Dear friends,
Since I am going to be very busy until Monday morning, I want to leave you with a “semi-open thread”. If you see something interesting, by all means please post it here. If not, I would like to survey your opinions on two questions:
- In the latest gas deal between the EU, the Ukraine and Russia – who won and who lost? (The junta in Kiev? Russia? The EU? Novorussia? The US? The oligarchs? Gazprom?)
- Who won and who lost in the latest Ukrainian elections? What is the most important conclusion you make from these results?
I will give you my take on this on Monday when I also hope (time permitting) to record my first podcast. I will make this first one “hyper-informal” so please feel free to post any questions (not here!! and not by email either!! but here: and please feel free to make them questions as informal as you want. I see this podcast as a chat amongst good friends, not a “proper” and uptight academic exercise. Even the topics discussed do not need to be serious. If you want to discuss music, or philosophy – please do so. I will try to answer as many questions as I can, though I will only answer those inspiring me to answer in the first place (troll, idiots and provocateurs will be ignored). Anyway – you can post question until Sunday 1800 GMT/UTC.
Kind regards to all,
The Saker
Re the 200+ raped women — Zakharchenko was quoted as saying that at some school speech — not the kind of place he’d make such an announcement. Immediately denied it and said he was misquoted.
There have been SOME raped/tortured/murdered bodies found, a total of 200+ bodies all up including males, and some, around 400, young women have been reported missing throughout the area and not yet found. Some could be refugees of course.
This is for areas under NR control although some of the missing persons may be from occupied areas. Atrocities in those will not be known until they are liberated. I hope he’s organised some international commission to do the unearthing, maybe Russia, Belarus, some European country??? but NOT OSCE or Red Cross or HRW, as so far the have been useless. HRW actually has properly investigated and reported on cluster bombs, but in a way that indicates NR may also have used them, so saying they see evidence of it but not so it may lead to charges. So it has to be a less EU/US/NATO based group to investigate.
There are also disappearances and enforced “volunteer” labour gangs in Ukie territory and people can’t complain because Right Sector has bee made the “police” in some areas. The is some new law allowing “volunteer” labour under martial law but there seems to be no martial law, so….
one example story
Number of scientific publications per 10,000 inhabitants in Ukraine (by region)
@Paul II:
In fact, analyst Joaquin Flores at the Center for Syncretic Studies wrote an intriguing piece back in September speculating much the same thing. For those who haven’t seen it alreay, it’s definitely worth a look:
Some people are saying that the US and its minions are crushing commodity prices and the ruble so that Russia is weakened and punished. This is a very superficial and mistaken analysis. First of all, a low oil price, while extremely negative for Russia is also a bane for just about everyone who produces and sells oil. It is bad for OPEC, bad for the western supermajors and above all, it is disastrous for American frackers. Fracking is an expensive way of drilling for oil, and at a price of $80 per barrel, a significant (no one knows for sure, but it must be at least a third) amount of US oil production becomes uneconomical. For the time being, several frackers can sustain the low oil price since they have already hedged for it on the financial markets, but if the price remains low, expect a fall in US oil production which in the not-so-long-term would be a triumph for Russia. As for the fall of the ruble. The fall in the Russian currency has little to do with the sanctions or any FX manipulation (though it may be a part of it) It has mostly to do with the sudden collapse in the price of oil which shrinks the export revenues for the Russian economy significantly. So, in other words, the ruble would have fallen significantly in value with or without the sanctions from the Anglozionists. As for the new highs recently achieved in the American and other Anglo-zionist financial stock markets, they are nothing but the blowing of yet another bubble to even more absurd levels. This latest speculative bubble of the Imperial financial system will meet the exact same end as all the previous ones. Putin and Russia must persevere for the moment, and very soon things will be a lot brighter.
*Gas deal:
– Win Russia and Gazprom, because they get to pay the old debt and impose the price they proposed in the negotiations(385$ / m3).
-Wins the Junta in Kiev, because getting gas this winter most likely delay the social upheaval that had taken place not so.
-Wins USA, because it gets no money and therefore is well with its taxpayers, gets to keep in power its puppets delaying social explosion in Junta´s Ukraine and weaken, even more, economically EU, and politically towards their electorate.
-Loses the EU suffered taxpayer, because we have to make some money, which will bring, in the context of France and Germany in virtually zero growth, more cuts for European workers.
-Loses the Ukrainian people, because the money contributed by both, the EU and the IMF, is not for free, carries the famous “structural reforms”. Be prepared to not get out of poverty for decades just to pay the interest on this debt.
-Loses Novorussia, because the Junta gets its gas with an reinforced illegitimate government that was very weak after the failure of ATO´s offensive. A golden opportunity for the people of Ukraine to open their eyes seeing that Novorussia gets its gas and they do not is lost.
-Loses Russia for the same above.
*Ukraine elections:
-Win the Nazis, because win a seat for the extremist fringe (Yarosh) with which it legitimizes this mob and becomes less possible ( parlamentarian immunity?) judge their atrocities.
-Wins the Junta, because again legitimized his rule by both the EU, US, and Russia.
-Wins US, because it keeps their puppets while ensures creating their dream of failed state getting more Nazis in the Rada, where the fights, even physical, are more than guaranteed.
-Loses Russia, because to recognize the government out of the elections with an extremist Nazi more in the Rada, hurts in the face of public opinion both in Russia and in Novorussia.
-Loses Novorussia, because it is legitimized as a deputy to the chief of the killings in the Donbass (Yarosh).
-Loses the EU, because the chances of having another failed state in central Europe increase with banderistas sitting in the Rada.
@ Grieved
don’t worry about Andriy Lysenko’s thousand cross-dressed Russians fighters. He already floated that idea a week ago. But he really needs to get with the program. There will be no attacks, false flag or otherwise, on November 2. NAF let it be known they were afraid of an attack that day (maybe that is where poor Andy got the idea) but they have taken steps
a) in many places they are using mobile ballot boxes, so no setup position known in advance to attack
b) they have gone on the attack, fast flying squad attacks on villages guarded mostly by checkpoints and expanded their territory
c) they are ready to surround Debaltsevo and make a cauldron (or let them out if they surrender properly), possibly on Nov 2 when UAF thinks they’ll be bust doing elections
d) Odessa and Mariupol have a lot of serious and news UAF rockets etc in them, so will have to be taken very soon. After 6 weeks of Right Sector and Azov “guardianship” even the more rabid nationalist Ukie in these cities will be happy to be liberated by NAF.
Plus NAF seems to have received a few good convoys of supplies, so they’ll know what to do.
I’m in Russia right now. Instead of writing an assay about my experiences, I just would like to list some of the talking points I picked up on the streets of Moscow.
1. The 5th column here is huge but very vulnerable and needs to be purged ASAP. Some people here call them as “Kookla”, which means “doll” in Russian, in other words something that is soulless, mindless yet good looking on the outside. In general, most of the folks here no longer see the west as something to be aspired to and understand that those outside forces are very much holding Russia back. There is also this overwhelming believe that the members of 5th column are about 90% Jewish and no, thiese views are not considered to be anti-Semitic.
2. Some are very upset that Novorossiya wasn’t given the same chance as Crimea.
3. Sanctions are only making people hate the west more and more.
4. The population is preparing for the worst.
re: the election had a piece that said:
Politically, the elections to the Ukrainian parliament has suffered a total defeat of Russia. The Verkhovna Rada of 8th convocation only neo-russophobes and Westerners. Bitter as stated, but again won the US strategy. I have the impression that the last 23 years, after the collapse of the USSR, the Ukrainian direction in Russia were either traitors, or thick-headed bureaucrats, whether businessmen, oligarchs delivshie with Ukrainian oligarchs and the power, and the “loot”. Unlike the US tactics, from Russia to the primitive prime – Americans always watch over and help his supporters. No matter where they are – in prison or at liberty. Through the media and the “grant” US journalists handle public opinion conducted in the local council, the parliament, the government and the presidency their footage. And Russia, doing nothing in advance, then later trying to work and negotiate with US stooges in the Ukrainian authorities.
Feature strategies relations between Russia and Ukraine since the collapse of the Soviet Union – is a wild masochism. The more they spit in Russia, the more active the closed Russian classes in schools, the more intense etched Russian language, the larger and deeper spend banderizatsiyu country than promptly torn in NATO, the harder the persecution of the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate, the more the splitters take the canonical Orthodox Church than impudent and shameless on all TV channels demonize President Putin and Russia as the aggressor, the greater the killing of Russian journalists and volunteers – especially on large and large concessions are rich, kind and polite Russia. Can neo-Nazis in power to write off debts to lower the price of gas, give the next billion dollar, announced his readiness to share with the EU assistance to Ukraine (or rather neo-Nazi Ukrainian authorities). Tyutchev said prophetically: “Mind can not understand Russia.” I know for sure that in such relations strategy and tactics of endless concessions good wishes Vladimir Putin about the restoration of friendly relations between Russia and Ukraine is simply unrealistic fantasy. While Putin himself does not understand the futility of such a strategy and tactics of unexplained yes no substitute command, Ukraine occupies, the intensity of interstate hatred will only increase.
On Russian TV channels are increasingly sound conclusions politicians and experts that Russia lost Ukraine, and is rapidly approaching the hell of no return, two generations lost. With sadness we have to state that Russia has done nothing to protect against political repression and discredit the political killings of pro-Russian political and social organizations and their leaders. Unfortunately, it is a fact. And this sad process continues. The damage from these policies – artificial consolidation of the Ukrainian population against Russia, against its president. The transformation of Ukraine into a hostile state. Discredit Russia on the whole world, provoking sanctions and discrimination in the eyes of the world community. At the same time Ukraine itself has included Russia in the arms race, which naturally leads to a lowering of living standards of the population. Too complicated topic, separate, not the main subject of this article. This tailwind my assessment of the current situation.
How pathetic are the EU they have to give money to the Ukrainian deadbeats that will be turned over to Russia so hey can pay for their Mistral ships to use as a deterrent to NATO aggression
It must be incredibly satisfying for Putin to watch them sputter and blow but cough up the payment so they don’t freeze
Which nation is the first to bolt the EU? Hungary, Greece? Is France trying to be kicked out by doing their own budget? Maybe it will cost Cameron the election
1 – gaz deal: To be clear, it was not possible for russia to stay arms crossed if Ukraine is freezing to death. The agreement is pretty vague on who’s paying and not really legally enforcing, but it’s for the least the acceptance by Ukraine of the prepayment scheme, and the price that have been proposed since June.
So I’d say it’s more a win for Russia.
2 – Elections: Porochenko is imho the main looser here, as Iatseniouk seems to have found a coalition with other parties, including the lyachko one. So the next Porochenko gov. will see no changes, and the nazis are still in power. So it solves just nothing, and may eventually force Porochenko to resign pretty soon.
Obviously, the EU lost in the gas deal, because it will pay for the gas. Even worse: The Ukraine can take the money and run.
Run where? If that money doesn’t go to Russia, the gas is shut off for non payment. So they have to pay the 1.65 billion now, prepay for winter and another 1.4 Bill by Dec. 31
No way I see Ukraine following through
How stupid are the EU not to pay Russia directly.
According to Paul Craig Roberts, Russia lost, Putin is too weak. He says Putin should tell the EU that as long as they support sanctions, he will not sell Ukraine or any NATO country oil and gas. By providing them with gas even as they go along with the U.S. plan to destroy Russia, he is still letting them get away with murder.
According to Paul Craig Roberts in an RT interview yesterday, Russia lost. Putin should tell the EU that as long as they go along with the sanctions and the U.S. policy to destroy Russia, he will sell no gas and oil to NATO countries or Ukraine. By selling EU and Ukraine gas and oil in spite of their anti-Russia policy, he is letting them get away with murder.
The oligarchs’ biggest and most successful blow was aimed at workers and bourgeois democracy. The CPU, the only large working class party, saw its votes drop to about 600,000. It was the lowest result since 1991. The next lowest was 930,000 in 2006, which at that time meant 21 seats in the Rada. This time they are shut out. The election marked a temporary victory by the forces most hostile to any resemblance to the norms of bourgeois democracy in any capitalist country. Of course, departures from such norms will be covered up on the Western media, for Western audiences. The election campaign included many examples of terror, arbitrary arrests, death threats, torture and mass deception by the oligarch-controlled media. The only silver lining is that some oligarchs felt compelled to campaign for ‘peace’ (while simultaneously preparing for war), causing the potential for a split among their parties in the Rada.
– Darrell Rankin, Winnipeg
A price of $268.50 is a Ukie dream. It’s based on getting $100 discount. Which they used to get in exchange for transit fees. But they still owed. Then they got the discount instead of Russia paying rent for the Navy Base, as they were paying cash for that and STILL not getting paid for the gas.
Of course they could probably work out some contra deal or compensation deal as part of the change in the status of Crimea, but that would mean admitting it is gone for good, so…they did get some of their MIG-29s back from there, at least.
Europe is paying around %$350 average, so no reason they should pay less. They can consider themselves lucky there isn’t 10% penalty interest being added to the debt.
I think any important ‘win” by Russia and the Donbass is dependent upon winning the information war. RT has always imitted MSM except for Crimean and Ukraine coverage. Nonsensical. Regarding Ukies an awakening can take place only if censorship is stopped or penetrated. Any meaningful ceasefire mus include banning censorship. Without an exchange of ideas no reconciliation nor cessation of violence is possible.
Re: gas agreement, I don’t understand Russian comment that there’s a $100 discount but the price is $385; that’s the same price they’ve been asking right along. Hope they’ve not discounted that; wd just enable more money to spend on attacking Donbass. –Penelope
I am not an expert and this is my first comment here. My view:
– Putin now has leverage on Ukraine to end invasions in the East. With nothing to lose (the gas is off anyway) they would invade.
– Russia gets a few billion they were owed. (If the Ukies play ball.)
– Putin has positioned the situation so that if Western Ukraine blows up (Nazi’s angry that invasions are called off, economic turmoil, more stolen IMF funds) then the blame is squarely on a failed Maidan state, not on Putin for “cutting off the gas.”
– If indeed the Ukie state turns to chaos, the EU will be rather frustrated and perhaps shrug their shoulders and allow a peace brokered by Russia to ensue.
– Winners? All of us. No World War III. No nuclear exchanges. A continued path toward a non-petrodollar, BRICS currency future.
01 November, 2014 05:36
The village the dead and raped women and girls came from is Krasnoarmeysk. It is in the Ukraine section of the Donbas on present military maps. This northwest of the city of Donetsk and West of Gorlovka
Here’s an English language map link.
Map of Military Oct.30
Click on the jpg to enlarge and scroll left to find it
The city of Krasnoarmeysk is marked with a Ukie flag. So, the international authorities who would investigate will be too intimidated to go see it. It is 60-75 Kilometers from militia lines.
It is a similar story to Krasny Liman where all the boys and men were taken away and “disappeared”.
Mass murder in Ukie territory.
But Kiev had an election and that gives them a full plenary indulgence to absolve their war crimes and crimes against humanity.
“Bless me father for I have killed the entire village, but we voted today, so I know its okay. And the U.S. sent me my pay.”
@ Wim Roffel 01 November, 2012 09:59
That price of $268.50 was what Yatz said Kiev should pay because oil price had fallen. Earlier reports had the agreed price at $385/cbm.
BUT from two separate articles, in the final agreement was an adjustment of $7.00/cbm from $385/cbm to $378/cbm after the $100 discount Gazprom had put on the table for months.
Updated 04:53 a.m. Moscow time.
BRUSSELS, October 31 (RIA Novosti) – Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller has confirmed that Ukraine will pay $378 per 1,000 cubic meters of Russian gas in November-December 2014, accounting for the agreed $100 discount and in line with contractual price formula, which reflects global oil prices.
Earlier on Friday, Russian energy giant Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller said that gas price will stand at around $460 to $470 per 1,000 cubic meters after the winter period covered by the agreement ends, unless the sides agree on a new discount.
= = = = = = = =
Developing: Donbas to Survive for About 15 Days if Kiev Cuts Off Gas Supplies: Reports
MOSCOW, November 1 (RIA Novosti) – The self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) can survive on its own gas for just about two weeks if Ukrainian authorities decide to cut off gas supplies to the region, DPR’s Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Purgin said Saturday in an interview with the Govorit Moskva radio station.
“The situation is serious … our gas is enough for 15-16 days. Now, it is not consumed by the industry, and is mainly consumed by the population. That is, turning off gas [supply], Kiev will cut off the supplies going to the residential neighborhoods and, in fact, apartments and houses,” Govorit Moskva quoted Purgin as saying.
Earlier on Saturday, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk proposed to cut off gas supplies to the regions, which are not controlled by Kiev, and said that he plans to discuss this issue with Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko.
[from Blue]
I can’t form a judgement on this; the devil is in the details, which I haven’t been able to find, and the situation is complicated.
Miroslav Šebek & Paul II make good points — this is not earth-shaking, except if Ukraine runs out of gas and people freeze — that would have serious ramifications. The money involved is not huge compared to what war would cost, or what the economic considerations are involved for Russia.
So there are several ways of thinking about it, different lines of thought and strategy, and it’s not clear which is correct — if any of them might be said to be correct or incorrect, and not simply different approaches.
Ukraine doesn’t have the money, so the burden will fall on IMF/Europe, which could be painful, or it will fall on Russia, but not as if Russia doesn’t have plenty of gas, or that the opportunity cost is huge as if it would cut into what Russia could supply to other countries. The risk to IMF is greater: if Russia supplies the gas and gets stiffed for the money, they are out a little gas, but not as if they would have gotten the money if they didn’t supply it and now run out of gas.
Politically, it’s better that Russia appears to be trying to play ball than being hard-nosed and callous about it, I think. And the money they might not get would still be owed by Ukraine, and that gives some leverage in future dealings.
So it looks to me like the deal is not so bad for Russia, although maybe applying the pressure of cutting it off would turn out better — how could anyone know, however? There’s no way of playing out more than one line of strategy and then picking the best one in the future — one has to choose one of them and then deal with the consequences. This a more conservative and noncommittal approach, which may open opportunities under more favorable conditions later as Both Ukraine and the US fall deeper into the hole.
Well, good news. Alexander Mercouris has now also written an explanation of the gas deal. I was wondering why he hadn’t, and now he has. So Saker’s two questions are nicely answered by an expert in international law who deeply follows this situation and is perhaps the most qualified person on the scene to comment on both the elections and the gas agreement.
It’s at Russia Insider, and they just started some insane thing about cutting the article into two pages and making you click for part 2, so be advised. There doesn’t seem to be a way to read the whole thing in one page. Very stupid, oh well:
The Gas “Deal”: Ukraine Says It Can Pay. Can it Really?
Mercouris says on his Facebook page with all due respect that Paul Craig Roberts has got it wrong about the gas deal. So be warned. I’d go with Mercouris over just about anyone except maybe an Orlov or Engdahl if they chose to comment.
As for reading western propaganda arms such as NYT, seriously why would anyone bother with such tainted information, after the lies we’ve seen all year?
By the way, since it’s open thread – fantastic post from Pedro de Hungria. So grateful for your analysis and your story . Wish I’d made some choices in 1993, but back then I didn’t see it.
Read this posting on Zero Hedge.
Official Slave Labor in Ukraine: this is the future of their economy. Enslaving their own.
Ukraine Slavery Law
Liberal EU Economic Future for Zombie Ukes.
Nutty is as Nutty does.
something definitely evil swirling over there when you see first that comment supposedly made by Nutty about O, THEN the cartoon picked up by Haaretz & UPI, now this
“What’s surprising is how Netanyahu, in a speech to the Knesset, took the opportunity to answer his critics in the Obama administration: “Netanyahu angrily insisted he was ‘under attack simply for defending Israel,’ adding that he ‘cherished’ Israel’s relationship with the US.”
The famously combative Israeli Prime Minister went on to say:
“When there are pressures on Israel to concede its security, the easiest thing to do is to concede. You get a round of applause, ceremonies on grassy knolls, and then come the missiles and the tunnels.” Raimondo on Netanyahu
“Ann said…
To Larchment:
Regarding all the girls bodies found…
Where were these girls from ? From SE Ukraine, or Ukraine in general ?
So many girls…how awful.
What is the world going to do, to make up for these crimes ? These girls were probably tortured, as well as raped.
How is mankind going to make up for these crimes ?
Bad weather and earthquakes ?
01 November, 2014 05:36″
Ann, these were all local girls and women, from age 10 up to around 30. Most, but not all, had relatives or friends fighting for Novorossiya. Some were just in the wrong place at the wrong time or simply were pretty.
Will they be avenged? Not from EU, US, UN, Orcland nor any court in The West. However the process of being avenged for this type of crime generally does not involve courts and The Law as it is known in The West. Think about it. You have a large group of heavily armed and experienced men some of whose women have been outraged and put to death. What do you think these men will do when the war is over? I know what I would do if, God forbid, anything like this would happen to my wife or our two new daughters ( to be bluntly honest, for one of our daughters that phrase should end with ‘again’).
Will all of these criminal orcs pay for their crimes? No, absolutely not. Will some pay? You can bet the farm on that, and you can rest assured that those who do not pay will be nervous for the rest of their hopefully short lives. Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Russia surrenders its most powerful economic weapon with this “deal”.
Paul Roberts gives the best answer, see his interview on RT
English translation of 9 October Strelkov interview by Evsin:
An interesting interview with Nikolai Kozitsyn, head of the Cossack groups in the LNR.
During this interview, he claims that they (LNR?) have a nuclear warhead. He claims there are 4 in Ukraine, the Ukrops have 3 and they have the other.
‘Тут же Николай Иванович выдает сенсационное признание: “У нас в распоряжении ядерная боеголовка есть. Их было четыре на Украине, остальные укропы куда-то сплавили, а одну мы заполучили. И они прекрасно знают, что она у нас”.’
My take on this is that he is actually referring to Tochka-u ballistic missiles with 450 kg conventional explosive warhead. This produces a mushroom cloud when it explodes along with massive devastation. To the lay man, it looks superficially like a nuclear explosion. The missile has a range of 70-120 km depending on type. This could do a serious amount of damage to an Ukrop concentration of force, assuming it is operational and can be fired by an untrained crew. If it was used by the LNR, you can bet that the Anglo-Zionists would exploit the use by ‘terrorists’ of a (supposed) nuclear weapon for all it is worth.
HIDDEN Addendum says….
Brussels says upcoming elections
A source in the Russian government, in turn, confirmed the existence of a closed addendum to the Minsk agreements that envisaged the elections in the Donbass before November 3.
Russian President Vladimir Putin mentioned them in his speech at Valdai discussion club in Sochi. At the same time, it was said that neither Russia, nor Ukraine confirmed the existence of secret agreements in their interaction with European officials. Thus, Brussels will proceed from the fact that there are no additional arrangements at all, reports.
You live so close to these horrors. Your words portend more than revenge. Justice!
Justice for the dead. Revenge for the living.
It took fourteen years to “get” Stepan Bandera his taste of justice. It was fitting that the KGB got him in Munich. And who has held the door to Hell open to let out the satanic nazis this time? Merkel and the German government. We can hope karma catches up with that bitch.
These swine Ukie nazis, so afraid to fight in close combat with the militia, will need to be swept to hell much sooner.
I am sure the FSB will get to Yaroush and some of the other nazi leaders. I hope that the oligarchs are targeted very soon.
The horrors are just now beginning to surface. But all along we heard of the “disappearances” and executions. Colonel Cassad supposedly has much photographic evidence but it has not surfaced because he fears it will be used by the media as evidence turned against the militia and Russia. As they turned the MH-17 against them.
Prayers for the people of Novorossiya.
Analysis of the Ukrainian election results. Ukraine remains divided:
maybe putin doing nothing because russia is still far too weak?
has good eye-opening stats on true state of the countries of the BRICS
MYTH Of The BRICS & A Multipolar World
In other words, the so-called economic ‘miracles’ of globalization (China, India etc.) are, in fact, the myths of globalization, as their rapid growth and industrialization in the last 35 years or so simply mirrors the de-growth and de-industrialization of the West, from where TNCs moved to maximize their profits…
National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and its two subsidiaries had been offering training and funding to organizations in Hong Kong[19]. It should not be surprising if we later learn that today’s protagonists of the umbrella revolution have been trained and funded by the same good NGO, which may have been involved in almost all velvet revolutions of the NWO!
Who wins:
Russia: it gets the money for the gas it sells and the debts repaid.
Ukraine: it get the gas it needs, with a license to continue looting as normal, given that payment is guaranteed by the EU.
The US: a breakdown of relations between Russia and Europe.
Who loses:
The EU: it has to pay for Ukraine’s gas as well as its own. The EU is also going to have raving Nazis roaming around visa free.
However, this payment deal is for the period to 31 March 2015. The negotiation then begins again. That should be time for the EU to see the error of its ways, though I wouldn’t bet on it.
Wait until the fat lade start to sing.I dont think that Ukis will pay ,Can someone trust Porosenko and the Brussel s Conscitas.First the money and after the signatures.
@ Larchmonter
” And who has held the door to Hell open to let out the satanic nazis this time? Merkel and the German government. We can hope karma catches up with that bitch.”
Unfortunate but very true. Seconded.
I am not a religious man, but if I were I would be praying for you, for your family and for Novorossiya.
And the elimination of these deranged neonazi cowards (not to forget their boss) certainly would count as a good deed for humanity.
This is a MUST SEE from a woman that spoke from the Ukranian side with Mozgovoi, her name is Montyan and must be someone of weight within the original maidaners.
no wonder rumours that the Ukrs battalions are comming to Kiev for the fascists!!!
she basically says that the war was a scam, which poro and co. knew from the very beggining that it was lost, but for the 68 billions she claims they made of trading with the conflict
this is the (ex?)Maidan woman against Poro and co. Very instructive to watch. Poro and co. will only survive if money flows in, and gas, of course. Without it, Ukranians will perish by the thousands
Is Besler also called Butler?
One of the leaders of the militias of Donbass Igor Butler resigned, reports Reuters , citing a source.
According to Strelkova, currently Besler is in the Crimea.
There is nothing in Putin’s past or present to indicate that he is controlled or manipulated by the Natoists. In contrast – he is their most hated foe.
Once Nazi, today Natoist
Part II
Each of the so-called choices you are encouraged to think you can make must first be put before a Talmudic K-K-K-COR commitee by which the Anglo-Zionists pre decide everything on your behalf and which carefully considers the consequences of your potential ‘decisions’ and measures them against their own overall objective of teaching you you are a stupid Goy and it is better to either give in or at least subconsciously admit that in reality you have no choice on any matter of import and should meekly go along with the decisions of WAY smarter people like the oligarchs, CEO’s, technocrats and Rabbinical soul-stealers who already rule your world and will destroy you and the rest of your fellow patheticos at the drop of a yamulke or ivy league grad cap and always in the name of PROFIT or the GREATER GOOD where ever and whenever they decide the Numbers in their vast array of Pyramid and ponzi schemes don’t add up and it’s time for a financial crisis or total biological RESET of biblical proportions.
Some will recall, at the outset of the crisis in Ukraine, the London Daily Telegraph published an unusual map alongside a story detailing the escape and unknown whereabouts of Viktor Yanukovich, immediately following the Western sponsered ouster of his own gangster-ridden but duly elected government – whatever that means. The bi-curious map they published divided this artificial German-Bolshevik invented country into roughly two equal parts along the line of the Dnepr River and in the colours of the Ukrainian national flag. Google it if you must but I won’t help FT’s metrics or intelligence by posting a link to their site which grabs hold of your browser and refuses to release it until you are properly identified and catalogued.
Veteran observers of geopolitical affairs immediately understood this fictional and highly sugeestive map representing no historic, political or recent electoral imaging of Ukraine was an offer (read offer you can’ refuse) of partition made to Vladimir Putin direct from the Luciferian Bankster Imperium in London itself. While the Empire had seized full political control of Ukraine Moussiere Putin was given an illusory CHOICE in the fashion of all choices made available by Anglo-Zionists where-by he could still save face and protect certain vital interests (but excluding Crimea, home of the Black Sea fleet) by marching his soldiers up to the borders which these slimebag parasites had unilaterally pre-determined all by them-vainglorious-selves.
Please note once more and for the sake of greater clarity that if Putin was supposedly in “cahoots” with the West then Crimea would not hyave been excluded from the London Telegraph offer sheet. Instead the Anglo-Zionists and their various Tavistock and CFR Talmudic think-tank committee ‘strategists’ had creatively wrought for Putin an impossible choice with a built in tripwire which he could not help but stumble over if he did ultimately decide to seize eastern Ukraine because any aggressive move on his part was guaranteed to include Crimea and therefore incite a new Cold War plus media shit-storm — on Anglo-Zionist terms — of the kind which makes BBC announcers look positively flushed and orgasmic.
At this point I feel a responsibility to warn you off of imagining plastico Katy Kay in heat (ugh) or what goes on especially amongst meteorologists at BBC office parties (eventually sacrificed in Masonic death cult rituals).
Part III
If the Anglo-Zionists had been dealing with anyone other than the current Russian President he would have almost certainly taken the bait the way he did once before in Georgia and Abkhazia but VVP learns from his mistakes and now fully understands any offer made by these self-styled master-bait-ors of game theory is always a trap designed to give you the illusion of choice while seemingly confirming your innate superiority but which in fact ALWAYS results in your utter co-option and eventual degradation to the status of willing participant and unalterably committed tool. The only decision with respect to these sheisters you will ever really have which will not ultimately empower them and eventually destroy you is to avoid them and attempt to create your own options as Putin did when he took matters into his own hands by unexpectedly securing Crimea and speaking Novorussia, at least tempoarily, into existence.
Individually and for you the task is much more difficult but at least in the matter of eggs you can buy several hens and a cock to drive your neighbours bird-shit crazy by building a smelly chicken coop in your backyard or other heavily taxed ‘property’ but only if you so happened to be independently wealthy and sufficiently ‘priviledged’ which almost certainly means you will not make such a decision because you are a respectable Anglo wannabe or some derivative thereof. Urban hipsters are entirely excluded from this formula because they are so perfectly despicable and fake (now chanelling Holden Caufield) and they are themselves just junior Anglos in training searching for a way to balance off their current disonance and future life of deviant hypocrisy.
And just to hammer home my point that Vladimir Putin is unsaintly but a Great Leader who understands his enemies perfectly, not only did he blunt the worst aspects of the cunning AZ plot but he took it one step further by banning their fucking disgusting GMO rat-food and thus saved the Russian people from facing a similar dilemna when they go shopping for a seemingly inconsequential item like eggs.
As always perfect consistency in thoughts or deeds is a bitch and will make your zombified neighbours think you are a loon but the inability of professional consumerists to so much as conceive of another way will surely be their final undoing.
Oh and I forgot kosher and pickled — you can also ‘choose’ those: eggs; you; yours kids – it’s all the same on the sinking ship known as SS Homogeny.
This is horrible. Security cameras in some store, apparently somewhere in Donetsk, captured from different angles this murderous beating of a few people (beating to death I’d say) by some thugs, some of them apparently drunk, over I don’t know what. The first video in particularly awful to watch. Such incredible brutality. There is a woman trying desperately to make them stop, but in vain. I have no idea what it was all about, but it is really depressing if things have degenerated so badly.
FWIW there is another important election ahead: U.S. mid-term on November 4, 2014 with Republicans expected to take control of both houses of CONgress. How will this outcome influence foreign policy?
In All the world’s chaos you will find these two: U.S. and Israel. The question of the decade is now posited: Is the U.S. in isolation over its relationship with Israel and are there hints of a rupture?
The U.S. Guaranteed relationship with Israel is facing serious challenges – now being presented as The crisis in US-Israeli relations.”. Not only with the U.S. but the EU and UK are openly critical.
Last month, the British Parliament’s voted to recognize the State of Palestine, followed this week by Sweden. Israel promptly recalled its ambassador to Sweden.
Israelis are climbing a wall of worry:
Recently, there has been several reports on the furore over Bibi being called “chickensh^t.
“US Secretary of State John Kerry phoned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday to apologize for the remarks of an anonymous senior government official who called the PM “chickenshit.”
Then, there are the reminder articles in western media of the 1967 incident that was swept under the carpet, known as: The Day Israel Attacked America
And after Israeli Defense Minister Ya’alon was given the slip in D.C., the extreme right Israeli newspaper Ynetnews expresses the worry:
Whatever it does next, the US will be taking Israel on
The possibility that the United States will not veto a UN resolution calling for the establishment of a Palestinian state in keeping with the 1967 borders is not a theoretical threat. Jerusalem has internalized the fact that this is a realistic option and is preparing for it.
@ MoA there is this which can’t be received well in Israel:
Syria: New Hints of A Changing U.S. position
= = = = = =
Robert Fisk on the Arab-Israeli Conflict: Why is there such an explosion of violence across the Middle East?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Above I stated there is a guaranteed relationship between U.S. and Israel. Give me a shout out when the Government of Israel Bonds are no longer guaranteed by the United States of America.
An interesting article about the Ukraine elections here:
Merkel et al. may have been opportunists in service of Satan, but Russia is the place that needs some soul-searching. After all, similar problems are going to arise all around the ex-Soviet space. What was Russia doing when Soros and company were buying up the media and educational systems of these countries? Even in Armenia, a country which could hardly exist without Russian support, the anti-Russian forces are strong. The elite in Russia need to go to a monastery for a week and reflect upon their strategy over the last 23 years. Sucking up to the EU and largely ignoring their old friends was not wise. What’s more, it didn’t even work.
Who wins…Putin and Russia, Poroshenko to a certain degree for now.
Who lost … who ever is paying the Ukrainian bill, and the US has lost to a degree as well.
The reason I saw Poroshenko as winning in this deal as he will be seen as having solved a very large problem for the Ukrainian citizen. However I don’t believe this is what the U.S. state department wanted.
I think the junta handlers were disappointed that the Right Sector and other more militant extreme politicians didn’t do better in the election.
Just recently, in the main stream news, I have been reading that now they claim the election was a fraud.
Right after the election they said it was fair and democratic. Why the reversal in opinion? This indicates, to me, they want to get rid of Poro and replace him with a more suitable candidate for their purposes.
Who that may I have no idea.
Interview, by Pablo Iglesias, with professor Jorge Verstrynge, interesting (IMHO) character of Spanish politics, fascist in his youth, Gaullist declared, today stands at the far left:
Phrases: -“Fascism is a middle-class phenomenon”
-“It is not true that workers have no country, (..) which has no country is capital”
-“The left believes in man, right in the superman, the providential leader who comes to fix the messes that makes the crowd ..”
-“Here (Spain) are all conditions met for a social explosion”….
Re gas for Donbass — Yats doesn’t want to give them any if he has to pay for it (like, he’s so up front to pay his own) No matter, there’s an old pipeline,not used or 26 years, that used to go to Mariupol, whioh Russian guys are testing and reopening so NR can get separate supplies. Andrei Purgin surely knows this but he won’t say where Yats can hear it. They are sending Donbass coal to Crimea in exchange.
Re MISNK agreements, they said it has 14 clauses and then published 12 and we thought they counted wrong. So maybe there were 2 closed ones. In any case Poro withdrew the signature and is planning to wipe Donbass off the map, and the touted “amnesty” consists of 100s of people being disappeared on suspicion of separatism. Now you cannot UNSIGN something, but Poro never signed it. It was signed by Kuchmam so now Poro can maybe say it was unauthorised. But he made a law and got it through the Rada too (though they were dismissed by then). So when Zakh said the signature was withdrawn, what he meant was they were repudiating the agreement. He would know because they were in private talks about getting Mariupol and Odessa back — this is why he said if they don’t give them back quietly he’ll just take them and Slavyanksk too.
Which is why they’ve been fighting for 2 days already. The elections are being done mostly with mobile polling booths, so it won’t interfere with the fighting. Ukies are using white phosphorous again, finished burning out a convent near the airport they first damaged in July.
RE the 100’s RAPED GIRLS — Zakh said he didn’t say that. They have found that many variously dead bodies all over the place, not one mass grave. Some were raped,some tortured, some were males. About 400 youngish women are reported missing and uncounted other people.
When Mariupol and Odessa are liberated, I will not be surprised if there are some bodies hanging on lamp posts, in Odessa especially. And the west will scream RUSSIAN ATROCITY. And NR police will say, yeah, yeah, we’ll investigate after we’re finished with the other 2000 cases.
But then there’s a lot of other places, in Ukie territory, where people need saving, too.
Ukie territory Donetsk and Luhansk people will be allowed to vote, counting as a mini-referendum. Luhansk seems the safer, I’ve not heard even a whisper against Governor Moskal. Civilians can cross the border freely in his area.
OSCE reports people entering Donbass from Russia are mostly 4 types, total about 7000 a day
Families on foot or by car with a lot of luggage;
Elderly people with few bags;
Adults (usually of younger age) with no luggage or empty cars;
People wearing military-style clothes with or without backpacks including a fair % of Cossacks.
Going toward Russia, fair few wounded (not necessarily freshly) alone or by ambulance.
A lot of trucks are going over to take coal to Russia. Russian only (no Ukie) border guards are checking they’re empty on the way back. haha.
So, things are normal in the newest country.
Charles fassola said “Because in spite of much rhetoric China is very much dependent on the west and the amerikans. Until a majority of their own citizens can partake of the products they create the government needs the empires consumption. Wages below the equivalent of $5 per day certainly will not allow entry into the consumptive class.”
then how come those very chinse conumers are giving millions of dolalrs worth to bankrupt nations like england and usa in form of education high fees and accomodation charges including buying houses?
the shinese consumers spend more money on uselss anglo.s product than the americans do on uselful chinese consumers prodiucts.
paul two said ” Sucking up to the EU and largely ignoring their old friends was not wise. What’s more, it didn’t even work.”
onlky within last 5 years Russia cheated on iran,syria and libya just to please russian mortal enemis the anglosaxons do that russia wcoudl get in anglos controleed WTO .
so has WTO saved Russia from sanctions?
why not/
becausze weak o=r those who act weakly have no protection.
anon mongoose said “In All the world’s chaos you will find these two: U.S. and Israel.”
wrong and very much wrong.
In all the worlds trouble you will find the dirty hands of english pirates
usa and israle are jsut small time stooge of tthe english plotters and evil doers.
all wartsd plotted by the english race.
russia canot not hope to survive without england being destryed completely or atleasted neatured to not able to plot again.
what negotiaon does russia expect in march 2015 when the winter is gone and ukraine has less incentive to be agreeable to russia?
as paul craig thinks rightly russia has always acted follishly agasint her own itnerests-always.
Anonymous Anonymous said…
It seems that Chetnik movement in Serbia along with their president (also a Duke of Chetniks) did not impress Putin:
“Russian Cuts to Gas Supply Worry Serbia
Amid reports that Russia was reducing gas supplies to Serbia in a dispute over debts, Serbia’s Prime Minister said the issue with Moscow would soon be resolved.”
all tactics of losewr russia to annoy her natural ally in search of freindship with ehr natural mortal enemis the anglos.
Anonymous said…
Is Besler also called Butler?
YES. interesting story, Bezler and Strelkov being investigated for murdering 3 activists.
“Prosecutor General’s office suspects the leaders of the militias of Donbass Igor Girkin (Strelkova) and Igor Butler premeditated murder of Ukrainian activists, reported on the website of the Prosecutor’s office.
Girkin (Shooters) and Butler suspected “illegal deprivation of liberty, kidnapping, torture, the deliberate killing of Pro-Ukrainian activists Y. Popravko, Century Fisherman and I. Zakovskogo”, the message says. ever heard of them.
It is also reported that at present, measures aimed at establishing all persons involved in the Commission of these crimes.”
So much for amnesties. But good luck to them, Novorossiya has no diplomatic relations with Kiev, therefore no extradition arrangements.
ANON with the horrid drunk beating video… Ukie channels are touting that as done by separatists. The volunteer battalions do this, it is even possible the worst drunk was one of theirs being disciplined. I worry more when I read of them going into houses and taking people, at gunpoint, to spend unspecified time doing slave work digging ditches or whatever. At least if the victim is an ugly older man there’s a chance he’ll get to come back again.
Paul 11 don’t forget Russia was sucked into the same west is good trap,too. They are big enough and strong enough, and had a good base to start from, to get out of it. Now they’ll get everyone organised. They are still the “uncle” in a way, everyone’s had a taste of it, so more likely to believe the west way doesn’t work, and there is even a touch of “I was an addict too, I know what you’re going through” to it. They ALL have to get more open about dissent and habeus corpus though, as people are used to it. And it’s not right for a government to let its citizens get beaten up by the cops to get a confession — they should get cops smart enough to actually investigate the crimes.
Anon with “.. think the junta handlers were disappointed that the Right Sector and other more militant extreme politicians didn’t do better in the election.. I don’t think so. It suits them to have none in parliament, as they can deny there is any nazi/fascism. It was all just a Putin scare story. What is important is that the storm trooper keep operating a while longer. They’ve not developed an exit strategy for when they want them to stop.
Very good artile going into a lot of detail on how organised thedy are ir the electiions.
Machine translated but readable.
Check near the end how many countries are sending observers… and maybe they will observe more than just the elections. They might get to see and hear some reality of what’s going on. The list is the usual European non-compliant suspects. EU 2.0 is forming….
Kiev of course is threatening to charge them with treason for holding the elections in the first place.
Charles F.,
You and others who talk about China or BRICS as though the US has the upper hand need to consider that China’s car market is larger than the US’s, and China doesn’t have to give the money away in order to make the sale to the locals. America’s purchases are with Chinese money, so it is a very mixed bag.
Not saying that the US empire will go down gracefully, but it already has gone down economically to a large degree.
If it weren’t for the fact that all the blood is real, this war should be made into a reality comedy show
sample of why Ukie can’t win this war
By urging Russia to cut gas deliveries to Europe over the minor irritation of the US-instigated sanctions, Paul Craig Roberts shows himself to be either a provocateur or a crackpot.
Cutting gas deliveries would deliver a devastating blow to European industry and evoke a violent European antagonism toward Russia, a nation with whom European business has until now been anxious to do business. At the same time it would deprive Russia of a huge part of her export earnings, while demonstrating not only to the Europeans but to the Chinese, the Indians and everyone else that Russia is a totally untrustworthy business partner.
The Russian government, obviously, is not insane and will not be in the slightest degree influenced by Roberts’ rantings, but among Roberts’ following, Russia’s abstention from economic suicide will, it seems, be taken as proof that Putin is crypto-Fifth Columnist.
“..what negotiaon does russia expect in march 2015 when the winter is gone and ukraine has less incentive to be agreeable to russia?
as paul craig thinks rightly russia has always acted follishly agasint her own itnerests-always…”
I think in March 2015 Russia expects maybe a different government to be negotiating with? Put it this way, you still say “see you next week” even if you have inside knowledge the other person will be dead by tomorrow.
Paul Craig? his stuff always strikes me as notes for an article he never gets to write. Just headings, not developed, leading to conclusions he doesn’t justify with facts.
Russia coming out of the Soviet miasma did not act in her best interests, but in her perceived interests, a perception a lot of the world shares. They had to try the “other way”. So in long term interests, they’ve tried it both extreme ways and are ready to create a news path that can build on the experience with both.
The Serb gas problem? was it cut off? no, just slowed a bit. That is called consistency. Otherwise it’s “Nasty Putin kicks poor Ukraine when it’s down, he didn’t cut his Serb friend off did he” waaa waaaa
“..Serbia’s Prime Minister said the issue with Moscow would soon be resolved.”..”
can’t you see how that is a script? they only owe $200 million, they have 3 months supply in storage, Gazprom reduced their pumping speed because it has to fill up everyone else as well….and they only got behind because they hadn’t budgeted for it, because it is replacement for coal they unexpectedly lost through a mine getting flooded. And Russia said nothing, only Serbia talked about it… when they didn’t have to say anything at all.
Who won?
Paul Craig Roberts says it all for me.
Who won?
Kiev and the EUSSR.
Un- flipping believable.
What a give away.
Washington tries to check Hungary’s drift into Kremlin orbit
The United States is mounting a diplomatic offensive to stop Hungary selling a stake in a Croatian energy firm to Russia, part of what Western powers see as Budapest’s dangerous drift into Moscow’s orbit.
Hungary, along with Poland and Slovakia, was one of three EU countries that had been pumping natural gas to Ukraine to partly replace shipments from Russia that were cut off in June.
But Hungary shut its supplies to Ukraine down in September, just three days after a visit to Budapest by Gazprom chief executive Alexei Miller, who was received by Orban.
At the time, Hungary was looking to increase gas imports so it could fill up its storage reservoirs before winter. Two days after it cut off shipments to Ukraine, the volume of Russian gas reaching Hungary shot up to 24.44 million cubic meters per day, according to data from Hungarian pipeline operator FGSZ, a 56 percent increase over the day Miller and Orban met.
To put in context my question is the PCR link on Ebola .
If,this is so virulent and the soldiers will return to the states for 21 day whatever they are calling it,isolation,does anyone think that they have ALREADY proved a vaccine works with the Africa project?This scenario means they,TPTB,can *save* who they think they need and the rest,well,useless eaters etc,are expendable at no great blame/or cost, to the POTUS et al.
Thanks to Grieved, and Kat Kan also. Good links to Russian Insider, and the tidbits of information and cross-comments are very helpful.
I’m not in a position to judge, though it would seem the political moves have been to give citizens no choice (I am speaking of the Kiev elections) much as US citizens have been given no choice since the election of 2000 when famously Ralph Nader was prevented from attending the Democratic Convention, both major parties having been taken over by the oligarchs who ran both conventions.
In answer to the person who claimed the midterms in a few days were ‘important’; no, sadly they are not. The only matter to watch is whether in some states GMO labeling will be required, though curiously in several states you would think that would be a slam dunk, already the initiative has been mysteriously quashed, so I am not holding out any great hope even for that.
I agree on Roberts – I think he is up the creek without a paddle. I hope Nora is well; haven’t seen her here for a bit.
Paul Craig Roberts says it all for me.
Who won?
Kiev and the EUSSR.
As I said:
Russia’s abstention from economic suicide by destroying both her prime export market and her reputation as a reliable trade partner, is taken as proof by Roberts’ followers that Putin is crypto-Fifth Columnist.
Natovci jako voli Ukrajinu.
Toliko da će im pomoći koliko može da se međusobno poubijaju i iskolju maksimalno.
I can understand why some think that Russia did not come off well here, or that this is a Ukrainian, EU, US ‘victory’- But they are wrong.
Ukraine has finally accepted that there is a debt. They have agreed to pay some of that debt (my guess is that they will not do so)
The EU seems, but will not confirm. to have offered extra money to Ukraine for the purpose of making repayments.
Here’s the thing. Russia has gotten what it asked for, they have the EU, at some level, bankrolling but not guaranteeing the payments. The EU has made it clear that if Ukraine steals the money again that this is a Ukraine thing.
So, now, when Ukraine either does not pay the money they have agreed to pay and the gas does not flow and Ukraine steals European gas there is no room for doubt as to where blame lies – not with Gazprom and not with Russia.
These things DO matter because now when gas does not flow and Ukrainians and Europeans get a little cold the story will be framed, from Russia as ‘We made a deal, we agreed the terms at your behest, even giving a discount on the price and reducing the debt claim a tad.’
Russians and Ukrainians will know where the fault lies – a kleptocratic puppet regime run by an occupying force from the west.
Sometimes the game is longer than a couple of hours punctuated by ad breaks, fill-in commentary and analysis.
This plays out over months, years and maybe decades and is thus well outside the attention span of most observers and even participants.
“If it weren’t for the fact that all the blood is real, this war should be made into a reality comedy show.”
Again, Kat Kan, you speak my mind! Except that I’m of an age where I think “sitcom,” specifically Hogan’s Heroes.
All the while I’m reading an OSCE report I hear Corporal Schultz in the background: “I know nozzing! I see nozzing!”
1. Gas – Russia
2. Elections – nobody, they are a joke.
Russia undoubtedly wins for the reasons put forward by Larchmonter445.
The Junta cannot win … how long before the next Maidan-style event and internal chaos in the rump of Ukraine?
Whether or not the Empire od Chaos wins anything is dubious, because there surely cannot be any long term gains from destroying so much of the world, with nothing in place to do the old,traditional thing of looting.
But Hungary shut its supplies to Ukraine down in September, just three days after a visit to Budapest by Gazprom chief executive Alexei Miller, who was received by Orban.
“At the time, Hungary was looking to increase gas imports so it could fill up its storage reservoirs before winter. Two days after it cut off shipments to Ukraine, the volume of Russian gas reaching Hungary shot up to 24.44 million cubic meters per day, according to data from Hungarian pipeline operator FGSZ, a 56 percent increase over the day Miller and Orban met.”
at the same time Serbia is trying to get extra from Hungary. Circular loop;
tried to summarise the run-up to Orban being set up for a regime change.
Here is a link to an article on the Donbass election results. From The Globe and Mail in Canada, it is not too biased.
The above article also gives a description of the newly formed oversight committee ASCE, which took the place of the uncooperative OSCE in monitoring the elections.
I think Paul Craig Roberts in wrong on the gas deal, but I also think he’s a commentator to respect.
I’ve looked for a written article from him on the gas deal, but apparently there’s only the RT interview on YouTube. I haven’t watched it but people here say that he thinks Russia lost.
I don’t see that Russia lost in any way on the gas deal. I see tremendous gains made all along from Russia’s diplomacy and negotiations. And Mercouris says Roberts got it wrong on the deal. These things persuade me that Roberts got it wrong, as he sometimes does.
This is a great failing of his, that he often thinks Russia is losing in this Ukraine situation. He needs to read the Saker, and maybe some Joaquin Flores, to see the nuances. Some people now call him a shill for empire, but I don’t think he is. I think he’s a man of character.
I have tremendous respect for Roberts. He was a high government official in the US Treasury, reflecting his expertise in economics. I found him very accurate in talking about the US and global economy over the years.
Lately he turned his attention outside economics, and he said in all humbleness that he did this because his readers asked him about things, and trusted him to tell the truth.
He’s learned the truth of things the same way we all have, from commentators and following links back to sources and verifying them. As he’s learned. he’s shown incredible courage to talk about 9/11. This is a leap too far for most commentators of his caliber.
And even with his errors of judgment on Ukraine, his latest published articles this month on his website include:
* The Ebola Story Doesn’t Smell Right
* Vladimir Putin Is The Leader Of the Moral World
* Washington Is Defaming Putin
There’s no doubt he’s rooting for Russia against the empire.
Russia’s abstention from economic suicide by destroying both her prime export market and her reputation as a reliable trade partner, is taken as proof by Roberts’ followers that Putin is crypto-Fifth Columnist.
Paul Craig Roberts is a huge supporter of President Putin as am I.
We both just happen to believe that this was not a good move.
Nobody is perfect.
To start talking about crypto- fifth columnists says more about your state of mind than mine.
Utter nonsense.
Saker can I share some of my ebola stuff here, because I truly think we are being psyoped wrt this Ebola in Africa-
And see this topic has been discussed, which is good
It’s a hard sell campaign to get the global populace on board to have their governments stockpile vaccines that many of us don’t need.
Ebola is rare, uncommon, doesn’t break out on a regular basis
The vaccine and subsequent stockpiling will be a boondoggle for the populace at large, but highly enriching for the pharmaceutical corps and their stockholders, manipulating the stock market etc.,
[from Blue]
Not unecpected, but nasty nonetheless:
American instructors prepairing clandestine groups for Russian-speaking territories
The first group of fighters from volunteer punitive battalion Donbass started training yesterday at the training center in the town of Zolochiv, Lvov region, under the leadership of American instructors.
If I’m reading about these efforts on my iPhone from an Internet source then, if true, the FSB already has profiles of all the volunteer creeps and is likely tracking them in real time.