Dear friends,
I decided to remove the post about the DDoS attack on RT because while the outage appears to be real, the claim from AntiLeaks I mentioned was old. Since the post was written with that claim assumed to be current there was no way to only correct the post.
I will keep you posted if I find out more details about what happened yesterday.
My apologies for the screw-up.
The Saker
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I am old enough to remember the Cold War. Now I think it was a period of stability, though we didn’t know that at the time. Cruel proxy wars were fought in the Third World, but the two mayor enemies, the western part of NATO and the USSR, were rather safe. All the missiles were aimed at the European continent, not the UK, the US or the Russian mainland. Germany, especially Germany, Poland and other countries I don’t remember anymore were targeted. As late as in the 1990s, the US military depended on imports of certain computer hightech equipment from Russia, so the Cold War was a time of cooperation. This was discussed on internet mailinglists in the 1990s. My old hard drive is long gone, so I can’t give you references.
This is why Olof Palme [Sweden], Bruno Kreisky [Austria] and Willy Brandt [Germany] tried to create a nuclear free zone in Europe. They knew that a confrontation had resulted in the destruction of European civilization, not the US/UK and the USSR. They saw the setup.
Interestingly, Olof Palme was fluent in German and French, thanks to a Germanspeaking mother and a French female governess in his youth. He learned English at an American university. He was given the education of a prince of old, which is not surprising, since he was related to some famous Swedish Kings, though he was the leader of a Socialdemocratic party. Kreisky spoke Swedish and Brandt spoke Norwegian, which is very similar to Swedish. The work of these three men was very important and they had no communication problems. If you are European, you should honour them. They made a difference.
In this age everything floats. There are no clear rules anymore, but there were during the Cold War. In the beginning of the 1970s “Zpig” in the US talked about the respective spheres of interest of the USSR and NATO. He showed respect and I remember it well. In 2014, some Western countries are ready to intervene almost anywhere, including on Russias border. The propaganda is different. The powers that be go after Vladimir Putin personally and there is nonsensical criticism of such things as the Olympics. Some participants said it was the best Olympics ever, but not many know that. Russia-bashing started long before the crisis in Ukraine.
Those in power during the Cold War remembered WW2 and its horrors. Those who rule today, except Vladimir Putin and Angela Merkel, don’t. It is possible they are simply ignorant. They think they have been on a winning streak for decades and that nothing bad can happen. They don’t register the horrors of the wars they have fought in foreign lands. They certainly don’t understand Russia – and I think they don’t understand Europeans either. We are expendable and so are “useless eaters” everywhere, including in the US.
What is behind the attitude of some NATO countries? All I know for certain is that Moscow knows. That being said, I suspect there is madness at the highest levels. It is as if they want destruction.
On a related topic, it seems as though somebody in RT management has opened their eyes to the torrid state of affairs in their comments section with stupid, insulting comments designed to derail any conversation.
On the stories I have looked at this ayem the posts have been cleaned up, are polite, but not all in agreement – a discussion.
This is a good thing. I wonder if somebody is starting to look at the manner in which Russia’s telling of its stories is handled?
I hope so.
Much food for thought in Anonymous’s comment at 10.03. No doubt Palme’s removal provided a blow to the morale of that enlightened politic in post-War Europe and a huge boost to dark forces around the world.
A couple of other thoughts…
Whatever has happened to those fierce debates in the UN? Along with the end of the CW (and also the end of apartheid and a few other changes at the time of the “end of history”), the UN seemed to lose its moral authority. The UN (particularly GA but also SC) was always loathed by the USA and Washington had spent years scheming to undermine the body and people it with their selected puppets. Following betrayal by their chosen man Kofi Annan, who proved to have a mind and will of his own once in position, the USA became far more devious in propelling the useless incumbent BKM into office. The UN now seems to have morphed into a useful lackey for the US agenda.
The Non-Aligned Movement was much derided in the West, yet it served a useful purpose, giving voice to many weak nations and carrying out many balancing and moderating acts during the CW period. To some extent, perhaps, the BRICs could grow into a sort of new NAM (given that a truly multipolar world isn’t about to be to be constructed).
The USA doesn’t seem to “do” diplomacy. (And perhaps don’t even “get” it?) No doubt this is in part because they didn’t suffer loss in WW2 in any way comparable with the nations of Old Europe and their colonies during WW2. Washington seems to have an attitude that the give and take of international diplomacy is a sign of weakness. It certainly doesn’t fit their “R2P”, NWO manifesto.
Fwd from Canuckistan:
While this is a speculative opinion, (based upon past interwebz experiences), it may be worth some consideration by those that may be lookin’ into the “technical” issue that affected access to RT.
Not knowing the locations (time zones) of most commenters adds to the confusion as well, not to mention trying to do conversions from GMT simultaneously. So here is the theory from the
Eastern timezone of Turtle Island.
The timing seems to have coincided with the 10/11 o’clock MSM news cycle when many were interacting with the MSM conglomerates on-air and online. Going backwards it would seems as if access may have been interrupted in the pipe when eye balls and traffic would have peeked and followed up on the many references to the articles on RT within the comments. The narrative cannot keep pace with the facts nor the counter narrative, thus the counter narrative must be prevented to further cloud the facts.
It may well that far too many folks were beginning to really question the words and motives of the politicos once the RF released those rather interesting intel tidbits.
Basically, the PTB were not anticipated that rather limited info release and could not adequately spin out of it considering that neither the US nor the Ukie side would “share” any actual data or info. Add that to the fact that the Ukie side has not been cooperating with the investigation. By seizing any/all data in its position seems to imply guilt by obfuscation and that is a rather hard thing to counter if challenged.
In summary, the interruption was orchestrated in zuch a way as to adjust the narrative on the fly one time zone at a time in 1 to 2 hour increments. This would allow them to “feel” the mood of the internet connected populous in real time by following the comments and click throughs without doing so overtly.
Hopefully that makes some sense while acknowledging the issue is pretty complex, unless RT can explain the issue.
Thoughs anyone?
(For what its worth, it maybe worth noting that there seems to be some confusion within the on-air, tail wagging the dog, MSM reporting. )
dusty, I would agree with the change at RT – I was looking frequently at their post on the military’s assessment of the plane downing scenario, and from the first hard to understand depiction, there were multiple improvements made, until the final version was much, much better.
That to me indicated that they had picked up on the chatter about the importance of getting out a clear message, and bravo to them for doing that.
I am thrilled to hear that the comments section is being improved. I had given up trying to read there, it was being so trashed. All that of course points out is that somebody somewhere really doesn’t want an ongoing conversation there – but it had gone beyond normal interruptions by individuals with a peeve – this was an attack ongoing.
The ‘message’ may seem a trivial matter, but really it is so important. I sent the final version of the military piece to friends and relatives – I thought it was so important, don’t usually bother them with such information. And the US non-response is incredibly revealing as well, in reply to Anonymous at 10:03’s excellent observations.
What is behind the attitude of some NATO countries?
The character and ethnic composition of the US power elites have changed since the Cold War.
re: RT and running with the big dogs.
Remember what happened to Al Jazeera during the shock and awe campaign? They were vilified and the headquarters in Baghdad was bombed ( a supposed “oops” although they had taken care to give the US airforce and others their exact coordinates) and the site was clearly marked. So get real is my advice to RT. Get more professional and hire more Peter Lavelle’s and up date the news feed more often and learn.
As for anonymous and his death of civility point: the US is the double talking, “compassionate” face of fascism at a slow creep whose foreign policy is run by a shadow government. The 2016 elections will be a final turning point–at least that is how they have it planned.
interesting that you talk about nuclear free zone–the dark forces have been playing in their little hide-aways with the scenario of a dirty bomb . You can be sure Putin will be blamed. We are in a time of spiritual crisis of the whole planet.
It’s been down again for a while today.