Dear friends,
Thank you all for your inputs. By general consensus, the new moderation and comments policy is now adopted. I will post a note about that in the left sidebar.
Now, back to business (-: finally! :-)
The Saker
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Excellent site, thanks for the work.
great site saker. Poor MoA, he has been down for many hours now. I was first linked to you from MoA. Tough business you guys are in.
Dear Saker
Regarding donations, you could look how is doing it The Wikipedia.
Today they have introduced something new, please have a look.
At least I see something new from my computer in South Africa.
Dear Saker,
the adopted policy is wise and very well balanced.
Thanks for the brilliant work!
Dear The Skaer,
Thank you.
Hopefully the blog can move forward with everyone understanding how the comments work.
very good blog mate. keep up the good work. it is people like you who make a difference
Saker, I believe your system is very reasonable and if used with common sense it should filter out most of the trolls pretty effectively while allowing for civilized discussion on sensitive topics.
Though there are some points of view from credible-looking sources that could be interesting to discuss some time, but would not qualify under your system as they challenge the “universalist” ideas of Christianity that are currently adopted by today’s Churches. An example of this is the work of Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels who conducted an intense bible study from a racialist perspective in his book “Theozoology” back in 1904.
Wikipedia claims that Liebenfels inspired “Nazism”, but I don’t find Wikipedia to be a reliable source in such matters and find this claim doubtful.
His book can be downloaded here for free if anyone is interested.
You might also be interested in a recent Christian movement called Christian Identity ( that has been around since the 1920’s and has a slant on the Bible similar to Liebenfel’s.
They are quite popular in certain internet circles.
I don’t wish to imply that I endorse these ideas or push them where they are not welcome, just point out that they are out there and that there are some people out there who read these sources and sincerely believe them to be true.
On Hitler, I looked up what had to say on Operation Barborossa and why Hitler invaded the Soviet Union:
Again, I am just throwing this out there, rather than stating it as dogmatic truth. Presumably Stalin’s breaking of non-aggression pacts can easily be confirmed as a matter of historical record. What is less easy to determine is what was on Hitler’s mind, but I have read at least two revisionists who claim Barborossa was pre-emptive.
JUNE 22 1941.
As Germany and Britain fight each other in the air, at sea, and now Africa, Stalin quietly masses his Red Army along Germany’s eastern frontier, near the Romanian oil fields that supply Germany. Hitler knows that Stalin cannot be trusted. He recalls how Stalin broke a non-aggression pact and pounced on Poland while the Poles were pre-occupied with Germany. Another non-aggression pact was broken when Stalin attacked Finland. Soviet invasions of the Baltic states, and eastern Romania offer still more proof that Stalin’s intentions cannot be trusted.
Now, with Germany and Britain distracted, Stalin threatens all of Europe. Hitler had hoped to remove the Soviet threat in April, but invasion plans were delayed by Mussolini’s misadventures in Africa and Greece. When “Operation Barbarossa” is launched, the Red Army is caught flat-footed and bunched up in offensive positions.
Millions of Soviet troops are taken prisoner, and the devastating loss of weaponry and equipment leaves the Red Army nuetralized. Up to 65% of all Soviet tanks, field guns, machine guns, and anti-tank guns are either destroyed or captured. The Germans rout the Reds all the way back to the gates of Moscow, liberating the cheering Ukrainian and Baltic peoples along the way.
It is only the onset of the brutal Russian winter that forces the Germans to pause their stunning offensive. The 2 month delay due to Mussolini’s folly in Greece saves Stalin’s regime from a total 1941 collapse.
Hitler saved all of Europe from Soviet conquest.
“Already in 1940 it became increasingly clear from month to month that the plans of the men in the Kremlin were aimed at the domination, and thus the destruction, of all of Europe. I have already told the nation of the build-up of Soviet military power in the East during a period when Germany had only a few divisions in the provinces bordering Soviet Russia. Only a blind person could fail to see that a military build-up of world-historical dimensions was being carried out. And this was not in order to protect something that was being threatened, but rather to attack that which seemed incapable of defense … I may say this today: If the wave of more than 20,000 tanks, hundreds of divisions, tens of thousands of artillery pieces, along with more than 10,000 airplanes, had not been kept from being set into motion against the Reich, Europe would have been lost.”
– Adolf Hitler, 12-11-1941
JUNE 24 1941
With Stalin’s Evil Empire facing swift extinction at the hands of Hitler’s superior armed forces, FDR moves quickly to rescue Stalin’s murderous regime. FDR unfreezes Soviet assets that had been frozen after Stalin’s attack on Finland in 1939, enabling the Soviets to immediately purchase 59 Fighter aircrafts. The “Arsenal of Democracy” now becomes “The Arsenal of Communism.”
By 1945, the staggering amount of Lend-Lease deliveries to Stalin include 11,000 aircraft, 4,000 bombers, 400,000 trucks, 12,000 tanks and combat vehicles, 32,000 motorcycles, 13,000 locomotives and railway cars, 8,000 anti-aircraft cannons, 135.000 submachine guns, 300,000 tons of explosives, 40,000 field radios, 400 radar systems, 400,000 metal cutting machine tools, several million tons of food, steel, other metals, oil and gasoline, chemicals etc.
Without this enormous infusion of US aid, the Germans would easily have finished off Stalin’s Empire after the Spring thaw of 1942.
Cheers Saker
A MUST READ : US projects in Sevastopol:
Dear The Saker,
Off topic but I think it is a curious development. Back on 1st of April many will recall the head of the Russian “facebook” said he was stepping down and then retracted it and said it was a joke.
He has left Russia and doesn’t plan to return?? Something seems very fishy here.
What do you think? Was he a mole?
JUNE 22 1941.
Heheee – but there is no a single document from British side – so propaganda.
Imagine Russia attacks Hitler without any guarantee from Britain – so propaganda
Imagine Russia attacks Hitler and Germany makes peace with Perfidious Albion – so propaganda
It kind of smells that way:
I wonder if this will affect his brother’s career.
Dear Saker
Somebody is spreading propaganda
that Russia wanted to attack Germany before operation Barbarossa
Here is my answer in Croattian
O Vladimir Bogdanovich Rezun [ agentu MI5 ] rodjen 1947
Nalazim staru [ novu ] dezinformaciju o Rusiji koja ponovo postaje popularna iz kuhinje CIA.
Rusija je zeljela napasti nacisticku Njemacku prije operacije Barbarosa, dakle prije nego sto je Njemacka napala nju.
Ovu teoriju je lansirao “Viktor Suvorov”.
Na moment vratimo se u 18 stoljece
Aleksandar Suvorov je bio generalismo u ruskoj carskoj vojski i smatra se najveci vojni strateg, rame uz rame s Aleksandrom Velikim.
Sad se vratimo u 21 stoljece
Pravo ime ovog “Viktora Suvorova” je
Vladimir Bogdanovich Rezun i nije imao nista zajednicko s ovim generalissimo.
Bogdanovic Rezun je uzeo ime Suvorov samo zato da bi ga valjao po blatu.
Bogdanovic Rezun je bio Ukrajinac za vrijeme SSSR sovjetski gradjanin zaposlen za ruski KGB a istovremeno je radio i za britansku obavjestajnu sluzbu MI5 ili MI6.
1978 uz pomoc Britanaca je prebacen u Britaniju i tu otvoreno radi za obavjestajnu sluzbu MI5, nesto kao preteca Litvinenko.
Koristeci se propagandnim materijalom koji je na raspolaganju MI5 pise kvazi znastvene knjige na temu geopolitika i povijest.
Od njega dolazi teorija da je Staljin zelio napasti Hitlera dva mjeseca prije operacije Barbarossa. Ta teorija hvata novi momentum kao sto se razbuktava hladni rat na incijativu natovaca protiv Rusije kao dio psiholoskog rata.
1- Rezun nije pokazao niti jedan sluzbeni dokumenat da su Rusi htijeli napasti Njemacku dva mjeseca prije operacije Barbarossa, zato jer ga nema.
2-Britanci ni Amerikanci ni Gestapo nisu uhvatili niti jedan dokumenat o tzv. napadanju, zato jer nije ni postojao.
3-U ruskoj [ sovjetskoj ] arhivi takav dokumenat ne postoji.
4-Prema ovoj teoriji zavjere iz kuhinje britanske MI5 Staljin bi napao Nijemce bez ikakvih pregovora s Britancima.
Zar ne bi Staljin rekao Churchillu mi cemo uci u rat a vi cete nama dati to i to.
Ne, nego bas nista, eto Staljin bio glupan pa odredio da srlja u rat bez ikakvih garancija od Britanaca.
Ne samo to – za vrijeme drugog svj.rata Staljin je bio paranoican da ce Britanci sklopiti mir s Hitlerom. Zar nije moglo pasti Rusima na pamet ako oni napanu Njemacku da je mogucno da Britanci i Nijemci sklopu mir pa cak i da zajednicki napanu Rusiju?
some interesting reading:
The crisis in Ukraine is seen pretty clearly by at least some in Arab media:
The BBC is now admitting that “armed Neo-Nazis led the so-called ‘Euromaidan’ uprising”. Yes, the BBC: Tony Cartalucci discusses this:
Valentin Katasonov discusses what the FBI will most likely do to or with “stolen” Ukrainian assets located abroad:
And last but far from least, Lavrov gave Kerry at least as good as he got: “Before giving us ultimatums, demanding that we fulfill demands within two or three days with the threat of sanctions, we would urgently call on our American partners to fully accept responsibility for those who they brought to power,”
Dear Nora,
Thank you – yes looks like he was a USG tool…..
Nora said……
It kind of smells that way:
I wonder if this will affect his brother’s career.
22 April, 2014 13:49
I am the poster of the source that claim that Stalin was mounting an attack on Europe.
I am sorry if I have mistakenly spread propaganda. That was not my intention.
I am seeking to find out the truth and was quoting from sources that have been reliable on other topics.
There has been a TON of disinformation spread about WWII, so it is not easy getting to the bottom of it, but I will keep on studying.
I would like to find the root of this disinformation if it is not true, so thank you to those who have provided counter information to this claim.