This statement is nothing short of *fantastic*.
If anybody has a transcript in English, please send it to me, I would love to post it here. A subtitled video would even be better.
I think that what Pushkov said was nothing short of history: he fully unmasked the phenomenal hypocrisy of the EU.
For those who understand Russian – please see for yourself.
The Saker
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Unfortunately, I don’t know russian, therefore I didn’t understand what Pushkov said.
But, my God!
Who is that blonde girl at left?
She is so so so so so beautiful!
Well in my rather broken Serbian understanding of Russian I think he was most on point about the hypocrasy of Georgians talking about the Crimean annexation given that it was blood less coup.
Speaking of serbian, pretty poor showing on the part of Serb reps in European council, 3 voted for, 3 against and one abstained….no back bone.
from the voice of russia report:
Damian Gunjak,
those Serbians who voted against Russia represent two parties who got 5% and 3 % of the votes. Those three who voted for Russia got around 65% of the votes. So there is no need to be dissappointed.
The most important thing is that we did not vote against Russia in the important UN voting! And we prevented Bosnia of doing so.
Only Serbia and Belarus did not vote against Russia in the whole Europe!
@ Damian,
Izdajnika je oduvek bilo. Seti se samo kako su 90tih neki “nasi” postavljali nato lokatore kako bi nato zlocinci i agresori lakse pogadjali i unistavali nase objekte i ljude svojim raketama. Sitni, jadni i bedni neljudi prodali svoju dusu za saku dolara ili eura.
I would like to translate but have no time right now.
A huge interview of Lavrov about Ukraine and conflict with USA.
A video of a totally different sort, absolutely hysterical even if you don’t speak German:
(I think Yulia is my favorite…) :~)
I unfortunately don’t have time, but if anybody wants to start a collaborative subtitling project, you could start a page on (it’s a really simple process).
Is it likely that there will be an official English translation of the speech soon?
Wow… at the 6-minute mark somebody uses a loudspeaker to attempt to silence him. Then voices start asking him to speak in English instead.
At about the 12-minute mark they begin speaking in French for a few minutes.
Really, only the first 7 minutes or so are the very important bit that should be translated.
Just to start things off, here’s where volunteers can translate this video:
(I unfortunately don’t have time to start the translation at the moment, but maybe someone else does?)
P.S. Could you bring back the numbers captchas please? The text captchas are pretty difficult to read (or were you getting a lot of spam with the previous ones?)
Wow, I haven’t heard such a speach during the conference for a very long time.Finaly the truth is coming out what the all world is waiting for to see that who is the devil maker in action and pretending to bring the enslavement for the all world under the prentention of democracy. Yes, the fight is on …..Satan started to murder most of the people who knows a lot and they can be very dangerous for the witness stand.
Rumors are spreading around the social media that the Canadian Federal minister of finance who passed away yesterday was murdered by the very famous method of the “sudden heart attack” because he has refused to give $200 mil. of the taxpayers money to the fascist based government in Ukrajine. Even he was a banker he was one of these very rare decent people between today’s politicians.
Nothing would surprise me about Canada. The Harper regime is quite possibly the vilest, and the most Zionazi controlled, rabble anywhere, although the Abbott regime here in Australia is giving it some competition. But there is, in my opinion, an iron law in operation in both places. The more your country is controlled by the Zionazis, the viler it becomes. And the process seems open-ended. Just as you think that things could not possibly get worse, they inevitably do.
Nora, hysteria is such a feature of Rightwing hatemongering these days that I think it is a very revealing indication of just how shit-scared the overclass are. Their perfect world of unbridled elite greed, grotesque inequality, casually vicious mistreatment of and contempt for the underclass and unlimited privilege is both crumbling under its own contradictions (only a real psychotic would plan a neo-feudal New World Order, and only an idiot would imagine that it would not implode)and creating global resistance. And their MSM stooges (come to think of it, that is an insult to Larry, Curly and Moe)..their MSM scum (no, no, blue-green algae don’t deserve the comparison)..their MSM flunkies, whose comparatively well-paid jobs in an age of impoverishment depend on their Masters’ continued dominance, are rigid with fear. I can hear the tumbrils rolling in the distance, and the Defarge Society grows apace. Time for knitting lessons.
Mulga, yes — and I’ve been humming that song all day now… Also, your comments on the other thread about a Malthusian cull — we’ve been thinking that for some time now. It’s utterly chilling. And finally, I’ve cut-and-pasted-and-sent-along-to-others a whole bunch of what you’ve had to say today — along with the “proper” attribution of course. You’ve really been spot on (or at least, I’m in total agreement, for whatever that’s worth).
Now on Voice of Russia:
Possibility of Russia-PACE dialogue made illusory by sanctions – lawmaker
Chairman of the State Duma International Affairs Committee Alexei Pushkov doubts the possibility of a dialogue between the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and Russia after the Assembly passed anti-Russian sanctions.
I’d very much like to see an English translation. There are accusations of propaganda on both sides, but I can’t evaluate it since so much of what is going on is in Russian.