Note: Concerning the example of the overflowing toilet, having lived in the USA for a total of 18 years now, I can attest that overflowing and backed-up toilets are even more a US tradition than a Russian one. There is even a special company called Roto-Rooter specializing it who is officially an “emergency pluming and drain” service but which in reality spends all of its time declogging back-up toilets. As far as I know this company works all over the East Coast (not sure about the West Coast which tends to be far more civilized and where most things are much better designed and built than on the East Coast). So overflowing toilets are a joint US-Russian “tradition”. In fact, Russia and the USA have a lot in common, I might write a separate article about that one day :-)
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“… Russia and the USA have a lot in common …”
God forbid !!!…
Yes indeed, Rossia and US(s)A are two ends of the same stick. If US(s)A fail it is fail for Rossia as well.
Aaaah?… What on earth are you talking about?… Kindly explain … if known to you…
Positive compilation of Russian dash cams(Video by ArkadiYM93- Author )
Thanks a lot, Bot Tak. Very beautiful.
Excellent video,thank you.
Vineyard Moderator – E.K. & Uncle Bob 1
Cheers guys, it’s one of my favourite videos. A great video to show those one knows who have bought the zionazi kool-aid about Russia.
It is so encouraging seeing that there are good people! Thank you.
This has to be my all-time favorite. Wait for it, trust me…
I’ve been waiting for 2 hours, now, Don.
I don’t trust you anymore. : /
sadly the man with the bear was not to be found on the video.
\and don wishabo…that link doesn’t go anywhere
Roto-Rootor is nationwide I believe.As to the East Coast/West Coast,it may be that because the West Coast buildings are in many cases newer.That might be why the plumbing is better in some of them (just an idea).
The biggest difference is in the sewage system pipes–West Coast pipes are much younger. It’s not just that the East Coast is more full of BS. Plus, many places on the East Coast are actually subsiding, which generates floods by the rising water table in states as distant as Florida and Maryland. More interesting are those companies that service septic tanks by sucking out the contents.
Russians are nuts!
Yes, I am . Thank you for acknowledgement / compliment. May you achieve in approaching the periphery of this blessed state.
Einstein once remarked that the only thing in the universe though to be infinite was the human capacity for stupidity.
Latest Grecian Formula:
As previously reported, in a meeting of deputy finance ministers on Thursday Athens was given the latest “ultimatum” and told it has a six working day deadline to present revised economic reform plans before euro zone finance ministers meet on FRI April 24 to consider unlocking emergency funding to keep Greece afloat.
Note they still expect greece to come up with more cuts domestically to “qualify” for another lending.
I still think that 270B war reparations cost story of only few weeks ago was a STRONG hint at what they’re planning—just walk away & consider all that (coincidence?) near exact matching debt
greece owes to Euro bankster borrowings to be paid in full!
IOW, to paraphrase Mad Dogg Vick:” F the EU, but especially Germany”!
Watch Crazy Russian Hacker vids U-Tube for some light fun life hacks from a genuine russ!
He’s got 4.2 MM subs—must be doing something right.
2 days ago!
anyone note it?
April 9, 2015
Translated from Russian by Alexey Tatu
A parallel government was formed in Odessa, declaring its secession from Ukraine and the formation of the Odessa People’s Republic. This information was distributed by the “Agency of Information Reports”. (
According to the publication, the editorial office is in posession of a document entitled the “Declaration on the State Sovereignty of the Odessa People’s Republic”. The document is dated on April 6, 2015:
How to say DU’OH! in Uke.
April 11, 2015
Translated from Russian by Kristina Rus
The enactment of the law on “de-communization”, which includes a ban on Communist and Soviet symbols, and the recognition of the “totalitarian Communist regime” criminal, especially without a court decision may deprive Ukraine of desperately needed Chinese investments, as well as cool the relations with that country, which, as is known, is controlled by the Communists.
Some humourous Russian music videos:
She Bear:
Мумий Тролль и Земфира-Медведица
Instrumental with the group clowning about:
Jane Air – 9.80665
Something askew about this one, not sure exactly what, though:
Mamay – Svoimi glazami
About a dedicated student led astray by the usual distractions:
Два Самолёта – Подруга
This song has subtitles, but be forewarned, they are rather “colourful”. Use the CC button to turn them on/off. I call it “The Lament of the Neocon’s Wife” ;D
Ленинград — Сладкий сон / Leningrad — Sweet dream
This comment was by me.
sadly the man with the bear was not to be found on the video.
“In fact, Russia and the USA have a lot in common”
I striking example is the socialist twin of the US American dual society. I am not kidding. The entire military structure of the US is a parallel society functioning on socialist principles.
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