Note: I know, a bad quality video with bad quality subtitles. Sorry, but there is nothing I can do about that. The Saker
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Note: I know, a bad quality video with bad quality subtitles. Sorry, but there is nothing I can do about that. The Saker
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It’s kinda hard to follow the moving subtitles.
I hope they go back to static subtitles.
Obozrevatel source says Poroshenko switches to Plan B – devastating pinpoint attacks.
According to Poroshenko, it would be “a new type of war, the powers of ATU it will not hold mass combat operations, however, “the terrorists will suffer massive casualties”.
I wonder what they have in store.
“The terrorists will suffer massive casualties.” This after an hour-long conversation with Merkel et. al.
I guess he’s scared of Pravy Sektor after that “demonstration” in Kiev. Or just simply following orders.
And there is not one leader in the whole wide world screaming, “This emperor has no clothes, this is all one massive atrocity, this must be stopped!”
Not. One.
Also, is anyone else having trouble getting ITAR-TASS? It just won’t load for me; hasn’t all day.
ANNA-NEWS analysis on June 25 said Kiev was exhausted. It now July 1 and the Nazis are rearmed. Is there any way to determine from where the weapons are originating, as a counterpoint to claims of Russian interference? It seems the US can act at will and no one dares to challenge them.
ANNA-NEWS analysis on June 25 said Kiev was exhausted. It now July 1 and the Nazis are rearmed. Is there any way to determine from where the weapons are originating, as a counterpoint to claims of Russian interference? It seems the US can act at will and no one dares to challenge them.
According to ATC weapons and equipment are being sent daily to Ukraine from Poland, and they get to Poland from all over the place. Poland appears to be the distribution center as it were.
Everybody that is against these fascists like the Right Sector and Poroshenko can do something—PRAY.
Take 1 minute. Or whatever time you are willing to give and pray for the people who are being slaughtered.
For those that are atheists you can send good thoughts to the people that are in need of it.
For the rest of us who believe in God, whatever your religion—PRAY to GOD.
To the believers –Don’t discount GOD in this.
To the atheists–Don’t discount you goodwill reaching others.
Poroshenko also said they need to “liberate their lands”. Liberate them of the people who have lived there for generations.
We will know soon enough how this liberation is going to be done.
Maybe he is just blowing hot air.
Or maaybe they have been collecting intelligence on the positions of the militias during the “cease fire” and plan to hit them with some devastating new toys they just got from Europe…
…or maybe he just means they will continue to bomb urban areas indefinitely in order to intensify the humanitarian catastrophe under way and terrorize people into leaving.
The popolos in Kiev are cheering. They want to see more blood, more body parts. They want to see the subhumans from the East destroyed.
Whatever else this is, it is a tribute to the powers of controled brainwashing.
Reading Putin’s recent speeches, he is fully aware of what’s going on.
I think a major reason for his hesitancy in intervening directly is that the RF armed forces modernization is in progress. Do the Russians have drones like the Predator that could be used to attack Kiev forces in the East? If not, it might be prudent to wait until they have similar conventional capabilities like the West.
This reasoning is dependent on the separatists being able to at least hold their own. They appear to be doing so. Civilian Eastern Ukraine casualties are horrific, but maybe Putin has concluded that direct intervention at this time would make things worse. Russia has to be concerned with terrorism inside Russia if he intervenes directly.
(BTW, when YT videos are first loaded, high resolution is not available. I had not trouble reading the captions in HD).
Al Neum,
“It seems the US can act at will and no one dares to challenge them.”
The horror of that fully struck me after I wrote my comment just above yours. We are — cannot *not* be — so caught up in the daily march of this ethnic cleansing, and can’t help but see Putin as the great rescuer of humanity and get so frustrated when he doesn’t take the strong steps our rescue fantasies (and/or general morality) require.
But. Russia is still recovering from the evisceration we enacted upon her, and we are the World’s Greatest Hegemon performing Full Spectrum Dominance, whether it works out or not, anywhere we choose. And “not working out”, i.e., creating ever more failed states, might even be part of our plan; in any case, we sure don’t seem to care, or *ever* bother fixing what we’ve broken.
But just think for a minute about — to my knowledge at least — No. National. Leader. Yet. having spoken out against this genocide. No one dares because they’re terrified (word chosen carefully) they might be next.
And THAT is the true horror of this situation. No one. Not one.
Russia might well be able to win militarily against us, I pretty much think she could. But at what cost? And again, Putin, like every leader, knows the score, and he’s going for a long game which requires Russia to get economically stronger and hopefully maintain the moral leadership in the eyes of the world that he has tried so hard to present. Eventually we’ll fall and there will be room again for people to just, well, *be*. And he’s looking out for the welfare of his country and trying to steer it into a proper, well-respected leadership role in great contrast to the ongoing horrors we have provided since day one. It can’t be easy for him to sit by and let this all happen without jumping in, but especially in light of the tacit acquiescence of every other national leader, it does look to be in fact the wisest, most prudent course.
Jewish “analyst” on InterpreterMag calls Russians “primitive”. Hey, why not just go all the way and call them subhuman like the Uki nazis do, the Jews’ new best friend?
Jewish “elites” are reaping a terrible whirlwind. You think they’d have learned by now.
США там правят бал. Указание Парубия, координатора снайперов-убийц “Небесной сотни” в Киеве и бойни в Одессе, исполнил канал “Интер” (The U.S. there running the show. Note Parubiy, coordinator of snipers-killers “Heavenly hundreds” in Kiev and the massacre in Odessa, performed the “inter”channel) (trans)
“Videolottery to quote from previously published ANNA-NEWS of the secret orders Parubiy on the preparation of provocations:
“…During the phone talk with the acting Minister of defense Mavilim agreed to hold mock seizures of weapons from the separatists, allegedly supplied from Russia. Koval invited to play combat officers and soldiers of the National Guard with terrorists, resulting supposedly will be captured samples of weapons, with clear signs of belonging to the military units of the armed forces of the Russian army. He has already started preparing the data of weapons.”
It seems quite obvious that Potroshenko does not have any control over the military forces in Ukraine. Whoever followed war in Bosnia, Serbia and other places, can see common american proxy war tactics run by “private military advisers”.
They never dare to confront military adversary, they attack their women and children trying to inflict as many casualties as possible.
Defense forces have to change their tactics and start offensive actions. I hope some Kornet systems will fall of the truck alongside the roads.
Al Neum said “ANNA-NEWS analysis on June 25 said Kiev was exhausted. It now July 1 and the Nazis are rearmed.”
I know this will sound blasphemous, but what if ANNA-NEWS analysis was – to put it mildly – wrong?
On the recent YT clips I’ve seen movements of BRTs, BMDs, tanks T-64 and T-72, rocket launchers “Uragan” and “Grad”, self-propelled howitzers MSTA-S etc. Needless to say, these are not parts of NATO arsenal.
Keep it real, guys.