The U.S. Boat to Gaza – The Audacity of Hope – was stopped by the Greek Coast Guard. After a stand off that unfolded over several hours a 2nd Greek Coast Guard boat arrived. This boat carried heavily armed Greek commandos and this shifted the dynamic. Soon after a decision was made to bring the boat back to a dock in Athens, not the same one the boat had previously been at. Once docked we learned that the Greek authorities are most likely going to bring some type of charges against the captain of our boat, and that should happen tomorrow (Saturday) morning. In solidarity with the captain, most of the passengers and other crew members decided to spend the night on the boat. We do not yet know what their plans are for tomorrow, or what the next steps in all of this will be. As soon as we find out we will get word to you all.
The Papandreou regime must be overthrown
Having sold its country to the multinational banking cartel, the Papandreou regime has immediately obeyed yet another order from its puppet masters. Here is what the US boat for Gaza reports:
Following this disgusting development Netanyahu was shown on TV praising his “friend” Papandreou.
The Papandreou regime has clearly reach some kind of political “escape velocity”, a point of no return: they are now in a “us or them” mode. This means that the Greek people have no other option left except rising against this regime and overthrowing it. There is nothing left to negotiate, no possible compromise. The anti-national and anti-popular regime which is selling out Greece and, more importantly, the anti-national and anti-popular class which forms the power base of the Pasok and New Democracy regime need to be overthrown.
Really, its not only Greece. The regimes in Washington, in Paris, in Madrid, in Berlin, etc must be overthrown. There is simply no other way to end this nightmare.
Its us or them.
The Saker
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