By Batiushka for the Saker Blog
The Schloss Elmau, ‘a Luxury Spa Retreat and Cultural Hideaway’ was a very suitable location at the end of June 2022 for the G7 elitists, ‘hiding away’ from the anger of their exploited peoples. Holed up in a castle in Bavaria (sounds familiar?), protected by thousands of paramilitaries, the neo-feudal Gang of 7 of the Western world met and condemned freedom, which is another word for multipolarity.
Now freedom is represented by Z. Z means belonging to the Russian World, which is carrying out the existential Special Operation to save itself and the world from the global dictatorship of evil. The Russian World means all who are opposed to the Western/Anglo-Zionist/Globalist/NATO/Nazi ideology and its fake and failed puppet-states, which exist only to ensure the prolongation of colonial oppression and buy overpriced US arms and parrot their propaganda.
We who identify with Z live all over the world, even within the semi-conquered heartlands of the Evil Empire, in the USA, Canada, the UK, the EU, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand. Here in Europe we in Z fight against the US-imposed EU Fourth Reich. But everywhere the letter Z is to be drawn as a sign of hope by all free people who still believe in the God, Who is not mocked.
We are Z, who do not belong to your world,
Where freedom is denied in the name of the tyrannical ‘democratic’ system, in which only one country controls the rest of the world and cruelly exploits it,
Where as a result universal traditions of faith, patriotism and family are despised and trampled down,
Where as a result more money is spent on Offence (‘Defence’) than on any basic human needs,
Where as a result rich countries live in debt at the expense of poor countries,
Where as a result transnational corporations rule and exploit vast tracts of the globe,
Where the land, the sea and the air are sullied by complex manmade chemical compounds which destroy life,
Where as a result vastly rich individuals are richer than whole nations,
Where as a result corruption is so rife that many are murdered or are in prison for no other reason than telling the truth,
Where as a result slavery has again become commonplace,
Where as a result countries such as Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and Yemen suffer genocide at the hands of Western imperialism,
Where as a result there is no right to self-determination for oppressed peoples, like those in the Crimea and the Donbass,
Where as a result the mainstream media, all controlled by the same hegemon, can only tell lies and oppress,
Where as a result one billion are obese and one billion starve,
Where the words Freedom and Truth, Justice and Tradition, Humanity and Sovereignty are cynically mocked and heartily detested.
We are Z and we will not go gentle into your dark night ‼️
Long-time reader here and first-time poster. Thanks so much for the Saker website, moderators and all the commenters! You are my life-line to sanity and hope.
I live in the states and have been in search of a “Z” t-shirt. (An official Russian “Z” with the orange and black stripes as pictured at the beginning of this article.) Cannot find one anywhere after searching and searching the internet, except for Russian language websites which want payment in roubles!
If anyone can give me a lead (here in the US) where to find one, I would be grateful!
kmhl, you can find them at “RT Shop”. They go for $25 plus shipping. Type “Z tee shirt” at the *Yandex* search engine. At Yandex you can find all kinds of results the others block.
And you can find a Zorro (movie) tee shirt with a big firey Z at ebay for about the same.
Thank you Citizenfitz.
I’ve already tried what you suggested (at Yandex). When I go to checkout at the RT Shop, I get the following notice:
“Payments with Visa, Mastercard, American Express and JCB cards issued OUTSIDE of Russia are no longer available due to new restrictions. We are working on a solution but will continue our operations in the meantime.”
Also, Yandex offered no other results for sales of Russian Z t-shirts (here in the US).
Maybe I just need to wait it out a bit.
Try Tor. I find things there that don’t come up on Yandex.
For those about to Zieg. We salute you!
By the way… those who want a shirt with oficial Z. Why don’t you followbthe Telegrama channel of the Ministry of Defence and ley it print con a shirt? They publish sometimes pictures with Z although recently more with ZOV. I like that. In Germán it means Quarrel/Fight. Jewish/german slang, (jiddisch) it means: End / Conclusión (i. e. of a disput.)
What about Ali? For example
Well, not sure about the RT route. The payment with CC issued outside Russia are a problem . The quoted price with shipping to Canada is $114 . Gulp. Going the eBay route.
I am thinking hand painted. Stretching the cloth and marking corners before doing the lines will center it. It will be just like the hand painted Z’s on the Russian Military Vehicles!! St George Yellow and Red might be a bit more difficult. Angled Brush – 5 cms !!
I liked hearing about the Z for Zorro
Bless you all,
Buy a zorro shirt
If you wear one here in Germoney you’re in trouble – it’s verboten.
There’s a video where policemen are scratching the Z from a car’s window,
the owner will be fined,t hat’s for sure – so you must understand –
to protect the western values(freedom of expression I remember was one )
you have to get rid of them when it serves the noble task to fight the evil ruskies.
Then the people of the town “Zwickau” is “gezwickt”, as their license plate start with “Z-“
I got several item from Donbass Devushka. The link to her store is
It’s not open all the time due to attacks from the Ukronazis but if you join her telegram channel and message her she might open it for you to by something. Proceeds go to charitable organizations in the Donbass.
I got several item from Donbass Devushka. The link to her store is
It’s not open all the time due to attacks from the Ukronazis but if you join her telegram channel and message her she might open it for you to by something. Proceeds go to charitable organizations in the Donbass!
Go to and type this into their search box
z russia
Thank you kmhl, my thought’s are the same Many thanks to the Saker website and its crew. A new day is rising thanks to Russia and its people and of course Putin the Great
I just ordered not an official one, just a big letter Z. Should make the point in this inane polarized public. From years ago I have several great Russian T’s and long sleeves, and 2 great Putin T’s, but like you have recently found the most obscene propaganda when looking for any such thing on line, it is all F Putin and rah rah Ukraine. I have been hounded off facebook for factual observations regarding what is happening, as if the US has declared some sort of Official war with Russia, absolutely insane. After 20 years of defeat and waste and stupid wars, here they go again, same playbook, but much better opponent. Here is a great conversation describing who the real enemy of humanity is and the long history of the Banking Empire, which reinforces a lot of contrary opinion I have read over here and including this great author. Time to name names and call the Neo Con Nazi’s out for what they are. Denazify the World, it is about time.
Go to Telegram: Donbass Devushka, she is selling what you looking for.
Z t-shirts are forbidden in my country. I bought a ZZ Top (the rock band) t-shirt instead XDD I hope I don’t end up in jail…
do it Your self: there are colors for textile and duct-tape for Your car, chalk for the street: the real one and original is the self made…
We are ZOV for the truly committed !
and what a truly wonderful opportunity it is! a new, more just world awaits our future!
Not only are US-made arms overpriced, they are also underperforming. They are truly unique.
That’s not a bug in the system, it’s a feature. One might almost say it IS the system. Designed at maximum expense for maximum profit and no regard whatsoever for functionality.
They couldn’t make them any better even if they wanted to because corruption and incompetence – and the ineluctable results – are inherent to the Satanic empire.
In order to rise to power, the demon-possessed, devil-worshiping madmen had to corrupt a majority of the people and social institutions. And then after decades of effort they finally got to the top, and now they rule over a pile of crap.
This is one reason why a greater evil cannot coexist with a lesser evil; if their evil empire is to last, they have to foster the same kind of degeneracy everywhere, lest they and their evil system be shown by comparison to be the abject failure it is.
Thanks for supporting the theory of Satanism.
If I were an atheist, I would eventually be converted by the thought that since Satan is proven to exist in Washington, DC, there must be a God. There can’t be a Satan if there is no God.
Interesting…………. but. There cant be a white without a black, a no without yes, a heaven without earth, a positive without negative, a man without a woman. A hetero with a gay. Balance, yes?
Meaning a green lgbt water boarding digital slave Satan is in reality so natural, more normal than normal, and so needed in our universe and here on earth that you cant breath and live without it.
We are stuck in gta5 man, and Putin cant get away from us European sissies and American wasteland.
My personal problem is your problem. Because there cant be me if there is no you, yes!!??
Satan is nothing more than Seth-En, Egyptian God, brother of Osiris, who killed and dismembered his green brother and scattered his body parts to all corners of the world. Only Isis love allowed these scattered parts to be re-united save for the manhood which had to be rebuilt in gold. It worked nicely though, fathering a son Horus. Anyway Seth-en not content with the offspring, assaulted the poor Horus who in the fight managed to bite off one testicle of the child abusing uncle.
Boeing recently gave us the 737 MAX. The C-suite was busy buying back their stock and didn’t have the money to redesign the landing gear, so we got the MCAS, and dead customers.
I read an account from the beginning of the SMO by a young tank commander from before they really got their act together saying that he only saw one case where one of these javelins/stingers etc actually knocked a Russian tank out. Sadly he has since been killed. He reminded me of the best young British tank commanders from WW2
Gave a sermon at church recently on America as the Land Beast of Revelation 13. It was interesting how the congregation received the message. Those who refused the mRNA vaccines expressed appreciation that someone is telling truth.
Those who are on their 4th round of Covid shots revealed they are not ready to accept how evil America has become over the last 100 years.
Not everyone is ready to hear, but that doesn’t mean we have to be quiet.
Here is some more material for you.
Thank you, that is an interesting article. In my 40+ years research into Revelation (and Daniel), it is interesting to see the quickening pace of world events, including the technology being put into place across the entire world to be able to ban anyone, anywhere, from buying and selling. And how easily most of the world goes along, even supports, the creation of the structures of tyranny.
Most do not want to engage. In every generation there is a remnant that seeks truth and it is good to find someone to share and commune with true believers. Spiritually speaking there really is 2 kingdoms, the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of man. Christians will live forever in spite of what mere men do to us.
Very well put.
Exactly, and even if we, the humankind, have to disappear, they will not see this nightmare of total domination come true. We won’t go gentle into that dark night.
I woke in Victoria, BC, on a Canada Day that was disheartening, to say the least, when I consider the state of the planet and our place in it. At 79, with an acute awareness of world history, it is difficult to find a great deal to be grateful for, or even mildly uplifted.
I decided to read The Saker’s website first, and I found Batiushka’s astonishing, optimistically uplifting, and inspirational address, which I felt should be the basis of our Canada Day celebration.
In sentence after sentence, epigram after epigram, he perfectly expressed all the hopes, desires, and opportunities that humankind longs for and deserves.
So, thank you, Batiushka! May all be well for you and in your world, wherever you are, just as you have made mine that much better.
That was well said, Batiushka!
We also need to start looking more closely at the people *behind* the curtain. The pols, sure…. But they’re too obvious, aren’t they? Even more important than the pols are those who finance and direct the policies of umm… “democracies” of the umm… “liberal world order.” Their names, relationships, and affiliations.
Many interesting things can dug out there, I’m certain.
The following link supplies you with the names/organizations of ” those folks”.
Thanks, AT!
It still seems to me that this leads to a dead end. But I do think that the ”higher up” we go, the amount of people with occult ties increases. But hey, it could be their secretary! Perhaps the real players are not even in a human body! At least I am getting more and more convinced: mr Global ain’t human!
The article on, about very dark occult movements (”centuria”) behind mostly East European nazi circles:
(Why do the nazis leave their corpses out in the open?)
Dmytro Dontsov, the philosopher behind Azov:
Apart from the history lesson, it is worth paying some attention to!
In the following podcast Steve Quayle talks about these offworld assets. Also,the battle of LA, 2-24-’42,who was flying those aerial crafts? Germany, 30’s,Vril society. Z battle for Earth is going to be intense.
Raving mad dog Dontsov – a crazy person behind an Eastern European ideology. Another raving mad lunatic is the father of integral/political Croatianism and their flavour of medieval Nazism with 50 methods of murder against which being shot with a bullet is merciful. Their methods of killing the innocents included swinging newborns and older children by their legs against a wall. His name was Ante Starcevic (his mother was a Serb and his father first generation Catholic i.e Croat). His beef with Serbs was that he applied for a position of a lecturer at a Belgrade university where he was rejected. He sat down and wrote a manual in which he proclaims how Serbs need to be slaughtered like cattle – just because he missed on a job position. His methods were used in the 1940’s to do just that. The Vatican was behind him and his students like it is today behind Dontsov’s students.
Hear, hear, Bravo!
Agree, and for this reason I called ‘them’ T-fascists.
Because, they are:
Trans-human …
Will stop at the top 5 characterizations which ‘they’ often use to describe some of their agenda.
Best regards, Spiral
Very well said! BRAVO!
“Holed up in a castle in Bavaria (sounds familiar?)”
The leaders of the free world being lectured and insulted by a modern day Hitler, how unsettling for anyone remotely patriotic.
Oh that we could express our support for BRICS tangibly. Paying taxes to be used to support Nazi projects will not save the world.
Keep up the good work Batiushka, the lessons you teach could save many.
Hitler used Schloss Klessheim for conferences and to host official guests like Benito Mussolini, Miklós Horthy, Ion Antonescu, Jozef Tiso and Ante Pavelić.
But Schloss Klessheim is NOT in Bavaria – it is Austria!
Nazi analogies or Hitler comparisons are mostly stupid und wrong, at least a formal fallacy
Genosse, the whole of the G7 thinks they were meeting in Bavaria.
Just check out the German G7 page, who sets the venue as:
With its scenic backdrop, Schloss Elmau in the Wetterstein Mountains of Upper Bavaria provides an ideal place for the G7 heads of state and government to meet. Schloss Elmau fulfils all the logistical and security requirements of a G7 Summit venue.
You can check the websites of most of the others and the main one. They all think they were in the Bavarian Alps.
I am Z for sure, but cannot put myself in the same category as Israel, the most oppressive country in the world. I suggest you remove Israel, and substitute Palestine and the rest of the Middle East.
As the rhyme goes “Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive”. That reminds me of the NATO statements about Sweden and Finland joining NATO, the deal is not done yet. NATO believes that they bribed Erdogan enough to close the deal. But Erdogan is planning on making them live up to every word in the agreement.
Turkey demands 33 persons extradited from those two countries. And Turkey “believes” the deal calls for that. Sweden and Finland “agreed” to those extraditions but only if they go through the regular extradition “process”. Which means they would be stymied in courts forever. I don’t think Turkey is going to fall for that. Erdogan has said he won’t submit the agreement to the Turkish parliament to be ratified until Sweden and Finland send the victims to Turkey.
I don’t believe any Swedish or Finnish regime can do that and still keep power. The (violent) backlash would be breathtaking in those countries over that in my opinion. If we have any Swedish or Finnish readers on the blog,I wonder,do the people in your countries know about that part of the deal. And what is the public mood over that if they do know. What do they think will be the reaction in the giant immigrant communities when their Swedish and Finnish fellow citizens start to be seized and sent to the tender mercy of Erdogan.
Both Erdogan and the Swedes and Finns think they screwed over the other in that deal. But the Swedes and Finns don’t realize this isn’t as the US saying goes ,” Erdogan’s first rodeo” with double-dealing. And they are not in his league. So NATO might be popping the champagne corks too soon:
Z fOr Victory !
@ Batiushka,
Thank you, for 32 years I have been fighting these criminals with all my soul. The return of Russia in the struggle for more than 15 years now, has gone from a hope to quite breathtaking results. The best is yet to come.
Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah,победа
In Canada, we have three Cold War relics DEW, TREE, and MID-CANADA LINES which were mothballed, and rusting homes for polar bears and ptarmigans. The parliament wants to spend $5 billion to resurrect these early warning radar lines, which for years served no purpose. History tells us that the Hadrian, Great Wall of China, and the Maginot Lines were useless against the Picts, Mongols, and the Germans. A war of thermobaric, nuclear, hypersonic weapons from outer space in which the world will be destroyed will not be stopped by walls it will be stopped by the truth not by propaganda.
The war that Trudeau and the G 7 were provoking from a former Nazi retreat in Bavaria, where the meeting was protected by thousands of paramilitaries, is a plan to send all of us into Stone Age. On this Canada Day, Trudeau tells us that he is building for the future while planning for war with walls or lines.
The neo-feudal conditions of Canada’s economy, infrastructure, healthcare, and homelessness desperately needs this $5 billion infusion to bring Canada into the 21st century. Furthermore, Canada’s education system is sliding into feudalism, where critical thinking is censored as it was during the Inquisition. The censored Media is parroting the government line on world conflicts, while truth tellers like Assange and Snowden who expose the propaganda are jailed or exiled. Academics are silenced or fired from universities for questioning the government propaganda narrative and telling us that Nazis are not “freedom fighters” as defined by the Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland. The granddaughter of Michael Chomiak, who collaborated with the Nazis in the Holocaust ( ) and Trudeau are the drum leaders of “the neo-feudal Gang of 7,
Freeland is a WEF Board Trustee.
Yes, she joined the club representing .000001% of the world’s wealthiest robbers. She is a foot soldier who sees Nazis as “freedom fighters”. She lied that her mother was born in a refugee camp, when in fact she was born in a Nazi owned Spa in Germany. The Nazi family history is hidden from the Canadian public and anyone questioning this association is censored by the media.
Yes! Also, Z, especially when barred, resembles the constellation of Orion the hunter. I’d like to see the Nazi losers try and ban that – though I wouldn’t bet against them being stupid enough to try if they realised it.
Z is the last letter of the alphabet used in the West, so Z means the end of the West, Z means “this is your end”
Amen Brother, Amen.
God Bless Z!
Thank you very much for this explanation, for here in amerika, formerly known as America, now FUSA, it is a desert of lies and total utter corruption by what is the overlords for the insidious 2 legged rats and depraved inhuman perverts running everything.
I think we are all, all the good folks all over, we are all Russian’s now. It is that way. And that is a very wonderful thing to be in such company. That is my heart felt sincere belief.
And may Z! be the incarnate evil’s forever doom. No better or more honorable people could achieve this feat.
As none can be left to re-infect God’s green Earth with their virus of contempt and hate and lies and vile perversions and filthy lucre. And who should be asked, knows better what this evil which operates along the fringes of darkness and shadows of evil than Russian’s and her allies and compatriots? This is as it should be I think. Though I hope to get my licks in one day too, hopefully soon.
God bless Mr. Putin, and all the brave Russian’s and Allies, please keep them and their homeland and loved ones safe from wars desolation and these inhuman creatures in human skin-suits squalid terrible insidious evil.
Excuse me dear Z. It is fine that Russia is fighting for its legitimate rights. We support the right to self defence.
But Russia is also a banker and corporation ruled zone. Russia also has the sane democratic system of government. Russia has same fiat currency and the same national debt and elites and oligarchs and God knows what. Russia is no different when u come to it. Make believe is fine but there should be some substance to it.
Fine Russia is liberating Donbass and trying to make its borders more secure. But that is it. Beyond that we dont see any ground realities. Dont indulge in make believe beyond that. Dont raise false hopes. They dont have a foundation yet. What does the constitution say. What do the institutions say.
Enough of Soloviev and Saker. Let us try to stay on solid ground.
(Removed by mod.)
You are wrong. House of BRICS is built one brick at a time. The de-dollarization by the BRICKS is the reason for this war. In the past the Soviets were not able to sustain their help to decolonize areas they were helping, that has changed as well. Russia went through a period of trust, ignoring their own history of endless attacks from the West, which others who have fled to the west ignore and were sniffing to assess of their new patrons. This is exactly what the Banderite snakes did hiding in Canada, USA and Latin America until they shed their skin of pretence to identify with their patrons who were Russophobic for centuries.
I saw a video just a day or two ago (I think it was on Telegram) of a Russian state Duma member talking. He made Putin look like a pacifist.
The American weapons industry sucks the life out of the nation’s machine of commerce. It is a destroyer of all things and builds nothing of lasting value. It wraps its evil tentacles around false patriotism and desecrates what little good their is left in the “land of the free and the home of the brave.”
The people are dullards due to a primary education system that fails to teach basic knowledge necessary for them to contribute to a healthy economy. The Devil’s curtain of deception extends all over the country; young and old are seduced by the media news and entertainment industry that continually lies about the truth of what took place historically and what unfolds in the present time.
The political establishment is a sham of representative government. The war profiteers own them and few dare criticize their worth to the country. It markets itself with pomp and circumstance and parades men in uniform who are poorly trained in the science of military conflict and are more aligned to lobby for more of the people’s currency to fill the coffers of the death merchants of mankind. They make snake oil and successfully sell it as a formidable shield that protects the people against an unknown enemy.
America is in severe decline; it is a wreck spiritually, morally, economically, politically and militarily. The financial capitalists and their stock market casino cannot keep Satan’s dark spell over the citizens much longer but this truth matters not to the Dark Lord of the Underworld. He will connive and push and continue the short-term benefits of Mammon to the western leaders while poverty, hunger and desolateness crushes the population.
America’s war profiteers must die; their vision of a unipolar world controlled by Washington and London is a cancer on the Earth that can only be eliminated by violent radiation. Nothing will stop U.S.-NATO jackals from pursuing the goal of planetary domination unless Russia strikes at the heart of the beast on its soil to end its life. The purification by fire is inevitable and must be done; it is the only Hobson’s choice left.
Absolutely. The US has been hijacked, long time ago. Owned and ruled by a parasitic structure, with an appetite to devour not just Earth, but whole Solar system.
Nothing, I mean nothing but Death can resolve the paradigm, and on a massive scale.
Fortunately, there’s a force on Earth that can do just that.
Fear Not.
Very well written and inspirational.
You can find “Z” hook & loop/embroidery patches here.
There are various designs & shapes including one with the St. George ribbon. Just ordered some & it will take a few weeks to get them via mail. If anybody knows where you find a “Z” flag in olive drab along with a t-shirt in the same color let readers know. Also, “Z” label pins & even ball caps in olive drab, too.
I tried to find and buy a Z hat online but cannot find any. Meanwhile you can buy any number of Ukrainian neo-nazis hats with wolfsangels and such on them. So much for the free market!
Slava Rossiya! Love from America!
This hat I think would do:
The Empire of lies has blocked you.
Actually it was my fault, typo in the link. Here is correct one…
Here is a link to a great but forgotten Z theme song from a late 1950s TV show. Lasts less than a minute. Enjoy!
Good one. It even fits into the Western habits of MSM campaign slogans. “We are all Z’s”.
But pls discrete. No riots, no yellow west, no gatherings in front of Capitol, no Z parties.
Just like an stylish model walking down the runway with starring eyes, never bragging, boasting, just wearing it as casual wear without explanation, no words.
Dont take over the enemy’s falsehoods.
Like many I despair at the direction the West is moving, perhaps it is just the cyclical decline of empire. As such I would stand on the Russian side in the Ukrainian war, delighting in the wests machinations being derailed. Most here also barrack for China, no doubt as it is a Russian ally, but whereas Russia is a democracy China is a totalitarian state with its harsh covid lockdowns and social credit scores designed to completely control and coral a population, I find it difficult to see how this is a system many would like imposed upon themselves. It seems to me it is exactly what the West has in mind for us, I could live comfortably under Russian rule but Chinese would be a very different story.
Completely irrelevant but let’s honour the Naval Infantry grouping V as well –
“Voila! In view humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate.
This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the “vox populi” now vacant, vanished.
However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin, van guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.
The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.
Verily this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add
that it’s my very good honour to meet you and you may call me V.” – David Lloyd (V for Vendetta)
Take a trip to the top of Z empire.
Teacher/Ragbar/Leader/Guide/Imam Khomeini taught provocation and defiance can destroy any power.
I learned this in boarding school run by apartheid nationalists. I volunteered for daily beatings and they wete at a loss why discipline doesn’t seem to work.
Putin has Natostan over a barrel!
The President of Russia by his decree awarded DPR Colonel Arseniy Pavlov “Motorola” for heroism and courage
The ceremony was held in front of the formation of the battalion “Sparta”.
First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Sergei Kiriyenko presented the Order of Courage to Elena Pavlova, the widow of Arsen Pavlov, the legendary commander of the Sparta army battalion of the DPR.
Long time reader, first time posting,
I am Z!
“We are Z and we will not go gentle into your dark night” 0 – Great, sort of echoes Morpheus in the Matrix, ‘We are Zion and we are not afraid!’
(But also of course Dylan Thomas, “Rage rage against the dying of the light / Do no go gently into that good-night”)
We are Z !
In today’s Google News Main Headlines. Can’t make it up… What kind of world we are living in???
As per BBC:
“Borsch soup in Ukraine added to Unesco endangered heritage list”
The UN’s cultural agency has added the cooking of borsch – a soup usually made with beetroot and potatoes – in Ukraine to its list of endangered intangible cultural heritage.
Unesco said the war in Ukraine had “threatened” the cooking of borsch.
“Victory in the war for borsch is ours!” Ukraine’s Culture Minister Oleksandr Tkachenko said.
Monthy Python Revisited (in a best way) :)
S. Elmau (Austria) ist 2 1/2 hour drive to Berchtesgaden and the Eagle’s Nest…handy for the young nazis to make pilgrimage.
Spray cans can make any letter.
And marking pens can write letters on currency…
I traveled as a lad on a train from Vienna to Rome through the southern Tyrol and also did rock climbing near Stuttgart. It is among most majestic lands on earth! A spiritual experience. I agree, handy to weld and meld young nazis to the mission for life. Little more is needed, than to take the impressionable there, and to spin “tales of the aryan ancients.” I wonder how many young cadres like Ratzinger’s were taken thereabouts. ‘The setting sets the scene.’
The Hills are alive
Memories much faded here. As a young fella I went the other way by road. Don’t recall much of it. Really twisty…and summertime crowded…and there were military exercises going on…drafted boys on a lark they seemed.
Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens >
I do recall from 1962 still vigorous and fairly young nazis chattering in cafe about their recently failed (postponed?) glorious attempt…obviously American can’t understand German or Italian…they did not guard their words. Heard praise for Mussolini in Italy, flowers at the fork in the road where the ambush took place. In the US I heard from German much praise for the H guy…with even sentimental scrap-books of the happy times.
Worked with H Youth veteran of East, and a USAF nazi. They were everywhere. No rock climbs…but I did ascend Jungfraujoch…again, much forgotten. Good beer. H Youth colleague (inevitably known as “Fritz”) had severe combat fatigue thanks to Red Army. He and I worked for the US Army for a time.
“Z” is long overdue. Ritter opines that if SMO404 does not proceed to completion Russia will have lost, completion being the entire territory and not stopping at that… I wonder if SMO404 has not triggered in AZE the condensation (as phase change) such that like avalanche it will continue to destruction with little goading….like Steinbeck’s dynamo in Moon is Down. And note all machines have intrinsic death wish. SMO404 et sec seem to have drawn out the vulnerable machine intent.
As US dissociates, Z will become a familiar symbol. So far it has not caught fire, but the tinder’s quite dry.
Unfortunately the disease of exceptionalism and hatred of the Other will afflict men til the Horn is blown. There is an endless fount to draw upon in the darkside within each human, a dormant hard seed awaiting the watering. The ongoing deindustrialization, pauperization, and immiseration of Europe is a mighty watering, as warned by VVP. The best we can hope for is to tamp it down, build temporary walls around it like avascular fibrous tissue around cancer.
Note how these forces of darkness tend to stream to each other, rushing to support each other’s cause, like droplets of mercury assembling. They are animated not by money but the same satanic passion. In the killing fields of Ukraine have come fanatics from ISIS, Isreal, South Korea, Latin America, Turkey, African Maghreb, French Legionnaires, Canada, Poland, etc.
Convergences of the Extremiste Internationale
They are and will remain a persistent trial for men. Operation Z is the current Holy mission to beat them back under the rocks and shadows. It is doing the necessary dirty job for mankind.
Where as a result countries such as Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and Yemen suffer genocide at the hands of Western imperialism.
Yes and lets forget the Soviet Union and its imperialism ever invaded any countries. Just because US bad does not mean ‘Z’ or Russia world good.
Please debate me bros with some facts about how Russia is actually any of these amazing slogans, this is probably the best “Where as a result one billion are obese and one billion starve” -> so the Z world is gathering loads of money right now to pay for food where needed?
As usual, first of all I’d like to thank the duo Amarynth n Herb (and staff of course!) for their superb job here, husbanding while our comrade Raevsky is still healing his body n soul (saravá for him), and now getting straight to the point: there’s an evil cult that’s entrenched in many well-to-do people round the west. We all know that. Epstein, Saville et caterva are the tip of the iceberg and there’s a vast amount of money that’s leaked from many many many places and finish up in banking accounts related to down-to-earth activities like freight. I know that, before being a scholar I’m a lawyer and money laundering is one of western banks top activities. So in fact being Z is pursuing accountability, not the bloody one that US officials impose the rest of the world under threat of their navy and army but the one that shows everyone what’s truly happening within CIA activities and where does their money come from. Uncovering the plethora of undercover activities maintained by the MICIMATT and that are NOT included in briefings or papers and much less are included in the official “defense” budget. Is searching for accountability for those western officials that (ga)give orders for killing and bombing and regime changing just to protect the western oligarchs goals, and just like in Donbass putting them to death penalty. Being Z nowadays is being pro South and East and against the NW, those who produce nothing and enjoy everything. One just needs to figure out the real size of economies like Thailand or Nigeria and ask how come those swedes or danes live that way. How can those “services” buy all those stuff that are ripped of the producers. And who settles the exchange rate – why are “services oriented economies” desirable? If everyone is service-oriented, what are we going to eat or dress? How are we going to warm (or cool) our homes? Why those “services” vacuum all the goods for nothing? Every time we ask those questions, many say that the answer is “corruption” in 3rd world countries like Brasil. Is that so? Isn’t there rampant corruption in Europe or the US? Why don’t question the international order built on exploitation of less armed countries and “inferior” like african or latin-american? So I myself, being not western (once I’m brazilian) and being not “civilized” (once again: I’m brazilian) identify myself with Z and everything they’ve fighting for. I’m an atheist person but indeed I believe that valuing family and structure and telling our children that they’re men or women, and that’s how they really are and not those hallucinations as in “I choose my sex”, and teaching them not to act like a gangster or a hooker, and that there are MANY things in our life that are much much better than money – that’s what I’m rooting for, that’s why I identify myself with Z and their beautiful (and mighty) country that I’ve visited some times and that I simply can’t wait for coming back there and meeting people having kvass. за победы! Cheers from warm (22C/ 72F) vale do Ipiranga.
Great article, and every word of it is true.
Count me in under the Z banner.
The late English left wing politician, Tony Benn, once said that England was the last colony of the british empire.
In defunct empires the chickens come home to roost as the ruling elite import the techniques they learnt to suppress the native people in the colonies to suppress and control the population back home. Their closest colony Ireland has always been used by the britz as a laboratory for testing new forms of oppression and population control and a training ground not only for its own army and police but also for the anti-insurgency elements of the armed forces of foreign countries e.g. Australia and New Zealand
I’ve been looking for a military style Z patch in RU Digital Flora camo myself but of course no luck, the amount of pro Ukronazi trash available is sickening.
I wear military surplus or ‘tactical’ jackets in the winter, including a PLA issue one where I proudly wear the Chinese flag and a Sino-Russian cooperation patch to purposely piss off the brainwashed masses here in the dis-US. Most people have zero situational awareness or too focused on their IG account to notice but the few that do I surprisingly get praises from, so maybe there are good rational thinking people in the west still.
I thank You for this amazing Text
On G7 in Elmau/Bavaria was 18.000 policemen there to protect this asholes and shaitans. It was not possible to go to Garmisch because they closed the highway 30 Km before. Munich was full with policemen.
In Bavaria is Z forbiden but if you have a NATO T-Shirt, which are responsible for million dead civilians, is not a problem.
Thats the West, the Imperium of Lies.
Hope Russia thake them an end.