I just realized that I forgot to make something clear in my latest post about Russian and US nuclear capabilities: a lot of the current debate about a possible US nuclear attack on Russia is a case of comparing apples and oranges. Let me explain.
My posts dismissing the possibility of a US nuclear attack on Russia are based only on two things:
a) a certitude that any such attack would result in the complete obliteration of the USA.
b) the working hypothesis that the US is a “rational actor”.
If you carefully read the writings of those who are warning about a UN nuclear attack on Russia, they fall into two very different categories:
Group A: they say that a nuclear war is unwinnable (Paul Craig Robers is one of them) but that the US leaders are deluding themselves.
Group B: they say that the US has the capability to strike Russia and not be obliterated in a retaliatory strike.
I do not disagree with Group A. I don’t necessarily agree either. My purely subjective feeling is that the US “deep state” will not risk it all on such a dangerous move and that the top US military comment would not go along with such an insane plan even if ordered. But I am not a psychic, a psychologist, a psychiatrist or somebody with any kind of access to the US leadership. I don’t know what they are thinking today. The closest I have ever been to the US elites was in the late 1980s early 1990s – a very long time ago. So I do not know for a fact that the US is still a “rational actor”. Maybe they have all gone completely insane as a consequence of a massive overdose of imperial hubris. Could be.
It is Group B which I categorically disagree with. All I am saying is that there is no conceivable scenario under which the US could strike Russia without risking unacceptable retaliatory damage if only because the current Russian nuclear deterrent is much stronger than the US one and that this will remain true for the foreseeable future.
So let’s not compare apples and oranges, rational scenarios and those based on the hypothesis that one side has gone completely insane. Force planning and psychiatry are different sciences :-)
Kind regards,
The Saker
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f you carefully read the writings of those who are warning about a UN nuclear attack on Russia, they fall into two very different categories:
Should be USA
not UN
why should the US or Russia obliterate each other when they can do it in someone else’s backyard.
Ex : Vietnam , Korea and not Syria , Ukraine etc
I feel like a Foot soldier in a game of chess, indispensable .
aaaah Feels Great!
Plus you have top US military ppl reading this blog now right?
Ukraine pres. replacing Prosecutor General, Foreign Minister, central bank chief:
The Prosecutor going is troublesome.
I have done my military service way back in 1980 and had an opportunity to hold navigation device for “Malytka” anti tank missile. It’s pure mechanical gimbal that no physical or electromagnetical force can interfere with. Fired hundreds of them, they kill beyond believe. I know for fact that most of Sowiet nuclear missiles use the same navigation mechanism and there is no defense against it. The entire missile shield is pure fraud for US taxpayers. Period.
Nuclear strike is propaganda aimed at poor americans thst pay for it.
The entire NATO / US armament is based on GPS signal, 5-6 years ago tech was developed by some bunch of teenagers in Siberia to hijack it and fool warheads in the 3000km plus raduis by portable device. Ask Iranians how they caught US drone from Iraq airspace.
So, technically there is no chance forvarmed conflict on a large scale. The war goes on in the information space. Putin knows that very well. He wants to cut EU and US umbilical cord and force European nations to grasp for air.
A very good article found through
“Everything is annihilated”: the split of Ukraine on the basis of economic data
It covers the economic reality of Ukraine in a way that I haven’t seen before.
Hi Saker,
I think the argument the US will risk a nuclear conflict over Ukraine (or any attempts to border or fracture Russian influence) is unconvincing. IMHO, the last thing greedbags will do is to place their myriad possessions, assets, and means of production by nuking the a large swath of the world.
The only case I can see nukes being used would be tactical uses against Russian armed forces if they were counter-attacking in a full NATO war and pushing well into Central Europe to place NATO armies on the ropes and overthrow hostile governments.
I believe they are not that insane. They may be insane but not THAT insane.
I don’t even believe they believe themselves that nuclear war is an option. They just want to create a storyline where the US could defeat Russia without damages to itself.
And the reason is that they want the general public to feel that way, so that the general public won’t critizise the brinkmanship with Russia too much.
They can’t come out and say: “sure Russia could obliterate us if we were to try that on them”
So they say: “Never mind any threat from Russia, we can handle that”
It’s just that much easier to get the sheep on board if they believe there’s no real danger in boarding.
If the US truly believed it had nuclear primacy, would it not be EVEN MORE aggressive than it is already? Wouldn’t they openly commit to a military defense of Ukraine, perhaps even send large numbers of troops and dare Russia to attack them?
I think the fact that the US has said clearly they are NOT contemplating any direct military intervention in Ukraine is in itself a sign that they do NOT believe they have nuclear primacy and that they have no intention of actually fighting Russia. Much easier to beat up a 3rd world country with no means of self defense than it is to pick on someone your own size.
Saker, what about Ukrainian capabilities? Seems like they have 4 currently functioning.
Considering makeup of their government…
Hi Saker,
British journalist Mark Franchetti describes reality in Ukraine
live in Ukraine TV-Show
short version with english subtitle
full lenght in russian
and he is not kown as a friend of Russia or Putin
The people in the studio-look at their faces.
Tom, (17:37)
That was priceless! The franchetti interview on live Ukrainian TV where he blows up their myths and propaganda with the truth.
That sack-of-sheiss Sakaashvili (the tie-chewer) was on one of the panelists.
The look of shock and guilt on the faces of the Ukrainian women was particuliarly noteworthy.
I highly recommend that people look at the video links that Tom @17:37 has provided.
Thanks Tom.
No, the Deep State will not intentionally pursue the conflict to the nuclear phase, that is why Putin needs to stop the Ukrainian government from murdering Russians.
However, a series of misadventures and accidents could lead the conflict to a conventional battle between US/NATO Russia which would force Russia to surrender or use nukes. That is the card US/NATO has over Putin.
Just how far is Putin willing to go? Is he willing to engage in air to air combat over the skies of Ukraine?
Paradoxically or not, by getting tough, Putin actually reduces the chance of any of those nightmare scenarios. With a little pressure he can break the Western phalanx and get a reasonable settlement on Ukraine, and perhaps even on World Order as a whole.
It appears Putin is done with his “breather”.
If you carefully read the writings of those who are warning about a UN nuclear attack on Russia, they fall into two very different categories:
Interesting typo, because for all intents and purposes, UN=US
If the American Elite thought they could get away with Nuclear war without hurting themselves,
They would have goddamn tried it already.
For most of us it is hard to understand the difference between a ´tactical´ and an ´ordinary nuke…
An explanation would be very useful. For example: what is the difference between the worst conventional bomb and the lightest tactical nuke (as I heard that the 15 m asteroid hitting the Ural was as powerful)
I am somewhat afraid that the neocons in charge think that tactical nukes, they can get away with.
Obviously, some education is needed…
Article by Boris Novoseltsev on the current events in Ukraine:
Moscow, reasonable Europeans and the people of Donbass resisting the Kiev regime support a ceased-fire and a dialogue as the way to manage the ongoing crisis. The United States sees things differently.
First, the continuation of Ukrainian conflict meets the US interest as Moscow has to concentrate on the issue of Ukraine at the expense of other international efforts.
Second, the intensification of punitive campaign gives Kiev a pretext for declaring the state of emergency. The anti-terrorist operation will be artificially prolonged to turn the country into a military dictatorship as the state of emergency continues to be in force.
Third, Gasprom switched over to prepayment system for gas. Now it delivers to Ukraine only the amount that has been paid for. Washington and Kiev plan to intimidate Europeans with the possibility of terrorist act committed to stop gas supplies to Europe. They realize the old continent has no alternative to energy provided by Russia.
The second point seems of particular interest, as it provides, along with the planned fortification of the Russian border, the means to control the population by force, once Euro and IMF imposed austerity kick in:
It will give Washington time to toughen the state of emergency to strengthen the regime it has installed in Ukraine. But the scenario has time limit. As soon as the association agreement with the European Union is signed the living standards of Ukrainians are going to go down increasing the possibility of popular uprising
What Goals Does US Pursue in Ukraine? – Strategic Culture
Andrew Korybko on the Nazi agenda of the Ukrainian Herrenmenschen, especially their Lebensraum Ost project with friendly support and sponsorship by the Empire and its European client states:
The Ukrainian Defense Minister has publicly voiced his plan to corral the citizens of Donbass into special “filtration” camps prior to forcibly resettling them in different parts of Ukraine. A few days later, Ukrainian Prime Minister Yatsenyuk declared the pro-federalists in the East to be “subhuman”. This choice of words not only wasn’t condemned by Kiev’s American patrons, but was actually defended by State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki, who strangely said that Yatsenyuk “has consistently been in support of a peaceful resolution”. Raising concerns even higher that a full-fledged cleansing is being planned, Ukraine’s land agency said that it will be giving “free land” from the east to the military, Interior Ministry, and Special Services troops battling the federalists.
Ethnic and cultural cleansing in Ukraine – Oriental Review
Hey all,
I’m currently putting together an analysis of the current economic outlook here in Kiev and the short-term outlook on the economic front. An economy SITREP, so to say. Probably the best background article I can point you to would be this one…
While this was written in January, before the coup and Crimea flying the coop, it’s pretty up to date, including a lot of 2013 data. And the comments section is worth perusing too, though it does get a bit sidetracked by language politics.
As always, feel free to stop by my blog for more Ukraine news, at http://bread-circuses-today.blogspot.com/
Thanks for the mention AntiNWO!
The possibility of nuclear war between Russia and America can – and should – be completely dismissed.
In fact, the US will never attack Russia even with conventional forces.
American policymakers are not crazy. They want to look like they are, but in reality they are just a bunch of thin-necked lawyers who will be henpecked by their far more masculine wives into backing off from any real confrontation.
It would be helpful if Russia adjusted its military doctrine by declaring further NATO expansion a casus belli for war in Europe, then openly mark couple Eastern European capitals for a tactical nuclear strike in case it happens.
That will stop any possibility of enlargement in its tracks.
Gringos will get’em in 2016. They should for their perfidious politics against novorossiya. So many innocent people died because that KGB coward. Dugin gave him the bluprint in his The Fundation of the Geopolitics. Ukraine is so important to Russias security and should be contained. Putin failed at least to declare R2P long ago.
Strikingly similar to what I have read was being said just pre-WWI, which is potentially about to be topped as the most outrageous “accident” in history. Another issue that comes up for me is that it is widely recognized that the controlling participants are clinical psychopaths who only aware of their own losses, and with facing the prospect of loosing it all “rationally” decide that if they can’t have it nobody can so why not a monstrous mass murder suicide? As a physician dealing with crimes against children, I have had occasion to spend time with psychopaths. I have never understood their rationality, I doubt they have what we would describe as strictly logical thinking, just, for the intelligent ones, a vast store of cleverness that leaves their victims deluded about the source of their pain.
well said
“Donetsk miners threaten to take arms if Kiev continues military operation”
Donetsk miners threaten to take arms if Kiev continues military operation
Read more: http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2014_06_18/Donetsk-miners-threaten-to-take-arms-if-Kiev-continues-military-operation-5942/
This looks interesting:
“Miners from the Donetsk Region in eastern Ukraine will take arms if the Kiev authorities do not stop their military operation in the region within two days, a deputy coal industry minister of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), Konstantin Kuznetsov, said Wednesday.
“Miners have given (the Kiev authorities) two days to stop the so-called antiterrorism operation. Unless that happens, they are taking up arms and are going to defend their land, wives and children,” Kuznetsov said.
Read more: http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2014_06_18/Donetsk-miners-threaten-to-take-arms-if-Kiev-continues-military-operation-5942/
The US will not be doing any nuclear first strikes. Even if they had the capability and thought they could pull it off, it would mean the end of the Republican and Democratic parties if they attempted it. For comparison, current polling puts 75% of the American public in opposition to putting troops back on the ground in Iraq. The plan to use air strikes in Syria was crushed by massively popular opinion against it in the US. So willingly nuking another nation, causing millions of deaths, and starting a nuclear winter is so out there anyone who proposed it in DC would likely be hauled off in a straight jacket. As a course of action it’s about the only thing that would guarantee the American public would get off it’s ass and immediately tear down the deep state brick-by-brick ala the French and the Bastille.
That doesn’t even count the rest of the world’s reaction, which at least, would likely be a global embargo of everything American by the rest of the planets population. (Nations may not do it but the global masses likely would immediately) This would kill the American deep state just as dead since reserve currency status would be shattered.
You have to remember that even the lunatics in power in the west still have to have at least the appearance of moral authority. A first strike nuclear attack would be so far beyond the pale that the psychological horror would crush the American psyche and culture. It would make the guilt and cultural remorse of the Germans look like a hiccup. It’s about the only thing that would make America give up on violence and become a nation of pacifists…again something the deep state isn’t keen on. A nuclear first strike simply isn’t going to happen.
Guru 16:50,
Oh for gosh sakes, to everything you said!
But our guys get richer, so there’s that… /nuclear-level snark
That article is VERY interesting. As I understand it, Galicians were encouraged by the Austro-Hungarian Empire to “go native” or get into their (newly-made-up) history in a variety of ways, as long as they ended up anti-Russian. So they did, but didn’t really coalesce into a Ukrainian identity until the 20th century or thereabouts. But the other interesting phenomenon is the resentment of have-nots towards those who may have it somewhat better — the Western Ukrainians towards their Eastern brethren who basically fund them reminds me of nothing so much as the Red Staters’ antipathy towards the Blue Staters whose tax dollars, since Nixon, have done likewise. (Yes, they have. If you don’t believe me, look it up.) Envy is rightfully one of the Seven Deadly Sins, though now that I think of it, America sure is guilty of every. last. one. of. them.
“It would be helpful if Russia adjusted its military doctrine by declaring further NATO expansion a casus belli for war in Europe, then openly mark couple Eastern European capitals for a tactical nuclear strike in case it happens.
That will stop any possibility of enlargement in its tracks.”
I can’t believe I’m beginning to agree with you on this. Bullies only understand bullying (I keep thinking of our marvelous — and marvelously flawed — invasion of… Grenada.)
Yes, it’s really very much the same thing as crimes against children, isn’t it. Dang. Not that Novorossiyans or anyone else we’ve done this to are particularly childlike, but the salient fact in all cases is the HUGE disparity in power. That is, if you can set aside the utter grossness and inhumanity of what has actually been done. Narcissism seems highly relevant in both cases also — an utter lack of awareness, much less concern, for anyone else.
What do you think of the possibility of a massive first strike by PGS or some other space based weapon?
What do you think of the possibility of a massive first strike by PGS or some other space based weapon?
It sez here, it’s the gas that drives the politics:
The US is attempting to organize a redistribution of the European energy market
From Itar Tass today :
DONETSK, June 18. /ITAR-TASS/. Miners from the Donetsk Region in eastern Ukraine will take arms if the Kiev authorities do not stop their military operation in the region within two days, a deputy coal industry minister of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), Konstantin Kuznetsov, said Wednesday.
“Miners have given (the Kiev authorities) two days to stop the so-called antiterrorism operation. Unless that happens, they are taking up arms and are going to defend their land, wives and children,” Kuznetsov said.
Commenting on the situation in the Donetsk Region, DPR Prime Minister Alexander Borodai told ITAR-TASS that “it is now absolutely clear to each DPR resident that the Nazi junta is carrying out genocide of the population under the guise of an antiterrorism operation.”
Borodai said this is a patriotic war for the region’s residents. “The people of the DPR will fight. First of all the foreign enemy, and then oligarchs’ turn will come,” he said.
Those who are claiming that US RIM161 missiles in Poland
provide an ABM shield for the continental USA seem confused
about geodesics. A balistic missile follows a trajectory, which
when projected down onto the earth’s surface is a geodesic
or great circle path.
If an R36 missile were to be fired from the region of Novosibirsk
towards say Chicago, it would be fired on an approximately 350degree
bearing, more or less over the North Pole.
The missile would not pass closer than 3000 miles of Poland
well outside the maximum 1300 miler range of a RIM161.
The RIM161 may be of some limited use in defending western
Europe against intermediate range missiles.
It would not provide defence of the continental USA in the
event of a Russian retaliation against a US first strike.
To the extent that they partially limit the effectivess of Russian
missiles against Western Europe, their main result would be the
removal of one step of a potential ladder of escalation for the
Russians. Ie, they might provide some protection against a
Russian retaliation against a US base in Germany were the US to
make a demonstration nuclear strike against a single conventional
base in Russia.
But a US president could not assume that Russia, in the event of
any nuclear attack on its territory would not respond with a
corresponding attack on the continental USA.
Those who are claiming that US RIM161 missiles in Poland
provide an ABM shield for the continental USA seem confused
about geodesics. A balistic missile follows a trajectory, which
when projected down onto the earth’s surface is a geodesic
or great circle path.
If an R36 missile were to be fired from the region of Novosibirsk
towards say Chicago, it would be fired on an approximately 350degree
bearing, more or less over the North Pole.
The missile would not pass closer than 3000 miles of Poland
well outside the maximum 1300 miler range of a RIM161.
The RIM161 may be of some limited use in defending western
Europe against intermediate range missiles.
It would not provide defence of the continental USA in the
event of a Russian retaliation against a US first strike.
To the extent that they partially limit the effectivess of Russian
missiles against Western Europe, their main result would be the
removal of one step of a potential ladder of escalation for the
Russians. Ie, they might provide some protection against a
Russian retaliation against a US base in Germany were the US to
make a demonstration nuclear strike against a single conventional
base in Russia.
But a US president could not assume that Russia, in the event of
any nuclear attack on its territory would not respond with a
corresponding attack on the continental USA.
There is another scenario. The powers in the US and elsewhere are aware that Peak Oil is upon us. At some point this means the collapse of civilization. When civilization collapses the electric grids go down. When the electric grids go down all operating nuclear power plants will go critical, all spent fuel pools that have relatively hot fuel will boil and then burn. 400+ Chernobyls or Fukushimas. A Carrinton Event solar flare or EMP attacks can do this, but the failure of the grids of the world from lack of fuel is a certainty even if the time line is not http://truth-out.org/news/item/7301-400-chernobyls-solar-flares-electromagnetic-pulses-and-nuclear-armageddon
12 years ago, without even accounting for the melt down of the world’s nuclear plants Richard Heinberg in his first book on Peak Oil “The Party’s Over” outlined possible endgame scenarios and the one I thought most likely was Last Man Standing. In 2010 he looked at that again concerning China vs the US http://richardheinberg.com/213-china-or-the-u-s-which-will-be-the-last-nation-standing
It would seem to me that when you realize that there is no way to win because we are all going down, the most likely game is last man standing. What else is there to win other than hanging on a bit longer than the other side. Based on the US government’s knowledge of peak oil (see the Hirsh report for instance http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hirsch_report )I presume Russia is just as aware and with their reserves could claim last man standing status if it weren’t for all the nuclear weapons in the US arsenal. Surely Fukushima has brought this into stark focus. The accident happened because cooling of the reactors and the fuel pools failed. Imagine 400+ Fukushimas at a time when the grid has failed and the ability to remediate is zero. We are all going down, the only game left in town is who goes down last.
Anyone see this story about the three Ukrainian men caught in Texas coming illegally across the border from Mexico? It’s on several sites and you can see their pictures here: https://www.facebook.com/KAMCNews/posts/676285605760550
I think this may be one of the “false-flag” attack that folks like PCR has been warning about. These guys are Ukrainian nationals. The local Texas Sheriff picked them up. There were other stories that the DHS tried to ignore Texas officials. At one point the Sheriff said that people they normally pick-up on the border look tired and scrawny — but these guys were obviously in good shape and well-trained. Yep. Makes sense.
Keep a weather eye, Mateys.
To paraphrase your fine point, US military is a marvelous tool for fighting Grenada, but it’s of no use in a continental warfare against a hard power like Russia.
And since the West is totally reliant on technology, it could be easily defeated by taking out most or all of its electric powerplants. That could be done very quickly.
Huh? the mind, she boggles: presumably Kiev (us) sent them? But they’d have to pretend to be Russians, no? This one’s beyond me but yes, we’re heading straight for false flag territory. sigh.
You know, I started worrying about that just a couple hours after 9/11. Kind of weird nothing’s ever been done to harden them, isn’t it. Hmmm. Pretty much says TPTB weren’t really all that worried about another terr’ist attack, doesn’t it. Also sounds like they that might be the locus of our next false flag. I mean, my gosh, they’re just sitting ducks, all of them. And wow, just think of the chaos that would ensue. eeeeeee
Bear in mind that the person or persons who give the order to strike will be deep underground, alive and well AFTER the retaliatory strike. So, in initiating nuclear war, the initiators and their families will survive. True, they may have to live the remainder of their lives in an underground bunker, which I imagine has been set up to look like a shopping center with all the amenities- food courts, stores, etc. but everything is free. The kids won’t be too happy with their new lives compared to their old lives but they’ll get used to it in time.
it does not matter if us or russias nukes are outdated. when they go off we are finished.
I really hate those ppl sitting in their chairs and almost wishing “putin” would nuke the us. are you guys insane? it is the end of the world!
why does nobody spend time and thoughts about how to get out of this mess??????????
we have only one planet!
and please stop those stupid anti-jewish, anti-gay, anti-american statements, I also post in other blogs: there I hate ppl that are so hateful of russians and everybody not from the west. sometimes I think we have mirror images on both sides!
ppl use your minds and your hearts!
besides we as ppl are played by both (!!) sides.
Anonymous 22:43
Noting that most Bolsheviks were Jews is not anti-Semitic unless facts can be anti-Semitic and we’re not quite there yet, I don’t think.
You seem to have a rather strange perception of Freedom of Speech — also patriotism. One can be adamantly opposed to things one’s country is doing, you know, and still love it very much. “My country, right or wrong” is jingoism/xenophobia, not patriotism. And as for gays, well, people here have a range of opinions on the subject, And. Feel. Free. To. State. Them.
I’m frankly far more offended by your asking us to self-censor. And disinclined to either trust you or take you seriously.
Anon 19:12:
As a course of action it’s about the only thing that would guarantee the American public would get off it’s ass and immediately tear down the deep state brick-by-brick ala the French and the Bastille.
I’ve seen far too many defenses and glorifications of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and listened to far too many ordinary fellow Americans in private bar talk say something along the lines of, “well, we should just drop the big one on ’em, that would fix it” as the common man’s solution to whatever the current troubles of the world are to beleive this for an instant. I watched a union rally after 9/11 in Philadelphia, where the local union leader invoked the name of Harry Truman and said regarding Al Qaeda “I think he’d know just what to do to put an end to it all.” The crowd of tens of thousands in the street cried out as one “NUKE ‘EM!”
I dare say, many Americans would cheer the nuking of some poor city in Donbass declared our enemy. It wouldn’t take much. Go send a US ship to Odessa or better, Mariupol, and have it get blown up. Remember the Maine! And do not underestimate the blood lust of the common boobus americanus.
Anglosvcan always been trusted to use mercenary terrorists to do nuke on wh o so ever they do not like.unless anglos are directly killed.
@Andrew, Not all Americans would cheer. I myself defiantly would not.
The point made so eloquently by Saker in the past is there is a real possibility and indeed probability that a conventional war between the US and Russia would end up nuclear.
This is the cause for most concern.
As for the commentator(s) who refer to Russia pulling out the nukes due to a superior US/NATO – ludicrous. You may want to take some time and (re)read some of the Saker’s earlier analysis about the ZERO conventional capability of US and the NATO puppets against Russia on its own turf.
All the US chest beating with the ships in the Black Sea, two words – sitting ducks.
Whether or not anyone here or anywhere else ‘believes’ that nukes will be used, the FACT is that US policy is now the use of nuclear weapons on a first strike rather than as a deterrent.
This is the problem that Paul Craig Roberts and other similar thining commentators are referring to – US policy.
The chain of command inevitably do exactly as they are told – the Nuremburg trials and many many studies since (for example Milgram)have conclusively proven this to be true.
There ARE lunatics in charge in the US and anything can happen. To assume “rational actors” is of itself irrational.
@ KC
Peak Oil is most likely an American propaganda psyops that has been pushed to disguise other, more sinister, agendas.
William Engdahl has been a leading voice questioning the Peak Oll psyops and why it has been promoted. As he puts it:
“The myth of oil scarcity has allowed four giant corporations along with a handful of Wall Street banks to control the world’s largest and most essential commodity, oil. The myth originated in the 1950’s from a geologist at Royal Dutch Shell. It was revived in 2003 in time for the US bombing of Iraq. The reality is quite different from claims of Peak Oil. In reality the world is running into oil and not running out of oil. In Myths, Lies and Oil Wars F. William Engdahl discusses little-known details of wars and manipulations designed over the past half century or more– wars in Africa, the ‘Arab Spring’, Iraq– all to maintain a lock-grip control of the world’s known oilfields. The myth of scarcity has been a pillar of their power and in fact of the power-projection of the United States as sole superpower.”
from Myths, Lies and Oil Wars
See also:
The truth about ‘Peak Oil’
Confessions of an “ex” Peak Oil Believer
Peak Oil Fraud
Anon you wrote “Peak Oil is most likely an American propaganda psyops that has been pushed to disguise other, more sinister, agendas.”
Look why would anyone use fracking to get oil when it costs more. Or deep sea oil recovery when it costs more. The easy oil is gone and the desperate rush for the low ERoEI oil is in full swing.
The rate of depletion on Bakken oil should tell anyone that this new oil will play out much much faster than any oil to date
One picks the easy apples first, the hard to reach ones last. We are full steam picking the hard to reach apples now because the easy picking is over. Fracking and drilling for oil miles under the sea is the proof that yes conventional oil is peaked and all oil will soon peak
And ERoEi matters. When it takes 1 barrel of oil to mine one barrel of oil it doesn’t matter how much is left. But civilization collapses before that. Some think and ERoEI of 8 is the lowest we can go before collapse. The more energy you put into extracting or producing usable energy the less you have to use for building arms, buildings roads, and maintaining your nuclear plants. Which is why “renewables” won’t save the day.
Our whole economy is based on 1 farmer feeding more than one person so that some people don’t have to farm. With cheap oil the ratio went to 1 farmer feeding 80 people. The whole of complex civilization is based on some people being freed from farming to do other things. The ERoEI of food energy has to be greater than one or we all must be farmers or hunter-gatherers. No soldiers possible if one farmer can’t feed themselves and a few or a lot of others.
The ERoEI of food production underlies it all and the ERoEI of cheap oil increased that immensely. I can’t help it that Enghdahl went stupid on the oil issue.
For all the French speakers out there, let me give a link to a summary of the consequences of a US <—> Russia maximum nuclear exchange today – e.g. following a foolish, or more precisely raving mad attempt at a “disarming first strike” – by a poster whose pseudonym is the same as mine… hum ;-)
Now a summary of the main points in Engish:
– Scenario basic assumption is nuclear exchange between US and Russia only. Can be extended to other states as well, notably in Western Europe, obviously with worst demographic consequences
– Assumption is that a disarming first strike attempt succeeds as well as it can be realistically thought it would. No magic wand for anybody, just: generally successful counter-force strikes
– Estimated total 1,600 nuclear warheads strike their targets (US+Russia), with combined power over 600 megatons
– Both USA and Russia suffer immense demographic losses directly (nuclear weapons) and indirectly (disorganization, notably of food production). Losses between 50% and 70% of population are probable in each country
– No “nuclear winter” to speak of. The threshold to start such a thing is estimated somewhere between 1,500 and 5,000 megatons of detonations in a short time span, and only 600 explode: US/Russian nuclear arsenals are much smaller than they used to be
– Global economic depression in the cards, obviously
– Famine is to be feared in some countries as secondary global consequence because of the loss of US food exports
– Very rough estimate of demographic losses is 6% to 10% of world population, that is 400 to 700 millions killed. Americans and Russians account only for about half, the rest are famine victims globally
– The world would probably prosper again quite rapidly, after a few difficult years in economic depression
– America and Russia may very well rise again: Mongol conquest in Russia and Black Death in France are examples of similarly immense demographic losses that the respective countries (in these examples, Russia and France) eventually overcame. However, the timespan would be counted in generations, and not just two of them… and recovery would be anything but certain
– Of course, the 21st century would be an Asian-centric one… Even if Europe was spared, prosperous as it would remain it doesn’t have the same demographic potential as Asia notably China
My personal opinion is that no matter how deluded, no matter how cynical, no matter how downright evil American or Russian leaders might be, none of them could conceivably agree risking that horror.
Annonymous @ 19 June, 2014 06:40
” The chain of command inevitably do exactly as they are told – the Nuremburg trials and many many studies since (for example Milgram)have conclusively proven this to be true.”
Beware of statistical methods.
The fundamental problem is that men are not rational agents. The game of war in the Ukraine is reckless, as reckless as 9/11, as reckless as Afghanistan, was reckless as Libya, as reckless as Iraq.
ProF. Floyd Rudmin, of the University of Tromsø in Norway writes in a recent CounterPunch article,
A rational world cannot tolerate chaos, or a collapsed economy, or a civil war, or any kind of war, in a region with nuclear reactors. If the power grid fails, if workers are unable or unwilling to show up for their shifts, if there is an act of sabotage, an act of war, if something happens to a nuclear reactor, then the Ukraine, Europe, Russia, and the rest of the world will receive heavy doses of radioactive fallout. There is now no government in Ukraine with the resources to manage a nuclear catastrophe.
Ukraine theoretically renounced possession of nuclear weapons at the end of the ‘Cold War,’ but heated rhetoric at the start of the current conflict suggested the country could develop nuclear weaponry quickly…and, as Kamps says, in conflict zones, reactors themselves become potential weapons.
Pointing out that “The ability to start a war has now been distributed across hundreds of relatively low-ranked individuals, on both sides,” Prof. Rudmin suggests a number of steps he says the ‘international community’ should take to prevent nuclear catastrophe in Ukraine, including: deploying non-aligned peace keeping troops; settling the Crimean secession with a second referendum; pressing for formation of an interim government of national unity including all factions; granting immediate economic aid, without condition; investigating all oligarchs for financial crimes; and auditing the $5 billion Victoria Nuland, the US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, has gone on record saying has been spent by the US in Ukraine. See: What Can be Done? The Crisis in Ukraine
But Ukraine is not alone in embodying the threat of a nuclear time bomb. All 400 of the world’s operating nuclear reactors pose a ‘clear and present danger’ to the planet – and will continue to do so even after they are decommissioned, because of the unsolved and apparently unsolvable problem of isolating millions of tons of nuclear waste from the environment for longer into the future than human civilizations has yet existed.
Cases in point are the recent fire and radiation-releasing explosion at the 15-year-old,’state-of-the-art’ model Waste Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP) near Carlsbad, New Mexico (supposedly designed to last 10,000 years before something like this happened); and moves by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to reduce safety standards at decommissioned reactors, where thousands of tons of highly irradiated waste remains onsite.[See: Senators fight to keep nuclear protection zones in place For decomissioning power plants. ]
The case for the abolition of nuclear energy and weapons (all reactors are ‘weapons-in-waiting’) has never been so clear, nor so urgent to pursue. Nuclear Ukraine is yet another wake-up call.
have you read this report on the famous us missile defense ?
40 billions and it s useless
The US political establishment is on the verge of going insane.
I easily imagine a scenario in the near future where a President Obama, Clinton, or McCain orders a completely unjustified tactical nuke strike on an enemy.
…stopped only by a mass resignation by the infinitely saner professional military leadership at the Pentagon.
Allow me to break that problem down really quickly, simply and correctly.
usa’s anti-air missiles are *proven and demonstrated* again and again to be in between very lousy and de facto meaningless. Basically all relevant parameters, range, hit probability, etc. are very ppor.
At the same time usa’s delivery vehicles are considerably inferior to Russias. As usual usa’s capabilities consist more of PR and show than of real capabilities. usa’s cruise missiles are inferior to Russias in relevant parameters, their stealth bombers are neither “invisible” nor invincible (in fact they are more vulnerable than the average F-16).
Russia, on the other hand, has excellent anti-air capabilities and vastly superior delivery vehicles.
In result, usa would be completely obliterated when the nuclear line were crossed, Russia would take some considerable damage but would survive for the large part, and eu would be very badly damaged, if staying aside (by shot down usa nukes) or completely obliterated if actively involved (think “uk”).
If USA caused Fukashima with HAARP Test that supposedly went wrong can you imagine those psychopaths that caused this Disaster Now Currently Radiating the whole West Coast of US who opened the lunatic Asylum?