Frankly, I am awed, amazed and even embarrassed. I was born in Switzerland, lived most of my life there, I also visited most of Europe, and I lived in the USA for over 20 years. Yet in my worst nightmares I could not have imagined the West sinking as low as it does now. I mean, yes, I know about the false flags, the corruption, the colonial wars, the NATO lies, the abject subservience of East Europeans, etc. I wrote about all that many times. But imperfect as they were, and that is putting it mildly, I remember Helmut Schmidt, Maggie Thatcher, Reagan, Mitterrand, even Chirac! And I remember what the Canard Enchaîné used to be, or even the BBC. During the Cold War the West was hardly a knight in white shining armor, but still – rule of law did matter, as did at least some degree of critical thinking.
I am now deeply embarrassed for the West. And very, very afraid.
All I see today is a submissive herd lead by true, bona fide, psychopaths (in a clinical sense of the word)
And that is not the worst thing.
The worst thing is the deafening silence, the way everybody just looks away, pretends like “ain’t my business” or, worse, actually takes all this grotesque spectacle seriously. What the fuck is wrong with you people?! Have you all been turned into zombies?! WAKE UP!!!!!!!
Let me carefully measure my words here and tell you the blunt truth.
Since the Neocon coup against Trump the West is now on exactly the same course as Nazi Germany was in, roughly, the mid 1930s.
Oh sure, the ideology is different, the designated scapegoat also. But the mindset is *exactly* the same.
Same causes produce the same effects. But this time around, there are weapons on both sides which make the Dresden Holocaust looks like a minor spark.
So now we have this touching display of “western solidarity” not with UK or the British people, but with the City of London. Now ain’t that touching?!
Let me ask you this: what has been the central feature of Britain’s policies towards Europe, oh, let’s say since the Middle-Ages?
That’s right: starting wars in Europe.
And this time around you think it’s different?
Does: “the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior” somehow not apply to the UK?!
Let me also tell you this: when Napoleon and Hitler attacked Russia she was undergoing deep crises and was objectively weak (really! research it for yourself!). In both cases Russian society was deeply torn by internal contradictions and the time for attack as ideal.
Not today.
So I ask this simple question: do you really want to go to war against a fully united nuclear Russia?
You think that this is hyperbole?
Think again.
The truth is that the situation today is infinitely worse than the Cuban missile crisis. First, during the Cuban missile crisis there were rational people on both side. Today there is NOT ONE SINGLE RATIONAL PERSON LEFT IN A POSITION OF POWER IN THE USA. Not ONE! Second, during the Cuban missile crisis all the new was reporting on was the crisis, the entire planet felt like we were standing at the edge of the abyss.
Today nobody seems to be aware that we are about to go to war, possibly a thermonuclear war, where casualties will be counted in the hundreds of millions.
All because of what?
Because the people of the West have accepted, or don’t even know, that they are ruled by an ugly gang of ignorant, arrogant psychopaths.
At the very least this situation shows this:
Representative democracy does not work.
The rule of law only applies to the weak and poor.
Western values have now been reduced to a sad joke.
Capitalism needs war and a world hegemony to survive.
The AngloZionist Empire is about to collapse, the only open question is how and at what cost.
Right now they are expelling Russian diplomats en masse and they are feeling very strong and manly. Polish and Ukrainian politicians are undergoing a truly historical surge in courage and self-confidence! (hiding, as they do, behind Anglo firepower)
The truth is that this is only the tip of a much bigger iceberg. In reality, crucial expert-level consultations, which are so vitally important between nuclear superpowers, have all but stopped a long time ago. We are down to top level telephone calls. That kind of stuff happens when two sides are about to go to war. For many months now Russia and NATO have made preparations for war in Europe. And Russia is ready. NATO sure ain’t! Oh, they have the numbers and they think they are strong. The truth is that these NATO midgets have no idea of what is about to hit them, when the Russians go to war these NATO statelets won’t even understand what is happening to them. Very rapidly the real action will be left to the USA and Russia. Thus any conflict will go nuclear very fast. And, for the first time in history, the USA will be hit very, very hard, not only in Europe, the Middle-East or Asia, but also on the continental US.
I was born in a Russian military family and I studied Russian and Soviet military affairs all my life. I can absolutely promise you this, please don’t doubt it for one second: Russia will not back down and, if cornered, she will wipe out your entire civilization. The Russians really don’t want war, they fear it (as they should!) and they will do everything to avoid it. But if attacked then expect a response of absolutely devastating violence. Don’t take it from me, take it from Putin who clearly said so himself and who, at least on that issue, is supported by about 95% of the population. From the Eastern Crusades to the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union, enough is enough, and the Russians will not take one more western attack, especially not one backed by nuclear firepower. Again, please ponder Putin’s words very, very carefully: “what need would we have a world if there is no Russia?“
All that for what? The USA and Russia have NO objective reasons to do anything but to collaborate (the Russians are absolutely baffled the fact the leaders of the USA seem to be completely oblivious to this simple fact). Okay, the City of London does have a lot of reasons to want Russia gone and silent. As Gavin Williamson, the little soy-boy in charge of UK “defense”, so elegantly put it, Russia should “go away and shut up”. Right. Let me tell you – it ain’t happening! Britannia will be turned into a heap of radioactive ashes long before Russian goes away or shuts up. That is simply a fact.
What baffles me is this: do American leaders really want to lose their country in behalf of a small nasty clique of arrogant British pompous asses who think that they still are an Empire? Did you even take a look at Boris Johnson, Theresa May and Gavin Williamson? Are you really ready to die in defense of the interest of these degenerates?!
I don’t get it and nobody in Russia does.
Yeah, I know, all they did is expel some diplomats. And the Russians will do the same. So what? But that’s missing the point!
You can get 200,000 anti–gun (sigh, rolleyes) protesters in DC but NOBODY AT ALL ABOUT NUCLEAR WAR?!
What is wrong with you people?!
What happened to the West where I was born in in 1963?
My God, is this really the end of it all?
Am I the only one who sees this slow-motion train-wreck taking us all over the precipice?
If you can, please give a reason to still hope.
Right now I don’t see many.
The Saker
PS: yes, I know. The rules of the blog prohibit CAPS as this is considered shouting. Okay, but this time around I AM TRYING TO SHOUT! So, for this one time only, feel free to use caps if you want. The world badly needs some shouting right now, even virtual shouting.
Over a year ago I said I thought the first half of 2018 would be the start of war. I thought that because of the expected Clinton victory. And Clinton being a neo-con. But now that Trump has surrendered himself to the neo-cons,I see no reason to change my thinking.I also said I had doubts about Brexit,and the World Cup in Russia happening. I still see no chance of Brexit “really” going through. And it’s very doubtful that by June they won’t have canceled the WC in Russia.This 2018 is our 1914 moment. I’ve being saying since 2014 that the West only understands force.They have no concept of reason and diplomacy today. I hope now that Putin has been re-elected Russia will start understanding that as well and take off the velvet gloves.
I’m glad you’re here again Uncle Bob 1, you’re edged views are always interesting for me, I missed you !
As for Putin being reelected, well, I think that this time around there will be a difference in his policy, as far as I heard there will be some reshuffle in the government and probably in the inner circle, that is necessary because the things have changed, the outlooks are not so optimistic and Russia has to be prepared at all levels of the upper echelon and on the lower part of the entire society. They cannot play the same cards in the wake of ever growing threat, when the “partners” are so “generous” in insults and evictions of Russian diplomats at a level never heard in history.
The Brexit bit is interesting.
First, we had what seemed to be a farce where PM May was talking about solidarity with the very EU her government is trying to divorce. That seemed just to be the usual political comedy, until….
Today the propaganda is that now there is ‘proof’ that the Brexit vote was rigged ….. turns out it was rigged by a group with strong connections to the British royals and the Tory Party and the UK military. But I’d imagine that little bit will be papered over and soon we’ll hear (again) that it was all those evil Russians who tried to tear apart the sacred union of the EU.
Also note the Western European-American diplomacy at its best.
When Russia is recovering from a horrible tragedy and mourning the death of 64 people, mostly children, in a fire in a shopping mall in Kemerovo it is apparently the BEST time to carry out their stupid diplomat expulsions and consulate closures. Unbelievable arrogance, stupidity and ugliness. It is simply disgusting.
Yes, you are, sadly, right Saker.
It exists a handful minority of arrogant psychopaths that pretend to rule the World, and a bit larger number of corrupt, invertebrate, cowards at the head of the western secondary (slave) nations that are servile and obedient to them, ruling over peoples that really appear mainly as a submissive heard.
Let just look at the behaviour of Italy, that, kneeling to the order of the Empire, expelled two Russian diplomats.
Actually the Italian Government is resigned, after the outcome of the recent elections, and it is in charge only for the ordinary administration, waiting for the new, legitimate government. What an opportune excuse to say: “Oh, yes, we want to show solidarity with GB, but we cannot do nothing except ordinary administration…wait the new government”. Instead, so rooted has become servility in such people, that they did it…: repulsive scrum.
However, there is a hope, let’s see the glass half full, instead that half empty: there are 14 EU nations that refused, at least until now, to follow this disgusting stupidity.
Finally a consideration. Even if I and you have not directly know the horrors of the last world war, we were in touch, surrounded by people that directly knew that and could tell us: today very few of them are still alive and the new generations have not only no experience of what it means a world war, but not even have known any person that could tell them what it means. This can explain the different attitude respect to the Cuba missile crisis and now. And also, of course, that today, in the West the main stream media are just “prestitutes”.
“Have you all been turned into zombies?!”
Not exactly, but having “politically corrected” and “degendered/feminized/transgendered” at least the male cattle (sheeple?), they’ve pretty much accomplished zombification’s equivalent.
i agree, i look around me here in Norway and i see the people only care abt their damn phones and freakin cat videos. i feel shameful when i look at what we let the politicians do with our beloved Europe and country.
Are the highlighted statements the ones that explain the current state of the Western population? I call the Western population (including the Eastern Europe) a cattle because they act like one… It is sad to see their mental level…
Hard times create strong men.
Strong men create good times.
We have a saying: From too much goodness even dogs become mad… I think that Russia is destined for an attack. Sooner or later because of their wast territories and resources… It is just a matter of time. Unfortunately… We as humanity will burn in hell anyway; if not destroyed by a war, then by destroying the environment…
Answer: Today as in 1930 Germany the same people are running the show. Period. The same people who made Bolshevik Revolution, etc. The course will go they way and nothing can stop it. The Gringos are full of shit and they love it. They’ve been under such brainwash, coercion and mind altering drugs, they are unable to act. They minds ..are paralysed by fear. They like Germans in the Third Reich. Only exit is the violent act as major war.
They try to provoke Russia to give them excuse for that. According to the Third Secret of Fatima, Russia will chestise the .Western Swap. So be it. God Bless Russian people.
The War is Esoteric between NATO vs Russia/USSR and has always has been. It is hard to find anything positive about the NATO machine whatsoever. Communist, church-burning Soviets turned out to be much more christian in their deeds of helping the oppressed, defending traditional values and egalitarianism than the sanctimonious Anglo ‘protestant christians’ , where greed, profit and individual hedonism were taken as noble virtues. Do these ‘christians’ really read about the Jesus who turned over money tables, ordered the rich to give to the poor, and healed the sick?
Land vs Sea, Individualism vs Collectivism etc. It would appear only Russia can and will stop this anglo insanity.
I read your blog religiously for its rational and clinical analysis.
Although I understand your frustration, this post is just way too emotional.
Representative democracy has indeed failed and clearly. Pushing for change here though is just too dangerous in the lack of a better alternative. Democracy is obsolete but we are yet to find what best substitute fits the future.
Furthermore, Social Capitalism has failed too, we were never given a chance for Free Market Capitalism though and I suspect we never will. It is at the very least, imprecise to attribute this warmongering to Capitalism and a little propagandist.
New age warmongering has its roots in fiat based currency. The only need for war is a currency called the US Dollar that needs to be regarded as reserve currency if there is any future for the nation that prints it. This is hardly related to Capitalism.
Iraq – Shift to denominate Euro Oil Contracts.
Lybia – Announcement to return to Gold Backed Currency.
Venezuela – No dollar contracts in reply to sanctions
Iran and Syria – Joint pipeline to Europe, cutting off US dollar.
Russia and China – Denomination in mutual currencies for their bilateral contracts.
I am worried, as you are, although not for the same reasons.
The fact is the US Dollar has been gasping at its last breath for years and through war has managed to breathe a little more. A debt based currency relies on constant demand to keep its value.
I think very few people pay attention to currency issues, but it seems to me like a simple and adequate explanation. The problem is, once you recognize it, war is pretty much an inevitability. It is foolish to think that on the other side, they do not feel that “what use is there for a world without the US?”, for it is exactly what the death of the dollar would ensure.
So in essence, it is not that I am looking the other way, rather preparing for the inevitable as best I can.
With all the hysteria sweeping the NATO countries, I wonder what strategy do the Russians have for the upcoming Donbas war…
Write to your elected representatives and explain the truth of the matter and note that we see through their lies. It will eventually change the way they think but at least we can say we told them.
US State Dept conference,they just say:RF must follow the rules in Syria.This is all about Ghouta and Saudis+Israel defeated.There will be no WWIII.Euro vassals are very proud to expel a few diplomats(zero risk)but if things get more serious because of the Anglos you will see their ‘solidarity’collapse very fast(except the US occupied Poland+Baltics confetti states).They are not ready at all to loose their money,their big houses,big salaries,pensions,ferrari etc…
Just hope nuclear escalation may be avoided. I hope (i’m sticking to that hope) an historical fact may repeat in the war to come…
WW I saw an extensive use of chemical weapons, but in WW II no chemical weapons where (at least extensively) used.
One question arises… why didn’t Hitler use the chemical weapons at his disposal, when he lost the iniciative ?
Was it some sort of M.A.D. fear, or the technical impossibility of using them effectively ?
Could it be that Hitler was less mad than the current fascists ?
Made this a while ago in ref. to Syria. Now it seems that she is aiming for the entire planet.
Very large version for those who likes details or meter wall paintings.
(2 mb)
Ides of March!
still 5 days more to close this historic month…!
For me the three most striking were
1. Xi becoming president without term limit! (they dont want to waste time when they need absolute stability in these crucial times and one subtle message F off regime change, Russians should think the same)
2. Russia showing off their new weapons (turn of a new epoch)
3. Skripal response by UK and USA France and Germany going hands (you are with us or against us…their empire is collapsing and they want to take the whole world down and reason can be invented no matter how stupid)
Consider how the net has changed the landscape.
Humans are pretty much the same but things move more quickly. and anyone who wants to be informed can do so.
For example: one has the library of congress at one’s fingertips!
it seems many of you don’t understand what’s REALLY going on. Question. Does anyone know why Russia, China, Iran, Native Americans were attacked and occupied by the West?? If you all can answer that, then you will understand why the West WILL NOT GO TO WAR WITH RUSSIA, CHINA, NOR IRAN!!!
Yes,you are right,if China,Russia and Iran were occupied by the West its no point to go to war,there is nothing left.
i guess i should have been more clear. China, Iran, Russia were attacked and occupied during WW2. Do you know WHY that happened? If you figure it out, then you’ll understand why they WON’T be attacked now or ever again!
I don’t remember Russia being occupied throughout her history,the same for this war to come. She will lose the Asian territories but not the European ones even if she fights the whole world ( more or less ) There will be no winners in a sense but only losers . Why Russia wont won ? Because of us,the citizens of the world.
And Abraham drew near, and said, Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked?
Peradventure there be fifty (45,40,30,20,10) righteous within the city: wilt thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous(45,40,30,20,10) that are therein?
I offer you another WHY:
” Ever wondered what is really happening in America today? Ever since 911, the changes America has been put through are mind boggling. But the question nobody seems to find the right answer to is WHY? ”
All the best!
Auslander on March 26, 2018 · at 3:49 pm UTC wrote:
“…ergo Uncle Sugar, read CehSha, will do the fighting for them”
This reminds me of the following:
The narrator of this rare clip describes James Joyce — arguably the greatest novelist of the 20th century — as a “small, thin, unathletic man with very bad eyes.” Ouch. And it gets worse. According to the voiceover, when Joyce and drinking buddy Ernest Hemingway faced a potential brawl, Joyce would hide behind his more imposing comrade and shout “Deal with him, Hemingway, deal with him!!!’
Dear Saker, I do understand your shouting! I was born on the other side of your vaunted Western Europe (WE), but have lived in the west many, many years. Back home, we had some sort of envy towards all things western, and we thought ourselves inferior to the west.
The problem with what you’re saying is that THERE NEVER WAS this wonderful western Europe. It was all a mirage… You made the mistake of believing it – just like I did. But I finally see it clearly now. If one really thinks clinically clearly about WE, what does one get?
UK – wealth built on exploiting countless other nations (mainly India, but there were many others. France – really? For all that great culture – how much damage did they do in Africa, Indochine…? Holland – yes, ask some level-headed Indonesians. Belgium? Congo cannot ever get off its feet… Italy – Libya… Portugal and Spain – well, talk to the Mexicans and South Americans. Austria (which is the closest to socialism today) had its colonies inside Europe; Germany had Namibia, plus those few wars…. Did I leave anybody out?
Yes, Scandinavians did not have colonies – Sweden got beaten badly by those Russkies way back whenever, the others are just too small. Neither did the Slav countries colonise others. Ok, maybe not the Swiss, either…
It is funny that you should mention Thatcher and Reagan – they were some of the worst… maybe just a veneer of civilization (the only difference).
Not that there were not some statesmen back then – I do agree that the general IQ of all politicians (save VVP and Xi) has gone tremendously down – all made so much worse by the rapidly accelerating decline of the west… The conditions have changed. Desperate times call for desperate measures… As you yourself have said, things will get much worse before we can hope for a change for the better… Let’s just imagine that it will not be irretrievable…
For years, I have been trying to unspool the violence, deceit, and exploitation that the West has visited upon the rest of the world. Stephen Walt said a while back that the 500 years of the western domination of the world is coming to an end – it will likely be bloody. If we can stay with just the diplomat expulsions, we’re OK.
And I do not think Skripals are a UK plot – methinks look in your backyard… The elites, after all, are bought – and so can be blackmailed and do what the master says
You’re usually level-headed… just remember that
Next stop – boycott of the World Cup – so what – it is all fleeting, particularly if we manage to survive.
As you’ve said – all this just shows how weak the west is and how few options remain for them (it).
Nizamerznem nikogda!
“The problem with what you’re saying is that THERE NEVER WAS this wonderful western Europe. It was all a mirage”
Yes, a mirage, what I call the crumbs from the table to pacify the plebes (Roosevelt’s “New Deal”) and keep the elite from having to deal with pitchforks at their front doors (Obama, 2009).
However, I will submit that those crumbs (besides allowing the the US industry to manufacture new clients for its products (Marshall Plan) DID provide for an increase in the standards of living of the “masses”, this at a time when most of these countries exploitation of their previous colonial empires were on the decline. Of course, I’m not getting into the issue of debt slavery here.
The pressures that were mounting after the Great Depression were dealt globally with “crumbs” and a war. When it ended, the target that Germany was pointed towards, miraculously had survived and provided the destroyed and demoralized Europeans with an example of what was possible under a socialist government and these demands had to be answered or else the Empire risked what they had fought for. I think that this was know is proven by the re-building of Europe in tandem with the assault on all socialist endeavours, in particular Italy and Greece (see operation Gladio and the Gehlen network).
Mind you, I am not advocation for any form of government, they are all “evil” to some extent as they never (not rarely), never represent the will of the masses. I only wanted to point out that, in some ways, some more limited than others, there was progress made socially in large parts of Western Europe in the wake of the devastation of WWII.
Dear Saker, don’t despair. Keep on with Your fine work; but never forget, that live is worth living and can even be fun. (I have to admit, that I have to give this kind of advice to myself too.) I think, You should meet Dr. Daniele Ganser. He is very good at telling the truth and making his audience happy at the same time.
There is still a chance that our politicians or even ordinary people will wake up before it is too late. There is some movement in the right direction, the question is: will it be too little too late?
As for the german politicians, we will knew what they are really doing, when we know what will be the fate of NorthStream 2.
Carl Jung before WW1 had dreams of oceans of blood rushing up against the Alps and before WW2 saw the emergence of Wotan in his German patients.
Mere days before dying he related a dream to a relative, a dream that much of the world would be destroyed in about fifty years hence, but “fortunately not everything”.
2013 was fifty years since his death and around then I thought we had turned the corner to avoid that prophecy. But now I have a feeling of dread like others here. I realized like the Saker that the Empire is doubling down in the face of its failures. My hope has collapsed to near zero.
Our fate may be the West exterminates itself that takes the northern hemisphere with it. Humanity might survive in the southern hemisphere picking up the pieces and hopefully will remember that the world was nearly totally destroyed by irrational hatred of some other and grasping for power.
For the last two years I have tried over and over and over to get people I have known for seventy plus years to look at what the US is doing with and to Russia. These are educated, supposedly intelligent people who lived through the cold war, the Cuban missile crisis and all the rest who should know better. These people just aren’t listening. They have been so propagandized, so lied to, so controlled that they believe the crap they are being told. At this point it appears that to get the average Americans attention as to the urgency of the situation is now hopeless. Their brains appear to have rotted from one to many visits to Facebook and one to many trips to Dancing With the Stars. It may be that they realize that genuine maniacs are in charge and there is nothing that can be done. The silence is deafening. I do know that many, including myself and my own have turned to god and prayer and spirit for help and love. AS THE WOMAN SANG IN STRANGE LOVE SAID: “WE’LL MEET AGAIN SOME SUNNY DAY! KABOOM, KABOOM, KABOOM, KABOOM!
Does Israel control the U.S. political system? Of course, without question. Does the Congress of the United States control the Pentagon? I believe they still do, at least fiscally.
So if I was Putin, I would make it very, very clear to the Israeli Knesset that any attack by the U.S. on Russian assets anywhere in the world will result in the destruction of Israel. I would go public with that too.
Mega backlash and condemnation with charges of antisemitism will pour forth from the neocon propaganda machine in the U.S., EU and UN but so what. These war monsters have done the bidding of the Zionists for too long while Israel remains relatively safe. That has to change. Let this fact sink into the minds of every Israeli politician, lobbyist, Christian-Zionist and common citizen that Israel will be no more if war breaks out between the U.S. and Russia.
Keep this promise on the forefront of all discussions between the U.S. and Russia and there will be no nuclear or conventional war between these two superpowers. I’ll bet the farm on it.
“So if I was Putin, I would make it very, very clear to the Israeli Knesset that any attack by the U.S. on Russian assets anywhere in the world will result in the destruction of Israel. I would go public with that too.”
What don’t you get?
Most of the ‘Jews’ in Israel are of Russian origin!
That the USA are living in a ‘bible-bubble’ and paying their daily Zio-bread is obviously why Putin smiles so often.
“What don’t you get?
Most of the ‘Jews’ in Israel are of Russian origin! ”
Yes, and in light of this is might be time for Putin himself to get off the fence in his “friendly” relations to Israel.
Perhaps it is time for him to clarify to Russian and all Israelis that all of Israel, not just they, are in the cross-hairs if Zionists generally continue to incite to provoke Russia and to incite to war. As are we all.
The west you were born in, have been evil for hundreds of years. You were born in privileged Switzerland. Different would have been, had you born in Congo or Somalia.
Let me remain you that the west was the founder of piracy, implemented wars of conquest, created colonization by several means, established slavery, has created several mass murderous wars, and of course having looted around the world has given its citizens some complicit advantages.
Through the centuries the privileges given to its citizenry, along with its strong soft power has worked as the portrait of Dorian Grey. However and finally the ugliness and true nature of the West has emerge.
Absolutely spot on, Saker!
It’s well illustrated by this old American parable:
Good luck to you – and for all of us.
HELP me out here, will you??
Several years back I did consider spending some time in depicting Mr. Bolton. Decided not to as I believed his outrageous statements in the UN and elsewhere would establish him as persona non grata in wide circels of power and diplomacy.
Was I wrong.
Which one shows the character and are most disgusting?
Second one, in my opinion. Ugly face from dark soulless cold place with bloody red eyes. Brown color makes him look dirty but is too warm.
The west (City of L) is protesting against the petroyuan which was launched this morning. Prior to this, Russia China made clear they have the biggest guns. So USD can go down in silence, appart initial formal complaints, not much should happen. Regarding the zombiification of the people, most of us have interest in keeping the scheme going (all pensionars…).. and after 3 generations of brainwashing, all sense of reality has been erased long ago… But reality is gona come back soon…
What’s happened to the west? It has been taken over by people that can be Bolsheviks and Nazis at the same time.
Look at it this way,
world is heading to abyss – but is that good or bad?
As you well pointed out:
“What is wrong with you people?!”
Problem is not just politicians as many like to think. Problem is deeper, problem is the balance of powers, the right and wrong in this world, absence of values (real values and morals). Problem is going beyond replacing a few governments.
I believe, and I know it’s pessimistic (and I’m not the type but I am now),
Greater calamity is the only thing that can change the people, their minds, push the balance back to where it was once. If only slightly.
Question is, how much calamity and how great (as in big) it’s going to be, and how large devastation is really needed to wake the people up from their state of mind, or lack of it.
That is the only hope, ‘small calamity’.
If you’re looking for demonstrations or something of that sort, forget it and start digging (the bunker).
Dear Saker,
Surprised that you lived in Switzerland, i did too. The old Adighe « Cherkess » soul in me miss the mountains, the conversations and time spent with them, and the deep sadness too, thinking about the lost Kavkaz mountains.
I have no hope for you, our earth biological systems (vital for homo sapiens) are being slaughtered by the industrial/capitalist matrix at an exponential rate, and the dying empire of chaos is driven by forces of Shaïtan.
If nuclear death comes upon the earth, at least let us live until then with dignity, morality and love for all life. Because if and when it goes thermonuclear plus 400 nuclear power plants in full meltdown…
Until then two songs for souls in pain:
With love,
Of course any aware person – there are a few of us – will agree with what you have said Saker. When you are awake, it is clear what is preparing to happen – nuclear war in the near future. This year is by far the most likely time for this to occur. And this is an unspeakable horror, that will signal the final irreversible failure of the human race.
I strive to be a spiritual person and have spent years studying, praying and meditating, with many Guides and Teachers. I began to be deeply concerned about our world in 1961, and I have spent a lot of time studying subjects relevant to that concern. I was an antinuclear activist in the 70’s, and have continued to contribute and follow that situation to this day.
I have come to believe after all these years of study and activism that the real problem is in the hearts and minds of modern humans who have lost belief in any higher values beyond their own safety and comfort, and for this reason they have become capable of the most selfish and evil behavior, while refusing to own up to what they are doing to hurt others, and destroy our beautiful world. Unfortunately reforming and healing this disastrous mindset requires willingness and prolonged sincere efforts (I know this from my own experience. I was once a sleeping fool like so many of my brothers and sisters). This Great work on ourselves will not happen now, so I am profoundly sad and pessimistic, like yourself Saker. God have mercy on all of us.
The west has always been the same. NATO’s creation was a hostile act against the U.S.S.R. with Russia at its core. The U.S. always wanted to destroy the U.S.S.R. and then Russia.
Russia was really fooled by Ronald Reagan’s charm offensive, but, even then, the U.S. had its long-range dismantling and puppet plans for Russia.
Judging by comments on many European sites, on YouTube, on RT and others, the people of Europe are not as asleep as you think, Saker, and more are waking up in droves.
What the European leaders don’t seem to have understood is that if it comes to war with Russia, Europe will be the battlefield, and that is indeed frightening.
I am a bit older but practically of the same generation. But unlike you – born in Bulgaria.
And nevertheless I am asking myself the very same questions about what happened to the West I know from those old times.
Your article should be translated to Russian as a minimum. To be able to reach and be shared by a lot more people.
Dear Saker,
Thank you – great post. I routinely read your blog for many years. While I disagree on some topics, majority of your analyses are insightful and well sourced (hat tip). Blog community is equally captivating, often upgrading the article to the next level. This is my first comment, I did not imagine it would be on the post tagged as “rant”.
What happened to the west? – Remove that analyst hat for a moment, discard the logic and do irrational survey. West is gone – reduced to the dumbed-down, surveillance-device-addicted debt-bound electorate; thought-conditioned by the corrupt intelligentsia and the swank academia; ruled by the war-crazies – immune to accountability, empathy or critical thinking. Herd is not submissive or asleep – it is distracted. West was successfully patched almost 20 year ago – the distraction did eliminate events like WMDs-not-found or thousands of blown-up kids we call “collateral something” nowadays. Wag-the-dog, entertain-misinform (USO) – induced amnesia. Today, patch is scaled horizontally, wag-the-dog in the cloud, reapplied so many times it altered original fabric. That girl is gone, too distracted – no f***s given. Entertainment – big fireworks might still work (but that would be too late).
Crazies want war, convinced by – exceptionalism and hubris – first strike and ABM. But before that, they will try hard to break Putin. So, in foresight it is easy to imagine hundreds of diplomats expelled, hegemon alliance expanding, communication/finance/travel seizures, world cup boycott/cancellation and even UNSC removal.
I have little concern for EU-vassals or other client states that will join hegemon-coalition in days to come but I have 2 questions:
1. Sino betrayal? – lets go full Black Swan here
2. War cabinet? – in retrospective do you think Trump was part of the deep state patch from the start
3. Turkish kabuki final chapter (Lessie returns home)?
March 2018 – what a month.
To aire and give so much publicity to Trump’s whore on TV is to expose Gringos to as much filth as possible, especially young. They will take for granted that immorality, promiscuity as okay if even president does it. The same was with Clinton & Levinsky’s filth. The goal is to corrupt the masses completely so it’ll be easier to control them. It not surprise that many Russians leave the corrupt West for their fatherland to protect their children’s from inevitable moral degradation.
There’s some sort of diabolical mass psychosis occurring. It seems that many, particularly leaders, don’t have the spiritual basis to resist the deception. We appear to have gone off the deep end, in elites believing that individuals have a constitutional right to determine their own realities, ones very different from that the universe is built upon. So it is with the personal, as in matters of the western gender bender, as in matters of state and war. Delusion rules.
I’m really no one, but we are in such a state that it’s clear that even I have more of a grasp on what needs to be practically done. And none of that is occurring.
At one time it appeared to us that the East was in the grips of a devastating spiritual evil. I can only think that to a considerable extent, after the fall of communism, that these powers of the air relocated to a more favorable clime for their deceptions, to those not having much resistance left themselves to being possessed.
The mass psychosis has been observed in many species that have been overpopulated.
Those experiments were intentional to prove/disprove Malthus’s theories.
Even though ample food and resources were available, the animal populations were afflicted by what can only
be called mental illnesses which brought down to natural sustainable numbers of animals.
Mother Nature has her own methods and homo sapiens are not immune, but with nukes that culling maybe
We have been in a phoney war (sitzkrieg)since the Sochi olympics and its been getting hotter for quite some
time.I doubt we will get to summer before WWII breaks out in full.
Too much insanity and too many flashpoints to avoid.
Good luck all.
“The mass psychosis has been observed in many species that have been overpopulated.”
Very good observation.
Although lemmings to not in reality jump off cliffs, it sure seems like humans are about to do so.
There is no reason why Homo sapiens should be spared the pressures of population pressure forever, even though science has wrought miracles of one sort or another.
In fact, I have often thought that scientists, technocrats, social engineers, and others who maintain a belief that science could produce solutions to all types and levels of population pressure forever were themselves mad.
According to the cultural anthropologist Marvin Harris, societies respond to environmental pressure unconsciously, and in fact this response to env. pressure is a source of a lot of “culture.” An example would be Hindu strictures on eating meat. But societies ascribe the sources of their cultural features elsewhere.
Perhaps the American gun and destruction culture is itself an adaptation.
What we are witnessing cannot (IMHO) be explained in terms of individual rationality. Something is occurring culture-wide that looks like a death wish. The quarrel with Russia is the “cultural” explanation (a la Harris) but not the underlying “real” explanation. The “group mind” is sending signals of some kind.
“Something is occurring culture-wide that looks like a death wish. ”
Make that “death need.” IOW the “group mind” senses that in order to survive the species must be drastically reduced. But the unconscious mind is not adapted to the reality of nuclear weapons, so incorporates them into its cultural-evolutionary program without grasping the ultimate lethality. leading to evolutionary overkill.
However, there are other signs of “group-mind” expression of the species’ “death need” for significant population reduction besides the apparent race toward nuclear conflagration: such as avoidable unhealthy eating; avoidable self-destructive drug intakes, some of which reduce sperm counts; the growth of the LGBT/Transgender component of society; and other death-inducing and reproduction-reducing cultural trends.
I believe there is ample documented research that shows that the Earth CAN sustain far more than it’s current population and all without the ecocide perpetrated by the agro-chemical industry. All it takes is an equitable and logica sharing of all that is under our (all humanity) feet…soil, resources, wildlife etc.
I also am convinced that there are enough studies/documentation that show that the “overpopulation problem” is mainly a cause of this engineered scarcity/greed. I believe studies show that when a population does not face the prospects of hunger, violence, insecurity etc…we humans, on our own, respond by not “over populating”. How many of us, after all, really want to care for 10 children when there is a beautiful world to enjoy? Cases in point are the decrease of the European and NA birth rates since the increases in these countries’ affluence post WWII. Its also been made evident by our media/government mouthpieces in NA that there have been fears for the last three decades that the young of “our” population would not be able to fund the booming retirement cohort, the Baby Boomers. Hence the justification for the (engineered) massive floods of immigrants to almost all the countries of the West, amongst other reasons.
BTW, not for a minute do I suggest that “we” force all of “them” back home.
Too self-serving, too ambitious for their own selves and not for their country, too liberal (in the true sense of the word, i.e, not having any values other than money/trade/profit) all of which has made them dumb.
And they are scared. The petroyuan has been launched, which means the dollar is finished. Another year, maybe two years during which they will increasingly have only their closer and closer allies to rely upon for the continuation of their scams (the UK-EU-Australia-Canada-Japan and I think that’s it — no, not even Israel or Saudi Arabia), which is why they are yelling “unity” at the top of their voices, and then it’s over for good.
They have a massive debt and a currency that will have no more value than toilet paper to pay it off. And, as mentioned to begin with, they are too dumb to think up a way out of this predicament that doesn’t include lying, cheating and backstabbing. They’ve done that for too long and can’t even be smart about it like they were.
The end.
Thank you Saker for what you do. I try to speak about these topics as often as I can but, unfortunately, it mostly falls on deaf ears. Zombies are all over the place.
That said, I see several comments trying to remind your readers how “neutral” and “independent” Switzerland still is almost as if it is some sort of heaven on earth. I am dumbfounded by such comments. As if our purple cows only ate flowers…
As a Swiss citizen unfortunately spending way too much time here lately, I could write an encyclopedia about the BS spewed by the local “journalists”.
As a member in various international organizations in Geneva for over a decade, I feel it is safe to say that in way too many respects, Switzerland is at the very center of the global chessboard.
BIS? (Anyone?)
UN? (and all their BS sub-organizations)
etc. I could go on and on.
All hiding behind special immunities… Mostly based in Geneva which is also arguably the largest concentration of spies and ex-spies in the world.
And here is a list of whatever comes to mind.
Usually, one needs to be a freemason to go anywhere close to the top of the food chain in either the law enforcement, justice or political system. There are Cantons where the proportion of masons in top jobs may vary but I am mostly right.
Igor Kolomoisky is actually a Swiss citizen and holds a Swiss passport, like many (many) other “famous” people before him. But when it comes down to Russians like Timchenko, well, you know, our “independence” comes in handy. (Sarcasms…) We weren’t that diligent when Bruce Rappaport was moving money around on behalf of Mossad and Likud in the 80s and 90s. For those who remember the Mikhailov story and Russian mafia, Russian mafia, Russian mafia. Well, it turns out he was more Israeli than Russian when he was arrested with a full set up of Israeli made military-grade telecommunications interception and SIGINT equipment in his house bordering the “Lac de G’nève”.
It is under Didier Burkhalter’s OSCE presidency that MH17 “happened”. It is the office of the presidency of the OSCE who told their experts investigating the case to never speak about their MH17 investigation. Having interviewed two of these experts, I can say that the consequences of ever addressing the issue (publicly or not) were explained to them in no uncertain terms.
Claude Covassi comes to mind. Ooops, I digress.
By the way, it was also under Didier Burkhalter as Swiss Health “Minister” that the WHO H1N1 scandal “happened”. When Margaret Chang told member countries that unless they paid more so they could afford experts, industry would have to foot the bill. That day, by accepting the rules, essentially high level corruption, he effectively sold his “independent” country out. (As if it hadn’t been done before.) He is also the dude who initiated our very own highly biased study on homeopathy, which is another way of leading us into subservience to EU agencies.
There is lots of “noise” or “chatter” about his recent sudden resignation and him not wanting to be a part of whatever is unfolding. I say that because there is no smoke without fire and he is actually a long term next door neighbor.
Actually, talking about EU agencies. With regards to agriculture, food, healthcare and so on, we are TOTALLY subservient to them. We apply their rules like sheeples, or else. Not that we need them anyways, it is our own agriculture ministry who advertises all the health benefits of Glyphosate in Swiss newspapers when many rightfully say otherwise.
Same with FATCA and the rest. Lately, by the way, it has been much tougher for Russians to Bank in Switzerland. Russian banks in Switzerland also feel the heat. Chinese are welcome though.
“Octogon” during and after WWII, anyone?
Our own Gladio (P-26) enquiry is no more by the way. Well, the file disappeared and “they” can’t locate it anymore… Sounds familiar?
What was it again that we did during the apartheid years in South Africa? Neutrality? Anyone?
Ask The Saker what he thought of his previous employers when, one morning, some high ranking army dude walked in the office, and told everyone that from now on, it was all about integrating with NATO. I can’t remember voting on this. Democracy? Anyone? Independence? Neutrality maybe?
We don’t really vote either, it is for show mostly. Social and elections engineering work very well here too. Anyways, voting will soon be history altogether as there are now more lobbyists in the almighty Federal Palace in Bern than there are elected representatives.
So, anyone with a bit of “in-depth” knowledge of modern history and who doesn’t suffer from amnesia will come to the conclusion that 1.) Switzerland was never neutral or independent and 2.) we have a tradition of mercenaries. Essentially hookers to the highest bidder.
So yeah, Switzerland is so different than the rest of this SH. At least, WE are NEUTRAL and INDEPENDENT.
Unlike the rest of the world…
Wow. Thanks for the info. New to me, mostly.
I guess Switzerland has always been the crossroads for plotters—kind of like an island of apparent tranquillity, a permanent “time-out” area where spies and others can go about their business in a civilized environment that offers all of the backup services needed. Lile, maybe the Staples for spies . . .
This expelling of diplomats is but the latest tactical move in a strategy of “we rule the world or we break it!!”.
If it wasn’t crystal clear before, it is now.
Of course, it doesn’t have to be this way, but the West is suicidal in its lust for power and its fear of its debt chickens coming home to roost. While no one can help with the first, the second, while unavoidable, could be mitigated except for the lust for power. Ay-yi-yi … what a clustermuck.
Back to the current SNAFU. Russia has said that a tit-for-tat response would be forthcoming. Sure, go ahead but it won’t do any good at all!! This is just being RE-active when what is needed is to PRO-active.
I say it’s time for Putin to fetch the cosmonauts from the ISS. Tell the American astronauts it’s the last train home. Hit ’em where it hurts.
And to think, just last week Trump wanted to meet with Putin soon to discuss the arms race. LOL, what a difference a week makes!!
“I say it’s time for Putin to fetch the cosmonauts from the ISS. Tell the American astronauts it’s the last train home. Hit ’em where it hurts. ”
Yep, and stop supplying those rockets or engines that are crucial to the American space program were exempt from the rest of the sanctions regime.
I think you all are, for the moment, overreacting.
It’s just the WC! They are trying to make it not happens.
The war, if its to come, will be after next presidencial election.
Your blunt words Saker and unabashed expression of your sentiments reflect exactly mine, and something I’ve been feeling and saying for some time. That you have the courage to articulate the imminent dangers we now face and spread it to a world wide audience, is both a sign (and in fact the job) of a true and real leader. Thank you on behalf of the rest of us for calling it as it is. While I don’t believe that God has in all of history ever directly interfered with the insane machinations of mankind here on earth, may his intermediates continue to bless you and guide us all out of this madness. My only remaining small hope is that it’s all a bluff and that Trump and a few of his generals around him, have enough self-preservation common sense, not to commit mass suicide, but in view of his recent actions I’m not holding my breath.
No you are not the only one who sees it.
Reagan was one of the big creators of the world we now live in.
It was Reagan who removed all of the controls on ownership of the media. It was predicted at the time that this would lead to an intense concentration of all sources of information in the hands of just a few oligarchs.
Thus, today’s world where everyone seems brainwashed by the barrage of mis-information from these few oligarchs. Thus today’s world where anyone who dissents from the misinformation is smeared and attacked by the mass media owned by this small handful of oligarchs.
And of course, it was Reagan ran up big deficits and starting the now tradition of massive over-spending on the military. It was Reagan who made it his mission to erase ‘the Vietnam Syndrome’ and convince the American public that constant warfare was to be the way things should be.
Ronald Reagan’s defeat of Jimmy Carter, with the covert aid of the CIA convincing the Iranians not to let the hostages free, that was the beginning of the downfall into today’s insane hell of a world. Thanks Ronnie Raygun!
The worrying thing which supports Saker here, is that Russia will not, it seems, act in any way other than that which she sees as harmonious with her own standards of civilised behaviour. Unfortunately, The AngloEuros see that as weakness – and firmly believe that they are “on track” to take Russia down. They tell themselves that Russia is afraid of them, and that this moderate, quiet response proves it.
They can be told until we are all blue in the face, but it will make no difference, They are past masters at selective listening, and at believing only what they want to believe.
The only way to stop them, I believe, is for Russia to do something they don’t expect, and which frightens them so much they poop.
Then maybe they will back off and start to re-think.
As for why the people do nothing? They are all the standard 95% of people who are “followers”. Only 5% of the populace is a natural leaders – this was demonstrated by Japan during WWII and tested. Without a 5% -er to get them going, they will just be the sheep who follow their leader. Sadly, the leader position has been annexed by the media, owned by the insane Deep State. So even the 5% have been nullified. The reason they got the 200,000 to protest against guns is that [a] they believe that being hurt by a gun COULD happen to them, and they only care about themselves and [b] they have a huge Democrat media who have been leading them by the nose for years on this issue.
Who calls for demonstrations against murdering Yemeni babies? How many Americans care, truly and deep down, about the fact that their government is killing Iraquies by the million and more? They care about only one thing. Themselves. I realised this when I ranted about why they protested Vietnam, but but did not protest Iraq, Syria now, until a writer who was alive back then wrote to me that, they only protested the Draft. Not the war, not the killing of innocents, the dropping of more bombs on Laos than in the entire of WWII. Just the draft.
And right now they dont believe they would be bombed. They believe they are “exceptional” and that America will always win, and they can hide behind their wall of water and not get hurt.
So they wont – at any time at all – protest what their insane leaders are doing overseas.
Nature shows us over and over again, that ignorance and stupidity get you killed. It’s going to do that here, yet again.
Thanks for your piece and honesty – I am afraid too not for me… but for mankind….
and here is what I posted to day on my fb – and sent to all European, UK and US Embassies in Copenhagen as well as to Danish Members of Parliament –
– A person or country is innocent until proven guilty –
NO ONE has produced even a shred of evidence of Russia’s guilt in the Scripal case – The Western world is guilty of wrong doing not Russia –
This is a disgusting and shameful response to the Russian people voting for Putin as President of Russia with 76%.
Yes. I have the same feeling with ebb and flow in intensity. I do not care too much about myself (pushing 80th) but grandkids are cheerful and beautiful. And they certainly do not deserve to be killed for the aggrandisement of some pompous dim-witted asses.
I am American by birth but a citizen of the world in my heart. I have been feeling distraught about the ignorance and violence of the ‘West’ my entire life. I think that all we have is faith that God will not permit this stupidity to continue. Peace and love to all.
There is one major flaw to your analysis: you act as if the West ever was good or rational in the past, but that is not the case. Even a cursory glance at world history since 1492 proves that to be so. The only language they have ever understood is force. That belief was cemented as soon as I saw Iraq invaded despite millions of people in the streets around the world saying “No!”
Thus, I came to the conclusion a very long time ago that the final global war is not a matter of if, but when. The Empire sealed the planet’s fate on July 16, 1945. I know I will likely die, but I am kept sane by knowing that peace will come because no one will be left to fight another war! I hope I die early, because the living will envy the dead. I am not a religious man, but I am happy because I will have lived life the best I can. Earth will eventually heal itself, just give it a few hundred thousand years.
I don’t always agree with all your analyses I have read since I first found you in 2013. But we should be secure in the knowledge that we tried our damnedest to spread the truth instead of giving up and surrendering to the forces of evil in this world, even if it is extremely likely that their nefarious plans will come to fruition.
Today, driving home, a monitored the voice of the enemy on various radio talk shows and news channels. One of the ones which I came across was Steel and Unger on the POTUS Channel 124. Steel said that although Trump had kicked out 60 Russian diplomats and closed the consulate in in Seattle, Trump was still afraid of Putin – Putin had something on him. Both agreed that kicking out the diplomats and closing the consulate was not enough. Trump need to hurt Putin and the men around him. They compared the Russian government to a Mafia organization (projecting!). Unger then actually said on the radio that a “little cold war” was needed because when we Americans have a common enemy like Russia, it brings us together. These two men are ignorant and stupid, but since they have the ears of thousands of people, they are also evil.
What happened to the ‘West’? Nothing, it always was like that, since its birth.
The ‘West’ is a runt, an ‘avorton’. Its father is the devil “the father of lies” and its mother is the “great whore that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication”, “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH”, ” the woman is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth”.
The runt was set ‘to make war with the Lamb’. The ‘West’ was born the moment when it started its war against the Church of Christ and against the Christian Roman Empire. This is the definitory characteristic of the ‘West’. It wont have rest until it destroyed the last vestiges of the Church. The ‘West’ hate Russia because it is the last bastion of the Church. Its fury is fanned by the realization that it failed so far. Deep down their dark souls they know that the “Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings” but their dementia prevent them to acknowledge it openly and repent. Their ‘double-downing’ is a means to quell the terror that grips their souls. They lie to themselves believing that if they make Russia to ‘shut up’ they would avoid the fate that awaits them.
The unholy alliance of England, France, Germany, America offered the plotters, commanders and foot soldiers of the attack. They drew into the alliance the cross-smashing head-choppers and liver-eaters kamikazes of Islam.
Another Anonymus
I don’t think, after 1 March, that anyone in the West want war with Russia.
But they are certainly thinking about regime change: you see propaganda warfare, economic sanctions, trade wars etc. against Russia, and you automatically think about Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela (which is tiny and a petro-State, so is suffering a lot with lockouts of its comprador bourgeoisie and the USA).
They are not really seeking for a siege (embargo) against Russia, because it is big and rich in natural resources (albeit not in food, as many think it is), it is in the Heartland and, contrary to the Cold War and the post-Revolution period, it now has China.
However, they are certainly seeking a pro-West successor to Putin. In the case of Russia this is more feasible than in China (where the dominant theory in the West is the “middle class revolution/capitalist restoration”) because Russia already has a traditional pro-West ideology, called the “Ocidentalists”. Putin himself is an Ocidentalist (he tried to make amends with Germany until the end), but a realist first, so he’s de facto behaving like an Eurasianist (the other of the three main Russian ideologies today) by sheer force of the circumstances.
With the EU (i.e. Germany and France) caving in to the USA/UK by expelling its Russian diplomats, I expect Putin to behave even more like an Eurasianist in this new mandate – if he doesn’t die from old age first, that means until 2024.
Russia, however, has a history of difficulty with succession. After the Russian Revolution, all the other remaining parties boycotted the Bolshevik led government and prepared what would be the White Army (financed by the imperialist powers of the time, including the USA). Amazingly, the Red Army won, and an extraordinary situation – where only one party (the Bolshevik) remained – became the new status quo. It would be only in 1924 that the single-party system would be put into the Soviet Constitution.
But even within the single-party system, the Bolsheviks never had a formal method of succession, even a well-defined hierarchy (the Secretary General wasn’t even the most powerful office in the party; it begun as literally a secretary job, and its first occupant was a woman). Lenin was the indisputable leadership, the leadership by acclamation or default for the simple fact he was the brains of the Revolution and the Revolutionary Government, but after he died (January 1924), an intense struggle for power ensued, and Stalin, after a purge, consolidated power.
Stalin’s rise to power never formalized the hierarchy and the succession system. In this sense, the Soviet Union was very much alike the Roman Empire. Stalin’s death triggered another wave of purges – this time, of his own group – and the generation of the young generals of WWII took power with Krushchev. Then Krushchev fell to another coup, this time by a military junta led by Brezhnev.
Brezhnev died in office, but the USSR still didn’t have a succession system. So the lack of another purge didn’t eliminate the problem: succession came to the one with “seniority” in the CPUSSR. This created a problem called “gerontocracy”, where a Soviet leader died of old age and was succeed by an even older man. Andropov took power, but governed the USSR from his hospital bed. Then, in his place, came Chernenko – who was already in terminal stage when he took power.
When someone a little bit younger finally took power, he did an awful government, a government which would decree the end of the USSR. If Gorbachev had done a god job, he would be the Soviet leader until now, since he’s still alive.
But the end of the USSR didn’t solve the problem of succession in Russia. Yeltsin was already the President of Russia during Soviet times, and remained – with American backing, since he was the candidate of the financial elite – in power until he fell in 1999. Putin only came to power because of this. Russia was lucky to have him, but after he’s gone, all bets are off.
Russia has been the worlds biggest grain exporter since 2015. Grain = Food. They can live without oranges & bananas.
A siege war against Russia would be a complete disaster for the West. Hitler didn’t invade Russia just because he hated Communism and the Slavs, he needed the gas. So does the EU.
The only reason western leaders would go this route is to put their own countries under martial law. If financial collapse is inevitable then this might be their strategy.
Projections over the next seven years on
Population dives 335Mn to 54Mn
Military dive 612 Bn to 8Bn
Population reduces 64M to `14M
Military budget reduces 51Bn to 1.3Bn
Russia, China, Iran, India, Turkey remain and maintain:
Nothing happens to them population or military budgetwise.
But what happens to the US and its loyal terrier (UK)?
Israel is not among Deagels list of countries for some reason.
What conclusions should we draw from this?
When I was growing up I went to the cinema to watch some Japanese cartoon expecting some fun movie maybe even sci-fi, but it turned out to be an anime about Hiroshima or Nagasaki, with all the graphic violence and gore scenes still embedded into my brain.Can’t remember how old I was those days (below 10 I think) just memories of plane engines noise, that were keeping me awake at night, lying in bed waiting for nuke to explode after each plane pass, expecting to burn alive together with my mother, granny, sister and step dad. Finding myself in a similar state now.
Saker: I had a discussion with Bernie supporters who are gung-ho for Gun confiscation in the USA and when I posed the question of , “Did you know that the world is on the brink of a thermonuclear war over the midEast and that your fears of neglected, mentally ill teenagers attacking schools here and there really is not the issue of overwhelming importance?” their answer was to denigrate my concerns as old lady fears due to my “imprinting” from the 1960’s nuclear war drills in school. The traumatizing of their children, however, by the ‘shelter in place/run away drills ‘is the most pressing issue of today.
They do not believe it…seriously. And they think that Russia is huffing, puffing and bluffing. And quite frankly the daily deaths of other people at the hands of their military does not really upset them. How about disarming the American military-industrial complex? Oh, no can do! Certainly not to be included into the demands of a Democratic Party Teacher’s Union walk out incorporating well groomed “student” leaders dressed like Madonna, a Hilter youth and a short haired Lesbian in a military jacket.
Hmmm there was no one from the JROTC ( three of whose members were gunned down by the shooter) at the Washington, D.C. protest last weekend.
Imagine my surprise!
“If you can, please give a reason to still hope.”
Why, I’d be delighted.
Better yet, I’ll let Mr. Dugin do it.
“Nobody knows the day, not even the heavenly angels, much less we. But the signs are spread everywhere all too clearly. It seems that waiting any longer is useless, and that that terrible moment will come suddenly, that the last secret iniquity will reveal itself and that everything will be finished. And then the long-awaited, so tediously expected moment of Divine Glory… Remember the triumphant words of the Psalm: “That the King of Glory may come in. Who is this King of Glory?” [296] ”
Again, the following comment was deleted moments after it was posted commenting on this article in Information Clearing House. I think it’s relevant to this article.
When Reagan and the Russians were shouting at each other in the mid 80s, I was moved to make this Declaration on Remembrance Day, 1985, in the presence of the Governor-General of Canada, the Prime Minister, other government Leaders, the Military Brass, the Ambassadors of the Nations, and 25,000 People.
The Spirit of these words were added to the Official Ceremony after the moment of silence, and after all the Establishment religions prayed to God there should be no more war.
During the silence as the wreaths were laid, everybody in person heard these deliberately slow spoken words:
“Hear O people and Nations, even to the ends of the Earth, the Word of the LORD God, who is, and was, and is to come, The Almighty.
The LORD has a controversy with the people.
Do you do well to honour the dead, and yet, deny the God of the Living?
Why do you follow the vain traditions of men, and make of no effect, the Principles of God?
You come here for one hour, one day a year, in a great show of Public Patriotism, and then forgetting, go back to work and make the same careless mistakes made by the generations prior to the 1st and 2nd World Wars.
Hitler is dead, but it’s his legacy that remains. A Soviet-American military-industrial complex consuming $trillions of dollars every year, holding the entire World hostage…………”
“Hostage” was the last word said perched on a bus shelter roof, as police got up and grabbed the megaphone. I was arrested for shouting, causing a disturbance, convicted and fined $250. I appealed without a lawyer to The Supreme Court of Canada.
Well done, thou good and faithful servant!
It is time for Putin to wake up and shows if he deserves his victory.How long is he going to tolerate these humiliations and attacks(now ad nominem)?Enough is enough.
On the Verge of Nuclear War:
One wonders if this latest extremely provocative and hostile accusation against Russia, supported by Washington’s empire, is the prelude to war. There is no basis whatsoever for the statement of the US Department of State that “on March 4, Russia used a military-grade nerve agent to attempt to murder a British citizen and his daughter in Salisbury.”
Considering the fact that no evidence has been presented that any nerve agent was involved, no evidence that it was a Russian nerve agent, and no evidence that Russia, or Putin himself according to the crazed British foreign secretary, is responsible, this accusation is the most reckless and irresponsible charge imaginable.
It the Russians do not now realize that the only terms on which they are acceptable to the West is as a vassal state of the West, they are beyond all hope and will be destroyed. If the Russian Atlanticist Integrationists continue to paralyze the Russian government, Russia is finished. There is no greater threat to Russia than its own Atlanticist Integrationists.
What will be Washington’s next orchestration through one of its vassal states, such as “Great” Britain? Can it get any worse? If the Russian government is realistic, it will expect an incoming nuclear ICBM strike. There is no other reason for the long collection of false charges against Russia except to prepare the insouciant Western peoples for war. If the Russian government does not realize that Washington is bringing war to Russia, the Russian government is endangering Russia’s survival.
If the Russian government continues to believe that “the door to dialogue is open,” the Russian government is deluded beyond repair.
The insouciant Western people, concerned with things of no consequence, sit in their stupidity while their corrrupt politicians tell them lies. The populations of the West are so stupid that they do not have a clue as to the consequences of the lies that they are fed.
Top General says American troops should get ready to die FOR ISRAEL:
And there you have it. God speed to you all.
Carmel by the Sea
Salisbury will it be the new Sarajevo?
Does Skripal The case will be considered by historians as the main cause of the 3rd world war? One can fear given the hysterical reactions of Western countries against Russia.
Do not go back on the deal itself, it has no interest. But the consequences of a case after all seem minor race:
Initially, Britain expelled 40 Russian diplomats. This is understandable, assuming that the English actually believe that the Russians had attacked Services Skripal and daughter. After all, even fools can have their convictions.
Secondly, in the name of some unknown “solidarity”, 14 European countries, led by France, also expel Russian diplomats. Based on the good British word. Given the situation in Europe, this case is an excellent diversion from the invasion of the continent by the “migrants” African, and the attacks that shook regularly. One would think that the interest of Europe was rather to expel hundreds of “migrant” stuck as potential terrorists by its intelligence services, but no, we must expel the Russians!
On behalf of the “solidarity”, the United States they do not skimp by expelling 60 Russian diplomats! The “illusion Trump” is well and truly over, and some Russian politicians sablaient champagne to the Federal Duma to celebrate his election to the White House must have heartburn …
The response of Russia to the evictions did not expect: It expels British diplomats and 40 will expel the French, Polish, Lithuanian, etc., and American. Until then, we can consider that we are in a classic situation.
But then advertised completely outside the usual framework of “political tension” While in general each expelled diplomats from the other before moving on to something else, the spokesman for the US Embassy in Moscow yesterday announced Monday that US “retaliate” to the “response” Russian! A dangerous escalation, since it is clear that Russia will react in response. Etc., etc. European countries, it is no doubt, will follow the same path with respect for their traditional submission to Washington.
The next step could be, if things go like this, the severance of diplomatic relations between Russia and some Western countries. If the international situation we add to this with increasing NATO forces in European borders of Russia, announced delivery (official this time, since unofficially it lasts a long time) weapons by the United States to Ukraine for operations against Russian speakers Novorossya, and the situation in Syria, one understands that the situation worsens dangerously, in a context of mass propaganda in Europe and the United States to present Russia as a state thug led by an international assassin.
The First World War was triggered by the murder of a man in Sarajevo, in an almost similar context with the current situation: A series of crises, the loss of trust between the countries, a considerable armament from all sides and a skull jam citizens of all countries “against the enemy.”
While the British ruling compare Russia to Nazi Germany, some call for a boycott of the World Cup football in Moscow in June. Perhaps they think it was normal to go pass before Hitler at the Berlin Games just before the outbreak of the Second World War, but it would be unthinkable to participate in the World Cup in Moscow? Again, even fools are entitled to their beliefs.
Games Berlin / Moscow Cup,
Sarajevo / Salisbury
History could be repeated with the same result: War.
Dear Saker, you can not wake people up. Most of us don’t realise that they are sleeping in the first place.
What you are doing though is to encourage those not sleeping to stay awake.
I don’t believe there is reason to ‘SHOUT’.
But many if not all not to fear…
Thank you
With love
Saker, The USA oligarchs and their government have ALWAYS been INSANE. The only difference is that now a large majority of them have a compulsion to engage in sex with other men and ALL of them want to self destruct ASAP, subconsciously or consciously.
You say that capitalism needs war to survive. Well then, wouldn’t it be a good idea to overthrow capitalism? CAPITALISM CAN NOT BE REFORMED!
Having said that, I don t think that the solution is ultimately political: As long as mankind lives ignorance the means of production will be in the hands of the few.
Dear Saker
Re this article ( , is it the case that the Western cabal is a ship and Sino-Russia is a lighthouse?
How exactly is the ‘West’ going to conquer when all the threats, bluster, sanctions, insults, assassinations, colour revolutions, false flags, terrorism, and proxy wars, fail to result in ‘regime change’ in Russia?
The Neo-cons are not suicidal and neither is Israel. They won’t launch an all-out first strike?
Europe still relies in Russian gas. Any military build-up on a scale resembling a land invasion will result in those forces being destroyed before they reach the border, or shortly afterward.
Will Russia launch an all-out nuclear attack to defend Iran, Syria, or DPKR? I suggest not, and as awful as it is, the world can live without these countries.
What if the West cut off all trade and commerce with Russia? Would Russia launch a nuclear strike?
What if the West refused to allow Russian ships beyond Russia’s territorial waters? This would presumably launch a naval/air war. Would this escalate and how?
Would China come to Russia’s aid?
What power does China have to crash the US economy and in what circumstances would it use it?
On behalf of preppers everywhere, what should we do?
For those of us in Oceana; how would a nuclear exchange between the US/Europe and Russia play out?
Would SE Asia find itself in a war over oil and other resources?
What are the chances of Australia/NZ being overrun if the US is pushed out of the PacRim?
How can we SHOUT most effectively?
BTW I have published an on-line course in effective SHOUTING for those who want to learn – specifically what makes mass social movements work and why. CF
From a religious perspective our only calling is to love our neighbours and bear witness. It will get a lot worse before it gets better but the end is known from the beginning.
A timely article from the Saker, thank you for your tireless efforts in shaking us up from our collective torpor.
However, where there is darkness there is always light. All is not lost, far from it. Our collective destruction is not a foregone conclusion, and we can all play a roll in preventing what appears to be inevitable. Whats required from us is a subtle shift in consciousness. An acceptance of ourselves as a Spiritual Being with the ability to make conscious decisions, to postulate and act, and to choose to be cause, rather than the effect of circumstances.
To understand why we’re on a seeming collision course between two world superpowers we need to turn to nature and recognise the cycles of life. The cycles we see in nature move from birth, through splendour/glory, gradual decline then fragmentation and finally dissolution/death. We may apply the images of a golden, followed by a shorter silver age, an accelerating bronze and finally, a short and dramatic iron age. If we take the example of a human lifespan, we note that man moves from birth to a period of high achievment, a gradual decline and slowly toward death. Further, these cycles include not only individual human beings, but nations and even planets. The apparent indifference of an Omniscient God sits uneasily with us, however, that is because as human beings the vast majority of us are incapable of seeing further than our physical/emotional well-being. The saying, “God sees the sparrow fall, yet does nothing to prevent it”, hints at a deeper spiritual principle. Why does “God” do nothing when “He” sees rampant “evil” everywhere?
The answer lies in the fact that the Deity loves its only “offspring”, Soul, because ITs nature is to Love. IT is not concerned with the doings of human beings. That is relegated to a spiritual hierachy comprised of Beings with various responsibilities who oversee the smooth running of the universes. Spiritual students will know that there is something known as the Grand Divison; this is where the worlds of duality end and the pure spiritual worlds begin. These spiritual worlds arent necessarliy stacked up like pancakes at the breakfast table, they are states of consciousness, so one may be established on a particular plane of God, while wearing a human body. These regions are the true spiritual home of Soul, and are eternal in the sense that the worlds of duality, subject to the cycles of life mentioned earlier, at a certain point meet their destruction. However, they are brought into being again at a further point in time, and the Souls assigned to these worlds will once again return to continue their spiritual education. The worlds of duality, may be considered as the MEST worlds, or Matter, Energy, Space and Time, whereas in the Pure Spiritual worlds there is only Light and Sound. Far from being a passive place where angels sit around strumming harps, it is a dynamic state where Light and Sound responds to Soul’s heightened creative impulses, ie; Soul continues on with creative projects as ever – this is the nature of Soul – however, having understood the Spiritual Laws of Life and having earned Its place in the spiritual community, Soul works for the greater good of life as befits Its station as a responsible entity, a “God among Gods”, so to speak. It is free from the bonds of karma and is able to “come and go” as it pleases.
At this time in the history of planet earth, we are currently staring down the barrell of what our collective consciousness has created over the countless centuries of raping, pillaging and doing away with anyone who dare stand in our path! We, all of us who are on planet earth are responsible for what we are today facing: our collective extinction as a species along with the extinction of our planet and all life on it! The upshot is that we are Soul, an eternal being and this is not our home! No, it does not deserve what we are doing to it, but frankly, it was created, or came into being to act as a schoolground for Soul. We are only vistors here. We have left our indelible mark for all to see, as rotten and as uncomfortable as that may be. I would like to add by way of comfort though, that we are not alone on this planet and that there are orders of Beings that are tasked with various responsibilities. I would like to make the point that although they generally stay out of human affairs, they are known from time to time to step in and prevent some potential calamity. Were it not for these beings we would have destroyed the planet a number of times over.
What can we do to prevent the destruction of the blue planet, given to us by a loving Father? As individuals, we must choose the path of love above the path of power. Love in essence is love, and in whatever form we align ourselves with it, will help the collective counter-force to power that only love can provide. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHETHER WE ARE CHRISTIAN, MOSLEM, ATHEIST OR WHATEVER ELSE WE CARE TO DECLARE OURSELVES AS, THE IMPORTANT THING IS TO ACT AS OUR CONSCIENCE DICTATES. One of the most effective prayers is to sing or chant the ancient name of God, HU. It is an effective and beautiful prayer, which is non-denominational, ie; it belongs to no path in particular. It is pronounced like the word “hue” and is sung in a drawn out manner. The HU can be found in any and all languages, as indeed it is the essence of all languages. Any one who takes the time to sing the HU will notice a diifference even after singing it a handful of times! Any prayer will do however. What is important is to put one’s self at the disposal of love. We must aspire to be open vehicles for the force of love. True love btw. is a neutral force, not a “positive” force per se, and as vehicles for it we apply the Christian premise, “Thy will, not mine be done”. A good spiritual exercise is to do at least one thing a day for love and love alone.
My home is, since 2014, the south of France.
I know what is coming, since the so called West is run by total madness.
Moving temporary to Singapore, away from the first battle field.
God bless Russia and all the good people which do not want another war.
My support and prayers are with Putin.
Mario Medjeral / Gers /France.
Why does Russia keep cooperating with the U.S. on the International Space Station? The U.S. only used Russia because it couldn’t do it on its own.
I am so depressed by those dreadful news yesterday . Though I just follow Russian for just 6 months, my heart has already suffered a lot.
I can’t imagine how Russian people live through these hostilities against them for all those years.
I have already made my mind I will fight for Russia and support Russia until the last day of my life.
Russia united! You’re not alone, we are all stand with you!
Edward Bellamy saw global plutocracy coming in the late 19th Century. His two works of utter genius–“Looking Backward” and “Equality”–provided the simple explanation. The American and French Revolutions went only halfway in empowering the people. Citizens were given political power, at least to some degree, but economic power was left almost entirely in private hands. It was only a matter of time before wealth would accumulate to the point where economic power could buy and control political power. Interestingly, Bellamy also predicted radio, television, airplanes, electric cars, credit cards, environmental restoration, green energy, and other developments and inventions. Even more interestingly, he also gave us a detailed blueprint for preventing plutocracy and operating a developed democratic society according the egalitarian ethic of the Golden Rule. So let me urge Saker readers to take a trip to the late 19th Century and read these two profound and prescient works, freely available on the net. No more radical and revolutionary voice has been heard since Bellamy’s untimely death.
I do not think that anyone in the West want to go to war with Russia. The recent “poisoning” debacle is typical of our governments playing the line. First it was Russia applying Novichok VX chemical weapons, now we are told in the media, it was a poisoning. Go figure.
98 % of people where I live are fucking stupid and ignorant, too much stupid TV. But they have no taste for war, aint going to happen. But our stupid politicians try to make a name for themselves, to flash their “stand by ” mode with the Evil Empire.
The Skripal case is laughable, I expect Russia could have gooten evn a long time ago if it wished, please dont insult my iQ…
Oh well we will get along despite all this muhaha, as we done all along. Europe loves Russia and Russia loves Europe, they are like lovers not mature and saying and doing stupid things. But in love. Deeply. The incursor is the one in the west, Trumpistan, the vile aggressor that wants to destroy..
You wrote once that people in the west won’t wake up until their daily functioning is imposed upon substantially by the the conduct of their elites in international affairs. You were right. So, let’s get on with it. At this point Russia and China – because it will hereafter be Russia and China – must push back harder and inflict pint. The U.S. is past the point where they can cause much hurt by conventional means. So now’s the time to turn this back.
Probably the only way to engender such an epiphany as would bring down the west from within.
I think Russia should start inflicting more small pains directly, wherever it can.
“Might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb” as the saying goes.
If Russia/Putin is to be “punished,” let it be for something actually done.
Also, it would be interesting to see the “response” of Westren govts if Russia actually initiated some truly painful actions. Such as prohibiting export of any engines etc. eneded by American space program, sending American cosmonauts back to earth right away, etc.
“Am I the only one who sees this slow-motion train-wreck taking us all over the precipice?”
Maybe a few dozen others.
It is difficult to see a way out without nuclear catastrophe..
I’m a simple American that really knows very little about the highfalutin navigations of the DC beltway. I am also very worried about recent developments regarding the relationship between my country and Russia. I voted for Trump in part because I thought relations would improve but it turns out “The Art of the Deal” seems to be mostly bait and switch. I guess I should have read the book.
For my part, I have no ethnic ties at all to Russia. The Russians I have known have been likeable people and I have enjoyed their reserved but candid way of being. I believe most Americans really have no animosity toward the Russian people at all. I also believe this turn of events doesn’t seem to benefit Americans or most of the world save for a very small minority. In any case I pray for sanity to return to this world but I am starting to lose hope that it will.
You are totally correct that this follows the same path as the WW’s. The only faith I have left is in the people holding the triggers, the troops, and hope they will ask themselves a simple question; “For what and for whom am I fighting for?” and ask this question at the right moment. I have faith in humanity and in coincience.
This is who we should be targeting with our knowledge and sanity. We need to declare an information war and target the troops, one at a time, and go hard. We have or know someone who is in the military and we need to plant seeds in these people and hope it will produce fruit. War will break out without the peoples consent, government is for it, its a simple “yes” from Trump to make it happen.
The population of the West is asleep on Russia in large part. But the democrats in the US and Liberals in Canada now attack all things Russia as part of antiTrump derangement syndrome.
My opinion is that the UK and NATO nations in the EU are bluffing. They do not have the stomach for war with Russia and if one breaks out they will back down quickly.
No detective would ever believe the Skripal nonsense. No Russian was arrested or found near the scene. They won’t reveal the facts on the poison, and Russia has no motive to kill an old man they could have killed long ago in a Russian jail.
For links to hundreds of news sites go here
The commenters and the Saker’s article all seem to find the collective stupidity of the West hard to understand just as the ridiculous, evidence free, false flag, Salisbury poisoning is hard to understand.
I think the key is money.
China opened its oil futures market in competition with the Wall street and City of London financiers. Oil can now be bought and sold in Renminbi and those Renminbi can be exchanged for gold. This is a huge threat to the petro-dollar which formerly reigned supreme.
Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein were both taken out for similarly challenging the oil trading status quo as it is this that enables the USA to live on its outrageous debt as everyone needed US dollars to buy energy. Russia’s cooperation with China (and its strong military) has enabled this earth shaking step to be taken and the Western financial elite are probably quite happy to sacrifice other peoples sons and daughters to protect their wealth and privileged position.
So their actions are really quite easy to understand even if their hubris is not.
You said everything here, Saker. The only thing is, what happened was that the ugly seed has born its horrific fruit. Let’s consider:
While many large countries such as India, China, and Russia have been home to countless small ethnic and language groups, it was the British/Americans who wiped out entire ethnicities in multiple Holocausts using every conceivable tool from Gatling Guns, to bio fare/small pox infested blankets to kill millions.
In the 1930’s in the face of massive social demand for fairness and equality, which manifested as socialist/communist movements world wide, the Bushes and their ‘partners’ tried to overthrow FDR in coup, the very same year that their friend and ally Hitler was advocating essentially the same policies towards Jews, Slavs, and of course the arch enemy of Imperialism, the USSR. Well, the USSR which saved them when their puppet Germany got out of control, immediately was under the gun. And even when the USSR unilaterally disarmed, the war still didn’t stop. That is because it is actually not about Russia per se but about total domination. Or rather, like a disease that devours the body–our planet, the way a bodily disease devours organ after organ.
Russia and China managed to fight off the disease for awhile but it’s obviously not been enough. So whatever analogy you want to use, whether bad seed, or simply a cancer that went into remission, here we are.
This crisis did not come out of nowhere. It was just waiting for the causes and conditions to arise. Everything has a birth, growth maturation and death. Whether we are in a serious illness that the ‘planetary spiritual immune system’ can fight off, or whether we all go is the question. Looks like Stage 3 or 4 from here.
Even Putin’s notice that Russia has new chemotherapy (new weapons) seems to have had the opposite effect. The cancer is doubling down.