CrossTalking with the best of the best: Mark Sleboda, Nebojsa Malic and Alexander Mercouris! How good can it get?
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CrossTalking with the best of the best: Mark Sleboda, Nebojsa Malic and Alexander Mercouris! How good can it get?
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I’m I the only one who thinks Russia’s actions in Ukraine is disastrous foreign policy action and run counter to the very real and genuine grievances Russia had against EU and western foreign policy against Russia since the collapse of the USSR?
Worse is the effect beyond Ukraine of Russia minorities in neighbouring countries like the Baltics with a very real possibility that Russia will support separatist forces in these countries and potential conflict of war in Europe with regards to this Russian policy like Germany during WW2 that would have a disastrous effect among the Russian populations and Russia itself that only has itself to blame.
US pulls back on military cooperation with Russia, stemming the flow of drunken Air Force generals to Moscow and bankrupting the Russian Liquor industry as a result. “Without firing a single shot, we have crashed the Russian economy and increased the life expectancy of our own military men and women”, Obama declared in a news conference today, while sipping on a glass of Finlandia vodka.
Come on folk, why no comment? More comment please.
“So, one has that the Neocons = (a group of) Jews have teamed up with (a group of) Neonazis to conduct a coup in the Ukraine against (another group of) Jews.”
Some are saying that these Ukrainian Neonazis are actually a “false flag” group (of Jews?).
They say that Hitler was the same. In this case, that he was actually a Jew.
The “evidence” they provide is quite interesting;
1) Hitler ordered the tanks to stop for 3 days near Dunkirk when only a short distance away. This allowed the entire British army and part of the French army to escape to Britain.
2) Hitler refused to take Gibraltar and turn the Mediterranean into a “German lake”. There was nothing to stop the Germans from driving through Spain (their ally) and doing the job.
3) Hitler declared war on the United States.
4) Hitler refused to allow the tens of thousands of tons of weaponized nerve gas that the Germans had produced (at Dyhernfurth an der Oder) to be used.
5) Hitler refused to conquer Britain. After Dunkirk, Britain was totally defenseless.
Russia pledges $5 billion to assist Scotish independance from the UK.
@Anon 3 March 23:45
What’s to comment on?
“I’m I the only one who thinks Russia’s actions in Ukraine is disastrous”
Welcome to the discussion Jack. But you should be well advised to check out related articles and fact´s first.
Good afternoon from Singapore:
Very to the point this Crosstalk. Compare this with the Western press disinformation campaign (Today ‘The Guardian’ excelled themselves in utter nonsense). My alternative: Ignore Western media and play some music: Katyuscha !!
Canada’s national news media are going full-in with the Neo-con lines.
I think the important thing to keep in mind is that if any economic sanctions do get put on Russia, Canada gets huge economic benefits, and IN PARTICULAR our Prime Minister’s home province and power base (Alberta) gets huge economic benefits. Already the price of oil is going up. As a side benefit, the non-oil-producing provinces which are controlled by his political opponents (Ontario, Quebec) see their economies get even worse.
So from Harper’s perspective, his current line not only makes ideological sense (he’s what we call a “true believer”), but economic and political sense.
Sanctions can go both ways:
RT live updates, march 4
08:44 GMT:
Russia will abandon the US dollar as a reserve currency if the United States initiates sanctions against the Russian Federation, Presidential advisor Sergey Glazyev told Ria Novosti news agency.
“We will be forced to go to another currency and create our own payment and settlement system. We have a fantastic trade and economic relationship with our partners in the east and south, and we’ll find a way to not only reset our financial dependence on the US, but come out from these sanctions with an advantage for ourselves,” he said.
“Efforts to declare sanctions against the Russian Federation will result in the collapse of the US financial system, which will entail the end of US dominance in the world financial system.”
RT live updates, march 4
08:44 GMT:
Russia will abandon the US dollar as a reserve currency if the United States initiates sanctions against the Russian Federation, Presidential advisor Sergey Glazyev told Ria Novosti news agency.
“We will be forced to go to another currency and create our own payment and settlement system. We have a fantastic trade and economic relationship with our partners in the east and south, and we’ll find a way to not only reset our financial dependence on the US, but come out from these sanctions with an advantage for ourselves,” he said.
“Efforts to declare sanctions against the Russian Federation will result in the collapse of the US financial system, which will entail the end of US dominance in the world financial system.”
Beautiful!!! These neocons are like snakes in quicksand. The more they struggle the deeper into the shit they go.
While these four guys seem pretty sure that Obama can’t do anything of substance, that military action won’t happen, don’t bet on it. Psychopaths don’t use reason or good judgment, and they leave a path of destruction whether they are in senior corporate positions, high level politicians, or military leaders.
Look at what a retired American Admiral is saying over at Foreign Policy magazine.
[Writing yesterday in Foreign Policy Admiral James Stavridis (Ret) called for NATO to immediately increase” all intelligence-gathering functions through satellite, Predator unmanned vehicles, and especially cyber” and to sail “NATO maritime forces into the Black Sea and setting up contingency plans for their use.” This is full-blown war talk – with Russia. Admiral Stavridis was Supreme Allied Commander at NATO from 2009 to 2013. He is currently dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University.
If Stavridis is saying these things you can just imagine what plans are underway inside the Pentagon and at NATO HQ in Europe.]
This might explain why a Russian spy ship has moved into the Pacific near Florida, likely due to Russian intelligence alerting the government of the Kiev coup plot months ago. Just speculating here.
Kennedy was strong enough to stop WWIII with the Cuban Missile Crisis. This is the delayed but now arrived Cuban Missile Crisis Part II. Do you think Obama will have that kind of courage and sense? He may not even have a say in the matter, if NATO is making the decision, and we know they are cooking up something, and it is not fried chicken.
I’m very afraid.
I know what the facts are that I have been studying Russia for about 12 years but it seems everybody perhaps including Mr Vineyardsaker just views Russia has some sort of infantile counter to the US along with an alliance of despotic regimes that have never been friendly with Russia like Iran, Pakistan, etc. because it is at odds with the US and western world. On every conceivable level Russia’s recent actions in the Ukraine and the Crimea is a disaster for Russian long and short term interests that is seen as an unprovoked imperial act of aggression and precisely the scenario that the worst Russian critics have been warning about to reconquer former Russian territory and re-establish the Russian empire/USSR.
Russia will abandon the US dollar as a reserve currency if the United States initiates sanctions against the Russian Federation, Presidential advisor Sergey Glazyev told Ria Novosti news agency.
“We will be forced to go to another currency and create our own payment and settlement system. We have a fantastic trade and economic relationship with our partners in the east and south, and we’ll find a way to not only reset our financial dependence on the US, but come out from these sanctions with an advantage for ourselves,” he said.
“Efforts to declare sanctions against the Russian Federation will result in the collapse of the US financial system, which will entail the end of US dominance in the world financial system.”
This is the meat of the whole thing. And not too soon.
a Russian spy ship has moved into the Pacific near Florida….
That would be the Atlantic.
Vladimir Chizhov, Russia’s envoy to the UN, has said Tuesday:
“Let’s comply with legal terms that clearly state that only the UN Security Council can impose sanctions and everything apart from that is unilateral restricting measures. For now, nobody talks about the EU taking such measures against Russia,” Chizhov said in an interview to Russia-24 television.
Voice of Russia, RIA
Jack said:
I’m I the only one who thinks Russia’s actions in Ukraine is disastrous foreign policy action and run counter to the very real and genuine grievances Russia had against EU and western foreign policy against Russia since the collapse of the USSR?
I am sure no expert, and you may be right. But your premise SEEMS to be that regardless of provocations, Russia can’t make any meaningful moves without enraging the provocateurs. This may be right, re “enraging,” but this implies to me that the provoked is not entitled to any reaction, but the provokers are entitled to massive overreaction.
If Russia tried anything similar in USA spheres of influence, there would be no question of the USA’s right to respond defensively. Why not the same for Russia? It is this fundamental imbalance in the unspoken rules of the game that I do not “get.” That the provoking parties are entitled to agitate with no consequences, but the response to agitation is deemed out of bounds.
Where are the evenhanded referees in this dangerous game?
jack 08:26
jack, Russia is acting impeccably and doing what is needed for its own protection. Or better said, for its own survival as a free country unwilling to bow to the USA.
Those crackpot neocons and obamites in Washington want to destroy it, divide that huge country into three parts and plunder its vast resources, take the caspian basin and the black see. They’ve been at it for years, and spent a lot of money to have the task done. Nuland (she the “f…k the EU” one) said that over 5 billion dollars have been spent since the orange “revolution”. That is a good sum of money isn’t it?. Taxpayers money.
Meanwhile -just to quote two examples- in Detroit they’re starving and 50% of N. York inhabitants are below the poverty line.
I hope they will fail again.
What I cannot understand is why this botched attempt at this moment when elections in Ukrayne are to be held within a year, if I am not mistaken, and Yanu would not be reelected. Have the americans not found any suitable ucraynian ally other than fascists skinheads and neonazis?, and was this by any chance what made them hurry up to stage a coup to bring an elected president down?
I do hope that Russia will stay in Crimea for always this time. To me is quite clear that the new ukranian “governemnt” and all previous preparations were aiming to kick out Russia from this part making it easier to encircle. Old dream of the imperialist neocons.
Why presidente Putin appears so unusually confident…:
@ jack
I am not sure if you have any interest in serious reading of the entire issue or you just want to raise your hand against the arguments stated in Saker’s blog.
If you are interested to really understand the issue then, I can mention that, following the age-old paradigm “peoples living in glass house should NOT throw stones on others”, USA and EU countries should refrain from creating nuisance in every part of the globe (in the name of democracy which now-a-days stands for Debauch-Elites-Mockery-Of-Constitutional-Rules-Aided by-Corruption-Year after year)… the so-called elites of “western civilisations” are not even covered within glass house (global warming has shattered those also during last one decade)… someone like Russia or China who posses a bit large size stones than other poor third world chaps, can throw some of those, few of which can really really hit the Anglo-Zionist elites a bit hard …
@ 04 MARCH, 2014 02:25 (Harper’s) what we call a “true believer”
Yeah, the Canadian prime minister, Stephen Harper, is another NeoCon (religious Jew).
Atlantic, I stand corrected. Thanks.
America is ruled by oligarchs using politicians as their puppets. They mount these revolutions for looting rights. US foreign policy is just following them.
I hope its not true…
does anyone know what book Alexander Merkouris is referring to (2002 Foreward by Strobe Talbott re. Kosovo)?
Ha-Ha !!! Bunch of Putins’ clowns !!!