An amazing celebration took place yesterday in Moscow: Russia was celebration the reunification of Crimea to the Russia. Here is short but moving video from this event subtitled by a wonderful (Muslim) friend of mine to whom I am immensely grateful.
The Saker
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Dear Saker, thank you very much for
English capitation or subtitles, I hope one day RT will for all videos provide English subtitles. It is far easier to understand the written English than spoken.
Greetings from Argentina
Timoshenko In New Leaked Recording: 8 Million Russians In Ukraine “Must Be Killed With Nuclear Weapons”:
Rabid bitch.
YuVT has confirmed that the recording is genuine.
So the real question is: what else does the FSB have on that woman. She is the most corrupt person in the entire country, so there must be a target-rich environment.
Thank you for this.
It brought tears to my eyes . . .
and reaffirmed my hope that the ‘sun rises in the east’.
Yet, according to the Western MSM hate apparatus, the referendum was a failure, was fraudulent, was held under Russian guns, and the Tatars boycotted it (that’s where the coming subversion will be targeted, you can bet on that). Notable Western MSM fascists, like the loathsome Luke Harding of the filthy ‘The Guardian’ (Medialens has a lot of good stuff on this vile ‘liberal’ rag, so bloodthirsty to see Syria turned over to the jihadist butchers)or the clinically insane Bret Stephens of the Zionazi house rag, the WSJ, are growing rather deranged in their propaganda. This is a really interesting feature of the drive to turn Ukraine into a neo-Nazi colony of the West. The sheer hysteria of the lying, the abuse of Putin, the twisting of the news, the suppression of facts that do not fit the propaganda diatribe. I think that Western ruling elites have reached that point of moral and intellectual decay and decline where a type of unstoppable collapse into rank, no longer disguised, psychopathy, is running away, and anything, absolutely anything, is possible.
Mulga Mumblebrain–Yes, the G-7 PR that repeated the Big Lie is very worrisome and shows the Outlaw Empire hasn’t given up; rather, it seems to have doubled down. There’s no attempt to save face. The Duopoly seems to want a real war with Russia thinking it will only take place in Eurasia. But has with the Kaiser, the Slavs must be seen as the ones to begin the shooting.
What I find impressive is the fact that Vladimir Putin does not engage in hyperbole even on an occasion such as this when it would be so easy for him to do so.
He sticks to the facts and expresses the reality in simple straight forward language which acknowledges but does not inflame the situation.
He is rare, indeed.
Oh, and thanks for taking the trouble to translate this speech for us, Saker
Hey, Putin is speaking without a teleprompter! Being from the USA, I’m not used to seeing a national leader do that.
… another reason for joy is that Europe’s gas problem has recently been solved: