Two days ago I posted an article entitled “Yes, Russia is *still* ready for war – even nuclear war” in which I wrote the following: “my daughter always laughs that Russian songs are all about only three topics: love, the Motherland and war. She is right. War and everything it represents in an integral part of the Russian culture as is sacrificing your life for the Motherland“. Yesterday my daughter came home from college and introduced me to a song by the famous singer Pelageia which had not heard in the past and, sure enough, it was a song about love, the Motherland and war, all into one. But there was a lot more to this song, and here I need to explain a few things.
Pelageia, possibly one of the best Russian singers ever, even at her young age, spends a lot of time travelling across Russia going into small villages and remote areas to seek out and record ancient songs which have been almost forgotten in the modernity frenzy of the 20th century. In that quest for the ancient Russian folklore Pelageia is supported by numerous other artists and ethnomusicologists who all together are at the root of the modern Russian “ethno-rock” movement.
As I have written many times here, modern Russian history has been a tragic and often ugly one. Not only was Orthodoxy persecuted under several nominally Orthodox Czars (like Peter or Catherine so-called “The Greats”), but the true “deep” Russian culture has been suppressed and even repressed by the Russian elites (Masons, Socialists, Trotskists, Bolsheviks, liberal democrats) to various degrees roughly from 1700 to 2000. As a result, most people in the West got an image of the kind of Russia seen in the books of Tolstoy and the music of Stravinsky. This was not a false image, this “Russia” did (and does still) exist. It is a thin layer of social elites who are detached and alienated from the majority of the real “Russia” which still remains partially hidden and ignored. This is now changing and more and more Russians are rediscovering their cultural, civilizational and spiritual roots and Russia is now slowly returning to her true “self”.
What I propose to do next is to share with you a song which Pelageia has discovered somewhere in the “deep Russia” and which she superbly interprets. I will be honest with you, this exercise will only work for those who have a “musical sensitivity” who are used to feel the deep emotions music convey far beyond the words of a song. If you have a musical ear, you will miss nothing if you do not understand Russian, but if you are a Russian native but don’t have a musical ear, you will never really “get” what this song conveys.
This is a rich and complex song, which conveys are typically Russian range of emotions, but what I hope to get across here is what I believe is one of the single most important truths about Russia and yet one of the most ignored ones: Russia is not Europe. The real, “deep”, Russia (not the one of Tolstoy or Stravinsky) has a completely different ethos, shaped by the Russian immense steppes and forests, by the Orthodox phronema and by numerous wars which threatened the very existence of the Russian nation. If you can, I hope that you will hear the “voice” of this “deep Russia” in this song:
I am fully aware that some of you will smile in condescension and think “what is this guy trying to prove with his little song?! Russians are White, Aryan Christians, of course they are Europeans! They sure don’t look like the Chinese, now do they?!”. And yet all White Aryans as they indeed are, this did not stop the Nazis from considering Russians as Untermenschen (subhumans) and Ukronazis of calling the Russian “Asiatic mongrels”.
And then there is the famous statement of the French Marquis de Cuistine who said “scratch the Russian and you will find the Tatar”. Of course, this was a derogatory racist statement, but fundamentally de Custine was absolutely right: Russians do have a mainly European genetic makeup, but the Russian ethos and culture is much more Asian that European and a Muslim Kazakh or a Buddhist Mongolia will always be infinitely closer to the “Russian soul” than a Latin Pole or Lutheran German.
Listen to Pelageya and her singers and ask yourself: is this singing European in any way?
[Sidebar: True, the Russian will be intimately bound to the Serb or Greek thought the Orthodox faith, but then I would argue that neither Serbs nor Greeks are really “Europeans” either, at least not in the modern sense of the word and not, ancient Greece is NOT the cradle of European civilization, that is a historical fallacy, modern Europe was born from the Frankish Carolingian Sacrum Romanum Imperium (Holy Roman Empire). The Franks were not Greeks or Romans, in fact they were the anti-Romans and anti-Greeks par excellence. The Roman East of Byzantium was the true heir to Rome and ancient Greece. For those of you who want to really understand this and get a detailed explanation, please watch this series on YouTube: which explains that really well, or read the following article:]
It is also important to understand what I mean by “Russian”. This is not an ethnic or genetic category. There is not such thing as an ethnically “pure” Russian, so when the Ukronazis call the Russians “mongrels” they are, in their own way, quite correct. Not only are most “Russians” not ethnically “pure” (whatever that means – I have big doubts about the very concept of “ethnic purity”), many non-Russians are Russians too. Take for example Defense Minister Shoigu who is a Tuvan (and a Buddhist) or Ramzan Kadyrov who is a Muslim Chechen – they are clearly amongst the most patriotic Russians out there, yet neither one is a Slav (well, Shoigu is, by his mother). Identity is always a multi-layered “cake” and in the case of the category “Russian” it does not in the least mean that you cannot have another cultural or ethnic identity too. Vladimir Vyssotsky (the most famous Russian bard) was half Jewish, the Romanovs were mostly Germans, Pushkin was part African (from what is today modern Ethiopia or, according to more recent research, possibly from Cameroon). I have recently come across another very telling example of this, again a musical one.
I want to introduce you to the Turetskii Choir Art Group. Check out this pretty good Wikipedia entry about them: The short version is this: “The Turetsky Men’s Choir was established at the Moscow Choral Synagogue. The chorus made its debut in 1990 with Jewish liturgical and folk music in the philharmonic halls of Tallinn and Kaliningrad. Their repertoire has grown since to include opera, spiritual, folk and pop music in 10 different languages.” In other words – Jews.
The conventional wisdom says that Jews and Cossacks hate each other and, no doubt, they did so in the past and many of them still do. But that is not the full story. Listen to the Turetskii Choir Art Group beautifully singing “The Black Raven” a prototypical Cossack song and hear for yourself how much emotion they put into it:
Clearly, we are very very far from Charlie Chaplin, Woody Allen or Paul Wolfowitz.
My point?
Even such a tragic and, sometimes, ugly past as the one who alienated Jews and Cossacks from each other is not strong even to always keep these people apart and in modern Russia they are coming together under the bigger “roof” of the Russian civilizational realm.
Of course, none of the above proves anything. Except that for me, it proves a lot. My hope is that at least for some of you, it might serve as a powerful illustration of an otherwise almost completely overlooked truth. But if not, well then at least you got to hear some pretty good singing :-)
The Saker
Lovely. Certainly has nothing to do with modern popular Western music. It does kind of remind me of traditional Gaelic music though. Particularly the Irish variety.
Pelageya is a symbol of todays Russia while “Conchita Wurst” thing is a symbol of todays Europe. Yes, Russia is not Europe, thank God.
Sadly it is not enough to prevail in present. Saker wrote a nice essay but it really means a little.
The values were ruined by jews and bolaheviks already. Wild capitalism of Jelzins era only nailed it. What did Putin reestablish in 14 years of ruling Russia is questionable.
Vladimir Putin
“has accomplished very little in the last 14 years”……… Perhaps you should define exactly the “very little” he has NOT accomplish.
I double dare you to match his accomplishments, and I triple dare you to change the globe as much as he had.
Hello Anonymous
You heard the Irish and I heard the
welsh. It may have been a Cossack song but the passion was heard in all of us.
Nevertheless we can not always have what we want. The Aryans are and have always been the bridge between Europe and Asia, the singular unity that brings the Old World together. Hence the Russians are indeed Aryans, and Ultimate Aryans. The Europeans (West Romans) are the race traitors who have wilfully and stupidly betrayed their own Aryan past for a mess of New World American pottage. Historically the Russians are the East Romans because the Romans were not and have never been true “Westerners”. How else explain the incomparable hatred of the European commoners against Rome? The Western masses even prefer Anglo-Zionism over Romanity. That is as far as hatred can go! No, it is not the West that stands for the Aryan (Noble) heritage of the Old World. It is Holy Mother Russia that enjoys that honour and that is why the Germans are going to fight to the death against the Americans for the love of Aryan Russia. And it should be the most obvious thing imaginable that it is America, not Russia, that is the Great Mongrel Bastard of human history. Mr. Saker, Russia’s great ally is Germany and not Turkey or Mongolia and not all your racial and religious narrow-mindedness is going to alter the truth of the way things are.
“Aryan” (/ˈɛəriən, ˈɛərjən, ˈær-/)[1] is an English language loanword derived from the Sanskrit ārya (‘noble’).[2][3][4] The term ārya was used as an ethnic self-designation by the Indo-Iranian tribes in the ancient times.
Much more at
Thank you.Finaly somebody talking some sense.
” Hence the Russians are indeed Aryans, and Ultimate Aryans.”
You are close, my friend, very close.
Russians (and all Slavs) are very Aryan. This song proves it. This is the ultimate Slavic-Aryan spirit.
I only disagree with “ultimate Aryans” description by you of the Russians.
The ultimate Aryans are the Hindus. Don’t ever forget that. It is their word, and it should be used in the way Hindus use it. It means “the noble person” in Sanskrit. Persians started to use it as describing their race. But India is spiritually higher then all other brotherly Aryan countries.,including Russia.
Thank you Wend.
Dhanyavad! धन्यवाद!
What you wrote about the term “Aryan” (more correctly “Arya”) is spot on. I couldn’t have articulated as well you. It’s important to understand the correct origin and usage of the term “Aryan” and not Nazi or 19th-Century British distortion of it. It’s an ethno-cultural term, a cultural spirit, (or even a personal quality).
That said, most Northern Indians consider Russians, Slavs (i.e. the rest of eastern Europe) and Iranians part of their cultural continuum (i.e. Indo-European culture) and many of us feel it is your heritage too. But thanks for giving credit where credit is due.
Ishvar’s blessings on you.
BTW can you explain what “The Wend” means in your context.
Best Wishes.
Dear My 2 cents,
thank you for your kind words!
I am Serbian, but I was lucky to visit India in my youth, and that was the most incredible experience in my life. I also read the great German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, who was the first among European intellectuals to give credit to India as being philosophically, spiritually and culturally not only superior to the rest of us, but also being the cradle of our race and the true holly land and mother of all humanity. Later I also read the Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita (भगवद्गीता) and after that there was not a doubt in my mind about who the original Aryans are.
You asked me what “The Wend ” means. The Wends were the Slavic people who lived in today’s eastern and northern Germany. They were the last people in Europe who refused to accept Christianity and continued to venerate their old gods, who amazingly looked in the same way as Hindu gods do. Their main god was called Svetovid or Svantevit, and he looked just like Brahma, with four heads looking in each direction of the world. Since I studied the history of religion, I even wrote a book about Hindu-Slavic religious connection, in which I even proved that ancient Slavic religion is absolutely a Hindu heritage. It is quite popular in Serbia and Slovenia, although it is completely scientific.
All the best to you. –
Perhaps “Aryan” is best understood in a multi-facted sense where each noble nation and noble person can embody Nobility best each in their own unique inimitable way. Therefore both you would be right in that India is spiritually higher in its way while I might be allowed that the Romans (Eastern and Western) are also higher perhaps in the material embodiment of what first dawns in the East, in Asia and India. Hence each contributes its own best qualities and together form what could be described as Greater Eurasia and the Old World. The Kosmos is large and there can be, so to speak, many mansions in the All-Father’s house. In any case it would be the Anglo-Zionists (or Globalist Americans) who would be the rogue elephant currently smashing everyone’s expensive dinnerware. However the finer points of Nobility may be distributed the Noble must come together to oppose the Ultimate Mongrels in Washington that are intent on destroying everything in the name of their Lord of Darkness.
Aryan, meaning “noble”, is by definition
not something you are born with,
it is something you have to earn.
Individually. By humbleness, courage,
straightforwardness, gratitude and
ultimately, meditation.
Thinking and talking different
is faulty computing and lazy talk.
I sat there stunned for minutes after that song there is a spiritual depth and being I can barely begin to grasp . The empire will have no idea what it is threatening .
Interesting but it doesn’t really mean anything. Except that people are tired of modernity and of “hollywood”. Also about what we can call technologism. Please read to see what we are talking about. You can find this kind of songs in all country. I was in Dalmatia last year and there are such songs. What about celtic song.
The difference is more about cultures who want power and culture who want beauty. Read Discours Aux Sourds (1924) de Guglielmo Ferrero.
You never heard Чёрный ворон – “Black Crow” before Saker?
Its from the Caucasian wars 200 years ago, I’m sure, Terek Cossack song I think .
Of course I knew it – it is this version which was knew to me.
The song itself we sang in my family and around campfires many many times :-)
С праздником!
The Saker
And Снежочки :)
it also depends on how you define europa. i do not think there is such a thing as europa. you can say maybe european union but so many people in europe are against it. all the sovereinists for example. you could maybe compare it to russia and say that in “europe” the atlantists won and are in control. De Gaulle lost, but let’s hope it will change in the future. when more and more people wil lsee that the empire is losing they will change their minds
The Soviets lost the cold war when Stalin refused to occupy all of western europe and remove from existence every cultural group that supported capitalist imperialism. Every soviet leader after Stalin died has been more and more of a CIA agent until the CIA coup finally took place that replaced the CIA agent Gorbachev with the CIA agent Yeltsin. The CIA agent Putin succeeded the CIA agent Yeltsin and has been mostly a dog to the USA until recently, where he’s slightly deviated from the commands from Washington and is meeting the same fate that happened to Saddam when Saddam deviated slightly from Washington’s commands.
Soviet leaders and the soviet peoples lacked the will to sacrifice for victory then and they lack the will to sacrifice for victory now. This is abundantly clear in that they refused to escalate the japanese civil war, the Chinese civil war, the spanish civil war, the german civil war, the italian civil war, the french civil war, the korean civil war, the vietnamese civil war, etc…
This inaction led to the Anglo/American fascist puppets Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo, Chang Kai Shek, etc. etc. etc. to be put into power.
The Chinese Communists finally abandoned relations with the Soviet Union after the Soviet’s cowardly leaders gave but token support for the Korean and Vietnamese Civil wars.
They saw that if the USSR was going to be the US’s lapdog, then China should cut out the middle man and deal with the US directly.
Ultimately, the US is only leaning on Russia right now to stem the tangent that would give China a possible ally should the CIA factions be overthown in Moscow.
This is because the Chinese Communists know that the US rarely achieves successful dominance though successful military campaigns, but through economic hegemony of the Anglo/American bloc.
This is why China is seen by the real elites of Anglo/American capitalist imperialists as the true adversary of their hegemony.
Ideology? Communist or capitalist/fascist/free-market are all the same. China and Russia are taking the middle ground that is more in line with average human nature, rather than some dreamt up ideology that needs to be enforced.
It is only the extremists on either end of the political spectrum that need to be guarded against.
Room/reward for private initiative, but not allow corporations to control the state. State owned natural monopolies.
Not perfect but they a close to this middle ground.
One only has to look to China’s long dynastic history to see where strict rational pragmatism leads.
Millennia of fighting the same enemies over and over and over again.
The singular loss to the mongols through strict rational pragmatism (inviting the mongols in to fight for you) led to the irrevocable transfer of technology and power from China to the barbarian tribes of Europe.
Europe gained all it’s technology it needed for the coming age of European Imperialism that followed this unprecedented transfer of technology.
A realistic person should see the reality of the situation.
That one must defeat one’s enemies permanently and then sow the lands of one’s enemies with salt, or, as one would do today, mushroom clouds.
Enemies left to fester will only lead to long term loss.
It is the one percent that eventually get to the top in any society that need to be guarded against.
As Goering said “the ordinary person does not want war”
“Naturally the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Hermann Goering
Quoting the puppet of Anglo/American capitalist imperialism puts my point directly into focus.
If one is not free from the yoke of capitalist imperialism, one shall never know peace.
Capitalist Imperialism only knows war in all forms. Full spectrum dominance militarizes peace.
Capitalist Imperialism cannot exist without militarized peace.
Maximum profit cannot be extracted without inequity. The ultimate inequity is beget from full spectrum dominance.
The only cure from full spectrum dominance is total war.
A war more total than ever fought before. A war of pure assimilation.
That’s annihilation. Or what is being “assimilated” here exactly?
The only people who managed to defeat all enemies and crash all opposition were Romans. Their success has been never repeated again. I can only add that Russians do have common qualities at lower level similar to those of the Romans. same ability to fight against all odds and perseverance, but unfortunately Russia never had same level of leadership that Rome had.
“In 280 BC, Greeks and Romans met for the first time at Heraclea and, although Pyrrhus was victorious, the cost was such that he despaired of surviving another such battle (hence the term “Pyrrhic victory”). When Cineas, his principal advisor, came to Rome to discuss peace terms, which the Romans were inclined to accept, it was Appius, old and blind and carried to the Senate in a litter, who vehemently demanded that Pyrrhus withdraw from Italy, saying that Rome would not negotiate until he did. In the Life of Pyrrhus, Plutarch has Cineas return to his master, saying that “the senate seemed to him an assembly of kings, and as for the people, he feared lest it might prove that they were fighting with a Lernaean hydra” (XI).”
@ Sergey,
Q; The only people who managed to defeat all enemies and crash all opposition were Romans.
R; The Romans were all mighty and their army feared throughout the lands, over which they ruled.
They did have occasional setbacks though; The Battle That Stopped Rome – Link to Amazon.
Excerpt; “In AD 9, a Roman traitor led an army of ‘barbarians‘ who trapped and then slaughtered three entire Roman legions: 20,000 men, half the Roman army in Europe. If not for this battle, the Roman Empire would surely have expanded to the Elbe River, and probably eastward into present-day Russia. But after this defeat, the shocked Romans ended all efforts to expand beyond the Rhine, which became the fixed border between Rome and Germania for the next 400 years, and which remains the cultural border between Latin western Europe and Germanic central and eastern Europe today.”
“Enemies left to fester will only lead to long term loss.”
Taken to its logical conclusion this will leave just one person standing.
“Taken to its logical conclusion this will leave just one person standing.”
Something communism does not seem to comprehend.
Something communism does not seem to comprehend.
more like – the reason everyone deserves to die.
Hahaha. Kleinbürger — hast du Angst?
“Ideology” (which is based in emotionality), is a part of the old “hive-mind”. As human beings develop, “ideologies” will be replaced with “ideas” (based in logic and higher understanding).
This goes for both non-spiritual subjects, such as Politics (= “ideology”) versus Community-building (=”ideas”), and spiritual subjects, such as Instutionalized religion (=”ideology”) versus Spiritual teamwork based on love and wisdom (=”ideas”).
community building = buzz word
Very beloved in the Western press.
They didn’t call Stalin the gravedigger of revolutions for nothing. He was above all else a Russian nationalist not a international communist, for communist the revolution had to be exported or “all the old crap would revive” as so it did atop socialized property forms, a parasitic caste that needed to be excised off society or a capitalist counter revolution would eventually occur and that it did.
The revolution was never meant to be “contained” in Russia, Russia was but the spark, a spark that got smothered in the nationalism of war in the advanced countries leaving Russia to grow into a deformed workers state. Lenin, Trotsky never thought the revolution would live 5 years contained in an undeveloped agrarian Russia that barely had a proletariat to speak of.
That it did is a testament to socialized production which managed to modernize Russia in a few decades a process that took capitalist countries a few centuries to accomplish. Knowing what we now know and see with our own eyes everyday where we are heading with capitalism perhaps we can talk about socialism without having it identified with the buggered experiment that resulted in the USSR.
Capitalism has fallen many times so many times that we cannot afford any more, The time for a post capitalist world is long past due. There is nothing utopian in demanding such a world, what is unrealistic is thinking that capitalism is the be all end all of human development now that is utopian thinking.
Deeply regret to inform you that Stalin’s USSR and Putin’s Russia have stirred up more trouble to Western imperialism many times over than what Western invertebrates such as Trots and Anarchists ever will, even if the latter had an entire geological era at their disposal. To parrot the imperialist bourgeoisie does not count unless, of course, preserving one’s bourgeois respectability amounts to the ultimate act of global emancipation.
The Western Left has never liberated anybody; nor will it ever.
Last but not least: Beautiful music! Certainly way beyond any recognition by postmodern Euro-trash.
Thanks to Saker and daughter for music, brilliant. The Russian soul next to the Europeans is like comparing whisky to lemonade.
Europe never recovered from the centuries lasting extermination campaign of all indigenous European people and their cultures & cults by the Roman Empire and its make-shift religion called Roman Catholicism.
Thus deprived of its roots and spirit, Europe became a fertile breeding ground for follies like crusades, empire building, fraudulent banking, Khazarian claptrap, silly sects, consumerism, financial acrobatics, junk food and whatnot.
Luckily, the wind has turned. Hopefully, it is not too late.
I must disagree with you Saker. Russia is both Europe and not Europe. That is what makes it unique. Its whole history is one of taking influences both from Europe AND from further east and south. I don’t believe its true to say that Russia is wholly ‘apart’ from Europe, any more than it would be true to say that Russia is wholly Asian (for example). Russia is unique because it draws influence from a uniquely vast area and range of cultures and peoples.
Сделан в СССР – Оле́г Миха́йлович Газма́нов (Oleg Mikhaylovich Gazmanov)
Украина и Крым, Беларусь и Молдова –
Это моя страна.
Сахалин и Камчатка, Уральские горы –
Это моя страна.
Красноярский край, Сибирь и Поволжье,
Казахстан и Кавказ, и Прибалтика тоже …
Я рожден в Советском Союзе,
Сделан я в СССР
Я рожден в Советском Союзе,
Сделан я в СССР
Рюрики, Романовы, Ленин и Сталин –
Это моя страна.
Пушкин, Есенин, Высоцкий, Гагарин —
Это моя страна.
Разоренные церкви и новые храмы,
Красная площадь и стройка на БАМе …
Я рожден в Советском Союзе,
Сделан я в СССР
Я рожден в Советском Союзе,
Сделан я в СССР
Олимпийское золото, старты, победы –
Это моя страна.
Жуков, Суворов, комбайны, торпеды –
Это моя страна.
Олигархи и нищие, мощь и разруха,
КГБ, МВД и большая наука …
Я рожден в Советском Союзе,
Сделан я в СССР
Я рожден в Советском Союзе,
Сделан я в СССР
Глинка, Толстой, Достоевский, Чайковский,
Врубель, Шаляпин, Шагал, Айвазовский
Нефть и алмазы, золото, газ,
Флот, ВДВ, ВВС и спецназ.
Водка, икра, Эрмитаж и ракеты,
Самые красивые женщины планеты,
Шахматы, опера, лучший балет,
Скажите, где есть то, чего у нас нет ?!
Даже Европа объединилась в союз,
Вместе наши предки сражались в бою.
Вместе выиграна Вторая мировая война,
Вместе мы самая большая страна.
Душат границы, без визы нельзя,
Как вам без нас, отзовитесь, друзья !
Я рожден в Советском Союзе,
Сделан я в СССР
Я рожден в Советском Союзе,
Сделан я в СССР
wish these lyrics were in english
Me too.
yandex for this page (Russian => English gives):
Made in the USSR Oleg Mikhailovich Gazmanov (Oleg Mikhaylovich Gazmanov)
Ukraine and the Crimea, Belarus and Moldova –
This is my country.
Sakhalin and Kamchatka, Ural mountains –
This is my country.
Krasnoyarsk region, Siberia and the Volga region,
Kazakhstan and the Caucasus, and the Baltics, too …
I was born in the Soviet Union,
I made in the USSR
I was born in the Soviet Union,
I made in the USSR
Rurik, the Romanovs, Lenin and Stalin –
This is my country.
Pushkin, Yesenin, Vysotsky, Gagarin –
This is my country.
Ruined churches and new churches,
Red square and the construction site at BAM …
I was born in the Soviet Union,
I made in the USSR
I was born in the Soviet Union,
I made in the USSR
Olympic gold, starts, wins –
This is my country.
Beetles, Suvorov, harvesters, torpedoes –
This is my country.
The oligarchs and the poor, the power and devastation,
The KGB, the interior Ministry and big science …
I was born in the Soviet Union,
I made in the USSR
I was born in the Soviet Union,
I made in the USSR
Glinka, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Tchaikovsky,
Vrubel, Chaliapin, Chagall, Aivazovsky
Oil and diamonds, gold, gas,
Navy, Navy, air force and special forces.
Vodka, caviar, Hermitage and missiles
The most beautiful women of the planet,
Chess, Opera, best ballet
Tell me, where is something that we don’t ?!
Even Europe joined in Union,
Together, our ancestors fought in battle.
Together won the Second world war,
Together we are the biggest country.
Stifle the border without a visa cannot,
As you are without us, respond, friends !
I was born in the Soviet Union,
I made in the USSR
I was born in the Soviet Union,
I made in the USSR
Well, they say geography is destiny.
Ann & Anonymous: Title is “Made In The USSR”
English lyric is at
If you want to dope out how the Russian lyrics are pronounced, or learn to read Russian headlines or maps, search “Russian Phonetics RT”. In just an hour or two you can learn how to sound out the Russian alphabet. It’s fun, takes you right back to first grade.
Many thanks ,the G
Except the fact that Russians are connected to Asia, we can say that basically they differs from western europeans by the fact that they are the heirs of the Byzantine Empire. As you said, the so called european civilization can trace its origin to the Carolingian Empire. It’s not that complicated to understand.
I can confirm as a greek that what you say about civilaization is true.
Ancient Greek democracy for sure has nothing to do with european representative democracy,european democracy with its parliament and state was invented in Switzerland and the UK.Greek democracy had no parliament,it was direct democracy and had no state.
Also for sure greeks have nothing to do with european culture,even tho that has changed the last decades,we are becoming a lot of westernised.Still tho there are clear cultural differences.
Switzerland is largely a direct democracy, it is the people who are sovereign. There’s a lot of interesting facts about direct democracy here.
Switzerland, forget it. And forget the direct democracy bullshit.
It doesn’t exist. It doesn’t work.
Just cheap talk to fool the first graders and the rest of the citizenry.
Proof? No Swiss newspaper would have the guts to print even this harmless statement.
Trust me, i have tried many times. :-)
They are not direct democracy,tho they can easily do referendums which is quite great indeed.Still it has its limits.
Seems the Ether Bunny is now on the DHS list of domestic terrists.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) intends to solicit responses to Request for Information (RFI) 20082225-JTC for Less Lethal Specialty Munitions (LLSM) for use by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
CBP is interested in incorporating commercial and industry practices that support this type of procurement.
To accomplish this, CBP intends to make industry a partner in all facets of the acquisition process, specifically by considering existing market capabilities, strengths and weaknesses for the acquisition of this commodity.
I would like to share some music with you too. From Serbia.
This one speaks of the First Balkan war.
This one is nice and entirely different from what MSM is speaking about us.
Third one is not music,but a folk dance. Choreographed but still impressive. Action starts around at 2m19s. They are most impressive at the end. Sorry for bad quality of the link. Could not find better quality with them.
And the last. Wonderful voice,powerful lirics and the end…
Thank you and God Bless You too. Those links were fantastic.
Great links, Dragan, thanks!
Béla Bartók collected and recorded Slovak peasant songs in the early twentieth century which greatly influenced his beautiful music.
One has to go back to the roots of both art and spirituality to fully appreciate the impacts of the destruction, or annihilation of culture and spirituality through materialism. Very few people are willing or able to truly do this.
Antonín Dvořák researched the folk songs of his homeland, Bohemia, as well as Poland, Ukraine and Serbia. His “Slavonian Dances” includes pieces based on the folk music of all those places.
Id like to add also that the first song sounds/feels to me almost like an orthodox hymn.Especially in the start of the song its quite clear id say.
Giving an example.
You mean this one:
and others like it? Because this Greek Spiritual Music is Stunning! Thank so much for supplying that pointer – God Bless You.
BTW I couldn’t stand the 2nd link Saker provided (Turetski Choir Art Group) it just didn’t feel nearly as sincere as Pelageia.
This in specific but not much difference.Sorry for the mistake of putting wrong link.
the song reminded me of central and west asian songs … even parts of it, the emotions, could well be the emotions expressed in Iranian songs about the martyrs of Karbala, about Imam al-Husayn (al) … fascinating…
Big hint here of something soon.
The conflict in Yemen could be the main cause of the Chinese Foreign Minister’s visit to Moscow. The visit comes on the same day as Saudi Arabia’s expected UN resolution for ground intervention in Yemen.
China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi is coming to Moscow on Monday for a three-day visit after an invitation was made by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.
While the high-profile visit is officially intended to primarily prepare both sides for the expected Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit for May 9 Victory Day festivities, it was not officially announced until Thursday.
Your experiment worked on me, thanks, Saker. What lovely, haunting, beautiful music, containing brilliant light and deepest darkness and in the end, passionate and timeless. Pelageia must be one of the top singers on earth right now, she needs to be better known. I can’t compare this stuff to anything except the more widely known (in what’s left of the West) Bulgarian vocal stuff. Also, when I lived in Sweden there were a lot of bands experimenting with the old sounds in a modern context, very successfully I might add, but even so, this music is unique. I need to order some CD’s!
To add something important: Notice their vocal technique to control the volume, i.e., not a mixer, but (duh!) moving their microphones. And not a hint of auto-tune (ugh!) among them! All of these singers are high-grade professionals who make a mockery of the “stars” in the west. I’d like to see Mariah whats-her-face survive five minutes of this level of emotional catharsis. How beautiful, and yes, maybe you have to be a musician or music lover to get what you’re talking about: There’s something deep here, something ancient, that goes beyond even the Orthodox into pre-history. So excited to find this, this is one of the things your blog is so great at, introducing those of us who knew-nothing-about-Russia to the wild and the beautiful that is modern and archaic Russian Culture. More of this kind of thing, please. And, as one to another, you really need to pick up that guitar again. Your guitar may surprise you and say “take me, I’m yours”, etc. Cheers!
Can someone explain me what is so special with the germanic tribes? they seem to be a source of evil or will of power everywhere? at least of supremacy and racism.
you see in the video about the Franks, and the AngloSaxons as described by the Saker
you confuse anglosaxon with german race-they are two different entities
anglos are common enemy of german. french, russian, you name any race of nation.
Anglo-Saxons are not Germanic, they are genetically Iberian and culturally very different from other (real) Germanic groups. Less the 5% of genetic contribution comes from Saxon/Germanic admixture to population of Britain, with 90% of their make-up being of paleothic Iberian origin (i.e. Basque, Spanish, Portuguese), that’s according to British geneticist Stephen Oppenheimer.
The upper elite of Britain aren’t even Anglo-Saxon, they’re actually Anglo-Norman, with a German Royal family (the fake “Windsors” real family name is Saxe and Coburg Gotha). This decadent elite has almost as much contempt for the average Englishman (Ibero-“Anglo-Saxon”) as they do for all the other people they tried to bleed and steal from. The upper establishment of Britain are a different breed, temperamentally, behaviorally and culturally than Continental Europeans, including the Germans.
Right on the target.
While Oppenhiemer has made a great contribution to this subject, he is not the last word and research has continued into the origins of the English. See here:
Your entire post is also confusion of linguistics (Germanic languages) with ethnology and genetics. Suffice it to say that the Germanic speaking peoples of Europe are not all closely related and that there is a significant north-south divide between Germans proper in Germany, and Scandanavians in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, and also the northern littoral of Germany in Frisia, Holstein, and Mecklenburg.
As to the English, they are more closely related genetically to the German-Dutch northern fringe and Scandanavians than to core Germans in central and southern Germany, Austria, and Switzerland – or Iberians. See this scatterplot for example.
Also, see “Genes and Geography” at this link
Which shouldn’t be a surprise to any histocrically literate person.
The decadent English elite so many people like to condemn around here is merely responsible for much of what we consider modern technical civilization, which is why this site holds conversations in English. They achieved this by studiously avoiding war in their own homeland and building it up from less than nothing into a great Empire. Apparently this is a horrible offense – if you are English – they should have aimed at remaining poor and inconsequential.
The other secret of England was emancipation of the common man from serfdom by ~1500. Which is a remarkable way of showing contempt for the common Englishman when considering that in the remainder of Europe, the common man was held as a slave up to or past the time of the French Revolutiuon.
If people don’t like all of that, they should consider why the world spanning Empires of 1610 – Spain, Portugal, Ottoman Turkey, and yes, Russia, were eclipsed in the a span of 150-200 years by England.
I’ve never seen a more pathetic defense of parasitism, murder, rape and theft. In addition to the defense and glorification of practiced duplicity, instigation and malice.
To quote you:
Your assertion is laughable. You’d like to take credit for all the contributions of the Greek, Indian, Persian, Chinese, Roman and other civilizations. Pathetic! Since the British only paid for their industrialization by stealing from and murdering others (mainly from stealing capital from India and the genocide and wholesale rape of British North America).
And when the Germans eclipsed the shoddy British with their low-quality primitive technology, what did the British do? Did they try to out-compete the Germans? No, they plotted to start an internecine war in Europe to burn everything the Germans built to the ground. And then to ensure that Germans never re-develop, the conniving British imposed Iraq-style conditions on the Germans, which ensured the bloody revenge that Hitler wrought on the UK (breaking the back of the much over-rated British empire and allowing the Americans to exploit Britain’s collapse and absorb all British naval bases in Asia). As for the spread of technical civilization, that was despite the British.
The people responsible for the spread of industrial technical civilization were mainly the Americans, the Japanese and the Soviets not the slime-bag British Empire which deliberately de-industrialized the lands under their parasitic control. You might find this hard to understand, but Americans are not British nor are they English (neither is American culture).
In fact, the very foundation of America was based on a rejection of the British and their inbred debauch elite In addition, the American white population was majority German and not English. The American work-ethnic and ingenuity comes from the their German heritage, as well, America inherited strengths from the native Ameridian culture, the other (non-English) cultures the Italians, the Irish, the Jews, the Africans, Asians and Continental European immigrants. American culture is as far from British culture as you can get. Yes, I suppose, the only true manifestation of British culture we can see in the US is their recent vice (post President Wilson) of fomenting wars in foreign lands.
I suppose being America’s poodle and vassal might drive some in the Anglosphere to wax nostalgic and sanitize the true ugliness of the murderous drug-dealing mafia operation known as the British Empire. It might even drive some insecure individuals to dream up made fantasies about British (non-existent) altruism and mythical spreading of ‘technical culture’.
Gee it took those idiots 200 years? How pathetic, since Russia eclipsed Britain in almost a tenth of that time: 30 years –> 1917 to 1947. By the end of WW2 Russia was a Land Superpower and Britain was a grovelling and severely humiliate colony of the United States. By 1957, Russia/Soviet Union was a global Superpower and British was reduced to an appendage of the American system.
As for now, Britain is not only America’s vassal but also Germany’s. Despite all of this Britain is still higher on the totempole than Canada (America’s Resource Storage Depot), Australia (demographically slated to become Asian), New Zealand (land of sheep and dairy).
this is good
Yes, very good. If this is any indication seems the English have it coming.
@ 3 cents,
Hear, hear..
Glad to oblige!
so much for nationalism being an infantile disease.
The British that you refer to were a group within a group at a distinct point in time.
That group changes over time.
Empires ebb and flow.
Nationality is an accident of birth – it is an infantile disease.
Descriptions assigned to entire groups of people because of their accidental birthplace are futile.
It is the psychotic evil leaders of these groups who determine what is remembered in history.
It is the leaders who determine the religion and prevailing moral compass that is followed by the masses. The same yesterday today and tomorrow.
Regarding Nationalism being an infantile disease (actually, it’s blind romantic Nationalism that’s the problem):
You will note I was referring to the British Empire and their debauch so-called “English” elite not to the entire population of the UK. Firstly, the elite of Britain aren’t even English (Anonymous above did an excellent job of pointing that out), most of Britain’s elite is made of Anglo-Normans, and other non-English elements as well as their royal family being from an insignificant “duchy” of Germany: Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha). Secondly, the average Englishman was used as cannon-fodder, factory fodder and as white-slaves (or haven’t you heard of press-gangs). Thirdly, it was due to the “generous-hearted” “English” elite’s attempt to prevent the American colonies from developing and manufacturing as well as thieving taxation that triggered the American war of Liberation from the British yoke. So much for Andrew’s argument about emancipation in Britain. If Britain was such a great and emancipated place, then why were its common “Anglo-Saxon” people running from Britain and risking their lives to restart from scratch in the Americas?
The fact that the vaunted “English” elite tried to exploit and keep under-developed their so-called fellow Anglo-Saxons in America is more proof of the contempt this “glorious” elite had towards their alleged Anglo-Saxon brethren. It’s only because of the American revolution that, later, both Australia and Canada were allowed to develop their own industries by the British (for fear of triggering more revolts). Otherwise these colonies would be in as poor a shape as Brazil and India (where manufacturing was destroyed by law, monetary policy and taxation in favor of the colonizing state, Britain and Portugal respectively).
It appeared to me that a pathetic attempt was being made to gloss over the incredibly destructive and murderous impact of the British Piracy Theft and Drug-Dealing Empire by making the false claim that it was “Britain’s “English” elite that were responsible for technical culture across the globe”. It is what I addressed in my above response.
You are right that nationalism is infantile especially when it blinds you to the flaws, weaknesses, and the seeds of the downfall your national system and culture. Blind uncritical nationalism is also an undeniable indication of fragility, weakness and insecurity – as we can observe from the provably false statement:
No. It was the United States (who helped industrialize Japan and made the biggest contribution of spreading technology), next the Japanese (who spread electronics, car-factories and tool and die equipment globally), and finally, the Russians/Soviet-Union (who helped industrialize and militarize their client states in Asia during the cold-war)
It was Britain’s parasitical destruction of the capital other nations that slowed down the industrialization and development of the world not the other way around.
Appreciate your further comment.
“Thirdly, it was due to the “generous-hearted” “English” elite’s attempt to prevent the American colonies from developing and manufacturing as well as thieving taxation that triggered the American war of Liberation from the British yoke.”
It took the American colonies very little time to replicate the “yoke” of the “English” Elite:
“it’s blind romantic Nationalism that’s the problem”
what other sort is there?
are your mountains bigger than mine?
is your religion better than mine?
does your wife have better features than mine?
have your oligarchs designed a fairer distribution of wealth to mine?
were you “luckier” to be born where you were?
is your Rugby team better than mine?
is the average person where you live more forgiving/more loving than in mine?
is you new high tech better than mine (so what)?
ALL nationalism is an infantile disease.
“ALL nationalism is an infantile disease.”
Do you also include here Russian nationalism ?
It’s my understanding that ‘nationalism’ is a late arrival. This is a deeper river; love, motherland and war. ( thanks for “motherland” because I’ve seen it refered to as fatherland several times recently; and I always thought Russia was distinguished by reference to motherland; not that i know exactly where that distinction goes…. Does Germany as “fatherland” date to the fuhrer? I recently read that the “Nazis” never refered to themselves as Nazis, that comes from the Allies. I would absolutely agree that Germany and Russia should…meet. Rudolph Steiner’s Karma of Untruthfulness Vol. l & ll has alot to say about the obliteration of the spiritual legacy of central Europe with the onset of WWl. In any case I can’t get enough of all these conflicting waves of comments whipped up by song and memory. Nor can I get enough of the 53 seconds of this Aryan (?) chant sung by a Dutchman if i remember correctly;
Re: What other sort [i.e. nationalism] is there?
I’ll give you a quick answer: The kind of Nationalism that is more brutal, ruthlessly truthful in criticizing your own people and nation than it is in criticizing other peoples and nations. This done to keep your own people, your own nation strong, to keep your own integrity and to act as as example to other nations and systems. Now this does not mean useless self-flagellation that serves to weaken and demoralize your country (like many Russians engaged in post cold-war).
It means that true patriotism and nationalism focuses in keeping your nation on moral high ground and focuses on keeping yourself strong thru self-criticism, self-correction, self-effort, integrity, sincere-humility, concrete action, public service, vigilance, honesty, common-sense and assertive self-defence.
So my definition of Nationalism is having a spirit of healthy national self-respect and confidence, not the fake nationalism that results from contrived inflation of the national ego to mask hatred, greed, jealousy and insecurity.
To some extent I agree with you…the difficulty is identifying a nation where the overriding values are of:
“not the fake nationalism that results from contrived inflation of the national ego to mask hatred, greed, jealousy and insecurity.”
In particular, I can see no evidence to point toward Russians having less greed or jealously than any other group on earth (particularly in a society of such extreme wealth ineqyality).
In fact I cannot think of any group in history which exemplifies your ideal description – maybe some individuals but never any large group.
I would be interested to hear of examples though.
Seriously, poor Mr. Shakespeare must be turning in his grave at this attempt to defend the honour and glory of England. Mindless Whiggery gone bazookas. But definitely not in the legitimate lineage of the Conqueror, the Lion Heart, the Bard of Avon or the brilliantly crafty Cromwell for that matter. Seems the Levellers have finally pretty well levelled everything in the Land of Orwell. How this must flatter the pride of Madame Le Pen… Perhaps in his heart of hearts Andrew is a French secret agent?
Thank you for that analysis, Andrew. Very informative, and conclusions square up both tradition and modern research.
I don’t know where this Oppenheimer got his test subjects from. They must have married within the same Gaelic clan for centuries.
We have to give England its due, including the Magna Carta and Shakespeare. However, wrt “The other secret of England was emancipation of the common man from serfdom by ~1500”, we also need to remember that England led the way downwards to industrial slavery. See “Serfdom Is Better Than What the West is Heading For”, here:
No xabu44 German tribes are very spiritual…they had practice of all boys having a chance to be king for three years in old tribe…had to be born during Holy Nights…solstice….
Very spiritual people….during middle ages !!! Cathedrals….very spiritual times on earth…Chartres….Thomas Aquinas….
The fact that the corporation RC nowadays claims Thomas Aquinas as only theirs is subversive….he was a great Christian.
But now in our times the Catholic Church tries to hold everyone back in their development. And the tortures of the inquisition were originally south Europe so the Germans are not to blame for that.
The Holy Roman Empire as known during Charlemagne’s time was not evil….that’s simply not true. It was spiritual times, but yes, it was Catholic. The Germans did pick up Catholicism and take it further than the Romans did.
And by the way, it was the German tribes who became so enamoured of the little baby…before, in early Christian times it was the Sun Being the Cosmic Christ that was worshipped.
It was in northern Europe that the Christmas festival became the main one…before, in early times, it was Easter.
western nations feed on other people’s energy, thus they have an urge to conquer and subject others to their parasitic modus operandi…
it is not about resources (but it helps) – it is feeding on other people’s misery. like a bully in high school.
You forgot to mention another Russian bard, almost as famous as Vyssotsky – Bulat Okudzhava, half Georgian, half Armenian, all his songs were in Russian. And legend of Russian rock – Viktor Tsoi, who was half Korean, half Russian. Let alone one of the greatest Russian leader – Joseph Stalin, half Georgian, half Ossetian.
If you still believe Tinseltown is all about making great movies and telling jaw-dropping stories, this should yank you back to reality; The latest installment in the Fast and Furious franchise.
Who runs that place again?
ShallowSparrow paging JohnnyDepthDepp…”What’s wrong with Tolstoys Russia?
Not much that I know of, his Last Diaries are an incredible read. He was a hundred years before his time with his vision.
Yes, exactly. I wanted to point that out too. Natasha Rostova, an aristocratic young woman, joining in with the peasants in their folk music – isn’t that a powerful example of Russian soul being at the crossroads of west and east?
And, have you heard Spanish women singing, beautiful deep voices sounding like guitars? Another crossroads nation. Europe and Africa.
Real culture, not the mickey mouse rubbish.
yes Russia exalts their women
Yes, Micky Mouse culture, but perhaps one has to start somewhere in our barren and banal world, and maybe Pelageia will help….
Tolstoy’s ideas also influenced the village in Southan England near where I live, which burned the title deeds of the land and is therefore owned by the community. One of the founders of this small village even traveled to Russia on foot and by horse and cart to meet Tolstoy and hear of his ideals.
It seems that this posting alludes to some of the same themes that came through in a series of books by Vladimir Megre about Anastasia, a sage who is tapped in to the wisdom of the ages. I was significantly impacted by the ideas of those books: the reconnection with one’s roots, connection to the land of one’s ancestors, the poetry/songs, the use of images to influence people.
I recommend Megre’s “Ringing Cedar Series” for anyone so inclined.
Thank you Saker for all your insights and incredible effort to get the word out on important issues.
According to a just released UN report that monitors al Qaeda and ISIS terrorist groups, from the time ISIS splashed onto the headlines last June in its infamous trek southward from Syria into Iraq to take over the second largest city Mosul without encountering any opposition, a whopping 20,000 foreign recruits from over 100 countries – that’s most nations on earth – have since converged on Iraq and Syria alone to join up as terrorists ostensibly fighting to rid the Middle East of the so called Western infidels. Another 5000 new recruits from foreign countries are additionally fighting in other war zones like Libya and now Yemen.
During the Reagan-Bush administration the US through the CIA created and began backing the terrorist organization that came to be known as al Qaeda in early 1980’s Afghanis
Russian songs are very sombre and philosophical really deep just like Indian philosophical thoughts which the shallow shopkeeper nations like anglos can never fathom .
hope Russia rejects the cheap anglo commercial pop and rock music and see in her own tradition to find real music.
and no-white europeans are not aryans-only the Indian from north India and Iranians are. others may be Indoeuroepans but not Aryans
even then genetically Russians have more Haplotype R1a1 gene indicative of Indoeuropeans than say non aryans like anglos race.
anglos are Phoenician race not Europeans.
great music Russia.keep it up.
And what are you? An Aryan? No, just a fool.
Playing humans against humans – divide and conquer – isn’t this hallmark of mediocrity since the beginning of time?
Didn’t you hear the great message? That there is only one race, the human race.
And don’t even start with this “Haplotype” nonsense. Great music comes from the heart and the spirit. It never will be found in the genes.
Zweistein. I agree w you. Some of the comments above seem to be avid to denounce entire nations. Ugly and brainless.
Thanks for objecting.
when I say that factually the english race is not Aryan then what is the problem?
the fact is fact.
arya word was never heard in e English language before the german scientists of Catherine the great in st Petersburg library did research about tocharian language in 1775 and then compared that to sanskrit and heard about the aryan people in India.
english were late comer to know about that word though those shopkeepers had been there since 1650 ad but still ignorant about Aryan entity.
even The then English linguist said that the “darkest tamil is more aryan than the fairest scandinavian and that english are mistaken in thinking that they are aryans.”
persoanlly I don’t think being aryan is something especial -their staunch enemy Ashur of nothern iraq were (mosul, Nipur, Ninehev) much more advanced city civilization than village civilization of aryans through out history.
yes humans are all same but do not claim to be aryan when you are not.
besides when the same population votes for the same criminal like tony blair or bush after knowing their crime then that population is not that innocent.
Dear The Saker,
Thank you for this.
The irony of the Ukrainian Nazi’s are they are all mixed up themselves if you look at the history of what is today “Ukraine”….jeez we are all human beings – who cares. Ignorance breeds hate.
Music is a universal language we all have in common – it speaks for itself no matter what language is sung.
I enjoyed listening to both pieces. The song sang by Pelageia has a middle eastern sound to it too and was beautifully sung by the four singers and I found very moving. The male choir was a more rocked up version of a traditional song and again sang very well.
Thank you for posting these :-)
Nonsense. I am an European and I support the Russian strugle against the great Hegemon, USA.
Yes, Italy, our thoughts and judgements have no necessary connection to our genes. And some of us even manage to escape some of the errors of our culture. I think that people everywhere who truly understand what is happening oppose what my country, the US, is doing. I don’t think anything the Saker is saying is meant to contradict that.
Penelope said:
“I don’t think anything the Saker is saying is meant to contradict that.”
in “Yes, Russia is *still* ready for war – even nuclear war” Saker said:
“Finally, unlike western Europe, where a surrendering force was usually spared, in the vast expanses of Russia, surrender was simply not an option. Surrender meant death. The Russian gene pool was directly affected by this selective pressure. As was Russian culture.”
So Penlope, do you think:
our thoughts and judgements have a necessary connection to our genes.
our thoughts and judgements have no
necessaryconnection to our genes.or
something else ?
I’m confused by your statement.
I think, Andrew, that within constraints we have free will– and I agree with “Italy” that one can support Russia against the hegemon regardless of one’s genetic heritage. If you think Saker’s comments are meant to invalidate free will (I don’t) I will leave you to debate the matter w him.
Apologies Penelope, please let me clarify.
I was actually trying to refer to what you said here:
“…our thoughts and judgements have no necessary connection to our genes”
Since, I think “our thoughts and judgements” are our entirety (since actions are triggered by thoughts) I was merely wondering if you thought e.g:
if an Inuit child (with malformed features to make it appear as a “normal” German child) would, assuming inadvertently switched at birth to “normal” German parents, develop differently to any other “normal” German child?
i.e. putting all socital impacts aside, do you think our genes distinguish thought between “ethnic groups” – is there any evidence for this?
Appreciate any further comment.
Andrew, I said “our thoughts and judgements have no necessary connection to our genes. And some of us even manage to escape some of the errors of our culture.”
By that I meant that often similar genetic heritage may experience the same culture, so that the judgements of those w that genetic heritage MAY be more similar than otherwise.
As to whether genes acting within the same cultural milieu affect behavior, I should think that a part of what we are individually is determined genetically– mentally & emotionally as well as physically.
We are encouraged to believe that the INTRA-ethnic difference among individuals is greater than the INTER-ethnic differences between ethnicities or races.
I’ve no particular opinion as to whether there are in fact ethnic/racial differences other than the physical. It’s never seemed relevant in my dealings w people since I meet only individuals and never need decide between a phenotypic average in considering an employee– or a friend or author.
I have wondered almost since I began to watch so closely the Russians and especially the East Ukrainian Russians if they are not different than Americans in some way in addition to the cultural. Americans in the 50s were more like them, and I suspect from reading the common fiction of the 1900s and earlier that the earlier American was even more like today’s Russian. Most of this change in the American psyche I chalk up to a purposeful intellectual and moral dumbing down. I don’t suppose any society can well sustain its members watching 30 or more weekly hours of such destructive TV.
But I’m still left wondering if there is any genetic, physical difference. I’m not a student or adherent of phrenology but can’t help wondering if the difference in the common shape of the Slavic brain-pan could’ve pre-disposed the culture to certain characteristics– perhaps patience or stoicism or a slowness to excitability. Or even a disposition to aspire to the inspirational or adhere to the sacred.
I say “pre-disposed the culture” because not every Slav has the characteristic Slav skull shape.
And I say “Slav” rather than just Russian because years ago I had noticed something of the same temperamental difference in other East Europeans that I met.
I suppose such an influence is unlikely to exist; certainly there are groups w/in the Slavs– like the UkraNazis– who show characteristics at a radical departure from what I am describing.
Human beings have always seemed to me to be deeply mysterious– not least because so much seems to be decided before we are old enough to consciously make decisions.
Thank you Penelope.
You said:
“As to whether genes acting within the same cultural milieu affect behavior, I should think that a part of what we are individually is determined genetically– mentally & emotionally as well as physically”
I think i’m correct that your wonderment for the slavs (I assume to include Russians & Ukranians?) is based on their brain pan shape difference to other humans. Because of this genetic similarity you think that could result in characteristics of their group culture weighted toward:
(i) patience
(ii) stoicism
(iii) slowness to excitability
(iv) aspire to the inspirational
(v) adhere to the sacred
A few more questions, if you don’t mind.
Do you consider this list of “cultural traits” as exceptionally good? i.e. that the slavs could be exceptionally good based on their geneticity?
Do you consider this list of “cultural traits” could be irrelevant, at best, or exceptionally bad at worst? e.g. if they are predisposed to a sacredness that is in fact non-existent or (even worse) is an evil sacredness.
Are you aware of any control group studies to track infant adoptions from Eastern Europe to correlate the traits you describe to persistence within a new set of cultural parameters – so as to prove/disprove your thought (i.e. that you “should think that a part of what we are individually is determined genetically– mentally & emotionally as well as physically”)
I have no particular genetic education, so your further comment would be appreciated.
Andrew, I’m not willing to defend what is only a thought, not even really a hypothesis. I’ve the sort of mind that constantly throws out almost-hypotheses and retains them in the absence of a full explanation for my puzzlement. As I watched the aftermath of the Ukrainian coup unfold in slow motion I was again & again surprised by the actions of the Ukrainians and especialy the E Ukrainians. EGs:
-Berkut who stood stoically allowing themselves to be used as punching bags.
-head of the Navy who resigned rather than obey the coup.
-commander of the flagship who defied a coup order.
-new head of navy who immy swore allegiance to Crimea.
-police depts that allowed themselves to be taken over by citizens.
-a sheriff who disagreed was told he should resign, so after thinking it over for a day he did.
-earliest tank drivers to arrive in E Ukraine conferred among themselves & agreed to surrender.
-Ukrainians who harmlessly shelled empty fields while telling their radios that they were fighting.
-Unarmed citizenry stopping tanks at a distance to E Ukraine & explaining why this cd only lead to more tension. Tank drivers agreed & turned back.
-Villains w kalishnikovs came to steal the ballots. Unarmed citizens confronted them, shouting. Kalishnikovs killed one or two. People didn’t run away but continued confrontation!
-Treating POWs well, allowing them to go home.
-Crimean takeover w no bullets fired.
etc, etc
As to whether any characteristic is always good (better than its antithesis), I suppose that the behavior that flows from it is good or bad depending on the context. It certainly appears that the peaceableness of the E Ukrainian Russians hasn’t inhibited their ability to defend themselves and others!
Studies demonstrating tendency to inherit mental/emotional characteristics? I spose if you look it up there are some; seems obvious by observation. (family resemblance oft-times)
Attraction to sacredness & even evil sacredness? I spose Nazi thought cd qualify for the 2nd. Generally, the sacred impulse is towards what wd be widely recognized as an ideal– but then there’s that 1%. There’s a literature that seems to declare that our evil “elites” are “religious” in a satanic sense.
you said “-Berkut who stood stoically allowing themselves to be used as punching bags.”
Here’s a video in my hometown, it’s 100 times less intense than Maidan – but the reaction of the PSNI (Police Service of Northern Ireland) is, to me, equivalent to that of the Berkut
Northern Ireland is split 50/50 almost entirely along a sectarian line (i) pro-UK union “Loylists” (ii) pro-Irish “Nationalists”. It doesn’t matter if the PSNI’s master’s task them with suppressing the “Loyalists” or “Nationalists”. They are paid hands – period. Same as Berkut.
I’ll not go through your list further but please don’t be surprised – in my experience people are practically the same, everywhere.
“seems obvious by observation.” in a large population? -not to me.
Attraction to sacredness & even evil sacredness? I spose Nazi thought cd qualify for the 2nd. Generally, the sacred impulse is towards what wd be widely recognized as an ideal
I’m an agnostic, more interested in whether the character of the gods revealed in various sacred books measure up against what I think of “as good & pure” [i.e just because a god says “I am Holy” doesn’t mean it is – I was raised as Protestant Christian. The god revealed in that particular Holy book (the King James Bible) seems to be all love and wrath mixed into one, a seriously mixed up broth – just like ourselves but hardly what I think you mean by “ideal”. To that extent religion / the sacred cannot be discounted as the opiate of the masses.
Of course, I don’t think we just “popped out of nowhere” – but, my feeling is, the current Holy books are more likely control mechanisms rather than explanations/revelations of the “truth”. I think they are entirely man made.
Are we,
a simulation
a …
I don’t yet know.
Andrew, I see a vast difference between the Russians, including those in E Ukraine, and Americans. As to whether the difference is wholly cultural or has a genetic tendency– I await for reality to school me.
Don’t think Pelageia sounds as it would be traditionally sang —- smth like the middle one here,
Or like Snezhochki sounds, indeed.
She does it quite well ———but it’s a folksy ‘new deal’ which probably has to do mostly with her; no etho- geographic conclusions follow
you mean anything new is fake ? Just because entho rock is new, its still culture and its still Russia .
Ann, at the link just above are the lyrics to Black Raven. You only need to machine-translate them. The song is a round, and so verses repeat.
Ann, I take it back. The words of Black Raven at the link above are NOT the words of the version of Black Raven that the men are singing. You may like to recognize the words that sound like “Cherniy voron” as the words “Black Raven”. I too would like to know what words are being sung– even if I knew in Russian it wd be helpful.
Aren’t the FACES marvelous in both selections?
Vasilii Ivanovich PechkinThank you for the link – all three versions of the song of the Don Cossacks iare great- the song seems to lend itself to interpretation, as in these epic and the lyric versions.
what they mean by euroepans is what they mean by west .
and by west they the opinion makers of Anglo sphere used to say about Germany after 1990 if Germany wants to be part of west or Europe or an independent entity-those Anglos were very worried then !and they pushed NATO east.
so by common misnomer European has become west which is really not euroepan but Anglo concept.
racism is typically anglo concept too -considering that anglos are not really european gentically but Phoenicians mixed with Neanderthals in the bog land of north holland.
themselves “the west” -a nation otherwise known as 5 Eyes !- A combination of england, usa, canada ,newzealand and australia- disparate nations geographically and not even european ; but esssentially anglosaxon race nations. A race based concept really. West is euphemism for anglos- it does not include any of other white European nations not even the most westerly European nation of Ireland! The word “west” is a fraud to distract from real actors behind the scene-the 5 eyes of English controlled anglo nations.
What on earth are you talking about??
Saker, can we get something clear?
There is only one race on this planet – the Human Race.
All the rest is noise to distract and divide. As for folk music, there are beautiful examples from the world over. So much to share and cherish from such a diversity of the human experience.
“All the rest is noise to distract and divide.”
Absolutely agree.
Nationality is a 100% accident of birth. Most of the comments on this thread are much ado about…nothing.
Chit chat amongst the “we” are exceptional because of…brigade”.
Russians are…Brits are…Iranians are…Americans are…Chinese are PEOPLE.
Policy is set by the, mostly, psycopathic, leaders – talk/argue about that, not about nationalism.
Talk about the problem (and possible solutions) – not the “distract and divide” symptom.
Pathetic squared.
Saker, are you a “starovyery”? In which case your beef should be with Patriarch Nikon far more than with Peter the Great!
Aryans are Persian, they do not qualify Europeans. “White Aryans” is an insult to them, in my opinion.
That song by Pelageia has much in common with Celtic music as well as with Balkan and with Bulgarian music, in my educated musician opinion.
Happy Palm Sunday to you and your family!
Saker, are you a “starovyery”?
No, not at all. Because while on all the superficial issues they were factually correct (such as the way to make the sign of the Cross), they were wrong on the single most important one: the Creed (or Symbol of Faith). That they were truly wrong about. So no, while I love the Old Rite, I am a “Greek” Orthodox.
In which case your beef should be with Patriarch Nikon far more than with Peter the Great!
Not at all – you need to study your Russian history more. Patriarch Nikon, for all his mistakes, did, at the end, very much proclaim that both rites were valid. Not only that, but he was then condemned very unfairly at the 1666-1667 Council. The truth is that things got really very ugly AFTER Nikon, not during his tenure. As for Peter, he did immense damage to Russia, his reforms were all very “Bolshevik” in nature, and he also turned Russia into a Empire run by aristocrats. True, just before his death he did repent, but most of his life he was one impious blaspheming materialist and a ruthless ruler. Most of his so-called “reforms”, at least most of the good ones were already initiated under Alexei Mikhailovich. The best thing you can do is to read Solonevich’s book “Народная Монархия” and the book by Father Lev Levedev “Великороссия Жизненный Путь”.
HTH, cheers,
The Saker
yes-all modern euroepan states are remnant of the empire of German holy roman empire of karl der gross.
anglos flatter themselves by comparing themselves with the Greeks and roman -there is as much a difference between todays so called anglo controlled west and greek roman civilization that it is unbelievable unless you realize that anglos are not euroepans but phonecians (that is why they love another trader community of jews) who had settled in the north holland from barcelona and from carthage in before Christian era.
Well~ Thanks to you I’ve discovered I’ve got a “musical ear” because I was emotional moved by that song to point of embarrassment (very confusing and embarrassing for a man to have tears well-up involuntarily and not have a clue why). Don’t understand a single word of spoken Russian (especially in songs), so by your definition it must be due to the extreme competence of the artists and the listener having a musical ear. Thank you to you and your daughter for providing this excellent gateway into Russian culture. If your family can provide any other pointers to culturally genuine Russian music (of this genre) it would be greatly appreciated.
I couldn’t agree with you more that Russians are ethos/mindset/emotion/cultural-wise far more Asian than they are European (and I completely concur with your comments regarding Serbs and Greeks). With respect to Greeks, they are far closer culturally, genetically, and emotionally to their ancient adversaries the Persians and the people of the Middleeast, West Asia and India than to ‘Europe’. Certainly the elites of Western Europe believe that, that’s why they treat them like untermenchen (unfortunately, the average Greek still hasn’t come to terms with this fact despite being re-colonized and de-industrialized by the parasitic EU and crooked German Banks).
I won’t agree that Russian ethos has commonality with Northern China and Japan (they are on other extreme of the spectrum of human culture), however, from the eastern edge of central Asia (turkic lands, Mongolia, Altai) to all of central Asia, India, Iran, the Caucuses and West Asia, Russians are part of that cultural superstructure.
I heard similar comments to those you’ve stated here from defense procurement personnel from India, Indonesia, Iran and Turkic countries but from the other side of the fence: all of these people had one commonality, they felt as comfortable with Russians as they did with their compatriots, they didn’t feel like they were dealing with somebody alien, but with people that were culturally and emotional compatible with them. However, when dealing with representatives of Western arms suppliers, most of these people did not feel they could let their guard down, and felt a palpable yet hard to articulate barrier.
That said, the common folk of Europe are trying their best to re-connect with the rest of humanity, despite the efforts of their psychotic establishment to socially engineer them otherwise. Even more so, I have found average Americans to be amongst the warmest, accepting and generous people (especially outside of the urban centers) and that despite the mind and soul destroying assault being waged on them by Hollywood and their Knowledge and IQ-destroying Propaganda-Stream-Media.
@ My 2 Cents,
Art/music isn’t great, because you pay a fortune for it. It all depends on how deep it touches ‘you’ emotionally, spiritually or otherwise.
I deeply respect an honest wo/man, when I see one.
Kudos to you.
you are beginning to scare me. I discovered this song on youtube some 4 weeks ago, and I was just about to put it on my facebook page, when I saw this post.
I mus add that you instinctively had the same feeling about the song as me.
But you missed something in your interpretation of this song. You said :
“The real, “deep”, Russia (not the one of Tolstoy or Stravinsky) has a completely different ethos, shaped by the Russian immense steppes and forests, by the Orthodox phronema and by numerous wars which threatened the very existence of the Russian nation. If you can, I hope that you will hear the “voice” of this “deep Russia” in this song,”
You mentioned everything correctly , except the one, but the most important thing about this song! This is the Slavic spirit and soul per-exemplar!!! I also have this song with Serbian subtitles, and I almost began to cry when she sang about how “the black raven” should “bring his blooded shirt to his mother”! We have absolutely the same verses in the old Serbian epic poetry, in the poem called “Smrt majke Jugovića” ( “Death of the mother og Jugovics”).
This song is Slavic 101% !!!
It represents the true, Slavic, oldest cultural layer in Russian national identity. Not the Orthodox Christian one, not the Marxist one, not even Mongol one, but true, Slavic one.
What? No throat singing?!
throat singing is buddhist . how can you compare throat singing with this songbird ?
This is great. Glad to be introduced to the Turetskii Choir. Hopefully we’ll see a Cossack Group trying a little Klezmer music one day. ;-)
You mentioned Tuva. Some years back I met and spent several days with a group of Tuvan musicians, Huun Huur Tu, wonderful people. They indeed speak Russian. This is their music (doesn’t really sound much like Russian music… )
Vierotchka, there even was a project mixing Slavic music (here Bulgarian) with this Buddhist influenced music of Huun-Huur -Tu. :)
Well, ethnic Russians are Europeans. Genetically, linguistically and largely culturally.
The country itself, the heir of an enormous empire, obviously bridges Europe and Asia and absorbed dozens of other ethnicities, making it distinct from Europe.
In the far east of Russia, it would seem to me, russians brought much of european culture into it.
As for Sakers constant laments of “aryan/nazi/ukrop” discrimination or whatever against russians, a less emotional and more pragmatic aproach reveals that humans are tribal creatures, whether one likes it or not.
Therefore, friction, prejudices and grudges between ethnic groups are common and have always been.
Russians are well documented to discriminate and dislike other ethnic groups, such as chechens and other caucasians or asians from the russian federation itself. There is much conflict and tension between russians and its restless islamic minorities.
On a related note, i have noticed that the sakers blog has often spoken harshly about the chechens. But only if they are anti-russian.
When they serve as the russian auxilia, they r good chechens.
Kadirov was once described around here as a usual chechen warlord/thug, etc.
Now, he is an A grade chechen.
Interesting to see how russian nationalists can be every bit as chauvinistic and selective with evidence as is the case with zamericans.
But I say, good for them!! For the apologetic, self hating and self-debasing type of behavior, common to europeans, particularly germans, for instance, is certainly not helpful to build a strong nation.
Luca:On a related note, i have noticed that the sakers blog has often spoken harshly about the chechens. But only if they are anti-russian. When they serve as the russian auxilia, they r good chechens.
Never. I only spoke harshly about WAHABI Chechens, and not more than any other WAHABI. As a people, I admire the Chechens. Your primitive and sophomoric misrepresentation of my views says nothing about me and everything about you.
Dear Mr. Saker: If only you could apply some of this wisdom to the Roman Catholics as well. The “Catholics” you lambast are really Pentecostalists pretending to be Catholics. So as you wisely distinguish between Muslims and Wahhabis, you should also distinguish between Catholics and Pentecostalists (of the latter the slyly anti-Russian Pope Francis being Exhibit A). Same with Zionism vs. Judaism.
So we can see the true villains are the actual real-life Fundamentalist Crazies: Namely, the Wahhabis, the Pentecostalists and the Zionists. Those are the demented birds of a feather that flock (and bomb) together! They are also the actual apostates in revolt against their respective Creeds.
Please attempt to gain some grip on your anti-Catholic mania. Russia needs Germany as much as Germany needs Russia and the Pan-European civilisation of the future must be a Greek, Latin and Nordic synthesis that harmonises the Eastern and Western wings of the ancient and medieval Roman Empire. We shall either hang together as Romans or else hang separately as Anglo-Zionist useful idiots.
And there will never be a peaceful and prosperous Eurasia without a peaceful and prosperous Europe. Holy Mother Russia’s destiny is to unify Europe, Asia and Eurasia together into the hub of the millennial World to Come. There is no other way and the Catholics and Germans will be a major part of it. With or without your manic narrow-mindedness…
In the interests of full disclosure I am a non European Muslim.
To Brother Francis
I am happy to read your comment. I personally feel that Germany and Russia should be close to one another. It was a great misfortune that Kaiser Wilhelm II was deceived by his Gog & Magog advisors and fell foul of the dirty machinations of that British premier, Disraeli.
Germany needs to liberate herself from NATO occupation and NATO brainwashing and I hope Russia will help her. A Russian-German military alliance would fantastic however I am doubtful of this occurring, at least this side of WW III.
To T:
This depends on how we define WWIII. The Americans are possessed by a fanatic racial and religious hatred of both Germans and Russians that will not change this side of eternity. Lately the Americans have been able to maintain less and less self-control and professional subtlety. American crass amateurism and lazy self-indulgence run rife. Hence the Americans are not only driving the Russians and Chinese away from themselves. They are also working overtime to drive the Germans away as well. This is probably because the Americans yearn for WWIII above all things but lack the discipline and intelligence to make it happen. (One should have great faith in an essential American incompetence!) A population so worthless that they crave WWIII and then are too doltish to pull it off is worthless indeed. If ever anyone were a candidate for the garbage heap of history, well, here we are in N.A.T.O., or the incompetent U.S.S.R. redux known as the contemporary Western World. In any case the German endurance for living in the madhouse known as N.A.T.O. is limited, Germans lack the awesome suicidal masochism of the average brain-dead American. Therefore the Germans are in the process of being shoved out of N.A.T.O. whether they like it or not. This disintegration of N.A.T.O. probably is the actual WWIII in which the Neo-Liberal Revolution is eating its children, as such Revolutions are wont to do in their final collapse phase. Caesar will arrive when called and no doubt he will be at the head of a German-Russian Alliance. Will he be named “Staler”, or perhaps “Hitlin”? Well, you get the idea. Either way the demented Americans are headed for deepest doo-doo and the Germans must man the lifeboats with compasses set due east. Because the lunatic American Ahab and his phantasmal great white whale Moby Dick will not be separated as they are inexorably pulled down together into the Depths. WWIII isn’t a nuclear fire from above, but a telluric fire down below.
And, yes, Disraeli was a sly devil.
Brother T: Your comments about “the American population” show that you know nothing about them. They are merely the first victims of a criminal international cabal which has gotten control of its govt and other cultural levers. The criminal class has not arisen from America, but been foisted upon it.
Whenever a person abuses an entire nation he is merely projecting his own hatred.
To T:
This depends on how we define WWIII. America is like Ahab and Neo-Liberalism is like Moby Dick from Melville’s tale. The Neo-Liberal Revolution is eating its children and sinking with all lights blazing. The Americans are possessed and can not let go of their doomed Neo-Liberal Revolution. Whereas the Germans have no such masochism. They are manning the lifeboats with compasses set due east. Hence America is going missing into the depths and the Germans are being left alone with their Russian neighbour. There will be a Russian-German Alliance because neither nation is going to have anything else they can do. As the English and Americans drown in their own incomparable guilt-ridden stupidity the Germans and Russians will be allies. It is their Destiny.
Letter to the UN Special Rapportuer on Human Rights of Migrants and UN Independent Expert on Minority Issues
“In one particularly shocking example, Russian State Radio’s Vesti FM published on its website a map entitled “Illegal Aliens,” marking neighborhoods with supposedly dense populations of undocumented migrants in Moscow and encouraging Muscovites to help update the map to expose “the migrant underground.”
Is this BS?
Anonymous, I don’t find anything heinous in any nation’s desire to control immigration. Certainly the citizens have a right to decide how much immigration they will permit.
Human Rights Watch is George Soros funded & therefore we may expect some distortion of the facts in its reporting. Wherever it might make a real difference it is very subdued.
Soros, CIA, etc all try to manage both sides of an issue so as to control the outcome.
Penelope on April 06, 2015 · at 5:50 pm UTC said:
“Anonymous, I don’t find anything heinous in any nation’s desire to control immigration. Certainly the citizens have a right to decide how much immigration they will permit.”
so, what would you done with these guys
Immigration policy is just another example of the exceptional inequality that people (you) wish to maintain.
I think you’re smart enough to figure it out (if you cared enough to think about it).
“Human Rights Watch is George Soros funded & therefore we may expect some distortion of the facts in its reporting. Wherever it might make a real difference it is very subdued.
Soros, CIA, etc all try to manage both sides of an issue so as to control the outcome.
That may be the case – but you have made not attempted to address the point which my link attempted to highlight –
“Therefore, friction, prejudices and grudges between ethnic groups are common and have always been.
Russians are well documented to discriminate and dislike other ethnic groups”
I doubt the way reported (if at all) is true.Russia has millions of immigrants.I believe they have the 2nd largest number in the World.Those people wouldn’t go there if they were being oppressed badly.Most of the immigrants are from former republics of the USSR.So they are not really “strangers” there.In some of those countries the wages sent home from people working in Russia are what keeps those economies alive.With the economic problems from the sanctions some of the immigration flow is slowing now.But you can count on our being “blessed” with any Russophobic report Russia’s enemies can come up with.For as long as the fascists hold power in Ukraine.
Uncle Bob 1 on April 06, 2015 · at 8:40 pm UTC
I doubt the way reported (if at all) is true
Thanks for your comment. However, at the minute I’m trying to dispel doubt.
Huun-Huur-Tu from Tuva – Live – typical Tuvan singing and music.
It is beautiful Saker. Thank you.
I know this song, but this rendition is particularly beautiful.
You know, every village had a few people who could sing really well. And they would get together for a party, sit around the table, have a few drinks and a lot of food, and sing. My husband’s grandmother used to have one of those voices. They are very typical. Beautiful.
Thank you for posting this.
Наше дело правое. Победа будет за нами.
The traditional Bulgarian chant (as well as Serbian/Macedonian) has got very strong Central Asian influences, too. Here are some amazing examples of modern and traditional harmonies:
Good article, I have really been cringing over the Ukraine’s recent portrayal as the ‘heart of Europe’.
I always felt Europe ended at the borderlands and that even Eastern Europeans were marginally European at best and generally had more in common with the East than the West.
One minor quibble, since Europeans ancestors migrated into Europe from the steppe wouldn’t it be more accurate to say, “most Europeans have a Russian genetic makeup”?
Thanks so much Saker for posting the fantastic performance by Pelageya. This truly stirs the soul.
If this does not move you; you have no soul.
Found this on The Black Raven song:
“The Black Raven” is another soldier’s song
from the 17th century. Raised in Russian Orthodox
tradition, soldiers were not afraid of dying but rather
felt that it was important to die dicently and to part
spiritually with life thinking of their loved ones.
Lyrics in English:
Black Raven
Oh black raven, why you flying?
Soaring high over my head
I’m not going yet to heaven
No, black raven I’m not dead
Why you flying, oh, black raven?
Why you aiming at my head?
Do you see your future prey here?
No, black raven, I’m not dead.
Better fly back to my homeland
Go to see my dear mom
Tell her, oh my darling raven
That you’ve seen her dying son
Better fly back to my country
Go to see my darling wife
Tell her, oh my dear raven
That I’m parting with my life
I’ve got all my final blessings
From a forged arrowhead
Go ahead and take my heart now
Yes, black raven, now I’m dead
thanks Ryder, yes I’ve heard (read) these lyrics before from another singer….I guess they share the songs around…its so wonderful.
Oh. Now I am weeping.
I have to disagree about Peter. His reforms were much needed and pushed Russia forward in many respects, not to forget military one. In this regard I do not see Russia surviving Nazis onslaught in 1941 without Bolsheviks taking power in 1917. Unfortunately, Russian is almost always Emelya who will not do necessary things until pushed really hard.
Peter was educated in England I think. He was Western and forced western policies onto the dear Slavs who were not anywhere near ready for them. Under Peter Russia became an empire. He was not great. He was a stooge and a Mason
Do not stick to this Slavs above the rest illusion. It is always good to learn form others when something is worth to learn. Peter was the greatest king of Russia. All later Russia success was thanks to his reforms. Without him, Russia would have been torn to pieces sooner or later. You need to check on how abysmal Russian army performances were before Peter reformed Russia and Russian army. You also should not forget that Peter made Russia industrial country of the time producing more iron than GB.
Without Soviet industrial base supplying huge amounts of arms and armor, Russia would have been crashed by Nazis despite bravery of the people.
It takes time for posts to appear. Meanwhile I noticed that people and Sacker himself are very much into conspiracies. it denigrates this otherwise very good place.
Taking time for posts to appear? Do you think there’s some ulterior motive?
Maybe the NSA intercepts everything and clears it first?
You might imagine a world and history with no conspiracy but then, you would only have lone wolf theory for everything. And except for Cain, most “events” of geopolitical magnitude are hardly the result of lone wolves, unless you believe government lies hiding the truth.
Presidents getting shot, planes falling from the skies, ships blowing up in harbors, wars bought and paid for all have multiple players. All revolutions, riots and uprisings resulting in regime change or attempts are planned and stage-managed by provocateurs and agents.
Two or more equals a conspiracy, Sergey.
Not accepting those facts is a strange way to look at the great events of our lifetime.
I noticed that people and Sacker himself are very much into conspiracies.
is that like the ones about WMD?
Peter was absolutely not educated in England. He did spend three months there as an adult, and, when he was not getting drunk and cavorting with actresses, he spent his time learning several skills. You can read a bit about him here.
From the first I sense ancient/cultural defiant resolve.
From the second I sense very strong ‘across everything’ unity.
thanks Saker. In these difficult times, music can be such a lifting experience, even if only momentarily.
is this the same song by both groups ? Same language ? Cossack ? Most musical folk in the worlds. and its Ukrainian isn’t it ?
Well I thought Russia said last year it wasn’t going to participate in the Eurovision contest in 2015 because a transvestite, Conchita Wurst of Austria, won in May 2014. C.W. is a bearded man who wears a dress stuffed to make him look like he has a “figure”.
Also, the Russian contestants last year (twin girls) were heavily booed by the brainwashed anti-Russian crowd. Also in a recent show of Eurovision greats, they had one Russian, Dima Bilan (sp?), who was loudly booed according to those in the live audience, so they had to film a segment over (but there were still boos).
Anyhow, Russia IS going to participate in the cheesy Eurovision festival, despite saying they wouldn’t and their contestants being booed.
I have always been fascinated by the history of ethnic peoples in Europe (and the World in general).I don’t consider any people “superior” over another.I consider them different in some ways to each other (though there has always been much mixing when one comes in contact with the other).But that isn’t the same as a superiority of one over the other.Some may have adapted to change more,or as we could say became more “modern” than another.
But all peoples are “civilized” in the real meaning of civilization.One of the worst crimes of the nazi/fascist era was to pollute the study of peoples.Their wanting to “prove” a superiority of some peoples over others destroyed the reputation of the study of peoples.And that science hasn’t overcome that yet.I think many so-called Europeans have not understood that “Europe” is a geographical term,not an ethnic or racial one.In the “dark times” of pre-history and of our early histories.
There were Caucasian peoples as far as Western China to the East,maybe as far as Northern Japan some scientists believe.And in the lands above the Sahara in Africa.As well as in what’s now Ethiopia in Africa.And they also were prominent throughout the Middle East and Northern India.Over the last 7,000 years or so there have been immense ethnic changes around the World.But at the beginning of mankind’s story, that was how we started in known history.
Western Siberia and Southern Rus for long was one of the most traveled areas of peoples.Some of those we only know a little about today.But they all left an ethnic imprint in those lands as well as in those they traveled to.Much of the ancient folklore (including music) we sometimes get glimpses of offer us a view of those times ( Pelageia’s,Rusin mountain,Celtic,etc are examples).
The Turkic (not Turkish) imprint in Europe,including especially Rus lands is little understood in our times.The Turkic peoples by the time they reached Europe were a very mixed group.A good rule would be to consider those closest to “Europe” more mixed with Caucasian peoples.And those further East less mixed.That was a process of hundreds of years of mixing,assimilation of different peoples,etc.
Most scholars believe that the Cumans and similar tribal groups, as an example, were well entwined in forming the modern East Balkan and South Rus populations.And we’ve all heard, even if we don’t fully understand, the story of the Magyar,Bulgar,and Khazar peoples.Those three and others less known were very mixed when they reached Europe.And they readily mixed with European peoples they came into contact with.So much so that the Balkan Bulgars vanished as a people into the modern Bulgarian ethos during the early middle ages.The Magyars though strong enough to give their language to Hungary, pretty much ceased to exist as a separate people, and blended in among the other Central European peoples.
And except for theories on what happened to the Khazar that adopted Judaism.We seem to know nothing concrete about the survival of the majority Khazar that weren’t Jewish.Its very,very,likely they assimilated to their neighbors over the centuries.As I said its fascinating to study the history of our ancestors.Here is a new version of “black crow” that I think has a deep meaning to us here that support Donbass:
Pelagya was born in Siberia…and she’s not even thirty years old. Here is a shott musical documentary on her. Her mother is a jazz singer..(from Siberia !) and is the producer. In this little doc linked here, there is a guitarist sitting beside her mother (?) during a mixing session…Pelagya is singing in the studio…this guitarist is still part of the band Pelagya…he is incredible…best guitarist I’ve ever heard.
Here’s the link. its just to let you know more…there are better videos of her singing…the child is her.
Music is a universal concept, as it can be found around the globe and has been a form of inspiration as such, since the dawn of mankind.
We are all human beings.
Our tears taste salty, no matter where they rain.
Our blood is red, no matter where it is spilt.
Our love is universal, no matter where it blooms.
if English-speaking friends wonder what is sung in this song:
Oh black raven, Oh black raven
What you hover just so close
You don’t wait of my head plunder
Oh black raven – I’m not yours
What you claw on, what you claw on
Over head of mine so close
Or else plunder wish to found
Oh black raven – I’m not yours
I tie up my mortal wound
By my scarf – my lover’s gift
Then I will to talk with raven
Talk about my last wish
Fly my home, fly to my land
Tell my mom about me
Tell my mom – For Fatherland
End’s my life in battle field
Carry bloody scarf, my raven,
For my dear sweetest wife
Tell her –she’s a free by now
I’ve just married at last time
At the open country layer
In the bush I’ve got a bride
My true Saber stand matchmaker
Bride was modest and a quite
Hardest arrow makes a wedding
During deadly battle cause
I see that my death is coming
Oh, black raven – I’m all yours
translated by Strelock
@ Yo-Yo & Strelock,
A BIG thank you to the both of you.
Now, I’ve got goose bumps all over [and understand much better.why this song is so touching].
I didn’t see that someone already wrote this text. Well I don’t like the second version – it’s a funny pop version. But the girls sang it very well. So now you can see that we have the same hearts and these words could be said by any soldiers – American, Iranian, Russian…
In “Western” schools we are taught that Europe is a continent, whereas in Russian schools it is merely a subcontinent like the Indian subcontinent. The Russian teaching is scientifically correct. There is the historical Russian view that Russia is Eurasian.
Russians (both русские and россияне) have been intermarrying for so long that meeting a short, darker-skinned, black-haired, black-eyed Russian, with a tall, pale-skinned, blond-haired, blue-eyed, Tatar cousin is not abnormal.
It would do us all good to remember there is only one race – the human race. As Peter the Great said: «Русский тот, кто Россию любит и ей служит!» “He is Russian who loves and serves Russia!”
“It would do us all good to remember there is only one race”
Spot on. The same character types are in every group of people, regardless of culture, religion, ethnic grouping ect.
Honest, dishonest, psychopath. It is only character that should be looked at, and it is only honesty that will bring any good in the world.
Half correct – we should not discuss nationality (it is futile) and at a personal level we should discuss character.
However, since character “distribution” is likely similar amongst all people everywhere the primary issue should be to discuss the way that society is (for species survival, must be) organised.
In that are many more, potential, designs to subordinate the natural warmongering, self centred nature of mankind.
You are totally ignorant (and without any doubt very dumb too), I am afraid — an absolute product of Anglo deranged school of thought. We are not all “members one one race” anymore than we are members of one race with the primates or other mammals (because humans are mammals too apparently), with whom, according to Anglo “science” of late, humans “share almost 99% of gene code”. Of course, everyone with half a brain knows it’s BS. Western science lately has become something along the lines of those “researches” via political polls (everybody *who has brains that is* knows whoever orders, pays, for the poll, determines the results of it). Do you know how different species form? They need to be isolated and develop separated by themselves alone,much like European,white, race has developed, or Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese), sub-Saharan African — that is how different species develop over time you see. And the whole purpose of evolution is development of different species. Different humanoids (for not all of today apparent humans are homo sapiens,some of them are homo erectus which work of Wilson proved) are not only required to live separately in their defined borders, but very much obliged to do so — that is what evolution needs. There is some tens or even hundreds of thousands of separated evolution which made today so called “human races” and that evolution needs to continue.We might get true humans in some thousands of years ahead (if Earth survives destructive Western way of life that is), that will differentiate from other humanoids like today humanoids differentiate from apes,primates.
On the matter of subject about “dark-skinned Tatars”, you don’t know what you speak of again. It’s not Tatars who are “darker-skinned” (everyone mentioned is part of Caucasian race,in related matter), but Turkic people (Pechenegs, Cumans, Bulgars, part of Khazars,…). Turkic people share a link with their southern neighbors Iranians and Indians, that is why they have darker hair and little darker skin than Northern tribes, but they are all Caucasians, the same race. Einstein, for example, belongs to that group of people. He was Khazar, Askhenazi. He came from that part of the world. Do you think he is not Caucasian,white? Being pretty dumb, you could of course. You would be dead wrong like on everything else though.
Jupiter on April 06, 2015 · at 1:06 pm UTC said “Being pretty dumb”
maybe that’s you?
“…[]…Often times the word social construct is thrown around in various theoretical and general works without ever being defined or discussed. However, understanding what is meant by race as a social construct is vital to understanding the capacity race has to intersect and affect other aspects and domains of life and society, as well as how to dismantle it.
To begin, a social construct is ontologically subjective, but epistemologically objective. It is ontologically subjective in that the construction and continued existence of social constructs are contingent on social groups and their collective agreement, imposition, and acceptance of such constructions (for more on the notion of social constructions see The Construction of Social Reality by John Searle). There is nothing absolute or real about social constructions in the same way as there is something absolute and real about rocks, rivers, mountains, and in general the objects examined by physics. For example, the existence of a mountain is not contingent on collective acceptance, imposition, or agreement. A mountain will exist regardless of people thinking, agreeing or accepting that it does exist. Unlike a mountain, the existence of race requires that people collectively agree and accept that it does exist. Franz Boas, a physicist by training, supports this view of race best in his work Race, Language, and Culture where he observes that there is nothing biologically real about race. There is nothing that we have identified as race that exists apart from our collective agreement, acceptance, and imposition of its existence.
Race, although it does not exist in the world in any ontologically objective way, it still is real in society (as opposed to nature). Race is a social construction that has real consequences and effects. These effects, consequences and the notion that race is ontologically subjective is epistemologically objective. We know that race is something that is real in society, and that it shapes the way we see ourselves and others. Many rightly claim that race is conceptually unstable. However, this should not lead us to skepticism about race, i.e. that we cannot have any objective knowledge about race. We can know what race is and how it works regardless of the various shifts in meaning that have occurred through history and occur geographically.
The notion of race as a social construct I am proposing is partially captured by various works. In Takaki’s work A Different Mirror: A history of Multicultural America, race is a social construct produced by the dominant group in society and their power to define. In other words, the dominant group in society imposed the boundaries of group membership by defining race in terms of biology.”
Look, Brit Andrew, your theories about race as a “social construct” have gotten the so called West where it is today: socially destroyed, morally ruined and economically bankrupt. That is why your liberal Anglo policies are so universally loathed even in the so called West as they have firsthand, from the front lines so to speak, prove now of how destructive and damaging your theories thoroughly detached from realities are. But you can have such “social constructs” only on that shithole of an island of yours. That right you do have. Just don’t export your unwanted degenerations elsewhere. Others have no desires to be ruined, degenerate.
Jupiter, I start to worry when somebody starts writing with “Look” – please read here for an example
“Look, Brit Andrew”
I’m Irish (unfortunately there’s little difference between those masses any more).
“your theories about race as a “social construct” have gotten the so called West where it is today: socially destroyed, morally ruined and economically bankrupt.”
Do you have evidence that what a human thinks is determined by their geneticity…please post the links. My post seeks to identify that people do not think / act differently becuase of their geneticity. It does not provide evidence but it is plausible.
That is why your liberal Anglo policies are so universally loathed even in the so called West as they have firsthand, from the front lines so to speak, prove now of how destructive and damaging your theories thoroughly detached from realities are.
Can you supply any evidence to demonstrate that the way a person thinks is based on their geneticity?
Can you provide any evidence to support that “Russians” are no less degenerate than “Brits”
“But you can have such “social constructs” only on that sh*thole of an island of yours.”
Although not “mine” I have visited many times – in such a small area it is beautifully diverse. You should visit sometime. But be careful, the elite are scum and many of it’s inhabitants are selfish sheeple (probably much like in Russia?)
That right you do have.
Which one? to consider the way a human thinks has no depenency on their geneticity? you are joking – right?
“Just don’t export your unwanted degenerations elsewhere.”
I only referred to one point – that the way we think is unrelated to our geneticity…which other degenerationS are you referring to?
“Others have no desires to be ruined, degenerate.”
Don’t lecture me – talk to me, try to persuade me.
Finally, for now, don’t be so damned ignorant.
Race is a biological, not social, construct. There is genetic distance between difference races. You can take a Subsaharan child and educate him in your culture, but this will not change his genetic makeup, so he will still cluster together with people like him, instead of becoming biologically more like the people with whom he now lives, despite all the institutions that molded his life and views as he grew up. Institutions are social constructs, as they are man-made. Race on the other hand is a biological reality that no amount of social engineering can change.
John on April 07, 2015 · at 12:01 am UTC said: “Race is a biological, not social, construct.”
debatable, see e.g: , but I accept your point for sake of discussion.
“You can take a Subsaharan child and educate him in your culture, but this will not change his genetic makeup, so he will still cluster together with people like him, instead of becoming biologically more like the people with whom he now lives, despite all the institutions that molded his life and views as he grew up.”
If this child was
(i) adopted at birth by a family of very distant geographic location and
(ii) had some “disease” that resulted in no physical differentiation between it and others of the community in which it were to be raised
are you hypothesising that it would then seek out other Subsaharan children as it grows?
Apologies – but your concept seems surreal to me. Can you point to a scholarly study that substantiates your thesis?
Hate to tell you Jupiter, but since we can all interbreed, we’re one race. And by the way Tatars are a Turkic people.
There is no such thing as human race. Humans, or Homo sapiens, is a species (not a race!), which can be divided into different groups, called subspecies. Races are nothing more than subspecies.
Evolution works this way. First, different subspecies evolve over time, driven by reproductive isolation and genetic drifts. This is the first step towards becoming a new species, which of course takes longer.
The reality…
Common species > reproductive isolation > different subspecies (races) > new species.
The nonsense promoted by Trotskyites occupying the academia…
Common species > reproductive isolation > same species > new species.
Risible, no?
So John,
you take this adopted albino…
“Subsaharan child and educate him in your culture, but this will not change his genetic makeup”
“so he will still cluster together with people like him”
Has that scholarly control ever been carried out? on what basis do you know how the child will think as it grows?
“instead of becoming biologically more like the people with whom he now lives”
He will never become biologically more like the people with whom he now lives – you’ve already said that.
The important question is:
Why do you suppose race (if it exists – see the wiki debate earlier for that) has any impact on how the synapses and neurons “go together” to impact the way a particular brain thinks?
We can also breed with primates like chimpanzees for example. We officially share 99% of our gene codes with apes, and 99,6% of your gene codes with Africans. There is no reason why we shouldn’t breed with primates like our relatives chimpanzees, because we can. I think it’s racism that we humanoids don’t want to breed with them, and it’s definitely the highest possible discrimination against all the primates the fact that we humanoids keep them subdued, chained and caged in ZOOs where we go to laugh at them. That’s not only shocking but appalling in my opinion. I think we liberals should make fist steps to amend relationship with our fellow relatives primates. We should lead by example and show the world they are no different than us humanoids by interbreeding with them.
Hullo?? chimpanzees are a different species. Any species can only breed with its own kind. That is what defines a species. Well actually there are a few exceptions, eg lions and tigers, but they are very closely related members of the same genus.
Humans are a genus of their own. That 1% DNA difference is HUGE when we’re talking about millions of strands of DNA. We even share about 50% with bananas. (I have heard of people having sex with those, but never of breeding with them).
No,you couldn’t possibly hear about humans having sex with chimpanzees. Not even humanoids have sex with chimpanzees just like they don’t have sex with buffaloes, lions or any other wild animals. Too wild for them. They scare them. They do have sex with domesticated animals like dogs, horses, pigs, oxes and others. It’s called bestiality. Please don’t lie. Just because no humanoid tried to breed with our relatives apes, doesn’t mean we cannot. You mentioned a good example between tiger and lion who can interbreed because they share around 99% of gene codes. Their offspring is called liger if I am not mistaken. They might have some health issues or anomalies like ligers do, but it is possible. Humanoids and apes can breed.
There are also different subspecies of humans and humanoids. Bushmans, Aborigins, then those Pigmeys, for example. Perhaps if Western humanoid homo libtardus fails to interbreed with his relative ape, then some of mentioned fellow humanoids can succeed where his has not. With such wide possibilities of potential mates, success must come I think.
Bushmen and Aborigines and Pygmies are 100% identical DNA totally human.
They just developed slightly different-looking from being in isolated places, which leads to inbreeding, therefore all members of the group have a similar appearance. They are totally capable of breeding with other humans, and often have done so when they met other humans.
It’s the same as with dogs, for example, chihuahuas, dalmatians and greyhounds are all 100% dogs, but they do look fairly different. They can easily breed with each other too, leading to “mutts” which is what all humans really are.
But saying people could breed with chimpanzees is like saying a dog could breed with a horse.
Just 99% similarity is not enough. A lot of those matching DNAs are about basic processes, like digesting food, or growing new cells and hair, or how white blood cells react to infection etc. A lot of the cell-growing ones we share even with plants.
What’s needed for reproduction is chromosomes, the length, pattern and complexity of which is what determines the species it belongs to. Dogs and cats don’t interbreed. Nor do flies and mosquitoes. Nor do peas and oranges. And nor do humans and chimps.
Busmans, Aborigins don’t have 100% of European DNA. They are considered human, but so are Neanderthals: they too were humans. There are differences between various types of humans, big differences.[—- some very racist nonsense removed—]
So, no not every human genus is identical (or how you nick it 100%), just like Neanderthal, homo erectus or homo sapiens weren’t identical with each other even though they were all the same specie called the humans. And no, Aborigins, Bushmans or others are not “inbred.” There were hundreds of thousands of them alive, even today there are over 660k Australian Aborigins. That’s pretty big gene pool. You obviously don’t know what “inbred” means. 660k Aborigins are certainly not closely related individuals to make inbreeding possible on their subgenus scale.
You need to get some of your definitions clarified. You talk of genus and species as it they were interchangeable. They are not. Genus is the “family” and species is the individual, one step down. The human GENUS is homo, and OUR species is sapiens… so we get homo sapiens. Homo erectus and homo neanderthalis were parallel species. There were many others, but they all died out.
Australian Aborigines moved to Australia about 45,00 to 55,000 years ago, and had only very occasional contact with a small number of other people until about 5000 years ago. That is a very long time in a single gene pool. There were fewer than 350,000 of them when the English first arrived, very obviously for long periods of time there a lot less of them — definitely inbred. At that time they had several 100 language groups, from living in small isolated clan or tribal groups (many of which met up annually among other things for exchanging marriage partners … there was a strict totem system to prevent very close marriages). There may have been just a few thousand of them when they first came to Australia and got cut off by the rising sea.
European disease and deliberate killing had them down to just 95,000 by 1900. The counts varied, as some places only full-bloods were counted as Aboriginal, and white-looking children were taken to be brought up as “white people”. They were granted full citizenship in 1967, followed by various schemes to help them alternately assimilate and maintain their culture.
Between the 2001 and 2011 their official (self reported) numbers increased by 20% — partly because the definition was changed to include those who could not prove any Aboriginal blood but who self-identified as Aborigine and were accepted as such by some Aborigine community. This includes many totally “white” spouses of Aborigines (who themselves may be only 1/4 or 1/8th genetically). And partly because of generous additional welfare, education and housing schemes for Aborigines, instead of earlier discrimination which made it more advantageous to deny indigenous connections.
Anyway, ALL modern people live today are homo sapiens and therefore can breed with each other. But not with chimps etc.
So please go study up some actual facts, and stop trolling us with racist nonsense.
You have repeatedly posted, under several names, comments that some peoples are “humanoid”, not all “humans” are really human, and some are genetically of lesser intelligence. That is racist. End of discussion.
Well, whatever your name is this time Liberal Liibtard….. stop calling people dumb and stupid. At least look in a mirror first.
Five million can’t become inbred. But isolated groups that live in clans of a few 100 up to 1000 people, for dozens of generations, MUST become inbred, because no new genes are coming into their gene pool because they are isolated. That does not make them any less human, it just makes them all look a lot more similar to each other than the case in other groups elsewhere.
In Soviet Union school maps the green was at the centre, the others gradations of peripheries.
Russians songs with the similar spirit:
Oi, to ne vecher – by protodeacon Andrei Zheleznyakov
– by Sretensky Monastery choir
– by “Lyube” band
(BTW, Pelageya also sings these songs, but I prefer versions above.)
Kon’ is an amazing song! I absolutely love it.
I was not aware of the Sretenseki Monastery version – thanks A LOT!!!
Kind regards,
The Saker
Oh, and I thought Hans Zimmer was original – link to youtube]
Oh, and Madonna, suck on that with your ff-ing lip sync, karaoke, dog and pony show.
This is nice mix of western and russian-buryat music ;)
My most profound thanks for this Saker, I needed that and didn’t even know it.
Dear Saker,
You can also another example for those who may miss the point you are trying to make….one of the examples is the relation between Japan and U.S .Despite all the tragic past, they are working together in many fields….
Thank you very much for this blog!!!
Speaking about ‘Humanité sans Frontières,’ here’s what FUKUS is up to U.S. And NATO Seek New Ways To Help Secure Ukraine’s Border.
My advice would be to follow the Palestinian, open-ended model… [cough, cough]
“Clearly, we are very very far from Charlie Chaplin, Woody Allen or Paul Wolfowitz.”
Not so far from the Charlie Chaplin of “Modern Times” and “The Great Dictator” I think. He too had the power to channel the same fierce mixture of sorrow, anger, pathos, love and terrible resolve.
Czech president bans US ambassador from Prague castle
Good on him -make Geoffrey Pyatt ‘persona non grata’ and throw the rest of the bums out too.
@ SancturayOne,
“Ambassador (Andrew) Schapiro…
Nuff said.
Not really. Judaism is matrilineal, thus the Jewish side of my family bears the Welsh surname Jones. Same as that famous American Павел де Жовес.
@ Stephen,
Q; Not really.
R; .Ambassador to the Czech Republic: Who Is Andrew Schapiro?</b.
You emphasised his name, not his religion. I judge a man by the colour of his heart, not his skin or his background.
It was about time someone stood up to their meddling. It’s been quite obvious that US embassies serve as seeds of artificial dissent in the host countries, with all the support and money they funnel to various shady non-government organisations and influence groups, but a foreign ambassador giving directions to the president of the host country over the media, that’s a bit too over the line.
As it happens, we have had this very kind of bullshit fed to us four times during last hundred years: first we were shoved around by Austro-Hungarian empire (until 1918), then by Germans (1939-1945), then by Soviets (1948-1989), and now by Americans. It’s really no wonder Zeman reacted like this, being an old, grumpy “get off my lawn” man who happens to love his country more than most.
However, I’m afraid Zeman is not only the first directly elected Czech president, but also the last one. After his term, it will be switched back to the proven and efficient “puppet-elected puppet” model, which brought us that sellout Havel three times in a row. The attempted “red card coup” last November, combined with all the pro-American press lambasting Zeman on a daily basis, shows that our trans-Atlantic overlords feel more than just a bit inconvenienced by the unruly curmudgeon-in-chief.
I was living in Czechoslovakia in 1992, when the country was split in two. Havel did nothing to stop it. Many Czechs, when I asked why no one was speaking up for keepiong the country together, in particular the hero Havel, said: typical Czech politician—head down and run for cover when the shooting starts!
That was the end of my “romance” with the idea of Havel. No one of any consequence, and Havel was a person of consequence, stood up for—fought for, took risks for—the integrity of the country.
This is also a pretty song, although I cannot tell what origin it has. And judging by the thousands of comments, neither can others:
Passes the “goose bumps” test. Thank you, Saker, for posting both videos. Especially Pelageya. She (and her group) is wonderful. Also thanks Yo-Yo for the translation. Oddly enough, I figured it was something like that. Maybe the expressions on their faces. Or she has an additional gift of being able to communicate telepathically. :-)
As to the rest, as others have commented, it depends on how you define “European.” Also, there’s nothing unique about adapting traditional folk songs for modern audiences. In fact, Pelageya was born in a decade when many musicians were doing variations on traditional folk songs and when society was becoming aware of the “goddess culture” that preceded the patriarchal, hierarchical orders, which is what empires are based on.
The trend in the 1980s and 90s took music of cultures that either existed before there was a “Europe” or that were in the farthest reaches and thus kept their identities and languages longer. I was big fan of that genre. Gaelic Capercaille comes immediately to mind, with the incomparable Karen Matheson. Also Karelian Värttinä and Norwegians Pernille Anker and Kirsten Bråten Berg, whose clear solo voice over droning synthesizer gives me shivers.
I haven’t listened to them for a long time, so it was nice to be reminded. I dug up a few of my favorites on YouTube. Links for anyone who might be interested:
Kirsten Bråten Berg
Saker, what authors/literature might best represent the “deep Russia” that you mention?
Thanks for the music, Saker. I found Pelageia’s song very moving – deep, dark and haunting.
The song from Turetskii Choir Art Group also affected me – almost magnetically. It held me. Drew me in.
But then…when the song was over…I immediately started sobbing. I didn’t see that coming.
Afterwards, when my sobbing stopped, I felt very internally cleansed. A puzzling and powerful experience. Thank you.
I saw this
with this
You were asking for a song
link to video
ЛЮБЭ “Красная армия всех сильней” (концерт 15/03/2014г.)
The song is Lyube’s “The Red Army is the strongest of all”
Very nice — and on the side panel other videos, two I downloaded
Николаю Расторгуеву – 50! “ЛЮБЭЛЕЙ” Юбилейный концерт группы “Любэ” в Кремле.
Концерт ЛЮБЭ – 25! “За тебя, Родина-мать!” (СК “Олимпийский”, 15 марта 2014 г.)
Nope — don’t understand the Russian, although I’m hoping if I listen to enough Russian videos I’ll develop and ear for the sounds and eventually learn some.
But the sound of the music, is not western. Some of this and it’s a different sort than the video in the post, sounds a bit western but then the Russian or Slavik folk song sound comes in, like a painting done in casein can look like an oil to an extent but the different quality of the paint keeps asserting itself.
Not ‘European’. (And not Tchaikovsky or Prokofiev either.)
I like
One Hour of Music – Soviet Communist Music
The Red Army Choir – The Definitive Collection [Full Album]
I’ve gotten quite tired of the music in the US — crappy country western, ‘rock’ and ‘rap’ — for the most part, and not even the good part of it, or decent classical on the radio (it’s that or Rush Limbaugh hate radio).
To paraphrase Gandhi — western culture would be a good idea. It was once upon a time.
Sad songs of the past. Every country has them. Every country also has good times in the past.
Look to the future using lessons from the past? Human knowledge has been built on through history from things learned. A huge amount of knowledge has been accumulated. We send probes out into the universe.
Yet human nature has never changed. Never learnt from the past. We will always have wars.
@ Peter,
Q; We will always have wars.
R: For the foreseeable future, yes, but I’m sure China and Russia will blunt to grinding teeth of unca Sammy’s Amry of the
WilliesWilling, as I’m also sure, one day, there will be peace.Unfortunately, that will be so far down the pipeline of the future, that by then even my molecules & atoms will be expired :o)
what changes do you think will, eventually, lead to peace?
Beautiful rendition by Pelagia. A song very much in the vein of
“Ne dlia menia”, Russian Cossack song, filled with the fatalism of the Warrior who understand that his destiny is to die, and not to be a hero.
The word Hero has been much devalued in the western Infotainment Pop Culture.
The respect that this song, “Ne dlia menia”, “Not for Me”, has in Russian culture is demonstrated by Vladimir Putin himself, in this rendition by the Choir of the Sretenskogo Monastery.
A second Hymn for Russia.
One for the heros of Donbass
Bloomberg reports
The American Woman Who Stands Between Putin and Ukraine – See more at:
Why not: The American Woman Who Stands Between Russia and Ukraine
or The American Woman Who Stands Between Putin and Poroshenko
Why are the Russian media so stupid and don’t know how to use the same methods of propaganda?
Cannot they learn anything from Bloomerg?
Wonderful! Simply wonderful! Certainly Celts will have no difficulty getting this glorious music. How could we not? Wonderful, entirely-right drone-music accompaniment too.
Thanks Saker!
I disagree wholeheartedly. Russia, atleast western Russia, is as much Europe as Germany or the Scandinavian countries. We’re brothers of the north and division is not something I support. We should stand together as free and independent peoples.
Jeez Saker,you had me in floods of tears with that song.I don’t know what is wrong with me.I haven’t a clue what the words say,but …’Je crois,Je suis Russe.’ whatever next?
Like it, believe it, realise it, or not, Russia, or The Pituitary/”Future”, is part of The Slavic Realm who is The Twin of The Kushans, or The “Chinese”/Pineal /”Past”. There are Slavs who, like the “Chinese”, are imbued with the DNA [of Downtown TelAviv-Kiev] which predispose them to firing from the hip whenever it comes to replacing their culture/reality and all because the dual-natured/thinking human wish, hope and pray that Fame, Fortune & Immortality, oka Materialism, is all there is. These jokers are the real 5th Column because they require neither Emotionality nor Intellect, oka Religion & Religiosity, to irrationally desire to become Number One. Self ought to be conscious and be aware that, “Ve Von’t Take NO fur zer Answer”, is more virulent than the typical virus [oka Pirmordial Vagetative Matter] due to that mantra being an inalienable part of The Chosen Few.
The Chinese have had 2 Avatars, like The Jews, who moderated their culture until that culture was fragmented by the irrational desire to be Number One. Just like The Jews, be they real, crafted or imagined, which was when almost all of them chosed to be chosened/controlled. OTOH, “The Russians” have had their Kommunistic Revolution, which nearly destroyed their essence, which is that of Introspection. Almost all of The Russians who are into Fame, Fortune & Immortality are potential 5th Columnist waiting to burst forth, Expecting & Demanding The Righting of This, That & The Other. Those who have The Middling Truth cycling within them, The Middling Truth being the truth that has neither A Beginning/History nor An Ending/Consequence. Who needs History-Consequence when The Whore, Propaganda, is there to gyrate Her Dance of Salome about being Number One.
For “Amerikans”, be they North or South, it will be benevolent to realise that the character of a Nazi/Facist/Dictator or whatever concept/intellect aborted from Thought to re-present Cruelty & Cunning is to be Number One. That of Greed driven/fuelled by Its Fear. It will be benevolent to finally be able to realise that once The Control Freak has his cake, he’ll want to completely devour it which is when Control liberates Its Latency, Abandonment. As such, witness where all the control freaks that you know end up as. To the individual, as Abandoned Nutters.
Russians need to be “Patriotic” like, by some amazing coincidence, “The Chinese”. Patriotism, however, is a double-edged sword because a diehard Nazi is extremely patroitic about being Number One. As for The Russians, their Patriotism is their Introspection. Not the introspection of self-deprecation but the introspection of absolute self-judgement. This is what is different to the patroitism of, say, Dem Amerikans who is anchored upon Genocide, Slavery & Plunder. Shame upon them albeit many are contemporaneously and courageously being re-born [in all sense of the word] in Amerika to correct that madhouse whose worship of Number One-ness, oka Choseness, is running amok. That of Insanity masquerading as Sanity…. and you really cannot get more insane than that if only because Insanity is when The Insane posture as The Sane.
“Russians”, be a true Patroit. The One who loves Truth by becoming Of Truth and not the Nazi who irrationally desires to be Number One if only because in reality/Reality, there is no such thng as being Number One other than being The Control Freak whose sole duty is to become The Abandoned Nutter, ControlFreaks-kum-AbandonedNutters, be conscious and be aware.