By Batiushka for the Saker Blog

The Schloss Elmau, ‘a Luxury Spa Retreat and Cultural Hideaway’ was a very suitable location at the end of June 2022 for the G7 elitists, ‘hiding away’ from the anger of their exploited peoples. Holed up in a castle in Bavaria (sounds familiar?), protected by thousands of paramilitaries, the neo-feudal Gang of 7 of the Western world met and condemned freedom, which is another word for multipolarity.

Now freedom is represented by Z. Z means belonging to the Russian World, which is carrying out the existential Special Operation to save itself and the world from the global dictatorship of evil. The Russian World means all who are opposed to the Western/Anglo-Zionist/Globalist/NATO/Nazi ideology and its fake and failed puppet-states, which exist only to ensure the prolongation of colonial oppression and buy overpriced US arms and parrot their propaganda.

We who identify with Z live all over the world, even within the semi-conquered heartlands of the Evil Empire, in the USA, Canada, the UK, the EU, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand. Here in Europe we in Z fight against the US-imposed EU Fourth Reich. But everywhere the letter Z is to be drawn as a sign of hope by all free people who still believe in the God, Who is not mocked.

We are Z, who do not belong to your world,

Where freedom is denied in the name of the tyrannical ‘democratic’ system, in which only one country controls the rest of the world and cruelly exploits it,

Where as a result universal traditions of faith, patriotism and family are despised and trampled down,

Where as a result more money is spent on Offence (‘Defence’) than on any basic human needs,

Where as a result rich countries live in debt at the expense of poor countries,

Where as a result transnational corporations rule and exploit vast tracts of the globe,

Where the land, the sea and the air are sullied by complex manmade chemical compounds which destroy life,

Where as a result vastly rich individuals are richer than whole nations,

Where as a result corruption is so rife that many are murdered or are in prison for no other reason than telling the truth,

Where as a result slavery has again become commonplace,

Where as a result countries such as Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and Yemen suffer genocide at the hands of Western imperialism,

Where as a result there is no right to self-determination for oppressed peoples, like those in the Crimea and the Donbass,

Where as a result the mainstream media, all controlled by the same hegemon, can only tell lies and oppress,

Where as a result one billion are obese and one billion starve,

Where the words Freedom and Truth, Justice and Tradition, Humanity and Sovereignty are cynically mocked and heartily detested.

We are Z and we will not go gentle into your dark night ‼️