As most of you already know, the Chinese Navy has sent warships into the Black Sea. They are headed for the Russian naval base at Novorossiysk. There have been several reasons given for this trip:
- As part of the preparations for the visit of Xi Jinping to the May 9th celebrations
- As part of a possible sale of its frigates by China to Russia
- As a preparation for joint Russian-Chinese exercises in the Mediterranean
They all sound plausible to me. While some have speculated that the purchase of Chinese frigates by Russia would be a “black eye” for the Russian building industry, I disagree. If a country is preparing for war, then the quantity of defense equipment is far more important than the country of origin. Besides, it is well known that the design of Chinese Navy ships is based on Russian ships, so this is not a case of “Russia cannot do this” but rather a case of “Russian shipyards are already at full capacity, while the Chinese can deliver immediately”. As a stop-gap measure, it makes perfectly good sense to buy equipment from an ally, especially when the design of this equipment is based on yours.
Whatever may be the case, the arrival of these Chinese Navy ships is a slap in the face of the USA and the rest of NATO, who have been trying hard to show what they call “resolve” in the Black Sea, only to have China clearly indicate that it sides with Russia. The fact that the Russians and Chinese will be conducting join exercises in the Mediterranean, which NATO has always considered as mare nostrum, is even a bigger affront to the wannabe global hegemon.
In the meantime check out this video which a friend has just sent me:
When I saw this video, I thought, ‘this is exact kind of “mobilizational music,” which a country preparing to go to war, produces.’ There is nothing wrong with patriotism, as long as it does not degenerate into nationalism, but this mantric repetition of “Russia! Russia! Russia! Russia!” makes me feel very uncomfortable, because it is either designed to elicit “mobilizational feelings” or, even worse, to cater to the already ‘mobilized’ state of the population.
I am not saying that Russia is about to attack anybody. But what I am saying is that there are numerous signs that Russia is acting like a country preparing for war. Also, I am not criticizing Russia, because she is preparing to go to war, I am only saddened (and frightened) by the fact that Russia feels that she has to do so.
Finally, I find it both scary and discouraging that the general public in the West is kept blissfully unaware of the fact that, as of right now, the AngloZionist Empire and Russia are on a collision course. How could anybody oppose something he/she is unaware of?
This is why I will continue to sound the alarm, in the hope that the “silence barrier” can be broken down, before it is too late.
The Saker
@The Saker
Time for
Atlantic Resolve to get dissolved .
Things are heating up across the globe .
Only the womb of time knows when and how far would it go before it stops
Thanks mate.
What a great feeling, to know that Russia is finally moving against the West!
Keep dreaming. Putin is not going to move against the West, but Russia is standing its ground – proud, strong, sovereign. That alone – with China doing its thing – will sink the USA.
China will sink the USA? I don’t think so, from earlier:
…I’m afraid that blue jeans & coke are the reason and while Russia has the military means to fix the situation right now – it won’t happen. We are all pawns
” President Putin’s inability or unwillingness to stand up more vigorously to the geopolitical aggressions of the Unites States and its allies stems, therefore, not so much from military weakness, or lack of economic resources per se, as it is from the way its economy has become dependent on oligarch’s economic role and, therefore, on the skittish global markets, or the imperialistic whims of Western powers. Sadly, Russia is not alone in grappling with this dilemma of economic dependency and/or vulnerability to globalization of markets—in essence, to the whims of international financial markets, or the aspirations of the global plutocracy.”
” President Putin’s inability or unwillingness to stand up more vigorously to the geopolitical aggressions of the Unites States and its allies.. ”
I think the inability or unwillingness of this author to understand Putin’s game plan is obvious
obviously an American
… while Russia has the military means to fix the situation right now – it won’t happen.
Stop using Big Brother’s history books for a second and you’ll see why open confrontation is not the right move now.
“The democratic states should not be so vain as to think this state of affairs will last forever.”
~ Adolf Hitler in response to Poland’s killing of ethnic Germans, 1939
Germany did what you’re suggesting Russia do: Respond to the Empire’s covert attacks by making the “first overt” attack. This antagonized more useful idiots than was necessary, more than Germany could handle.
If Russia takes on the full force of the banksters now, Russia will lose like Germany did or, as some people seem to forget, like Tsarist Russia did. As Sun Tzu said in “The Art of War,” “Hence, though an obstinate fight may be made by a small force, in the end it must be captured by the larger force.” That’s why weakening the Empire by weakening the people’s obedience to it is the proper course.
Putin is playin it just right for his country. The US government is on the verge of attacking America along with Russia and China. Putin is just letting the district of criminals kill itself!
Dear Wend,
A while back you mentioned that you had done research on the Vedic connection to slavic peoples and that either you or a colleague had written a book about it. I would consider it a privilege if you could supply with the title and/or ISBN number. I realize it may be in Serbian language but I would still be interested.
Your insights and research on the Sorb/Wend people and Slavic history was mind-blowing.
Respectfully yours,
Mr. 2 Cents.
Dear 2 Cents,
It is : ISBN: 8690456937 / 9788690456932.
The very name of Wend people is a paronym from Ind, Hindu people. It is said in the book. The Slavs didn’t use this name for themselves, but all of their neighbours used the name “Wends” to describe Slavic people, meaning “those who came from India”.
All the best to you,
the Wend.
hi I would like to discuss this more with you. many don’t know tamir basin and caspian regions were core indian regions.
Thanks please message if possible
rx.gat at Hotmail or 2be8c213 bbm
It may not be such a great feeling if and when wide scale hostilities erupt.
I will keep banging away at this,and I know some here agree.But the problems in the world could be resolved quicker ,and peacefully,if the Chinese ,together with Putin,put the dollar to the sword.This money the yanks use for war is nothing but increased debt that they have NO intention of EVER paying off.The rest of the world is trying to work honestly,the yanks continue with their BS. So… TAKE THE FREAKING DOLLAR OUT.The allies,us that is,can’t hang about trying to get value for their holdings.Time is of the essence.Chinese for time/essence is probably about 50 years.’yeh,yeh,we wok-ing on it’.
I respectfully disagree that putting the dollar to the sword would end the belligerence of the US. I see the petrodollar’s collapse as the casus belli of MORE war. Currently oil and guns back the dollar but it could be switched to gun only backed rather quickly. It is not a long term strategy but the consequences of this will be tragic.
There is an analogy to this spot on comment that troubles me. No not the ‘Samson Option’ wherein if the globalist Western NWO can’t peacefully cede power to the Chinese version of the Eurasian new world order, they decide to just blow it all up with nukes. But while we get the occasional commenter here talking about the Third Reich’s 1930s economic miracle, what gets left out of that discussion is towards the end Czechs and Slovaks were forced to accept Reichsmarks at gunpoint — as were much of the European nations after September 1939 and June 1940.
While for now according to Dr. Jim Willie and others the U.S. is looting its allies primarily Japan, it appears the Empire of Chaos has sucked Tokyo dry and needs more victims. Whether the next victims will be Germany and France thanks to post Grexit euro-chaos as Juncker implied the other day is an interesting question. I always thought the banksters would kill the euro if only because the common currency zone can’t last with its current debt loads anyway (whether a common currency would be a good idea without the crushing debt burdens of Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal et al is another question for Bob Mundell and academics). Plus killing the euro would buy the dollar maybe an extra two or three years, though others in alternative media think it’s the opposite and the euro is the last firewall to the total collapse of the dollar or its replacement by a yuan/SDRs basket (the Jim Rickards theory, also deeply flawed in that it assumes the Chinese will want to take over management of the IMF rather than simply replace it with their own AIIB/et al system).
Not sure why we should believe a word from Jim Rickards.
His work does nothing but lay the foundation for the US & its western vassals to blame the inevitable, yet self inflicted, collapse of the dollar on China and Russia. His new addition to the target list of blame for the collapse of the petrodollar is – you guessed it – Iran. You know…. the triumvirate “axis of evil.”
To me, Rickards is nothing but a psyops campaign on steroids to prepare the sheeple to point their weapons at those three nations that “conspired to destroy the dollar” but not until they used all their worthless dollars to “steal all our gold” sold to them by our insidious bankers who didn’t even own it.
Dr. Jim Willie agrees with you re: Rickards being a CIA disinfo guy. However Rickards does not necessarily blame the ‘evil’ Chinese for acquiring gold.
I think you are correct. Whatever happens will be taken by them as causus belli for more war. I hardly think it even matters. They can and will twist any event and any outcome into a justification for more war. They live by it. It is the only thing we can count on from them.
The prblem is that no other currency has the liquidity of the USD. Yuan is only just getting started.
The only alternative would have been the Euro which is having an existential crisis right now.
The other problem is that US banks act as clearinghouses for worldwide financial transactions, and they control SWIFT.
I know China- Russia are working on an alternative to SWift, but its only a start.
The USD will cease to be the world reserve currency one day that’s for sure, but how soon?
My guess what as as we approach the end of the USD we will see more belligerence from the US precisely for this reason.
How could there be more belligerence?
I think you’re banging away at yourself, my friend. Everything you want to happen IS happening. It takes the time it takes. You’re just being impatient, and not understanding what a huge task this is, and also that the plan is not to “take the USD out” like some kind of special ops fictional movie. The dollar will remain as a currency in the world, just as the USA will remain as a nation.
Fortunately the planners and strategists in Russia and China DO understand the measure of the task, and the geopolitical ramifications of every tiny move in a vast web of moves. Power is gradually being transferred, with every purchase of gold that moves east. The future is in strong hands. Patience.
I agree. The dollar supremacy is the main issue. That was one of the reasons why Gaddafi, Saddam ended the way they did. They dared to question the US dollar reserve status. The US no wonder is very sensitive about that. The USA runs their army practically for free due to this fact. They will be unable to do that once the dollar ends as a reserve currency. Other countries like Russia and China realized that too. There was an economist who started to write a lot about that some years ago (Henry CK Liu) but then he vanished somehow.
He now has his own website as it appears he no longer writes for atimes,
This article from Chossudovsky suggests taking the dollar out may take quite a while;
Put the dollar to the sword AFTER putting IMF to the sword. If the dollar goes down now it will only create the chaos necessary to usher in the global currency and tighten still further the IMF global system of econ control.
BRICS cannot even choose to trade in their own currencies:
“India, South Africa and Brazil have decided not to go along with a multiple currency arrangement, which would have allowed for the development of bilateral trade and investment activities between BRICs countries, operating outside the realm of dollar denominated credit. In fact they did not have the choice of making this decision in view of the strict loan conditionalities imposed by the IMF.
Heavily indebted under the brunt of their external creditors, all three countries are faithful pupils of the IMF-World Bank. The central bank of these countries is controlled by Wall Street and the IMF. For them to enter into a “non-dollar” or an “anti-dollar” development banking arrangement with multiple currencies, would have required prior approval of the IMF.”
Even AIIB is denominated in dollars.
IMF membership prevents national economic sovereignty and development.
The USD has to be dealt with sometime — the question is how and when. I have several times predicted a collapse of the market and an implosion of the USD, each time it was due so conflict would flare, the market would speculate and then apparently recover.
The depreciation of oil should have and has created a glut of USDs, the collapse of the Shale Oil bubble is in some kind of suspended animation, the US retail sector (a very important sector) has imploded and yet that rotten ship still has not rolled over.
So while it is probably not the solution dumping the USD shortens the empires timespan and might just do the trick.
“The rest of the world of the world is trying to work honestly…..”. Are you serious? Or were the statement an attempt at comedy? Be specific, please. What rest of the world you speaking of, a European nation? Australia? Indonesia? Paraguay, Peru, India? Or, instead of nations, are you saying individuals. I cannot say I see much evidence which could validate that premise.
“paying off the debt” involves the swap of dollars for bonds, both of which the U.S. government prints from thin air without any real constraint.
In other words, the countries being “PAID OFF” would be swapping dollars that pay interest for dollars that don’t.
I fail to see how that would “take the freaking dollar out”, and I can’t think of any reason why a country would choose to put it’s dollar holdings in a mattress rather than a security instrument that has proven bulletproof since 1918.
Every county in the World issues it’s currency as “debt”, which would be the case no matter what since one side of every transaction in double-entry bookkeeping must be a liability. When a government creates money, the Public receives an asset and the government holds the offsetting liability. Bonds merely add interest to the equation.
If people wish to stop the U.S. in it’s march to global domination they will have to figure out ways to accomplish this goal without resorting to nonsense.
Unfortunately, money has both a mathematical and a political dimension, neither of which are understood to any degree by the Public.
So we get conversations about money which are largely different perspectives on nonsense.
China selling the frigates, if they do, would be a bit like Voentorg…. supply the materiel but not get directly involved.
This leaves China in the wings if some second front or strike is needed, while keeping the other side guessing… and maybe also thinking the sale of the ships has weakened China (which I don’t know either way).
Even just announcing a purchase would make Russia immediately look more powerful. Also they could exchange sailors for the exercises, which would look menacingly like training on the about-to-be-bought ships.
Zionists are patient. It took two world wars to create Israel. The third one will create greater Israel.
I think that Zionists will shut up and be very quiet soon. No greater Israel.
They can never beat the alliance between Iran, Russia, India and China. No chance.
They cannot even beat Hezbollah for that matter.
The Zionist have manipulated the American zombie into and through 2 world wars to achieve their end – Israel. The American zombie annihilated Iraq and Syria for them. Their success record over the long term is 100%.
Sheikh Imran Hosein has pointed out very firmly that the loss of Crimea was the first real defeat for the zionist plan since its beginning. The tide is turning.
Crimea The Biggest Set Back To Zionism Ever – Sheikh Imran Hosein
Interesting and hopeful – thank you. In the event of any nuclear war, Israel should be considered an instigator and a legitimate target for nuclear retaliation. i don’t wish the Jews harm or anyone else, but Jews bear some fault whether or not they accept that fact.
There was a *great* article on mostly unknown history around Crimea and Zionism on FortRuss a couple weeks ago: How Stalin played the Americans with the “Crimean California” project – Sergey GORBACHEV, 1999. It is a long article, but well worth reading. There were Zionist plans for a Jewish homeland in Crimea.
If you’re going to call a spade a spade, might as well use the word ” golem “
As an American looking at this I see pride in a rising nation, not a threat to others.
There is no nation in the West that can muster its citizens to stand prideful of its government.
The Russians have everything to be proud of. The best leadership, a renewal of everything native, a place in the world of peacemaking, and resistance to the Hegemon that taunts for more war and fuels chaos everywhere.
Most the images in the video are uplifting, not offensive.
Russia, like China, is representing hope for a better world community. You cannot do that without unity of purpose.
The video is a unifying patriotic production. Symbols of multi-religions, diversity of peoples, and the young especially, the essence of a rising Russia.
I don’t know what the lyrics say, but the images are positive.
Preparation for war is the best way to ward it off.
As for the Chinese warships in the Black Sea, I believe China is saying to the West that any waters that are international are waters we will sail in. The US no longer is the owner of naval passage.
Russia’s naval strength is subsea, not surface. These frigates are soft targets, especially in the Black Sea confines.
The reality of a coming war from what is already positioned and defended in the Eastern European NATO vassals shows the ability to be obliterated by Russian military in spectacular defeat if they attack across borders.
If that attack is not blunted by Russian non-nuclear weapons, then tactical nukes will be used.
Everyone in Brussels and the Pentagon knows to attack across borders means a fast escalation to nuclear war.
Thus, the West’s generals and their staffs will not order any attack. Russia’s nuclear weapons is the key.
Russia’s Intel of every source, Human, Signals, Counter-Intel, by every means from Space, sub-sea, hacking, spy, counter-spy, etc. is on full alert. There is no one in the high echelons of Russian leadership that does not think a constant vigilance is necessary.
Lots of predictions are made about both sides. The US dollar will collapse, the Ukraine will dissolve, Russia will be in a war, China will be in war, the US society will disintegrate, etc, etc.
What we see is the war will be in the Middle East, if a war goes to scale. Presently, there are small wars, conflicts really, in Iraq, Yemen and Syria. These are all unsustainable, just as the war in Ukraine is unsustainable.
Fuel can be kept going into the conflicts, but a world war or major clash against Russia is not in the plans. Russia is actually in the same status as the United States—impossible to attack in scale.
Until there is a possible way to launch a sneak EMP attack so large to cripple all weapons systems Russia possesses, and such a sneak attack could decapitate command and control of all weapons systems for second strike, Russia is safe from attack.
If you want peace prepare for war.
Thank you L45 for your pragmatic assessment of the situation. You and Saker make a good team. Saker presented a logical view with some possible developments while you presented an alternative option that is equally seductive.
I believe that both possibilities exist, while one can be considered a warning to the aggressive party. The USA is close to a financial collapse and is frantically looking for an exit for its inescapable demise. Desperate people do foolish things and the warning signals must be clear and obvious. In the absence of logical thinking the fear factor can be a life saver. The problem is from the petty vassals (e.g. Lithuania) who are cleaning their nose on the apron of the USA and feel like they can run the world.
Russia is issuing a warning, but is not looking for war. In the meantime she prepares a long term strategy that will have lasting effects.
While Russia’s boats are a very effective deterrent, no-one should forget the power projected by the two “stone frigates” Kaliningrad and Crimea. US bases throughout Europe are in their range.
Exactly. Both are ‘nuked up’ and ready to defend themselves and Mother Russia.
Watch the Far East, Arctic and Siberia next. With the new Japan-as-NATO in the Asia Pacific domain, Russia and China will ‘nuke up’ many more locations to ward off the Hegemon’s attempts to contain.
I am certain China is busy multiplying their arsenal. 250 nukes is not enough to assure the US won’t attempt a first strike on Beijing.
It’s most recent military group fornication with Abe and the Imperialists in Tokyo guarantees trouble in East China Sea.
China tried soft diplomacy. The lesson learned from Russia is that it takes hardware and thousands of nukes to hold off the Hegemon.
Japan is a 100% US-satellite. The Japanese are not. Japan building-up its army is only on the surface pro-USA. When the time comes, Japan will use it to kick the Yankees out. War against China? Don’t make me laugh.
Your comments and analysis are always enlightening. But do you actually think China only has 250 nukes this figure is 30 years old just like many Western press who expel China’s recorded gold holding based on IMF records back in the 80’s. Just for giggles look at one Chinese nuclear sub and estimate how many SLBMs with multi MIRVs are ready to go… i’m pretty sure they manufactured a few more nukes within the last thirty years.
Russian weapons systems are hardened against EMP and most of them have secondary procedures on how to keep functioning if Russian satellites are taken out. I don’t think that an EMP would have much of an impact on the Russian armed forces.
The Saker
I read as you and maybe some others who post on your blog read the Ft. Rus piece a few weeks back about a war in the Baltics, especially if NATO can get Sweden into the club. One of the things i noticed was the Swedish neo-Nazi sniper Mikael Skillt tweeting out in March how he had trouble depositing several thousand euros in a branch of Kolomoisky’s Privat Bank, whether it was in Kiev or Mariupol I don’t know probably Kiev. Considering that the average salary of an Azov ‘volunteer’ is around $200 a month equivalent in UAH, it’s no wonder either some of them have taken to marauding and ‘reiding’ legitimate businesses like the desperate wannabe Nazi Elle cover girl who allegedly shot two cops as an accomplice to a gas station robbery, the botched casino takeover in Odessa that had local goons beating the crap out of the ‘heroic volunteers’, or the like.
There is definitely a ‘Western voentorg’ as Colonel Cassad calls it not only of overt training at Yavoriv that we see for the Ukrainian National Guard and the Humvees but also the covert money and private military contractor trainers like the masked (Middle Eastern origin American?) guy who was with the Marines in Iraq who boasted on video the other day.
In Skillt’s case it seems there are some slush funds whether from Kolomoisky or actually coming from abroad that would be part of the ‘Western Voentorg’ and it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if Carl Bildt or people in his Swedish MIC/NATO lobby circles were wiring money to whoever is funding Skillt.
Bringing it back to Sweden and the U.S. ability to start a Baltic or any type of war on Russia’s frontiers (save for maybe a stepped up proxy war with ‘vacationers’ and ‘advisers’ involved in front line combat) — I just don’t see it. Not only because Russia is advertising that it’s building up its defenses in Kaliningrad with the Iskanders (and likely a few tactical nukes, just so the NATO intel analysts who actually read Russian find unmistakeable reports in the usual RU MOD linked outlets that there are multiple warheads dispersed in underground bunkers across Kaliningrad both of the aircraft and artillery/free flight rocket deliverable kind, lest any NATO general fantasize about preemptively getting all of the dispersed Iskanders). But also because in the end I expect the Swedish and Finnish voters to reject joining NATO. Plus Poles and Lithuanians may fear or even loathe Russia, but I can’t see their colonels or generals agreeing to kamikaze orders from Washington to begin blockading Kaliningrad by land, which in any case would be an act of aggressive war by any definition of international law and a violation of the 1975 Helsinki agreements and whatever deals were made to give the Baltics their independence in 1991.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that NATO’s options to directly militarily escalate remain very limited, unless they can somehow bamboozle the Moldovans into an anschluss with Romania and then use the Romanians as a proxy force to attack the Russian-peacekeeper held PMR. Something that after the 08/08/08 experience for the Georgians I can’t believe even the Romanians would be stupid enough to try, and most certainly the ‘we want to join Romania and Europe’ violent Maidan playbook if tried in Chisinau could very well fail long before a single Romanian soldier gets to the frontiers of PMR.
I note that an expert onDenmark said back in March (TASS)it would be unlikely to join NATO missile defence shield, and the other day the Latvian Ambassador to NATO said
NATO not obliged to guarantee Ukraine’s security — Latvia’s NATO envoy
“World May 06, 13:22 UTC+3
Latvia’s Ambassador to the Alliance stressed that NATO is not a global policeman, and it has no intention of acting outside the territories of its member-countries…” re Ukraine-now considering the Lithuanian Lunatics, Estonian troublemakers, and
“The mayor of the Latvian capital city Riga, Nil Ushakov, stated yesterday in Moscow that for Latvia, “the best thing possible right now is President Vladimir Putin.”
“Latvian President refuses to rule out possibility of Putin visit” etc
but admittedly there is a lot of western hype re “intentions” of Putin re the Baltics……
“More than half of the population is Russian-speaking, a third is ethnically Russian, a slightly smaller share is made up of non-citizens, and there are tens of thousands of retired Soviet officers.
Moreover, the ethnic Russians and non-citizens are concentrated in the largest cities, where they have pluralities or even majorities, and Russian business interests form a disproportionate share of the economy, at least potentially giving Moscow levers it could deploy against the Latvian authorities.
Second, there is the longstanding problem of Latgale, a region in the southeast adjoining the Russian border most of whose population speaks what it believes is a distinct language as well as Russian, is much poorer than other regions of the country, and views itself as neglected.
And third, some Latvians have been expressing concern about the state of Latvia’s defense forces, noting that it has had trouble maintaining troop levels, has had to take many men from Latgale whose loyalty may be divided, and has in recent years lost many of its officers to retirement or resignation.”(….
I am tempted to believe that Latvia is by no means fully supportive of any NATO prompts to the whole Baltic area to become involved in escalation……….unless they have to depth charge a rus submarine(allegedly) in a local river…………….
but possibly Latvia has more to be apprehensive from the likes of Donald Tusk and Poland’s hardening ambitions in conjunction with Lithuania and Ukraine perhaps……..
Forget the EMP nonsense, it’s all just fantasy.
It must be tailored for a specific target, which must be vulnarable and habe an entry poi t to negin with.
There is no such thing like a huge-scale EMP attack, that would simply do nothing. Of course you could fire up a small nuke, but that would kill all humans in the target area before even a pocket radio gets affected.
The rest is just stupid scaremongering and military PR to get more funding.
Russia has the total command of the Black Sea. The soft targets would be the American frigates, AEGIS or not. And I suspect they know that better than I. Russia must from time to time exhibit a “projection of power”. It is probably better for the chicken hawks of East Europe to shit their pants than to bleed.
With optimism that rational heads will prevail, I salute the admirable pride in that great video! I’m of the belief that a lack of pride is more detrimental to peace than the opposite. Saker’s correct in that the U.S. people’s unawareness of the situation is what allows the neocons to proceed this debacle.
I agree – the video to me was very positive and a great feeling and positivity emenating at a time when the country and its leader is being trashed constantly.
Sadly, the US populace is completely oblivious and may one day wake up in utter shock – hopefully before its too late.
you are – as many times – right.
But what would you expect from a country that gets dozens …. and dozens ….. and another dozens of tanks deployed directly at its borders. And soldiers, military equipment and even fighters as well. Permanently – only in relatively small doses …. but continously increasing over the months.
At the same time it is very evident that Russia massively shows to the world the might of its weapons. May it be true or may it be only a well orchestrated “maskirovska”.
Every day news on RT and SPUTNIK about the new T-14 and other hot military stuff …. a bit annoying meanwhile, at least for me.
But anyway – actually we seem to be in the middle of a “stand off” between the two camps.
The outcome is uncertain. The solution must not necessarily be a military one. A military clash can be avoided. Have a close look at what is going on in Germany right now.
How many days left for Merkel as a vassal chancellor?
Who made the whistleblower in the BND case? Who made it public? To what purpose?
Many questions – some considerations. Interesting times of change we are living in.
And nobody in the West – I agree – nearly nobody takes care of it.
Or has at least an idea of what is going on and what could very soon become the consequences of all these changes.
We will see
For Russia – as it was true always for every nation – : If you want peace – prepare for war.
Vox Media in a story the Saker Twitter feed linked to mentioned Germany as the prize once more, and a German parliamentary member’s astonishment at the number of emails she was receiving saying that Berlin is acting in an anti-Russian manner and should stop being a vassal for the aggressive Americans’ policy in Ukraine. ‘Oh my gosh the Russian propaganda is working on Germans!’ but to my surprise Vox took her quote and then allowed that there could actually be a growing anti-Washington or anti-NATO sentiment among Germans. I think it was Russia in Global Affairs editor Fyodor Lyukanov, who does not have nearly as much influence among Russian FP circles as Vox advertises, (I would guess even old retired KGB/SVR general Reshetnikov has more sway where it counts, among the siloviki), who conveyed the story:
Today the left-wing German newspaper “Junge Welt” published this morning a declaration of former top-ranking officers of the NVA (army of the GDR), including a former defense minister of the GDR, who turns in a very serious tone against the warmongering NATO.
It should be a must-read for the German speaking audience but so far it’s completely ignored by the German corporate media.
Here is the introductory phrase:
As military personnel who were employed in responsible positions in the GDR, we turn in great concern to the German public in order to maintain peace and the survival of civilization in Europe …
[end of quote]
Dagmar Henn published this article today on the German Saker:
This morning the left-wing German newspaper “Junge Welt” published a declaration of former top-ranking officers of the NVA (army of the GDR), including a former defense minister of the GDR, who turns in a very serious tone against the warmongering NATO.
It should be a must-read for the German speaking audience but so far it’s completely ignored by the German corporate media.
Here is the introductory phrase:
As military personnel who were employed in responsible positions in the GDR, we turn in great concern to the German public in order to maintain peace and the survival of civilization in Europe …
[end of quote]
Dagmar Henn published it this afternoon on the German Saker:
This was posted on RI’s site below an article about the German industrial espionage crisis arising from revelations of collusion by the BND with the NSA:
jw 19 hours ago
Ex-head of MAD reveals shocking details
of the 1949 US-German secret treatyTop intelligence officers rarely reveal secret strings, pulling the nation’s political mechanism. Publication of a book like The German card. The obscure game of secret services, authored by Gerd-Helmut Komossa (Gerd-Helmut Komossa. DIE DEUTSCHE KARTE. Das verdeckte Spiel der geheimen Dienste. Ares-Verlag, Graz 2007. – 230 S.), is an exceptional occurrence. Raising very sensitive issues, the author appeals to the core of German identity that had been deliberately suppressed for decades by the United States and its allies. The book is focused on contradictions between the United States and Germany, sometimes very strong but not supposed to be discussed in public. It was published in Austria, and its distribution in Germany may encounter certain difficulties today. Still, the very fact of its appearance indicates that the German intelligence community is increasingly dissatisfied with the role of a vassal of the United States (the definition applied to Europe by Zbigniew Brzezinski), imposed on Western Germany after World War II. Gerd-Helmut Komossa reveals the uncomfortable truth about the post-war conditions, dictated by the US and its allies. The state treaty, dated May 21, 1949 and classified by BND as top secret, suggests restrictions of state sovereignty of the Federal Republic of Germany, introduced for a period until 2099.
These restrictions include the provision that the winning coalition exercise complete control over Germany’s mass media and communications; that every Federal Chancellor is to sign the so-called Chancellor Act; that the gold reserve of Germany is kept under arrest. In fact, all the German Chancellors, including the incumbent Chancellor Angela Merkel, pay their first foreign visit necessarily to the United States. The whole spectrum of German political parties is supervised by a special Washington-based controlling body, while local US-licensed media serve as a more sophisticated means of brainwashing than the Nazi propagandist machine. Meanwhile, Germany’s territory is still occupied by US troops. This astonishing picture is not a fancy concoction of a political leftist. It is drawn by a military man whose mind has accumulated the experience of several crucial stages of development of the European civilization and Germany in particular. Gen. (Ret.) Gerd-Helmut Komossa took part in World War II and later in the Cold War. Possessing huge amounts of information, he analyzes the existing mechanisms of global policy with strong criticism. Joining the Wehrmacht in 1943 as a volunteer, Komossa served at the Eastern front. Between May 1945 and April 1949, he was a prisoner of war. In the USSR, he got acquainted with many Russians who appeared to be quite different from the image imposed by the official Nazi propaganda. Since 1956, he served in the German Bundeswehr, re-established under certain conditions. The abovementioned secret treaty admitted that the German sovereignty is sufficient for the right to build up military forces. According to the Constitution, the troops of the Federal Republic of Germany are carrying put exceptionally defensive functions.
However, the Western coalition was pursuing different goals. It needed an army in new uniforms but with the same skills as the Nazi soldiers, perfectly fighting on land, on sea and in the air, and irrecusably abiding orders. Such a type of soldier was essential not only for the occasion of possible military collision with the Soviet bloc but also for fulfilling global missions. The coalition required at least 500,000 German soldiers. In addition, the newly-built army was supposed to purchase weapons and materiel solely from the United States. During the last two decades, Washington has been trying to force Germany into military partnership in globalistic control. However, the massive effort to get Germany involved in US operations in Somali and Bosnia, as well as in campaigns in Serbia, Iraq and Afghanistan, has brought about a reverse result, sparking a shift in approach in German strategic circles.
The implicit discontent with American policy and essential difference in views on the role of the German people in current history eventually reached a critical dimension. Since mid-1990s, the attitude of many German military to the United States, and significantly also towards NATO, has essentially changed. Though most of the German officers were not originally inclined against America, a lot of them being educated in the United States, they are now experiencing disappointment and even disgust with Washington’s policies. These officers realize that the hegemonistic policy is destined for destruction of socioeconomic systems of particular nations and whole regions, while the so-called order Washington is trying to impose is just a synonym for chaos. Gerd-Helmut Komossa, in his former capacity of MAD (Military Counterintelligence) Director, was frequently called “a soldier with political thinking”. Today, he openly denounces the Bundeswehr’s involvement in foreign interventions, referring to the army’s constitutional duties. Meanwhile, Washington urges Germans to go fighting. Conceding to the pressure, Berlin deployed a contingent of troops to Afghanistan. But even this was not sufficient for NATO bosses. Recently, NATO General Secretary Jaap de Hoop Scheffer accused the Bundeswehr of idleness in military operations in the region, and insisted that Germany “increase flexibility” and expand its military mission to the southern regions of Afghanistan. In his book, Komossa inquires whether the state of affairs when young Germans are recruited in the national army for fulfilling overseas goals for other nations, could be acceptable. The map of operations, supposed to involve German troops, far exceeds the European continent, and has nothing to do with German national interests. “Do Germans expect this from the Bundeswehr? Would they like their soldiers to be called assassins again?” he asks. However, the United States and its allies don’t care much for moral problems. As the secret treaty is valid until 2099, Germans are supposed to go and fight where they are told to. The German audience will require certain time to digest the shocking information disclosed by General Komossa. But eventually, the nation with a great cultural and historical tradition will hardly agree to continue tolerating the American loop on its throat for decades more. The publication of Komossa’s “German Card” is one more proof of the world’s transformation into a multipolar system. It indicates that Germany is likely to achieve complete sovereignty without waiting for eighty years.
Many Germans already understand their lack of real sovereignty.
Under the allied imposed ‘Basic Law’ there is no German Constitution.
A Constitution can only be adopted after a peace treaty is signed,which the allies refused to sign.
Just as Japan,both these countries are still listed as enemy states under the UN charter and can be re-invaded as required,Japan has tried repeatedly to have this changed,to no avail..
True there is a legal ‘Constitutional court’,but it is smoke and mirrors.
Under international law articles signed under duress are void,the coercion of Germany in 1949 was to switch from the ‘Morganthau Plan’ of genocide,de-industrialization and serfdom,to the ‘Marshall Plan’.
Under the ‘Marshall Plan’ Germany was to be rebuilt, re-industrialized and aimed at the Soviet Union,sabateurs were sent constantly into east Germany to poison water supplies,wreck machinery etc etc.
The CIA was created in 1949 for this purpose,supplying Bandera, parachuting men behind the lines to harm the Soviet recovery,hence the Berlin wall.
All the above is well documented but of course UK/US spin has a different take.
Researching this history after 70 years of deceit is quite depressing!.
In the light of the above listed items…enquiring minds might wonder why the 5 permanent members of the UNSC +1 would include Germany? ,also why would Germany be a US proxy in Ukraine?.
A good place to start would be …
Freda Utley
The High Cost of Vengeance in PDF download.
The world needs
– a sovereign Germany
– a sovereign Japan
– a reunified Korea
An independent Palestine.
Genau. :) But, hmm, the Berlin wall was built to prevent highly skilled GDR citizens from migrating to better paid jobs in Western Germany. As simple as that. And I’ve never heard about the Yankee occupant sending saboteurs to poison water supplies in the GDR … but who knows? I’m quite sure the USA (or whoever acts in its name) is behind the flight 9525 terror attack. Definitely not a “suicide” … what a ridiculous idea.
even russian constitution was written under guns in 1992 by the british and british spies inside Kremlin of yeltsin.
they wanted president to be strong and parliament to be weak as their man was yeltsin. and they gave only 6 weeks for public to rubber stamp it.
now they want the president to be weak as putin is president now!
It’s a shame you have the dates incorrect, which diminishes the authoritativeness of your entire comment.
What prevents the Germans from simply saying no ? Does the US have the physical power in Europe to occupy them again, without the Russian defeating them on the Eastern Front this time ? Would the US really nuke the Germans if they refused to kowtow ? Are they crazy enough ?
When someone asked Bismark once what he would do if the British invaded, he said he’d have the border police arrest them (or words to that effect). What the Germans lack is resolve, not their own constitution. The laws and putative secret treaties only bind them if they choose to be bound.
Germans need to break out of NATO and re-establish their age old ties with Russia. If not they will pay the price for kowtowing to the Anglo Saxons evil plotters across the channel and the pond.
Seward, Germany already IS occupied– since WWII. Also the Germans suffer from the same media misinformation that the rest of Europe & US and most everywhere else has. What you just read many Germans don’t know about.
Link doesn’t work!!
Very interesting, this “Secret Treaty.” I’d heard rumors over the years. Time to investigate further. Any additional info you might provide would be welcome. Thanks!
Seems like the book is old news as RT ran a story on it in 2009,
I enjoyed the video. To me it was more a celebration of having comeback,returned to pride of national achievement.
Back on it’s feet and if necessary ready to give the bullies a bloody nose.
In the UK there is no such spirit… as the latest UK polls suggest only 16% trust the politicians while 31% still trust bankers…bankers!! FFS!.
Another coalition is likely….just like Germany,Netherlands Switzerland etc etc. no mandate at all,certainly not to bomb countries back to the stone age. certainly, the only enthusiasm for this election comes from those who wish to be re-elected.
Definitely not from the electorate,who realise that the Bw-itish system is a gerrymander….
Labour 29% vote = 258 seats
Lib-Dem 23% vote = 58 seats
Something far more important in my view….
What the people of the Donbass have done, while Kharkov and Odessa stayed quiet, they have thrown such a spanner into the works,that it has given Russia an up-close and personal look at who the US actually is!.
from Vox-Populi-Evo–eng subs……
this is about conversations on a train…read it and weep!
European values….what values? let them join and be damned.
Whoops put earlier comment under wrong article:
Veritas on May 06, 2015 · at 2:37 pm UTC
Dear The Saker,
Following Abe’s visit to the US and the joint US/Japan military initiative we can’t be surprised that China and Russia are doing this. China has been sent a very clear message by the US. China is sending one back! You come to our back yard – we can come to your (vassals) back yard.
As long as the US keeps poking – the Russian/Chinese alliance has to be on alert and ready.
Tbh its good to see China openly backing Russia – a little message to the EU vassals too….
I find quite disturbing that majority of EU politicians will attend Gdansk celebration in their deliberate boycott of Victory Parade.
Revisionism, lack of information, purely educated young generations and propaganda make altogether an explosive combination.
This Oleg Gazmanov song is just disgusting. I wander abut its popularity in Russia.
Well Duff, I suspect you are in a very small minority that find the song disgusting. Since United Russia is behind it, you can guarantee that it will be blaring out across Russia repeatedly. The music is exactly the sort that appeals to younger Russians. My son-in-law will have it blasting out of his car stereo on a repeating loop, and my grand-daughters will pester their mother to play it on the computer so that they can dance to it.
The wording is patriotic and will appeal to older Russians and I can hear a lot of ring-tones in the track.
Personally, I love it, especially the way they did the video to show the unity of the Russian peoples and their multiple faiths.
Stephen, call me old fashioned, but I’m a big fan of old Soviet style marches :D
This new son cannot compare with the spirit of this: (just an example)
Duff, I agree. Thanks for the link; it was terrific.
I don’t understand the balaclavas though. Seems to me the masks just help foreign mercenaries.
Yes,that is a great old song.It was translated and sung in several other countries as well.Here are 2 video’s one of it sung in the 70’s in the USSR.And the other in German from the GDR.
There will be Germany’s vice-chancellor, France’s foreign minister and presidents of Lithuania, Romania, Ukraine, Cyprus, Croatia and Bulgaria. That’s hardly a majority of EU leaders.
That Cyprus and Bulgaria will be there disgraces them both.Bulgaria literally only exists because Russia freed them from the Ottoman Empire and this is their thanks.As for Cyprus,what can you say,obviously a renegade to the Orthodox peoples.
“I am only saddened (and frightened) by the fact that Russia feels that she has to do so.”
How could you blame them? If Russia doesn´t recognize a Drang Nach Osten when they see one, then no one would.
Luvin Inbreed (Breedlove), Obongo & his white masters at the White House plantation Nudelman, Kagan Pyatt & the other illiterates show again and again that they have no idea what so ever what they are doing, their former firm belief that Russia is going to stand back and let them have their way with childish sabre rattling from a safe distance, are showing clear but too late signs of a really stupid idea and bad politics that has to be disposed of. They are panicking.
Without a major loss of face there is nothing they could do, having reached Moscows doorstep and not knowing what to do next, and Putin is not going to save Obongo from this one like he did in Syria. Russia has to smash it into their heads again, like so many times before. These pompous toads never ever learn their history.
one interpretation of Nostradamus is that there will be ww3 with the Chinese and Russians against the Americans and Europeans. Finally, both will join together to fight the Arabs. In the process, Paris and other European cities will be destroyed.
I could hardly imagine such a scenario 10 years ago, now it seems very plausible.
another comment – this is the kind of music we hear daily from the USA.
tears are just tears. LOVE U ALL. And still crying. FREEDOM=RUSSIA
Patriotism is a double edged sword:
Even though there are different Patriotisms, the patriotism of the imperialist expansionist nations, and the patriotism of the attacked and abused victimized nations, a military confrontation is a very dangerous affair.
In the early 20th Century, rising nationalisms, and rising aspirations of oppressed nationalities, in combination with confrontations between imperialist powers (who were competing to expand their colonial empires), and the resulting growth of their military industrial philosophical and cultural sphere, marked the transition from the sparks of the Balkan conflicts of 1912-13, to the full conflagration of the First World War.
The imperialist and nationalist mental illness of the First World War led, inexorably, to a Second Half (and even more bloody), conflict, in 1939. Lennon’s (the musical Lennon) IMAGINE would not appear for another half century.
The Russian Patriotic Video is a natural response to the imperialist aggression (including a generations long propaganda assault), against Russia and its allies. The Russian response is Lawful, and Natural. Just as, within the United States, many people who have been mugged carry weapons for self-defense.
It is likely that If the Russians, and other oppressed nations, do not defend themselves, they will suffer worse casualties. The imperialists offer only slavery, and, for all large nations (Yugoslavia to China to Syria to Vietnam to Mexico to Iran to Iraq, and to Russia) ignoble dissolution. If the Oligarchs win, the survivors will descend to Barbarism (some are already there).
Self-defense is a triggered affair, and the video is an expression of resistance to the surrounding of Russia with the American NATO military bases and their associated aggression. The destruction of Yugoslavia by the United States and its corrupt and unconstitutional stooge President, Bill Clinton, woke even the dorment and comprador sectors of Russian society.
Russians, the peoples of this planet, have only two human options open to them. They can surrender, or they can resist. Resistance is the safer way. Resistance is not safe; it is the safer way. Surrender would not save us for long.
Within the United States we must revive an anti-war effort that is dedicated to the restoration of our Republic, with all its liberties and pursuit of happiness.
I think its more a tribute to the 1945 Victory,with some “we’re back” thrown it.Gazmanov is known for his patriotic videos and music.So I’m not surprised that he did another one. As to the ships, I think your first or third choices are most likely.China is increasing her own navy.So I don’t see her selling ships.And as someone said,Russia’s biggest naval strength is her sub fleet.On a related issue I saw a report that France said they might have to junk the Mistrals if they aren’t sold to Russia.And that French industrialists and France’s military are very unhappy about that.Their military doesn’t want the ships (they have similar,and they are built on a Russian naval model) but nobody seems to want to buy them.I was thinking maybe China should offer to buy them (with Russia’s approval).China is trying to build-up their navy.And supposedly those are top of the line ships.Since they were built with Russian features they would be familiar to the Chinese.And if China wanted they could turn around and resell the ships to Russia.That is if the Russians really do want them.If not keep them to add to their own naval build-up.The US wouldn’t be able to stop France from selling them I don’t believe.That would be a “bridge to far” for the French public.And what a slap in the face that would be for the Empire.
Great suggestion, why aren’t they doing it is the $64M question!
US would never want China to have them. Big threat to Taiwan, in US mind.
US would love to have Japan get them. Then they would be a big threat to China.
I suppose they will “disappear” and then show up in Libya for ISIS to use.
This cannot be evaluated without more context. Who made it? Who sees it?
Russia’s propaganda agencies could surely do better than this — the prancing singer hardly seems like a man marching off to do or die. So could it simply be a commercial product designed to exploit current international tensions?
And do Russians see this kind of stuff on TV every night? Or is it directed at stupid Poles and Estonians, to let them know who they’re gearing up to fight? Or perhaps it’s aimed at the French and Germans to remind them that there’s nothing wrong with being white, and proud of it.
I was thinking the same. Is he a popular singer? My guess, is no. Then how did he finance the video production?
If the State apparatus wants to psychologically prepare masses. They wound use somebody better than him.
He is quite well known in Russia.He was a big name a few years ago.And still is very recognizable.He’s very patriotic,much of his music is connected to the military.Here are a couple of his performances:
And here is a very interesting one.It is from the Victory Day concert only 3 years ago in Kharkov Ukraine.To anyone that asks who Kharkov sides with tell them to look at the size of the crowd and faces of the people.Very telling song he is singing here:
Polish and Estonians dont prepare for war and dont make songs like that. You must be really out of your mind to even think that Estonia would ever attack Russia (please look up that country from your map and compare its size with Russia). But we will defend our country if necessary – we are not going to do the same mistake twice.
This looks like preparation for war to me:
US tanks mass in Poland for Nato exercise – video.
NATO’s ”Steadfast Javelin 1” exercise underway in Estonia.
Or maybe it’s just intended to piss off Putin the way the people of Riga pissed off Peter the Great in 1698, with unfortunate consequences.
Do Estonians believe that Russia is going to attack them? Or do they think that the pro-US media is trying to scare them into believing a false threat?
If there were not so much “The Russians are coming.” propaganda would Estonians be less enthusiastic about EU? About NATO?
I hope you will answer. Thank you.
Hi Penelope,
Yes – for many years people didnt consider our military defence to be important topic. As you may or may not know, both Latvia and Lithuania cancelled conscription (Lithuania is about to start it again) making both these countries basically defenceless. The same thing was has been proposed by our polititians but was stongly opposed by party Isamaa Liit (national-conservatist-christian-democratic-liberal party). Once the conflict in Ukraina started, people in Estonia are much more concerned about possible conflict with Russia. If you are interested in numbers – our deputy in European Parlament, Yana Toom, ordered a poll to ask, if people are afraid of Russian invasion. Based on the results, 5% are afraid of the war with Russia and 21% think that it is theoretically possible. 61% of our ethnic Estonians and 92% of our ethnic Russians dont believe that war with Russia is possible. So the answer to your question is no.
Yes, we do have military exercises. Most of the countries have them every now and then. Concerning NATO forces in Estonia: we should have one company of US soldier currently in Estonia (~150 men) and I think that there are 2 Eurofighter Typhoon planes from Spain defending our airspace. Does that sound like a threat to Russia? Why on earth should that piss off Putin?
This blog often publishes analysis by Rostislav Ishchenko, have you read this one?
Perhaps, Esten, you could learn to use a search engine, then you’d know a little more about what’s happening in your own country: like, for example, “Estonia’s president urges Nato to send troops to defend his country”, or Economist editor and Russophobe, Edward Lucas, Estonia’s first e-citizen, says Putin like Adolf Hitler.
No that wouldn’t piss off any reasonable person, would it.
To an outsider, Estonia looks like a US puppet, or rather a rag doll, used to bait Adolf, sorry, Vladimir Putin.
CanSpeccy – i dont get your point. We have 150 US soldiers, and yes, we have a president, who is pretty cautious and wants to have even bigger NATO presence. So what? He has one year left of presidency and probably the next one will have different opinions. Do you see Estonia as a threat to Russia?
E-citizenship is something you can aquire over internet, which will give you an opportunity to make business in Estonia. Open a bank account etc. I am sure that a lot of people have aquired that e-residency, including people from Russia.
Esten, you are either ill-informed or you are dissembling.
Edward Lucas is a prominent actor in the Anglo mainstream media, and a vehement Russophobe. The President of Estonia, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, presented Lucas with the first e-citizenship card in a ceremony held in Tallin last December. That was clearly a gesture of contempt for Russia.
Likewise, in calling for a larger NATO presence in Estonia, Estonia is hyping the Russia-Threatens-the-West meme, without apparent justification. Why? Is your president bribed, blackmailed or brainwashed?
The fact is, if Russia wished to invade Estonia, you’re gone anyway. There’s nothing NATO can do to prevent it except start a nuclear war, in which case Estonia would finish up as a glowing hole in the ground.
CanSpeccy – if you cannot stay polite, i’ll stop talking to you. I am well informed and yes, i can use google. Of course Putin can nuke Estonia, but that doesnt fit well into his protection-of-fellow-russians-abroad policy as 1/3 residents of Estonia are Russians.
Do you care to comment on the analysis by Rostislav Ishchenko: . Do you agree with him? Has our president or mr. Lucas ever talked about preemptive military strike against Russia?
PS. Concerning the pro-US propaganda – Estonia is one of the countries with most free press ( People have different opinions and they are not afraid to express them.Of course all is not perfect, but for example, if the Saker would send an interesting analysis of the situation in Ukraine to any major Estonian newspaper, I wouldnt be surprised if they would publish it.
Yes the Buddhist Mongol/Tuvan in the video were very White and Proud of it. Yes that must be what the real intent of the video was: to remind the French and Germans that there’s nothing wrong with being “White” and proud of it; whatever the heck that means.
I’m sure the video showing Muslims from the Caucus region praying too was designed to elicit white pride too. No video couldn’t possibly be just about pride in a unified multiethnic multi-religious nation belonging to the Russian Ethos. Nope that would be too obvious.
De Poutine à Hillary : la guerre devient une “option”
[MOD: same article in original English ]
eng/redirect loop not playing,MODS
try this version if that’s what you mean
Qui desiderat pacem, preparat bellum.
Not too impressed with the ‘music’ but the images are fabulous. Loved them.
Wow. Russia is BIG!
As some ‘exceptionalists’ need reminding..:)
The Novorossian Army is rehearsing for the Victory Day celebrations. Look at this and compare it to the rag-tag junkyard army of Ukraine. Look at the condition of the equipment – no more smoke-belching poorly maintained junk.
Russian sources say that the Chinese ships will be participating in the 9 May celebrations in Novorossiysk. I think this is all there is to it.
“Now look, you see? You got them singing war-hymns, I hope you’re happy. Perhaps it’s now a good time to stop throwing rocks at the hornets nest and go pick on someone much weaker than you instead like usually.”
Copy and paste
This is a very patriotic and uplifting music video. I don’t get the same sense of alarm as the Saker does. Its tone is positive, proud, confident, and happy. And, by the way, the music and imagery is very appealing. Most of the military images were historical and related to the Great Patriotic War, It made me wish that I could have a reason and opportunity to tour this magnificent country and meet its proud people for myself.
I have watched a similar music video made by and for the People’s Republic of China. But that was not nearly as uplifting or mesmerizing.
A while ago -couple of months ago, I think- Saker presented us with a video that was supremely warlike. The video was full of demonstrations of Russia’s military prowess, with cannons, tanks, missiles, ships and warplanes shooting and blowing things up. It ended with a scene in which Vladimir Putin was riding astride a large, powerful, menacing, and very angry Kodiak Bear. Now, that is what I regard as a call for war!
Hi Arthur ! Yes that video that you mention is not available anymore…but that video was saying “Obama you crazy” … now this one is more motavational like Saker says. I actually found this singer to be like singers in the US in the ’80’s but that other video was very modern….
Hi Saker, slightly off topic, but do you know if it’s going to be possible for us in the West to watch the Victory Day parade live this Saturday on the Internet? If not live (since it’s going to be middle of the night in the U.S.), then at least the whole parade recorded and shown on demand? I would love to watch it this Saturday and would have my kids watch it too.
Try RT Ruptly on YouTube 6-8hrs after the parade and today/videos
I am sure this will help you
Thank you.
that link was:
Last year it broadcast live on the RT website –
Some western commentators, Paul Craig Roberts to name one, are saying that any time sanctions are placed on another country that impacts its ability to trade they are effectively declarations as well as acts, of war. If they are right, and I see the point, then Russia would be remiss to not prepare. It’s like, today we slap them with sanctions and if that doesn’t result in submission and groveling, then we slap them with even more, but if even that doesn’t work, then tomorrow we go to a shooting war. With a US federal government that is owned and operated by Khazarian Mafia Banksters, you can’t put anything like that past them and think they are sane enough to refrain from doing it. Russia can’t sit on her hands and assume that US will not go that far but will just continue with hollow rhetoric and self-destructive measures like sanctions that hurt both themselves and their “allies” they expect will follow their lead. At the same time though, diverting resources to a war footing is an expense that is very tough to recoup, and arming-up could be used as “proof” of accusations already made of Russian aggression. And then, we see stirrings of disquiet from EU members like France with Hollande calling for sanctions to be lifted. We have to wonder what sort of game…or psy-op they are playing.
I’d be curious to see a translation of the Oleg Gazmanov song. I was particularly interested in the footage of Orthodox followed by Buddhist and Muslim holy places. It sounded like he sings something about traditions, was there also a synagogue in that montage?
Also, the appearance by the Great Man of the Kremlin was over the top, but to the credit of that video it is only a brief cameo from Mr. Putin, not a song or video about him.
But yeah, the marching column of the old Red Army was a little alarming, but no doubt on this anniversary of the defeat of the Nazis there’s room for Russians to be proud of military achievements but only in conjunction with other spheres of Russian advancement. Also incredibly unusual is a music video touting engineering and economic achievements. Here in America and in the UK music videos only feature industrial landscapes in decay.
The thoughts that went through me watching this video (not understanding Russian lyrics) is that it was a celebration of Russia, and in stark contrast to so many songs in the US where patriotism is depicted as a struggle of the poor Americans to defend their ‘freedom’ which is constantly threatened by all the evil regimes in the world so we have to go kill them and take over the world.
Seriously — that’s what rose in my mind. The days of songs like ‘America the Beautiful’ are long gone. Now it’s all war and paranoia.
If Russia is preparing for war (I hope so !) and this song expresses that, it is still defensive in nature and not a song of imperialist conquest.
I just read
America Has a Simple Ideology and Understands Nothing About the Russian Worldview
Americans would be surprised to hear what Russians think about their country’s place in the world
Max Fisher
and was glad to see the referenced article
although I thought, reading it, that he was being a bit soft and naive about US intentions. Nonetheless, when I returned to Fisher’s article I got confused — I think because rather than real analysis the guy was mostly just quoting other people and sniping. After a bit I got the impression that he was saying the America is Beautiful, but in quite another way — and it was mostly BS. Then I looked and saw he’s an old Washington Post writer among things, and understood — yes, of course it was BS because that’s what most Americans, and particularly the press do now, and it was part of American imperialism which he tries to obscure. I’m not sure why Russia Insider printed such rubbish.
The whole world better prepare for war, because that’s what the empire is doing, and everyone else being well prepared may be the only way to avert it.
This video really ignited my patriotic feelings…
I am from an abused Latin American country, and I wish I could see, in the faces of my people, the same hope and pride I see in the faces of the Russian people in this video… But, unfortunately, the opposite is happening – we have been devastated by a destructive propaganda against our elected president, against the fragile ‘freedom to choose’ we finally got after almost 30 years of a filthy military dictatorship sponsored by the CIA… Now, the corrupt local elite and their foreign allies want, again, to destroy our hope… It is a real nightmare…
I am not talking about nationalism; I am talking about sovereignty against imperialism, freedom against oppression, right to self-determination.
VIVA RUSSIA and its stand against imperialism VIVA CHINA! VIVA all nations that resist the advances of capital!
Peoples of the world, unite! The time has arrived! Hasta la victoria, siempre!
Do the people in your country (Brazil?) not realize.Until you clean your house of 5th column “Americanization” in the upper classes you can’t ever be free and sovereign.
Uncle Bob1, in Brasil we speak Portuguese not Spanish.
Rita was using Spanish, so she could be from Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina or any other Latin American country that got effd over by that fat swine’s (Kissinger) operation Condor or by the Reaganite-Bushite morons that funded further coups thru-out Central America.
Brasil represents half of South America and now the majority of that continent’s GDP.
Haha,I see that now.When she said the plot against the President it made me think of Brazil.But now I think she meant Argentina’s President.But still my point is the same about the problem of your’s in Brazil, and with Argentina’s upper classes, “Americanization”.It is the source of your 5th column treachery.And until you deal with it you will never gain real sovereignty.
Thank you guys for the comments!
OK. If I agree with all of you that there must be a 5th column in my country, and that we have to deal with it, then what can I do about this? How? The corporate media is in control, and the congress is dominated by the opposition. It seems an impossible mission.
I believe that the only reason why we are still preserving the fragile ‘democracy’ is because there must be a division in the armed forces (military) that supports it. This group must be nurtured and reinforced, right?
Perhaps, if the government put strategic means of communication accessible to the people all over the country as a way to counter the insulting propaganda in the MSM…
What else can be done? WHO CAN DO IT AND HOW? I may not be the right person to help my country…
I’m not fluent in English but am trying to translate this song so English speaking people can understand the meaning. Sorry for errors, I did as best as I could.
Lyrics and translation:
Так было в России с далеких времен:
Чем выше давление, тем крепче бетон.
И если опасность державе грозит
Становится Родина, как монолит.
В горниле победы сегодня как встарь,
опять закаляется Родины сталь.
Россия, Россия – в этом слове огонь и сила.
В этом слове победы пламя,
Поднимаем России знамя.
Пусть время нас бурным потоком несет,
За нами Россия, за нами народ.
Традиции святы и тысячи лет
Продолжится летопись наших побед.
А если врагов налетит воронье
их снова Отечество встретит мое.
So it was in Russia since ancient times:
The higher the pressure, the stronger the concrete.
And if danger threatens us
Our Homeland become strong as a monolith.
And today, In the crucible of victory
our Motherland became stronger once again.
Russia, Russia – the fire and the strength
The fire of Victory Day sounds in that word
We raise our flag.
Let the time pass
The Russia is behind us
We are united
Tradition are sacred
For thousands years
We will continue the chronicle of our victories.
And if the enemy will dare to step on our land
My Fatherland will be ready
You did wonderfully. Thank you very much.
Nothing threatening or fearful in those lyrics.
Russia is target number one and it needs to call the hearts and minds of its people, all generations, to be ready, to be united.
Thanks for the translation.
interesting concept of mother russia as the peaceful homeland, but in defence the other gender as fatherland comes apparent and active
Very interesting observation, JJ. Thanks!
KK Thank you. Considering the atmosphere of the current Victory Day celebrations, the lyrics and the energetic melody fit the occasion and the style of the times. Compared to the recurrent nationalistic dribble of the exceptional nation, it is another mental continent.
One thing that bothers me here and within the russian realm is how they view nationalism. Often when they atrtack something and call it nationalism what they’re actually attacking is jingoism. jingoism is extremistic nationalism. Patriotism is a form of nationalism. nationalism in itself is not a harmfull ideology but, as with everything, it can be used for dark purposes in the form of jingoism.
The Peace of Westphalia 1648. Gave birth to the concept. Of Nation-State. Nation-alism, is the fusion of patriotism + Nation-ality.
This video made me cry because it is so clear that Russia is getting ready for war and it is so clear that the US public – especially the supporters of the Democrats – are totally unaware of this and even more unaware, if that is possible, that our country is almost entirely at fault. War is coming and it’s our country and our party that is causing it, and we don’t even know.
Russia is only proud for itself, it’s victory in 1945, it’s history, science and culture. And it’s ready to defend itself now (which was not the case several years ago), not more than that. Just read the translation:
Sorry, but the Russians shouldn´t be looking for any new song. This one gives me the goosebumps every time (and it will be pretentious to say that my Russian is basic, and I was born in the other side of the world 40 years later…)
Make it rock the whole world on Victory Day!
Was it actually broadcasted after the announcement of the German attack, does anyone know?
Sacred War by Red Army Choir is the best in my view.
Елена Ваенга – Священная Bойна (Elena Vaenga – The Holy War)
Here is the story of it:
“The circumstances of the composition and first performance of the song were hurried; the lyrics were published on 24 June 1941, and Aleksandrov immediately wrote the music for them, writing the notes out on a blackboard for the singers to copy manually. The first performance was on 26 June at Belorussky Rail Terminal, where according to eyewitnesses it was sung five times in succession.”
And the lyrics in English.Very telling for our time today:
Arise, vast country,
Arise for a fight to the death
Against the dark fascist forces,
Against the cursed hordes.
Chorus: (2x)
Let noble wrath
Boil over like a wave!
This is the peoples’ war,
a sacred war!
We shall repulse the oppressors
Of all ardent ideas.
The rapists and the plunderers,
The torturers of people.
The black wings shall not dare
Fly over the Motherland,
On her spacious fields
The enemy shall not dare tread!
We shall drive a bullet into the forehead
Of the rotten fascist filth,
We shall build a solid coffin
For the scum of humanity!
Chorus (2x)
I believe the US is turning its full attention to China now. US has successfully split Europe from Russia for the moment and not a lot more they can do there apart from full scale war. Both Europe and Russia are hurting were as US trade with Russia has increased.
Same thing for China? Try to get Chinas trading partners to engage in sanctions? Oil is China’s weak point. I am not sure where all their oil comes from but a lot from North Africa and Middle East.
I think they have big investments in oil in Nigeria where the Boko Haram wahhabbis? are causing trouble, Sudan – conflict there. And the Middle east that is not US owned being turned into a mad max zone by the Wahhabis.
China will need an army in the next few years to protect its oil supplies and also possibly some of its trading partners.
China now seems to be the manufacturing power house of the world. Russian and Chinese tech and Chinese manufacturing power?
British created “Council on Foreign Relations” has issued a major report, alleging that China must be defeated because it threatens to become a bigger power in the world than the U.S.
All part of the Wolfowitz I think annon. No state or group of states can be allowed to rise to the point where they can challenge US dominance.
EU, Russia, China are the only three that could challenge US dominance. At the moment the US has set Europe against Russia with sanctions which are detrimental to both yet hardly affect the US.
A few days after US Vassals announced they would join the AIIB, Ash carter was making news with the US pivot on “Asia”. US would respond to AIIB with arms, joint military exercises, ect, ect.
So far we have the new US/Japan military agreement, and new talk of missile defence systems deployed to the Asia pacific.
South China sea disputes, disputed islands, ect will be blown up into perhaps small military exchanges I am guessing.
Any small dispute, any crack, will be used to try and separate Asia pacific region from China, and also affect China trade with the rest of the world without affecting US/China trade.
Foreign Relations is the preeminent mouthpiece for the American Empire since the early 20th century.
The CFT acts as the consummate think-tank for America’s imperial elites, so whenver the CFR calls for the destruction of this or that country, that should be a clear and present warning of yet another American threat.
And if there is any country on the planet that must be defeated and destroyed, is it the American Empire, which can only maintain its global dominance through genocidal wars .
Faik The Pilgrims Society created CFR (and Bilderberg). There’s an English and a US society. I think their story is at wikispooks.
god help us all
The American people have no part to play in this as long as they are eating regularly and living indoors. They know not and know not that they know not. But the real economy is sinking fast and soon Washington will be distracted by uprisings. How many divisions would be required to occupy Colorado? The US military cannot even occupy Afghanistan. The Empire is in rapid decline at home and abroad. Play for time in order to avoid a nuclear winter.
Nothing better to distract a whipped populace than the leadership announcing to that populace that they are under attack. Nothing better to get a populace in a warlike mood than to bankrupt them and then blame those nasty Russians.
All the dominoes are lined up, just waiting for someone to give the first one a nudge.
Understanding that this is not a random circumstance but the result of a very long campaign is key to getting ones head around what is going on. This helps more than anything else I have come across:
The Controversy of Zion”, by Douglas Reed, a correspondent from the first half of last century.
When correspondents actually based their reporting on factual sources and checked the records.
A weak body invites viruses and diseases, and Russia is no weak body. As Auslander said below, “if you want peace prepare for war”, if you want to keep your body healthy then keep it strong.
More videos like this are needed and they should be broadcasted all over the world.
Here’s a nicer one, from Germany, a couple years ago …
Dschinghis Khan – Moskau 1979, Text, deutsch
1) The clip ends with acknowledgements, thanking for the support of various state institutions – including the Directorate of Press Service and Information of the President of Russian Federation.
2) Under the clip on YouTube stands the text, dated 3 May 2015:
“… The new patriotic clip by Oleg Gazmanov about the Greatness of Russia with the song “Forward, Russia!” has in less than two days received over 150,000 views on YouTube, but was deleted by the hackers. The clip is restored on the new link
“My official channel was hacked to remove the clip about Russia. Which means, it had badly hurt someone. Please, to spite the enemies, make the maximum possible number of re-tweets and share the new link to the clip with friends on social networks, so that the clip could not be removed”
– Oleg Gazmanov.
It is necessary that the songs related to the might of the State be spread across the entire country! The higher the pressure – the stronger is the concrete! …”
3) The number of views by 6 May 2015, 23:06 UTC was already 898,431
Many Americans are wide awake as to perils of this collision course! Suggestion: appeal more to the better angels in the American character more often. We have already stepped outside the MSM/Wall Street Matrix. However, governments that want to wreck our economy and currency worse than the Matrix make it hard for us to be open to dismantling the Empire.
I live in the heartland of the US.And I can tell you not a single person I know understands what’s happening.The MSM,except for people on alternative media (10% at the very best) is the source of most people’s information.The brainwashing is near total.
Мне это так не кажется. The song is patriotic and very emotional, expressing love of the people to their country, which is now under the threat. It is logical that such feelings appear e.g. in music. However, the clip shows also the desire for the life, human love and peace for children. I like it and wish to the Russians all the best.
I read your blog every day and other blogs where the feelings are that the world is going to get another war, big war. But the feeling is that USA wants another war like those called first and second, where the battles were performed in Europe, without involve their own territory. That is not this case, right now with the arms existing actually. USA will be destroyed too.
Yes, of courser they want one that is only on other people’s countries. That is why Russia is busy showing them their new equipment and their exercises.
and talking to them, even had a conference with NATO, explaining to them…. please please do NOT start a war with us, because we have no choice but to hit YOUR CITIES. We all need to pray the USA and NATO finally listen and believe it.
Eimar Clark is quite correct that Germany is in a (secret) state of legal submission to the US. Extraordinarily hopeful that this info was published in Germany.
A few months ago I posted the following comment w links which may enable others to understand what it’s about:
Germany is controlled through 6 ways that I know of:
1. There are many US troops still on German territory.
2. At German reunification, US threatened to prevent it unless Germany signed a letter/treaty of submission agreeing that US controls its media till 2099.
This treaty has been confirmed by Major-General Gerd-Helmut Komossa, former head of German Military Intelligence in his book “Die Deutsche Karte” (The German Card). (Banned in Germany)
3. Germany is still under the UN’s “enemy state” clause, which limits its sovereignty.
4. In taking all important decisions Germany must “consult” w Supreme Allied Command (US/UK).
Russia rescinded this power at reunification; the others didn’t.
5. Germany has no peace treaty, so no constitution. The current govt not really the govt of the whole of Germany, etc, etc.
6. The German people have been kept in ignorance of this. Traffic violations are dismissed whenever the person presents a Third Reich drivers lic because the current govt not really the legal sequel.
Anyway w secrecy a perceived necessity on top of all the other problems German officials seem unable to resist submission. Altho some may share in US ambitions to dismember & loot Russia, share in NWO goals.
Russia must prepare for war, both materially and psychologically. There is no other option. The Amerikan Empire will have new leaders who are promising war after the November 2016 election. Moscow has been under economic and political attack from Washington ever since Vladimir Putin refused to bend over for the Amerikan Imperialists. The only thing that might stop the war is if the Amerikan military generals in the Pentagon are convinced they cannot win because Russia is fully prepared for war, both materially and spiritually. Only the generals can say no to the insane politicos bankrolled by Zionist billionaires who control Amerikan politics now. I am not optimistic about that happening. And if Russian weapons and spirit cannot convince a dying Amerikan Empire to downsize gracefully, those Russian weapons and spirit will be needed to repulse the attack of the Amerikan Empire. Of course any sane person would be sad about the turn of events and what’s coming. I am horrified just thinking about it. But the fault lies with Washington, not Moscow. And btw, Great Video!
Hasta la Victoria Siempre, Pedro de Hungria
Here are 4 videos.The first, of a patriotic concert from a few months ago,by one of Russia’s best known musical bands,Lube.Its an excellent video:
The second is the end of a concert on “Day of Russia” with many of Russia’s most famous musical artists.Watch the crowd’s faces:
The third is the end of a Victory Day celebration in 2007 (Gazmanov is there) and again check the crowd:
And lastly a tribute song for the young soldiers serving, “I serve Russia”. This artist invites soldiers onto the stage to tell the audience who they are.Very good song and moving performance.And again watch the crowd.If anyone in the West thinks they will humble these people they are insane:
thanks uncle bob…what is this world thinking of that all these glorious people are going to be attacked…how can evil be so victorious ?
One solution for the avoidance of a shooting war was proposed just before the start of WWII by the “controversial” French writer Louis Ferdinand Celine (and suggested since by the all who see who are behind all the warmongerings) in Bagatelles pour un massacre(Trifles for a massacre):
““One Jew per firing position,” that will be my motto in the next war. First a Jew and
then a Freemason… In essence the truly interested parties, the pretenders to inheritances, the practitioners of power…. My modest decree on Jewish mobilization, you see, despite its ever-so-slight facetiousness, is not simply a minor burlesque…Well understood, well-accepted, and well-assimilated by our Hymies, it could deliver results which would completely surprise you…
You would see come about as though by magic, a current, what am I saying? some invincible, furious gales, some veritable cyclones of pacifist demonstrations! crossing all boundaries! it would rain down as thick as turtledoves!… Miraculous rapprochements between enemies since “the depths of time” would be worked-out without delay… They would be sought-out in order to be embraced…from one end of the universe to the other… As soon as the cook can be convinced that it is he himself, personally, who is going to wind up in his broth, he will no longer be striking any matches.”
Nato is simply england created and controlled entity subcontracted to usa military power to keep germans down , Russians out and English in the Europe so that English thieves can always pinprick the Europeans on one pretext or another.
As early as in 1949 the first NATO Secretary General, british Lord Ismay, candidly admitted that NATO’s true goal was “to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down” (notice that in the typical russophobic way of the western elites, Russians are considered as the source of the threat even though in 1949 a Georgian was at the helm of the Soviet Union and that Russians had paid a much higher price in repressions then the non-Russian ethnic groups).Remember Warsaw pact came into existence in 1955 in response to English aggression through nato and through british controlled propaganda.
Belarusian Defense Minister Zhadobin “mentioned Gene Sharp as the originator of the strategy used in these revolutions,” thus bringing in the British hand behind the policy, as EIR has documented (see article by Rachel Douglas in this section). Zhadobin also noted that color revolutions are always set up from outside.
Behind all dirty tricks lurks the dirty hands of English sc—mbags.
English, Israeli, US. I don’t think it matters where the heads are. Cut one off and another will grow. They all use the power of the US dollar and the US military. Destroy that and the heads can do nothing.
@English, Israeli, US
It does not matter who the heads are because:
sort out england as napolean wanted and the world would be safe and peaceful for ever.
must tackle that evil nation first -dissipating energy and resources would be wasteful.
taking england out of equation is the most cost effective and only real way to sort out worlds discords and problems.
Napoleon should never have attacked Russia and dissipated his energy and of THE Grand Army -instead he should had concentrated on doing what he was doing in Boulogne in 1805 and killed the evil enemy across the west of channel for ever.
William Napier writes: “In 1811 the Emperor’s power over the continent, as far as the frontier of Russia, was, in fact, absolute; and in France internal prosperity was enjoyed with external glory. But the Emperor of Russia, stimulated by English diplomacy , was plainly in opposition to the ascendency of France .”
It is the coward English who plotted Russian invasion by the great Napoleon.
As Paul Craig Roberts said that if Russia fails to understand that west wants nothing short of destruction of Russia and China, they will be destroyed.
I can tell that you like History, I think you will enjoy this excellent 4 episodes documentary
‘Napoleonic Wars in Russia’ on Starmedia YT channel
English subtitled.
Does Paul Craig Roberts believe that really “Russia fails to understand that the west wants her destruction”? Why then all presstitutes have such a hard time to convince people that any idea of a western aggression against Russia is a manifestation of Russian (Putin’s) paranoia?
PCR words and neither his thought , imply that.
For me it simply means that Russia must have such an internal sense of unity and national conscience that even the atlanticists within their borders get overwhelmed and dare not raise a voice.
Good point!
That’s just excellent!
General Loving-Inbreed.
Aka General Breedlove,
Aka General Fornicate.
Very creative name you chose: “Luvin-Inbreed”.
That explains the man’s imbecile statements. This General sometimes makes such bizarre statements that he makes Jen (The-Banshee) Psaki sound intelligent.
On the Guardian comment section, for those types I use the term – cousin breeding, banjo playing yanks. Usually gets past the mods and winds up some of the hillbilly folks.
NATO will never dare, NEVER, to go to war directly with Russia, China or not. The NATO European members have a limit to their insanity because they also know very that European people will go full blow revolt against their stupid leaders, The US regime will find itself alone and eventually will back off, crazy Hillary or not. Remember how they backed off from their plan to invade Syria ? in my humble opinion 50% at least thanks to the Putin administration, and 50% thanks to the European people themselves for opposing their respective governments and to the British MPs (including the conservative side), Obama found himself alone with the fool Francois Holland and the Zionist Laurent Fabius. For decades the US could not even handle the poor and under equipped Afghans resistance or the tiny Vietnam even after being exhausted by the war for independence from France.
The thing is, this sort of patriotic material is unremarkable in the zio-USA since 9/11 (I don’t know about the zio-European colonies). It’s standard fare now.
The main difference between Russia and the ZPC/NWO colonies is that Russia is one of their targets, and faces serious assault, while the marks in the zionazified colonies are merely cannon fodder, duped slaves. The Russians see what’s coming and realise a bit of prevention is a whole lot better than delayed, unprepared reaction. Such material is one facet of a strategy to counter ZPC/NWO “color revolution” workings to prevent them gaining any traction. At all.
BTW, Russia buying ships from China solidifies the Russian-Chinese alliance. So this is positive. And it is certainly better than buying ships from zionazi quislings like France, who like all zionazis are guaranteed to stab one in the back at the first opportunistic opportunity.
A bit over the top.Not buying Chinese frigates and not going to war.Sorry,when do naval ships need such overblown reasons to enter the black Sea or visit Russian ports?
in Canada, people are aware of the danger of a coming war of such proportion, but they are talking in their homes, not openly. Harper has been DEFEATED in Alberta, his backyard, and there is a widespread feeling that things are not going the way they should. I still think the war will be limited to “proxy”, Ukraine, Syria, Iraq. in churches people pray for peace.
Just so u understand the deep meaning of the “surprise” Alberta Canada provincial election May6 NDP victory (as big as what happened in 1988 in Ontario when Bob Rae aka Levine won there with the NDP and ended Bill Davis’ multi-decade reign), it’s likely a huge part of it was economic backlash from the proles who have seen the oil sector implode there these past 6+ months.
Alberta has always since 1947 been known as Texas North.
Here’s what crude has done past 12+ months:
BUT, a far bigger undercurrent is that many are saying this was kharmic payback in Harpoon’s backyard for that story that is treated by many millions here as far more than just a stupid blogosphere rumor about Harpoon using a dirty bag of tricks supplied by his handlers/sponsors to secure the last fed general election (another one here coming November), when the NDP was seriously strong first time in decades & a real threat, led by Jack Layton, who just weeks before the election came down with a rare aggressive cancer that forced him to first pull out as leader, handing the election to Harpoon (It’s a mirrrracle from gawd!), then killed him months later.
124 comments !!! And its only been up for less that half a day…
Hi Saker !! Yes, I think you’re right, although it is a fabulous video….I loved all the pictures of great Russians doing great things…especially the skaters in white and gold…that was beautiful.
If you’re still harboring hopes that our Western politicians will come to their senses and halt this steady blind Russophobic march towards the edge of the precipice, these hopes would be misplaced if you were Canadian. Here’s what their MPs had to say recently during a ‘take note’ debate in Parliament on Russia and Ukraine..
Unanimous Support For Ukraine War By Parties in Canada
this correction in the URL for Canada’s Ukraine debate:
Is there by any chance an ASCI (readable) Cyrillic script of the text? If so, even a machine translation could give the non-Russian speakers an idea of the message, over and above what can be already understood via the images. Completely agree with the Saker, though (I assume wildly) the initiative may satisfy a certain section of the domestic public who feels that, compared to Western media hype, military operations etc,, the Russian response is not comparable. Though having followed the developments in the last year, thanks to this blog, I’d say that Russia has behaved intelligently and, above all, honorably. Two concepts completely lost among the Anglo-Zionists and accolytes.
If you’re talking about the music video on this article, another commenter has translated the words of the song, it is on the previous page at
For videos in general, once you start them, at bottom right click to view in Youtube. Once it is started there, below the title is a link called …more which will 97% of the time offer you the option of transcript which will show up below. You can copy this and paste it into a translator,. For Russian it’s best to use yandex
For formal language, news reports etc it is reasonable. For casual or slang talk or poor audio it is hilariously useless. This is because it is machine transcribed by speech recognition software. So the translator, which is far from perfect itself, works on garbled input. But it is enough even then to make out the gist of what’s being said, or at least the topic.
Of course you can copy slabs of text from text sites into Yandex, and those come out quite good. If they seem odd, put it also into and compare or read together the 2 versions.
Keep the translators bookmarked and you’ll be making out Russian sites in no time. Good luck..
Russia behaves like a country that prepares for a war???
So what should Russia other do? Russia will never attack itself anybody (otherwise, it would have intervened in the eastern Ukraine long time ago.)
But in view of the menace through the USA which want to involve Russia absolutely in a war and use the rest of Europe as “a spearhead” against Russia it would be
not to arm itself suicidal. (Russia would devote itself definitely rather to other things. It would have to solve with his money many peaceful duties.)
And in one such situation it also needs patriotism (and patriotism is not the same as nationalism).
War is awful and instead of praising the victory, people should rather think about the fallen and make sure that it can never happen again.
Sadly, it looks like in Europe everybody seems to be more comfortable sticking their heads in the sand and refuse to see.
It’s getting better only very slowly.
Love and peace,
utmost respect for Mr. Putin
The truth.
Well, hehehe, even I have just begun to unrawell it my self, and its stunning.
Because, I dont blame the present for it, dont issunerstand, but the reasent past for obscuring it, drown it completely and stored away for silence.
Well, basicly everything you know, or if you think about it, how litle we know, about the northern europa, and then a people dugg out of history books for the last millenium and stil is.
Its even a consept deliberatly diluted and diverted into false history and conclutions politics and human history we have to the present day.
The Finns.
Previous, also known as Quens/Kvener, aka Russians, aka The Samic people.
NOT the samic babbeling we have to day, witch is historicaly a fake and deliberalty constructed, by the Norwegain Gov. during 60-70, the so calle awakening of the sami people.
The word sami and what its been perverted to be is a totall lie.
They didnt exist before the 60, period, and I can prove it, later but not now.
This is about ancient Rus.(not sweden).
But was know for eons as Finnish tribes and kindoms.
They created modern Russia, in present Ukraina.
The enemys then, is the enemy to day, in that sence nothing have changed, the layout yup, but the “war”, not.
I know a lott of you think this is way out of line, like the atricles popping up in TelAviv about the Chosenites rights to rule us all, based upon their claim of been God chosen children on this earth.
And this articles are, what, bonkers.
The first video, is to show faces (typical Quen, nose and all, aka old finns/samic) and historical facts as far its possible this days, and a cool song.
Oy do ne vehcer.
And then compare them to this.
The same core, Finns.
have a nice day
Thanks Mikael…and what nationality are you ?
Great music in the first one, lovely looking people in both. Those Finns and Ugors sure got around!!
Nobody has the right to rule other people. We are all mixed now, but each of us has more of one thing than another, and the cultures we are born into are different. We must keep those differences: the diversity is needed for our survival.
Russia lost 22,000,000 of its citizens [3 1/2x the holocasut – sorry, I’m a hollywood exec]
Without Russia’s bloodletting, most of Europe would be speaking German.
As a thank you, most of the Western world gives Russia ‘the finger.’
On top of that, day after day, Russia and its leader are demonized and spat upon.
I don’t see war. I see pride. I see a people who have all the right in the world to be proud.
Go Russia, go [and don’t look back].
Message for Saker.
Please translate somebody in Russian Ukrainian.
Sugardyne is more effective treating battlefield wounds and burns than antibiotics.
Sugardyne can be made by anyone by mixing sugar and iodine or povidine.
Search internet and become immediately convinced.
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance and self respect.
We know the Kremlin is at maximum alert, on a 360º turn 24/7 now.
it´s time for the Intel of Russia dive deeper into the western plans, meetings, secret moves and misdeeds. Shoot them with cameras and microphones anywhere
and – just like they did with Mme Nuland´s most hearty intimate feelings- throw it all to the fan, worldwide.
But as i used to remind, the outlaw Empire is providing Putin a gift in the formof the best Pearl harbor ( i.e. a people´s ironclad unifying factor) he did NOT ask for!
The bear in the video was running, but you know when the bear is cornered he will attack . If and when I purchase Vodka I purchase Russian Vodka and I am not Russian.. As I am paying for it I may be “pissing off” the sales lady and all the people waiting to pay as I tell her louder than usual so all could here me “just helping my friend Vladimir”.. She laughed in a nice way as she went on to the next customer. I am not sure if she understood my comment but some in the line did. So why do I poke the bear. I am “pissed off” at the stupidity of my fellow countrymen for voting for that Eichmann Harper. Like3 Eichmann he knows he is breaking international law as he sends his jets over Syria and hugs Nazis in Kiev. . . .
A part of Rostov airport is being set aside for helicopters, fuel, repair, technical. Two Chinese ships in the Black Sea. Things are really heating up!
Wipe ’em out from planet Earth. They have caused too much suffering to other humans.
WWWIII will be the ultimate war, either we obliterate ’em or we’ll take the all world with us.
An eye for eye as per their sumerian motto.
I’m confident cause Ares is on our side !