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Tag "WWII"

Statement by the Foreign Ministry concerning US attempts to rewrite the history of the Victory over Nazism

Attempts to distort the results of the defeat of Nazism and the decisive contribution our country made, which are continuing in Washington even during these days of universal celebration of the 75th anniversary of Victory, cause utter indignation. In this context we cannot neglect the commentary posted on the White House pages in social networks where the victory over Nazi Germany is credited exclusively to “America and Great Britain.” On

Putin Steps on the Polish Elite’s Toes

by Ruslan Ostashko translated by Sasha and captioned by Leo.   The head of Russia treaded on Poland’s favorite toe, when he called a Warsaw official “a bastard” and “an anti-Semitic pig.” We was talking about Poles during the time of the Third Reich, about a historical character, but the assessment was made within a framework which is painful for Warsaw even now. “Pay and repent” – this notorious phrase

Zakharova scolds Poles as global bigots

Second World War 80th anniversary events in Poland These events were supposed to commemorate 80 years since the outbreak of World War II, a tragic chapter not only in 20th century history but in the history of all mankind. This date has been marked for many years, bringing together representatives from various countries as an event that truly deserves global attention. But frankly, it is appalling to see what this

The radio Echo of Moscow equates WWII Nazis to political prisoners

On the Victims of Political Repressions memorial day the radio Echo of Moscow posted an image of the Nazi Germany soldiers captured by the Soviet Army. The text above the image talks about president Putin unveiling the memorial to the victims of the political repressions. Published records indicate that out of approximately 3 million German soldiers captured on the territory of the Soviet Union, 381,067 German Wehrmacht POWs died. 356,700

Stalin about Allies’ idea of division of Germany

by Scott Humor from my History Files Particular attention should to be paid to the fact that it was the Anglo-Saxons that in 1943 set up several temporary occupation zones in Germany. It was them, also, who were making plans of fragmentation of Germany into a number of mini states. In fact, their idea of the post-war Germany was to repeat the Peace of Westphalia of 1648, that for over

Who was defeated in the Great Patriotic war?

by Scott Humor Sergey Shoigu , the Russia’s Minister of Defense, issued an order to congratulate servicemen and veterans with the Victory Day   May 9th Victory Day Parade on Red Square 2017 (FULL VIDEO) President Putin’s speech at 17:30 with English voice over     This morning I got a message from Veritas: “Thanks Scott. I am sitting here watching the Victory Parade live – VVP’s speech this year

Ukraine Poland NATO SITREP July 2, 2016 by Scott

“Poland has not perished, but should die“ – outrageous slogan in Przemysl     More images from Poland here and here Historical photos of aftermath of the Bandera’s militants attack on a train in Poland in 1944. 18+ All of the victims were Polish citizens, mostly women and old people. Atrocities of the Bandera death battalions in Poland, Belorussia and Ukraine , 21+ Actor and member of Polish Parliament Pavel

May Waltz – Russian Waltz – Soldier Waltz

On June 22nd 1941, Hitler’s Germany crossed the border with the Soviet Union, and the most devastating war in human history began. Every year on June 22nd, my parents quietly remember their fathers that went to this war, but still have not come back home. My parents usually have one shot of vodka for their fathers and one shot of vodka “for Stalin, for our Victory.” This year, my mom

Otto Skorzeny: “Why didn’t we take Moscow?“

by Oles Buzina translated by KA source: Otto Skorzeny „Why didn’t we take Moscow?“ German memoirs explain what caused the defeat of the Wehrmacht in the war. Every Spring in the run up to Victory Day, television starts to show feature films devoted to the Great Patriotic War. Honestly: most of them are simply exploiting the grand subject-matter. They need to sell something “interesting” to the belching inhabitant sitting

70th commemoration of the Dresden Holocaust

  From the YouTube info: More people died in the fire bombing of Dresden on February 13th to 14th, 1945 than in the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. Holocaust (noun) – “Great destruction resulting in the extensive loss of life, especially by fire.” Saker: I don’t think that anybody can seriously suspect me of having any sympathies with the Nazis, but I think that it is important to
