1. From tomorrow afternoon until Sat late morning (all US Eastern time) I will be gone and I will have only sporadic access to the Internet (I will be enjoying some badly needed time off with my wife on the Suwannee River: photographing wildlife, freediving in springs, exploring various wildlife refuges, swamps and conservation areas). Before I leave I will post an “empty post” which I will leave as an open thread. Considering the amount of ill-wishers of this blog, I will still have to moderate the comments which I will do as often as I can depending on my cellphone reception of GSM signals. Please use this open thread to post news and comments about the events in the Ukraine only, okay?
2. I regularly get the suggestion to somehow rank the comments which are posted here. As far as I know, blogger does not allow for this. If there is a way to do so, please let me know.
3. I have a wish. I wish it would be possible to organize all those who can translate from Russian into English into one group. I wish that group would also include a few people who could subtitle a video and upload it to YouTube, DailyMotion or RuTube. I get a lot of links to good, really well done, Russian videos and it would be awesome if we could somehow subtitle them into English on short notice, less than 24 hours. That could really help the English speakers worldwide. I have a list of potential translators from Russian into Enlgish (seven people right now), but that is different. I would like to organize a video translation team which would include translators and “video-subtitlers” and which would specialize in working together to get the work done. And for that I would absolutely need a video translation team manager who could organize, coordinate and supervise the work. If you are interested, please email me and let me know, okay?
4. God willing, before I leave tomorrow I should have a joint SITREP with Juan out. I will also be at the computer for the next couple of hours and tomorrow morning.
Kind regards to all,
The Saker
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Sounds fun. Hope you two have a great time.
One question. You said to post only Ukraine related comments on the “open thread”, but what about comments unrelated to the Ukraine, such as Syria, China and so on? Would you rather we only posted Ukrainian stuff while you were gone?
@вот так:what about comments unrelated to the Ukraine, such as Syria, China and so on?
You are absolutely correct. I am clearly suffering from “Ukrainian tunnel vision”, LOL! So yes, OF COURSE, you can definitely post about other countries. In fact, I feel ashamed that I have completely neglected the rest of the planet, but the war in the Ukraine is so huge, imnsho, that I simply did not have the time to “cover” the Ukraine AND the rest of the planet. So “thank you!!” for reminding me that there is a bigger world out there and yes, please do post about Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, China, Venezuela, etc. – all the places in the world were people are resisting the Empire.
Sounds fun
Oh yes, the Florida wilderness is nothing short of totally amazing: breathtaking beauty and total wilderness. Too many bugs though, way too many bugs :-(
Kind regards,
The Saker
Dear Saker,
May the peace of the Lord cover your entire holiday! Thank you for this place of where all can find truth in the world of kayos! I read a comment earlier today here about this nuclear conversation. I’ve read several articles in the last six months stating that some black ops team picked up some nuclear missiles from a base in Texas and they mysteriously disappeared. Shortly after a Senator Graham came out to warn folks that South Carolina could be nuked by Iran. Then a week later several military officers were fired. Claiming they would NOT false flag the us. I know this is not all the facts, or if any is facts at all, just wondering if it could possible that it is even actual or just more bull crap. Also it is fact that many HUNDREDS of high ranking officers have been fired or removed from all branches of the military under Obama. Blessings!
@ The Saker,
I hope you have some QT with loved ones and thoroughly enjoy this upcoming R&R session.
Focus On Family Not Blog :o)
Enjoy your brief time away, Saker. And refresh mind, body and spirit.
I really appreciate your excellent work and dedication, but, you’re not a machine. :)
ENJOY, Saker! It will be nice for us to have that open thread, but wouldn’t it be nicer for you not to have to bother — you know, to REALLY get away? We’ll survive, you know, really we will.
In any case, best to your wife and do have a MARVELOUS time!!!
Lucky McGriff is talking about the same thing I was. I don’t even know how or what to Google and all I remember is that a loaded bomber ended up at Ellsworth and some heads ultimately rolled but the question was, were they the ones who dunnit or the ones who were livid it got done.
Can anyone else comment on this — stray nukes, especially with the nutcakes in this country, a rather frightening prospect.
Dear Nora, about a month ago I read they were in England, some warehouse. Someone working at warehousereported on it to alternate news. Not us alternate news. Wild goose chase. PRAYING!
“Oh yes, the Florida wilderness is nothing short of totally amazing: breathtaking beauty and total wilderness. Too many bugs though, way too many bugs :-(“
Okefenokee Swamp? You mentioned Suwanee River. I’ve never been to Florida, but heard of that place. Or rather read about it. It was a description of a trip through the swamp called “Swamp Odyssey, A Journey in Black Water and Time”, by David Quammen. It’s in a book of his called “The Flight of the Iguana”. Great book, if one likes “nature” writing mixed in with a human element, as well. Except for the bugs, it sounded like a great place to visit.
If you don’t post pictures with words I will never come back here again. We all need a break from the madness:)
I don’t mean to be paranoid, but I never reveal specifics about my future plans (i.e., location, etc.) I’m sure that you have many adversaries, of various levels of sophistication.
– Abraham/Avarachan
I agree
Just don’t swim with alligators, Saker!
Have a wonderful time.
Enjoy the time Saker!
Big Cypress documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wx_QZ9vwVGs
the pessimist
Florida is my home state. Bugs don’t bother natives, only tourists. That is, the bugs bother the tourists and the tourists bug the natives. When we get air conditioning outlawed we’ll have our state back.
did you hear that the attack on Mosul garnered the rebels a Blackhawk attack helicopter? It was parked at the airport which they overran.
Also, a good article over at Oriental Review about how the Poles are involved in Ukraine, mercenaries,training,money,etc.
Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy your time. Regarding to the bugs, you should cook a very strong tee from the fresh rosemary. Let it cool down and use the spray bottle to spray this tee on your body and if you are sitting somewhere just fill up some small cup with this tea and you will be safe from the bugging bugs.
It works very well trust me.Always when we have a garden party I use this trick.
Lived in Florida for eight miserable years. Watch out for coral snakes (very deadly) and small rattlers.
The blog is good stimulation on important topics. Some R&R will refresh you.
I believe staying connected to Nature is as important as staying connected with God.
What we all debate here is the unnatural and the unGodly. It is very stressful to see life and death combat that has such Manichean roots.
Mere humans fighting the fallen angels. Hell on earth.
There used to be a good series called “Why We Fight”.
This bit of EuromaidanPR trash is as succinct a summary of it as anything, just in case anyone coming here doesn’t get it.
@Larchmonter445:Watch out for coral snakes (very deadly) and small rattlers.
You kiddin me? I love them. I photograph these beautiful reptiles every chance I get to, and also the big Diamonbacks (biggest rattlers on the planet, the most beautiful too!). True, the Pigmy Rattlesnakes are often aggressive, but that is because they are small and their rattle hard to hear. The Coral snakes are very peaceful, especially considering that they come from the Elapidae family which has much more aggressive members. And even our formidable Diamondbacks are really very peaceful and they will strike only if left no other options. I don’t harass them, I photograph them and I gently move them, if needed, with my hook/tongs without hurting them. I also love gators, by the way. No, its the little critters which I fear and hate like the fire ants or the various nasty bugs. And I don’t care much for the cottonmouths either (I find them ugly too), but they don’t bother me and I leave them alone. My favorite FL snakes are: the Indigo and the Rough Green – both stunningly beautiful and totally peaceful. But generally FL wildlife is really peaceful: our panthers and bears do not attack at all, our Eastern Diamondbacks have a far better disposition than the smaller but outright nasty Western Diamonbacks, our gators are fine (especially when compared to crocs) and even our sharks mostly bite by mistake and let you go. Oh but the frigging bugs!! And His Majesty is right – the locals somehow become immune to them. My wife who has been coming here since the 1970 almost never gets bitten. Me? I must have a beacon with the word “tourist – lunch is served!!” on my head – they love me. With a passion. The feeling is not mutual. That is why I never leave home without my full-body bugsuit, just in case the friggin bugs decide to dine on me. Been here 12 years now, and I am getting better at avoiding them. But still, they still get me on a regular basis. I think of it as a “blood tax” to pay to Mother Nature for the joy and privilege of discovering her beauty :-)
The Saker
http://www.infowars.com/ sen-graham-warns-of-nuke-strike-after-missing-nuke-report/
http://www.infowars.com/ nobel-peace-prize-nominee-obama-asks-military-leaders-if-they-will-fi re-on-us-citizens/ –
Seriously I don’t know, if this is nonsense or something serious, definitely disturbing to say the least, when you have nukes disappear, high raking usa military officials (fired, released of duty, something called the litmus test, if they could fire on the American people) airlines vanish, terrorist generals released, traitors on the loose, mass murder every week, gun confiscation screamed on every mainstream outlet across the country. We have a leader saying this ***Obama said the country should be “ashamed,” and called the failure to pass new gun laws the “biggest frustration” of his presidency thus far. “We’re the only country in the world where this happens,”
saying the U.S. doesn’t “have a monopoly on crazy people.”
“This country has to do a lot of soul searching,” Obama said. “This is becoming the norm. And we take it for granted in ways that, as a parent, are terrifying to me.”******
Get the heck out!!! He’s involved in terrorizing the freaking world. I do believe Saker said it best, in all that ranting, *WE ARE THE RESISTANCE* Praying!
Dear Saker,
enjoy your definitely well and long deserved wildlife refreshing time!
Hugs & Regards
Housek peeing?
Pay attention to spelling in the titles!!!
(Busted for the 4th time!) :)
Thanks for all your efforts!
Dear The Saker,
Have a good holiday – and do rest!
Be careful of alligators! I really like you and want you back all in one piece :)
Okay, Saker, after posting for you to be careful of the alligators, I saw your posts saying you like reptiles (maybe not crocs). You HAVE to watch this video about a man in Costa Rica who had a 20 year, CLOSE relationship with a huge croc. It’s mind blowing and made me cry my eyes out.
Dear The Saker,
The free program ‘a Tube Catcher’ (ATC) is very useful. It can download, capture, convert, edit (simple) videos.
The video you are interested has automatic Russian subtitles which can be displayed on screen, but they don’t display in a downloaded copy. So setup the video in Firefox or whatever to display the captions and pause at the start. Use ATC to define and capture the area on screen where the video is displayed and the captioned video will be saved to disk. Start ATC capture, the run the video. Stop ATC at the end. One important tip – select the ‘run minimised’ option in ATC to ensure it doesn’t obscure the video, and don’t obscure the record area. The simple editor can be used to remove excess video at the start and the end. The conversion tool can be used to convert from wmv to whatever format is desired. That should get part of the way.
One other plea. Youtube etc are notorious for removing useful videos countering the propaganda of the Powers That Be, so if anyone finds an interesting video, please download a copy to preserve it.
Hope you have a relaxing break from the insanity going on around us and come back refreshed.
Lucky mcgriff said…,
“Get the heck out!!! He’s involved in terrorizing the freaking world. I do believe Saker said it best, in all that ranting, *WE ARE THE RESISTANCE* Praying!”
Dearest Lucky,
Yes, the Good Whisper. The Good Whisper has the Lord’s Blessing. A pen is mightier than 10,000 swords, and thus the Evil Whisper cannot Survive.
Who is the Best of the Planner? Lord or satan (our adversary)?
“Seriously I don’t know, if this is nonsense or something serious, definitely disturbing to say the least, when you have nukes disappear, …
I read about the same on Antiwar.com. I have mentioned to Nora, a good book called, “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood.
I see you have a son who is 27. My oldest one (son) is 25 and the daughter is 22. I am married to a WASP from Stickville USA for the last 39 years. Didn’t have children for a long, long time or I could be grandfather by now, just like Nora being granny.
Best regards,
Dearest Saker,
You make me sick with envy and jealously by keep on mentioning Miami and the Everglades.
As a young man, many, many moons ago, I first landed in Miami in 1972. Right in between the hippies camping against the Nixon Republican Presidential Convention, Vietnam and so forth.
Those were the good old days. Rock n’ Roll and love everywhere in the air. I am not a very practicing religious person. What I miss most of USA is nice bars and good local music. Of course the concerts too.
Have a good one with Mrs. Saker and give my up most regards to her. God help her she has to put up with you. lol ~:)
God bless you and your entire family. And, God bless All Mankind.
Best regards,
I wish it would be possible to organize all those who can translate from Russian into English into one group. I wish that group would also include a few people who could subtitle a video and upload it to YouTube, DailyMotion or RuTube.
I cannot do it – I know we are desperately in need of it, because plenty people all over the world use English to inform themselves and they do not master English so well to relay only on the spoken English.
From Portugal
I couldn’t help but scoff at Obama’s comments today.
He professes shame, but he sets a poor example for restraint.
AFter watching this good video:
I did a transcript in French:
Does anyone know who to subtitle a video?
Le Dahu
Articles of interest over at Rusvesna.su today.
Kiev Minister of Defense proposes concentration camps for residents of Donbass to identify all separtists.
NDF has apparently shot down half of active Ukraine Army helicopters. Only 10 left. I wonder how many Sukhoi are still airworthy.
Ukraine Army and National Guard demoralized over lack of progress and ongoing job of killing brother citizens for unclear purpose.
Also Graham Philips has a very interesting couple of blogs up. One, his time with the National Guard.
Another, lead up events to Mariupol massacre.
Its incredible to me that our presstitutes are so bereft of dignity for their profession that a lone British Stringer for RT.com is the only western person getting out among the people and trying to find out the reality of events on the ground in Donbass and the Ukraine ATO since the one NY Times article admitting that the self-defense in Slavyansk were almost to a man locals. There is a complete absence of any of the sort of reporting that Graham Philips was doing until his unfortunate departure from Ukraine. That he was getting death threats for it from both Ukrainians and westerners is even more appalling.
Re: Chito and Pocho
Chito is from a Native American culture so his connections with the non-human world started off fuller. He didn’t have those barriers to cross; they already were. He is, btw, where our best scientists have finally arrived: animals rely on their senses, including the smell of various pheremones, neurotransmitters, etc., and the hypothalamus and rest of the limbic system/reptilian brain are the seat of the emotions (just bc most of us can’t read them and/or haven’t figured out how to measure them doesn’t mean they don’t exist). What differentiates us as humans is our cerebral cortex — a gain — but in some ways, ironically enough, our over-reliance on hearing, thinking about and using words, is also a loss, bc it has deprived us of the richness of everything all around us we could otherwise focus on if we spent more time looking, intuiting, smelling, hearing other stuff. Sounds sappy but for every other species, it is survival and the richness of their life. We were taking down a honeysuckle one time and this mockingbird kept yakking angrily and fluttering around me — I took the hint, put down my clippers and walked away — turns out it was protecting a juvenile wood thrush right where I was about to cut! Not it’s own, not even a related species, but it was pretty clear it wanted me to leave the baby unharmed. And anyone who has dogs knows they know far more human language than we know dog language — they read us far, far better than we’ll ever read them! Maybe it’s the Indian in me but I really do think the more advanced our civilization, the further away we tend to get from most everything that matters; not all that evolves is adaptive, right?
Hi Saker,
FWIW I have noticed a huge drop off in anti-Russian MSM propaganda. There has been almost nothing in the FP rags now, whereas every second article was a hit piece last month. It may indicate a deal was cut.
P.S. Enjoy the well deserved time away!
Holy. Poop.
And you know you can’t trust a word out of any one of their mouths. whew.
I’m similarly stuck on whatever just happened in Iraq: can’t even figure out whether this was the plant all along, or we lost, yet again. And that in itself says everything that needs to be said: you think we’re in a different place, somehow safer, than the citizens of Donbass, or Russia in the 1990’s. But we’re not: it’s just slower, that’s all.
A rare moment of introspection from EuromaidanPR about the creation of a new national identity in Donbas:
Actually, this “new” identity always existed. What is really happening is that Galacia is slowly coming to realize that a second national identity exists in Ukraine: the Russian/Little Russian/Carpatho-Russian identity of a united Rus people.
Maybe though, these freaks are slowly coming to the realization that just because someone drew a line on a map around a bunch of regions a long time ago and called it Ukraine doesn’t make everyone inside a Ukrainian.
Kiev playing hard to get (on US advice??)
Moscow wants its gas money, a few billion is not a laughing matter.
The EU piggy in the middle.
If a physical war starts between the US, Ukraine and Russia, it certain that Russia would lose a lot of outstanding money.
It makes switching off the gas complicated.
Le Dahu
Nora said…
“I took the hint, put down my clippers and walked away — turns out it was protecting a juvenile wood thrush right where I was about to cut! Not it’s own, not even a related species, but it was pretty clear it wanted me to leave the baby unharmed. …..
Maybe it’s the Indian in me but I really do think the more advanced our civilization, the further away we tend to get from most everything that matters; not all that evolves is adaptive, right?”
Dearest Nora,
Well said! I couldn’t have said it any better.
Best regards,
Nora said…,
“I’m similarly stuck on whatever just happened in Iraq: can’t even figure out whether this was the plant all along, or we lost, yet again.”
Dear Nora,
Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani (ra), whom I follow, always have kept out of the politics.
But it is first time that I have seen him endorsing the Iraqi Army, thus indirectly endorsing the current government.
Things must be real bad there!
Best regards,
Thank you.
I really do think that we *could* have it both ways — and this is just another variant of the head/heart thingie Saker was talking about. We have this cognitive ability, but where we get into problems, as individuals or members of whatever group, is precisely the point where we pay no heed to the other parts of us — our own gut feelings, and our ability to take seriously the living world around us, whether people or (to me anyhow) all living beings. The very same parts of our brain we share most with birds and reptiles at least (not sure about fish or amphibians, just don’t know) are the most profound parts of us. We ignore them at our own peril, and everyone else’s as well. I’m on a bit of a soapbox here but the intense self-absorption of our oligarchs and “elected” leaders IS the problem, right? They’re just an extreme example, the effects of which are obvious in the Donbass right now, and they only care about themselves, maybe their class, and the hell with anyone else. But in a very real sense, that’s what Americans have become. /descends from soapbox
Ayatollah Sistani? O boy, it must be awful!!! Do you think we’re behind this as a way to keep down Shi’a?
Enjoy and relax, Saker, going into nature and wildlife is always a good idea!
Switch off the phone!
We are going to be good guys!
Mohamed, if you’re around, this one’s for you! ;~)
We, um, howled…
“You kiddin me? I love them.”
You must be part Native American! ;~)
Lucky McGriff,
Obama’s a worthless liar but I’m actually fairly neutral about registering my guns — doesn’t bother me bc we do have a problem with people being very reckless with them and altogether too many gun deaths. Is there another solution? I’d be happy to hear it, and work hard for it, frankly. And I’m kind of getting a feeling Bergdahl was CIA and it went wrong.
HOWEVER, we have been involved in terrorizing the world for a very long time now, and we really, really have to figure out how to rein in both our utterly disgusting foreign policy, and also our oligarchs and banksters — start figuring out how to put people back to work. I think state-owned banks, like they have in North Dakota (where they’ve lowered taxes twice), plus spending on infrastructure like roads/bridges/utilities would go a long way. Instead, the rich just keep getting richer. But I don’t think it’s conspiracy per se, Lucky, I think it’s just plain greed and a total lack of caring for We The People — the 1% only care about getting to be .01% and think everyone else has already lost the battle for survival of the fittest and isn’t worth caring for or protecting. And serving in Congress (or as Prez) and raking in the corporate/lobbyist bucks is a great way to launch yourself into at least the 1%; then when you retire, you become a lobbyist/public speaker/join a think tank and get even richer. You don’t need any conspiracies for that — plain old selfishness will do just fine!
But we’ve really, really got to do something to stop this, for the sake of everyone here as well as Ukraine, Syria, … oh God, all the 112 countries I’ve counted so far that we’ve messed with (not counting at all the many Native American nations we destroyed or damned-near finished off).
have a nice Holiday saker. wishing you the best.
but please do not disclose your specific of pictures-you have to take care.
quote “Dear Nora, about a month ago I read they were in England, some warehouse.”
i would nto be surprised if these were stolen by englsih men typical of these pirate race.