The main server at is back up. Thanks to the fast intervention of a few specialists of the IT team we also know that this was probably not a DDOS but a combination of problems including that Apache was configured to handle a greater number of connexions that the server can actually handle so it ran near out of memory. Still, there were some weird connection attempts from certain IPs and this problems is being addressed right now. I would call that “growing pains” with the emphasis on “growing” which is a good thing.
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Don’t discuss details of the data center, server, software, defense etc.
Give the enemy nothing.
You’re back up. Good. Prepare for the inevitable.
I disagree. It is a must to stay transparent for the community. I’m glad to learn that we have the server backed up and IT stuff with good knowledge of system management and recovery.
Yes, transparency: What happened. technically, is a daemon turned evil, from too much contact with the Clapper Special Task Force, with brackers based in Israel and Ukraine, and reversed the flow of packet valves on the DSN pingler. Three good deamons were dispatched to repair the pingdom valves and tunnel-reverse the flow recursion by converting lifo to fifo on the address bus.
I’m wondering why Oceana was down too — and why the internet as a whole seems to be bogged down and unreliable so often of late. Maybe it’s NSA tribbles in the machinery (like Capt. Kirk, I’m not getting my chicken sandwiches and coffee).
Every time this kind of thing happens I wonder if something is not going down that the empire does not want people to hear about. Paranoia and cynicism are now SOP, with good reason. But we know what they want, what the scripts and games they follow are, and the details get lost on the side of the road to Hell. (Analogous to Bradshaw’s and Berne’s transactional analysis and Games People Play, in the dysfunctional ‘family of man’).Fundamental attribution is not always an error.
Well, what with the “American administrator” shutting down domains registered in the Crimea, who knows?
Love your parody on the pipes. Thanks.
Good news.
It’s unlikely that MaxRanges would be a problem unless some fool set it to 0, that’s unlimited.
For our panic ridden posters, Apache is everywhere. It’s wide open and peer reviewed constantly. That is really the only defense we have against the poodles of destruction.
I remember the good ol’ days when you had to compile the beast in just the right order to get it all running.
NSA is everywhere too. is just one aspect of it.
If nothing else, I think all of this cracking garbage slows down systems and breaks things.
I am a computer dummy but I sure like these transparent troubleshooters here in the vineyard and their far-out language. I think the dummies at NSA are being outflanked and outplayed. Hopefully these are signs of the great turning.
When I was into Joomla cms it had problems with number of articles over 15000, so I had to override next-previos plugin for listing pages, check if wp has the same problems and when bots (google, yandex, yahoo) visit they just storm through the site overloading the server, even page cacheing does not help there since they go into the oldest pages also which are not cached and server load goes up.
Could saker also ask the wonderful designer to remove the background image as it slows load times. He could just use a css background-color: ; instead.