I have been following today proceedings in Congress with absolute dismay. Sure, this was predictable, but still, to see these clowns trying to “out tough” each other is just sickening. Already, Obama’s proposed Resolution opened the door for much more than just a “Sissy Option” strike (under 3 days, 50-100 missiles). But now it appears that the Ziocrazies in Congress want to authorize military operations up to 90 days! That’s no “Sissy Option” – that is a repeat of the 78 days bombing of Yugoslavia by NATO in 1999 plus two weeks to spare!
And since even 78 days of bombing of Yugoslavia did not achieve anything of military relevance, we can be quite sure that a few days of “Sissy bombing” will achieve nothing. Hence, with nothing to show, Obama will be under immense pressure to keep on bombing, and bombing, and bombing some more. And with each passing day, the Ziocrazies in Congress will demand more bombing and more blood (lest anybody be suspected of being “soft on Assad”).
I am afraid that this drooling idiot Obama not only failed to calculate the consequences of his invitation for a false flag (speaking of a “red line”), but now that clueless cretin seems to have completely mis-judged the ziohysteria in Congress.
Thus what was supposed to be some kind of idiotic but basically harmless “message” fired across the “bow” of Assad can now turn into a vicious missile and bombing campaign only due to the spineless stupidity of one man.
Disgusting beyond words, if you ask me.
Some “world leader”…
The Saker
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Dear Saker,
have you heard about the hacking of colonel MacDonald’s emails? Do you think it is credible? Searching on the internet I could find only an Anthony *McDonald*, so I thought the news was suspicious.
I attach the report. Please let me know what do you think of it.
I’ve hacked colonel Anthony Jamie MacDonald mail he is intelligence US Army Staff boss. First I hacked his Link3dIn account and got access to his mail through it then.
Among mail Mayhem like Amazon mails I’ve found his correspondence with his colleague Eugene Furst. He congratulates Col. with success and gives a link to the Washington Post publication about chemical attack in Syria on August 21. Furst also mentions it was “well staged”. Holy shit. I was shocked my eyes refused to believe it. Bloody bastards they “staged” a chemical attack.
Then a friend of Anthony MacDonald’s wife Jennifer writes she was shocked seeing on TV the children died after chemical attack in Syria. Jennifer answers she saw the story but Tony calm her down saying children were alive and the scene was staged.
Two best mails I uploaded here
Here you can download MacDonald’s mail
Here is his wife’s correspondence
I also hacked other Pentagon officers’ mail boxes:
Griffith, David M COL USARMY (US)
Bell, Craig A COL USARMY (US)
Parramore, David J (Dave) COL USARMY MEDCOM HQ (US)
Morris, Daniel L COL USARMY (US)
Ellison, Brenda K COL USARMY (US)
Jennings, Wesley J COL USARMY HQDA DCS G-8 (US)
Eberle, Brian K COL USARMY HQDA DCS G-3-5-7 (US)
Bradsher, John M COL USARMY (US)
Fish, Charles A COL USARMY JS J8 (US)
Roquemore, Darlene M COL USAF (US)
Parramore, David J (Dave) COL USARMY MEDCOM HQ (US)
Weeks, Colin A LTC USARMY (US)
Reynolds, M Bridget LTC USARMY HQDA DCS G-2 (US)
Grahek, Christopher J LTC USARMY HQDA OTSG (US)
Henderson, Valerie D LTC USARMY HQDA OCPA (US)
I’ve no time to look through all their mails. A lot of shit to be sure there.
I will upload their correspondence later.
Looking into http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-09-02/fiction-fact-or-scandal-epic-proportions gave more information.
For example they find that an Anthony MacDonald’s account on Linkedn has been recently deleted.
@astabada:Please let me know what do you think of it
My first reaction is to be very dubious because even exchanging emails with such information on a nonsecure network could land them in a lot of trouble. However, I also know how arrogant and reckless people can be. When I did my basic training in electronic warfare I remember monitoring folks who were supposed to discuss everything in code and encrypted. And then one day I hear this: “hey, I just got back from the doctor, could you update me on what has been going on?” and the other guy just went on a 20min speech with all the details of what had been going on during the past week all in plain language, with no encryption at all!! The grin on my commander’s face when I gave him the tape of the conversation was priceless (we ended up jamming the crap out of them just to teach them a lesson).
So that kind of stuff does happen. But on this specific case I have no way of knowing and, therefore, no opinion.
The Saker
Dear Saker,
ALL what we are seeing today in our area is a deliberate attempt to respond to the tremendous successes of Hezbollah in the 2006 war on Lebanon by the ugly Zio-Empire, and a clear attempt at destroying Hezbollah. Period. All the other victims of this barbaric war are collateral damage in this fight….including Syria…..
Jog your memory and remember with me the dozens upon dozens of trips that Ehud Barak did to the USA in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, etc etc. as well as the dozens of trips that top brass of IDF took to the Pentagon following extensive deliberations after the 2006 war between the two sides…
The main target of all this scheming is Hezbollah and Lebanon….we are on the front lines of this battle, and we will take the brunt of it all in my view…. We are and will remain the launching pad of the Resistance Axis, whether we like it or not….
It has come to my attention that it is not just the Qusayr battle that raised eye brows against Hezbollah…. Apparently Hizb has made and is making huge differences on the ground directly with its own fighters and with expert guidance of certain battles with tremendous successes, that have made its confrontation inevitable….Hizb tilted the balance completely in Qusayr, in Rif Damascus, in the two Ghoutas…, in Lattakia, in Daraa, in thwarting the various attempts at invading Damascus with tens of thousands from Jordan…, in the big battle of Ming, which allowed very few troops to put up a tremendous resistance for months with little re supply…, and huge differences in Aleppo, where they were able to make a huge difference in keeping certain important quarters of Aleppo in government hands… etc etc in Idlib, and very soon on the Golan…
No wonder that this World war is directly heading Syria’s way, but in reality it is Hizb that is on the mind of everyone…., for if it where not for Hizb’s full involvement there, the SAA would have been in shambles by now….and of course the help from Iran and Russia are absolutely paramount in all fields as well, but the spearhead in all battles has been and still is Hezbollah and Lebanon…
So, in my view the big battle for the Levant will be upon us very very soon, and I hope that the Beirut airport will remain somehow open enough time, for all Lebanese to go back there very quickly…and make a stand!!!
The ugly Zio-Empire is banking on testing real time major BMD systems in which they have invested heavily…., they will be served handsomely rest assured…
@Joe: ALL what we are seeing today in our area is a deliberate attempt to respond to the tremendous successes of Hezbollah in the 2006 war on Lebanon by the ugly Zio-Empire, and a clear attempt at destroying Hezbollah. Period.
Yes, of course. The Ziocrazies couldn’t care less about who killed a bunch of Syrians with our without chemicals – what they do care about is encircle and isolate Hezbollah in a ring of Wahabi crazies and do the same to Iran.
I have always said that if you compare Hezbollah and the Syrians, Hezbollah is the *bigger* partner for many reasons, military, of course, but also political, religious, ideological, moral, etc. and the Ziocrazies fear Hezbollah much more than they fear an Assad-run Syria (which they didn’t mind that much, really).
What I have been breaking my head on is what Assad, Hezbollah and Iran should do if the Empire actually engaged into a Kosovo type of air operation against them and, so far, the only option I come up with is “dramatically escalate, of course”. But all the escalatory options are very dangerous, alas.
They key is, IMHO, to get as many Iranians into Syria as possible and as fast as possible. As soon as Syria is flush with Pasdars I see plenty of good options. But short of that, its all very very tricky.
So my “cry to the sky” is: Where are the Iranians?!?!?
If Assad is going to escalate would one possibility be to strike Saudi Arabia? By hitting those people and agencies funding the global jihadi network he might win the support of much of the public across the Arab world. Hitting the Ghawar field might spike the price of oil and cost the west billions. The prospect of that might strike fear into the western elites.
I can’t answer that about Iran…. my guess is that there are enough of them around… Plus the 15000 Russian experts still manning most stations…none of them has left!!!
Если не видели http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O79Fnljde9k
More war propaganda exposed by Mercouris
Would it not be more apt to call it the Sarajevo option?
@Stegiel:Would it not be more apt to call it the Sarajevo option?
No, because I was referring to the 78 days of bombing the Empire unleashed against the Serbian nation under the pretext of liberating Kosovo. That happened after the war in Croatia and Bosnia were, again, the Americans were bombing the Serbs.
The Saker
What do you think of Robert’s first question? Could it be one option of counter-attack in the event of US air strikes? It wouldn’t damage Syria *politically*, would it?
@Anonymous1838 & Robert:If Assad is going to escalate would one possibility be to strike Saudi Arabia? (…) What do you think of Robert’s first question?
Sorry I missed this one and thanks for reminding me!
The problem here is distance. Its about 875 miles from Damascus to Riyad, about 1000 miles to Ghawar. Syria does not the reach to strike that far, at least not with missiles or aircraft. I mean, Syrian SU-24 could, in theory, get that far, but not in a combat profile and not without being shot down by the Americans. As far as I know no Syrian missile can hit that far. Forget about the Syrian Navy. So no – I don’t see how Assad can strike at the Saudis, alas, alas, alas….
Iran, however, could *very easily* strike the KSA with all full spectrum of weapons, but that is a very delicate political decision to take as that basically means declaring war on the USA.
No, the choice of targets for Syria is:
Israel (very dangerous)
Jordan (only makes sense if hitting US installations and not elsewhere)
Turkey (very lucrative: Incirlik AFB – but means war with NATO)
Cyprus (frankly, unfair and not too lucrative either)
Of course, hitting USN ships in the Mediterranean would be ideal, but they are going to be very careful and hide.
From all these I would say that hitting Incirlik from Syria with missiles and having Hezbollah fire at Israel from Syrian and/or Lebanon would be my choice.
Does anybody have a better suggestion?
The Saker
“Does anybody have a better suggestion?”
Hi Saker,
As I was mentioning before, their best chance is the 2006 Hezbollah option of firing rockets at Israel until the Israelis pressure the Americans to stop. The very knowledgeable Nick Noe expects them to do exactly that:
Of course it will be EXTREMELY painful and it is very easy to suggest it from home. But loosing to NATO’s Wahhabi army will be MUCH worse. For the Israelis, this is supposed to be more like a sporting event. For Syria and HA this is a matter of national survival: They will be prepared to endure much more pain than the Israelis.
Like any war, there has to be an attainable political objective for it to make sense. Changing the nature of the fight from sectarian Sunni vs Shia to one of resistance vs colonialism and its local puppets is ESSENTIAL to the Syria and HA. After a couple of weeks of hitting Israel, you will see a HUGE change in public opinion in the middle east to a very pro Assad one (it’s actually already happening in Egypt)
Defesively, Syria should exert ALL POSSIBLE EFFORT to shooting down attacking aircraft and capturing pilots, especially Israeli ones. Easier said than done, but Syria, Iran and HA should devote all possible resources to this goal. Hopefully the Russians will help.
Attacking Incirlic does not make much strategic sense, unless they have the means to put it out of commission, which I don’t think they can. However, if Turkey joins the war, then they might as well.
In short, the plan should be:
1) Concentrate on the Israelis almost to the exclusion of everyone else. Don’t fight the Golem, fight its owner.
2) Capture some pilots, Israeli, especially. Very valuable negotiating chip.
3) Watch Arab and Muslim public opinion shift your way.
Let us not kid ourselves, though. This is still a long shot, and even if it works, the cost will be unimaginable. But without doubt, this is their best chance.
@Lysander: very very interesting post. Are you sure you are not a military analyst? (just kidding, I know that you are not).
Ok, now to your proposal: fundamentally I agree with both the goals and the means. I would add a few points:
1) Incirlik: the point here is to punish the prime aggressor. And there is so much stuff there that the chances of hitting something lucrative is good. Besides, since it is the only major US base within reach, it makes symbolic sense to hit there even if, of course, this does not change the course of the war.
2) How the empire will try to retaliate: by a sustained missile and bombing campaign and by *close air support* for the insurgency (even if this “close” air support will be done from high – screw the civilians!). This means US special forces on the ground. This also means that the US will try to destroy armor groups, supply depots, radio stations, bridges, etc. All in all, this means that the insurgency will get a real boost and that it will definitely try to use this opportunity to reverse the tide and go on the offensive. The way to counter that is to have A LOT of manpower ALREADY IN PLACE. The Syrian Army will have to be “nowhere and everywhere” at the same time. It is my understanding that a) the Syrian military cannot perform a national recall/mobilization and that b) it would be hard to turn called-up reserves into competent fighters. So here is the deal: THERE IS A REASON WHY HEZBOLLAH MADE SUCH A DIFFERENCE IN QUSAYR.
Now once the shooting starts Hezbollah will have its hands full.
Therefore, any pro-active resistance plan is contingent upon the only possible source of trained manpower available: Iran.
Let me repeat here: Iran does not have to send battalions, regiments, brigades or divisions into Iran, with flag, fanfare and fireworks. Iran needs to send lots of Pasdars in cars, trucks, motor bikes, aircraft, whatever. What will be needed are numbers to make up for the massive increase in “insurgent” firepower (courtesy of the USA, NATO and EU and, possibly, Israel) which will happen as soon as Israel is attack and the Empire decides to “punish Assad”.
Finally, Hezbollah’s idea of infiltrating special operators into northern Israel is an excellent one and the Syrians should think about it. If just one such team makes it and destroys something, or even gets caught, the Israelis will go into full panic mode.
But again, I want to stress this: the key weakness of the Syrians is a lack of manpower to be “nowhere and everywhere” at the same time. If Iran does not provide it, I would be extremely concerned about an insurgency counter-attack under USAF cover.
Does that make sense?
The Saker
Very good points, Saker. I’m not a military anything, but after 6 years hanging out at the vineyard I guess I managed to learn a few things :-)
Absolutely right about the manpower. There was that report a couple months back about 4,000 Pasdars being sent to Syria. There should also be plenty of Iraqi Shia militias with lots of training and experience from the US occupation. If they want to, the Iranians and Iraqis can provide plenty of manpower.
But the Syrians probably should not try to be everywhere and should carefully decide what they need to defend and what they don’t. Damascus and the coast are obviously key. They will may be able to hold Hims and much of the north if under heavy attack, and it may be better if they don’t try.
@Lysander: but after 6 years hanging out at the vineyard
Nah, I cannot take credit for your always excellent strategy instincts – you always had that talent – from day 1 :-)
I think that I will write up a little something in a separate post on the basis of this discussion, its quite worth looking into that a tad deeper than the corporate media like CNN with its stupid graphs and photos. I will include a discussion of US options which still range from “sissy” to “Kosovo” or even worse. It is also an interesting exercise in deterrence theory. So stay tuned.
The Saker
С утра такая новость : 05.09.2013 06:25
Расходы на проведение военной операции в Сирии уже пообещали покрыть арабские страны. Об этом заявил госсекретарь США Джон Керри http://svodka.net/video/video-svodki/891807
Кэрри сказал вчера на слушаниях в Конгрессе, что если США пойдут в Сирии до конца, как они это делали в других странах, арабские страны будут готовы полностью оплатить стоимость всей операции. И раз арабы оплатят, то им осталось только сколотить коалицию и собрать достаточно мощную ударную группировку для того чтобы подавить ПВО.
Вот у меня и возникает вопрос. Получается, что арабские страны просто покупают решение супердержавы по замене неугодных им режимов? Или я неправильно понимаю? Ну а если правильно, то США никакая не супердержава а гопник в подворотне.
@Lysander, Saker
Do you mind if I join the speculations?
If I were Assad, I would instead do something a little different.
This is based on the unprecedented transfer of chemical weapons to rebel factions. I think that this extreme measure requires an extreme response.
Admittedly I don’t know if HA can practically manage the stuff (hide, maintain, use).
But I’d be fool if I won’t try to transfer some chemical weapons to the Lebanese resistance. Just to tilt the scale a bit more, next time some fool uses cluster bombs on Beirut.
Furthermore, it would be really naive of Assad not to “use” chemical weapons at this time. He should make the West believe he’s going to launch at Incirlik and/or Israel (without open air declarations).
Last thing. I would try and concentrate on hitting Israel, which would further increase al-Assad prestige within the Arab public opinion. Hitting at Jordan/Saudi Arabia would not achieve anything. Besides, I want to see how longer these kings can side with Tel-Aviv/Washington as they strike at their Arab brethren.
As for Turkey, they have pretty much screwed themselves. If al-Assad falls, where do they think all the weaponry in Northern Syria is going to go? Of course al-Assad can help to arm the Kurds as much as possible during the conflict. If there is a faction he can trust, he could transfer chemical weapons to them too. Turkey is a regional actor, and fragmenting it would advantage others. The USA and Israel admittedly, but also Iraq, Iran, Russia.
@astabata:Do you mind if I join the speculations?
Of course not!! The more of us put our brains together the better.
As soon as I have a few minutes (probably later today) I will write a separate post on this topic and I invite you all to join into the conversation there, ok?
You are all invited to join in a do some brainstorming :-)
The Saker
Came across this fine article while reading comments to the interview of Ljubiša Malenica. So tell us, what do you really think of Obama? If ever there was a President who deserves the label traitor, it would be Obama. The blueprint of what was to become the American dream ended with his Presidency. America will simply become one more balkanized nation under the heavy hand of bureaucrats within the UN and WEF elites unless another Lincoln can save the nation.