2019 Victory Parade on Red Square (Full Original)
President Putin’s Speech at Victory Parade on Red Square in Moscow
President Putin’s Speech at Victory Parade on Red Square in Moscow
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you can also compare it with this…
the martiality of Nato Soldiers is beyond Words
yes, they are like comparing a (trained for self defense) Pitbull with my Ex-wife’s Chihuahua.
if she is ever assaulted… well, I hope the best for her.
Don’t be so contemptuous of the armed wing of Zionazi Power. NATO’s soldiery are fully capable of killing unarmed civilians without much ado. Martiality at its finest.
At least the two german sheppards seemed OK warriors.
We were in Victory Day Parade in Sevastopol. It is estimated that in excess of 100,000 citizens and visitors attended the event and I would put the figure at somewhat higher than that. I have no idea how many soldiers, sailors and Marines were in the parade but suffice it to say that at 05:55 near 35th Battery we had to wait fifteen minutes as the column of wheeled vehicles for Parade left the lager next to Battery and headed for City Center.
Preparations for the parade started three months ago and our preps started a month ago. For the main parade, three more vehicles were removed from their plinths at Diorama Museum on Sapun Ridge for renovation. Last year the T34/85 had been removed, refurbished and he was in last year’s parade. This year, the IS 2, Katyushya and SU 76 were removed, refurbished and these three antiques with the T34 were in this year’s parade. That is one microcosm of the prep for the parade. Here is the result. What other country besides Russia would have gone to this trouble? No one.
There is no comparison between Armed Forces of Russia and western armies, nor is there a comparison between the citizens of Russia and west citizens. Patriotism, not knee jerk but loyalty to country and people, runs deep here. In the west? You saw the vid from little Esti and that tiny gadfly of a country is indicative of the health of the once feared and still vaunted nato.
How the mighty have fallen.
Never The Last One https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ZGCY8KK A deep look in to Russia, her culture and her Armed Forces, in essence a look at the emergence of Russian Federation.
An Incident On Simonka https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01ERKH3IU March 2014. NATO Is Invited To Leave Sevastopol, One Way Or The Other.
Aus, to your question “What other country besides Russia would have gone to this trouble? No one.” I say only countries with great military traditions, which are beyond globalist reach.
I do not think there are any countries left in Europe which have general as the head of Ministry of defense.
I like what one guy, who is going to run for the political position in one of the EU’s colonies said: ” I am supposed to make sure that almost half the positions must be filled with women, how about if I can’t find any suitable to do the job?”
Excellent parade, proving once again Russian high tech, although not all once shown. I was a little bit disappointed that the Air Force did not take part, but it’s understandable, dues to the poor weather.
Victory Day parade on Moscow’s Red Square 2019 – in English
Victory Parade May 9, 2019 in Volgograd
St. Petersburg. Victory Parade 2019. Full video
Festive concert dedicated to the Victory Day. May 9, 2019
Gala concert of the action “Thank you for your loyalty, descendants!” in the State Kremlin Palace on
the eve of the Great Victory Day. It will become a kind of creative preface to the march of the “Immortal Regiment” on May 9, 2019 in Red Square.
You can change the Russian subtitles to English
While Russia and many other countries celebrate liberation from fascism, the Croat president, on this day of all days, attends a memorial of Croat Nazis Ustashe in Bleiburg..incredible!
Thank you Honorable Saker for the videos. Enjoy seeing it every year. May all that is good in the universe bestow health and happiness to the Russian people for generations to come. And also to the Honorable Saker and his family for the wonderful work that you do.
Another great Victory Day.
I watched on RT, who give excellent coverage.
Good article from Sputnik about Victory Day:
‘Russia’s Ongoing Victory Day’ – https://sputniknews.com/columnists/201905101074885191-victory-day-event/