Soraya’s replies are, as always, fantastic, but what in the world is wrong with this anchor?! For the life of me I cannot imagine somebody working for RT not knowing and understanding what is really going on in the Ukraine. And yet, first Abby Martin, then Liz Wahl, now this clown?! I can fully understand that a reporter for RT could disagree with a Russian policy – but all three of these guys are parroting the worst clichés of US propaganda. What is the world is going on in RT and, most importantly, who hired these people?
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I would suggest that these outbursts on RT are in some manner intentional; that this could be Moscow going out of its way to prove that its media may be state-funded but is not state-controlled.
Saker, you live in the U.S. as you said. Read the text below, please, and try to put the heap of puzzle chunks into one whole picture.
About Abby Martin, Liz Wahl and media wars
I think RT has started a program where they intentionally drop information that goes contrary to their narrative to get in the places where no one would ever post their videos – the other side of the barricades.
That has been working pretty well lately, as I’ve seen Abby and the other reporter all over the ‘Uki/National news’ as well as all over their forums.
My guess is that they will use this to gain National audience and get their guys to watch RT.
I might be wrong and its just an act of spontaneous rebellion from RT’s ranks, and unplanned… but I’m hoping thats’ not the case.
“Soraya’s replies are, as always, fantastic, but what in the world is wrong with this anchor?”
Agree, Soraya did an excellent job explaining. The anchor is the problem. I’ve noticed it before with that anchor. I really started noticing the problem with this sort of sabotage at RT a couple of years ago when an RT anchor interviewed the Chechnya president. He criticised something related to Israel and she said the answer was anti-semitic, which it clearly wasn’t.
A major problem in Russian media, in fact, THE major problem, is that it still is full of these Yeltsin days holdovers. Ziofascist/western agent types who quickly took over much of the Russian infrastructure during that time. The media was their 2nd priority after the finances. This rubbish still has a major impact on the content of Russian media. It’s not as debilitating as it is in western media, but the negative effect is very strong, nevertheless. It would probably be a lot stronger if the moles’ handlers had the sort of unlimited freedom of action they do in the west, where ziofascists and old style fascists rule autocratically.
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The anchors can further their careers in the mainstream media by these types of actions (or so they think).
Doubtful they were hired for their intellects…
I always thought the anchors asking questions from the “mainstream western propaganda” perspective was done on purpose, to serve interviewees (like myself) up with opportunities to make a point.
While I generally agree with Sepahpour-Ulrich’s comments, making unsubstantiated claims about IDF soldiers leading the protesters and of the US stationing 3000 “terrorists” in Romania is definitely straying into Black Helicopter People territory. If the snipers were in fact working for the opposition – which has not been conclusively demonstrated – then to the extent that the US had funded and otherwise supported the opposition it bears some culpability (depending on the nature and extent of the support, perhaps a great deal). Making extravagant claims that can’t be corroborated adds nothing to this, in fact to the extent that it makes her appear biased and calls into question her judgement it diminishes them.
Now as for the anchors – they’re Americans. They’ve been raised since birth on the belief that America is the greatest country in the history of the world, and that it is universally envied by non Americans. Naturally when confronted with views that challenge this belief they naturally experience severe cognitive dissonance, which they attempt to attenuate by lashing out at those who express those views.
It’s not really a hiring issue. Most Americans, including most self professed liberals and progressives, have to at least some extent internalized this belief system. Sure, there are exceptions, but those people have as much hope of having a career in mainstream media as Sepahpour-Ulrich does of making it onto Charlie Rose. So if you want to completely avoid the problem you either have to hire Americans with no media credentials, or foreigners, and neither approach is going to enhance RT’s credibility with an American audience.
He wasn’t asking questions but defending the terrorists. One way or another, this guy is heading for the ‘S’ bend
My thought on especially Lize Wahl: her on air rationale was laughable. My thought is that she has been a kind of sleeper mole and was activated to make this resignation to discredit RT. I guess the same is true for Abby Martin. Otherwise you would have to say these intelligent women are actually dumber than a bag of hammers. I don’t buy this. Intentional stupidity–that’s what we’ve got going here.
Of course it could nothing more than that women in general are dumber than a box of rocks.
“The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media” – attributed to Former CIA director, William Colby.
One of the things that has made RT so successful is the lack of editorial control, ie. the ‘give a reporter a mic & see what they can do with it’ approach, especially to people who would not be given a chance by the MSM.
If they can build a show then they get to run with it – if not, there is plenty more fish in the sea.
Characters like Wahl looking for there 15 minutes of fame/notoriety are bound to slip through in a media environment, especially in the US.
What is clear is that Wahl is a nobody, & this will be the highlight of her media career – It will not lead to a major career in a western media organisation, & the best she will get is a brief run as an anti-RT pundit before fading to obscurity.
For other (especially more capable) media presenters looking to pull off something similar at RT, they should look into the fate of Alyona Minkovski.
She had one of fastest growing shows in media, & a rapidly rising following.
She jumped ship to assert her independance after copping an increasing level of flack from the MSM, & now exists in complete obscurity somewhere amongst the vast & irrelevant HuffPo ‘pundit’ crowd…
RT may the closest thing to an independant main-stream media channel in the western world currently (& to be blunt, while it has some good shows, I’d put it as relatively solid if patchy rather than genuinely good. Not enough genuine investigative pieces for my taste).
@Lexington:It’s not really a hiring issue. Most Americans, including most self professed liberals and progressives, have to at least some extent internalized this belief system
You are right, but I would have hoped that working at RT and being around Russians every day would have counter-acted with poison…
@Anonymous:My thought on especially Lize Wahl: her on air rationale was laughable. My thought is that she has been a kind of sleeper mole and was activated to make this resignation to discredit RT. I guess the same is true for Abby Martin.
About Abby Martin: I really think that Abby Martin is a sincere and good person. Notice that she, at least, did not resign.
Ukraine: Washington’s Hysteria Towards Russia Hides US Regime Change
“The evidence for Western-sponsored subversion in Ukraine is so glaring – from the parade of American and European politicians over the past four months whipping up protesters in Kiev, to documented infiltration of civic organizations by the CIA, USAID, National Endowment for Democracy, Freedom House, the Adenauer Foundation, among others, to their own words of admission from the likes of State Department official Victoria Nuland on the desired formation of a new governing administration in Kiev – that in order to distract from this mountain of damning evidence, the Western governments and their servile media are trying to shift the terrain of discourse away from the panoramic obvious.”
The news is getting out in the alternate media outside the zio-bubble. Even forcing the cryto-zionist alternates to address the facts in some cases.
I suspect, in fact I’m certain, the Liz Wahl mole was activated specifically to counter RT’s headlining of the sniper revelations, to both discredit RT and draw attention away.
As for Martin, her spiel was nothing but regurgitation of zionazi propaganda couched in a POV and language designed to persuade those normally opposed to these ziofascist/fascist aggressions. I’ve seen the exact same MO repeated so many times in the last 30+ years I no longer bother giving these people any credibility. It’s not a question of being uniformed, the information is there.
Actually, these sorts of stunts betray how insecure the zionist/fascist establishment is feeling right now and how scared they are of alternative media reaching a wider audience with counters to their propaganda. They wouldn’t be so worried if there weren’t good reasons for it.
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If you think this is bad, wait til you see what that empty-headed cretin Larry King has to say of this matter.
Well, won’t be surprised that those are infiltrated agents within RT, thanks to american agencies.
Those snipers were professionals. I doubt the opposition thugs could get that kind of operation together. It had to be foreign agents, my money would be on the Israelis but wouldn’t rule out the Americans or even the Brits. UK SAS has a history of some very nasty business.
On the question of media, I am getting very tired of the CBC coverage (Canadian). This morning the news report on the Crimean vote used the phrase, “their dubious parliament.” Why is such blatant bias allowed to creep into the news coverage? This wasn’t an “opinion piece” but the hourly new bulletin. My memory may be faulty, but I think CBC used to be much more even-handed twenty years ago.
There’s a lot of propaganda in Yulia Ioffe’s piece, — is there really a generational difference in Ukraine and if so, is it relevant to the situation at hand or might it be in the future?
Could you please comment on this rather disturbing quote by Francis Boyle (following). While so far Russia appears to be playing its hand very well, surely both sides had gamed out the scenario we are now witnessing, and the West then playing the first card seems to indicate their confidence. Would you agree? The west, through the actions of its new puppet government seems to be doing everything in its power to goad Russia into taking action. Would a division of the Ukraine actually be a loss for Russia if the west of the country joined NATO? On the other hand, rudimentary ABM/BMD capability seems to me to have little deterrence or compellence value, as its use would be suicidal.
Boyle certainly seems to have his heart in the right place, and his long defense of Libya surely has given him deep insight into Western strategic planning.
I suspect this entire Ukraine Crisis had been war-gamed and war planned quite some time ago at the highest levels of US/NATO. Notice DOD slipped 2 US warships into the Black Sea just before the Olympics under a patently absurd pretext. In other words, what we are seeing unfold here is a US/NATO War Plan. They instigated the fascist coup against Yanukovich. They anticipated that Putin would then respond by taking over Crimea. I suspect the US/NATO/EU response will be to introduce military forces into Western Ukraine and Kiev and thus make Ukraine a de facto member of NATO, which has been their objective all along. They have already anticipated what Putin’s next move after that will be. Notice also the massive anti-Russian campaign by the Western News Media working in lock-step with each other. Another sign that all this has been planned well in advance. I suspect that US/NATO/EU figure that Putin knows they have this offensive, first-strike strategic nuclear capability with a rudimentary ABM/BMD capability so that at the end of the day he will be forced to stand down–or else. Compellence as opposed to Deterrence. Just like during the Cuban Missile Crisis. That is where this US/NATO/EU War Plan is heading on the assumptions that they can keep their deliberate Escalation Dominance under their control and that at the end day Putin will be forced to stand down just like Khrushchev did and for the same reasons. That would leave US/NATO/EU in control of at least half of Ukraine as a de facto NATO member state.
– Francis A. Boyle, Champaign, IL, Lawyer, professor of International Law, and long-time peacenik
To add to my previous comment on Francis Boyle:
What about the Ukraine’s foreign debt? As each successive oblast/province secedes, the debt becomes that more onerous on the remaining parts of the country. Who is that debt owed to? Surely, that is a complicating factor.
Should the country split, and Eastern standards of living rise while the West is saddled with IMF austerity, I cannot imagine that going down too well, or being much of an advertisement for the benefits of Western alliance.
Thanks for all your great work.
Nora – Yulia Ioffe is an extremely vulgar anti-Russian Zionist political commentator. She’s worth reading only as a gauge for the type of anti-Russian, anti-Slavic animus that has been passed down in Jewish communities since the 19th century.
People like her can be judged in terms of what they hate, which – depending upon the moment – can be Christianity, Russia, Islam, rogue states, rednecks, etc.
RT should employee Russian from UKUSA countries. There are many able Russian who speak English well and who are Russian patriots and who will be loyal to Russia.
The Russian people in diaspora could play the same role as do Jews in diaspora. If UKUSA countries succeed in dismantling Russia, the Russian people will find themselves in the similar position as Jews were before creating the state Israel.
They are pulling these moves to further their own careers. Now these bitches will go around advertising their resignation moves as a show of bravery/loyalty/righteousness etc etc.
They are pulling these moves to further their own careers. Now these bitches will go around advertising their resignation moves as a show of bravery/loyalty/righteousness etc etc.
It is not a problem.
The problem is created because the Anglo media and the media its satellites know very well how to exploit it in order to damage Russian interests.
Money talks, these anchors are nothing else, just an empty well paid moles and they will do anything just to catch the attention of the public, no matter what. They don’t realize that this type of tactics are very short lived.
Time is approaching that one day, they will be ashamed to go outside on the street for their previous actions.
I have a question: on march 5 Paul Craig Roberts writes on ICH that Russia did not invade Crimea.
I quote:
“For example, Abby Martin’s denunciation of Russia for “invading” Ukraine is based on Western propaganda that Russia sent 16,000 troops to occupy Crimea. The fact of the matter is that those 16,000 Russian troops have been in Crimea since the 1990s. Under the Russian-Ukrainian agreement, Russia has the right to base 25,000 troops in Crimea.
Apparently, neither Abby Martin nor Glenn Greenwald, two intelligent and aware people, knew this fact. Washington’s propaganda is so pervasive that two of our best reporters were victimized by it.”
Is Roberts right?
Is ‘invasion’ really the wrong term?
( The answer can probably be found in The Sakers writings, but I had not the time to read them all. Sorry for that.)
IDF soldiers: It was probably spin based on presence of former IDF soldiers, read this:
The ex-Israeli soldier who led a Kiev fighting unit
@ Anon 06 March, 2014 23:09
I doubt very much they expected Putin to react as he did. My guess is they figured they could present the coup as a fait acompli about which he could do nothing. After all, it worked in 2004.
But when Putin reacted so vigorously, they could not very well back down. The whole world is watching after all and much of US/NATO power is perception. As the quip goes “you run this town because people THINK you run this town.” Hence, if the US is seen to have been faced down by Russia…especially just a few months after the Syria fiasco, people might stop thinking they run this town. Hence the reaction of sending forces to Lithuania and Poland. It’s not designed to scare Russia (6 planes to Lithuania??? That’s a joke) No, it’s designed to stroke the egos of the US puppet states. As in ‘Don’t worry guys, the US will protect you from those big bad Russians.’ But the size of the force is such so as to give Russia absolutely no reason to worry about an attack.
Also, I’m not sure how this ends with an outcome that’s better than what the west could have had by just letting Yanukovich limp along for another 8 months. Russia is going to get Crimea back (defacto, anyway) via referendum, and it seems very possible that other eastern provinces may do the same.
Sure, the west will get western Ukraine, but what will they do with it? They can set up missile bases in Poland, Romania and the Baltics right now. I’m not sure western Ukraine adds much. Also, I’m getting the feeling that the Kiev coup government will not have all that much real support even in the west, outside of Lviv. An unpopular fascist coup government that just lost the best parts of the country and has a mountain of debt…and Chernobyl.
I think Putin will be happy to tie a bow around it and deliver it to Obama himself.
The Russians, particularly President Putin, are keenly aware of U.S. and EU [ NATO/EU ] efforts to create a Ukrainian government aligned with the NATO/EU and hostile to Russia. They are aware of the broken commitments by the U.S. and German officials to respect Russian security by not expanding NATO to Russia’s border.
Pussy Riot attacked and they just happen to have a video camera filming it all.
This is probably a staged event.
I forgot to mention in my last post that Pussy Riot were attacked eating breakfast in MacDonalds.
They’re so radical and punk,
FSB reconstruction of events with English titles parts 1 and 2:
A longer video of pussy riot also showing the guys who did it.
Liz Wahl said her parents came here during the Hungarian uprising. Here’s a little known fact: the Hungarian uprising of 1956 was an anti-Jewish pogrom.
“It’s an extraordinary fact the way these things are kept away from the public consciousness.
Hello everyone.
I was wondering what is your opinion about »negative« marketing?
Some people say »as long as it’s on ‘customer’s’ mind it means customer thinks about us and gives us energy«.
On the other hand, some people say »when ‘customer’ thinks about some brand and connects it with the negative context it’s bad”.
An example of such marketing is opening of McDonald’s restaurant in Bosnia (Banja Luka). Graffiti with negative context appeared around the restaurant (photos: Some people immediately said “this is great commercial for them”.
What do you think? Maybe such approach works on a long term?
Thank you and best regards,
Here’s an account, along with a comparison of events in British terms, of how a well known Ukrainian woman has changed her image and is not what she seems.
Anna Raccoon
The billions she had amassed came in handy though. She hired Oleh Pokalchuk, a social psychologist, to give her a make over from hard nosed brunette business woman to – pagan mother goddess of the Ukrainian peasants. Somewhere between ‘Eva Perón’ and the ‘Princess Leia’ character from the Star Wars and Evita DVDs that she had imported into a chain of Ukrainian cinemas. Said Oleh in 2007:
“It was necessary to work out and implement an image that would block out the image […] of wealth, of envy, hatred. I created an image of a modest village teacher. A visual type, clothes and haircut, a retro image evoking memories of childhood and schooldays… simple clothes, simple haircut, a Ukrainian archetype, […] She didn’t speak Ukrainian so well then and it was necessary for parts of the country, where nationalism is a powerful force, that she should appear one of us.”
There seems to be an assumption here that the presenter (Matt Trezza) is part of RT America, but in fact he is based in Moscow. There is very little bio info on him apart from that he was raised in a New York suburb (MOTWYW).
RT is a Curate’s Egg and RT America is the worst part of it, but on the other hand they do have the wonderful Maria Finoshina.
While we’re at it why is RT and other Russian media like VoR so keen to push the Global Warming deception, if they are not in fact controlled by the same Global Cabal as the western media?
If Crimea joins Russia, presumably the Russians will stop paying Ukraine to lease the naval base. Will they be able to claim a refund of advance payments? The Ukraine will probably be unable and unwilling to comply, but this might give the Russians a claim which could provide a justification for intervention.
Anonymous said…07 March, 2014 04:55
Thanks for posting the video link. I posted something about this “attack” earlier from a Russian site, but I didn’t realise they had also made a video of the attack. Looking at the video, it is very obvious this attack was staged by the grrrrl’s handlers. The dark haired grrrrl needs to take some acting lessons before the next performace, her grinning through the beginning spoiled the whole production. I love the title: “RAW: Pussy Riot Members Injected with ‘AIDS’ Needles in Novgorod”. Sure they were. :D I got to say, though, brilliant green really suits them. They looked quite stunning. ;)
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Anonymous said…
I forgot to mention in my last post that Pussy Riot were attacked eating breakfast in MacDonalds.
They’re so radical and punk,
07 March, 2014 04:51
I just want to add something
By law in UK it is allowed to mock queen but sooner or later there will be some British nationalist who will in whatever way make life difficult for those who continually belittle the Queen.
I just wonder why somebody does not make life difficult for these hooligans. People cannot wait or relay on the law, because some hooligans will do a short cuts in life [ that might be legal ] which can endanger all nation thanks to NATO/EU support.
making unsubstantiated claims about IDF soldiers leading the protesters
Read this:
Also, everybody should read this very good article:
I would say the pussy riot incident was completely staged
I watched the video a couple of times
and during the alleged attack the one girl is sitting there looking way to calm, with a smile on her face?
Also notice we don’t see the actual attack
face clear, stupid smirk, then camera off of face, girl bent over covering her own face, likely applying green goo to her face
It feels psyopish
same as the cossack whipping
What will be interesting, if anyone pays attention
next pussy riot appearance, will they have green stained faces?
That green is supposed to be very tenacious and I would think they will be green for a bit
toronto mike
here is one comment you will not see on the CBC
because it was disallowed
concerning an illustration that has Peter McKay all upset
“Hmmmm….. interesting.
So the conservative regime is fascist. That is some big news there. And while we are at it, so is the liberal regime. War mongering, oppressive to it’s own citizens, kowtowing to multinational business interests… building prisons for all the new ‘lawbreakers’ once all the new laws to break have been manufactured by the fascists regimes…
And the fascism of the Harper regime extends out nicely to the global tyranny army that is NATO- it’s no wonder that Baird (Con) and that liberal lady have hightailed it over to the Ukraine to support the Fascist/Neo Nazis that violently overthrew the elected government
and curiously enough- there were Israelis fighting along side Svaboda in the streets of Kiev
So Israelis fighting alongside fascists in Ukraine and special interest Jewish groups allied with the fascists in Canada- it’s starting to look like a pattern?”
No truth in Canada
that will soon be up at my place and others
thanks saker
I think the reporter did an OK job. He asked the kinds of questions that must be on many people’s minds and need to be answered, and he vented the exasperation that many are feeling over how someone like Yanukovych became “our guy” in Ukraine. VVP should have cut him loose ages ago. Just imagine RU’s reputation in Ukraine if VVP had exposed him to the people of Ukraine long ago. All this just associates Yanukovych-style corruption with Russia. No forethought. And once the protests started, what was the policy besides just sitting there for three months? Just how long did they expect to let Maidan go on? Years? You’ve got to be ahead of events. They should have called a snap election and really put it to the people. Now blood has been spilled and relations between RU and UA will be poisoned for a long time. I really dread what effect all this will have on Church unity.
Additional information:
Besides the political, financial and organisational support (by the U.S. and certain EU states) of the Ukrainian opposition that engaged in the armed overthrow of an elected government, it is important to recognise the role of Israeli military assets in coordinating armed operations.
“Delta, a Ukraine-born former Israeli soldier, used combat skills he acquired in Israel’s Shu’alei Shimshon reconnaissance battalion of the Givati infantry brigade to rise through the ranks of Kiev’s street fighters. According to Delta, the Blue Helmets comprise 35 men and women, who are led by five ex-Israeli soldiers.” (Ex-Israeli soldier led militia unit in Ukraine: Reports, Mar 1, 2014)
Such destabilisation/regime change operations are however consistent with established practices and ongoing operations.
“The installation of a client regime in Ukraine or imperialist carve-up of the country is ultimately aimed against Russia itself. Various think tanks are studying the ethnic and political tensions that could be exploited to bring about regime change in Russia and dismember that country as well.” (Berlin and Washington foment civil war in Ukraine, Peter Schwarz, WSWS, 20 February 2014).
These are transparently hostile operations. These operations involve the support of assets within opposition groups, NGOs, media, academic institutions, the military and/or dissident/separatist groups. Such operations (some of which constitute acts of war) indicate that what is occurring is more than a cold war but not yet a hot war.
There seems to be some kind of US invasion going on in Ukraine. According to Israel Shamir Blackwater mercenaries (Academi) are already patrolling the streets of Kiev and suppressing the revolts in Donetsk …
Frack attack: US plans to replace Russia as Ukraine’s main gas supplier
Ukraine to sell Tu-95 strategic bomber via eBay
Today Ukraine has 15 operational power-generating units at four nuclear power plants and four shutdown units at the Chernobyl nuclear plant. The plants are operating in standard mode, but there is every reason to suspect that security officers are unreliable, Dmitry Rogozin says. Extremists invariably grow interested in facilities like that amid anarchy and chaos, to resort to blackmail for political purposes.
“Here’s a little known fact: the Hungarian uprising of 1956 was an anti-Jewish pogrom.”
What rubbish. The communists are a Jewish organization.
Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky, Beria, Kaganovich were all Jews.
Anonymous @10:40 Please use your indoor voice. No one will take you seriously if everything you say is always in bold-face type. Matter of fact, they won’t even bother to read it.
@anonymous:“What rubbish. The communists are a Jewish organization.
Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky, Beria, Kaganovich were all Jews.
Who do you think was being fought in the Hungarian uprising? It’s possible the reason Liz Wahl fled in 1956 was because the people of Hungary revolted against the Jewish rule of Bela Kuhn and many Jews fled. Wahl is a common Jewish name in the USA.
Did you check out that brief clip of David Irving? You can download his book on the Hungarian uprising for free at Irving’s site
As for Stalin’s ancestry you may find these interesting:
I do not know if you are correct to claim that Stalin was a Jew.
I think the anchor is doing a good job. What you have to understand is that many people, if they begin to perceive that something is completely one-sided, they will ignore it. By giving lip-service to the Western narrative, and allowing somebody to PROPERLY RESPOND to it, the anchor is increasing the legitimacy of his program and has a better chance of actually changing someone’s views.
Does anyone know why are the “snipers” in the video using pellet rifles?