Did they expect us to treat them with any respect?
They can polish their medals and sharpen their
Smiles, and amuse themselves playing games for awhile.
Boom boom, bang bang, lie down you’re dead.
The Maidanites had this great slogan “Україна – це Європа!” or “The Ukraine is Europe”. It was short, emphatic and utterly meaningless – hence it’s appeal and success. Predictably it took the Ukronazis less than a year to show the world that in terms of violence, corruption, social rights, human rights, social organization, culture etc. the Ukraine was much more akin to some failed African state than to any West European country and that it would be much more accurate to say “The Ukraine is Africa”.
Still, the original slogan “Україна – це Європа!” has a kernel of truth to it, especially if flipped around.
Європа – це Україна !
Think of it: what has the Ukainian civil war shown about Europe?
It has shown that the EU is a spineless and voiceless US colony with no foreign policy at all. That EU officials are no less corrupt than the Ukrainian ones (and I am not even sure of which ones are cheaper to purchase!). This crisis also also shown that the EU has absolutely no moral or civilizational values, that all the so-called “EU values” are just a thin veneer of respectability over a systematic use of double-standards. For the life of me I cannot think of a single reason to call Poroshenko or Bokassa or Mobutu more corrupt or less principled than Merkel, Hollande or Cameron.
European politicians are all lining up to defend the putative rights of homosexuals, but when bona fide Nazis use weapons of war against entire cities (including chemical munitions and ballistic missiles) the noble Europeans either look away, or provide the Nazis with more money, guns and mercenaries.
Numerous Russian politicians have reported that in their private conversations with European diplomats the latter have admitted many times that they fully understood Russia’s stance, but that they could not say so openly. So they are *knowingly* supporting the wrong side.
Furthermore, it is becoming increasingly clear that the EU bureaucracy does not care in the least about what most Europeans think, not about Russia, not about the Ukraine, Greece or the EU expansion into Central Europe. In fact, the comprador “elites” of the EU treat they own people with no less contempt than they have for their supposed “principles”. For years now the EU has adopted laws and regulations which were going categorically against both the objective interests and the will of the majority of Europeans and they are still doing so today.
While these were certainly not saints, there used to be politicians in Europe (de Gaulle, Mitterrand, Schmidt, or even Thatcher) who at least had their own views and who were not just the subservient puppets of the White House. I submit that nowadays EU leaders are no less US puppets than Poroshenko.
It is quite amazing for me to watch the very same Europeans who had the gall and arrogance to tell Russia that the future of the Ukraine was “none of your business” (that is quite literally what they said) also accept that the future of the Ukraine would be totally controlled by the United States.
Furthermore, just as their Ukrainian counterparts, EU politicians have apparently simply given up on any hope on getting any respect on the part of their own people: in Europe, just as in the Ukraine, the authority of the heads of state is based on their power whereas in Russia the power of Putin is based on his authority.
Finally, just as the Ukraine the southern parts of the country are prone to resistance and, when possible, revolt, so in the EU we see a “protest belt” in the south from Spain to Greece.
Of course, the EU is still immensely richer than the truly devastated Ukraine. But the writing is on the wall: the Ukraine has become Africa and the EU has become the Ukraine.
The Saker
Brilliant, Saker.
70 years of Jewish-American occupation sure can wreck a continent, can’t it?
@ Arvy
…and leaves us still as an “enemy state” at the UN:
Not sure why Italy is on that list. The Italians hung Mussolini from a bridge. A lot of countries now need to follow their good example.
Brilliant, indeed. But the European scope is much too narrow. Exactly the same can be said globally about the subservience of every so-called “US ally” and their “leadership”, from the Canada in the north to Australia in the south. The contradictions of popular will and wellbeing make one reconsider the statement attributed to Churchill about democracy (at least as currently practiced) being the worst form of government excepting all the others.
@ Arvy
Since you mention the global scale, this deserves a close read:
Who’s Behind Asia-Pacific’s Growing Tensions
First appeared: http://journal-neo.org/2015/06/18/who-s-behind-asia-pacific-s-growing-tensions/
Same old, same old.
Ukros, unlike Africans, are indeed behaving like monkeys: jumping, screaming and taking on each other ferociously. To this we must also add their proud, congenital habit of happily picking lice and filth off any Western figurehead playing around with them.
To make a point, maybe it could be said that the Ukros are in serious need of professional African animal domesticators in Government. After all, the Ukros don’t seem to mind importing foreigners to rule over them. And, unlike the EU cretins, Africans are most definitely not renowned for eulogising sexual aberrations.
A little humour:
African soldiers give monkey an AK-47
horrible…I didn’t watch the whole thing…
That is letting the junta in Kiev or IS giving access to nuclear weapons. Seriously, some people on forums plead for that (the first)!
That was hilarious! Fake and staged but really funny.
Ann you took this clip too seriously, nobody gets hurt and the chimp does a really funny victory pose after dominating everyone.
Little hint: YouTube hasn’t put an adults only block in the video.
T1 thanks man that was just great, now if we could only dub it into gaiician….
ok ok ok…yeah…I watched it again…cute….
At the heart of the whole sordid state of affairs is Empire- building/colonialism – the “expertise” and hallmark of Europe. For further excellent elucidation on this topic refer to Dr Nancy Turner Banks’ excellent work “Aids, Opium, Diamonds and Empire.” – examining the fallacy of the Aids “virus” in the light of the historical backdrop of the British Empire and forward in time. Absolute must-read.
Mr. Saker,
Very nice missive, and Accurate. When you write, it makes our day!
I enclose an English subtitled Dieudonné. He is making much the same point about Europe’s spineless puppet leaders. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=10&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CEEQtwIwCQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fnos-medias.fr%2Fvideo%2Fdieudonne-manu-la-tremblotte-english-subtitles&ei=eruJVba5JcrItQWcmIKIDA&usg=AFQjCNHA7LsFWT6kNcZJk3QfYjYUytS8Uw&sig2=UqiOofegGd35KnLXXdJZuw
Dieudonné advocates the creation of a Free Society from within the moribund body of the old. His political advocacy is of an Alternate and New Government to be formed by the French Citizens. This new Power of the People would, at first be resisting the old Oligarchs in a Dual Power struggle. Later, if successful, they would replace the imperialist Oligarchs with a bright shiny new French Republic. Listen to the video. It is heavy!
We, within the Belly of the beast, have been advocating, much the same political approach, to defang the American imperialist Military Financial Police State. This is, after all, our home in America.
The Democratic republics of Novorossiya have opposed the Kievan Nazi puppet government with much the same Dual Power effort. The Republics, young, weak, and in the case of Luhansk, unstable, contest with the American/Zionist imperialists for-
1. control of the Ukraine, (with the establishment of a just and humane Democratic government),
2. freedom and safety and territorial integrity of Russia and all the dispersed Russian people,
3. and, for a bright multi-centered, peaceful, just, and prosperous planet.
Dieudonné, Laurent Louis, and Alain Soral, among others, have an enormous popular base throughout Europe. We must work on building that critical mass base within America. Our leaders (those who are still breathing), are either in exile, in prison, or isolated in a huge nation of 320 million souls.
We have just begun to fight!
For the VISION!
For the Democratic Republics! Here and There!
I agree Peter…that is what the future has to be.
the EU makes history. It’s the first time the prostitute has to pay to do the job!
That has always been the standard modus operandi of the West.
The colonised pay for ‘their’ rulers via unfair export of their resources and labour.
Western power brokers are sweating like scared pigs over the Ukraine because more and more it seems they won’t get a profit out of it long term.
re: there used to be politicians in Europe (de Gaulle, Mitterrand, Schmidt, or even Thatcher) who at least had their own views and who were not just the subservient puppets of the White House.
Question is WHY?
My only conclusion is that all the current leaders (or large numbers of them) already have their dirty laundry in the NSA hands, thus they have no choice but “do as they are told”, or suffer embarassing or livelihood-terminating disclosures…
Incredible! after my post I saw this news on wikileaks that seem to add credence to my conclusion!
A simple phrase comes to mind, ‘Who don’t know that!’. I must ask, is this some sort of a revelation? Not only is french intelligence surely aware, but most likely so were/are the supposed targets.
Myself, I am more concerned about what is behind and driving the timing of the release of the information? I believe there are deep state institutions lurking behind Assage, Greenwald and Wiki. They may not be what they are made to appear to be?
you got it Charles. If these people were real leakers and dissidents they’d be dead or incarcerated. Assange is holed up in the Ecuadorean embassy in London. Now only a very naive person believes that Britain actually respects rule of law, international norms and diplomatic sovereignty. They didn’t when it came to the Iranian embassy. The fact that everything Assange pronounces is carried by the MSM gives away the game. A real leaker’s words would be suppressed; real stories get buried in the Western MSM, staged ones get promoted and publicized.
The same applies to Edward Snowden; he admitted while sitting an interview in a hotel in Hong Kong that he was only 300meters away from a CIA center (US consulate property) in Hong Kong. He openly said that they could nab him at any time, yet they didn’t. Given that the US has deliberately targeted and bombed the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade during the Clinton Regime, the US is quite capable of violating Chinese sovereignty (I.e. grab Snowden in HK and then fly him to the US) in order to solve a short term imperative, yet they let Snowden walk away (the Chinese didn’t even want Snowden, they wanted that actor gone from their territory). Then we can see the really annoyed look on Putin’s face when Snowden ‘decided’ to squat in Moscow’s airport. Putin didn’t want to keep Snowden either (because he probably knows what Snowden really is).
Again anytime Snowden talks thar entire western MSM publicizes everything in front page style. If this guy were real and not a deep-cover disinformation agent, he would have been censored and practically no publicity would be given to him.
Now I don’t know if Assange is a whitting partner or not but he is being ptrotected and cultivated by the deep stated. With Snowden he’s more likely a whitting participant.
Bingo, Alan. This is what many people suspect here in Germany too.
Germans had elected Merkel and hoped that she would act in our interest. Is she doing it and why not? It´t can´t be for “ideology” alone. There must be something else.
Yes, the “investigation” into the tapping of Merkel phone ended without any action. In the French case, I suppose it is still “new” news. But I’ll be surprised if there will be a real “investigation”. Let’s face it, no prosecutor can *investigate* when they are already under *blackmail*….
Nature abhors anomalies and tends to extinguish them by maladaptation.
The freaks of Europe and the US, the elites and clown-leaders, are due to be terminated by force of nature. If the normal human beings are to survive, the freaks must go. And the feeling we have instinctively is normal. Nature needs humans to extinguish Fascist Freaks.
It is time to think in terms of exterminating the cause of our problems and the threat to our human existence.
As the militia has faced this dilemma, to kill or be killed, so must the rest of us who reject fascism and hegemony.
Strange, the language of your “solutions” sound surprisingly fascist in themselves (exterminate, extinguish, Nature is with us etc).
“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
what we need more than ever is massive dollops of criticism, knowledge and engagement. What we need most of all is a large and truly diverse media that isn’t such an absolute tool.
BTW, “don’t be evil” Google is stopping any attempts (on android phones I assume) to *stop tracking*. So much for android phones being an alternatives to the IPhone….
Google and Facebook are the government. Wake up!
They are Elites, they are the satanists, and they are the tyranny.
quote “Predictably it took the Ukronazis less than a year to show the world that in terms of violence, corruption, social rights, human rights, social organization, culture etc. the Ukraine was much more akin to some failed African state than to any West European country”
you are completely wrong.
Europe and European (civilization or lack of it ) has been responsible for most of the violence and human right abuses in the history of world. and by euroepan I do not mean Greek or Roman civilization either -it strictly means shopkeepers race civilization of england and protestant money greed nations.and that is what they mean by west really.
yes I agree Anonym…Germany used to be ‘Central Europe’ but now its called Western Europe….its lost its identity and become part of England.
Dear Saker,
excellent analysis. Nothing to add really.
But people see through their games.
Today, DWN published an article about Carters visit here. Easy to read for those who can read German:
“US-Verteidigungsminister schwört Deutschland auf Kampf gegen Russland ein”
(US Sec. of Defence swears Germany to fight (or counter) against Russia)
There are 37 comments. NONE of them speaks in favor of the USA or this clownish MIC lobbyist.
Some of the comments are well written, for ex this one:
23. Juni 2015 um 13:32
Roland Haasis sagt:….
It doesn´t matter which mainstream outlet one visits – the majority of Germans see through the US games and plots and do NOT share their criminal “ideas”.
Many Germans see how the US admin and their nato is treating us – like vassals and paymasters for their adventurism. Realize pls what they make us european taxpayers throw into that corrupt black hole Ukraine – without any strings attached and ready to be stolen at once! What a shame.
There are now hardly any former admirers of the EU left in Germany and in many other EU countries. People have started to hate this terribly expensive and cancerous bureaucracy that throws around our hard earned money to please the self appointed hegemon and to make the EU monster grow by helping the US to bring about more “color revolutions” on the cost of all of us.
What is happening in Transnistria (very dangerous!), Macedonia, Georgia etc with EU support?
But never think that Germans or the citizens of other countries were ever asked if they want these adventures.
And of course the same here:
– establishing the Maastricht EU in 1992
– the Lisbon treaty (one finds the most astonishingand despicable undemocratic points in the small print!)
– forcing the Euro down our throats
– expanding the EU bureaucracy in ridiculous ways
(Did anybody read Parkinson?: https://en.wikipedia.org/?title=Parkinson%27s_law
– taking more and more “responsibility” (by force and for themselves, making our daily lives ever more complicated and costly
– establishing the ECB (with a guy from Goldman Sucks as the head) that is now playing politics and overstepping their original mandate: guarding price stability
– last but not least: starting to play “geopolitics” in our name without ever asking us, the citizens of Europe?
Now, this list was just for starters. I could go on and on.
Note that most of these people were not elected by the citizens but by our less and less intelligent and educated politruks.
On top of it: it doesn´t matter anymore for whom people vote in elections because the results are always the same. Political parties in Germany are streamlined. Except for the small “Die Linke” there is no opposition just as there is hardly any newspaper left here that has a “different view” or will publish “the missing part”.
DW will start to throw some anti-russian propaganda around now. BUT who will believe them? Hardly anyone! People have found their own and much more interesting sources of information on the web.
To end this lamento, I want to ask you all: What can we do together to change this condition of more and more hysterical and dangerous US warmongering on our european soil?
I propose that well known diplomats from Russia, Germany (maybe France and Italy too) – not in retirement for a long time or still active) start touring our countries with speeches “to the people of Europe”. These speeches should also surface in the big newspapers (like a big advertisement).
Let us pressure such people to start action for the benefit of the whole of Europe BEFORE US military an their vassals indulge in “actions” that we ALL do not wish to see and endure.
Sorry Sam,
Germans and other Eurpeans are all imperialists.
An interesting report on Ukraine’s employment situation (or lack of it I should say):
Unemployment as a factor in Ukraine’s death
By Aleksandr Rodzhers
Translated from Russian by J.Hawk
I really don’t like illusions. Especially those which say that “it will work out somehow” or that “foreigners will help us.” Every such illusion means that when the situation gets predictably worse, it comes as a “surprise” for the millions of “positively thinking individuals”, with the trauma leading to depression and even suicide epidemics.
One of the key indicators in any Western overview (though traditionally ignored in Ukraine) is the level of employment and unemployment. It’s only to be expected, since the level of employment determines the level of well-being and (when combined with the amount of salaries) the potential volume of internal markets.
So what do we see in Ukraine? Official data (don’t ask me how they came up with them if everyone knows that, to put it mildly, they are false) tell us that:
Ukraine’s population is 42.9 million.
Of which 19 million are economically active (15-70 years of age).
Employed population is 17.2 million.
Unemployed population is 1.85 million (9.7%).
Registered unemployed: 458 thousand (and constantly dropping).
The average unemployment benefit is now 1196 hryvnia (which means after you’ve paid utilities you’re ready all set to die of hunger).
So, let’s start from the end. Why is the number of registered unemployed dropping? Two reasons:
Итак, начнём с конца. Почему при существенном ухудшении ситуации в экономике падает количество зарегистрированных безработных? Причин две:
–First of all, the time window for registering is limited, if you miss it you simply become unemployed.
–Secondly, the registered unemployed have to be paid, therefore the process of registration is being officially hindered through extra requirements.
Moreover, it’s not just the number of unemployed (4-6% is considered normal–many of whom are simply between jobs), but for how long they’ve been unemployed.
So let’s look at the official data again.
–up to 3 months: 33.1%
–3-6 months: 26.4%
–over a year: 20.2%
The internationally recognized acceptable unemployment duration is considered to be 2-4 months. Right now the average period of unemployment (by official data) is about 9 months.
Now for the unofficial data. For starters, a few statements by the Ukrainian Labor Union Federation (FPU), which tear the official data to shreds.
Sergey Kondrikov, the head of FPU’s anti-crisis center, 2.5 million Ukrainians lost work in the last year. So how can one claim that there are ONLY 1.85 million unemployed?
How’s that possible? Did they find jobs for everyone else? Has anyone heard of new jobs being created in Ukraine? Not a job here and there, but a couple of million? I haven’t. If anything like that happened, the junta would have claimed it as its greatest achievement (with justification). But there’s nothing of the sort. Which means that the actual army of unemployed is at least 4 million strong, which means the level of unemployment is not 9.7% but over 21%. It might be even higher than that, but even that “optimistic” number is scary enough.
Ruslan Sobol, the head of the Small and Middle Business Owner Association, also believes that by the end of 2015 there will be as many as 4 million unemployed. Moreover, the agreement with IMF specifies a 3% reduction in the state sector employment, which also will add to the rolls of unemployed.
Confirming my conclusions, the new FPU head Grigoriy Osovoy said that “out of 26 million working age adults, only 9 million are employed. Right now the biggest problem is creating jobs.”
I can’t tell you where the 26 million number comes from, if the Derzhkomstat says only 19% (maybe he counted Donbass and Crimea, I’m not sure), but even if you start with 19 million, 9 million workers is less than half.
But that’s the big picture. If you look at the details, two years ago only slightly more than 3 million Ukrainians had jobs in the real economy, in manufacturing. The majority of them were on the Donbass. The rest were traders, barbers, waiters, and various office plankton which doesn’t make anything.
I will never stop repeating the words of John Smith, “manufacturing nations flourish.” They clearly don’t apply to Ukraine where out of 19 million working-age population only 3 million (and now more like 1.5-2 million) work in manufacturing. “One with fork, seven with spoons.” With that ratio, there’s no threat of Ukraine flourishing.
Especially right now, when the miserly salaries have to feed hundreds of thousands of “professional patriots” which “don’t herd, don’t sow, don’t build, but take pride in the society.”
The political class of the Fascist Anglo/Zionist Empire are mere overseers for the ruling international corporate monopolists. Only the working class can save the working class. Workers of the world unite!
Declaration of Assembly of Andalusia
“On the agreement between the Spanish state and the United States on the base of Moron”:
(…) US bases of Rota and Moron emerged in the 1953 Madrid Agreements between the Franco regime and the government of the United States during the Cold War, constituting a boost to the dictatorship, which since became a faithful ally of US imperialism. Current continuation and enhancement have no other aim than to intervene violently in countries whose political regimes are not submissive to financial, economic and political powers that dominate the world and where there is potentially dangerous instability to those interests.
The absence of Andalusian sovereignty and shameful surrender of sovereignty of part of our territory by the successive governments of the Spanish State have now culminated in this extended US military presence and empowerment of the bases. Besides the affront to the dignity of the Andalusian people that means, these facts put Andalusia in the target of international terrorism, to start from here, but now much more in future expeditions of aggression against African peoples and Middle East territories.
We find it shameful the silence in this respect from the institutions of the Government of Andalusia, the Andalusian Ombudsman and the vast majority of political parties. It would seem that the military modifications of the Spain-US Agreement did not affect anything. This interested blindness demonstrates the complete submission of those who claim to be “our” representatives and are further evidence of Andalusia only being of interest to them as a granary of votes or excuse to enjoy public office.
The indignity culminates with the use of the dramatic situation of unemployment in our nation Andalusia as a means of defending the supposed goodness of the extension of the Bases for the jobs that would be allegedly created (…).
An African over here and a big fan of the blog. I understand Africa makes an easy target for all that is wrong with the world. But I think the spread of “all that is wrong with the world” is quite evenly distributed throughout the continents of the world. Fight the urge to fall for these general characterizations. We all make them but we have to be careful we don’t end up reinforcing them in other people who might not hold them so innocently. I am already seeing that in the comments as others play on your characterization and comparison of Africa with ukraine.
Yes Emmanuel, the beginning was a big hard on Africa but the end of the article made it alright somehow.
Here is another African fan of the blog and of Russia. I also thought a blogger of Saker’s caliber could do without such generalisations and a picture that, no wonder, appeal to the sense of humour of people like the other Ann further below; who, after having spoken to just one Cameroonian, concludes that “African citizens” idolize Americans. 1) Remember, Africa is a continent and not a country. 2) There is nothing unquely African about the reaction of the Cameroonian guy, I am sure many British, Americans, Germans, English and even Russian men and woman react the same way. Othewise, the ’empire’ wouldn’t be as successfull.
I am not African myself, though I have met many fine people from various African countries. Although I see the point Saker is trying to make, I think I agree with the Africans here: we’re just reinforcing a negative stereotype that obscures the main issue. Africa, historically (and to a certain extent, presently), was being victimized by The Emprire, just like Ukraine now is.
what was the perfect combination of words is this….”Africa is the Ukraine”…that’s much more descriptive and understandable. The Ukraine is the example of everything that is awful … poor dear Ukraine…I would love to live in Donetsk when this is all part of the dismal past.
Three stories hit the news stands at the same time.
A) http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/06/23/us-ukraine-crisis-mh-idUSKBN0P326E20150623
Exclusive: International tribunal looks like best chance for MH17 justice – Dutch sources
B) http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jun/24/russian-troll-factory-sued-underpayment-labour-violations-vladimir-putin
Russian ‘troll factory’ sued for underpayment and labour violations
C) http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jun/23/francois-hollande-emergency-meeting-wikileaks-us-spied-three-presidents-france
François Hollande calls emergency meeting after WikiLeaks claims US spied on three French presidents
Hey Saker, funny picture and slogan…Europe is the Ukraine…!! Much better than Ukraine is Africa…although I do agree that until African citizens stop idolizing Americans there will be a mess in Africa. I talked to a super nice guy from Cameroon about Boko Haram and I said it was CIA funded and organized and he laughed and said ‘no way’….until the Africans admit to this covert American interference they will be a product of the Empire of Chaos.
Suspects killed several police officers with knives and bombs after speeding through a traffic checkpoint in a car in Kashgar’s Tahtakoruk district, the US-based Radio Free Asia said, citing Turghun Memet, an officer at a nearby police station.
US based radio free asia. First with the news? CIA station gets the news cause the CIA were behind it.
Lot of good people here from the US but as far as I am concerned, if the US gets bombed into oblivion the world would be a much better place.
Forgot to put my name on the that comment.
Must be building upo to something because the narrative is rolling out thich and fast in the MSM today.
This is the latest.
Ukraine rebels train child soldiers in the making (AFP)
This is nothing new. Look at the barbaric destruction of Libya. The question is why so many in Europe and Russia till recently refused to see the obvious. Reckon it wasn’t politically correct to point out the obvious.
A related question might be why so many Europeans, Russians, and Ukrainians think or thought that they were special, and wouldn’t get the Libyan treatment. It is sad to think how many can be deceived so easily by promises of lace panties and a visa to Europe. And the people making the promises are the same ones who deceived and destroyed many other countries.
I recently came across this, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdwJcqA-AhI , Dr Moussa Ibrahim’s first public address since the Libyan fiasco 2011. Also a follow up Q & A session https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gbGpP74T7k .
First post here.
By the way..this is OT but so important that I hope people don’t mind me posting it here…
Boys for Sale parts 1 & 2 is about Houston problem of runaway little boys and the unbelievable sex trade…from about the ages of 8 until 22 they have work and then they become “all washed up hasbeens” and commit suicide…pathetic….I had no idea until I watched this documentary.
No complaints whatsoever about a single word of this article, being someone who has lived all their life in Europe.
Well said!
Exclusive: In the up-is-down Orwellian world that is now The New York Times’ editorial page, there was no coup in Ukraine in 2014, no U.S.-driven “regime change,” no provocation on Russia’s border, just Moscow’s aggression — a sign of how propaganda has taken over mainstream U.S. media, writes Robert Parry.
Todays must read :https://consortiumnews.com/2015/06/22/nyts-orwellian-view-of-ukraine/
Ha, and if the European peoples would actually rebel against their hostile elites and put an end to the insane mass immigration and kick immivaders and would-be occupiers out eventually, you Saker would be the first to denounce them as racists (or “Nazis” which has become your default term for your ideological enemies.) But whatever floats your boat, right?
Haha, pas un peu bête, non?
Another deluded Whitey resorting to the futile plea for imperialism without immigrants and refugees.
Terribly sorry: As long as you and the elites remain committed to imperialism, you’ll never get rid of the immigrants. Better believe me: in case the ruling elites had no other subjects at their disposal than deluded Whiteys to keep production going, they’d be outsourcing like hell.
Just be happy that my answer to you wasn’t let through by the side’s censor.
Two problems with this…
Using Africa as some soort of standard for crap is not on… African nations have their own issues and don’t need to be used in this way. Is it any wonmder that societies that have been repeatedly attacked by powerful empires bear similarities in terms of being covered in scar-tissue, bleeding sores and corrupt infections?
Secondly your use of the image of some perhaps homosexual alternate-lifestyle person as if we in Western Europe should be ashamed of ourselves as a bunch of effette un-macho weirdos is also not on. If more people in the West were alternative counter-culture types… we wouldn’t be functioning quite so efficiently as obedient little US tools eager to believe whatever sanctimonious bullshit ‘authority’ tells us we should think and do in regards to people from other cultures and other ways of seeing the world. I for one would thank you to leave these people alone, it’s not the LGBT people of Europe working to build up fascist/jihadist forces in other nations to crush the right of people to make their own choices, frankly I see no reason for us pro-Russians to take swipes at communities that don’t even represent the people working against Russian interests on the world stage (follow orders, Manichean world view where Russia is evil and West is good, conform to the groupthink etc). What people do on their weekends with their partners and how they express what unique snow-flakes they are is their own business wherever they live. If only more people in the West dressed like aliens from M33, it might indicate a willingness to respect the rights of other nations and cultures to also choose purple hair or not.
Aside all that I agree with you.
You’re right. It is not fair to jump to conclusions about all gay people based on the propaganda. But it is true that what used to be a strictly domestic ‘culture war’ is now being re-deployed for foreign policy use. That doesn’t mean that all LGBT people buy into this propaganda–Justin Raimondo, for example, doesn’t. But since ideology is no longer the issue (as it was in Cold War I), more and more, we’re going to see culture war being used instead.
Check Glen Greenwald on this subject: https://off-guardian.org/2015/05/21/5630/
I am not sure to what degree the EU leaders are US stooges or willing members of the Western Empire. It seems to me that the EU (or at least, most of the EU states) is genuinely terrified by the prospect of a strong (and prosperous Russia)
The issue of Syria, and Russia’s willingness to block the prospective pipelines from Qatar to Europe seems to have pushed the EU further into the arms of Uncle Sam.
In any case, little of all this matters very much right now. Russia must stand firm and protect her own interests regardless of what the EU thinks. As long as Qatar is held at bay by Assad, Europe’s gas production will continue to peter out and the champions of gay-rights from London to Paris, Berlin and Rome will have to buy more from Gazprom. That is the most important thing.
My take on this is that Western parasitism is the root cause of every single instinct the Zionazis have; be it in the US, the EU, or any constituent part of the West. All their fears, hatreds, and delusions stem from the unresolved issue of sheer survival as utter parasites on the rest of Humanity while facing their own rotting edifice along with stiffening resistance worldwide.
Specifically, a strong and prosperous Russia would deprive them of what little “prestige” they have left. Not very likely their piece of cake.
” Predictably it took the Ukronazis less than a year to show the world that in terms of violence, corruption, social rights, human rights, social organization, culture etc. the Ukraine was much more akin to some failed African state than to any West European country and that it would be much more accurate to say “The Ukraine is Africa”
I find this statement to be actually quite an insult to Africa and to Africans. Like somebody else pointed out on here all the negative attributes mentioned above are hardly unique to Africa and in fact are actually if anything more prevalent in the “west”, the biggest crooks and corruption you can ever imagine are to be found amongst Caucasians in the “west” and the biggest episodes of bloodletting ever experienced on this planet (world wars 1 & 2) had nothing to do with Africa or Africans and was the sole doing of white people and Caucasians so get yourself some education and stop bashing Africa.
Actually, the significant fact here is that the Maidan Ukro monkeys enjoy the tender loving care of Western imperialism bringing mayhem, squalor, and wholesale disintegration to their country. Did you see any domestic jumping and drooling monkeys in, say, Libya ecstatically betraying their country for a few eatables and colonial treaties?
Ergo: The Ukro-trash is well below the Third World in its entirety.
The Ukros (as well as all the “peripheral Europeans”) are mostly intoxicated by the thought of the EU. They have seen countries such as Romania and Bulgaria join in and now firmly believe that it is their turn.
As long as this “EU prospect” remains alive in the imaginations of “peripheral Europeans”, bourgeoisie and petty-bourgeoisie elements within those societies will always cling on to the “European dream”.
It is pathetic as well as racist, but there you have it.
Africa is a mess because of imperialism, going way back. Ukraine is similar, and so are various other nations around the world. One can see the same patterns of war, theft, exploitation, destruction of cultures, puppet governments and corruption.
Sure countries have problems all on their own, but colonialism, imperialism, and exploitation makes it all far worse — and you see the same results in the areas of even the US where people are exploited and impoverished, and their cultures and infrastructure damaged from that — it’s just a matter of scale and degree of localization.
Nice comment, I like it.
Indeed, just a decision of the Eurocrates was all needed to prolong the sanctions to Russia, not a meeting of the Presidents or Government chiefs of the EU. Just a move of a Bureaucracy.
From the Russia side, why, in renewing their boycott to some EU products, do not add “the beverages with alcohol content less than 8%?
That would mean:
– boycott the Beer from EU, facilitating the National producers;
– inflict damage mainly to the Northern EU Countries, as German, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, Norway, Sweden GB and in part also France.
– hitting in negligible way the Southern EU Countries, mainly producers of wine, even favoured by a boycott of the Beer.
So, why not?
Prosit! Frau Merkel…
Dear The Saker,
Excellent summary. Thank you.
The Saker flies high enough to see the big picture. Basically, what’s left of the Ukraine is destined to fit it’s true definition, “the outskirts” a place on the edge of an empire, but in the case of western Ukraine, a place teetering on the edge of insanity; sorry, not teetering, but totally succumbing to insanity. Galicia has always been occupied by people bereft of intelligence, most filled with rabid hatred and jeleousy toward Russia, but like most imates in mentally institutions the population was allowed to wallow in its own illusions until the local warden was replaced by an NeoCon more insane than the imates; result being the current situation: freaks, rapists, murderers, psychopaths, thieves, sadists, all running around the “outskirts” creating chaos befitting hell on Russia’s doorstep. Fortunately Russia has a very big broom which will eventually be used to sweep the garbage under the EU’s rug.
Galicians = The lunatic fringe of refuse even disdained by their Pshek kith and kin.
Brilliantly put, Saker! Western Europe will never live up to Russian standards!
Ukraine is not Africa. Besides Africa has nothing to do with the conflict in Ukraine. So no need to dredge up old stereotypes and defame Africa by equating it with Ukraine.
Africa is moving forward with a deep and dynamic relationship with China and it was doing that even before Russia stopped swooning at Europe’s feet and began looking east.
The times they are a changing!
Very true. And if we look at Banderastan’s “future”, the difference becomes even sharper. To paraphrase:
Banderastan is moving full speed downward with the ecstatic approval of its patrons and its citizenry, except the Donbass. Good riddance.
Indeed, equating Banderastan with Africa might do the trick of insulting a clueless Ukro, but to really make a point, the grim truth is far superior: Banderastan is a resurrection of Yeltsin-time Russia. And no Putin in sight.
“Banderastan is a resurrection of Yeltsin-time Russia.”
I could’nt agree more! Besides Ukraine is a fascist neonazi state something we don’t find anywhere in Africa. Unfortunately Euro-ignorance about Africa is near total. Its a blank slate upon which they can project any illusion, fantasy or stereotype they choose.
Europe made and strives to make Africa as it is.
The European West is a seriously retarded cultural entity. English, increasingly dominated by the conceit of ‘America’, has colonised it. The English language is in terminal decline. This is indicated by the currently obvious reality that unless we find another language to express reality we are doomed.
Europe is like an ancient scroll locked in a forgotten library just waiting to be touched and it will crumble and turn into dust! Soon half of Africa will be in Europe anyway, today they are coming as refugees, but in a generation they will be coming as armed men……Forget the Ode to Joy this is Europe’s real anthem (https://www.youtube.com/embed/GD3VsesSBsw):
Brilliant and to the point as usual.
Just a quick thought – when the Soviet Union was powerful and a close neighbor, Western Europe could play it in the middle – the USSR kept US influence moderated to a degree. And many of the EU bureaucrats did not want to bet on the wrong side so a certain neutrality was called for. With the USSR gone and Russia appearing to be a sinking ship, they sucked up to the perceived winner.
The same could be said of unions and worker organizations in the US. As long as the potential power of socialism was real, unions were tolerated as the lesser “evil”. With the collapse of the USSR, unions and worker rights and the 99% in general were viewed as helpless and easy to exploit. There are many nuances in this topic but I hope that the above is clear enough.
Saker –> Excellent analysis. You described the high end corrupt leadership in Europe very well, and you got it exactly right, they are just as corrupt as the fathead in Kiev. They too carry out decisions contrary to their constituents interests and will – no different than Proshenko. The fact that Europe is subsidized by their fiat currencies is the only reason that the average people aren’t as severely affected by their corrupt leadership as in Ukraine or Africa.
And I guess the author must have been in some African country to be able to make this statement. Reminds me very much of what we are used to hearing from the west. But I guess there is actually not much difference, just a question of perspective.