The hidden recording of conversation with citizens in Klinovoe
Residents of Klinovoe near Bachmut(Artyomovsk) are talking about AFU
From the Saker Blog’s translators!
The hidden recording of conversation with citizens in Klinovoe
Residents of Klinovoe near Bachmut(Artyomovsk) are talking about AFU
From the Saker Blog’s translators!
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Weird two no comment articles in a row. This site is like oxygen for me. Thanks to all who come here, even those who watch the MSM and believe it’s endless lies.
Sometimes I am able to access the blog, but most days I am blocked. This is free speech in North America. You have to believe what they tell you. F—ing Nazis all of them.
I was born and raised in the US, “land of the free.”
MY country is behind these Nazis and if we protest, we are treated like these Russian speakers in Klinovoye.
It is world wide tyranny and if we don’t stand up to it, we will wind up like them.
But where are all the people with HUMAN responses?
I see nothing but zombies.
We’ve lost our sense of outrage.
Putin is our only hope but OUR Nazis want us to hate him.
To lateinamerikaner:
When the French were protesting the “Green Pass,” they numbered well into the hundreds of thousands from their appearance in the vids. And they were out in these numbers day after day after day.
When RFKjr held his anti-wex rally in DC, his crowd appeared to be barely a thousand or so from the vids and it was only for a few hours on that day.
The truckers of Canada mounted an impressive protest. But when it was tried in US, it fizzled out even before any trucks got on the road. How to explain this?
Even more shocking about the culture here is that there are people now offering up their toddlers and 6 mo olds to the poisonous wexxines — despite all the medical evidence that now abounds!
I, for one, don’t get it. Where is Jane Fonda when her anti-Vietnam war activism is most needed? We need a MLK to lead a poor people’s march.
If the people of US don’t unite now with shared outrage, it will be too late to do so when this gov’mt forces their cbdc’s on us and thereby takes over ones bank account pending the result of their assignment ofoyour “social credit score,” which shall be derived from such particulars as: whether your wexxicanations are current and whether you have been a good little mindless slave as demonstrated by your grocery record purchsses of insect protein and other GillBates- engineered fake food.
To the translators for the subtitles–Thanks and Bravo. Not easy work. We appreciate it.
This recording is proof that the People want to stay in Donbass, they want protection from Russia and they detest and fear the Ukies and Nazis.
It sounded like three citizens joyous over the liberation of their village.
Simple people who want a simple life, a garden for vegetables and flowers, a safe home, the end to the horrors of being shelled, beaten and assassinated.
bravo saker staff, herbie, all nerds who’ve come to your aid. please, when you have returned & are safely ensconced, please, re-post the tranche of bio documents: truly amazing, ground zero documentation of one of the most evil watershed moments of the empire of lies last wicked gasps. thank you, & god bless you all. & russia.
To emersonreturn: What bio documents? Please clarify. Thx
Says it all. The people have spoken.
Great to see the site back up and valuable work team Saker!
So happy you’re back, I follow your posts daily. The US media is utter garbage. The US Hegemony needs to die…
I really don’t think this war has much to do with Nazism at all, it’s simply a pretext. I would have thought that was pretty clear by now. If Putin is threatening to use nukes to protect Kherson, saying that this would constitute an existential threat, then that is an explicit statement that the goal was always to invade and occupy is it not? It’s looking a lot more like – “this is Russian territory (novarossiya) we want it back and once we have it we will protect it with all means at our disposition”.
It is not.
Putin didn’t threaten anybody. It’s western media turning and twisting and cutting up and mistranslating everything he said in order to provoke the reactions they want.
Please listen to the whole speeches he is giving, petr.
Moreover, the USA were the ones that unilaterally pulled out from nuclear treaties (please research this, in recent 2 years they pulled out from 2 or 3 treaties). And they’e also the only country that every used the nukes – and they used it though they didn’t have to…
This is how a mob of degenerates and thugs masquerading as a ukie govt “benevently” treats its own citizens. People live in fear for their lives and are reluctant to openly greet russian soldiers knowing there are informants to the mad regime everywhere. You can hear in the tone and colour of their voices that these people truly are grateful to the russians liberating their cities and villages.
In regards to the revealed finding on the evil empire’s activities in ukraine biolabs (and elsewhere across much of the 3rd world) this is all about their endgame plan to deal vith any opposition and force full submission.
There have been released prophecies and visions confirming much of this.
Am posting a link to one such vision by Sarah Menet from 1979
I see that the audio is now restored, but where is the video? I saw it before it was sabotaged. The most impressive aspect was the small group of citizens waving and cheering on the Russian tank drivers. The Washington Manipulators are desperate to keep secret something that is happening all over Donbass. This makes it possible for a US official to say he hopes there will be hand-to-hand fighting against the Russians in Ukraine — but he is referring to areas that were literally LIBERATED from the Nazis. How long will the US-led West be able to keep lying, claiming that Donbass is desperate to be part of Nazi-controlled Ukraine after 8 years of being targeted for genocide by Kiev!
Outstanding! Thank you for enabling us to hear the voices of the people of Donbass. The truth warms my heart for a future better than the lopsided compromised negotiated settlement enforced by The Collective West on South Africa scapegoating the African National Congress government hamstrung by White Monopoly Capital Business beholden to the City of London and Wall Street. What is happening in Ukraine with these UkroNazis is no different to Daesh/Islamic State terrorism in Mozambique. Mozambique hardly has a muslim population to speak of. But Daesh/Islamic State managed to put a stop to the drilling of the abundant Natural Gas fields discovered in the Northern Provinces. Total which secured the drilling licences suspended operations during the last year when SADC (Southern African Development Community) finally got it’s act together and sent troops.The Northern Provinces are also the most popular tourist destinations because of the tropical waters rich with fauna, flora and marine wildlife which makes for some the best scuba and deep-sea diving in the world. Blaming Africans for the systematic sabotage from Western dominated financial institutions and NGO’S along with their Neoliberal NeoColonial government can no longer be justified position. Now everyone can see what we have been fighting and still endure.
The second half of your comment was going off-topic. Please take off-topic comments to the MFC next time. Thx. Mod.