From the YouTube info: More people died in the fire bombing of Dresden on February 13th to 14th, 1945 than in the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. Holocaust (noun) – “Great destruction resulting in the extensive loss of life, especially by fire.”

Saker: I don’t think that anybody can seriously suspect me of having any sympathies with the Nazis, but I think that it is important to restore the historical truth about a lot, if not most, of the events of WWII whose history has quasi completely misrepresented in the “official history”: written by victors who themselves had no less blood on their hands then the Nazis. Furthermore, it is time to say the basic and undeniable truth that the German people also suffered terribly at the hands of all their “liberators” who showed them no mercy and no humanity. The shameful reality is that the so-called “Allies” were no better than the Nazis.

I know that this topic will elicit a lot of angry reactions and the usual spike in hate mail, but I will regularly return to this truth which must be said.

Full disclosure: it just so happens that my mother, grandmother, grandfather, aunt and many other relatives made it out of Dresden just three before the bombing and even though I personally did not lose anybody that day, my entire family could have been burned there.


The Saker


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