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Tag "Zionists"

Is Russia a Terror State?

Note: our “friends” from Commentary Magazine show their true agenda :-)  It is quite comical to see US Zionists pointing fingers are others for “terrorism” when the USA is by far the biggest supporter and user or terrorists organizations on the planet, from Gladio to al-Qaeda… Andrei ******* Is Russia a Terror State? by Noah Rothman source: “The security situation throughout Ukraine continues to be violent and unpredictable due

The Zionists are pitching in with their own version of events

According to the notorious (and mostly unreliable) DEBKAfile, the Tsarnaev brothers were double agents who betrayed the US: The conclusion reached by debkafile’s counterterrorism and intelligence sources is that the brothers were double agents, hired by US and Saudi intelligence to penetrate the Wahhabi jihadist networks which, helped by Saudi financial institutions, had spread across the restive Russian Caucasian. Instead, the two former Chechens betrayed their mission and went secretly over

Obama’s trip to Yad Vashem: What about Wounded Knee?

By Mike Whitney for Information Clearing HouseThere were no surprises on Barak Obama’s trip to Israel. Everything went by without a hitch. Obama met with all the heads of state and party bosses and raced from one event to another without incident. He skillfully tip-toed through a political minefield that could have ended his presidential bid in a blinding-flash. But he never stumbled. There were no gaffes, no miscues, and

The man from Satan declares that Party of God “greatest US security threat”

There is a certain irony in the following: Michael Chertoff, who is a Russian Jew whose name in Russian means – literally – “of the devil” or “from the devil” (Чертов or Chiortov) has declared that Hezbollah, which means the Party of God in Arabic (حزب الله‎ or Hizb Allah), is “greatest US security threat” and that it makes “al-Qaeda look like a minor league team”. How fitting, isn’t it?
