as Fascist? It has just become a fashion show just like the Western Democracy( which is nothing but full of Police State)…… Hindus has always given shelter to the rest of the world.
Don’t worry about India. It is run by the Devine Power. Modi is nothing. If India would be trouble due to Modi then Modi would go and someone else would be there and eventually it would be protected.
I really laugh at those who said Pakistan would be developed by China. For last 70 yrs it was developed by US and you could see it status.
How many of you know or experienced India? She is a mystery and hence land of mystics….. Isn’t it? India is way advance than any of the place existing today on the planet.
Hi Sanjay…yes, I would love to live in India, but perhaps will have to wait for another life…probably I already have lived there, in a previous life…as we all probably have. In this 21st century life of mine, there are way too many problems to think about travel..and I would like to live in India, not just to visit. I would like to be a farmer, fighting GMO’s in India.
thanks for your very eastern input…
” Metaphysically no other place could match India. ”
Well, I have been saying that here all along!
I have been to India twice, and I know India is a superior country, it has a superior culture.
The only mistake you made in your text is when you said that India is run by God and it will be saved by God.
GODS, my friend, not God! The crucial difference!!! What I saw in India is people believing in MANY gods, like Kali, Shiva, Vishnu, Ganesh …. I have visited the only temple of my favourite god Brahma also.
In India it is all about gods in plural. As long as it stays that way, nobody can match India.
Monotheism is NOT a product of India. Some modern weird sects like “Hare Krishna” are trying to pollute the true nature od Indian religion, which is at best henotheistic, but in reality politheistic. Hindus are called “pagans” by the followers of Abrahamic faiths, and rightly so. Stay what you are, and you will remain the only true holly land of humanity. If you change your nature in order to please your enemies (Muslims, Jews and others), you will lose. Remain pagans!
Dear Wend
Very well said. Thnx for correcting me abt “GOD” vs “GODS”. And very well said what you said here and subsequently.
Certainly I can’t say anything abt the ignorance and consciously ignorance of people. They could remain in that way and that is their choice what they chose to walk upon….
Dear Sanjay,
thank you for your kind words. I am not only completely fascinated with India and Indian culture, I am also very well aware about the all true enemies of India and how incredibly evil they have been throughout the history and still are today. I was already writting here about the scale of the horrific genocides over Indian people in the last 1000 years so I will not repeat myself.
People write here true non-sense about “Hindu fascism” and against Modi. It is not Modi that is evil in India, but it is Sonia Gandhi that is absolutely evil to India and her downfall is the blessing from the gods.
Anyway, the enemies of India are ready to try to destroy India. Did you maybe read this article ?
” Outwardly, Christianity might appear to be a benign religion. Indeed, when compared with the aggressive face of Islam, it definitely appears to the tamer Abrahamic sister. In “Why Christianity Failed in India”, Tony Joseph writes in Outlook magazine that after 2000 years of trying to convert India, Christians form just around 2 per cent of the population. However, he misses the point entirely.
…Christianity has not – yet – failed in India. With powerful backers in the West, it is preparing for another big harvest. While visiting India in 1999, the Pope openly proclaimed his wish to “witness a great harvest of faith” there through the Christianisation of the entire country.”
The Pope, Sanjay! Be aware of the wickedness of this people. They will use any means imaginable.
But as you and me know, they will never conquer India. They tried so many times before and they failed utterly.
In 2011 I stayed in India for three months. During that time, I was constantly harassed by people trying to scam me, sell me stuff I didn’t want, sell me overpriced train tickets. I took an overnight bus ride from Bodhgaya to Kolkata. The bus steward played music at full blast in the middle of the night, laughing sadistically at passengers trying to get some sleep.
While in Bodhgaya, two teenaged boys badgered me into giving them about $100 for their education, because they are in utter poverty, like just about everyone else I met there, with hundreds of beggars bussed in to badger people for money.
Everywhere I went, I saw piles of garbage in the streets, cows and pigs scavenging for it because they had no decent fodder.
I met a couple –two psychiatrists who help people with mental problems, and watched as the wife verbally abused her Brahmin caste husband, and even slap him across the face right in front of me, even though her caste is Kshatriya (sorry for incorrect spelling). And they are supposed to help others with mental problems.
While in Bodhgaya, I was asked by a college student to do a survey, I was pretty much at the end of my rope, desperate to get out of there. After the survey, which had to do with Indian development,
She was complaining about the low state of the people there, that they don’t work.
I said, ‘they don’t work because they have no hope.’ It is well known that a Sudra doctor cannot treat a person from a higher caste, because they are not worthy to touch the body of the higher caste person. And besides the basic caste structure, the society is further divided into religious and ethnic castes. That results in a massively fragmented mutually adversarial social structure. The lower castes will clean the toilets of the upper castes, and that is the way it is set up and going to stay, if the Modi’s have their way, which they probably will.
I saw the utter poverty of the city of Bodhgaya, which has many thousands of Buddhist pilgrims bringing in all their money to spend on food and accomodations. And yet, people were sleeping under tables, selling butter lamps and fashioning cow dung by hand for drying, stuck on the outside of the temple compound wall. Where is the money going? The temple is the most holy place in Buddhism yet Hindus make up the majority of the governing board siphoning funds for their own purposes. No one asked me any questions upon entering the temple. But when I went with a friend to a Hindu temple, I was excluded for entering. I went to a river bed that had dried up,, and a Brahmin priest offered to do a small ceremony. He charged me 10 times the normal rate, and my friend, an Indian journalist angrily intervened. The priest lowered his price, which the friend said was set. Half way through, the priest demanded more money to finish the ceremony. My friend justifiably exploded at the ‘guardian of morality’ priest reneging on the deal.
Another Indian friend of mine, from Tamil Nadu, somehow managed to pull himself out of the miserable life his father had, got a medical degree, which of course no Brahmin would accept. He got to America, and made a decent life for himself. He said to me,
“Anyone who can get out of India gets out!”
Arundhati Roi has written extensively about the serious oppression of much of Indian society, the farmers the tribal peoples who make up the vast majority of the population. 100,000 Indian farmers have committed suicide because of the impossibility of carrying on farming in the new India.
I read that with the introduction of industrial agriculture, the tens of millions of day laborers, who get 50 rupies a day, about a dollar, will be thrown out of work. They have no land, and soon no job.
While there, I visited a village school, There is a spigot for the people in the village, who appear to me to be living in filth and poverty. I gave out pen and paper to each child as a gift, and each child came up to me for me to say hello. and offer a little kindness. Their physical condition was clearly poverty level. What is the government doing in all these years to raise their education level?
By the time I left, I had a serious case of bronchitis, I am pretty sure, without the proper medicine, I would have died there. I will never go back to India. And my observation is that that country, as devastated by the British as it was, has had as much time to recover as China did, and China, from a social standpoint appears to me to be way way ahead, Unless the caste system in India is dismantled and class relations radically improved, we will see a massive die off of the impoverished marginalized masses. And I think that is probably the plan anyway.
Just offering this as another perspective, taking into account the great scientific achievements and advancement of about 1/3 of the population. But overall, I see a dark future for India’s mass majority of impoverished lesser castes.
Coming from the USA, I thought my country was the most corrupt in the world, but after seeing India, I realized that compared to even the USA, India has ongoing extremely serious problems.
I wish India all the best, as I would all peoples, but I have no illusions about the state of the country.
Completely different impression of India. You did not meet the right people. India is about sannyasis and sādhus. Ascetisc, Extreme ascetics.
I have been in Bengal, in villages far from the cities. Where tigers walk. And they kill people but people do not kill them. Because Hindu mentality is against it.
You have been to India, but you did not see India.
Try Kumbha Mela. Try to search for the real spirituality in India. You cannot project your materialistic view of our civilization on country like India. I guess you will see what you want to see.
I have seen things beyond description in Bengal. Like people being buried alive. In order to prove that it is possible to live without breathing for many days. I did not watch documentary about it, I SAW IT with my own eyes!!!
India is not another country or another civilization, it is another planet.
Oh from USA. You are the most superior in the world. Be in that way and good luck. We will see your so called superiority in a dustbin very soon and meet you again when you will start next civilization if you can. Just read your history and know what is going on all over USA.
A nice comment worth of reading and thinking about.
For the rest here:
Of course if you want to read what you only want to hear – no facts and sober view can open your eyes.
Regarding the post below: “…you didn´t meet the right people…”. Oh yes, indeed he did, and they even form the majority of the population over there.
If you want a nice impression of India just buy a postcard and sip a cup of coffee in Mumbays Hilton.
O the master,
we are doing it for millions of years… You are just born and that too by killing, torturing and grabing the land of others.
Dear anon,
probably you came to india to search the filth or someone put it into your head as such. Always try to go with the government sponsored operators and you will do really fine. As far as cow dung on streets and all roadside in india, please note the on going research in cern and nasa about indian cow dung can absorb nuclear radiation more than anything else on this planet and still be harmless. Please read Megasthenes work for casteism of india, indian caste system was put in place during the anglo-roths rule, that is about 3 centuries before. Until the anglo-roths rule came to india, the only mass destruction by a disease was caused by king puru on alexandar’s army, none before. The anglo-roths gave india plague, small pox, chicken pox, measels, now aids and sometime in future ebola too. Also do visit some parks in westernised europe and you will smell the dog shit and would puke, do checkout english women and you will find them not bathing for weeks together(genes from ice age cannot be replaced right). For once in the last 2000 years, the real civilisations of india, china, russia and iran(persia) are coming together. Stay tuned for the good future for mankind
@ Sanjay,
Q; India is way advance than any of the place existing today on the planet.
R: But modesty died in the process of getting there, didn’t it?
Daniel, what’s the difference between being prideful and defending something you love ? And what’s wrong with being proud anyway…should the brown people keep in their place Mr Hyde ?
I totally enjoy Sanjay’s comments…all of them, even though sometimes I challenge him.
Sanjay, I know India, a little, from traveling there. It is one of the great civilizations, and the oldest, Homo destructans having settled there not long after leaving Africa. Its spirituality is deep, long and complex, but not unique. It was the elder brother to much Chinese culture, but the Chinese adopted, then adapted, the gifts that flowed over the mountains or through Central Asia.
However, India is in trouble. It has a huge underclass, being ignored by the Free Market. Its infrastructure is deplorable. Its pollution is even worse than China’s. Its ‘democracy’ prevents the sort of single-minded action that the Chinese have undertaken to transform their country. It is riven by communal violence, such as the brutal repression of the Kashmiris, of tribal and lower caste rebels and north-eastern separatists. The caste system casts a pall over the entire country. And ecological collapse, particularly anthropogenic climate destabilisation, will probably make much of the country uninhabitable in the near future.
And Modi, the BJP and its progenitor, the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh)from whose ranks MK Gandhi’s assassin came etc, are fascist, chauvinist movements. The RSS was closely allied to Germany under the Nazis in a crazy ‘pan-Aryan’ mutual admiration society, which left the Moslems out of calculations, and compared to the Jews in Germany. Unfortunately this Islamophobic tendency has been exploited by the Israelis to penetrate Indian elites, with dreadful portents for the future.
Everyone wishes Indians a rosy future, like all the other people of the planet. India would, in my opinion, prosper best by aligning itself to no-one, certainly not the West that regards them with racist disdain, and co-operating with everyone, particularly its neighbouring world civilization China.
@ Mulga Mumblebrain,
Q; Everyone wishes Indians a rosy future, like all the other people of the planet. India would, in my opinion, prosper best by aligning itself to no-one, certainly not the West that regards them with racist disdain, and co-operating with everyone, particularly its neighbouring world civilization China.
R: Couldn’t agree more. Standing ovation..
True they would be.But as in Ukraine we’ve seen stranger things happen.Countries are notorious for “cutting of your nose ,to spite your face”.Another example is with Pakistan,2/3 of the Pakistanis are the same ethnic peoples as you find in Northwest India.Only the Pashtun and Balouchi are not native to India as well as Pakistan.But all the many millions of others are only divided by religion from Indian Hindus.India (little know fact) is neck and neck with Pakistan for their number of Muslims (percent of population is different though,around 15% in India,and 98% in Pakistan).The Western “divide and rule” policy.Coupled with political leaders in those countries stupidity led to the partition of the Sub-Continent in 1947.That has weakened those countries ever since.Its a mirror image of the Soviet gang of traitors that split ancient Rus territories in 1991.Only until now those were able to keep fairly brotherly relations between them until the Western coup in Ukraine.
This video puts together everything I have been seeing between the lines in the MSM.
NGOs seem to be working hard to bring an independence (anti China) movement to power in Taiwan.
If this is successful (Taiwan declaring itself a separate sovereign nation) China then retaking Taiwan by force will be used to separate China from many of its trading partners, the same as Crimea and MH17 were used to separate Russia from Europe.
Mackinder versus Mahon – who will win?
Russia lost a half century when they failed to build out a rail network on their far east.
They’re making up for time this century.
2 news items 2015 here clips on “trains” & Russia:
Russian nuclear weapons: Barguzin missile-carrying nuke trains expected to be deployed in 2019
New high-speed Trans-Siberian railway: Moscow to Beijing in just 48 hours 7000 km
To go hi-speed , obviously they will have to straighten out the rail on/nearby the old TSR rail line, & they are, as it will be 2000 km shorter route to the same city.
What about the trains that link the US Underground bases that travel at Mach 3? Now that would be some train ride. I’ve been on the China high speed trains but they have a similar draw back to planes; your destination. You could end up many miles from your destination then have to enter the crawling traffic . Like the High Speed rail station in Shenzhen North where you can only catch a taxi to get to the subway network. No shuttle bus. Why is that? Still the old China planning. If you are an official you just get a Police escort so getting to your destination isn’t problem, outside peak traffic times, but what if you aren’t an official? The Guangzhou Shenzhen High Speed Train is the best as it takes you right into the center of both cities. But that was built as a show train when they were just kicking off their High Speed Train evolution. It’s awesome and cheap too. If existing railways could be retrofitted then High Speed Trains would be a serious contender for mass movement of people but only Japan is doing that.
Here in Australia, which rhymes with failure, the hate campaign against China in the entirely Rightwing MSM sewer (70% controlled by the most evil Australian ever, Rupert Murdoch)continues apace. Within minutes of Beijing be awarded the 2022 Winter Games I happened on the Government controlled ABC’s coverage, during a break in the football.
The ABC presstitute was ‘interviewing'( ie throwing up leading questions)to an American, God bless her, from Melbourne University. The Yank was hissing and spitting bile in fetching fashion over the outrage, and quoted some ‘Chinese dissidents’ (translating from the gibberish- traitors and compradores) who had ‘begged’ that China not be given the Games because of the ‘brutal crackdown’ on ‘human rights’ blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, ad nauseam.
In the next break, as I sat dumbfounded by the mighty Tigers actually beating the bejeesus out if the hated Hawks, I turned back and, wouldya believe it, a long piece on the ‘Sunflower Movement’ in Taiwan, with one gormless youth, no doubt on the NED payroll already, declaring that Taiwan had almost nothing to do with China and must be independent. So there! And an hour later, the Late News had another Yank, this time at home in WalMart Nation, deploring the choice of Beijing, but a little less hysterically than the first.
Hate, hate, hate, 24/7, for the country that has never done us any harm, that keeps our economy afloat with its imports and sends millions of high-spending tourists here every year, none of which, to my knowledge, have ever disgraced their country or been a nuisance here whatsoever. But, when you get down to it, hatred of the other is the very essence of ‘Western Civilization’, wouldn’t you say.
With what is happening now, I look at our recent succession of PMs in a different light.
Rudd I think understood China reasonably well and wanted good relations with China. he was removed and Gillard was installed who was more malleable to US ambitions. The large US base in Darwin was installed along with Gillard. There was no discussion on the subject, it was simply installed.
Now we have Abbott. Most of these changes were only possible through an unquestioning media following US lines.
Then look at the five eyes. Abbott, Harper, Cameron. All in power at the same time, and only possible with media support.
NZ I haven’t bothered with because they don’t seem to be making war noises. But will most likely go along for the ride.
Abbott certainly, and I would guess Harper and Cameron, could only have won through total support of unquestioning, controlled media.
All the right pieces in place for five eyes to go to war.
Peter, in my opinion it was a toss-up who was worse-Rudd or Gillard. Coming after the catastrophe of Howard, the debacle was all the greater, but that it led to the cataclysm of the Abbott regime means that God has certainly forgotten us. Gillard’s one redeeming feature in my opinion was having Abbott and the misogynist psychotics against her. Her speech to the US Congress, groveling, sycophantic, tin-eared, was so base that I almost chewed my own head off in embarrassment for her, our country and humanity. Her doe-eyed adoration of Obama when he visited and launched the ‘pivot’ against China, ie the effective declaration of belligerent intent, was truly off-putting.
Yes,and China seriously needs to do something about that.The first think they should do is figure out what all they import from Australia and where else it can come from.And then start buying those resources there.Both China and Russia need to start “playing hardball” with those countries that kneel to the Empire.To show them “the error of their ways”. Yes,”economically” it is good for China and Russia,to trade with the West.But the strings attached,and the dangers of that trade (sanctions,frozen accounts,seized property,etc).Negate the economic value of that trade.They need to learn, you reward your “friends”,not your “enemies”.They seem not to have mastered that concept fully yet.Once they do the dreamed of “multi-polar” World can really be formed.Until then,I “won’t hold my breathe” waiting.
@ Mulga Mumblebrain,
Q; Here in Australia, which rhymes with failure,…
R; Only coz of your funny accent, m8 :o)
Most Ozzies I run into are relatively progressive, but not so your country [policies/government].
Peter gave us this link a while ago. Think other hands are shuffling Down Under’s cards?
Daniel, Murdoch’s Empire has been a cancer on this country for forty years. Utterly biased, intimidatory, dishonest, distorting, and utterly vindictive, pursuing vicious vendettas against those who stand up to them or whose whose opinions or achievements they despise. Those thus targeted include Manning Clark, our most notable historian, even twenty years after his death, Tim Flannery for telling the truth about climate destabilisation and any and every environmentalist in the country. And their menagerie of entirely hard Right, slavishly pro-US, grovellingly pro-Israel, climate destabilisation denying, renewable energy hating psychotic bigots, in their opinion pages, specialise in hate and fear-mongering, scapegoating numerous hated groups, eg unions, refugees, Moslems, welfare recipients, feminists, environmentalists, climate scientists, Russia, China, Iran etc. A mighty apparatus of hatred, mobilised to politically advantage the Right, that has poisoned this society for decades.
Tim Flannery is an opportunistic con artist and all of the main media in Australia is garbage be it Murdoch, Fairfax or The ABC.
It is all politically biased and controlled lies to keep the Aussie Sheep on their debt laidened treadmills.
Ironically there is some people wide awake down there and some very good alternate media comes from them including contributors here and information clearing house.
Politics in Australlia, controlled by the US Embassy and Politicians, as best described by Mark Latham, “A conga line of suck holes”.
Self serving Zionist suck jobs who sell out the locals at every possible chance. Liberal, Labour, Greens, or any others all the same. They do seem very capable of shirking any responsibility for their actions and it is sad that there is no accountability to be had.
My favourite scene from Australia, seeing a few lines of early teen school children at the back of the Melbourne Arts Center practising flag waiving with largs flags on wood poles of a meter and a half in length. The flags were Israeli.
Sums the place nicely.
Dear Saker, I wonder if you could give the South Front donate button on these videos…I bet they’d get alot of donations from this. I’d offer to install this myself for you, but I don’t know how…I wonder if there’s someone who could do this ?
hmmmm, perspective of the American strategy for the region per south front,,, informative
some of it im aware is rendered redundent in the face of Chinese counter measures ” artificial Islands “. A move that effectively muted Hillary Clintons big mouth exploitation and usa devisive meddling of a silent dispute
oh well
seems the usa move is some type of ASEAN coup and organization of uncoperation…it can try
China’s defense ministry has announced new naval drills with Russia to be held for eight days beginning August 20.
Spokesperson Yang Yujun said the exercises will be held in Peter the Great Bay, an inlet in the Sea of Japan near the China-Russia border.
Today the NYT ran a David Sanger (CIA mouthpiece, DOD bullhorn) piece on Obama determining (maybe signing an authorization?) that China must be attacked for its cyberhacking (unproven). Especially, the OPM hack which stole the identities and deep background files of tens of millions of employees and applicants for secret and top secret and key government jobs.
Should the NSA want to, it could easily cripple most of the networks of China. It has been embedded in all the router hardware (US manufacturers) and network switches and much of the software from Microsoft and other providers used by Chinese institutions and industries.
China’s vulnerability is huge and only in recent years have they realized (post Snowden) how deep and wide the NSA has penetrated the fiber optic system within the nation and connecting the nation to the Internet.
Should a large attack hit China, I suspect it will be considered a military attack. The US has declared it will use cyber as a one of their weapons of military “defense and offense”.
You can be certain US businesses will be profoundly impacted if such a cyber war is launched by Obama and the pinheads in NSA-CIA-DOD-State.
This last “power” of the US is like the nuclear advantage they possessed at the ending of WWII. They could not resist using it. Cyber advantage is a closing window. However, with the goal to contain China and destabilize the economic advantage China has over the US (wealth versus debt), I suspect the pinheads will go ahead or contract some black hat action to cripple large sectors of China.
With that act, I suspect also, the US electrical grid, most of the networks and many crucial nodes that support America’s infrastructure will be attacked by Chinese assets.
The reason this article floated today from Sanger is to test the “thinkers” on both sides to see if the US should go ahead and to sound out what response they believe will be returned.
The world, if rational, will soon develop a MAD doctrine for cyber.
If you recall, recently, China and Russia signed a mutual pact about cyber in which they pledged not to hack or make war on one another. They probably also have secret protocols to assist one another in defense and offense if they are attacked by a “third party”.
This is more than causing computers to go blue screen. This is about shutting down all medical, financial, banking, traffic on land, sea and in the air, probably skewing GPS satellite info, and crippling most forms of digital communication around the globe.
It will isolate nations from one another because smart nations will swiftly shut the switch to the Internet so they will not be attacked. It will alter the globe as we know it the last 30 years.
All of the results are good for the Hegemon. Bad for everyone else.
Recall that Obama is very vindictive and without proof ordered an attack on North Korea for the so called Sony hack. It was a cyberwar attack.
Now, he will attack China if the US thinks it can block a counter-move. The very fact of the OPM hack indicates a very deep penetration by whoever did it (let’s assume China). And therefore, whoever did it is inside the US networks and embedded also. They may be able to cripple the US if China is attacked.
Where are the grownups? Well, President Xi is coming to Washington this year. Maybe he’ll bring a solution for the man-child in the Oval Office.
If I were President Jing’s advisor, I’d advise him to stay away from the hill…safer.