Note: I would be very grateful if some Russian speaker could add the non-translated Russian lyrics to this song. Thanks in advance!
The Saker
Note: I would be very grateful if some Russian speaker could add the non-translated Russian lyrics to this song. Thanks in advance!
The Saker
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“Goodwill Rockets” by Artem Grishanov
John Smith
Is not blocked by age.
can we download and share this video? I cant see them letting it stay up too long and the work is very good IMO.
pass around links to it; if copying give proper credit
Make more of these, many, many more and distribute them widely. please.
But “Please, oh please stop the war” is not how a war of attrition is stopped.
Where is Putin?
Ha ha, exactly !
Where is Putin ???
What is it that you suggest Putin and Russia do?
And what are the consequences and costs?
And why are you here with sophomoric comments and not running a major world power somewhere?
We wait your brilliance, your ingenious ideas.
Putin and Russia have a DUTY to liberate all of south-east Ukraine from Odessa to Kharkov from zio-nazi yoke !!!
It is a duty, not “an idea”, do you understand?
I mean, small and insignificant Serbia went to war against Croatia, Bosnia and the whole of NATO in order to protect the people there from this kind of suffering.
Russian behaviour in the Ukrainian crises has been ridiculous and unworthy of the superpower.
All the regions in the south-east Ukraine have been traditionally voting for pro-Russian Yanukovich. I mean, are you kidding, you know perfectly well that Odessa is pro-Russian to this day !? Russia should have taken AT LEAST the whole coastline. That is the absolute minimum.
I am losing patience with Putin. The Western Nazis are already laughing at us. And they are laughing loudly.
Can only say: BRAVO! Very well said!
It is 100% a duty and one which he can’t carry out because…he doesn’t want to.
This is a class war – not the “Empire’s war against Russia” (the Capatilist system in Russia is the same as that elsewhere). That description is, i’m afraid, naive.
(i) the elites are having competitive struggles
(ii) the elites are acting as a cohesive unit good/bad cop
In either case the vast majority of mankind is set against each other but only for the purpose of furthering the goals of the elites.
Once again :
“Göring: Why, of course, the people don’t want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.
Gilbert: There is one difference. In a democracy, the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars.
Göring: Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”
In an interview with Gilbert in Göring’s jail cell during the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials (18 April 1946)”
@ Anonymous on June 07, 2015 · at 9:05 pm UTC
“… Either:
(i) the elites are having competitive struggles
(ii) the elites are acting as a cohesive unit good/bad cop …”
I believe that it is “(i)” in this particular case, though some cohesiveness could be discerned through all that “our partners” talk and deeds. Hasn’t Vladimir Ilitch said something to the effect, that imperialism is the is highest state of capitalism, when brutal competition for the world’s resources ensues? Russia today is a true capitalist country if there ever was one, trying very hard to negotiate membership into the elite exclusive Country Club (even a Buddhist would cross himself to that end), while its “partners” have their greedy eyes set on its vast resources…
@ The Wend
Thank you.
It’s easy for you to call for Russia to intervene in south and eastern Ukraine but there some serious downsides to that idea:
1.) The death toll and injured toll would increase dramatically
2.) The destruction to property would be immense
3.) At least some people in the south and east of Ukraine would resent the Russian intervention
4.) It would be a huge propaganda opportunity for the United Sates
5.) Russia wants to stabilize the situation and Kiev is running out of air so why would they pour fuel on the fire?
I could go on but if the above is not enough to get the point across then it wouldn’t help.
@ “Think clearly”
According to your “clear think” Stalin should have surrendered on 22 June 1941 in order to:
1.) prevent a dramatic increase of death and injury toll
2.) prevent immense destruction of property
3.) not disappoint at least some people (in Ukraine) who preferred Hitler
4.) eliminate Göbbels propaganda against USSR (who wouldn’t need it then)
5.) not pour fuel on WWII, knowing that Hitler would die in some score and a half years anyway…
I too could go on but if the above is not enough to get the point across then it wouldn’t help.
Duty to Russia always comes first.
Chapter 4. President of the Russian Federation
Article 80.
The President of the Russian Federation shall be the head of state.
The President shall be the guarantor of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and of human and civil rights and freedoms. In accordance with the procedure established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, he shall take measures to protect the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, its independence and state integrity, and ensure concerted functioning and interaction of all bodies of state power.
The President of the Russian Federation shall define the basic domestic and foreign policy guidelines of the state in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws.
The President of the Russian Federation as head of state shall represent the Russian Federation inside the country and in international relations.
Article 82.
At his inauguration the President of the Russian Federation shall take the following oath to the people: “I vow, in the performance of my powers as the President of the Russian Federation to respect and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, to observe and protect the Constitution of the Russian Federation, to protect the sovereignty and independence, security and integrity of the state and to serve the people faithfully.”
The oath shall be taken in a solemn atmosphere in the presence of members of the Council of the Federation, deputies of the State Duma and judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.
putin is nto going to do anything except bootlick the anglo empire.
JULY 4-6, 2014
Putin has completely lost it-he believes that usa and uk are to be partner in fighting terrorism-that fool does not yet know that those terrorists have been mercenary armies of coward british and americans?
“Nevertheless, Putin said he views America not as Russia’s rival, but rather as a partner and ally on many pressing world issues, such as global terrorism, Middle Eastern crises and Iran’s nuclear program.
“We are not just partners; I would say we are allies in addressing the issues related to non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. We are undoubtedly allies in the fight against terrorism. There are some other areas of collaboration as well. The central theme of Expo Milano…is yet another example of our joint work,” Putin said.”
With headline like these the fact is that it looks like Putin acted as a weakling and hence ruined the reputation of Russia. not to speak of losing the advantage of the novorussiana army at least to destroy the cauldron and expose the NATO mercenaries inside the cauldron for all the world to see.
Putin and his army are not fighting in donbass but putin is always there to stop the victory of novorussiana rmy at the last minute-just to please anglosaxon enemies of Putin and of Russia! what a shambles are these lavrov, putin and medvedev ! truly a treacherous to russia trio.
Would you prefer Navalnyi or Khodorkovski?
BTW, who did sink Ukrainian border guards vessel yesterday?
Hawk at FortRuss suggests it was one of Ukraine’s own mines.
I agree that it was a Ukrainian mine but with a qualification. Photos show the damage was done at the boat’s stern, which suggests that the boat was engaged in some sort of mine laying activity rather then hit while under way. Besides the mines in December were positioned on beaches rather then in navigational waters. Also I think that it was preparation to some sort of provocation to promote more anti Russian sanctions while g7 has been going on.
Those who think Putin is a fool are being foolish.
He knows exactly what’s going on with US and EU, but many in the US and EU do not know what’s going on with Putin (and underestimate him), and have been taken by surprise several times.
Putin speaks diplomatically, but there is a deep river of thought under what he says which takes some understanding to notice. He often uses meta-speech, which coveys more that what is on the surface. Calling the US ‘partners’ for example, means he is leaving the door open to the US to change it’s attitude while saving face, while at the same time encouraging it to grow up and act reasonably, similar to how a teacher walks into a classroom where the kids are almost rioting and saying ‘Ladies and gentlemen, please take you seat so we can begin”. It is an expression not of the moment but of what is expected of them.
At the same time, Putin knows what the current limits of Russian power are and works withing them, looking towards the long term with patience, and preparing — all while dealing with the opposition within Russia as well, and going about the business of handling internal affairs.
@ Solon
“… What is it that you suggest Putin and Russia do? …”
Oh, now that’s easy:
1) read your brilliant post, then
2) deeply meditate on your ingenious ideas, and
3) stick their tail between their legs, run away yelping “squee! squee! squee!” and hide behind their mommy’s skirt!
You took 3 swings and you’re out!
Nada should be your next name.
All of you armchair trainee warriors used to video game simplicity think you have the solution.
You bring nothing but noise.
This issue was discussed with the Strelkov vs Starikov interview where Starikov mentioned that Russia needs to be careful of the hurray patriots insisting what youre insisting that Russia should step into Ukraine to protect its citizens and wipe it off the map. The not so simple problem here is the very large population of Russians living in Ukraine who are either pro-Russian or are so bombarded by the anti-Russian propaganda that they themselves believe that there is an all out defensive war against Russia because Russia is invading Ukraine. The few thousand dead civilians in east Ukraine will be nothing compared to the death toll of both civilians and the brain washed Russians who think they will be standing up for poor ol Ukraine when Russia actually attacks. Neither I nor most Russians want to see alot of dead civilians (Ukrainian or not) and dead fellow Russians no matter how brain washed they are. This is a very hard call to make for any head figure nor is there anything you can compare this type of war with specifially because of the very large population of citizens on the enemies territory.
How is a war of attrition stopped?
List a few brilliant ideas.
Don’t wake the Russian Bear.
We have seen this before! did you not recognize US V.P. Joe Biden sitting in the Rada ??
The creature of the US, Poroshenko just had his company Roshen put into a Rotschild ‘Trust’, the US has his back,the FED has the US back and the world bends over for the USD.
Unless ‘someone’ gets to him, like Bandera,he will likely end up in the USA like Saakashvilli,The Shah of Persia,Marcos of the Phillipines, a long, long, list.
This video acknowledges that they are actually fighting families! .
President Putin is well respected for the job he and his associates have done to resurect Russia from the soviet and Yeltsin depredations.
However, there is a time for a hammer but lawyers do not make good hammers!.
International law died with the destruction of Jugoslavia and the bombing of Serbia,no amount of trying will resurect the UN!, it is dead and done!.
All the ‘tools’ of post WW2 are shown to be nothing more than devices constructed by the USA, attempting world hegemony, through financial and military controls.
Russia,China and all other countries have seen and acted accordingly.
There is lip service paid to these agencies of empire,but nothing is solved without violence, reason never features!.
Poroshenko & son do not fight in the Donbass,neither does ‘Yats’ or Turchinov or Yarosh, who was very quick to retreat from Debaltsevo, with a ‘wound’.
Perhaps this ‘realization’ of Putins commitment to the law actually fuels American aggression,when Kruschev hammered his shoe on the UN podium,the entire world took notice.
Until america,france,germany,britain and all allies and vassals bleed, this will continue.
We all die, let us take the enemies of life with us!
As an American, I weep, but the end is coming. The Empire is in it’s death throws. Financial collapse is “when” not if, and then it stops. How many more have to die at the hands of this Evil none of us know, but we can all be certain, the day of reckoning is coming.
The Empire (the oligarch class) has never been more powerful.
It seems to me that the Russian Bear is in the deep sleep.
What to do?
The Russian Bear has a tradition to wake up only when the enemy is either in Moscow or some 20 miles from Moscow.
Until then….
“… 20 miles from Moscow …”
And even then, the Russian people at least had Stalin and Zhukov…
Russia is not a “normal” country like, say, Sweden. So uniting people is a tremendous task. This is slowly happening. But the bigger problem in the current context may simply be the oligarchical cesspool that was the Ukraine is not that different in Russia. The Saker talks about a Eurasian faction and an Atlantic one. That is one way of looking at it, but the other is an Oligarchical faction and a National Interest one. And the oligarchs at least have veto power, if not more than 50% of the power. So Putin has done a reasonable job of moving the country away from enslavement by the West, but there is a long way to go, and a lot of this should have been started five or ten years ago. The problem is the oligarchs want to join the West.
Russian oligarchs have not really been nationalized. They still have vast assets and even their children in the West. The banking system is so messed up (because it works for the West), that many companies have relied on Western financing to run things. An additional problem is that the oligarchs are basically big-time criminals, and proof of their crimes may be in the possession of Western intelligence agencies. The Russian government will not expose the details of their crimes, but the West might. So they are like the oligarchs in the Ukraine. When the chips are down, who do they work for?
Having said all that, though, the Kremlin has been making all kinds of moves, and today’s world is different from that of WWII. The low-key, unclear, and non-transparent approach of the Kremlin does have the advantages of making it hard for opponents to figure out what is going on as well as avoiding panic or giving the opportunity for the West to create hysteria in Europe.
A rational appraisal.
Collateral Damage:
The little boy was the intended target (ethnic cleansing is the ATO policy of Kiev criminals (junta)).
The subsequent death is collateral.
The aunt of the boy killed by a shell fragment in Telmanovo died of heart attack
on: June 07, 2015
Locality Telmanovo has not yet recovered from the tragedy that happened a day ago. A shall that was fired from Ukrainian positions exploded on a playground and killed a young boy. He was not the only victim.
The locality was subjected to the fire by Ukrainian artillery, which had probably reported to their command the success of their action, but in reality the result was the following: three old ladies got wounded and one four-year-old boy killed.
Vanya Nesteruk was playing nearby his home, when shells started exploding in the street. A fragment hit him in the chest, and he had been still alive for some time. It was not far from the house to the hospital, and the agonizing child was carried there at once.
“He was delivered in the state of agony, and our efforts to save his life were unsuccessful. The chil died”, – the surgeon, who tried to rescue the boy, said.
When the child’s aunt learned that he died, she had a heart attack and died.
“The aunt, when she learnt that her nephew died, she went to the hospital and died there from grief. The aunt died. She is no longer living, her name was Lyuba”, – a neighbour said.
Hospital wards in Telmanovo are crowded. Almost all the patients have fragmentation wounds. The elderly people in bloody bandages – this is an outrageous sight. The three women wounded as a result of yestarday’s shelling are also hospitalized
“I was near the cellar. When the shell dropped, I fell to the ground. If I were in the kitchen, it would have killed me”, – one of the victims said.
nevertheless they are not feeling safe in the ward either. The shells drop closer and closer to the hospital.
The OSCE observers had once more registered the fact that the shells had been fired from the Ukrainian positions. However, the people here lost hope for the effect of the organization. The practice showed that the OSCE is not able to prevent the crimes of Ukrainian forces or even make them public.
This is what the US wants. Obama pays for. Merkel approves. Putin is blamed.
Collateral damage. Two for the price of one.
Smert okkupantem!
Death to the occupants
Who are the occupants ?? and where or what do they occupy?
This sounds very Ukrop,where do you exist? Lvov? or anywhere east of the Dnepr river ?
Slava Ukraina ??
“Occupants” in correct English would be “occupiers”…..enemy occupiers.. In this case the junta troops occupying the lands and towns, not just in Donetsk and Lugansk but Kharkiv, Odessa, Mariupol, all the small towns and villages they are dug into, which we never hear about until NAF “breaches Minsk” by liberating them.
If we include places that just have Right Sector goon squads marauding at will, half of Ukraine is occupied.
Videos such as these need to go viral. Only when the western world sees past the censorship of the MSM and realises that Western Ukraine and Kiev is directing this carnage at Eastern Ukraine’s civilians while Kiev’s citizens are untouched, will pressure on their vile politicians have any effect.
A tangential comment that needs an antidote:
Impressive Video, thanks for sharing it. And thanks to Artem Grishanov for creating it in the first place. A really creative mind who is able to make sense of it all, and confront the US-Puppet regime of Banderastan with the harsh reality on the ground
Does anybody know more about this man Grishanov?
The new possibility has appeared just when the projected Turkey-Greece-Serbia route is looking increasingly problematic: Turkey has not yet signed a contract to accept the gas. Greece has suffered a visit from J Kerry who wants to make a “counter-offer”. A Greece/Russia meeting will take place this month, but Tsipras is already talking about making a ‘political decision which may not express Greece’s economic interests.’
Adding to Greece’s unsuitability is that the new govt may be swept from power due to impending bank default and/or debt default. And Serbia is under pressure from Soros’ plan for a greater Albania. Macedonia as an alternative to Syria has been precluded by her statement that she needs EU approval.
The Slovak Initiative returns the route to Bulgaria, then passes thru Romania, Hungary & Slovakia. The three biggest customers for Gazprom’s Southern route are Italy, Austria & Greece. Austria & Italy are readily accessible w this arrangement, altho I’m not clear whether they wd have to build their own pipe to satisfy EU’s Third Energy Package requirements.
Hungary already connects to Austria, which has the largest holding tanks in Europe. They already have a part of the original South Stream line built. Stumbling block is Bulgaria, which was responsible for killing South Stream, but if this new one is not owned by Gazprom maybe Europe will let them do it this time. This is not entirely pie in the sky, as it was announced just after someone from Slovakia visited Moscow.
The whole point of American strategy is to eliminate Serbia from the route of any Russian pipeline.
Why, I don’t know. It seems almost irrational, more driven by pure hatred then any objective reason.
No. The Hegemon wants to destroy Russia. It wants to prevent Russian gas and oil to enter the EU market. It wants to sell its own gas and oil at much higher prices (profits).
Hate is just a condiment on the meal.
I think imperial oligarchs want to take over Russian resources rather then to destroy Russia, they worked out the takeover technology to nearly a state of art as we see it in Europe, Japan,Ukraine and many other places.
First of course because Serbia is the Russia of the Balkans, if you so wish. Same sort of people, same sort of values and the basic world view. Second, Serbs are the only obstacle to complete nazi/jihadist rule of whole peninsula. Third, Serbs have always been anti-fascist and had always resisted occupation.
Fourth, austro-german and anglo “elites” have always hated Serbs and wanted to eradicate them completely. It goes back for centuries, the first big “killshot” was the destruction of the old serbian language by Vuk Karadzic and similar austrian goons.
OT but very important news:
Erdogan lost majority control of Parliament. Weakened, he will have to concentrate on the economy. That means he needs to get on with the Turkish Stream and his big opportunities with Eurasia.
Hopefully, he’ll back off his involvement with the war against Assad and Syria.
Red Ryder, Re: Turkey & Erdogan–
Supposedly he is to now be faced a lot of US/CIA-type harassment cuz they are unhappy that he is cooperating w Russia. You’d think thy’d be delighted w his Syria actions, but they want complete mastery over his foreign policy.
On a more positive note:
The HDP’s view is that Kurdish rights are more likely to be achieved by radically reforming Turkish democracy. It wants to decentralise Turkish politics, setting up regional assemblies to ensure that all “ethnic identities” have the right to self governance. [HDP is opposition to AKP, which now wishes to centralize more power in President’s hands. HDP likened to Syriza & Podemos]
Erdogan is weakened and US/NATO operatives will go for his jugular organising another maidan. They tried it already two years ago but he was too popular back then, however they managed to split his base, the Gulen Movement is run from US now and there are still lots of old military with an axe to grind.
I am not a Russian speaker, but I believe the lyrics to the music in that video go something like this:
Of course you have not betrayed us
You wish us well
And only the best
with these missiles falling on our homes
Today again at dawn
the earth trembled
Will tell about it tomorrow
Just another family
You will learn the truth, it will be cruel
None of the “terrorists” from the southeast
Destroyed your home late at night
Nor wronged you by taking up your son or daughter
Of course you have betrayed us
And your simple truth is
Surround a human with walls
He will resign himself to being submissive, for sure
Protect us to the last
After all, only our fault
In the flurry of deadly fire
We did not see the love in full
You will learn the truth, and she will be cruel:
None of the “terrorists” from the southeast
Destroyed your home late at night
Nor wronged you by taking up your son or daughter
Grishanov has posted the lyrics (in Russian) in the comments to his video at YT:
Right up near the top of the comments.
Vicky Nuland publicly contradicts her nominal boss John Kerry:
Nuland: “F*ck John Kerry”
I feel sadness for the way the people in Donbas and Lugansk are suffering.
I’ve been keeping tabs on what is happening in the Ukraine and I’ve seen the video of helicopters launching rockets, the artillery shells exploding, the unexploded rockets in the ground amongst the residential buildings, the security camera footage of Ukrainian jet attacks. The civilians lying dead in the streets from shrapnel wounds the houses that have been reduced to rubble.
There is no doubt in my mind as to the cowardice and cruelty of Kiev’s forces towards civilians. They are truly sick. I wonder if they and their backers realize that the wheel turns.
At the same time I have hope because I see the people of Donbas and Lugansk (People’s Republics) are not giving up. The civilians do not give up emotionally and neither does their military. They are the immovable object.
I wonder if Kiev and their backers have figured out that the people they have been bombing are not going to give up which ultimately means that their attackers have already lost.
Coast Guard Cutter 4 miles offshore — looking like it hit a Ukrainian mine.
Ukrainian Gunboat Sunk off Mariupol
Very good video.
Except for the first 1min or so. (Which imo tarnishes alot of the video in total).
(Ppl not to familiar with whats going on, will get the impression in the first minute that Poroschenko is good guy. Since he gets “emotional” over children dead.
Many will get that impression stuck on their mind, and not really realizing that the rest of video is about the hell that Proschenko and the west is guilty off on the rest of the video..
Yes, anon….but if you watch Poroshenko’s face closely, during a shot when he seems close to tears…you see a demon in him….looking at the crowd’s reactions….and then he seems to realize that someone might see the demon and he straightens up….
Watch closely….that’s what a demon looks like…very intelligent….and cunning….
You must be kidding me. This is 2015 now, not 1200…
And yes, can almost guarantee that this video will get deleted by the usa (google/youtube) on youtube.
They can use several excuses:
1. Some troll-complainer can claim that the author do not have permission to all footages.
2. Some troll-complainer can get it deleted due to death scenes.
Etc etc etc
Thousands of videos of ukraine has been deleted from youtube due to organized “complainers” trying to distort history and censor everything from ukraine.
So please make sure to get the video spread to other hosting sites.
Like the russian hosting site.
The “New Route” for Gazprom in my previous post is to be only a distribution ring to feed off of Turkstream and other suppliers. Heck, I thought it was really good news if Russia didn’t have to depend on erratic Turkey.
“Unlike in case of Turkish Stream, Eastring will connect the existing gas infrastructure between Slovakia and Romania/Bulgaria. This will create a major European bidirectional conjunction bringing a great transit potential. The basic principle is diversification of gas sources. The planned list of suppliers was announced at the Riga Eastern Partnership summit with Russia trailing behind after Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Iraq and Cyprus.”
Azerbaijan produces about 30 bcm while Europe uses well over 100bcm; there are newer discoveries not ready to come on line, and existing pipelines end in Turkey (end user). The others have no pipelines at all to Europe, nor routes planned/engineered. No matter, if this is enough to convince themselves they are diversifying, and then it turns out Russia is the only one ready to supply immediately….
Ukrainian border service ship explodes near Mariupol, 1 dead, 5 injured, 1(captain?) is missing.×522.jpg
Oh, those darn, dong crocodile tears… they just don’t seem to go away…
When you train to fight, the first thing you learn is to leave your emotional world behind, tucked away in a big bag, in the back of your imaginary locker room.
If it is really so easy to run this world, how come some of the contributors are wasting their time here, on a forum somewhere at the outskirts of the internet world, instead of strutting down the Kremlin halls, to right what’s wrong?
We don’t seem to have an active news page going right now so I’ll put it here
Ukies manage to SINK OWN COAST GUARD with own mines.
and apparently they are panicky enough to be taking potshot at the International Space Station. Unconfirmed. Might be drugs or drink rather than panic too.
Message for all laptop commandos. from Mr. Putin.
Putin, Putin, Putin….
You who live in the USA, Canada, etc. etc. – your governments are waging war on the Donbass and on Russia. You live in a democracy – do something about it. Have you written a letter, an email? Have you marched in your streets? Have you confronted your elected representatives? Have you used your Facebook, Twitter to spread the alternative narrative? Have you put up a tent, made your Maidan? There is a sequence of actions that will lead to a revolution in your own country. Have you taken the first step?
Putin, Putin, Putin – all his fault.
also, if you watch the ‘Don’t wake the Russian Bear’ video..which has Poroshenko at the beginning as well as this more recent one…he always clears his throat before he lies. Its interesting to watch both videos..
I’m sorry, this is the other great video…the ‘Wake the Bear’ video… ….
but the part where Obama is speaking at a podium and then…after talking about nonsense “Russian Aggression” …. Obama, “purses“ his lips and then kicks down the door on cue…how disgustingly staged is that ???? Its gross….not a very good actor…not a very good ‘tough guy’…he’s a priss….apart from being the slimiest attempt at human on the planet
I was on a mini-trip for 5 days.And was too busy to even get on the internet for those days (also forgot to bring the laptop with me,ooops).But what I did do was watch the MSM news in the US over that period.And there was during that whole period not a single story that I saw on Ukraine or this war on Russia and China on the news.There were a few snide insults of Putin (when dictators came up in a story).The US public in mass, knows nothing of what we see and hear about everyday.It is like we live in parallel universes.Unless you are connected to these issues (or really study alternate views) you would never know it exists.All the news is about the coming 2016 political campaigns,crime stories (the same many times),human rights stories (by which they mean gay rights).And the winner of the “news” stories,on every news program for days.Was a story of child sexual abusive by one child on his younger siblings in a reality TV show.And what his conservative parents “knew,or didn’t know,and how they handled it”. I kid you not,that story was on every news program for hours.When and if any of these crises explode into a war.It will be a shock to the masses in the US.The regime and MSM will portray it as a surprise “vile action” of Russia’s or China’s.Like it appeared only then,overnight,without any warning.The level of ignorance of world affairs among the general public in the US is as bad, or even worse than in the days before the internet.Mainly because in those days all the MSM wasn’t controlled to the extent of today.So some of them actually reported on actual events taking place.
I remember reading years ago a expose on how the CIA controlled news back then.They had their minions placed in the news services where most world news stories came through “wire services”,AP,Reuters,etc.And as the “gatekeepers” they were able to control what and more importantly “when” and what “slant” the stories reflected.If a reporter sent in a breaking story they didn’t like, they would tell the reporter they needed more “backup” on the story.That gave them a few hours or even days to decide on the “spin” to put on the report.Today its even easier for them.They control the reporters better,and the “gatekeepers” are the actual press services.In past times reporters came in many cases from the “people” and there were competing news outlets for them to go to.If they weren’t happy at one or the other.Today,being a reporter isn’t a “calling” its a “career”.The reporters come from the middle and upper middle-classes.And your career depends ,not on you reporting the story (truth).But on your reporting the way your bosses demand and expect you will.The level you rise in your “profession” depends on that.And with most “news outlets” in the US controlled by only 6 like minded companies.Only a maverick reporter dares fight the “conventional wisdom”. People in the US, and the West in general, live in a “Alice in Wonderland” situation.Its not that no news is reported.But instead it is only reported in general terms,and when it can be spun to fit the Empire’s version of events.Certainly,according to the propaganda there is “trouble” in Ukraine.But its all caused by “pro-Russian” rebels attacking (with Russian support) the legitimate democratic government of Ukraine.No mention of the real seriousness of the horror there.And of the West’s involvement.And beyond question no mention of the fascists controlling Ukraine’s regime.
We are foolish to think the people in the West will wake up,its not possible.The regimes are too much in control of all mass information for that to happen.Russia needs to disabuse themselves of that pipe-dream.As I’ve said countless times.They need to do the right thing,and never worry about opinion in the West.It will never side with them,no matter what they do.Not until the Empire is destroyed.And the “spell” they live under is broken, will the mass public in the West wake-up.It will really be a “look the Emperor has no clothes on” moment for the public.But until then the best we can hope for, is that the numbers of people like ourselves keep growing more and more until that day.
Bob I totally agree, everything you wrote applies equally to the UK where I live,and I mean everything.
The shallowness and exclusion of serious coverage is accomplished here by what is called the ‘D’ notice system,D for defence.
The news proprietors,editors,t/v stations are all ‘advised’ on what is a government ‘sensitive’ issue, Syria,Ukraine,MH17,Yemen,Isreal,on any issue, coverage is orchestrated.
The main outlets for newsprint are now supermarkets and rarely do I see someone buy a paper, I have suspected for a while that the newsprint is subsidized as a propaganda tool,for they surely do not have a real circulation,like 50 years ago.
All very sickening really!
Well put, Bob.
The vast majority of the people in the “west” know everything, they just don’t care at all as long as they are in their comfort zone.
Here is an interesting article re the US State Department hierarchy Kerry vs Nuland on the Ukraine
“Right now, the Minsk II ceasefire has broken down and there are accusations on both sides that the other is to blame. What cannot be denied is that at least three times, on April 30th, then on May 11th, and then on June 5th, Poroshenko has repeatedly promised to invade Crimea, which wasn’t even mentioned in the Minsk II agreement; and that he was also promising to re-invade Donbass, something that is explicitly prohibited in this agreement. Furthermore, America’s President, Barack Obama, did not fire Kerry’s subordinate, Nuland, for her contradicting her boss on this important matter.
How will that be taken in European capitals? Kerry was reaffirming the position of Merkel and Hollande, the key shapers of the Minsk II agreement; and Nuland was nullifying them. Obama now has sided with Nuland on this; it’s a slap in the face to the EU: Poroshenko can continue ignoring Kerry and can blatantly ignore the Minsk II agreement; and Obama tacitly sides with Poroshenko and Nuland, against Kerry.
The personalities here are important: On 4 February 2014, in the very same phone-conversation with Geoffrey Pyatt, America’s Ambassador in Ukraine, in which Nuland had instructed Pyatt to get “Yats” Yatsenyuk appointed to lead Ukraine after the coup (which then occured 18 days later), she also famously said “F—k the EU!” Obama is now seconding that statement of hers.”
Apologies for a slightly unrelated post.
Those who remember the awesome song “Black Raven” by Pelageya a few posts back will appreciate this clip for the same song. It shows German Nazi soldiers finishing off wounded Russian soldiers after a battle when they stumble upon a old record player playing this song. Very touching.