Frankly, I am awed, amazed and even embarrassed. I was born in Switzerland, lived most of my life there, I also visited most of Europe, and I lived in the USA for over 20 years. Yet in my worst nightmares I could not have imagined the West sinking as low as it does now. I mean, yes, I know about the false flags, the corruption, the colonial wars, the NATO lies, the abject subservience of East Europeans, etc. I wrote about all that many times. But imperfect as they were, and that is putting it mildly, I remember Helmut Schmidt, Maggie Thatcher, Reagan, Mitterrand, even Chirac! And I remember what the Canard Enchaîné used to be, or even the BBC. During the Cold War the West was hardly a knight in white shining armor, but still – rule of law did matter, as did at least some degree of critical thinking.
I am now deeply embarrassed for the West. And very, very afraid.
All I see today is a submissive herd lead by true, bona fide, psychopaths (in a clinical sense of the word)
And that is not the worst thing.
The worst thing is the deafening silence, the way everybody just looks away, pretends like “ain’t my business” or, worse, actually takes all this grotesque spectacle seriously. What the fuck is wrong with you people?! Have you all been turned into zombies?! WAKE UP!!!!!!!
Let me carefully measure my words here and tell you the blunt truth.
Since the Neocon coup against Trump the West is now on exactly the same course as Nazi Germany was in, roughly, the mid 1930s.
Oh sure, the ideology is different, the designated scapegoat also. But the mindset is *exactly* the same.
Same causes produce the same effects. But this time around, there are weapons on both sides which make the Dresden Holocaust looks like a minor spark.
So now we have this touching display of “western solidarity” not with UK or the British people, but with the City of London. Now ain’t that touching?!
Let me ask you this: what has been the central feature of Britain’s policies towards Europe, oh, let’s say since the Middle-Ages?
That’s right: starting wars in Europe.
And this time around you think it’s different?
Does: “the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior” somehow not apply to the UK?!
Let me also tell you this: when Napoleon and Hitler attacked Russia she was undergoing deep crises and was objectively weak (really! research it for yourself!). In both cases Russian society was deeply torn by internal contradictions and the time for attack as ideal.
Not today.
So I ask this simple question: do you really want to go to war against a fully united nuclear Russia?
You think that this is hyperbole?
Think again.
The truth is that the situation today is infinitely worse than the Cuban missile crisis. First, during the Cuban missile crisis there were rational people on both side. Today there is NOT ONE SINGLE RATIONAL PERSON LEFT IN A POSITION OF POWER IN THE USA. Not ONE! Second, during the Cuban missile crisis all the new was reporting on was the crisis, the entire planet felt like we were standing at the edge of the abyss.
Today nobody seems to be aware that we are about to go to war, possibly a thermonuclear war, where casualties will be counted in the hundreds of millions.
All because of what?
Because the people of the West have accepted, or don’t even know, that they are ruled by an ugly gang of ignorant, arrogant psychopaths.
At the very least this situation shows this:
Representative democracy does not work.
The rule of law only applies to the weak and poor.
Western values have now been reduced to a sad joke.
Capitalism needs war and a world hegemony to survive.
The AngloZionist Empire is about to collapse, the only open question is how and at what cost.
Right now they are expelling Russian diplomats en masse and they are feeling very strong and manly. Polish and Ukrainian politicians are undergoing a truly historical surge in courage and self-confidence! (hiding, as they do, behind Anglo firepower)
The truth is that this is only the tip of a much bigger iceberg. In reality, crucial expert-level consultations, which are so vitally important between nuclear superpowers, have all but stopped a long time ago. We are down to top level telephone calls. That kind of stuff happens when two sides are about to go to war. For many months now Russia and NATO have made preparations for war in Europe. And Russia is ready. NATO sure ain’t! Oh, they have the numbers and they think they are strong. The truth is that these NATO midgets have no idea of what is about to hit them, when the Russians go to war these NATO statelets won’t even understand what is happening to them. Very rapidly the real action will be left to the USA and Russia. Thus any conflict will go nuclear very fast. And, for the first time in history, the USA will be hit very, very hard, not only in Europe, the Middle-East or Asia, but also on the continental US.
I was born in a Russian military family and I studied Russian and Soviet military affairs all my life. I can absolutely promise you this, please don’t doubt it for one second: Russia will not back down and, if cornered, she will wipe out your entire civilization. The Russians really don’t want war, they fear it (as they should!) and they will do everything to avoid it. But if attacked then expect a response of absolutely devastating violence. Don’t take it from me, take it from Putin who clearly said so himself and who, at least on that issue, is supported by about 95% of the population. From the Eastern Crusades to the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union, enough is enough, and the Russians will not take one more western attack, especially not one backed by nuclear firepower. Again, please ponder Putin’s words very, very carefully: “what need would we have a world if there is no Russia?“
All that for what? The USA and Russia have NO objective reasons to do anything but to collaborate (the Russians are absolutely baffled the fact the leaders of the USA seem to be completely oblivious to this simple fact). Okay, the City of London does have a lot of reasons to want Russia gone and silent. As Gavin Williamson, the little soy-boy in charge of UK “defense”, so elegantly put it, Russia should “go away and shut up”. Right. Let me tell you – it ain’t happening! Britannia will be turned into a heap of radioactive ashes long before Russian goes away or shuts up. That is simply a fact.
What baffles me is this: do American leaders really want to lose their country in behalf of a small nasty clique of arrogant British pompous asses who think that they still are an Empire? Did you even take a look at Boris Johnson, Theresa May and Gavin Williamson? Are you really ready to die in defense of the interest of these degenerates?!
I don’t get it and nobody in Russia does.
Yeah, I know, all they did is expel some diplomats. And the Russians will do the same. So what? But that’s missing the point!
You can get 200,000 anti–gun (sigh, rolleyes) protesters in DC but NOBODY AT ALL ABOUT NUCLEAR WAR?!
What is wrong with you people?!
What happened to the West where I was born in in 1963?
My God, is this really the end of it all?
Am I the only one who sees this slow-motion train-wreck taking us all over the precipice?
If you can, please give a reason to still hope.
Right now I don’t see many.
The Saker
PS: yes, I know. The rules of the blog prohibit CAPS as this is considered shouting. Okay, but this time around I AM TRYING TO SHOUT! So, for this one time only, feel free to use caps if you want. The world badly needs some shouting right now, even virtual shouting.
Dear Saker.
I just put this letter in the post for the Kremlin and the White House. I don’t know if it will help, but it is something:
President Vladimir Putin
The Kremlin
23, Ulitsa Ilyinka, 103132,
Moscow, Russia.
CC. President Donald Trump
March 26, 2018.
Jonathan H. Loux
104 Kinne Rd.
Canterbury, Ct. USA 06331
Dear President Putin,
I am an American citizen. I lived through the Cuban missile crises, the Cold war, and its aftermath. I watched as our two nations negotiated détente, anti-ballistic missile treaties, and arms reduction. I rejoiced. I worked, briefly, for a defense contractor where we felt that we were working to insure peace and balance between our countries. I never wanted war. None of us did. We always felt that Russia and America were, in a very basic way, on the same side. The side of peace. The side of the olive branch. But still we were cautious. Afraid. And so were you. Fear can be a powerful advisor. And so we build spears.
We knew in our hearts we were alike, but something was keeping us apart. So we had the peace of the spear. So be it. At least we could still talk across the spear. We could hold the spear strongly in one hand, poised at the heart of the other, while offering the olive branch with a trembling hand. It was an uneasy peace, but still peace; a blind peace, a cautious peace, an uncertain peace. But it was enough. Both of our sides understood, and accepted, the peace of the spear. One by one, step by step, we negotiated our way ever closer to true peace and understanding. We plucked more olive branches. There was respect and guarded trust. So be that as well. Let us never cease.
Nor forget the fear; needless fear, haunting fear, horrible fear, but fear, none the less. The peace of the spear and the olive branch. And so our lives lived on the edge. We have nothing to win from hostility, everything to gain from fraternity, all to lose from disparity. Why not be friends? Why not plant our olive branches into whole groves where children play? Why not find ways to make them all grow?
I fear my country has abandoned the balance of the spear and the olive branch and is now controlled by lunatics who do not speak to you or speak for me or anybody else in my country. They trust the spear more than the olive branch. They destroy the process of communication and guarded trust, replacing it with hostile suspicion and insult. Clowns judged by fools lead by idiots. I don’t think this is a common perception. I think most people in my country want friendship. Peace and respect. And a chance to move beyond the spear and the olive branch to embracing as brothers. But they are afraid. Afraid and have been duped by our leaders who tell us there is no olive branch. The groves have all been burned to ash, the olive branch defiled. Only the spear remains. The antidote to hatred is familiarity. Peace through understanding. War is the great unifier, for in it we all bleed alike by the spear and see the olive branch whither. We both live together. Or die together. I choose life.
I hope for better relations, peace and respect.
An American friend,
Jonathan H. Loux
The Anglo American nations (America, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand) are rapacious, mass murdering war criminal nations that are responsible for the deaths of millions of people around the world.
But they are rapacious, mass murdering war criminal nations who masquerade as defenders of freedom and democracy.
In fact, the Anglo Americans understand correctly that their very ability to wage wars of aggression and not only get away with these wars but also, in Goebbelsian fashion, to cast themselves as a “force for good” is fundamentally dependent on this ability to hide behind the mask of liberal democracy.
In short ,the greatest war criminal nations on the planet come disguised behind the greatest of all lies: Western freedom and democracy.
These lofty ideals are in fact nothing more than *civilizational deceptions* upon which the Anglo Americans in particular are based upon as nations and as a people.
And deep down, the Anglo Americans deathly fear that their mask of freedom and democracy will be ripped to shreds–and they will face their overdue Day of Reckoning at long last.
AWESOME! I might have to borrow this.
Excellent Saker and thank you! Reminds me of scripture; “come out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her plages”.
Pretty much all of this town (‘friends’ and even my old girlfriend!) remain incurably, the typical, proud, neocon/hypocrites, recalling how some said we all ought to “just listen to ‘Glen Beck and Joyce Meyers” (!!) OMG we are doomed!
They can’t and won’t see past their curse of the disease of Industry. With that natural curse brought the plastics, finding their way into our bodies, leading to the sexual confusion (endocrine disrupters) that physical state, behind much of the departure-from-decency, and traditional vales Russia still has going, for some reason, but for how much longer?
I’m hoping this is the “end of the evil age” Jesus told us we had to endure to the end.
All you wrote is right. As they are chosen to secure the rise of the Antichrist (in Israel).
Regarding the last sentence: that they “deathly fear that their mask of freedom and democracy will be ripped…”
I think, as they are approching their occult goal, the less they are fearing this. Close to the end they won’t even bother about anything (such as now it appears already).
Found this via ZeroHedge.
Great article. One thing though about the following passage:
“Since the Neocon coup against Trump the West is now on exactly the same course as Nazi Germany was in, roughly, the mid 1930s. Oh sure, the ideology is different, the designated scapegoat also. But the mindset is *exactly* the same.”
*) The was no neocon coup against Trump. The fix was in from the start. Neocon all along.
**) The ideology different? Nope, nazis were financed by Wall Street. So was Khazar-Bolshevism (read Sutton).
***) The designated scapegoat were the Germans. In a wider sense, all Europeans are and have been (European nations, not to be confused with states, being the target). Guilty as charged by decades long postwar political correctness and US sponsored multiculturalism.
The mindset is indeed, exactly the same. Search for the Benjamin Freedman speech about WWI/WWII.
One more thing. It might help your analysis if you’d be able to clearly distinguish between what you call “capitalism” (the neocon economic scheme of “trade agreements”, better and more accurately known as “corporatism”, the economic basis of nazism) and a genuine free market (without FED and other central banks interfering on behalf of Wall Street interests). Check out the Mises Institute website for further study. On open borders and other disasters aimed at Western Civ (or what’s left of it), check out Hans Hermann Hoppe. You can’t go wrong from there.
Cheers from Amsterdam,
The answer lies perhaps in ‘Discourse on Voluntary Servitude’ by La Boetie.
People will dance as long as the band plays… Even after the band has stopped. They will tell away jews/gypsies/whateverUntermenschen to the law enforcements forces if they could secure some gardenia seeds for their garden.
All cap statement removed …. mod
Well no psychopaths in power then. Psychopaths are totally rational, yet pure evil……and they blend in. They are proactive (!) agressive ANTI human(ity)/ANTI-life itself, fearless, dead inside moral (!) morons. They enjoy (!) seeing (and smelling) mountains of rotting corpses of NORMAL people…..Like Winston Churchill covertly was gloating over aerial pictures of completely slaughtered and “burned tot the ground alive” (!) Dresden.
Especially the infiltrated adapted compensated political type of psychopath, like John Bolton or Donald Trump, will rationally, with -since no heavy burden of real, other than acting, emotional life- abnormal energy (and covertly) strive to kill off as many human beings as possible….without having to pay their due for it afterwards (that would be no “fun”).
Because the people of the West have accepted, or don’t even know, that they are ruled by an ugly gang of ignorant, arrogant psychopaths.
They have no (or just a very vague) clue about what a psychopath really is, let alone about the fact that (when UNTESTED left alone unbothered) the most gruesome and potential dangerous type of psychopath, the intelligent covertly infiltrating adapted compensated ones, recognising eachother as “the real McCoy”, form a deep state (a psychopathic state in a state) that finally controls all (!) the key positions of power and control.
Pure evil manipulating psychopaths sometimes are attractive, snake-like biologising charismatic like Ted “Bundy” (who, as a psychopath, just was not adapted compensated enough for a shining political career the Churchill type).
There is indeed reason to hope, even trust. The current spectacle is the death throes of the Deep State. They are going down, and in their desperation they are thrashing about to inflict whatever pain they can. This turmoil is the darkest hour before the dawn.
Putin, and yes, also Trump, are cool heads who can see above the froth. Believe it or not, the general population is also getting smarter about such things. False flag operations are ever more obvious to more and more people. Since the mainstraim media is a tool of the Deep State, you won’t find any evidence of it there. As one journalist put it: “The job of journalism is to cover important stories. With a pillow, until they stop moving.”
I have the same feeling, just posted this painting on a “social media”, nobody reacted, just zombies everywhere…
Blind leading the blind… into the abyss!
“Let them alone and disregard them; they are blind guides and teachers. And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a ditch. But Peter said to Him: Explain this proverb (this maxim) to us. And He said, Are you also even yet dull and ignorant [without understanding and unable to put things together]?”
Matthew 15:14-16 The Amplified Bible
I recall a painting from a German artist, showing German soldiers following a leader (flags) straight into a graveyard or ditch, still searching it as the symbolic message was very strong.
You ask for a reason to hope? Ok, I will try this one. Many people and I have noticed especially many silly women clinging to this view that Trump is all he said he was on the campaign trail, even though his actions do not seem to match his speech. He is playing 4D chess, working on his secret plan that will unseat the crazy cabal who have been secretly running the show, and we just have to stick with him. I even read a comment this morning from one such woman who said we should dare NOT question what God is doing with Trump!! Where she gets the idea that God anointed Trump I have no idea. I really hate to say it, and be so crude, but these women seem so under the Trump spell that I could believe, as a billionaire, he could grab their’s too!
So, there is the reason for hope. Feel better now? No, it didn’t work for me either!
Wanted to start by saying that this is the best site amongst the dozen or so I regularly visit, not only for the quality of the articles but also for the intelligence and informativeness of the respondents in the comments section. Also, there is no degeneration into petty ad hominem attacks, disrespect and insults. Many thanks to the moderator(s), authors and respondents.
Now to my reason for writing…
I see much thought (in responses) put into providing historical context (very important) but not as much into realistic solutions. I now would like to throw out for consideration and debate what I see as a potential brake on the ever acclerating rush to precipitate war with Russia. I agree with the comment regarding the “West’s” rulers, that they are now fast losing their window of oportunity and need to finalize their last push to hegemony, that and the ambiguity of the actual (versus potential) state of Russia’s preparedness and the effectiveness of its recently revealed modern arsenal. So…here is my idea, ready to be corrected (shot down) by the many readers who I know are better informed than I, and the Saker himself.
What if Syria were to publically announce (say at the UN) that they had reached agreement to help Russia test it’s new missile systems on its (Syria’s) vast empty stretches of desert. Announce the coordinates of the US’s “secret” (illegal and unknowledged) bases in Syria as the targets and invite the world to watch live. Give a 4 hour deadline for the first “test” (with coordinates) and then further announcments at 4 hour intervals of other coordinates. (Ooops, we’re not in control of those areas and assumes them to be unihabited…sorry).
Could this be the “line in the sand” (with proof of being able enforce it) that may lead to a de-escalation? Might this not also serve to remove the blinders that the “Empire” is, after all, not all powerful and invincible, an “emperor-has-no-clothes” moment?
Looking forwards to replies…
It is possible that Washington could blunder into a nuclear confrontation with either Russia or China–but I don’t think that is very likely. Why? Because all this posturing and bellicosity is mainly about the internal power-struggle within the Deep State that has been going on for some time and is, in my view, still unresolved. The Global War on Terror has been dropped like a hot potato and an enemy is needed–one that is fairly stable and that is Russia. The State, deep or otherwise, cannot survive without an outside threat. The civilian part of government has lost the faith of the people–only the military has the overwhelming support of the American people and thus that popularity will be gamed to keep the wheels turning. No one within the power-elite wants to live in a world without comic-book “bad guys” to fight against. Only, they don’t really want to fight but, like with ISIS in Syria/Iraq before Russia came into Syria, they only want to appear to fight it.
Aside from leveraging the popularity of the military to stay in power there is a clear need to have potent enemies in order to keep the military-industrial-complex fat and sassy. The media, after 9/11 in particular, has been purged of all voices that are not strictly careerists so that area has now become almost completely controlled by the Deep State with almost no dissenting voices allowed.
In my view, my fellow citizens are not interested in geopolitics because the internal power struggle in Washington has seen so many zig-zags and twists and turns in the Narrative that most of us just ignore it and focus on the crapification of their lives the cause of which we are too confused to consider. We will just have to have faith and pray that whatever clique holds power in Washington will not blunder into major war. Remember it needs Russia as an enemy and Russia can only be a good enemy if it remains strong or appears strong.
Banger, agreed, except with the needs for a strong enemy. That is for public consumption only, to force ever more tax dollars into the MIC. America has never, I repeat, never challenged a peer or near-peer in any military confrontation. As a matter of fact, they’ve had their butt kicked numerous times by vastly inferior opponents. I think it would be an error for Russia to show weakness (in particular now that it seems it has the means to defend from anything short of a nuclear war (all Earth loses)). Such weakness, real or apparent, would only embolden those who seek the finalization of the plan to subjugate, first, Russia, and then the rest of McKinder’s “World Island”.
I say Russia should make a clear demonstration of its capabilities and of a firm “line in the sand”. Unless the sociopathic ruling cabal really will go to the max (nuclear annihilation, which is against their self-interest and likely not wanted (that’s my wishful thinking)), I believe there is merit in Russia finally giving the Empire (the bully) it first real “bloody nose”. Non of this small scale stuff that only results in tit for tat and constant pushing ever closer to Russia’s borders, something of a wake-up call, for the Empire itself and those who would like to see this unipolar, imperial domination end.
BTW, I consider myself a pacifist first, but do understand that sometimes, messages need to be sent.
I’m in Canada and refer to Naomi Klein’s “Holding the Bully’s Coat” (the myth of Canada the “peacekeepers, ha, ha) and hope that messages are understood here sooner rather than later and that we “pivot” away from reliance on selling raw materials (mostly) South of the border (Canada being a “banana republic that doesn’t even have bananas) and being tied to the USD. There is a world out there willing to collaborate (invest) in what we have and we (Canada) should explore that before we are dragged down with the failing USD.
Prof. John McMurty expresses similar concerns in his recent article.
Great!! Realy…indeed the truth and absolute truth…gives hope to this planet!!
Vongrats!! Long live!
Proff Dr M. Knezevic
I don’t get it either.
I have often wondered whether Putin might be holding some satellite photos that could shed light on 9/11. If he is, and has been hanging on to them as a deterrent, he has made a terrible mistake by waiting so long. Their deterrent value has been declining in proportion to (a) time elapsed since the event, and (b) the accelerating demonization of Russia, which would allow the Empire to claim that any Russian support for 9/11 truth is just propaganda.
“The worst thing is the deafening silence, the way everybody just looks away, pretends like “ain’t my business” or, worse, actually takes all this grotesque spectacle seriously. What the fuck is wrong with you people?! Have you all been turned into zombies?! ”
Do you mean to say it wasn’t always like this? People weren’t so tuned out of what their supposedly elected leaders are doing to endanger them while those who do give a second’s thought to something that isn’t the latest superhero movie are fighting about transsexual rights or whatever? For reference I’m 28 and have never known a world that isn’t this one, which is filled with people going on with their petty concerns totally oblivious to the danger ahead. I feel like Winston Smith asking the old man in the tavern about the past right now…
Dear Saker,
Here a video that you may want to listen to…it is in French (RT France)
My conclusion is : By accepting this reality we may be able to find ways to overcome what doesn’t serve our humanity…by transforming our anger into compassion we shall see the answers that we’ ll help us to come out from the old paradigm…
Take good care of yourself and thank you for who you are!
Several years ago, stuck with both awe and respect for the birth of this blog by the Saker, coming for most of the years of my family life in the US and Europe as a transplant from Netherlands, I urged the Saker to move out of the USA saying he should return to Russia where the rule of law still echoes clearly.,as it is gone never to return in USA. It seemed to me that what I’d sent was read, respected, but did not know for sure as I only wanted my warning read by one one needed by the world today. Voices like the Saker’s are in danger.. The USA planned WW11 with Hitler and Nazies and US leaders. Read “The Rise of the Fourth Reich” by Jim Marrs. One of those leaders was my American grandfather given the US most important banking job in 1933 by Roosevelt. Water Scott McLucas.
Dear Saker,
first, apology ma awfull english language. I’m French…
For once, I’m not really ok with you. What Empire do is less searching a war than cut every link between him and those who want to contest his supremacy. You know the French world : ” you can’t have the butter and the butter’s monney”. That’s what empire is decided to say to Russia and toward Russia, China and all are tempted to follow the same way.
Empire say: ” you think we’re weak, but you can see that we’re united, even for a stupid and incredible story of assassinate traitor spy. We’re united, and you can’t have all the advantages of Empire, free trade, free bizness, free strategic bizness, and not follow OUR rules, following YOUR own strategic needs and often in contradiction with OUR interests. China is nothing if the empire stop buying his product, if Empire produce elsewhere. Russia is nothing if in the same time China become nothing and the empire stop buying gas, oil and other product to her.”.
There’s India, Indonesia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Magreb, Mexico and lot of others land there are ready to produce for empire and in staying kneeled.
Empire rulers can’t stand anymore that Russia and China furthermore pretend to resist to Empire strategy, to stay totaly independant.
I think that they want frighten russian biznessmen to weigh on Russian government. They want to frighten every dwarf like Erdogan, or others with temptations of indepandance that there will be a choice to make. Seemingly, Erdogan have already surrender. Empire gave him Afrine for biscuit and theat him for S400. And? No more S400.
There is no reason to make a war. There is no ultimatum. Empire say, “you choose, it’s OUR rules or you stay alone”.
I think that will go on more and more and more.
China and Russia try to kill Empire in trying to kill the dollar and you believe that Empire will stay smiling?
We see exactly the same thing that US and UK did to Japan in 1940. More and more and more economic and diplomatic pressure. Then, Japan decided to go to war. Because they were sure that Anglo were weak and coward. You know the following.
You always say that Empire is weak.
Does Russian leaders think the same? As 1940 Japanese leaders thought?
Do you think that Russia will go to war?
Well, to be honest, most of the people I know really don’t have much of an opinion one way or another about Russia or Putin. We are too busy trying to find a way to correct our lying media and not be killed by ‘immigrants’ who don’t speak the language or obey the laws. Damn, near got hit in my vehicle this morning by an ‘undocumented’ on my way to work who cant be bothered with traffic laws. Our government is too busy importing a new voting base that doesnt speak enough of the language to make an informed choice, instead voting for the party that gives them the most for the least amount of work. This country does not reflect the average everyday working american, instead its like a giant stage play with actors in front of every camera reading the lines they are given. As an average rural american, all I want (and every neighbor I have talked to) is to be left alone to live my life without having a antigun/gay-lesbian-trans lbgthysxFU/anti-constitutional agenda shoved down my throat every second of the day.
Sorry, to hurt your feelings but Russia and Putin are a long way back on my list of things to deal with. Though, if he ever showed up on my doorstep Putin is welcome to a cold beer and some fishing down by the creek..
I had to look to the bottom to check to see if I wrote this? This article embodies all my most recent rants and observations to my indifferent friends.
Too many lies gone un checked, un accounted for . JFK, Tonkin, USS Liberty, 9/11 which paved way to the policy coup by Cheney, Rummy,Wolf, Bush, the PNAC gang . World changed forever!
The bees have been smoked, were just waiting for the hive to be robbed of all its honey and discarded.
Money, greed . can’t stop it. how sad. thanks ! hang tough Patriots!
Всё будет хорошо. Будущее уже рядом:
Hallo Saker;
I’m cuban and we admire and love the Russian people. It only takes to read Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy, etc.
I’m going to tell you what is goin to happen:
If ,as we call ,”the moment of true”, came about , they will back down and play purple rain guitar madison square garden version.
Main stream media wont reported but for us that are looking beyond and above it will be very clear.
I appreciate your comments and analysis on this issue. I’m retired US military, service that began in 1967 during the height of the so-called Cold War. You are correct in your essay above.
As a long time member of the League of the South, a Christian pro-southern organization that considers Russia to be our friend, I post links to your articles quite often so our membership can read them. It’s important to us.
As an aside, I’m a convert to Orthodoxy, and am a chrismated member of the parish of St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Greenville, South Carolina.
all people thought & always believed the end of all Russian TSAR was happening in the past .
I did not .
Vladimir V. Putin is a direct descendent of the TSARS , the Romanovs ..
Just watch & trust …tis is a Sacred men
I remember the afternoon of Friday, 26th October, 1962 quite clearly. I was an apprentice in a training centre, wondering what was about to happen. At 3pm GMT, a Russian cargo vessel and a Russian Escort were due at the American Blockade. My friend, only half joking, wondered whether it was worth the bother of putting the kettle on for the afternoon tea.
The intervening years have anesthetised our sensibilities toward nuclear weapons. We needed a nuclear deterrent, and while we did not trust our politicans there seemed few alternatives, and mutually assured destruction seemed to work.
Fast forward to recent events, and life imitates art. “No, no” said the Queen, “Sentence first, Verdict afterwards” (Alice in Wonderland), as a measure of current UK political thought, while Mrs May tries to convince the audience there is no alternative. Well, there are other possibilities, just as there are other nations capable of novichok production. For example, the murder of 85 people at Bologna Railway Station in 1982, and and a series of other deaths attributed to Gladio.
The curious thing is : IF this is a false flag, why now, and to what end? And why the seeming urgency to get retaliation in place?
I wish I could offer a happy ending to the saga, but this seems to be heading in the direction of a Greek tragedy, even in the unlikely event of the USA rethinking its position in the world.
The most frightening aspect of the current situation is that we are repeating history ‘not as tragedy but as farce.’ In the West the able diplomats of the last generation have left power and left it seemingly in the hands of children. I don’t mean by this the presidency. Both Obama and Trump have merely marked out the increasingly feeble and straitened powers of that office like rois feants. It is the regime itself behind the stage – a generation completely full of itself – which has the small cunning to gain power and the small character only to waste and misuse it, and to misunderstand it as something that does not require responsibility. Therefore, there is no longer any serious diplomacy, negotiation is weakness.
Across the Blue archipelago the mechanisms of response – the pundits, polls, reportage – have become subverted. There is only positive feedback; successes vindicate policy, failures must be the work of hidden traitors, spies and wreckers. There are no more honorable differences; loyalty and conformity are the only virtues. And no accounting, whether for a party machine which rigged and lost an election, or a bureaucracy which has devastated entire countries for its own advantage.
Yet the chief result of this at home has not been gulags or (other than social media) purges, but the unrealistic, unserious nature of it all. America (both Right and Left) is living in a dangerous bubble inflated by disassociated bits of thinking (i.e. the Russians are inferior and also an immediate threat). I see no reason to hope for moderation; in fact, the behavior of this Atlantic regime has become only more brazen and provoking of late. Forbearance only encourages it further. The lines it respects today it will cross over tomorrow. Truly, only a serious shock will break it.
I can only imagine the Russian view of this. It has not been for some time a question of whose sphere Europe or Germany will fall into. Since 2014 it is rather about the integrity of Russia itself. The West wants a pliant government in Moscow again, and the Russian people have their memories of the 1990s. I don’t think they are willing to go back. There is also the wreck of Ukraine to remind them nothing has changed in terms of Western “prosperity.” In addition, everything they see of Western culture now must alienate them and worry them for Russian church and culture. This confrontation must be seen by them as existential.
Let us reverse Clausewitz here: politics is war by other means. The West has been waging war against Russia by diplomatic, economic and informational means. Given that, however well Russia plays the diplomatic game, it is playing for a draw against an opponent playing to win. There is no reason to think Russia is ahead in this match and, quite frankly, it has everything at stake. Putin knows very well the West’s intention is to goad him into an aggressive response, but the reality is that the diplomatic game will become increasingly tenuous. At some point the Russian position will be one where an aggressive, disruptive move will be the least poor option. Putin or his successor will be forced onto the same lines the West is pursuing, framing the question: what military response to provocation will not bring on a general, nuclear engagement?
Toward a military engagement, the conventional thinking is the US cannot bear either the casualties (politically) or the costs of a long conflict. However, a regime that is facing fundamental problems at home may well find short term relief and distraction in a “manageable” conflict abroad. That it is truly manageable matters less than that the leadership believes it can be, especially one that neglects the long term and consequences. From its own position, the Atlantic regime may find the odds of an aggressive game preferable to the lose/draw of its eroding status quo. So then the logic of both Russia and the West lead to the surrender of logic to chance, and the supreme illogic of war.
Coming out that Kemerovo could be a terrorist attack.
Any information anyone?
An explosive right in the children’s area!!
I just find this article …see below
It is really crazy….
You wrote “Capitalism needs war…”. I don’t agree. I am 15 years your senior and I remember some vestiges of capitalism still left here in South Texas in the 50’s and early 60’s. But elsewhere in America, capitalism has been dead a long time. Before I really knew my youngest daughter had gone over to the dark side, she and I were “debating” politics and I asked her if she even had the slightest idea what kind of world she would be living in under pure socialism and she snapped back that it had to be better than the capitalism we have now.
I about slapped her down. I told her (she’s 25) she didn’t have the slightest notion of what she was saying.
All she knew was “talking points” and all commie. I told her that capitalism hasn’t been seen here for a good 50 years if not longer. And I doubt I will actually see it again in my lifetime.
Good day Frank. My name is Andrew. I am from Russia. I am 51 years old. I lived in socialism and after socialism. I can compare past and present. If you have questions, just ask. I’ll tell you. You’ll have a chance to find out the truth. That is intriguing.
I feel you mate but have nothing to add which will give hope. I’m just glad to be in the Southern Hemisphere but without much expectation that will mean more than the chance to write the elegy for the rest before lights out. By the way, we share a birth year, we’re both born in the year of the Chinese water rabbit. Last of the baby boomers.
There is some hope though if the decoding of the messages from Q (QAnon) and Jerome Corsi’s interpretations are right (see YouTube for daily decoding). Corsi has just published his Killing the Deep State and although he does not mention Q in there, it is obvious that their is a counter-attack going on against the Deep State and indictments are being prepared for those people who continue to undermine the Constitution of the USA by their ongoing war mongering and aim towards the New World Order (where they, Neocons, Zionist cons: less than 1% in total, wish to rule).
Since this group has ruled for a long time (Rothschilds, Federal Reserve and other Central banks and anonymous leaders), they also know they cannot profit, this time, from a WWIII with nuclear weapons as there will be no profit as all will be destroyed. Killing the Deep State also means to get rid of central bank systems that are ruled by this group and are actually private companies.
We are indeed at a crossroads of either becoming even more of serfs to this cabal or change the system. Behind Trump and, I think with his knowledge, this is in preparation, so there is still hope.
If something looks too good to be true, it usually is. Q has repeatedly (also yesterday) stressed “Iran next”, so it is very difficult to be reassured by that. There is clearly an internal US power struggle, but no evidence that either side represents geopolitical sanity.
You are not the only one seeing the disaster looming! There are more of us seeing.
And our task is clear: wake the people!
Thank you for another great view from your perch. It can all get overwhelming for some and it saddens me to see how this has affected even you, the source of so much lucid, dispassionate thought.
In my view, nothing will lead anywhere until the power of the money changers (the private banking cabal, with the Rothchilds et al on top) are thrown out of the temple, off the face of the Earth. I’ve seen in the past few weeks two articles dealing with the release of the new Venezuelan crypto-currency, the Petro, and the initial interest shown in it.
Although my understanding of crypto-currencies is virtually nil, it seem to me that, being as they are based on nothing, they are not any different from all other fiat currencies. However, a petroleum-backed currency, to me, shows real promise as an alternative to our current monetary system(s),in particular, to break the criminal banking cabal.
Since its initial release, I have not seen any more about the “Petro”, in particular, no analyses of its viability and where it may lead to . Do you know of a source for more information regarding the “Petro” and/or are you yourself working on an article on this subject. If this is as promising, as I see it, to breaking the power of the bankers, would it not be a cause for hope?
Dear Saker ; aim 83 , and on-line with some of your followers . We know how difficult it is to get your message across .
Reading this article sends me into a frenzy of fear ; but i have been afraid for quite a while .
Your knowledge and intelligence surpasses anything i have , except for my common sense of life as it is . My family considers me lunatic . but rather a lunatic then close my eyes to the dangers .
People do not want to read , let alone read articles like yours . I just received this from Mark Elsis , Lovearth blog , ( Dr. Lasha Darkmoon as also sent me your articles . ) I just want to thank you that you are trying so hard , and just as fearful as we are .
May the GODS be behind you , and send your word to the 99 % of the ” i don’t care population . I could put names to a lot of them , related to me of course . Call me Crazy Joe .
This is happening because Zionist Jews that control the money in the west want to be able to continue creating money out of thin air, they also want to rule the world, so anyone that gets in their way like Russia needs to be eliminated and they will take us all down with them trying to achieve their goal.
I agree. The west is doomed. Not perhaps by Russia, by by their own policies. Nothing makes sense anymore, I come from Denmark and Switzerland, and mostly in Denmark I see a smothering of initiative, of independence and of core values. There is also an unholy glorification of degeneration, a group degeneration where everybody is dragged down into the cozy fuzzy warmth of public correctness.
In Switzerland things have not yet deteriorated to the same level, but the American influences and rules are also being forced over the people, only delayed by stubbornness of the Swiss population and the stumble block of direct democracy. If that is enough to save them, I both hope and doubt.
I don’t know the solution. I worry on behalf of my kids.
Sorry, there’s no hope ‘Russia did it or was it ‘just’ another Western False Flag?’
Разве что-то случилось из ряда вон выходящее?? Так было всегда, когда у Запада возникала иллюзия интеллектуального и культурного “одиночества” на земном шаре. Разные империи заболевали исключительностью изо всех правил. Только законы физики все равно были сильнее – они не исключительные, но они для всех без исключения. Когда пройдена тонкая грань между реальностью и фантазией, остается лишь созерцать саморазрушение всей системы вместе с населяющими ее аборигенами.
Из личной практики общения с разными представителями западной культуры у меня сложилось твердое ощущение: мы думаем и понимаем окружающее в разных диапазонах – как радиоволны разной длины – не пересекаясь. Носителям русской культуры легче прийти к взаимопониманию с вьетнамцем или камбоджийцем, чем с европейцем или, тем более, “пупом земли”-американцем. Уже в совсем взрослом возрасте пришло понимание, что мы произносим вроде бы одни и те же слова, но вкладываем в них абсолютно разный смысл, даже если учились по одним учебникам. Договориться об общих “терминах” – это уже было бы достижение!
И еще. Сложно говорить, что мы боимся войны.Это ошибочное мнение. Мы ее очень НЕ ХОТИМ, но не боимся. Это, простите, разные вещи.
Google-translation added by the moderator:
Did something happen out of the ordinary? This was always the case when the West had an illusion of intellectual and cultural “loneliness” on the globe. Various empires fell ill with exclusivity from all the rules. Only the laws of physics were still stronger – they are not exclusive, but they are for everyone without exception. When the fine line between reality and fantasy is traversed, it remains only to contemplate the self-destruction of the whole system, together with the aborigines that inhabit it.
From the personal practice of communicating with different representatives of Western culture, I had a strong feeling: we think and understand the environment in different bands – like radio waves of different lengths – without crossing. It is easier for Russian culture bearers to come to an understanding with a Vietnamese or a Cambodian than with a European or, especially, the “navel of the earth” -American. Already in the very adult age came the understanding that we say the same words, but we put in them a completely different meaning, even if we studied in the same textbooks. Agree on common “terms” – this would already be an achievement!
And further. It is difficult to say that we are afraid of war. This is a mistaken opinion. We do not really want it, but we are not afraid. This, sorry, different things.
It seems that Americans have no idea WHAT to do. Millions demonstrated in 2003 against war to no avail. Since then, those attentive have learned the war was based on lies, that the Patriot Act, a complex document that trashes the US Constitution, had been waiting in the wings, that the official “narrative” of 9/11 is a fabrication, that their own country, in league with and led largely by Zionists, is the driving force of wars and terror across the globe.
I am suggesting friends living in the NE Corridor move far inland. Russia, in the interest of finishing a war asap, and with her huge nuclear submarine fleet strategically distributed, would want to reduce the stretch between Washington DC and NY City (the heart of the beast) to a radioactive cinder.
Excuse my ejaculation, but bloody hell as they say in some parts of England – when some ‘party’ makes a fact-less claim, where the normal reply is ‘ prove it “.
Indeed, you will even hear this questioning aloud in the junior girls primary class play area ?
So we cannot accept that this absence of enquiry by the enobled proprieters of the National Mass Media are deficient of of natural curiosity?
Without doubt given the intellectual capicity of those persons so employed to describe the facts, their failure to recognise the facts so evident, attests to their desire the falsify facts, and in earlier days when such false reportage was considered a anti-social crime, and punishable by their loss of life.
Is now the time for the wide use of the noose for such liars ?
Why are the Western nations (and most of the rest of the world, in fact) ruled by psychopaths? One might think that evolution would select against psychopathy, but it almost seems as if it is actually favored. A possible clue: Parkland suspect Nikolas Cruz showered with fan mail. There is probably not a single mass murderer in recent American history who has not received piles of mash notes from lovestruck females. Why?
The author of the article affects to be astonished, but anybody who has been following recent “red pill” study of human sociosexual behavior won’t be the least mystified. It’s called hypergamy: the relentless tendency of human females to gravitate toward (even seek out) males who exhibit the “dark triad” of personality traits (narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy) as reproductive partners. Why? Because the reptilian brain stem, which manages basic reproductive behavior, sees such males as successful and thus good prospects. Thus, in short, evolution on its own selects for psychopathy.
The Wikipedia article is predictably carefully written to avoid accusations of political incorrectitude, even including a section on feminist criticism of the concept – although the article doesn’t actually mention the fact that hypergamy is almost exclusively a female behavior (very few men seek to mate/marry “up”), as explained by Rollo Tomassi at his excellent Rational Male blog), where he has discussed the concept at length.
As female sexual behavior has now been blessedly freed from the oppressive constraints imposed by that awful Patriarchy (aka civilization), she is now free to do whatever she feels like. See above, as well as endless other examples. Of course, I am only an unreconstructed elderly white male (gasp), but I have to wonder: Perhaps the recent collective decision to turn control/management of Western Civilization over to women might not have been so wise after all?
Great article and I absolutely concur with its contents. My compliments to the author. What has happened the west is simple. They have become atheists become selfish and self centred and who do not believe not alone in a God but in the existance of a demonic entity. Consequently they are oblivious to the fact that demonic forces have taken possession of the higher echelon’s of western governments and the military. The demonic aim is to wipe out what God has created and hasten into hell all these unbelievers and satanists. (America is the only country, to my knowledge, that recognises satanism as a religion – you could not make this up) The demonic entities have even infiltrated many christian church’s, including the Vatican who never really divulged the 3rd secret of Fatima which has implications and relevancy for the current times. It would appear that the only christian and peace loving country left is the Russian Federation which the demonic west hates. Unless there is a miracle I cannot see this ending well. The latest criminal act is the illegal search of a russian aircraft in the UK who were trying to force the crew to leave, without explanation, so that they could plant more damning ‘evidence’ to further the false narrative against the RF. I hope that we are not going to experience the great chistisement which I have no doubt will be wielded by the Russian Feceration like Thors hammer. The stupified americans think that they, as the instigators of this russiaphobia policy, can escape just like ww1 and ww2 but they will be greatly mistaken as Vladimir Putin clearly pointed out recently. The RF have not alone a massive nuclear stockpile which includes a 50 mt nuclear bomb that is the biggest in the world and will wipe everyone out within a radius of 40 miles, but fierce conventional weapons as well. Couple that with the fierce loyalty, determination and bravery of the Russian people, as demonstrated in ww2, and they become a most formidable force that will be impossible to defeat. We are sleep walking into tbe pits of hell watching false news on the MSM on our mobile phones.



Fear. It’s what’s for breakfast.
Yes, our enemies are master propagandists who have succeeded in making most people look away from the reality, totally unaware of the superclass that governs us.
Yes, they have gathered, using as a tool the financial system, a power that is maybe unseen in world history.
But their biggest achievement is maybe how they emasculated the male population. Most people today, even those who have understood what is going on behind the scenes, are too cowardly to rebel.
L’occident jette la Russie dans les bras de la Chine !
translation from yandex … mod
The west throw Russia into the arms of China !
theSaker, let’s put it this way….
1) “the neocon coup” was not complete. there’s a group of very serious law enforcement agents around Trump.
2) there’s a big wave of cleaning up the swamp. the swamp is completely lawless. but hey, all of them are, and yet look, there are now CONVICTIONS being handed out!
3) look at Google fraud, Facebook fraud. Facebook gathering of everyone’s info is all over the alternative news , and even occasionally in the MSM; Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt has FLED, disappeared. afraid that his company’s and his shenanigans in presidential elections in favor of Democrats and Deep state will float.
Nobody wants the war with Russia. Especially nuclear war. There are two other things you are not aware of:
1) the Banking cabal. All the countries own this mythical entity $233 Trillion dollars. This is not some mysterious company or country, this is a border-less, country-less, law-less, do-what-we-want super power that nobody wants to talk about, as it’s control is on par with all countries’ GDP combined:
2) There’s clearly another reset of currency coming. WW1, WW2, you can say especially WW2 was a reset of a world currency; bankers want war, they make most money from war. They want war of the largest possible caliber. And ANY cooperation whatsoever between 3 largest players, USA, Russia and China (with Western Europe being non-player and completely pacified-neutralized) . Now… obviously everyone (people) in the world wants the Banker cabal taken out.. and banker cabal is seriously afraid of this . so they would make everything in their power to prevent USA and Russia from joining peaceful forces and to prevent ANY cooperation whatsoever…as they know that these peaceful forces will be against them, banker-globalists.
On this second point, three countries must cooperate quietly. And they must pretend they are hostile and near going to war.
And yes, of course, there’s that $1 Trillion dollar a year military budget US and foreign companies and banks are pillaging. No hostilites or war or fake – no budget. You have to understand that this is also part of “making enemies” to pillage $1 Trillion dollar a year US taxpayers being taken to the cleaners. And they love it.
The American people are completely oblivious to what is happening .
Dear Saker,
The real (and only) hope is God. Not his mercy, but His law and Justice. Faith.
Because, all of this is written.
The west you was born in the early sixties (as me) was already on the same path. We were just not yet able (for most of us) to understand it right.
Now, through the internet, with a little guidance and “grace” of the allmighty, everybody who really desires Thruth can find it. Such as all the infinite list of longtime hidden lies become available.
As you said for GB/England, the entire “west” is going down spiritually since the end of the Middle age.
These times and the forthcoming are wearing the more and more well recognizable face of the Apocalypse.
The “good” is bad and the “bad” is right… as the terrestrial Jerusalem being erected is a counterfeited fake and really totally evil. And all of this obey to God’s will, the inherent law of his creation. The sun goes down (by the west) and soon the darkness where only true faith lights, all others blind.
Well, all the western civilisation since its rise (from Renaissance to industrial revolution through “humanism” and “lumières” to “world wars” and the material Jerusalem) was poursuing this goal. Now comes Armageddon and the Antichrist. Those who will remain, could choose to follow Jesus when He returns.
Nothing “rational” in all of this (any more, and actually never was).
The fact is, misleaded sionists by deformed judaism, are waiting the very near arrival of their believed salvior, if not directly worshipping the evil, teaching the redeption by the sins. Western christians, included now the Catholic church, made a pacte with them despite they hate and disregard Jesus.
Against Muslims and… you the Orthodox christians.
They all will be lost and will lose. Thats the best hope we can own. Because this is the right way. Those who stand against them are right. Despite all the reverse accusation (false flag) they are the object, despite all lies and deceptions launched against them. The side of God will be, as it was always, victorious.
Dear Saker, I think there is no other “rational” way to interpret all of this what happens.
What remains : Stand good, be smart and courageous to fight the evil and his misleaded allies, protect your soul, go back to the faith, do your religion. Keep away as much as possible from western inspired “culture” and “way of life” because all of this converges to make you (spiritually) blind. Despite its wonderful power of attraction for all your senses which are strangely receptive to them (look at children and youngsters: keep them safe if possible), naturally receptive because born and living in this era of mankind (we are naturally receptive to its main frequencies).
Yes we are living on the side the night will come from. Despite we all learned since little child that our world, our values, such as ourselfs are the best. Forget all of this.
“Our” godless civilisation has a very short history in mankind. And its not called to be a “progress”.
Don’t regret it. Don’t be sentimental. Its just the truth.
I am just astonished how Putin succeeded to put Russia back on her feet from a extremely difficult position, against all odds ! He outsmarted them (west) all in their own game!
Maggie Thatcher has dismantled the social state and moved in the Falkland war. Dumping at sea of nuclear waste in the North Sea.
Ronald Reagan forced together with Helmut Schmidt the NATO-Doppelbeschluss (Cold war). Reagan (neutron bomb) destabilised Latin America, occupation of Cuba, (concealed) wars El Salvador, Nicaragua, Granada, Afghanistan (Taliban armament against the USSR …
Helmut Schmidt – oil crisis, smog alarm, RAF, advocate of nuclear power stations
Mitterand – Libya conflict, sinking Rainbow Warrior (Greenpeace), nuclear tests, participation dessert Storm
Chirac – misappropriation of public money, Clearstreamaffäre, nuclear test surface
During the 50er-90er years there was more than 1000 atom bomb test the USA, F, GB, the USSR till this day and in wide future our atmosphere load.
Wars in:
Algeria, Vietnam, Korea, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Iran Iraq, Israel, Egypt, etc….
The peace movement had her period of bloom during the 70er-80er years. Demos against nuclear energy, Castortransporte. More than 100,000 people on Easter marches.
It has not changed a lot, at that time as today we live people dangerously, are violent and wage wars. Capitalism seems come at full, but as everybody knows, it goes afterwards downhill.
At that time nothing was better, it was only one other time …
Just caught this. I love your passion because mirrors my own emotional reaction to the very, very strange situation we are in. First this situation is not even remotely close to the Cuban Missile Crisis. There were precisely only two people “in the room” who were not deeply psychopathic, i.e., the President and his brother. His military advisors urged him to launch a first stole claiming that 150 millions would die as a result while only 40 million Americans would die. I believe the fact JFK and RFK did not want that sort of final solution was one reason for the coup the following year. I know for a fact that most military leaders do not wish for any result like that today. It is the civilian leaders that are fouling the nest because of their relentless ambition for power in an Imperial capital where belligerence is the common currency.
Thank you!
Almost nobody wants war, and nobody wants to go to war unless has lost his mind!
However, we face an unfaceful situation and that is the main reason for mass-alienation…
Thank for your shares!
Love you Saker, but those ‘heroes’ you mentioned were part of the problem.
Surely you have read the US national security archives which gives proof to the lies US sold public and Russia vis-a-vis NATO expansion, etc.
I’m an independent in New Mexico & tho on a small, remote ranch – even the air around here crackles with uncertainty.
Reading of all the Insanity, Kabuki & false flags is a constant reminder of abject ignorance 24/7.
ALL the tech Giants have gone rogue & freely show it now. Many keep calling for ‘swamp draining’ (those in City of London cabal would have to be neutralized first) which if ANY of it happens it would be a shock.
So – no one can ever be ready for a swift war of any kind – nuclear, emp, cyber, et al.
Thank you for sharing your analytics & insights.
Julia Elliott