Daniel Bushell does a stellar job of delivering a blunt expose of the real nature of the “Jewish state of Israel” and interviews plenty of very good people to make his point. Absolutely brilliant show – MUST WATCH!
The Saker
PS: does anybody know who Daniel Bushell is and were he comes from? I am hugely impressed by this short report and I want to know more about the guy who did it. Thanks!
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Israel recently and finally seems to get more and more recognition for what it is: A racist and rogue state. The (timid) step by the EU to prevent funds from supporting projects in the occupied territories is one of the visible signs. The US-Iran talks, albeit jeopardized by hawkish elements in both countries, especially the US, are another sign of major changes in the region, and a possible US-Hezbollah rapprochement.
I seriously wonder whether this is a new ‘Pivot to Shia’ in the West Asia, potentially fearing that the maintenance of the dictatorial regimes (all opposing Shia Islam) is too costly or binding resources for too long – or maybe just impossible, giving the current tensions in the ME. After all, the existing Shia power centers have way more backing of the actual peoples, so it should be less costly to have stable Shia regimes.
This would be a huge shift by the US and the Obama administration after – successfully – doing everything to instigate a civil war in Syria, and – unsuccessfully – trying to bomb the country. As to why that shift is occuring now, I have come across two explanations so far, that could make sense, and could both be relevant
* they need to free resources for their ‘Pivot to Asia’, as announced more than 2 years ago
* Putin said ‘Njet’ to their Syria/Iran designs and actually had something to “convince” the Americans (I have no idea whether there’s any truth to Russia shot down US missiles heading towards Syria – a claim only backed by dubious sources – but if it were true, it would explain things)
The question then is: What will happen to Israel? If the US stops hindering Iran from being the regional super power which it would naturally be, then Israel would lose that role. And peoples in the surrounding monarchies might start rising up, with potentially huge implications for the regions, and economically for the world.
Are you aware that you blog address has changed from (.co.uk) to (.com) and the old address is inaccessible?
@Anonymous: I did not know, my official address is a .com but blogger also uses .uk and .au without informing me.
The Saker
It happened to 3 sites that I follow. (yours, penny for your thoughts & Syrian Perspective). I have been using a bookmark to get to these sites. I live in Houston so go figure.
Please check you traffic stats for today and let me know.
FYI: I grew up & lived in LUTZ (TAMPA) for 20+ years. I have no desire to go back not that Texas is any better but I prefer warm weather locations. IMO most people in this country willfully & ignorantly believe in the “American Exceptionalism” myth and behave accordingly.
To the readdressing – it’s interesting about the address – I bookmarked http://vineyardsaker.blogspot.com/ (got it from Pepe Escobar’s paper in Atimes), and later I found that it changed to http://vineyardsaker.blogspot.sk/
(I live in Slovakia = SK).
If I write direct http://vineyardsaker.blogspot.com/ it changes immediately to http://vineyardsaker.blogspot.sk/.
It must be some common feature in this address changing… Perhaps another step from scanning?
(.co.uk) is now resolving out to (.com). So looks like for now they fixed whatever was going on. It looks like the hosting site “blogger” is the culprit. I checked some others sites hosted by them and same thing.
Thanks for responding.
I have a question, Does anyone think that UN is a western version of the islamic caliphate.
How can I find find translated English translations of Alain Soral books and like minded authors, thank you very much @Saker
Hi Saker,
I’m curious what you think of the mass pardons Putin handed out, particularly of Khodorkowsky, but also pussy riot and green peace.
Is it really all about the Olympics? Is Khodorkowsky going to try to play martyr for his western backers, or did Putin make sure he has enough leverage on him?
People everywhere must oppose this Human Rights farce that is taking place. In it’s pursuit of humbling and harassing other countries the powers that be use this once benign tool to enforce their imperium over us all.
Say yes to real Civil rights and no to this farce.
@Lysander: what you think of the mass pardons Putin handed out, particularly of Khodorkowsky, but also pussy riot and green peace.
OK, what happened are TWO and DIFFERENT processes. First, it is the Russian Duma which declared an amnesty for a whole list of people: first time minor offenders, women with kids, old people, etc. Yes, Putin did suggest that an amnesty should be a adopted to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Russian Constitution, but he did *not* work or even suggest any specifics. It *just happens* that the crimes which Pussy Riot and the Greepeaceniks are accused of are minor crimes which fall within the scope of that amnesty (which in itself tell you something about the rather tolerant Russian legal system). Neither Pussy Riot or Greenpeace have been the object of any ‘pardon’ and no law was made for them. They basically simply got luck.
Khodorkovsky is a COMPLETELY different case. That was not an amnesty, but a Presidential Pardon. In this case, the Duma had nothing to do with it, and this was a personal decision of Putin aimed solely at Khodorkovsky and not at a group of people.
Why did Putin pardon Khodorkovsky? When Putin explained his decision he said that he thought that having served 10 years out of the 12 of his sentence was sufficient a punishment. He said that Khodorkovsky’s mother was very sick and that Khodorkovsky had written to request a pardon because of that. That is the official version. I personally think that it also happens to be the truth. Sure, Putin knows that Khodorkovsky is no threat to him any more: ten years ago the Duma was for sale. Today nobody can do that any more. So Putin knows that Khodorkovsky is basically gone as a political figure. I happen to think that when possible and with that does not contradict other Russian national interests, Putin is *really* a decent and humane guy and he probably felt that Khodorkovsy had paid enough and learned his lesson. So why not let him go to his mom? Why not?
That’s my simple take about his. I have no hidden motives theory. I see this one as pretty much ‘wysiwyg’ and a way to start 2014 on a new basis.
Does that make sense to you?
The Saker
In fact it was only 8 months before the sentence would be over anyway. The question is not why Putin agreed (PR stunt if you ask me), but why did MK wrote a letter bypassing even his surprised lawyers. His family didn’t have a clue either. The possible answer is that third trial may have been coming before his release and he wanted to make deal with Putin, promising he will disappear from Russia and won’t interfere in Russian politics.
In democratic countries it would be the opposite. Khodorkovsky would have never spent a day in prison (see Wall Street). It’s a private (for profit @ the cost of the poor) prison system in the US. American Exceptionalism at it’s best.
An excellent analysis on Ukraine situation
Putin scores a new victory in the Ukraine
Daniels’ a blast! Check my blog for the tuff he screened on mobile-phones and wi-fi (with some LED images you may find disturbing). Anyhoo…
Quote: ” “Saddam, The Bomb and the Almagordo Thefts (an alternative view of “Desert Storm”)”
Do we ever really see the faces of those in control anymore? Take (for instance), the case of the Bush dynasty, George Bush senior was “transparently” a “great” man, former head of the CIA no-one (it would seem), had better credentials to hold the office of “the most powerful man in the world” but was he really? In order to answer this question it is necessary to examine the chronology of the events which lead to the first Gulf conflict. Saddam Hussein (a former ally of The West), had undoubtedly been attempting to develop a viable nuclear weapon prior to “Desert Storm”, his reactors (with the French technicians still in them!), were bombed by the trigger happy Israelis precisely in order to prevent him from doing so. America (“as usual” terrified of their Frankensteinian creation and anxious to secure the oil supply they were being denied by his regime), were at that time being thwarted in their ambitions by an international community which was far less subservient than the “United Nations” which have been (until very recently), living far more deeply in the shadow of the post Yugoslavian conflicts effect on the notion of non-intervention in the domestic affairs of nation states which has so coloured international relations in recent decades (esp. with regard to The Middle East). Even George Bush senior had been unable to break the deadlock, however if one can “suspend disbelief” one can imagine that both The Pentagon and the CIA had been devising strategies with which to remove such obstacles to action (of which Mr. Bush was of-course fully aware), one of which was to provoke or “encourage” an attack on one of his oil rich neighbours (something that Saddam would “jump at” at the time in order to refill his treasury following Iraq’s bloody and costly war with Iran). In order to facilitate this it would be necessary to somehow deceive Saddam as to America’s true interests in the region as not even he would risk direct conflict with the most powerful military machine on the planet. Such a deception however would risk showing America’s hand to the international community in a way which even Bush senior felt unable to justify and therefore these plans remained shelved until such time as the political climate became more favourable. Around this time however certain documents were stolen from the United States which were to provide the precise impetus necessary with which to change the weather. It seems that although America had secured the necessary technical documents which would enable one to produce a viable fusion weapon (something Saddam did not have the industrial or financial ware-withal to do in any-case), the original Almagordo trinity test specifications for a fission bomb were not held under such tight security and were stolen (“rumour has it” by an Asian “freelancer”), and then sold to the Iraqi regime. Once made aware of this Bush seniors reaction was to “green-light” the operation which would lead to “Desert Storm” (go to: http://rense.com/general69/41.htm “How Bush Tricked Saddam into Invading Kuwait “The April Glaspie Interview”). As you can see this information is extant (thank you Adel Darwish and Gregory Alexander –“Unholy Babylon” Gollancz 1991-), what is perhaps less well understood is that it seems that George Bush seniors “arm was twisted” into employing such a deception by those somewhat outside of The State Dept. (urinating inwards?), whose faces the public don’t (and are never meant), to see.” gkhales.blogspot.co.uk