Dear friends,
I was recently contacted by Ron Unz who asked me if I would be willing to write a column for the Unz Review. I replied that I was, of course, interested but I wrote to him to warm him that I have a very strong propensity for “crimethink” and that I needed to know if there were any topics he would want me to stay away from. His reply was exactly what I wanted to hear: “As you can probably tell from reading my Mission Statement or browsing the current articles and posts on the Home Page, I’m willing to publish articles containing *exceptionally* high levels of crimethink, both Left and Right. Among my regular columnists and bloggers, many of whom are *notoriously* controversial, I’m never hesitated to publish a single one of their pieces uncensored in almost two years, so including their republished archives, the current record is almost 40,000-to-zero“. To make things even better, Ron also added that I was free to repost my columns for the Unz Review on my blog. Finally, a quick look at the list of columnists (which features names like Pat Buchanan, Patrick Cockburn, Tom Engelhardt, Philip Giraldi, Michael Hudson, Ron Paul, Paul Craig Roberts or Mike Whitney) convinced me that this was a great opportunity and I happily accepted.
Today I am posted the first column for the Unz Review and I hope that there will be many more.
Kind regards,
The Saker
A tale of two world orders
originally written for the Unz Review:
Two historical summits are taking place this week: the crisis talk in France and Germany about the Greek crisis and the simultaneous meeting of the BRICS and Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) countries in Ufa, Russia. These two meetings could hardly be more different.
The Eurobureaucrats are scrambling to prevent a domino effect in which Greece would leave the Eurozone and set a precedent for other Mediterranean countries such as Italy, Spain or even France. But there is really much more at stake here than the comparatively small Greek debts, the solvency of European banks or even the future of the Euro. What is really at stake is the credibility and future of the entire “Euro project” and thus the future of the oligarchy which created it.
The EU elites have put an immense amount of political and person capital into the creation of what one could call a “Bilderberger Europe”, one run by the elites and on behalf of the USA promoted New World Order. Just like the US elites have put their full credibility behind the official 911 narrative against all empirical evidence, so the European have put their full credibility behind a “grand EU” project even though it was obvious that this project was not viable. And now reality is coming back with a vengeance: simply put, the EU is way too big. Not only was the expansion of the EU to the East a huge mistake, but even the western EU is really the artificial assembly of a Mediterranean Europe and a Northern Europe as Nigel Farange so aptly put it here: . Finally, it is pretty obvious that the current EU was built against the will of many, if not most, of the people of Europe. As a result, the Eurobureaucrats are now fighting to keep their dying project alive as long as possible.
What we are witnessing these days in Ufa, Russia, could not be any more different. The simultaneous meeting of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and the SCO countries ( China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan) marks the gathering of a future world order, not one directed at the USA or the West, but one simply built without them, which is even more humiliating. In fact, the BRICS/SCO ‘combo’ is a real nightmare for the AngloZionist Empire (for the precise reasons for the use of this term, please see here: ).
It has already been announced the India and Pakistan will become full members of the SCO. So the full list of BRICS/SCO members will now look like this: Brazil , China , India , Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , Pakistan , Russia , South Africa , Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The BRICS/SCO will thus include 2 Permanent UN Security Council, 4 countries with nuclear weapons (only 3 NATO countries have nukes!), it’s members account for a full third of the world’s land area, they produce 16 trillion dollars in GDP and have a population of 3 billion people or half of the global world population. The SCO population stands at 1.6 billion people, or one fourth of the Earth population which produces $11.6 trillion in GDP. Furthermore, the BRICS/SCO countries are already working on a new development bank whose aim is to create an alternative to the IMF and World Bank. But most importantly, the SCO is growing even further and might soon welcome Belarus and Iran as full members. And the door is wide open for more members, possibly even Greece (if the Grexit happens).
The core of this alternative New World Order are, of course, Russia and China. Without them, neither the BRICS nor the SCO would make any sense. The most amazing feature of this Russian-Chinese ‘core’ is the way it was formed. Rather than creating a formal alliance, Putin and Xi did something which, as far as I know, has never been done in the past: they have turned their two super-countries (or ex-empires, pick your term) into symbionts, two separate organisms which fully depend on each other. China has agreed to become fully dependent on Russia for energy and high technology (especially defense and space) while Russia has agreed to become fully dependent on China economically. It is precisely because China and Russia are so different from each other that they form the perfect match, like two puzzle figures, who perfectly fit each other.
For centuries the Anglo-Saxons have feared the unification of the European landmass as a result of a Russian-German alliance, and they have been very successful at preventing it. For centuries the major sea powers have ruled the world. But what no western geostrategist had ever envisioned is the possibility that Russia would simple turn East and agree to a symbiotic relationship with China. The sheer size of what I call the Russian-Chinese Strategic Partnership (RCSP) makes not only German, but even all of Europe basically irrelevant. In fact, the AngloZionist Empire simply does not have the means to influence this dynamic in any significant way. Had Russia and China signed some kind of formal alliance, there would always have been the possibility for either country to change course, but once a symbiosis is created, the two symbionts become inseparable, joined not only at the hip, but also at the heart and lungs (even if they each keep their own separate “brains”, i.e. governments).
What is so attractive to the rest of the world in this BRICS/SCO alternative is that neither Russia nor China have any imperial ambitions. Both of these countries have been empires in the past, and both have paid a huge price for that imperial status. Furthermore, they both have carefully observed how the USA has arrogantly overstretched itself over the entire planet resulting in a dialectical anti-American reaction worldwide. While the White House and the corporate media keep scaring those still willing to listen to them with tales about the “resurgent Russia” and the “assertive China”, the reality is that neither of these two countries has any desire at all to replace the USA as the world hegemon. You will never see China or Russia covering the globe with 700+ military bases, or fighting elective wars on a yearly basis or spend more on “defense” (i.e. aggression) than the rest of the planet combined. They will not built a 600 ship navy or even a fleet of 12 aircraft carriers to “project power” worldwide. And they will most definitely not point a “space gun” at the entire planet with megalomaniacal projects such a Prompt Global Strike .
What Russia, China and the BRICS/SCO countries want is an international order in which security is truly collective, according to the principle that “if you feel threatened then I am not safe”. They want a cooperative order in which countries are allowed (and even encouraged) to follow their own societal development model. Iran, for example, will not have to cease being an Islamic Republic after joining the SCO. They want to get rid of the comprador elites whose loyalty lies with foreign interests and encourage the “sovereignization “of each country. Finally, they want an international order ruled by the rule of law and not by the “might makes right” principle which has been the hallmark of the European civilization since the Crusades. And the key thing to understand is this: they don’t want that because they are so kind and noble, but because they sincerely perceive this to be in their pragmatic self-interest.
So while the European ruling plutocracy is trying to find a new way to further dispossess the Greek people and keep southern Europe subjugated to the rule of international bankers and financiers, the participants of the double summit in Ufa are laying the basis of a new world order, but not at all the New World Order predicted by George H.W. Bush. One could say that they are building an anti New World Order.
Predictably, the western elites and their corporate media are in a “deep denial” mode. Not only do they not comment much about this truly historical event, but when they comment about it they assiduously avoid discussing the immense implications which these events will have for the entire planet. This borders on magical thinking: if I close my eyes hard enough and long enough this nightmare will eventually vanish.
It won’t.
What will happen is that the US dollar will gradually be pushed out of the BRICS/SCO zone and that US military power will not be challenged, it will be made irrelevant by a completely changed international environment in which even 700+ military bases worldwide will make no difference and, thus, no sense.
The meeting in Ufa will be remembered as the moment in history when the so-called “West” began being irrelevant.
The Saker
In respect to India I have doubts, Modi talks about soccer instead business.
Modi talked business in Ufa. He now wants in on the Pakistan Infrastructure Corridor project. Imagine the Indians helping to build up Pakistan. And he accepted an invitation to visit Pakistan.
Russia on one side of Modi and China on the other side are challenging Modi and India to mature and bring their best to the BRICS, SCO and Eurasia Belts and Roads.
There is no future for India outside the biggest projects in history. The US offers shackles and handcuffs to its vassals. I don’t see India going sideways or regressing. Even their deals with Japan are muted compared to what Eurasia holds for them.
India has its own ideas on how it should develop.
Obviously, India will not interfere in the development of Eurasia. (India is extremely careful to keep its distance from the U.S., so as not to get dragged into any Anglo-American conspiracies regarding this.) If Eurasian projects keep Pakistani youth busy with productive labor rather than jihadist crime, great. Building roads, hospitals, and airports is a noble endeavor.
However, in the future, India will almost certainly focus on the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). That’s a better fit, for many reasons.
Diego Garcia military base must be a torn in Indian Ocean
@Anon 8:42pm
Re: Diego-Garcia being a [thorn] in the Indian Ocean.
Not really, it isn’t a thorn, Diego Garcia a single completely isolated base out in the middle of the Indian Ocean, an extremely expensive base that is very difficult to supply and totally vulnerable. It’s also not a a thorn because the US is not in conflict with India.
Compared to Diego Garcia, India has the entire Indian peninsula sticking deep (thousands of miles) into the Indian Ocean: a platform for huge naval bases being built on both their East and West coast (geographically the Indian peninsula is a Crimea on steroids). In addition there are Indian naval facilities in other locations of the littoral states of the Indian ocean: Madagascar, Oman and berthing rights in Mozambique. Furthermore, India has leasing arrangements with strategically located island nations to build future naval bases: in Mauritius and the Maldives. In addition India has naval bases on the Andaman and Nicobar Island chains (off the coasts of Thailand and Indonesia), these bases face the entrance to strategic Straits of Malacca.
Then there is the very strong relationship India has with South Africa (BRICS) and other southern African states where India has mutual naval security pacts.
So Diego Garcia isn’t even in the same league.
By the way, Diego Garcia was and should belong to Mauritius. It was snatched away from Mauritius in 1968 by the British. Ask any Mauritian…the Yankees should be kicked out of there. The indigenous population, called the ILLOIS was deported and still bar from getting back. For more info, google Chagossian Olivier Bancoult
@Red Ryder
Modi’s overtures to Pakistan are nothing new, many previous Indian govts have tried to build trade ties with Pakistan only to see their establishment spurn it. The Indians would very much like to see the Pakistanis engaged in productive endeavors instead of destructive terrorism, unfortunately this clashes with lifestyle of the Pakistani military officer class as well as the geopolitical objectives of the so-called Anglosaxon empire.
You might not be aware of this but India has for years tried to build up trade links with Pakistan; they granted Pakistan preferential tariffs years ago (Most Favored Nation status). Unfortunately due to Pakistans extreme Banderastan style nationalism and religious hatred, they refused to take advantage of these overtures (perhaps also because their masters in London and Washington didn’t want it to happen either).
In case you haven’t noticed, Pakistan allows the US to summarily kill it’s own citizens via drones, only a complete fool would not understand what this implies: Pakistan is a vassal to US and their military and elite are vassals of the US dollar, note that the F-16s of the Pakistan Airforce have the ability to shoot down drones operating over their territory, but their government chooses not to. Given that Pakistan has been part of the Anglosaxon alliance (SEATO), armed with American weapons, and today a vassal of the West It’s incorrect to assume that India needs to mature in the context of Pakistan, it contradicts the facts.
One final point India does not need in on the Pakistan Infrastructure Corridor (PIC), they have their own infrastructure corridors (quadrilateral) to build that dwarf the PIC. The budget for this year alone is over 11 Billion dollars, with an additional 60% to raised by India’s private sector. This spending will increase each year. It would be much better if the vast unemployed of Pakistan work on the PIC.
Good points.
Pakistan is a US-vassal. Its secret service ISI is deeply penetrated by the CIA. What about Pakistan’s nukes. Are in the control of Pakistan or the USA?
My understanding is that the control of Pakistani nukes is partially “controlled” or monitored by the US: The US has put on public record that they have supplied Pakistan with warhead safeguard technology. The purpose behind this system is to prevent the risk of a primed nuclear bomb from being warehoused in Pakistan or that they have a bomb that could be easily mated to an open trigger or easily triggered by unauthorized individuals. Basically they provided a system that includes safety procedures and keyed/encrypted lock/triggers for the bombs. The main idea behind this US generosity was to ensure that if a nuke ever got stolen by a run of the mill illiterate Islamist, that neither that person, nor the criminal group he belongs to, would be able to trigger/activate and detonate the bomb.
This is what I have read based on publicly available sources. I have also read that the US has a fairly good track on where the bombs are, even when those devices are moved (who knows? Perhaps the encrypted locks have tracking devices in them?
This is what has been written and openly budgeted by the US Congress. I have no first hand knowledge.
Hi Red:
Could you cite sources for your info on India seeking to become part of the proposed Pakistan infrastructure deal?
I’m not sure what you’re talking about.
“India Prime Minister Narendra Modi called on the country’s BRICS partners to facilitate trade and reduce customs barriers that are in place at the moment. Addressing the BRICS Business Council, at the 7th annual BRICS summit in Ufa, Modi said India expected to sign an intra-BRICS customs agreement to facilitate trade.
Modi also suggested that the BRICS countries host an annual trade fair. “I will propose an annual BRICS trade fair,” Modi said. “India will be happy to host the first BRICS trade fair.”
The BRICS Business Council, which is composed of 25 prominent entrepreneurs from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, represents various industries and sectors in the grouping. Its members spoke of difficulties in obtaining visas and said this was among the barriers to greater trade within the grouping.”
trade fair 4 times a year..
Here we go again with the reactionary anti-India trolls and their unproductive attempts to distract and derail the focus from the article to instead flog their own impotent sour grapes.
How is your unsubstantiated comment even mildly related to the gist of the article? Oh I see it’s not related at all. Is this just another attempt to sabotage this blog and start a flame war?
What would really be earth shattering news is if we were to learn that Western Ukraine was joining the SCO. Afterall being an incompetently run terroristic self-hating third-rate externally controlled junta-led criminal anarchy is no bar to being part of the SCO.
Unfortunately for them they started on the path of historical revisionism, and I do not think China and Russia will ever accept it. But if things change…..
I am not an anti-Intia troll.
As soon as the Ufa started, “Asia Time” writes about some ideas of Modi – fair Trade festivals, soccer matches between BRICKS etc. Don’t you think BRICS should start running at full first then organize social events to cement organization.
Ok, you’re not an anti-India troll. I apologize.
Regarding the rest of your point:
Avarachan’s response addresses your concerns.
Mute, soccer is a nice start, but India and South Africa must teach the other BRICS cricket!
Anon…I can’t tell if all these comments are by you, but if you’re talking about trolls etc I would appreciate you yourself taking a name.
Hello Ann,
Not all of the anonymous comments in the thread started by “Muted” are by me.
Thanks for clarification Mr Anonymous but you didn’t reply to the request of Ann. Would you be kind enough to take a name?
Signing anonymous doesn’t make you less or more anonymous!
Great article Saker!
It fully deserves to go viral.
Delighted to see Unz has acknowledged your talents and wants you on board.
I like his attitude – he’s a learner, someone willing to abandon old shibboleths in the face of new facts/revelations.
* * * * * * *
This link gives an insider account of SYRIZA’s negotiations with the Eurogroup/ECB. A real eye-opener, particularly the complete absence of standard procedures/protocols: a few individuals are simply behaving like total despots, and it helps to explain why SYRIZA were continually seen as inconsistent, even fraudulent:
Thanks for posting this link. Some of the language was a bit hard to parse, but the basic message gets through. I have been confused about different things I have read about Varoufakis, by commenters on The Saker blog. This article creates a positive impression that he is sincere, and has some arrows in his quiver that conventional politicians and bureaucrats are not used to dealing with.
I am so dispirited about this situation—about Tsipras’s acceptance of the austerity deal. I hope the Greek parliament continues to say no. I guess that sounds pathetically tepid, but I so hoped that the big OXI would really make a difference.
I don’t understand why Greece cannot do what ARgentina did. But I guess it is because of the euro tentacles. Borrowing Matt Taibbi’s metaphor, the euro seems like Son of Giant Squid. .
Surely scales are falling from people’s eyes all over the world as to the real character of the European Project.
Syriza = Social Democracy = Forever in the service of Western imperialism (especially as its ‘popular’ PR agents).
Tsipras finds himself today in exactly the same position as German Social Democracy in the wake of WW1. Threatened from below by the growing number of enraged and desperate people (refugees forming a significant part of the latter category) while at the same time feeling “the full brunt of hate” from the greedy imperialist predators, Tsipras has to be very careful indeed. Greece could very well end up like the Weimar Republic or, even more ominously, like Greek bourgeois democracy itself nearly half a century ago. To be occupied by, er, sorry: member of NATO is to have a dozen of guns against your head, literally.
… a dozen of guns against your head, but you can’t run away nor grexit.
Katherine, you might be interested in this account of the alternatives reportedly considered by the Syriza party a week before the referendum– but nixed by Syriza & Varoufakis.
PS This shows they were thinking about a “no” result a week before it occurred, not simply flumoxed when it happened.
That was an excellent link you submitted here, you get a first hand account from a Greek cabinet minister of these psychopathic EU fascistocrat’s real ugly face and a true eyewitness account of the Autocratic/Dictatorial and blackmailing nature of Europe’s power elite, they’re not even hiding it anymore: just look at the anger and contempt in schaubel’s face and statements, or that EU-trash politician chewing out the Greeks in EU “parliament” for having the nerve to exercise their democratic rights and present their opinion in a referendum.
They are totally 2-faced: they sing the BS song of European unity and ‘solidarity’ while in private showing contempt and disregard for Europe’s people’s (who are more expendable than serfs). This link you provided reads like a mystery novel, it’s absolutely riveting.
Thanks again for the link.
Wow! Thank you, eimar, for the link. Obviously several people were taping what went on in the Greek negotiations and this is a transcript of the interesting bits. Shows you it was nothing but political bullying.
Just reinforces what a lot of us said at the beginning: No sovereignty w/o your own currency. But these guys didn’t even pretend to be fair or legitimate or anything.
Ha, Foreign Affairs just now noticed the double helix. I wonder if the author of this piece cribbed parts of Larchmonter444’s 25 page white paper?
Well, the renowned discreet charm of the bourgeoisie becomes somewhat, ahem, “less discreet” at times. Given the presentday situation, I think the Ukronazis have a very solid point looking up to the EU. It’s just as vile, rotten, and bankrupt all along the line as Banderastan — only much bigger and more powerful. The EU evidently has got the warm admirers it deserves.
On a more serious note, Greece is partly suffering from the same delusions as Banderastan (save the Donbass). There is much grovelling before the EU and even the Euro; the very curses plaguing the whole of Southern Europe. Russophobia, however, is all but absent in Greece. Golden Dawn and the Ukronazis would cut each others’ throats if given a chance.
At any rate, Greece looks ripe for outright civil war. Speaks volumes about the idiocy and depravity of these adorable Eurocrats. Here, Syriza and Tsipras have contributed something profoundly important to our understanding of the contemporary world.
“Here, Syriza and Tsipras have contributed something profoundly important to our understanding of the contemporary world.”
If there is any merit in Syriza’s attempt at an unlikely success is this one. If it had worked favourably, the better, but the resulting exposure, disclosure of the reality, the hard rock truth hitting the greeks’ collective mind was and is, in my opinion, a necessary step towards emancipation. A step, one way or another, all peoples of europe will have to go through.
If by self-dillusion or design, the greeks are actually ahead of us, they have hands on experience on a reality most are only aware of in theory, if at all.
I find it hard to be disapointed at the development.
Very true. Bottom line again: Syriza, as any Social Democratic outfit, can’t and won’t break with Western imperialism. Never ever. The big question regarding Greece now is whether this “Left Social Democratic” Troika stooge government is viable in the eyes of the Zionazis — most notably NATO — and if the home-grown Nazis in Golden Dawn (with all their support within the national police force) will take action. Interesting times indeed.
Leave off the ideological labels. Look at realities.
EU and euro — nobody has ever left them. There are no procedures for leaving them. You don’t start experimenting when you have 11 million people who don’t know where their next meal is coming from.
The only functioning industry in Greece is tourism. They need the EU for that, the visa-free “borderless” travel for their tourists. Helps if they can use their own money from home, too (euro).
Leaving euro won’t make their debts go away. It would just let them print their own drachma to have enough banknotes fror everyone to be paid on the same day, for example. Probably some IMF rules against that too, and they have to keep to that as they’re members but……
The current proposal is NOT what everyone voted NO to. It does have some austerity things (none of them starting immediately) but with an extra $50 billion the troika has to give Greece. Enough in other words to get the economy going again, to the point of maybe not having to do those austerity things when the time for them comes.
It is the troika always saying how urgent it all is. Let it be urgent enough for them to GIVE on some points. They’re not stooges of the troika at all. They’ll end up giving the troika a heart attack.
It’s not enough to get the economy going again; only an end to austerity, production, and employment can do that. Go full socialist or communist if it’s necessary.
Leave the EU, print drachma and forbid use of Euro in Greece, allowing people to trade their Euros for drachma. Give a some Euros to EU for debt if really needed, and join with BRICS. Use new drachmas to spend for social relief and production increases, with any foreign trade paid for in either drachmas or direct barter, or the collected Euros from drachma trade , or any money it can get from BRICS organization. If the EU creditors get stiffed, send them a nice sympathy card.
The system and situation Greece is trapped in now can’t possibly work and can make things only worse. Again, the first step in recovering from a vampire bite is to remove the vampire. The vampire will not repent and reform itself; it can only, perhaps, die and be reborn after it has a stake in it’s hear, under the glare of full sunlight, and Greece can’t survive that long.
blue you are correct, I believe, to see the whole parasitic, financial gangster run system as the primary cancer devouring humanity. Forty years of Friedmanite, Mont Pellerin, Hayekian ‘Free Market’ Evil has created the most hugely wealthy and powerful Overclass in history, and nothing but increasing poverty and misery for the 99%, with the sole exception of China (one of the reasons the Western monsters hate and fear China so very much), plus the ecological devastation of the planet. Greece cannot escape because the ghouls would launch financial war on any effort to escape their clutches, the ‘Colour Revolution’ compradores would be unleashed, and, in the end, the US-controlled military would do what they did in 1967-74.
If Russia and China (I expect Brasil and South Africa to fall to the Empire’s minions) have any hope of survival, and they represent the last chance for humanity to escape the Hell of neo-feudal rule by the 0.01%, they must enter a direct mutual self-defence Treaty, and get as many other threatened nations as possible to join, expel every single interfering, subversive, Western NGO (who can spend their time trying to ‘reform’ their ugly ‘societies’)and Western MSM hate-monger and liar, and build a decent, humane and compassionate society, based on egalitarianism, compassion and social solidarity. That would consolidate local support for the Government and provide the ‘good example’ of a system radically unlike the social sadism and savagery of the Western dystopias, which might help hasten their fall, because a system as Evil and morally repellent as that of the neo-liberal West will fall, if only through its own inner corruption.
Thanks for the Foreign Policy link.
A poster on RI thinks Trump would make a good POTUS, because (among other things) he would manoeuvre Russia from China, so weakening their ‘fledgling’ partnership.
I bet Larchmonter had a good belly-laugh at that.
I certainly did.:)
Re: your definition of “AngloZionism.” See Chamish, exerpted here:
But he [Bollyn] does the classic deadly spin, blaming all Zionists for the questionable behavior of one group: Labor Zionism. What he forgets is that their opposition, the Irgun, were expelled from the Zionist movement in the thirties and fought a civil war with the Labor Zionists until the late forties…or that barely 10% of today’s Israelis support Labor Zionism or their values…or that Labor Zionism has declared a new war against the different Zionism of the religious Jews and has brutally expelled thousands from their homes. Nope, to Bollyn, all Zionists are cut from the same cloth, are lumped together in one murderous pile, and 9-11 was thus, a Jewish crime. And so, despite some serious research within, Solving 9-11, is classic hateful anti-Semitism and should be rewritten or seriously re-edited, lest it never be taken seriously.
Its not “Labor Zionism” that is the problem.Its “Zionism” itself that is the problem.Zionism has one founding believe.That is an exclusive Jewish state formed on lands belonging to other peoples.It wasn’t about immigrating to Palestine to join that region and the peoples living there.It was/is about seizing that land,dispossessing the people there.And recreating from a different people a country that hadn’t existed for thousands of years.It would be as if the part descendants of Romans in Italy wanted to return to today’s Bulgaria.Seize the land,expel the current Bulgarians and recreate the ancient Roman provinces of those days there.It is an idea of taking a religious group,made up of many different ethnic peoples.Calling them a “nation” and conquering a territory for them.The Irgun you mentioned were considered the Al Qaeda of their day.Notorious for anti-Arab murders.They were an evil bunch easily comparable to the Right Sector in Ukraine right now.
And the Irgun of yesterday eventually changed its name, and today it calls itself the Likud party.
And I think that explains a lot . . .
Bob, Israel was also to become a safe redoubt for the ‘entrepreneurial’ fraction of Jewry to run their rackets from, safe from justice and retribution. Money laundering, the trafficking of arms, blood diamonds, human beings, human organs, drugs, pornography etc are all massive enterprises in Israel, and money has also cleverly been concentrated in lucrative novel businesses like the various Internet enterprises, and massive surveillance and population repression techniques honed on the captive Palestinians.
The Zionist state not only enjoys total impunity to International Law thanks to the Jewish Fifth Columns in the West, where they control politics, increasingly openly, but an ethos of hatred of and antipathy towards the outside world has steadily grown over the years. That orientation is rooted in Judaism, from its creation, and is ineradicable.When it is the worldview of a tiny but controlling elite, that is reviled for its arrogance and cruelty by much of humanity (for their behaviour not ‘who they are’), but who can utterly ignore that sentiment because they have Western elites under total control (the sheer debasement of Hillary Clinton’s sycophancy towards Israel is quite sickening, being almost hysterical in its groveling, and it is typical of Western ‘elites’ )it is plainly a disaster in the making. But when that arrogant, rogue, terrorist, utterly supremacist state is armed to the teeth with thermo-nuclear weapons, it will probably prove catastrophic.
Who Are the Neoconservatives?
by Laurent Guyenot
” As recognized by Abram Shulsky and Gary Schmitt in an article “Leo Strauss and the World of Intelligence” (1999), for Strauss, “deception is the norm in political life” – the rule they applied to fabricating the lie of weapons of mass destruction by Saddam Hussein when working inside the Office of Special Plans.”
Can they get any more talmudic than this?
By Deception We Shall Make War
The article is long but well worth the read.
Things are much clearly viewed from Downunder!
And so, despite some serious research within, Solving 9-11, is classic hateful anti-Semitism
I happen to be reading this book right now and I can say that this characterization is absolute nonsense. In fact, I am considering asking Bollyn for an interview :-)
The Saker
‘Antisemitism'(TM) is simply a device created to intimidate and silence any criticism by anybody of the behaviour of any Jew, anywhere, ever. It is a clever tactic, one that other Mafias might adopt, say by Calabrians denouncing certain behaviours as ‘anticalabrianism’. Of course, real hatred of Jews, Judeophobia, simply because they are Jews, and ignoring their individual personal behaviour and character, is, like Islamophobia or Russophobia, wicked, stupid and dangerous. Jews, like any group, however defined, contain a variety of individual human beings whose behaviour and actions can be judged by others as good, bad or indifferent. Like all human beings their culture and socialisation shapes them (and Judaism and Zionism, or Jewish supremacism, can be quite malign influences)but like all human beings, that acculturation is not irredeemable. Even a Satan-yahoo is, conceivably, capable of wakening one day and comprehending how deep his moral wickedness has been, and ceasing to treat the Palestinians like animals, and decent world opinion as bigotry.
Moreover ‘antisemitism (TM) is also an example of pathopsychological projection. The hatred of Jews almost always derived from Jewish behaviour, exploiting the goyim or working as intermediaries for highly exploitative elites, so many outbursts of Judeophobia were markedly influenced by class antagonisms. But Jews will always place themselves in an invidious situation when they follow the various precepts of their religion that demand a separatist, supremacist and antagonistic relationship towards the goyim. When not kept under control by strong central authorities, this Judaic ‘antigoyism’, the true ‘Oldest Hatred’, simply must give rise from time to time to resentment and anger in the exploited majorities, from whose ranks murderous thugs are bound to arise, just as certainly as will humanitarians who will help Jews in trouble escape their enemies. This Judaic antigoyism is running amuk today, fueled by fascist thugs like Satan-yahoo and the political Right in Israel, by Zionist resentment of global public opinion, so massively against their barbarities and by the residual, and understandable, antigoyite hatred that grew out of the Nazi genocide. All a witches’ brew in need of a circuit-breaker, before it ends in a cataclysm. The obvious way out would be for Israel to allow a Palestinian state on the 1947 borders, but they absolutely refuse to countenance that for an instant. The Masada madness has them by the throat.
Mulga, excuse me, but I don’t think the ethos of hate is rooted in Judaism, but only in one thread of it.
Didn’t Saker write an essay about talmudism contrasted w normal Judaism? I’m in no way an expert, but I lived in NYC for years and had many perfectly normal Jewish friends. If anyone has the link to the Saker article, please supply. I’d like to review it.
Mulga, excuse me, but I don’t think the ethos of hate is rooted in Judaism, but only in one thread of it.
I didn’t see such a pov in Mulga Mumblebrain’s post at all. Leaves me wondering what your agenda is here, Penelope.
How many times have you been reprimanded about trolling and personal attacks, matt janovic?
I also didn’t notice a mention or suggestion of an “ethos of hate” in the post above.
I think there is a strong projection mechanism at work with the constant accusations of anti-Semitism that greet rational and jsutified criticism—a mechanism that I have pointed out in a couple of posts. I also think there is an element of narcissism that is often evident in the eldest sibling in a family.
Regarding “perfectly normal Jews”:
I used to have many, many friends that were “perfectly normal people who happened to be Jewish.” (I am 1/4 Jewish.) They were smart and sophisticated and quite a few of them came from Westchester County, New York. They were many of the first “interesting” people I met, livning as I did on a small island that voted 100% Republican! But many “normal American Jews” have undergone a sea change since the fifties and sixties and have become rabid Zionists and apologists for all the Israel does and militarists, and racists in connection with Palestininians and paranoid-hysterical about “the growth of antisemitim in the USA—it COULD happen here!” and on and irrationally on. They have developed a siege mentality instead of taking on board the understandable hostility that Israel is creating for all Jews worldwide. In other words: PROJECTION instead of seeing that they themselves and Israel and Zionists and Zionism generally are the source of their image and sincerity and ethics problem.
Bot, I wasn’t responding to Mulga’s last post where my reply is shown, but to the previous Mulga post. Perhaps what he said there was only carelessness & doesn’t reflect his real views.
Thanks for your defense of Mulga, though– nice to see.
Bot Tak, here’s the quote from Mulga’s earlier post
“an ethos of hatred of and antipathy towards the outside world has steadily grown over the years. That orientation is rooted in Judaism, from its creation, and is ineradicable.”
and my reply “Mulga, excuse me, but I don’t think the ethos of hate is rooted in Judaism, but only in one thread of it.” I went on to suggest it might be Talmudism & to defend my numerous Jewish friends from NYC days.
Katherine noticed the same thing about your claim against Mulga, yet you chose to respond only to me.
BOT TAK, I replied to Mulga’s earlier post & I don’t know how the reply came to be placed after a later Mulga post. I replied to your post immediately beneath it. Consequently, I did not SEE Katherine’s post on the same matter until after I had already responded to you. It seemed a total waste of anyone’s time to read the same post twice. Just as this post of mine seems a total waste. Please stop now.
When I went to Hebrew school, the main thing I took away from it was the Prophet Micah, who said, ‘All the Lord requires of you is to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with thy God”. It did not differentiate between Jews and non Jews.
Emma Lazarus, who wrote the poem on the Statue of Liberty wrote, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”.
However, as I grew older, I saw the current narrative of victimhood, rather than the championing of the underdog, which was what I thought Judaism was about.
We never learned about the Rothschilds, every Jewish mother (or so I thought) wants her son to be a doctor, a healer.
So what you have here is a schizoid situation, light and dark fused together in one demographic, particularly the Ashkenazi side. And as one of the other commenters implied, the biggest problem facing Jews is not antisemitism, but antigoyimism–inherent antipathy to non Jews.
If one looks into the nature of a Hebrew (or any other type of supra ego controlling entity) God, and sees that it is a false conception, and then sees through a narrative that has been espoused in order to create the geographic entity, whose main boulevard in its main city (Tel Aviv) is named after a notorious international bankster (Rothschild Bouldevard), and then look at the result of that entity (Israel), over the past 80 years of Zionism, it is very hard to avoid acute embarrassment or outright shame. And a separation from that narrative, which is seen to false, and selfserving at the expense of millions of others is necessary.
Truth is that in modern times, when Jews live in secular societies and come in contact with others, they often do shed the toxic self referencing. That causes extreme anxiety for the control freaks like ADL, ZOA, and the many other Jewish elite organizations, who manipulate the Jewish community. At least in America, that narrative is weakening.
And even in Israel, many young Israelis get fed up and leave, too.
One Israeli expat woman I met while in a Zen meditation center in India said to me, “the idea that one group of people should have the right to a particular piece of land is…Ridiculous.” Another young Israeli I met, a former intelligence officer for the IDF, told me that the Israeli leadership uses the Arab threat as a way to control and parasitize the Israeli public, thousands of young Israelis are opting out. He basically said that Zionism is a fraud.
That said, it’s obvious that the Zionist wing of the Jewish community, and the bankster wing of the Jewish community, have enormous power, and an unscrupulous pathological mindset that endangers the whole planet.
Currently, from what I can see, the Jewish community has a very serious problem, and this person at least solved it on an individual level by separation, despite threats of a rabbi uncle, of “spiritual annihilation’, in the event of leaving.
However, it was the smartest decision this individual ever made.
Eric, thanks for your wonderful post.
Really illuminates the the pernicious ideology of Anglo-Zionism on a personal level, though your focus is on it’s most visible, Jewish aspect.
Leaving the fraudulent matrix for Israelis is fraught with competing allegiances -to family, relatives, leaders and a history that has been sacralized to the point of criminalizing any challenge to the narrative. It can’t have been easy for you, and it won’t be easy for your community in general.
I would love to see this expanded into a Saker above-line article.
Oh, and speaking for myself – welcome. :)
Eric, I agree with your observations. People, Jews and goyim alike often speak of ‘the Jews’ as if they are some uniform, undifferentiated, mass, but they aren’t like that just as the Zulus, or red-heads, or boring old farts are not all alike. The Zionazis pretend that all Jews are racists and supremacists like themselves, declare all criticism of Israeli barbarity to be ‘antisemitic’ bigotry, abuse fellow Jews who also criticise Israeli crimes as ‘self-hating’ and work ceaselessly to suborn, corrupt and control Western politics through their money power.
And real Judeophobes ascribe these negative characteristics of the Zionazis to all Jews, simply because they are Jews. Thus the Zionazis and the Judeophobes are both bigots, the mirror image of each other, and each feeds off the other’s hate. A true Jewish chauvinist treasures Judeophobes and the proper anger of those opposed to Israeli crimes, because they use that hatred to justify their own, innate, xenophobic hatred, in a vicious cycle. The cultivation of Judaic xenophobia, European settler colonial hatred of the indigenous who refuse to disappear so that the Herrenvolk can take their God-ordained ‘lebensraum’, and a generalised racism has produced an Israeli and Diaspora Right who are amongst the most savage racists imaginable. The social media comments of Rightwing Israeli Jews during the latest Gaza massacre were obscene in their cruelty and viciousness, particularly in relation to the child victims. That it is Jews, so recently themselves the victims of such pitiless, racist, cruelty, behaving in this manner is tragic and despicable. And the Zionazis are adept at exploiting useful idiots, like ‘Christian Zionists’ a milieu traditionally Judeophobic, but now, opportunistically, fanatically pro-Israel, but only because it advances, so they think, their maniacal dreams of Armageddon and genocidal religious war. Even worse, a catastrophe for all concerned, is the Jewish dominance of Western politics, which makes evil swine like Adelson and Saban king-makers in supposedly ‘democratic’ states, and Israel de facto global hegemon. A country above and outside International Law. And anyone who finds that power odious and dangerous, to Jew and goy alike, is banished from public life amidst a torrent of abuse. It is a truly dangerous situation, already proving catastrophic for Iraqis, Lebanese, Syrians, Libyans etc, with the Iranians plainly targeted next.
“Normal Judaism” IS Talmudism. Hate for the goym is the norm. Observant Jews curse the Christians three times a day in the central prayer of the Jewish liturgy: “The Amidah (Hebrew: תפילת העמידה, Tefilat HaAmidah, “The Standing Prayer”), also called the Shmoneh Esreh (שמנה עשרה, ” The Eighteen,” in reference to the original number of constituent blessings; there are now nineteen. The twelfth “blessing” (Birkat HaMinim) asks for the destruction of all “heretics” (notzerim, i.e. Christians) who “slander” Jews.
The 14th and 15th are:
Bo’ne Yerushalayim (“Builder of Jerusalem”) asks God to rebuild Jerusalem and to restore the Kingdom of David.
Birkat David (“Blessing of David”) Asks God to bring the descendant of King David, who will be the messiah.
“Normal Judaism” has the same objectives as Zionism!
This year they probably prayed harder, because one of their most important religious leaders said that the last prayer will be answered on September 12, 2015:
FLOR solitaria, the interesting link to a Judaic lunacy site was chilling. I did find the link to the forthcoming ‘trial’ of Pope Francis by the self-appointed ‘Sanhedrin’ tribunal of 71 Rabbis both amusing and chilling. Francis’ crime? To treat the Palestinians as human. I wonder if they’ll send a Kidon team to carry out the sentence? The takeover of Israel, the state that has taken over the West, by religious fundamentalist fanatics, every bit as mad as the Taliban, the Wahhabists or the worst Hindutva fascists, is a truly sinister and dangerous develiopment. And these lunatics are armed to the teeth with thermo-nukes.
@ Mulga M.
I hadn’t noticed what you said about the Pope, I had only looked for a short link re that news. But don’t worry about the brave New Pope, I think he can take care of himself: if he isn’t personally friends with Moe Sad, surely some of his lieutenants are. And he must finish his job first.
Speaking of World Orders, I have to say that I like this summary of the Pentagon’s latest 2015 report on the ‘War on Sovereignty’ and bringing the world to heel of the uniquely American valued, Manifest Destinied, Exceptionalist USA Hegemon. Their definition of ‘democracy’, in other words.
There’s no new news to anyone here regardless of their stripe but Paul Craig Roberts certainly has a way with words.
“Pentagon Concludes America Not Safe Unless It Conquers The World — Paul Craig Roberts”
Saker you nailed it! Congratulations on your new gig. Eyes are being open and the truth refuses to be denied any longer. Even though those who created the illusion are now trapped in the hypocrisy they have created with evil intention to oppressed the entire world. The light indeed shines through you! Blessings!
Mr. Saker,
Very fine essay.
A Tale of Two World Orders.
And one day, the world will become a family of happy sovereign respected nations. No nation will have troops stationed outside its borders. The next generations will have happy futures, with full Liberties and meaningful productive employments.
This new world will be a result of sacrifices of brave militia combined with moral lessons learned by the rest of us.
For the Democratic Republics!
Yeah, Peter!
I’m almost 80 and I hope the current hegemon curtails it’s flanks but I[‘m not hopeful that my young grandsons will not have to fight for them willing or not. Maybe the whole thing will crash before our nuclear
armageddon. I might not be alive by then.
Brilliant Saker.
Congratulations for your arrival at Unz Review, you deserves being more considered between the most read.
There’s going to be a new development bank for SCO members, too.
The ‘boys’ look tired but satisfied – things are really moving on with the BRICS.
This link outlines Putin’s moves to trade in BRICS currencies:
While not a fully complete compare/contrast essay, this comes close to filling the bill for what I’ve suggested on several occasions. At the SCO/BRICS press conference, Putin mentioned that agreements are reached by consensus, quite the opposite of the Outlaw Empire’s do as I say, not as I do method. The points he made about the EU/EC failures re: Greece were excellent. Putin also noted the incursion of ISIL into Afghanistan and how the SCO would react to that. I’m curious about his meeting with the Afghan and Pakistani PMs, which was to happen this evening in Ufa. If India and Pakistan can finally bury the hatchet provided both by Partition, then South Asia will boom. That Afghanistan also wants SCO membership is important as to gain it means its very intractable problems will finally be resolved–I see it as the two older brothers, China and Russia, schooling their three younger sibs, India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, about the great advantages of solving problems together for their mutual benefit. In that manner, the SCO will succeed where the Outlaw Empire failed miserably.
The latest news tidbit says Tunisia’s been declared a “major non-NATO ally” by Obama, which tells me Tunisia’s “Arab Spring” was certainly a CIA Color Revolution, which was deemed improbable by many at the time.
Now for the EAEU Conference in Ufa!!
@Outlaw Hystorian
India, with a GDP larger than Russia’s and 1.3Billion population and a civilization and political experience that predates the existence of Russia by millennia …..must, of course, be Russia’s younger sibling. Brilliant comment that’s not in the least bit self-centered and Self-Aggrandizingly ethno/culturo-centric in nature.
And it makes perfect sense to lump India in with tiny Afghanistan and Pakistan as fellow younger siblings. Why not lump China with Korea while you’re at it? I suppose Iran is a younger sibling too, despite the fact that they’ve shown a strategic sophistication commensurate with their civilization age, having utterly out-manuveured “the elder-brothers” of the P5+1.
The humility and lack of well-meaning ignorance is so overwhelming I’m left with a warm and fuzzy feeling.
Seriously we’re really going to want to link up with a people whose 19th Century style attitudes are almost as contemptuous as that of the leadership in the West and Kiev? LOL.
You make good points, but get a name please :-)
I was going to reveal this to you today, unfortunately/fortunately the mod beat me to to it: my main moniker is 3 Cents (although I may change that in the future).
Btw where are you from? Germany? Europe (which part) ?
What is the etymology of your user name?
If you feel comfortable please let me know.
3 Cents
“India, with a GDP larger than Russia’s and 1.3Billion population …..must, of course, be Russia’s younger sibling”
Yes, I noticed that comment too. I think many international readers have been overly-influenced by some unrepentant Anglophiles and fail to recognize that there are many Indians who’re steeped in their history and culture and know exactly what they are doing. India, to the chagrin of the West especially, is nobody’s pawn.
Thanks LarryD
Your post is spot on. It was exactly what was in my mind when I posted the above. We see repeated examples of attitudes towards India and Indians that seems right out of the BBC playbook and the hate speech that spews out of British run socialist organizations (note Outlaw Historian is not guilty hate speech and I’m not implying that, but other individuals have been on other articles). It seems we’ve all been tainted by the MSM and Anglo-Brit MSM propaganda. My attitudes towards China, Iran and other nations were shaped by the international MSM as I was growing up, I unlearned the propaganda by reading the facts about other cultures and by not applying double-standards.
The irony is that precisely the same type of patronizing nonsense is pushed by the Anglo-media against Russia: They portray Russia as some sort of unsophisticated backwater that isn’t quite “civilized” enough to be part of the “civilized” (cough-cough) West. —>That Russia is supposed to be some sort of junior partner of the West. (Despite the reality that the Russia leadership can run circles around the incompetents posing as leaders in the West – in terms of sophistication, cunning, strategic thinking and implementing responsible policies that take a longterm view).
Therefore,I find it strange when I see some Russia-supporters here turn around and do exactly the same thing (patronizing assumptions based on fiction) to India that they object to when it’s applied to Russia (based on lies fed to them from the same Anglo-MSM). They know nothing about India’s culture, history or the strategic mindset of its leadership – assuming like the West assumes about Russia and Iran- that the Indians are “junior” players. It’s bizarre and makes us wonder if our sympathies are misplaced.
Thank you for your post it was refreshing change.
Outlaw Historian,
While I am enthusiastic about the new development/lending banks, I remind you all that each unit of currency lent and each one used in trade has been first earned as a US dollar.
This is because the IMF does not operate only as a lending institution, but also operates as the controller of each nation’s central bank. According to the IMF agreement local currency creation is NOT controlled by each national govt. It can be created only by the local central bank, which is independent of the govt, and controlled by the IMF.
Local currency creation can occur only by depositing dollars (or euros) into central bank reserves. Until currency and credit creation is once again modulated by individual nations according to their needs (as before WWII), nations will not be sovereign. Further, their every economic act increases the economic power of the international bankers, the Fed, and the dollar. Starikov article
Yet again Penelope,
you pronounce it is the war of 1 against 9999 but in other comments you emphasise the Empire’s war on Russia.
It can’t be both.
Please make up your mind.
Why can’t it be both ?
FLOR solitaria must have forgot to fill out the name line, I did it for her.
Thank you, Ann.
(FLOR solitaria) on July 12, 2015 · at 1:04 am UTC said:
“Why can’t it be both ?”
Because it is a class war in Russia as it is everywhere.
The IMF & World Bank (&oligarchs&billionaires[individuals/corporations]) run the World show.
A Tale of Two World Orders is a masterpiece of exposition, following in the tradition of Augustine’s City of God, where he distinguishes the City of God from the City of Man. The lines are not drawn in religious terms in this article but in secular ones of cooperation, just law, respect and dare we say: love. Augustine argued that Rome fell not because the gods were abandoned but because men abandoned God, who was present in the early days of Rome when men were virtuous. Augustine was a Father of the Church and quite patriarchal, as in using Roman soldiers to kill Augustine’s opponents. If the Russians, Chinese etc. succeed in their project, the world will no doubt be a better and safer place. But it will still be patriarchal, now founded on interest money or usury. Augustine and the Church Fathers condemned usury so they were better positioned than we are today. Patriarchy, with its core pillars of drugs (mind manipulation), hunting and meat eating (making killings with money), pets to make people pets, one on one marriages and usury is the cancer that will destroy both cities. Only true love which is diametrically opposed to patriarchy’s core can save our species here and hereafter. Fathers like Augustine built on an insecure foundation which history confirms. In the short term, though, the SCO-BRICS et alii will have their day in the sun, and I can rejoice in that. In the long run it doesn’t look so good unless we learn to think clearly on essential, metaphysical matters.
Dennis Leary for
What’s that? Something lurking in the shadows?
Yes — Africa! Not simply South Africa but the content of Africa!
It’s huge, and it’s ready to move into the future, with enormous resources, and fed up with imperialistic exploitation. It’ll take time of course, but China is already in the area, and South Africa is a good place to start from, and it will become increasingly more central and important as the century plays out, and it comes into it’s own.
Does anyone know how and if it possible to open an account in a BRISC bank?
How to buy shares?
you might want to buy gold or silver first, then convert the holdings into a corporation or a trust, then go to the NDB ($20M/share) or try the AIIB. Good luck trying to get that amount of commodity a out of the clutches of the US government (woops, US FED) as it has to be declared and accounted for at that amount and then is potentially subject to monetization on the required revelation of intent as to the movement your propose (Frank-Dodd 2008; gold holdings).
Unz Review column: Saker, your analytical talents are an important part of the Anti-MSM buzz and political blogosphere. Thanks for the article. I hope that the “dialectical anti American reaction” accompanied by a domestic system change in the US proper develops into a final synthesis of a genuine world order of peace and prosperity. And in our days.
I literally cheered when I saw the Saker on the Unz Review. I was somewhat dismayed to see the hasbarats descend so quickly, though. One “Wizard of Oz” is actually more sophisticated than the usual idiots, amazingly adept at misdirection that I doubted my ability to counter him (plus they want to draw in the unwary to distract from the actual merits of the piece, so I didn’t take the bait, thank Godwin. “Himmler!”). Their absence is conspicuous, here, though. Your regular posse would tear them a new one, I’m quite sure. Seriously, the commenting on this site is generally more sophisticated than almost anywhere I’ve seen, some better than most of the actual authors that I read, and I read prodigiously, by American standards.
Here’s hoping that intelligent people of good will can sort this mess out…
I have noticed “The Wizard of Oz” on Unz Review.
I must warn that he is not me. When I started to write on the Saker blog, I used initially the moniker “A Wizard from Oz”, then I shortened it to WizOz, which I kept ever since (and on other blogs, as well).
It is nice to see that the Saker is getting more attention, now via the Unz Review. But I doubt the claim by Mr. Unz about the lack of censorship in the Unz Review.
The number one thing one may not say on internet news sites today is that the Talmud encourages genocide against non-Jews.
The approved narrative is good Jew vs. bad Jew. You can say that Israel commits genocide against the Palestinians. You can also say Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox rabbis pervert Judaism to justify that genocide. But if you provide chapter and verse from the Talmud that support the conclusions of the Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox rabbis, it is in the words of Jackie Gleason on The Honeymooners: “Bam, zoom, Alice, to the moon!”
I am world weary enough to believe that contributors like Pat Buchanan, Patrick Cockburn, Tom Engelhardt, Philip Giraldi, Michael Hudson, Ron Paul, Paul Craig Roberts or Mike Whitney would flee in droves if the approved narrative were challenged.
One final word: if you ever quote Mic-ael Hof-man, author of Judiism Disgovered or its condensed version Juda-sms Strange G0Ds, scramble it up a bit.
Meanwhile Europe is doing everything possible to expel Russia.
The theft of Russian assets in Europe continues in Romania. This time is not under an umbrella of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), but just because..
Lukoil set to fight Romania money-laundering case
Russian oil giant Lukoil plans to appeal accusations of money laundering after Romanian prosecutors seized 2 billion euros ($2.2 billion) worth of its assets.
The assets seized earlier this week included accounts held with Dutch and British banks and Lukoil Europe Holdings Bvatrium Holland shares in the Romanian company, the report added.
PJSC LUKOIL has strongly denied accusations of money laundering and tax evasion brought against Petrotel-LUKOIL and its employees by the Prosecution Office under the Board of Appeal of the city of Ploesti, Romania.
LUKOIL has been operating on Romania’s territory since 1998 and is one of the biggest fuel-and-energy companies on its market. LUKOIL is a prompt payer to the state budget and a supplier of quality products to the Romanian consumers.
LUKOIL intends to appeal against the Prosecution Office’s order in accordance with the established procedure and counts on impartial investigation of the incident, according to the rules and standards accepted both in Romania and in the EU.
Petrotel-LUKOIL provides approximately a thousand workplaces in the region. In the past 9 years, 540 million dollars has been invested in the upgrading of the refinery.
It is LUKOIL’s hope that any hindrances to the functioning of this backbone enterprise will be successfully avoided.
One more proof of the stupidity of Russian companies investing in the West.Will they ever learn,its extremely disheartening.The money invested in Romania (and others that are screwing them like Ukraine),could/should be invested inside Russia or at least other EEU countries,only.Investing in corrupt Western countries hoping for a profit is just plain foolish.And needs to be stopped (if need be by government degree).The companies invested there now need to terminate those investments and return to money to Russia to be invested in the home country.The criminal stupidity of investing there has cost 2+ billion so far.How much more do they need to lose before they “wise up”.
Uncle Bob 1 on July 11, 2015 · at 2:39 am UTC
“One more proof of the stupidity of Russian companies investing in the West.Will they ever learn,its extremely disheartening.The money invested in Romania (and others that are screwing them like Ukraine),could/should be invested inside Russia or at least other EEU countries,only.”
Why? for some rich/powerful Russian to become richer/more powerful?
Uncle Bob 1 on July 11, 2015 · at 2:39 am UTC:
“Investing in corrupt Western countries hoping for a profit is just plain foolish.”
Not if you’re a rich/powerful Russian hoping to become richer/more powerful.
I guess it would depend on what the nation wanted out of its resources.To waste them on a few fat-cats living like gods.Or to use them to develop the nation.Improving the lives of all the people of the nation.We know the Western choice.Its busy destroying the World as I type.But there is a lot more money in the West (even if only a few have it),they can afford to waste it.Russia can’t,they need their money for development projects at home.
Uncle Bob 1 on July 11, 2015 · at 2:39 pm UTC said:
“I guess it would depend on what the nation wanted out of its resources.To waste them on a few fat-cats living like gods.”
and wtf different is Russia doing than any other oligarch ridden hellhole?
This isn’t a national war it’s a class war.
It is absolutely essential for Russia to stay at least with one foot in Europe. For the sake of Russia – and for the sake of Europe. The European people – in contrast to their ruling elites – are well aware of the fateful choice that their nations will have to make soon:
Dying with the USA, or living with Russia?
Without steadfast, non-intrusive, brotherly support a la Putin, European nations will find it impossible to free themselves from the US-Reich’s deadly grip.
zweistein on July 11, 2015 · at 9:48 am UTC said:
“Dying with the USA, or living with Russia?”
Same difference – all controlled by IMF / World bank.
Same difference – all controlled by IMF / World bank.
IE: Yeah, it’s all hopeless, let’s just all submit and stop resisting…
They aren’t even trying to free themselves.A few marches and rallies attracting a few hundred people,isn’t classed as “trying”. Trying is mass “maidan” sized crowds in the streets.Trying, is those sized crowds marching on Parliaments and Presidential Palaces.Standing outside,and shouting over and over “resign”.Those type of things come under the heading of “trying”.What there is today is “fake outrage”.Its like when you read in the paper at breakfast about a house fire.You say to yourself “that’s sad”,as you turn the page to the next article.
The problem I have is that both alternatives always have the catch phrase “world order” included. That the US/Euro version is ugly is obvious, what bothers me though is that the Brics version may not in the end be any better. It is difficult not to suspect that the same faceless power broker/bankers will end up running either version, in fact there is anecdotal evidence that is exactly what is happening. The sheer scale of their wealth and power easily enables manipulation.
Any system that uses the term “world order” signifies by its nature central control. The very sociopathic nature of those that seek such power is almost always antithetical to the benefit of humanity, in one form or another there are always those that seek a system of kings and serfs, naturally their rightful position being seen as the former.
Regardless, we are mere spectators to the grand game.
Chunkton, I agree w you. Surely only decentralized decision-making can hope to limit potential tyranny. I believe an important feature for a Decentralized World Order is that each nation must have economic sovereignty as well as political. That is, we must do away with our national central banks being run by the IMF rather than by our individual govts. Please look above at my post in answer to Outlaw Historian at 10:22 pm 7/10. I give a link there, too. Thank you for not being swept away on a wave of faith in a new power structure. I too prefer that we set up the legal and economic structures which are likely to increase our freedoms.
The problem I have is that both alternatives always have the catch phrase “world order”…Any system that uses the term “world order” signifies by its nature central control.
No it’s not. This is rubbish. “World order” is simply a neutral phrase. It doesn’t imply that zionists or other fascists need to be in control, it simply says there is some sort of order, rather than chaos, or disorder. I know that chaos is now the zionist goal for much of the planet not under their direct or indirect control, perhaps that’s where your problem lies with this term? It’s not your world order.
вот так on July 11, 2015 · at 5:01 am UTC said:
“World order” is simply a neutral phrase. It doesn’t imply that zionists or other fascists need to be in control, it simply says there is some sort of order, rather than chaos, or disorder.”
Rubbish, power (and money) will always breed the psycho oligarch parasite class – whether it be the USSR / USSA.
The order of the BRICS would be based in the same psycho Capitalism as the USSA – no f**King difference.
The order of the BRICS would be based in the same psycho Capitalism as the USSA – no f**King difference.
Just because you wish it so, doesn’t make it so, anon/chunkton. I don’t see the members of BRICS going about attacking/coup’ing every country that wishes independence of BRICS, perhaps you have some “special” vison apparatus that allows you to see what others can not?
In my opinion, your lumping BRICS with the ZPC/NWO is simply a cheesy attempt to discredit BRICS so people will be less inclined to support the ZPC/NWO’s rival. A common tactic I’ve seen over the years.
вот так on July 11, 2015 · at 6:02 pm UTC said:
“Just because you wish it so, doesn’t make it so”
fortunately i’m not a psycho oligarch – that means I don’t wish it to be so.
The whole world is under control of IMF/World Bank.
Russian/Chinese wealth disparity is greater than all other “Western” countries. There is no particular “goodness” that can be identified i “the Brics” cf “the West”. The relative blocs are used by the elites in whatever fashion is desired to create perceived conflict, result: stupendous MIC profit and mind control of the masses to enable theit psycho games.
This is not the Emire’s war on Russia.
Russian/Chinese wealth disparity is greater than all other “Western” countries.
Really? Let’s look at the actual facts, shall we.
10 Countries With The Worst Income Inequality: OECD
Of all the effects of the economic crisis, perhaps one of the least visible, but most consequential has been the rising rate of income inequality around the world.
A recent report, released by the Paris-based Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and entitled “Society at a Glance 2011 – OECD Social Indicators,” shows exactly where the gap between rich and poor has grown widest.
Based on a measurement known as the Gini coefficient, which rates countries from 0 to 1, where zero indicates perfect equality and one indicates all wealth goes to a single individual, the report finds growing rates of income inequality everywhere from Oceania to Scandinavia. Between the mid-1980s and late 2000s, the average Gini coefficient for OECD countries rose annually by an average of 0.3 percent, and now sits at 0.31.
High rates of income inequality might be unsurprising in developing countries such as Portugal and Mexico. But countries with historically low levels of income inequality have experienced significant increases over the past decade, too, including Denmark, Sweden and Germany, the OECD recently reported.
Below are the nations with the worst income inequality according to the OECD.
The list referred to is as follows:
1. Chile
2. Mexico
3. Turkey
4. United States
5. Israel
6. Portugal
7. United Kingdom
8. Italy
9. Australia
10. New Zealand
Funny, but I don’t see Russia or China listed there. That makes you a liar, anonymous, and just another spambot.
No Bot Tak
Actually you’re wrong. Go look it up; this time use the actual stats (from the World Bank, ODCI, or Quandl) not the cr*p massaged by the Huffington Post.
And yes, lets look at the facts:
The GINI index for the United States is virtually the same as Russia and China at around 40
The GINI index for Brazil is terrible at 52 (higher the number the greater the inequality). Anyone living in Latin America knows how terrible the legacy of Catholic Colonial Feudalism has been for that continent (as well as the malfeasance of Henry Kissinger’s Operation Condor which supported a Fascist-neo-feudal economic model). (look at Chile, Mexico and Argentina). Only Venezuela comes in below 40 at 39 (almost the same at the USA).
The GINI index for South Africa is the worst at 65: A legacy of Apartheid, Colonialism and the African penchant to tolerate (or even celebrate) corruption and in-your-face theft by their elites or leader (if they happen to belong to your tribe): All Sub-Saharan African countries (except Tanzania and Burundi*****) come in with Gini Indexes higher than the OECD Western countries.
*****The exception are:
-Tanzania (whose GINI is only 37 thanks to the legacy of a decent man called Julius Nyerere)
-and Burundi (GINI=33)
Out of the BRICS only India’s GINI index is low at 33.
BRICS Countries Gini Table
B(razil):———–>52 trending down
R(ussia):———>40-41 trending up ****
I(india):———–>33 trending flat
C(hina):———–>40-41 trending flat
S(outh Africa)—>65! trending down since 2005
**** Since Medvedev became President GINI trend took a sharp upward direction; continued up under Putin only until recently: upward trend slowing (thanks to the Oilgarch’s money being confiscated/stolen by the IMF in Cyprus “bail-in” and thanks to “on-book” capital losses due to the recent sanctions/crisis).
United States:—–>40-41 Trending up **
Rump-Britain——>42 Trending up ***
Germany———–>31(!) Trending flat
Canada————->31 Trending flat
France————–>30 Trending flat
**Since the “Liberal” “Social-Justice” “pro-Workers” Clintons Destroyed the Banking Regulation Glass-Steagall Act.
***Since the Hag Thatcher flew in on her broomstick and cratered Rump-Britain’s industries and mining capacity.
So much for your fantasy. The reality is: Out of the BRICS only India seems to have a flat income distribution (even that’s not great compared to Iceland).
All other members either have much greater income inequality than the United States or are about the same.
Most of the time you post as Anonymous or 3 Cents, but also often as While Do Loop. You also post less frequently under these names: For Loop, While(TRUE) do {}, San Fenqian, Grey Kraken, My Take, Lowquetus, That’s What!, While TRUE do {forever}, 4 Cents, Oh Really?, Govern-thy-Passions, Bhindranwale-on-a-block-of-ice, Branch-on-not-Equal-BNE, Mirror, 2 Cents, The-Bitter-Failed-Ideology-of RS, Power or Powers, 2Bit3, 4Bit5, 8Bit9, For Ever Loop, ConsistencyPlease, JNZ Jump Result Not Zero, ConsistencyPlease, My 2 Cents, YouGotTakenFor-a-Ride, All-Exceptionalism-is-hypocrisy, Tunnellingthru, Debombast, Whoop Dee Doo, The Stinkin’ BBC, Wait a minute!, Balance Swing, Seesaw, Sawsee, Think don’t just shoot from the hip, Whining is not constructive, Test new blog & Observer. That’s quite an internet army you’ve cloned from yourself. Is there any particular reason for this multi-personality approach to discussions?
I’m “Anonymous” on July 11, 2015 · at 8:49 am UTC – none of those mentioned in colour blue above and not “While-do-Loop” on July 14, 2015 · at 4:47 am UTC.
I can understand why you may want to “out” While-do-Loop in the post above. That post made it through your screening while mine (which made the same point only not so eloquently) did not.
The truth may hurt but, if I understand “While-do-Loop”, it’s better to persist with posting attempts (even multi-personality) with aim to remove the prejudiced blinkers from the eyes of those bedazzled by a saviour who does not actually exist than to ignore the truth.
I expect this post will also be censored – at least you (whoever the review mod is) will, perhaps, better understand the multi-personality schema – I hope I have been able to represent “While-do-Loop” adequately in case that person should not revisit this thread.
@Anonymous 8:49 UTC
Actually you did capture the essense of one of the reasons I’ve done this in the past: to get past the filter in another users mind ( as I mentioned below in my response to the mod below).
Best regards to you. Please don’t feel discouraged, this is a great site and the mods have a tough job, just keep trying to get your point across.
Agree with all you say “3 Cents – While do loop – Anonymous” (& same to you).
PS: i’m a hobby programer only: by age missed the oop bandwagon but getting back on board with some lua metatables – good way to unlearn procedural programing ;-)
Why does that cause you concern? How have I broken any rules? I post under those different names based on the mood of the comments, my own whim, the subject matter at hand etc. the genre of the topic, sometimes out of omission (Where I typed the response and forgot to fill out the ID field) or laziness (didn’t care to fill out the ID field) There isn’t any “conspiracy” behind it (Internet Army! LOL!). I have revealed my multiple monikers in other posting (please check) so this is not a revelation here. :-)
Under the rules set here it’s my right and I enjoy the creative effort involved in coming up with new names: BTW you missed a few: “mirror” (posting a mini article on the effect of the ukraine conflict on the Russian MIC) and “observer” (feedback to saker on how not be troll bait quote: “did I mention you wear your heart on your sleeve”) and quite a few others.
On a rare occasion I did it to expose people’s ethnic/cultural biases (where I’ll post exactly the same thing as under my main moniker: 3-Cents (where I’ve mentioned my ethnicity and cultural background) and then under an unknown moniker (where I have not): the response can be quite different. Sometimes i do it just for the heck of it.
According to the rules of this site I can remain anonymous to the other users/posters if I wish to. If someone demands my ID (because I posted under anonymous, I shouldn’t have to reveal it, it should be my choice). The truth is I can achieve this thru proxies and VPNs (as I’ve done many times), so whats the point making me take that route? Isn’t it better that the site admins get to know my IP (where i avoid the VPN route, TOR/Onion, etc.) and respect my comment privacy with other users? Oh BTW, I’m currently at a different location so my IP is different (however if you’re using other means to track anonymous users and assign IDs (like tracking cookies, session Ids, etc), you’ll find that it is indeed me 3 Cents).
There’s nothing sinister to what I’m doing. Just communicating in my own way.
Apologies While Do Loop,
“Anonymous” on July 14, 2015 · at 4:54 pm UTC here – it seems I misrepresented you :-(
No need to apologize see my above response to your 4:54 posting.
From some of those names he sounds like a Pascal programmer with some inline assembler — what can you expect from a Pascal programmer? Everything in Pascal is backwards.
Wrong Blue. You presume too much (a habit?)
Try C++, C, Objective C, Machine-Code/Assembler, and a few others; but that is not my main profession.
Nope no ADA nor Pascal.
Looks like you got it backward.
Real programmers code in COBOL and Fortran, and a little REFAL. (grin)
C is just for when assembler programmers get lazy.
As for wealth inequality, it’s a nice pointer to the deeper problem, which is not a few people having a lot, per se, but other people having so little — although the few with a lot generally cause others having so little with their glomming onto wealth through exploitation, and use their wealth for evil purposes, such as buying politicians and the media.. Wealth is weaponized and converted to power.
Perhaps it’s a subtle distinction, but I think it’s important, and one of the related issues is that of what ‘ownership’ means — it’s just a legal concept, with laws determined by those in power, and sometime ownership does (or did) not mean you can do anythnig you want with the stuff (cf citizens’ united ruling, or even zoning laws). This idea that someone can ‘own’ what has always been the commons is strange and ominous — being able to afford it is almost peripheral to the idea that it’s possible.
Problem with statistics is it takes a lot of time and effort to see how they are put together, and can be very misleading.
I think you are correct.
There is no evidence to suggest that this grouping will be any better.
I beg to differ. The evidence is in the language being used by the participants. I have noticed that the Greek negotiaters have also taken on this language, which is to refer to those propagandizing against them as ‘our partners’. We saw Putin doing this during the beginnings of the Ukraine crisis. The larger BRICS organization does this, genuinely, I believe – though with some undertone of sarcasm, as the ‘partners’ are behaving like bad boys in a school yard and worse for now. But I do think the realistic assessment is that those other entities, the EU and the US bunch must eventually grow up and become accustomed to sharing responsibility for the benefit of the planet.
The reality is that bigger isn’t better but only creates huge problems for everyone. There need to be clusters of nations in the manner of the BRICS – not a huge hegemony beset with war issues that ruin economies and lay waste to our only home as human beings. The prospects of energy supplied by our natural sources rather than one or another oilglutted tyranny are real and becoming actual, not just a fairytale. This will change our world in real and positive ways, and the old power centers will dissolve. They will have to adapt, as Greece is now calling on the EU to adapt, and they will have to change into something like the BRICS arrangement, or they will also dissolve.
Jiri-are you still hook-up on Czech MSM ???????????
What is needed is balance between order and chaos (although I prefer referring to what the empire does as destruction — not even creative destruction — to chaos, within the NWO context).
Chaos: disorder, freedom, free will, diversity, randomness, uncertainty.
Order: control, uniformity; sensible, absolute, predictability.
Complete order or complete chaos is meaningless, with no zero variability, information, or intelligence. Both are uniform, either entropic death or utter stagnation, and either one is contextual (and in regard to locality or scale, with no granularity) from an informational point of view.
Both are amorphous
1. lacking a definite shape; formless
2. of no recognizable character or type
Consider ‘entropic death’ where all elements, regards of scale, are seen in a region just as in all other regions with not region distinguishable from any other. Is the Borg Collective perfect order or perfect entropic chaos? Hard to say — you could argue for either, with no variation, or internal interaction at all.
The question, then, is what is the best way to moderate both principles to maximize meaning and human values, and ‘growth’ or vitality? (Even growth is not an absolute value — consider cancer…)
The Elvish rings were useful, powerful, and valuable, but not the One Ring to rule them all. Cooperation, laws, trade, and interchange among people and cultures is good, and depends on a degree of order, but this in imperialistic totalitarianism. Moderation is all things, said St. Paul, and he had a decent idea in that.
Order doesn’t imply centralized control, rather the opposite. Order implies a system whose constituent parts act according to the laws of the system.
Once again, the rulers have stolen good words and bent them to their own purpose. They suggest that chaos will result without centralized governance. But actually, it’s only when some parts of the system break the system laws that disorder results. And notably, striving for centralized dominance is a powerful way of breaking the system laws.
And all that this new, multi-polar world forming wants is to have all the parts of the world obey the laws that currently exist. Feels refreshingly benign to me.
You just simply had to address all of us in every few days Saker Brother because we are in vast majority here because of listening what You have to say .
It is simply as that ..
All those sit-reps and guests are good but do not forget why we are all
here .
To see what You think ,
I am tired of praising You but remember it is You that matter after
Fuck You becoming a independent journalist star .(You know what I mean)
You are first and always our brother .
This phenomenal article should be for our community to read first then to all others ..
Me for instance every few hours clicking on this brotherly blog to see what you think and finding that I had to be thankful to god if I find Your precious comment once in a week ..
I am maybe too harsh because I am listening Pantera while typing this and because all of this Srebrenica thing going on.
Pentagon Concludes America Not Safe Unless It Conquers The Worl
The Pentagon has released its “National Military Strategy of the United States of America 2015,” June 2015.
This report tells us that war with Russia is our future unless Russia agrees to become a vassal state like every country in Europe, and Canada, Australia, Ukraine, and Japan.
Otherwise, the neoconservatives have decided that it is impossible for Americans to tolerate living with a country that makes decisions independently of Washington.
I sure hope you are right in your predictions here, Saker! The fate of the world and civilization as we know it (Eastern and Western) depends on it. I’d hate to lose the many good points of western democracy that we have, but I’d also like to gain the good points of the eastern like stability, good monarchy etc.
Interesting analysis.
But will the BRICS/SCO grouping be any better than the US/EU grouping as far as the rest of the world is concerned?
Given that the economic and industrial structures in both the camps are based on the same fundamental principles it stands to reason that the BRICS/SCO grouping will behave in much the same way as the US/EU grouping as and when they get the upper hand.
It may be well and good if you are in one of the camps and your side “wins”.
But for the rest of us it will be business as usual but with a different face.
But will the BRICS/SCO grouping be any better than the US/EU grouping as far as the rest of the world is concerned?
It may be well and good if you are in one of the camps and your side “wins”.
But for the rest of us it will be business as usual but with a different face.
“jiri” provides no evidence of its claims here. None at all. This is a standard disenfranchise line of the phony leftists who sow doubt on opponents of the ZPC/NWO by claiming they are the same thing. The purpose of this sort of manipulation (very much favoured by zionist fake leftists, BTW) is to depress people into non-action and apathy. The two staples of zionist cooptation. The whole “they all all the same, let’s just sit commiserate – and do nothing to oppose the status quo” is the standard zionist/fascist cooptation strategy against the left. It’s nothing but psychological warfare by the ZPC/NWO against the people to keep them occupied with useless “busy work” and following no win strategies.
Well, what is the evidence that the BRICS are any different?
The fundamental principles of the BRICS economic system are the same as that of the other side.
Given that the fundamentals are the same it stands to reason that the BRICS would behave in the same manner when they end up in a similar situation that the US is in today.
I would be very interested to hear of any evidence that they wouldn’t.
No one here argues, that the BRICS will bring heaven-on-earth.
But many of us are aware that the current mutation of the Empire (Nazis + Zionists + Banking Cartel) has proven to be psychopathic to the 666th degree.
And we all know what that means: Global genocide expected, extinction of all life on earth pre-planned.
Therefore: All power to the BRICS.
zweistein, the evil elites only plan a genocide of 90% or so of humanity. I doubt that they will kill themselves or the required number of servants off, but as more mass murder of the ‘useless eaters”- it’s in progress right before our eyes. Just ask the Congolese, Syrians, Iraqis, Yemenis etc.
“Given that the fundamentals are the same it stands to reason that the BRICS would behave in the same manner when they end up in a similar situation that the US is in today.”
The point is that the current BRICS, and its successor(s) BRICS+, won’t get to that “similar situation”. Never again will a single nation’s printing press control the world’s liquidity. So long as that remains true, the BRICS will be a very different structure based on “currency swap” agreements for trade and finance.
Well, what is the evidence that the BRICS are any different? The fundamental principles of the BRICS economic system are the same as that of the other side.
No they are not. For one thing, BRICS are not a monolith, like the ZPC/NWO are. The individual countries are not forced by a “higher” power configuration into a compliant mould. The individual countries make their own decisions and these are respected by the others. Another example: which members of BRICS turned the Mideast and much of northern Africa into chaos by attacking many of the countries there?
Given that the fundamentals are the same it stands to reason that the BRICS would behave in the same manner when they end up in a similar situation that the US is in today.
As it’s not a “given”, no it’s not. That is only your wishful thinking based upon what you wish to be. You have provided no evidence for this and have pretended to not see the large amount of evidence to the contrary.
I would be very interested to hear of any evidence that they wouldn’t.
I seriously doubt you would pay any attention to the evidence as it wouldn’t fit in with your theme. That evidence is in the news we see daily. it’s in the writings we see on sites like this one. You see that evidence every day, yet ignore it and rattle on with your “program” irregardless.
BOT TAK, You said, “BRICS are not a monolith, like the ZPC/NWO are. The individual countries are not forced by a “higher” power configuration into a compliant mould.”
This will certainly be a welcome political outcome. However, if the IMF survives, it will not be true in the most essential economic outcome: money/credit instrument creation.
Also the WTO forces countries into one mould in a lot of areas.
We have thus far heard no indication that these are to be dismantled– only that these instruments of tyrannical governance are to be made multipolar at the top.
Those of us who are making skeptical comments are not doing so to destroy. Possibly you aren’t yet aware of the tyrannical nature of these institutions and so you see our doubting comments as attacks.
We simply see that other things need to be done besides rejecting the ideology of politicial unipolarism or imperialism. We simply see that that alone while leaving the IMF & WTO structures of tyranny in place will result in the return of full-scale tyranny.
We want what you want: National sovereignty and individual freedom.
There seems to be evidence that the BRICS WILL be different.
Free-floating negativity is often a defensive mechanism.
But it is also real downer and bummer and setup for the ultimate “see I told you so” (people who like to be right and cleverer than others, so they were not “fooled”).
Seems like the “evidence” that the BRICS will be “the same” comes largely from looking at their adversaries as models. That is the meaning of “the same.”
So, that seems kind of stupidly circular.
In a logical sense.
We just don’t yet know enough details. At least, I don’t think we do. And we cannot predict the future. It is a dialectical stituation. Developments will be influenced by factors and forces outside the new system. So these dire predictions seem somewhat childish and primitive.
I think the best stance is to be supportive in any possible way of the stated goals and ideals of the “new New World Order”—keep watching and doing so very vocally and expressing that it must be a fair world order and the world is watching with bated breath, so to speak, and will hold these leaders to high standards, regardless of what countries we watchers are citizens of—regardless of the role of our own leaders and stupundits in fighting and debunking the new fair world order.
Jiri- are you believe/trust Czech MSM ????? check
Jiri, the current policies of banks & IMF in its capacity as a lender are predatory– ala Greece’s experience. I’ll mention just three ways in which this is accomplished, which won’t be the case w the new development bans:
1. Loans are made irresponsibly by banks because if unpaid they will be rescued by having IMF take them over.
2. Currently neither bank nor IMF acknowledge that they are responsible for making poor loans & the risk is theirs. That’s what interest is for– to compensate for taking risks. They cannot also have a guarantee against loss, unless collateral was agreed upon in advance.
3. IMF has the power to enforce ruinous “conditionalities” (actually near-guarantees that the loans will fail)
Your question is a good one. I hope you’ll continue to exercise critical evaluations or skepticism or whatever. I think it’s really valuable to avoid being Pollyanna.
Thank you for your patience and considered responses with other posters on this thread. I am referring her to your attitude here with ‘Chunkton’ and ‘Jiri’.
I find Jiri’s post on July 11, 2015 at 4:02 am UTC to be a perfectly valid concern with his query:
‘But will the BRICS/SCO grouping be any better than the US/EU grouping as far as the rest of the world is concerned?’
…and that of Chunkton on July 11, 2015 at 2:04 am UTC With again a valid point on what the term ‘World Order’ represents to him.
I empathise with both inputs.
I understand that all information on the Internet logically can be made up, faked, doctored, fake sources leading to fake sources etc, no matter how impressive the website or convincing the narrative to a ‘desperately-waking western zombie’ like myself. Unless you were personally there at XYZ event, how do you know it is true? It is a maze.
I have had my brains well and truly fried on many occasions over the past 30 years, as my Western-designed, pre-fabricated reality has been reconstructed, whilst having children and running a business to contend with.
Everyone who is seeking the truth follows their own path in their own way and is exposed to different information that they have to process in this quest. Mine began in earnest after I bizarrely met David Icke at a ‘Cornference’ in Salisbury (Whilst studying the Crop Circle Phenomenon in the UK). Although I am not ready to embrace Reptilian invasions, he had already pooled masses of NWO information in his early books that saved me having to do it. I moved from researching books and newspapers to the internet in the late 1990’s and was disgusted at the UK’s behaviour in Kosovo.
Researching the truth in that led me to a guy called Venik, with a Russian point of view @ and very specific information.
That led me to the now-defunct ‘ website’ which was a fantastic pool of 100’s of alternative sites with information from right through the Iraq war to the beginning of the Ukraine coup…and again some insight into Russian thinking. They originally had daily Russian Intelligence reports right up until the Russians left Iraq. They also covered Paul Craig Roberts, Zero Hedge and Immam Hussain etc, eventually the SAKER yaay! Lol
I have really revelled in the Sitreps, Interviews, here and all of Sakers input, sense of community, the great quality of poster comments, great links to other sources and efficient Moderator system. The insight into Orthodox Christianity, Russia and the creation of BRICS etc has been invaluable.
To the point my somewhat shaggy dog story has been building to: I love what I have been exposed to here with the pursuit of truth and Saker Community’s passion for justice and it’s positive attitude, including this article. It all sounds great.
Bearing in mind you become wary of particular names and organisations as they represent the current world oppression I offer my latest brain-fry to the community:
In following a recent link in a comments section I came across these:
The titles speak for themselves. He has other articles of the same ilk.
There is however an upside solution offered:
For an explanation of the current financial system I offer up this series:
The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind (Documentary) – Hidden Secrets of Money 4 | Mike Maloney:
Anybody please feel free to debunk the above.
I am happy for you that you appear very secure in your world outlook. I am not as lucky and am still searching. I respect other people for questioning and doubting things. I am glad they have. Is this not natural? Who knows what people have been exposed to before they check in here? It is a shame if you don’t like how I have written this, or that the above links fly in the face of the narrative but hey ho! I am not a web sayanim, troll or trying ‘to depress people into non-action and apathy’ and sorry I can’t provide a link for everything I have written. Its my expression. I am the link! ;.)
Love your comment Susie (also agree that some of what Icke has to say is good and some not).
Anybody please feel free to debunk the above.”
It’s filled with fallacies, from banks accepting deposits first to then lend them, to inflation being caused by expansion of money supply — and I listened to only about 30 seconds of it.
Get thee to MMT sites, Michael Hudson, neweconomicperspectives, Bill Mitchell, Randy Wary, Stephany Kelton, Warren Mosler, etc., etc.
@ Blue
Thanks for the names. I will take a look.
It is a shame if you don’t like how I have written this
By this, are you saying that Jiri and Susie are the same commenter? if so, why use 2 different nicks?
or that the above links fly in the face of the narrative
Or in the face of reality? :D I looked at the first redefining good link (the-rockefeller-plan-for-the-brics-new-world-order-in-their-own-words). Not very credible stuff. For example, at the end the author (you?) claimed Putin and Kissinger “were old friends”. The evidence he provided? An article from the NYT. :D I didn’t bother with your other links. Here’s a video you might find useful:
Would you believe this?
@ Bot Tak
Lol! Funny man!That was about what I expected from you Bot Tak.
I quote the hypocrisy you aimed at Jiri with:
‘I seriously doubt you would pay any attention to the evidence as it wouldn’t fit in with your theme. That evidence is in the news we see daily. it’s in the writings we see on sites like this one. You see that evidence every day, yet ignore it and rattle on with your “program” irregardless.’
Mirror mirror….
There have been people trying to warn about BRICS on this site and others eg.various players moving into positions within the ‘New structures’ from the Current.
You were dismissive of the other links and ‘didn’t bother with them’ . How is that for evidence not fitting themes and program rattling?
You tried to imply I am Jiri which I am not and I am the Author of the website (which I am not) cleverly followed with a question mark. The sort of side steps you would associate with trolling ironically….
I just asked people for their help in debunking stuff I found shocking as it does ‘ fly in the face of the narrative in this article and website’
But many thanks for your input. It was educational :D Time will tell…
I also don’t take Alex Jones or David Duke or Alan Dershowitz seriously, which I’m sure will stress you no end, as well. ;D
You ignore what others say that doesn’t support your propaganda line. Then create “strawmen” to use to smear your debunkers and misrepresent what they write. Your total lack of honesty in your replies gives your game away. You are not interested in honest dialog, but in spamming a specific negative POV and helping those spamming the same. An obvious “team effort”. All you’ve shown here is that you are simply practicing the websayan tactic of “gang banging”. This where various members of the “team” will post support for each other and attack detractors and doubters.
This further confirms my suspicion that all this “BRICS is the same evil as the NWO” crap is an organised campaign to smeer BRICS, much like the “Putin is coopted/weak/stupid” scripted nonsense repeatedly spammed here, and is pretty much being done by the same pro-zionist crew who promoted the je suis charlie scam that was spammed all around the web.
Trolling is not allowed here.
Susie, I’ll take a look at your links, thanks. I think you are as excited as I am in the growth of your knowledge and worldview.
This site and its interaction w others & their recommended links, as well as the Saker’s analytic articles & guest articles– all of these have been food for growth.
We all come to where we are by different paths and it’s part of what makes other people fascinating. From crop circles to Saker– wow!
That remains to be seen.
However, I am sceptical since the leadership of the New bank and the AIIF have been chosen from the current crop of people who are running the World bank, IMF and ADB. Plus they have also indicated that they will work to the high standards of the World bank, IMF and ADB.
Maybe it is a ruse and they will really be different. But I do not see any indication that it will be different.
There could be an advantage in using currency swaps (or other innovations) instead of going via the US dollar. But then this will only be successful if active attempts are made to even out balance of trade between countries. I have not seen anything on how this will be done.
Replacing the US dollar with Chinese RMB can hardly be an achievement worth crowing about.
“There could be an advantage in using currency swaps (or other innovations) instead of going via the US dollar. But then this will only be successful if active attempts are made to even out balance of trade between countries. I have not seen anything on how this will be done.”
See my response to your earlier post @July 11, 2015·at 8:42 am UTC.
As for balancing trade, you may have heard of China’s Gold Fund. Lots of info on this out there. Here’s one: “According to Xinhua, the official Chinese news agency, the project will facilitate the central banks of member states to acquire gold for their reserves more easily. This may explain the broad support which the project has received in the area.”
60 Central Banks have signed up to a fund that will invest in the whole gold supply chain – from exploration to mining to refining so they can acquire it “more easily”. Unless they’re going into the jewelery business, this is “how (balancing trade) will be done”. Gold will back the swap, not the currencies.
Erebus, thanks for the info about the gold fund & evident plans for everyone to invest in some as part of their reserves to square up trade imbalances. Sounds good. Not much different than now, but one part of the current system which should be continued & facilitated– and of course, made more honest as to gold price.
IMHO, very, very different than now.
I am not aware of any trade balances being settled using gold except in the oblique way we discussed on another thread. Trade balances are settled using sovereign debt. Even the Greeks, despite the noise about it, aren’t being forced to put up their gold.
Perhaps you’d care to elaborate? If you could provide some documented detail, I would more than a little interested.
Erebus, Thankyou for the info. I am aware of how well gold worked for occasional squaring of trade deficits in the pre-WWII days, and I actually thought the custom was sometimes still preserved, within the Fed’s vaults.
Thanks to you I find I am mistaken. One of my many gaps in economics. Wikipedia says trade deficits are now settled through payments from central bank reserves. But I guess current account deficits may be handled w loans.
Thanks again.
@ Jiri,
Please refer to the links I posted below in a comment to Penelope for a view that it is actually the Rockerfellers and Soros amongst others behind BRICS.
So in the long run..probably not good for us as it is allegedly the same players behind the current World Order.
Are they “behind BRICS”, or are they simply positioning themselves to profit from the new alignments?
I assume you mean to suggest that control is already in their clammy hands.
I doubt it.
Are they positioning themselves for profit? You bet!
Are they trying to influence the emerging structures for future manipulation? You bet!
However, if they can be kept at bay, the structures will prevent any one elite gaining Lord-high preeminence over all the others. I think that’s the best we can hope for, and that’s what this is all about.
@ Erebus
Are they “behind BRICS”,
Yes! Is what the author would have us believe. Please follow the links I posted to Penelope at 9.43 on July 11th 2015.
From about 2/3 of the way down the ‘Rockerfeller plan’ link where it says:
‘>>>Why China? Why would the Illuminati, whose home base is in Western Europe, have the Chinese front the public face of their New World Order?’
…It references a book titled ‘Prospect for America -The Rockefeller Panel Reports’…It was the product of a 1956 Rockefeller Brothers Fund effort known as the ‘Special Studies Project’, and it lays out the blueprint for the multilateral / multipolar New World Order that is currently materializing around us.
The second link ‘George Soros’ includes a video from a George Soros interview – 1 of 2 – Oct. 23, 2009 – World Economy- Financial Times, a year after the first G20 summit, where:
‘Starting at the 9:26 mark of this video and continuing on into the second part, George Soros tells us why the globalists used China to bring in the NWO…’
But again I would recommend reading it all.
His ‘Globalist Agenda Watches’ on Greece are quite interesting too…
And we are supposed to believe that VVP doesn’t know who is behind this scheme (if there is one) ?
Ok Susie, I went to the sites. I can’t stream videos but I read the words.
Alas, the words are mostly the author’s and the quotes from the book are frustratingly light on the ground. Thankfully, he avoids talk of reptilians, illuminati, evil elites, etc etc. Still, he’s heavy on insinuation and induction, and light on analysis.
For me, the whole idea of “Control” is fantastic. There is no need of it. It explains nothing, and masks what I think is the reality, which is better described with words like “guidance”, “influence”, “steering”.
I start with Nietzsche’s insight into how the world works. From the most primitive virus to homo sapiens, to organized states: “The World is the Will to Power, and Nothing Besides! And you yourself are the Will to Power, and Nothing Besides!”. Martin Heidegger didn’t call Nietzsche “The last great metaphysician of the West” for nothing.
Now, in the case of the Rockefeller Panel… imagine yourself having immense wealth. The kind of wealth that would allow you to fund the “best and brightest” from around the world to think (for 5 yrs!) of solutions to the issues that made the 20th century so horribly bloody.
– would you bother, or would you just enjoy the fraction you could spend in one lifetime, or give it away to charity, knowing it would be largely wasted and/or stolen?
– would you care about how bloody it got, knowing you and yours were pretty safe?
Now, add to that the sudden terrifying possibility of nuclear Armageddon. Unthinkable a few decades earlier, in the blink of an eye the Will to Power created its even more powerful Nemesis. Your life, wealth and privilege are suddenly on the line with everyone else’s. Knowing that the Will to Power drives everything from a mother’s love to massacres, and you are in a position to do something, what do you do?
In the suddenly terrifying new world of nuclear armageddon, and carrying the baggage of your immense wealth and intimate knowledge of how power works in the world and how it created all the horror & blood, would you try to find a way to lock up that power in socio-political structures that render it as impotent as possible? Remember, between you and the “red button” are 100,000s of other (lesser) Wills to Power in action, and millions (billions!) of others driving them.
I would. If I had immense wealth and privilege, would I try to preserve that while I worked my program? Of course I would. To expect different is to expect everyone to become Buddha (not Buddhist). In any case, that too would mean the end of homo sapiens after 1 generation.
What I find both surprising and of great relief is that the Rockefeller panels concluded that multipolarity is the answer. At the dawn of the American Empire, they saw its dangers and looked past it to a world where America was a nation like all others. 50 years later, we’re getting there. Would we be here without Rockefeller’s Panels (and others like them)? I kinda doubt it, frankly.
This is a comment, and not a post, so I hope you can fill in the missing parts of it yourself.
@ Erebus
Many, many thanks for reading the links and spending time on this answer. Soros and the Rockerfellers have come up a lot for me in the past and recently, as names to be wary of, so to come across a site that reasonably linked (in my mind as I am not as well-read as many of the regular posters here) the creation of BRICS to them, was worrying.
Thank you for putting it in a brighter context for me. The author did make it clear the articles were ‘just his opinions and observations’.
When I’ve talked about Russia I have sometime gotten an answer, from capitalist and neoliberals, that Russia and US are the same — both imperialists and trying to take over everything, and like that. But it’s not true; all countries and cultures are not the same. I see these statements as largely an attempt to not think about it, not have to argue facts, and dismiss it all, or even sometimes just cheap propaganda and logical fallacy of the ‘everybody does it’ variety.
The structures between BRICS, Russia, etc. and the US EU empire are quite different, from constititutions and application thereof of nations, to the rules and structures of finance and banking, as well as adherence to laws and treaties, to the cultural values themselves.
Even the US argues that Russia is very different from the itself, although it lies about how and projects it own faults on everyone else.
jiri, Take a look at this, which agrees w you in that it’s necessary to change the STRUCTURES if you expect a different outcome:
It is mostly unbecoming to boast about yourself. But how many people are able to repress the sense of satisfaction that accompanies the words: I told you!
It was the year 1999. Nobody was talking too much about a grouping of Central Asian “stanes”, corralled by Russia and China, which met in Bishkek (where was that, sorry?). Well I knew (I went to school in a time when Geography and History were matters of serious study). I wrote to my friends in Romania who were sick from impatience to be embraced by NATO and EU. I pointed to them what happened in Bishkek. They naturally laughed, Russia and China would never mend their differences! I countered pointing out that if India would join the grouping, they would form a formidable bloc which would keep NATO, EU, USA at bay. They laughed again: never!
Moral: never say never. I had the last laugh.
“In peace there’s nothing so becomes a man
as modest stillness and humility”
Yes, we’re at war now, all kinds of war, including propaganda, but just wait until the bombs are falling and it’s a war with ammunition.
I had no idea Prompt Global Strike was a thing.
Im pretty sure most of the world does either.
Thats bloody scary shit.
Great post –
He also cited the example of the United States, which also demonstrates an economic slowdown. “It’s debt level exceeds its GDP – the GDP is $17.8 trillion, and the debt is already $18.2 trillion. This is a serious problem not only for the US but for the world economy,” President Putin said.
Read more here:
Time is on our side – enjoy the weekend.
Being ‘crimethink’ aware these days is highly recommended. ;)
Dear The Saker,
Congratulations on your column in Unz Review. Your first article hopefully will get a wider audience and more people will wake up to the great shift taking place.
The utter irony of the A/Z’s is that they were so busy distracting their populations with the fake Grexit (note they have accepted exactly what was offered despite the referendum) that the very important BRICS and SCO were ignored in favour of “Putin says he will do yoga” or “India will damage all the other BRICS with trade” etc. all negative or rubbish stories. Again distracting from the vip matters that are taking place.
The dying A/Z empire forces the jelly invertebrate EU parliament to agree to TTIP which will destroy the EU countries sovereignty and economies in favour of corporates. The US threatens Macedonia and Bosnia with EU or 20 yrs isolation; Serbia must give up more sovereignty to Kosovo by year end etc. These are the threats from Nuland.
In the real world all these EU countries and the rest of the world do have an alternative and won’t be isolated.
Wake up! before its too late.
Tsipras got more than 50 bilion instead of the 9 bilion
OT Sorry:
Look at this video from COlonel Cassad. Staging of an ISIS execution video
Is this a faked fake or are the ISIS execution videos fake?
Even better, Cyber Berkut claim to have hacked McCains ‘electronic media’ and found the video.
Top class trolling if nothing else.
I watched 2 ISIS “beheading” videos. If they weren’t fakes (in the sense that no-one lost his head), then I’ll eat my hat (not my head).
I actually think this is a non-issue.Whether prisoners are beheaded or shot to death they are dead.Which in the end all that matters is “ISIS killed them”.Maybe a few of their killings are faked (the one’s of a few Westerners).But its not that they haven’t killed thousands in the most barbaric ways in this war.I’m far more appalled,that my government (and others) have supported these beasts.Than I am that there might be some propaganda fakes among their crimes.Feel assured they make up for those few fakes with real acts of savagery.
Uncle Bob,
Absolutely. The “beheading videos” are there to bring attention to themselves, and to put the Big Fear into everyone else. This creates the need for a “response” which their handlers are itching for.
My one hope now is that Larchmonter is right with his prediction that we will see the SCO, using “unorthodox” strategies and tactics, shut ISIS down with extreme prejudice.
The West will aid and abet until ISIS takes over Central Asia otherwise.
Thank you for that hopeful analysis. Two points that come to mind are; 1) will the hegemon go gently into that good night, or unleash massive destruction? and 2) will the multipolar order have the sense to develop in a less destructive way and not unleash an ecological catastrophe?
I see some hope in Russia´s sane stand against GMOs, and hope that Chinese scientists are reviewing their GMO policies in light of the catastrophic health consequences of glyphosate contamination of food, water, and air.
Developing countries have no choice but to band together in an alliance, as the hegemony has a record of destroying successful (financially and developmentally speaking) opponents. I do believe that the dollar will do a slow burn, rather than collapse, as a collapse would precipitate a final war, which no one wants.
I look forward to the day when the US is a respectful country among many, without foreign bases, or a need to extract resources at gunpoint from others.
To interject a buddhist aphorism; All suffering comes of ignorance, enlightenment from wisdom. Let us all educate!
RT has an article out about the US considering using “hollow point” bullets in their military pistols.A clear (except to them) violation of the international rules of war.The answer seems clear.For armies to announce that any enemy soldier caught with those bullets will be shot on the spot.No taking them prisoner,no prisoner exchange,no trial before a court,just instant execution on the battlefield.After the shooting of a few,you’d see soldiers ditching that ammunition and refusing to accept it.
On reflection after reading this great article, it occurred to me that there isn’t TWO world orders, there is only ONE, the new one being formed by BRICS/SCO. The other cannot be called World Order, it is really World Chaos, led by no other than the Exceptional Empire of Chaos. If there is any doubt, think Iraq, ISIS, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Ukraine, Yemen, Palestine, Greece, etc etc.
For those like @Jiri and others who somehow still doubt the BRICS are any better, well, just answer this: Have they sowed any chaos, started any wars anywhere ? Fact is the BRICS each have very strong CULTURAL and SOVEREIGNTY mindset of their own, they were never “natural allies” like the Anglo-countries (+ various White races, sorry, but it’s true), they choose to come together because they realize MULTI-POLAR world order is the only survival path for themselves and others. It is the Empire of Chaos that is trying to make debt slaves and secondary “citizens/humans” out of all others, in case you do not know! I know my previous statement sounds like a bad dig at “White races”, but so far it’s a fact, I hope many do not take offense, and I hope more and more will realize the true face of the Empire of Chaos and work to change it, just like the Saker!
“Have they sowed any chaos, started any wars anywhere ?”
Not yet. They are still in the formative stage. As time goes by there will be instances where one side or the other feels they are getting the short end of the stick, bigger economies try and take advantage because they can, and so on. How long before military muscle, explicit or implicit, comes into the negotiations?
“It is the Empire of Chaos that is trying to make debt slaves and secondary “citizens/humans” out of all others, in case you do not know! ”
But how will the new New Bank, AIIF etc. be any different? Will they give out money interest free? What will be the terms and conditions? They may be less rapacious than the Empire of Chaos but that is only a matter of degree and not of fundamental principles.
If it is going to be a case of a “kinder, gentler” version of the Empire of Chaos then perhaps we shouldn’t start cheering just yet.
I want to know how this set up is fundamentally different from the current system. It is good to hope that this lot will not be as bad as the last lot but I prefer to base any optimism on facts rather than hope.
That’s capitalism, and the dark side of human nature, but not the only side. At the least BRICS will be at an earlier stage of of corruption and greed, and that is for the good, but one should not assume that it will fall in to the same traps and primitive world views the western capitalist did, despite the fact that they are present in Russia and China, especially with the great western invasion of those cultures a few decades ago; there is resistance to them, from within BRICS and also from the rest of the world, and growing recognition among the people of the world of how this evil side plays out.
Anything to promote doubt…
Unfortunately I do not possess the qualities needed to be perfectly sure of myself all the time on all subjects.
Not my fault that I am not perfect.
JIRI I have read all your posts and Bot Tak’s and Penelope’s in response to you. Please do a little bit of introspection. There is no evidence that anyone that is taken seriously by most people here, including Saker or the better people on the current world political stage, believes that they are perfect, or believe that BRICS is perfect or anything of the sort. Nor do you need to be perfect or in lockstep agreement with anything to not be caled a troll. Perfect?? It’s a silly formulation.
In fact, it has been proven, ironically, elegantly and beautifully, in its own iron clad language of mathematical logic that even mathematics, even arithmetic is NOT perfect. Kurt Godel 1931 Incompleteness Theorem. Even Arithmetic has no final, complete and consistent set of theorems. EVEN IT is not “perfect”!!!! And never will be. Thank God! …….our imperfect concept of “perfect”…………..No surprise, really. All mathematics itself is is an oversimplified, abstract MODEL of physics. It is NOT reality itself. Not by a long shot…..And even physics itself is not stopped, not stuck. IT IS EVOLVING. It is not dead. It is alive, growing, changing. How? Well , here locally by what Vladimir Vernadsky calls the Noosphere. Cognition. Mankind. Creating elements and physical effects that the Universe, without its own development of us human beings, or something alive and conscious like us in other parts of the universe, has not created previously.
Many people yearn for some release from evolutionary tension hoping that all the work and frustration and risk and error and disappointment they fear will come from trying to approach truth, goodness, justice, and other ideals can somehow be avoided by the appearance of the Saviour who will set the table with the Perfect Meal and invite them to the table. That’s an infantile dream. Not coming to the table, and encouraging others to not come to the table (and risk disappointment, effort, injury and even death) is just pathetic. I can hope that you are better than that, and not a troll, but I will take either in stride, don’t you worry about me.
Are you encouraging caution (good, move on….) or impotence in others or are you just representative of millions of other people who are in a similar unfortunate psychological state, some of whom stop in here occasionally to find others to commiserate with? Whichever it is, I share both the impatience shown to you by some (mostly) and maybe a tiny bit of the compassion shown to you by others.
If there were perfection at the table or on the way to being served, none of this debate would be useful or necessary including YOURSELF. It is an evolving situation and most sentient beings will take a chance on the BRICS alternative to the Empire of Chaos, any day of the week. If you want to persist in fears of risks instead of pitching in with more meaningful, courageous input, you may find some weak co-thinkers here but probably mostly some others getting frankly sick of your displays of Full Spectrum Impotence.
A word or two of caution and doubt are normal. Staying stuck in that mode for very long, however, does deserves ridicule. When there is a crisis, people should be glad that their heart and brain are needed, have some purpose other than complaining that perfection is not here yet. You prefer to be safe and USELESS, because perfection has been not been served up for you? Get a life!
To go forward, to evolve, the world needs to roll forward on new or repaired tires, not to be stuck in traffic with leaky tires encouraging other flat tires to stay flat and not get themselves repaired and moving forward until the road is made of gold and has not potholes anywhere.
Very true.
I was having a little dig at Bot Tak but perhaps it did not come out too well.
JIRI I heard about BRICS before there were any summits or institutions, or anything of the sort, right at the outset and it was pointed out that it was a Trojan Horse invented by Goldman Sachs to co-opt all the major emerging nations of the planet. That did not sound good at all, and definitely had to be kept in mind, tested and weighed, at every stage.
After a lot of weighing over a lot of time it appeared to be incontestable that China and Russia and the rest, had different ideas than Goldman Sachs and had effectively hijacked the acronym for an anti-Empire agenda, and were not following the GS agenda by any means, but perhaps were coopting their would be coopters. In other words whiffs or whispers of “Goldman Sachs” or “Rockefeller” , or “Rothschilds” or words like “Just New World Economic Order” among reasonable people should not automatically cause paralysis, fear and paranoid foaming at the mouth. What do you want, the opposite, perhaps Unjust Old Local Bankrupt Disorder??? Words shouldn’t have so much power to depress and discourage. Cognition should displace emotionalism.
Comprehension of dynamic, complex processes and principles, perhaps in a more evolved society will have more power and efficacy than the superficiality of nominalism, mere names of things, rather than their substance, mere jumpy fears and superstitions driven by trigger words.
But there is a troubling angst and pessimism in society that strikes me as unfortunate and potentially tragic. You have a guy like James Corbett of doing useful “open source” work on MH 17 and 911 and then coming out with this belief that the EMPIRE, THE NWO, theIlluminatti, and so forth have BRICS and Putin and everything else tied up and in their back pocket! Huh??? Why, because Kissinger was seen in Beijing? Yeah, he once shook hands with Putin too. Does that mean he and his owner own the man or that they are doing what they can to profile, to create channels of communications and attempted influence and two dozen other purposes??Evidence is that P may have had his own purposes for meeting, and may have gained more than K did!! Or not given away or lost anything. It’s a complex, dynamic fluid process of the struggle between Oligarchy, whose intent is to stop human evolution and to squat on the human race, to their perceived advantage and perpetuation of their disproportionate and evil control and the legitimate aspirations of humanity to progress and pry the blood suckers off their backs.
When Corbett kept winking that “we all know that the bankers run BRICS as much as they run Wall St and London” (therefore, forget about large, significant victories, grow vegetables in your back yard and seek out peer to peer economic relations with individuals and small groups) I lost interest in the loser mentality undermining the “alternative media” investigative shtick that was initially interesting. When you have a chance to push human development forward in a big way and deal a serious defeat to the plague of oligarchy and Empire, take some goddamned risk for Christ’s sake, instead of withdrawing to some little hidey hole to wink knowingly, “play it safe” and lose the chance for your life to really matter centuries hence. Those that seek guarantees need not apply until they get that here are none.
Therefore, join the BRICS and make sure the attempted hijackers (they will try to come back from the most serious strategic setbacks, slithering and corrupting and oozing like primordial anti-evolutionary slime that’s a given…..SO WHAT? What else is new!?) are held at bay and the momentum creates societies too smart to ever allow them to make a serious comeback. If there is a good shot, we need to take it. Not on the Hope Plan. On the Vigilance and Hard (but joyful!) Work Plan. Goodnight.
mind and soul on July 12, 2015 · at 5:54 pm UTC said:
“It is an evolving situation and most sentient beings will take a chance on the BRICS alternative to the Empire of Chaos”
A much quoted definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting the same result.
Please spend your effort on discussing a solution to the problem and not recreating the problem (BRICS).
ooops (&apologies):
A much quoted definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting
the samea different result.Thanks to all for the enlightening comments. Thinking critically together is the first step of real solutions. The two world orders differ in significant ways. The emerging world order declares that states will be independent and free. However, the two world orders are also similar. They both serve the stockholders and finance investors; this demands continual pillaging of the earth and labor, producing a cancer-like situation. Few can see this with stark realism because we’ve become so brain-washed and addicted. The current leaders of the patriarchal world order can see the changes too and are well prepared to jump ship. As noted, they have already infiltrated the new order, especially by blacking out any discussions of anti-usury as irrelevant. Without anything actually “new” the new will turn into the old. As John Henry Newman said: if you expect human nature to change (without anything essentially new) you may as well hope to moor a battleship with a thread. So once again we are manipulated by hopeful emotions rather than critical thinking.
Dennis Leary for
Excellent piece saker,thanking you for the hope generated thus.
The civil war has come to the far west of Ukraine. The Ukrainian military is taking on Pravy Sektor groups in Mukachevo, Transcarpathia. EU countries on the border are having kittens. SNipers, gun fire, burning vehicles, barricades.
BRICS summit 2015.
Vladimir Putin: Friends,
I have spoken a lot today, and I know that you are a bit tired of hearing me speak, but protocol demands that I say a few words – and I would like to, since we are very happy to see you all and once again welcome you to Ufa.
Our states and peoples are tied not only by close, friendly relations, but also a common aspiration to make the world we live in more secure and predictable, ensuring reliable conditions for sustainable growth. We see this as the primary purpose of our joint work within the framework of international alliances and organisations like BRICS, SCOand the Eurasian Economic Union, as well on a bilateral basis.
Our states are located on several different continents, have different cultural and historical roots and implement different development models. Our strength lies in those differences; they are the source of enormous potential for developing truly mutually acceptable, consensus-based solutions to key modern problems. At the same time, the foundations of our societies are based on largely similar traditional values and the common laws of good ethics, truth and justice. We all believe that we can only achieve our goals by working together on the basis of genuine partnership, trust, equality, respect and taking into account one another’s interests.
We are calling for the development of a coordinated response to global threats, asserting the just foundations of interstate communication under the key role of the United Nations, relying on international law, the principles of indivisibility, security, and peoples’ free determination of their destiny.
Many of the states represented here are located in the vast Eurasian space. For us, this is not a chess board or a field for geopolitical games; this is our home and we all want peace and prosperity to reign in our home, so that it has no room for extremism and attempts by some to secure their interests at the expense of others.
I am confident that the results of our work in Ufa will contribute significantly to achieving these goals. I am sincerely grateful that you responded to Russia’s invitation. Without a doubt, the summits in Ufa will play an important role in development and will be a significant milestone in the creative efforts aimed at economic progress and prosperity not only in our nations but throughout the world, ensuring regional and global stability.
Vladimir Vladimirovich you could not say it better…Thanks
Yes Saker has Covered In Epochal Terms:
The most practially useful summation comes from a journalist from Somaliland … how marvelously focused he is in seeing how this legend of BRICS/SCO evolves.
Mainly taken from article in Somaliland Sun
By:Kester Kenn Klomegah
Somaliland sun – After three days of high-level summitry deliberations, the BRICS group of countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), created by the five world’s leading emerging markets, have laid the strategic “road map” that will tackle challenging development and infrastructure projects, and will seek close economic cooperation under the plan termed “the Strategy of Economic Partnership” that will run till 2020.
The Strategy of Economic Partnership identifies priority areas of BRICS cooperation – in such sectors as power, manufacturing, mining, agribusiness, and innovative technologies and many others, according the summit documents. It is aimed at expanding multilateral business cooperation with the goal of stepping up social and economic development and increasing the competitiveness of BRICS countries in the global economy.
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, who is Russia’s Sherpa at BRICS, told the summit that “BRICS is coming of age, and this maturity process is getting deeper and more oriented at practical results and, consequently, at coordination,” and pointed out that the Strategy of Economic Partnership was one of the summit’s finest achievements in addition to the creation of the BRICS New Development Bank.
President Vladimir Putin expects that the New Development Bank, will implement its first projects in 2016. “The new bank with a capital of $100 billion will carry out large-scale development projects in the countries of our association. We expect the first of them to be launched already next year,” Putin said at an enlarged meeting of the BRICS leaders. Companies from BRICS member states “are ready to establish joint ventures, build up mutual investment and commodity flows,” the Russian president said.
The Ufa Declaration points to the industrial development as the key source of growth for the group: “We recognize that industrial development is a fundamental source of growth for the BRICS countries, which possess ample natural resources and significant labor, intellectual and technical capacities. Increasing production and export of high value-added goods will help BRICS countries enhance their national economies, contribute to their participation in global value chains and improve their competitiveness,” the declaration said.
“In this connection, we reaffirm the unique mandate of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) to promote and accelerate inclusive and sustainable industrial development,” the declaration said.
“We are convinced about the importance of economic growth based on the balanced development of all economic sectors and on the development and introduction of advanced technologies and innovations, the mobilization of resources from financial institutions and the encouragement of private investment,” it said.
“In this context, we note the potential to boost collaboration in developing technology and innovation in the potential sectors of BRICS economies, such as mining and metal industry, pharmaceuticals, information technology, chemicals and petrochemicals, both in the area of exploration and extraction of natural resources and in their processing, transformation and use, including through the promotion of a favourable investment climate and the implementation of mutually beneficial joint projects,” the document said.
“We stress the importance of intensifying cooperation of industrial production capabilities, establishing industrial parks and clusters, technology parks and engineering centers with a view to developing and introducing cutting-edge technologies, providing training for engineering and technical personnel and managers,” it said.
“We highlight that encouraging investment in priority areas such as infrastructure, logistics and renewable sources of energy is a strategic goal for the sustainable growth of our economies. We reiterate our interest in joining efforts in order to face the challenge of competitiveness,” the declaration said.
“In this regard, the BRICS countries agree to collaborate for the promotion of investment opportunities in railways, roadways, seaports and airports among our countries,” it said.
Direct Currency Swap Expanding. “We acknowledge the potential for expanding the use of our national currencies in transactions between the BRICS countries,” the document reads. “We ask the relevant authorities of the BRICS countries to continue discussion on the feasibility of a wider use of national currencies in mutual trade.”
Tax Co-operation. BRICS countries have confirmed their adherence to developing international standards in tax sphere.
“The BRICS countries reaffirm their commitment to participate in the development of international standards of international taxation and cooperation for countering the erosion of tax base and profit shifting, as well as to strengthen mechanisms for ensuring tax transparency and to exchange information for taxation purposes,” the declaration says.
“We remain deeply concerned about the negative impact of tax evasion, harmful practices, and aggressive tax planning which cause erosion of tax base. Profits should be taxed where the economic activities driving the profits are performed and value is created.”
The final summit declaration seeks to strengthen multilateral approaches to global affairs. “We affirmed the need for comprehensive, transparent and efficient multilateral approaches to addressing global challenges, and in this regard underscored the central role of the United Nations in the ongoing efforts to find common solutions to such challenges,” the BRICS leaders said in the declaration.
“We expressed our intention to contribute to safeguarding a fair and equitable international order based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and to fully avail ourselves of the potential of the Organization as a forum for an open and honest debate as well as coordination of global politics in order to prevent war and conflicts and promote progress and development of humankind.”
“We recall the 2005 World Summit Outcome Document and reaffirm the need for a comprehensive reform of the United Nations, including its Security Council with a view to making it more representative and efficient so that it could better respond to global challenges. China and Russia reiterate the importance they attach to the status and role of Brazil, India and South Africa in international affairs and support their aspiration to play a greater role in the UN,” the declaration reads.
Support of WTO. Reform of WTO to adhere to the principles.
Set up BRICS website. Besides, a range of other documents were signed with the presence of the leaders, including the memorandum on mutual understanding between foreign policy agencies of the BRICS countries on creating a joint Internet website — a virtual secretariat of the group.
Internet Domination By USA declared as unfair and requiring massive changes. I
Ukraine etc.. Additionally, the leaders stated their opposition to the actions of Islamic State and called for countries to follow the Minsk agreement on Ukraine.
Anti-Terrorism “We condemn in the strongest terms terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, the continued, widespread and grave abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law committed by the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, Al-Nusrah Front and associated terrorist groups, and in particular the persecution of individuals and communities on the basis of their religion or ethnicity, as well all forms of violence against civilians, particularly women and children,”
Anti-Drug Traffickins.
The 50-page declaration encompasses all hot issues in discussion across international communities – starting from the conflict in Syria, the wars in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Afghanistan , environmental issues, fighting corruption and drug trafficking. – See more at:
n April, Russia took over BRICS chairmanship, the 7th BRICS summit held in July 2015. Leaders of Russia, Brazil, India, China and South Africa (BRICS countries collectively represent about 26% of the world’s geographic area and are home to 42% of the world’s population) made the summit’s key topic “BRICS Partnership — a Powerful Factor in Global Development,” the summit ended in Ufa, the capital of Russia’s Volga Republic of Bashkiria.
I have made some additions and paragraphing.
Debate Rages in SYRIZA Over Austerity Plan
During the early hours of Saturday morning, the Greek Parliament passed the motion by a majority vote of 250 – 300, but Dimitri Lascaris says this is one of the worst political debacles in modern European history – July 11, 2015
Transcript included.
Video also at
More EU (I have no idea how anyone can say ‘Union’ any longer with a straight face ) Tales of Greece.
Germany (Schnauble), Finland and the Baltics want a ‘temporary Grexit’ (huh? Howzat work?)
Probably it works by suspending all EU’s responsibilities towards Greece, and Greece’s rights under treaties and laws.
The first thing to do when you want to destroy and rape a nation is to demonize it so you can say they are not human so no human rights apply — as Kiev has done to much of Ukraine and to Donbas. I suspect this is a similar idea.
It’s temporary so Greece can later be seized and converted into a colony filled with slaves.
Too cynical? No, I don’t think so — I won’t put any evil past those fascists. They have already abandoned rules, laws, justice, precedent, and ordinary human decency.
If Greece does not get out of the EU now and realign with the East it is lost.
Blue, link to a surprisingly empathetic piece from the British Telegraph on Greece by Boris Johnson, Lord Mayor of London and general all-round Tory. Very antagonistic to Germany, particularly Merkel. ( Note what is said about Luxembourg..I have another link that I suspect is related..)
Boris is a bit of a maverick, so it may not be an Establishment view. Still surprising comin from the Telegraph.
It is hard to see this getting off the ground properly until there is an alternative UN to protect member states from US or proxy attacks.
Apart from Russia and China, most countries are easy pickings for the US if they decide to attack.
Like the situation in Yemen now. A multi-national defence force (not offence) that could provide air defence and ship in aid would go a long way.
Thanks to Slavix for posting Putin’s talk at Ufa. He’s a real statesman and leader. Although it’s in statesman terms, he is not afraid to crime-talk. My concern is that the political, economic framework is founded on quicksand. Lofty statements like this are pleasing to hear but they contribute to the unresolved disease by ignoring what needs to be said. For example, Russian Orthodoxy as far as I can tell is silent about what the Russian state is doing relative to usury. All the church fathers and the Council of Nicea (325) condemned usury. The modern world has changed the structure of money, particularly since Calvin’s word-trickery of falsely distinguishing usury and interest. Now we have a huge, universal structural problem. Unlike the days before the separation of church and state, moral injunctions carry no weight. Money has assumed its own morality and in practice replaces God. What religious body now does not rely on its investments, i.e. usury / interest? We have a structural problem underlying the political world. Whatever world order we come up with has a malignant cancer in its belly if it does not excise usury. Authorities and reason will be consumed by this cancer because nature and structure don’t care about our beliefs or rationalizations. I don’t take interest. I live simply. If the world goes up in smoke that won’t protect me but at least I can die in peace.
Dennis Leary for
There should be a difference drawn between interest and usury. Let’s imagine the money has a real correlation with tangible wealth — say the tools a builder has. And then let’s imagine someone wants to borrow a planer from the builder, and if the builder says yes, while his planer is lent out he can’t use it, so some work he might have done has to wait until he gets it back — that’s an opportunity cost.
But if the borrower tells the builder ‘OK, I want use the planer to build storage cabinets, and if you lend it to me I’ll give you a cabinet to make up for tie you don’t have the planer for your own work’. That’s fair, a motivation to lend, and that’s what interest should be about: covering opportunity cost, along with the realistic expectation that he will get back both the planer and a cabinet, possible because of the increased productivity of the cabinet maker having the planer to use.
Don’t need no Calvin to understand it in this way.
This commentary is an excellent analysis in my opinion. I do have one minor quibble, though:
Predictably, the western elites and their corporate media are in a “deep denial” mode. Not only do they not comment much about this truly historical event, but when they comment about it they assiduously avoid discussing the immense implications which these events will have for the entire planet. This borders on magical thinking: if I close my eyes hard enough and long enough this nightmare will eventually vanish.
I don’t think the ZPC/NWO oligarchy and its management juntas are in denial. What i think is happening is they do not want the people of the west to realise what is going on, so they do not discuss this war and its reasons publicly. In private, their planners and policy wonks are in overdrive, on overtime, working out strategies, and implementing strategies, to counter this EEU threat to their desired dominance.
The ZPC/NWO doesn’t want to be public about this because that will raise a whole mess of questions about the ZPC/NWO, its quislings and its war crimes and fascist actions and existence which would seriously draw into question this oligarchy’s role and undermine the decades of propaganda used to keep the people in the west muddled and hobbled. They want to keep the narrative simple: “Us=good guys, dem over there, dey is da bad guys”. Out of sight, out of mind….
The only problem in your article is this: the American Empire will not loosen, let alone relinquish, its grip on the planet without the spilling the blood of millions, if not billions, of people.
Just look at what America is ALREADY GUILTY of: serial wars of aggression around the world disguised behind its lies about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, the phony War on Terrorism, humanitarian intervention, or most delusional of all, America is “defending freedom and demoncracy.”
According to a recent report by the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, America’s War of Terror against Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan have killed at least 1.3 million people.
This number is more likely a conservative number with up to 2 million people possibly killed by America. And this does not include how many people that the Leader of the Free World has slaughtered through drone strikes, its war of aggression against Libya, or its dirty covert wars in Syria or Ukraine.
Casualty Figures after 10 Years of the “War on Terror”
US ‘War on Terror’ killed 1.3 million over decade – report
At base, Americans as a people have a fanatical belief in their moral righteousness as the “good guys of the ‘world”–no matter how many un-people that they murder around the globe. Even more Orwellian, the more people that America genocides, the more desperately America tries to paint itself as a victim of “evil doers.”
This is the America Mentality, which spawns malevolent US propaganda about “American Exceptionalism,” or “America is the Leader of the Free World,” or “America is the Beacon of Liberty.”
Deep down, Americans have an inbred belief that they have a right to rule the planet…for its own good, of course.
And it is the underlying reason why America is an existential threat that must be exposed, confronted, and destroyed.
“Deep down, Americans have an inbred belief that they have a right to rule the planet…for its own good, of course.”
Well, Anonymous, I take exception to this part of your post! I don’t know any Americans who believe that, inbred or not. Most of the people I talk with are appalled and horrified about what our rulers are doing, but so far we are powerless to stop them. Look at the millions who marched against the invasion of Iraq (and probably had their pictures taken by the authorities). And all the letters to congress that got answered by vague platitudes. We keep trying to phone, but no one really responds. And our internal problems show the world that we can’t even rule ourselves…
Americans damn well believe they have the God-given right to rule the world–only they disguise their warped beliefs behind euphemisms.
Ever heard the phrase that “America is the Leader of the Free World”?
Or America is the “defender of democracy around the globe”?
Or that America is the “Shining City on a Hill” for the world?
Or that America is the “indispensible nation”?
Or American Manifest Destiny?
Or American Exceptionalism?
Or better yet, America’s Full Spectrum Dominance military stratagem?
These are all examples of Orwellian NewSpeak for America’s insatiable desire to dominate first the North American continent and now the entire planet.
You invoke the protests against the Iraq War as pathetic “proof” that Americans are “horrified” by their empire’s crimes around the planet.
You never ask: on what basis did Americans “oppose” this particular war?
-Did Americans oppose this war because it was an act of American aggression–an example of what the Nuremburg Tribunal called the “supreme international crime”?
-Or did Americans oppose the Iraq War for self-serving reasons that this war was a “mistake,” or that it was too unilateral and didn’t have UN sanction, or that it would cost too much in “blood and treasure” for the USA, or that it was a “Republican war” (as opposed to a Democrat war)?
The answer, as you well know, is overwhelmingly the latter.
Americans are not horrified by their country’s war crimes.
If they were, they would have mounted mass protests to America’s phony War on Terrorism in general like its invasion of Afghanistan, or America’s aggression against Libya in 2011, or America’s routine bombing of nations from Pakistan to Yemen to Somalia, or America’s dirty covert wars in Ukraine, Syria, and yes Iraq.
Indeed, America’s war against Iraq never ended; it only changed form.
Where are all these supposed antiwar Americans now?
They are too busy waving their bloodstained US flag, supporting America’s war criminal Troops, and fawning over military propaganda films like American Sniper or Zero Dark Thirty.
And no, Americans aren’t “helpless,” as you insist.
That is a pathetic alibi, and a feeble attempt for Americans to Play the Victim.
No matter how many wars or nations that the United Snakes of America loots, subjugates, or violates, Americans instinctively manufacture an alibi or propaganda meme to absolve themselves of guilt.
This unrepentant mentality demonstrates quite clearly that Americans are simply a bloodthirsty people who have a meglomaniacal belief in their own moral goodness.
Over 200 years of America’s continuous wars are the proof in blood.
America Has Been At War 93% of the Time – 222 Out of 239 Years – Since 1776
This is the warped basis of American identity itself.
America is a nation of closted meglomanics–from Wall Street to Main Street USA.
The idea that Americans are “horrified” at what theyir Evil Empire does around the world is belied by their own actions.
You mention the protests against the Iraq War, but never ask: on what basis did Americans “oppose”
Boo yah! as they say. Americans are indeed bred (in-bred) to believe that they are protecting the world from Russia, China and various other inherently evil states and leaders who wish to destroy the US way of life. They will never believe that Russia and China do not covet the role of greatest country on earth. They’ll laugh in your face if you were to suggest that Putin hopes to live side-by-side and at peace with the US and the rest of the world. On the other hand, as far as I can see, the average Russian and Chinese believe pro-US entertainment propaganda and see America as inherently good. They don’t yet understand that most Americans see them as existential enemies.
to Jim of Olym,,, hi Jim, I agree with you. There is definitely more and more racism of Americans … and I was thinking last night…all the great writers on Alternative Media are Americans…James Petras, Catherine Austin Fitts, MIchael Hudson, Saker (living here in NA), Ron Paul, Mike Whiteney, I mean the list goes on and on. So, some of the greatest and some of the worst … all here ….
I’m afraid you are right.
That is, I am sorroy to say that I think you are right.
“At base, Americans as a people have a fanatical belief in their moral righteousness as the “good guys of the ‘world”–no matter how many un-people that they murder around the globe. Even more Orwellian, the more people that America genocides, the more desperately America tries to paint itself as a victim of “evil doers.”
This is the America Mentality, which spawns malevolent US propaganda about “American Exceptionalism,” or “America is the Leader of the Free World,” or “America is the Beacon of Liberty.”
Deep down, Americans have an inbred belief that they have a right to rule the planet…for its own good, of course.”
In general I think you are correct here.Its really not conscious in most cases.Its a “given” to most Americans.Not something even thought about at all.We believe our national laws are the only ones that count “that’s just the way it is”,no thinking about “why” involved.We accept that we are the most important country in the World.And all others really don’t count unless they agree with us.I don’t know when that all started.Its been around all my life.I think the propaganda taught to us since birth is why we think that way.According to the “myth”,we were started as a refuge for “freedom loving” people.And because millions came here for “freedom” we got the idea we were “special”.Forget the fact that our “freedom loving” society was wedded to human slavery for centuries.And forget about the fact this land of “liberty” took life and liberty from millions of Native Americans to build our society.Those are inconvenient facts best not remembered.Along with that many of those millions of immigrants didn’t come for “freedom”.But instead to get a better life in a land that was selling cheap land for farms.Just another point best not discussed.But however we reached this point,we are there.A country that believes its their duty to “guide” the World to do what’s “right”.And anyone disagreeing “must” be an “evildoer” that “hates us for our freedoms”.But seeing the problem is one thing.Correcting the problem is another.And there is the major question,how to correct the problem.
First Americans must see it as a problem. And they don’t want to. Because by recognizing there is a problem they would have to admit that they’ve lived and believed in a lie.
Dear Saker,
Congratulation to your another achievement as many more blogers are interested in the truth what we unfortunately not recieving through the highly manipulated media.
Yes, more and more people can recognize that there is something very bad going on around the world and they can see this revealing chaos around the world.
An Unipolar World means Hegemony and Dictatorship, Bipolar World means a Dialogue but still in an Unstable Environment. Multipolar World means endless conversations that can lead to Uncertainty, so the World never would be safe from a Confrontation, i.e WAR.
So all that is left for us is decide how we want to commit suicide in order to escape from this predicament you’ve boxed us into, I suppose?
Things are more complicated than you suppose:
Wishful thinking.
Susie, I’ve looked at only a part of the links you provide. Basically they question whether the multipolar & law-abiding world which they are building is nevertheless a world without freedom– in fact, only a clever con to get us to the same end: the New World Order of globalism, oligarchy & corporatocracy.
Your material asks the 64,000-dollar question: Are we watching a cartoonish play in which the evil US and good-guys Rus/China/BRICs will be clashed in a Hegelian antithesis to produce the NWO synthesis?
We could argue about it forever, but intentions are not visible to us– neither those of the director nor of the players. What we can see, and analyze is the structure that is being built.
It wd be lovely to rid the world of all the power-mad conspirators AND to change it to a more decentralized structure guaranteeing national sovereignty. But if we can do only one it is the second one that is vital, for with it, the power-mad are stripped of their power and new ones– at least of their magnitude– cannot arise. It is only the existing structure that permitted the very great concentration of wealth and power which is today our destroyer.
Susie, thank you for making overt a question which many of us have been afraid of looking at.
Decentralize, beginning with allowing each nation to control its own central bank and money/credit creation. We don’t need multipolar control of the leash that strangles all nations’ economic freedom. We need to cut the leash. How can you have cultural or political freedom w/o economic freedom?
Thanks for your time and ‘getting’ what I was on about.
Things were becomming a bit surreal here for a moment lol
I posted this link a day ago, but it must hue disappeared.
A pep talk by Ashton Carter to Fort Bragg military, in which he dispenses with numerous ‘threats’, from ‘Russian aggression’ to funding threats to day-care funding for military moms.
As he explains. the U.S. has the ‘burden’ of providing the world with ‘security’ because the U.S. is the one with ‘all the friends and allies.’
(His comments on US involvement in Afghanistan in particular should be framed.)
He then fielded questions from assembled soldiers.
The first question came from a member of ‘Brutal’ squadron/company.
I am not joking.
This article states as follows:—“What is so attractive to the rest of the world in this BRICS/SCO alternative is that neither Russia nor China have any imperial ambitions. Both of these countries have been empires in the past, and both have paid a huge price for that imperial status. Furthermore, they both have carefully observed how the USA has arrogantly overstretched itself over the entire planet resulting in a dialectical anti-American reaction worldwide. While the White House and the corporate media keep scaring those still willing to listen to them with tales about the “resurgent Russia” and the “assertive China”, the reality is that neither of these two countries has any desire at all to replace the USA as the world hegemon. You will never see China or Russia covering the globe with 700+ military bases, or fighting elective wars on a yearly basis or spend more on “defense” (i.e. aggression) than the rest of the planet combined. They will not built a 600 ship navy or even a fleet of 12 aircraft carriers to “project power” worldwide…”
Well, what is Russia up to in its own back yard so to speak? At least supporters of Russia and/or supporters of the Novorussian project at this website favor doing to Ukraine what they accuse the “West” trying to do to Russia,—namely, dismember, convert into a very loose confederation of various little “regions” or statelets or “warlordships” which is what they mean by “federalization” of Ukraine,—just as they accuse the “West” of seeking to dismember the Russian Federation and convert it into several almost-independent statelets.
We noted that at the recent Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum V. Putin spoke in a way showing that he simply does not recognize the existence of Ukraine and Ukrainians as any sort of legitimate nation, state, ethnicity, people, etc.—That would make all the talk from the Russian side that Ukraine should be a “sovereign state” simply meaningless. Russian preference is for Ukraine to devolve into a grouping of almost-independent “regions” or “statelets” or “warlordships”, each conducting its own foreign policy, economic policy, cultural policy, etc.
Maybe like Germany was a group of little states before its unification? And exactly like what Putin & Co are accusing the “West” seeking to do to Russia.
And as for China, what is it up to in its own back yard, namely, in Tibet? Many sources out there insist that the Chinese government is colonizing Tibet, including, encouraging a demographic shift that Tibetans become a minority in their own country as compared to an influx of Han Chinese into Tibet. Actually, we think that Tibet should be demilitarized, declared neutral and non-aligned, with only its borders protected by Chinese forces [though since the border disputes between China and India seem to be resolving, given India joining the Eurasian project, there will be no more threat from India]. Actually, Tibet with its inaccessible mountainous terrain might become ideal to host communities and institutions devoted to peaceful scholarly pursuits in many fields, including so-called spiritual fields, and also one can envision construction of a system of underground storage facilities for priceless items of Chinese heritage, and there they would be safest from any influence of warfare, from any possible destruction.—But right now the Chinese seem to be definitely like imperial colonizers
This is an example of the “Whataboutism fallacy”, or the “Tu quoque”. It is a common hasbara tactic.
Wikipedia definition:
“Tu quoque (Latin for “you, too” or “you, also”) or the appeal to hypocrisy is an informal logical fallacy that intends to discredit the opponent’s position by asserting the opponent’s failure to act consistently in accordance with that position. It attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This attempts to dismiss the opponent’s position based on criticism of the opponent’s inconsistency and not the position presented. It is a special case of ad hominem fallacy, which is a category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of fact about the person presenting or supporting the claim or argument. To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, such behavior does not invalidate the position presented.”
My comment was to point out that ascribing to Russia and China the sort of moral high ground which the article tends to ascribe,—that no, never, they would never be “imperialistic”, not any more, that is perhaps not based on the full truth and facts. Take a radical example: someone proclaims the need for water conservation practices by society at large, but in their own back yard use wasteful irrigation, is it not valid to call them out on this, even if this is “ad hominem” and even if their overall campaign for water conservation is a correct thing “in general”? So all that Russia and/or China need to do is correct their behavior in their own back yard.—What would be wrong with that?
And pointing out hypocrisy and inconsistencies also raises legitimate questions about the SINCERITY of the “general” positions taken, and how believable are those “general” positions.
Correcting the inconsistencies and hypocrisies can only ASSIST in promulgation and implementation of those “general” positions that may be very worthwhile and valid in themselves.
It’s only half fallacy: it may not invalidate the position taken if you, while picking people’s pocket, argue against theft, but it does invalidate you arguing the position, as a legitimate representative of it — or that your can properly represent the position, since after all, if your arguments were sound you would adhere to them.
You might already be against pocket-picking and theft, but what if the position was that one should not eat the cupcakes, while you are stuffing them down? Maybe you are arguing that just because you want them all for yourself.
What it leaves is that a position, for or against, must be independently arrived at without you as a source, so there is no point in listening to you, as being unreliable in the matter.
blue on July 14, 2015 · at 1:23 am UTC said:
“What it leaves is that a position, for or against, must be independently arrived at without you as a source, so there is no point in listening to you, as being unreliable in the matter.”
Not so fast, reality may not exist without your own observation
“Wheeler suggested that reality is created by observers and that: “no phenomenon is a real phenomenon until it is an observed phenomenon.” He coined the term “Participatory Anthropic Principle” (PAP) from the Greek “anthropos”, or human. He went further to suggest that “we are participants in bringing into being not only the near and here, but the far away and long ago.” [Reference: Radio Interview With Martin Redfern]
This claim was considered rather outlandish until his thought experiment, known as the “delayed-choice experiment,” was tested in a laboratory in 1984. This experiment was a variation on the famous “double-slit experiment” in which the dual nature of light was exposed (depending on how the experiment was measured and observed, the light behaved like a particle (a photon) or like a wave).”
This is rather removed from what I said, but to quote from link:
“Wheeler had a fantastic sense of humor.”
“Some people think that Wheeler’s gotten crazy in his later years, but he’s always been crazy!”
Personal reality and ontology is not reality any more than a bee’s reality can cope with black holes. Sounds like another case of pushing post modern ideas, ‘you create your own reality’, way too far. Can an observer affect observed realty? Of course, but the observer is also part of the total reality, which can not be directly contacted except by the total reality itself. A subset can not map isomorphically or reflexively to the bigger set it’s a part of.
It’s not that light is sometimes a wave and sometimes a particle but that it’s something else which can seem to be either or both: that’s our thinking or model that’s problematic, while light just keeps being whatever it is.
Hypocrisy is internally invalid — not just indeterminate or ambiguous. It’s not a particle, not a field, and it sure as heck ain’t information.
blue on July 14, 2015 · at 9:07 pm UTC said:
“Personal reality and ontology is not reality any more than a bee’s reality can cope with black holes. Sounds like another case of pushing post modern ideas, ‘you create your own reality’, way too far. Can an observer affect observed realty?”
You miss the argument entirely. It is not that the observer has an influence on reality. It is that reality is created by the observer. Again, from the link:
“He went further to suggest that “we are participants in bringing into being not only the near and here, but the far away and long ago.”
blue on July 14, 2015 · at 9:07 pm UTC said:
“It’s not that light is sometimes a wave and sometimes a particle but that it’s something else which can seem to be either or both: that’s our thinking or model that’s problematic, while light just keeps being whatever it is.”
Nope e.g:
“Again and again, observations have consistently confirmed the observer-dependent effects of QT. In the past decade, physicists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology have carried out an experiment that, in the quantum world, is equivalent to demonstrating that a watched pot doesn’t boil. “It seems,” said Peter Coveney, a researcher there, “that the act of looking at an atom prevents it from changing.” (Theoretically, if a nuclear bomb were watched intently enough, it would not explode, that is, if you could keep checking its atoms every million trillionth of a second. This is yet another experiment that supports the theory that the structure of the physical world, and of small units of matter and energy in particular, are influenced by human observation.)”
blue on July 14, 2015 · at 9:07 pm UTC said:
“Wheeler had a fantastic sense of humor.”
“Some people think that Wheeler’s gotten crazy in his later years, but he’s always been crazy!”
Attacking a colleague of Einstein may be easy (even after their death). You want a pop at Newton also?
“He was reportedly psychotic, hard to get along with, and prone to dramatic mood swings. Several authors have suggested that he suffered from bipolar disorder and was schizophrenic.”
That article finishes with:
“Though far from perfect, these crazy men have touched the world in some way. They’ve made us think, they’ve inspired, or they’ve made us appreciate the fragility of life which can be shattered like glass when mental illness is involved.”
So who or what is supposed to be that “observer” which creates the “reality”?
It sounds like this phenomenon of the observer “creating reality” or “influencing reality” would be a remarkable evidence for subatomic psychokinesis, like the stuff of “magical powers” in various myths.—Just imagine the sorcerer having abilities to create or influence reality in macroscopic dimensions.
What is “objective” or “real” is really a function of consensus. If 100 people agree that the color
of something is blue and no one says otherwise, then “something is blue” becomes an objective observation. If someone insists that the object is grey, he will be seen as hallucinating or that he is
color blind, etc. And the object will still be considered “correctly blue”.
Or, if I may be permitted to ad my modest contribution to such a sophisticated discussion, as an old Romanian proverb says: “If two people tell you that you’re drunk, it’s better to go to bed”.
@ Flor :-)
Maybe this short animation could help you
“…and the observer collapsed the wave function simply by observing”
Anonymous on July 15, 2015 · at 6:21 pm UTC said:
“So who or what is supposed to be that “observer” which creates the “reality”?”
Take your pick
According to Wheeler:
“Wheeler conjectures we are part of a universe that is a work in progress; we are tiny patches of the universe looking at itself — and building itself. It’s not only the future that is still undetermined but the past as well. And by peering back into time, even all the way back to the Big Bang, our present observations select one out of many possible quantum histories for the universe.
Does this mean humans are necessary to the existence of the universe? While conscious observers certainly partake in the creation of the participatory universe envisioned by Wheeler, they are not the only, or even primary, way by which quantum potentials become real…At every moment, in Wheeler’s view, the entire universe is filled with such events, where the possible outcomes of countless interactions become real, where the infinite variety inherent in quantum mechanics manifests as a physical cosmos. And we see only a tiny portion of that cosmos. Wheeler suspects that most of the universe consists of huge clouds of uncertainty that have not yet interacted either with a conscious observer or even with some lump of inanimate matter. He sees the universe as a vast arena containing realms where the past is not yet fixed. “
However, Stanford University physicist Andrei Linde (a Russian) disagreed with Wheeler:
“Linde believes that Wheeler’s intuition of the participatory nature of reality is probably right. But he differs with Wheeler on one crucial point. Linde believes that conscious observers are an essential component of the universe and cannot be replaced by inanimate objects.
“The universe and the observer exist as a pair,” Linde says. “You can say that the universe is there only when there is an observer who can say, Yes, I see the universe there. These small words — it looks like it was here— for practical purposes it may not matter much, but for me as a human being, I do not know any sense in which I could claim that the universe is here in the absence of observers. We are together, the universe and us. The moment you say that the universe exists without any observers, I cannot make any sense out of that. I cannot imagine a consistent theory of everything that ignores consciousness. A recording device cannot play the role of an observer, because who will read what is written on this recording device? In order for us to see that something happens, and say to one another that something happens, you need to have a universe, you need to have a recording device, and you need to have us. It’s not enough for the information to be stored somewhere, completely inaccessible to anybody. It’s necessary for somebody to look at it. You need an observer who looks at the universe. In the absence of observers, our universe is dead.”
Will Wheeler’s question “How come existence?” ever be answered ? Linde recounts an old Russian Fairy Tale:
“there is a fairy tale about two frogs in a can of sour cream. The frogs were drowning in the cream. There was nothing solid there; they could not jump from the can. One of the frogs understood there was no hope, and he stopped beating the sour cream with his legs. He just died. He drowned in sour cream. The other one did not want to give up. There was absolutely no way it could change anything, but it just kept kicking and kicking and kicking. And then all of a sudden, the sour cream was churned into butter. Then the frog stood on the butter and jumped out of the can. So you look at the sour cream and you think, ‘There is no way I can do anything with that.’ But sometimes, unexpected things happen. “
*Many sources out there insist that the Chinese government is colonizing Tibet, including, encouraging a demographic shift that Tibetans become a minority in their own country as compared to an influx of Han Chinese into Tibet. * [1]
u mean the u.s. [ usual suspects]…cnn, wsj, nyt , unitedsnake state dept, hrw etc,
i wouldnt call these credible and impartial sources.
your rationale is practically a *license to kill* for the unitedsnake !
its the *liberal left* who enabled the snake’s attack on ex yugo , coz they swallowed hook line and sinker on the *genocidal serbs* disinfo, as per the state dept and its ususal suspects.
how does it works out ?
now kosovo is a de facto colony of the unitedsnake, mission accomplished.
thanks to the woolly headed *liberal left*, aka the empire enablers, inadvertant…or otherwise. !
when did tibet ever become an independent *country* after its conquer during the yuan dynasty ?
You might read Wikipedia articles about Tibet,—assuming you think this source has any value. From your tone, what sources would you ever trust?—But there is mention of an outright “Empire of Tibet” existing from about the 600’s AD. “At its height in the 780’s to 790’s the Tibetan empire reached its highest glory when it ruled and controlled a territory stretching from modern day Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, China, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan.” See Wikipedia article on Tibet. So Tibet is another one of these countries and nations that has a relatively short period of “power, sovereignty and glory” and then fades away, ultimately due to demographics. If there were 100,000,000 Tibetans instead of the roughly 3,000,000, their position versus China to be sure would be different.—If there were 100,000,000 Ukrainians, to be sure Putin would not be saying that there simply was no such legitimate thing as “Ukrainians”, they were just invented by Germans, Austrians and/or Poles.—Other sources state that the Chinese influence destroyed a very harsh feudalistic system in Tibet, which would be a good thing, but what the Chinese put in its place seems to be an effort to “dissolve” the Tibetans and their distinct language, art, literature, spiritual culture out of existence.—Historically, the Chinese also tried to do such a thing with Vietnam and the Vietnamese, but an empowered nationally-conscious Vietnam has stopped all that.—It does not mean that there should be an irrational “hate China” policy in either Vietnam or Tibet.
i repeat,
*when did tibet ever become an independent *country* after its conquer during the yuan dynasty ?
*but what the Chinese put in its place seems to be an effort to “dissolve” the Tibetans and their distinct language, art, literature, spiritual culture out of existence.*
as per… the usual suspects, rfa, nyt, war street journal, hwr, state dept etc
aka the evil empire’s propaganda outfits, enough said.
naturally they never bother to tell u this, china has one of the most enlightened minority policy in the world,
0 tax,
exemption from one child rule,
full subsidise in economy,
free education….
i challange any *democratic * country to match this, so far no taker !
Maybe a significant number of Tibetans would appreciate being treated “like adults” among the world nations, and not like “dependent children” even assuming your contention is true that Tibetans
really enjoy these “minority privileges”.—Again, this does not mean that Tibet should become
“China hating”, but simply have a relationship based on peaceful mutual respect and peaceful recognition of each other as equals.
everything is relative,
i repeat, can u name one *democratic* country with a matching policy like china ?
if not, all these nitpicking is just distraction from the main issue.
the unitedsnake is the no1 threat to world peace, period.
the russia/china alliance is the only viable resistance to this evil.
are u saying we shouldnt support the brics simply coz russia, china is not up to your standard of *democracy*, based on what u gather from some highly dubious sources ?
BRAVO- lets have a hope another Anglo-Saxon empire collapse, the sooner the better.
What?? The West is irrelevant? New World Order irrelevant too? Don’t mess with my head.
Cowardly Lion: “I do believe in ghosts, I do believe in ghosts, I do, I do, I do…..”
Deutsche Bank to hand over customer details to U S financial ‘police ‘ to establish whether or not anti-Russian sanctions are being complied with (though we all know the ‘answer’ to that):
So what’s happening to their control of the IMF?
Really good analysis in this article. Today’s events showcase more of the Russian ability to resolve what the West wanted to destroy the ME with…endless war. Truth is, Americans are laughing at the government now. The greed and hubris is a bad joke. The non-event Jade Helm was complete disinformation, followed by the rumor of needing passports to leave New York. And don’t forget the most recent false flag event in Oregon. Americans can’t stop the events, but the thinking people aren’t drinking the kool aid anymore. What’s more, the Federal Reserve is failing and the government will finally run out of money to even keep up a pretense of military might. They don’t have the industry to fight a war, because they out-sourced all their manufacturing. I doubt they even make the service uniforms in the US. How stupid is that????? Plus they have gutted their tax base with more off-shoring of jobs. Duh. The Pope’s big visit drew only 20,000 visitors in Philadelphia, less than many football games. The NWO is cratering—-and will be pushed into an abyss, along with its creators. And they can push in the Chem trail pilots too into the abyss. Lets all remember to NOT have any empathy with them…they are not even human in their values.
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